#i think the game was more interesting when you were forced to kill the tieflings to get her
totentnz · 3 months
so my durge!v playthrough is going better than expected: we did kill the druids (i was very shocked when both wyll and karlach gave approval tbh) and i even managed to save dammon (i split the party: v and astarion killed kagha and karlach and wyll stood bodyguard lmao) which also surprised me! now this is technically metagaming since i dont think the group would have that much foresight lmao
today we go kill some goblins anyway because of afformentioned lack of foresight
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eldritchamy · 3 months
What the shit. Fighting a god in hand to hand combat as a gold dragon using immovable rods goes so fucking hard and it’s the backstory for a character that’s just in the main backstory???????? AMY???
You know how a lot of people, when making DND characters, make the mistake of having their level 1 PC have an elaborate backstory where they're super badass and already recognized as a hero?
When I made Ash I did the opposite. Her backstory is elaborate, yes, but in very mundane ways that inform her personality and how she perceives the world around her, and build up the logic of how she makes decisions.
I made everyone AROUND my PC a super powerful character who had done incredible things, and I gave Ash anxiety about it.
She feels, constantly, that she is inadequate by comparison. Her entire frame of reference is shaped by a bunch of women in her life that are outstandingly powerful, and she's just a quiet girl who makes leather goods and sells them for a living. She thinks of herself as the NPC in other people's more impressive lives.
Her mother, Lailah, is a nearly seven foot tall divine warrior created in Elysium to destroy Pit Fiends. She's an angel of lightning built like an MMA fighter, and she wields a weapon like piece of a lightning bolt (not stylized, I mean a real, glowing crackling arc of electricity that she holds like a staff and can be used like anything from a polearm to a spear to a whip, and when thrown it acts like a Lightning Bolt spell). She is built, both narratively and in game stats, to be an unkillable holy destroyer, capable of fighting MULTIPLE PIT FIENDS simultaneously, and winning. She's a CR 10+ magical creature (she's a homebrewed mix of Deva and Erinyes stat blocks with some unique flavor) with eighteen class levels, 16 in Zealot Barbarian and 2 in Fighter. She has a strength of 27 and a constitution of 25. She's designed to deal HUGE amounts of damage, tank unfathomable amounts in turn, NOT DROP WHEN SHE HITS ZERO HITPOINTS, and keep swinging until every devil in her way is a pile of dust, then use bonus action Second Wind to bring herself back above 0 so she doesn't incur the auto-death caveat on Zealot Barbarian's Rage Beyond Death ability. One of her attuned items is also the very simple uncommon item "Periapt of Wound Closure" which automatically stabilizes you at the start of your turn, thereby resetting the death saving throws she would theoretically have to make each time she gets hit below 0. Also, as an angel, she's innately immune to auto-death effects like Power Word Kill, which closes almost all loopholes that get around her build. She is UNSPEAKABLY badass. I ran a simulated round of combat with her once, and she could potentially one-shot a CR 15 Skittering Horror (228 HP) in a single turn. Her theoretical maximum damage output is like, 456 damage in a turn (granted this assumes all crits and rolling max damage).
So that's Ash's mom.
Aria is interesting. She was always strongly attuned to the forces of nature, and her magic grew quickly. Where Ash grew up with someone she knew would always be there to protect her from anything, Aria did NOT have that safety net, and spent her formative years learning to be more self-sufficient in terms of relying on her own power. So eventually she got sucked into an adventuring party consisting of herself (a tiefling Witch subclass with very strong druid flavor), a tiefling zealot barbarian, and a couple of elf twins who were an Arcana cleric and a Celestial Warlock. Sometime after they had made a name for themselves, they were tasked with stopping a suspected fledgling vampire who had been kidnapping girls and killing a bunch of people. When they arrived, they met Cass, who was very much NOT a new vampire. She was almost 150 years old and had been protecting women from abusers and overzealous debt collectors, and things had gotten a little messy with one or two of them, leading to a lot more attention than she normally got. They start off fighting Cass (Aria polymorphs herself into a dire wolf and lunges directly for the throat, which Cass found amusing and impressive) but realize in the banter that Cass wasn't the real problem, and she ends up being a sort of a lesson for the group in terms of whose word they trust and who they take jobs from (YES THE BACKSTORY'S BACKSTORY HAS NARRATIVE ARCS AND MORAL LESSONS THAT LEAD TO LONG TERM CHARACTER GROWTH OKAY I CAN'T HELP MYSELF). Cass, having a particular rapport with Aria, ends up joining their party as a dhampir Soulknife Rogue/Shadow Monk.
Yes, that's all backstory that I made up for an imaginary campaign that exists entirely as a set piece for Aria as one of Ash's story NPCs. This doesn't even touch on the fact that I liked Cass so much as a character that I gave HER an entire backstory of her own. I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM.
Anyway the team only makes a bigger name for themselves for handling things that other groups can't. Eventually, they just happen to be in the Tenth District when the War of the Spark happens (major established event in the MTG canon), and I basically added some extra "scenes" to it that didn't violate existing canon so I could have that be the climax of their imaginary campaign. One of Aria's partners was a new planeswalker at the time and her spark got harvested by the Dreadhorde, specifically by the god eternal Bontu.
Gods in Magic The Gathering aren't honestly that special? They don't seem to have THAT much power, all things considered. Ravnica's gods are mostly powerful magical animals, and in the most recent Magic Story one of their gods (Anzrag the Quake Mole) was captured in an "evidence capsule" (basically Magic's version of a Pokeball). The most powerful god in MTG is probably the Ur Dragon honestly, unless you count the Eldrazi, but that's a whole other conversation since neither of those actually have the "God" creature type.
Anyway, Bontu was one of the gods of Amonket (basically a plane based on ancient Egypt), which had been conquered by an Elder Dragon planeswalker named Nichol Bolas. HE was the one who actually killed all but one of Amonket's gods, and then another planeswalker named Liliana Vess (extremely powerful necromancer) raised them as zombies for his army, because Bolas had a ton of complicated leverage over her (magical contract that he could invoke to kill her if she betrayed him). So Bontu was a god zombie.
Here's a reference:
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Well, Aria was a level 18 Witch at this point since this was the climax of their campaign, so she had access to the Shapechange spell, a 9th level transmutation that lets you become any creature with a challenge rating equal or lower than your character level. And the best candidate for that was an Adult Gold Dragon (CR 17). So Aria goes full berserk and stands up on her dragon hind legs and picks a fight with a dead god that she's determined to make deader, and has a Godzilla vs King Ghidorah standoff with her.
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So how do you fight a god that can suck your soul out and instantly kill you with a single touch? You don't let it touch you.
What Aria did was basically inspired by this gif of a Wildebeest trying to charge at a lion:
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Or this:
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And to be clear, yes, I'm saying Aria was the lion in that situation. She basically did a big dragon threat display to get Bontu's attention, and used the Gold Dragon's weakening breath to give Bontu disadvantage on Strength checks and saves. Bontu charged at her, and at the last second Aria dropped to the ground and then shot back up, clamped her teeth around the god's throat, and used her weight to throw Bontu around and knock her off balance, and her superior strength to grab her by the wrists and wrestled her to the ground so she couldn't get a grip on Aria. She had every part of the god that could have killed her pinned, and used the claws of her wings to pull Bontu's armor apart and tear at everything she could reach while thrashing her around. It was Fen, the Arcana cleric, who thought to use Immovable rods to pin Bontu down so that even if Aria lost her grip, Bontu wouldn't be able to immediately one-shot any of them. So Athena (barbarian) and Cass (rogue/monk) as the two martial classes were the ones who got close enough to handle that while Fen and her sister (Gwen) used whatever holy magic they could to help from a distance.
Now CASS had a problem, because she's a DEX based martial class, not a strength based one. She needed a boost to be able to get this job done. So she drank some of Bontu's blood from one of the wounds Aria had left on her arm to give herself a burst of strength. Except. She had to get real close to do that. And Bontu managed to get a loose grip on her, and tried to suck out her soul.
The magic that makes Cass what she is is very old and very powerful. It binds her soul to her body in a much stronger way than any living creature, fusing the two together to prevent her from dying (i.e. by having her soul separated from her body; Cass can recover from almost any conceivable physical injury as long as there's life energy, in the form of blood, for the magic that keeps her alive to feed on and maintain the seal between her body and her soul). BECAUSE SHE WAS FEEDING ON THE BLOOD OF A GOD AT THE TIME, the magic holding her together basically fought against the magic that was trying to rip her soul out, and it had enough fuel to hold on until Aria's thrashing forced Bontu to let go. So Cass survived the Elderspell thanks to a very weird and unrepeatable set of circumstances (which allows something narratively impressive and legendary to happen without being gamebreakingly overpowered and violating the established rules of the world).
Because of how her magic draws energy from other things, though, there was a side effect: she also accidentally took in one of the planeswalker sparks that Bontu had harvested. So when Cass had healed enough for her soul to no longer be dislocated, her spark activated and she became a Planeswalker. (I imagine a soul is connected to a body mostly through the nervous system, because that's how a brain holds consciousness in it, so a "dislocated" soul is like something glued to every nerve ending in your body being pulled on with an enormous amount of force, trying to sever that connection; imagine trying to pull yourself off the ground when every nerve ending in your body is superglued to the floor by something akin to the Strong Nuclear Force. It SUCKED.)
The team ended up being forced to retreat because of Cass' injuries, so Aria didn't actually manage to kill Bontu personally (or die trying, which in her grief-rage she was fully open to). Right about this time, my bottle scene ends and Magic canon comes back into play: Liliana betrays Bolas and turns the Dreadhorde against him, and Bontu ends up being the one who bites him and rips out HIS spark. Due to the enormous rush of energy of consuming all of Bolas' stolen Planeswalker sparks (tl;dr he was trying to become a god), and with the added bit of lore that it was Aria's team that heavily injured Bontu just prior to this, Bontu exploded in the process.
This resulted in Ravnica playing a game of telephone in the chaotic aftermath of the War. Aria fought a god. She's still alive and that god is dead. Rumors spread and now Aria is misremembered as the one who killed Bontu. Half the plane thinks of her as the "god killer." All she wanted was to avenge her lover or die trying.
Neither outcome happened, and now she's credited with the very thing she sees as her greatest failure. And that trauma has haunted her ever since.
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g33se · 10 months
Playing bg3 right now. Got to the point with the druids and the tiefling city. A couple of opinions about the party:
Lae'zel: I liked her a lot when I met her first (competent, straightforward, my type of girl) but she's being very rude about the tieflings. Given that I'm playing a tiefling... well. Not keen on the way she compared us to cockroaches or the way she made the tiefling bow- granted the tieflings did have reason to want to stab her. So liking her quite a bit less now. Still, looking at her respectfully. She is hot.
Shadowheart: Never really liked elves all that much. Not super keen on the way she did a racism at Lae'zel as soon as we met her, but the moments of emotional vulnerability have me liking her a lot more.
Astarion: Stupid loser bastard. That man is clearly a vampire- I mean, look at the eyes/teeth/the literal VAMPIRE BITE on his neck and the ten thousand clues he's been dropping. Sexy of him to greet me by holding a knife to my neck I thought he was going to rob me. He's such a fucking idiot I want to jump his bones.
Gale: This man has bard energy. At least, the way I play bards. Also kind of single dad energy? Just a random wizard running around. Just a Dude, if you will. Had to put him back in the campsite since I'm a sorcerer and party comp will get fucked though.
Wyll: Thought he was a paladin at first. Then he started doing warlocky things. I like how he acts it's a nonstandard edgy warlock thing, I hope his storyline pans out well. Really like his back-and-forth with Lae'zel about ever doing nice things with her life. Immediately taken with the fight scene I saw him in first, looked fucking epic.
Overall, I really love Mind Flayers. They're fucking cool, that little starter scene when I converted a woman into one was fucking nightmare fuel. I did see the button saying perfect and press it knowing what it would probably mean. What the hell were they doing in Avernus though. And isn't Zariel the angel who fell because she wanted to kill demons with GREAT PREJUDICE?
I've also been save scumming whenever I steal stuff a lot because, habit. I just want to collect all the boxes and put them into the campsite. Also reloaded the same save three times because I wanted Asterion to take that one potato off a crying guard. (Probably going to try to see if I can do a revivify on the dead guard later? I don't know if the game has the 1 min timer on revivify or not.) Also I do like how yoinking just makes people do 'hey wtf' or 'you're getting arrested' because instantly trying to kill the party is. Weird.
Also reloaded the save once because I couldn't revivify Shadowheart because she died on stairs that were on fire. I know how to play dnd I just have a hard time conceptualizing it with game graphics.
Lower level dnd's always interesting. The take action to restore someone else at 1hp is also... inspired. Would be interested to see normal downing rules- that would force me to think in more dnd terms to play the game. I also keep clicking wrong and wasting attacks on the space right next to a person.
Weird how everyone can use scrolls.
I hate the 1/short rest mage hand it's a fucking cantrip and it can do, like, nothing. Going to download a mod for it later.
Going to have to use the speak with dead amulet a lot I hope. I love that spell. Not quite sure how I feel about your camp being a separate room- I feel like it trivializes inventory management and sending things there is. Weird. Where is all the weight going. I do like stacking all the boxes I find though.
Thought the Absolute people were part of a mind flayer cult so had to kill a few of them.
Current leader druid is a bit cringe. Don't want to kill her but definitely ousting her asap. Stop being a dick to my people (tieflings). Also really liking the tiefling responses so far.
Also wonder at the deal about the tiefling village. They seem to have a lot of hell stuff going on there.
Anyway, this is cool! Looking forward to what happens next.
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rinwellisathing · 17 days
Paint The Lines, Cut The Flesh: Part 3
He did it, guys, Most people voted for him to do it so far and I was just really inspired:
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“So he's still out wandering, is he?” The tall, imposing woman asked hollowly as she leaned back against the crude stone bookcase, her tail swishing lazily behind her. “Jackal never was cut out for this kind of work. Sentry knew that....” She sighed, shaking her head. “But, he's gone now...and that was father's lesson, I suppose, when he asked me to kill my husband and child, that nothing will stay....that you have to let go...And that's what I find so comforting about you, my lady, you know that as well...” She turned her head to glance at the drow. “I won't disappoint the way they did, you know that, Lady Grimmaldi.” The paladin responded, inclining her head. “I know you won't, you haven't...And so long as you don't, I am able to keep Orin away.” The tiefling woman moved closer, taking the drow's hand in hers, calloused flesh caressing calloused flesh. “I care for you, Minthara, as much as someone like me can care for someone.” Her expression was stern, stoic. “Don't say that...If she knew...” Minthara shook her head, inadvertently squeezing tighter at the other woman's hand. She inhaled sharply and let go, pulling back. “Anyway, the reports your sister requested are in your pack. I will see you at Moonrise Towers once the grove has been cleared away.” Gabraela nodded her head. “I will await you there. And I will try and have more suitable troops sent to you if I can.” She wrinkled her nose at the sight of the goblins milling about before turning to leave. ----
The last thing Sentry remembered was volunteering to deal with the priestess. He remembered Astarion being annoyed with his lack of subtlety in cutting down the cavorting goblins outside the temple, so he'd tried a more diplomatic approach this time. And now here he was, bound in chains, in a filthy cage in what looked like a swamp hermit's idea of a boudoir. His stomach ached and he still felt sort of dizzy, vision blurred and head spinning as the priestess approached him. He wanted to respond to her taunts, to demand she set him free or face the consequences, but if he did, he was pretty sure he was going to throw up, so he kept his mouth shut. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something big hit the floor further back in the room and saw a dark haired woman in red robes creeping up towards the cage, he tilted his head with curious interest as he watched the woman raise a hand and simply as if she were lighting a reading lamp, set the priestess aflame and sent her sprawling aside. “You never were a careful one, Mr. Ojeda. Please do try and be more cautious in the future, however? My employer has a vested interest in your continued survival and I can't always be here to bail you out.” The woman smirked as she undid Sentry's chains and helped him to his feet. “Um...thanks?” Sentry blinked, looking around. “Hey...uh...I appreciate you freeing me and all, but were you gonna loot this place or is it fair game?” The woman rolled her eyes. “Well, I doubt you'll find the sort of things someone like you is interested in here, but sure. Have at it. You're the only thing of interest to my boss in this place.”
