#i think that's gonna be my official tag for episode reactions
lover-of-mine · 3 months
Hello, I hope im not bothering you, but I can't help and ask. I know you said you had thoughts and to wait the end of the season, but not gonna lie, I feel suckered punched. I tried not to have hope, but still after all the promos ( I know most of them weren't official, but still...) and I wanted to know your opinion/feeling about it all. Im also using this ask to tell you that your posts and tags make me smile a lot, so I also wanted to thank you for that it gave me company in this fandom even thought I dont dare and reach out except now...
Okay, darling, first of all, thank you, I'm happy I can be a positive presence in the fandom for you. Second, I'm gonna be as diplomatic as I can here. One, I think some reactions the fandom has don't need to reach the people they are about, and it is shitty to put an actor in that type of position, even more when not something he said. Second, I think Ryan proved why he was in pr jail, because, well, they are in damage control mode, because considering the way queerbaiting is leading people to believe there will be a romantic relationship when that was never the plan, and like it or not, the things Ryan said paired with the new things that have been said, could be read as queerbaiting. Please notice I said could. We are dealing with an ongoing story, so anything is a possibility. Buddie is in the middle. I think contextually they make sense together, but I also think that they wrote themselves into a corner. I made a whole post about that you can read all my thoughts here, but the short version is that the stakes are too high. They can't not know the potential love story they have on their hands, BUT the potential they have of being one of the best slowburns in television makes it that much harder to actually write that payoff if there wasn't a plan in place and they accidentally did that by playing off of Oliver and Ryan's chemistry. They did establish Buck and Eddie as family, and yes, their bond is stronger than one would expect of two best friends, but while I think it would be unsatisfying, leaning into the family angle without making it romantic will always be a possibility. One of the logistical problems with getting Buck and Eddie together is that, unlike bathena and madney, they work together, so you either need to get one of them out of the 118 or you need to acknowledge their relationship every episode they are both in, and that is complicated in a show with 7 main characters. There's also the issue that the foundation they have laid out for buddie doesn't really allow for them to use the usual tricks to keep slowburns interesting because most shows tend to have issues with slowburns once the tension is resolved, and the build-up with buddie is high. Whether the build-up was intentional or not, you can recontextualize the show to make it seem like this has been building, it's what allowed me to write 4k words on how Eddie has been in love with Buck since 2x04 just by playing with the perspective around them. And you can very easily do the same with Buck. That kind of expectation is not good since it's not the buddie show. The show is not only about Buck and Eddie, but to put buddie in situations as an established couple could make the show about them because, since they are always together, there will be an expectation around showing them being a couple all of the time that they might not know how to work with because there isn't really another television couple that would fit in their category. Even if we compare them to shows like castle, the mentalist, bones, the couple are the main characters, so it's okay if the couple is taking away from the rest of the show, and honestly, all 3 of those shows kinda tanked their own build-up for a while there. And Buck and Eddie literally have a legal document binding them together, for all intents and purposes they have a child together, and they are best friends, so there's this expectation around them if they ever get to be a couple that they will be a good couple. You can't have them fumbling around much in the way other slowburns do because they are solid. So there's also the issue of keeping them interesting because television writers don't like letting couples have peace.
Sure there are issues you can place on buddie to "spice things up" if they think they got boring resolving the tension, like playing with the sexuality angle, or the abandonment issues Buck, Eddie, and even Chris have, but they are not things you can really drag out. They work in the immediate aftermath of them getting together, but then they would have to get creative and they probably don't know how to get there. But why am I talking about the logistics of the couple in the big picture? Well, I think Ryan has been playing Eddie as at least a little bit in love with Buck the whole time he's been playing Eddie, my main argument for that is that he has the same reactions for Buck that he had for Shannon (post on that here), so Ryan could very much just gotten comfortable and said his interpretation of Eddie's feelings for Buck without it being something he was explicitly told. Both Ryan and Oliver said Buck and Eddie are getting closer this season, so "trying to give the people what they want" could very much just be what Ryan himself is trying to do with the text he's being given. It could be that the marketing team didn't think the fans would react to what he said like that and that's why he was allowed to say it. They could be backtracking because Buck and Eddie are getting together and what Ryan said would be a spoiler. Or they could be baiting us to raise the ratings. Every angle here is possible. We only watched one episode of the season so far. We don't know where the story is going yet. It could be going anywhere. It could be going somewhere. Maybe by the end of the season, we will have something explicitly canon on buddie. Maybe they fucked up and the people calling queerbaiting will be somewhat justified because, honestly, I'm getting teen wolf cons flashbacks here. I do think it's fucked up that people are expecting Oliver to deal with something Ryan said. I do think emotions are running high because of many things that happened in the past 2 weeks. I don't think it is fair to scream queerbaiting yet. But I do unfortunately think we might get there if they keep raising the stakes between Buck and Eddie on the show with no payoff while letting Ryan say things like the things he's been saying. For me, the important thing to remember is that the story is in the middle, we don't know where the show is gonna take Buck and Eddie individually and together, so I think everyone needs to take a breath and stop acting like the show already ended and wait to see where it's gonna go.
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nose-bl · 1 year
i'm tired so i'm gonna end with this: i don't think you're a bad person for watching the leak. i disagree with watching it, and to me it feels disrespectful which is why me and many other fans don't want to watch the episode until the official release, but i don't want to shame people for doing it
especially bc many fans already feel bad about watching the episode after seeing dana's reaction and how upset she is about the leaks. dana even blocked the owl club and has asked fans to stop @ her just to tell her they've watched the episode (seriously if you've done THAT then....that's so horrible, why would you tag her to tell her that after she's already upset about this?)
the real villains here are the incompetent people at disney, and i'm guessing also itunes since that's where it got leaked inicially
but sites like the owl club spreading it further feels really icky to me and it was in my opinion a really bad and unjustified move
at the end of the day, i'm just asking people to please tag spoilers properly (examples: toh leaks, the owl house leaks, toh spoilers, the owl house spoilers, toh for the future, etc), these tags help people avoid spoilers. not all of us are watching the episode early. i also suggest using the ''keep reading'' feature to put all your spoilery images under that
and lastly, if you can wait to post, please wait. you can prepare your posts, tag them with spoilers, and queue them for the 21st (please...don't forget to still tag the spoilers....seriously), and you can privately talk to people who watched it already
it's just better to not spread the leaks around further. people have gotten the whole thing spoiled. youtube thumbnails are full of spoilers as always. it's a mess, so please, be careful
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
I been trying to put into words some feelings I been having over the new ep and fandoms reaction. And look this is just me venting so please don’t sent hate.
First and foremost I can’t begin to tell you as someone who is bi how important this storyline and that ep with Buck is. How important them making Buck canonically bi is. There was a part of me that thought they’re not gonna do it but they did. My journey hasn’t been the same as Buck but in some ways I figured stuff out about my sexuality later in life too. When I was a kid I knew something was different but ultimately thought I was straight, and then as an older teen I came out as a gay, and only in my 30s did I realize I was bi. Not the same exactly as Buck or of other people who don’t realize or can’t except that part of themselves at all until later in life but still a journey. And I think it's so important for everyone lgbtq and straight to see that sexuality isn't this rigid box it's a part of us that can grow and change as we do.
I feel very personally connected to Buck and his storyline so I’m not trying to hate on it or him. And no matter who that kiss was with I’m glad Buck wanted it and he was happy and it awakened parts of him he’s likely not wanted to face or known how to face before now.
I also know Buck being bi exists separately from Buddie and is incredibly important whether Buddie were to happen or not. I have tremendous faith Buddie is going to happen eventually especially with how the storyline has been going and how the actors and Tim have talked about it. I also know Tommy isn’t sticking around. I guess I’m just missing our boys together. That episode was tough to watch in some ways because Buck felt like he couldn’t get Eddie’s attention (which is to be clear whose attention he actually wanted) and so right now we’re seeing the guys a bit disjointed which will continue it seems for some of the next ep.
Plus I’ve been seeing Buck/Tommy all over my dash and everywhere else online and it’s like again I get why I’m not telling anyone not to be excited over this ep. I am too.
I think part of it is I’m not a multishipper. Buddie is one of my favorite ships ever and I don’t like thinking of them with anyone else. I think it’s possible to be excited and happy about Buck coming out and about 911 finally doing this storyline while also wishing the guy he was kissing was Eddie. Again I know Buddie has to take time to happen it’s a slow burn and all that but we’ve also waited years.
It’s hard watching people love how Tommy kisses Buck or calls him Evan (which tbh I hate) or wondering what their ship name is. I've even seen people say they want Tommy to stay for awhile and some have even said they don't care if Buddie even happens now. I’m also starting to see Tommy/Buck fics clutter up the Buddie tag on ao3. People are even making gifsets comparing Buddie and Buck and Tommy basically saying Tommy treats Buck better.
I know the ep just aired and I know everyone is just enjoying how momentous this is and celebrating that it’s finally canon what we saw in Buck all along, still it feels like some people are already forgetting about Buddie.
And I know it's better that Buck has his first queer experience with someone else and gets to know himself better before Buddie happens officially. I know neither he or Eddie are ready for their relationship to move into that space just yet. I just love them and want to see them together finally. I don't want to see people forget about the amazing relationship we've watched grow over six years because whatever Tommy and Buck will share it won't compare to that. Eddie is Buck’s person and vice versa and I can’t wait for the day these two idiots figure that out.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
It's your friendly Sam Wilson Anon back with another question so we can continue to fill the Sam Wilson tag with even more content !!! Just finished my 12th rewatch of TFATWS aks CAATWS it got me thinking. If you have seen TFATWS, What are your top 3 Sam Wilson scenes ? And what are your top 3 underrated Sam Wilson scenes ?
Thank You 💙😊
Okay, so, I've had this ask for a million years. Which is bad of me, I should have answered it when it came in, but the questions in it bogged me down because the panicky stressed flaily voice in my head was like "YOU'RE GOING TO ANSWER THIS WRONG AHHHHHH", but I'm shoving down that voice and I'm going to answer all the friendly Sam Wilson Anon questions I have.
1. Sam and Sarah's Talk in The Truth and Sam Bringing the Community Together to Help Fix the Boat
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I love how they check up on each other in this scene. I love how both of them know each other too well but also try to be there for each other in ways that aren't overstepping. I love the small moment where AJ and Cass walk in and Sarah reminds them to give lunches to a few boys who need them. I love knowing the fact that Sarah cares and notices when kids are going hungry and does something because she knows those kids need help. I love that she's just like her mom 🥺 I love that Sam finds a way to fix the boat by telling people that they need the help and the community proves that the Wilson family can lean on them in times of need. It's a beautiful moment for Sam and his sister, Sam and his family, and Sam and his community.
2. Sam Training in the Truth
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I know this list is very The Truth heavy, but that's just because I like that episode as a whole. I like Sam's training montage because this is when Sam makes Captain America his own. He decides he's going to shape what Captain America is and prepares himself for the role he wants to make it. He watches the reactions of his nephews and sees the inspiration this brings to them. It's a wonderful, beautiful moment of Sam affirming what he wants to be and putting in the hard work to prepare for what he wants to be. I just love it.
3. The Party at the End of One World, One People
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Rarely, is there such a moment of pure joy in the MCU like this. From On and On by Curtis Harding to the montage of people excitedly hanging out with Sam to the genuinely warm atmosphere throughout, it's just such a wonderful, celebratory moment. IDK, it's perfect. Sam and Bucky literally walk off into the sunset. I love it so much.
Underrate Sam Wilson Scenes in No Particular Order:
1. Sam Wilson and Bucky Hanging Out in Infinity War for No Reason
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Why is Sam hanging out with Bucky outside? I have no clue. Do these two dorks probably have some place they should be instead of just hanging out together before the end of the world? Probably. But it nods to something about the in between of movies. Much like the airport scenes in Civil War and "Can You Move Your Seat Up?"s of it all, it nods to a growing friendship that built over time that wasn't on screen, so I think it's a great scene for subtle reasons and underrated because it's not a huge scene.
2. Sam at the Party in Age of Ultron
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"I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough. I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy."
I kind of love this because Sam allows boundaries for himself. He Gets to choose what he's doing and what he feels he can take on. He's secure enough in saying he doesn't want to be an Avenger at the moment. He becomes an Avenger later, but that's his choice too, one he makes understanding what that entails fully because he's been someone who's helped the Avengers and not technically been an official part of the team. I also love his talk with Steve in general and how we get to see Sam just hanging out on his off time at a party.
3. Sam and Rhodey Discussing the Secovia Accords
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"So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be until they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?"
I have a lot of different feelings about Captain America: Civil War and the Sekovia Accords in general, but I will say that Sam Wilson makes fantastic points about why he doesn't trust the Accords and why they shouldn't take them at face value as a net good. People always talk about Team Cap and Team Ironman or whatever, but the people who make the best arguments against and for the Accords are Sam and Rhodey imo.
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winderlylandchime · 6 months
I actually had QueerAnon as my number 1 podcast omg. Hopefully that tips off Jordan and Randy that they need to get their asses back to recording.
I honestly think the therapist knows about the show. I mean from what my brother has told me about him, the guy is around the same age as my brother and they’ve talked about movies, tv shows and music so I feel like he either knows it since the beginning or went to look it up. But the idea of him not knowing and just knowing my brother will lose his mind when his beloved show is over, is equally funny. I mean my brother vented to him about Brian getting cancer and about Ethan so he’s seen him at his worst throughout this show.
And as for the last few episodes: His plan is to watch them all at once. One after the other. Today. So I hate to report that the ‘straight man watches qaf in the year of our lord 2023’ is officially coming to an end. Do you remember that scene in Finding Nemo when the fishes try to escape from the tank and the starfish says ‘THE TANK IS CLEAN!’? Well he woke up today, walked into the kitchen and quoted the whole scene but changed it a bit, so it was: ‘good morning! Todays the day! The sun is shining, im watching the last episodes and I am finishing the sho- IM WATCHING THE LAST EPISODES!’ He even filmed himself and sent it to our family group chat and to his friends thinking how funny he is and immediately afterwards I got bunch of texts from our cousins, our uncle, our parents and 3 of his friends. And literally every single one of them is worried how he will handle it. My cousins basically said ‘good luck’ (they know how it ends and they also told majority of the family). My uncle is now fully involved (but only for his entertainment purposes) but he does think my brother might experience a mental breakdown after he sees the finale. His husband and him over the weekend watched the finale to try and judge how he will react and according to my uncle when the credits rolled, his husband looked at him and went ‘oh he is soooo fucked.’ And his friends told me that he told them he thinks it will be a happy finale bc no way would anyone do all that and then not make sure they end up happy, together and in love. They even brought up the Iron Man aftermath and im worried they’re right. So heartbreak is inevitable.
