#i showed alessia & asked her if she would be scared to see the first one and she was like Yeah. Wouldn't You.
ambreiiigns · 1 year
monsterfuckers of the jury pls genuinely tell me would you be desperate to shag these demons
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alotofpockets · 7 months
Reunited on the field | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Prompts: "If there is nothing going on between you two, you don't mind if I ask them on a date, do you?" & "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 1.2k
Since you left college you have played in the United States of America for both club and country. Your transfer to Arsenal was going to be a big change for you with the move to a different continent but you were excited for this opportunity. Luckily there were some familiar faces on the team that you knew would take you under their wing. Both Lotte and Alessia had been your teammates at college, you stayed in contact with most of the Tar Heels girls over the years, and were excited to be sharing the field with them once again. 
Your assumption of your UNC teammates taking you under their wing couldn’t have been more true. You fell back into the close friendship you had with the both of them almost immediately. They showed you around London, introduced you to the rest of the team, and made sure you felt at home at Arsenal. The first month at your new club consisted primarily of training. You were getting to know the team that had welcomed you with open arms better and better. The team had taken you in as their own right away.
Today was another day of training, and you were running drills with a couple of the girls while the rest was still stretching. Unbeknownst to you Lotte was questioning Alessia on the other side of the field, “So, Lessi, how’s the crush on y/n going?” Alessia shoved her friend's shoulder, “Come one, Lotte, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t have a crush on her anymore?” Lotte laughed, and ran off to join in on the drills.
A few days later you’re at the gym, getting a workout in with the team. You’re about to bench press and look around for someone to spot you, when you see Alessia had just finished one of her own sets. “Hey Less, could you spot me real quick?” The blond moves your way, “Wait, are you going for a new PR?” Alessia says checking out the weights you put on the bar. “Yes, I am, trying for one at least.” She gets ready by standing behind the bench, while you lay down, mentally preparing yourself. “Come on, you’ve got this.” Alessia encourages you, as you reach for the bar and lower it. You start lifting the bar, pushing with all the strength that you’ve got. “Almost, come on. Push, you’ve got it.” Her words push you along, and you’re able to do the full lift. Alessia helps you put the weight back on the rack. You jump up and give her a hug, “Thank you Less, couldn’t have done it without you!” With a kick peck to her cheek, you walk off to tell the trainers about your new PR, leaving Alessia frozen in place.
“Oi, what’s wrong with Russo?” Katie asks Lotte who is actively laughing at Alessia's reaction. “She has had the biggest crush on y/l/n since college and she just kissed her cheek.” Katie smirks at this new information. “And she never acted on it?” Lotte shakes her head. “She claims she hasn’t had a crush on her since she left college but you saw her reaction, proving she’s lying.” The girls both laugh. 
Katie decides to join Lotte in teasing Alessia about her crush and walks up to her teammate. “Hey, Russo, a little birdy told me you have a little crush on our newbie.” Alessia sends Lotte a quick glare, who just smiles back. “Not you too Macca, I do not have a crush on her” The striker did not like the smile that appeared on Katie’s face. "If there is nothing going on between you two, you don't mind if I ask her on a date, do you?" Alessia’s eyes widened, “Don’t you dare.” Katie laughs, “Cool, point proven. You’ve got to tell y/n, Russo, what do you have to lose?” You pop up beside them, “Tell me what?” Alessia’s face turns a dark shade of red, while Katie and Lotte break out in laughter. You’re a bit confused by the laughter, but you decide to put your focus on Alessia. You take her hand and lead her out of the gym, away from the laughing that seemed to make her more uncomfortable.
“What’s going on, Less? Is everything alright?” You ask once you have made your way outside. She was quiet for a moment, before she just started rambling. “I like you, y/n. Like not as friends, though I like you as a friend too of course. I like you for real, and I have since college. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time and I know that is stupid because we’ve been apart for a couple of years but I still do. And Katie just joked about asking you out, I think she was joking but I know that I need to share this with you because someone will come and make you fall in love with them and then I will lose my shot.” She takes a deep breath before continuing, not leaving room for you to respond just yet. “Actually, to be totally honest, I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me. You are such a good friend, and we are teammates of course. I don’t want to lose the connection that we have, and..” That’s when you put your hands on her shoulders and stop her. “Hey Less, look at me, please.” Her eyes nervously meet yours. She was met with eyes filled with adoration. “I feel the same way. I had a crush on you in college, and I thought that I had moved on from it when we graduated but none of my relationships ever felt right. It didn’t click until I saw you here on my first day at Arsenal, I have been in love with you since our college years too, Less.” 
Alessia’s smile grew wider the longer you spoke, until finally you were done with your sentence and she crashed her lips onto yours. It was an eager kiss at first, both having wanted to kiss the other for such a long time but the kiss quickly turned softer, wanting this long awaited moment last. When you pulled away from the kiss, cheers and whistles were heard from the entrance of the gym, you looked over your shoulder to see a group of Arsenal girls had formed in front of the door. You roll your eyes at them, before taking Alessia’s hand and heading back to the gym. The girls started patting the both of you on the back, “Seriously?” You laugh at their antics. 
During the rest of your gym session you keep letting your eyes trail over to Alessia, smiling when your eyes meet hers. Your cheeks warm at the thought of her lips on yours, luckily your cheeks were already red from training, otherwise the team would for sure tease you for it. Not that you would really mind the teasing though, you were just happy to finally have your feelings for Alessia out in the open and reciprocated, and couldn’t wait to get out of training. 
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
Because I can't loose you | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, B- Because I can't loose you
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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Thanks for all the love so far on this fic. It's overwhelming to see the response and thank you to those who reached out.
Also, I’d also like to thank @samkerrworshipper for giving me the courage to actually post these fics and not just keep them in my drafts 🫶🏼
Again, none of it's been proof read as I just wrote whatever came into my head right now so I apologise if it doesn't make sense at all.
Here's pt. 2 of inner demons :)
Is this something that you guys would be interested to read more if I turned it into a small fic series to write about the struggles which a teenager has with the added pressure of a professional football career while she is battling her inner demons.
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Waiting in the hospital for you to wake up, it's clear to see how much all of the girls love you and there'll always be there through the ups and downs in your life.
TW: heavy angst and talks of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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"God, she looks so tiny in that bed" Alessia was the first one to break the silence for the first time since you had been admitted to the hospital.
"She shouldn't be here-- I mean, she shouldn't be here in this... in the hospital right now" Laura struggles to express her emotions as her face sadens while she looks at your unconcious body attached to all the different wires and monitors.
"I... I'm not used to her like this, she's always laughing and joking around. This is different" Kyra says, the Aussie girl has never known you to be like as she is used to your cheeky and vibrant attitude, not the reserved and broken shell of a girl that you had become once again. "She'll be okay, won't she?" she asks quietly as she looks at the rest of the girls around the room.
"She has to be" Lotte states as she nods her head.
"She has us, she's family and we don't turn our backs on family no matter what" Kim tells them in a determined tone of voice. "Whatever her struggle is, we'll be there for her through it all. She's one of our own" she adds.
The last 24 hours had been harrowing for every single one of the girls on your team.
News had quickly spread round to the rest of the team and as soon as they heard, they all made their way to the hospital to join the rest of the girls.
They were all now sat waiting in your hospital room with anticipation for you to wake up.
"We should have realised sooner" Lia speaks up with a certain quiver in her voice.
"Why hasn't she woke up yet?" Beth was the first to ask the question that all the girls wanted to know the answer too as well but were too scared to ask.
"It will take time" Viv replies as she moves her hand to gently place it on her girlfriends' shoulder and give her a reassuring smile.
"But she should be awake by now, right?" Katies' eyebrow's nit together in confusion as she looks at the rest of the girls for any response. "I... I mean, you know, it's been a good few hours now, hasn't it?" she continues to ask.
"I... I don't get it. She was doing better" Steph swallowed the lump in her throat as she spoke up.
"No, no, she was... She is doing better. This is just a slip up" Katie tries to convince them as she casts a glance to your frail body lay in the hospital bed.
"This isn't just a slip up, Katie. This is different" Jen sighs in disagreement.
"You don't know that, we don't know what has happened or what's been said to cause her to do this" Caitlin states while she shakes her head.
"If she wakes up" Katie mumbles quietly, avoiding the hardened glare from the rest of the girls in the room. "I... I mean, it's been a while, hasn't it? She still doesn't show any sign of coming round any time soon" she tells them to defend herself.
"Jen's right, this is different" Steph turns to her fellow Australian as she bites her bottom lip in realisation. "This isn't just a slip up this time, this is... I think Y/N has been suffering in silence for a while" she tells them.
"Why didn't she tell us? We could have helped her with whatevers' been going on" Beth asks confused.
Nobody could know the answer to that, nobody could realise the inner demons that you were battling inside of your head once more.
The somber silence was quick to turn into intense commotion as all of the girls threw numerous questions around the room.
Did you stop going to your therapy appointments? Yes, they judged you on whatever you said.
Did you stop taking your meds? Yes, they made your brain foggy.
Have you feeling like this for a while and we didn't realise? Yes, you kept it quiet to not be a burden to anyone.
Was it something you saw that triggered it? Yes, your not as strong as people think you are.
There was only one person that hadn't uttered a single word in the whole 24 hours since you were admitted.
Leah, the one person who hadn't left your side the entire time.
The blonde just sat there with, a numb expression plastered on her face and her hand clutched onto your own tightly, afraid to let go.
Her sunken eyes were a enough to certify the blonde hadn't slept at all, instead she fought to keep her eyes open while she kept her eyes focused on your small vulnerable body lay in the hospital bed, where the wires were connected to the monitor that showed the slow, steady rhythm of your heart.
You shouldn't be here, you were doing so much better. You should be on the football field, partaking in the training session ahead of the game.
Why was that not the case?
"Girls, stop. None of these questions are helping right now" It was your Arsenal captain, Kim to speak aloud in her usual stern voice that quickly got the attention of the room.
"Yeah, you're right" Katie exhales a sigh and bites her bottom lip.
"How about we go and get some coffee? The doctors will round soon to check her vitals" Kim suggests to them all, a subtle way to get them all out of the room to take a breather from the tension in there.
"That would be a good idea" Steph agrees with the Scots' women and slowly moves to stand up from her seat in the room.
Most of the girls get the hint and exit the room until it's just Leah, Lia, Beth, Viv and Katie.
"Kims' right, it would be a good idea to stretch our legs" Beth states as she glances at the remaining girls in the hospital room.
"Yeah" Katie is a bit more hesistant to leave you but goes to stand up.
"Leah--" Leah begins to speak to the blonde.
"I'm not leaving her" Leah broke her silence for the first time since you had been admitted, a quiver in her voice that spoke for itself of how run down she was. "I'm... I'm not leaving her, Wally. I have to be here when she wakes up" she adds in.
"That might be a while yet" Viv admits quietly.
"It might be good to get some fresh air, Le" Beth's hesistant to suggest to the blonde incase she snaps at her.
"No" Leah was quick to decline.
"You haven't moved from the chair since you got here, Le" Lia says as shows her concern for the blonde defender.
"No. I'm not... I'm not leaving her" Leah's voice shakes with fear as she continues to stare at you. "I can't leave her" she tells them.
Knowing it wouldn't be any to try and fight her decision, the girls all begin to exit the room slowly as they turn back to look at the blonde with apprehensive looks as if they were hesitant to leave her.
"We'll be back soon, we have our phones on us if you need anything" Viv rests her hand on the blondes' shoulder as she starts to walk out.
As soon as it was just the two of you in the room, Leah let out a shaky breath as she let her vulnerability show.
"You need to wake up, Y/N/N" The blonde cries as she moves to bow her head down on your bed as she still keeps a tight hold of your hand. "Please, Y/N. Wake up, I can't... I need you to be okay" she continues to sob freely.
The noise of the monitors was soon drowned out by the loud wails' of the blonde, her whole body trembles as tears continue to spill down her cheeks.
She couldn't lose you, you were more than just her team mate to her.
You were her family, whether it was flesh of blood or not.
You were a part of her life, she couldn't watch you die.
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ellatoone7 · 2 years
Movie nights (Ella Toone x Reader)
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The movie felt a lot longer than two hours as you watch the credits roll. Alessia and Millie were passed out on the couch next you. “That was the longest movie ever.” You whisper to the girl sitting next to you, Ella lets out a quiet chuckle while munching on the popcorn that sat in her lap, “That’s what we get for letting Millie pick the movie.” You roll your eyes fondly while remembering the mini war you all had about who got to pick the movie. 
You yawn while Ella flicks through the channels, “You tired?” She asked as she glanced over at you. “Not really.” You shrug before shivering lightly. It was early December and the heat in the flat was currently turned off because Ella insisted on lighting fire saying something about ‘Christmas Vibes.’ 
That fire had long died as did the heat it brought, you slapped Ella’s arm gently, “Remind me to never let you convince us to turn the heat off again.” Ella scoffs before gently hitting you back, “Please! I saw your eyes light up when I mentioned Christmas!” She finished with a knowing tone. You gasp while holding a hand over your heart, “Don’t you bring Christams into this!” You both cover the giggle trying to escape as Ella finally picks a show to watch. 
“No!” You immediately say as Ella hovers over the Jeffrey Dahmer show, “Oh, Come on! It won’t even be that scary.” You fold your arms across your chest not budging but Ella’s pleading eyes have you reluctantly agreeing, “Fine! But if it gets to scary, we are watching something else.” Ella cheers quietly.
You were about 20 minutes into the first episode, you were immensely regretting your decision as you tried to hide behind your blanket. You could still hear it though and you didn’t know if that was worse, “El, I’m scared.” Ella glanced over at you, a small smile fraced her face when she sees you cuddled up behind your blanket, “C’mere.” She pats the space next her and you don’t waste a second before your cuddled up to her instead. 
You hid your face in her shoulder until the episode was over. Ella’s hand had been softly rubbing your back since you moved closer to her, you decided to ignore the butterflies erupting your stomach at the gesture, her familiar shampoo was invading your senses from where you face was buried.
“It’s over, you can come out now.” The soft giggle that was accompanied with the words made your heart race as you slowly looked up at your friend. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?” You throw her a deadpanned look as she bit back a smile, “That was awful and I didn’t even watch it properly.” Ella just smiled at you, her arm was still keeping you close, your faces were inches apart. 
Then out of nowhere Ella said something that had you wondering whether you were really a sleep or dreaming. “Would it be weird if I kissed you? Be honest.” Her gaze didn’t leave your face once as she tried to gauge your reaction. You were one hundred percent sure you had miss heard her and if you hadn’t then maybe she was just asking and she wasn’t actually going to kiss you. 
Before you could get yourself out of this situation your heart had already made a decision as you stared at the midfielder who had stolen your heart the day you met her, “Honestly? Yes.” You watched as her face dropped and you quickly blurted out the rest of your answer before she panicked a left, “Do I care? No…” Ella’s panic turned to shock as she processed what you said.
You didn’t give her a lot if time though as your hands curled around the back of her neck, you pulled her in to a slow kiss. You sighed against her lips when her hands tightend around your waist, you could feel the relief roll off both your bodies as you finally crossed the line from friends to…well, whatever this was going to be.
“I was not expecting this.” A voice came out from behind you scarying the shit out of you and Ella. Alessia stood there rubbing her eyes while you and Ella tried to calm your racing hearts, “Jesus christ, Less! Give a girl some warning.” 
“So, we’re just not going to talk about the fact I just caught you two snogging or…?” You blushed harshley while Ella threw a pillow at the blonde girl, “We will talk about this in the morning. I’m going to bed.” She grabbed the pillow off the floor before gently opening the door, before she left she turns around and shoots you and Ella a smirk before saying, “Keep the noise down please, you have roomates who don’t want to hear the two of you go at it-” Another pillow was launched in her direction as Ella glared at her best friend, you tucked your red face into Ella’s neck while groaning.
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Alessia's New Fear
Well now I feel like I cheated in my answer to the ask game. Anon feel free to send it again for another wip lol.
More Mafia AU. A look at just why Alessia is so afraid to be near humans
TW: for blood, mentions of giants eating humans, uhh mafia au warnings. I'm so bad at this I'm sorry
Alessia's New Fear
Alessia kept turning to make sure no one was following her. Rhys would only cause the others trouble. Felix would tell mom and dad. She was the only one who could help and she was going to. She knew exactly what to do. Even if the others caught her she’d just lie until they left her alone.
She gripped the bag she carried tighter. Another pause to check around her, holding still when she saw some of the adults nearby. She wasn’t supposed to be playing in this part of the property. Mom and dad always said it was too close to the city. She didn’t think it would matter, she was going to be a hero like them when she was older. She could handle anything on her own.
The bush she had to crawl under finally came into sight. She grinned when her last search around her came up clear. She fell to her knees and made her way through the little tunnel she made. As soon as her head cleared the leaves the old toy castle came into view. It was one of the bigger ones that mom said she had to be careful with. That had been harder to sneak out here, but she managed it. Piece by piece.
She finished crawling through the bush and climbed to her feet. Carefully brushing off the leaves and dirt as she walked closer to the toy castle. It helped that mom and dad hadn’t been to her room lately. They might have asked where it was. She knocked on the drawbridge, waiting patiently for it to come down. Waiting was always the worst part.
As the bridge opened she smiled. It took everything in her not to bounce on her feet. A human with graying black hair poked his head out. She grinned, gasping and covering her mouth when she realized her teeth were in sight. It was hard to remember everything the man told her was scary, but she was getting there. She even managed to keep her voice softer most of the time.
The man stepped out and smiled up at her. She waited a bit impatiently for him to wave. Once he did she nearly fell to her stomach to see him better. He laughed at her excitement. When she first met him he would get upset about it. She was glad it changed. She tried to see inside the castle, to the others she knew were there. He said some were her age.
“Miss Kamia,” the man said. It pulled her from looking into the castle. She pulled the bag she’d brought in front of her.
“Alex!” she said. He shook his head, but the smile on his face stayed. “I brought bread this time. And I managed to grab some pieces of fruit at breakfast.”
Alessia started to empty the bag she’d brought. He told her she usually brings too much, but it was better than too little. She saw the way he brightened at the wrapped napkins. He went to them first, pulling them apart to see the bits of strawberries and melon she grabbed. The second he started to pull it back she picked it up. It would be heavy for him so she set it near the entrance and pushed it into the darkness. Where other humans were still hiding from her.
“Thank you, this is a great help,” he said. She had to force herself not to smile. She didn’t want to scare him this close. “You can smile, it’s clear you won’t hurt us.”
Alessia listened immediately. A big grin showing off her teeth graced her face. Unfortunately a shout from inside the castle made it fall. Alex was the only one who even trusted her. She’d seen faces a few times. No clear features. She wanted to know them though. She wanted to help these humans.
“You should head back before anyone notices where you’ve gone,” Alex said. She knew he didn’t want her there long, but she still had something to ask.
“Are you sure I can’t tell my parents about you? They’ll give you a real place to stay, not a toy. And make sure the others are healthy…” she whispered. 
