#i say this a lot but barcode is a cutie
code-saturn · 2 years
Barcode's TikTok Update w/ Jeff 🥰
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boysbeloving · 2 years
okay so i've watched 11 episodes of LITA in 3 days and have much thoughts/comments to share
this post is technically for @skamskada (coz you would just NOT stop sending me pics of payu person in my DMs [♥️] and that's what made me finally watch the show....and...this would be too long for our chats lol) but all y'all can give it a try too! <3
the payu-rain arc opening credit song is really good actually... i....quite like it
payu person's voice is so soft and nice and sweet!!!!
YOU DID NOT WARN ME ABOUT THE CRINGEFEST THAT IS PAYU SINGING TO RAIN IN THE KITCHEN!!! i fast forwarded that section....i just couldn't sit through it good god....come to think of it, i skipped zee singing in cutie pie the series too...i just couldn't take it lol..second hand embarrassment is too strong... (i love when nunew sang in the series...also..it made sense in the plot..and he has an angelic voice...umm...same with nanon in bad buddy...i didn't cringe at his singing...and ofc jeff and barcode were also fine in kp....all these guys are singers irl anyway and them singing fit the plot of their respective series....but i don't think i'd be able to handle anyone else singing in bl series) payu person sings well though! maybe if he has uploaded some covers etc on youtube i could listen to those??!! does he sing sing?
what was the whole kidnapping plot?? i was laughing at it a bit lol
also...unpopular opinion maybe but i feel payu person needs some more acting practice when it comes to emotions like anger or frustration, etc. he...seemed to struggle to convey it convincingly with his eyes and dialogue delivery and body language...but this is a personal opinion
rain person acts well! he's got all emotions pat down...and he portrays cuteness and annoyingness very convincingly
i LOVE the storyline....the actors are BRILLIANT and they look so good together????!!!! i enjoy their chemistry
sky person acts SO well....whenever he's triggered i can't stop myself from crying i feel A LOT for him :(((( and i LOVE it when he's not giving any fucks to Pai lol! and when he turns it on OMG IT IS MOTHERFUCKING ON
i love sky person's eyes <3 they are.....such a pretty colour...esp when the sunlight hits them in the scene where pai-sky are by the side of the road after they've had breakfast (me being struck by sky person's eye colour reminded me of me being struck by brian kinney's [or gale harold actually lol] eyes in the light...and ....it intrigued me so much! i also ABSOLUTELY love misha's and jensen's respective eye colours and cillian murphy's eyes too uuuufff AND luca marinelli's eyes...wowoowowwow)
the sex scenes were AWESOME!!! the moans, the dialogue, the looks, the MOVEMENTS, brilliant brilliant brilliant! very very special shoutout to 2 lines: a) payu saying "i'll make you the best rider" in episode 6 sex scene and b) sky saying "p'pai hurry up" in episode 11 sex scene....THE WAY THESE DIALOGUES WERE DELIVERED AND THE NEEEEEEDDDDD DRIPPING FROM EVERY SYLLABLE UUUUFFFFF (i have gone back and listened to these 2 lines in particular many many times...they just do it for me)
ngl i'm very invested in the pai-sky storyline but if a short scene of payu-rain comes in the episode i'm suddenly hit by how much i miss seeing them!
i really like the actor who plays Sig...he generally plays comic relief characters? he was in cutie pie too...I REALLY LIKE HIM....it seems he improvises a lot and is very competent at it...he can pick up on the energy of the scene and the dynamics of the characters and fits himself into it SO WELL (and sometimes also takes the lead in navigating a scene...like the thread tying ceremony) not intrusive but also leaves a lasting impression....also..his face is nice :) if i'm not wrong i think he's starring in an upcoming sci-fi bl as a lead! good for him...well deserved <3
i like the siblings....payu's brother saifah and pai's younger siblings too...they're sweet
the sound editing of the series is....so bad! omg i can hear every movement of the shirt and sometimes the voices get low and sometimes loud like what is happening oh no..it's annoying :(
as an armpit enthusiast (among others) i'm also very disappointed by the lack of armpit exposure...i have found only 3 scenes with decent full armpit exposure...i'm hoping this will get rectified in the remaining episodes (how many are there in total anyway? 14?)
i haven't watched any reality content of the LITA boys but you've told me time and again that payu person is really cute.....<333
i'll maybe slowly make my way through all that stuff...i think i'll enjoy watching all of them
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neo-neos · 2 years
I just watched like a whole lot of behind the scenes stuff from KinnPorsche (reaction vids, behind the scenes, all the games and stuff) and I want to say things and this is the only place I can just scream into the void without people really noticing lmfao
Bible is such a mood, I love that guy so much. "Do you think you will do well?" "No." "Are you ready?" "No." I fucking LOVE that man, ugh ugh ugh
Perth is such a cutie, he is so insanely smart, mans speaks 3 whole languages fucking slay
Barcode... Barcode Barcode Barcode you mischievous little ball of sunshine. He is the cutest thing ever, the way he fidgets OML let me hug him pls
APO oml, the energy, the playfulness... Apo Apo Apo
Yeah okay those were some random thoughts I had, thanks for letting me rant x
I'm gonna go rewatch KP asap xxx
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huearmy · 4 years
The Smell of Truth - VII
Summary: After years being forced to fight in clandestine hybrid ring, Jungkook is now living in shelter, but life remains bad, the place is abusive, and nobody seems to want adopt him. Until one night a pro-hybrid activist group invades the shelter, and a woman in black smelling like truth promises that things will get better, and he decides to follow her wherever she goes.
Pairing: pitbull!Jungkook x human!Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut maybe.
Words: 5784
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
A/N: I know, Y/N and Jungkook eat all the time and spend a lot of time on her car.
Chapter I  Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV  Chapter V  Chapter VI
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"Jungkook, can you help unload the new merch, please?" Jessi said from behind the cashier, where she was talking with a customer.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Be careful!"
Jungkook dropped what he was doing at the back of the store - cleaning CD shelves and rearranging alphabetically and music genres that customers take out of place - and ran outside by the back exit, where his coworker, another hybrid, was already signing receipt papers in front of a truck. One of the delivery men was already carefully removing some boxes from inside the truck and putting it on the sidewalk.
"What's in the boxes?" He curiously asked.
"These two bigger ones are guitars, they are orders. And those others are smaller instruments, like flutes and harmonicas." The golden retriever with slightly pink hair that he hadn't memorized the name yet said. Was it Ryujin?  "Take care, even if the box is light, everything is very fragile."
"Ok." Jungkook stacked the two heavier boxes, as he saw the delivery guy do, and being careful, he went back inside to store it in the warehouse. In one second he was back to pick the others.
It was his first week on his new job, and obviously, it didn't even surprise you, he chose the music shop. The boy has a great ear and an excellent musical taste, besides music proved to be one of the things he likes most in his new life.
The other day you caught him risking singing softly in his room, when he thought you weren't at home, and in order not to make him uncomfortable, you didn't reveal your presence at all, letting him be. He has a beautiful voice. So, the possibility of being able to discover new music and new artists at work and talk to people with the same tastes as him made Jungkook's round eyes shine like the universe.
Up until then, working was fun, and the coworkers were nice. Maybe it was because of the initial excitement, but Jungkook was efficient and learned quickly, so he was praised almost all the time, which made him blush and have an almost permanent smile. The customers usually think it's cute.
