#i normally have like 3 a year at most and usually theyre like im sick sick with a cold/flu and haven't eaten in 24+ hrs
watercolor-wings · 4 months
Gotta love it when your body starts displaying Different Symptoms™ and you're just like aw fuck what is it now
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dreamgirledward · 2 years
tag game ! :)
ahh ty for the tags lu & billy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 @castieldean @manforsale ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better
name: sammy!
star signs: virgo sun, gemini moon, capricorn rising
height: 5'1"/ 155 cm if u want to laugh at me dw im used to it 🥲
time: 1:32pm
birthday: aug 25
favorite bands: (not all of these are bands!) florence + the machine, bts, tame impala, brockhampton, mitski, paul simon, bruce springsteen, fleetwood mac, orville peck, rina sawayama, christine and the queens, lcd soundsystem, david bowie, joni mitchell, the rolling stones, chvrches, hozier
last movie: thor 💞 and ⚡️ :^)
last show: wwdits 🧛🏼
when i created this blog: 2012 LMAO
what i post: literally anything - im sure most people know me as a spn blog which is fair ! but anyone who knows me knows ive got range (🤡) so ya my blog is whatever i want it to be !!
last thing i googled: "how to remove pages from a pdf without acrobat" SDJKFHSDJKHGF
other blogs: ough i used to have sideblogs but theyre dead now and honestly! im not rly a sideblog girlie, i dont have the energy lol
do i get asks?: depends! for some reason i got a lot when i was busiest last semester but virtually none now. id love to receive more if theyre nice <3
following: .......2197...... that's what happens when you have the same blog for 10 years ig 🤪 i need to go through and unfollow tho im sure 70% of them are inactive or dont interest me anymore
average hours of sleep: maybe 6 or 7 on a good day if i sleep at a relatively normal time (which is like 1 or 2am i know i know that's not good trust me i know) ?? it's usually less tho, and not enough, i frequently wake up very tired
instruments: none i am musically challenged 🥰
what im wearing: a black oversized mitski shirt and black flowy culottes :))
dream job: [a successful] film editor!
dream trip: cant think of a specific type of trip so im just gonna list places ive been wanting to visit: ive wanted to go to hawaii my whole life but i know tourism is fucking the islands up so :''') yeah lol rip, egypt without having to worry about heat stroke so sometime in the spring, iceland would be so sick (actually anything as far up north as you can get would be the sickest), hong kong with my best friends, lots of places! i just really want to travel 😭
nationality: canadian but my ethnicity's egyptian!
favorite songs: pink in the night by mitski (nobody say anything 🔫), immaterial by sophie, graceland by paul simon, hungry heart by bruce springsteen, kalahari down by orville peck, she's a rainbow by the rolling stones, hammond song by the roches, sweet by brockhampton, river by leon bridges, i by kendrick lamar, breathe deeper by tame impala, epilogue: young forever, butterfly, trivia: love, respect, and telepathy all by bts OUGH forgetting so many but i wont bore u these are just what i thought of without checking anything hehe
last book ive read: the marrow thieves by cherie dimaline (for my 20th cen children's literature course, of which this book is not 20th cen but we're doing comparisons rn lol)
top 3 fictional universes id like to live in: billy said wwdits which is a rly good answer. all i can think of is middle earth and specifically the shire bc those hobbits rly do know how to just chill. cant think of anything else skjhdfj
tags! <3
@crosbystillsandhash @taikacohen @bronconatural @monstermoviedean @caskarass @twocarsonenight @hotgirlhirsch @citruscas @danneelswife @emeraldcas @gayangelsmp3 @jewishdeanwinchester @agentgayngel @heartshapedcas @girlblocker @kellyscabin @clairewolf @katebushstandean @skepticalfrogg @risencas
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He makes me livid! I get so mad!!! I don't understand him at all. He makes me go UGH but in bad ways.
I went off on him first before I realised what his problem was... Like total accusations and misfit drama. All paranoid loca. I don't give a shit.
I draw conclusions and those were the most obvious.
But when you know someone... You have to remember their stupidity. One time he confessed... And I already had decided to break up with him... I was all I'm waiting till his dad dies then I'm done. He's a good friend when he tries but he doesn't make me,a priority. And so I hadn't told him. I just tired of him,upsetting me so I had to remove me.
So he said he wouldn't do anything for his pain,then, he would take 2x his Percocet with 5 shots of tequila then treat me like shit.
I really hadnt noticed. I was all "oh he's just in his mood where he's decided I'm not important to him"
And true enough when he told me his dad died I walked away from our relationship.
But honestly ... Years later... I missed him.. Because he treated me best. Because I say I walked
I mean I left, completely.
But despite his faults he's always treated me best. I mean person to person. He didn't give me what I wanted from,the relationship. But as a low key friend, he understood me the most
He understood i was scared to go to sleep and he would stay on the phone and help,me,sleep so I could. No one else can do that. My daughter, if she was sleeping with me. I could listen to her breathe and I could fall asleep that way. Because it would calm my r breathing if she was sleeping that calm sleep,breath
But he knew all what to say. And I never had to tell him or even tell him I was afraid to sleep or even admit it to myself.
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I hope this helps some of y'all that are anti medicine as well.
I don't like hospitals or doctors (I like my personal doctors But aside from them) in general. I'm afraid of them. They make me hostile. I feel like theyre some dangerous S&M dungeon
Go and wait for hours to get bad news then they don't give you what you need because you're so fucking exhausted they don't understand. Or don't care or are the ones that like to kill patients.
So I like my doctors although I have to wait for hours to see them past my appointment time, they take extra time to see me and cover what I think I need. Their quality is worth the wait. I have 3. Primary, Pain and Urgent Care. And I use the computer urgent care where I leave an online message after finishing a long ass quizz through the insurance website.
And whatever pills they give me, I Google to make sure they were right. They always are. Im also interested in what else the pills cover. Like i take 2 different anti seizure pills for pain and one also for insulin sensitivity increase and metabolic increase. And i take an antidepressant that also covers fibromyalgia.
I have 13 prescriptions. Monthly. Some I have to take more than once per day. Plus i take vitamins.
Then I Google the pharmacy pills to make sure the pharmacy was right.
I get it. Sometimes I don't want to take 13 prescriptions more than once per day or even at all.
But we need to know what we are taking and why.
And why it is important.
And we need to take our medicine. So we can survive
I think this information is especially important during this epidemic.
Now realize that antibiotics are not useful on viruses unless the virus causes a bacterial infection. Like.
A cold is a virus but in some people like myself and used to in my daughter, causes a severe sinus infection which requires antibiotics.
I know the point at which we need antibiotics and so i go to my urgent care lady because she understands and we just do a walk in. And i don't overwhelm my doctor who is taking time to give quality care and has long waiting patients.
But otherwise a virus does not respond to antibiotics. And anti-virus medications are quite rare.
Flu shot... But not a cold shot..
So we take over the counter medicine for our symptoms. Like coughing and runny nose
Sinus pressure in the eyes, nose, teeth. Jaw.
If you have a tooth ache you can take sinus medicine. Because the worst tooth pain is actually in your sinus cavity! That's a secret trick. Works every time.
So basically anytime you have facial pain that doesn't respond to Tylenol or ibuprofen or alieve, you can take sinus medicine. Also ear pain.
Google sinus cavities in the face and you'll see why.
Now an ear and sinus infection is a bacteria, usually but usually our bodies can fight it Well without an anti biotic. As long as it is treated with over the counter medicine. But sometimes, like with myself and my daughter, sometimes an antibiotic is needed..but that is after at least a week to 10 days of serious green overflow that doesn't respond to over the counter medicine.
Sometimes the bacteria is lab revealed by terrorists during the "flu and cold season" to create an income for pharmaceutical companies. For my daughter and i, they're usually too strong for our immune system.
Although since my ex husband left town, my daughter's immune system has significantly became stronger. While mine has not. So she needs less antibiotics, than I do.
Otherwise, my body can fight it on its own with a few doses of otc.
I had a tooth pulled a few years ago.. It created a pathway to my sinuses. I could rinse water in my mouth and it would come out my nose. I saw an ear, nose and throat specialist whom said i needed surgery immediately to repair my nose.
I said no thank you mother fucker
I had to have clearance from my cardiologist. So i took a stress test and failed. So i had to have an ultra sound. It wasn't good. But they said I could have the surgery since it was simple.
I said that's cool, but I don't want to.
I haven't done it. So I get sinus infection and pain quite often. My bone structure in my nose is center in my right nostril. Meaning it's really fucking bad
From being punched in the face a lot. The surgery sounds fucking horrible. And it's a cosmetic change.
I'm all nope. I'm a single mom. She don't take good care of me. I'll drown in the blood sliding down the back of my throat.
The tooth removal was so bad... It was horrible. There was blood every where for days... I can only imagine the nose surgery would be the same
I also hate the smell of blood. So I'm like no. It sounds like the most miserable thing.
If I had someone to take care of me and baby me like a little blood soaked lamb in need of care... That's s different story.. But I don't have anyone that would take care of me
After my tooth... I was throwing up the blood and my kid just stood there and stared,. Which I wanted to hide it from her I was sick... But I was in the kitchen and began violently puking in the trash can... Scared her to death
"Mom I'm scared"
"I am, too. This has never happened before"
So yeah fuck that nose. I got one crooked fucking nose. And it makes me sick.
She wants me to have surgery so I'll quit snoring.
Ear plugs are at the Dollar Tree, babe.
So y'all take your pills that you need
Some one cares about you
And they don't want to slap your face off. But you'll drive them to it. And a crooked nose isnt all its cracked up to Be. It pretty much sucks.
I can't even blow it Like a normal person....
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emilyjunk · 5 years
hi im sad do you have an hcs about bemily meeting at an ice cream shop?
during beca’s senior year of high school her dad makes her get a job and the only place hiring is fucking baskin robbins so... beca starts working at baskin robbins
she hates it obviously... people suck and they’re always dropping their ice cream and she has to clean it up ://///
also sometimes people come in and get like twelve samples and then end up picking vanilla and becas like wtf why??? vanilla is the most boring flavor on the whole dumb menu????
anyway the WORST is when they get HUUUUGE groups coming in like after sporting events and things... it’s so busy and chaotic
the second worst thing is when she sees people from school because that’s embarrassing. beca always pretends she doesn’t know them.
the ultra worst thing is when people from school are in a huge group
and thats what happens every fucking saturday afternoon
this huge group of girls from school comes in after their soccer game. every saturday without fail. they’re obnoxious and always make a mess and never can decide what they want
and beca like, totally doesnt even like any of them because jocks are so lame? theyre dumb and usually dicks. the soccer girls aren’t the worst but they also arent that great
so one day beca is stressing because the soccer girls are gossipping in line and becas just fucking standing there waiting for them to pick an ice cream flavor and her shift isnt over for another hour so everything just sucks... and then... then it doesnt suck so much. bc then one of the girls is like “hey guys... let’s order and take this outside so we dont hold up the line!” and she gives beca a knowing smile... so pretty and soft and empathetic
beca recognizes her, but isn’t one hundred percent sure of her name. she’s in the grade under beca, about to be a junior, and they’ve never had a class together. but beca recognizes her face from the halls.
beca decides this girl doesnt completely suck. at least as much as the others. 
after that, beca starts seeing her around all the time. she sees her in the halls at school, talking with friends at her locker. she sees her saturdays after soccer games at baskin robbins. she even sees her once at the movies when her stupid neighbor jesse drags her along to the newest superhero flick
it gets to the point where beca randomly thinks about this girl she doesnt know on and off throughout the day, and it makes her roll her eyes at herself but whatever. the girl is nice and she’s pretty and beca’s never had a gf, but she knows she really likes girls, and so just... whatever. she can think about people in her head alright? it doesnt mean anything!
