#i think you deserve to be feral. you deserve to go apeshit.
geejaysmith · 1 year
So you know how small dogs like chihuahuas tend to be Like That because people go "oh! small dog!" and pick them up regardless of whether they actually want to be picked up, and so they end up having to resort to violence to enforce any degree of personal boundaries?
Yeah, after two damn seasons of XANA trying to drag her back to Lyoko I kinda think Aelita should've snapped and just started biting people.
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tagedeszorns · 4 months
Sorry you feel that way towards the fandom! I just got here so I have no previous times to compare it to, but there is something to what you are saying considering I check your blog daily considering you have such a delightful stream of art and texts posts about the 40k boys. And you are one of the few giving the normal astartes members some love too. Care to share some more secondary characters you think are deserving of reading about?
There are a lot of Legions with remarkable Captains and Sergeants who rarely get the spotlight, that's true!
I have to admit I am very biased, so if they are wearing purple, grey-later-red or green I am easy to impress and quick in loving all of them. I have written a lot about my favourite Emperor's Children (In my opinion Vairosean, Kaesoron or Demeter are very overlooked! And of course my favourites - Lucius, Fabius, Saul, Eidolon, Vispyrtilo, Krysithius, Ramos, Narvo, Bellephus, Alkenex ... the newcomers Xantine and Vavisk - so many!), my favourite Word Bearers (well, the usual - Erebus, Saqqara, Kol Badar, Kolos Undil, the Warmonger, Burias, Marduk, Narek the Traitor and brand new - Qaran Tun) and the Salamanders (more 40k, though. But who couldn't love Numeon? The 40k guys are better fleshed out, at least in my opinion. As much as I like Vulkan's Primarch novel, I think the Salamanders don't get much spotlight during the Heresy - their Primarch's spectacular stunts aside, of course!)
But some Legions really get the short end of the stick during the Heresy when it comes to prominent Captains/rank and file. I mean, who do we really get to know from Russ's lot besides Bjorn and Grimnir? Maybe Wyrdmake. But else? Slim pickings!
I would love to see someone get passionate about 30k Raven Guard or 30k Dark Angels! Or 30k White Scars (or 40k WS, by the way. I don't know shit about 40k WS!) Not the Primarchs, mind you! I am NOT interested in people gushing over Primarchs! The little guys! Do it! Go for them! It's free real estate! And so much room for activities!
I know people going feral about 30k Imperial Fists and (a bit at least) 30k Ultramarines. And 30/40k Death Guard. And one Salamanders-connoisseur. Okay, it's always just one person. But it's something!
For some reason, a lot of people go apeshit about anything Thousand Sons. Even if most of them can't name any of them except Magnus, Ahriman and Khayon. But I shouldn't be a snob.
Okay, that was not a very structured essay. But my point is: I would love following blogs about the overlooked Legions! Not Primarchs! Primarchs can appear, I mean, I draw Fulgrim a lot. And Lorgar. And Vulkan. But mostly the second row, please. Focussing on the Captains. And the Sergeants. The specialists. The serfs!
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soimcoga · 1 year
a bunch of funnies I came up with for my none-existent leonardos live together AU. mostly it's just 12&rise being best friends and menaces.
Mirage - Prime (aka the tired grandpa), 87 - Lee (aka the funky uncle), 03 - Leonardo (aka the dad), 12 - Leo (aka child#0), 18 - Leon (aka child#1)
Leonardo: Violence is not the answer.
Leo: Preach it brother.
Lee: *just claps his hands*
Leon: Question: Is violence the answer once there are no family members present at the scene?
Leonardo: Absolutely.
Leo: Go apeshit.
Lee: *feral screeches*
Leon: And they say I'm not in-tune with my counterparts, those idiots.
Prime: I am not favoring anyone.
Leo: Hypothetically speaking, if all Leos were in danger and you could save only one, who would it be?
Prime: Lee.
Leon: See, the right answer is "I'm not letting anything happen to any of you".
Prime: That's why Lee's my favorite.
Leon: Hey Little Blue?
Leo: Hey yourself. Need anything?
Leon: So, um, if... if I said there might possibly be a tyrannical overlord on my ass I need help with, what would you say...?
Leo: lmao.
Leon: MY MAN.
Leo: It's okay, I'll help you.
Leon: Phew.
Leo: But once we've dealt with this I'm so telling Leonardo on you.
Leo: You realize that this plan is beyond stupid, right?
Leon: Totally.
Leo: Okay, I just wanted to make sure, let's do this.
Leonardo: Do you have any information on the warehouse that used to be a hideout for the purple dragons? You know, the one that exploded.
Leon: Nope.
Leo: Haven't heard a thing.
Leonardo: *disappointed dad stare*
Leonardo: Leo! You were supposed to keep Leon out of trouble.
Leo: Would it help if I said it was my idea?
Leonardo: Actually, no, it wouldn't.
Leon: Yeah, we figured.
Leonardo: Have you seen the children?
Lee: Been a minute since, why?
Leonardo: You know why.
Lee: Yeah I do...
Leon: I'm Leo's favorite.
Leo: No you're not?
Leon: Then who's your favorite?
Leo: ...okay, it is you, but I don't like this being acknowledged.
Leonardo: I didn't think it'll be so tough having children.
Lee: Do... do you need help...?
Leonardo: Yes, please.
Leon: When we first met I didn't think you could be just as much of a menace as I am.
Leo: ...surprise?