Sentry bristled a bit at that, but forced himself to stay calm. “I see...Well, I'm flattered, but just now I'm pretty busy...” He brushed past the woman and began to search the room for anything useful. --- The party regrouped at their camp after their tasks were complete. Wyll sat beside Jaina, an abacus and a ledger open between them as they sorted a substantial amount of treasure into piles. Kroger carefully re-applied his home made paralytic venom to his weapons while Octavia pored over an ornate leatherbound journal with fascination. Dinner seemed to be less of a hodge podge than usual as Karlach brought Gale some fresh supplies with a big grin on her face. “So...uh....a Warlock busted me out of that priestess' little prison cell...Think it's something to be concerned about?” Sentry asked as he pulled one of his books from his pouch. “She said her employer had a 'vested interest' in me or something.” “Well, I think we can safely assume it's our 'friend' from earlier.” Wyll frowned, looking up from his work. “Persistent fellow...” “By showing that kind of interest, he's revealing his hand. Think about it: You're so important he has a subordinate watching your every move, ensuring your safety. Believe it or not, this works in our favor. He's made it clear he needs you, Sentry.” Gale remarked, not missing a beat as he stirred tonight's dinner. “None of that matters right now. Right now we need to rest and revitalize and then report back to Halsin now that the leaders are dead. The sooner he gets back, the sooner that nightmare of a woman stops terrorizing those poor people.” Jaina frowned. “So, speaking of Halsin, let's talk about the bear in the room, yeah?” Sentry gave a somewhat sly grin, looking up from his book, the cover of which showed a massive heavily furred monster with a slender figure swooning in its arms. “Anyone else interested?” “Oh yes! His culture must be fascinating! And to have lived for so many Istik life times, who knows the things he could teach us! I look forward to having a moment to ask him some questions for my guidebook....Hmm...perhaps I should write them down ahead of time, there are just so, so many!” Octavia smiled excitedly. Sentry blinked, rolling his eyes. “Not at all what I mean...but...glad you're happy?” “Well, he's certainly got that rugged, muscular mountain man look about him, doesn't he? I can think of more than a few ways we could pass the time.” Astarion smirked. “He's far too certain of himself. His actions, twice now, have put children in danger and he doesn't even take responsibility! I could never be interested in someone like that.” Jaina frowned, focusing more heavily on her work. “I would climb that man like a tree.” Shadowheart laughed, taking a sip of wine and accepting the werewolf novel Sentry was just now passing to her. “Ah, a woman of taste. I'll drink to that.” Sentry grinned, accepting the wine glass the priestess traded him for the book gladly and raising it. ---
“My poor boy, so it turns out Halsin cannot help you? At least he is wise enough to know that, attempting to extract the parasite might have killed you, otherwise.” Commander Mum gently caressed Sentry's forehead as she sat beside him, waiting for him to sit up and join her. “It hurt when he touched my head...Like I was remembering something, something bad.” Sentry frowned as he pulled himself into a sitting position and hugged his knees to his chest. “I think I was being tortured...Like tortured for real, not...like...Well...not like in a way that's weird to talk about with my mum...” Evagria brushed Sentry's hair from his face gently. “You're such a strong child, my brave boy. You will make it through this. But again, don't discount the help that these new powers can give you. I've told you in the past that giving a little leeway to work outside the faith can be good, it's how I met my husband, it's how I met my best friend. You often find allies where you least expect them and they can take very strange forms.” She smiled warmly at him for just a moment before a sound in the distance caused her expression to falter...ay...and there it is, I must return to the front. But think on what I said, mijo, I am looking out for you.” Sentry didn't have time to speak, only to reach for her, eyes wide before his world went white and he jolted awake. “Sentry, good morning!” Jaina beamed at him from her nearby bedroll where she sat brushing her long pale hair as usual. “Listen, I was thinking it might be best if you go tell Halsin we completed his task since you got along best with him, that way the rest of us can clear out any more threats to the grove and meet up with you at the entrance.” “Alright, fair enough...you kind of jumped down his throat and all, so that makes sense.” Sentry replied as he stood up, yawning and stretching as he went to retrieve his armor. --- He found Halsin seated on one of the stone benches in the worg pens, head bowed in meditation. He approached slowly so as not to startle him, sitting down beside him and looking in his direction. “So, we got rid of the leaders, most of the goblins have fled...The grove should be pretty safe at this point. Wanna head back?” The tiefling suggested, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry it took so long, the fighting took a lot out of us.” Halsin opened his eyes and looked Sentry over, smiling softly. “You have my thanks. You've done more for me than I could have expected, especially given your first encounter with those in the grove.” “Oh...yeah...well, honestly I thought about teaching them a lesson for how they treated those other tieflings, but then Rath and Nettie seemed like good people and I also didn't want to hurt the animals, particularly the bears...I'm kind of fond of bears, actually...The big claws and the teeth? Makes them really misunderstood...Also when I really think about it, it's a better punishment for that snake bitch if I show up with you and it turns out I saved the day while she almost started a pogrom...like if a cursed paladin with a brain injury can solve a problem better than you can, I figure it's really time to pack it in, yeah?” Halsin raised an eyebrow in amusement at Sentry and held back a small chuckle. “That is...an interesting way of looking at it, certainly...But I'm glad you did...I will see you back at the grove, we have much to discuss.” Sentry watched as Halsin disappeared in a burst of leaves, his eyes lowering to see a small brown rat scampering across the floor and he smiled. His mind pulsed and flashed a moment and he remembered something again, a small child dressed in rags, long white hair hiding their face, golden horns poking through at their forehead, kneeling in a small, dingy room, spreading crumbs for the gathering rats, long nailed little fingers gently stroking their soft heads, enjoying the warmth their fur provided as they were near. ---
As the party regrouped and returned to the grove, Sentry puffed up proudly as they strode inside, making his way towards where Zevlor stood, fully armored and shouting orders to the rest of the group. He beamed with pride as he approached the older paladin and opened his mouth to speak, when Zevlor spoke first, looking past Sentry. “Wyll? What's happened to you?” He asked gently, a look of concern crossing his face as he studied the horns and barbs that now marked the younger man. “A price paid for bargain I couldn't keep.” Wyll replied. “But don't worry, I'll be alright. And besides, we've dispatched the goblins so now your people can continue your journey safely.” He placed a hand on Zevlor's shoulder with a warm smile. Sentry's expression faltered and became a somewhat envious pout before forcing his smile back. “Yeah! We took care of their leaders, so it's completely safe to press on now! But hey, no hurry, right? Maybe we could celebrate?” He did not seem quite aware that his tail was raised with interest and wagging slightly as he addressed the older paladin. “A generous offer, my friend...Thank you, I believe we'll take you up on that. We'll meet you at your camp when we're ready.” Zevlor nodded to Sentry, patting his shoulder. “We?” Sentry frowned as Zevlor disappeared back into the crowd of his people. “What, hoping to get the brave commander alone for an evening?” Wyll teased softly, a friendly slap to Sentry's back. “Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time once the wine's flowing, although I think you might make someone a little jealous.” He nodded in the direction of Astarion, who was whispering something to Shadowheart over near where Jaina stood speaking to a certain fellow magic user. “Oh, right...but will YOU be jealous if she spends the evening talking to him?” Sentry smirked, nodding towards Jaina and Rolan. Wyll looked over a bit more closely at the conversation. “You know, I was just about to go dispatch those goblins myself. It's pure luck on your part you managed to get there first. Though, I suppose it's for the best. After all, why use a masterwork weapon when a butcher's blade will suffice?” Rolan's voice was, to any ordinary observer, full of pride and confidence, but Jaina picked up the hint of uncertainty, the relief to it. “Of course, you're right. After all, why break a sweat when there's someone else around to handle it? But! The point is, you stayed in solidarity with the people who needed you, your presence was a comfort to them, having someone so capable around.” Jaina grinned with a knowing little nod. “You just save that energy for when you really need it, your time will come.” “Why do you indulge him? Are you attracted to men like that?” Shadowheart cringed as the three walked away to rejoin the others. “No, far from it. He reminds me of my little students...You can't beat them down and humble them, they act like that because the world's already done that. They need to be nurtured, encouraged.” Jaina replied. “I'm nearly certain he's older than you are, darling...compare your complexions a moment.” Astarion snorted. “Age has nothing to do with maturity...Just look at you.” Jaina grinned before flitting back over to Wyll and Sentry. “Zev said Halsin wants to see us before we make camp, so we should probably get to it.” Sentry suggested, nodding towards the druid grove before beginning to lead the group in that direction.
“Oi....Oi....wake up, princess.” Jackal gave Minthara another sharp poke as the drow groaned and slowly sat up. “Do that again and I will remove your hand and put your own fingers through your eye sockets, male.” Minthara growled through clenched teeth. Her head was pounding and the ruined temple was deadly silent. She got the distinct notion that she and Jackal were the only two people here. “So where'd your troops go, your majesty?” The ranger taunted with a snorting chuckle. “Thought they sent you a ton of gobs to help raid that grove and grab the artifact.” He looked around with amusement at the nearly empty room. “Little sister's not gonna like it” He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Gonna make her mad.” “And what were you doing while a full party of seasoned adventurers raided our stronghold? Orin sent you to assist me and you could not handle that one simple task.” Minthara spat, rising to her feet and drawing herself to her full height, taller than the other drow by quite a bit. “What, me? Why, I was out scouting for that artifact, I was.” Jackal smirked. “Just like you and the Hob told me to. Or am I in trouble for following orders now?” He feigned innocence. Minthara glowered at him, red eyes smoldering, but she breathed deeply and jabbed a finger at him. “You will accompany me to Moonrise. You will explain to General Thorm the incompetence I had to deal with!” “Yeah, yeah, of course...Then little sister will send you an army of wormy eunuchs in spider armor, I'm sure...Because telling The Chosen about a big failure always goes so well.” Jackal rolled his eyes, cleaning out his finger nails with a knife. “But no, no, of course, I'm with you, princess...All the way...” --- The camp was crowded tonight, the sounds of celebration heavy in the air. Drinks were flowing like the chionthar itself, and music filled the air. Sentry and Jaina clapped appreciatively at the display of bursting colors Rolan set off in the air between glasses of wine. Octavia, Kroger, and Lae'zel toasted their victory and snacked on roasted, skewered meat eagerly. “Have you seen Wyll?” Jaina asked, a look of concern on her face. “No, he's probably gone for a piss. You'd have to practically travel to Waukeen's Rest for some privacy for that.” Sentry joked. “I'm going to go look for him just in case.” Jaina frowned. “You enjoy the party.” “Done and done!” Sentry saluted and made his way off into the crowd, bright eyes searching for just one person. “Ah, Sentry, thank you for allowing us to join you tonight, you did a fine job defeating those goblins, my boy.” Zevlor smiled as Sentry approached him. “Thanks, but...um...” Sentry shifted back and forth playfully, tail flicking from side to side as he gave a coy little smile. “I was wondering if maybe we could talk somewhere more private?” He leaned in a bit, one finger tracing Zevlor's breastplate. The older tiefling froze, taken aback by the younger man's advances. “I...think I'm a bit old for you, boy.” He coughed nervously, looking away to try and hide the deepening of his already red cheeks. “Mmm...and yet I still want you...I mean, if you're interested...” Sentry practically whispered, his tail moving to brush against Zevlor's. “I admire you, you know...as a paladin....as a man...” Zevlor cleared his throat and breathed deeply before leaning in, his voice barely a whisper in Sentry's ear. “A...Alright, but no one can know about this.” Sentry grinned eagerly and nodded his agreement, slowly disentangling his tail as he sauntered away, hips swaying as he disappeared into the shadows to await tonight's tryst.
“There you are, I was worried...” Jaina sighed with relief, a gentle hand resting on Wyll's shoulder as she smiled gently at him. “Oh...sorry....did you need me for something?” Wyll asked, his expression a million miles away, his voice soft. “Well, that's kind of a loaded question, but more importantly, I wanted to be around you. I like to be around you.” Jaina replied, standing beside him and looking out over the water. “With respect, I think you're the only one who does...” He gave a sad smile, red eye flicking upward in the direction of his horns. “Wyll, I have horns...In fact, a good ninety percent of the people at this party have horns. It's hardly a mood killer. Where I grew up? It was odd NOT to have horns.” Jaina gave a small laugh and shook her head. “But I didn't before...These aren't tiefling horns, Jaina, they're a clear and visible sign of a pact with a devil, the kind of devil that just spent ages tormenting all those people back there when Elturel was pulled into Avernus...I don't want to remind them of that when they should be celebrating.” He looked at the ground sadly. “You go on, enjoy the party. You'll be missed if you're gone too long.” “Well, maybe I can't enjoy the party without you.” Jaina replied, giving him a small smile as she folded her arms across her chest. “Maybe you're my Jolly Sailor Bold.” She teased. “I see,” He managed to smile back a bit at that. “It's because of my name, isn't it? The sailor in the song is William, I'm Wyll, so...” He actually laughed a bit. “You got me.” Jaina shook her head with a giggle. “You're too clever by half, oh Blade of Frontiers.” She bowed. “Thank you for checking in on me, Jaina...all joking aside, it means a lot.” Wyll gently took her smooth, cool hand and gave it a soft squeeze. “Always.” The tiefling nodded, stepping a bit closer. “Hey, um...so we've talked a lot about fairytales and folk stories, right? So...what does a hero like you get for a reward after he vanquishes his foes? A kiss, right?” Wyll blushed and took a moment to find his words but he nodded. “Very often, yes...” “Well, if you'd like one, you've got a fair sorceress right here.” Jaina offered, leaning in. Their lips met, hesitantly at first, a shy, chaste kiss, and then just a bit deeper before Wyll pulled back, gently holding Jaina's shoulders. “Thank you...Perhaps we can continue this another time?” “Oh...yeah...sorry, I got a bit carried away, I guess.” Jaina blushed, looking at the ground and awkwardly kicking at the dirt with the tip of her toe, her tail lowered with embarassment. “No, I liked it...I just need some time to think...I'm glad you came looking for me, though.” He rested a hand against her cheek, a warm smile on his face as he gazed deeply into her pale eyes.
--- Sentry panted heavily, the scent and taste of liquor heavy in the air from both himself and Zevlor as he nipped and licked at the older man's lips, fingers fumbling with the straps of his armor as he did the same with Sentry's armor. There was a joke somewhere in the back of Sentry's mind about the level of foreplay involved in undressing when two heavy armor wearers fucked, but it was gone as their tails entwined, sensitive flesh writhing together. As the armor fell away, Zevlor's gaze held no surprise or judgment at seeing Sentry's naked body, he simply gripped the young man's hips and pulled him close. Sentry eagerly reached down between them, gripping the older man's cock and beginning to move his hand up and down the shaft eagerly, bringing the half hardened member to life. “Fuck, it's huge!” Sentry breathed, staring in awe at Zevlor's cock for a moment before looking up into his eyes and kissing him hungrily, their tongues entwining. Zevlor realized that unlike most tieflings he knew, Sentry's tongue was not forked, but he didn't think too much about it, caught up in the younger man's passion and eagerness as he pulled back from the kiss, saliva dangling between their tongues for just a moment before Sentry slowly licked at Zevlor's neck, running his tongue over his collar bone and chest, down the ridges and muscles of his abdomen and finally stopping between his legs, slowly taking him into his mouth. The older man cried out, arching his back and entwining his fingers in Sentry's pale, silvery hair as the younger paladin's head began to bob up and down, tongue teasing along the underside of his shaft as he sucked at it eagerly. No one had done this for him in a very long time and he was sure he wouldn't last long, dreading the idea of cumming prematurely and embarrassing himself in front of the pretty young man.
Sentry simply smirked when he felt that first load shoot down his throat, warming his insides as he swallowed it dutifully, slowly pulling back, his smooth, silky tongue cleaning the shaft as he did, pausing only a second to wipe his mouth off. “No harm done....We're paladins, Zevvy, a quick cantrip and we're good to go again.” Sentry teased playfully, resting his hands on Zevlor's cock, warm golden light shimmering just a moment. Sure enough, the shaft twitched to life again, beginning to return to full stiffness in Sentry's hands. “Now lie back and let me handle this, yeah?” Zevlor shakily gripped Sentry's hips as the younger man slowly mounted up, his tail twitching eagerly back and forth as he began to slowly lower his body, impaling himself on the saliva-slick shaft and tossing back his head in pleasure, that silvery hair tossed back out of his face, not a single care about the burn scar that was now on full display. Zevlor had to admit, he'd been worried Sentry would be inexperienced, naive. That would have filled him with guilt. But the young man was a natural, he rode like an expert and filled the old Hellrider with pleasure he hadn't felt since his youth. The tight, slick walls of the boy's cunt squeezed against Zevlor's shaft, practically milking it to another orgasm, but he held back, his resistance a bit stronger now that he'd cum once. Sentry's tail entwined once again with Zevlor's as he rode him, hips bucking in a steady rhythm, thighs holding tight to the other man's body. He felt a strange sensation in his arms, the urge to wrap his fingers around Zevlor's throat and squeeze. His vision blurred and he could feel pressure, hands gripping his wrists, his hands were locked around the paladin's neck. “Y...Yes...tighter.” He gasped.
Sentry's eyes widened, but he obliged, thumbs pressing against the other man's wind pipe, pleasure coursing through him, whiting out his vision as he felt that hot, thick burst of seed explode into him as his own body trembled with orgasm, juices painting the lower body of the man beneath him. Immediately, he released Zevlor's throat and looked down at him with concern. “Shit, I'm sorry...” “No, it's alright..it felt...it felt good, actually...Almost like penance...” Zevlor replied as he gently took Sentry in his arms and laid him down beside him. “Thank you....Thank you for tonight.” Sentry nodded. “Of course...it felt really good...I liked being with you...” --- “Looking to get into a bit more trouble for the evening?” Sentry looked up as he was returning from washing off in the river. The party had died down and nearly everyone was asleep at this point, much to his surprise, Lae'zel and Shadowheart had returned to a tent together and Rolan had gone off with Kroger of all people. “I was a bit hurt you went for the old man instead of me, darling. After all we've shared.” Astarion gave a teasing little pout before taking a sip from his wine glass. “Ugh...and this wine is just awful, nothing compared to drinking from you...” “Heh...well, with how much I've had to drink tonight, you'd get just as drunk. Sure, why not...I could go for round two...if you don't mind sloppy seconds.” Sentry grinned. If he'd been a bit more sober, he might have noticed the subtle look of disgust and the roll of Astarion's eyes that clearly said he did mind. What he caught, though, was exactly what Astarion wanted him to, the playful wink and seductive smile. “If it means I get to enjoy your body? Of course not.” The vampire took Sentry by the hand and led him into the forest in an eager hurry.
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thornfield13713 · 7 months
6, 13, 15 (I was thinking for Rosie bc she's the bg oc I've seen most about, but feel free to go with someone else if you have more interesting answers for them!)
What companion are you platonically close with?
I have...a lot of trouble not befriending everyone all the time, in this game, but there are a few people Rosie is closer to than others.
The most notable example is Astarion, because they got close enough in this runthrough that I actually got his proposition at the tiefling party, and was planning to accept (with the intention of doing the 'you need a friend more than a lover' break-up later) if Karlach hadn't already made her move in the Underdark. Even without having briefly been lovers first, though, Astarion is probably Rosie's best friend in the party, in the same way that Wyll and Karlach are undeniably each other's. She was good friends with the rest of the party in various ways, but Astarion cemented his place as the closest to her by being the one who understood her situation with Bhaal most. They also shared a very dark sense of gallows humour that was often a bit unsettling for other members of the party.
She's probably second-closest to Wyll, though this doesn't emerge until after he's one of the only members of the group not to be (understandably) furious at her after her role in starting the Absolute plot comes out, despite the fact that, of the group, he's probably the member with the highest moral standards. The fact that they're both fundamentally dreamers who wanted to be like the heroes of the storybooks they grew up with helped a lot - Rosie, like Wyll, constructs a lot of who she is from half-remembered stories. She's doing it differently to him, but there's a certain amount of looking at each other and recognising the same coping mechanisms and the same careful construction of outward identity.
Minsc and Jaheira also very quickly became very close to Rosie indeed, once they joined the group as full-time companions. Those relationships are more familial than anything, given both of them make statements to the effect of 'you're family' over the course of the game, whether it's the 'cub' nickname or Minsc announcing that being Bhaalspawn makes him your uncle. And Rosie, who hasn't had a family since she was forced to murder her foster-family as a young child, likes having that to fall back on.
What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it?
I mean. Rosie is a Dark Urge, which means that she automatically enjoys killing far more than she is comfortable with. Even early in the game, when she was just under the impression that she had a really bad case of the intrusive thoughts, she was very unsettled by how satisfying she found it to kill things, how much she enjoyed it. Which is a big part of why she did her best to avoid killing wherever she possibly could, lest it feed that part of her. This was...not an ideal strategy, as the Urge only got worse for not being placated, but thankfully for a while there were at least enough legitimate instances of no-other-option-but-violence to keep her mostly on top of her urges without random murder sprees.
That said, even killing in battle had a bit of a tendency to leave her guiltily torn between the part of her that loved every second of it, and the part of her that felt that killing ought to be a necessary evil and enjoying it was a slippery slope to whatever it was that led her to vivisect people in her former life (falling down to the Underdark early and getting her hands on noblestalk was enough to give her a relatively early insight into just how bad her past actually was, even if not the fact that she had greater ambitions than just back-alley serial killing) or kill people she wanted to be friends with in their sleep.
After losing her connection to Bhaal, this changed a bit, and Rosie had to come to terms with the fact that she still enjoyed fighting, she found satisfaction in it, and even the moment of the kill had something exhilarating in it still. She'd sort of been hoping her love of violence was purely Bhaal's influence, and it took a few conversations with Minsc and Karlach and other members of the party who enjoy violence, and whom Rosie feels, justifiably, have better grasps on the whole 'morality' thing than she does, to start getting past that sense of shame she feels about her enjoyment of fighting and killing.
What NPC's do they like? Which ones do they dislike?