“look,” cynthia rose says when the soccer girls come every saturday. “it’s beca’s crushtomer.”
“my what?” beca asks the first time this happens.
“crushtomer,” tssks her manager aubrey. “it’s when you have a crush on one of your regulars. and it’s obviously unprofessional beca.”
“she’s not my... crushtomer.”
“please. we can see your custoner from space.” beca stares and aubrey rolls her eyes. “customer boner. obviously.”
“you guys are weird.” beca scoffs.
but then the girl’s ordering and becas smiling... yeah... smiling wtf... as she scoops vanilla ice cream onto a waffle cone and god fucking dammit... she totally has a crushtomer.
alright so whatever beca has it bad for this customer but it’s whatever. she doesn’t even know the girl’s nam-
the girl whips her head around as her teammate comes jogging up to her and fine!!! beca knows her name.
it wouldn’t be that crazy or anything, until one time at school in the hall they make eye contact and emily is like “hey beca” and beca totally freezes.
“uh. hi emily. you, like, know my name?”
emily tilts her head to the side, her cheeks a pretty pink. “oh. yeah... i mean ive seen your nametag at baskin robbins.”
“i just thought i’d say hi.”
beca never thought they’d speak outside of the obligatory ice cream order and cash exchange so she’s not really sure what to do next in this situation. “uh. hi. but uh..... gotta get to class so um. bye?”
emily laughs, so cute and nice. “okay. see you around.”
and then beca is walking away and hearing giggles behind her as chloe beale whispers something in emilys ear and emily swats at her playfully. becas pretty sure she’s being laughed at, but she books it out of there too quick to care.
the next saturday, beca hates to admit it, but she’s kind of looking forward to seeing the soccer girls. it’s NOT because of her crushtomer though, okay? it’s because her shift is boring as fuck because it’s raining outside and nobody is coming in. so at least she’ll have something to do when they come
so beca waits in anticipation as her shift passes, the clock ticking down to her clock-out time... and they never come. beca finds herself almost disappointed to get off work... then she shakes out of it. fuck work. wtf?
the next saturday, beca initiates her very first small talk with emily. “so, you guys didnt come in last week. it was weird not seeing you.”
“oh,” emily pouts. “our game got rained out.” then she tilts her head, looking at beca curiously. “aw, did you miss us?” she teases.
beca snorts. “no.”
“Just me then right?”
and beca knows she’s teasing, but she feels the heat of it in her soul... and she blushes. “very funny.”
emily laughs, so bright and bubbly, the kind of laugh beca would normally hate. but she doesn’t. god she doesn’t.
emilys teammates have already all paid and taken their cones outside and it’s just beca and emily there at the register. plus CR down the counter mopping the floor but whatever, she has headphones in as she cleans so it may as well just be beca and emily okay?
“anyway.” beca says, clearing her throat. “that’s uh. $3.49.”
emily freezes, her eyes widening. she looks down at herself, pats her thighs where her pockets would be if soccer uniforms had pockets. 
“shoot,” she whispers, looking around helplessly. “one sec i forgot my wallet in my car i gotta go grab it.”
“oh,” beca says. “no, it’s cool, it’s uh... on me.”
“what? no, it’s okay. i can go get it.”
“no,” beca says, already putting her employee numbers into the register. “we get free ice cream every shift and i uh... don’t need it. so you can just use my free one. it’s cool.”
emily beams at her. “wow that’s so nice. oh my god.”
“it’s nothing, no problem.”
“no, i have to make it up to you now.”
“that’s really not necessary.”
“let me.”
beca hesitates but emily is giving her this look like a fucking puppy, all cute and persuasive. “...alright... how?”
“are you working tomorrow?”
“um no?”
“let me buy you lunch.”
beca blinks. “this was literally 3 dollars. you wanna go to like mcdonalds or something?”
emily laughs. “no i think i can afford more than the dollar menu. consider it interest.”
“what the hell? what is this? wolf of wall street?”
“oh my god beca.” emily grins. “im trying to hang out with you.”
beca stares. “hang out... with me?”
“yeah? like friends?”
“so...?” emily leans forward, her long ponytail swishing over her shoulder. “lunch tomorrow?”
“uh... yeah okay.”
emily gives beca her phone and beca inputs her number in some kind of daze. 
it’s not a date, beca reminds herself all during the lunch. even if emily pays and holds doors for her and is super touchy feely. it’s a friend thing. it’s just hard because they really get along. beca wasnt sure they would, because emily is smiley and nice and into sports. beca is surly and rude and fakes sick to escape gym every other week. 
but they do get along. they get along great... emily is into music and beca shows emily the mashups she makes in her free time and they bond over bands they like and beca learns emily plays like 5 different instruments.
emily is also funny, in a weird way, and her smile makes beca’s heart do weird things that hearts probably shouldn’t do.
after, emily gives her a hug and beca totally isnt a hug person but it’s the best hug she’s ever had and emily smells good, like scented girly lotion.
after that, they’re kind of friends for real. they hang out sometimes, and beca teases emily about her ice cream order (vanilla... the most boring flavor on the menu), and she even drags jesse to one of the girls’ soccer games and they text here and there, sending song recs back and forth. once emily sends beca a recording of her playing the guitar and beca swears she falls in love a little with emily’s singing voice. 
so yeah, they’re friends. then one day ... everything changes
becas just getting off her shift at baskin robbins and the soccer girls are hanging out at the tables outside, chatting and enjoying their ice cream. beca waves at emily as she walks to her car.
“beca, wait!”
emily jogs up and beca has to pretend she doesn’t think emily’s athleticism isnt the hottest thing she’s ever seen. they’re friends, she reminds herself. friends, beca. friends.
she throws her work bag in the back and shuts the door, turning to look at emily.
emily has a strange expression on her face. almost nervous. which is weird because emily is outgoing and friendly and talking to people doesnt really make her nervous.
“um, so.” emily glances behind her and beca peeks over her shoulder to see all the other soccer girls staring at them. emily frowns, pulling beca to the other side of her car by the arm so they’re out of view. “can i ask you something?”
“uh... sure dude?”
“what’s a crushtomer?”
beca literally almost dies on the spot. “what?”
“a crushtomer.” emily blushes, her fingers tugging at her ponytail nervously.
“oh. um. it’s like......... it’s stupid really, just some made up term thats like when a worker has a crush on one of their regulars, you know? it’s totally lame.”
“huh.” emily nods, her lips twisting. “so like, if i accidentally heard cynthia rose say im your crushtomer, then..............?”
beca really wishes she could crawl in a hole and die. “oh. you... you heard that.”
“it’s just like... i mean.. we’re friends and stuff,” beca stammers. “you know, they know we’re like... fond of each other or something.”
“i see.” emily tilts her head to the side, looking beca up and down. “so it’s just a friend thing.”
“um i mean, well--”
“because like, say i didn’t want it to be a friend thing. say i wanted it to be a crush thing, like what would that mean?”
beca nearly stops breathing. “what?”
“like say maybe i think you’re cute and i like being your friend, but maybe i also have... once or twice thought about being more than friends and i dont know if you even like girls or anything and if you dont im really sorry like sooooooo sorry for making it awkward but it’s just i overheard that and i thought well just... what if it wasnt a friend thing but a real crush thing and just...” emily blushes cutely, glancing away quickly before looking back at beca. “the term is CRUSHtomer i mean it implies a romantic crush, i don’t know how to make this clearer so please just shut me up now”
“okay just... wait,” beca says, her heart going a mile a second in her chest. “You want to be my crushtomer. in a liking girls romantic way type of thing?”
“i mean...” emily shrugs. “only if you mean it that way. otherwise forgetting about this would be amazing and we could still be friends because i... i really like being your friend.”
“yes,” beca interrupts as emily opens her mouth to keep going. “no god yes. it’s stupid. crushtomer is stupid okay but yeah fine you’re my crushtomer. like... in a crush way. it’s a stupid term.”
emily stares at her for the briefest of seconds. then her face breaks open in the widest smile beca’s ever seen. “i think it’s cute.”
“it’s dumb” beca snorts.
“you wanna like, go out then?”
beca’s whole body is warm. “yeah. that’d be... cool.”
“hm.” emily is so smiley it kills. she scrunches her nose at beca. “i mean i kinda feel like we already were going out. i mean, you showed me your mixes,” she teases. “so romantic.”
“kay,” beca rolls her eyes, but she can’t stop smiling. “whatever. cant believe im gonna go out with a jock.”
emily laughs, her hand coming out to grip the top of beca’s car and effectively sandwiching beca in. “you ever kiss a jock before?”
“no,” beca murmurs, trying to keep her voice from squeaking, but emily is like, really close and holy shit she’s so pretty oh man... 
“you want to?”
beca’s breath gets caught in her throat. “yeah.”
all beca can think when they kiss is that emily tastes like ice cream and for the first time in her life, beca maybe just maybe thinks vanilla might be the most exciting flavor on the menu
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ninatastic · 5 years
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@kay-licious how dare u (thanks <3) @silent-calling youre doing amazing sweetie
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I wouldnt call it a key factor but it’s important to feel attraction towards your partner
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
sure! If it’s a healthy one definitely :D
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
5. Are you in love?
I’d say so!
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
it me bf
9. Describe your perfect mate
same as above c: 
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no, only when it comes to animals c;
11. Do you ever want to get married?
thats a dream of mine tbh
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
I guess every healthy person would say no but yes, I’d absolutely do (only the first time tho, after the second time you gotta ask yourself if it’s really worth it)
13. Do you get jealous easily?
in regard to my bf: I used to but it’s a hell of a lot less nowadays. In regard to people in general, sometimes, especially when im not doing well mentally
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
me bf
15. Do you have any piercings?
just have my ears pierced!