"Ah... excuse me."
Jungkook listened to someone calling, he was at the top of a ladder, arranging some instruments on the top shelf, and looked down to see two high school girls.
"Yes?"  He asked.
The same girl responded.
"I'm looking for new strings for my guitar. Can you help me?" Her voice shook a little, but at the end of the sentence she smiled confidently.
"Sure!" He went down. "Six strings or twelve strings? Nylon or steel strings?"
The two girls looked to each other in confusion.
"Ah... Six and... steel." It was almost a question.
"Ok. I'll get it for you."
From the cashier, Jessi and Ryujin watched the scene with judgmental eyes. Both of them were free, but it was obvious it wasn't their help that these girls wanted. Who knew Jungkook was going to bring new customers just for being handsome.
"I never saw these two here."  Jessi crossed her arms.
"Me neither. Bet she doesn't even have a guitar." Ryujin shrugged.
"I don't care, as long as they buy something." The other shrugged too, leaving to the back of the store.
At this moment Jungkook was coming to the cashier, three packs of guitar strings from three different brands in hand, and speaking the decorated speech they taught him on the first day, followed by the two girls, who were attentively paying attention with heart eyes.
"If you can't or don't know how to put the new strings on the guitar, just bring it here that we put for you... Not we, because I don't know how to put it, but Jessi knows..." Jungkook smiled, and it looked like the girl that didn't talk at all wasn't breathing anymore. He placed the three string options on the counter in front of his coworker, still smiling.
"Are you going to take them all?" Ryujin asked, also with the friendly smile of a good employee.
The girls' eyes widened for a second.
"No." The talkative one replied, perhaps with too much emphasis, and with a quick glance at Jungkook and an embarrassed smile, she added. "Only this one."
Ryujin took the set of strings that the girl chose - the cheapest one - to pass through the barcode reader. After the two paid, Jungkook accompanied them to the exit with a short conversation, implying that the girl should dedicate herself to learning the new instrument and wishing her luck and that she would always return if needing anything. He was happy. Technically this was his first sale ever.
At this moment you pulled over at the other side of the street and jumped off of your SUV. An excited sound left Jungkook's mouth and he beckoned. Remembering to look side to side, you crossed the street, walking straight to him.
"Hey, cutie." You gave him a shiny grin. "I've come to pick you up."
"Hm?" He was surprised, he had walked home by himself everyday since day one, and you didn't say today would be different. "Ok. Want to wait inside till my shift ends?"
You chuckled, looking at your wristwatch.
"Your shift ends in three minutes."
"Really?" His eyes widened, and his hands pulled your arm towards him - consequently you whole - so he could look at the hours too. "Wow. I didn't see the time passing..."
"Go change and pick your things." You bossed, releasing your arm from his hold just to mess up his hair.
He nodded and got back inside, fast stepping to the back of the store. Through the glass in the window you waved to the other two employees, who smiled and waved back. Ryujin seemed torn between running to you to greet you right and giving you love, or staying at her post doing her job, in the end she sent you several different hearts with her hands.
When Jungkook got back, now in his everyday large clothes instead of the shop uniform, you were exactly  on the same spot waiting for him, but now with two ice cream cones.
"I was thinking here, you said 'do you want to wait inside bla bla bla...', but like, I'm your boss, JK. If I wanted to pick you up earlier I could. You know?" You said, talking betwing licks on your ice cream.
Jungshook looked at you with a half-open mouth.
"You wouldn't." He stated.
"Why not?" You took his hand to cross the street.
"Isn't that abuse of power or something? I don't think you look like someone who has favorites... Like, you are too pragmatic, too good girl for that."
You looked offended, as if he had slapped you. You entered the car and waited for him to do the same and close the door behind him.
"First of all... The whole town already knows you, know you are my roommate. Everybody already thinks you are a favorite of mine, so no one would be surprised if I pamper you in public, cuz I do it all the time?? Aaaand...!" You aggressively put your seatbelt on."You know very well I'm part of a group considered a terrorist by the government, which automatically takes from me any title similar to good girl."
"The government is dumb. You are a hero, and this absolutely returns your title as a good girl and its variables." He raised a cocky eyebrow at you.
You started the car and turned it off again, looking at him incredulously.
"On one of our first talks, I literally told you about how I got expelled from the only school I attended in my whole life... I only went to college because my parents are rich and know important people." You shrugged at the end.
"That's not true. You are intelligent and had exemplary grades during college, I heard Jackson talking about it ..." He pointed out, before you could question how he knows it." Besides, you were expelled for protecting your family, and that is heroic to me."
"It was actually revenge and pure violence... But I'm dropping this conversation." You started the car again and it started to move just to stop right then at the red light. "Put some music on."
"Ok." Jungkook obliged. "But seriously, Y/N... Why did you get this offended at being called a good girl? Do you want to be a bad girl?"
Your face heated up. One month ago he didn't even know what playing bickering was and now this...
"Shut up!" You yelled.
He gave a loud laugh, losing it with your flustered face, and all you could do was to laugh along with him. ______________________________________________________________________________ Instead of going home, as Jungkook imagined at first, you had different plans for today. You took the road and in forty minutes you were in the neighboring city parking in front of a movie theater - the kind of thing you don’t have in your city because it’s so small. It was Saturday night and you had reason to celebrate.
"Wow, I've never been to the movies before... What are we watching?"
"You can choose." You pointed to the mural of posters and opening times of the movies. "We can also choose where we'll get dinner."
"I want pizza." He bluntly said.
You chuckled. Of course he wants pizza.
You went to buy snacks and let him get the tickets.Waiting for the big bucket of popcorn, you were humming a song that has been stuck in your head all day and drumming your fingers around the candy display case, considering buying a chocolate bar.
"Are we celebrating something? You look really excited today..." Jungkook came back, stopping by your side, looking you up and down, your whole body expression saying happy puppy to him.
You smiled as if he had catched you on something.
"Is just... You ended your first week of work ever... I finally got what I wanted from my job... We are like, both successful, gorgeous, young and free. We deserve to fill our stomachs with buttered popcorn, gummy bears, pizza and coke."
A wide smile spreaded on his beautiful face, cute teeth showing up and making your own smile wide too.
"What did you want from your job?" He picked the bucket of popcorn from the attendant's hands when you didn't notice it. "Thank you."
"I'll tell you later." You dismissed the question with a hand wave. "What movie we gonna see?"
Jungkook pointed to a dark sign with a putrefied hand coming out of a half-open wardrobe, blood dripping from the doorknob.
"A horror movie? Do you want me to scream in public?" You laughed in self-depreciation.
"I never watched one of these. It should be fun. Don't worry, I will hold your hand." Jungkook inflated his chest and indeed held your hand.
You were actually worried about him, not you. It is not your custom to watch horror movies, usually you only watch the ones with the most hype, but you know they can be very violent, and maybe your cute Jungkook still can't deal with it... Instead of voicing your concerns, you decided to pay attention to see if it really was necessary to worry at all. First sign that he was more uncomfortable than he should be, you would leave the theater.
You reciprocated his hol and scoffed.