I'm not sure her complicated feelings re: Gortash, Orin and Ketheric come under this one, but here's a quickfire of some of the major ones:
Depressingly, Rosie liked Alfira from the moment she first met her, and it was probably this immediate liking that led to Bhaal wanting Alfira dead right off the bat. That and Rosie having offered to help with her songwriting, which the Urge does not like at all. Unfortunately, Rosie being in some denial about how serious her urges are at this point, just assumes it's the same as thinking about Astarion's corpse the moment she meets him and lets Alfira come along with her, and- Well. You know the rest. She liked Alfira's hopefulness in the face of everything, she thought her song was beautiful, and was charmed and delighted by her eagerness to see the world - there was the beginning of a real friendship there, which just made what followed even worse.
She's also got a whole mess of feelings about Zevlor. At first, she admires and appreciates his protectiveness of his people, but then...well, then she finds him at Moonrise Towers after hearing everyone talking about how he broke, and there's a moment of absolute, agonising connection when he talks about how much he wanted to be a paladin again, and his guilt for what he was enthralled into doing. Sadly, that was the last she saw of him until the final battle, but there's something going on with those two and their relationships with their oaths and with the idea of being a paladin in general, and I sort of regret that, if Zevlor is anywhere in act 3 before the endgame, I haven't found him yet.
After they start talking, she and Dame Aylin also end up getting on surprisingly well, and I do slightly regret that there's no chance in-game to talk to her about the 'both children of the gods' thing, because it would be an interesting dynamic. Aylin is a bit more bombastic than Rosie, but she's also- in many ways, the sort of paladin Rosie wanted to be, but never quite lived up to. Which means that Rosie likes her a lot, admires her, but is...also somewhat envious of her.
Despite the above, Isobel is...uncomfortable...for Rosie, in that there's a certain...immediate, instinctive dislike there, exacerbated by the Urge screaming at Rosie to kill her even before Sceleritas turns up to make it an ultimatum. The Urge thing does just make Rosie dig her heels in, but that does just mean that she's quiet and awkward around Isobel, has a lot of trouble not rolling her eyes, and just does her best to avoid her at camp, despite getting on quite well with Aylin. Rosie herself can't even justify her dislike, it just...sort of happened?
Someone she is much firmer in her dislike for, however, is Wulbren Bongle. Yes, I know, if not the least controversial opinion in the game, it's up there. It's just- he has someone who cares about him enough to walk into danger and death for the chance of saving Wulbren. And Wulbren spits on it at every turn, treats the person who has gone to such lengths to rescue him like shit, and Rosie, who has...strong and complicated feelings about how people relate to one another, and about the idea of having people who cared enough to look- She wanted to throw Wulbren out into the shadow curse long before things came to a head, but that is the way it goes.
And then there's Sceleritas Fel, who scares her. Not because she fears him personally - even without her memories, she is quite confident in her ability to deal with him - but for what he means. She's as terrified to learn that she used to murder him on the regular (from the noblestalk thing) as she is by his delivering demands to kill her lover, because every word out of his mouth seems to confirm that she was an even worse person than she thought until he started talking, and she's genuinely terrified of just how deep and dark that pit truly is. All the same, seeing him killed to summon Bhaal hurt, in a way she has trouble explaining even to herself.
There are probably others I'll remember later, and kick myself for not including, but those are the ones that came to mind while I was writing this one.
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girlwholovesturtles · 3 years
I genuinely do hate to be a curmudgeon about the final because I desperately wanted it to be as great as I thought the first campaign’s final was but I just can’t help but find it lacking in a lot of ways. Honestly, I actually had to go on an hour long walk just to try to clear up how I was feeling on all of this and I’m still pretty conflicted.
Obviously I’m not gonna go messaging the cast about everything I thought was “wrong” with the final, I just want to vent my thoughts. If you think I’m wrong and that the final was fine then by all means ignore this post, this is just me giving my thoughts.
First and foremost, I get what Taliesin was trying to do with Molly. I’m sure the way he saw it, Molly was gone and wasn’t meant to come back. I can imagine this might have been his original idea for Molly, if ever he died in the campaign he would come back as totally new person, which would keep the rest of the M9 inclined to keep him from dying. And if it was, I find that very interesting and would have loved to see more of that but this was the final the M9 did so much to get Molly back and Kingley simply isn’t him. I’m sad that Molly didn’t come back and it’s hard to like Kingley when I know he’s replaced him.
Beau and Yasha’s endings were good. I’m glad Beau was done right by the Cobalt Soul and I’m glad Yasha got to bring Zuala the flowers she’d been collecting the entire campaign. If there’s one complaint I have to make, it’s that I wish we could have explored this part of Yasha more. This was her whole backstory and we may never get to know more about it, only that she killed the former leader of the tribe and is feared/hated by the tribe. As for Beau, she gets a little closure with her dad but I wish there would have been something about going to see her mom and little brother while her dad was in jail, if only to see them while he wasn’t looming in the background.
Fjord gets to go back to the sea and find his mentor and I’m happy for him, meanwhile Jester... just sorta comes with him. Like, yeah, she has her last talks with her parents and Artagan but she didn’t get to do much of her own thing. She road off into the sunset with Fjord and that’s really it. Not even a “well obviously we get married” kind of joke that I can recall. Laura’s even said before that she doesn’t like when fandom acts like her character’s only purpose is to be in a relationship with one character or another, so it just feels wrong that Jester’s whole ending seems to be following Fjord where ever he feels like going.
I’m a bit sad that Cad went out into the world and saw everything it had to offer and then decided that he was just gonna go back to the Grove and spend the next several decades there and never even think of leaving. It’s as though he went out into the world and truly saw nothing worth seeing more of. I could understand missing home and spending a few years there but decades, never feeling any form of wanderlust after seeing all sort of things that he never could have experienced in the Grove. Like, I know his character grew as a person but you could be forgive for mistaking him going home and deciding to never leave again to seem kinda like he’s reverted right back to the man who used to think he’d be in the Grove his entire life. I don’t know, it just feels kinda wrong.
Veth’s ending makes the most sense out of all of them. Again, I’m sad because we didn’t really get a lot of info about what she’d be doing next. Her and Yeza settle down on the coast, open an alchemy shop, and raise Luc. It seems almost too obvious that this would be how her story would end but that’s because we’ve known it’s been coming for months now. Veth has struggled with her want to be with her family and be with the Nein, this is literally the only end that makes sense for her character and I’m glad she got her happy ending.
And then there’s Caleb.
I’ve known for a while that Caleb wouldn’t be allowed to have a happy ending for two reason: 1. All his his love interests were either in love with someone else or war criminals, and more importantly 2. Even after all the good he’s done, he still doesn’t love himself enough to realize he deserves a happy ending.
There was a possibility for Caleb and Essek to share a happy ending. I think Caleb could have convinced him to come back to the Empire to uproot the corruption that still exists in the government. I know Essek was afraid of being caught but Caleb could have used his Transmogrification spell on him and helped him escape to a new life. Yes, I’m certain he had some form of pride in being a drow but it’s already canon that he ultimately had to go into hiding and was forced to wear illusions constantly for his own protection. Transformation or illusion, Essek can never truly be himself anymore and now he can’t even be with Caleb.
As for the “Caleb will be an old man and Essek will be Essek,” that part genuinely annoys me. Orcs rarely live to see the age of 80 while Tieflings can live to be roughly 150 years old, you don’t see Jester and Fjord deciding that they can’t be together because Jester could potentially live twice as long as Fjord. It just feels like sort of a garbage excuse to make Caleb’s end a little bit sadder.
Last bit about Caleb, being that he never does what he set out to do and ends up as a teacher in the very establishment that tortured him and ruined his life. He doesn’t stop the corruption in the Empire, by all accounts they took out Trent Ikithon and then just sorta fucked off to do their own things. Like, I know Veth and Cad were set to go home but I feel like the other should have stuck together long enough to see the corruption uprooted. It’s been their mantra for at least a year out of game, take down the corruption in the Empire, but as long as the Cerberus Assembly exists there will be corruption in the Empire.
Yes, in uncovering and stopping Lucien’s plans, they uncovered something quite a bit bigger then just the corruption in the Empire but that doesn’t mean those troubles disappear now that Aeor is no longer a threat to them.
There are a lot of little things that still frustrate me; story lines that were never properly wrapped up, characters that were never revisited. Maybe I’m just sad to see it all go but it just felt like a lot of the story simply wasn’t over even though the campaign is.
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spoiler1001 · 4 years
They set up the tower next to Aoer. It was warm, comforting, but the mood was heavy in the room. The cold was eating away at Caleb, his lips turning blue.
"I loved him," Caleb whispered into his hot chocolate. He was in the dining room with the rest of the Nein eating warm meals and hot chocolate. "Mollymauk. He was bright and smart, and I loved him."
Jester looked up. The cold wasn't bothering her, she looked good. Caleb's eyes were wet, so she was a bit blurry, but she looked good.
"I'm sorry. I brought up the card. It must have been hard." Jester hugged him. She was warm and he was shaking.
"I should be honest. When He died, I considered leaving. Beau, you talked me out of it, but I would have left. Gone back to the academy. Things made more sense there." He whispered. "I lead Molly to his death. And now…"
"He said he was after Vess because she put him in the ground." Beau placed a hand over his.
"I put him in the ground. I buried him. I lead the fight that killed him." Caleb put his cup down. "I-"
"You avenged him," Beau whispered.
"Forgive me but I find that hard to reconcile that with everything else." Caleb stood up and left the room, Frumpkin on his heels, watching something just to the side of Caleb's head.
He moved by the door to his room, right by Veth's, by the shared study, and right in front of the fourth door. He took a deep breath and walked in. The sheets were still torn, but the bath was working. The water was hot and Caleb needed to relax. Frumpkin meowed at Caleb as he took minutes to drop the clothes, too stiff from the cold and there was a pain radiating from his shoulders and his side. Caleb let out a small grunt of exertion. Frumpkin was still looking straight up at something that Caleb couldn't see.
"It looks like we're not the only curious players in the game." Caleb followed the cat's eye line. "You're welcome in. Bring the group if you need." Frumpkin reacted as his fascinating new sight blinked out of existence. He complained to Caleb and walked towards the tub, sitting at the edge. "You are a blessing, my friend; with my companionship, I wouldn't wish that forced on anyone." Caleb reached down to pet him but stopped, red lightly staining the water. He heard metal creaking behind him as a warning.
"Cold isn't very kind to preciousness. Anything or anyone worth value can be damaged quite easily." A thickly accented voice rang throughout the room. Caleb exhaled, the cold making his breath form in front of his face.
Caleb pointedly looked straight ahead, not turning to face his guest. "Is it just you?"
"Things are never just me, but I'm alone with you." The tiefling kneeled behind Caleb, brushing the red hair out of the way. "You look tired."
"Things have been tiring, Lucien." Caleb hummed. "But you look vibrant, healthy-"
"Bright?" Lucien chuckled. "I've heard such a lovely conversation. But there's something I noticed." Lucien pulled something out of a pocket from inside his shirt. It was a written note, the ink faded but the penmanship was familiar. "This was left with me. You did bury me, but not out of hatred. This was compassion. You did this out of respect. I can't fault you for this. Now, about the shoulder, the exposure and magic will wreck the skin and muscles. I can warm my blood so this is not an issue. Might I be allowed to return the favor, I brought balms. I noticed when you were casting in the room, you favored one arm."
"You are being kind." Caleb leaned into the touch. Lucien was quiet but rolled up his sleeves.
"I woke up, I had flashes of some other life, Cree helped me, and now I'm clear-headed." Lucien had a rumble in his chest. "I don't need to remember, it stops me from my responsibilities. I have orders I have to follow." Lucien began cleaning the wounds.
"You mentioned something of interest to me. You looked at me and mentioned fire." Caleb closed his eyes, fighting the images in his mind.
"I can smell the smoke on you, firefly." Lucien smiled sadly.
"Those flames, my spells...they're what I learned from my teachers. The final lesson broke me, isolated me. I don't want to see that happen to you." Caleb whispered. 
"I'm not the man you loved, Mr. Widogast." Lucien began to run the cream and lotions over the dry, cracked skin. "He's gone." 
"You are just like him, but I can see the differences. We can learn a lot from each other." Caleb whispered.
"My magic would break you," Lucien whispered in Caleb's ear. 
"I've been broken, shattered. My lessons broke me down until I was nothing hollow, -" Caleb stood up so that Lucien had access to the wound on his side. 
"Empty. You were empty." Lucien nodded. "You understand me on more than a shallow level."
"I don't want you to fall on the same slope that I did." Caleb stepped out of the tub to dry himself, careful of the lotions and creams. "It- I'm still putting the pieces of myself back together and it feels like I'm missing one." Caleb finally turned to face Lucien, while wrapping bandages over the treated wounds. 
"I can't afford to chase after the ghost of a past life." Lucien sighed. 
"So don't. It won't change much." Caleb slowly got dressed. 
"What the hell are you talking about?" Lucien almost glared. 
"This group clings to each other almost as much as yours. We dig our claws into each other and don't let go. We are bonded, not by blood, but by family, and you are part of it. That's why we're here." Caleb almost smiled. "And you feel it. Why else watch us, you could have killed us after watching us work with your attacker. By all means, we betrayed you, and yet… here you are. You want us here Mr. Nonagon." Caleb gestured for Frumpkin to jump on the bed. "You want us safe."
Lucien laughed. "I've killed for people talking less flippantly at me." 
"Your shadow always appreciated my ability to be rather flippant when the need presented itself." Caleb smiled. "He wanted me to come out of my shell."
"It's truly wonderful to see, but what-"
"Vess DeRogna stripped you of many things but your soul is something attached to your very being. You don't have your memories but we recognized our family." Caleb straightened his shirt. 
"You have a lot of nerve." Lucien took a step forward. Caleb just smiled. 
"You still admire it." Caleb grinned. 
A heartbeat passed between the two of them. Lucien cursed himself and took a step towards him. "This didn't happen." 
"Nothing ever does." 
Lucien pulled Caleb into a kiss. Caleb returned it and hummed.
"Nothing. Right." Lucien mused and pulled Caleb towards him more.
Caleb woke up to Lucien tapping his shoulder. 
"I got to clean the wounds again. C'mon, up." Lucien jabbed him with his tail. 
"Oh. Are you leaving?" Caleb let Lucien check his wounds. 
"I have to. But before I go. I can make your blood warmer so this doesn't keep happening." Lucien offered. 
"Would I wind up like a Tombtaker? With you able to overtake me on a whim?" Caleb pulled away. 
Lucien reached back towards him. "No. That was willing. I can't do that unless they consent." 
"And what would blood warming entail?" Caleb looked back at him, letting Lucien wrap back against him.
Lucien relaxed. "It's a blessing. It goes to your soul, strengthens it against everything. Cold, hot, attacks, injuries, you name it. But only if you agree." 
"What?" Lucien looked up. 
"I give you permission." Caleb smiled. Lucien straightened up and placed a kiss on Caleb's forehead, whispering something in Infernal. The cold that set deep in his bones vanished.
"Thank you. But before you go, keep an eye on Cree." Caleb went to get dressed. Lucien stood up and went back to the window to leave. "Please, eat first. I made this tower to be a safe place. You can relax here." 
"I have a specific taste in food." Lucien raised an eyebrow, gently petting Frumpkin. 
"I think we can accommodate." Caleb stepped out of the room.
Lucien followed, carrying the cat.
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lairofsentinel · 4 years
What can we say about the relationship between the tadpole and the person who appears in dreams?
[Baldur’s Gate 3, Early Access, Spoilers]
At a first glance, in a careless attempt, we immediately connect the tadpole with the image of the person in our main char’s dreams. One is inclined to think it is the tadpole itself asking for the host to let them in. However, after carefully watching the scene, and checking all its options... I started to doubt it.
During Early Access we only can see four dreams [video compilation of the dreams]:
The first one, in which only the voice is heard for a couple of seconds, shows a weird... tentacle-like creature? It’s not made of the gray skin of a Mind Flayer, it’s red, and unless it’s a terrible bug... it may say that we are in the presence of something different than the usual Mind-Flayer. In fact, I think it looks like a tiefling or a Cambion tail/wings (they have thorns). Could it be Raphael’s since he is red? How do we explain those boots in the top of the screenshot?. Maybe it’s a mere bug.
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The second one, in which the main char awakes in that intense green garden, has a peaceful sense to it.
The third one is when that desired person in the dreams shows you an enemy you stab in self defence, and then you observe an entire city under siege.
The forth one is when you have the ability to kill that person in the dreams.
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After having the second dream, we can talk about this with our companions. All of them, except by Astarion, explain that their dreams were about desire and power. About a promise. 
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It's clear for us that Gale dreamt about Mystra and Wyll about Mizora. Both women are the embodiment of power and desire. We don't have a clue who Shadowheart dreamt about, but we know is a he that represents the same values. Astarion is the one who disrupts the pattern. 
He dreamt about Cazador, which is for sure the representation of power, but of his desire? At first I thought it was a twisted taste forced onto him over two hundred years of slavery. As a slave, maybe he had to learn how to enjoy the worst things just to endure it, so the incredibly wicked and twisted insinuation of Astarion being attracted to his tormentor... was surprising at first. Especially when you explore his dialogue and he shows a strong bad reaction to such insinuation. 
Thinking about it a bit more, I realised that maybe Astarion “desiring” Cazador is another thing he is forced to do against his own will. Or maybe it's the typical consequence of the vampire relationship with the sire: the childe is always attracted to their sire, no matter how much they hate them. Astarion is not even free of having his own desire due to Cazador's power, so... his dream about Cazador was another display of the control that such figure has over him. Therefore, we can say that, in the end, he is also following the pattern, but his desire is commanded by being a vampire spawn. 
When it comes to the main char, we also know that such figure in their dreams is someone they are attracted to [that's exactly what we were asked to do in the character creation part].
The tadpole in the main character's head reacts negatively to this desired person, and it’s strange. It can mean that the projection of that figure and the tadpole are not the same (Gale, are you wrong?). The figure acknowledges the presence of the tadpole and the transformation in process, and they seem to be in power of stopping it if only you let them “in”. But the presence of the tadpole is always there while interacting with this figure, uncomfortable and wanting to get away from that desired person. The tadpole feels threatened by this figure. 
At times, this beautiful figure feels like an entity proper of a demon, asking you to let it in and possess you. We know by Shadowheart’s comment that this voice appeared in her head when she was in the ship, so that we can assume it started to affect the hosts by the same time the tadpole process started.
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The hag provided us the most valuable information I found out in the game. She confirmed that the tadpole has been altered, as everyone had suspected. But not only that... they had netherese magic, shadow magic (*) in it. This, however, feels wrong in terms of lore: mind flayers detest arcane magic, they believe its a corrupt version of the psionic power they have. Mixing it with their traditional birth procedure looks odd. Odd if this new experiment is only their idea. Maybe the big mind behind these new tadpoles is not a Mind flayer.
With this bit of information given by the hag, I was inclined to think that this magical compound may explain the presence of the person in the main char's dreams. What surprises me is that the tadpole wants the figure away, so how is it possible that both, the figure and the tadpole, work one against the other? If we assume that the tadpoles were altered to perform a transformation of some sort, shadow magic embodied by that figure and the tadpole should work together. However, the tadpole triggers hunger and animal instincts to rip that figure out. It feels endangered. Maybe it’s because the whole procedure is an experiment yet.
The desired figure keeps claiming they want you to help, but in the process, they also tell you that you can be more powerful and conquer Baldur's Gate [yes, despite the blurriness, it is enough to distinguish the characteristic entrance of the city].