16. Do you have any tattoos?
no but maybe soon
17. Do you like kissing in public?
only if its sweet forehead or cheek kisses, or quick kisses on the mouth or hand kisses
20. Do you shower every day?
yes though I gotta admit I really have to force myself. Not because I like being stinky but because everything is kinda difficult sometimes
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
bruh I sure hope my bf does;;
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
I’ve been in a relationship for 5 and a half years now, I think so
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
it is possible but who tf knows
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
idk, to be frank: I think my life would be a bit easier if I wasnt in a relationship, or if I hadnt been in a relationship for the past 1-2 years. And I often feel like im more of a burden to my bf than anything else. But thats a different story
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
as in losing touch with me? I guess so
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
a song yes and it was awkward as hell ajhajdfha and people have done drawings for me which is <3<3<3<3<3<<3<3<33
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
very very unfortunately yes, and just like a bunch of you guys I was this close to killing myself. I was in a very bad place which I know is not an excuse for this. I still think about it even if it’s been a time since then but I think I cqan never forgive myself because of that
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
often but im too much of a scared cat dsfskjf  idk though, I would love to be much more petite size wise
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
oh often
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
yeah;; I’m not exactly pretty or popular, so puberty was hard
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
hell yeah
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
:( no
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yeah and it’s difficult to be normal then aaaaaahhhhhhh
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
some of my friends have a strong disliking towards my current bf but i dont know if you can call it hate
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
yeah and it ruined me for a while
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
uuuuhh not really I think
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
whenever I write bday cards I always put a poem in it :D
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
depends on how thirsty I am
43. How long was your longest relationship?
5 and a half years and counting
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2011?
uuhh I was 14, no one 
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you?
22 my dudes
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I#d try to play it cool because internally I’m panicking, someone help me
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
I love about my bf how you can ALWAYS count on him when shit gets down, even if he hasnt talked to a friend for a good while and they’re like “hey I need you”, he’ll be there in a sec Also that he is still able to surprise me
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
jsdfhsjdfks GO AWAY, I’d say while closing the door and shutting the blinds quicker than lightning
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
yeah, but that’s probably because I have bpd and depressions
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
yeah, I tried to help them on all occassions, so much that I ruined my own life partially and made myself sick. But whatever I did or said, they apparently want to suffer, so i gave up trying. 
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
yeah my abuser probably
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
unfortunately yes and fortunately yes
55. Share a relationship story.
uuuuuuhhhhh; I dont really know what to write here. Guess I’ll never forget when my bf held a kitten (which was only a week old) in his hands and he almost cried because he loved the baby so much. Haha, he was afraid of crushing it though because it was much smaller than the palms of his hands
56. State 8 facts about your body
I gained a lot of weight since last year which is why I avoid posting or taking pics, but according to everyone else you dont see it that much (?); my hair is getting its natural curliness back; I fucked up my knee so I’ll have knee surgery next year; I bruise easily; I have a shit ton of scars; I love my super green eyes; I have thicc thighs and if I’m very emotional I get red spots all over my body
57. Things you want to say to an ex
to my first ever bf: fuck u lmao to the second bf I had: I’m so sorry for everything and I hope that you found your place :)
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
uuuhhh be sweet and understanding, be funny, be somewhat smart, dont be a mean asshole and be nice to other people (especially kids) and animals and also be able to be fascinated by small things 
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
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60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
my current bf is 8 years older than me
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
how open and nice they are? Idk I always choose my ppl to hang out with according to this
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
even though I’m a switch I have a big preference for being the sub, so if someone can dominate me and yknow do stull like carry me princess style or something im all like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
everything that comes after kissing imo
64. What is your definition of cheating?
I think as soon as you try to pursue someone emotionally that already counts as cheating
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
kissing, grinding, I love when someone talks dirty to me
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
if it aint too much of a tmi i’d love to admit that we have a collar and a leash so (not thinking about pet play uughfjhjsdfkhsd, just yknow someone is able to drag me to them like this or being held in place while being taken from behind is p nice)
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
something something being outside in the nature and also good food 
68. What is your sexual orientation?
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69. What turns you off?
super super wet kisses where also my nose somehow gets stuck in someone elses mouth Like dude r u a vacuum cleaner sdfhsdkjhfks
70. What turns you on?
being manhandled
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
idk I dont really have a lot of wet dreams and usually theyre not very kinky but rather sweet and slow 
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
I like dirty talk, so imma leave that open 
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
i love to get flowers, or lil stuff that reminds us of our friendship or something, self made/home made stuff is always !!!!!!!!!!!!
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
probably hands? I love it when girls have super slender hands and when boys have rough and big hands
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
I already answered that c:
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I have a few stories I’m proud of! But I really love this one: When I was little I grew up in a village in which like 300-400 people lived (maximum) and next to us lived this sweet older couple who always gave us sweets and vegetable for our parents, or they brought us stuff from when they went on vacation. The man is now constantly sick, he suffers from parkinson and you see the early statges of dementia setting in. A while ago he wanted to go and get the German version of fish and chips with his wife but due to him needing a ton of surgeriesw constantly he wasnt able to go out with his wife. When my mom told me this I was like wtf u cant just tell me this, I’m too soft. So I went and got fish and chips from the best market around us for him and flowers for his wife, despite the fact that I havent seen them in YEARS. When I arrived at their front door both of them hugged me and cried a bit
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
not bad if everything is consensual and if there’s a power balance thats equal 
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
I think the leash thing is one of the kinkiest things we’ve ever done tbh
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
yesterday a bit when my bf went out wth friends and had a few beers while I was stuck at home with the thought that I can never have a beer again dkadfjahdf as stupid as that sounds but I always enjoyed these chill evenings with a beer and friends
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
this morning when I cuddled my cats :D
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
my bf and many videogame and anime characters, also my best female friend is hella attractive, also some of my friends are to die for
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
my bf!!
83. Who was your first kiss with?
my first bf sdfjsdfs
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
it didnt really work out, it seemed as he was more interested in saying “hey im in a relationship!” than in me, hah;;
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
yeah, sure
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hey baby won't you look my way (i can be your new addiction)
Chapter 3: ...no these are fuCKING SEXTS
Chapter Summary: There's a substitute teacher, Cheryl and Toni have a plan, and Betty is a "good fucking person."
Monday, 7:17 AM
gays united
hbicheryl: good morning gays
wannabett: CHERYL
hbicheryl: good morning gays, cousin betty
hbicheryl: happy?
wannabett: yes
hisshissmotherfucker: why the fuck are you texting us at this ungodly hour
hisshissmotherfucker: go back to sleep
nopeaz: school starts in less than an hour dipshit
hisshissmotherfucker: whatever
veroffica: cheryl, you're in a way better mood than normal. what happened?
hbicheryl: im offended! cant i just be in a good mood because i feel like it?
wannabett: no
hbicheryl: fine
hbicheryl: the history teacher is sick so we have a substitute
hisshissmotherfucker: FUCK YES
wannabett: im confused why is this a good thing??
spillthefogarTEA: oh betty
spillthefogarTEA: poor, sweet betty
nopeaz: substitutes are naive and cant control the class
nopeaz: so we can do whatever we want
wannabett: im not sure thats the best idea
spillthefogarTEA: choni and i have history first period with you, cooper
spillthefogarTEA: we'll show you what we mean
8:16 AM
hbicheryl + nopeaz
hbicheryl: this is even better than i thought
nopeaz: he looks so timid
hbicheryl: this is going to be so much fun
hbicheryl: lets begin phase one
8:19 AM
gays united
wannabett: is this cheryl and tonis master plan? to text out in the open?
jugheadalones: theyre cheryl and toni
wannabett: meaning??
jugheadalones: im sure theres more to it than that
goingtoheller: ^^tru
wannabett: i guess ill just have to wait and see
8:23 AM
gays united
wannabett: okay the sub is asking cheryl and toni to get off their phones
wannabett: theyre ignoring him ofc
wannabett: asdJFDJJSSSKKDXM
hisshissmotherfucker: WHAT HAPPENED
goingtoheller: LMAO
wannabett: ...no these are fuCKING SEXTS
veroffica: I'M WHEEZING
hisshissmotherfucker: WHAT DO THE TEXTS SAY
spillthefogarTEA: "maybe after this we can sneak in a quickie between classes"
spillthefogarTEA: "i could finger you up against the bathroom wall"
spillthefogarTEA: "or i could eat you out in the storage closet"
spillthefogarTEA: "of course... youd have to be quiet"
spillthefogarTEA: "do you think you can do that? can you be a good girl for me?"
wannabett: cheryl is as red as her hair
wannabett: toni looks like she wishes the earth would swallow her whole
goingtoheller: I'M DEAD.
goingtoheller: no, this is definitely funny.
hisshissmotherfucker: wait were the texts from toni or cheryl??
wannabett: he didnt say
goingtoheller: ooh, any theories? i'm still on team vers. cheryl, can you confirm anything?
veroffica: i should hope so!
jugheadalones: ...i did NOT need to know this much about chonis sex life
wannabett: i guess the sub isnt as incompetent as you thought
spillthefogarTEA: lmao sucks to be you guys
spillthefogarTEA: oh shit i think hes looking at the notifications
spillthefogarTEA: "spill the... fogarty!" yep im done for youre all invited to my funeral except for choni bc they got us into this mess
wannabett: fangs' phones has been confiscated as well as cheryls in case you were wondering
wannabett: haha thats karma i guess
wannabett: fuck now he wants mine too why me??
veroffica: ...guys?
goingtoheller: that was the most exciting thing that i've witnessed secondhand in a WHILE.
hisshissmotherfucker: i hope nothing bad happened to fangs
hisshissmotherfucker: or toni or cheryl or betty
jugheadalones: i wonder whats going on there right now
veroffica: well, i don't have any classes with any of them for a while, so i won't be able to know what happened until they get their phones back.
hisshissmotherfucker: ^^
jugheadalones: ^^
goingtoheller: ^^
12:03 PM
gays united
nopeaz: now i just have to go live in a cave for a few years until everyone forgets about that debacle
spillthefogarTEA: thats not going to happen any time soon
goingtoheller: fangs is right, that was iconic.
veroffica: you two will never live that down.
jugheadalones: half of riverdale high is already speculating as to which one of you two sent the texts and which one of you received the texts
hisshissmotherfucker: cheryl, toni, care to make a statement?
hbicheryl: no
nopeaz: fuck off
goingtoheller: well, at least they seem to be on the same page.
wannabett: can we talk about whats REALLY important now??
jugheadalones: and what would that be?
veroffica: can the substitute even do that?
spillthefogarTEA: yeah, he wrote us all up for "repeatedly disobeying a clear set of instructions"
nopeaz: at least its only for today
wannabett: ive never gotten detention before! how the hell am i going to explain this to my mom??
hbicheryl: lmao cant relate
wannabett: im a good fucking person i dont deserve this
12:39 PM
gays united
hisshissmotherfucker: wait cheryl and toni what was your master plan?
hbicheryl: oh we were just going to sext for a while and then make out in the back of the classroom
veroffica: ...that was a letdown.
goingtoheller: yeah, i expected better.
nopeaz: we were horny when we came up with that plan okay
jugheadalones: now THAT makes more sense
spillthefogarTEA: tbh im still kinda disappointed tho
1:22 PM
gays united
wannabett: SHIT
veroffica: what's wrong, betts?
wannabett: i think the school told my mom about the detention :(
goingtoheller: what makes you think that?
wannabett: shes called me four times today already
wannabett: ive been ignoring her but knowing my mom she'll probably just show up here to talk to me
jugheadalones: she wouldnt do that
wannabett: you underestimate her
veroffica: b is right. her mom is just crazy enough to do that.
