#i think this is you but if not lmk and i will delete tag
swamp-chicken · 2 years
for the writing prompts, maybe ethubs with “you’re my happy place” “dont get cheesy on me” hehe - 👻
Sorry you waited a month for this LOL
happy place 2903 words // cw intoxication, alcohol use
Bdubs was fast asleep, dreaming of something pleasant like horsies or rabbits, when he was woken abruptly by a loud clatter. Bdubs was instantly wide awake. Bdubs’ clock, barely visible in the moonlight, showed it was past midnight.
The monolith was mob-proof, but Bdubs had still been surprised a few times. Once, he had been woken up by a rogue skeleton that must have snuck in a window. Now… he peered through the dark, eyes focusing immediately on a shadow closing in on him. Bdubs shrieked and flung a pillow at the creature.
“Agh! Bdubs, it’s me!”
Bdubs slowly lowered the second pillow he held at the ready. “Etho?”
The figure drew nearer, and yup, it was Etho, hair shining silver in the moonlight. He stumbled into Bdubs’ nightstand. “Ow.”
Bdubs frowned. “Um, what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Bdubs kept Etho’s bedroom in the basement clean in case Etho wanted somewhere to crash near spawn, but this was very much not Etho’s bedroom.
“‘M fine,” Etho said, “just wanted to see you.” He tipped forwards onto Bdubs bed.
Bdubs scrambled back towards the wall. “Are you… are you drunk?” No. Impossible. Bdubs had known Etho for years, and the guy—while he had no issue consuming massive amounts of caffeine—mostly steered clear of alcohol.
In fact, Bdubs had only seen Etho drink once before. An evening long, long ago, in another world with another group of people. A little server get-together. They had been much younger then, Bdubs still tripping over himself to impress Etho. His stomach had given a flip, then, when Etho had chosen to sit next to him.
They were sitting on the ground, a couple of nearby dirt-and-timber houses the only infrastructure in this newly-discovered world. Genny passed some beers to Bdubs, and Bdubs offered one to Etho just to be polite. Etho had always demurred in the past, choosing instead to quietly watch them all make drunken fools of themselves. Usually he would cut out early, when things started to get too rowdy, and went back to his base alone. That night, though, Etho had taken the proffered beer from Bdubs’ hand with a shy smile.
Bdubs grinned. “You finally joining us plebs?”
“It’s a special occasion,” Etho defended, cracking open the can. “New world and everything.”
It was a new world, Bdubs marveled. Unexplored, unbuilt, and Etho sitting at his side.
The conversation that night was winding, people making plans, making toasts. Bdubs quickly learned that Etho laughed more when he drank. Bdubs liked making his friends laugh, he liked entertaining them, but there was something special about the way Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side while he laughed breathlessly. Something that made Bdubs’ chest warm.
As the night wore on, Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side more and more heavily, and Bdubs increasingly began to put on a performance for one.
“Hey, are you two listening?” Guude’s voice snagged Bdubs attention.
He reluctantly unstuck himself from Etho’s side. “What’d I miss?”
Guude gestured around the circle. “We’re deciding who’s building the nether hub this season. No one’s volunteered.”
Bdubs glanced around the group, most of whom were sitting silently. He cleared his throat. “I mean, Genny and I worked on the expansion last season… If you really needed someone, I guess I could…”
Etho leaned forward. “I’ll do it,” he said.
Bdubs glanced at him sidelong. “Really?”
Etho shrugged, smiled at Bdubs. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
Bdubs found himself smiling back. “Yeah, it could be fun. I’ll help, too.”
Guude stifled a laugh. “Then that’s that. You guys are the nether hub team. Now you can go back to… whatever you were doing.” The group started chattering to each other again, a tone of relief in their voices.
Bdubs turned to Etho. “You know, they’re going to hold you to that. You can’t wiggle out of it by claiming you were under the influence.” Bdubs grimaced, remembering some past promises he had made while tipsy.
“I know.” Etho seemed unconcerned. “I really have been wanting to work on something big. A community project.” He hesitated a moment. “Something with you.”
“Aww,” Bdubs said. It took every ounce of his dwindling self-control not to leap to his feet and punch the air. Etho wanted to work with him. “Well, it’s going to be awesome. Got any building ideas in that genius head of yours?”
Etho settled back against Bdubs’ side. “Maybe,” he said, fighting a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“It’s gonna be so cool,” Bdubs blabbered. “I want to do something massive. Something with a dome? Like, a cathedral or something—”
Etho laughed, stifling a yawn.
Bdubs broke off. “Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around Etho. “Tired?”
Etho nodded into Bdubs’ shoulder. “Should probably go to bed.”
Bdubs stood, brushing the dirt off his pants. “Come on, then.” He offered Etho a hand.
Etho rose to his feet, stumbling into Bdubs as he did. He was maybe a little more drunk than he seemed.
Bdubs was, too. “I’ll walk you back to your house. Protect you from any creepers.”
Etho snorted, leaning forward into Bdubs space, so close that Bdubs’ heart skipped a beat. “Right, you’ll protect me.”
Bdubs straightened indignantly. “What, you don’t believe me? I’m a stone-cold monster killing machine. Creepers run from me, skeletons cower in fear!”
Etho was giggling helplessly. He pulled Bdubs towards him and it took a moment for Bdubs to realize he was being hugged. “I’m so glad I met you, Bdubs,” Etho said into Bdubs’ hair, voice curling with fondness.
“O-Oh—“ Bdubs stuttered, his heart suddenly pounding. “That’s very… You’re sweet.”
Etho pulled back and his eyes were crinkled into a smile, warm. “I think I can make it back on my own. Thanks for offering, though.” His gaze traced over Bdubs’ face, lingering long enough that heat rose in Bdubs’ cheeks. “Goodnight.”
Bdubs swallowed. “‘Night,” he replied, but Etho was already walking away.
That had been the first and last time Bdubs had seen Etho drunk. After that, he kept up with his old habits. Refusing drinks, leaving before things got too rowdy. But something had changed between them. The warmth that blossomed in Bdubs’ chest when he saw Etho, the answering warmth in Etho’s eyes. The nether hub that they had sunk countless hours into, that had turned out even more glorious than Bdubs had imagined.
It had been a good night.