That first day she found them had been awful. A game she made up brought her out here where she found Alex trying desperately to save someone. Alessia managed to bring bandages and medicine, but she still had no idea how much it helped. She hadn’t even seen the face of who he was trying to save.
Despite the faith Alex had he backed away from her. She asked every time and he got nervous every time. He stepped back until he was almost in the castle. She frowned, but accepted the result. She pushed herself to her knees. This time though he came forward again instead of immediately hiding.
“I know you want to help us. I know you say your parents will, but not all giants will be kind. Maybe once everyone is back to full strength I’ll go with you to talk to them,” he offered. She smiled and brought her hands close to him, remembering not to grab just before she made the mistake. She pulled away quickly, noticing the breath of relief he let out.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. She didn’t let it keep her down and focused back on what he said. “You’ll really talk to them? At least think about it?”
“I promise to think about it.”
“Pinky promise?” She held her pinky out to him. She was smaller than most giants her age. Even Rhys looked like he’d be taller than her. Times like this she liked it. He used both hands to grab her pinky. She moved it up and down slowly, smiling when they pulled apart.
Alessia went home after. Days like this continued, her sneaking food out for the humans. Rhys tried to follow her a few times, but she managed to get him to leave. Felix was a lot harder. He started to notice she kept grabbing fruits she didn’t usually eat and hiding them. If their parents didn’t keep him busy with lessons he would have found the humans. She was going to start having those lessons in a few years. Learning how to get humans out safely if they were given one.
Alessia shook her head as she made her way to the bush. Everyone was busy today, some important person was coming over. No one would notice her sneaking out to the bushes this time. She got on her stomach and started to crawl through, but something felt wrong. The tunnel in the bush wasn’t as clean as usual. Something smelled off too, less fresh than she’d grown used to. She didn’t smell the ones she’d noticed the most often either. One earthy and the other like apples. Alex said the others were getting adventurous now.
She swore her heart stopped once she saw the castle smashed to pieces. She didn’t smell blood and hoped that meant something good for the humans she’d been helping. Slowly she crept out the rest of the way. At first she thought they were all gone, but a shout caught her attention. At the edge of the small area was another giant holding a human up above their face.
Acting without thinking she tackled the other giant. It made the human fall, but she grabbed them in her hand before they hit the ground. The other giant had only stumbled, she hated being smaller than the others right now. She wanted to be older, bigger, stronger. She wanted to protect humans like the one she had in her hand. She tightened her grip a bit to make sure they didn’t fall.
“What the hell? I found it first, what's wrong with you?” the giant shouted. She heard that voice before, it was one of the kids of another family. She pulled her hands close to her chest, she’d keep them safe. She didn’t know which one had survived what happened, but she’d save them.
“This is my family’s property, the humans here were mine,” she said. She tried to sound scary and intimidating. She tried to think of her parents and be just like them. “Mom and dad let me keep them here. They won’t be glad that you’ve taken them from me.”
“Why don’t you try to stop me from taking that human back?” The giant finally came to tower over her. She was a full head shorter than them. It wouldn’t be easy to fight them while holding the human. She hadn’t even looked at them yet. She held just a bit tighter, she would keep them safe. “Can you shorty? You’re almost short enough to be a human yourself…”
Alessia backed away prepared for the worst. She would get out of this. The human would get out of this. She’d tell her parents and they’d find the family that took all the others. Her parents would save the humans. She tripped over the bush she’d climbed through so many times letting out a yelp and tightening her hold on the human more. She couldn’t let them get hurt. Her nails were digging into the skin of her palm with her tight grip.
“Alessia?” Felix’s voice was a lot more of a relief than she expected. He ran up to her just as the other giant climbed over the bush. Felix’s hands were on her shoulders as the other giant registered who he was meeting. “What’s going on?”
The cold voice was one she knew. He was mad. He was mad and willing to fight. He spared a glance down at her hands before looking at the giant she ran from. He pulled her to her feet, so much taller and only two years older. Her parents were huge too, she wanted to be like that someday.
“The shrimp stole a human I was given, just have her give it back and nothing happens. I won’t even tell my dad about this. You know your dad’s been trying to meet with him, wouldn’t want to ruin things,” she shivered from the giant’s voice. She pulled her hands closer to her chest. This human would be saved. Felix squeezed her shoulder before stepping forward.
“Seems more like you’re picking a fight. Alessia, why don’t you go tell mom and dad about the human they gave you getting stolen by a Sulvan. Should make things easy right?” Felix said. The cold tone made her nervous, but she had to get the human in her hands to safety. She nodded before running off. There was a shout before she heard what was likely Felix punching the other giant. Someday she’d be strong enough to fight someone like that and protect a human.
As she ran she finally looked down at her hands. They were red, she didn’t know why. As she opened them she realized how tightly she’d been holding. The human in her hands looked broken, but they were looking up at her. It took her time to realize it was Alex. The one who had finally started to trust her. She pulled her flat hands close to her chest as she ran.
In the house she didn’t bother with the study where her dad would be. He was meeting someone. She ran straight to her parents’ room where her mother was sitting at the desk. Alessia pulled her hands from her chest and shoved the human at her mother. There were a few seconds where nothing happened. She was panting while her mother stared at the broken figure who had fear painting his features.
As soon as the shock wore off everything happened too fast. Alex was pulled from Alessia’s hands while her mother whispered oh no and oh god. She was ushered from the room as her mother called for her father. She didn’t leave, using what she’d seen Rhys do to overhear. She had to know if Alex would be ok. He wasn’t that bloody before, but she didn’t… it wasn’t because of her right?
“Vitus, we need a doctor now!” her mom said. She heard her dad rummaging around the room. Cabinets and drawers closing. “Vitus!”
“Can you handle the meeting today? I’ll head to a human safe city. We’ll get him treated and set up now. There’s no way we can get him treated safely here,” her dad said. His voice was more commanding than usual. She flinched at the subtle anger in his tone. It would be directed at her. “There’s a town nearby, it should be fine to go there.”
“Vitus, they'll recognize you. What if they-”
“I’ll get him safe and get out. We’re not letting someone we could save die.”
The door was ripped open as her dad started to walk out. She didn’t see where he was holding Alex, but she knew he was. He glanced at her before storming away. It was her fault, she’d hurt him. She tried to save him, but only made it worse. Her mom noticed she was there, but Alessia ran before she could say anything.
Her room was her goal. She ran upstairs ignoring the call of her name. The front door shut, her dad would probably yell at her later. She deserved it. They were supposed to be the good guys. They were the heroes, but she was worse than the giant Felix got into a fight with. As soon as she reached her room she crawled under her bed. Another privilege to being small, most of her family couldn’t fit underneath like she could.
She waited for someone to come get her. To tell her how terrible she was, maybe even tell her she’s like the other families. Instead the first steps that came into her room were light and careful. Before she could try to hide Rhys was there, his curiosity clearly driving him. He was younger than her, but always knew how to find out information people wanted hidden. Felix was good at sewing. And she… she couldn’t even protect one human without hurting them.
Rhys crawled under the bed towards her. She tried to shimmy away, but she wasn’t as small as a human. She couldn’t get away that easily. Her brother reached her and wrapped her in a hug. It took a few seconds for her to wind up crying instead. He probably knew, Felix definitely knew, her parents were going to make sure none of the humans went near her now. That was better because she couldn’t hurt them.
“Felix made the Sulvan kid cry,” Rhys whispered. Alessia tried to stop crying, but it hurt too much. “Apparently he didn’t like picking on someone bigger. Dad called, the human’s getting treated.”
“...I hurt him, Rhys,” she whispered. Her little brother curled up how he used to, making her hide him from everything else. He knew it usually helped when she was upset. This time… this time it hurt more. “His name is Alex… can you go tell mom for me?”
Rhys nodded against her and started to leave. He stared at her for a few minutes. Finally disappearing. He threw her favorite stuffed doll at her before leaving. A hero from stories her dad told from where he grew up. The hero she wanted to be. She curled up as small as she could, leaving her toy forgotten.
The next time someone came to her room she knew it was her mom. No one else had steps that sounded quite like hers. Alessia tried to slide further into the darkness. She didn’t want to be yelled at or hear her punishment. It didn’t help when her mother’s eyes appeared straight ahead. She would never be a hero like her parents.
“Your friend Alex is going to be fine,” her mom said. Alessia nodded. “Why don’t you come out here and we can talk, ok?”
Alessia wanted to fight it, but she knew better. Her mom would wait all night if she had to. With one last muffled sob Alessia climbed towards her mother and away from her shelter. She stood the second she was out, her mother grabbed her hands. There was a small noise from the adult before a warm towel was rubbed against Alessia’s hands.
“I knew you hadn’t done anything other than hide,” her mom whispered. Seeing that she stayed sitting, Alessia joined her on the floor. She stared up at her mother’s face, a warm look that she didn’t think she deserved. The red she’d left on her hands was wiped away, revealing cuts she must have given herself. “There we go, I knew you’d cut your hands too. Too much blood to be just his injuries.”
“I thought I was saving him,” Alessia whispered. She was forced to face her mother.
“You did, he asked your father to tell you that. The one you grabbed him from was going to eat him.” Two hands held Alessia’s face still so she had to stare into her mother’s red eyes. “He was hurt, but he’ll live and that means a lot more.”
“He probably tried to tell me, or he would have if I didn’t say you gave him to me. I promised not to tell you, not until everyone was all better.” She was pulled into her mother’s arms. A tight hug that she didn’t deserve.
“Alessia, there wasn’t much you could do. You did save him, even if he got hurt. He was already hurt from the one you saved him from. We’ll just start you on the lessons we’re giving Felix now so you can be better prepared next time-”
“No!” She pushed herself away from her mother’s hug. She didn’t want to go near humans anymore. She didn’t want to hurt them again. “I’m not touching a human again! I won’t hurt them again!”
Alessia didn’t wait for her mother to say anything more. She crawled back under her bed, as far back as she could. She didn’t want to put humans at risk because she wasn’t good enough to protect them. Felix, Rhys, mom and dad could be heroes. She’d just stay away and make sure she wasn’t one of the bad guys they had to stop.
Her mother sighed. She waited for some lecture to pull her back out. Instead she was left alone as she turned around to face her mother again. The woman stood up and left. Alessia was left alone. She folded her arms and hid her face. She’d just hide out in her room until she was old enough to leave. Then she’d move away and not be a problem for her family either. She was too small to be a hero like them anyways.
She didn’t know how long it was before she heard the heavy steps of her dad. She curled up as small as she could. She heard him groan, probably as he sat on the ground. She didn’t want to see his angry face. He never got mad at them really, but she’d seen it in meetings. She didn’t want to see it now.
“I talked to Alex,” her dad said. She flinched, he sounded tired. Not angry at least. “He said you helped him take care of a whole group who’d escaped someone else. That you brought a big toy castle outside for them to stay in. Medicine, bandages, food…” 
Alessia chanced looking up from her arms. All she could see were his crossed legs. She couldn’t stop herself from crawling forward to try and see his face.
“He said that it had been going on for weeks. That you kept trying to convince him to meet us so we could help him.” She heard something in his voice. Usually she heard it when her dad talked about Felix playing the part of the future head, or Rhys and his spying. “He said you saved one of the kids he was taking care of. They would have died from the wounds the person they escaped from caused if you hadn’t found them all.”
She was close enough to the edge of her bed she could look up at her dad. His face wasn’t as angry as she expected. He looked tired, more than he normally did. His eyes were on her before she could back up again.
“He told me he wishes he believed you about us. That we’d help. He didn’t know what happened, the castle was destroyed and the others were screaming. He was given to someone else and held so tightly he could barely breathe. Next thing he knew you were holding him.”
He opened his arms to her. An invite for a hug. She was a little scared to accept it, but he didn’t look angry. Alessia finished climbing out of her hiding spot and moved straight into her father’s lap. He wrapped her tightly in a hug, resting his chin on her head.
“You did hold him too tight, but Alex would have died without you. We’ll try to find the ones who got taken away, but I told him it’s not likely we’ll find them all.” She nodded. That made sense. He pulled his head off hers and made her look at him. “I’m really proud you tried to help them. Next time, tell us even if they don’t want you to. We’d rather not force a human to let us help them, but we don’t want things like this happening again.”
Alessia just nodded. Her dad was right. She should have gone straight to her parents even though Alex begged her not to. Then all the humans would be safe. She just didn’t want to betray them. He pulled her close again and set his chin back on her head. She stayed there quietly.
“...I don’t think I could,” she whispered. Her dad hummed questioningly. “I don’t think I could tell you even if I know they might get hurt. Wouldn’t that be as bad as grabbing a human?”
“You’ll understand as you get older why it’s better to tell us, for now we’re all going to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” His hold on her got a little tighter. It made her feel safe. “We’re going to build a fence around the property. Leaving human sized entrances placed at the base.”
“What if they need things? Like bandages… or food?” If humans could be safe without any of their help she’d be happy. She had no idea how many humans had been with Alex, but if they didn’t need her they would have been safer. She liked this idea.
“Well, that’s why I’m giving you an important job.” She gasped, she didn’t want to be near humans. She’d just hurt them. She couldn’t get how broken Alex looked out of her mind. “You’ll know best what a human who ran would need. I want you to make packages to leave near all the entrances for humans to use. Anything you think they could need, gets put at those entrances. Small safe zones for any humans on the run.”
“I… Felix should do it. He can keep humans safe…” Her dad pulled away again. She looked up at him on her own. His face was soft, he only looked at her, her brothers and her mom like this. Others never saw it.
“This is a job only you can do. We’ll talk about it more once we’ve started building the fence, but this is how we need you to help Alessia. Will you try?”
“...I’ll try…”
Vitus hugged his daughter tighter. She’d been through more than enough. There was a lot he got to hear from the man she’d saved. How she’d been visiting daily and bringing anything he asked for. That she’d bring whatever she thought might help. The way she managed to make even the kids her age calm enough to leave the shelter she’d given them. Alessia was kind… So kind he wished she was being raised in his hometown.
They sat together for a long time. He just kept her held in his arms. Once she fell asleep he climbed to his feet and tucked her into bed. As he reached the door he looked back at her. He could see the marks from her tears still on her face. This wouldn’t be something she moved past easily. When he made a mistake around her age he’d been reluctant to go near humans again too. It was easier for him, he wasn’t in a city like this.
Vitus sighed as he turned off the lights and shut the door. As he walked away he checked on Rhys and Felix. Both had fallen asleep long before he came home. He didn’t think Alessia would be awake either. He was proud of Felix for defending Alessia and Alex, but the fight was going to need cleaning up. Rhys apologized for not spying well enough, he didn’t want his son thinking like that. Sometimes he did regret the choices he and Dabria made. Bringing innocent kids into this mess.
“Mr. Kamia, Sir,” someone called out to him. He stopped, staring at the shorter giant as he ran up. “There’s a call for you. In your office. They said it was important.”
Vitus nodded and made his way down the stairs. He passed his room, Dabria was curled up unable to sleep. Too worried about Alessia. He shut the door to his office as he entered. He’d probably work all night. He needed to get that fence set up. He fell heavily into his chair before picking up the receiver.
“Hello,” he said. He realized only now he didn’t ask anything about the call. There was no idea of who he was talking to. The reason they could be calling could be too many to name.
“Is this Vitus?” a muted voice asked. He couldn’t recognize it. “I’m sorry sir, there was no last name on the information you left us at the hospital. This is Vitus right?”
He sat up straight. “Yes. Has there been a change?”
“We just wanted to update you. The patient has woken up and is stable. He’ll have to stay for a few weeks while he heals. It does look like he’ll make a full recovery. There will be a need for some physical therapy. I just had a few questions. You said there had been an accident, but the wounds don’t coincide-”
He ended the call before they finished. There was someone who’d arrive as the human’s family and give him a safe place. He’d make a full recovery, Alessia hadn’t done lasting damage. At least that was something he could tell her. Then… then he’d just have to hope time made her willing to get close to humans again. 
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matbarzyy · 3 years
Wasted Love (part 3) [T.S.]
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A/N: I have no motivation to write so enjoy this even though I was supposed to make this chapter a lot longer. Hopefully I’ll be back with the rest of this series soon but who knows at this point lolz (getting this degree is going to end me)
Word count: 1932
Easter brought about yet another event at the rink. Alessia was quietly finishing up work in her office when 5pm rolled around, and she stretched into her seat before reaching for her phone. One last text from Claire had gone unanswered, but it was only one last confirmation of their plans for the night so Alessia didn’t make much of it.
Fridays were the only days everyone could really leave work on time, so she got up from her desk and began gathering her essentials back in her purse. She had plenty of time to get out, Claire was only meant to meet her in twenty minutes and they were hanging out at the bar across the street.
Ever since she had started taking time to be with the team after work Alessia had realised that letting Jordan believe she was working late was the best way for her to get some time with a friend.
“Allie let’s go!” Tyler barged into her office without so much as a knock. It startled her enough to make her jump, and she got ready to tell him off, the words about to leave her mouth until she saw the look of excitement on his face.
“Go where?” She softened, putting her bag over her shoulder.
“Come on,” he bounced on his feet and pulled her from behind her desk to drag her through the facility.
“What’s got you so excited?” Alessia exclaimed as she stumbled after him, following blindly and dodging a few people along the way.
She didn’t have to think much to know he was taking her to the rink, but what she didn’t understand was why. Tonight was a family skate, players with their wives and girlfriends, kids and other relatives. Alessia didn’t fit in there and she had already told Tyler she had other plans.
Tyler stopped abruptly when they reached their destination, and in her course Alessia almost sent them both toppling over. She still collided into his back, but he didn’t say anything about it.
“Look,” he motioned to the ring, decorated with a banner for the event and coloured fairy lights all over the place.
Families were on the ice, Alessia was able to spot Jamie among the others. The youngest players were messing around although mindful of the kids around, and the older ones taught their kids how to skate. Some held their babies, making them discover what being on the ice felt like for the first time.
Tonight was special and Alessia didn’t want to be in the middle of it. This was their own little universe, it was intimate and she was just one of their coworkers.
“Why do you want me to go?” She asked quietly because Tyler had mentioned she should come at least three times this week.
“Because now you’re with us, you should get to enjoy the fun parts of the job too. Weren’t you supposed to meet with a friend tonight?” He asked, watching her nod slowly. “Why don’t you tell her to come in, we’ll get her a pair of skates, it’ll be fun for everyone.”
Tyler’s excitement had died down, but he was still looking at her with the same expectant look in his eyes. His voice was calm, he used that soothing tone he always took to reassure her whenever she was stressed or upset, yet she still hesitated.
Jordan was the main thing on Alessia’s mind, and not in a positive way. His frustration about her staying out after work was still growing, the whole thing had escalated and Alessia didn’t want to upset him further.
“Ty, I really can’t stay late,”
“It’s five,” Tyler almost whined. “Live a little!” He made his tone cheerful again to get her to cave in.
He knew he had won the second she shook her head with a sigh, taking her phone out of her bag and texting Claire about the change of plans. She was too busy typing to see the way he beamed, but had Jamie been around he would have surely given Tyler the disapproving look he was growing accustomed to whenever he was around Allie.