I will try my absolute hardest to send updates as soon as we finish the finale. But I apologize in advance if it either ends up being sent really fucking late at night or really fucking early in the morning. I already know I’m gonna be a mess watching the finale (i think I’ve seen it only a handful of times, maybe even less) but i am not ready to witness that first ever heartbreak due to the finale that my brother is only hours away from experiencing. It’s been years since I first saw it and i still remember how much it hurt so rip to the straight man. So who the fuck knows what his reaction will be to literally any of the next 4 episodes but especially the finale.
I'm guessing that the tumblr fandom is responsible for that podcast's listens this year. And I do hope Spotify wrapped sends up the bat signal that they need to make more episodes! C'mon Jordan and Randy!
I agree, it is just as funny for the therapist to think "I have no idea what is going to happen but Brother Anon is so unhinged about this, no matter what, it's going to be a crisis."
RIP to the tag "a straight man watches qaf us 2000 in the year of our lord 2023" after this week. Btw, instant regret for choosing such a long tag but oh well! I'm not even christian! It is NOT the year of my lord... lol.
I'm glad the whole family is aware that this is going to ROUGH (understatement of the year) on your brother. I think having some things to help him immediately will be helpful - an episode of QueerAnon, a bts youtube clip, a favorite fanfic - and maybe letting him know there is a whole group of us cheering him on? Like he's heartbroken but he has friends he never even knew were out there? IDK.
Good luck. Don't worry about what time your messages come in. I have a super busy day tomorrow, so if I don't get to them, that's not a sign of anything. I just have a doctor's appointment (where I will *not* discuss qaf with my doctor) and then a bunch of appointments straight through until night.
Good luck and godspeed dear sweet anon. I have the feeling you're going to need it.
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chekhovs-harpoon · 7 years
some screaming abt tbs ep 40 cuz that’s kinda tradition now on my blog i guess
 personal thoughts and spoilers below the cut. also cuz this got way too long and I spent like an hour typing this
Firstly, just fucking wow; i feel so fucking called out by this episode y’all have no idea. I’ve been dealing with a lot of personal Issues™ lately and a lot of the problems dealt with hit really close to home. That’s 100% what I meant when I made that post.
I really loved how everyone in the episode was shown dealing with their emotions by talking and being open about it. I’m so fucking weak. And dear gods, that fucking acting is just so damn moving. I may have cried.
I’ve been keeping a lot of my personal issues to myself and just trying to bury deep inside because I don’t want the ones I love to worry and stress about me. I’ve hurt and pushed away people in the past back when I didn’t have as much control over my emotions and I just let them overwhelm me. Which is why I just hide what I’m feeling. I think that’s kinda why I’ve been feeling so down these past couple of weeks. I’ll try to open up more and not be so afraid that I might worry my friends cuz it’s their job to worry about me and help me through things.
This episode made me feel so much less alone and that it’s okay to not be in okay and put together 100% of the time and that the important people in your life will still love you regardless.
For real, I’ve squeeing endlessly like a freak the whole time Adam was comforting Caleb and my little gay heart skipped a beat every time one of em said ‘I love you.’ It’s just so fucking sweet and pure and I’m so fucking weak for how much these two dorks love each other. I was actually quite surprised when Adam opened up about his past. And I’m so glad that he did cuz it made me feel a little less alone and Adam’s growth and character development gives me hope. I was actually somewhat paranoid after the last episode that they were going to have another kinda breakup like what happened in the past cuz they just needed some space to get their feelings sorted. I’m so fucking glad it didn't go in that direction.
I’m so fucking proud of how well Frank was handling things and I really love how he was able to calm Caleb down. I do hope those two would have more time together next season cuz they really get each other and have lots of things in common.
Honestly for this episode I was so damn sorry and worried about Mark. I feel that out of all of them, he’s the one that’s handling things the worst. I really feel for the guy, he’s been through the most and has trouble expressing himself. I really like how he and Sam were able to confront and help out each other. I’m so fucking proud of how much Sam has grown as a person and I love her so much. Honestly, this show is so fucking blessed in regards to writing relationships.
Chloe opening up about the struggles of telepathy was honestly one of my favorite parts. For the longest while, I’ve kinda been feeling rather conflicted about her cuz she’s done some rather morally ambiguous things with her mind reading; like spilling the contents of Joan’s and Caleb’s phone call a few episodes back. And I was noticing lots of parallels between her and Damien; like how they justify the shady things they do with their abilities by saying things like ‘I can’t help it.’ I’m glad to hear that she’s aware of what she does and that she makes the decision to use it for good unlike that edge lord control freak.
Damn, I wasn’t fucking ready to hear Joanie cry. I may have cried myself too tbh. But I think it was good the Bryants could get that outta their system just then and there instead of letting it tear them apart.
And regarding Damien; while he is very much an asshole that deserved that beat down, I do hope he doesn’t die. While I don’t care too much about him on his own, it’s gonna be fucking awful on everyone’s consciences if he does. Especially poor Caleb out of all people and I don’t think he deserves that. Also, murder is still illegal and I don’t want them to have to fucking deal with that kinda bs. And if he does come out of this alive, he better fucking learn his lesson or imma kill him myself.
Also wow, that fucking cliff hanger ending man. What a fucking way to end a season. I can’t wait to for the next one
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hiddleloki · 3 years
*insert Mushu “I live” gif*
Ok, so I finally watched Loki and I loved it. Loki and Quicksilver are my fav characters and I was really, really mad at Marvel for what they did to my boy Quickie, but I’m still holding out hope that they somehow fix that at some point. I mean, hello, variants? That thing officially exists now.
Luckily Loki seems to be more favored by Feige/Marvel and seems like we’re gonna see lots more of him. Season 2 and possibly even MoM. Season 2 is old news as there were already reports of it actually happening last year, and this year in January Deadline confirmed S2 of Loki with Michael Waldron returning. But I was holding out hope for Loki making an appearance in MoM (I want to see Strange interact with Loki again) and it seems like there’s a good chance of this actually happening.
Anyway, some thoughts about the show:
- I loved the show’s cinematography. It didn’t feel like a tv show at all
- Soundtrack is just *chefs kiss*
- TVA Loki my beloved. I honestly think TVA Loki might be my favorite version of Tom’s Loki so far. This show finally gave us the opportunity to really delve deeper into Loki, who he is as a person, how does he form relationships with people outside his family. It was just so fun to see different sides of him, like making a friend, falling in love? I never thought I’d ever see that. Especially not after IW
- Really liked his reaction to watching his ‘greatest hits’ and realizing his family actually loved him. Loki was always kind of a softie who genuinely cared about his family and seeing his parents’ (and his own) deaths was so emotional
- Infinity Stones being used as paperweights for the TVA will never not be funny. It broke my mind and sent me into existential crisis just as it did with Loki. 
- Loki needs to give Casey a fish at some point. Or take him to an aquarium.
- Mobius needs his jet ski in season 2. I also want to know more about Mobius and his backstory. What was his Nexus event, does he have a family, what is his real name?
- I really liked his friendship with Loki and the fact that he’s canonically Loki’s first real friend. Loki needed a friend (the W3 and Sif were never really his friends, Loki just tagged along I guess) and I’m happy he finally has one
- I need to find out more about B-15, who she was, her real name...Wunmi absolutely killed it during “I looked happy.” scene. God, that bit broke me
- Ravonna was sus to me from the start and she’s also one of the characters I want them to explore more. Especially now since Kang and his variants are also involved.
- Sylvie is probably my favorite new character introduced. I knew Sophia’s gonna play Sylvie and she’s gonna have a large role, but damn I didn’t expect to love this character as much as I do. There’s so much more left of her to be explored and I think her arc in season 2 will be amazing
- I saw that Loki/Sylvie romance coming the moment Lamentis episode ended. There were so many hints in that episode, I’m actually surprised so many people viewed them as having a sibling type of dynamic.
- I know that their love story is not a typical straightforward romance, but also serves as a metaphor for self love, but I found the idea of Loki falling in love with someone who is an au version of him, but also isn’t him both interesting and hilarious. Also, it was adorable especially that blanket scene in the void. There’s just something adorable about Loki being a complete softie for someone else. You know what, I’m rooting for them. I hope they get their happy ending, they deserve it. 
- Literally every character in this show deserves their happy ending. Like, just the idea of the variants not knowing who they are, being brainwashed and forced to work for this organisation...*happy endings for everyone please*
- Majors’ variant of Kang, aka He Who Remains was everything and is right behind Sylvie as my new favorite character. The guy absolutely killed it and I need more of him and his (many) characters/variants right now. Plus I would’t mind if we see this particular version of He Who Remains again. 
- The way they made Loki come out as bi was also so well done and I’m so happy they acknowledged that. Disney is notoriously bad with LGBT+ representation so the fact that the creators of the show managed to put that in was everything. I heard the director was fighting real hard for that to be made canon and I appreciate her effort.
- We were shown more of Loki’s abilities. It was about damn time.
- Alligator Loki is the baby Yoda of the marvel verse. I loved the theory that there’s an universe in which Alligator Loki was adopted by Crocodile Odin.
- Classic Loki.....Richard E Grant stole that episode. God, I wouldn’t mind an episode that focuses strictly on Classic Loki, he was just such a great character and he broke my heart
- I wonder if Kid Loki will travel to the main timeline and join the Young Avengers at some point
- I really liked how they established that variants are basically their own people. Their own beings, they each have their own backstories, autonomy, clear differences that make them THEM. They aren’t copies, they’re individuals. And that they aren’t genetically related, but that they share the same soul and role in their universes (basically temporal aura) because that will also clear up some confusion with upcoming multiverse movies, for example Spiderman
- I suppose Loki confirms that all Peter Parkers in NWH are basically variants of Peter Parker, but just like Lokis, they aren’t the same, which explains why they all look different and why they also have different aunts and families. It’s not DNA that makes someone a variant of a certain being, it’s a soul. A role.
- I really hope that that one rumour of various Stephens in MoM actually turns out to be true.
- Strange is gonna kill Loki and Sylvie
- Which brings me to the last take:
- Ralph is totally Peter. I am clowning yes, but lemme have this.
Overall, I really liked the show. I loved it in fact. It was really character driven and didn’t focus much on action, which is a plus for me, because I rather watch characters talk and interact with each other than action sequences. 
The bad thing is that now I’l have to wait at least 2 years to see what happens next. And I’m curious if there’ll be a bit of a time jump between both seasons.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3.2k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: I am having so much goshdarn fun with this and seeing yalls reactions makes me soooo happy. I love doing this and I really hope y’all enjoy this episode! Also more gifs than usual but I couldn’t pick lmao 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary : When Miriam Lass is found alive, evidence at her rescue site exonerates Will; Dr. Chilton (Raúl Esparza) tries to confide in Jack but is rebuffed.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​
(not my gif)
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Will looked at Jack Crawford beside him in the car. He had just left the hospital and was ready to go back home, see his dogs, see you. But first he had to see where Miriam Lass had been found. 
“Am I gonna get crap for this?” Jack asked. Will glanced over at him.
“In what regard?” 
“From Y/N.” Will laughed and shrugged, nodding a bit but holding back a bit of the laugh. The thought of you beating Jack to a pulp had crossed both men's minds, followed with the realization you would likely not do that. But who knows.
“Hopefully her happiness of me coming home will override the anger,” Will muttered. Jack glanced at him and he couldn’t help but think about when he saw you at Hannibal's the other morning. He wanted to tell Will but figured you must have already told him. Still, he brought it up. 
“She’s pretty close to Hannibal for her to believe your accusations,” Jack said. 
“So I’ve heard.” Will didn’t like the fact that Jack knew this though. He wondered what he had seen. 
“But she loves you,” Jack mumbled. It was true and they both knew it. “She has been harassing me the whole time.” Will laughed and pushed the thought of Hannibal Lecter out of his mind.
“She’s strong willed.”
“She has to be to keep up with you.” 
You were buzzing. You haven't been this excited in a long time. You couldn't’ remember the last time you had been this excited. You wanted to jump and down with excitement. You had a couple of texts from Hannibal about Miriam Lass but you literally couldn’t even answer them.
You were happy Miriam was alive. Really. You were happy Hannibal didn’t kill her. 
But you were more happy because Chilton had called you this morning saying Jack and Alana had come to get Will. You were mildly annoyed that no one had told you to come but you thought it would be best. You wanted to see Will at home. 
You figured Jack had taken him to see where Miram had been held. You figured Will would ask him to. You cleaned the whole house which you usually wouldn’t have even attempted. You were tempted to wash all of the dogs but figured you didn’t have time.
You heard the car pull up outside and held your breath. You had imagined this moment since the second that Will had been put in the hospital. You wanted it to be perfect. You saw Wills’ car which had been dormant since he left. You opened the door and the dogs ran outside to greet him. You stopped at the porch and just watched. 
He fell to his knees, petting them, laughing at their happiness to see him. You held back tears as your fingers physically ached to touch Will. Will pet the dogs each a few times and shushed them a few times with a smile. 
Finally he looked up at you. 
And despite the fact you had been otherwise arguing about Hannibal and the fact you had both attempted to actually kill a person there was an almost sob that you wanted to escape your lips. And Will hadn’t kissed you in so long and the second he saw you his heart lurched. 
You were both in love. 
He stood up and you ran over to him. You threw your hands over his shoulders and kissed him. You touched him desperately and he did the same which he never did. His hands were in your hair and on your sides and when you pulled away he kissed you again. 
You finally had to pull away for good, despite the wish to continue.
“They let you out this time!” you said with a smile and laugh. He wiped the tears brimming in your eyes and nodded. 
“You said they were. I guess you were right.” 
“I’m always right. You know this Will Graham.” 
He laughed and kissed you again. 
“Come inside you idiot,” you whispered laughing. “I got your blanket out. I even set your alarm even though I’m not sure if you have a job or anything.” You grabbed his hand and started to drag him inside. “I thought you lost your glasses, I’m glad that they kept them. I’m also not letting you get a haircut because this length really vibes with me you know.” He shut the door behind him and grabbed the other arm that he wasn’t already holding. “Oh also-”
He cut you off by kissing you. This time you didn't’ move away. 
Jack sat across from Chilton. Chilton was shaking. 
“Yes, I have an agenda. Living. I should be assigned an FBI escort. Everyone who believed Will Graham about Hannibal Lecter is dead,” Chilton said. Jack pursed his lips.
“Except you. And Y/N.” 
“I don’t think Hannibal would lay a finger on her that she wouldn’t want. Me on the other hand?” He shook his head. “I’d like to remain not dead for the foreseeable future.” 
The judge was on the ground, stitched into the bodies of the color pallete. You stared down at him and you knew Hannibal was walking around you, even though you couldn’t see him. Suddenly the judge turned into Will and you stumbled forward onto the ground, trying to rip the stitches out. 
“I don’t want him to die,” you said and you realized suddenly that you were crying.