Leon: A very nice one, that's for sure.
Prime: I have a wonderful extended family of Leos.
Prime: But if some of them disappear I won't complain.
Leon: You know, you don't have to look directly at me when you say that.
Leon: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a tsundere Prime is?
Prime: Why are you the way that you are?
Leo: He seems like a solid seven to me.
Leon: It was always a whiplash when Leo and I had just the two of us missions. He'd suddenly be like, thirty years older.
Leon: I get it, because he was suddenly expected to lead us, and the leader shtick is like, very traumatizing for him.
Leon: So we stopped do leaders when we're on a mission together.
Leon: Best decision of our lives.
Leon: Never expect Leo to lead, and boom, he's like the best person alive.
Leon: I am going to commit a crime.
Lee: Okay...?
Prime: I think we were supposed to say he can't do that.
Lee: Oh... Welp.
Leon: Can you carjack?
Leo: What kind of question is that?!
Leo: Yeah, I can.
Leonardo: Do I want to ask you how you learned to pilot a spaceship?
Leo: I don't think you do.
Leonardo: Of course.
Lee: Are you okay?
Leonardo, on his eleventh cup of coffee: I think so.
Prime: You hate coffee.
Leonardo: Oh.
Leo: What kind of stupid, idiotic idea is this?!
Leon: Well, uh, you see...
Leo: Obviously, we need to *proposes an even stupider, outlandish idea*.
Leon: Bro... you and I, we'll go places.
Leonardo: I cannot leave you for two minutes!
Leo: To our credits, it's been three.
Leo: I counted. You owe me five bucks.
Leon: Damn it.
Leonardo: The only thing keeping me sane is the fact that Michelangelo has it worse.
Prime: I cannot even imagine how it's with them.
Lee: I can!
Lee: It's not pretty. But fun, probably!
Leon, on the phone: So you think Leo and I would pull some stupid, dangerous and possibly self-sacrificial stunt?!
Lee: Yes.
Leon, on the phone: And you're right, can you get here like, ASAP? I think I'm dying and Leo's out cold.
Leo: Today, we mourn.
Leo: He was too young to go...
Leon: I still can escape Leonardo's lecture, you know.
Leo: He will be missed forever.
Leo, in Japanese: Bastard.
Leon, in Spanish: Bitch.
Leonardo: Why can't we have just one normal dinner?
Leonardo: You are grounded.
Leo: You can't ground us!
Leonardo: Too bad I did.
Leon: That's not fair! I mean, we just fought the entirety of New York's criminal world and made them into our enemies!
Leo: It sounds worse when you say it out loud.
Leon: Yeah...
Leon: It's time for our weekly debate over Space Heroes vs Jupiter Jim.
Leo: Oh, is it? I completely forgot!
Prime: I wish you really did.
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keztic · 2 years
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Maybe all I draw is Guillermo going feral, but don't you think he deserves to go a lil apeshit?
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
2012 Leo deserves to go a little apeshit
As a treat
So you remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned how 2012 Leo in the Krang Apocalypse future creates a reverse version of the Healing Hands that instead of the user using their own energy to heal it instead takes away the energy of others and give it to the user while also corrupting the user's soul?
You remember how 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension?
That deadly power was born from pure grief and pure RAGE when all three of his brothers died on the same day.
Something similar is going to happen
2012 Leo searches everywhere for his brothers, as 2012 Raph, Donnie and Rise Donnie all jumped into the portal to the prison dimension to try and save Rise Leon before they got separated in a massive flash of light and a loud explosion.
So when 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension ALONE without his brothers after everything that happened in the Riseverse...he's gonna assume that they're dead. (He doesnt have any evidence of this aside from Rise Leo's cracked katana that fell through with him, but he doesnt have any evidence proving that theu arent dead either. Logically they probably ended up in different dimensions as well but 2012 Leo is far too stressed to be thinking logically right now)
And then he sees the 1987 Technodrome in the distance and. He. LOSES. IT.
The only thought on his mind is "Dont let my brothers die in vain. Avenge them!"
He breaks into the technodrome and as soon as he locks eyes with 1987 Shredder and 1987 Krang.
God help them.
He goes absolutely feral, trying to rip and tear them and the entire Technodrome apart.
Shredder and Krang are completely outmatched and it only gets worse when 2012 Leo grabs Shredder by the throat, the rage barely contained.
And thats when it happens.
The rage reaches a peak, burning like fire under his skin. A deep hatred for the man squirming under his grip triples in size.
The fire needs fuel.
2012 Leo screams out his hatred for this man, an alternate version of monster that murdered his father a year ago, allied with an alternate version of the monster that killed his younger brothers. He feels nothing for Shredder but pure hate. Pure fury.
Pure rage.
While howling winds swirl around the pair, seemingly also screaming inside the Tehnodrome, something shoots up his veins.
Burning hot yet icy cold, zapping all through his body and growing stronger by the second. It settles around in his body like a parasite, demanding MORE MORE MORE.
The look on Shredder's face while his life force is ripped away is horrifying but god does Leo love watching that man suffer.
A lazer cuts through the storm, burning Leo's shell. He looks over at 1987 Krang, the rage growing even stronger. He drops Shredder, allowing the man to live before charging.
He moves so fast Krang cant even move before his metal body is being furiously clawed to shreds, metal swirling around in the trashed Technodrome. He grabs Krang and rips him from the remains of his mech suit, gripping him so tightly.