What she did see was the way he bounced on his feet again as he got impatient waiting for her, and the corners of her lips rose. He could be such a child sometimes.
“Alright Seguin,” Alessia followed him to get a pair of skates, sitting on a bench to lace them. “You’re lucky I actually like skating,”
“Oh yeah?” His own skates replaced his shoes in what felt like half a second to Alessia. “Need help?” He noticed her pulling at the laces.
“I’m good,” she refused, finishing up fast enough and getting up again. The tightness around her feet was familiar, and she suddenly felt more excited about stepping onto the ice.
“Show me what you got,” Tyler motioned for her to go first.
In her confidence, Alessia forgot how many kids were on the ice on top of a bunch of reckless hockey players. She started off just fine and Tyler remained behind to watch, laughing at the way she showed off her skills, but as soon as a little girl cut off her trajectory she lost her balance.
Tyler stepped on the ice, gliding slowly to come help, but with a few awkward waves of her arms she almost regained her stability. She would have been just fine if someone hadn’t skated fast right next to her at that exact moment, startling her again and making her fall backwards.
Alessia’s exclamation when she hit the ice had Tyler rushing to be next to her in a few seconds.
“Are you okay?” He worried immediately, trying to see if she was hurt.
“You get slammed into the boards ten times harder and keep playing,” she winced as she pushed herself into a sitting position. “Of course I’m okay,” she reassured him and accepted his hand to get back to her feet. “Thanks,”
“I can see you’re a pro,” Tyler chuckled now that he was sure she was fine. “Thanks for the demo, champ.”
“I can skate!” Alessia defended herself, glaring at him and letting go of his hand to skate ahead of him, trying to prove her point.
“Yeah sure,” he laughed and ignored his protests, easily getting in front of her and turning around to skate backwards with her hands in his. “Let me just make sure you don’t end up on your ass again in less than ten seconds,”
“Rude,” she snorted but made no move to get out his hold.
They skated hand in hand for a while until Alessia’s phone pinged with yet another text that let her know Claire made it to the rink. They parted so that she could catch up with her friend and the two ended up holding hands as they talked and skated together.
“So this is your life now, uh?” Claire asked as they took a break on a bench.
“I mean, it’s actual work during the day but yeah,” Alessia leaned back against the wall behind them, taking in what she had achieved. “It still feels crazy that I made it here all on my own,”
“Well it’s not like Jordan would’ve been any help,” her friend snorted, earning a glare. “Oh come on,”
“You always make him sound so bad, we’ve been together for ages,” Alessia sighed and pouted a little, making her turn softer as she replied.
“No, you make him sound bad and I just put it in a less concealed way.” Claire brought her knee up on the bench to look at her. “When’s the last time you actually had a good time being around him?”
“We get along great at home,” her tone became defensive and Claire knew better than to try to have this conversation again.
“Okay,” she decided to drop it and stood back up. “Come on, let’s get back to it,”
Tyler saw them coming and stopped to let them step onto the ice without being trampled by the rest of the team. Most kids were tired now and off the ice, so things were getting a little rowdy.
“Ladies,” he motioned for them to go first, giving Alessia his stupidest grin to make her laugh.
“This is the first time you actually look like you have manners,” she teased because of something that had happened earlier during the week.
“Excuse me?” Tyler gasped, his hand over his hard to show his offense.
“You eat like an animal!” Alessia threw back, earning an eye roll and a whine from him.
“It was one time!” He complained before starting to make excuses for himself. “It didn’t have breakfast before practice and I was running late for a meeting, I had to be fast!”
“You’re disgusting,” she chuckled in response while Claire watched from the side, amused at the exchange.
“Oh I’m disgusting? You sure you wanna play that card in this situation?” He slowly inched closer to her, and since Alessia was facing him and had no chance of escaping by skating backwards she immediately started warning him.
“Tyler I swear to god I will- FUCK!” She screamed as he threw her over his shoulder and kept on skating. “I’ll kill you!” She tried to hit him but he was laughing too hard to care.
“Take it back!” He sped up, taking advantage of the space the others were clearing now that they were staring at the scene he was causing.
“Put me down you freak!” Alessia tried to wriggle out of his grasp and yelped when she felt his grip was less tight. At this speed she was too scared to fall from his shoulder if she moved too much.
“Insulting me isn’t helping,” Tyler said in a sing-song voice, a shit-eating grin taking up most of his face. He thought the situation was hilarious and he loved being the centre of attention.
“I’m sorry! You’re not disgusting! Just put me down!” Alessia pleaded, holding onto his jersey for dear life.
“There,” he laughed, helping her get steady on her skates. “See, that wasn’t so hard,”
“I hate you,” she grumbled as she adjusted her clothes and regained her balance.
Tyler gave her a playful eyeroll and held his hand out for her, which she didn’t hesitate to take so that they could skate back to the other side of the rink where Claire had stayed through the whole scene. She gave Alessia an unreadable look as she joined her again, and after skating and talking to them for a while Tyler went back to his team.
“You know…” Claire trailed off for a second, trying to find the right words as she once more noticed Tyler glancing back at them while he was supposedly busy with his friends. “I wouldn’t encourage you to like… cheat on someone, but that guy looks like he’s into you and he’s already a million times nicer than Jordan.” She eventually let out.
“Tyler?” Alessia almost choked on air. “No, god where did you get that idea? I’m sure he’s not interested, and it’s not like I’d be either. Jordan is… I’m with him and that’s not going to change anytime soon. I’d never do that to him.”
“I’m not sure Jordan thinks of you as highly as you think of him,” She watched as her friend shut her out once more, so she held back a sigh and tried once more to knock some sense into her. “Keep this one around, he looks like he’s a good friend for you.”
tags:  @itrocksmysocks​ @kerwritesthings​ @pupsandpucks @shawnsreputation​ @whythough1319 @smit41​ @glassdanse​ @fiveholegoal​ @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @thefootballfaithfull
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A Silent Voice: Chapter 6
Notes: I mean no disrespect by writing or posting this, and in no way do I take the themes and topics discussed in this series lightly. So if you’re triggered by any of this, I suggest not reading it.
N/N = nickname
I’d also like to apologize if this chapter is in any sloppy.
Message me or leave an ask if you want to be tagged!
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader (slow burn)
Characters: The other make-up artists and some of the cast
Chapter Description: As you begin your work, you’re quickly overwhelmed with an onslaught of questions about your personal life.
Warnings: More anxiety, spelling/grammatical errors, mention of the a**hole that is reader’s bf, short chapter, other things I probably missed ⚠️
Word Count: 963
Masterlist: Click Here
Previous Chapter: Click Here
Next Chapter: Click Here
You want to scream. God, you want to scream to the high heavens and then have the Earth swallow you whole. In no way, shape or form are you excited to see the celebrities in front of you. You’ve never seen any of their movies, you rarely watch movies thanks to your current relationship. Ben wants your attention solely on what he feels appropriate. Movies, TV shows, anything that contains actors (or even actresses) Ben deems a threat to his status in your life are forbidden. You’re not allowed to watch, think, talk or otherwise distract yourself with anything that contains even mildly attractive people. You’re only allowed to read books in-between the housework you do.
It’s all in the name of love, right? You sacrifice everything to make Ben feel more comfortable, to ease any insecurities he might feel. To remind him that he’s the one in charge, not you. It’s exhausting.
“A new make-up artist?” Anthony exclaims, the mischievous glint still in his eyes. “And a cute one too?”
You feel your face heat up.
Anthony snickers and Sebastian playfully pushes him.
“Oh come off it, Mackie,” Alessia exclaims, her hand giving your upper arm a gentle squeeze. “Don’t wanna scare her off on the first day.”
Anthony gives a hearty laugh.
“It’s nice to have you here, Y/N,” Scarlett states, a smile coming across her features, her voice light. “It’s always nice getting someone new around here.”
“And don’t pay any attention to him, okay?” Sebastian says, giving Anthony a dismissive wave. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time.”
“You can just stick with me,” Robert retorts, a hint of a knowing and playful smirk on his face. “I’ll show you the ropes around here. You’ll fit in just fine.”
“As much as I’d like to keep this up,” Alessia laughs, “we are all on a tight schedule. The sooner we get this started, the sooner you guys can bother Y/N.”
Once you were all inside, and all the actors started finding a place to sit, Alessia explained to Scarlett that you’d be working on her. Scarlett, much to your surprise, expressed her excitement to be with the ‘newbie’. While that did help ease your nerves just a little, it wasn’t enough. Your mind’s still going haywire thanks your anxiety and panic, you’re still feeling the physical side effects of it, as well. Racing heart, short breaths, rolling stomach. But you knew you’d have to put on your best face to get through this.
Scarlett explained to you the look she would need, as well as offering assistance if needed.
Once you start, you try to focus more on what you’re doing, and less on trying to start small talk. You don’t want to mess up. You don’t want to get on anyone’s wrong side by getting their make-up wrong. And besides, they’re not interested in you personally, right? Even if they were to ask you about yourself, it’s not out of genuine curiosity. It’s just to pass the time, to have some sort of background noise until they’re ready to go. Right?
While you’re working on Scarlett’s eyeshadow, keeping it as nice and minimal as possible, she asks, “Y/N, how long have you been doing make-up?”
You swallow thickly. The question itself seems genuine, but you have to remind yourself that she’s not interested, she just wants something to serve as background noise. Something that could drown out the noise Sebastian, Robert and Anthony are making beside her.
“Yeah N/N,” Anthony exclaims, butting into the conversation. “Tell us something about you!”
“O-Oh, I... This is the, uh... the first time in a while I’ve worked on anyone in a while,” you manage to stutter. “I... I had to take some time off for... personal stuff.”
“You’re doing really great, Y/N,” Nikki says, giving Scarlett a quick once-over through the mirror.
You give a quick smile and a nod in response.
“Where’re you from, Y/N?” Sebastian asks.
“Montana,” you respond. You resist the urge to cringe at your answer. Your family’s lived in Montana for generations, and the fact that you blurred it out, right after reminding yourself to keep yourself distanced, makes you want to scream in frustration. “Just some no-name little town there.”
“What made you move all the way over here?” Sebastian replies. Curiosity is evident in his voice. You can see him looking at you through the mirror, making a shiver of discomfort go up your spine.
“Uh, it was forever ago,” you say, trying to keep your voice light. “I don’t know if it really matters, honestly.”
“C’mon, tell us!” Anthony exclaims. “We want to get to know you.”
Sebastian quickly exclaimed his agreement.
Robert simply laughed in response.
“Guys, leave her alone,” Scarlett says, her tone firm, sounding almost like a mother scolding a child. “You’re making her nervous.”
You try and keep a smile on your face, hoping it’s convincing enough. But the fact of the matter is you’re an absolute wreck on the inside. You know Scarlett’s trying to be helpful, you know she’s just trying to look out for you. You appreciate that, but that does intensify the rollercoaster of anxiety and panic already swirling inside of you.
“It’s... It’s okay,” you reply. “I’m the newbie, I kind of expected there to be questions.”
“Still,” Scarlett says, “you should have your boundaries respected.”
“She’s got a point,” Alessia adds. “Your business is your business until you’re feeling comfortable enough to share it.”
You nod, opting to continue working on Scarlett’s make-up. You’ll have to keep that in mind. Hopefully you’ll start to feel comfortable enough to open up, but there’s no way of knowing when, or if, that will ever happen.
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sei-cookie · 3 years
“I’m okay” is the biggest lie I ever Heard
It was only half past noon, and already Ruke was having a rough day. First, one of the other janitors didn’t show up to work, so he had to clean more, then he had to do a drop off for the mob, which turned out to be a double cross, “Do they have any idea how hard it is to clean blood off a suit!?!?”
“Hey!!” A middle-age woman looks at the man angrily. “Keep your voice down!!!” She screams angrily at him.
Ruke takes a deep breath, settling back into character, “I’m sorry miss, but it seems you need to follow your own advice more than I do.” He gets up and walks with a smirk on his face, back turned to the rude woman.
An annoyed sigh could be heard from behind him as well as angry footsteps and a loud slam from a door. Rude.
Ruke just kept on walking, continuing to his destination. Why she wanted to meet here he didn’t know, but he was still going to show up despite how his day had been going.
After a little while his phone starts ringing from an unknown number, curious he picks up the phone.
“Ruke? Is this you?” A familiar female voice asks
“Alessia?!” he almost shouts once again but manages to keep himself quiet, “First off, when do you get a phone? Second, where are you?”
“Well…” A nervous laugh could be heard for a bit “You see… To answer your question.. I may have left your home and walked around this world and… I uh… Ended up in a room with this uh… what do you call them? A… ‘gan’..?? ‘Gun’...? Hehe… y-yeah… that..’ A gulp could be heard
“Please help--”
Panic flooded through Ruke’s mind, he raced for the nearest shadow he could see that wasn’t his own, “Can you tell me more about your location?”
“Well… It’s dark.. And the man said he’ll kill me if I do..”
“I think he knows you..” A scared whimper could be heard from the Elf.
Ruke grumbles to himself, today really wasn’t his day. He pulled his gun out of its hiding place, then pulled out his silencer and connected it to his gun. “Alessia, stay on the phone and don't hang up. Oh and guy with the gun, since I have a hunch you’re listening to this, harm her in any way and I’ll make sure they find your body.” He then places a gloved hand into the shadow of a nearby door, and walks through.
Alessia’s begins to cry a bit through the phone, “Ruke.. please hurry…” A grunt could be heard cutting her off “It hurts..”
Ruke runs through the shadows checking every place they could be holding Alessia, it feels like he’s been running for an eternity but eventually he finds the right one, “Keep calm, everything is going to be ok.” Ruke watches how the kidnapper reacts from the shadows completely unseen to all but himself.
Alessia could be seen with a bag over her head and tied with a metal cable, it looks to be tied too tight since she seems to be in pain and blood is dripping from her arms, wrists and ankles.
The bag over her head seems to prevent her from breathing a bit.
The kidnapper seems to be one of the guys Ruke took down in the past, He could be seen just shouting loudly and angrily at the crying Elf.
Anger and rage boils up within Ruke, so much so that almost jumps out of the shadow and lunges at the guy, whoever the hell he was. But no instead he calms himself, for Ruke is a mastermind, not a pawn to be played. He steadies his breath and sticks his gun out of the shadow, and wordlessly fires it at the man's hand.
The man yells loudly in pain and ends up throwing the phone on his other hand to Alessia’s face earning a loud cry from the girl. The man looks around angrily to see who shot him.
Ruke fires another shot into the man’s other hand, before stepping fully out of the shadows, a cold dead look on his face, and he fires twice more into each of the man's legs. Two bullets left.
The man falls to the ground in pain and for revenge, with little strength he has, the man quickly picks up his gun and points at Ruke.
But shoots at Alessia.
“NO!!” In a sheer moment of panic, Ruke fires his fifth bullet at the one headed for Alessia. The bullet gets closer and closer to Alessia, till the small sound of metal hitting metal can be heard as the two bullets ricochet off eachother. One imbedding itself in the ceiling the other grazes Alessia's arms, an improvement from death that would have happened.
“R-Ruke…?” The Elf perks her head up. “What happened..?” The girl asks scared, especially after hearing the man scream for the first time.
Ruke calmly walks over to the man, his cold eyes reflecting what little light there was in the room, “Say hi to grim.” Ruke holds the pistol to the back of the man’s head and fires. Ruke then rushes towards Alessia and takes the bag off her head before undoing her bonds.
Alessia immediately tackles Ruke pulling him in a tight hug as she cries from what has happened.
“I-I’m so sorry for leaving the house.. I’m so sorry..” She sobs weakly.
Ruke embraces the girl in a hug, “It’s ok. I’m just happy you’re alright.” he gently rubs her back with one hand.
“Thank you for coming to save me Ruke..” The girl tries to steady her breathing.
Ruke keeps hugging her, taking comfort in the fact that she is still alive.
Alessia hugs slightly tighter burying her face on his shoulder,
After a while she slowly breaks the hug (even though she wanted it to last longer). “R-Ruke… I know he hurt me-” She points at the dead man not looking at the corpse, “But you didn’t have to kill him..” She says in a soft tone.
Ruke looks at the corpse with hardened glare, “For him, death by another’s hand was his fate,” gazes into Alessia’s eyes, a soft smile on his face, “But for us, I know we’ll be ok.”
Collab with: @man-of-masks ❤❤❤
This is awesome! Let us know if you want to see more^^ ❤
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
[A Little More] Niragi S.
The plot is basically knowing before the games, and you were his main bully's sister. And then it transfers to being in the games. I listened to the song 'A Little More' by Alessia Cara while making this, and it's on my Wattpad as well :)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of abuse, bullying, mentions of rape(none done by Niragi towards the reader. Also, more like insinuates it, not describes or for sure says it, but just in case!)
You had seen the boy around. He carried his books hurriedly around, and your brother always told you he was his friend. And you believed him.
"Onii-Chan! Hiii!" You chirped, running up to your brother. You saw his friends behind him, the boy with the glasses trailing behind. "I'll be inside in a second," you said, running past the group of boys to the boy behind them. "Hi! My name's (L/N) (F/N). What's your's?" You introduced, holding out a hand to him to shake. "S-suguru Niragi... Nice to meet you," he responded, looking up to meet your gaze. "That's my big brother, he's super cool. I wanna be like him one day. Even though he's only a years older," you giggled, pointing towards the boy standing in the doorway, glaring down at him. "B-big brother? I-i have to go..." he excused. "Ah, wait, Suguru-San, let's talk more at school yeah?" You shouted after him. He stopped, turning to look at you, giving a curt nod.
"Hey! What- what are you doing?" You asked, stumbling across your brother with his friend. Niragi was on the floor, blood spilling from nose, a baseball next to him. His glasses scattered to the side. "Leave (Y/N), it's nothing to concern yourself with. Go home," your brother said. He was holding a baseball bat. "I thought he was your friend?" You asked, walking closer to them. "I told you to leave," your brother responded louder. "Did you do this to him?" You asked, tears building in your eyes. "And if I did? He's just a loser anyways," you brother said. You gasped, walking closer to your brother. "Stop. You shouldn't do this," you said, trying to look at the boy standing in front of you like he was still your brother and not some monster who had been torturing someone innocent. "I told you to leave you dumb bitch," he scoffed, pushing you down. "D-dont!" Niragi shouted from behind you. Your eyes widened. "Don't hurt her... she's your sister, you shouldn't hurt your sister," Niragi said, trying his hardest to be brave to protect you. "And?" Your brother said, kicking your leg harshly. You gave a yelp of pain, and crawled backwards to Niragi. " 'Ragi, you ok?" You asked, wiping away the blood, to no avail as it kept coming out. "Get away from him (Y/N), unless you want the same treatment," one of your brother's friends smirked. Your eyes widened, holding onto him. "Hurt me then. I don't care. Leave him alone!" You shouted, shielding Niragi from them. "Aw look, he needs a girl to protect him," one of the boys taunted. You stood up, holding Niragi's hand. Your brother scoffed, tossing a ball up, and batting it. You only heard a crack, and felt a pain on your nose. You put a hand up, and felt blood drip down. " 'Ragi, on the count of three, run. Run home or wherever, don't look back, just run, and I'll see you at school tomorrow alright?" You instructed, looking at him with a smile. "But what about you? You're a girl and they could do worse to you than me I can't let you-" he said, stumbling over his words. "Go. I'll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow," you said, the kind smile he'd grown to love still present on his face. He only nodded.