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[image from the trailer]
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The last dream is one of the most disturbing ones. You awake with symptoms of your skull starting to change its bones, and apparently, the presence of the figure is the only thing which is preventing the transformation. The figure is irritated. You can ask them for help you because the parasite is going too far. The figure says that they need to go deeper into you to calm down the “animal” inside. And once more the tadpole activates a defence mechanism. 
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You can indulge yourself in the desire of destroying the figure apart, and you ride the figure strangling them and killing them. The figure calls you “monster” and tells you that you deserve what's coming for you [which I assume, it's the standard Mind Flayer transformation]. The experiment may have failed in this way since you destroy the stasis.
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If you resist the impulse of killing them and at the same time resist the intrusion of the figure, the figure is disgusted with you. The figure only is understandable with you when you tell them the truth about your impulse of killing them. They will state that they knew about it, and they trust you to control it while they go deeper into you. 
It’s disconcerting if the sudden hunger for death comes from the tadpole (I put my coins here) or from the figure going deeper into you. I assume it’s the tadpole because the figure will call you monster and wont be happy if you indulge yourself in that hunger. 
By the end, the figure calls you ungrateful if you resisted them once more and tells you that the next time you meet them, you will ask forgiveness. Early access allows that last dream and no more.
Now, all these strange urges for murdering the figure makes me wonder if the magical compound that now these tadpole have is related to some evil divine entity, playing a role similar to Bhaal in Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. In those previous games, you and a bunch of people were direct spawn of the God of Murder, and in a couple of occasions, you had strong urges to kill losing control of your character [and killing NPCs you were fond of]. What if... this new tadpole is an experiment combining the Mind-Flayer procedure of birth (needed in order to have a completely different body for new demi-god powers) with a divine-infused-magical compound from the shadows. What for?. I don’t know... maybe to create an army of demi-gods? [following the usual flavour of Baldur’s Gate series]. 
This procedure, if it’s as such, could allow to have god-spawn creatures without the God sleeping with mortals and waiting mortal-gestation times. xD If we follow this train of thoughts, and we believe a God is behind all this, it must be some tyrant God, like Bhaal or Bane, since the dreams are all about power and control, showing Baldur’s Gate under siege. Maybe the procedure is not perfect, since there are two different effects working one against the other: The shadow magic that infuses a degree of divinity is about desire and power, but the tadpole’s only interest is to go on with the standard Mind-Flayer procedure. 
I thought about this divinity-compound because we saw that there are third parties interested in this new particular tadpole: Raphael. What Gale says to you after his visit is a fact: if a cambion become interested in these tadpoles, it’s because there is more than souls at stakes. But all of these are specualtions. The only certanties are:
Tadpoles are not only Mind-Flayer-made.
They have been altered with Shadow Magic (weird for Mind Flayers).
The Tadpole and the figure which offers you power are different entities.
The more you use powers of command, the more these dreams come and the more it triggers the Mind-Flayer transformation.
The figure in your dreams is the only one preventing the Mind-Flayer transformation.
Conventional tadpoles only cause Mind-Flayer transformation in a week.
Extra information I found later [here]
More content of bg3 in general [here]
(*) Shadow magic is a Weave-base magic in the Forgotten Realms. It comes from the Shadow Planes connecting to them via the Weave. It's not related to Shadow Weave (an alternate Wave crafted by Shar), something I talked about when explaining some bits of Mystra [here]. You use the standard Mystra-Weave to use shadow magic, but it's not rare that users of shadow magic find some affinity with Shadow Weave. Apparently it's a type of magic strongly related to a human [Tethyrian] ethnic. Churchs of Lolth, Mask, Set, Shar, and Shargaas  show interest in this type of magic. 
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puppy-the-mask · 4 years
Poly? Morph
A Friends to lovers post-dnd-transportation fic focusing on our boys Rant and Rus (debating on adding Edge aswell) 
There’s like 4 POV changes so let me know if I should re-write? this was more for fun than anything, It doesn’t get to romance yet but I hope to continue in my free time. Let me know any errors or anything, I’ll put it on AO3 after a bit more editing and input. I’ve just re-read it so much its all bleh to me so i’m getting second opinions/input here
tw/Blood and Death- not graphic but y’know -/(Owo)\-
It’s been 5 years since we began, just a couple of students playing a game of DnD. Mere hours after wrapping up session zero us players arrived home and as a collective felt a foreign wave of exhaustion, falling asleep one by one.
The city's air was damp and the pathways were dim with the light of half dead lanterns. The party was shuffling through the empty streets to the gates bound for our next assignment when a figure appeared out of the shadows, the glint of metal and we found ourselves face to face with a hostage situation. 
You had once been the closest we had to a tank, a perk of having been a dragonborn with high strength- even if you were a druid bard- but after being cursed for the upteenth time you’d been separated from your avatar- Blackjack-  and rendered a low level support for our high level party. 
Without you taking lead your roll was delegated to other, more impulsive members. The next moments are a flurry of movement as a loud burst sends the assailant back along with you- the dagger at your neck drawing blood. 
Everything blended together as I flew to the front lines, rage getting the best of me as the look on your face burned itself into my mind. The shock and pain in your eyes drove me forward as the streets were painted red. 
The cleric could heal you, I had a life to take. 
Sans woke up panting, eyelights materializing and analyzing his surroundings. WHAT? 
He couldn’t believe it, there was no way… He was back in his room, back in his world- well the one he’d been in before. There was so much to process, his new surroundings aside- their last foe had been someone they’d trusted. And yet she almost killed y/n… had she even known who she was attacking? There were so many questions rattling around his skull as his magic buzzed in his bones. He needed to check on them, he needed to make sure they made it back. Normally he’d shortcut straight to their room but his magic was sluggish and unresponsive. He’d just have to run.
He managed to make it down the stairs without falling and stumble a few more steps before he heard voices. NO NONONO FUCK! I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!
“AH RANT, YOU’RE AWAKE! RANT?” He had to brace himself on the couch, his center of gravity was much different than his avatar’s “RANT ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” Paps knelt to his level and looked him over
“I’m Fine, Let Me Go-!” The hand on his shoulder tightened its grip as he tried to get past to the door “I SAID LET ME GO! I NEED TO CHECK ON THEM!” 
“WHO? RANT TELL ME WHAT’S WRONG.” He just kept struggling, but everything was getting fuzzy as his soul was settling back in his proper body. “Can You Tell Me Where You Are?” More people were walking in, having been drawn from the dining room by their voices. 
“WHERE!? I'M HERE WITH YOU AT THE HOUSE- NOW LET ME GO!” more voices joined the conversation but they all started to run together.
“rant? dude what’s wrong!?” 
“huh, so the shortstack does have eyelights”
“bro?” his eyelights sharpened and shrank on his brother and he felt tears prick his sockets. 
“Papyrus?” The soft copy let him go as he stumbled into his brother’s arms. Stars he really hoped this wasn’t an illusion, but the comfort of his brother’s magic reassured him. “It’s Really You…” 
“sans? sans what happened?” Rant just shook his head, his voice leaving him. Had that all just been a dream? It didn’t feel like it, there was no way a dream could be that real. He could remember with clarity how vivid it all was, the blood- the pain- the party that was just so full of life despite their situation- their bard. His gaze hardened. 
He may not be able to do anything in his current state but there was one other person who was close enough to y/n to have a shortcut straight to them. Rant forced his voice to settle and pinned his friend with his stare 
“bro, sans you need to breathe with me you’re friend is fine.” He ignored his brother, not looking away from Rus. 
“RUS I CAN’T USE MY MAGIC” The room stilled around him but he persisted, dragging the younger skeleton closer and dropping his volume “You’re All They Have Right Now.
Seeing his hesitance Rant quickly amended his plea. “If I'm Wrong And They’re Fine I’ll Owe You- I Don’t Care- Just please…” 
Rus swallowed, settled his frantic magic, and nodded before stepping out of Rant’s slackened grip into nowhere. 
“sans i know you like bein dramatic but yer really startin to worry me- what happened, what’s wrong with yer magic.” Rant took a deep breath before looking up at Mutt and muttering into his brother’s hoodie
“I’ll Tell You Tonight” Shifting he let his tears fall and grabbed at the fabric in front of him “ I-I DON’T KNOW I JUST- I WOKE UP BUT WHAT I SAW- IT WAS TOO GRAPHIC TO NOT BE REAL AND I...” Rant took a shuddering breath “ IN IT Y/N- THEY GOT HURT BUT I CAN’T CALM DOWN ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.” He looked away from the crowd to the ground and flinched at the annoyed responses of some of them- mad at him for interrupting dinner over a nightmare and unaware of the satisfaction each rude comment brought him. 
He couldn’t help but thank his old reputation as an attention seeking drama queen, this was his easiest coverup yet. Rant wiped his tears and started the process of evening out his breathing
Stars, it felt so good to be back in his own body. He settled into his brother’s embrace, hugging him back. He’d missed him so much. 
Blackjack hadn’t exactly been thrilled when you had showed up, he was quite the opposite if he was being honest. He didn’t like taking a back seat while a teenager piloted his body, sue him. But unlike you’d think he didn’t despise you, It was obvious that neither you nor your friends had been expecting a body switch to happen by the end of the first day. But then nearly 5 years later you’d made a deal with good old gertrude, accepted yet another experimental curse, and next thing the dragonborn knew he had his body back.
The next few months were interesting to say the least, he stuck with the party and quietly delighted in how your companions turned to him when they meant to talk to you and expected him to do things he’d never do. You were different then him, kinder, a total bard, and frankly he’s just glad that all those curses you’d brought onto the two of you had transferred. He could deal with a few extra scars if that was the trade off. 
You did have a couple similarities though, your shared love of gambling, ale, and women. 
The two of you were talking about just that, naming your favorite flirtatious endeavors over the years you’d spent as him- of which there were many, including lady victoria. It wasn’t exactly hard for him to pick up where you had left off but something told him there was something more to the parties’ friend in high places. As good of a rogue as you were you were oblivious to the lady’s growing infatuation, one of the many reasons why the other rogue became the king of thieves rather than you… or him??? Regardless the look on Victoria’s face when he’d introduced you stuck with him, he decided to keep you close for now just in case
You were at the back of the group, his steps slowed drastically to match yours, though you still had to fast walk to keep up with his much longer legs. You were going on about a tiefling academic you’d hit it off with a while back, the one who’d inspired and helped you develop a spell of your own. It was cheesy, a healing spell for those with ‘high charisma’ as you put it that utilized the castor’s kiss. It was effective and Blackjack won’t deny using it on his own to woo the occasional maiden. 
You went on and on and he could envision the tiefling in question, commenting about other features as you raved about her cute freckles, when he felt a prickle in his scales. Before anyone could react you were in a figure’s hold with a blade to your throat.
Suddenly the air crackled with electricity as the trigger happy sorcerer unleashed a Thunder Wave. Blackjack braced himself for the impact, feeling something wet and warm splatter onto his tunic. He rushed towards your prone body, yelling for help from the cleric only to curse when they had run out of spell slots. 
He sighed, his breath appearing a soft glowing yellow in front of him, he never thought he’d have to use your spell in a serious situation- especially not on you. As he pulled away from your cheek the words manifested on your skin, magic runes snaked down to your neck- glowing that same pale yellow. They ran over your wound until there was no more area to cover and slowly faded as your body repaired itself. 
That wouldn’t be enough. The cleric took you from his hold and started pumping on your chest, trying to force air into your lungs in practiced motions. Your blood covered the pathway and the two of them as they tried to keep you from choking on it. 
Looking back to the fight Blackjack saw the rogue known as Rumor- the one you called Sans- in the very heart of the battle. He sucked in a breath as he heard their foe cry out, Veronica. He was right, but he held no satisfaction in that. She tried to plead, to escape, but that rogue wouldn’t let her. Blow after blow he refused to stop.
Blackjack looked back to you as you spat up blood, finally breathing on your own, and he couldn’t help but pity any fool that tried to come between the two of you. Just friends my ass
Suddenly his attention was pulled from you to the cleric, who was outlined in a fading golden glow along with the rest of the party, who slowly came back to themselves
“Gods above that boy made a mess!” Rumor, the real one he assumed, looked on the body with disgust. Lady Veronica was unrecognizable.
“I assume y’all are back in control then?” Y/n sat up with help. Their voice was raspy, they were still glowing, and when they coughed into their hand their fingertips were fading away. They focused on their now bloody hand and chuckled “Must take bodies longer to transport than souls I guess. For what it’s worth it’s nice to meet you all.”
It couldn’t have taken more than 3 minutes of chatting before they were almost gone.
“It was nice knowin ya player”
“Heh yeah, I’ll miss getting my ass kicked at poker…” You surprised him with a look of sincerity and fondness, trapping his gaze onto you “Thanks for everything Blackjack.”
With one more smile and a farewell wish that we look out for ourselves they vanished back to where they came from. They really were kinder than they had any right to be
Blackjack stood with a sigh and without a word turned around to head back to the tavern they’d stayed in previously. He didn’t know about the others but he could use a drink, and it’d take many many more before he’d ever admit that he alread missed his stupid little protege.
Rus wasn’t sure what he was expecting, when Papyrus had gone to get Rant for dinner he figured his friend was just exhausted from participating in your club. The three of you had become fast friends after him and the other ‘undesirable’ skeletons were relocated away from the main house’s relationship issues. 
From what he’d been told you didn’t run into Rant despite having had your face in your phone, doing a little twirl to avoid the other skeleton last second - who had noticed your inattention and been gunning for you from down the hall. Which was just like him, always looking to start something. You’d peaked his interest and after a little chat in the halls he’d let you go to your next class until lunch. 
Rus remembered you had looked so nervous and anxious when Rant had dragged you over to their seats across the lunchroom,literally, but you’d engaged and chatted with the shorter skeleton regardless. And while it took a little time he’d started chatting with you as well, since- as it turned out- the two of you were in the same graphic design course. 
It wasn’t hard to convince the two of them to tag along with you to the DnD club come second semester, Rant had come prepared with a binder full of paper for notes and a separate stack for his character sheet, he’d come up with lots of backstory for his character- meanwhile Rus had a singular almost empty character sheet and took all of the session getting set up while you had multitasked helping him and participating in the pre-game exposition. 
That was only a little over 5 hours ago, so when Rant had come down in a panic with a look that had dread coursing through his bones Rus was a little skeptical something had happened to you. But something told him there was more to it, and the desperation on his friend’s face alone was enough to spur him into action. He wouldn’t take any chances, not with someone he cared about
The moment he opened his sockets his gaze was drawn to your bed and he felt any and all composure he’d mustered up leave him. 
“Y/n!?” A faint glow dissipated as he rushed to your side, crawling onto the bed to get to you in your confined space as he gathered you into his arms. Fuck there’s so much blood, Why-What-How??? Fuck!
He hesitated to take your pulse, the blood around your neck still wet. He couldn’t tell where it all came from and he nearly screamed when your hand shot up and grabbed his, your other clamping around his teeth. Rus jerked back and the motion sent the both of you tumbling off the bed, but you managed to catch him and brace a hand against the wall just past him- effectively stopping the two of you. 
The two of you sat like that for a second before you exhaled, the tension breaking Rus began to fuss over you. 
“Y/n what the fuck happened to you- did Rant have something to do with this? are you okay? do you need to go to the hospital?” 
“No! Nonono I’m fine-”
“You’re Covered In-!” You shushed him, almost covering his face again before he caught your hands. He turned one of your palms towards you, it was the one you’d previously been coughing into and shook the offending arm for emphasis “See!!!” You looked past the skeleton at the wall, there was a bloody handprint you’d have to clean off and you could spot some on one of Rus’ hands 
You shook your head and got back on track, fixing your tall friend with a serious look
“Look Rus, I don’t need a hospital. I just need to get cleaned up and maybe get a bandaid or two. I’m okay, promise.” He only frowned, searching your face before sighing
“you owe me an explanation later.”
“You probably won’t believe me.” You said with a tired chuckle
You scooched off of your bed and slipped off your pack, letting it hit the floor with a thunk and various muted clinks and clangs from your supplies, kits, and other odds and ends.
“can i ask about the wardrobe change now or should i wait?” You snickered as you fiddled with the various buckles attaching your scabbards and pouches to your person before thinking better of it and reaching for the pin clasping the ends of your cloak together and removing the garment. “Is That A Fucking Sword Y/N What The Hell!?!?” 
Your laughter only grew louder as you nodded wordlessly with a grin, looking back at your awestruck friend- who had moved to his knees at the end of the bed, leaning closer to get a better look. 
“Yeah, It ties in with the explanation but yeah it’s real! All of it is- wanna hold?” You’d explained excitedly as you quickly got the straps undone and off your body, removing your shortsword and it’s scabbard from the ensemble and holding it out towards Rus. He took it tentatively before sitting back to admire it. 
You watched on with a proud look on your face, your smile growing when he unsheathed the blade and you caught his eyelights expand before zoning in on the engraving along the blade. It was a simple enough sword but one of your friends had enchanted it for you way back at the beginning when you all were still discovering and learning your class’ skills and you’d kept it close ever since. 
Switching gears you started taking off your armor, which thankfully had taken most of the blood as well as your cloak- leaving your tunic nearly spotless this time around. There was a little soaked in around the collar but it was manageable. In a stroke of genius you grabbed a pair of sweatpants, telling Rus to stay where he was you moved to the alcove in your room that didn’t have your bed and quickly changed pants, throwing your boots and pants into the pile of adventuring gear before smearing blood across your face from your nose. 
A mischievous grin spread across your face when you turned towards your companion
“How do I look?” when you got a concerned look in response your grin only grew “Great! I’ll be right back!” Rushing down the stairs you covered your nose, raising your voice so the whole room could hear you
 “Hey mom?! I don’t know what happened but I got a really bad nosebleed- can I wash some things?” 
Your mother turned from the TV to look at you, eyes widening in surprise and concern “Of course, What happened?”
“I don’t know! I woke up and there was blood everywhere. I think It stopped but it got all over my bed.” 
“Here, let me strip your sheets- you get cleaned up.” 
“Oh no, you don’t gotta do that.! I can get it, just give me a sec.” You tried to wave her off but she insisted, already heading up your stairs. Aaaah fuck Rus isn’t supposed to be here he didn’t use the door!!! 
You felt rather than heard the pop of magic in the air and sighed, You’d have to get with him later, but for now you had blood to clean. You absently wondered if rubbing alcohol worked on leather.
Getting back to your room you looked around and found that all your gear- which you had completely forgotten also shouldn’t have been there- was piled up in the same place you had previously changed, hidden from view of your mother. You also found your phone plugged up on your bed with messages on it’s screen
-text me after dinner 
-i’ll come over w/ rant and you can explain 
Rant? Who’s-OOOOOHHH!!!! Right multiverse shenanigans, Sans is Rant here. As you were going to unlock your phone you got another text from the aforementioned skeleton himself
The message cut off, which concerned you until you remembered that you’d have to enter the app to get the full message since it was so long. Inputting your passcode you re-read the full text
-We’ll see if I can make it after dinner, I owe Rus an explanation too. He actually just texted and said he’d come over with you so /I/ can tell /y'all/ what happened
-You slipped up by the way, you live with your ~cousins~ remember?