Just as he's about to literally tear Krang in half, the 1987 turtles come in to see one of their friends causing this much destruction.
And so begins the plan to try and calm 2012 Leo down, but he doesnt exactly WANT to calm down. He wants Krang's blood splattered all over the walls. Its a difficult thing, trying to talk down an enraged, grieving turtle that is one of your friends.
Eventually the only one that can at least get 2012 Leo to cool it with the murderous rage for a few minutes is 1987 Raph (purely because he has the same voice as 2012 Donnie and Leo would naturally calm down if he thought Donnie was here)
At least until Krang manages to escape the Technodrome in one of his backup mech suits, with the intention of getting one of his weapons to destroy 2012 Leo and or to get help for Shredder.
Yeah that doesnt go as planned because 2012 Leo follows him into the city.
Now theres a violent, furious, ninpō powered turtle in the CITY.
Thats not going to end well.
Poor 2012 Leo needs a hug
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altocat · 2 years
Heya, I hope you're feeling better, covid sucks but I know you can pull through 😤. Wanted to ask for the Firsts getting therapy animals post Wutai war. Do they get a dog? Cat? Or another animal? How did they feel about their new companion and how do they about them after some time? If there's one thing I like more than pretending the training room incident didn't happen, it's handsome men twice my size having adorable animal friends while pretending the training room incident didn't happen lmao
Thanks! I'm feeling a lot better today covid-wise. Almost fully recovered. Now I just need to work on keeping my anxiety down. Bad flare-ups lately, man 😟 But hanging in there!
Poor babies. They deserve some nice pets to play with!
-Angeal is the biggest no-brainer of the lot. It would be a dog 100%. He loves dogs, consistently loves dogs, and will ALWAYS love dogs. And would probably treat his more as a pampered pet than an actual therapy animal, spoiling it rotten. Really, this is just his excuse to be permitted a pet at HQ. Angeal has a lot of his own trauma from the war, but is probably the best when it comes to knowing actual healthy coping techniques. This, the doggo is just there for him to dote on. And he doesn't care one bit!
-Sephiroth is probably more of a cat person but would have been assigned a dog. Likely because dogs have more of a working relationship with people and Sephiroth needs all the work he can get to fix a lot of his issues. And training and taking care of it would be really good for him, as well as giving him something sturdy and protective whenever he's having one of his post-lab "episodes". Sephiroth pretends to be completely uninterested in his dog at first and ends up becoming desperately in love with it, constantly petting and fussing and rubbing his face against its fur. He would kill you if you hurt his dog or took it away. He would have a convulsive, screaming breakdown if anything ever happened to it. The dog is one of the few things Sephiroth will go absolutely APESHIT feral over. Don't mess with his dog. EVER.
-Genesis, naturally, thinks he doesn't NEED therapy and makes a big pompous ass out of himself strolling around claiming to be just fine. Being extra cheeky, he requests a snake, assuming they wouldn't bother. When he actually gets one, he's kind of flabbergasted. Coily, scaly danger noodle. But despite initial protests, he kind of gleefully goes along with it and is totally the type to go prancing about wearing it like a goddamn necklace. Secretly though, he likes venting to it when he's alone. It's surprisingly good company when it comes to listening. And Genesis has plenty of hidden fears and frustrations.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Random thought time!
Chewbacca hugging Luke is really fun and very sweet and eapecially great because Luke looks so short. They surrounded Mark Hamill, who is pretty tall himself, with a bunch of people taller than he is, and honestly, great choice.
There was a scene where Darth Vader could barely fit through a door. Like, straight up, he fills up the entire doorway. That man was huge, ginormous, gigantic, I looked it up, he was six foot six inches! He was six and a half feet tall! He’s! So! Big!
No wonder people think Luke is short, he is literally only taller than Leia.
Darth Vader was going through it, man. First of all, Palpatine only just barely told him his son was still alive. Second of all, he offered to rule the galaxy with his son, father and son style, after killing Palpatine of course, and he had his son literally cornered, and Luke decided he’d rather fall to his possible death than spend more time with him.
Darth Vader just sort of drops his hand. I think he was thinking “Yo, what the fuck, Luke????” He realized, at that moment, that he must’ve been terrible to raise, because his son is just as dramatic as he is. He probably had a moment where wondered if he could somehow apologize to Obi-Wan…
So Darth Vader spends a while scouring every edge of the galaxy because he is trying to convince his son to join him in evil activities, goddammit. It takes forever to find him, and when he does, it’s because Luke literally turns himself in.
The power of Ewoks is unimaginable. They could’ve hidden Luke forever. I believe in them.
But then Vader’s son keeps going on about how much he still believes there’s good in him, like a total asshole, and refuses to hear reason! So Darth Vader takes him to Palpatine and is like “ha, see, I did take you to the Emperor, just like I said, and I will stand here and watch as Palpatine messes with you, and I’m sure this won’t awaken any feelings of fatherly protectiveness in me.” He’s wrong, but that doesn’t happen very fast because first Luke accidentally drops the bombshell that his daughter is alive too! Vader straight up had a son and a daughter and nobody told him! He had to find out from his son, and then he used her to taunt Luke and Luke goes feral and cuts off his hand! Vader definitely deserved that. You know what they say, eye for an eye, hand for a hand.