And now here Etho was, lying facedown in Bdubs’ bed and very clearly intoxicated.
“N’mnk,” Etho said, muffled against the blanket.
“Come again?"
Etho wiggled forwards, swinging his legs on to the bed.
“Shoes!” Bdubs shrilled.
Etho huffed against the mattress and kicked his shoes off. They landed on the floor with a thud. He turned his head to the side, out of the way of the blanket, and tried again. “‘M not drunk. Cub had me test some new potions.”
“Right… potions.”
“I was walking by Keralis’s place, and he and XB invited me in, asked me to try Cub’s new concoction…” Etho trailed off, blinking into the distance. “Oh my goodness. Those were drinks. I am drunk.”
Bdubs laughed. “What, you didn’t know?”
Etho seemed a little dazed. “I was wondering why Keralis seemed so surprised when I agreed to take a shot.”
Bdubs choked. “They were shots?”
Etho glanced at Bdubs and cracked up.
“Oh, brother,” Bdubs snickered, unable to hold in his own laughter. “You need a chaperone.”
Etho squirmed himself further onto the bed. “Maybe.”
Bdubs smiled down at him. “I kept your place downstairs just how you left it. Want me to get you set up down there?”
Etho hummed noncommittally.
“Ah,” Bdubs said. “You want to stay up here so I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Etho giggled and wiggled closer. He was practically in Bdubs’ arms by now. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Bdubs heart gave a little thrill, like it did every time Etho came near. Right, a story. He cleared his throat with a dramatic flair. “Once upon a time there was a guy name Etho. He was an okay redstoner, I guess. Maybe even decent. Then one day he met Bdubs, who taught him everything he knew…”
Etho laughed. His face was very close. “I think I know this one.”
Bdubs wanted to smooth the hair out of Etho’s eyes but he kept his hands firmly where they were. One propping his head up, the other braced against the bed, almost curled against Etho’s chest.
“You’ll let me stay the night, right?” Etho asked, quietly.
“Of course.” Bdubs’ mouth was dry.
Etho’s eyes were shining in the dark. He reached out and cupped Bdubs’ face, hand warm. Bdubs was frozen, he felt pinned down by the featherlight touch of Etho’s thumb tracing the line of his cheek. “You always take such good care of me,” Etho murmured. “Thank you.”
Void knows you need it. The quip was right there, ready to be lobbed at Etho so the moment could be laughed off and Bdubs could roll over and go back to sleep.
Bdubs didn’t want to laugh the moment off. He nervously wet his lips with his tongue, Etho distractedly tracking the movement with his eyes. “Well, I care,” Bdubs said instead. A little too honest, a little too exposing.
Etho smiled. He pulled his hand off Bdubs’ cheek but shifted closer, Bdubs’ knuckles bumping against his sternum. Bdubs lifted his hand obligingly and then Etho was actually in his arms, smiling at him dopily. Bdubs stroked his hand down Etho’s back and tentatively dropped the arm propping his head up, lowering himself down until he and Etho were level, their noses almost touching. They made uncomfortable eye contact for a long moment.
At least, it was uncomfortable on Bdubs’ end, his heart rushing in his ears, feeling like he had just scraped off a layer of skin telling Etho he cared. Etho seemed completely at ease, however, his eyelids lowering with each second that passed. Bdubs snorted. Etho was falling asleep.
“Hey,” Bdubs said, wanting to get an answer before Etho nodded off, wanting to at least try and level the playing field. “Why did you come see me? Really.”
Etho’s eyes were mostly closed. “Bedtime story,” he said, and chuckled at his own joke.
Bdubs rolled his eyes.
“No—“ Etho’s voice was so quiet Bdubs had to strain to hear it, despite how close they were lying. “I told you, I just wanted to see you. You’re my happy place.”
Bdubs felt like he had been hit by a truck. “Don’t—don’t get cheesy on me,” he stammered.
Etho blinked one eye open, peeking at Bdubs face. He flushed at whatever he saw there, then resolutely rolled over, his back to Bdubs.
“Hey!” Bdubs whispered hoarsely.
There was an unmistakable smile in Etho's voice when he murmured, “Goodnight.”
Bdubs woke early, like usual. Etho was still passed out in his bed, snoring soundly. He had rolled back towards Bdubs in the night, tucking his head against Bdubs’ shoulder. Looking at Etho curled against him, there was a pressure in Bdubs’ chest that was almost painful. He didn’t want to investigate it too deeply
Bdubs decided to get up instead. He carefully dislodged himself from Etho’s embrace, dressing himself and dithering around his room. Etho didn’t budge the whole time. Bdubs stood in his doorway for an extra moment, watching Etho sleep, before remembering himself. Right, he had things to do today.
His first task was some inventory-taking. His storage was a mess by now, shulkers practically carpeting the floor of the monolith. He sorted through them until he found what he needed for his next project, organizing it as he went. After an hour there still hadn’t been a noise from the bedroom. Bdubs was a little concerned by now.
Bdubs had an old potion recipe tucked up his sleeve, one that had come in handy after many a late evening with good company and good drinks. He didn’t use it that much these days, but he could still brew it without much thought or effort. He was only a few minutes at his brewing stand. Bdubs stoppered the bottle and carried the final product upstairs.
Etho was still lying in Bdubs’ bed, covers drawn up to his nose. His eyes were open. He gave a guilty start as Bdubs walked in.
“How are you feeling?” Bdubs asked dryly.
“Horrible,” Etho answered. His voice was muffled by the blanket.
Bdubs snorted. “Here, try this.” He held the potion out.
Etho’s snuck an arm out from under the covers and snatched the potion out of Bdubs’ hands. He brought it close to his face, inspected the contents of the bottle with his brow furrowed. He glanced at Bdubs suspiciously.
Bdubs could have gotten offended by Etho’s obvious mistrust, but the vision of Etho in his arms, giggling and relaxed, was too fresh. He swallowed a laugh instead and sat at the edge of the bed. “Relax, it’s a hangover cure, not a special ‘concoction.’”
Etho, apparently satisfied by that explanation, uncorked the bottle and downed it with one swig. He grimaced at the taste, but Bdubs was no slouch at potion-making. A second later, Etho’s eyes widened. “Wow, that’s strong.”