“He won’t.” 
“How do you know?” 
“He won’t die unless we let him.” 
You woke up with a start. You didn’t scream this time but you were sobbing, gasping for air. You brought your hands to your face and tugged on your hair in sadness. You didn’t even have the mind to cover your bare chest. The tears kept coming in waves. 
Will got up beside you and he almost scared you. You had forgotten he was home. 
“Are you okay? Are you crying?” he asked, voice raspy from sleep. He moved your hands away from your face and replaced them with his hands on your cheeks. You sobbed and tried to hold it back, worried about him seeing you this way all of the sudden. He had seen you cry before. But usually you tried so hard to put up a front for him when he was breaking. 
“What happened?” 
“Nightmare,” you said through a sob. Will looked at your face and felt his heart break. You never had nightmares before. He figured they had started when you killed the judge which meant you had had many nights of being alone, in this very bed, sobbing to yourself. 
Unless, in his sleep deprived mind Will wondered, you weren’t alone. 
Should he thank Hannibal Lecter for helping you sleep? Or yell at him for sleeping beside you? 
Either way he reached forward and held you to his bare chest so you could cry some more.
“These are new huh?” he whispered and you nodded. You held each other as you would when he had nightmares. “I wish I could have been here when I wasn’t,” he whispered. 
“Not your fault,” you said and it sounded like you were able to pull back a bit. “Just don’t…” You pulled back and looked him in the face. “Don’t leave me.” He put his hands on your cheeks . 
“I won’t.” And as much as you believed him you couldn’t help but realize the lack of nightmares you had with Hannibal. 
Will didn’t have the superpower. 
You got up in the morning and stared at Will’s sleeping face. You had missed that. Peace. 
Dewey mornings of peace. 
When his eyes opened you smiled a bit. 
“Goodmorning Mr. Graham,” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He rubbed his eyes. 
“Morning Miss. Y/L/N.” 
“You’re the only one who calls me that you know. Everyone else just defaults me to your last name.” Or Hannibals. But you didn’t say that. 
“We’ll get around to legally changing it one day.” You smiled.
“You going somewhere today?” you asked. 
“Going to talk to Miriam Lass. You?”
“Work.” Will scoffed.
“You still work?” You nodded.
“Someone has to pay the bills.” Will didn’t like the idea of you working for Hannibal anymore. He liked it to an extent. The extent that you knew stuff about Hannibal. He could pick your brain. But he didn’t like the idea of you in danger.
“I wish you wouldn’t be so close to him,” he whispered. You didn’t know how to explain to the man that you loved what Hannibal meant to you. But he understood. Will and you understood one another. You looked away from him and moved up to sit against the headboard covering your chest with the sheet, despite the fact that Will had seen everything. 
“I know you couldn’t help that you were in jail,” you started but he noticed your voice sounded far away, “and that Hannibal was mostly to blame. But he made me feel less alone.” You paused and he waited. “When I felt like I would never hold you again.” You looked back down at him and he looked up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes. 
He didn’t say anything. Instead he just sat up beside you and put his arms around you. You let him hold you. 
“I love you Will Graham,” you whispered and you weren’t lying. 
“I love you too.” He paused for a moment and thought about his words. “Y/N.” You smiled at his avoidance of your last name and buried your head in his neck.
You walked into work and Hannibal was waiting for you by your desk. You raised your eyebrow and walked up to him.
“How’s Miriam?” you questioned. 
“She didn’t identify me as the Ripper.” You pursed your lips.
“I didn’t think she would.” Hannibal didn’t read too much into that, instead he moved forward with the conversation. You knew he had probably messed with Mirams head in a similar way that he messed with Wills. 
“How is Will?” Hannibal asked.
“I thought you had separated from him,” you observed.
“I was inquiring into your life. You’re my friend.” 
“What a funny word. Friend.” You didn’t push it and neither did he. You leaned into your desk. “How did you sleep?” He shrugged.
“The nightmares seem to be fading.” He paused and looked at you. “How did you sleep?” You shrugged. 
He smiled in the knowledge that you were very clearly lying to him.
That night you were at home. Hannibal walked into his home and Will was waiting for him. 
“That same unfortunate aftershave. Too long in the bottle,” Hannibal said as he turned around. 
“Out last kitchen conversation was interrupted by Jack Crawford. I’d like to pick up where we left off. If memory serves, you were asking me if it’d feel good to kill you.” Will held a gun up to Hannibal.
“You’ve given that some thought.” 
“You wanted me to embrace my nature, doctor. Just following the urges I kept down for so long, cultivating them as the inspirations they are,” Will said, voice steady. 
“You never answered my question. How would killing me make you feel?” 
They stared at each other. 
“Did she sleep well last night?” Hannibal asked. “Or did she wake up crying?” The barrel of the gun shook but Hannibal looked past it into Will’s eyes. 
“You hung up the judge like a puppet,” Will said simply, ignoring his words. 
“If I’m not the Ripper, you murder an innocent man. You better than anyone know what it is to be wrongly accused. You were innocent, Will, and no one saw it.”
“She saw it. She saw the innocence that is no longer there. You saw to that.”
“If I am the Ripper and you kill me, who will answer your questions? Don’t you want to know how it ends?”
Will thought about this. And he stepped away.
“I still can’t cook. I mean you went to jail and I didn’t learn how to cook,” you told Will as you thought about what to make for dinner.
“We can try,” he said. He had been craving some actual food and anything you made would likely make him happy. “I’m gonna take the dogs out.”
“I’m coming.”
You slipped on Will’s shoes and stepped outside. You opened the door and the dogs ran past you as you looked up at the stairs. You locked eyes with Frederick Chilton who was drenched in blood and holding a bag. 
“Can I use your shower?” 
You crossed your arms.
“I don’t know maybe you should wait until next week,” you said simply. Will opened the door and stood behind you, slowing at the sight of Chilton.
“Please,” Chilton muttered. Will grabbed your arm and you shared a quick look.
“Alright, fine,” you muttered. Chilton rushed past you and into the house. Will pointed out where the shower was and he walked over there. You and Will stood together on the porch.
“Why’d you do that?” you whispered.
“He believes me,” Will whispered. 
“You just got out of jail Will!” 
“And Chilton is about to go in.” 
“Are you calling Jack?” you whispered. He gave you a look and you nodded. He was calling Jack. 
Chilton stood in one of the doorways to the house. Will sat on a chair while you leaned against the wall just beside him. You had your arms crossed.
“I have the same profile as Hannibal Lecter. Same medical and psychology background. We are both doctors of note in our fields. Of course it would be me. Hannibal was never going to kill me. I’m his patsy. I have to leave the country. I’m leaving the country.” 
“If you run you look guilty,” Will said. 
“You didn’t run and you looked plenty guilty. Abel Gideon was half-eaten in my guest room. I have corpses on my property, you just threw up an ear,” Chilton explained as he messed with his getaway bag.
“There’s an APB on you right now. They’ve canceled your credit cards, they’re tracing your phone,” you explained dumbly. 
“I have cash and I tossed my phone. Jack Crawford thnks I killed two agents, three agents. You know what tends to happen to people who do that? Shoot on sight.” 
“I’m going to prove that Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper,” Will said.
“I know you will.  When you do I will read about it from a secure location and reintroduce myself to society at that time. Great plan by the way, getting your girlfriend to sleep with him. Jack told me.” Will glanced at you but you didn’t even flinch. Jack's car pulled up and Chilton saw it through the mirror. “What did you do?” 
“You’re an asshole Frederick,” you whispered. 
Chilton brought a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at you. Will stood up calmly and Chilton shook. Neither of you showed any signs of distress as Will walked in front of you.
“No. Stay there,” Chilton said. Will almost laughed.
“You’re not a killer, Frederick,” Will said and the both of you walked out the front door. You stood on the porch but Will walked forward to Jack. “Why did you come alone, Jack?”
“Where is he?” 
“Why did you come alone?” Will repeated.
“Is he in the house?” 
“I told you everything isn’t what it seems. The Chesapeake Ripper is still playing with us. All of us.” 
“I’m not playing,” Jack said sternly.
“The Chesapeake Ripper isn't’ playing all of us, Will. He’s playing you.” Jack pointed at you who was standing behind him. “And you.”
“Jack. Wait. Let me bring him out, he’s got a gun,” Will said. 
“Good,” Jack muttered. 
Jack pushed past both of you into the house and you were then alone on the porch. Will didn’t look at you.
“Did you sleep with Hannibal?” Will asked. 
“I did not have sex with Hannibal,” you said. “Jack saw me at his house in the morning. I stayed because of the nightmares,” you admitted. And Will knew that was the truth. Because you didn’t lie to each other.
He nodded.
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” You shook your head.
“I didn’t eat anything,” you promised. He half smiled in the knowledge that you had him and his ideas in mind, even when you were with Hannibal.
You sat at your desk when Will walked into the waiting room. You looked up at him, leaning back from your seat. He looked handsome, hair slicked back, wearing a nice shirt.
“Something wrong?” he asked. 
“Is Hannibal in a session?” 
“No.” He nodded.
“I want to return to my regular therapy session.” You raised an eyebrow, very clearly surprised. 
“Why would you…” you trailed off and nodded. Will was going to do something he knew he could. And you were going to let him. “Okay.” You stood up and walked around the desk past Will. You put a hand on his shirt and smiled a bit. “I like this shirt.”
You turned around and opened the door to the office. Hannibal looked up at you. “Your appointment is here.” 
Hannibal stood up from his desk and walked over to you.
“I don’t have…” he trailed off when he saw Will. “Hello, Will.” 
“May I come in? Y/N said you don’t have an appointment. Left my standing appointment open.” You, Will and Hannibal hadn’t been in the same room together in a long time. You stood still as Will walked into the office. 
“Do you intend to point a gun at me?” Hannibal asked. You raised an eyebrow.
“What was that?” you asked. Will shook his head, dismissing you.
“Not tonight.” 
You looked at both of them. They looked at you. They looked at each other. No one's motives were clear but everyone's motives were clear. 
“I’ll see you after the session,” you said. 
They spoke at the same time. 
The door shut between you and them but it didn’t feel like you had been shut out. In fact, you knew you would hear the details of this session from two perspectives. 
You were a part of Will and Hannibal indeed.
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kogiopsis · 2 years
So, of course the week I decide to try TNG is the same week in which it leaves Netflix... but Tor’s favorable review of the rest of Disco S4 had me thinking about reupping my Paramount subscription anyway, so we’ll see.
Temporary tag for intermittent liveblogging/reactions is #kogi watches tng, which is boring but will do.
I’m gonna watch in the default order and I don’t skip episodes, so don’t bother trying to tell me to do otherwise. Also, I know TNG is probably the most popular Trek but I love DS9 very much so no pitting the shows against each other please.
1.01 and 1.02: Encounter at Farpoint Station
Okay, I don’t remember exactly what watching the beginning of DS9 was like but I feel like I recall it being a little more... dynamic? Most of this episode felt quite stiff, and it definitely doesn’t feel like the actors have settled into their roles at this point. But I appreciated the resolution, and energy-transmuting space jellyfish are cool.
Patrick Stewart is uh. yeah, y’all, he’s just hot. Baldness and all. Something about the nose and those very intense eyes? I don’t know, his face is just good.
I love Data instantly. I am predisposed to this because I know he gets a cat later but I was surprised by how much I liked him right off the bat; his intonation and mannerisms are delightful. With that in mind, I’m feeling favorable towards Riker on grounds of ‘befriended Data ASAP’.
I’m counting on Counselor Troi getting development because these eps didn’t give her much to do other than pronounce emotions melodramatically, which I feel isn’t the greatest introduction to a character.
This is officially the ugliest Star Trek bridge I’ve seen, and there’s two of them and they’re both hideous and boring. 
O’Brien manning the conn is just weird to see, as is seeing him in red! It throws me off!
Overall, not a pilot that would sell me if I had no context for the show, but I’m willing to give Trek the benefit of the doubt and a longer time to reel me in than I might others. It takes a while to adjust to the visuals and cast of a series, but I think it’s worth a go.
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daveeddiggsit · 4 years
Game Time
Note: Well, it’s been two years since I’ve updated this series and I missed it so much. This one was a lot of fun to write. Can you tell I thirsted hard for Diggs in a football uniform? Let me know what you all think!! And let me know if you wanna be tagged in future installments! :)
Word Count: 4.6k
Pairing: Football Player!Thomas Jefferson x Reader
Warnings: nothing really. kissing, some language? football lingo
Summary: When you’re assigned to tutor Thomas Jefferson in chemistry, you find out that there’s more to him than just football. After you start dating, you attend your first football game to see him play for the first time.
Tagging: @coololdsoulpoetlove​​ @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs​​ @merrahonthawall​ @katierpblogg​ @thespianbooks​ @a-hopeless-fan​ @uniquelystarchildthedragon​ @wcreech​ @sabbrriiinnaa​ @imperial-martian​ @harpersmariano​ @icanneverbesatisfied​ @underthewillowtreerycb​ 
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The hallway buzzes with sound and activity as you and Maria get your books out of your lockers.
As you close your locker and slip your bag on your shoulder, you can’t help but smile when you think of the events that happened this past weekend. Images of Thomas’ bright grin and his soft gaze right before and after your first kiss flash through your brain as you get lost in your thoughts.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” Maria’s voice brings you back to reality.
Your eyes snap over to her and you give her a guilty simper. “No, sorry. What were you saying? I’m listening now.”
“I was asking if you’re ready for the chem test tomorrow…” Your best friend trails off, narrowing her eyes at you, obviously suspicious of something.
“Oh uh, yeah.” You chuckle a bit nervously. “I’m always ready, M. Are you?”
“Mhm,” she starts before continuing without taking a breath, “Are you okay? I feel like there’s something up with you. You’re like… radiating this weird energy. You haven’t stopped smiling all morning. Not that it’s a bad thing, but...”
Your eyebrows scrunch together as you try to play dumb. “What do you mean? I’m not smiling now… What weird energy? I’m fine.” You say before your eyes flicker over Maria’s shoulder to see Thomas coming in your direction. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at the sight of him and against your will, that smile Maria mentioned finds its home on your face once more.
“See? There it is again.” Your best friend accuses, pointing a finger at you. Your gaze shifts back to her for a second and you shake your head, pursing your lips to force the smile that won’t go away. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“Um... “ You trail off before your eyes flicker over her shoulder again. Thomas catches your gaze and winks as he makes his way over.
“What are you looking at?” Maria asks before she turns around to see your boyfriend approach you two. And suddenly, she thinks she understands.
“Well, would you look at that?” She turns back to you with a smirk, her tone teasing. “It’s your beau.”
Yeah, no kidding. She doesn’t know, yet, does she?
Thomas is grinning when he reaches you and his smile is contagious. He swoops down to press his lips to your cheek sweetly before draping his arm across your shoulders.