I really like that Luke just stares blankly at his father’s missing hand for a bit. Like, he just looks at it. He’s like “Gee, cutting off the hand of the guy who cut off my hand actually made me feel a lot better, I’m cool now, we can talk about things reasonably.” Luke is way too fast to forgive, Darth Vader didn’t even have a flesh hand! It was not the same, Luke! He literally made you dependant on prosthetics, Luke. All you did was cut off a small part of his prosthetic, Luke. These are not the same.
Anyway, Darth Vader is probably thinking “Finally, my son will kill me, or kill Palpatine, please kill Palpatine, actually, and join the Dark Side and we can hang out.” But Luke still refuses! And he calls his dad a jedi! Despite never having a dad before, Luke sure knows what to say to guilt-trip his dad. So Vader kills Palpatine (by lifting him up and throwing him into a hole, how did Vader lift him up with only one hand? Was he using the Force? Did he just go apeshit? Someone probably knows, but don’t tell me, I won’t listen) and himself in the process and dies after looking at his son for the first time. Bummer of a reunion. He had to watch his son be tortured with lightning. 0/10, maybe Obi-Wan was right when he said Anakin was dramatic, at times.
I like Palpatine’s face while he continuously electrocutes Luke. At first, he looks evil and like he’s having a gay old time. But, as it continues, he just looks confused. Like, this desert twink is not dying, I have shocked him five times, how is he still alive, people die the first time, what the fuck? I like that.
If you think about it, the Empire fell because Palpatine underestimated the strength of those baby blues-
I love Ewoks. I love their little faces. I love their little language. I love that they waddle when they walk. I love that they eat trespassers. I love that they later decided those very same trespassers they tried to feast on for their new god buddy are actually apart of their club now. I love that they surround and conquer. I love these tiny little furballs and I want twenty of them, they are so cute and vicious! I just want to help them build a trebuchet and then past their fluffy little heads. One of them dances with C3-PO at the end of the movie, it is so fucking cute.
I’m so proud of Luke. He became a true Jedi. What? By defeating Vader? No, earlier than that. When he was telling Leia that they were siblings. He told her in riddle form, the way a true Jedi Knight would, he finally got a Jedi training riddle book-
I love that Luke is told he has a sister and right away figures out it’s Leia. Obi-Wan described Luke’s sister as vaguely as possible and Luke was like “LeIA??? My sister LEIA?”
Then, Leia figures out that they’re siblings. Which, whoa, now she has to deal with the realization that Darth Vader is her father. But also, she’s like “Luke, I’ve only known you were my brother for thirty seconds, but if anything happened to you, I’d kill everyone in the Empire and then myself.” Same, honestly.
I think it’s super funny that Han thinks Leia wants Luke, romantically. Especially because he’s jealous but understanding. I also like that Han just assumes Luke is interested the same way. Because either Luke and Leia just acted way to familiarly over the past three plus years, or Han just thinks that Leoa can get with any guy she wants. Maybe that’s why he’s not as jealous in Cloud City. He knew that Leia was the only being in the galaxy capable of not falling for Lando’s wit.
I think it’s especially funny when Leia tells Han that Luke is her brother. Because Leia seemed to have found out Luke was her brother and assumed everyone else knew as well. Han is like “You love him, don’t you?” And Leia’s like “Of course I do.” And Han’s like “I get it, I’ll get out of the way.” Leia looks at him like “What the fuck are you talking about?” Then she’s like, “Han, no, not that way! Luke is my brother :)” and kisses him.
I love Han’s face as he realizes that Luke and Leia are twins. He starts by looking tremendously confused. Then, he looks like it’s all dawning on him. Oh my God, he probably is thinking, no wonder they were close literally from the moment they met, they are literally wizard twins. Oh my God, he probably thinks next, I fell for a wizard twin. Jesus Christ on a bicycle, he definitely thinks. I fell for the first pair of hot twins that fell in my lap. It’s a very funny play of emotions, I like it a lot.
I’m going to be honest and admit that I like Luke and Leia being twins. I like that Luke saw her the first time and was immediately drawn to her. I like that Leia saw him the first time and immediately trusted him. I like that they trust each other implicitly from the very get go. Luke trusts Leia to cover his back and Leia trusts Luke to figure out a way to get them out of a bad situation. I like that they don’t know they’re twins. They just know that they’re drawn to each other and want to be close to each other. They just know that they want to look at each other and smile a lot. Leia kisses Luke, but it’s not a very romantic kiss. She does it because Han is pissing her off. Luke is literally recovering from hypothermia and nearly being eaten to death. It’s the least romantic kiss in the history of film kisses, because Leia kisses his mouth the same way she kissed his cheek, just longer. It’s the most platonic mouth to mouth kiss I’ve ever seen in my life.
And it makes sense that they might’ve been confused by their bond. Neither of them had a sibling before! Not to mention the inherent bond between them because they are space wizard twins. I guess what I’m saying is that it didn’t feel like a retcon to me. It didn’t feel like them just going “oh, we don’t want Luke and Leia to get together at the end.” It felt like they were twins from the start. Maybe tha twas just the actors’ chemistry or knowing that they’re twins from the start, but they honestly never came across as romantic. Leia was pitched towards Han from the start. Luke is the gayest person I’ve ever seen in my life (he literally uses a belt to cinch his waist, his tiny little itty bitty waist, he is gay gay homosexual gay.) I feel like them being twins was in the plans from the start.
It made me really uncomfortable when Palpatine told a twink that he would come to call Palpatine “master.”
Overall, I liked the movies.