Bdubs sat back against the bed post, crossing his arms smugly. “Now does Bdubs know his stuff or what?”
Etho sat up, tentatively, leaning against the headboard. The blankets pooled in his lap. He worried his lip, glanced towards the door and then back at Bdubs again. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
This was normally the part where Etho would be scrambling out of the room, calling goodbye over his shoulder, and Bdubs wouldn’t see him for a few weeks. But for some reason, Etho wasn’t moving from his spot on the bed. He picked at his fingernails instead.
Bdubs let the silence stretch awkwardly. He was curious where this might go.
Finally, Etho spoke up. “Did I… say anything last night?”
Bdubs bit down on the smile twitching at the corner of his lips. “You mean last night, when you broke in to my room?”
Etho pressed his lips together and nodded.
“Last night, when you climbed into bed with me?”
Stiffly, Etho nodded again.
“Yeah, you said something.”
“Bdubs,” Etho whined. His face was red with mortification.
Bdubs let out a bark of laughter and Etho glared at him. “You said cute stuff! Like how I was your happy place!”
Etho covered his face in horror. “I did not.”
“Oh, you did,” Bdubs grinned. “It’s fine, though! You don’t have to be embarrassed or anything.”
Etho groaned, his face still buried in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t be embarrassed, though.” Bdubs fidgeted, then spoke before he lost his nerve. “’Cuz I feel the same way.”
Etho slowly pulled his hands away from his face. His brow was creased, expression impossible to read.
Bdubs leapt off the bed, stomach clenching wildly. “Yup! So. I’ll see you later. Gotta get to work.” He turned to leave.
Etho lunged forward and grabbed Bdubs’ wrist. He blinked up at Bdubs, looking surprised by his own actions.
“What?” Bdubs asked.
Etho pursed his lips. “Bdubs… that’s so cheesy.”
“That’s what I said!”
Etho was just staring up at him, eyes wide. “You—“ he started, then cut himself off. His expression firmed. He rose to his knees and reeled Bdubs in by his wrist. Bdubs stumbled towards him, confused.
Etho was bracing himself for something, eyes darting around Bdubs’ face. And then, abruptly, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to Bdubs’ lips.
Bdubs froze, heart knocking painfully against his ribs. This was… Etho was…
Etho drew back, scanned Bdubs’ face anxiously.
“Oh,” Bdubs managed to say, voice weak.
Disappointment flickered across Etho’s face.
Bdubs shook himself. Surely Etho didn’t think… Etho couldn’t think… Did he not know how Bdubs felt?
Bdubs scrambled. “No, wait, I mean… here.” Bdubs took a deep breath and smoothed his hands along Etho’s cheeks, watching Etho’s gaze soften. He pulled Etho towards him and kissed him gently. More gently than Etho’s kiss, at least. Not that it was a competition or anything.
Etho melted against Bdubs, the tension falling out of him, and then they were kissing in earnest; Etho’s mouth moving against his, hesitantly, but with more assurance after Bdubs gave an encouraging hum. They were kissing, Bdubs moving his hands to cup Etho’s jaw, tilting Etho towards him. Etho’s hands settling lightly on his waist.
Bdubs pulled back, chucking Etho affectionately under the chin. “There.”
There was a flush staining Etho’s cheeks. “What, that’s it?”
“Yeah, I got stuff to do,” Bdubs said with a smirk, rocking on his heels.
Etho narrowed his eyes.
Bdubs snorted at his expression, stomach fluttering. “I guess I could be persuaded to stay a little longer…”
Etho tugged Bdubs down on to the bed. “I don’t know why I need to persuade you, since I’m your happy place and all.”
“It doesn’t work like that! You said it first, so you can’t tease me without teasing yourself.”
Etho hardly seemed to hear him. He was staring at Bdubs mouth again, expression hungry.
“Oh, fine,” Bdubs sighed. He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I don’t have anywhere to be until… noon? Maybe? I’m yours until then.”
Etho pounced.
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implied-divinity · 8 days
im feeling sappy tonight. shoutout to the baby tboys begging to be forcemasced. one day you will become the man you want to be. within the kink its wonderful when another man grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you headfirst in. its wonderful to share in the joy he felt when he started. in reality know youre afraid. it takes guts to let yourself be who you want. dont take your feelings lightly and let yourself explore. you are not alone but its also up to you. take care. much love.
256 notes · View notes
thetomorrowshow · 3 months
glass and grey hoodies
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
mind the content warnings on this one, folks. in an altered mental state, jimmy attempts suicide several times in the first portion of the fic. the rest of it is an account of his time in the psych ward.
this story takes place between chapters 9 and 10 of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: past abuse, suicide attempts, blood and injury, hospitals, flashbacks
It’s loud.
It’s loud, and his head hurts, and he doesn’t know where he is and he doesn’t like it.
He opens his eyes to see blurry white walls. Figures standing over him. The pinch of a needle in his arm. An ache that spreads from his neck all the way to the tips of his toes.
He’s back on the table, then.
He doesn’t remember what happened before now, but he knows what this means. If he’s back on the table, something bad happened. If he’s back here. . . .
He suddenly knows. They’re going to take it away.
He’d misbehaved enough that they’re going to take away whatever they put in him all that time ago, whatever it is that lets him control his powers and makes his life the least bit livable. And it’s his fault.
He knows what he has to do, then. He can’t go back to that.
The scientists know he’s awake, he thinks, but either they don’t care or they want him awake, because no one reacts to him looking around, taking stock of things the best he can.
There’s some sort of surgical instrument on a rolling table near his left arm. Something sharp. Something that, if he can sit up quickly, he can reach.
He does a little test of his stomach muscles, tensing them and moving as if to sit up. Painful, but certainly doable.
He has to do it now, then. Before it’s too late.
He sits up, and maybe it’s a bit slower than it should be, because there’s a rubber glove of a hand pressing into his shoulder, loud words that he doesn’t understand—but he isn’t slow at all when he grabs the sharp tool and plunges it into his gut.
He wakes up again later, still bleary and with a stabbing pain in his lower stomach.
Funny, he thinks. He did stab himself, after all.
The problem is, however, that he survived. He didn’t mean to survive. He meant to be completely out of this world, away from the lab, away from the scientists, away from his master and all the blood he’s spilt.