“Reynolds.” Thomas greets Maria with a nod, smirking at her wide-eyed expression. Her realization is evident on her face as she puts one and one together.
“Jefferson.” Maria replies, sobering up before she narrows her eyes at him. Oh, she fully understands what’s going on now. 
Thomas looks away from Maria to look down at you.
“Mornin’, sweetheart.”
You look up at him, your grin unfaltering. “Hi, T.”
“Meet me at the field after school? I wanna show you something.” Thomas says, his gaze soft and smile warm.
You nod, causing his smile to widen. 
“Okay, cool.” Your boyfriend leans down to press a kiss to the crown of your head before he lets you go and takes a step back. “Alright, ladies, as much as I wanna stay, I have to go and round up the boys. Make sure they get to class on time and blah blah blah. Team captain duties. I’ll see y’all in class.”
Maria rolls her eyes before deadpanning. “Of course you have to do ‘team captain duties.’”
Thomas just shrugs. Before he can leave, you pull something out of your backpack and call out to him.
“Oh, hey, T! Wait, before you go.” He turns to you, raising his eyebrows and pursing his lips, giving you his undivided attention. “Here’s your hoodie back. Thanks for letting me borrow it on Saturday.”
The football player sends you a genuine smile. “Keep it. I want you to wear it for the game on Friday. It’ll be cold out and I want you to have some sort of school pride.”
Your jaw drops at his teasing jab. “I have school spirit!”
“Maybe I just want you wearing my hoodie, then.” He smirks before he quickly continues. “Alright, I’ll see y’all.” He waves, before he nods at the hoodie in your arms and gives you a pointed look. “That’s my favorite hoodie. I trust you with it. Keep it safe.”
You laugh and give him a mock salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”
Maria watches your encounter with her arms crossed. So when Thomas finally leaves and you turn back to her after putting the hoodie back in your bag, she gives you a look that says, “What the fuck, Y/N?”
A sheepish grin shows up on your face. “Yes?”
“You, uh… wanna tell me what the fuck just happened?”
A teacher passes by at that exact moment, reprimanding Maria on his way past. “Language, young lady.”
You both ignore him.
“Uh… yeah.” You start, walking towards class and Maria falls into step with you. “So, Thomas and I are dating now… as you probably found out.”
“You didn’t think it’d be important to disclose this information?”
“I’m sorry, M. I’ve just been stuck in my own head since it happened on Saturday and—”
“I knew it! I knew y’all weren’t just gonna study!” She exclaims, causing some students to turn their heads. She drops down to a reasonable tone before she continues. “Tell. Me. Everything.”
Her reaction causes you to laugh. “Ugh, you sound like my brother.”
“I’m basically your sister. Now, tell me everything. All the details!”
“I mean… after his practice we just went back to his house and Thomas convinced me to watch this show he’s in love with because apparently I remind him of one of the characters.”
“What show?”
“Right? That’s what I thought!” You laugh before you continue. “Anyway, so I told him I’d watch one episode after he showered—”
“Ooh, spicy—”
“Not that kind of story, Maria.” You deadpan and she simpers. “So we watched the episode, and I told him it was kinda dumb and one thing led to another and next thing you know we’re…” You lower your voice, “Making out on his couch. Then he asked me, well more like told me, to be his girlfriend. I agreed. Here we are.”
“Making out? That sounds pretty spicy to me, Y/N.” She wriggles her eyebrows at you. 
“Oh my God, you’re terrible. And can you not use that word?” You groan, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation.
“No, but seriously, Y/N.” Maria says genuinely. “That’s actually really cute. I’m really happy for you guys.”
You smile at her before pulling her into a hug. “Thanks, M. Means a lot.”
She returns the hug for a few seconds before she pulls back to point a finger at you. “He breaks your heart, though, and he’s a dead man.”
“Oh, I know.” You laugh outwardly as you two head into your first class of the day. 
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
“Why’d you want me to meet you here?” You ask Thomas. You enter the gated entrance to the track and football field, one of your hands intertwined with his.
“You’ll see.” He says, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Thomas,” you groan, impatience evident in your tone. “Don’t you have practice today? You’re not gonna make me sit through another one, are you?”
Thomas laughs heartily and shakes his head. “Nah. Practice isn’t until 7 today, so we’re fine. And I thought you enjoyed the view when you watched me practice on Saturday.”
You roll your eyes and look up at him. “I did…” You trail off and his eyebrows raise slightly at your confession (though it isn’t much of a confession anymore since you two are together now). “But that doesn’t mean that I wanna come spend my free time watching a bunch of dudes run around with a ball and tackle each other while getting yelled at by Coach Washington.”
He grins at that, looking down at his shoes for a second. “Understandable. I wouldn’t wanna listen to Coach’s yellin’ in my free time either.”
You two take your first steps on the turf of the football field and Thomas leads you towards the yellow field goal post.
“Anyway, why’d you bring me to the field, T? You said you wanted to show me something?” You ask, thoroughly confused.
“Yeah, I got something in mind.” He says softly, his gaze making you feel warm. “Remember how you said that we’ve never been on an official date before? On Saturday?”
You nod in response.
“Well, this is me changing that.”
“Aw, really?” Your heart swells and he nods.
“Mhm. But first, I gotta make sure of something.”
You raise an eyebrow and Thomas’ smile turns smug.
“Alright, darlin’, what,” he begins before letting go of your hand to gesture to the area around you two, “is this area called?”
You look around briefly before you tilt your head to look at him. Narrowing your eyes, you cross your arms and deadpan. “Seriously?”
“Ahh, you thought I forgot about our little football tutoring sessions, didn’t you?” His grin is playful as he watches you with an amused gaze. “Consider this a pop quiz. You need to be prepared before Friday.”
“I thought this was supposed to be a ‘real date,’ Thomas, not another tutoring session.” The look you give him is serious, but your tone is teasing. “Also, you know we have an actual test tomorrow for Chem, right? We should be studying for that.”
“Oh, I have been, sweetheart, trust me. I studied for a few hours yesterday.”
You cock your head to the right, grinning at him, unconvinced. “Did you, really?”
“You don’t believe me?” Thomas gasps dramatically, putting a hand over his heart. “Y/N, that wounds me.”
You chuckle and shake your head at him, thinking back to when you saw the open chemistry textbook on his desk. He’s definitely telling the truth.
“I believe you, Jefferson. Just a little surprised since it’s always a drag to get you to study for that class.”
“Hey, now, I’ve gotten better over time.” He sends you a pointed look.
“Yeah, that explains why we got nothing done on Saturday.”
“You were just as distracted as I was! Don’t gimme that. I’m not the only one at fault here, missy.” He takes a step closer and towers over you, but your gaze is challenging as you look up at him.
“I mean… you’re the one who forced me to watch Futurama.” You shrug, watching him deadpan. You wonder how much further you can tease him before you rile him up. “And you are the one who kissed me first, which then led to us being unproductive for the rest of the day. So, yeah, I’d say you’re the one at fault.”
Thomas just narrows his eyes as he looks down at you. One of his hands comes down to grab hold of your waist to bring you closer to him.
“Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” He asks, his voice low in tone.
“It’s like that, T.” You say, bringing your hands up to his chest.
“Did you forget that you kissed back? Or that you kissed me the second time? I’d say it was a mutual effort, darlin’. As good of a student you think you are, you pushed back studyin’ just as much as I did.”
He’s right. You are as guilty as he is. And right now, you’re even more guilty because you’re just trying to distract him from giving you your impromptu football lesson. 
You grin at that, leaning up to bring your face closer to his. “Alright, you win. Can’t argue with that.”
“Yeah?” He smiles down at you, his nose brushing against yours.
“Yeah.” You murmur before you push yourself up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his briefly. His arms pull you closer to him as he reciprocates the kiss and deepens it by leaning down and tilting your head up to thread his fingers into your hair. Thomas pulls away suddenly and you find yourself chasing his lips as he retreats.
“Uh uh, I know what you’re doing, sweetheart.” Thomas says, short of breath but grinning at the same time. “You think you’re slick, but I know exactly what you’re up to.”
“What am I up to, Thomas?” Your hands slide down his chest and arms until you lace your fingers with his once more.
He gives you a knowing look. “You’re tryin’ to get outta this tutoring session, but I’m not havin’ it.”
You send him an innocent simper. “Guilty.”
Thomas just chuckles and pecks you on the lips. “I forgive you.”
He then leads you a few feet forward until you're standing in the middle of the painted ‘Panther’ letters in the end zone. “Alright, let’s try this one more time. What is this area called?”
You sigh and look around, taking a second to think. Thomas watches you intently as you rack your brain for the answer. “Um… the end zone?”
A bright grin spreads across Thomas’ face as he beams with pride. “That’s it! You’re so smart, baby.”
You can’t help but smile at his praise as you two start walking again, this time towards center field. He points to the goal line as you walk over it. “When the ball crosses this line, it’s a touchdown, meaning that the team has scored. So, when I cross this line, you better be cheering on the sideline.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “When you cross this line?”
“Yes.” He says, an aura of pretentiousness surrounding him. “Oh, it’ll happen, sweetheart.”
You breath out a laugh, rolling your eyes at him. “You’re so cocky sometimes.”
“Hey, I prefer the word ‘confident’.”
You shake your head, biting your lip in amusement.
You two walk for a bit longer and your heartbeat quickens when you see a beautiful picnic set up in the middle of the huge Panther logo at center field. Your eyes widen in surprise as you look up at Thomas and he’s smiling genuinely at you, one of the smiles that make the corners of his eyes crinkle. And just like that the butterflies are back.
“You did this for me?” You ask, feeling elated.
“I had some help from the guys.” He explains softly. “They went out to pick up the food during their free period.”
You make a mental note to thank James and Aaron later.
“Thomas, this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” Your voice is quiet as you look at the picnic (take out from the Thai place you went to a couple months back lies in the middle of the blanket). “Seriously, thank you, T.”
Thomas grins as you lean up to kiss him once more.
“Let’s eat, yeah?” He says before you both go to sit down and open your take out boxes.
After all the food is gone, you just lay on the blanket with Thomas and watch the clouds go by. You can’t stop thinking about how normal everything feels with your boyfriend. You haven’t been together for more than a few days, but it feels like you’ve known each other for years. You’ve never experienced this amount of closeness or intimacy with someone… and it feels so… natural.
“Hey, T?” You ask, voice quiet as you sit up with your legs crossed under you.
“Hmm?” Thomas hums, eyes closed, still laying down. His arm extends out towards you and you take his hand in both of yours. You busy yourself by lightly running your fingers over the lines and grooves of his larger hand.
“You know how you have a secret handshake with James? And the rest of your teammates?”
“Mhm, why?” He asks, opening his eyes to glance over at you. His hand clasps around one of yours and his thumb caresses the top of it.
“We should have one, too.”
Your boyfriend grins at that. “You serious?”
You nod and shrug. “Yeah, it’d be cool.”
“Okay.” He moves to sit up so that he’s right across from you, your hand still in his. “Let’s see what we can come up with.”
You spend the next 20 minutes going through different hand motions and taps to figure out which one would be the best for you two. Both of you look like you’re having a blast creating it.
“Alright, alright, I think we’ve got something here.” Thomas says. “Let’s do it slowly.”
You nod and you extend your hand out to meet his. Your palms meet sideways, then the backs of your hands touch before you tap your palms together again twice. Then, your hands move up to the sides of Thomas’ head to touch his forehead to yours.
You both are grinning as you pull back.
“I think that’s it, T.”
He laughs before leaning forward to kiss you on the nose.
“Can’t wait to do it on game day.”
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
It’s finally Friday. After a long week of waiting, game day has finally come.
When you and Maria arrive at the football field, the bleachers aren’t completely filled yet and both teams are warming up and stretching on the turf. You follow Maria to the sidelines so that she can start setting up. While she unpacks her camera, your eyes scan the field for a certain athlete whose jersey number happens to be 14.
You spot Thomas stretching in the middle of the field as he talks to James and Aaron. It’s the first time you see him in uniform and you have to admit… he looks hot. His helmet is off, so you can see the black lines drawn under his eyes along with the headband that spans across his forehead, holding his hair out of his face. His purple jersey hugs his form tightly, making his athletic form way more prominent than usual. On top of that, he seems to have pulled up the bottom of his jersey to reveal his abs as he stretches out. You can’t say you’re surprised to see Thomas Jefferson working out in a crop top.
Thomas seems to be speaking when James looks over in your direction and waves, causing you to wave back. He then says something to Thomas and nods in your direction, bringing your boyfriend’s attention to you. Thomas grins when he sees you, dismisses himself from his teammates, and runs over to you after picking up his helmet to carry it with him.
“Ladies, good to see you.” Your boyfriend greets the both of you as he puts his helmet on the ground. “Maria, nice to see you shooting again. Y/N, it’s great seeing you finally come to a game. Nice hoodie, by the way.” He says, sending you a wink, which causes you to blush.
“Mhm…” Maria hums, distracted by building her camera up and checking all the settings.
“Happy to cheer you on, T. It’s weird seeing you in uniform.” You grin, looking him up and down while biting your lip.
“What’d’ya think, sweetheart? How do I look?” Thomas asks, blue-steeling as if he’s posing for a magazine cover. His gloved hands gesture down his body, highlighting his form like he’s a show girl.
“Like a football player.” You laugh loudly at his antics and bite your lip while he grins at you. “But very handsome, T. I’m loving all the purple. The sleeve is a nice touch, too.”
He chuckles and poses by putting a hand on his hip dramatically, accentuating the purple sleeve on his right arm that hugs his toned bicep. “Yeah? You like it?”
And at that moment, Thomas’ teammates interrupt by yelling in the distance.
“Yeah, Jefferson! Get it!” Burr shouts, causing the football players around him to laugh along and follow along with his teases.
“Strut yo’ stuff!”
“Work it, TJeffs! Show us what you got, pretty boy!” James yells, pretending to take pictures of him like he’s a photographer at a fashion show. Thomas continues to dance around and strut like he’s a supermodel walking on a runway. Meanwhile, Maria is rolling her eyes by your side while you grin and shake your head at Thomas’ and his teammates’ tomfoolery.
Thomas keeps strutting and dancing for a little longer before he stops and shakes his head, laughing at himself.
“Alright, darlin’, I gotta get back.” He says, grabbing his helmet off the ground. He reaches his hand out and you extend yours to do your special handshake like you practiced the other day. 
“Good luck, T.” You say, tapping your hand against his twice. “Kill it out there.” Thomas leans his forehead down to press against yours to complete the handshake. 
“Oh I will, baby, trust me.” He says before winking and leaning in to give you a quick peck on the lips. Then, he starts backing away from you and slips his helmet on. “Panther Pride, remember?” You nod, grabbing and ruffling your (Thomas’) purple Panther Football hoodie. He gives you a quick salute before he turns around to run and warm up with his teammates.