I mean, I didn’t like Jabba the Hut. I spent every second he was on screen waiting for Leia to strangle him to death. I know Jabba is meant to be unlikable, but the slave costumes just make my skin crawl. I’ve always disliked them. I don’t understand the obsession with slave Leia, and I’m saying this as a person atttracted to not only women, but scantily clad women as well. I hate it, I hate it, I hate all of it, they should’ve dumped Jabba into the Sarlacc pit.
Other than that, I liked the movies. I like the character dynamics. I like that Luke’s best friend is an astromech droid. I like that C3-PO is finally treated kindly, as he deserves. I like the different creatures portrayed throughout the films, my personal favourite are banthas. I like the different cultures and races portrayed in the films. I like the octopus people. The fight scenes very much improved by Return of the Jedi, which I appreciate because I really couldn’ t take two only men smacking each other with laser sticks seriously. The dog fights are great from the start, but they massively improve by the end, and it’s fun to watch them. I like AT-ATs.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
We've had Izuku go apeshit plenty of times, which I'm not tired of, but Yagi deserves to apeshit. As a treat. After all, he managed to pretend for a few decades that he wasn't feral, enough that most people have made judgements against of this, so he should go feral as a reward. I hc that the only reason All Might wasn't feral was because of his PR person. The very same PR person who had him change his smile from one that was meant to scare villains, to one that he became known for.
The only thing stopping All Might from going feral is witnesses. You think he didn't go completely apeshit on All For One in their first fight? All For One thought he wouldn't and that's how he lost his face!
If that news chopper hadn't been there, if AFO hadn't picked a fight in somewhere as public as Kamino, it would've been a very different fight.
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killerandhealerqueen · 6 months
Weird, but probably fun question to think about: For each couple that you ship (be it anime or real-person drama), name an underrated trope that you think would fit them.
Ooo, this is a fun question (and do forgive me, I don't know a lot of underrated tropes)
YueZhi - Happy Ending (it’s not really an underrated trope but what these two went through, they deserve a happy ending and their countryside sunset)
YaoYutong - Feral? Allowed to go apeshit? (These two are unhinged, especially when it comes to each other, so I think at some point they should just be allowed to go apeshit if the other is hurt)
JunChun - Second chances (I feel like these two deserve a second chance and a happy ending without the shitty uncle involved)
Gahan - Reunited and it feels so good (These fuckers need a reunion after the finale and I know that probably a lot of fics have been written about the reunion (hell I even wrote one) but it's what they deserve)
QingYa - There's not a lot of underrated tropes with them, just because they had a lot of tropes to begin with
SuiTang - Annoyances to lovers? (I mean, this is literally what happened in the drama but I still think it's funny. Can't do food as a love language because they made that shit real fucking clear in the drama so not that)
DingZhi - Touch starved? (You know these two don't get enough affection, so they are touch starved as hell. Give them all the fics where they're hugging and touching and clinging to each other. They are literally that one meme: "What are you doing?" "Hugging you?" "Disgusting. Do it again")
DuShen - Again, it's hard with them because they had like...every trope in the book thrown at them
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sabrina-central · 2 years
Your Sabrina headcanons. Tell me them?
There are so many posts here about them but you're new here so I'll give you some:
Singer! Sabrina - unlike Rose she doesn't write songs but she's got like crazy vocal range and comes alive on the stage
Dancer! Sabrina - mostly Ballerina, based on an early design concept of her with a ballerina bun I can't let go of, and just cuz I think she deserves to be graceful, beautiful and elegant. But really any kind of dancing, bonus points if she's a monster at DDR.
Drummer! Sabrina - let my girl fucking RAGE. she needs to let out her anger and go absolutely FERAL. and to that point
Feralbrina - this headcanon is less specific, it's just a catch all to anything that allows Sabrina to go apeshit.
Sneakybrina - I don't talk about this one often enough so this is a good opportunity, I think Sabrina low key doing shady shit and that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Rather than a habit she needs to break, it can be a skill she channels for good. My favourite version of this is the innocent act, where she knows exactly how underestimated she is and uses it to her advantage, playing up the kicked puppy role.
Villain Sabrina - normally an escalation of Feralbrina or Sneakybrina, or both, sometimes she's been the villain the entire time, other times it's a slow decent, and sometimes it's just a sharp turn caused by a moment of great betrayal and despair. These are veering more into AU territory tho so we'll not get into it too much here.
Sabrina being an emotional nerd the way Max is an intellectual geek - so like, if Max is about tech and space and math, Sabrina is into LARP (literally canon actually) and astrology and writing fanfiction. The only math she does is at the DND table. Speaking of which
DND legend Sabrina - critrole and D20 superfan, fun player and most of all probably the best DM you've ever fucking had the pleasure of being at the table of. (This one is just self projection and aspirational tbh)
There's probably a bunch more but that's enough for now I think.