Luckily, the room is empty. He’s sure it won’t be soon, not now that he’s conscious.
It’s not easy for him to sit up. It’s even more difficult for him to stand, going all lightheaded and woozy from pain.
So, pretty much the norm.
There’s scissors on the counter that lines the right side of the room, no other potentially dangerous items in sight. He glances toward the clear glass sliding door. The curtain in front of it is pulled back, and anyone walking by could see him.
He hobbles to the counter, stuck by a tugging in his right arm that he realizes is because it’s hooked up to some machine of some sort. It luckily has wheels, so he pulls it along a few steps until he can reach the scissors.
His hand is firm when he starts slashing the blades across his wrists.
He wakes up restrained after they knock him out again.
He doesn’t like that at all.
Restrained means velcro around his wrists, holding him to the hospital bed. Restrained means quiet sobs as he pulls against them. Restrained means wishing over and over that he hadn’t failed, because now he won’t have another opportunity.
However, they don’t really . . . do much to him. Someone in scrubs comes by every so often, asks him a bunch of questions that he doesn’t care to listen to, and writes things on a dry erase board on the wall. A man sits beside him, also in scrubs, scrolling through his phone and lazily eating a bag of chips.
And that’s it, for a while. He even stops crying out of confusion, just lies there and stares at the ceiling. He’s good at that.
He realizes, eventually, that he’s wearing something like a big t-shirt, but the back feels uncomfortably open. Maybe some sort of sheet with sleeves? It’s got little green clovers as a pattern, and he stares at it for far too long, knowing he hasn’t seen anything like it in all his time here.
The next thing he realizes is that he isn’t wearing a mask. That almost gets him crying again, but he’s overwhelmed by hopelessness before he can even start. What’s the point? Really, he doesn’t belong to himself, doesn’t exactly have a life of his own. This was the natural next step. It’s not like he had any sort of ownership over the mask.
The man beside him talks sometimes, but he’s too out of it to understand. He’s too out of it to process much, really.
He just lies there, drifting in and out of consciousness, dreading the moment the pain will truly start.
It’s late, he thinks, when he feels like his head has finally cleared a little bit—the man beside him is now a sleepy woman, and the lights in the room are dimmed, curtains drawn.
If he does this right, he might get another chance.
It takes a while to get any sort of adrenaline built up, but once he has some sort of spark going, he aims it at the restraint on his left arm. After a moment, the plastic part of the velcro snaps and his hand is free.
The woman looks up at the noise so he doesn’t move, leaving his hand in the velcro as if nothing has changed. After a moment, she returns to the book she’s reading.
The dressings on his right arm should be easy to get through—it’s the type with the cloth tape, the stuff that rips off quick. And underneath is a thin tube, which presumably has a hidden needle.
His next moves are fast. He pulls his hand free of the velcro, tears off the dressing, and yanks out the IV line, the machine suddenly beeping very loudly. He jabs it back into his arm—no needle. Where’d the needle go? Is it in his arm?
There’s got to be another needle—he checks the rolling table still beside him, but of course they haven’t left any sharp items out, they’re learning—
And then his left arm is being pulled back down and held there while another woman rushes into the room.
“You’re at the E. James Hospital in Empires City,” a strange woman tells him, and he doesn’t think he can be blamed if he doesn’t believe her. She waits a moment longer, then sighs and writes something on the whiteboard.
When she moves, he can see it. Unresponsive, she’s written.
“You may be feeling a little funny for a while,” she continues. “We’ve got you on some anti-anxiety medication, and it takes a little bit to adjust. Does that make sense?”
Well, it explains how numb he feels. He stares at her, trying to understand her place here.
“We’ll send in someone from psych to evaluate you later on today, but until then, Anthony is going to be here with you. Anthony, could you wave?”
A man—the same man from earlier—waves from the chair in the corner. He doesn’t say anything.
The woman says some more stuff, but he doesn’t take it in. He’s not even entirely sure that he’s conscious.
All he knows is that if he tries, he can shatter that glass canister of cotton balls on the counter. And some of the glass shards are likely to be sharp.
The person from psych is nice enough. She introduces herself, but he doesn’t catch the name. She asks him how he feels. She unstraps his left arm when he doesn’t answer and asks him to point at the scale of one-to-ten faces paper that she pulls out of a binder.
He points at the seven, the face that’s orange and frowning. She then shows him a poster that has emotions written on it, attached to images of kids acting out those emotions. She asks him to point to the emotions he feels right now.
This is the first moment when he starts to wonder if maybe he isn’t in the lab. Maybe the woman from earlier wasn’t lying.
The emotions on the poster aren’t complex enough to describe how he feels, but he eventually points at ‘confused’.
He’s not entirely sure what she says after that—he has vague flashes of her asking him to write something, and him not even looking at her (pets can’t write, who does she think she is?) before she leaves, writing a string of numbers on the whiteboard, then using a magnet to pin a list there.
He’s alone, if only for a moment.
She hadn’t left his arm unstrapped—she’s not stupid—but he can break the straps without issue. One splits down the middle, one just cracks enough for him to tear it the rest of the way.
He’s more steady than he was last time. And somewhere, deep down, he knows that they won’t give him the opportunity again. They want him alive.
This is his last chance.
It takes one touch for the glass canister on the counter to shatter. He picks up the largest shard, pauses as he aims it first at his wrist, then at the inside of his elbow as the bandages at his wrist deter him.
There’s an artery in the thigh, isn’t there? And his thigh is practically bare, due to the shirt-thing he’s wearing.
Wait. Is he . . . is this a hospital gown?
He stabs the glass into his thigh. It doesn’t go as deep as he would’ve liked, but it hurts like the devil, breaking through the numb state of his mind.
For a moment, he panics. That’s a lot of blood spilling out over his fingers, his grip on the glass slippery. He doesn’t want to die, does he?
But he has to get out. He can’t live in this place any longer. He can’t take it, can’t be a pet for the rest of his life, can’t kill person after person at the whim of a maniac—
He digs the glass in further, and feels his head go fuzzy before his vision blacks out and he crumples to the floor.