“Y’all are too damn much…” Maria mutters as she changes the lens on her camera.
You pout at her words. The last thing you want is to become one of those annoying clingy couples that make out in the hallways between every class. “Are we really?”
She just looks up at you and smiles softly. It eases your feelings a bit. “A bit too much… but it’s cute. I think you guys are good for each other.”
You give her a shy grin and glance over at Thomas in the near-distance with his back turned to you who seems to be in the zone as he talks to his coach. He (unfortunately) pulls down his jersey so it covers his abs. Probably for game regulation purposes.
“Thanks, Maria.”
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
The game has been going back and forth since kickoff. While your team is the first to score in the first quarter, the other team quickly retaliates with a touchdown of their own to even the score. The frustration shown on Coach Washington’s face and through his body language grows more evident as the game goes on.
Right after halftime, the Panthers get a lucky break and Thomas catches a touchdown pass, putting you up by one point. It’s the first time you’ve seen him score, and he knows that, so you’re extremely ecstatic and a sense of pride fills you up. He celebrates in the end zone by dancing with his teammates hitting his helmet and jumping up and down around him. When they break away and Thomas goes running back to the sideline, he blows a kiss in your direction which makes you grin.
That happy moment doesn’t last long, however, because the Beavers come right back with a touchdown of their own, which puts them in the lead once more. After that, the scoreboard goes dry with neither team scoring for a great chunk of time.
The stakes are high. It’s a playoff game, which means that the bleachers for both the Home and Away sides of the stadium are full with fans. The stadium roars with supporters for each side. Everyone seems to be in their zone.
Maria, while she’d left you occasionally throughout the game to get a certain shot of a player or staff member, is beside you, shooting consistently and concentrating on the play that is about to happen. You look for Thomas who is on the field in a huddle with his teammates fulfilling his role as team captain. It seems that he’s hyping them up and giving them a motivational speech so they can close out the game and come out on top.
There are 13 seconds left in the 4th quarter. The Panthers are down by one and Coach Washington is yelling a play into the mic on his headset. The huddle around Thomas breaks and the players all go to line up at the line of scrimmage at center field.
You can’t help but watch Thomas as he moves. Your eyes have been on him all night; he’s the reason why you’re there, anyway. He’s the only reason why you learned the rules of football in the first place. It’s also a plus that he looks extremely attractive in all his glory: muscles and talent and all. It isn’t until now that you understand all of the stigma and hype around him at school; he’s great at what he does, and it’s no wonder why he’s so highly regarded as an athlete at your school.
After a few moments of quiet, the ball snaps and all the players on the field go into motion. Thomas takes off quickly from his initial position at the line of scrimmage and runs towards the end zone while trying to juke his defender. The quarterback throws the ball in Thomas’ direction and he is able to create just enough space between him and his defender to catch the ball, causing you along with the Home crowd to go wild.
He sprints it back to the end zone with his defender hot on his heels. The defender tackles him, but it’s too late. Thomas has already gotten the ball past the goal line, signifying that the Panthers have won the game.
For a moment, you’re worried that he’d gotten hurt while tackled, but he’s up and celebrating by spiking the football in no time.
“We won!” Maria says beside you before she turns her camera to capture the team’s reactions and celebrations on the field.
“We won!” You echo and you find that it’s the first time you’ve been truly excited about a sports win. You know how much this means to Thomas, and because of that, it means a lot to you, too.
Thomas’ teammates surround him in the end zone jumping up around him and pushing him around excitedly. He chest bumps and touches helmets with James and a few more of his teammates before the two teams line up to shake hands. After Coach Washington congratulates him, he starts to run over to you. 
You find yourself growing more and more excited the closer he gets and when he reaches you, you’re grinning wide. You push up his helmet to expose his face and you both lean in for a celebratory kiss. You hear Maria’s camera click beside you as you both smile against one another. 
“Proud of you, T.” You murmur when you pull back. Thomas looks like he wants to go in for another kiss, but his teammates interrupt by crowding around him from behind.
“You girls may wanna get away from here because Jefferson here is about to get drenched with Gatorade.” Burr warns you and Maria.
You both nod and back away from the scene and you mouth, “see you in a bit,” to Thomas. He nods before going to celebrate with his teammates.
When you and Maria get a safe distance away, Maria looks through the photos on her camera.
“Aw, you guys are adorable. That’s definitely going in the yearbook.” She says before tilting the camera so you can see a nice photo of you and Thomas kissing with his teammates excited about the playoff win in the background. You flush at seeing the image.
“Maria…” You trail off, your jaw slack from amazement. “That picture is amazing. My best friend is so talented.”
“Aw, thank you, girl.” She says, giving you a hug. “I’m just happy you’re happy.”
You smile before looking back at Thomas once more. He looks like he’s having the time of his life with his teammates and as he’s getting drenched with water and Gatorade, his gaze catches yours and you feel your heart soar when his grin seems to brighten (if that’s even possible) at the sight of you.
You are happy. He makes you happy.
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n0-eyedtaissa · 3 years
The Times They Are a-Changin’ (Little Brother!Sweet Pea)
A/N: Happy graduation to our class of Riverdale High School, and welcome back Sweet Pea even though you said like ten words during the episode. You looked great in the background, buddy. Here’s a little something about Ruthie and Sweet Pea and how they’re reacting to his graduation. 
Word Count: 6,508 
tagging @hughstheforcelou​ @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle​ @humangrumpycat​ @brittanyvengeance​, and @thecaptainsgingersnap​ for encouraging me to post!
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The winds of change had been blowing in Riverdale as of lately with students and parents alike crossing off the calendar days until graduation. It was a constant bittersweet reminder with banners going up in store windows congratulating the graduating class of Riverdale High School, baker cakes being custom-ordered with names written in black icing cursive. Ruthie can’t help but feel a bitter tug at her chest as she pushes the shopping cart across the grocery store, checking off the mile-long list of ingredients that Maria and Atzi needed to make food for the big party. Ruthie tosses a few more items into the wobbly metal cart and makes her way to the checkout stand, trying not to be impatient as she waited. There’s a handful of people in front of her in line, mothers buying last minute ingredients for favorite meals to be eaten as a high school graduate, a gaggle of teens seeing if their fake IDs were actually good enough to buy a case of cheap beer to bring to whatever party was inevitably happening that weekend. Ruthie thumbs through the rack of cards propped up by the register and plucks out one with a lot of space to write in. 
When she was out of the grocery store (with significantly less money in her pocket), Ruthie is overcome with this sudden feeling of “rightness”. She doesn’t have to worry about pinching pennies and stretching paychecks to make ends meet any more, she no longer feared trips to the grocery store and the always looming threat of her card being declined at the cash register when she had a basket full of items. Ruthie did what she was supposed to do: she took care of her brother Sweet Pea, took care of herself, and kept a roof over both of their heads. And despite all of the bullshit that the two of them have faced in their short amount of years, Sweet Pea was graduating. And at the end of the summer he and Fangs were packing up Dante’s old truck and driving it upstate, where they’d settle into their own apartment before their first week of college. Ruthie is overcome with a sudden burst of pride for herself and for her brother, their resilience and fighting strength. Growing up was scary but they did it, even when it wasn’t easy and every fiber of their being was telling them they weren’t gonna get anywhere any ways, so they may as well give up now. But Ruthie and Sweet Pea never did. 
After she drops off the groceries for the Abuelas, Ruthie is panting when she bounds through the front door to the Soh-Peterson trailer, swearing up a storm after having to carry so many bags up and down the driveway and putting everything away in its rightful place.
“God, Maria is a pack-rat, I swear!” The sound of Ruthie tossing her keys onto the linoleum counter is enough to startle Sweet Pea, who had been mindlessly ripping out papers and assignments from his old binder. “Every time I have to go shopping for her I come home feeling like I need a drink…” 
“If you’re offering, will you bring me one?” Sweet Pea smirks.
Ruthie huffs in response. “If I do that, will you also bring me whatever shirt you’re wearing for the ceremony tomorrow so that I can be sure to iron it?” She heads into the kitchen to fill up a pot of water to boil. She was making spaghetti with extra oregano, Sweet Pea’s favorite. 
He heads into his bedroom for a quick moment and returns with a wrinkled dark blue dress shirt. He holds it up to Ruthie. “Do I have to wear a tie?” It’s such an innocent question that Ruthie cant help but laugh.
“Do you want to wear a tie?” Sweet Pea shrugs at his sister. “There’s that handful of Dad’s that we kept in the hall closet if you want to look through those. And for the love of god, please, anything but that ugly Christmas tie.” Ruthie turns to pour the dried spaghetti noodles into the boiling water and Sweet Pea hangs his choices over the door of the hall closet, in Ruthie’s line of sight so it wouldn’t be forgotten.
The two of them eat dinner together, with Sweet Pea trading anecdotes about his last day of high school through bites of warm bread and rich pasta. He tells Ruthie all about the school’s unearthed time capsule and what it held, tells her that there’s a whole spread in the yearbook dedicated to the Serpents (and that he’d have to show her all the good pictures of him). Ruthie smiles at her younger brother as she watches his eyes light up as he talks about the last few grueling moments of waiting for the seventh period bell to ring, officially signaling the end of the school day and his high school career. 
“It was like everyone was holding their breath, you know? And when the bell rings everyone throws all of their stuff into the air, all of their papers, and everyone was hugging, going for high fives, it was weird—” Sweet Pea pauses to wipe away the red marinara sauce from the corner of his mouth. “Reggie comes at me for a bro-hug…I thought he was gonna pick me up off the ground!” He laughs and shakes his head. It was a moment that was a clear testament to growth, because a mere two years ago, if Sweet Pea and Reggie were in that close of proximity, one of them was gearing up to swing at the other. 
“Definitely weird” .
Ruthie holds up her almost empty bottle of beer in a toast. “To your last day of high school.” 
Sweet Pea clinks his bottle against hers and then takes their bowls and silverware to the kitchen to be washed without Ruthie needing to ask him. He rinses things off and washes them clean before handing them over to Ruthie to dry, a system that had been perfected after years of not so careful practice. When the dishes are done and put away, Sweet Pea retreats to his bedroom for the night and Ruthie doesn’t bug him. She knows that something like this can be a lot to process, especially for a person like him who isn’t really the biggest fan of change. Ruthie knows that sometimes you simply need a moment to sit with your emotions, whatever they may be. She waits patiently, can hear Sweet Pea talking to someone on the phone, Fangs maybe, so she waits a little longer. Ruthie sneaks out into the kitchen and opens the freezer, spends a few minutes spooning chunks of frostbitten chocolate chip ice cream into two mugs, one for her and one for Sweet Pea. When she hears him hang up the phone, Ruthie gives two quick taps on his bedroom door before she enters. 
Sweet Pea’s sprawled out on his bed, legs tangled in the blankets that are barely hanging onto his twin sized mattress. His yearbook is next to him, filled with gleaming photo paper and inscriptions done in sharpie marker. The side of his left hand is smudged with pen ink and he’s trying to scribble his name in big graffiti letters onto the inside front cover of his yearbook. Sweet Pea sees that his sister came bearing ice cream so he smiles, sitting up and inviting Ruthie to rest on the foot of his bed. They clink their spoons together and each take way too big of a bite, fighting off brain freeze as Ruthie starts flipping through Sweet Pea’s heavy yearbook. No one says anything for a minute and they settle into a comfortable silence. Ruthie finds the section filled with senior portraits of the graduating class and can’t help but marvel at how both Sweet Pea and Fangs have grown. 
“What time do you need to be there tomorrow?” Ruthie asks, sliding off of Sweet Pea’s bed and grabbing his empty, sticky mug. There was still a lot of work that Maria and Atzi needed help with before the graduation party for Fangs, Queenie, and Sweet Pea, and Ruthie was finding a weird sense of peace amongst the chaos. 
“Seniors need to be in the gym by 4:30, and the ceremony starts at five o’clock so maybe get there at 5:15 so you don’t have to sit though the speeches”
“I’ll be there on time, don’t worry.”  Ruthie laughs and leans her weight against the doorframe. 
“Are you gonna sit with the Fogarty’s?” Sweet Pea asks, somewhat nervously.
“Of course I’m going to.” She reassures. “What, you think FP’s gonna save me a seat between him and Alice Cooper?” 
Sweet Pea frowns at his sister’s joke but Ruthie thinks it’s hilarious. 
“You’ll see me, don’t worry. The whole family is gonna sit together and cheer so loud for you three that you’ll be embarrassed”
“I won’t be embarrassed” Sweet Pea promised, almost forcefully, as though he needed to be sure his sister believed him.
Ruthie quirks up an eyebrow but chocks up the sudden outburst of emotion as a reaction to everything around Sweet Pea that was changing. She stands up straight, metal spoons clanging against the empty ceramic in her hands. “Try not to stay up too late, okay? You’re gonna have a long day tomorrow”
“Yeah, I gotta get my beauty sleep” Sweet Pea jokes, pulling his bed covers back up over his long legs. 
“Gonna need it” Ruthie laughs over her shoulder as she makes her way back down the hallway to the kitchen. “And don’t forget to brush your teeth!” She turns the faucet on hot and pretends that she doesn’t hear Sweet Pea groan from the other room.
The morning of Graduation Day, both Sweet Pea and Ruthie wake up way before their alarms, anxiety already cold and pooling at the bottom of their empty stomachs. Sweet Pea manages to close his eyes for a few more minutes before being started awake again, feeling like he was running late, when he realizes that he has nowhere to be. For the first time in four whole years, Sweet Pea doesn’t need to spring out of bed and rush to get in the shower before Ruthie hogs all the hot water. He doesn’t have to worry about what time he needs to leave for school, or account how much time it’ll take to get to Riverdale High School all the way from the Southside. Sweet Pea didn’t have to worry about any of that because today, he was graduating high school. 
When he gets to the kitchen, Ruthie is already there with a pot of coffee steaming and a stack of warm pancakes on a waiting plate. She laughs and gives him a sheepish smile, gesturing with the spatula to tell him to sit down. “Felt weird that we both weren’t running around each other trying to get ready to leave, so I decided to take advantage of all this time.” 
“Thank you” Sweet Pea mumbles through a full mouth.