"I'm holding your hand." _______________________________________________________________ At the end, your concerns weren't necessary. The movie was kind of trashy, besides some jump scares that got you screaming, and some disgusting, gross special effects that made you feel slightly nauseous, the bloody scenes were funnier than violent, drawing some good laughs from Jungkook. Still, he spent the entire movie holding your hand, as he promised. At the pizzeria the two of you ate until you had to open the button on your pants, still laughing at how bad the movie was, and how the couple sitting in a row in front of you were startled by silly things and made everything funnier. Jungkook was radiant, and that was what you wanted.
"A month from now when I get my first payment, we have to come back here. And I'll pay." Jungkook declared. "What reminds me, what would you say about your job?"
"Hm..." You looked around. The place was considerably crowded, normal movement for a Saturday night, your table was a little isolated, but not enough for you to have this conversation here. "My... friends wanted me to work with a guy. And I finally got the opportunity."
At first Jungkook thought of Jimin and Tae, but then the message sinked in. It was a secret organization's thing.
"Let's go?" You got up from your chair.
"Sure." Jungkook's eyes were big with curiosity. He didn't expect you to tell him about such things, but now you were implying the rest would be said in a more private place.
You two got back to the car with the pizza box with what you couldn’t eat whole and a stuffed animal that Jungkook got from a hook machine on the first try. You were feeling tired and sleepy, not in the mood for driving at all - maybe you should teach Jungkook how to drive for moments like that. You didn't put on some music or asked Jungkook to do so as you usually do.
"The organization has been investigating some lawyers, suspected of facilitating illegal hybrid purchases and transfers, and of covering up such crimes. And I basically need to get proof to frame this guy and expose who he works with." Your eyes were glued on the dark road. "Now I'm going to work directly with him."
"He is a lawyer from your firm?"
"Not yet. He is in the process of being the new partner in the firm. I worked hard to be part of the process or to be designated as his assistant." You explained, still too focused on driving. "I just have to do one mission. Whatever you want to call it. The rest is up to the organization. But for that I need to travel, to work in person, for about a week."
Oh." Jungkook looked at his hands.
Until now he hadn't thought about being alone, by himself. But of course at some point it would happen, you can't live exclusively according to him. He's not the only thing in your life, as he feels you are in his. Suddenly a week seemed like an eternity. Suddenly your apartment looked huge.
"Now I need to know what you want to do." You continued, not noticing the change in his mood.
"What do you mean?"
You made a funny face. It was like you were making a lot of effort to talk about it in a serious tone, but he could see the happy puppy in you again, and it made him relax a little bit, even though he didn't understand why.
"I thought of taking you with me, of course. But you may not want to... Which is ok too. You can stay at home taking care of things and going to work normally... Or you can stay with Taetae and Jimin... which would surely make them happy... " You chattered.
"I want to go with you. I’ll go where you go." He decided, almost solemnly. That sentence gave you both a nostalgic feeling, even though it hasn't been much more than a month since he first said it to you, and your lives changed overnight. You smiled, glad that he chose what you wanted him to.
"Awesome."  Your finger drummed on the steering wheel. "Even if it's a business trip, we're going to have some free time, so I chose a super amazing hotel with lots of things for us to have fun together, and for you to have something to do when I'm at the office. Besides... There are others things that you have to decide..."
Jungkook was already excited about the idea of having fun with you on a trip.
"What is it?"
You sighed, as if you were collecting courage to say what was on your head.
"I am thinking about it for a while now... And my friend from the organization suggested it would be a good idea too. If you were in agreement..." You hesitated. "Would you like to help me?"
Jungkook didn't answer. A stiff silence settled in. In the absence of an answer, you panicked, your fingers tightening the steering wheel.
"It wouldn't be really dangerous, because my task is simple... I would never put you in danger, JK. I don't even get involved in really dangerous situations. It's just because you know about us. I ...I'm sorry."
The silence prolonged.
It was selfish, but you saw in the opportunity of Jungkook working with you in the organization a little of your loneliness fading. Loneliness that is created when you keep a secret even from those you love the most, like your family and the guy who always says he wants to spend the rest of his life by your side. Even your best friends since childhood... Even if you don't hide the truth from them, you can't tell everything either... Your fears and concerns. With Jungkook I would be different. He would be your partner. You could lean on him. It is selfish because you promised him a new life, of peace and tranquility, without even a shadow of the horrible things he lived in the past, and you still don't even know exactly how horrible they were. And in your secret work, bad things can always appear, in one way or another.
"Anyways... One thing we are going to do for sure is bungee jumping. And I think you will love it." You cheered, masking any disappointment you could be feeling.
You chose this double life for a much bigger reason than yourself. You knew from the beginning how it would be. So let's push those bad feelings back inside and move on.
"I'm really... grateful." Jungkook whispered, uncertain voice reaching your ears. "To you, and the organization. I truly think you guys are heros. I would like to be a hero too."
"I trust you." He didn't let you interrupt. "I know that you would never put me in danger or in a situation against my will. You respect me. So I don't have concerns about it. I just don't think I'm going to be very useful... I don't know how to do anything... except to fight. And I will never do that again."
Your hand reached to his on his lap, and as it had become natural his fingers intertwined with yours.
"You don't have to worry about that. I just basically need two little things from you, and I'm sure you got it. One of them you are doing right now."
"And is it?" He was confused. He was doing absolutely nothing. Right?
"I need you to be handsome and charming, just like you are doing now, but in a button-up shirt." You winked at him, making him feel hot, and totally thankful for the darkness so you couldn't see him bright blush. "And that you watch a door for me."
"I-I can do that." ______________________________________________________________________________ The sun didn't even rise yet and you are programming the better route in your gps, sunglasses on the crown of your head, sleep still on your puffy eyes. The suitcases were already in the trunk, and the snacks on the backseat, but for some reason your travel partner was not yet seated beside you, the passenger door he forgot open, letting the morning air in, covering your skin with goosebumps. Is too early to be in a hurry, so even though you have a schedule to follow, you patiently reclined your head on the back of the seat and waited. Jungkook got out the back door of the flower shop, checking twice if he locked the door and turned on the alarm, and then ran to the car. In his hands were his keys, cell phone - that you gave him when he first started working -, and his new wallet - papers and old photograph inside.
"All ready, Y/N!" He entered and closed the door, happy smile on his also puffy face. He was about to put on his seat belt. "Wait!"
"What?" You said in your morning voice - you don't like to speak for the first hour after you wake up at all.
"I forgot my toothbrush." He was already with his hand on the door to go back and get it.
You chuckled and started the motor.
"Sorry, JK. We can buy a new one later... Now we need to hit the road." __________________________________________________________
Just like the suitcases and everything else you would need to travel, at the night before you and Jungkook prepared a travel playlist, specifically songs with road vibes and good for singing at the top of your lungs - your plan was to make him sing along with you to finally praise the beautiful voice you already know he has. If it didn't work, the next plan would be karaoke. It worked. In fact, at start your were all by yourself, you always sing in the car, so he didn't saw it as a invitation to join your personal show, preferring to eat m&m's separated by color while watching you, some hours later tho, motivated perhaps by a specific song or by the energy you established, he gave in, and now you two were having so much fun. The lyrics he didn't know - like the 70s and 80s ones you like because of your mother - you explained about the artists and bands, detailing things about their careers and why you like them, he likes it because he knows more about his job an about you, and the next second you started the next song that you both knew how to sing, there you were joyingly screaming again. You forgot to compliment his voice.