He closed his eyes, dreading the thought of leaving you alone.
You looked up at him, and gave him a quick kiss to the cheek.
He swallowed harshly, and ran like you told him. He did what you told him, trying to block out the noise, because he knew he would look back if he did...
The next day you showed up at school. Your eyes no longer held the same spark they had. Your smile had dulled. Not even like you were giving a real smile. There were bruises on your legs that you had neglected to cover.
You went to your usual spot under the Sakura tree in the school court yard. " 'Ragi?" You questioned, seeing him standing there, under the tree. He saw you, and let out a sigh of relief. "Are you ok? What happened? What did they to you?" He asked, reaching out for you. You jumped back, scared of what might happen if you let him touch you. He looked at you, seeing the bruises on your neck and legs. "What the hell did they do to you?" He whispered, slowly walking over to you. Your eyes filled with tears. "I-it was h-horrible, I- I didn't think that i-," you started, breaking down in sobs. He reached you, slowly wrapping his arms around you.
You two sat atop the roof of the apartment complex, looking out to the stars. "So let me get this straight, if a guy with piercings and long hair asked you out, you wouldn't hesitate to say yes?" He asked, laughing a bit. You laughed, nodding your head. "But also smart guys. Clever ones, who put thought into things. The guys who aren't afraid of their emotions or mine ya know?" You admitted, looking up to the stars. He nodded softly. " 'Ragi. You'd look good with piercings," you mentioned all of a sudden. "Really?" He asked, looking at you. "Mhm. And if you grew out your hair to... here," you said, touching his shoulders. "Is this your way of telling me I'm ugly?" He joked. "No! You're really cute, I'm just saying it would look good on you. Dummy," you muttered. "What would you do if everyone in Tokyo disappeared? It was just the two of us?" He asked suddenly. "I'd be... happy. Our utopia where my brother and his stupid friends don't exist. Just us, watching the stars every night. I'd like that," you said softly. "I'd like that too," he whispered.
You chuckled at the memory. "Well, I would have liked it. If you were here with me," you said, leaning back on the wall. You looked down at the cards in your hand. 10 of clubs, ace of diamonds, and 2 of hearts. You shuddered. "Maybe it's better you're not here 'Ragi. I wouldn't want you going through this," you muttered. You heard the engine of a car. "What the hell? I thought cars didn't work," you whispered, walking out from your hiding spot, onto the street. The headlights of the cars fell on you, and they stopped. "Oi, you ok?" A voice asked. "Um, not really? How'd you get cars working?" You responded. No one answered. "We have a place where people in this situation can go. The Beach. Do you have any playing cards?" The person asked. "Yes, I do. 10 of clubs, ace of diamonds, and 2 of hearts," you responded. "Hop on in," they said. You walked over cautiously, getting into the car.
"Welcome to the beach. Right now, there's only a few of us, but in time there will be many. We have 3 militals, and 4 executives so far, with me being the leader," the man, who's name you learned to be Hatter. "Hatter, your back from- and who's this?" A voice said from the top of the staircase. You looked over, and saw a boy, about your age, with dark shoulder length hair. You couldn't see his facial features since he was so far away. He walked down the stairs, and you could see his face. He had an eyebrow piercing, as well as a nose piercing, with very attractive features. He looked so familiar. "That's Niragi, he's one of the militals, which is why he has a weapon," Hatter explained. Niragi clicked his tongue. "N-niragi?" You stuttered, walking a bit closer to the boy. "Oi, why the hell are you starin' at me like that? You look like you've seen a ghost," he scoffed. "Hi! My name's (L/N) (F/N). What's your's?" You said, using the same childish voice you had back then, sticking a hand out like you had back then, hoping this was your Niragi. The Niragi you had spent hours with atop the roofs of Tokyo. The Niragi who called you an idiot for getting drunk once. The Niragi who had most of your firsts, even if they were on a dare or some stupid punishment of your brother's creation. The same Niragi who had protected you after that day. The same Niragi who bought you candies and snacks after school. The Niragi you had and still loved. His eyes widened, and the gun he had dropped to the floor. "S-suguru Niragi... Nice to meet you," he said, the same way he had back then. The tears that had filled your eyes fell, and you grabbed his hand, pulling him into a hug. "It's you, it's really you right? I'm not dreaming? Did I die, is this heaven, please tell me that's really you," you cried into him. "It's me, it's really me (N/N)," he whispered, trying to keep his tears from falling. Hatter smiled, and left, giving the two of you a bit of privacy. He pulled away from the hug, cupping your face in his hands, placing his forehead on yours. "I'm so happy you're ok," you whispered. He stayed quiet, reeling in everything. You were there. With him. You were safe as could be within this messed up world. You were the same (Y/N) who had taken more damage for him than anyone in his life. The (Y/N) who had stayed up on late night phone calls. The (Y/N) who fixed his glasses everytime they broke. The (Y/N) who watched the stars with him. You pulled away, sniffling. "You look different," you laughed, sniffling and drying your tears. "Good different or bad different?" He asked with a smirk. "Good different. Great different. I told you you'd look good," you said. "Oh that reminds me of something I've wanted to do forever. (Y/N), will you go out with me?" He asked. "Yes," you responded with a smile. "Oh wow, you really meant no hesitation, huh?" He teased. "I've loved you since we were kids, why the fuck would I say no?" You admitted, holding his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
"You know, this isn't the way I thought I'd die, but I'm glad it's with you," you said, panting from the heat of the flames. "It's all my fault. You shouldn't be in this mess. Fucking hell..." he muttered. You lay your head on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. I had just as much fault as you," you whispered. "Chishiya was right. All of us militals are just morons with guns," he laughed. You smiled. "I'm sure he'd love to hear you admit that. I can see him smirking right now," you said, a laugh escaping your lips. "Remember that time your brother found us on the roof, and we had to jump from one roof to the other to get away?" He asked leaning his head onto yours. "Yeah, remember that time we threw one of his baseball's into the river, and he was super pissed?" You giggled. "Remember that night on the roof when you told me your biggest fear was loosing me?" He asked. "That was legitimately the other night, if course I didn't forget it bubs," you whispered, snuggling into him. You both coughed from the smoke. "I don't want to die..." you whimpered, hugging him tightly. He held onto you. "I know... I know. But we'll just feel pain for a second, and then we'll meet in hell princess," he joked, trying to comfort you. You laughed a bit, but it turned into you coughing. "I love you Niragi," you said. "I love you too, (Y/N)."
Sorry if he's OOC my dear readers-
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mikrowrites · 4 years
just an act (3)
Shawn Mendes x Reader
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Two years after Y/N flew out of Shawn’s life, and one year after the end of the contract, the two come colliding into each other once again, and Shawn hopes for a second chance.
-the first song is One Grain of Sand by Ron Pope and the second song... I hope y’all know it xx-
Two years later...
The sound of a guitar flooded through the room, the sound carrying into a recording booth down the hall. A mahongany acoustic, worn a bit from years of constant use.
A girl stood in the booth in front of a microphone, hands on her headphones as she listened to the guitar chords, leaning into the microphone.
Oh, I used to treat you sweetly,
I would pull you to my chest,
as you cried about the ocean slipping quickly through your hands.
You were searching for one grain of sand along an endless beach,
As I was building you a castle that you just refused to see—
The music clicked off, cutting her off from the lyrics as she retreated from the microphone.
“Fantastic, Y/N!” A producer exclaimed through an intercom. “That’s all we need for today! Enjoy your weekend, Star.”
Y/N had retreated into her music as coping with her heartbreak. She blocked his number, moved on, ignored the news of Shawn and Camila’s break-up.
She had created a single for her SoundCloud and Spotify that went viral, catching the eye of a record label that wanted to sign her. One debut album and a Coachella and Lolla under her belt, she was being sent on a US tour while recording another album.
Y/N walked out of her label’s office, humming the tune of the song she had been singing, and into her private car.
“Done for the day?” The driver asked.
She smiled, sighing. “Finally, yes.”
When her label posted the job position for being a personal driver, Y/N came up with a better idea. She sought out the taxi driver from Toronto who had given her life-saving advice and comfort, and had them hired.
“To your apartment?” The driver shifted the car’s gear.
“No, not yet. I just need to clear my head.”
Shawn ran off the stage of the venue, wiping sweat from his forehead and handing off his guitar to a stagehand.
“Great show, Shawn.”
He turned to see someone he never expected to ever see again. “Alessia.”
The girl tightly smiled, walking forwards. “Camila told me about the contract last month. She’s been telling the singers she knows closely, who wouldn’t leak it to the press. She’s warning them of it, it’s... comforting, to have someone on our side about our romantic lives.” Alessia walked towards Shawn, sighing. “I’m sorry. I said some horrible things to you, I’m sorry about all of it.”
“You didn’t know, Les.” Shawn softly replied, pulling the girl into a tight hug. “You couldn’t know.”
“It doesn’t make me any less sorry.” Alessia firmly responded.
They pulled away, the girl raising her eyebrows. “What about Y/N?”
Shawn’s body went rigid at the sound of her name.
He had had a rough couple years, trying to move on like Y/N had. She was climbing the ranks of stardom, and he was just a heartbroken, foolish boy who should’ve told her the truth from the minute he signed that paper.
“I... she’s moved on.”
Alessia shook her head. “She hasn’t. I know that girl, and she still loves you.”
“If she loved me she would have never boarded that plane.” Shawn raised his voice, silencing Alessia. “She doesn’t. Not anymore.”
After a few moments of silence, Alessia spoke up. “She still plays the guitar.”
Shawn whipped his head up, surprise illuminating his features. “What?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” Alessia insists. “The mahongany Fender. It’s featured in every song on her album, she plays it in every concert. I saw her at Lolla last summer. She never put it down.”
He remembered buying her that guitar. The one she had was duct taped and could barely hold a tune, so Shawn brought her to a local guitar shop and had her pick out a guitar.
“This is my investment into Y/N the star. So that one day, when you hit it big, I can brag that I bought her her first Fender.”
Shawn stood silently, Alessia smirking.
“So, what? You’re just going to let her get away? I don’t think so.”
“Hey guys!” Y/N grinned into the microphone, the crowd cheering around her. She looked around, laughing. “I’m glad to see you guys too.”
“This is my first show of my very first tour! Thank you LA!” Y/N shouted, the crowd applauding as she began to strum on her guitar. “You know, I have a story about this guitar in my hands. Someone I cared about bought it for me 5 years ago. They were the first person to believe in me.”
She pulled away from the microphone, playing the beginning chords of a familiar song, the crowd screaming and cheering. “This song’s for you.”
Taste the poison from your lips
Lately, we're as good as gone
Oh, our love is drunk and it's
Singin' me my favorite song
Me and you, we were made to break
I know the truth, but it's much too late
You're perfectly wrong for me
And that's why it's so hard to leave
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me
You're perfectly wrong for me
All the stars in the sky could see
Why you're perfectly wrong for me
Y/N began strumming harder, her drummer giving her a beat as she began to belt the lyrics, squeezing her eyes shut.
Oh, and why I can't quit when you break my heart open?
I need you more than I know, oh
and I can't resist when you're up against my skin
I never wanna let you go
Y/N lifted her arm, holding the chord as the crowd cheered, the girl breathing heavily as she looked to her side, where she could see the backstage wing. Shawn stood, despair apparent across his face.
She huffed out a sigh, turning back to the audience and singing the last lines a capella.
Yeah, you're perfectly wrong for me
And that's why it's so hard for me
Oh, you're perfectly wrong for me
The crowd exploded in applause, Y/N giving them a tight smile, thanking them once more, raising her guitar in the air and bowing before running off the stage.
She glanced at Shawn, running past him to her green room. Y/N pulled aside her manager, whispering in her ear; “He can come talk to me in 5.”
Y/N was using a wipe to rub off her makeup when there was a soft knock on her dressing room door. “It’s open!”
Shawn carefully and quietly opened the door, standing in the door frame for a moment before closing the door behind him.
“Sit.” Y/N commanded, her eyes still trained on her mirror as her left arm extended to point to a small couch against the opposite wall. Shawn sat down, Y/N finishing rubbing makeup off her face.
“Camila came to my studio three weeks ago. She told me about the contract, she told me everything.” Y/N finally turned from the mirror to face Shawn, leaning back on the counter. “I’m going to ask three questions and you answer.”
Shawn nodded, Y/N continuing.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the contract when you signed it?” Y/N asked.
“Because I was scared.” Shawn muttered, sitting up to rest his elbows on his knees. “I was sworn to secrecy, to even my family, and it wasn’t that I don’t trust you, I was scared to lose you... but it happened anyways.”
Y/N nodded, her face still stoic. “When were you going to tell me?”
Shawn sighed, “I wanted to tell you every single fucking day. It was such a weight, such a burden, and even more to keep it from you. But when you boarded that plane, I was going to tell you. I was going to say everything.”
Y/N fought the tears in her eyes as she looked away, but Shawn could see a single tear trail down her face through the mirror. “Last one, um...” she let out a sniff, turning to Shawn. “What makes you think I could forgive you, that things could just go back to normal?”
“I don’t.” Shawn hung his head low, shaking his head. “I don’t think things could go back to normal. I fucked up.”
“Then why are you even here?” Y/N spat, her voice barely above a whisper. She quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks, sitting on top of the counter and leaning against the mirrored wall.
Shawn smirked, his eyes still full with despair. “I thought only three questions.” Y/N chuckled sadly, running a hand through her hair.
“Because I love you.” Shawn responded, Y/N looking up at him. “I never stopped. I never will.”
“And what if I don’t love you anymore?” Y/N’s voice cracked.
He smiled, nodding his head to the mahongany Fender guitar that leaned against the wall. “If that were true you would’ve gotten rid of that a long time ago.”
“It’s a nice guitar.” Y/N murmured, her and Shawn sharing a small laugh.
They were both silent for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes as they found themselves searching for words to say.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’ve always loved you, only you. It was all just an act. Please give me another chance.” Shawn finally spoke, standing and walking towards her.
Y/N stared at him, her mind whirling with thoughts as he approached her, standing only inches away. She studied his face, his eyebrows, gorgeous eyes, nose, full lips...
Before she could comprehend what she was doing, she grasped both sides of Shawn’s face with her hands, pressing her lips against his. He deepened the kiss, passionately responding as she ran her hands through his hair.
Once they finally broke apart, Y/N finally smiled, looking at him with her arms around his shoulders, his hand holding her thighs as she still sat on the counter.
“One more chance, Mendes. Don’t mess it up this time.”
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marauders-map-irl · 3 years
this is Not An Accident (written very poorly by me)
Living here, in this small, ignorant town, going to my small, ignorant high school, looking like I do, loving who I do, sucks. And that’s to say the least. For some background, I live in a small town in the countryside of Tennessee, called Greenton. I go to a high school called Cookie-Cutter, which is pretty ironic because it is much like a high school you would see on tv.
Everyone pretty much hates us here. I can’t say that I blame them, though. I hate me too. My family is the only strange family here; everyone else is pretty normal (extremely so). Everyone mocks us and bullies us. My mum is African American and my father is Irish. They both joke that we’re the 21st century version of the Brady Bunch.
There’s 7 of us, including my parents and I. I’m right in the middle of my brothers and sisters, and perhaps the most normal, but that doesn’t say much. My eldest brother is John (20), and he’s the oldest of us all. He’s mixed like the rest of us, he’s cisgender male and gay. Then comes my eldest sister, Moira (19), who’s non-binary and pansexual. There’s me next (16), and I’m cisgender female, asexual, and aromantic. After me came my trans (female-male) brother (12), Mikey, and he’s heterosexual. Lastly came my sister, Brittany (9), who’s showing signs of being demiromantic.
We’re the only people that aren’t white in the entire town, and we only came here to help dad’s parents in retirement. The town is extremely ignorant, and it doesn’t help that we came from a big city either. In school, I’m an outcast, though I suppose it’s better than being constantly bullied still. They’ve stopped all contact with me completely, deeming my lack of wanting any sexual activities at my age strange. The teachers even think I’m weird too, and as such have either called on me excessively or just stick to grading my perfect papers and not making any conversation with me if unnecessary. I tend to get perfect grades, what with having absolutely no platonic ties to anyone outside family.
That brings me to where we are currently. In math class, staring out of a window I’m somehow always seated by. The teacher, whatever her name is, is droning on and on about a group project worth half of our final grade for the year. Three people just either groaned or were making tiny grunts of displeasure, meaning I was in a group this time. This project must actually be important. I look up about 4 minutes later, when someone sits next to me and taps my shoulder. Looking up, it’s the very person that continues to poke fun at me, Jessica Kaileia. Well, Jessica, 1 of her most loyal cronies, and another nerd. Sam, I think his name is, and I recall he always eats a slice or two of pie everyday at lunch.
“Do you need something?” I ask Jessica coldly, averting my eyes quickly from her makeup-caked face.
“We’re project partners, Mckinlay. Otherwise I wouldn’t risk my wellbeing talking to you, trust me,” she smirks slightly and her cronie sniggers, but I just roll my eyes and Sam snorts.
“So we’re using last names? Didn’t think you liked your last name anymore, what with your father being a serial killer, Kaileia,” Sam says, making me hold in my giggles as Jessica shrieks.
“You forgot the part where her mum left her for a woman,” her cronie says in disgust, clearly trying and failing to conceal her own laughter.
“Mackenzie!!” Jessica says in a shriek that would rival that of Petunia Dursley.
“Watch your volume, Ms. Kaileia,” the teacher says in her monotone voice, barely glancing up from her issue of The Quibbler.
“Yes, Ms. Binns. Sorry, Ms. Binns,” Jessica says, rolling her eyes before returning to glare at Sam and I respectfully.
“What was the assignment?” I ask, wanting to rid myself of these potentially cruel people as quickly as possible.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get it done by tomorrow and put your names on it. I am second in our year. Of course, I will need your first and last names, well, not yours Kaileia,” Sam states, staring at the packet of instructions and not looking up at us once.
“Yes, well I’m first so I’d actually like to do the work, if you don’t mind. Not that princess Allura and her bestie Romelle here would appreciate getting a fair share of the project,” I say, snatching the packet gently and looking it over.
“Who are they?” the cronie asks, making both Sam and I snort.
“Homewreckers one and two,” Sam says as I divide the instructions in half and give the easy half to Sam.
“Language, Mr. Avery,” the teacher’s monotone voice rings throughout the classroom and Sam apologizes half-heartedly.
“Wait, why do I get the easy part of the assignment?” he asks me offrontedly.
“Because I’m the first in our class,” I answer easily in a ‘duh’ tone, to which he nods with a slight frown.