It was a rare day where the two siblings seemed to have nothing but free time. Ruthie makes a thick stack of pancakes and they both eat almost all of what’s on their plates. Sweet Pea washes the dishes and she dries, and by that time it’s only 10:45. They’re both too hopped up on coffee to even bother trying to take a mid-morning nap, and that’s how they end up watching a handful of episodes of The Price Is Right until Ruthie excuses herself to get in the shower. No one has to rush that day. No one is pounding on the door yelling about how they needed to get in the bathroom to finish getting ready, threatening bodily harm on one another. Ruthie takes time lathering her hair with shampoo and conditioner, relishing in the warm water that she actually got to enjoy. No one had anything to stress out about today. Ruthie gets out of the shower, takes her time, and Sweet Pea gets in. Ruthie irons his dress shirt and his tie and hangs them back up until he’s ready. The two siblings convene for half of an episode of some daytime talkshow until Sweet Pea complains that he’s hungry. Sweet Pea makes grilled cheese sandwiches for late lunch while Ruthie does her makeup in the living room. Sweet Pea leaves the pan and their plates in the sink knowing that later he’ll wash and Ruthie will dry.
“Pick up the pace a little bit, okay? It’s almost four and we’re probably gonna need to leave soon so you have a chance to find your friends and sit with them.” Ruthie breezes into Sweet Pea’s room, dressed up in a way that made her look older than she was, but not as old as she felt. She looks good in her blazer and her heeled boots, like a proud parent.
Sweet Pea is dressed but his shirt’s not tucked in and his tie is crooked. He stands in front of the mirror and tries to fasten his father’s old tie into a Windsor knot but his fingers are soo long and too clumsy. “Shit…” He mumbles and Ruthie can tell he’s getting frustrated.
She doesn’t have to say here let me, she simply gives her brother the same knowing look she always does and steps in front of him to refasten and straighten Sweet Pea’s tie for him. Ruthie smooths her hands over his shoulders, wiping away creases and floating motes of dust and lint. She takes a long look at him and realizes how much he’s grown to look like their dad, or the way that Ruthie remembered her dad looking in the few old photographs stashed in a shoebox somewhere in her closet.
“You look so handsome” She whispers, her voice tight in her throat as she tries to will away any hot tears from spilling. 
“Oh c’mon, don’t cry, Ruth” Sweet Pea says with an uncomfortable laugh, stepping away from his watery-eyed sister. “Cause if you start crying, I might start crying and then what good does that do for either one of us?” Ruthie laughs and gives a big exhale as she tries to compose herself. 
“God I feel like Maria” She laughs, thinking of the Abuelas and the wrinkled tissues they always seemed to pull out of nowhere. Ruthie can’t help but shudder as she remembers back when Dante graduated high school and how she was surprised that Maria and Atzi weren’t dehydrated from crying under the hot spring sun. 
Sweet Pea takes a look at himself in the mirror, running his comb though his hair to gel it back into place with sticky pomade. His shrugs on his long, blue graduation robe and tucks his cap under one of his arms before giving himself a last once-over in the mirror with a sigh, like this was as good as it was going to get. Ruthie slings her heavy purse over her shoulder and soon the two siblings are making their way out the door and down the front steps of the house. Sweet Pea almost hits his head getting into Ruthie’s compact car, she laughs but he scoffs and pulls the ray-ban sunglasses out of her hair and puts them on for himself.
The drive across town to Riverdale High School was longer than usual, the long lines of cars all leading to the same place. Ruthie honks her car horn, if not because she thought it could make things go faster, but just because she could. Sweet Pea scrolls through radio static until he finds a station that’s playing some old Green Day song that he and his sister used to dance around to when they were younger. He bounces his knee along with the rhythmic thumping of the drums and Ruthie taps her fingers along on the steering wheel. Sweet Pea’s nervous, they both know it but neither one of them would admit that. He’s worried that he’ll trip when walking across the stage, that his long legs and the long silk gown will get the better of him. 
“Just breathe” Ruthie nods, following the cars all turning towards the high school. She parks her car towards the back of the school’s parking lot and waits with Sweet Pea as he tries to coordinate where to meet Fangs and the rest of their friends. 
Ruthie makes Sweet Pea stand out in front of the school sign to take pictures in his graduation garb and her sunglasses. She snaps a few silly ones but doesn’t make Sweet Pea stop to take that many smiling pictures, knowing that after the ceremony and at the party he’d be having to run away from Maria and Atzi and their too-fancy cameras, who wanted to take pictures of the youngsters just as much as they needed their help with figuring out which buttons do what. Sweet Pea finds the Fogarty-Abrejo clan easily, giving Queenie a one-shouldered hug and slapping Fangs on the back, flicking around the blue frilled tassel hanging off his graduation cap. Maria and Atzi are doting on the two young men, going to pinch their cheeks and straighten their collars. Chimalma is lecturing Queenie about making sure she zipped up her blue graduation gown like the rest of the other students, still somehow unaware of the fact that the more she told her daughter not to do something, the more it made her want to do it. Ruthie raises her eyebrow at Queenie and the girl winks in return.
“One picture, you three, then I’ll leave you alone until later I promise” Ruthie holds up her phone and gestures for Sweet Pea, Queenie, and Fangs to all get together. The three squish together, giving cheesy smilies that will one day end up in a photo album with years worth of other cheesy smiles. Fangs is still a head shorter than both Sweet Pea and Queenie so he stands on the toes of his dress boots, smiling bigger than either one of them like it could make up for his lack of height. Sweet Pea hooks his long arms around his friends and pulls them close for one last picture and Queenie holds up her graduation cap to make sure it’s in frame, the picture of her father decorating the back of her cap watching over her protectively. 
Last pictures were taken, collars were straightened and hair was smoothed down. Mr.  Weatherbee makes the announcement that all graduating seniors needed to report to the area behind the gym for attendance, and that parents, families, and other distinguished guests could make their way to their seats. “See you on the other side, little brother” Ruthie gives Sweet Pea a wink as she holds the door open for the older women.
Riverdale High School’s graduation was like all high school graduation ceremonies in the way that it as both long and boring, incredibly drawn out by speeches from principals and vice-principles, esteemed faculty, and the class valedictorian. Betty Cooper delivers a moving speech about innocence and growth, stressing the importance of taking the time to be young and have fun, especially in a town that was plagued with so much heartache. There’s not a dry eye in the house when the young woman takes to addressing all of the trauma she and her fellow students had faced when Riverdale had them all in it’s clutches: “And it’s not fair that so many of our classmates aren’t here to walk with us today. And it’s not right that same of our parents aren’t here to watch those of us who are.” This strikes a chord in Ruthie and she can’t help but think what it would be like if Major Chase Lang Soh was here to watch his son walk the stage to get his diploma, or wonder how loud Pallaton Abrejo would whistle when his daughter’s name was called, smiling as Queenie’s blue silken robe billowed out behind her, (still unzipped, much to her mother’s dismay). Pallaton would tell Queenie that he was proud of her, and that he thought she was pretty damn cool for not wanting to blend in with the ranks of her peers. 
“I wish Dante got to be here tonight” Ruthie leans over to whisper in Maria’s ear. The older woman pats her hand in response, a reaction that Ruthie thought was rather odd for Maria, but Ruthie chocks it up to her not wanting to be the rude people whispering. Apparently Dante was busy with some project over in Centerville, but Fangs had a graduation card coming in the mail and he promised he’d try to convince Spyder and CD to all drive down with him some weekend pretty soon. At least that’s what Dante told Ruthie on the phone a few days ago when he told her he wasn’t coming to graduation. 
Everybody sits up a little taller in their chairs once student’s names started to be called, shifting in their cold metal seats and craning their necks to find where their loved ones were sitting amongst the masses of students. Ruthie claps politely for some of the names that she recognized, people that Sweet Pea talked about or hung out with, friends of Fangs and Queenie’s that she’d been introduced to at family parties and summer barbecues. For the most part Ruthie is pretty bored, reading through the flimsy paper program and wondering what it was like for everyone back when she graduated high school over at Southside High. Neither Ruthie nor Sweet Pea got to have their parents present at their high school graduation, but the Fogarty family never made them feel unwelcome or like anything less than family. They had cheered loudly when Ruthie’s name had been called, whistling and yelling when she walked across the stage. Dante and CD both laughed, watching Ruthie’s eye twitch as the principal called for Ruthann Soh-Peterson. There may have been a smaller number of people to watch Sweet Pea, Queenie, and Fangs graduate, but just because they weren’t loved widely it didn’t mean they weren’t loved deeply. 
After Principal Weatherbee’s time at the Farm (Edgar Evernever’s poorly disguised cult), he got super progressive and made it a point to tell all of the seniors that on graduation day they could go by whatever their chosen name was, nicknames included. Ruthie and Sweet Pea had talked about it a few weeks ago at dinner, the merits of going by his given name for the first and only time in his high school career. “Why would I?” Sweet Pea had asked his sister, stabbing his fork into an unsuspecting chunk of broccoli. It was the last time the two brought it up.
Their three names are called sequentially; Queenie Abrejo, Fangs Fogarty, Sweet Pea Soh-Peterson. The uproar of cheers for Queenie, Fangs, and Sweet Pea was so loud that it paled every other family’s reaction in comparison. Ruthie whistled loudly, two fingers in her mouth. The rest of their big, blended family cheered and shouted loudly, clapping loudly and tapping canes against the polished gym floor. The ranks of polished Northside parents stick up their noses at the spectacle and go back to giving fake-polite golf claps. The rest of the ceremony goes by in a flurry of names, students in blue silk gowns walking across the stage to shake hands with Weatherbee and get their diplomas as quick as possible so they could do the cliche cap toss before getting the hell out of dodge, never having to set foot in the halls of Riverdale High School ever again. Atzi’s snoring on Maria’s shoulder and is startled awake by the thunderous applause after the final concluding words. “It’s over?”
When the ceremony is over it isn’t too hard to spot Sweet Pea through the crowd. Ruthie picks through the throng of people and runs at her brother with her arms wide open. 
“You did it! Oh, my little high school graduate” Ruthie laughs, snaking her arms around Sweet Pea’s middle and pulling him into a crushing hug.
“Little?” Queenie raises her eyebrow, smirking over at Ruthie as she finally shucks off her graduation robe, handing it off to her little sister who didn’t mind wearing it. 
“I’m so proud of you” Ruthie says, releasing her grip on her brother. “I’m so proud of all three of you, you did it!” 
“Yeah we did!” Sweet Pea says, hooking his arm around Fangs’s shoulder as the group trailed back to the car. 
The pageantry of Graduation Day was for the parents, everyone knew this. But the graduation party was for everyone else, one of the more enjoyable rights of passage after finishing high school. That was the part Sweet Pea was excited for. After the ceremony he tosses his cap and gown in the backseat of his sister’s car and loosens his tie before Ruthie can even start the engine. The drive back to the Southside is comfortably quiet, like both Sweet Pea and Ruthie needed a moment to recharge their batteries before the festivities. Ruthie pulls the car into the driveway, gravel crunching under her tires, and soon the two of them are barreling up the front steps. Sweet Pea holds out his hand for Ruthie’s keys and unlocks the door quickly, like he couldn’t bare to be in his nice clothes a minute more.
“I won’t make you wear a tie but can you dress up a little? For the pictures?” Ruthie asks, yelling from the kitchen as she gathers up any last minute things she needed to bring over to the Fogarty’s. “Something with sleeves, perhaps?” The sarcasm in her voice is palpable and Sweet Pea laughs as he trades his dress shirt for something that felt a little bit more like him. 
The siblings are in and out of their house in record time and Ruthie lets Sweet Pea drive her car the short distance to the Fogarty’s while she sits in the passenger’s seat, clutching onto the crockpot for dear life. There’s already a dull roar emanating from the backyard; someone was bringing a big setup of speakers and Queen had been crafting the perfect playlist for weeks. No one bothers to knock on the front door because it’s never locked any ways. Ruthie immediately gets pulled into the kitchen by Atzi, who thrusts an apron at her before she continued her mission to make more counter space. 
“Go find your friends,” Ruthie calls over her shoulder to her brother. “Just remember that you owe me pictures!” 
“Yeah, yeah, I remember…” Sweet Pea rolls his eyes and goes to sample one of the hors d’oeuvres but Atzi smacks his hand away with her trusty spatula. 
The party continues and more kids show up, all connected to Fangs, Queenie, or Sweet Pea in some way or another. It’s loud and it’s rowdy in the way that parties at the Fogarty house always seemed to get. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and dancing, but the general sentiment among everyone was that they missed Dante’s presence among the family and that they all wished that he’d been able to stop by. Maria and Atzi had been surprisingly tight-lipped about the whole thing and Ruthie was starting to think there might had been some kind of falling out. 
Ruthie leans in close to Atzi, who was stirring a bubbling pot of sauce on the stove, seemingly in her own little world. “Did Maria and Dante have an argument or something? Is that why he didn’t show up tonight?”
Atzi glances up at Ruthie and smiles wryly, like all old women who held lots of secrets often did. “Nothing of the sorts, my girl!” She tosses the kitchen towel over her shoulder and goes back to flitting around the kitchen, stirring this and that, making sure nothing burned or bubbled over. “You’re looking a little dehydrated, hon, why don’t you go out into the garage and get yourself something to drink?” 
Ruthie doesn’t know if it’s a trick of the eye or if Atzi winked at her. She tries not to take offense to the comment, having thickened her skin after years of “helpful” comments from the people around her. Ruthie was just happy to be relieved of kitchen duty for a little while. Wiping her hands on a towel, Ruthie makes her way into the Fogarty’s garage and to the outside refrigerator to grab herself a soda. She paws through the bottles and cans on the shelves trying to find something but she doesn’t hear the side door open, nor does she hear the familiar footfalls as they approach her. 
Ruthie turns around and is startled when she find herself face to face with none other than Dante Fogarty. “Oh!” Ruthie exclaims, her soda can slipping from her hands and rolling out of sight. “Oh, I thought you weren’t coming!” She starts toward Dante and flings her arms around his neck to bring him in for a hug that was long overdue.
“I wouldn’t miss this” Dante says, rubbing his large hand over his best friend’s back. “I’m his graduation present, you know?” 
“Your ass had better come with a gift receipt then” Ruthie laughs and gives Dante a playful shove before laughing into an animated rant about how mad she was at him for making her sit through that boring-ass, long-ass graduation ceremony by herself. The two of them want to kill a few minutes talking. Hell, Dante and Ruthie would hide in the garage for the whole party if they could. It wouldn’t be the first time. Dante fills Ruthie in on how everything is going in Centerville. She asks follow up questions about CD and Spyder, laughs as Dante marvels about how good the food from their cousins’s food truck is. Ruthie tells Dante about her new promotion to shift leader at the Elderly Services Department of Riverdale General Hospital. Dante talks at length about his girlfriend Valentina, smiling in a way that Ruthie thought looked good on him. But no matter how much they talked about the present (or the future), it was hard not to be nostalgic for the past, especially tonight.
“Man, your ass was miserable at your graduation party” Dante chuckled, glancing over at Ruthie. He leans against Maria’s old boat of a car that was forever in the garage atop cement blocks. “I’m pretty sure you stood outside and smoked a whole pack of cigarettes until Romeo forced you to come and socialize with everyone” 
“Yeah cause it was my graduation party, it was Angel’s and I was just tacked on” Ruthie finds a beer in the refrigerator and uncaps it, her lost soda can long forgotten.