For a long time, life passes from blur to blur. He’s aware of what’s going on, he knows he is. He recognizes that the drugs are upped, that he’s a high-risk case and there’s always someone at his side. He hears when they tell him that his wounds are healing well and he’s gained a bit of weight, so they’re sending him on a seventy-two hour hold to the psych ward. They tell him he’ll be safer there.
He floats by all these blurry moments, crying one moment and unresponsive the next. The day they put him in a wheelchair and take him away is a day where he can barely feel anything, thoughts slower than molasses crawling down the side of a bottle.
When he arrives, they don’t give him much. A room. With a roommate. Some clothes.
He doesn’t really process any of it. He just lies on the bed and stares at the ceiling. He takes things that are offered to him—pills, food, water. When a voice tells him to shower, he obediently gets up and limps to the shower. When a voice tells him to go somewhere, he follows them and sits in that place until he’s led back to his room.
He’s not sure how long he’s there before things really start to register, but it starts with his roommate’s voice.
“Are you ever gonna stop being a zombie? When they told me you were a suicide risk, I thought you’d be way more exciting.”
He blinks.
“What?” he croaks, because that really is a weird thing to regain awareness to. His roommate laughs, and it’s a laugh that he recognizes as somewhat sad.
“Yeah, it’s okay, half the people here act real weird for the first couple of days on the meds. That’s what my last roommate told me, anyway. I’ve only been here for a week.”
He doesn’t remember much. But he knows now, with a strange clarity, that the horrible detached memories of that place from before are not of the lab. This may all be a dream, but he hasn’t been taken back to that place.
Taken back? When did he leave?
They call him TJ, for some reason. Drugged-up him had been happy to accept that, not really sure that there was another option.
But he’s TJ now, and that’s okay.
Josh (his therapist, who is actually really nice) explains to him, in as little detail as possible, what happened when it becomes clear that he’s confused.
Josh tells him that they know he’s the Canary, that he was rescued by a group of heroes and that Xornoth is dead.
Maybe it’s still the drugs working, but he doesn’t feel much more than a small sense of vindication at learning that. Not that he believes it at first, of course, but Josh explains at length the various pieces of evidence for him actually being here.
He doesn’t really believe that either, not until the next day, when he is suddenly vividly eating green beans in a common room, a dead-eyed woman eating the same beside him.
And Jimmy’s properly here, and he knows he’s here, and he wants to cry from the relief of it. Because that means it had all been real, and Xornoth’s dead, and he’s out.
He’s been rescued. He’s alive.
Maybe he does cry, a little. No one judges him.
Josh is proud of him for having that breakthrough. Unfortunately (or fortunately, according to Josh, despite their emotional exhaustion), that breakthrough is just the first in a line of many.
It feels wrong to talk. He hasn’t willingly spoken in close to a year, and it’s definitely taking some getting used to—but it’s really the easiest of his issues. He still thinks of himself as a pet, he still expects punishment at the slightest provocation, he struggles to remember to walk instead of crawl and sit on chairs—and each of those come with a plethora of their own issues, such as the hour he spent sitting at the feet of a nurse, the closest figure of authority he could find.
He knows he locked away a part of himself, compartmentalized his brain until he could truly be subservient for his master. But reintegration is difficult, and scary, and Josh is his only guide.
“I know I’m in here,” he tells Josh one day, his quiet, raspy voice not an adequate instrument for conveying just how frustrated he feels. He picks a bit at his sweatpants, not quite daring to look Josh in the eye. “I can remember. I know I’m different. Supposed to be different.”
“That’s a very normal feeling for those who have been under the influence of a telepath for a long time,” Josh says gently, and Jimmy just . . . doesn’t bring up that he wasn’t. He knows it’s lying, and he knows it’s wrong, but someone had given him that cover story and it somehow kept him from going to jail, so he’s keeping it.
“Is there anything I can do for you right now?” asks Josh not ten minutes later, when it becomes clear that Jimmy isn’t going to say anything else.
And there is something he wants, actually. The only way to find out is by asking, and he knows logically that Josh isn’t going to hurt him for such a request, but he can’t shake the fear.
“Long sleeves?” he whispers eventually, and he doesn’t miss the way Josh’s eyes fall to the word scarred on his left arm.
“We can do that,” Josh says. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I actually saw a nice hoodie the other day while out shopping, so I can pick that up on my way home tonight. They’ll take out the drawstring, if that’s all good. Or do you want, like, a long-sleeved shirt?”
“Hoodie,” Jimmy says, not wanting to cause more of an inconvenience.
The next day, he’s got a grey hoodie, a little large (but everything hangs loose on him) and without drawstrings.
He wears it every day.
Jimmy knows he’s getting better, even if it’s frustratingly slow. Josh helps him map out his progress one day, reminding him that he went from nearly vegetative to actually asking for what he wants.
Sure, he doesn’t really eat the way they want him to (he’s always got one of those terribly chalky protein shakes in hand now), but he’s trying. He wants to eat more, and he always tries to get at least a bite down at every meal (they’re too frequent, too regular, he never gets to eat that much there must be a catch).
And of course, all of his other problems that he hates to get into. Problems that have him changing bandages around his wrists and stomach and thigh. Problems that leave him crying on the floor at random times, mourning pieces of himself that he doesn’t know if he’ll ever get back.
But, like Josh says, he’s getting better. He’s really starting to think for himself again.
Until it all seems to reverse.
One day, he’s fine. He talks about a happy memory (as few as they are) with Josh. He’s brave enough for the first time to actually venture out into the common room, play a game of Battleship with his roommate Peter. He actually considers joining the group therapy session when it rolls around. He eats half his meal at dinner that night. He takes his evening pills without complaint and sleeps through some of the nightly checks.
The next day, everything is wrong.
The next day, Jimmy collapses on his cell—bedroom—on the floor of the place where he sleeps, certain that there are people surrounding him and grabbing at his clothes and pulling on his hair and he thought he was safe, they told him he was safe—
And then he’s back, Peter shaking him and calling for help.
It keeps happening after that. He can’t go more than an hour or so without believing he’s back there, without being strapped to a table or kicked by a heavy boot or having knives thrown at him. Each time he comes back to reality, he’s more exhausted and scared than before.