The assignment was straightforward and easy, although to Jessica and her friend, it would be like rocket science to a 3 year old. I set to work, knowing that if I start now, my half would be done by the end of lunch hour. I didn’t pay much attention to my bullies, though them being in my peripheral didn’t support the cause at all. They were seemingly doing their nails (more like the minion doing Jessica’s nails) and talking about stereotypical popular girl things. The tiny bits that I actually heard made me roll my eyes so hard and so often I was worried they might actually get stuck.
“What’s your name? I need to know for the project,” I ask the she-devil’s minion, but she looks to Jessica for confirmation before speaking.
“Clara Maythers,” she mutters, as though the mere thought of speaking to someone as ‘abnormal’ as me scared her very being.
I nod half-heartedly before adding her name to the list and continuing the project, trying once again to ignore the ignorant bastards behind me. I turn slightly when I see Jessica forcing Clara to hold up a magazine for her to read while she blows her wet nails dry, making sure I couldn’t see them at all. When I was looking over what I had, the intercom came on and the principal spoke. Her voice shook with laughter and I’m sure her face was turned up in a smirk. It was probably another prank. This is Cookie-Cutter, after all. We’re a very stereotypical high school and I’m a very… let’s just say mold-breaking student.
“Could Ms. Alessia Mckinlay come to the front desk to be collected. There has been a family emergency,” she says family as if she doesn’t believe my strange family is one, and I’m sure she doesn’t. There’s incoherent words being said to the principal and she grudgingly continues. “Please,” and after that, the intercom cuts off and all heads turn my way.
I make my way to the front office, as asked, and am hit with sneers, sympathetic looks, and pretty much everything between hate and loathing. I’m not even able to make my way to the front office before my parents steer me away from looking in the lobby. I look at them with a mix of skepticism and worry. Principal Maera did say there was a family emergency, after all.
“What happened?” I ask, trying to look over my parents’ shoulders and failing, due to them forming a wall in front of whatever they were hiding.
“Your sister… There was an accident and…” mum cuts herself off there with a choked sob, making me look to my father for the remaining explanation.
“They…” my father then stops himself, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, either searching for the right words or not wanting to say them aloud (although in retrospect, it’s probably a mix of both).
At this point, I’m worried for all of my sisters, frustrated with my parents for not telling me what’s wrong, and attempting to stay positive and force all the negative thoughts from my head. I manage to shove through the human wall before me and my body freezes at the sight. Laying in front of my eyes is my little sister, Brittany, battered, bruised, broken, and lifeless. Her pants are down to her ankles, her rainbow underwear just past her knees, and blood is drying and caking around her…
I tear my eyes away, but they somehow end up right back at her. This time, though, I’m studying her face. It’s frozen in pain, but there’s also an air of peacefulness present. There’s bruises forming around her neck and littering her face, but I try not to focus on that. I try to focus on all her happy memories. I try to focus on her laughing as mum caught her cheating in Monopoly. I try to focus on dad hiding a grin as she stole a bit of the cake batter for my birthday last year. I try to focus on Brit. But it’s so hard. I try to focus on her happy times. But I always end up looking into her wide, horrified eyes.
My body’s seemingly on autopilot now, because I somehow make it over to my 9 year old sibling to shut her eyes properly, but I didn’t think about it. I thought about how someone could do this to a child. I thought about who could do this to a child. I thought about why someone would do this to a child.
But soon enough, a camera flashes, and then 2, then 5, and then I’m surrounded not only by my baby sister’s blood, but light from what seems like millions of phones. Soon enough, I feel like I’m under a microscope, and viscous scientists are picking apart my every move. Soon enough, I’m back to the main lobby of Cookie-Cutter High School in Greenton, Tennessee. And soon enough, the laughing, mocking, sneering, jeering students return full force.
I hear my mum crying in the background and muttering something about this being an accident. About it having to be an accident. That just makes me mad. Does she not see the freshman taking pictures of her youngest child’s corpse? Does she not see the sophomores laughing mercilessly at her and my tears alike? Does she not hear the juniors yelling at us that our whole family is a disgrace to human-kind? Does she not hear the seniors telling us that we all deserve the same fate? Does she not see my principal’s smug smirk as she watches the whole event and does absolutely nothing?
“This wasn’t an accident. How can you beat someone up on accident? How can you rape someone on accident? How can you murder an innocent child ON ACCIDENT? I get that you’re in shock or whatever, I really do. BUT HOW THE HELL COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT? PEOPLE HAVE BULLIED US EVER SINCE WE MOVED HERE! THEY MOCK, TEASE, PUNCH, BUT NOW THEY’VE GONE TOO FAR!” my father is telling me to stop yelling, but I don’t hear him. All I know is that I see red, whether that be from the blood pooling at my feet or rage, I have no clue. “DON’T YOU SEE THEM LAUGHING, RECORDING, YELLING AT US?! DON’T YOU SEE HOW THIS COULD NOT HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN AN ACCIDENT?!” and by now, I’m crying, but she has to know. She has to become aware. She has to stop this. She has to. “Please,” I say to no one in particular, taking my sister’s dead body in my arms and sinking down to sit on the floor.
I can’t do anything but hug my now limp sister and pray that this is just another practical joke. Hope that she’s not really gone. Wish that I could have been a good big sister and protected her.
She had so much life left to live. She was only NINE, for god’s sake! She was going to grow up! She was going to make it past the fourth grade! She was going to do well in school and get into the college she wanted to go to! She was going to be successful in her career and her life! She was going to die when she was old and senile and only after beating a terminal disease like cancer, because that’s the stubborn bastard she is. Was.
This wasn’t an accident.
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
Pride | Connor Brashier
A/n: this was based off a dream I had last night and I immediately woke up and started writing it since i couldn’t finish it in my sleep.
Summary: you and Connor have a thing, but he’s been avoiding you.
Warnings: none? 
Word count: 1.8k
Being friends with Alessia has always been fun. And going on tour with her and Liv while she opens for Shawn Mendes definitely falls into the fun category. We're all backstage, goofing off while Shawn does sound check. I'm watching Liv and Les rehearse Ready, the band playing softly. This is always my favorite part, watching her before the show. Of course the real thing is awesome, watching your best friend do what she loves in front of thousands of people, but she's entirely herself in this moment and it's these times that I remember why we've been best friends for years.
I pull out my phone and start scrolling through Instagram, not finding anything particularly interesting, liking a few makeup videos before moving on. 
"No, Brash, I'm telling you it was the biggest spider I've ever seen!" My back straightens at the sound of Connor's name, but I keep my eyes trained on my phone.
"Brian," he laughs. Oh his laugh is beautiful. "It wasn't that big."
"Yes, it was! Hey, Les. Hey Liv."
"Hey guys," Alessia says back and the boys make their way over to them. I notice from the corner of my eye just how close Connor is to Liv and it hurts a little.
Connor and I have had this "thing" going since tour started. But lately it seems like I'm the only one with a thing anymore. He's making it a point to not be around me and I'd be lying if I said that didn't absolutely suck. Because for a while there we were together all the time, to a point where we started joking that the documentary was about me rather than Shawn. And maybe that's why he's keeping away, so he can focus on the film. It would make sense, but giving me the cold shoulder makes me feel like I did something wrong, and I don't think I did.
I sigh and lay on my back, a frown etched on my face. "Shit, y/n, you scared me. What are you doing hiding in a corner?" Brian asks.
"I'm not hiding," I mumble and turn my phone off, stuffing it in my back pocket. "The corner is just the most comfortable place I've sat all day."
"Well you can sit in my lap," he suggests with a smirk and my cheeks heat up. 
"In your dreams, Craigen." I sit up and pull my legs to my chest.
"Oh definitely." 
I spare a single glance at Connor and he's staring daggers into Brian. I look back down and let their conversation continue while I pick at the frayed edges of my ripped jeans. I don't think I'm meant to hear the "lover's spat" that ensues shortly after Brian's comment. But I'm literally only ten feet away, and it's not like they're the quietest bunch. 
"Craigen, back off," Connor grumbles through clenched teeth.
"Well at least someone is showing her attention these days. Haven't seen you around her lately."
"That's none of your business."
"Oh so I can't flirt because you started first? Well if that was going so well then why is she sitting by herself?"
"He has a point, Con." 
"No, Liv, he doesn't."
"Brashier, she's been moping for weeks. What happened anyway?" Liv finally has the nerve to ask the question I've been too scared to know the answer to.
"I'm an idiot," he says and his voice is much clearer, which makes me think that maybe he's looking over at me. A few seconds later, he's gently kicking my shoe. I look up at him and he gives me a sideways smile. "Can we go for a walk?"
I nod and he holds his hand out to help me up. We walk in silence around the arena for a while. I've never been in a situation where it was both awkward and comfortable to walk with someone like this. 
"So…" he starts.
"Have you been enjoying tour?"
I shrug, "sure." Although I think I was having more fun when I was spending it with you. "You?"
"Yeah. Me too. Tons." We find ourselves at B stage and I walk up the steps, only to sit on the edge a few feet away. Connor sits next to me, his legs dangling like mine. 
"Hey guys," Shawn smiles brightly at us. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing much," I answer. "Just walking around."
He nods, "how's the arena look from there?" He gestures to where I'm sitting. 
I look around at the empty seats that will all be taken in just a few hours. "It's a huge place. Looks kinda scary actually. I don't know how you do it every night. I'd be too nervous." I lean forward a little, my shoulders tense and my hands caging me in on either side of my body as I hold on to the stage.
"Nerves mean you care," he pats my knee.
"So you've told me," I smile.
"Shawn, can you give us a minute?" Connor interrupts our conversation and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little annoyed.
"Oh, sorry bud. You were in the middle of something. Carry on." He starts to walk away but turns with a snap of his fingers, "y/n, you still good for that piano lesson later?"
"Yeah. I'll meet you in your dressing room."
"Great," he smiles again and then he's gone.
"What, Connor?"
"I'm sorry I've been MIA lately."
"You've been busy," I shrug. "I get it."
"No I haven't," he shakes his head out of the corner of my eye.
"So you just didn't want to spend time with me. Well that's good to know. Thanks for telling me."
"No," he reaches for my hand but I pull it away, placing both of mine between my legs. "Honey, it's not like that."
"Then what's it like, Connor? Please explain it to me because I feel like I did something wrong."
"You didn't," he argues. "God, no. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Then why don't you want to hang out with me anymore?"
"Because then I'd want to do more than just hang out with you."
"And why is that a problem? Do you not want to like me? Is it a burden?"
"Jesus fuck, no! I just - I'm not good at this feeling thing, y/n. I don't know how to handle it."
"Well I'm gone in a few weeks anyway, so you don't have to handle anything. You're off the hook." I stand from my spot to leave, but he's quick to stop me, on his feet in a second, taking both of my hands. 
"Stop it. For just one second, stop."
I roll my eyes, "Connor this would never work with us anyway."
"Not with that attitude it won't. Please. Just let me speak, okay? And if you still don't want to be around me after I'm finished then we can forget this happened. Deal?"
I'm not the one that wasn't wanting to spend time with you. "Fine."
He takes a deep breath, "I really like you, y/n. It's scary how much I like you. I want to spend every moment with you, getting to know you. But I can't because I have to work and it's not fair to you."
"Connor I know-"
"Nuh uh, I'm not finished."
I sigh and shift my weight to one leg. "With our crazy schedules and someone always seeming to be following us around, there's never been a chance for me to take you out on a date. A real date. Just you and me at some restaurant talking and eating and enjoying each other's company. I want to take you out, you have to believe me. But I'm scared that us never being able to be fully alone is gonna ruin things for us."
"None of that mattered before. When we were fooling around on the bus, cuddling in the green room, holding hands on our way inside venues and under the table in restaurants. So why does it matter to you now?"
"Because I want to kiss you without the crew telling me I did it wrong. And hold your hand without them teasing us. And cuddle you without them calling me whipped."
"So you're gonna let your pride get in the way of our relationship? They're your friends, baby. Of course they're gonna tease you, it's their job! You think Les and Liv don't tease me daily about you? Look, if your pride is what's most important to you then maybe we don't need to be together." I take my hands out of his but I don't even make it to the steps before he's pulling me back. 
His hands cradle my face as his lips crash against mine for the first time. I whine into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and his tongue swipes across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I let him in and it's magic, his tongue dancing with mine, breathing him in as he breathes me in. I don't want to pull away so I tug on his hair a little and a beautiful grunt leaves his lips, his hands falling to my waist, bringing me impossibly closer. He pulls away first and I whimper at the loss of contact. 
I take a second to regulate my breathing, my forehead against his. "Now was that so hard?" I joke and he laughs, buries his head in my neck, pressing soft kisses there. 
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm an idiot."
"I'm sorry you're an idiot too."
He growls and nips at my sensitive skin with his teeth, I can't help the soft moan that escapes and then I feel his cheeky grin. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He mumbles.
"Yes," I whisper, kissing his shoulder.  When we pull apart, I run my finger over his bottom lip, which is a little smudged with my lip gloss. "Well would you look at that," I muse. "You kissed me and there was no one here watching to tell you you did it wrong." He looks behind me and shakes his head with a soft smile.
"You sure about that?" He points and I turn my head to see our friends all crowded together on stage A, watching the big screen that neither of us realized was on when we got here. 
Brian's the one to speak up first, turning to face us. "It's about fucking time!"
"Hey, Brash, I don't think pink is your color," Shawn laughs.
His cheeks are pink when I look back him. I cup one side of his face, "Don't listen to him." 
He shakes his head, "I don't care."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure," he holds my wrist and leans into my touch. "But you think you can kiss the color off me?"
I nod with a soft hum, "oh yes. I can definitely do that."
"Good," he smiles and leans in, kissing me again and again despite the groans from our friends when his tongue one again slips into my mouth.
"Get a room!" Liv yells at us and I can't help but laugh before pulling away.
"You heard the woman, let's get a room," Connor pokes my side. 
"Well lead the way, baby."
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Tag: @sunrise-shawn @anamariel2301 @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste @tomshufflepuff @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson @lifeoftheparty74 @shawnssongs @luvluvxx @foreveralone19588 @shawnandconnor @5-seconds-of-mendes @emma-manuhpe @nedthegay @shawnsblue @curiouslycryptic @adelaidestreets @vinylmendes
Connor Tag: @shawnm521 @divinginfearlessly @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @bettroff @myyohmyuohmyy @madison-malfoy @shawnieeboyy @mutuallynotmutual @fivefeetapartt @rockstarshawnmendes @lostinmendess @sunrisebrashx @alinaxxshawn @heart-struck @ilsolee @daisyangei
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brianc521 · 4 years
Yours, Not Hers | Nap Date 5
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Blind Side: catch (someone) unprepared; attack from an unexpected position.
This is what Shawn has done to Ember. He’s blindsided her, by not preparing her for what he was about to do. 
The week after Shawn flew back out to tour his Instagram posted a very intimate picture of him and her. Not her as in Ember, but her as in her.
She’s an old flame. Someone he’s put music out with before, had a hella crush on when he was a kid, and had a few hook ups with. Someone he’s claimed means nothing now, that is only a friend. Someone who he’s learned from, the mistakes he made with them and why they were mistakes. 
Yet, here Ember sits, watching this music video. It’s wildly intimate, and oddly convincing? 
He’s tried calling her three times so far, she just hasn’t been able to turn the video that’s on a loop off. She finds something new with each watch. Like how his hand grazes her butt when he dances with her. Or how he leans into her hips when he pushes her up against a wall. Or how he takes his fucking shirt off in the bedroom.
She’s meant to be on a plane right now. A plane that will fly her across the country to him. A plane that he scheduled since she surprised him with two weeks off. A plane he knew she wasn’t on. A plane he was hoping would take off before the video was released so when she landed he could tell her about it in person. 
“Hey Emi,” He clears his throat. “Please can you call me back? I just,” He sighs. “I just wanna talk about it. I can explain it all, I promise I can. I just, I need you to answer or to call me, or text me if you want. But I love you, and I need you to know what my plans were before they we were ruined okay? I love you, call me.” 
That’s the third message he’s left and her heart hopes that he actually had a plan. So with that hope she clicks the ‘call back’ button and waits while it rings. 
“Baby?” He answers quickly, as if he was staring at his phone, willing it to ring.
“Mhm.” She responds softly. 
She can hear him take a deep breath, can picture him running his fingers through his curls. “I love you.” He says, wanting her to know that he’s in love with her and always will be. 
He knows he’s in hella trouble when she doesn’t say it back. His heart is racing. What the fuck was he thinking?
“Are you-” He stumbles over his words. “Are you at the airport?” 
“No.” She says quietly. “I don’t know if I should go Shawn.” 
“No Baby don’t.” He blurts. “Please come, please.” He begs. “I want you here. You know I do. I can explain it all.” 
“Then explain Shawn.” 
“I’d like to be in person when I do.” 
She gasps, and doesn’t respond right away. “Is it that bad?” 
“What?” His voice cracks. “No it’s not bad at all. I just want you here. Always, always want you with me. Please Baby, I’ll get you on another flight, just come to me okay?” 
“Fine.” She sighs, hanging up and without even thinking about it leaves her apartment to go to the airport before she changes her mind. 
It’s all the talk. Literally broke the internet. The IT couple is finally together. The most talked about pair. The most ‘what if’s?’, the constant ‘what happened?’ have finally come true. The song plays three times on the way from the airport to his hotel. Each play is fuel to her fire. What seals the fate is the Behind the Scenes video that’s just now been published. Showcasing them dancing, and laying together, stretching together.
She’s 100% sure he’s going to tell her about how they fucked or something and that he was so sorry and that it wouldn’t happen again. She was 100% sure she flew across the country to get her heart ripped in half. 
He meets her in the lobby, chewing at his nails, curls the biggest mess she’s ever seen on his head. His eyes are red, and he can’t stop pacing. He looks up when she walks over to his figure. 
There’s no ‘Hello’, no ‘Hi I missed you’. The first thing out of her mouth is;
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
He can’t even answer, he’s worked himself up so much that he’s not sure he can make it through this conversation without bursting into tears. He can’t tell if the tears are from the fact that she’s actually in front of him, or if he’s scared that this will be the last time he’ll see her. 
He simply offers his hand and leads her to the elevator. It’s silence between them the whole ride up to the 16th floor, and not a good silence. It’s an uncomfortable silence, the kind that makes you want the ground to open up and swallow you whole. 
He takes his time, holding her hand, walking down the hall to his door. Refuses to let go when he digs for the room key in his pocket, and squeezes her hand tighter when they finally make it into his room. 
“You um-” He starts when she closes the door behind her. “You didn’t bring a bag.” 
“I didn’t know how long I’d be staying.” 
His heart cracks when she says that. His eyes drop and focus on the fact that she’s still holding his hand. That has so be somewhat of a good sign.
“Okay.” He nods. “You tell me if you want to leave, I’ll get you the first flight home. I just want you to know, before we get into everything. That I love you, I’m so fucking in love with you and I don’t want you to leave. Even if we fight, or we don’t. Okay?” He asks, taking a seat on the bed. 
“Okay.” She nods. 