Dante thinks back to the moment before he agrees. “You might be right” He thinks about it some more, remembering the debacle. “You’re onto something there, Ruth.”
When the two of them decide that they had hidden away for long enough, Ruthie sneaks a cigarette to buy just a minute more before dragging Dante inside and into the kitchen. “Hey look who I found!” She calls out loudly, trying to get people’s attention over the music and the conversation. The Abuelas, no longer having to be tight-lipped about Dante’s secret arrival, grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks, giving him spoon and forkfuls of almost-done food that needed tasting. Fangs hears the commotion from outside where he, Sweet Pea, Queenie, and Mabel had all teamed up for beer pong so he opens the screen door, poking his head inside. 
“Dante, you made it!” Fangs exclaims happily as he sees his older brother sampling the appetizers that Maria made. He rushes into the kitchen to give Dante a hug and giving him a brotherly slap on the back. 
“Aw c’mon, you know I’d never miss something like this!” Dante slings his arm around Fangs’s shoulder and walks back towards the backyard “Now who’s up on the BP table, I want next game!” 
The party persists most of the evening. The Beer Pong tournament ends up being a big debacle, with family and friends gathering around to watch it all unfold. Dante and Fangs played against Ruthie and Sweet Pea. They win the game but Sweet Pea swears that they cheated so he insists on a rematch, only to lose once again. Ruthie and Dante play against Sweet Pea and Fangs and they win again, so by that time everyone’s teasing Sweet Pea about his bad aim. Everyone poses for pictures way longer than they actually wanted to. There was pictures of the graduates, of them and their friends, pictures of the Abrejo family, the Fogarty’s, and the Soh-Peterson siblings. Maria wanted pictures of Ruthie, Sweet Pea, Dante, and Fangs, pictures of her with each of her grandchildren. By the time the cameras are put away everyone’s cheeks hurt and they’re seeing spots from the bright flash against the dark evening sky.  Everyone eats twice as much food as they should have, and Maria was already promising to send people home with Tupperware dishes filled with leftovers. Queenie and Mabel sneak slices of the big bakery cake before Chimalma was ready to cut it so they spend the next twenty minutes out front sitting on the curb trying to avoid her motherly wrath. She was still on the warpath about her daughter being the “Only girl in the entire graduating class who didn’t zip up her gown like she was supposed to,” as if that were a supposed to be a bad thing. 
Ruthie shakes her head, smiling to herself as she watches Sweet Pea try to shake off Maria, who was following him around the yard with another plate of food and yelling about how “You two boys need to put some meat on your bones before we send you off to college!” Sweet Pea goes to sit by the fire pit, away from Maria and her constant comments. Dante’s roasting marshmallows, eternally determined to piss off Elena by getting Daisy all hopped up on sugar after feeding her s’mores. Ruthie puffs along happily on her cigarette, a healthy distance aware from the rest of the partygoers (Sweet Pea had already come up to her once that evening, pulling a cigarette out of her mouth and grinding it into the dirt under the toe of his big boots). She watches over the party carefully, thinking about how time has passed and how everyone has grown. 
“You warm enough over here?” Ruthie asks, her hand coming to rest on Sweet Pea’s shoulder as she approaches where he’s sitting by the fire pit. 
He jumps a little, dropping the long wooden stick he was using to prod at the fire logs. “I’m fine” He replies with an eye roll.
Ruthie sits down heavily in one of the plastic lawn chairs than were posited throughout the yard, but loses her balance because of a wobbly, weathered leg. She laughs loudly as he recovers, her blood pumping in her ears. “You don’t have to be so grumpy about it” She teases, bumping his knee with her own. 
“I’m not being grumpy!” Sweet Pea retorts, clearly still on edge from Maria’s overbearing attention and affection. 
“Is it because you’re cold?” Ruthie raises an eyebrow at her not-so-little brother, already knowing his answer. 
“I just graduated high school, Ruth, you don’t have to treat me like I’m some baby…” Sweet Pea shoes his head and brings his long-necked bottle of beer to his lips, taking a hearty sip.
“Oh but you’re always gonna be my little baby!” Ruthie coos with fake, overbearing sweetness and goes to ruffle Sweet Pea’s hair in the annoying yet endearing way that only older sisters seem to have mastered. 
Sweet Pea’s scowl breaks into a smile and he rolls his eyes, letting his sister muss up his hair and dote on him just a little longer. He slides his arm around her shoulders and revels in her body heat and the familiar, comforting smell of her lavender shampoo.
“So what do you wanna do with your last summer before college, kid?”
“I hadn’t really thought about it, honestly.” Sweet Pea muses. “Need to find a job so I have a little bit of rent money saved up.” He always thought practically, tethered to the tangible things he needed in order to get by in life. It might have been a trait he picked up from Ruthie, actually. 
“You have all summer to work” Ruthie looks over at her younger brother. “You gotta do something fun this summer, okay? Me and you, we’ll go somewhere just us.” 
Sweet Pea laughs, his brows creased in both confusion and amusement. “Okay…where are we gonna go?”
“Anywhere…I mean, anywhere my car can get us. Or maybe we rent a car and go up the coast, spend a week at the beach before I send you off to the real world.”
“Sounds nice” Sweet Pea nods in agreement, staring into the fire. “What about the money though, Ruth? A trip like this sounds expensive.” 
“You don’t have to worry about the money, kid.” Ruthie sighs, and for the first time in a long time she actually means that. “You deserve way more than this, okay? It’s the least I can do. Nothing’s set in stone now so just promise me you’ll think on it, okay?” 
Sweet Pea nods. “I promise”  
“I love you, and I’m so proud of you” Ruthie says firmly, as to make sure there was no way for Sweet Pea to slither in and discredit himself and his experiences.  
The two siblings sit like that in front of the fire for a while, limbs tangled together, both too old to be twisting their bodies to accommodate for the other’s needed space. Ruthie gives Sweet Pea a rare, quick kiss on his forehead and the two siblings untangle themselves, laughing about who’s old rocket chair would break first. Things get quiet again for a little, just like the party had, bit after a few minutes Sweet Pea speaks up,
“Hey Ruth?” He hesitates, sounding somewhat embarrassed. 
“Where’s my jacket?” Sweet Pea asks, wincing, already prepared for his sister’s onslaught of I-told-you-so’s.
Ruthie’s eyes blink open quickly, her facing having been turned towards the warmth of the fire that cracked and rippled with every gust of the evening wind. “In the trunk of my car” She laughs, tossing him her keys. Sweet Pea fumbles the catch because of his cold hands and walks towards the car, rubbing his hands over his arms.
“That boy’s gonna be absolutely lost without you” Dante laughs, rounding the fire pit and sitting down. 
Ruthie shakes her head and disagrees. “I think he’s gonna be just fine.”
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CR Reaction Bloggin?
 I am currently obsessed with Critical Role, but I actually bounced off of it twice before I really got it. As a weird consequence of that, I’ve been kinda partially spoiled about a lot of plot points and things, but only in a vague way. I could take that as a sad thing, or I could make it into a game of fanon-vs-canon. For example, I know everyone is in love with pretty shadow boy, but I don’t really get why yet?
    So I feel like it would be fun to use my weird semi-spoiled position to kinda catalog my predictions and reactions here as I go, mostly just to keep track of stuff and scream about good moments for myself. I’m currently about to start episode 66. 
This is nothing official or formal, it’s really just for my own fun! I do know that a bunch of text posts all at once in a popular tag is annoying tho. I think the etiquette is to have a specific tag people can blacklist? That’s what I’m gonna do anyway. 
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daisyfornost · 4 years
fanfic tag game
I was tagged by @greenapricot, and I feel so honored, not just because she’s wonderful and amazing and I’m in awe of her writing, but also because I’ve never written much myself and recently... almost nothing.
Ao3 name: daisynorbury, which I chose when I got involved in the Tolkien online fandom around 2002. “Norbury” is the Westron name for the old Arnorian capital of Fornost, north of the Shire. When Sherlock s4 happened suddenly that name conveyed something rather different, so I switched the second half to Fornost on tumblr. If it were less of a hassle I’d switch it on Ao3 too, but... hassle. Daisy’s just a nickname.
Number of fics: 18
Fandoms: Inspector Morse (1), which I’m putting first because it’s the only fandom I’m still writing in and even that’s just one, slooow, curatorial-rather-than-creative wip; Lewis (3), Lord of the Rings (7), M*A*S*H (3), Sherlock Holmes - Granada/ACD (3), Being Human UK (1)
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Aulë’s Gift, by far. Everything else took a few months at most. Aulë’s Gift took me 11 goddamn years. Eleven. Years. Which, at the time I finished it, was more than a quarter of my life. And it’s only 54k. I had one novel in me and that’s it. I like it and I’m proud of it, but to this day when I try to read it the formatting makes me CRINGE. Someday I’ll go back and fix it. *sigh*
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Dunno, maybe Lamedon Abandoned (LotR, L/G. 2.8k) but it was so long ago I don’t remember. I also feel like Fair’s The Last Thing It Is (M*A*S*H, gen, 3.1k) came pretty easily and quickly.
3. Longest Fic: Aulë’s Gift by a long shot. (LotR, L/G, 54k) See above.
4. Shortest Fic: Solid Choice (Lewis, Robbie/James, 1099w) because it was designed as a series of double drabbles. And from that experience I learned that I hate a word-count limit. Never again.
5. Most hits: As Yes To If (Sherlock Holmes - Granada/ACD, Holmes/Watson, 3k), probably because it ended up on a few tumblr fic-rec lists shortly after I published it.  Although somewhere along the line, someone miswrote my name on a rec list as “staceynorbury” and that name is still floating around the interwebs. Cracks me up.
6. Most kudos: Again, As Yes To If.
7. Most comment threads: Aulë’s Gift, but most of those are just me and @roselightfairy yelling back and forth at one another. Second-most: Silver Gaze, which is the sequel to As Yes To If. The one where H&W stay at an inn on Dartmoor after the Silver Blaze case. And there was only one bed.
8. Fave Fic you wrote: That’s very hard. Gonna set aside Aulë’s Gift just because there’s so much more of it than everything else that it’s unfair competition. Uh… maybe Hit What’s Pitched? (M*A*S*H, Hawkeye/BJ, 4.3k) Though some of my warm feeling for it is my readers’ reaction to Charles. Everybody loves my Charles. And after re-reading Venus the Bringer of Peace... gosh, I’d forgotten how much thought I put into that one.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Venus the Bringer of Peace (Lewis, Robbie/James, 6.1K) is currently two chapters and officially “complete”, but was originally intended to be five (culminating in the night after Falling Darkness, when Robbie and Laura and James all go home together, because of course they do), and I still have a bunch of notes for the last three chapters. I hope to get around to writing them someday. Indeed, sometimes I even open my notes and, like, look at them. (And as mentioned, Aulë’s Gift needs some serious reformatting, but I don’t plan to edit the content. Happy with it as is.) 
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: I just published the most recent chapter (12: The Infernal Serpent) of my episodic review of Inspector Morse, and I haven’t started working on the next one yet so there’s nothing to share. And beyond that, my muse is pretty much dead. Menopause really axed my brain.
Buuuut… I could open my Venus The Bringer of Peace notes and see what’s there.  *pokepoke*
1. “There are things about me that are... latent. Without you. I can’t find them on my own, and I’ve never found them with anyone but you. You showed me who I can be. I can’t even see that version of me without you to bring it out. You make me more myself. More…  real.”
2. ... James doesn’t notice that Robbie’s returned from the loo until he feels a hand on his shoulder. James looks up, indicates the sleeping Laura with a dip of his head, and mouths “This should be you.” And Robbie misunderstands. He hasn’t been privy to James’ line of thought, and interprets his remark as James saying “It should be you, here, curled up on my shoulder, sleeping.”  And because Robbie is very tired, and wrung out, and freshly grieving the pain and awful injustice of it all, and despite Laura’s trauma and his fervent wish for her to feel safe and loved and held right now, for a second he imagines himself there in her place, and all he can think is “Yes, Christ, yes it should be, please.”  He stares down at James. He can’t make sense of what he just said. He thinks it should be me? He thinks it should... be me? He wants to be holding me? Now? James stares right back. Looking up at him like… like he means it. Like he’s both telling Robbie that he wants to hold him and unashamed of laying himself bare.
Robbie blinks a few times, then feels his hand drift up from James’ shoulder and two fingertips brush his jaw. He can’t seem to stop himself. He swallows, feeling immensely guilty, and whispers, “Ah, lad. She needs you more than I do just now.”’
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mystic-scripture · 4 years
Prolific Scene: If You Say So
I recently watched an episode of Criminal Minds where Spencer explained it would be safer to kiss someone than shake their hand...so y’all gotta know where this is going. 
Blue eyes followed Spencer's third trip to the breakroom for coffee. Wendy was tired of this, it had been months, months since she and Penny had joined the team and while her cousin was thriving and making great relationships, the federal babysitter was having issues. Though to be fair, it was hard being the fusion of their tech and resident genius. Still, she would have thought that some progress would be made. And by progress, she really meant contact. 
Handshakes were an everyday part of their job, and as she’d warmed up to the team, the occasional pat on the shoulder, and the even more sporadic hug started to slip into her interactions. JJ and her cousin were the most open with their affections, Derek taking to bear hugging her when she least expected it and the SSAs kept things respectful, but encouraging And she wasn’t complaining about all of that, but rather the lack thereof from one particular member: Dr. Spencer Reid. Okay, sure she’d surprised the hell out of him when she quoted some of his publications at him, and asked questions regarding them. And, yes, he wasn’t that big into touching anybody really, even those he’d known for years. And yes, she was still the new girl who had only joined them on the field a few times since her official position was to keep Penny in line.  Logically, she completely understood, but anxiety didn’t have logic, and instead decided to overthink every situation. 
Like on the Jet, she’d accidentally started to nod off and had barely fallen into his side. He jerked so instantaneously and so violently, she jumped out of her seat and shuffled off to a different one, kept awake by her face burning from embarrassment. Or when they worked together on a geological profile and their hands collided as they both reached the realization at the same time. While they had both pulled away, Wonder Boy had acted like just the proximity of her hand burned him. If they were assigned the same car, he took the back seat, always as far away from her as possible, a fact she knew she couldn’t make up.  All in all, she was a little offended given that she’d been pretty damn respectful of his boundaries. 