With his mouth full himself, Jungkook filled yours with mini carrots and slices of apple cutted in bunny shape. It was about 10 already, your but was square and legs were sore, you needed to stretch, not to mention your bladder, which should be twice as big as you needed to go to the bathroom.
As if he was reading your mind, the boy beside you whined.
"Y/Nnnnnnnn... I need to pee."
"Me too." You whined back. "Can you wait a little bit more? I planned a stop, and we're almost there."
"Yeah... Sure." He smiled, opening another can of energy drink.
Your look went from the road to him, from him to the can, and from the can to the road again.
"I can't see how drinking another one will help with the bathroom issue..." You mocked.
"I'm also thirsty." He answered as if it was obvious.
Almost half an hour later you parked at a gas station beside the road. As you jumped up the suv, a pursehanging on your arm - with toilet paper and other hygiene items that toilets for community use by the roads don't usually have, you are a prepared woman -, you checked your location to make sure it was the right place. You were supposed to be at a specific gas station at 11am. It only had two bathrooms. One was under maintenance, and the other had a broken lock. At least it wasn't as filthy as you expected it to be.
You handed the purse to Jungkook.
"Go first. I'll guard the door for you." You said.
Jungkook just obeyed, having taken another can and a half of soda after the energy drink. You watched the movement of people and cars, a few filling up with gas, customers at the convenience store, truck drivers stopping for lunch at the restaurant next door. There weren't many people. And you haven't seen anyone paying attention to you.
"Are you looking for something?" Jungkook quietly asked, already beside you.
"Oh. Nothing... I just zoned out. My turn." You run inside the bathroom, remembering your physiological needs.
Back at the car, Jungkook expected you to continue the journey right away, instead you grabbed the steering wheel, still looking through the window with a look so intent that a little line formed between your eyebrows. Jungkook didn't know what was bothering you out of nowhere, but he was willing to help.
"Y/N?" He put a lock of your hair behind your ear so softly that you hardly felt it at all. You looked at him, face unconsciously relaxing. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Just a little headache." It wasn't a lie, until he asked you hadn't noticed, but your head was throbbing a little. "We ran out of water, right? I'm going to buy more."
"Want me to go?" He volunteered.
You considered it. He is just so sweet. But not all places are friendly to hybrids on their own, even documented or free ones, you didn't want to find out if the convenience store was friendly or not in the worst way. It was going to ruin the mood of the trip. Strangers mistreating Jungkook for no reason is always the last thing you want in your day.
"Thanks, sweetie." You shook your head negatively. "I'll be right back."
Jungkook followed you with his eyes as you jumped off the car, walking straight with your hands on your jacket pockets, till you disappeared into the store. Last night when both of you were packing your things, you showed him a 'first aid kit bag' you prepared with several remedies you could need, remembering it now, for sure there's something for your headache there. Wanting to help, he got out and opened the trunk.
You said you would put it in your suitcase... Can he open it? Was it an invasion of privacy? Maybe the kit was in the suitcase's outer compartment, and there would be no issue...
A shiver went up his back and a growl formed in his throat, but it didn't come out. Someone was behind him, terribly close, and with a confused smell that made it impossible to know whether they were human or hybrid. Jungkook did not hear the person's footsteps approaching, and that was fearsome.
"Don't turn around, don't try running, and don't scream. Act naturally." A deep voice of a male spoke.
Despite it being low, there was so much force and authority in this voice that Jungkook couldn't desobay. His eyes reached to the store, looking for you.
"Are you Jungkook?" The voice calmly asked.
How could this guy know his name? What does he want? Different thoughts crossed Jungkook's mind, none optimistic, all scary. He wanted you to show up to save him, and at the same time, without knowing exactly what was going on and the risks, he wanted you not to come back, so you wouldn't be hurt. What should I do?
"I'm." He answered, voice firm to not show fear. A voice he is used to using almost all the time, but since you came into his life, he didn't need it anymore.
The man behind him hummed. Jungkook concluded that he must be a hybrid after all, because he had the urge that the guy was smelling him, but he couldn't say for sure, it could just be in his head. How could this guy's voice be so calm and trustful if his presence had all this power that made Jungkook unable to move a muscle? How conflicting, the feelings this caused in Jungkook were unheard of for him, a kind of fear that he never felt before, the fear that his former master imposed through threats and punishments...
Jungkook searched around, wishing the man wouldn't notice it... Somebody... Anybody... At least one person would notice that there was something wrong going on there, and if Jungkook made eye contact, if he managed to ask for help in any way, everything would be fine. But nobody seemed to see them there, nobody noticed. The gas station employees continued to work normally, the customers entering and leaving their cars, totally unaware... How frustrating.
"I'm a Y/N's friend." The man throatily said. "Nice to meet you, JK."
Jungkook's eyes wided. Friend. One of those friends of yours?
The sound of something being placed on the floor caught Jungkook's attention down, next to his feet was now a small black backpack.
"This is for her. Take care, it's fragile."
"What is it?" Jungkook questioned, not trusting at all - he wouldn't give you anything without being sure it's safe - but strangely relaxed for such an unusual situation.
A low, funny sound came from the guy. Was he laughing?
"Something you guys will need." He simply said. One moment of silence and Jungkook thought the guy was gone, but then he spoke again, now his voice seemed a lot less impersonal. "Tell her she's beautiful today. As always. Good luck."
It was not possible to hear the guy's footsteps leaving, just like when he appeared, but Jungkook felt the absence of an extra presence after a few seconds. The guy was some kind of ninja. He bent down to pick up the backpack and slung it over one shoulder, looking around, trying to find someone who could be the intimidating guy... But he found no one. Without thinking much, he took the kit and closed the trunk, returning to the passenger seat, still looking over his shoulder.
A few minutes later you got back, still with a frown in your face.
"I definitely need an aspirin... You got the kit already!" You slammed the door by accident and cringed at the loud noise, you hate to slam your car door.  "Thank you, sweetie... What is it?"
You pointed to the backpack, and Jungkook looked at you with doe eyes. Only now you noticed he was looking frightened.
"Your friend told me it is to you."
Your eyes widened as well and your hand reached your mouth. You were instructed to find someone from the organization at this gas station to receive the necessary equipment for your task. So you were stressed about nobody showing up at the appointed time, it even gave you a headache. Even though you involved Jungkook, you didn't expect them to contact him instead of you. Actually you forgot to tell him about it at all.
"Oh my... JK, I'm sorry I didn't warn you. I guess I still haven't gotten used to having a partner..."
Usually, in this kind of situation, you are all alone or needing to be sneaky around your friend and family. It was out of habit.
"It's ok." Jungkook gave you a sympathetic smile. "What do I do with it?"
"Put it on the backseat." You shrugged and started the car.
"Aren't you checking on it?" Jungkook was surprised. What if it was a bomb? You guys have used bombs before...
"Not here. First we leave." Suddenly you were on your pretty good mood again. "Can you give me an aspirin, please?"
Jungkook gave you the pill and you drank almost an entire bottle of water with it. A car honked past you, because you slowed down, but you just ignored it.
"Did my friend say anything else?" You asked, putting on some low music once again.