His bubble appeared and disappeared before he finally responded
-But also sleep sounds great though
You pocketed your phone with a smirk as you hopped off your bed. Some reheated leftovers sounded amazing right about now, you feel like you could eat a whole feast. You glanced over at your things and considered your unending flask of honey mead before thinking better of it. Sans- fuck RANT- was right. That healing spell would give you a major hangover after you woke up, especially with how much it had to heal. You shivered as you felt your own mortality weigh down on you. 
You’d almost died again, and there were no more resurrection scrolls- especially now that you were home. Your eyes drifted back to the flask…
It couldn’t hurt to celebrate a little could it? Not only are you alive but you’re home! Besides you’re already going to hate life in the morning, why not enjoy a few swigs before that cliff?
You took a long drink and closed the flask, burying it under your things before making your way down the stairs to get something to eat. It wasn’t long after that you were in your usual spot on the couch watching TV with your family and laughing together. You’d even gotten a hug from your mom during a sad scene, and if she noticed you crying a bit more than you meant to then she didn’t say anything. It wasn’t totally unheard of for you to shed a few tears for fiction after all.
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cosmostasia · 3 years
Cosmostasia’s Story
So as I mentioned in my first post, Cosmostasia is the character that I played in a long-form Dungeons & Dragons campaign with some of my best friends in high school. Obviously we were all getting ready to graduate, go off to college, etc., so we decided that once we completed our last campaign objective, we would find a way to tie up the story. It was a kind of bitter-sweet realization, but we made a lot of amazing memories along the way!
I joined the game during my junior year in high school, probably a few weeks after the game itself was started. My then-friend (now girlfriend) was in the game and had invited me. This was my first game ever, and honestly, I’ve never had so much fun with D&D! Our DM was an expert in just about everything, ran the game smoothly, answered just about every question... He’s a great DM, but I’m sad to say that since graduation he’s had almost no time to run another game.
But that’s all reminiscence about better days, not the story!
My character - at the time, named Anastasia - was a shapeshifter wizard. Most of her studies involved mapping the cosmos, reading star charts, and understanding the movements of the celestial bodies. I’ve always loved space, so it felt right making a wizard who was also an astronomer!
As the campaign went on, my girlfriend’s character (a tiefling bard name Tarx) basically became Anastasia’s love interest. Yes, there was romantic and intimate involvement, but we never really went into that kind of detail at the table - it was more heavily implied, “fade to black” than anything. Of course, that never stopped my mind from racing and thinking about how our characters did things... Normally, Anastasia had a relatively small bust, but Tarx was pretty open with his preference. Anastasia, of course, is a shapeshifter.
You get the idea there.
Moving on though, we went on to deal with a lot of problems throughout the world, from roving bandits and raiding orc factions, to entire armies of undead being raised and controlled by an ultra-powerful lich named Victus. Victus would become a recurring villain for us since whenever we killed him, his soul just returned to his phylactery and he would reincarnate at an unknown location in the world.
Our final campaign arc involved the Queen of Sarpathion, Queen Anisterian von Draxxis. A few of our questlines had involved going and saving some of the princes and princesses of the von Draxxis royalty - apparently they had been kidnapped at different points and no one was able to find them. Or at least, no one was brave (or stupid) enough to challenge the people that did it. From bandit chiefs to full-blown warlords and archmagi, one of whom turned out to be an ancient black dragon (imagine fighting THAT at level 10!!). Well, we managed to round the three of them up and bring them home to safety.
W R O N G .
Turns out what we had actually done was deliver Queen Anisterian the three children she had borne specifically for a blood sacrifice. For context, the von Draxxis line were all tieflings - part of the only reason Tarx cared at all about them was because they were like him, and he’d been treated poorly in other kingdoms.
Apparently Queen Anisterian was waiting until just the right moment when a solar eclipse would coincide with a planetary alignment (which my character knew about btw! We had been talking about this for months in advance!). During that brief moment, the time would be right for her to sacrifice her offspring and drink their blood, turning her into a matron vampire.
What she hadn’t been counting on was that our party in had become good friends with Dimerius, Alistarge, and Valliana von Draxxis. Lots of fun adventures and hard-fought victories were won by their sides. As such, if she was going to hurt them, she’d be answering to us. She also didn’t know that this ritual (which was apparently copied from the Book of Vile Darkness) would also cause untold instability in the Weave around the ritual site. Basically, you use magic within a mile of this place, and reality has a pretty solid chance of just unraveling itself. Fun, right? We got to learn this because one of our characters was a less-than-good-and-not-in-a-neutral-way vengeance paladin, and he’d managed to catch a glimpse of the Book of Vile Darkness the last time we’d dealt with Victus. It was that moment when we realized something was up (you know, a section that explicitly states “the blood of three of the mother’s offspring” seems a little obvious). That’s when we started making our way to Castle Draxxis with some help. 
This was around the time we were going to be concluding our campaign; we were all level 16 and were very capable of taking on such a threat. We’d worked with a lot of people and by that point, we were able to convince enough allies to band together and lead an invasion on Castle Draxxis. Of course, every time we had been there since the first time, the castle always felt slightly more... Off. And Queen Anisterian herself was sickly and unwell. She’d even made the comment at one point that her reign would soon be at its end, and then the kingdom must answer to her eldest son.
As we led the invasion, her armies fought as we suspected they would, up until the gargoyles adorning the buttresses and spires of the castle began to crackle and move. They came alive and made it impossible for us to march on Castle Draxxis.
The NPC that we’d appointed the sort of de facto general (Petram, a retired general for the army of one of the human kingdoms) told us to try and find a way in ourselves, and they would keep the bulk of the Queen’s forces distracted.
We make our way over the outer wall, fight off the gargoyles that noticed us get in, and made our way to a secret passage that Valliana had shown us. The Queen apparently hadn’t posted any guards at the passage, and we were able to make our way to the throne room with only a few brief encounters with royal guards.
By the time we had gotten there, the sun had been eclipsed by the moon and we could already hear the screaming. We opened the door as she was taking the last gulps of Valliana’s blood - the brothers already lay dead at the foot of the throne.
She underwent a violent transformation, and immediately forced half of the party to kneel before her (she charmed them and gave the command to kneel). Our cleric, Volmund the dwarf, was kept busy running around the room un-charming everyone, and Tarx did his best to help with his countercharm, but... her save DC was really high and we were not rolling well.
In the end, we had all been charmed and forced to kneel before her. She had been casting spells left and right, I had been casting spells, and because of the instability, we were beginning to notice reality shift and obscure. Of course, as we’re all powerless and unable to do anything, she began channeling a spell that was pretty much either going to kill everyone in the room except her, or tear through the fabric of reality. On the bright side, we all got to roll another save before her next turn, and then we’d be able to do something!
Except that we all failed. You know how people are usually like “Ugh I don’t want another elf in my party”? Make sure at least one of you plays a damn elf.
It got to my turn (right before hers) and I made my roll. Of course, I also failed. I then asked my DM if being charmed and forced to kneel also meant that I was unable to speak. He gave me a look, thought about it, and gave a smirk. “Sure, you guys are able to speak while you’re charmed - she didn’t say “Kneel and be silent,” so I’ll allow it.”
When we last defeated Victus, the one item that we were able to loot from him was this beautifully crafted ring. Everyone in the party already had a ring of some kind, so Tarx gave it to me as a sort of promise ring. However, our DM said that as I put it on, I felt this overwhelming magical energy flow through me (being that I was the only real magic-user in the party, Anastasia was sensitive to these things). I spent some time identifying the ring and learned that it was an innert Ring of Wishes! Of course, no charges on it so it was really just a fancy ring at that point. Everyone else had already forgotten about it, but I was texting the DM under the table and asking questions about the implications of having the ring near such a huge source of power/disruption. He said that it might (on a very, very lucky percentile roll) restore one of the charges to the ring.
I whispered into the ring, and said “If you can hear me... I wish for a way to survive long enough to fix everything Queen Anisterian has done.”
The DM raised his eyebrows, and rolled a percentile.
He laughed.
Once he composed himself again, he said “Your wish... Has been granted.”
Everyone else at the table was just so confused and excited and panicked all of the sudden, and then, since Queen Anisterian had completed her round of channeling uninterrupted, was able to basically cast a spell that would drain all of our life forces until fell over as dried, dusty husks.
Before casting, the DM rolled a percentile (as he had been doing any time magic was used during the fight).
He laughed again.
“You all feel this horrible sensation as your blood, your life force, your very souls, are drained from your body. The pain is absolutely agonizing, and lasts for what feels like eternity in that instant. And then, as Queen Anisterian is laughing maniacally and relishing her new power, her hand suddenly flashes with a blinding light.”
He then turns to me specifically.
DM: “When you wake up, you don’t know where you are. As far as you can see all around you are nothing but distant stars and nebulae.”
Me: “Wait... What happened to everyone?”
DM: “The entire world blinked out of existence. You, however, have been granted immortality - and immunity - by your wish. You’re out in open space, but the lack of oxygen, the temperature... It doesn’t bother you, you actually feel fine.”
Basically, our DM had intended that a roll of 10 or lower on a percentile would cause reality to collapse on itself, but only enough to affect our world to different extents. Rolling a 10, for example, meant Castle Draxxis would blink out of existence.
He rolled a 1.
When he rolled for my ring, he rolled a 100.
We all kind of sat there basking in the sheer improbability of rolling a 100 and then a 1 right after (I think it’s a 1/10,000 chance? I’m an artist who likes space, not a mathematician). Then as the realization of what had happened settled into us, I had so many questions that I barely knew where to start. “Am I near where the planet was? Was I shot away from the blinkpoint, or was I teleported somewhere?”
He told us that I had basically been knocked out cold by the sudden magical reverberation (again, magic-sensitive) and fell adrift into space. Anastasia was able to identify where some of the planets were - the moon was not caught in the blast, but there was a massive chuck taken out of the side where the blinkpoint hit it and it was just floating adrift around the sun. From that, we were able to determine how long it had been (”Can I please roll an Intelligence check to figure out how long it’s been since the planets were aligned?” “Hm... Actually no, you just know how long it’s been based on their positions.”). Figured out that I’d been out cold for a week.
Anastasia panicked at first, frantically trying to get the ring to work again - but you know, it only regained the one charge. It’s innert. She cried for her friends and for everyone on her world. She cried for hours, knowing that she could have made a better wish. Knowing that her self preservation came at the cost of literally everything.
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a glimmer. At first she thought it was a star, but realized it wasn’t one she recognized. She cast Fly on herself (can’t exactly swim through space) and made her way over, and as she approached, she found what looked to be some sort of crack in reality.
It didn’t take long for everyone to realize that this was the blinkpoint, and even looking at it made her feel like she was being electrocuted with magical energy. She decided that, being immortal, maybe touching it might do something? Who knows at this point, right? Even if it killed her or unmade her altogether, at least she wouldn’t be immortal and stuck with the guilt for the rest of eternity.
She reached out, and her hand connected with the fissure... And it pulled her in. She couldn’t see anything around her, being locked in an inescapable abyss. But that painful sensation that came from the blinkpoint had... faded. It was a dull hum in her mind now. She had the idea to cast Detect Magic, and the DM described the scene.
“You cast Detect Magic, and as you do, your eyes adjust to the scene around you, where you see all around you this intricate, perfectly woven latticework of microscopic threads. They cross in every conceivable direction, glowing in an impossibly numerous array of colors. This... is the Weave.”
By passing through the blinkpoint, I had basically transcended, and was able to perceive magic itself. And then, a voice came to me that caused every thread to resonate and vibrate.
???: “I see that you have found your way to that which lies between. A space betwixt realities.”
Anastasia: “Yes... I... Who are you? Can you help me?”
???: “I do not have a name. I am simply the Weaver of Magic.”
After a brief discussion about the implications of weaving space, time, and magic to bind everything together, the Weaver had a proposition.
Weaver: “You see, Anastasia... I also require assistance. Reality needs stability within the Weave, but I am unable to exist anywhere except within the Weave. I cannot leave this place. I could grant you the power to reverse the mistakes of the past, the power to right the wrongs of this Anisterian. But I would request that you act as the eternal guardian and curator of magic throughout the Planes.”
Anastasia: “Oh, I... I don’t know if I would know how to do that. You wield tremendous power, and even the gods find magic to be a fickle thing! Where would I even begin?”
Weaver: “Your gods find magic to be fickle because they have not embraced the Weave. You, however, may be granted this power freely.”
Anastasia: “You mean... You mean I could become a goddess?”
Weaver: “I do not fully understand these “gods,” but in your terms, yes. You would become Goddess of Reality.”
Anastasia: “That’s... more responsibility than I’ve ever known possible... But I can save my friends this way?”
Weaver: “I will allow you to undo the damage to the Weave. This will revert your reality to the moment before the threads were torn, and allow you to change the outcome of everything that had happened.”
Anastasia had to think long and hard about it. She would spend the remainder of her existence - the remainder of time - as a goddess, protecting and weaving magic throughout all of the Planes. That, of course, was nothing compared to the guilt of being the only survivor of her entire world.
She accepted the agreement, and the transformation began. Threads from the Weave wrapped themselves around her, covering her entire body until she was wrapped in pure magic. When she could see again, she was back out in space, adrift near the fissure. She looked at her hands instinctively, and noticed that her skin was glassy-smooth. Looking at her hands, her robes, her hair, she saw the same glass-like smoothness, but was able to look into herself and see the deepest parts of the cosmos within herself.
She had been transformed into the Goddess of Reality.
She looked to the fracture and began to focus. In the past, she was able to occasionally channel raw magic into different objects in order to activate them. She used the same process, but rather than the magic needing to be coaxed out of her, it erupted from her hands and shot into the fissure.
The fracture slowly crumbled into itself, and soon showed the entire world exploding in reverse. The moon lined back up with where it was, the planets unwound their orbits to realign, the planet reformed itself around her.
Within moments, she was floating just above the floor of the throne room right where she was, her hands raised at Queen Anisterian’s channeling hand. She held a hand out to Anisterian, and clenched her fist. Every thread of magic that had been woven into her unraveled and spun itself into Anastasia’s palm, and she was able to guide the threads back to the slain children of the queen. They would slowly reawaken and rise, and Queen Anisterian’s power was rendered innert.
Our party was able to stand up, and we apprehended the Queen and were able to throw her into the dungeons with no trouble. She was no longer capable of using magic in any form, so leaving her down there would pose no threats.
Alright, roll credits - that was the end of our campaign!
From then on, Anastasia changed her name to Cosmostasia, and wandered the Planes curating all of the torn threads of the Weave, ensuring that magic wasn’t being abused in a way that damaged it, etc.
Yes, Cosmostasia continued to visit her homeworld and help those in need, but given that she was a goddess and had some very pressing responsibilities, she couldn’t be there as consistently as our other heroes. Plus, when she was home, she was trying to take time off and be with her beloved Tarx!
If you made it this far, thank you for reading the entire thing!! I’ve always wanted to illustrate it and make a comic or something, but... that’s a project for another time lol. But now you have some context behind Cosmostasia!! :)
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syrupwit · 3 years
Letter for Chocolate Box 2021
Hello there, and welcome to my letter for Chocolate Box Exchange 2021! I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to read this letter. I hope that it will provide you with clarification, inspiration, or at the very least a bit of entertainment.
I have requested fic only for all items below. Although I’ve written more for some sections and less for others, rest assured that I would be thrilled to receive a gift for any of the requested fandoms or relationships. 
Please see the table of contents below:
Do Not Want (DNW)
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Fandom: Planescape: Torment
Fandom: Stellar Firma
My general/SFW likes include: 
Surreality and weirdness
Character studies
Lore and worldbuilding
Humor and comedy, especially dark comedy
Psychological, paranormal, and cosmic horror
Unreliable narrators
Unusual team-ups
Dramatic rescues
Canon divergence AUs
Unconventional formats
My smut/NSFW likes include:
First times
Characters being super into each other, especially if one or both of them are conventionally unattractive
Humiliation with a male sub
Tease and denial
Orgasm delay; also orgasm denial
Dominant bottoms
Mutual dubcon/noncon, or dubcon where the dubconned party enjoys it
I have a very long list of fic likes here.
Characters under age 16 involved in sexual situations
Sex without mutual attraction
Hate speech or hate crimes (discussions/mentions of bigotry are fine)
Harm to animals (the existence of ghost animals is OK, and it’s fine to mention animals that have canonically died, but I don’t want to hear about injury, abuse, or noncanonical death of animals)
Necrophilia (sexual activity involving ghosts or sentient skeletons/undead is OK, just not inanimate corpses or remains)
Sexual activity involving worms / spiders / insects
Requested Ships: Adelard Dekker/Gertrude Robinson, Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson, Evan Lukas/Naomi Herne, Gerard Keay/Tim Stoker, Harriet Fairchild & Simon Fairchild
One of my favorite pieces of horror media! <3 I’ve requested mostly rarepairs for this exchange. Please don’t look to the amount I’ve written to gauge how much I want one pairing over another -- I want all these things equally and would be happy with any of them.
Adelard Dekker/Gertrude Robinson
The respect, rapport, and humor between these two is palpable in the text of Dekker’s statements and the way Gertrude talks about him. She was still holding onto his plans to disrupt rituals after he presumably died. I’d love to know more about their working relationship, the foes they faced, and whatever’s going on with Dekker’s relationship to the Web. Extinction!Dekker would also be awesome.
If you want to get into Dekker’s faith versus Gertrude’s lack-of, please do! I’m really interested in the way that religion/faith functions in a world like TMA’s, and I love conflicts between characters where neither “side” is cast as “right” by the narrative but it’s clear why everyone believes the things they do. But if you’re not interested in touching on this topic, no worries.
Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson
Star-crossed as hell. I refuse to believe that they only met once, or that they were entirely somber and fateful and dutiful about it. imo Gertrude generally comes off as contemptuous or irreverent about other entities and avatars, but she seems to reserve a certain respect for Agnes. Agnes... I’d just like to know more about Agnes.
I’d love to hear about their history: how their metaphysical bond works in daily life, the encounters or near misses they’ve had over the decades, the ways they’ve helped or foiled each other from a distance. I would especially love some outsider POV, whether it’s Gertrude receiving statements about Agnes, Agnes hearing of Gertrude’s exploits secondhand, or a third party perceiving a meeting between them. A statement directly from Agnes could also be awesome.
I’d love any AU where they have to work more closely together, as well -- be it canon divergence, or a setting AU like vampire/vampire hunter. (Oooh. Buffyverse AU with Gertrude as a Watcher and Agnes as the leader of the vampire cult that killed her latest Slayer, y/n?)
Evan Lukas/Naomi Herne
“Alone” was one of the first episodes in the podcast that really got me, and the image of Naomi running between those open graves is still striking. I feel terrible for Evan and am so curious about his fate. I’d love to hear more about their relationship, anything that might have happened to Naomi post-Eyepocalypse, or an AU where Naomi rescues Evan from the Lonely or vice versa.
Gerard Keay/Tim Stoker
These two have never met on-air, but I think they’d really get along. They’re both quick, driven, given to quips and reasoned action, and possessed of tragic backstories. Whether they meet somehow pre-canon, Tim finds Gerry’s book in the time between Jon’s return from America and the Unknowing, or there’s a full AU scenario, I would love to see them interact. I think there could be some interesting tension around Gerry’s decision to consciously align himself with the Eye versus Tim’s unwilling conscription, and the ways their family histories have forced them into contact with the supernatural.