1:40 PM
gays united
wannabett: huh i wonder why the secretary is calling me to the office
wannabett: it couldnt be my mom, could it??
wannabett: who wants to bet against me?
goingtoheller: a, congrats on finally living up to your screen name!
goingtoheller: b, there is no way that i'm going to be stupid enough to take you up on that.
jugheadalones: i'll bite.
jugheadalones: 20 bucks it isnt her
wannabett: youre on jug
wannabett: be prepared to lose $20
1:55 PM
gays united
wannabett: angry-mama-cooper.jpeg
wannabett: fork over the money jones
jugheadalones: ...fuck
jugheadalones: this is what i get for believing that alice cooper wouldnt be that petty??
hbicheryl: no this is what you get for being a fool
wannabett: same thing
spillthefogarTEA: okay im sure that im going to regret asking this, but what did mrs cooper want that took fifteen minutes to talk about?
wannabett: the usual
wannabett: "youre disappointing your family, you need to do better, you dont want to end up like polly," etc.
veroffica: i'm sorry, b. :(
wannabett: it isnt your fault v
veroffica: i know, but your mom clearly isn't sorry for the crazy expectations she puts on you because polly didn’t turn out the way she wanted, so somebody has to be. and i want that somebody to be me.
wannabett: you really think so?
veroffica: i know so.
spillthefogarTEA: thats so sweet
hbicheryl: and REALLY gay
spillthefogarTEA: ofc
veroffica: *bi, and betty and i are just best friends.
wannabett: ^^^
spillthefogarTEA: sweets and i are best friends and if i had said something like that to him yall wouldnt think that we were just being friends
wannabett: thats bc you and sweet pea are super gay for each other
hisshissmotherfucker: false
spillthefogarTEA: ...you dont think that im hot? :(
hisshissmotherfucker: no i think that youre the hottest person in the whole damn universe
hisshissmotherfucker: but that doesnt mean that im in love with you
hbicheryl: babe do you see this shit??
nopeaz: i see it all right
hbicheryl: im so glad that we arent like that
nopeaz: me too :)
hbicheryl: i love you toni
nopeaz: i love you too cher
veroffica: awww, that was adorable.
veroffica: but also: what will it take to convince all of you that betty and i are telling the truth??
goingtoheller: nothing, ever. you are both so clearly whipped it isn't even funny.
jugheadalones: like cheryl and toni levels of whipped
hbicheryl: except you two arent even dating!!
nopeaz: the same goes for sweets and fangs too
hisshissmotherfucker: whatever
spillthefogarTEA: ^^^
wannabett: ^^^
veroffica: ^^^
jugheadalones: why do i even try anymore
2:29 PM
gays united
hbicheryl: well its time to go into the hellish pit the school calls detention
wannabett: i wonder if theyll make us do manual labor
spillthefogarTEA: sweet pea practically lived in detention at southside high, ask him
hisshissmotherfucker: thats true
hisshissmotherfucker: and yes sometimes they do make you do some janitorial work around the school
hbicheryl: oh my fucking god im going to die
jugheadalones: stop being so extra cheryl
goingtoheller: no never stop being extra cheryl it is the best part of this chat
hbicheryl: for your information hobo i will never ever stop being dramatic and if you say that again i will fight you
hbicheryl: and dont worry keller i wont change
nopeaz: thats my girl!!
hisshissmotherfucker: as i was saying
hisshissmotherfucker: youll probably just sit in a room and do your homework
hbicheryl: thats even worse
2:34 PM
gays united
hisshissmotherfucker: i thought it would be a nice surprise
nopeaz: screw you
veroffica: sure thing, blossom.
3:00 PM
gays united
goingtoheller: that's a lot of moods.
jugheadalones: ^^
veroffica: "that's a lot of moods" is just cheryl's personality in a nutshell.
wannabett: tru
hisshissmotherfucker: tru
nopeaz: tru
hbicheryl: tru
Notes: Writing choni's sexts was the best part of this chapter, honestly. Also, I noticed that I refer to Cheryl and Toni as 'choni' an awful lot, which probably has direct correlation to my laziness. I know that this chapter has a lot less to do with the overlying plot, and that's because I'm trying something different. Tell me if you like it this way or if you want me to go back to more plot-heavy chapters.
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rouge-the-bat · 7 years
Your OTP for the ask meme?
YEASS itsss shadouge timee :33!!!!!
Who hogs the duvet: neither !! rouge doesnt have much fur so she needs the extra warmth and shadow isnt accustomed to the cold, and neither want to leave the other chilly so they try to make sure theyre both getting plenty of the duvet (which is easy if theyre snuggled right against each other :3)
Who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both, rouge checks up on shadow often bc his mental state isnt exactly in the best shape with all the shit he’s been thru - and shadow maybe does it a bit more often with her bc he gets a bit worried easily (also bc of all the shit he’s been thru djdhfjd)
Who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: defintely rouge, shadow typically just goes for gems and jewelry to gift her (no going wrong with those lol)
Who gets up first in the morning: probably shadow mostly, if rouge is up in the morning before he is its likely that she was just awake all night dhishfjd (bats are nocturnal so,,, plus nighttime good for thievin)
Who suggests new things in bed: i mean itd have to be rouge bc shadow wouldnt have the slightest idea about that sorta stuff fibdjfhfe
Who cries at movies: rouge probably cries at movies a bit less than average amount, shadow on the other hand can be stone cold thru the entirety of an extremely sad movie but then some small moment in an otherwise cheerful/funny movie will send him trying to stifle down tears but completely failing, it depends on what happens and if it hits close to home with his past or fears (tho if its not just him and rouge then he’s much better at keeping himself from crying at all - but when he’s alone with her he’s more comfortable being more emotional and doesnt feel the need to hide it)
Who gives unprompted messages: both, but more often rouge bc she usually does it to relax shadow when he’s tense, which he often is. shadow tends to do it more on the lines of thinking like “this feels really good and i want rouge to feel good too”
How they are when they’re sick: shadow doesnt really get sick ? but when rouge is sick she’s typically kinda grumpy (i mean being sick is annoooyyying) and shadow refuses to leave her side except to get her something until she feels better
Who gets jealous easiest: i dont really see either getting jealous much really ? rouge is flirtatious by nature obviously, which shadow would probably get a bit bothered seeing her flirt with others but it doesnt get to him too much bc he knows that she uses it as a tactic to mess with and even steal from people (and its just kinda ingrained with how she talks normally)- besides, she’d keep any flirting with others to a minimum if shadow’s around anyways
Who collects something unusual: hdkdjdhe well rouge collects gems lol
Who takes the longest to get ready: rouge, i mean she has the hair, makeup, and clothes to do while shadow maybe just has to smooth out his quills. unless he happens to be dressing up too for whatever reason, but still rouge would take longer regardless since she’s more interested in her appearance than shadow is with his (i dont see her taking like a super long time tho)
Who is the tidiest and organized: maybe more shadow by just a bit, i think theyd both like to keep things organized tho
Who gets most excited about the holidays: definitely rouge, shadow just isnt really a festive person lol
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think theyd often switch, maybe rouge is more often the big spoon ? its a good position to give him little ear smooches and she can also wrap him up in her wings :3 his quills might be hard to deal with normally but i tend to draw them super poofy so she probably can easily just use them as pillows lol
Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: they both get super competitive but shadow definitely more so
Who starts the most arguments: umm maybe shadow ? it might kinda source sometimes from him misunderstanding certain things or something, misreading what something means, or like taking things too seriously
What are their nicknames for each other: rouge calls him shad/shads sometimes, other times she’ll probably use stuff like handsome, cutie, sweetie, hun, etc. shadow doesnt really use nicknames much but if theyre alone he might occasionally call her something he knows just kills her- liiike whispering “good morning, my love” in her ear while theyre cuddling and just waking up in the morning :3
Who suggests that they buy a pet: neither, i see it more like shadow just comes back one day from babysitting cream with a chao egg and hes just like “im sorry she offered it to me i couldnt just say no” gdisgf they both (and omega too) end up loving the little guy to pieces tho. ofc it becomes a shadow chao ;p and with bat-like wingss
What couple traditions they have: ummm idk maybe just like traveling a lot ? bc back on the ark shadow always wanted to experience what the world was like and im sure he still has that curiosity to check out everything (and im sure rouge would find it incredibly fun to go out traveling the world too)
What tv shows they watch together: tbh i barely watch tv anymore itd be like impossible for me to match any shows with them lmao. shadow probably just watches whatever rouge watches (thas how shadow got into anime fjdhifhd)
Another couple they hang out with: i mean probably none, shadow doesnt like to hang with people much besides his team lol
How they spend time together as a couple: i suppose if theyre not working or on an adventure saving the world or whatever theyre probably either hanging out at home or at someplace that’s not crowded, rouge is probably often times showing shadow things hes never seen before or never experienced in person since all he knows is whatever was on the ark 50 years ago (also thered be lots of cuddling and smooches going on too :3 less so in public bc shadow doesnt like bein all mushy with others around but rouge would still be doing a bunch of stuff to get him to blush)
Who made the first move: i can imagine several ways this going down but one way i see is its just rouge making all the moves all the way lol. like shadow notices these feelings he has for rouge but he doesnt really understand them and isnt sure how to handle them, so he just becomes an extremely blushy dork whenever she’s flirting, trying to act unfazed but its so clear that he likes her- and of course rouge would notice this. so what does she do? flirt with him even more lmao, she just keeps it up and keeps being more flirtatious with him until one day she actually kisses him and that sorta just kicks off their relationship officially
Who brings flowers home: S H A D O W fihdihf i took that thing from lego dimensions and fuckin ran with it lmao. shadow loves flowers fight me. he makes rouge flower crowns
Who is the best cook: rouge by a landslide fhdihfih shadow can make…. hot pockets lmao. things he make typically either: 1. taste awful/comes out completely ruined or 2. is some weird combination that somehow tastes good to him
Who snores: uhh idk, i dont really see either snoring tbh
god uhhhhh i spent way too much time on this than i should’ve lmaooo. anyways thanks for the ask !!! it was fun to answer :3
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plushievash · 7 years
hi! im a little late but i wanna know about your ocs!! not really character specific but whats the universe of your ocs like? i see your draws of them in like mafia scenarios and such? whats up with that stuff? just dump it all on me, id love to be up to speed, if youre alright doing that
hsdf this is gonna be a long answer i guess ill just explain all the groups basic story and species? and maybe some extra??