Jungkook looked through the window, wishing his cheeks wouldn't get red just because he agrees with what he was about to say. He couldn't look at you to say it when the wind was making your hair move to all directions as if it has his own life, or the sun on your skin makes it shine, or your eyes showing above your sunglasses as you look at him. It wasn't fair.
"He said you are beautiful today.... As always.'
A loud, ringing laugh escaped your lips, forming an incredulous smile.
"I can't believe Yoongi came personally..." You laughed again. "Now make sense... He was checking on you... He didn't let you see him, right?"
"No. He stayed behind me the whole time."
You nodded vigorously, as if that obviously confirmed what you were saying. Jungkook was confused, not understanding anything.
"Who is Yoongi?" He uncertanly asked.
Unlike when you talk about your friends of the organization, almost as if you were telling a story of people who do not exist, perhaps because they are people you work with but generally don't know, neither name nor face, when talking about this Yoongi was much like how you talk about Jimin or Taehyung, a real friend. Only with something more... An admiration that Jungkook hadn't yet heard so present in your voice.
"Min Yoongi." You said, and it was almost possible to see the fire on your eyes. "He is not just one of my friends... He is the boss."
Now it makes sense. It wasn't a ninja. It was the super hero. That is why all thatauthority in his voice and the powerful presence, totally intimidating, but at the same time Jungkook did not feel threatened as he felt so many times before... because there was no real threat. Suddenly Jungkook wasn't frightened or uncomfortable with the situation anymore, he was euphoric. He had met the boss of heroes who save hybrids, and soon he would be one too. Now it seemed a little more real that he could help others like him, just like this Min Yoongi and you.
"What are you smiling at?" You brought him back from his daydream with a teasing smirk.
"It's just... It is exciting." He was clearly excited.
Your smirk wided, eyes on the road. Your partner feels it just like you, and you almost couldn't hold yourself back. You never gave a name to it, and now Jungkook used a perfect word to describe it, and since you can't get out of your head. This secret job... secret life... It really does make you feel like a hero. Sometimes you feel guilty for feeling that way, since you were born on the bad side of history, you are human and humans are the villains. Helping hybrids to fight for justice and gain their freedom is nothing more than your obligation... But with Jungkook you can feel how you want, because you are sure that he will understand and never judge.
"Isn't it, JK?"
You two exchanged a meaningful look. The bond between you becoming stronger without you realizing it.
Just moments later you both excitedly increase the volume of the music that just started so you can sing at the top of your lungs again and again.
Tag List: @stayunderthelights  @deolly  @panconte​ @serendipityoreuphoria​ @madygswich @namjoonies-dimple @givebuckysomelove @imluckybitches @hoseokslefteyebrow  @yzkyzkuniverse @flaring-vibes @justpeachyjoon @narcissism-iskey​ @angeltothecore​ @tiberiaxs @minikolima @chaoticbabigrl @btsxdoll​ 
If you want me to add you to the list, please let me know :)
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vriswhumps · 4 years
UNBOXING VIDEO | Box Babe Bundle!
Uploaded by Adorabella on Oct 7th, 20XX
(TW: Dehumanization, Objectification, Physical abuse)
The video starts with an animated channel logo on a pink backdrop with cutesy music playing. When the intro fades away, the music stays in the background.
A pale woman with dyed blue hair pulled into a ponytail and brown eyes waves to the camera, grinning.
"Hello Adorabuddies! I'm Bella, and I have an epic video for you guys today! Remember to like, subscribe, and hit the bell if you haven't already, because you're going to want to see ALL the videos I have planned for today's topic, trust me."
"You probably saw the video title, and yes! I finally did it! Long time viewers know I've been wanting a Box Babe for ages, and this is the big day! I couldn't have done it without my adorable Patreon backers, who are getting this video a week early!"
"I should really hurry and open this box up! I'll explain everything soon though, I promise!"
The video cuts to a shaky phone camera, showing a large crate sitting in a spacious living room. Bella turns the camera to look at herself. She looks ecstatic.
"There it is! I'm literally going to die, I'm just gonna die right here and the cause of death will be too much hype! I haven't decided whether I'm gonna make it a surprise or not, so this might be a shocker for you guys or it might not, but there are two Babes in there! Two!"
"I need to- hold on a sec, Adorabuddies-"
She props the phone camera up on something so she can use both hands to heave the lid off of the box and remove the newspaper from the top of the box, scattering everything on the floor behind her. She gasps at what's inside, and runs back over to the phone.
"Oh. My god. They're so cute, you guys! Look!"
She aims the camera into the box, showing two girls blindfolded and tied together in a hugging position. Bella sets the phone down to reach into the box, starting to unclasp one of the girls. The girl flinches away at the contact with a whimper, and Bella hesitates for a moment before resuming what she's doing.
"I'm sure they're a little rattled from transit, that's alright. They did get here just a day after Whumpees-R-Us said they'd be shipping them, though, so they should be fi- ha! Gotcha!"
She undoes the last clasp attaching the girl to the other, and lifts her up.
She's smaller than Bella, with a sheet of brown hair stuck to her face with sweat. Once Bella has her out of the box, she sets her down on the ground before reaching back into the box for the other Babe.
"I can't wait to get a better look at these Babes! I didn't really-"
She huffs with the effort of lifting the second girl, who seems almost unresponsive. Bella doesn't seem worried about it, just annoyed that this girl is heavier than the other one.
She finally gets her out and plops her down more roughly than the first, taking a second to catch her breath. She shot the camera a lopsided grin. Behind her, the first girl fumbles to help the second sit up.
"They didn't tell me this would be a workout! But like I was saying, uh, I didn't really get to customize these two's looks at all, which is fine! I can already tell they're some cuties."
She grabs the first girl's face a little roughly, tilting it to get a better look at her.
"I've seen a lot of other YouTubers unbox their pets, so I think I basically get the gist here? This might look a little bad if you're new to PetTube, but I promise it's what you're supposed to do-"
Before the words are even fully out of her mouth, she slaps the girl across the mouth. She yelps, jerking to the side.
"See? Nice and responsive."
She reaches behind the girl's head, ignoring the way she tries to shrink backwards as soon as Bella's hand comes near her again. She slides the blindfold up off of her head, discarding it off camera. She grins, immediately cupping her new pet's cheek.
"Oh, you're adorable! I had no idea you'd be this precious!"
The girl blinks slowly, her eyes unfocused for a few seconds before finding Bella. She has one blue eye and one green one, which seems to be the source of Bella's delight. She opens her mouth slightly to make a noise, but closes it again to run her tongue over her chapped lips.
Bella watched her do so for a few seconds before her eyes widen slightly, and she makes an exaggerated dive for something offscreen.
"Shoot! I think I did it backwards, does water come first-? Whatever, one sec."
She returns with two bottles of water, setting one on the floor and opening the other and handing it to the girl.
The girl nearly snatches it from her, tilting her head back to drink all of it rapidly. Bella seems a little offended at her new pet's rudeness, and huffs. She looks back at the camera.
"They told me one of them was refurbished-"
She either doesn't notice the girls flinch or she ignores it.
"-And that's part of why they were cheaper than the other pairs they had. I think I know which one they were talking about. I'll have to check the papers!"