Which is what made today be the day she’d confront him about it. Pushing herself up from her desk, she pushed the chair back in before grabbing her tea mug making her  way over to where her coworker was recaffinating. She didn’t know how he managed to drink so much coffee in a single day, especially when he starts off with a double espresso no matter the time they’re called in, but that wasn’t what this was about. She strode past Derek and Penny, the two giving each other a look that said she was not wearing her poker face, making her mission clear. Elle and JJ looked on from the balcony, making her roll her eyes at the rubbernecking that happened in this office. Finally, she’d reached her destination, rolling her mug between her palms, she paused; debating her course of action. 
She decided on grabbing her water bottle from the fridge, which was far enough away to not bother the young doctor who didn’t even seem to register her presence. There was the slightest tilt of the head as he heard the unit open and close, but nothing else, his eyes on the coffee machine as it brewed a new pot. Wendy idly wondered what number that was, given that Spencer wasn’t the only one to drink the java that made the office keep ticking. She took a sip of her drink, shivering at the cold against her teeth before putting it on the counter. Perhaps she should engage in one more test, since she needed to wash her mug anyway, and his towering frame was blocking her way to the sink anyway. 
Twisting her lips to the side, she walked over to him, still remaining silent as he did the same. When she reached him, she reached forward, her hand ghosting just above his elbow as if to lead him out of her way. She could barely feel the hair on his arms bristling before he ducked forward, his posture wooden. Walking past, she placed her mug on the sink, running hot water and adding soap into it soak out the honey that had crystallized. Then, just as he started to relax, she struck. 
“Allright, Sparky, what gives?” She crossed her arms as she leaned against the counter. “Did I do something to offend you or something?” 
“Don’t call me Sparky, it sounds like the name of a class hamster or gerbil.” He deflected, turning his head to meet her gaze. “But no, what would make you think that?” 
“I was thinking more of a puppy than anything, but that could make it worse.” She quipped. “And while I may not be fantastic at this profiling thing yet, I do know how to read body language well enough to take a hint. So, let’s figure this out like adults.”
“I fail to see how we can figure anything out when you’re the only one aware of the subject matter.” His gaze and hand dropped to the coffee pot as he filled his mug. “So if, as you claim, you want to handle it like adults; enlighten me.” 
“Fine.” She stood up, standing at the edge of his personal bubble, smirking as she took his usual aversion to contact. “Wanna explain why any physical contact with me seems to repulse you? And I don’t mean in your usual ‘I have a thing about people touching me’ way. I mean like, visceral reactions. My skin isn’t made of acid, so I don’t know why you insist on acting like it.” 
“ If your skin were made of acid you wouldn’t be able to wear any clothing or go anywhere without constant and instant corrosion.” He rolled his eyes at her. “Unless you somehow managed to invent fabrics out of science fiction and comic books.” 
“I wear a lot of rubber.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Stop avoiding the question.”
“Look, I don’t know why you’re taking this so personally, as you said, I don’t participate in physical contact or affection, however platonic you may mean it. I don’t know if you noticed this, but I read a lot of facts about things, and my memory makes me remember every single thing. So, forgive me if I don’t really like to think about the amount of pathogens that could pass from you to me with or without your intention. Honestly, it would be safer for us to kiss than to shake hands.” 
Wendy smirked, moving quickly to avoid any escape attempts on his part. She pulled on his collar, and leaned upwards, pressing her lips against him in a short, but firm kiss before releasing him with a wink and skirting around him. 
“Well in that case, it’s nice to finally meet you, Dr. Reid.” She said, not even bothering to look back. “Maybe now we can get the awkwardness over with.” 
She didn’t stop walking until she reached Derek’s desk, looking over, her smile grew. He was still standing, half bent from where she’d positioned him, his arms aloft, and his coffee mug steaming in his hand. It wasn’t until she felt an arm on her shoulder, that she looked into the eyes of her cousin, curiosity written all over her face. 
“Wendy, Darling,” Penelope pointed to her, then to the breakroom. “Why do you look so smug while our young Doctor seems to be struggling to reboot?”
“I mean, I could make my guesses, but I’m not gonna steal Doll Face’s thunder.” Derek said, his voice equally smug as he looked pointedly at her lips, where she could feel her lipstick had smudged slightly.
“Oh, we just were getting introduced.” She shrugged, avoiding touching her face. “Formally, that is, and I think that he’s regretting his choice of factoid.” 
“You didn’t.” They both said, looking back and forth between her and Reid.
“I might’ve.” She confirmed. “In my defense he was the one that brought it up.” 
Wendy/ Prolific Tag: @abbyarcxnes ​ @perfectlystiles ​ @foxesandmagic ​ @curious-kittens-ocs ​ @starcrossedjedis ​ @anotherunreadblog ​ @lenonizi
“If you broke Pretty Boy, you’re gonna be in charge of fixing him.” Derek said, shaking his head. “But well played, Durant...well played.”
“Hey, girls can play too, Morgan.” Wendy said, moving to her desk, Penelope in her wake. “We have to in order to keep up with guys like you.”
She sat down at her desk, only then touching her lips to adjust her make-up. She sighed, but thanked her cousin for providing her a compact, doing her best to avoid the impending questions. However, when it came to Penelope, there was no avoiding the search for information. 
“So you kissed him….” She pulled her lips in, both eyebrows arching upwards. 
“Uh, huh…” Wendy’s gaze stayed focused on the mirror.
“And there were no feelings behind it.” 
“None at all?” Penny took the compact back when it was offered. “Just two coworkers kissing so that one could prove a point?” 
“If you understand, I fail to see why you’re asking.” She finally met the other woman’s eyes, her face neutral. Or so she thought.
“No reason… Just that you’re still smiling.” She snapped the compact shut, walking off to her tech cave. “And you’re fingers were lingering on your lips even after your make-up was fixed.” 
“In your dreams, Pen!” Wendy called after her, looking toward the breakroom as she saw Derek trying to reboot his friend. 
Once she was content that no one was looking at her anymore, her fingers brushed against her lips one final time, cursing the fact that she had to work with family. FBI or not, she didn’t need people analysing things before she could realize them. Especially when all she could think about was how it would feel had he returned the gesture, or if she’d waited just a couple seconds longer.
Hype Squad: @witchofinterest ​
HMU if you wanna be added to a taglist!
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Hannibal - Ep1 - Reaction
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Okay, so this is starting because of @quartermastercandlestickmaker​ and @todorokisrose​ [yes, y’all both gettin’ tagged in the annoouncement and this one. I need to be clear on who is causing my suffering.]
I’m here in this hole now. This dark pit.
This is not a live-blogging of my watch, but I am writing this live. So, writing live posting later. If that makes sense. I’ll have one post per episode and after I’ll compile them all into a master list.
Spoilers ahead.
What a grand opening my dudes. Thrilling music. He’s got that “he fucked up” face going on. WAIT NO HE’S SHERLOCKING THE SHIT. OH COOL. NO WONDER I SAW SOOME FANART OF THEM BEING BFFS. Oh, I like this. Weird effects flex but I dig it.Ooooooooooo I was not expecting that voice. IS THIS WHERE THE “THIS IS MY DESIGN” SHIT CAME FROM WHAT THE FUCK Have I known this more than I thought.
Also low-key bitch *looks* like a psychopath no wonder what is gonna happen happens. Oh rip Mrs. Marlow ;;~;; that was a hard change bro.
I don’t wanna think about ---
Also Laurence Fishbourne god bless I love him.
It’s difficult for me to be social too, fam. LAURANCE WHY DID YOU FIX HIS GLASSES THAT WAS SO WE IR D???? Also bro same I love you, Will Graham, you funky little sociopath.
“Every girl is a candy bar” mhm okay thanks for that. Will and this sociable thing is really fucking me bro minus the serial killer obsession/profession/vibe.
Laurence Fishbourne is an amazing actor but I’m also digging the dude playing Will (srry names are my weakness so his name is Will.)
Oooooo booi. I recognize Katz from fanart she’s a popular one right. But we’re going upstairs.
I’m so worried about opening the door
Oh no
He knew
This bitch been knew
Holy shit
I like the whole thing with eye contact. I’ve seen the gif where it’s mentioned but I like how it’s subtle and not overly emphasized so far. Oh we’re flashing back again. Poor Elise. It’s a super interesting story technique using him as the killer. Also damn bitch “you unstable” you’re such a nosy bitch how were you interrupted when you were asked not to enter
Now everyone is here
Antlers promote healing mhm okay
I wanna hug him but I also don’t want to make him uncomfortable with contact. IS HE STOPPING FOR A DOG OH ,Y HO GOD. I’D DIE FOR THIS MAN. I’D DIE FOR THIS MAN. HE STOPPED FOR A DOG. HEWENT BACK FOR THE DOG OMGH THIS MAN THIS MAN IS,,,,, he adopted a fucking stray dog. This man is lovely. I love this man. This -- HE DOES IT TO MULTIPLE DOOGS OH MY GOD I WANNA MARRY HIM ANDHAVE WINSTON AND EVERYBODY AND OMOG HE’S SUCH A LOVELY STRANGE CREATURE.
Where are we now. In a dream state? OH SHIT WE ARE THAT’S A BODY AND A HEARTBEAT IN MY EAR WHAT THE FUCK ahhhh fun nightmares I love it. Oh shit the towels. Bro. There are quite a few visuals happening.
Stop yelling at him ;;~;;
Woah  this is a lot to unpack in this scene you can see Will like slipping omg. It’ss almost unsettling him not having eye contact but like I know the reason for it and therefore it’s just impressive acting and not like unsettling of the actor to do that if that makes sense? I really am impressed by that level of commitment to not have a “look at the camera” to keep showing how he won’t look at other people.
Ooo this is one of the lady psych talkers which is like on the Graham side while the blonde one is for Hannibal, right even tho Hannibal is a brain doc. ALANA that’s her name and that might be how you spell it. She doesn’t want him out there but Laurence needs  her to be his back  up. (Oh, his name is Jack.) JACK DONT MAKE PROMISES WILL CAN AND WILL GET CLOSE.
Is this
Is this my bitch
I love him. He’s so unconventionally handsome. He looks like he’d kill and eat me but I’d thank him for it, yanno? Oops.
No nonsense MM handing this crying man some tissues I love it. “I hate being this neurotic” omg the mood also Hannibal’s glance to the tissue is fucking amazing??? V Subtle Acting /cries in beauty
Franklyn, the lion isn’t in the room boy (just discovered I might wanna put subtitles on but they’re not working so rip)
Frankie boy got so scared by that comment thanks, Dr. Lector.
Mhm no secretary that’s,,, suspicious,,,, “sad to see her go” mhm okay sure Jan
Oh this bitch does draw oh my god john hopkins internship and all. Laurence is impressed and Mads is “mhm are you gonna try something” sdajkfgh A LAYMAN DAMN aww he’s like “oomg you’re so amazing dr. mr. sir”
“Associations come quickly-” “so do forts”
Oh ;;~;; “YOU WONT LIKE ME WHEN I’M PSYCHOANAYLYZED” im this is very flirtatious als jack you’re like br  o
So he’s the King of Empathy. He’s,,, helping Will see his own face,,, mhm,,,,, what does that say about you, Dr. Lector?
He’s mocking where he was apologetic is this maybe noT
Also this is a copy cat dklafjsghjfd OH DAMN THAT SNAP BACK ABOUT DR. LECTOR FFUCKK MAN.
Also,, I  can see why this show,, caused issues,,, a man should not look handsome while eating fucking lungs.
More visions I cannot even
What does this
What the hell is this
Dr. Lector showing up at his house o h .
“God forbid we become friendly”
“I don’t find you that interesting”
This smells,,, like a ship,,, mhm,,,,
Breath will damn breath slow and use the words omg
Mhm ookay “we’re just alike” in the first bit…
Uncle Jack sees him as a fine china tea cup. That’s hilarious.
“How do you see me?” says Will.
“The mongoose I want under the house when the snakes slither by,” replies Hannibal WHILE WILL IS KEEPING EYE CONTACT.
So is there a reason -- “plain but pretty” hannibal gives a look -- is there a reason no official officer is accompanying them like????? They’re both not??? FBI????
Damn hannibal spilling shit everywhere.
Wait no he’s calling someone else
Who is this
OH HE’S CALLING GARRETT. OH. wait is he helping other cannibals get away. What the fuck. You can’t do that, Hannibal. Is there a fuckking cannibal union yall get together and trrade recipes.
Wait we’re back to reality
This back and forth is trippy
H  N
I do love how this built up to Hannibal being the cannibal but it was Hobbs. NFIEGSIBFD
(also I guess Will technically is FBI that probably helps lmao)
Oh no
O h n o
Dont whisper at him to see bitch
Oh no
Will it’s
Oh no
>:((((((((((((((((((( hannibal Imma fuck you up
Will honey let someone clean your glasses. Does she survive? I hope the girl survives. The Traitor Cannibal Bitch is going with them. Mhm.
Alana tryin’ to protect him. (Does she like him? I got bad news, babe, he’s gonna fall in love with a man-eater.)
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toxoplasmajuice · 4 years
Episode 11: Replies
i officially DO NOT TRUST MY ACTIVITY PAGE ANYMORE so i have to go through this episode post by post to pull out the replies. love this. thanks staff. that’s also why the format is gonna be different (but the format is... very experimental LMAO idk how best to display replies that doesn’t require me typing out any more words than i need to)
@harmoniouspixels (x):
God if January doesn't remember Marisa's contestants names that's a Whole Mood bc if I don't talk to somone/use their name enough it's just like "hey you!!" bc I don't want to admit that I can't remember their name aslgjalksgj
tbh i don’t know whether january actually doesn’t know marisa’s contestants’ names or they’re just fucking w marisa. they probably know beatrice and abbie by name because they had reasons to think about those two (beatrice because they & marisa were worried about her, and abbie because You Know) but beyond that? idk. idk
@harmoniouspixels (x):
I mean tbf I had that one post in Hart where I tagged Lissa's URL as just "berries" and I didn't notice/no one commented on it for /years/
GKFDH “berries” as a simblr url would be like, a level 1000 url
got curious and apparently the user with the “berries” url is still active. and no they are not a simblr
@harmoniouspixels (x):
Saturday please
@aromanticweiss (x):
NOW, TO BE FAIR. we don’t actually know what they were going to say about january’s hair.
@tiny-tany-thaanos (x):
They are just realizing they are in the final two
yknow what you’re probably right. screaming is a VERY fair reaction to that.
@tiny-tany-thaanos (x):
Yeah, Jez is in the final two!
after three years DFKJGHDFJK
@harmoniouspixels (x):
That's a whole mood tbh
me rushing to my queue because i realized i forgot to add a very plot relevant thing to a post
@harmoniouspixels (x):
Oh wait two /times/ two? I've been reading it as two /by/ two for months aslkjglksjgd
...i mean, same difference (also “two by two” flows better anyway tbh GHDFJKGH)
@harmoniouspixels (x):
This still has me big :((
@harmoniouspixels (x):
fun fact (it’s fun out of context at least)!: i cried when playing thru this bit
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