Josh calls them flashbacks, and as soon as Jimmy hears the word he knows it’s right. He has one during therapy (he’s so hungry, he was left here for hours with no one and nothing and it’s a test, he knows it’s a test), and when he comes to, he’s laid out on the couch with Josh speaking quiet words of reassurance.
“Sorry,” he mutters roughly, and Josh just shrugs and gives him a list of grounding activities, and breathing exercises for homework (not that he has a home to take it to).
It doesn’t work, though. It should work, and it doesn’t, because half the people here dress like they’re from the lab. The whole place smells like a hospital, sterile and awful. He’s alone—Peter had gone home that day. It’s just him, in a white room, and he’s fine by himself, he’s always been by himself, but he can’t help but think that maybe, if his caretakers had put a bit of thought into it, they wouldn’t have left him on his own. Not that he’s going to try again—he wants to be here, to some extent, he thinks—but he’s been alone for so very long and he can’t control what he does while in a flashback.
He tells that to Josh—Peter had apparently been here for a longer period of time than expected, struggling to handle an eating disorder, but had finally been deemed well enough to return to his life (with constant check-ins and therapy appointments). And while that was  all good for him, there don’t seem to be any other viable roommates at the moment—those safe to share already have roommates, but Josh assures him that he’s first on the list for either a new admittance or a leftover patient when their roommate leaves.
Jimmy has another flashback that session, one of a noose around his throat that he is being forced to tighten. He doesn’t know where he is afterwards, or what’s going on, and a smiling man with dark hair who smells funny leads him to a bed and gives him a pill to swallow. Jimmy doesn’t care if it’s going to kill him. He swallows it, and falls asleep shortly after.
The days go on like that. Jimmy wakes up, struggles through a day lived half in the past, at some point panics badly enough that he has to be drugged to sleep, and so on. His eating habits slowly go downhill, only managing half of the daily protein shake that he’d always pushed to finish before.
And he’s really, genuinely trying—on days when he can find his voice, he talks in therapy. He starts attending group therapy, even if he only listens. He sits in the common room and watches TV with other patients as often as he can drag himself there. He tries to eat every meal, tries to talk to other people, tries to get better.
It’s those vile flashbacks throwing a wrench in everything, of course. One day during therapy, Josh theorizes that the flashbacks are so frequent and so awful due to a constant trigger, and when Jimmy wryly points out that he has a lot of trauma around medical situations, Josh grimaces and tells him to keep a trigger journal.
Which only serves to prove what Jimmy had suggested. His most common trigger is the smell of rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer, as far as he can tell. And right after that is the sound of someone snapping on a pair of rubber gloves. Things aren’t looking all that hopeful until one day in therapy, when Josh mentions a very familiar name.
Jimmy’s drawing during the conversation, little squiggles and spirals around various words—emotions, mostly. It’s something that Josh had introduced fairly early on, a place for him to identify his emotions without getting too far in his head trying to think about them. Here, he can just write them down and move on with the knowledge that what Josh just said makes him feel anxious, or sad, or angry. And then, Josh can ask why that statement made him angry, and it’s easier to explain with a marker doodling in his hand.
“Now, TJ, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but Major made arrangements for you to be here.”
That draws Jimmy up short. His marker point bleeds into the paper as he looks up, forces himself to speak. “Um—but, the hospital—with the, uh, the hold—”
“Right, but Major had been in brief contact with them—along with some other important people, I’m sure—to make sure you got the help you needed. He offered to take care of any bills, I think.”
Jimmy bites his lip, jots down a quick ‘anxious’.
“He wanted to make it clear that you don’t owe him anything,” Josh says, clearly noticing what Jimmy’s written. “And I know that for a fact—I talked with him yesterday. I asked if he would meet with you, and he said yes.”
And if that doesn’t send his blood pressure through the roof.
What on earth does Major want with him now? To make sure he’s mentally okay before sending him to prison?
Not that that’s turning out very well for him so far.
“I think meeting with Major might help you get a proper goal,” Josh hints, and Jimmy frowns. This whole time, Josh has been on him about getting a goal. Doesn’t he realize that Jimmy hadn’t expected to survive? Doesn’t he realize that Jimmy was stuck with no future but the one that Xornoth had planned for him, that he’d been willing to kill himself to escape it and it’s a little difficult to regain his footing after that?
“It’s up to you, but I think talking with Major will help a lot. I think he’ll be able to open up some opportunities for you.”
Well. It’s not like he has much else to do, does he?
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thisismeracing · 7 months
Would anyone be interested in being my beta reader/proofreading my pieces?
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fivefeetfangirl · 10 months
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sorry micha @schuerk-wie-schurke im still thinking about this hjsdhsjd. wasnt my stalin earlobe posting enough for you 🥲
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hybrix-hidings · 1 year
Full offense but when I joined the fandom and got confused over Hugo's appearances in unrelated fic, I assumed from the start that he was an OC who just got popular or was, at most, a background character that people fixated on. Because I watched the fucking show and knew he didn't appear.
I can promise you that "confused viewers" who "assume he's canon" aren't going to be a problem. Turns out people are smart enough on their own to either investigate or ask questions, and literally nobody is out here lying about whether or not it's canon.
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@whump-queen I'll absolutely tag you if I do tbh I kinda want to draw him now... writing depends on if I'll be able to settle on a good situation, but I kinda like the idea of showing him off at a fancy gala or smth of the like. Maybe with a subtle little leash, delicate gold chain or something of the like to keep him reminded that he belongs to them... could be linked to something to let them trigger the shock collar if he steps out of line, just to rub it in.
A fancy little show of what fortune that his owner's had, to have something like him fall right into their lap. Whumptober fills've been kinda eating my time recently but I can think of two that it might be fun to link it to. Depends if I want to go all in on the subtle restraining accessories and no chance of ever being anything more than an accessory or have him forced to stand there with a strained smile, desperately hoping he's got a chance at escape, desperately hoping that he'll be able to run before he's trapped here forever.