humans - regular earth humans pretty standardabnormal humans - an odd case of a human born from mutant parents who didnt inherit the mutation(s) but instead got some the benefits of being a mutantraremutants - natural born mutants;; theyre “rare”mutants because there are only 7 raremutant families in the world that were born mutants without any experimentation;; they are “Real” mutants;; all have some sort of special “ability” (maximovs - strength // polichevs - speed // diolis - reflexes // ect)regular mutants - mutants that became the way they are by being experimented on or were born from mutants who were mutated thru experimentation
the very basics of my boyfriends and my oc universes story is vsevolod maximov (boyfriends oc) was born having randomly mutated 4 arms despite his human parents being completely untampered, making him the very first raremutant along the way others raremutants were born (beniamin/fiore) theres humans who experimented on vsev and beniamin trying to replicate their mutations;; but since theyre raremutants their mutations cant be replicated artificially and so regular mutants were made causing other humans to grow more eyes or have different colour skin ect. fast forward a lot and you come to the group we normally draw! there is a lot of hate between mutants and humans;; humans are typically disgusted or hateful of mutants and mutants are distrustful of humans;; mutants are treated unfairly; sometimes tortured and killed;; various people of the group we normally draw fight against that;; specifically in my story there is a sort of secret war between mutants and humans that has been going on for many years;; a resistance has been created to try to bring that war to light and put an end to it
i serpenti - a group of humans created by enrica serpente;; they are assassins/spies that hunt mutants and humans who are accepting of mutants;; they often perform experiments of their own on mutants and humans;; they create mutants from humans who are accepting of them to punish them (as mutating is very painful) some are rescued and some die in captivity or from exhaustion from mutating
gli occhi - a group of eye mutants created by fiorella dioli;; they are assassin/spies who hunt down serpente members and and free mutants and humans;; they put the rescued into care until they are able to take care of themselves again;; theyre a secret group that works in the shadows;; the only people that know of them are the people a part of it; people rescued by them; and i serpenti
i falchi - a resistance (of mostly mutants;; but some humans) created by pietro falco;; they protest and make themselves seen they aid mutants in need;; its divided into 3 factions;; pietros is made up of the most skilled thieves;; agostinas is made up of the most medically experienced;; zacharies is made up of the most human tolerant
l’occhio di falco - a very well kept secret 4th faction of i falchi run by leonardo dioli;; they are 3 groups of specially trained (mutant) assassin/spies (usually but not always from gli occhi);; when pietro believes a speech or gathering could be attacked by i serpenti he calls leonardo to get together this group and protect them behind the scenes taking out the threats;; there are 3 teams leonardo is the leader of the most skilled and experienced team while the other 2 teams have their own but they all work under leonardos guidance 
pietro falco - a regular mutant who once believed in humans! he dreamed of becoming a cop and changing peoples views of mutants;; he wanted to be something good;; he worked hard but was betrayed by his partner (ulderico) his name was completely ruined causing pietro to become extremely paranoid and bitter towards humans;; he used to work as a spy for gli occhi but not an assassin he refused to kill;; until he was betrayed he became a fulltime agent for gli occhi but his anger made him reckless;; he and leonardo were a perfect team until he decided to quit;; he was sick of working in the dark while others were oblivious to their suffering;; he decided to form a resistance (with help from zacharie and agostina) in hopes he could help end the war in a different way;; in human eyes hes often seen as a violent menace who should be stopped;; for mutants hes an inspiration and sometimes even, a hero
leonardo dioli - a (defective) raremutant who believes in humans! he is the current leader and top agent of gli occhi;; he has a human persona he presents to the public for his fashion business he inherited from his father; he does this while making most of his models mutants to attempt to raise more positivity! from time to time he is threatened to be exposed but it cant be used against him because he doesnt actually much care to keep it up;; he plans on revealing himself in the future anyways! he leads l’occhio di falco to help pietro while pietro helps him;; they often exchange information and lend hands
felix ruggieri - a regular mutant who helps out leonardo and pietro when he can;; felix is very special to leonardo;; leo has protected felix all his life; he has kept gli occhi i serpenti and the war a secret from him and has tried to protect that secret for many years;; felix has found out about everything however because of his father lodovico;; nobody knows that felix knows except for mikolaj (who he has trusted with this knowledge) for the first 19 years of his life he was just a partyboy mechanic who didnt care for much except himself and his loved ones;; at age 20 he found out all about the war from his shitbag father; he then later trusted mikolaj with the knowledge that he(felix) knows about everything even though leonardo doesnt want him to;; felix and miko on very rare occasions work together to take down certain targets;; because of his father felix is now a target of i serpenti and is hunted down;; from time to time when he finds out new knowledge leo and pietro might not know; he meets up with miko to tell him so mikolaj can relay the message to leonardo and/or pietro for him
lodovico acciai - a disgusting regular mutant who used to work with i serpenti;; he cut a deal to lure mutants and mutant accepting humans for i serpenti to experiment on;; he was felixs birth father; he ended up lying to i serpenti to get them off his back about leonardo because he was too obsessed with felix and shaping him to be just like himself(vico);; i serpenti ended up taking vico and overmutating him and incidentally saving felixs life;; he originally worked with i serpenti bc he didnt care about anything but himself and money; he “cared” about felix because they shared blood relations making vico believe he could turn felix into being an exact copy of himself
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imreszekeres · 7 years
for the anon that wanted all 100
1. Name- Ash! 2. Age- 18 3. City that you live in- fear, usually 4. What do most people not know about you?- nothing really, i compulsively release useless information about myself 5. What do most people know you for?- being fat and annoying 6. Hobbies- makeup, youtubers, sleeping, writing, drawing 7. What are your passions?- writing 8. What do you search for in a significant other?- i really Really need to be understood, and someone who is patient is nice too 7. What are you most proud of?- I hav gone to State and gotten within the top 10% in my Journalism competitions, which puts me in the top .08% of all high school students in my state. :-) im good for some things 8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?- every day when I talk to @pizzasteveofficial <3 all our conversations are significant 2 me 9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it?- I collect my tears in a jar and store them, then shower in them every night 10. List 10 things off of your bucket list.- I want to get married in the snow, have a daughter, get a Heartagram tattoo (at least one lol), write a successful book, and.. idk what else :0 11. What was the last thing you learned?- jesus I dont know, you learn sth new every day! hard to remember 12. How many relationships have you been in?- um.. 7 I think i feel like im forgetting one tho. I wont name them obvi but i think im forgetting one? i feel like ive been in 8 oh well 13. Turn ons- validation 14. Turn offs- being alive 15. Favorite food- frozen yogurt! I like the vanilla or white chocolate flavor with looots of toppings 16. Favorite drink- Coke 17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?- i dont really know! I dont remember a lot of my birthdays for trauma reasons so  18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?- pessimistic by far lol 19. Do you sleep during class?- its happened a handful of times, I try not to bc I HATE missing work its annoying 20. What is the most expensive thing you own?- myself?? jk its my laptop 21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?- a 1 dollar ELF blending brush. yall those things are bomb please go buy some! 22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone?- that number does not exist holy shit  23. Text or call?- TEXT BLEASE I HAVE SUCH BAD HEARING 24. Opinion on long distance?- it can work! ive done it a lot of times. distance has never been whats broken a relationship for me, not directly anyway 25. What is your definition of success?- success is when you’re happy. you do not have many worries, not the kind that keep you awake at night or make your tummy sick anyway. You have people that love you and, if you died, you’d be remembered as a good bean 26. Favorite song?- right now im really diggin “Hate (I Really Dont Like You)” by the plain white Ts 27. Favorite artist?- HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 28. Celebrity crush/crushes?- Ville Valo ALWAYS lmao hes my god 29. When was the last time you read for fun?- like last month 30. Favorite flower?- roses 31. What is the best gift you could receive right now?- a plane ticket to Connecticut and like 1000 dollars 32. Any guilty pleasures?- pop... music... BUT LIKE THE GOOD KIND U FEEL? I DONT LIKE STUFF FROM THE LAST 2 OR 3 YEARs...  33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?- my weight, and that sounds so shallow but it. is taking a toll on me. 34. What do you search for in a friend?- someone who is like me! 35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month?- not enough 36. Where did you last go other than your room/home?- school.. 37. Why do bad things happen to good people?- because life isnt fair 38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye?- what the fuck being stabbed in the eye have you ever been stabbed in the fucking eye? because i havent and i can already tell you that if my friends were talking without me and then someone stabbed me in the fuCKING EYE I WOULD BE JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE PREOCCUPIED WITH BEING STABBED IN THE E Y E  39. How many green shirts do you own?- none lol 40. Do you like anime?- sure! I dont watch it rn but i dont watch anything rn, haha 41. What do you invest the most time in?- sleeping,, 42. What was the name of the last book you read?- Rebecca :3 very gud book 43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone?- when ur main squeeze gets a hair cut and u still wanna suck their dingus u love em, thats it sorry i dont make the rules 44. Where are you most productive?- i dont.. know what this is asking lol I’m most protective over my romantic partners. As much as I’d love to say im most protective over Sarah, nothing compares to how “troll guarding his treasure” i am w/my loves.......... *eyes @my crush* 45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends.- talking shit abt rude ppl, playing vidya gaem, and talking abt life 46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone.- watching makeup tutorials, watching lets plays, and thinking about everything and anything 47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist?- absolutely not. theres too many people on the earth to achieve that 48. Do you have any allergies?- Not to anything specific but i get them really often seasonally. i get them pretty much every time the weather changes :( 49. When was the last time you cussed at someone?- i mean.. every day of my life so like 50. What was the last promise you made?- idek dude 51. What was your last dream about?- IT WAS SO WEIRD IT WAS ABOUT MY CRUSH’S MOM? I DREAMT THAT SHE WAS A DEMON WHO STORED HER EGGS IN LITTLE PORCELAIN JARS AND THAT MY CRUSH HAD AN EAR INFECTION AND WE WERE IN A SNOWY VILLAGE IDK DONT ASK ME its weird bc my crushs mom is so sweet... 52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be?- i would literally only take Sarah bc i hate everyone 53. How many countries have you visited?- ive never been outside the US 54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.)- writing :-) 56. When was the last time somebody complimented you?- those nice anons i got yesterday/the other day! 56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?- what do u even mean? youd know bc youd be like THIS ISNT MY BODY 57. Do you consider yourself mature?- kind of, yes 58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr?- too fuckin many 59. What is your favorite quote?- “Worship Satan!” -Ville Valo (no but rly any HIM lyric is my favorite quote, theyre so beautiful,,,) 60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?- dont hurt ppl unless they hurt u, dont touch ppl unless they want u to, and respect gender/sexuality 61. What is your greatest accomplishment?- going 2 state! 62. Do you believe in the death penalty?- yeah i actually think it should b used more lol, kill all rapists and p*dophiles :-) 63. What are your goals for life?- i just wanna b happy, man 64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?- being a fucking idiot, probably 65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.- CALIFORNIA LMAO IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR CALIFORNIA AND I NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE 66. What were you like in 2013?- awful but also really sweet... then again i wasnt TECHNICALLY the host so lol  67. Do you have a job?- no :( i cant drive 68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.- she was an abusive bitch who took out her parents hating her on me the end 69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?- i would make discrimination a way more serious crime than it is taken for rn. ppl who discriminate should b put in jail 70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before?- just one when i had to install the sims and it took 6 years 71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website?- my fave website is youtube 72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?- suck a dick, i guess 73. Does money equal happiness?- not all the time but it sure can 74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?- never, i dont think 75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?- too many times 76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told?- you know that joke abt the blind man at the beginning of Crazy Rap? yeah thats fucking HILARIOUS  77. When was the last time you looked at the news?- this morn :0 78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?- im gay 79. What is your favorite animal?- RACCOONS!!!!!!!!!!!! 80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it?- i mean sure lmao nobody would b upset about it so 81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at?- being a human. 82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get?- i usually go to bed at 10 and get like 6 or 7 hours 83. Does age necessarily equal maturity?- not at all! 84. What is your favorite clothing store?- hot topic lol 85. In the winter- beanies or gloves?- gloves b 86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?- wings?? why would i want a fish tail 87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it?- absofuckinglutely.  88. What do you fear the most?- being like my rapist. thats a little too deep than i like to go but im being honest, thats literally my biggest fear Ever 89. How many digits of pi can you recite?- 3.14 lmfao i hate math 90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be?- 2004. I would stop it before it happened. :-( 91. Describe yourself in one word.- stupid 92. Describe your last victory.- i woke up today w/o killin meself 93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?- bendytoots cucumberpitch’s face 94. What is something you will never forget?- prom.. something rly nice happened 95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail?- forget everything. please 96. Have you ever broken a bone before?- nope! 97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody?- probably harder to love them lol 98. Coffee or tea?- coffer 99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way?- I dont overdose on a constant basis in a BPD-fueled rage any more so thats good 100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today?- probably 1 or 2?