She chuckles, but it's forced. She steps over to the second girl and offers the other bottle to her. She doesn't move to take it from where she's sitting.
Bella frowns, lifting her other hand to smack her across the face, much like she did with the first girl. The girl startles but doesn't make a sound. She hesitantly takes the water from Bella.
"There we go, good girl. Now hold still while I get this off of you."
She pulls the blindfold off of her before she's done drinking, discarding it like the other one. The girl barely reacts other than a slight trembling at Bella's touch, even as she blinks her blue eyes open.
She finishes about half of the water before stopping, her gaze flitting back and forth. She can't quite seem to find Bella until she starts waving her hand, but when she finds her a nervous smile makes its way into her face.
Bella turns back to her audience.
"Okay, now I know which is which. This Babe is blind, or, you know, legally she is. She can still see stuff if you get reeeeally close. I think."
"...On-only if the thi-thing is moving."
Bella's head snaps in the direction of the first girl in surprise, lowering her hand. She laughs, her eyes darting back to the camera.
"Looks like somebody's feeling talkative! If you're feeling so well, how about we show you off to the viewers? Come here."
The girl tenses, but obediently stands up. She sways a little, disoriented. Bella is suddenly all in the girl's space, lifting up her arm to show off her barcode to the camera.
"See how there's a blacked out code above this one? That's proof she's secondhand, so I guess I might need to be a little harder on her."
The girl looks extremely uncomfortable, but Bella moves on to run her fingers through her long hair, only to retract her hand with a grimace.
"Once I'm done showing you all these two beauties I need to get them washed. Your hair is so oily, girl. Kinda nasty."
Her hand instead wraps around the girl's wrist. The other girl is looking somewhere else, but she seems to be listening because she self consciously runs a hand through her own hair.
"This little shorty is just domestically trained, so she should be keeping this place nice and clean for me! Not too fun, but that's why I got two!"
She lets go of her and moves on to the other, helping the blonde stand up.
"This Babe is the one that's going to be fun to play with."
The domestic girl shudders at that, but the blonde only smiles in that same unsure way. Her smile dims considerably when Bella leans forward to give her a peck on the lips, but the girl seems to be trying to look unbothered.
"...If you know what I mean."
"But anyway, I really should get these two washed up and get them some food. Thank you guys so much for watching, and thank you again to my Patreon supporters for making this all possible! I'll have more videos coming out about these two, including what I'll be naming them, so don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss seeing more of these cute Babes!"
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baekhyuq · 5 years
“Déjà vu.” | Baekhyun (m) Teacher!AU | Chapter 5:
Title: “Stay up.”
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst (maybe)
Warnings: Smut/Language
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: Your new obsession as of late has been masturbating sessions when your favorite cam boy is live-streaming . But too bad some nights you’ve got too much homework due from your Psychology teacher to watch your oh so hot cam boy.
deja vu masterlist
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(Before you continue I just want to say I’m so sorry for making some of you wait 5 months for me to update this story. I’ve gotten so busy with school and I graduated may 25th :) now i have a job and am trying to pursue school in the future. Just a little life update.)
“So you won’t let me?” You giggled as you held Baekhyun’s hand that was down between your legs.
“Did I say that?” He whispered as he curled his fingers and made you squeeze your thighs around his hand. He could make you cum any second and you’d be happy.
“F-fuck.” You choked out, you wanted to cum, no, you needed to cum. Baekhyun was holding out on you through this whole movie. It was thursday night and you both were getting each other off in the cinema on the back row where you guys usually sit. You’re pretty sure somebody has caught on to what you both do when the lights are off, it’s no secret when Baekhyun’s grunts and moans are as loud as the giant silver screen.
You’ve always found his moans gorgeous, they were breathtakingly beautiful. The sound was always music to you ears when you would rub over the tip of his cock as he tried not to buck his hips. His adorable moans sounding only for you.
Your stomach twisted as Baekhyun’s fingers sped up their motions. You could hear the suggestive words Baekhyun was mumbling into your ear as he leaned his head on your shoulder as he always did. His words were absolute filth at this point, saying anything and everything on his mind to get you off.
“You’re such a good little whore aren’t you?”
“Your little cunt can’t take this much can it?”
“When I get you alone you’re in for it, you slut.”
“I’m gonna make you feel really good, would you like that, baby?”
His mindless dirty talk could go for hours, and you wouldn’t be tired of it. You found it an attractive trait of Baekhyun’s, his dedication to anything was admirable.
“I’m going to cum, oh my god. Baekhyun please.” You grabbed ahold of his wrist and came undone on his hand. Your legs jolted and you whined quietly as the cinema was silent.
“Fuck me.” You breathed out in exhaustion.
Baekhyun curled his fingers that remained and you almost choked on your own spit.
“Language, sweetheart.” He smiled at you sweetly, his eyes showing how much he was enjoying this control over you. Like he could play you like a flute to charm any snake.
He pulled out his fingers and sucked on each one and the sight made your mouth water. He got to his middle finger and before he lifted it to his mouth you grabbed his hand and sucked on it suggestively.
Baekhyun’s mouth fell open and you giggle, tapping on his chin.
“Close your mouth hun, a fly might choke you up.” And with that you got up and proceeded to the exit of the cinema. The movie now being over without either of you realizing.
Baekhyun dropped you off at your apartment and asked if he could come up.
“Sorry, I have a lot of work to do and you’re the perfect distraction. Come back another time lover boy.” You blew him a kiss and he oh-so-lovingly caught it and placed it in his pocket.
“Call me then.” He smiled and waved goodbye, you did the same and took the elevator up to your floor.
For a special treat you offer Baekhyun a cup of coffee at his favorite spot. And for some reason you both decide to walk to the shop on a very cold day, the random cold front in the transitioning weather throwing everyone for a loop. Baekhyun kindly offers you a hand warmer and you happily take it. The weather still as cold as it could be outside.
“Its been so breezy the past few weeks, until this cold spurt hit us!” Baekhyun shutters, he hates the cold and you know it for a fact. You smile at his cute whiny attitude he displayed when he was complaining about anything. To think this man could be the exact opposite of himself at one second made you question reality, how lucky did you get.
“Its so cold your nose is even red, you’re too cute Baek.” You tapped his nose with your gloved hand, giggling. Baekhyun responded with a huff.
“Cute my ass, this cold weather is going to be the end of me.” He scoffs, opening the door for you to enter the coffee shop.
You giggle at the thought that Baekhyun’s skinny frame doesn’t conduct as much heat as yours can.
Typically you didn’t drink coffee but since Baekhyun did it became another ritual to get coffee at least one day out of the week. You smiled to yourself thinking about how much you both see each other and how nice it is to spend time with somebody who loves and understands you.
Somebody like Baekhyun.
Baekhyun stands in line while you pick a spot, the shop actually quite empty. You have no problem finding an empty table in a comfortable spot by the window in the back. Baekhyun soon comes to join you with his steaming coffee and your hot chocolate.
You didn’t notice the pink envelope under your hot chocolate till you picked up the cup. You curiously gaze at Baekhyun who’s eyes are set on whatever’s happening outside the window. You smile and open the envelope with care, you pull out a card that’s decorated with pink hearts and cursive writing. You couldn’t help but to imagine Baekhyun going to a store to pick out a card and your heart swelled with adoration.