“I wrote the song over a year ago.” He gulps. “Brian hooked up with some chick who liked to be called a certain name.” He raises an eyebrow. “And don’t ask me why, but it sparked some idea of a one time summer fling. I was deep in like the idea of love? But not true love? More like puppy love?” He shrugs. “It’s weird, I know, but like I was just really inspired by the summer fling cliche? Grease and shit you know? So like I wrote the song, and texted her about it. She didn’t want to do it. But six months ago she texted me and was like ‘okay I’m in’ so we recorded when we happened to be at the same place at the same time.” 
“We filmed the video 5 months ago.” He explains, pulling her a little closer to himself, and farther away from the door. “We took all the promo shots 5 months ago. We went out to lunch 5 months ago. I haven’t seen her since.” 
Ember takes in the information and feels like she can finally breathe again. “You didn’t go to lunch with her yesterday?” 
“No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t even know where she fucking is right now. Those pictures you saw, they’re from months ago. Cez had Connor take them, as ‘pap shots’ or ‘candids’. Her team released them yesterday morning to get our names out in the public because they dropped the single last night and the video this morning. It was all planned, but I wasn’t told it was planned like that. If I’d known,” He bites his lip, tears forming in his eyes. “If I’d known I’d have told you.” 
She’s crying, but tears of joy now. She was so scared that he suddenly realized that she wasn’t enough for him. That he found better. 
“Please don’t cry.” He reaches up and wipes her tears. “I’m sorry Emi. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t mean to do this to you. I told you this wouldn’t happen. That I wouldn’t do something like this to you.” 
“It’s okay.” 
“It’s not okay. It’s not okay at all.” 
“You didn’t know.” 
“That doesn’t excuse the fact that I didn’t tell you. Even if I didn’t think it would actually become a thing I should have told you.” He wipes his own eyes with the back of his hand. “I’ve recorded a song with Julia, and Alessia.” He blurts out. “Julia, well I mean we have ‘Like to be you’, but we also have another song recorded. It’s more R&B, but about wanting the other but never saying so. Alessia’s, it’s a painful break up song. Both written but never true.” 
“Okay.” She gives him a small smile. “Thank you for the warning.” 
“They aren’t planned to be released, ever. Literally you, me, and the girl who wrote it are the only ones who know about it.” 
“I need you to tell me something.” She caresses the side of his face. 
“Do you have feelings for her?” 
“What?” He sits up, eyes wide. “No, fuck no.” 
“Because,” She sighs. “The behind the scenes,” 
“The what?” He asks, brows furrowed. “What behind the scenes?” 
“It was posted on your Insta, and youtube, and twitter. I watched it on my way here from the airport. You were looking at her like more than just a friendship stare. You lingered with touches, you smiled with your Shawn sparkle.” She hiccups. 
“Shawn sparkle?” 
“And I thought I was the only one who knows what the Shawn sparkle is because you look at me like that, but if you have the sparkle for her-”
“I don’t!” He stands now. “I don’t. You just said it yourself, I only look at you like that. I’ve only ever looked at you like that. I’m yours Ember.” 
She gasps when he uses her full name. He’s only ever called her Emi since they started dating. A few pet names, but he took pride in being the only person who gets to call her Emi. 
“I’m yours. Not hers, yours.” 
“You promise?” 
“With my whole fucking heart.” 
“Can you just tell me first before you do this shit.” She sighs, leaning into him. “I was so scared.” 
“Scared of what?” 
“Scared that you were leaving.” 
“Never.” He kisses the back of her hand. 
“I missed you.” She whispers. Staring deeply into his eyes, allowing her frantic emotions to calm. 
“I missed you too.” He leans up, pecking her lips quickly. “So much.” 
Just then there’s a knock at the door. Shawn stands, still not letting go of her hand when he goes to answer. When he does he’s surprised to see Andrew standing in front of him, with a suitcase by his side. 
“The airport found Ember’s suitcase, the hotel called me about it since your phone was on DND.” 
Shawn turns and looks at Ember who’s giggling softly behind him. “Thanks Andrew.” She smiles, still timid around the manager. She’s met the team a few times now, but this was supposed to be the official ‘become apart of the team’ trip.
“Hey Ember, good to see you. We can’t wait to show you around the world.” 
“It’s good to see you too. I can’t wait to see it.” She answers, reaching forward and pulling her suitcase into the room. 
“Okay well you two have a goodnight, you have a meeting at 8 so don’t make it a late night.” Andrew says to Shawn, who goes red and shuts the door promptly. 
“You told me-”
“I mean I wasn’t lying.” She shrugs, “I thought you were like breaking up with me. Since you wanted to explain in person, I thought you were flying me to you just to dump me. So I wasn’t lying. But in reality they lost my fucking bag and I didn’t want to wait at the airport while they tried to find it.” She answers, throwing the bag next to his and flopping on the bed.
“I am never breaking up with you.” He stands at the end of the bed with his arms crossed. 
“Yes and we covered this. We’re okay. I was wrong for jumping to conclusions. You were wrong for not communicating. But we communicated it out, can we cuddle now because my heart hurts and you’re the only one who can fix it right now.” 
“Cuddles is gonna fix it?”
“It’s a good start.” She says reaching out for him, to which he crawls up the bed and lands on top of her. 
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brashierc · 5 years
Baby Brash
July 13th, his 20th birthday. That night was the reason why you were here today. If that night wouldn’t have happened you wouldn’t have peed on a stick this morning, it wouldn’t have been positive and you wouldn’t be sitting on the bed at your OBGYN’s clinic awaiting for her results. 
You’ve been best friends with Connor since you both were 7. That was 13 years of friendship. 13 years of listening to him go on about photography, 13 years of supporting him and his dreams no one else really supported when he first got started in high school. 
It was also 13 years of being asked how long you two had been in a relationship. 
Girls and boys can be best friends without falling in love. Or well, that’s what you always said to everyone when they asked. You’d been in love with Connor since you were 17, but you knew he’d never feel the same, so you kept that feeling pushed way back into your brain.
Connor was there for you through every boyfriend, just like you were for his girlfriends. The heartbreak and the first time discussions after the fact. 
“Alright,” The Doctor walks in after tapping on the wooden door with her knuckle twice. “So your positive was correct, you are pregnant.” 
You sighed, shoulders sinking. “Really?” 
“Yep, really really pregnant.” She smiles, handing you a few brochures. “Let’s go over your options.” 
You look up with wide eyes, horror running through your veins and emotions. 
“Let’s not, thanks Doc, but I’m already attached to this kid, and if you knew the Dad you would be too.” 
She smiles, nodding but telling you to take the brochures just in case. 
She refers you to one of her colleagues who’s an Obstetrician with her practice and can take you through your pregnancy and birth. 
You take the information she gave you and leave with a small smile and a polite wave goodbye to her front office receptionist. Once you’re back in your car you let the new totally settle in. 
You were having a baby, with Connor, at age 19 and 20. Super cool. 
On Connor’s birthday everything went a little crazy. Shawn threw a rager, wanting to celebrate his newest addition to his team, and his friend who was turning the big 2 0. He flew you out to where they were so you could be there to celebrate and surprise Connor.
Everyone went a little crazy, everyone. 
Brian was so blacked out that he took Alessia back to his room with him, forgot that he invited her in, and called Shawn from the bathroom freaking out that she’d followed him home. (Even though we were all in the same hotel) 
Shawn was the only one that didn’t go hard. Knowing he had shows and other obligations like filming music videos and meeting up with Chance the Rapper. He supervised, and not well, but had a blast watching everyone be stupid and make fools of themselves. 
Connor was a clingy needy drunk, so throughout the night he just became more and more glued to your side. He hadn’t seen you in months, and missed you so much. It all started when he wanted to dance to the slow songs with you, hands on your hips, holding you close. You fell into his embrace, missing being held in such a way, and feeling so safe with Connor. He planted a few kisses to your neck, and one just behind your ear learning very quickly that that was your weak spot. 
After you let out a shaky moan of his name, tucking your fingers into his hair, you were a goner. You both quickly found your way back to his room, falling on the bed nakedly exploring the other between the sheets. 
By morning? You both swore to never speak of it again, pretend like nothing happened, and move on. Everything was normal, it literally was like nothing happened. He still picked on you, you still gave him shit in front of the guys, but you both were still there for the other in ways no one else could be. 
You clicked on his contact; ‘Bri’s lil bitch C David Brash” 
Brian really changed Connor’s name in your phone to the best thing you’d ever seen, you wouldn’t dare change it. 
“Whattup?” He answered on the third ring, and suddenly, you’re emotional. 
“Hey,” You choke out, looking around trying to distract your brain.
“What’s wrong?” His side of the phone shuffles, and becomes marginally quieter.
“Nothing,” You whisper, “What are you doing?”
“I’m talking to you, tell me what’s wrong?” 
“It’s nothing Con.” 
“You’re upset though, I can hear it.” 
“When do you come home again?” 
“I come home next week, I have to meet my counselor and then register for classes. I get into town on Monday, and I leave Friday.” 
You nod, knowing full well he can’t see you. “Can we meet on Monday?”
You need to tell him, and you won’t keep this a secret from him longer than you have too.
“Um yeah, I fly in at like 8, wanna meet for coffee and breakfast or something?” 
“Yeah perfect.” 
“Okay…..? Ready to tell me what’s wrong yet?” He asks.
You sigh, “I should let you go, you’re probably busy.” 
“No, hey,” He protests. “I wanna talk, I miss you.” 
You smile, insides running warm when you hear his voice say those words. “I miss you too Baby Brash.” 
You can hear him sigh and you can practically see him rolling his eyes. “So you watched the newest video?” 
“Of course I did, got your post notifications on.” 
“No you don’t.”
“No you’re right, I don’t, I have Shawn’s on.” 
At this he laughs, like a snort and everything and it makes you feel good, to be able to get him to laugh like that again, to hear that laugh. 
“Brashier, we gotta go!” Brian yells at him in the background.
“You’re literally standing behind me, why you gotta yell?” 
“Because I felt like pissing you off.” Brian snickers. “Who you on the phone with? Gots a girlyfriend?” Something must happen on Connor’s side of the phone because suddenly all you can hear is boys yelling. 
“Connor that’s the fourth girl you’ve been on the phone with today!” 
“There is no hot sex going on over here!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Connor’s voice is back, “Jesus it’s just Y/n, could you…?” 
“But we wanna say hi!” Shawn and Brian whine. 
You giggle and blush a little at the attention. 
Connor shuffles the phone, and then you can barely hear him, he’s really muffled but you make it out. “She’s upset about something, so could you fucking leave for a minute. I was getting her to talk and then you fuckers walked in.” A few seconds later and he’s back crystal clear. “Okay they left, you still there Honey?” 
“You didn’t need to kick them out.” 
“But I wanna talk to you.” 
“They just wanted to say hi.” 
“But you’re my best friend.” He whines, “They’d steal all your attention.” 
“You need to go, I’ll see you next week okay?” 
“Okay, love you kid.” He says softly.
“Love you too Brash.” 
He walks in, looking all nerdy cute, face down into his phone. 
iMessage from Bri’s lil bitch C David Brash: Im here where u is
“If you ever looked up from your phone you’d know I’m here too Bitch.” You say from your table, laughing when he jumps and looks over at you. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” He laughs, smiling really wide when you stand and give him a big hug. “Fuck I missed you Kid.” He sighs into your neck, letting your scent relax his stressed out mind.
“Missed you too.” 
 He takes the seat across from you, thanking you for the coffee you already had ordered and sat in front of his seat on the table. He takes a sip as you take a deep breath and shut your eyes to give yourself that last push of encouragement. 
“I’m pregnant.” You blurt. 
It’s then that you realize your eyes are still closed, opening them one at a time to see his reaction. It’s comical almost, the sight of him, jaw dropped, eyes bugging, body frozen. 
You give it a moment, a second to really settle into his brain, you needed to do the same when you found out. Hell, you’re still doing that. 
He clears his throat, shakes his head a bit, but his eyes continue to flare out at you. 
“Excuse me?” He croaks. 
“I’m pregnant,” You nod, watching him nod with you. “And it’s yours.” 
He hums, and continues to stare at you. You take a sip of your decaf coffee, wincing at the weird taste. 
“Fuck man, I don’t know if I can handle 9 months of decaf, that shit is gross as hell.” 
This seems to snap Connor out of whatever daze he was in. 
“You’re being real right now?” He looks around, “Is Brian here filming me? Is this a prank or something? You got me, you got my reaction, turn it off now.” 
You sigh, worried he would think something like that. You just sit there, staring at him.
“You’re being real?!?” He says with persistence in his voice, leaning closer to you. 
“That night we swore to never speak of again? Well, we’ll be talking for at least the next 18 years.” You shrug.
He’s still in shock, just staring at you with a glazed over glance. You just nod and smile a little at him, trying to coax him through his shock.
“I-” He gapes, “Um, we...I...condom!” 
You giggle, shaking your head at him while rolling your eyes. “Really? That’s what you’re gonna do? Blurt ‘condom’ out like it’ll fix everything?” 
“But I used one!” He’s becoming defensive. Snapping at you in ways he’s done in the past when he’s stressed to the brim and can’t control his emotions. You can count the amount of times snapped at you on one hand. 
“They’re only 98% effective, if that, Connor. Or maybe it broke or something. It happened, and I’m pregnant.” 
“No! We can’t, a baby?” 
You take a deep breath, trying to tell yourself that he’s just in shock and that he’s gonna be happy about this, someday. He doesn’t mean the way he’s reacting right now. 
“How are you calm right now?” He asks in shrill. 
“I don’t know Connor, life happens. It’s not perfect but we’ll figure it out.” You shrug, raising your voice a little to match his level.
“Fucking shit,” He tugs at his hair, face grimancing as he groans. 
You sigh, grabbing your purse, collecting your phone and coffee and stand to leave. His head whips up when you stand, and he watches as you straighten out your shorts before starting to walk away.
“No, don’t go.” He pleads.
“Talk to me when this settles Connor. I can’t be here to watch you freak out. My hormones are all sorts of fucked up right now and I’m trying to stay positive about this whole thing but your reaction isn’t helping.” 
He gets up and follows you out of the coffee shop, racing to meet you at your car before you can leave. 
“Wait, talk to me, please.” He blocks your door so you can’t close it. 
You look up, tears in your eyes that tear his heart apart. “We really did turn into Ross and Rachel huh? Just like everyone said throughout high school. Except we won’t end up together, we’ll always be the Ross and Rachel before they got together.” 
He shakes his head, “I’m your lobster.”
Connor sits on your couch three days later. This was the first chance he’d been able to actually come over, any other conversations have been over the phone or text message since your meeting at the coffee shop. 
It’s kind of awkward, the both of you sitting in silence as you try to not bring up the elephant in the room. 
“I’m sorry,” You clear your throat, wincing as you lean forward and start this conversation. “I’m sorry that I up and left you on Monday. That wasn’t cool. I dropped a big ass bomb on you, something we would have never expected in a million years, and then just got up and left you alone. My hormones are whacked out right now but that’s not an excuse. So I’m sorry for being a shitty friend and making you go through that shock alone.” 
“Hey,” He shakes his head, turning towards you on the couch, scooting closer. “Don’t be sorry. I was kind of being a jackass. I shouldn’t have flipped out like that.” 
You sigh, smiling up at him. “I missed you, a lot.” 
His hand falls on top of yours, fingers intertwining. “I missed you so much, you have no idea.” He sighs, letting his eyes rake over you for a moment, imagining what you’ll look like with a baby bump. “How the hell am I supposed to leave for tour?” 
“Just go, I’m not due until May. You’ll be back in December, that’s plenty of time.” 
“You’re pregnant, I want to be here for appointments, picking out and setting up the crib, cravings, all of it!” 
You smile, reaching over and caressing his cheek. “Then talk to Shawn, sit down with Cez, explain it to Brian because he’ll lose his shit if you leave him without a solid reason behind it. We’ll figure it out, and make do.” You shrug.
He nods, leaning into your hand a little. “You always make everything better.” 
“That’s because I know you Connor David,” You tap his cheek twice, “I know how to handle you.” 
He grins, rolling his eyes before flopping back into the corner of your couch he’s claimed as his. “Have you told your mom yet?” He asks, throwing your fluffy white and black throw blanket over his lap. 
“No,” You sigh, kicking your feet up and relax across from him on your sectional. He smirks as you take a breath, reaching over and grabbing your feet to give you a foot massage. “What are you doing?” 
“Gotta get used to pampering you, might as well get a head start.” He murmurs. “Are you scared to tell your mom?”  
“I mean not really. It’s not the ideal situation I was hoping for when I thought about having kids. But like, I can’t complain. I’m honored to have your kid Con, I think I got lucky when it comes to the baby daddy part of this.” 
He tilts his head, looking over at you with a blush on his cheeks. 
“I guess you could say I got pretty lucky with the baby mama part.” He mutters, watching you from under his lashes, grinning when you roll your eyes and throw your head back to hide the apparent blush forming across your cheeks.
Your guest bedroom that once used to be your small library and office area has now been bombarded with camera gear, a full sized bed covered in basic grey sheets and a black comforter.
Connor spoke with Shawn and Cez the first chance he had when he got back to tour. He explained the situation, as awkward and unexpected it is, and expressed his need to be home more for you and his unborn child.
Both were very understanding to him and his needs, granting him a week off a month ensuring that he’d still be able to get enough footage but also time at home. It also gave Shawn and the crew a moment of peace and not having to worry about cameras so much, not that Connor is like the crazy paps. 
But now that Connor will be home once a month it made sense that he move into your spare room instead of having to stay with his parents or pay for a place he really wouldn’t see all that often. It was the perfect set up, to be there and help you when you need it. 
You two were still adjusting to living together, or with another human (of the different sex). 
You walked into the apartment from class, stopping short when the first thing you saw in your kitchen was Connor, in only his black Calvins.
“Bro,” You shield your eyes setting your backpack on your bar stool, “Can you wear pants?” 
Connor looks over at the sound of your voice, a slice of cheese between his fingers, munching on a bite. He looks down, and then back up to you holding a hand over your eyes. 
“I’m in boxers, I’m not naked.” 
“No one wants to see your dick though,” You shake your head, grinning as you say, “Been there, done that.” 
He chuckles, leaning closer to you and peeling your hands away from your eyes so you can see his smug smile. “You weren’t complaining then.” 
Your jaw drops and you blush as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Well,” You stutter, “I mean,” He smiles, getting the best reaction out of you. “Shut up, go put clothes on!” You smack his arm shooing him to his room. 
You both were getting really good and creative with ways to hiding your pregnancy. The only people who knew were the team, and family. Not even friends from your high school knew.
The issue with hiding this was the fact that Connor was gaining a lot of attention from Shawn’s fans. You didn’t blame them, no matter what brought them to become a fan of his, it at least brought more attention to his work and was getting him that much more popular. This just meant that you had to take hiding your pregnancy to a whole new level.
For a while you were able to just wear some big sweatshirts to cover the smallest bump you had. When sweatshirts weren’t able to work so much you then resorted to really flowy shirts and a big purse you could always swing in front of your belly. 