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My stomach hurts alot so im usually sick a lot, i never really feel good so its hard for me to meet people especially already being so nervous all the time and afraid of normal interaction.
I wonder what happened to me from the brazened fighter of my younger youth but i fear they are long gone now, along with a lot of me.
I know i changed and im not really myself anymore or if i even remembered who i was.
Its scary to imagine or think more about it and i just feel the pit of my stomach grow further with unease, i cant make it stop and its...very unpleasant...i dont want to alarm anyone after all.
Its a sick day for a while now so im probably being emotional but i feel so dizzy all the time and constantly, always so close to throwing up the anticipation is killing me as i just wish ill go already, my skins cold with goosebumps and every walk is followed by a sway and overwhelming sense of nausea.
I dont understand these feelings and i feel unnerved to the upmost degree, i hate it. I want to not care again, it feels like my old pills for depression when the pills gave me emotions but i just felt like crying all the time instead of just being dead. Blank faced....
My eyes keep hurting again im tired and couldn't sleep through the night.
I kept waking up and up and up 3 times because i kept talking to myself in my dreams.
One of me was distorted and glitching and they kept talking to a normal me and my second time it was reversed and reversed again.
I dont know why this happened or why i kept waking up from it but thats what happened and i couldn't sleep.
Im afraid cause usually i never have dreams and to have so many at once if i was a even weaker person ill quite literally piss my pants.
And today i woke up early for no reason when i never wake up early but as soon as i woke up i was tired but the first thing i noticed was something standing at the foot of my bed, i blinked a haze in my eye until i looked again it was a person hanged.
I was so terrified and woke up immediately.
I couldnt go to sleep after that and now my stomach keeps caving in on itself and i feel awfully terrible.
Im scared of my dreams and i havent said yet why.
Because sometimes my dreams come true.
Sure laugh at me its bullshit but i knew things that happened that really shouldn't have happened.
It makes me so scared since all the dreams i did have so far became true.
And im worried that this new one today might be true which really wants me to throw up because you see.
I dont predict my own future but others people future.
...its looked like its been a year or so their hair is longer and they look healthier than they did before.
Things were getting better for them and they thought they were feeling happy again but a sorta relapse happened.
I saw them not crying but looking so dead inside their eyes had the heaviest bags and worse than i ever seen had the most close to dead while alive look.
They looked like hell and then they looked in the mirror it was distorted.
Thet didnt find a rope but some makeshift thing and started tying the loose ends together they knew how somehow and then...they grabbed a chair and went limp.
They stared at one but the wall and they were frozen with their neck bloated and eyes gone they werent there anymore and i never knew.
I was a coward and as soon as they...left i did too leaving everyone behind i self isolated again and didnt want to talk to anyone ever again.
Im so pathetic and turned off everything and close everything.
This is why i dont get attached to people i start having dreams and my dreams are cursed im cursed im evil im disgusting im a freak a monster i basically killed them its my fault i hate myself what the hell did i do they're crying an blaming me its my fault they hate me theyre pointing and staring theyre staring theyre staring.
My...mind slipped a bit...
I should just pass quietly...
Ill start talking less and less in the group chat and then theyll notice me less.
Then i can stop talking at all some days just disappearing at that point because whos going to notice a loner? A drifter...
Then a while of that ill just disappear itll male me seem cold and careless maybe thinking im drifting away to better stuff or too busy doing my own things.
Ill leave them alone for their own safety and then just pass quietly i can do this 2 months tops probably no meaningful conversations or no more of me pestering them to sleep and eat what am i their mother?
Im just a annoying idiot in my mind they know how to care for themselves unlike me.
Yeah...ill just leave no one will notice in gone..they wont and ill be glad with that then they can be happier without me. A disease shouldn't infect more people than it should already.
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jessemccry · 6 years
blah blah blah this blog is new so i’m gonna do this ok? ok
1. Who is your defense main?- hanzo
2. Who is your support main?- i can play lucio and ana but they both suck now
3. Who is your offense main?- im a 250 hour mccree main but i turned into a tracer main because of dive
4. Who is your tank main?- dva/zarya
5. Who is you MAIN main?- mccree
6. Which character have you played the least?- moira or doomfist
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play?- i can play him but i want to get better at genji
8. Which character do you dislike the most?- junkrat
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most?- gabe or mccree i guess
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least?- give zen lore
11. Which map is your favorite?- dorado
12. Which map is your least favorite?- i hate numbani horizon junkertown and blizzworld equally
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite?- no limits i guess
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite?- team death match
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?- comp
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?- i like everything but 2cp
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?- 2cp
18. Which event map was your favorite?- i like the halloween/christmas reskins
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite?- oh
20. Which event was your favorite?- theyre all pretty good except anniversary
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite?- it was van helsing mccree but i think its baihu genji now
22. Which event was your least favorite?- anniversary was a let down
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite?- there’s a ton, but recently the new widow skin was pointless
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite?- amercian mccree or nihon genji? idr its been so long
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite?- the widow summer games one is not memorable
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting?- i have every event item in the game except achievements
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?- i only beat it on hard but i was still new at the game then
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement?- yeah
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement?- yeah
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement?- i got it with pre rework lucio and nowadays its so easy
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement?- one of my first
32. What was the first achievement you got?- of the character specific ones i think it was woah there!
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge?- no i got so sick of grinding for the pumpkin reaper spray that after i got it i didn’t want to play it anymore
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you?- i dont have one of orisas and neither of doomfists
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode?- on my main 3000-3200 idk i let it decay last season
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive?- 3207 i think? or 3217 idr
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won?- ive won 9 twice
38. How many gold guns do you have?- 8 (mccree x2 hanzo x2 tracer genji ana bastion)
39. Which was the first gold gun you got?- mccree
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want?- not sure, might get mei next
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive?- hitscan/flex dps but i can play mostly anything
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not?- i do
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future?- anything is fine
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future?- more mid to higher skill characters
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future?- orisa
46. What country would you like a new character to come from?- idc
47. Favorite voice line?- ive always loved the zen line when he discords a genji “i know the doubts that plague you”
48. Favorite player icon?- i have a couple that i use: have fish, the snowman, gamf, the la gladiatiors one, a few of the summer games ones, and like 2 others idk
49. Favorite emote?- the new genji one is cool
50. Favorite spray?- the sorry spray
51.Favorite victory pose?- victory poses are pointless
52. Favorite highlight intro?- the new mccree one is cool
53. Characters you ship the most?- mchanzo
54. Characters you ship the least?- im not gonna say
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions?- mccree and anyone, anyone from original overwatch and each other
56. Character you wish had a comic about?- hanzo or genji
57. Favorite comic released?- reflections i guess
58. Favorite short released?- dragons
59. Favorite new character released?- ana
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon?- blackwatch
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic?- pro
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)- well it was brigitte but now idk mabye lynx
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most?- the mercy nerf
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least?- im scared for the hanzo changes
65. Best ultimate?- objectively (and unfortunately) its riptire but other than that grav?
66. Worst ultimate?- deadeye or doomfist ult
67. Most kills in game?- i cant remember if it was 84 or 74 on a very long gibraltar game
68. Most heals in game?- idr like 25k probably
69. What character do you think needs a nerf?- junkrat ult  dva or sombra
70. What character do you think needs a buff?- other than the obvious rein lucio mccree (but im biased)
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game?- not a comp game
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game?- you can cap a 2cp map in like a minute
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game?- you can get steamrolled on a 2cp map in like a minute
74. Your best Overwatch-related story?- idk
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch?- idk
76. Platform you play on?- ps4
77. Do you stream?- occasionally for one of my fiends
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends?- usually solo
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch?- a couple
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch?- not really into cosplay
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch?- no
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive?- when i did my first placements over a year ago i placed 1337
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role?- tbt but lucio
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker?- depends on the lobby but hanzo usually unless they have all widows
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?- lucio
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo?- hanzooooo
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload?- depends on whats going on in the game
88. Does your team?- hm
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played?- uhhhhhh (17 hours once i think....)
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem?- no limits
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character?- 97/97 on mccree
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character?- idk its probably moira by default but i have almost all of them
93. Have you ever made your own custom game?- all the time
94. Best D.Va skin?- cruiser
95. Best Mercy skin?- witch
96. Best Tracer skin?- honestly? she doesnt have many good ones but i guess graffiti
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO?- the only good zarya skin is frosted
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters?- any
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely?- junk
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bpdmagic · 6 years
sorry i need to vent for like a sec about how much my life sucks right now just ignore it i guess or read it and feel better about your life
since leaving college in may i’ve
- been dumped and gained 30+ pounds i literally want to just starve myself like i did when i was really depressed in college but i live with my dad and his fucking terrible wife and the tiny ass dog that terrorizes my cat so i cant 
- i also cant starve myself because i work full time (40 hrs a week which i know may not seem like a lot but its my first time having a full time job) fucking chasing around 2-3 year olds at a daycare (many of which have behavioral problems). most of the people here are not friendly, unhappy and underpaid. i dont make enough to live on my own and 
- because i work with small children i have been sick since i started working in september. i had a sinus infection a few weeks ago (right before christmas) and had to miss 3 days and pay $50 to see urgent care. i am now sick again with a fever but i dont know if its another infection i have to go spend another $50 to find out i hate this job you do so much and no one appreciates it.