Harriet Fairchild & Simon Fairchild
Harriet Fairchild is a one-episode background character with barely a handful of third-hand lines, but I’m very intrigued by her. Simon is a sparkling example of Affable Evil and I would enjoy reading more about his philosophy and relationships with others. I’m interested in the family dynasties connected to the entities and just kind of want to know more.
What are the Fairchilds, and how do they create new family members? Who was Harriet before she became a Fairchild? How does she conceive of the Vast, and what is her attraction to it (or aversion-turned-attraction)? Who is Simon to her -- teacher, tormentor-turned-teacher, evil father figure -- and how do they agree and diverge on how best to serve their patron? I really love explorations of avatars’ different relationships with their respective entities, so I would adore something about that. 
Some things that particularly compel me about the Vast: the image and name of the Falling Titan, freedom in nihilism, the comfort of insignificance, call of the void, oceans / storms / cliffs, space, scales of size so large they’re not humanly comprehensible, love for the sky, adrenaline and excitement, hollowness / emptiness, unusual manifestations, alliances and rivalries with other powers.
Requested Ships: Annah-of-the-Shadows & Fall-from-Grace, Annah-of-the-Shadows/Fall-from-Grace, Morte & The Nameless One, Morte/The Nameless One
I completed this game for the first time in fall 2020 and enjoyed the hell out of it. I’ve only played through twice, and I haven’t explored all the routes or possible encounters; please excuse the current gaps and mistakes in my canon knowledge!
Annah-of-the-Shadows & Fall-from-Grace | Annah-of-the-Shadows/Fall-from-Grace
I fell for Annah because of her voice acting (the affectionate wryness! the ill-concealed vulnerability!), and Grace because I love older female characters whose stoic or gracious exteriors conceal fortresses of discipline. While I’m not in love with the way women are written in Planescape: Torment, I really like both these specific characters and crave more interactions between them. Their relationship has a great deal of tension with no real resolution, and they have an interesting mix of similarities and contrasts. I think there are some fascinating possibilities to explore with them, whether platonically or romantically. 
Annah mistrusts and is jealous of Grace. Meanwhile, Grace seems disappointed when Annah rejects her friendly overtures, and repeatedly shows protectiveness towards her. (What does Grace see in Annah, besides a romantic rival or just a younger woman who doesn’t like her? If they had met earlier, how would Grace have tried to cultivate her?) Annah is hotheaded and ruled by emotion, while Grace keeps her arguably more tumultuous feelings under rigid control. Then Annah’s implied discomfort with her heritage as a tiefling, and Grace’s turmoil over her identity and past trauma as a tanar’ri, are another potentially exploitable source of conflict. 
I’d love something about a bonding attempt on Grace’s part gone awry -- does it get criminal? Unexpectedly dangerous? Uncomfortably sexy? An exploration of how they deal with things post-ending (any ending), or just everyday interactions with the citizens and environment of Sigil, would also be awesome. Hurt/comfort, too -- maybe something where Annah is trying to be stoic while Grace heals her, or a situation where Annah has to take care of Grace and is super out of her element? Or maybe Annah gets mazed somehow, and is shocked when Grace shows up to rescue her? These are all merely suggestions though. 
Morte & The Nameless One | Morte/The Nameless One
One of the most complicated relationships in the game, and also (in my opinion) the most intriguing. I’m really interested in Morte’s loyalty to the Nameless One and the way his guilt intersects with and fuels it. They have such a long, twisted history, and the player’s decisions can put so many different spins on it. I’d really love anything about them, shippy or gen. (I would prefer that the focus be kept off their romantic/sexual relationships with women or aspirations toward the same, particularly the sexually harassing comments.)
I’m a massive, massive sucker for comic relief characters encountering serious/dark situations, so I would love anything with Morte in that vein, whether it’s one of his canonical moments of peril (getting stolen by Lothar! potentially being traded to the Pillar of Skulls!) or a new situation. A past incarnation of the Nameless One could also provide the peril. Their relationship has gone through near infinite iterations -- there’s so much to exploit there, and so much opportunity for angst on Morte’s part (and pining, if you want to go in a shippy direction). 
Further prompts… Hmm. I’d love something that explores the world of Planescape in general and Sigil in particular; I’m particularly fond of the mortuary, the catacombs, and UnderSigil. It’d also be cool to see their first meeting after the “best” ending of the game (where the Nameless One finally dies and goes off to join the Blood War). On the whole, though, anything where these two are together and bantering would be lovely!
Requested Ships: David 7/Trexel Geistman, Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz, Number 1/Number 48, David 7 & Trexel Geistman & Hartro Piltz, David 7/Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
It’s difficult to express how much I love this podcast, but rest assured I really, really do. It has been described as a cross between Brazil and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and this strikes me as accurate. I love how the tone is at once exuberantly silly, but also dark and horrifying, in a way that doesn’t try to hammer listeners over the head with its irony. It would be hard not to delight me with any fic about the requested gen relationship and ships.
David 7/Trexel Geistman
I didn’t actually ship these two until I wrote 10k+ words of them talking. Then Season 3 came along, and, well, I LOVE THEM. They’re so fun together, and I love the gradual development of their not-quite-friendship -- those few, short moments of genuine connection, that contrast all the more with Trexel’s everyday self-absorbed cruelty and the oppressive horror of David’s situation.
The potential for jealousy and unrequited pining on Trexel’s part here is particularly delicious. (I would be totally cool with unrequited Trexel->David for this request, by the way.) However, I also love the idea of David realizing, with creeping horror, that he has feelings for Trexel, or that he returns Trexel’s no doubt inconvenient and poorly expressed affections. Imagine the songs they would sing.
In terms of prompts… I really loved the in-universe coffee shop setup; something about their time there, or an AU where they get to stay longer, would be lovely. Playing with tropes could be fantastic -- soulmate/soulbond AUs, arranged marriage, bodyswap, amnesia, wingfic, time loops, fake dating, hurt/comfort, one character being assumed dead when they aren’t (and then it makes the other character realize their feelings, oh no). I’d also really love angst, centered around pining or not. I think some terribly painful things could be done with these characters, and I’d love to read them.
Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
I fell hard for this ship right about when Hartro made Trexel drink clone slurry in Episode 5. I love how much fun she has terrorizing him, how he just has to take it, and how he both fears her and scrambles for her attention. (NB: I am 100% unironically into the foot thing, so feel free to do whatever you’d like with that, including nothing.)
I love what a disaster Hartro is. It’s not her fault that she was assigned to Trexel -- he could drive anyone mad -- but she lets her hatred of him goad her into making terrible decisions. At the same time, as a nonnie on FFA expressed a while ago, it seems like she gets more out of the relationship than she wants to confront or acknowledge. On Trexel’s end, Hartro seems to demonstrate the exact sort of mix of “come here” and “get away from me” that captures his attention.
Kink is baked into this ship, so I’ll try to be shameless about requesting it. I was perhaps overly gratified when Trexel was canonically stated to be a masochist (he likes getting shock-collared! and possibly stepped on!). I’d love anything that goes even further with their canon dynamic -- D/s, punishment, bondage; humiliation, degradation, the foot thing; maybe dubcon with a pre-canon Hartro taking out her frustrations on Trexel, or some sort of incredibly messed up corporate training exercise. 
Explicit kinky content is far from my only interest here, though -- I’d also love romance, a lower-rated exploration of UST, or something that examines their relationship without getting into kink or sex at all. This is one of those ships where, if you make them hold hands in a certain way, hearts will spontaneously explode in my eyes. Just a fact.
Number 1/Number 48
Standards! So sinister. What’s up with them, anyway? How did they meet and agree to file relationship paperwork together? What are their couples counseling sessions with Dr. Krell like? What were the most egregiously vague pronouncements that Number 1 made pre-canon, and what other work assignments have impacted their personal lives and forced them to cancel reservations? ...How did Number 48 get the murder hammer? 
Since these two are, I believe, the highest-ranking members of Stellar Firma to have appeared in the podcast so far, I’d love something about their interactions with other higher-up types or silly protocols or general Brazil-type bureaucratic madness. If there are ominous promises and disturbing implications packaged in crisp business jargon, all the better. 
David 7 & Trexel Geistman & Hartro Piltz | David 7/Trexel Geistman/Hartro Piltz
So, I love these characters and the way they interact. I love that they’re all dramatic and ridiculous in their own ways, and that no one is strictly the straight man or the comic relief (though Trexel does come close to the latter). 
Gen-wise, these three seeing a common goal through together would be delightful, whether it’s something small or grand-scale or completely imaginary. Something science fiction-y, or crossover with another genre like horror or film noir, could be really fun. Additionally, the episode where they all play a TTRPG is one of my favorites -- I’d love something else about them playing a game together or otherwise letting Hartro explore her passion for elaborate props and scenarios. 
Ship-wise, I’ve already talked about why I love David/Trexel and Hartro/Trexel. For David and Hartro, I like that they’re able to have a polite, semi-reasonable conversation, but I was also intrigued by the hint of antagonism in Episode 55, with the angry staring and pointed bed-sitting. I tend to read David as either gay or bi with a heavy preference for men, but I could absolutely get into some David/Hartro rather than a V relationship for this OT3. In terms of shippy prompts, I’m interested in seeing them navigate the same scenarios as in gen, but I would also love some messed up three-person corporate training exercises if you’d like to go that route.
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eveningcatcher · 4 years
Main six + courtiers playing D&D part 1
"Alright, now that everyone's here," you said as you were looking over your papers, "Let's get started, shall we?"
"Wait, wait," Vulgora said, swinging their character sheet in the air, "How did you calculate any of these things? Why the fuck is here +5" she pointed at their intimidation stat, then moved her finger to the persuasion stat, "And here it's +3?"
"It's because you've added your proficiency bonus there," Nadia explained as she stirred her coffee.
"Proficiency?" they asked, frowning.
"That coloured dot," Julian said.
"Ohh, ohhhh, that makes sense now," they put the paper down and took the large gulp of their beer, recklessly spilling it over the white sheet of paper.
Valerius moves his chair away from the pontifex, as well as his character sheets, "So, I can leave in three hours, right?"
Read the whole chapter here
"Why would you want to leave so soon?" you asked them, pouring them a glass of wine.
"Because there is no fulfilment in wasting time with filling these sheets and sitting idly, spending the precious time in useless chatter about non-existing worlds and their non-existing characters going into non-existing journeys," quaestor added as they pulled a chair in between Volta and Vulgora, "If your heart yearns for such journeys and adventures then why don't you go on and experience them on your own?"
"I see you've done some research," Portia adds as she put a huge tray of food next to the procurator, "Ilya remember when we used to play D&D?"
Julian gave his sister a wide grin, "Oh, I remember when you started yelling at me whenever I would be a DM."
"Well that's because you would never let me do anything I wanted to," she put a cup of tea next to the praetor, "Careful, it's still hot."
"So how long do we play this game?" Vlastomil asked, "I need to take care of my dear Wriggler. Oh, how sad she was when I left," he frowned, quickly wiping a single dear, "She must be worried sick, wriggling around, eating her sorrows away..."
"Oh, I can completely understand her, yes I can," Volta rose her head from her food, giving the praetor an understanding look, "I always eat when I'm stressed and anxious."
"You always eat, though," Asra commented before facing Julian, "Did I fill this right?" they asked him.
"Hm, let me see," he took the papers, along with the player's handbook. He would list through the pages, not bothering to check the book content, only stopping when he needed to check the papers.
"Here," he pointed at the skills, "You can check another stat you want."
"Oh, thanks," they took the pencil and checked insight, adding the proficiency bonus.
"So, shall we begin then?" you asked as you raised DM's screen.
"Why do you have that?!? Where is mine?!?"
"Yeah, I want some too!" Lucio demanded.
"But I am the DM, players can't have this."
"Can we just begin already?" Muriel said something for the first time, "I just want to leave."
"Alright, fine. I hope you've all made yourselves comfortable because we won't take a break for a while."
"Oh, that's no good, no, that is terrible," tiny procurator said as she was chewing her food, spilling some of it out, "What about the food? We're almost out!"
"Don't worry dear," Nadia said, as she was taking one of her rings out, cleaning the emerald with her sleeve, "Food will be brought over the time, so let's just begin already."
"Alright, alright, let's begin now," you said as you gathered magic in your hands, letting it poof and cover the top of the table, "The story begins in a small tavern on the northern side of the human village-"
"Let's smash their skulls and claim all of their things!" Vulgora said as they smashed their fist on the table, moving the mist away.
"I mean, you could do that," you said, putting your finger on your lips as you gave their idea a bit more thought. Once you've come up with the satisfying idea, you started to control the mist, folding it to your liking, until the mist turned into an inside of a tavern, with all of their characters sitting on one table, some of them drinking, others talking(more like arguing) and others playing a game of cards.
Amongst them, there is one certain Dragonborn who can't seem to calm down. They stand up, walking over the table, then announcing their idea loudly enough for the other PC's to hear:
"Let's kill everyone in this stupid village!" the Dragonborn said.
"I don't know, I kinda like it here," Julian's PC said as they took another glass of beer.
"Oh, I love this magic smoke!" he said as he grabbed a handful of popcorn, munching on it as he tried not to spill it.
"I'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible," you said, as you stopped motioning with your hands once you were sure the magic will last, "But anyway, any other thoughts on Vulgora's idea?"
"Absolutely no." Nadia and her character said in unision.
"I have to agree with the countess," Valerius said as he went through his character sheets, "The guards will kill us all."
"No they won't," Vulgora responded sharply, "There are so many of us, we will kill them all!"
"We are all first level, so I doubt it," Portia said, taking the tray of food and setting it in front of hungry Volta.
"Wait, there are levels here," praetor asked, his head buried in the player's handbook, not understanding anything.
"Yes, twenty of them, apparently," Valdemar added calmly, clearly bored; "Um, is that supposed to happen?" Muriel asked as they pointed towards a figure walking towards their PC's.
With a sly grin, you started to tell them your story. Altering your voice to what you believe a tall, middle-aged sorcerer would sound like.
Everyone looked at each other as if they thought that the other knew what was going on. Once they realised that this is most likely something about your story, they looked at the fog and listened to the old sorcerer.
"So... you must be the adventurers who want to," he quickly took a glance at the other people in the tavern, leaning towards the table the group was sitting in, and, with a low voice, said, "Kill the gods?"
"I, uh," Muriel stuttered, not knowing how to react, however, Asra started talking, moving the attention to them and, with a sly grin, said "Yes, you got the right people."
"Oh, ho, so it is indeed you," he chuckled, "What an... interesting bunch you are... reminds me of the last adventurers who have tried to do what you long for..." he smiled, "Ohh, those were the times, yes indeed they were."
"Tell us more about them," Portia insisted.
"Ohh, they were, you know, quite the colourful bunch," he said, "Though not as big as you are. Just a small group of three, a human, tiefling and a..." he stopped talking for a moment, taking the time to run their bony hands through the beard, "A, hmm, was she a pureblood, or a human too... I can't quite recall," he shrugged it off with a simple gesture of hands, "It doesn't matter. The important, and a quite interesting part, is that they were all wronged by the world and-"
"Oh, please make it quick, I don't care about them!" Vulgora's PC said.
"I use my cantrip prestidigitation to muffle out their complains," Asra said.
"Okay, you succeeded," you said, through a giggle as you muted Vulgora's endless number of complaints.
"," Vulgora tried to say something, but no words could be heard from their lips. However, this couldn't stop them, so they signed to Asra a few words, probably the only ones they knew how to sign: I'll crush you, wizard boy!
"Sorry about that my good sir," Nadia's PC turned on her chair, calling a taverner, "Could you please bring us some ginger ale for this gentleman?"
The sorcerer chuckled, satisfied with the free drink and continued, "Well then, where was I again, ah yes," he stroke his long beard as he recalled the lore, "Those three were, quite a chaotic bunch to say the least. They all hated this society, but they didn't blame the government, no no, they blamed the gods who have created this world. So anyway, what is the reason behind your decision?" he leaned to Muriel's druid, "Is it power, glory and praise? No, you don't look like the type who desires such things..." he muttered, leaning towards the evil Tiefling, "What about you, oh I think I know!" he nodded with satisfaction, "You seek the answers, young one, don't you? Or maybe it's the curiosity; what would the world be like with no god? Oh, ho, ho..." he sat back to his chair, just in time as he was handed the beverage and took a huge gulp, choking on it. With a few loud coughs, he calmed down and continued, "Well then, I must warn you, everyone who tried to kill a God has met the same fate, so I truly hope that your reason is worth it."
"Of course it is!" Lucio exclaimed, happy that the attention finally focused on him, "If we kill Gods, then everyone would be forced to become an atheist, and the only person that they could worship would be me!"
Everyone took a moment of silence to think through his preposterous statement. Julian and Portia tried to muffle their laugh, while Vugora, who finally got the ability to talk again stayed silent.
"Well, I mean," the old man started, "I guess it's not that bad. There wouldn't be any cultist attacks anymore..." he stayed silent after that statement as he, slowly this time, took a sip of the drink. Once he had drunk it all, he stood up, "Well, thank you, my children, for the drink, in return, I offer you the map to three of twelve artefacts that you'll need to kill a god."
"Wait, what are we supposed to do after we got them?" Volta asked as she chewed on a sandwich with excitement in her eyes. She was certainly enjoying this a lot more than she had expected to.
In response, the sorcerer chuckled, but this time, there was something odd in his voice, "Oh, please, only two people have gotten all three of the artefacts," after that bold statement, he seemed to have realised that he might have sounded a bit too dark, so he changed the tone, giving the group a warm smile, "But I'm sure that you could get them. Oh, ho, ho, after all, there is eleven of you, I'm sure some of you could be lucky enough."
With that, he dropped them a scroll and slowly walked towards the exit. "So," you said, "What will you do with the scroll?"
"Read it, obviously," Valerius responded, trying to sound as though he was bored.
"Alright. Nadia, you have opened the scroll, however, you can't understand anything it's written. However, you Valdemar seem to understand it. It's written in Infernal."
"Very well, then," they extended a hand to Nadia, "Give me the scroll."
"Um," she looked at you, as you gathered fog in your hands, forming a scroll with some unreadable words to her, but, when she handed it to Valdemar, they seemed to be able to read it. They didn't read it aloud, instead, they simply rolled their eyes.
"Come on, read it already!" Valstomil demanded.
"Very well then," they started reading a scroll, with a dull voice"Hot elf moms in your area are looking for a good time. No need for a pouch, they just want your big-"
"WRONG SCROLL, WRONG SCROLL!!!" the sorcerer rushed into the tavern, snatching the scroll, replacing it with a lot older one, a bit ripped at the side.
Everyone, excluding some burst into laughter. Portia's face has gotten so red that Julian laughed even louder, pointing at her, even though he didn't look any better. Asra tried to hold in the laugh, knowing that this is not the joke they should laugh at, while Muriel innocently asked Volta what was the big thing elf moms wanted. Neither one of them knew the answer, so they asked Vulgora, who gladly responded with: "Elves want the di-" they stopped as soon as they saw the Countess' disapproving look.
"I swear if this one is also a 'wrong scroll' I'm leaving," Valerius said.
"Alright, alright," you said, a bit disappointed that not everyone enjoyed the joke as much as you did, "Here you go, Julian" you handed him another scroll.