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wernerherzogs · 2 years
oh no kasia, you've gotten corona? i hope the symptoms aren't too bad and that you recover quickly!! sending you lots of love!!😚💘❣️💖
cont.: "(also if you've gotten this ask several times i'm sorry, tumblr for some reason shut down like every single time i tried to write an ask thru dashboard??? so idk if they got sent each time that happened or if nothing got sent lol) anyways lots of good thoughts coming your way!💖💖💖💖"
hello anna bby!!! and yes i DID, most likely at harry's show. 😭 unfortch it's been really kicking my ass. first symptoms felt like a light cold, and over the next days they've crossed over quinsy-like (? idk if that's the accurate english term for it, in polish i'd say angina) territory. i'm not getting loads of rest at night because i can't sleep either because my throat feels as if i have an open wound there, or because my sinuses hurt so much they also make my teeth and ears hurt and give me photophobia, or because i alternate breaking out in heaps of sweat and being too cold to fall asleep. 🙃 not sure if i'll be back at work on wednesday as the doctor was predicting tbh
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berniecranes · 2 years
Ever think abt that cut line of John calling (presumably) Lincoln a Nancy, but instead we got Lincoln calling John a Pansy? Love that they just switched the roles.
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ajxrn · 7 days
fucking dogs just got into a fight right after I thought about the possibility randomly what the fuck. I am so stressed out and cleaning up a bloody dog’s wounds. great. sister got bit because she freaked out and put her arm between and mom doesn’t seem that fucking concerned about it???? She’s got a PUNCTURE in her arm!! That is a cause for concern!! and yeah. she now has a puncture in her arm and my dog has one in her ear and leg. neighbors dog we’re watching has one in her head. Jesus fucking christ I am so anxious now i arrived after they finished fighting. my dog is freaked out ugh. I’m happy my puppy didn’t get involved or hurt she just seemed nervous.
god I need a break my day has been so fucking bad. I genuinely can’t calm down my heart is racing so bad rn and I feel sick.
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arthur-r · 2 months
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actually so relieved to run into this weird vent art from like a week before my partner broke up with me and remember how i was actually profoundly unhappy when we were together. like i literally would have broken up with him within the next couple weeks probably. all it would have changed if he hadn’t broke up with me would be that a valentine’s day together would be a lasting painful memory. whereas our relationship is nearly managing to comfortably fade into background noise.
#this art is weird which is why i never posted it shdhdf but i figure it goes along with self-actualization/the silly stupid angel song#i remember the same time i drew this i had drawn a monster based off my now-ex (it’s in a notebook somewhere)#and i just kept drawing and giving it more evil attributes and thinking why am i doing this it’s supposed to be my partner#but like. my subconscious fucking knew. he was basically a demon feeding on my life force#anyway i’m a fan of the bloody keyhole in my chest cause that’s so real#i love when i write or draw something and then like. months later i finally get to the realization that i subconsciously clearly highlighte#like yeah he’s demanding symmetry from me (golden ratio) and fucking clawing to get to my secrets (keyhole) and expecting me to be this#idealized and appealing figure but also refusing to give me any actual affection in response like i’m just a fucking statue to stare at#and then idk i’m bleeding golden blood because WHY NOT shdhdf maybe there’s symbolism i figure out later but i think that part’s just rad#oh and of course a halo like from THAT ONE GUY WHAT IS HIS NAME paintings#i want to say like giorgio but that’s not right. WHO IS THE GUY WHO PAINTS THE GOLD HALOS#GIOTTO i looked it up it’s my best friend giotto!!!! i can’t believe i turned my back on him…. forgot his name…. anyway i love his halos#and i was halfheartedly emulating that while i was drawing shdhdf. so anyway that’s the story of this whole thing#but no it’s so good to notice that actually i was discontented and needed to break out of the pattern. cause like i don’t think i fully#understood that i’m ALLOWED to end something i’m not happy with. so even though i deserved to i wouldn’t have done it. so it’s a lesson now#i’m aware that it’s something i’m able to do and something that i should have done. and i’ll do it earlier next time. ANYWAY sorry for this#ex talk#vent cw#i’m so normal i promise. i’m actually getting really normal about it genuinely though. basically fine kinda sorta almost. shdhdhdf#anyway i hope everybody is doing well. sorry for just throwing stuff around every once in a while and being otherwise absent#lmk if you need anything anytime!!!! love and light /gen#me. my post. mine.#delete later#ask to tag
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bruiisedpetals-a · 9 months
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hajimine · 1 year
mhm not on tumblr anymore at least actively, was talking to a friend and thought of you, wanted to see how you were doing and saw you posted in a while so i sent an ask
- 🦦
wow what perfect timing huh… i havent opened tumblr for over a year before last week :,) but i’m doing much better now than i did in 2021 thank you for asking 🤍 how have you been?
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lewisvinga · 4 months
my mistake | lando norris x fem! reader
summary; lando had been chasing after oscar’s friend, y/n for a couple months now. he’s confused on why she keeps dismissing him until he finally got his answer
fc; nailea devora
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification
note; requested !
masterlist !
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others
yourusername: thank u mclaren n oscar for having me 🧡
tagged; oscarpiastri, mclaren
mclaren: always a joy to have you😎🧡
username: pretty girls stan y/n
oscarpiastri: ur annoying
yourusername: god forbid a girl ask for food
oscarpiastri: i kept getting weird stares bc you made me get you 4 plates of food.
yourusername: THE CHICKEN PASTA WAS GOOD🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️
username: her friendship w oscar is everything
username: PAPAYAAA
landonorris: you’re forgetting someone 🤔
yourusername: no i don’t think so
landonorris: a handsome brit? 😁
yourusername: oh! lewis😁
landonorris: i meant me…
yourusername: ok !
username: lando😭
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what now lando
what happened to u and why’d u distance yourself from f1😁
none of ur business
aren’t we bffs😁😁😁
no we are not
you just got my number from osc
lando 👍
well i’m not leaving you alone until you tell me
you really don’t remember?
i was starting to gain a following but nothing like what i have now
and i went to a race and i was so excited to be there and then i saw you
of course i was happy to see you but then when i smiled, you just rolled your eyes at me and looked really annoyed at me
and that hurt , lando
y/n i honestly don’t remember
but fuck i’m sorry
whatever im over it
just sucks when someone you’re a fan of acts annoyed by u xx
but then i met osc and now he’s my friend so now i’m back into this f1 shit
y/n seriously i’m so sorry
it was my mistake, i must’ve thought you were someone else
let me make it up to you
it’s fine lando
past is past but just wanted you to know
no i wanna make it up
i said it’s fine
not until i can make u laugh
at least let me take you out for lunch
but i’m gonna order a feast
fine by me😁
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and others
yourusername: how does 1 live knowing that u invited someone out for food only to steal their fries ….. #landonorrisisover
tagged; landonorris
landonorris: u got full after 3 bites of your burger
yourusername: wrong it was 4! and it was a very big n filling burger!!