- i havent had sex or been in a relationship in 8+ months which is a fucking nightmare for me because ive always been that girl with a long term boyfriend (i know big fucking deal vanessa, no one cares ok but ive been diagnosed with bpd and while im not actively trying to physically hurt/kill myself anymore, i still have symptoms and if you dont know anything about bpd sometimes it makes you seek emotional support from someone because you never really got it growing up) 
- i completely ghosted my therapist and stopped taking all the antidepressants i was on back in may so i dont know what the fuck is going on with my mental health ive just been suppressing everything and have random outbursts at the dentist like a normal person, right? my family is super against medication and keep telling me “its great you got off it, its bad for you and makes you gain weight”
- its been 8 months since i graduated and im not sure how/when im going to graduate school or how/when im going to find another job and people keep asking me about my future and i just have to blindly accept that everythings going to be okay. 
- im at a point in my life where im just so tired of dating and pretending to be interested in someone who has nothing in common with you. like yes looks and attraction are important but i mostly want someone i can genuinely enjoy spending time with. and i thought maybe i had found someone like that through some means other than the internet and my friend decides to be a shady bitch about it and ask him out SOLELY because i told her i was interested (and does this regularly to her other friends but theres nothing i can do about it because you cant change people like that) and he flat out rejects me. while im fucking sick in bed with a fever. not to mention winter is super fucking depressing and seasonal depression is a very real thing but i usually had someone to spend it with. new years was horrible because i was surrounded by couples. NOT TO MENTION the very real fear of never being able to fall in love with someone ever again because the only time ive ever felt real love i was in an abusive relationship that i literally keep coming back to and has ruined all of the relationships after it. 
- ive been feeling shitty since leaving school tbh but ive been trying so hard to distract myself with conventions and making costumes, playing video games, seeing friends whenever i can but now i dont want to see them anymore because of this whole ordeal so. 
- i guess im basically having ANOTHER quarter life crisis because i now have a bachelors degree from an esteemed college and i thought id be somewhere better by now.. and im 22 and i feel like time is running out. there are so many people in their 20s that are either married, with kids, or highly successful doing what they love... 
- finally, ive been switching addresses like crazy and dont have a place to live because my mom rented our house to just genuinely BAD PEOPLE she found on craigslist who have overstayed their welcome for 8+ months and have stopped paying my mom rent and theres nothing she can do about it. so ive been sleeping on a fold out couch for 8+ months at my dads. ive never stayed with him this long and clearly my stepmom doesnt like that because she literally gave us both the silent treatment for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS. and i guess she pitied us or started to feel lonely or sorry because of the holidays and my dad being sick so theyre better now but i am still very angry at her and want to leave as soon as possible. 
i literally had a mental breakdown at the dentist on tuesday. i guess the bottom filling and the huge needle in my face was the last straw (i have a bad fear of needles, ive had to be pinned down before at the doctors and cry almost every time im confronted with them). i couldnt stop crying but i went through with it and now ive had a fever since then so idk man. to take the edge off i started a free trial for netflix and started watching black mirror after watching a couple of eps at a friends house but no one said there were a lot of potentially triggering things in the show such as self harm and suicide so :-) ive stopped watching cus ive found myself having thoughts but yeah i love being rejected woooo its probably because im fat now gr8 i love it
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foreveregyptian · 7 years
DO ALL OF THE AESTHETIC ASKS (but not the ones you're uncomfortable answering)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
last monday in the gameroom a little louder than i should have
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
any moment i’ve spent with people whose company i enjoy
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
I would increase my voluntary salah, make some more dua, probably pray my salah with other people instead of alone, and go back to jumuah (i havent been going and i miss it). overall increase my rememberance of Allah
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
things id like to accomplish in this life inshaallah (based on first thing that comes to mind)
-memorize the Quran
-get married 
-travel with my future husband everywhere (inshaallah inshaallah)
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
my mom honestly. sometimes we go on little adventures (thrift stores, short walks, cafes, or even grocery shopping) and she gets excited over the cutest things like teacups and stuff and she works so hard for her business and she balances so much on top of her normal responsibilities mashaallah shes such a great role model may Allah protect her and reward her for everything she does ameen
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
I would say my childhood was average, there were a few times where ive gone through rough patches but theyve made me who i am today and I’m thankful for that. 
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
a couple nights ago in front of my mom, i got overwhelmed with a bunch of things that stressed me out and she knew something was up and she asked about it so i kind of cried a bit. 
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
my future husband (inshaallah). I dont know why, but it just seems that it should be him. stargazing seems like a really peaceful activity that requires comfortable quiet and that was the first thing that came to mind. 
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
not really.... considering the fact i’m kind of awkward at first meeting people. 
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
with maryam, shes one of my best friends and im thankful for her
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
To anyone in the room, my shahaada (bearing witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is His servant and Messenger)
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
They’re calming to look into! 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
Its a verse from the Quran that I feel like has affected my life alot, from surah Hashr ayah 59, the translation being “And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves. Those are the defiantly disobedient.” along with surah Ra’d ayah 28, “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”. Lately ive been feeling alot of anxiety for issues of this dunya, and at the same time i have to be honest but I wasnt 100% with remembering Allah. I was doing it, but it wasnt with the best intentions, and I’m trying to fix it. Alhamdulillah my chest is a bit lighter and I feel calmer, as if my heart is at more ease than it was before, subhanallah. 
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
probably donate it to my community school, they really need the money for repairs. 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I didnt used to be. I used to hold grudges for a long time until i realized it wasnt healthy and also it wasnt good. and then i was forgiving to people who had harmed me, but if anyone did anything to my friends i would stay mad at them even when my friends had forgiven them (at this point i was like okay tasneem chill). now i can say (alhamdulillah) that i have an okay level of forgiveness (better than what i used to have before).
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Dont worry about what other people think about you because none of it matters in the end. You are beautiful. You will go through fake friends and one sided friendships and they will leave but you will find gems that will help you grow as a person and will be there for you and call you out on your mistakes for your sake so grit your teeth a bit more and ride it out, verily with hardship comes ease. drill that in your mind, repeat it, because you will go through so much difficulty and emptiness but none of it is in vain. You did not go to umd like you wanted but youre much happier here alhamdulillah and you’ll see why. 
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
pastel! definetly pastel
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
I’ve been exposed to cultures where nose piercings are normal, and i have my ears pierced. for myself i wouldnt want to go past either of those but people are free to pierce whatever they want. Tattoos mehhhhhh i wont judge anyone who has them but theyre not allowed in Islam. personally i prefer henna. 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
i wear whatever im in the mood/energy for on each given day, but if its a big even i do a full face (what i consider full face is foundation/concealer and my eyes/eyebrows, plus occasional highlight) I dont have time in my routine for eyeshadow or learning how to do it. On class days that i do wear it it’ll range from fresh face to eyebrows and eyeliner+mascara. 
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
Donald Trump, you are the shittiest human being in the world. (not changing this) 
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
(has not been to a concert)
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
red bc its cool
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
zaynub, maryam, hibaaq, afraah, and raneem and maybe somewhere in dc or an art museum or a city with cafes OH YEAH A CAT CAFE 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
i saw this fanart of a hijabi airbender and it was so freaking cool i wanted to do a costume party and do a hijabified avatar character bc thats sick as heck
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
lol the most high ive been was at the dentist office off of laughing gas and my limbs were falling off the chair and i was laughing my head off 
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
kill someone
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
i’d rather only listen to one song because i love the people i surround myself with and i cant choose just one. 
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
for me it was kind of heart painful. my heart would miss the person a bit after they passed by and it would go on for months... wishing for another way to see them even if its just a few seconds, the feeling that you’ve met before and wish to meet again, and after a long time when you think you’re over them, they show up and it all starts over. 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
i’ve been told id look good in short hair and ive always wanted to try it?
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
honestly my drinks vary but i usually like eating the turkey egg white sandwich. not even myself bc i never know what i want from there *nervous sweats*
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
making it to Paradise via pleasing Allah (SWT)
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
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adambstingus · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/163070503847
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allofbeercom · 7 years
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men
Found on AskReddit.
1. If women sexually harass us, its seen as amusing rather than rapey.
One night in a bar, this incredibly drunk, incredibly skanky woman started fucking grinding on me while I was just trying to sit and drink a beer. Rubbing her gross vag all over my pant leg, and generally being disgusting and inappropriate. While this was happening, I thought If the roles were reversed, security would be tossing me out the door headfirst. Instead, people just laughed.
2. If you go anywhere in public with little kids, youre seen as a predator pedo.
Im a 19 y/o male, and I babysit my 3 and 6-year-old girl cousins often. Last time I babysat them, we played tag, then we had to go to the grocery store. The 3-year-old decided that she wants to play tag, and runs away from me, so I chase her down, playfully saying, I’m gonna get ya! in a funny voice cuz it gets her to laugh. A mom passes by and grabs my 3-year-old cousin, takes the 6-year-old, and goes to a manager. My aunt had to come down and tell them that I was watching them. That was the worse it’s been, but if I go anywhere in public with little kids, especially girls, I’m seen as a predator pedo.
3. If you and a girl both get drunk and have sex, only one can be accused of rape.
There was the anti-rape poster I saw a while back, where two teens get drunk and hook up. The dude gets busted for rape since she couldn’t give consent. The poster mentions nothing about it being the other way around, as in the girl getting busted for rape since he couldn’t give consent. The poster completely disregards the dude as a possible victim. It even goes as far as shaming the dude saying he ruined his life. Made me sick. All it did was promote male victims to want to hide even more.
4. Men are always the dumb ones on TV.
That men are always the dumb ones on TV. I grew up with three sisters and my mom, and I’ve always been disregarded as the stupid, out-of-touch male. Then, when I end up being right most of the time, I make a big deal about it and make everything worse, AND ITS THE TVS FAULT.
5. Women dont get blamed for dumping a man; when a man dumps a woman, hes afraid of commitment.
When a woman leaves a relationship she is praised for pursuing her needs, but when man leaves a relationship he is criticized for not being able to commit.
6. Female bisexuality is accepted. Male bisexuals? Theyre just gay.
How female bisexuality is more accepted and acknowledgedsometimes even encouragedthan male bisexuality.