He took it and, with a bit of scepticism, started reading in a dramatic voice, accenting a random word that he found interesting: "The first artefact is Abaddon's dagger. It lies untouched in the Saint Milu's church, slowly rusting away, waiting for its owner to return, or perhaps, for another champion worthy of them..." he stopped for a moment, taking a deep breath and asked in a normal tone: "So, how was that?"
"Perfect Ilyushka!" Portia said with a smile, "You can read the scrolls from now on!" she shifted her gaze to you, "So, how are we supposed to find that dagger?"
"I don't know," you sulked into your seat, "You're supposed to think of an idea," you slowly straightened your posture, "But, if you get stuck, I guess I will help you out."
"Shouldn't we go ask some people about that church?" Volta asked as she bit on cherry cheesecake.
"That seems to be the best option," Nadia concluded, "Then, let's go, shall we?"
Before they left, Julian took a d20 and said with a smirk, "I roll sleight of hand check to see if I can steal some money from that dude drinking beer," he pointed at some random guy sitting next to the exit.
"Alright," you said, "Go on."
He put the dice in between his hands, pretending to pray and rolled it. The dice hit Volta's plate, to which she flinched, and then finally, the dice stopped. It rolled on 16.
"Yeah, you succeeded," you started as you grabbed some popcorn, "You took a little pouch, containing 2gp."
"I walk to the gentleman and inform him that his pouch has been stolen by this terrible man," Valerius said with a sly grin as he sipped his wine.
"Dude NO!" Julian shouted.
Before you could determine the outcome you turned to see if Valerius is still sure about his decision, to which he simply nodded. Amused by the way this is going so far, you said: "Well, you've told the man about the stolen money," you shifted your hands up, moulding the fog to your imagination, then continued talking in a masculine voice, "That rascal! Thank you, my man, at least some of this youth is still polite," the man stood up, walked to Julian, slapped him right across the face and took the old pouch from his hands, "How disrespectful, did your mother teach you that?!?!"
Asra giggled like a highschooler while Muriel looked amused as he listened to Volta commenting about how, if he were to steal her food, she would have given him more than just a slap.
"Roll a d20 to see how bad the imprint looks," you took the d20 that still laid next to Volta's plate to Julian. This time, he didn't do anything fancy, instead, he just rolled it expecting to get some low number.
"Natural twenty," you snorted, hiding your face in your hands from laughter, "Oh my god," you felt your face getting redder and redder from the lack of oxygen, "Yeah, that will defenetely leave a mark," you shifted the fog towards Julian's face, imprinting a red handprint across his left cheek.
"You look like a fucking idiot!" Vulgora laughed their ass off, pointing at Julian's face.
"Serves you right for doing such a crime!" Vlastomil added, along with Volta who just nodded in approval, too busy with eating to respond.
"Was it really necessary for you to be a snitch, consul?" Nadia asked, "After all, I believe that the point of the game is to do anything you want."
Valerius, in response, gave an ironic smile, lowering his head as if he were to bow, "But countess, I am simply acting according to my," he raised his sheet, "Alignment."
"Can we beat our teammates?" Portia asked.
"Why not," you smiled, still thinking about Julain's scar.
"Okay, so, consul," Portia turned to Valerius, "If you decide to be a snitch again, " she put her hand on Asra's shoulder, "We will beat you up!"
"Just take all of his possessions and give it to the poor if he likes helping so much," Muriel commented as he peeled lemon as if it were an orange.
"Muriel," Portia walked to him and gave him the tightest hug she could, "You're a genius! MC, give him 50gp for such a brilliant idea!"
"Sorry, but I can't," you shifted in your seat as you arranged some of the papers, "But I can continue with the story!"
"Finally, I was getting bored," Valdemar said, "When can I summon the dead?"
"When you reach the third level, I believe," you gave them a quick response and then continued talking about the campaign, "So anyway, you leave the tavern with Julian. who is still dazed by the slap-"
"You'll make this a permanent scar, won't you?" he asked as he pointed at his face.
"Of course I will. So, you left the tavern and noticed a bleeding beggar on the side, what do you do?"
"Valerius, this is your chance!" Asra said mockingly.
"Can we help them?" Volta asked, looking at the fog, "She looks like she hasn't been eating for days!"
"They're bleeding and you're caring about that," Lucio turned to Volta, then to others, "Why should we do anything? MC is probably just messing with us."
"Like with that scroll!" Vlastomil agreed.
"Do they have anything valuable that we could take?" Valdemar asked.
"Oh, I'm glad you're finally getting the hang of roleplaying, quaestor, but no, they don't have anything useful."
"Hm," the quaestor was silent for a moment, then they responded with a gleam of delight in their eyes, "I need components for my spells, no?" they didn't give you the time to respond, "While she may not have any valuables, she still has bones, doesn't she?"
"Valdemar no!" Nadia said.
"Why not, after all, the point of the game is to do anything you want, isn't it?" Valerius, said, still a bit salty.
"Shut up, all of you!" Portia said as she slammed her hands on the table, which made you flinch, "At this point, she'll bleed to death! Julian do something!"
"Why me?"
"Because you have Cure wounds! Use it to heal her!"
"But then I'll spend my slot."
"BuT tHeN I'lL sPeNd mY sLoT," she said as she mimicked him, "I don't care, do it, or else I'll give you a matching scar on the other cheek!"
"Fine... I use my spell on the beggar."
"Okay, you succeeded, the beggar is not bleeding, what now?" you asked.
"I give her some of my food rations," Volta said.
"Alright," you changed the fog to show a healed beggar with some food in front of her, "You've helped her, congrats, but she doesn't say anything, instead, she just stares at you."
"Let's just keep going," Asra said, "We've done enough."
"I agree, let's go for that dagger!"
"But we don't know where it is," Vlastomil said.
"Let's just snoop around then," Portia said with a smile.
"You're in a town," you pointed at the fog which showed their PC's walking around the village, "What now?"
"We ask the NPC's if they know where that church is," Asra said as his PC walked to one woman, "Excuse me, do you know where..." he stopped for a moment to think, " Saint Milu is?"
"Why I do," she said, "But, are you sure you want to go? It's very dangerous."
"Of course we do!" Vulgora added, "Nothing is too dangerous, you're just making a fuss over nothing!"
"Well, if you're so confident, then if you do go there and return alive, I'll tell my dad and he'll reward you."
"Um...sure?" Asra said, a bit reluctant.
"But I need proof that you were there!"
"Sure, what do you want?"
"How am I supposed to know that?" she pouted, "I've never gone there myself. I told you it's too dangerous, remember?"
"Alright, alright, we'll bring you a battle trophy, just tell us where to go, goddammit!" Vulgora said, clearly losing their patience.
"Alright, alright, sheesh," she said, "Just go north from the city's shop. It's the last house in the village, just straight forward," she extended her hand in front of herself, "You can't miss it!"
"Thank you," Julian said, "By the way, has anyone ever told you you look dazzling?"
"Why thank you, " she smiled, "Too bad I can't say the same for your face," she giggled and went her way.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Portia snorted, unable to sustain the laughter.
"You'll keep doing this to me, won't you?" Julian asked defeated.
You nodded and continued., with the narration: "You've walked to the small shop. Do you want to stop by to buy some things?"
All of them agreed and went inside.
"Oh, travellers, I haven't seen any of them in a while. Greetings, greetings, how may I help you," he turned to Vlastomil and Valdemar's PC, to which he immediately shouted, shaking in fear, "Oh GOD, please, please don't kill me! I don't have any valuables, nor do I have much money, plus I'm not tasty, see?" he pointed at himself, "I'm only skin and bone! I barely have anything to feed my son with, please, please spare me!"
"Um, sir," Nadia said, "We are not here to kill you... we just want to buy something."
"You do?" the man straightened himself, grasping at Nadia's hands with tears of joy, "Oh thank you, thank you! I thought this was going to be the last day of my life! Please, ask for anything that you need!"
"Do you have healer's kit?" Volta asked.
"Why I certainly do, my dear," the shopkeeper responded, "That'll be 7gp."
"But isn't the price for that 5gp?" Portia asked.
"It is," the shopkeeper said, "However, I had to buy this in the town and to go all the way to here. Plus I'm also the only shopkeeper in all of the nearby villages."
"Could you give us a special price," Julian asked, "After all we are the adventurers, so we'll surely buy many things!"
"Are you buying the healer's kit for him, dear?" he asked Volta, "I doubt that will be enough to help him," before Julian could protest about the rude comment again, the shopkeeper clapped his hands and said, "But I sure know what could help you!" he bowed down and took a little bottle, "Mommy's kiss!"
"Mommy's kiss?"
"Yes, mommy's kiss is a powerful cream that can clear your skin from any acne, blackheads and, most importantly, scars! Suitable for any race and any skin type! My son loves it!"
"If that's the only thing that will remove this scar, then sure. How much for Mommy's kiss?"
"Well, this is a rare cream that can remove any skin imperfection, but for you, my fine gentleman, I'll lower the price to 200 gp!"
"Two hundred gold pieces for that tiny bottle!?!"
"Well, it is Mommy's kiss, after all."
"Sorry, but I'll have to pass."
"But I'll take the healer's kit," Volta said.
"And I'll take five arrows," Portia said.
"Why does the Great axe cost 30gp?!?" Lucio asked.
"But I only have 10!!!" Vulgora said, "How can we get the money?!?"
"Well, if you go to the Saint Milu, you'll get some money," you said.
"Ughh, fine..."
"Excuse me, sir," Valdemar leaned to the shopkeeper who nervously sweated, "Do you, by any chance, sell bones of the humanoids?"
"Eek!" the shopkeeper said.
"Okay, so, Valdemar, the shopkeeper is terrified of you," you started, "Because of that, you have an advantage on rolling intimidation check. So if you want to force them to give you something, feel free to try."
"Oh, how fun," Valdemar's eyes glowed with joy, "Are there any scrolls here?"
"I, I do have some scrolls," he said, visibly shaking.
"I'll take the one with the inflict wounds spell," they said.
You threw two d20 at them, "Roll them, the AC is 15."
They rolled the dice, where one dice landed on 4 while the other one on 14.
"Is your intimidation at least +1?"
They took a glance at the skills table and gave you a toothy grin.
"You got the scroll, however, the shopkeeper told you to get out or else he'll call the guards."
"Too bad. Looks like you're not going to get Mommy's kiss, Ilyushka!"
"Fear not, we're going to find you Mommy's kiss in some other shop," Lucio said, laughing mid-sentence.
"So, because Muriel has a keen mind feat, he leads all of you north."
"You go Muri!" Portia cheered.
Read the whole chapter here
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critical-ramblings · 4 years
Things that Mean More
On a second watch through of Critical Role campaign 2. (Ep 11-15)
“Maybe [Yasha] was a ghost the whole time, maybe the lightning exploded her, maybe she wandered out into the rain and lost her memory”...one of these is not like the others!
Molly: What should we do while keeping watch? Jester: We could find a candy store Molly: Wait there are stores specifically for selling candy?” sometimes Molly makes me sad
“Nott and Molly, you ready to go?” For some reason I expected him to say Caduceus and now I’m sad.
Matt is going really hard on the class differences between the Outersteads and the Tri-spire. 
The three towers of the Tri-spire are the Zauberspire, the Constellation Bridge, and the Triumph Chime, which we don’t know much about because Beau rolled a 6 on her history check
Matt cracks himself up describing Chastity’s Nook. His face is SO RED. Liam: “I made you plan for this!”
Tusk Love makes an appearance! Who knew Matt’s smut shop prep would become a recurring theme this campaign
Beau, to Caleb: the Cerberus Assembly, you know much about them?
It’s so interesting to hear them talk about the state of the Empire and the Cerberus Assembly, because they’re just so...powerless.
I think Beau straight up says, “I don’t know, look at this. Look at how much money is up here compared to elsewhere. This is a lot of control.”
Caleb immediately asks, “so what do you plan to do about it?” after which Beau deflects to drinking booze and making money. Look how far they’ve come. :)
Caleb buys Jester bear claws and then Jester buys him the Courting of the Crick. Their love language has always been gifts
I remember not being a Huge fan of the political arc in Zadash, it’s pretty slow and doesn’t have a super conclusive end, even though they ‘succeed’
first explanation of the crick slur! this is also the first real experience we have with the Kryn Dynasty, and I remember wanting to know more about them! Xhorhas is like a black hole of knowledge, it’s just on the other side of the mountains and we know NOTHING
Doolan Tversky! What the FUCK Nott? WHAT DOES IT MEAN???
Dolan and Horace are...very relatable in today’s political situation
We talk about how bad it was for Molly to charm Nott, but she started it by stealing from Fjord. That doesn’t make it okay, but it does add some context. As far as PVP goes, she was the instigator
“I need him to be powerful. So he can save me.” the ‘using him’ undertones of the conversation are SO GOOD
Fjord is also asking all the right questions, but Nott is excellent at dancing around them. Even charmed, she doesn’t trust them enough to tell them. 
“I did my own dental work” oh boooooooy i missed that one
the description of fictional Xhorhas is very :/
Fjord attempts to Manage Nott..it does not work...he asks Caleb to do it. Nott tells him she’s not an idiot. I think this is the first time she really pushes back against the infantilization
If you want your players to know someone is evil, have them advocate killing puppies and call tieflings ‘demonbloods’
proficient in mail fraud
man the Mighty Nein (and mostly Caleb) really Improved the Knights of Requital plan. We go from ~somehow~ tying Sutan to the Myriad and the High Richtor to framing the two of them for murder (of the Lawmaster)
intro of the meta-gaming pigeon! originally a signal in-game for investigating Dolan
Ren Sutan is the one they were investigating at the hospital, his father Deitrich Sutan is the one they frame in the Heist
The Hospital Scene....the last brain cell in the Nein went with Beau and Jester
the grin that Taliesin has when he says “I’ve got a plan” is Terrifying
after Molly’s done with his Disguise, Fjord says ‘do I dare ask how it looks,’ Molly says, ‘well, i can show you?’ and it’s CALEB who says “yes show us the goods”
“we are working together. we are TRYING to work together. Getting all of us out is more important than finding this asshole” Caleb, being a Team Player. This is 1 episode before scrollgate
Caleb tells Jester to keep her writing plain “not as charming as you normally speak”
hes so softe already
Nott and Caleb have a talk about learning Identify, how Nott supports Caleb, believes in him, which visibly makes Caleb uncomfortable. Nott is clearly fishing for ways to make Caleb more powerful without revealing why
The robberies/evidence planting actually goes off without (too much of) a hitch. Not much to say, until we get to the Scrolls
Fjord is classic dumbass, he escalates the situation (brings out the falchion) and then even if he agrees with Caleb (they’d already destroyed the rug in Sutan’s place) he can’t back down
Then Ulog’s sacrifice--absolutely the most interesting part of this arc, to me. He’s not just a thief, he’s a real revolutionary. 
he also knocks Caleb out in one hit, which is Nice
The assassins strike the Zauberspire!!!!! Earlier this episode Sam says “We think Matt’s managing three plot lines, but there’s actually a fourth we don’t even know about” and he is Absolutely Right
god I want to write a fic about those two. It seems like the classic echo knight/wizard support combo, i want to know about these two special forces drow sent to retrieve the Beacon, the holy symbol of their people. Blessed by the Bright Queen herself. And they come so close. (if it weren’t for those meddling kids!)
Matt pulls this Advanced DM trick, where you have the party fight an enemy that would be completely annihilating them--if it wasn’t already injured.
The first impressions of the Beacon, from what they manage to glean from this Charmed assassin, are so interesting. Jester’s eternal mis-interpretation about babies (which isn’t...really wrong?)
The drow twitched when Ulog’s name was mentioned! Though the Gentleman’s association did not deal with the Krynn, Ulog knows some shady people. If he wasn’t a spy himself.
They don’t even take the Beacon! (But the time they took futzing about with the assassin was what allowed him to be captured and killed)
I just realized that the reason Caleb stays with the Beacon that first night isn’t because he’s afraid it’ll be stolen--it’s because as long as he’s within 5 ft it can’t be scried on!
Okay, Molly and Beau really do team up against Nott in this talking to. Nott Does Not Agree with their reasoning--in the episode before, it was Caleb who put the scrolls back to deescalate the situation. Caleb is the one here who has the aside with the skull about how much he wants to make this group work. It’s Nott who’s on the fence. 
“He’s MY boy. I take care of HIM.”
Caleb tries, after the skull interlude, he tries to tell Nott. “You know, I was going to go to that place. The Soltryce Academy...But I fucked it up.” He can’t bring himself to say more than that.
Nott purchases the enchantment for her never-ending flask. 250 gold is nothing, when you’re a goblin who just likes shiny things.
Whenever Caleb has money, he spends it on paper and ink to transcribe spells. Whenever he doesn’t have spells to transcribe, he buys them. :)
Taryon Darrington!!!! I also fell out of my chair when this book came up. Can’t wait for Caleb to read it someday and declare it trash
MOLLY! He bullshits SO well, I (and Cree) bought into the idea that he just really wanted to stay on the DL. That’s really what I take away from this revelation, his intense desire to keep his past under wraps.
Meeting the Gentleman! Fjord won 600 gold with some good gambling, they get a job dungeon crawling, Laura isn’t there to meet her dad.
Yasha backstory! The crumbs we get about Xhorhas are so little, and I remember being a little confused about how big Xhorhas was, the difference between the region and the Krynn Dynasty, how connected everything is over there. 
Caleb asks Fjord whether or not he used party funds to gamble. Fjord reassures him, but Caleb says he would be alright with it. “Calculated risks.” 
From home Jester strikes with the Wand of Smiles...
This interrogation has so many good one-liners from our good Mollymauk. “That person is dead and not me” “The truth is vicious, it thinks you owe it something” “joy can fill an awful lot of a person’s life” 
Caleb’s Joke: (about Pumat) “Well, [he’s] not one of a kind.” Molly: “Did you just make a joke?” Caleb: “No.” 
Yasha in Pumat Sol’s shop is the most awkward we ever see her. She stumbles over her words, bails on her attempts at banter, DOES manage to roll a 14 Persuasion for a discount on her healing potions.
Important Caleb & Yasha bonding over buying the throwing stars for Beau
Liam really is the best Jester (besides Laura, of course)
Some really great early Fjord/Jester in the Underworks. “Don’t read into it.” “This is just like that scene in Tusk Love.” I think Fjord did flirt with Jester, but that came from a) heteronormativity and b) Fjord always pushes his luck. His curiosity and playfulness have burned him more than once--I don’t think he considers that he might also be hurting Jester with these interactions.
bonus Caleb: “It is sad when ships sink.”
Highlight of this dungeon crawl is Nott completely failing to rogue. Nott and traps don’t get along...
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bluejaytaco · 4 years
More DND with Jay
(long post is long)
(A session where Ticket Master; our chaotic god friend(?) transported us into another world where shit ain’t so bad. And our team actually works for BBEG. Also, he transported us while he himself fought BBEG. We’re trying to retrieve a sword for him.)
Alternate selves: (See us) who are you guys?
Art(panicking): We’re the improv group!
DM: Is that really what you’re going with?
Me: guess so....
Everyone else: (agreeing that Art’s panic induced call is the way to go)
Me: You know what? Imma try to seduce myself.
Koejin’s player: (gasp) yessss!