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the-videodame · 2 years
Character Ask Bingo: Shigaraki, Mondo Owada, Nagito, & All Might :))
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I love this mans to death!!! hes so sexy and so tragic that i cant hell but let him murder 💕 and the current long-haired feral shigaraki?? GUH BARK BARK AWOOGA
from what ive seen from a lot of the fandom is that they just love to incel-code him??? like i can kinda see why, at least surface level, but yall are so fuckin lame and tiny brained
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BABY BOY.... BABY!!!! his survivors guilt hits me so hard every time i think about him man, he deserved better
his relationship with taka? gold. the fact he gets so nervous around girls that he cant control his volume? absolutely amazing. do i headcanon him with ADHD cause one or two other people do and it convinced me? ur god damn right
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feral gremlin boy that i both wish to smooch on the head, but also wring his fuckin neck and throw him at the wall like a wet paper towel
his story and concept are so wild yet so compelling, and his role in the game is pretty cool towards the end!! as infuriating as he is, he deserves a happy lil gay life with hajime. send tweet
All Might:
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hes so perfect theres literally not a single thing i dont like about him. hes funny, hes kind, hes gentle, he can be both buff as fuck or a skeletal twink, my two favorite kinds of men.... toshi i love you so much and if hori does anything to you in the final chapters ill go absolutely apeshit
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katrinawritesthings · 4 months
What are some of your favourite fics you've written?
you sent this after my bedtime lol happy Monday
But also uwu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A very kind question thank you
For the big ones. Biker au obviously. I really like Fucktown Academy!!!! Beach babes my beloved..... And I know I say I didn't write 54k words of smut to not shill for it a lot but I genuinely do really like love is so nice lol it's very soft and cute
And then for oneshots.
sk8 d8 is really fun and nostalgic for me : )
Bridging parallels makes me feel the emotion of yearning
hoohoohoo and absolutely apeshit buckwild feral and hey. Hey because I deserve being little a horny as a treat
make a wish is just full of absolutely incomprehensible queer bullshit and I like that and also the idea of a wish farm is soooooo.... I like it : )
ABC for personal reasons lol I'm still out here counting everything every day
none pizza with left boob because it's just really cute and funny and soft. Why would you not have a favorite boob
the fossils have a better chance of coming to life than their relationship does bc listen. Sometimes they can't fucking stand each other and that's hot and also I like fossils
idk lmao do we not all deserve aroace jongtae being snuggle buddies
Dangarang do we not all deserve!!!! Taemin in thigh highs and Junghee making him blush about it!!!!!!
uwu uwu
James I just think this one is really funny lol
Fry Guy same for this one and also he's right about all of his fry opinions
Volunteer Work gq wristwatch Jonghyun save me..... Save me GQ wristwatch Jonghyun..... Also taemplants: )
Dabbing peak onho
drunk and smol I just think Jonghyun is really cute and bubbly and I like him a lot : )))))
ive fooled u all this whole time my tru otp is jonghoodie it's just like it's right there in the title what else do you want from me
very important questions honestly this one I think is peak me core. onjongtae poly shenanigans. embarrassing teen bullshit. soft giddy makeouts. funny.
that’s retail baby this one is also peak me core if I think about it but just in a different way. One day I will write a 2min that isn't a joke
yeah I completely forgot about this one honestly until I was going through my blog looking for fics and I literally said out loud "oh yeah this one kicks ass!!!!!!!!"
Also literally everything in my fantasy tag please I am begging you
I originally had almost every single one of these open in separate tabs while I was looking through my fics for this post please I love writing fantasy stories and thinking about them and living in the little magical worlds and they hardly ever get notes or attention please they are so fun!!!!!! There are so many of them with so many pairings and genres!!!!! There's zombies and magic and fairies and devils and angst and feelings and fluff and action and comedy!!!!!! please just read them and reblog one for me!!!!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anygay yeah those are some of my favorites : )
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eliounora · 3 years
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ah yes, the scene where Gimli calls Éomer stupid and Éomer threatens to kill him and Legolas takes it personally
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kurohaai · 2 years
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Call an ambulance
but nOt fOr me
Ofelia @ me Yleeda @heuristicallyinclined
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miomines · 2 years
Ok but I just imagine that, after Reader dies, Meili buries them in a flower field, but her rage grows when she sees the same people that hurt you going there and weeping and telling your grave how sorry they are; in reality I just want to see Meili going apeshit while protecting her little gem’s resting place :(
she didn't go feral skdndk to be fair she's injured in this and is still in the depths of her mourning. if she finds anyone there again, aka the archons, in the future After she already warned them she would probably go feral then.
They had wanted to bury her little gem someplace else, somewhere far from her home. Their home. Morax had tried to reassure her, saying it was a quiet place that was to be treated with the utmost respect. She refused. Meili didn't trust them to treat her little gem with respect. They never did, even when they were alive.
She had clutched them closer when those damned archons tried to take her child away. They didn't know anything. All they did was hurt her precious gem. The only comfort in this situation is that they would never be hurt by their hunters ever again.
Meili was injured but it didn't matter. She called Xiao that night while the archons were preparing. They buried her little gem, their gem, in a small clearing near her home. They worked together to make a small monument, something to honour them. Not the Divine Creator. Just their precious gem.
The glaze lilies that have grown near her house with your presence wilt and she takes them to your grave. Xiao tells her he will protect it. She knows he feels the same guilt she does so she agrees. It would be good to keep an eye on it.
The archons were mad that she had done something without their approval. She retorts that her little gem's death was caused by their hands. They didn't know her child. All they ever did was try and kill them. They had let her be with that comment.
"This place isn't meant for you," she utters. They don't move from their spot on the ground, crouched in front of her little gem's grave. "Morax, haven't you bothered them enough?"
"Mei, please.." He chokes out and all she can think of is 'pathetic'. This is the man who took her child's life. "I… I didn't.."
"What?" Meili gasps and pretends to be shocked. "You didn't know? How unfortunate! Didn't someone tell you about how this child didn't deserve to die?"