landonorris: omg u finally posted me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
yourusername: don’t make me delete this post, lando norris 😒
username: i just know lando is giggling knowing he finally made it to a y/n post
username: did months of lando norizz flirting in her comments actually pay off??
oscarpiastri: wow.
yourusername: omw w fries for u don’t worry pooks
landonorris: worry if i eat them all
oscarpiastri: shut up lando norizz
lilyzneimer: miss u sm🥹🥹
yourusername: i miss u more💔 lmk when ur going to a race 😞
username: y/n gorgeous omg
username: wait who is that???
username: f1 driver and teammates w y/n friend oscar!
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and others
lando.jpg: the gf chronicles
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: fuck u and those stupid burgers and ur stupid jokes and ur stupid cute smile and the latte u bought me
lando.jpg: don’t worry guys she just hasn’t had her afternoon nap yet
yourusername: i’m so tired 😞😞
yourusername: bf🔥
lando.jpg: gf🔥
username: oh hello
username: she’s scute i love her sm
username: idk who i want more him or her
carlossainz55: about time ! i didn’t know how many more calls of you talking about y/n i could handle!😂😂
yourusername: awh he talks abt me??
lando.jpg: not you exposing me, carlos 😒
oscarpiastri: fuck you you left me with half of my fries that time
lando.jpg: they were good sorry not sorry
yourusername: bro he’s such a fries stealer, i can’t ever eat my fries in peace
lando.jpg: tomato tomato
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pants-lint · 2 years
God I just,, non important delete later about homestuck,, I'm So Sorry whoever has the misfortune of reading this, I'm just so goobered and Homestuck has me by the BALLS rn,,,
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
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jealous by nick jonas
summary: In which famous actress y/n y/l/n was seen at a Canucks game, which sparks rumors. (part 1/4)
pairings: quinn hughes x actress!reader.
platonic!jack hughes x reader. social media au
faceclaim: dove cameron
next part
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newestupdates: Actress y/n y/l/n spotted at the lastest Canuck’s vs Ducks game wearing an old Quinn Hughes jersey! Opinions?
tagged: yourusername
liked by canucks, njdevils, and more
user1: i say we i don’t know, leave her alone and let her live her life?? 😭
liked by yourusername.
yourusername: i was invited to the game, so i attended, i was also PROVIDED with the jersey. don’t stretch it.
↳ canucks: thank you for attending! we are sorry this got out of hand!
↳ yourusername: not your fault what’s so ever! things are always blown out of proportion. canucks
user2: wait her and quinn would be cute??
↳ user3: he plays hockey, and she acts 💀 they’d never have time to themselves.
user4: you guys post anything at this point. y/n can’t even go to a hockey game in PEACE ☹️
user5: puck bunny
↳ yourusername: i’ve watched hockey since i was a kid, i am not a puck bunny, and can 100% guarantee i know more about the sport than you do. thank you for your input though, johnathan!
↳ user6: she ate i fear. (i do not fear. we all knew she would) yourusername
user7: _quinnhughes
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yourusername: thank you @canucks for the amazing opportunity! i loved every minute of this game. and we won 8-3?? 🤔 #gocanucks
liked by canucks, lhughes_06, and more
njdevils: come to a devils game next? 🫣
↳ yourusername: lmk when and where & im there!
user8: i know you guys see luke lurking in her likes. i cannot be the only one 😭😭
↳ user9: thought i was going INSANE STOP
↳ _quinnhughes: i have no idea who this is luke
↳ yourusername: slightly offended, quinnifer _quinnhughes
jackhughes: yeah come on over to a devils game, we’ll actually acknowledge you
↳ yourusername: like i said, when & where and i’m there jack (:
user11: how does quinn NOT know y/n
↳ lhughes_06: my thoughts exactly
user12: lukey boy is LURKING 👀
canucks: we loved having you! hope to see you again very soon, y/n!!
↳ yourusername: i love whoever runs this account
user13: the way she didn’t tag anyone in these pictures 😭
↳ yourusername: they don’t need tags (:
liked by yourusername.
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njdevils: since q. hughes didn’t appreciate ms. y/l/n. these hughes’ will 😈 #GONJDEVILS
tagged: l_hughes, yourusername, jackhughes
liked by jackhughes, yourusername, and others
↳ user16: more like jack & luke vs quinn beef 😭
yourusername: was an honor! i absolutely adore the jacket, thank you guys so much. <3
↳ canucks: the betrayal.
↳ yourusername: quinn didn’t even know who i was, do you guys even love me 💔 canucks
user17: the picture of her and jack GUYS STOP
↳ user18: why do i ship them.. 🙃
↳ user19: no i completely get it. user18
↳ user20: no?? they make no sense.. user19
jackhughes: YUP WE LOVE AND APPRECIATE Y/N OVER HERE canucks _quinnhughes can you guys relate?? 🤔 didn’t think so
↳ canucks: you are EVIL jack hughes.
_quinnhughes: i didn’t know a girl once now my team is beefing with my brothers’ team. great.
↳ yourusername: i apologize, i tried to tell them to be nice ☹️
↳ _quinnhughes: not your fault my brothers are evil yourusername
user21: okay but the jacket is fire
↳ yourusername: exactly! never taking it off
↳ canucks: traitor! yourusername
user22: jack and luke look so GOOD
user24: jack and y/n, quinn and y/n that, WHAT ABOUT LUKE AND Y/N GUYS HEAR ME OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
↳ _quinnhughes: she’s too pretty for either of them
*this comment has been deleted.*
↳ user26: ARE WE TRIPPING????????
next part
turning this into a story, how we feel? 🫣 it’s definitely going to be a short one, i’ll possibly go longer ones in the near future, but not right now! feel free to request anything!
check out my navigation, here!
check out my nhl masterlist, here!
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