You opened the card and read the question out loud.
“Dear Y/n, you’ve gotten me through this semester. Will you be my love and get me through next semester?”
You saw Baekhyun’s sides of his mouth turn up into a smile as he turned his head to face you. Your cheeky smile answered the question for him, but you knew he wanted to hear it.
“Yes.” You whispered for him to only hear, the hair on his neck stood straight up. You sat back in your seat before sipping your hot chocolate, satisfied.
“I must be dreaming, you said yes?” Baekhyun’s expression was so surprised it made you laugh. His cute lips forming his signature pouting shape, and his adorable brown eyes wide.
“Is it so hard to believe I like you?” You hit his arm playfully.
“I-I just-“
“Just shut up you fool.” You laughed and kissed his cheek, he placed his hand on his cheek acting bashful.
This was the side of Baekhyun you could baby for days on end and not find a stopping point. Baekhyun being w complete and utter puppy made your heart melt into a puddle on the floor.
Baekhyun stared at you through long lashes, his hands on both his cheeks.
You reached across the table and pinched his cheeks in adoration. “Cutie.”
The day carried on with you both being as lovey dovey as possible, watching cheesy rom com’s. Eating chocolates and giving each other kisses here and there.
You didn’t want to tell him what you had planned but the night was leading up to this moment. With all the touches, the kisses, the whispers. Something’s bound to happen.
You went out yesterday and bought a set of lingerie. You knew Baekhyun loved the color black, so when you knew you would be ‘getting some’ soon you thought you would take the opportunity to play dress up.
What was your motive? To get Baekhyun fired up enough to rip your clothes off and reveal that you were trying to impress him with your choice of lingerie.
Baekhyun was starting to get touchy, really touchy. You could feel his hand sliding up and down your thigh, and pinching you cheekily. You would look over at him but he would pretend to not know what we was doing. You figured you would have to take the lead if he wasn’t going to this time.
Baekhyun cut you off with a rough kiss, with his hand in your hair and another on your jaw. You couldn’t have been more surprised, kissing him back with as much passion as you received.
Your hands pulled on the bottom of his shirt and he instantly got rid of it. And in return he laid you on the couch and began to strip you. Piece by piece your black lingerie set was revealed to him and man did you love the way his eyes scanned your body like a barcode.
The look in his eyes was more than ravenous, his eyes were dark and filled with desire. He ran his hand up your side gingerly, soaking in every centimeter of your body.
How much could you take? He thought, how long could you go until you begged him to stop. How many spankings could you take until your ass turned raw and red. Baekhyun thought of all the ways he could touch you and it just fueled his fire.
Baekhyun wanted to ruin you in every way he knew how and it started with taking off your carefully selected lingerie set. He knew you bought it, he saw the bag at the entrance of the door. Silly girl, he thought. To leave such a big surprise like that from him.
Baekhyun pushed the strap of your bra down your shoulder slowly— sexily. He slid the straps down and let your breasts slowly peak out from the constricting bra. You sighed at the feeling of the cold air hitting your chest.
Baekhyun kissed down your chest, placing one on each breast, on your torso and on the sides of your hips. He wanted to worship you.
He pushed your panties down your legs and tossed them onto the floor carelessly. He slid a finger over your skin, letting goosebumps rise.
The tip of his finger as cold as he air, he let his eyes take in your lying figure. Every inch of every curve and edge. He wish he had a photographic memory but he would only be able to remember your first fuck from his laptop recording.
“Baekhyun, hurry.” You whined, Baekhyun delivered your request, striping you out of your sexy attire and he couldn’t be more happy to see your naked body before him once again.
But this time he didn’t want to be slow, he wanted to be selfish, he wanted to please you as fast as he possibly could.
Baekhyun kissed you deeply and sighed at the feeling that overwhelmed him. The feeling of loving somebody so deeply your heart throbs.
And oh boy were you a heart throb.
He’s pulling your core closer to his hardened cock and you can’t help but to crave him in every way possible. You feel dirty, you feel like a sex hungry woman and you can’t deny any of it.
“Y/n, you’re so fucking tight, still.” Baekhyun grunts as he slides in slowly, saving the rest of his length for a surprise later he begins thrusting in and out. You moan lightly, the feeling of being full not quite there yet, and you were happy.
This night couldn’t have gone anymore right. You thought.
Baekhyun was biting on your neck, sucking, kissing, slobbering, he was all over you like raindrops on roses. You felt your senses become heightened and you craved only Baekhyun in this moment.
You begged for him to pleasure you until you came and he did. He didn’t hold back, snapping his hips accordingly. Your climax left as soon as it came. You were sure Baekhyun came in you but you didn’t care enough to stay awake to find out. You were fast asleep after hearing Baekhyun confess his love for your cunt.
“I know you need it, honey.”
You woke up in Baekhyun’s bed, wondering how you went from playing games on your console to Baekhyun’s bed. You turned to see the sleeping man with his arms wrapped around your waist and his head laying on your tummy. You found this version of Baekhyun to be adorable. The small things like this made you wonder how it would be to live together some day.
A domesticated Baekhyun.
You try to stretch your legs without moving Baekhyun, and hear your ankles let out a satisfying pop. Baekhyun grabs onto your middle tighter groaning in protest at your sudden movement.
“No leaving.” He mumbles, the breath fanning over your chest, giving you goosebumps.
“We didn’t even go to sleep till the sun came back up. Thanks to-“ You cut yourself off, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing you went all night, staying up through the night trading sleep for sex. Baekhyun made love to you the way you liked, he would lay you back gently and kiss up and down your body, till you were ready. He’d whisper loving things to you quietly, as if anyone else could hear.
“Thanks to you. You wanted more and more, hm?” He chuckled, rubbing your hip with his hand. “You’re the one to blame.” He traced a shape on your hip bone before moving his fingers down further to your pubic bone.
“You’re the one who begged for more. And more. And more.” He slid a finger over your slit playfully. You yelped, pushing his hand away and pouting.
“You always tease me, it’s not fair.” You thump him on his forehead. Baekhyun lets out a hmm, as you slide out of his arms and stand, stretching more. He has the best view of you wearing his t-shirt, he reaches out to smack your ass. “Ay!”
“Just know who you’re messing with.” He chuckles. You turn around and point at him threateningly.
“I don’t know if I should hit you or not. It’s so tempting.” You sigh, before slapping his own bum playfully. Baekhyun responds with little giggles as if he told his crush he liked them. Baekhyun stretches and he makes going back into bed so tempting. You decide to drag him into the kitchen and make breakfast for you both.
Baekhyun scrolls through his phone as he chews his food. You look over to see him taking a picture of you, you blink as the flash goes off and fight for his phone demanding to see it before he keeps it. He shows you the picture and you almost laugh. Your hair is sticking up in different directions, there’s hickeys on your neck and thighs and your boyfriends shirt looks too big for you as it slides off your shoulder.
“This is my new lock-screen, thanks baby.” He says kissing your cheek quickly. You roll your eyes.
“I’ll grant you my permission this time. But next time i’ll be prepared.” You glare at him and pinch his cheek. Baekhyun laughs smacking your thigh.
“So what are the plans for today?” He asks.