"I didn't know!"
"Oh I see," she hums as she steps closer to stand beside his crouched form. "You only feel remorse because it's the Divine One, right? Because their blood was golden?"
"Mei," he cries but she doesn't let him continue.
"I'm not your Mei, Morax. It would be good for you to remember that," she hisses. "You lost me when I found out you were willingly hunting a child. Just because you regret it now does not change the past."
Meili grabs him from the back of his coat to pull him back roughly. She ignores the pain in her side. "This grave is proof of your victory in the hunt," she spits. "You wanted to kill them and so you did. You won, Morax, now let the dead rest."
She does not let his pained sobs stop her. Her little gem was not special because of their divinity. They were special enough on their own and because of that they gained their divinity. 
"You have harmed them enough, haven't you? So leave. If I see you back here again, I will ruin you. The murderer of our Divine Creator is not allowed to taint their resting spot."
Meili will not let the murderer of her little gem ruin the last thing they have.
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If it's okay could I request how the dr3 boys would react to their s/o being accidentally shrunk during one of Miu's experiments or something? I thought it would be a good opportunity for lots of fluff and protectiveness hehE
this was actually very fun to write, thank you for requesting anon!! also, i apologize if some of these scenarios sound repetitive, i wrote the ones i had instant ideas for first, and then sort of left myself stuck trying to think of something for the others that didn’t sound exactly like everything else i’d already written...
also, just for fun, i decided to write a little scenario for Miu, too! i hadn’t planned on it at first, but her involvement in this particular request made me want to write for her and i couldn’t help myself,,,, this is my first time writing an imagine-type thing for her so i can only hope i did her justice aha~
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warnings: a little bit of swearing
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:
Shuichi Saihara
— you’re so small!! what if you get lost?! what if someone steps on you?! what if you fall off something and die?! what if-
— you’ll have to calm him down before he gives himself an aneurysm lol
— somehow he’s more worried than you are. Miu says she’ll be able to get you back to normal in no time, so why shouldn’t you trust her? Shuichi could give you about a thousand reasons but that’s beside the point
— if it were up to him he would hold you and not let go unless he absolutely has to in order to make sure you don’t get hurt or stuck somewhere but obviously that’s unrealistic
— to an extent, it’s cute how worried he is about you, but it does get annoying from time to time
— i mean, you’re shrunk, not stupid. you know to stay away from edges of tables and other things you could fall from, not to wander off, etc.
— but as frustrating as Shuichi can be you really can’t get upset with him because dammit he’s so cute when he gets protective and you love him so so much
Rantaro Amami
— honestly he’s not super concerned at first
— he trusts you to be careful and not get yourself killed, and he trusts Miu to get you back to normal somehow, so why should he be worried?
— though he’ll still be pretty chill for the most part, he will start to be more protective of you when he starts to fully process the sheer number of tragic deaths you could succumb to in your current shrunken state
— this protectiveness takes the form of him offering you way more assistance than you need
— it’s nice that you want to help out, rantaro, but your s/o doesn’t need you to help them find something to sit on, c’mon now
— he kind of enjoys the way you literally fit right into the palm of his hands
— additionally, there’s now a very small, feral urge in the back of his mind to brush and style your hair like his sisters always used to do with their dolls
— he’ll probably never mention it, but don’t be too surprised if he all of a sudden takes a strong liking to playing with your hair once you’re back to normal
Kokichi Ouma
— did you expect him to treat this situation with the proper concern and caution it deserves? because if so i have bad news for you-
— he thinks it’s so funny how small you are
— like, so funny Miu has to physically intervene to get him to stop cracking up at your tiny form
— obviously you don’t think it’s as funny as he does
— right away he’s thinking of ways he could use your size to his advantage to mess with somebody
— at one point he decides it would be really funny to pretend he’s going to step on you which essentially translates to pretending he’s going to murder you but once you chew him out and explain to him how mean that was he actually feels really bad for upsetting you
— while he’s nowhere near as small as you are now, Kokichi is a rather petite guy, so the size difference between the two of you isn’t quite as drastic as it is between you and the taller guys
— since he’s a little less likely to accidentally smush you, he’s able to sorta cuddle you as if you were a small stuffed animal
— and btw being gently held and all snuggled up in his arms like that??? HEAVEN. LITERAL HEAVEN
Gonta Gokuhara
— if i had to choose someone who’s the least likely to accidentally get you killed while you’re shrunk, it would be Gonta
— i mean, he handles bugs that are much smaller and delicate than you are now, and if he can take such good care of them, obviously he’ll be able to take care of you no problem!
— you draw the line at him putting you in the little bug box he carries with him, though. you’re a human being, not a beetle!
— he likes to have you sit on his shoulders! they’re so broad that there’s plenty of room for you, too
— his hair is long enough for you to hang onto it to keep your balance if you need to!
— being so tiny also really puts into perspective just how gentle Gonta is
— yes, you’ve seen firsthand how he’s able to handle delicate little insects, and he’s always gentle with you, too, but being in the position of an insect in the palm of his hand, so to speak, is so much different
— you’ve never had anyone touch you with so much care, solicitude, and just pure love before and it’s honestly the most incredible feeling in the world
— another very concerned boy
— (s/o) is tiny???? how??? WHY??? HUH??