There was even one time that Connor and the whole crew were in town. They had invited you to lunch since no one had seen you since Connor told everyone. But at the end of lunch the manager came to tell the group that the paparazzi had followed Shawn and his own lunch date. 
You were panicked while everyone just rolled their eyes and grumbled about how someone had probably called them so pictures of Shawn and his date could be taken. You looked to Connor and gulped as he laughed with Brian about a meme he was showing him. 
“Y/n, you okay?” Shawn asked from across the table.
He was always so kind, and it boggled your mind how he could always see everyone, even when there were thousands in front of him, he could see everyone and notice every mood change.
Connor looked over after Shawn’s question and noticed your worried expression.
“Um, I’m,” You looked down at your shirt that very clearly showed off your small baby bump. “We haven’t told-”
“Oh shit,” Connor mumbled now noticing what you were referring too. “Fuck they’re gonna get pictures of us.” He looked to Shawn.
“I totally forgot,” Shawn rubs his forehead. “I’m so sorry you guys.” 
“Do you have anything to like hide behind?” Brian asked.
“No, I didn’t bring a jacket because it’s so nice out.” You shake your head. 
“Actually,” Connor cringes, looking at Josiah. “Do you still have your pocket reflector?” 
Josiah nods, handing it to Connor. 
“We’ll head out first, and then you guys go with Brian and maybe they’ll won’t pay you much attention. We’ll take a walk down the block or something.” Shawn stands, giving you an apologetic smile before walking out with his date.
You look to Connor and Brian as Connor is unfolding the reflector that creates a decent sized circle. You just laugh out loud when he offers it to you. 
“What?” He asks.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” You laugh taking it from him. “It definitely doesn’t look like I’m hiding anything.” You’re sarcastic tone makes the boys chuckle. 
“Here,” Brian hands Connor an old disposable camera. “Pretend like you’re taking my picture as we walk to the car so it looks like she’s actually using it.” 
You just laugh harder and so do the boys at this elaborate plan to cover your pregnant belly. 
At 5 months your little one is now starting to move. You’re really uncomfortable at the moment, in the stages of dealing with pregnancy and the symptoms. 
Tonight is no different, if anything, it’s worse. Baby Brash (literally) has the hiccups and it’s causing your belly to move every 30 seconds or so. So sleeping at the moment isn’t a reality. Finding a comfortable spot to fall asleep isn’t a reality either.
iMessage from Papa 👶: Stop moving, I can hear your bed springs, lord help our child when you get laid.
You rolled your eyes at Connor’s message. He changed his name in your phone when he finally saw what you had him under. He even changed your name in his phone to ‘Mama 👶’ with the baby emoji. 
iMessage to Papa👶 : Tell your child to stop moving so much then
You watched as he read the message, but frowned a little when he didn’t start responding. You jumped when your bedroom door creaked open, revealing Connor in a worn white t shirt and plaid pajama pants. 
“Hey you,” He crawls into your bed, shuffling under your covers with you. “Hey Kid,” He smiles, leaning down to plant a small kiss to your belly. “Stop moving in there so Mama can go to sleep. She’s keeping me up because you’re keeping her up.”
You roll your eyes again, glaring at him. “Really?”
“You told me to tell the kid.” He shrugs. 
His hands have found their way to your belly, rubbing soothing circles in hopes of calming his baby down and lulling you to sleep. 
You sigh and let your eyes flutter close.
“What hurts tonight?” He whispers.
“My hips and back.” 
“Roll to your side for me.” 
You do as told, and moan a little when he starts massaging at your tender hips. Your lower back is so tired and your hips are sore. 
He keeps rubbing and tracing designs on your skin until your breathing evens out. He rolls away a little to go back to his room before your rolling towards him, and resting your head on his chest.
“Don’t go.” You whine.
His whole life flashed before his eyes when he got the call. His whole life. 
That’s the only words running through his mind. 
His whole life.
“What did she say?” Brian as he drove to the airport. 
“She said that she was being transported to the hospital and because she’s pregnant they wanted to take her in for more testing just to double check that everything was okay.” 
“And what happened again?” 
“She was driving home from work, her light went green and she proceeded through the intersection when some dipshit in a fucking truck ran the red and hit the back of her car, sounds like it’s totaled but luckily he just hit her trunk, so she wasn’t hurt to much.” 
“She’s okay though right?” Brian asked again.
“As far as I know, but I’ll keep you updated. Just tell everyone else for me okay?” 
“Of course man. Just go take care of her and that Baby.” 
Connor takes a shaky breath as he looks out the window. 
“Connor,” Brian said, surprising him by using his full name. “You need to breathe.” 
“My whole life was in that car Brian, my whole life was sitting in the driver's seat of that car, and-” 
“You need to breathe Connor.” 
“I’m trying!” He snaps at Brian, “But I’m freaking out! My girl and our baby were in an accident today and I’m not there with them! So please forgive me if I’m a little scared and panicked.” 
“I know you are, you just gotta stay calm. Positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes.” 
“You really need to stop doing that weird fucking yoga thing with Shawn. It’s changing you man.” Connor jokes, trying to lighten his own mood. 
By the time Connor’s landed you’re already home and resting. He bursts into the apartment like a bat out of hell, slamming the door and flipping the lock before throwing his bag to the ground and racing to your room.
“Jesus, be a little louder why don’t you.” You comment when he falls into your room.
“Are you okay? What did the doctor say? Is our Bean okay?” He throws himself onto your bed, hands instantly searching for your ever growing bump.
“We’re okay.” You whisper, threading your fingers through his hair to calm him down. “I told you we were fine and that you didn’t need to come home.”
“Right,” He scoffs. “Like I was just gonna stay miles away from you after you’ve been in an accident.” 
“But we’re okay! You’re parents, my parents, our siblings, everyone was there with me. Really we’re okay.” 
“Okay, okay.” He nods, laying down with his head beside your big belly, rubbing and tapping at it, smiling when he feels a few kicks. “My Bean is kicking?” He looks up at you.
“Yeah, has been for a week or so.” 
“Why didn’t you say so?” 
“Well,” You frown, looking away. “To be honest I planned on pretending that the first time Bean kicked when you were home next was the first time so you didn’t feel like you were missing out on anything.” 
Connor smiles at you, shaking his head and leaning up to plant a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you for planning to lie to me.” 
You giggle, before shifting to sit up more. You reach for the papers on your bedside table and hand them to Connor.
“What’s this?” He asks, looking down. His face falls, frown dropping his lips eyes looking up at you. “What is this? Why are you handing me this?”
“I think we need to talk about it.” You shrug.
“Not right now.” 
“Connor this is serious, it’s not just us anymore. We’re having a kid, we need to have a Will drawn up.” 
“I understand that, but I don’t wanna talk about it right now.” 
“Connor, in the event that something happens to one of us, we need to know what the other wants.” 
“Stop, stop, stop talkin’ like that!” 
“Please,” He tugs at his hair, “Please not right now. I understand we need to know, I get that and we’ll have it drawn up but I don’t want to talk about it right now. All my nightmares came true today.” He looks at you with sad eyes. “I haven’t told you this, but lately I’ve been having a few nightmares that something happens to you and our Bean, and I’m not there to help you or protect you.” He shakes his head, eyes squeezed shut. “And that happened to me today. You both were in an accident, and I wasn’t here.” 
“Connor,” You say again.
“I get it!” He snaps. “But I don’t like the thought of losing you okay? I’m fucking in love with you, and I don’t really have you, but I thought I lost you when I got that call. So can we stop talking like this for the day? Please? Please can you give my heart a moment?” 
You stare up at him with wide eyes, your heart rate picking up at his words. 
“You’re what?” You whisper, caressing his cheek.
“You’re in love with me?” 
His eyes go wide in panic now that he’s realized what he’s said.
“Are you being serious?”
“Yeah?” He nods.
“Why haven’t you said anything!” You slap his arm.
“I don’t know, you never-”
“I’ve been in love with you since Junior year!” You keep slapping his arm.
“Stop hitting me!” He grabs your hands, interlocking your fingers.
“You never said anything!” “Neither did you!” He responds.
Things were different now, you still hadn’t really said officially what you two were now, but it was this weird in between stage of best friend and boyfriend.
He would kiss you sometimes, and always hold your hand, he’d even let a few pet names slip, but when asked by others he still referred to you as his best friend. 
It confused you to no end, because now that something changed he’s moved into your room, claiming that he would just sneak in every night anyway, and now you had room for a nursery. 
“Babe?” He called from the nursery, seated criss cross on the ground, staring up at the ceiling while waiting for your response. “BABE?” 
“What?” You call back, walking down the hall to the laundry room.
“Can you bring me a water?” 
“Really? You can’t get it yourself?” 
“I’m building the crib!” 
“I’m doing your laundry!” You yell back, leaning against the dryer, rolling your eyes at his request.
“Please?” He asks softly. When you don’t respond he resorts to baby talk he knows you can’t resist. “Pweety Pwease? I’ll give you kisses.” 
You groan, waddling down the hall to the kitchen, grabbing him a cucumber mint flow from the fridge, and grabbing yourself a watermelon lime one. You make your way to the nursery, throwing him the water before taking a seat in the new rocking chair Shawn bought you guys.
“How you doing there Pretty Mama?” He smiles looking over at you. 
“I’m tired, and big.” You whine, looking down at your very pregnant belly.
“I think you look really pretty.” He blushes, looking back at the crib.
“You owe me kisses.” You pout.
“Do I?” He looks at you, “What if I was crossing my fingers?” 
You gasp, furrowing your brows and crossing your arms across your chest. “That’s so mean. You’re pregnant best friend just waddled her way to the kitchen and back to bring you your precious water and you won’t give her kisses like you promised?” 
He’s up on his knees crawling towards you. “Girlfriend.” He hums setting his hands on your thighs so he can lean closer.
“You mean my pregnant girlfriend.” He corrects you.
“Do I?” You asked softly, biting your lip as you stare into those blue eyes.
“I sure hope so.” He whispers.
“Is that what I am? Your girlfriend?” 
He pulls back a little, brows furrowing in confusion. “What do you mean? I thought-”
“Yeah me too but then you told the guy at the baby shop that I was your best friend.” 
He sighs, hanging his head. “It’s so natural, or I don’t know, programmed in my head to introduce you that way. But I thought we turned into something more when we confessed.” 
“Me too, but when you did that it through me off.” 
“Babe,” He smiles, rubbing his hands up your legs, “We live together, we sleep in the same bed, we kiss, we love, we laugh, we fight, we’re pregnant.” He let’s his right hand wander to your belly. “I consider you my girlfriend. I hope you consider me your boyfriend.” 
“I do.” 
“So then why are you pouting?”
“Because I really want kisses.” 
“Oh my goodness.” He laughs, leaning forward to cover your lips with his own. He kisses you deeply, pecking your lips three more times before pulling away. “Better?”
“For now.” 
“Okay.” He laughs, shaking his head before going back to building the crib.
“Boyfriend?” You yell from the bedroom when you hear the door open.
“It’s Boyfriend and his friends!” Connor yells back. “Girlfriend?” 
“Where are you?” 
You quickly finish tying the bow to his gift before making your way to the living room where Shawn and Brian are seated on the couch.
“Hey!” Shawn jumps up, giving you a hug before looking down to your belly. “Can I touch your belly?” 
You laugh a little, “Yeah go ahead, thank you for asking.” 
“Of course, it would be a little rude to just go ahead.” He says touching your belly. 
“Can you tell that to the rest of the world?” 
“Hey Bean!” Shawn says to your belly. “Uncle Shawn got you the coolest thing ever!” He says before running to the couch to show you a small guitar case. 
“Shawn you didn’t.”
“I couldn’t help myself, I was looking for a new one and saw this little thing.” He pops the case open. “I’ll teach Bean how to play and everything!” 
“There you are!” Connor smiles when he enters holding three beers and your favorite flow flavor. He walks up to you, planting a wet smooch to your lips before handing the boys their drinks. 
“I have something for you.” You grin, holding up the little gift wrapped box.
“Oh yeah?” He takes it from you. 
He unties the bow, rips the paper, and opens the box to reveal a small blue Polaroid camera.
“This is so cute,” He says holding it in his hand.
Shawn gasps and Brian stands up in excitement.
“Where’d you get this honey?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” You wave him off, bouncing on your toes in excitement. “What color is it?” 
“Blue?” He asks, looking up at you, and then over to the excited boys next to him that are punching the other in the arm.
“And blue is for what?” You pull it out of him.
“Blue is for….” He stares at you, “Blue is for boy.” His eyes light up. “Blue is for boy?” 
“Blue is for boy!” You squeal.
“Oh my god! Blue is for boy!” He wraps you up in his arms, kissing your neck. “It’s a boy, we’re having a boy!” 
“ITS A BOY!” Shawn and Brian cheer.
You groan in pain as you feel another contraction hit. You’ve been in labor for three hours now and your little boy does not want to come see the world.
Connor tries not to wince or complain about his hand he’s sure you’ve severely bruised. He breathes with you through the pain, running a soothing hand over your head and taking your matted hair back away from your forehead.
“There you go Baby.” He whispers, “You’re doing so good.”
“I love you Connor David,” You smile at him, “But I want to fucking kick you in the balls right now.” 
He winces at the thought and shakes his head. “I’m sorry Baby,” He looks away. “I wish I could take your pain away, I wish it were me.” 
“Me too.” You relax when the contraction stops.
“Still holding your hand?” The nurse smiles when she walks in to check on you. “You’re better than most Dad’s, they usually wimp out by now from the pain.” 
“He never lets go, no matter what.” You smile up at Connor.
“You’re my lobster Baby,” He leans down to kiss your lips.
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written by: @shawnm521 
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
64 please :-)
Finally got to work on prompts again! Here's 64 we get some more demon ash time!! Prompt List
Making a Deal
Things had been peaceful since Ash let the humans sleep on their chest. The two were smiling and laughing more often. Sending looks their way now and again. It made the reality hard for them. If they didn’t make a deal with the two, they’d lose them eventually. They couldn’t bring themself to admit it to the humans. Dropping off whatever they needed and walking away continued to be their best option.
A strange part of them felt out of place with Alessia and Delphia. Two small women happily together, but watched over by a being dozens of times their sizes.  They were reluctant to even stay close enough to overhear the two. At the same time, Ash desperately wanted to be able to speak with them. They knew they didn’t want to lose their time with these humans. They knew they wouldn’t be able to take a deal that took either’s life.
“Ash!” Alessia called. They tried to ignore it. The tone didn’t sound like she needed anything right away. If they were lucky she’d give up. They’d continue listening from their dark corner, deciding when to finally give up on this arrangement destined for misery. “I know you heard me Ash! Come here, please!”
They didn’t move. They didn’t let their wings flex or their tail twitch. It wasn’t a hard act. They always had to pretend not to hear them. To miss when Delphia would quietly cry over losses she didn’t deserve. When Alessia would train with her weapons, talking about the dangers she needed to face. They were that danger, they were the one that showed Delphia the loss. The feelings the two had brought to their stone heart would never be returned.
“Del, you try,” Alessia moaned. That made Ash pause. They curled their hand into a fist, the idea of a deal had likely crossed the women’s minds.
 “Ash! Can you come here? We wanted to talk to you about something,” Delphia called. They didn’t move at first. “Should we go to them?”
“Hmm…” They started to move a bit. Turning their head slightly towards the two women. Alessia was looking over the edge of the table. “We might be able to climb down.”
They stood quickly. Their full weight hitting the ground. The table holding the women shook, but they two stayed safe. Ash slowly made their way to the table. Each step was their full weight. They preferred the fear at this point, it was easier. With no deal they’d be alone soon enough. Human lives were short.
Once they reached the table they hesitated. Both women looked up with no fear. They found the trust endearing. It hurt more knowing this wouldn’t last. Not even their selfishness would keep the humans with them. Slowly they began to crouch. The two did stumble back. It almost hurt. They stopped with their eyes nearly level to the two miniscule women. The confidence when they approached was missing.
“Yes?” they asked. The two were obviously shaken. The hesitance in their body language was painful to see. Carefully they brought their hands up. Using one claw from each hand they held up the heads of Alessia and Delphia. “You don’t have to be scared of me.”
They were surprised at their own words. Fear was important for demons. The entire race lived with fear as a source of entertainment. They didn’t want to scare the women in front of them. Humans had always seemed rude and crass until these two. Now, Ash would fight the royalty of their home to protect these two. It was why the idea of a deal hurt; at the end humans and demons just used each other. The two had each other and needed to be free of them.
Small hands found purchase on their fingers. Delphia smiled at them, the one they wanted sent their way so often. Alessia’s face softened. Her smile was small, but just as amazing to Ash. They tried to pull away, but the small hands dug into their skin. It would be easy to ignore, but they couldn’t abandon the part of them that wanted to be near the two.
“I wanted to ask you something,” Alessia started. There was something nervous in her voice. They narrowed their eyes. “If we made a deal, what happens to you?”
“To me?” they murmured. She nodded despite the claw beneath her chin. For the first time they worried their claws could hurt someone. “It would depend. If the deal takes your lives I would go back to hell with your souls. If it leaves you both alive, I would stay with you to make sure nothing interferes with the deal properly reaching its conclusion. At the end you’d return to hell with me either way.”
“So, you’d stay with us no matter what?” The hope from Alessia made them smile. It was a foolish hope, at the end the humans would leave. Over the next few days they would finally seek out a suitable place for the two to live, without them. A simple nod was their answer.
“What if the deal was to experience life together?” Delphia asked. Ash tilted their head, that was a new one. 
“I would need a definition to answer that.” Delphia stepped away, pacing became something they noticed she did often. Especially when describing things to Alessia.
“So if we made a deal that you’d help us live the lives we couldn’t. But we stay young, alive, and healthy… We stay until we’re ready to leave.” They bit back a sigh. Even in that case they’d take their souls. It wasn't an option. “Until we’re ready to go to hell with you.”
They ripped their hand away and stared at the two women. The reality of hell, of what selling a soul meant. That the idea was to devour them. Ash wouldn’t, they wanted to keep the two with them. Others would be tempted, the royalty would be tempted. Although… until they’re ready would give them time to gather power.
“Do you realize what happens to you when I take your souls?” they said. The softer tone they used to speak with them was forgotten. They needed to make it clear they weren’t human. They stood to their full height and slammed a hand down on the table. Both women fell off their feet, but Ash continued. They dragged their hand closer and curled their fingers around the humans in front of them. “Do you realize you become nothing but a snack to me then? That I devour or torture you for eternity? Do as I see fit with you both?”
Silence was all they received. It was what they expected. A reminder of just who stood before the humans was important. Demons would always want to devour their souls. They’d never be free in hell. Ash would have to be with them always. There would be the risk of others deciding to try and lay claim. They’d have to fight, royalty would be interested. The current queen would be the only one safe to go near them.
“Then we just need to never be ready to go to hell, right?” Alessia said. Ash lost their composure for the first time they could remember. They fell to their knees and stared at the insane humans. “I mean… you would stay too right?”
“Alessia!” Delphia whispered. Her face was bright red. “We just… you can’t stay here like we are now forever right? If we make a deal that keeps us alive for a long time, you’ll stay too. With us?”