You had no plans today, just be lazy around Baek’s place and play games. “I want to spend the day with you.” You poke your lip out to act cute. Baekhyun recoils and cringes. He thought ageyo was cringey.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, back hugging him. “Pwease can I?” You plead with baby talk.
“Hm. Ill have to hold a meeting as to if you are allowed to or not.” Baekhyun jokes. “Of course you can.”
You smile and kiss the side of Baekhyun’s mouth. “I’m going to shower.”
“Can I come?” He gives you his best puppy eyes, which you shoot down immediately.
“Not a chance lover boy.”
Your shower last about 30 minutes and while you’re cleaning yourself you discover Baekhyun has a cute set of towels with puppies printed all over them. You wrap yourself in one after drying off and make your way to Baekhyun’s room for a change of clothing.
Baekhyun gulps as he sees you with just a towel on and he wants to remove the towel and lick all the water droplets from your body.
He can’t resist you.
You feel Baekhyun pull on your towel teasingly and you swat at his hand.
“Watch it Byun.” You command playfully before slipping on a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts. You feel comfortable.
And in this moment Baekhyun thinks you look absolutely adorable.
taglist: @deliciouslydisturbed365 @92byunie @thenamethatisgiven (tell me if you would like to be tagged or untagged)
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glassrunner · 4 years
I was tagged by my dear @saltybatman​! <333
Dogs or cats? catssss YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? normal I guess If you could choose to live anywhere, where would it be? I really wanna say Venice... but I think maybe New York City might be cool Disney or Dreamworks? both Favorite childhood TV show? A:TLA!!! The movie you’re looking forward to in 2020? uh I don’t know... probably Weathering with You Favorite book you read in 2019? I reread Speaker for the Dead and I still love the shit out of that series Marvel or DC? Marvel If you chose Marvel, favorite member of the X-Men? M A G N E T O Night or day? both Favorite Pokémon? I’m not really big on Pokémon but Charizard seems like a swell little dude Top 5 bands/artists? Garbage, Daughter, Death Cab for Cutie, Solar Fields, Lights Top 10 books? OOF -- The Ender Saga, The Inheritance Cycle, Wintergirls, Speak, The Glass Castle, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter... look I haven’t read a lot of new books in a long fucking time Top 4 movies? Iron Man, The Edge of Seventeen, Princess Mononoke, La La Land US or Europe? EU of course Tumblr or Twitter? ... Tumblr Favorite vacation destination? Venice was the most beautiful trip I’ve ever been on and I think back on it often Favorite YouTuber? I don’t watch YouTubers anymore but Barcode is by far my favorite streamer <3 Favorite author? I’ve never read every single book by any one author so I can’t say Tea or coffee? hot chocolate/water OTP? Jim/Pam will always make me cry, but Amberprice is definitely definitely a close second Do you play an instrument or sing? yeah, I play piano, trumpet, self-taught guitar, and I sing but not really in front of others unless I really like you :)
I tag @spacerist, @rhysfiona, @nathanprescutt, @thatmetalnamegirl
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ofvarners-blog · 6 years
* pops out of a trash can *   who’s ready to meet the worst of the worst™
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・:*:・゚☆ ( bill skarsgard. twenty six. cismale. he/him ) ↷ ( eliot varner ) has been spotted by the paparazzi in los angeles. they are a/n ( b ) list celebrity known for their career as a ( actor ). they’re known by their fans to be ( suave, intellectual & articulate ) but the tabloids frequently portray them to be ( caustic, conceited & irascible) . i wish them every success in the entertainment industry. (jo. nineteen. gmt. she/her) ・:*:・゚☆
what’s up guys & dolls,  i’m jo and i fell asleep last night (damn british time zone) after my follow was posted BUT --- here i am.
trigger warnings:     implied abuse.
eliot varner is my most reused baby. because i love him so much. i’ve had him in literally thousands of groups  &  should probably make a new boi ... but nah. 
to summarise him in one sentence i’d say :   an asshole of an ex-child star with self destructive tendencies and a literature degree that he can’t do anything with. 
but for the long story ---   eliot was born in quebec to martin varnèr and terri danhuer. I fancast his parents as mads mikkelson and michelle pfieffer bc i love them.
his mother is a former starlet too. played a final girl in ‘typical slasher film no.101239′ and has now made half a dozen cameos in any horror film/show that would take her.
when eliot was a baby, terri insisted that he did modelling because she wanted to live vicariously.  when he was four she’d already pushed him in to acting classes & auditions. that was when he was cast as richard ‘little ricky’ johnson in what would become a loved family sitcom ‘life of harry’
terri moved him to los angeles and in exchange martin divorced her. rip.
growing up on the show was great for the first few seasons. eliot was cute af and he got a lot of opportunities for that. he won young performer awards and was a national cutie. ricky was like the male stephanie tanner.
when eliot was just nine years old he worked with a childrens tv director who took advantage of him & everything changed.
he became really bitter at his mother and hollywood for doing this to him. he started acting out on set. got the rep as a bit of a trouble maker. other company’s stopped hiring him. then when he was 12 he starting bullying a younger costar and his contract was stopped.
they recast him and the show went on to do one more season before it was cancelled. eliot is cocky enough to think it’s bc they got rid of him.
he moved back to quebec where his dad sorted him out. his dad is the greatest person in the world. an actual angel.
eliot went on to study literature in college and had a good old normal experience. until shortly after graduation his friend asked him to star in his web series because he couldn’t find an actor. 
that’s when eliot realised that he did actually enjoy acting and was good at it. 
his dad wanted to strangle him when he said he was gonna move back to los angeles and become an actor again but martin realised he shouldn’t stop him. 
eliot has been back in los angeles for almost three years now and since then he’s started in several award winning indie films and had a fair guest spots in tv shows. 
he’s picked up the attention of the paparazzi’s & press who want to know who he is now. there have always been rumours that he was a drug addict since he got fired. that he was a bully. infact the rumours changed every week.
eliot atm is really good at keeping his personal life private. he is knows to flip the bird at cameras but only because he’s smart. he knows that if he gives them drama they wont go digging. 
currently starring in a tv remake of 'The Lost Boys’ film as dwayne, the dark & brooding one. he didn’t expect the show to last more than one season but it’s proving to be riverdale style popular.
some fun facts about eliot
bisexual af but considers that his private life and doesn’t want anyone to find out. mainly bc he doesn’t want to be turned in to a martyr by the press.
is a scotch man unless he’s in a bad mood, then it’s straight vodka.
has a scruffy selkirk rex cat called hades whom he brought in as a stray.
is rich af from the life of harry earnings that martin put away. has house in the private section of the hollywood hills.
his house looks like a show home bc he has zero personal effects on show. 
has a tattoo of a barcode on his forearm bc hollywood treated him like he was just a number.  also a smoking skull on the top of his other arm & a the phrase ‘Chacun voit midi à sa porte’ which basically means everyone puts themselves first (ish).
is a native french canadian so french is his first language. he captions his instagrams in french to fuck people off. (bear with me on this front, i’m in the middle of learning french)
is a big mess.
needs friends to stop him drinking too much as he complains about his mothers drinking
needs casual flings & people he can protend to have feelings for
needs publicity stunts that make him look good 
also needs enemies. lots of em.
and most importantly: his mun needs friends & plots so like this and i’ll sneak in to your dms. 
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