— at he’s pretty concerned about his knowledge of how humans work and fears he knows much less than he thought
— nobody ever told him they could shrink!!! he didn’t know humans could do that!! that’s because they can’t, kiibo, but i appreciate the concern
— once you explain what happened to him - how you were helping Miu out when her current experiment decided to malfunction and go apeshit, making you the size of a doll in the process - he’s a little less confused but also a lot more angry
— he makes sure to give Miu a thorough lecture on lab safety! he can’t have his s/o getting hurt just by being in the same room as her!!
— don’t worry, he’ll simmer down once you assure him that you’re okay!
— similar to Gonta, Kiibo is very careful with you! he knows you’re much more fragile than he is under normal circumstances, but now that you’re so little he’s even more worried about how susceptible to injury you are
— when he holds you or touches you, he does so with the utmost precision and care, as if you’re made of glass and would shatter if he laid his hands on you incorrectly
— he won’t tell you this, but he’s really looking forward to the day Miu is able to get you back to normal just so he won’t need to be so anxious about your safety anymore
— it’s hard work worrying about the person you love!!
Kaito Momota
— another one who’s probably not as phased by the situation as he should be
— but when Miu told him that she’d accidentally shrunk his s/o, he didn’t think that meant "i shrunk your s/o and don’t have a way fix it at this point in time"
— so when he realizes that now he has to help make sure you don’t, idk, die, he’s a little annoyed. not with you, though!
— i mean, technically he doesn’t *have* to help you out, but it would be a real dick move if he didn’t lol
— he lets you sit up on his shoulder, or in the pocket of his jacket!
— at first he doesn’t totally process that you’re a little more fragile than usual, so he may accidentally manhandle you from time to time
— just be sure to tell him if he’s holding you strangely, or if you’re starting to get uncomfy
— his priority is making sure you’re taken care of and he's not about to let himself of all people get in the way of that!!
Korekiyo Shinguuji
— he’s very worried about you, but he’ll try to hide it
— the last thing he wants to do is make your situation more stressful than it needs to be by fussing over you to no end
— it’s not that he doesn’t think you can take care of yourself anymore! he just doesn’t think the world is safe enough for you anymore!
— if you catch on to his anxiety and decide to question him about it, he’ll most likely go off on a tangent about how ‘humans are at the top of the food chain’ and ‘there’s a reason most predators are large and most prey is small’ and ‘in nature small creatures are naturally put in constant danger" or something
— while you may not necessarily appreciate him comparing you to a small prey animal, you know his heart is in the right place
— he just wants to protect you!!
— Kiyo has pretty large, slender hands, and you fit in his palm rather comfortably
— under normal circumstances, he’s incredibly gentle with you, and his delicacy of his touches increases tenfold now that you’re so tiny
— in a strange way, it almost feels like he handles you the same way he would handle some sort of fragile, ancient artifact that could be destroyed with just the smallest slip of the hand
— frankly, it’s a bit of an unusual sensation, albeit in a good way!! it’s nice to be touched so gently, y’know?
Ryoma Hoshi
— he’s glad to have a chance to be the tall one in the relationship... lol i’m jk... or am i?
— unlike the other guys, Ryoma doesn’t really dote on you and assume you need his help for everything, mostly because he knows firsthand what it’s like to be so much smaller than someone
— he doesn’t really like being treated like he’s helpless, or needs constant aid from taller people, so he’s mindful of the way he responds to the situation as not to end up behaving exactly like those who frustrate him to no end
— of course if you need him for anything, whether it’s helping you go from one place to another, or just wanting some love from your boyfriend, he’s always right there for you!
— however, sometimes he needs to go get someone taller than him to help you out with something, which he really Does Not Enjoy™️, so before you ask him to help you get something from up high (by your current standards, ofc) be sure to ask yourself if it really can’t wait until you’re back to normal lol
— like with Kokichi, the size difference between you and Ryoma isn’t all that drastic compared to some of the others, so he also manages to cuddle you without much issue. it’s a little awkward at first, but at least there’s no fear he might accidentally lay on top of you and squish you to death
— perks of having a boyfriend who’s 3’5", y’know?
Miu Iruma
— you’ve always enjoyed helping Miu out in her lab, and it isn’t uncommon for her to request your assistance with something, but up until now nothing has ever really... gone wrong in there, at least not majorly
— somehow, whatever shrinking device she’d been working on decided to have an absolute freak attack and target you, not the watermelon she was about to test it on, and now you’re about ten times smaller than you should be
— at least it works... right?
— she’s very apologetic and honestly feels so incredibly guilty that she could have possibly let something like this happen to you
— you’re honestly not very upset at first. she can fix it and you’ll be back to normal in no time, right? ...right?
— now is not the best time for Miu to be telling you about how she hasn’t yet developed a way to reverse the shrinking properties of her latest invention, but unfortunately she doesn’t really have another choice
— in the meantime, she takes it upon herself to whip up a few things to make your new life as a tiny person easier until she can dedicate her time to finding out how to get you back to normal
— you’re a little surprised at the sheer amount of robotic tools and gadgets provided to you that she just had laying around, as well as how quickly she’s able to throw together little devices to help you get around quicker, or reach things up high
— if there was any doubt that she was truly upset that her experimentation could have gone so wrong, it all vanishes the second she places her lips on your head (you may be small but that’s not going to stop her from kissing you!!) and says she’s never going to let herself put you in harms way ever again
— she loves you more than anything in the world, and would spend the rest of her life trying to undo the damage she caused if she had to! that’s how much you mean to her <3
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