“You realize at the end a deal means you’re mine… a meal to increase my own power.” They needed this to be clear. Human souls were to make a demon stronger. Ash had no need for power anymore, but they needed the two to remember who they were.
“We don’t have to be scared of you, right?” They sighed and closed their eyes. It didn’t seem they would change their minds. That just meant Ash would protect them. They’d protect them from everything; demons, humans, anything that could be a threat to the lives they want to live.
“Do you both truly want this deal?” 
Alessia and Delphia spoke together. Ash gave in, their own end would include protecting the women. They set their hands down, trapping the two between their fingers. They channeled their power, the glow of their eyes as they opened bathed the women in a subtle light. They wanted to live safely and until they were done. Ash started off sharing their own immortality with the two. Next they used their magic to find a place suitable for the three of them to live. A small spot at the edge of town near a city. The home they were in changed on the outside as they moved to the new location.
The next step was their disguise. It had been a long time since they last locked themself into a human form. They drew on the souls of the two in order to create their form. It needed humans because it had none of the usual weaknesses of demons. Pain racked their body as they began to change. Their wings burned away and their horns disintegrated. Slowly their body compressed to a smaller and smaller form.
“Ash!” Delphia shouted. Her hands were on their palm. A deal was being made, their concentration meant nothing. As they shrank, so did their surroundings. The home would match what was needed, rooms for each of them. Anything a human needs that a demon may not think of. The world wouldn’t question the two unaging, unchanging human women.
Pushing a bit of extra magic into the deal, they changed faster. Fast enough the pain nearly made them lose consciousness. They were panting by the time they realized their hands were on a table without two humans between them. A slight panic hit them before two sets of arms wrapped around their waist.
“We have a deal… You’ll be able to live human lives until there is agreement to come with me to hell.”
Alessia and Delphia looked up at them. Faces of awe that slowly morphed to joy. They buried their faces against Ash. Laughter bubbled up, they even started to smile along with them. They would just enjoy this while it lasted. The little selfish rule of this deal that wasn’t clear. Agreement required all three of them. They had no idea what would happen now, but they could keep their humans. They’d make sure they were happy.
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loveylangdon · 5 years
Fallin all in you
Requested: can you do something about Shawn dating one of his friend's sisters?
Word count: 3.8k+
A/N: okay I changed this a bit because I liked this idea or twist I put on it. however, posting this took so long because I originally filled this request with it being Connors older sister If you want me to post the one with Connor lmk but I fell in love with this version more. Thank you for requesting I adore you @r3ader
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*not my gif credit to owner*
y/n p.o.v
Walking down the hallway you feel someone pull on your arm dragging you into a nearby room letting out a little yelp at the sudden movement and change in direction you put your hand on the door frame balancing yourself looking to find who disrupted your trek to the green room 
Looking up surprised seeing Shawn blushing with a smile on his face 
“Hi” he whispers softly looking down at you 
“Shawn what the hell,” you ask chuckling looking around noticing your in an empty what appears to be an unused green room 
“I missed you” he shrugs his shoulders and leads you into the room farther closing the door behind you hands intertwined
“Shawn we can’t do this right now” you laugh at the cute pout on his face, you’re standing in front of him and he’s holding both of your elbows lightly holding you in place as if he’s afraid of you walking out which you could never do. 
He lets out a whine and dips his head to be eye level with you before moving his hands to cup your cheeks “You’re walking around here looking all cute and smiley I just wanted a kiss” he speaks out as he closes the space between you two catching your lips in his. 
Melting into it you can't help but smile until you feel Shawn bite your lip causing you to part your mouth in a moan allowing him to explore your mouth. Moving your hands behind his head into his curls holding him closer if possible. You pressed to his front adding a little more pressure he starts groaning and pulls away for a breath. Leaving you to laugh at his swollen lips, messy curls, and pink cheeks imagining how both of you probably looked fucked from a simple lazy Makeout. 
“Don’t laugh I missed you” Shawn pouts at you while you lean up and place another kiss on his lips which he smiles into “You missed me too eh” he laughs pulling away as you groan at the loss, looping your fingers through the belt loops in his jeans so he can’t go too far as you bite your lip up at him  
“I have to find-” your thought interrupted by his phone ringing in his back pocket 
“Shit” he hisses and pulls the phone out muting the call so the ringtone can’t be heard from outside glancing in the direction of the door you guys came through 
Chuckling you look at the caller ID its Brian 
“Answer it rockstar” you tease as you slip your hand into his back pocket as he throws his arm over your shoulder holding you into his chest 
Smiling at the thought these secret rendezvous, hallway shenanigans before shows, lazy make-out sessions in backrooms it was all thrilling, cute and fun. Joining a tour with your best friend had you over the moon but never did you think you would get a cute guy out of it let alone the one and only Canadian heartthrob. After joining the tour for 3 months Shawn took a liking to you and always tried to be where you were. Him and his friends constantly crashing whatever plans you made with yours. After a while, it didn’t take long for the pair of you to you two sneak into broom closets and find yourself under the sheets in hotel rooms trying not to get caught. 
Your thoughts are interrupted when Shawn pokes your cheek, not even realizing his phone call ended he chuckled “Am I that unamusing you can’t pay attention to a five minute phone call I have” he jokes 
“mm regardless I was thinking about you Mendes don’t get too big headed now” you joke right back at him as you capture his lips in a kiss again letting out a sigh of content until he pulls away 
“Alessia is looking for you apparently you left your phone in the green room and she can’t find you” he smirks down at you 
“Oh I wonder why she can’t rockstar” you pull away from him and it's his turn to groan 
“No I just got you in here I was waiting like a good 25 minutes” he pouts down at you 
“Oh my god you were waiting in here by yourself for how long” you question trying not to giggle 
“Stop” he lets out whining “It was cute in my head, kind of like those hide in the closet to scare your significant other videos” he follows you out of the room wrapping his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder 
“Significant other videos huh?” You look at him before he hides his face in your neck feeling his face heat up. 
You’re about to tease him some more when you hear footsteps and Shawn breaks away quickly stumbling on his feet making you let out a laugh as he glares at you just as Connor walks in 
“y/n oh hey!” He waves at you and then notices Shawn holding onto the wall “Bro what happened” he’s chuckling as Shawn glares at both of you 
“He tripped over his ginormous legs” you giggle excusing yourself to go find Alessia 
Walking down the hall, you're about to enter Alessia’s green room until you hear her and someone talking 
“I don’t know y/n seems different do you think she’s sleeping with someone on the team” you hear Alessia ask as you tense up 
You never meant to keep whatever was happening to you and Shawn from her but there wasn’t much to tell. You guys were just having fun. You know how she felt about Shawn, for the first couple months of the tour they were inseparable she fell quickly before deciding it wasn’t a good idea and Shawn told her he saw her as nothing more than an older sister. It crushed her but not in a bad way she soon realized it was just being on the road and not having someone to share it with. Being in a close space for so many days there's only so many guys that she can choose to be around and she misinterpreted her feelings for Shawn. She was actually way more into Brian anyways but was too scared to admit it. 
“I mean maybe she’s just homesick you know how she gets, this is her first tour and we’re best friends if she was she would tell us” you hear Liv chiming in to reassure her
Alessia couldn’t be on the road without anyone for long, she always insisted that the next tour she would do solo but it never ended up that way. Going solo lasted 3 months and within the first break, she asked you and Liv to join her for the rest of the tour all the way through the NA leg. All expenses paid and maybe even a job opportunity here and there helping with odds an end things. You and Liv automatically agreed already having been packed just waiting for her to say when. 
“Have you noticed Shawn acting weird too, I mean before he couldn’t not be around and now he’s hardly ever-” you hear Alessia starts but is cut off by Liv 
“Les if she was sleeping with Shawn which I don’t think she is, she would tell us okay. y/n isn’t one to keep secrets. Even if she was would it be a bad thing?” Liv asks as you take in a breathe waiting for Alessia’s answer 
“I mean-” Alessia starts off but you couldn’t bear to hear how disappointed in you she would be so you walked into the room 
“I got lost again, I don’t know how you do it, Les, these places are a maze” you sigh plopping yourself onto the couch next to Alessia cuddling into her side 
“Ahh we were looking for you, I figured you got lost again so I had Brian call around to see if anyone found you” she smiles and wraps her arms around you as Liv comes to join on the couch. “What would I do without my favorite two girls with me” She sighs 
Alessia was singing Out of Love, the most heart-tugging song on her setlist at least to me. Me and Liv decided to watch side stage tonight so here we were holding each other and belting the words out as loud as we could. No one could hear us let alone see us except those on stage and with Alessia totally engrossed in the song paying no mind to anything around her we were in our own little world.
In the middle of the song, Liv was called by Brian to go help with something in the booth doing some odd and end work here and there we were both learning how to do every little job on the crew. It was fun to learn and be of help but not in the middle of your best friends set, where Liv didn’t mind because she’s toured with Les before she didn’t mind the disruption more than happy to help.
You felt a larger body wrap their arms around your shoulders from behind already knowing who it was you grabbed their wrists and leaned back. Moving in the same motion you and Liv were previously. You felt Shawn lower his head and whisper the words into your ear giving you chills and making your heart flutter.
Over the speakers fading out of the song, you heard a camera go off, looking over Connor peaked his head over the lens of his film camera taking photos of you and Shawn. Grabbing Alessia’s attention before the loud bass came back on Connor moved you and Shawn so Shawn’s back was facing Alessia and took a picture of her looking at you guys funny. 
When Connor walked away you expected Shawn to follow thinking they just needed some B roll for his tour diaries. He stayed and even when Liv came back he wrapped both of you guys’ in his arms and into his chest swaying back and forth with both of you before he had to get ready to go onstage. 
After Alessia walked off you and Liv followed her into the dressing room Alessia closing the door on Brian before he could walk in and tell her what a great job she did after every show. Leaving you confused. 
“Are you and Shawn dating” Alessia turned to you asking 
You couldn’t read her expression or emotions and it scared you, she was building her walls back up you looked to Liv for help but she looked away
“Les no, we’re not,” you told her and honestly it was the truth you and Shawn never said explicitly you were dating 
“But you are? Though right? If I go out there and ask him right now what will he say?” She asked with no emotion in her tone 
“Les,” you started but she opened the door facing a confused Brian and started walking down the hall to where Shawn was. Looking at Liv for help 
“Well follow her y/n” she ushered you out of the room “Are you two dating?” She asked looking at you skeptically 
“Liv no we’re not, I would’ve told you guys” you groan jogging after Alessia, Liv and a confused Brian following 
Stopping abruptly you see Alessia just got to Shawn who was looking in a mirror fixing his “makeup” Connor recording him Alessia tapped Shawns shoulder making him turn around confused
“Connor turn the camera off,” Alessia told him giving him a look that made him almost drop his camera 
You guys were in an alcove under the stage a very small alcove might you add it was crowded for seven people. Shawn had to crouch down to even fit and Cez sitting at his desk confused. 
Trying to squeeze past everyone to get to Alessia was hard but you managed to make it over to her. Shawn saw you and his eyes lit up at the sight of you, which didn’t go unnoticed by Alessia who’s eyes widened too reminding her why she came down here in the first place she went to open her mouth when you put your hand over it muffling her words and with the screaming of fans Shawn couldn’t hear her. 
Holding your hand over Alessia’s mouth, “Les not now” you spoke to her and looked up at Shawn who was smiling. She started shaking her head in an attempt to let you let go but you were holding her hands as well. you tried to walk backward with her Connor recording again finding the whole thing amusing with such a tight space it proved difficult. 
Brian came up and picked up Alessia like she weighed nothing and slung her over his shoulder causing Liv and Shawn to let out a belly laugh hesitantly you removed your hand thinking Brian was going to take her back to the green room.
With Alessia’s mouth no longer being covered she let out a scream that had you guys all covering your ears as her eyes went wide and blush rose to her already rosy cheeks as the crowd got louder stopping Brian in his tracks and making him look at her
“My bad” she got soft “I didn’t think y/n was going to let go of my mouth” she spoke at you, still on Brians's shoulder making everyone laugh 
“Shawn you need to get in position” Cez spoke to him making him put his in ears 
“Mendes,” Alessia started pointing at him “We need to have a serious talk” she spoke out towards him with a look that made the color drain from his face, causing Connor and Cez to laugh and you and Liv to put your head in your hands groaning. How was such a small girl so intimidating. Brian took her away in the direction of the green room with Liv trailing behind laughing at Brian pretending to drop her. 
Shawn turned to you quickly looked around and planted a soft kiss on your lips after making sure no one was looking. He smiled down at you and walked down the alcove onto the stairway to take him to the stage as the beginning of lost in Japan started playing. 
Standing there frozen with rosy cheeks at the sudden act of affection, Cez cleared his throat breaking you from your thoughts 
“So that's new” Cez started “Is that why Alessia came down here ready to cause hell” he asked with a small amused smile on his face, causing yours to heat up “You don’t have to tell me, but you should tell Alessia whatever it is that's happening between you two, She’s looking out for you, you’re her responsibility as silly as that sounds I’ve never seen someone go into mother bear mode so quickly” he laughed again “go talk to her I won’t say anything” he smiled turning around again to face the monitors back facing you. 
Turning around you made your way into the green room peaking your head in “Are you done being a psycho Les can we go watch the show now” you chuckle seeing her on the floor cuddled with Brian and Liv 
“We sleep now, show later” she spoke out opening her arms for you to join which you did. 
You guys slept halfway through Shawns set waking up just in time for bstage your favorite part. Making your way over to the corridor adjacent to his piano you were joined by Alessia and Liv Brian having to go help Connor with his camera’s it was just you girls. 
Hearing the chords to “When you’re ready” on the piano fills the room you couldn’t help but let out a big smile, the song was so pretty and seeing the whole arena light up was something out of a book. Seeing Shawn perform on stage was a dream in itself he was made to do this. 
Holding onto Liv and Alessia you didn’t even notice Shawn staring right at you while he was singing. Alessia hit your shoulder breaking you out of your little trance. Looking over at Shawn he smirked and sent you a wink not breaking eye contact which resulted in Liv letting out a squeal which he chuckled at. He finished his little melody and went into like to be you leaving you and the girls screaming the words at the top of your lungs.
When his little guitar solo started Alessia pulled you closer to her, her arm thrown over your shoulder “I know you guys are sleeping together” she spoke into your ear causing you to back up and look at her with wide eyes before she pulled you back to her “Brian told me” she let out a small smile shrugging her shoulders, her eyes showing admiration. She pulls you back in “He really likes you, you know. Brian said he doesn’t shut up about you” you pulled away again looking wide-eyed 
“Les” you started 
“No look at him” she nudges you to look at Shawn who is looking at you already singing straight at you and when you caught him he quickly looked away as if he was caught leaving him blushing. “He likes you” she squeezed your shoulders “You should’ve told me y/n I love you like a sister I just want you to be happy, clearly he makes you happy I don’t know how I'm just seeing it. I support whatever this is, even if this is just a friend with benefits thing which he would be a fucking idiot to do, I am there for you 100% okay” she looked at you and you felt your heart burst 
Pulling her into a hug she hugged you back with more force. She was really your best friend. 
Ruin started playing and you heard Liv over the guitar 
“Shawn got a starring problem or something he keeps looking over here,” Liv asked chuckling and nudging you both causing you and Alessia to laugh.  
After ruin ended you three headed back down the corridor not wanting to get run over by Shawn or Connor who runs back to the MainStage through the crowd from bstage. To your surprise you heard footsteps following you three, breaking apart from each other wanting to make room for Shawn and Connor you felt someone collide with your back bringing you into a big hug from behind. 
Squealing at the sudden movement and sweaty body now sticking to you you heard Alessia and Liv burst into laughter at your attempt to steady yourself from falling to the ground at the sudden impact. 
Turning your head around to look at Shawn you see him smiling from ear to ear his eyes lit up before you noticed he leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss hearing a gasp come from the girls and Connor who let out “I knew it”
Shawn pulled away chuckling, “Brian told me he told Alessia” he looked over to Alessia  giving her an accusatory glance raising an eyebrow 
“And what about it Mendes, taking my girl from me after I open your show as a favor” she jokes but looks at him seriously
“Sorry we didn’t tell you Les but she’s stubborn and wouldn’t agree to be my official girlfriend” he squeezed you as you glared at him “She wouldn’t even agree to go on a date with me because there's nothing to tell if we don’t” he mocked you joking and laughed looking at Alessia “but now that Alessia knows y/n be my girlfriend please if you say no you just make me look like a creep staring at you through an entire set” he chuckles pushing his hair out of his face 
“mm ill think about it you joke” finally making your way to the MainStage and he stops in his tracks and groans 
“no, you’re supposed to say yes” he whines which causes you all to laugh 
“fine yes ill be your girlfriend now go before Cez kills you” you push him towards the stage but not before he can pull you into another kiss earning hollering from your friends around you.
He starts to walk back under the alcove but before he disappears he shouts “Alessia y/n is going to be on my bus now ha” he jokes and turns around 
“In your dreams Mendes we still need to have a serious talk” she shouts back at him but louder and seriously which causes him to turn around quickly with wide eyes causing everyone to burst into laughter again before Cez pushes a guitar into his chest and shoves him up the stairs.
Alessia slings her arm over your shoulder “Ha he thinks he can take my girls away from me, over my dead body” she jokes grabbing onto Liv too 
“Damn who am I suppose to date now if y/n has Shawn and Les has Brian” Liv pouts looking at you two 
“I have who now?” Alessia’s eyes go big causing us to hit her she’s about to protest when Brian walks down the hall towards us
“Ready Alessia?” He asks causing me and Liv to nudge her 
“Where are you taking her” I ask smirking at them two 
“oh” Brian starts but his face heats up “We were gonna go get food before we have to get back to the busses and it gets impossible to leave” he lets out scratching the back of his head 
“hmm okay I’ll allow it, this time” I joke as I see them both roll their eyes and walk out the main corridor to the green rooms and the back entrance
“Guess it's just me and you Liv” you sigh holding onto her making your way back out to the crowd 
“So Shawn?” She wiggles her eyebrows towards you as you push her face away with your hand 
Walking back out to the main stage Shawn makes eye contact once again sending a wink in your direction causing Liv to squeal and Shawn to laugh. Pulling her into a hug to shut her up.
The chords to fallin’ all in you begins to start and you grab Liv to slow dance with. As soon as Shawn finishes his little speech you and Liv are rocking side to side with his melodic voice in the background when you feel another body collide into you two. Alessia came back but changed into new clothes smiling from ear to ear putting her arms over the both of you. All three of you swaying back in forth singing to each other. 
“You think I would leave my girls for the most romantic song during his set” she beams at you two “I love you guys” she kisses both of you on the cheek as you guys turn to watch Shawn staring at you three with a twinkle in his eye 
This was your happy place you and your girls together supporting each other for everything. 
A/N: thank you for being patient and for reading don’t forget to like and reblog or leave comments below again sorry this took so long I originally filed this request with Connor but I liked this version more. lmk if you want to see the original request but with Connor Xx
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