(low roll)
DM:.... Alright. So, Art goes up to himself and feels like they just had a moment, leans in to kiss himself and the other Art backs up and says “whoa whoa whoa. What the fuck are you doing? I mean, I’m pretty sure I can do better than me.”
Art: I mean.... fair...?
Koejin: Holy Shit, their Art’s an asshole!
DM: No, this is completely in character for both. Art hates himself.
Me, nodding: hardcore.
DM: So, after asking you guys all your jobs, the coordinator leads you all down the hall. He stops, turns to Art, and... kisses him on the cheek. It’s Ticket Master.
Art, exasperated: For fuck’s sake....
Ticket Master, grinning: Did I trick you?
Art: Yeah, you did.
Ticket Master: Well, now you guys have to put on that performance. Good luck! (vanishes)
Theodora, sick of his shit: So, how’s that fight going with Mrs. Red?!
DM: A piece of the ceiling breaks off and hits Theodora right in the head.
Theodora, unfazed: Oh, not good, eh?!
Art: ....fuck just... please don’t die...
(We ended up corrupting that world’s Hennessy, who then turned and attacked Ticket Master with the sword. That only opened the portal to our home on Ticket Master himself. Art gets thrown through when he tries to stop Eltbalm from attacking Red. Eltbalm then gets put in a “cube of holding” Alabaster’s been carrying and everyone else jumps through the portal after shouting for Good Mrs. Red to follow us to get Eltbalm back.
Before she can jump through the portal too, Mrs. Red gets her head cut off by a force we didn’t see and the portal closes. Our Mrs. Red is still pissed and still ready to kill us all.)
Ticket Master, freezing time to reappear right before Art gets fucked up: Alright, now if you want me to reverse time so you can save that clearly dead girl (gestures to Art’s sister laying on the ground) you need to give me my sword. After that, you never have to see me again.
Alabaster: (Standing tall and defiant)
Art: givehimtheswordgivehimtheswordgivehimtheswordgivehimthefuckingsword.
Theodora: Don’t do it, Alabaster...
Ticket Master: Look, I just want my damn sword. Give it to me and I’ll be on my way.
Art:.... Alabaster, please....
Alabaster: (Deep sigh and a pained look to Art) Here... (tosses the cube to Ticket Master.)
DM: Ticket Master pops the sword out of the cube and straps it to his back. With a quick snap of his fingers, everything is back to the way it was right before Mrs. Red burst into the cabin. Everything’s still frozen but Rieta is still alive and in one piece. He looks at all of you, tips his hat, and disappears.
(This is definitely something we won’t regret.... And I highly doubt the relationship between Art and Alabaster will be exploited in any way shape or form.)
Art, to General Green once he’s back: So.... sorry about my memories and all...
Green, possibly remembering the whole Ticket Master thing: (grunts)
(Later, he makes it verrrrry clear he has no faith or trust in Art. He blatantly states this to Alabaster.)
Me, singing: Nobody trusts Art, nobody trusts Art.
Alabaster’s Player: Except Alabaster, who met Art before anyone else and immediately imprinted on him like a baby duck.
Me: lol true.
(Art gets into a little fight with Ticket Master and pretty much sleeps with the first woman who shows interest; a bartender in the tavern owned by our leader.)
DM: So, Art; as you’re having sex with Shia, her eyes go pitch black and start oozing. She then starts to attack you. What do you do?
Me: ....uhhh, scream. Loudly and a lot.
Everyone else: (rolls to see if they can hear Art.)
Theodora: Did you hear that? Sounded like Art.
Koejin: How do you know it’s him just by a scream?
Theodora: How do you not? All Art does is scream.
Me: Hah, yeah....
DM: Everyone bursts into the room to see Art in a corner just screaming “dude, dude, dude, dude!” Shia is pissed off and points at him, then yells out “You will never get answers out of me!” Just before she attacks him, the wall breaks down and Rieta comes bursting through. The two of them starts to fight and break through to the outside. They make their way down the hole where the giant worm popped out before.
Theodora:.... What just happened?
Art:.... I am never having sex ever again...
(Hennessy runs downstairs in a faux panic to get everyone out of the bar.)
Thia: What’s going on?! What do you mean we’re under attack?!
Hennessy: Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just your employee turned out to be evil. You really should do a proper background check!
Art, coming down the stairs: Yeah, sorry. I think I turned your bartender evil...
Thia, eyeing Art: It’s okay. Would you mind putting on some pants?
Art, forgetting he was naked: Shit, right. (runs back upstairs)
DM: Did no one check on the tiefling boy? (His name is also Art.)
Me: Yeah, I’m gonna check on Little Art after I put on pants.
DM: Okay, so Art gets dressed and sees the boy sitting on the bed in the other room. He looks at Art and says “What happened? Where’d Mom go?”
Art:... Um, your mom went to take care of something. I’m also gonna go take care of something. We’ll be back soon, okay? You stay here and stay safe.
DM: The boy nods and settles back into the bed as you leave.
Alabaster’s player: so wait, this is Art’s...?
Me: Nephew, yeah.
Alabaster’s Player: Awww, Uncle A!
(Running gag in our campaign: If we roll really high on analyzing something that doesn’t need that much detail, the DM will overdo it. By like a lot. It’s most common when rolling on a door to make sure we’re not stepping into a trap.)
DM: So, you analyze the door and notice the knob is made of a beautiful brass. (goes on and on and on about the doorknob.) oh, also, the rest of the door is made up of gnome skulls...
Me: Feel like the gnome skulls were more important than the doorknob.
DM: fuck you.
In game:
Art, the one who checked this door:....um (looks at Wreybar; the gnome barbarian).... maybe they’re human... baby skulls? (DM: Roll deception on...yourself??)
Koejin: How is that any better?!
(Party is in the dungeon. Alabaster could not join us for this particular session. We find a gnome who is a part of Wreybar’s backstory. His name is Hector. He is being pulled around by air elementals.)
Me: Can I try to grab Hector before they can drag him back to the barrels?
DM: Roll for it (Cue shitty roll) So, Art tries to grab Hector but then trips over a rock and falls flat on his face.
Hennessy: Air elementals are always trying to get something and don’t stop until they have it.
Wreybar and Art(In unison): Looks like they’re trying to get a Hector (Both gasp and look at each other) Eyyyyyyyy! (finger guns)
Me: Wreybar and Art are having a moment
Wreybar’s player: (laughs)
Koejin:(Having dealt with air elementals before) So, we need to get all the oxygen out of the room. 
Hennessy: (eyes the barrels of gun powder in the corner) I have an idea. (makes a copy of Hector for the elementals as Theodora grabs the real Hector. Everyone runs for the door we came through and Hennessy throws a fireball at the door then slams it shut.)
DM: Remember, the door is made of brittle bones.
Theodora: I put up my shield for everyone to hide behind.
DM: So, the flames bellow around the shield. Art, you stick your head up and come back down a second later.
Art: (the only one who’s fireproof) Yep, that’s fire!
DM: (going on and on about the next door and the history of its wood and the doorknob, which had a dent in it from a kid who was then verbally abused by his mother and grew up to be an accountant. It took five minutes to explain.)
Koejin, fascinated by the door she checked: wow... this door has some history...
Art: Huh, there’s a dent in the knob. Wonder where that came from...
Koejin: Well, let me tell you! (retells the story to an awestruck Art)
DM: So, at the end of one hall, you all see a body slumped against the wall wearing armor and holding a sword.
Theodora: I call out to the person.
DM: There’s no response.
Me: Okay, I want to investigate the body.
DM: How close are you getting?
Me: Uhhh.... like... ten feet? I don’t want to get too close.
DM: Okay, so you move closer and check it out to see that he is very dead.
Me: Okay, I’m going for the sword and armor. (Rolls a decent Slight of Hand)
DM: So, you go to pry the sword out of the hand and it just opens for you. Then, you go for the armor and his head pops up. His eye sockets look into your eyes and he says “oi! What you think you’re doing?!” He’s undead.
Art: (Still holding the guy by the armor) Oh.... uhhhh. Just... taking your stuff...
Undead guy: Like Hell you are! (DM: He goes to headbutt you and (Rolls)...dammit! His head falls off!)
Art: (watches the head roll away) Yeah, I’m taking it.
Undead guy: Oi! Stop it! (DM: He prepares to punch you in the face and (rolls) Fuck! His arm falls off!!)
(A series of failures later)
Koejin: (to Theodora) Can we keep him?
(His name is Skelly and he wants to kill gnomes. Hector in particular. But it’s okay; Hector’s a douche who’s trying to kill Wreybar. We promised him Hector and a world of adventure if he helps us... Our DM gave us actual NPC children and our party adopted a skeleton named Skelly who wants to go on adventures because he’s never seen anything other than that hallway.)
DM: It’s getting late. Do you guys wanna keep playing? I could wrap it up here with a cliffhanger.
Koejin’s player: Yeah, might as well. If we keep going, Alabaster might end up a little too lost. We’ve already got a lot to explain.
DM: Okay so, Theodora. You open the door to the room with the void. Inside, you see a floating map and a key. But you also see something else. A portal you’ve seen many times before. You know by sight, it’s a Ticket Master portal. But the person who steps through is wearing a wizard hat. You see it’s Hennessy from the alternate universe. His eyes are blacked over.
Hennessy B: (smile) Hello... friends.
DM: From the portal, you can see hands. It’s all of your hands and they are pulling themselves through.
Theodora: uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... (roll credits)
Hennessy’s player: seems like things are coming back to bite us.
Koejin’s player: huh.... it’s almost like our actions have consequences...
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semblanche · 4 years
what's templeton had to do for dragonborns in the past??? - not haeji
ah shit sorry man this is an answer only reserved for my dear friend haeji :/ come back with a warrant
djkdj but also bc i'm a sucker for talking about this stuff, jokesy joaks aside -
in-game, nothing too bad, surprisingly. he's gotten shoved around a few times, once with a low grumble of "fucking tieflings" when he didn't get out of the way fast enough (to which templeton, blushing and giddy, went "i know right??"). once anton, a party member, was asked by a dragonborn jeeringly to lick his boots, and templeton was already on his knees before anton had time to refuse. he's also uhh forced himself to drink alcohol when asked, which is a pretty big deal since templeton has a strict No Drinking / No Gambling policy going on (one of the few opinions he's cultivated for himself.) then again, it was an alt version of himself, so,,
outside of game, nothing specific. i've left templeton's past pretty open in that regard. i do however have my own hcs, which i play templeton as following sometimes - ie, i can definitely see him being like something for dragonborns to mess around with, ordering him around / stepping on his tail to keep him in place / general testing of his limits. idk if it ever veered into more ;) territory, but templeton is quite pretty, so,,, who's to say, really?
but. i would like to talk about two moments that don't exactly fall in either of the above categories. one bc it wasn't a dragonborn, and one bc it's canon in game but was never actually acted out.
1 - after hanging out a while with a party made of anti-empire revolutionaries and heretics, templeton at some point found himself feeling a bit ... emboldened. we were trying to gather data on a lizardfolk by the name of luca, so templeton offered to cast charm person on him. keep in mind, a lizardfolk in this world is like, considered a noble.
we get to our destination. we've agreed with another party member, anton, that he'll try for diplomacy, and templeton will use his spell if it fails. luca shows up, and anton tries for diplomacy, but it's clear right off the bat luca doesn't intend to cooperate - he listens absently to anton's proposal, then takes one look at templeton and grins, all "and what do you have to say?"
and it turned out what templeton had to say was turning bright blue and squeaking "I CAST CHARM PERSON."
which failed.
luca swatted it away, looking annoyed. he went to say something, but templeton, now panicky, casted command. which also failed. by now luca is angry, he's grinning wildly and he whips out a scimitar to point at templeton's throat, going "i don't appreciate this, friend."
anton stepped in the way, trying again for diplomacy, but the weight of the entire situation just suddenly hit templeton like a ton of fucking bricks. he suddenly realized just what he'd been trying to do - charm and command a lizardfolk?? him????? who the fuck did he think he was, he was lucky luca didn't want to kill him, oh god, luca should have killed him, luca should have-
anton was still talking, but templeton just. blanked. did a complete 180 to his empire principles. he started fucking bowing to luca, just teetering over himself, babbling apologies - about how sorry he was, about how luca could do anything to him, about how luca had every right to do anything to him, etc.
luca entertained this a few seconds. then, while templeton was bent over in a bow, he casually lifted one boot and just fucking placed it on the back of templeton's head. keeping him in place, frozen. caught on his knees so he didn't fall over. at some point templeton tried to move and luca just applied more pressure, so templeton went slack again.
he then continued talking to anton, cool as you please, with his boot just resting on the back of templeton's skull. it felt like forever. when he finally let up and left, templeton had his big breakdown :')
2 - our party has not so recently discovered that we exist in a timeline that's not the original. none of us are originals. at some point we met the original versions of ourselves, and we noticed both templeton's and cawub's (another party member's) versions weren't there - an npc clarified that, in this timeline, we had actually died.
cue this delicious interaction with templeton
*note: red is a dragonborn, jacob is a kenku & templeton's potential love interest. lydia is irrelevant.
Templeton: So. Um. If Cawub - died. Like that.
Helder: Yeah.
Templeton: Then how did I-?
Helder, slowly, quietly: You ... died in the first rite. When we fought against Red and Lydia.
Templeton: We? We were in a party? We- fought Red?
Helder: Isn't that what happened here?
Templeton: Are you kidding? I could never fight Red. She's - you know. (falls silent.) We fought the kenkus.
Helder: Oh yeah, the kenkus. They exist in our world too.
Templeton: Are they all okay?
Helder: I think so. Mostly they keep to themselves. Do their own thing.
Templeton: There are still all four of them?
Helder: I think.
Templeton, so quietly: Do you - Uh. Know anyone. Named Jacob?
Helder: Jacob.... What does he look like?
Templeton, automatically: Perfect.
Templeton: I mean, well, no he's uh, he's one of the kenkus, so I don't-
Helder: No, I don't really talk to them. They seem okay though?
Templeton: That's... That's good.
Templeton: So we fought Red in this version? And I-?
Helder: We were fighting Red, yes. And at some point she - she had her hands around your throat. And she was strangling you.
Templeton, softly: Oh.
Helder, in frustrated disbelief: And you just. LET her do it. You didn't even fight back.
Templeton, weakly, jokingly: That sounds about right.
Helder: I still don't understand why. I know you're not him, you've been through different things, but. Is it because she was a dragonborn?
Templeton, avoiding eye contact, suddenly guilty: I - no, it's more than that, okay, she's also a purple dragonborn, and that's the highest ranking one, so I can see why-
Helder, SO SOFTLY, SO SAD: Oh, Templeton.
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clouds-of-wings · 5 years
Rating of all Bioware romances I’ve played
(Note: for a lot of people anything under 7/10 seems to basically mean it’s crap, for me everything under 3/10 means crap, 5/10 means it’s okay - because it’s in the middle - and 7/10 is already pretty good. Also if anyone else wants to make a post like this too, that would be cool, I’d like to read it.)
Baldur’s Gate 2
Jaheira - 7/10 lots of long, intelligent conversations I don’t recall at all, it seems weird to romance your mom figure tbh but nice to not have constant drama Aerie - 5/10 here you double as therapist and cause some serious character development. It’s not really interesting though and then she has a kid at the worst possible moment. I’m still torn on whether the whole “if you sleep with her when she first offers, the romance is over” was a good idea. Viconia - 8/10 starter of countless puberties the world over, you can’t just agree with everything she says or she’ll see you as weak and pathetic, which puts this romance head and shoulders over most of the rest already. Crap ending though, and a shame that they didn’t make her bi like they planned. Although, given Drow gender roles, that would have meant having to write 2 completely different romances probably. Anomen - 1/10 uncontroversially terrible, only gets a single point because you can make him betray everything he stands for, then break up with him, strip him of all equipment and leave him wounded in the wilderness, which I have done on at least 2 playthroughs Edwin (fanmade) - 6/10 the romance a million fangirls were waiting for. Starts out great, becomes unrealistic later due to too fast progression and the player’s response choices being too good. No one really talks like that. Haer’dalis (fanmade) - 10/10 the best, the amazing, everything that’s good and pure in the world, I eventually started responding as myself instead of as my character because it felt like he was actually listening to me, peering at me through the screen, and I wanted to know what he would say. The author is a professional writer if I remember correctly, which might expl- ahh no wait I just remembered that the canon romances are written by professional writers too haha oops Yoshimo (fanmade) - ?/10 too buggy to finish but great alt portrait!
Neverwinter Nights
Aribeth - 9/10 a complicated, sensitive and ambitious woman gets a boyfriend who can’t help her. Here you - spoiler alert - help your mentor cope with her husband being sentenced to death by her king for political reasons, fall in love, then she starts a war and you kill her, meet her again in hell and fight the devil together! Best storyline of all romances for sure! Aarin - 3/10 all I remember is that he tells you endless BORING stories of his life, then gives you gifts for enduring them... but my sister likes him Valen - 5/10 very attractive but also kinda boring. I don’t really like the brooding hero type. my sister REALLY liked him though, one bonus point for horns, one for “yes, my love?” Nathyrra - 3/10 I remember absolutely nothing of her romance, actually had to check while writing this whether she even was a romance option. But I didn’t hate it either, apparently.
Neverwinter Nights 2
All main campaign romances - 3/10 they were utterly forgettable, sorry I could not even bring myself to finish either of them - I don’t even remember who the male romance option was. I wanted to romance Sand and/or Shandra, but nooo we had to... I think there was a paladin and that brown-haired druid, right? And some flirts with this manic pixie dream tiefling? Who gets jealous when you romance druid lady but you can’t actually romance her instead? Bishop - 1000/10 I hated the fucker but it’s funny how realistic his “romance” is: the developers cut the plans for his romance but couldn’t be arsed to remove the writing for it that was already in the game (lol this game is such a mess I can’t believe the balls it took to even release it), so you have a guy who keeps insulting you and being a general fedora DOUCHE... and then betrays you and joins your enemies because “my love meant nothing to you”. Unintentionally great writing! Safiya - 3/10 she’s one of my favourite video game characters ever but the romance made me very uncomfortable. Safiya seems like the kind of woman who’d only be attracted to a very specific kind of person and the game doesn’t give you the option of playing as that kind of personality. I ended up breaking up with her because it felt like the game was holding a gun to her head and forcing her to say she loved me. In a way it’s a point in the game’s favour that both joinable female NPCs are complicated, strong-willed women who would realistically probably not be taken in by the rather generic responses the game allows you to give them (out of necessity of course - a game can’t give you 100 dialogue options and let all of them lead to different outcomes, that would take 293482 years to program). Gann - 9/10 honestly my favourite canon romance. Male Viconia, moody, sardonic, tired of being objectified, pretends to be arrogant as a coping mechanism (lol), it’s actually difficult to make him fall in love with you, which is great - I gained influence with him once by calling him ugly, then lost it again for saying I was sorry he lost his parents. Would romance again anytime.
Dragon Age: Origins
Alistair - 8/10 lots and lots of fun. Saw him and my warden more as bros but played the romance just because he’s so much fun to talk to Zevran - 2/10 wanted to romance him until I actually met him. Very much Not My Type. Still had sex with him in the middle of the camp minutes after Alistair confessed his love to me ahahaha Leliana - 3/10 very boring, didn’t get beyond second romance talk Morrigan - ?? have only played the game once & with a woman but would like to try her romance one day.
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