7. Male genital mutilationtotally legal in every country.
Female genital mutilation: Totally illegal in most countries. Male genital mutilation: Totally legal in country.
8. If a woman gets angry at a man, its his fault.
Man gets angry at a woman, he needs to control himself. Woman gets angry at a man, man needs to learn not to make her angry.
9. Our society doesnt believe that women can sexually abuse boys.
It’s probably way too late for this to get any attention but I am a male victim of sexual abuse.
I was first sexually abused when I was four years old. It was swept under the rug because the 25-year-old that did it to me was going through some things and didn’t know any better.
Fast-forward to when I’m 9 and I was sexually abused every Friday for over a year and a half. I was told by my abuser that if I let anyone know, it would be my fault and I would get in trouble. One day I finally told, just wanting it to end even if I got in trouble. What happened? Both me (9) and my female abuser (23) were given a stern talking to. That was it. She went on to live her life. I never saw her again.
Every Friday I was locked in a room and bound. I would be left in the dark while I would have her perform oral (attempted since I was 9 and unable of getting an erection). She would pump me full of fluids and when I had to go to the bathroom she’d have me pee on her. At times she would pee into a cup and try to force me to drink it. If I was being more cooperative than usual she would untie my hands and have me touch her. At the end of every, I dunno what to call itsession?she would tell me that if I told anyone I would be taken from my parents. Even if they didn’t take me from my parents her dad who was a bad man would kill my mom and my sisters.
That is until I was 15 and made a Facebook. She found me on there and would leave comments like look who grew up sexy and stuff like that. I reached out to the adults in my life and they told me to ignore it, which I did. But they told me I was a guy and I could handle it. It’s not something that keeps me awake at night. But in order to get over it I had to harden myself because I’m a guy and guys can’t get raped.
On a previous reddit account I went to open up on a victims of sexual abuse page. I wrote out a multi-page post just getting it out there. The only replies I got were about how I was a guy and I didn’t know what it was like to be violated as a woman. I was harassed for weeks by women on there for trying to compare my experience to theirs.
10. Women can beat us up all they want, but if we hit back, were monsters.
I’m a big guy, I shave my head and grow a beard, most people think I’m intimidating.
Truly I’m timid at heart, I know how to box but have always found a way around confrontation.
I had a girlfriend that got crazy violent when she was mad, knives, tazers, guns, frequently got involved. I hit her a lot in self defense (we were together for 3 years it definitely played into my low self esteem, i loved to hate it) and it completely ruined my psyche. I think of myself as a woman beater, as a misogynist now just knowing that I’m capable of it.
Just the idea that I can hit a woman has driven me to some of my darkest depths and even now typing it I dont feel justified in my actions despite the fact I was protecting my own life.
One night she came at me with a tazer from behind she started it early and I had enough time to move, she tripped and stunned herself, screaming in pain, bruised her forehead hitting it against the floor. Neighbors heard and called the cops and she gave a false statement. Of course looking the way I do it didn’t matter what I said, I spent a night in holding before she dropped the charges and got me out. I guess I’m just thankful she “loved” me enough not to let me get charged with that shit.
It’s made me scared about new relationships because I’m afraid someone can just tell a cop whatever they want and I’ll get fucked.
Shit this will probably get buried but it was nice to say it. edit: this post blew up r.i.p. my inbox. appreciate all the support and kind words. pm me if you want to talk peeps.
11. Stay-at-home dads are lazy losers; stay-at-home moms are empowered heroes.
I’m a stay-at-home father because I’m taking care of my wife and I’s 2 year old son. My wife’s got a career that’s promising advancement and she works sometimes 12 hour days. I often get the Why doesn’t he have a job and He’s a deadbeat dad routine but if I was a woman I’m sure I’d hear about how mothers work so hard as housewives.
TLDR; Man stays home raises child = Lazy, Woman stays home raises child = Hardworking Hero.
12. If youre a male nurse, people think its because you couldnt become a doctor.
When a man is a nurse people think and many times say in their face Couldn’t become a doctor, huh?
13. If a girl sexually assaults you, youre supposed to enjoy it.
I was sexually assaulted by a girl when I was plastered once and kept saying no I don’t want this. Woke up feeling violated and insanely uncomfortable yet when I told people they all told me to suck it up and I should’ve enjoyed getting some action.
14. There are huge gender disparities in criminal sentencing.
That women who have sex with underage boys aren’t given the same sentences as men who do the same with underage girls.
15. If men show feelings, theyre seen as pussies.
I don’t like how if guys show feelings and emotions they’re some kind of pussy and if a chick does it’s normal. We are all humans and we all have the same emotions that aren’t good to bottle up.
16. Guys are still expected to be the breadwinner.
I don’t like that there’s still this idea that guys have to be the breadwinners and provide for families. Some guys are cool with being househusbands, and women are just as capable of bringing home the money.
17. If a man who murdered a woman spoke at a Mens March, itd be national news.
There was a speaker at the women’s march on Washington named Donna Hylton. She got up on stage and talked about how she had spent 25 years in prison (not mentioning why of course), and the audience cheered.
Turns out, she spent 25 years in prison because in 1985, she and a handful of other people kidnapped a 60-year-old man, tried to ransom him for $435,000, tortured him for three weeks (Hylton personally sodomized him with a metal rod), strangled him, and stuffed his body into a chest to decompose.
I can’t help but wonder how a man with an equivalent record would be received at the same event.
18. Women are allowed to reject guys based on their looks without being seen as shallow.
When I turn down chubby women I’m shallow, but I get turned down for being bald and it just her preference.
19. If a man cheats, hes an asshole; if a woman does, its the mans fault.
I hate the TV portrayal that if a man cheats its cause hes an asshole and heartless but if a women does its scandalous and its cause her husband must either treat her bad or is just never around.
20. Despite what Hillary Clinton said, men are the primary victims of war.
That men for some reason have to be soldiers in some countries while woman only .
21. Divorce laws are lopsidedly in favor of women.
Divorce law.
Women are entitled to alimony at a MUCH higher percentage, even when she’s the primary bread winner.
The idea that a divorced woman has the right to a standard of living consistent to when you were married is gross. No one is entitled to a standard of living, that’s life. That we can be divorced and I can lose my job but still have to pay to keep you living how we were when we were married and I was employed…its insane.
22. Sex toys for girlsnormal. Sex toys for guysweird loser.
When a girl buys a vibrator, its seen as a bit of naughty fun. BUT when a guy orders a 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, he’s called a pervert?
23. A guy who plays video games for hours has a problem; a woman who watches Netflix all night doesnt.
When I play 3 hours of video games I have a problem. When my wife watches 5 hours of Netflix every night its not a problem. Edit: I agree this is not a gender thing. Sorry about answering the question wrong. There is a double standard with gaming/television watching though.
24. Men are expected to just sit back and let women hit them. If they complain, theyre a pussy; if they hit back, theyre a monster.
Domestic Violence. I just got out of an abusive relationship two weeks ago and I’m shocked at how hard it was for me to talk about it and get taken seriously with my peers. She was so mean and I’m the exact opposite these days. Only today have I felt validated for everything when I happened upon a counselor on another thread. I feel terrible about myself still and apparently that’s normal. I’m 6’4″ and a professional bouncer/bodyguard but let me tell you. Men can be abused just as easily as women. It was so bad I’m spending my lunch break here and trying to find a support group. The abuse was mental and very physical. Because I’m a large man though no one would take me seriously. It was always my fault, always me to blame. The preconceived general thought is that men are tough and can handle it. If not then I’m made to feel emasculated and told I’m a pussy. The truth is I just don’t believe in harming people I care about. I’m ranting now because I still can’t really talk about it to anyone. It’s a sad and shitty double standard. No one should have to deal with abuse.
25. Part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
That part of being a man is being disposable and no one giving a fuck if your life ends up ruined.
We hear talk all the time about the gender earnings gap, women’s right to bodily autonomy (via abortions and access to birth control), and other women’s issues, and those are all important things to discuss.
What we don’t hear as often is the fact that 84% of the homeless are men, 92% of workplace fatalities happen to men, 91% of people in prison are men, etc.
We talk about the subtle forms of discrimination in society that result in women choosing to pursue careers which don’t compensate them financially the same way that careers popular with men dobut we never talk about the subtle forms of discrimination that cause men to at a rate nearly an order of magnitude higher than women.
26. When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke.
When a woman is raped its a tragedy; when a man is raped its a joke. When a woman falsely reports a rape, it ruins the man’s life, she gets off scot-free or a tiny jail term.
27. Men who take selfies are much more likely to be accused of narcissism.
I have to say that the standard of what is acceptable on social media. If a female Instagram profile is full of 400 attractive selfies, people are not as critical of the narcissistic side of the pictures as much as they would if it were a guy. Not that I would want to post 400 selfies, but constantly posting pictures of yourself in specific poses isn’t a form of modeling or self-love as much as it is an expression of narcissism.
28. Theres no demand for plus size male models.
How we apparently need plus sized models to represent all women’s body types, but the thought of having male models with beer bellies and no rippling muscles/6 packs is disgusting.
29. Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men.
Women who can’t pay child support go to special homes. Men who can’t pay child support go to prison.
Women get shorter sentences for the same crimes as men, such as murder, rape, theft, or simple misdemeanors. Sometimes they aren’t punished at all
If a drunk male and a drunk female have sex, the female could charge for rape since she could not consent even though both parties voluntarily intoxicated themselves. This isn’t a common problem but it happens more than it needs to
Female requirements for the military, police, and fire responders are easier. During basic training in the army I saw a dude carrying 2 rucksacks (google it) and a girl walking behind him with nothing on her back.
Male rape victims are ignored or taken less seriously
Sexual harassment in the workspace happens to men and to women, men are just less likely to report it since they’re taken less seriously.
There are female quotas for CEO jobs, which inadvertently puts more qualified men out of a job in the name of gender equality.
Men pay higher auto premiums.
Women in divorce courts are more likely to win custody.
Men who want to teach young children are weird creepy pedophiles.
30. Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
Its not OK to think a girl is too fat, but its OK for her to think guys are too short.
31. If a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine.
That if a guy cries or shows any emotion whatsoever, he’s weak or not masculine. Fuck that. Guys are humans, not robots. They should be as expressive with their feelings as they want with whoever they want. I’d argue that trying to repress your own vulnerabilities is the real weakness.
32. Women who make rape accusations are automatically believed, even if theyre lying.
I fucking hate it that a woman can accuse a man of rape, and everyone’s on her side without a doubt, even if she’s lying. Flip it around, and the first thing the guy gets thrown in his face is probably something like You’re supposed to enjoy it, or You let a woman take control of you? That’s more scarring to the man than it is to the womanat least people take the woman’s word for it.
33. On a sinking ship, its women and children first.
The biggest double standard to me is ‘saving the women and children first.’ Why does a man’s life suddenly have less value in these sorts of situations?
34. Pro-choice? Men have absolutely no choice in the matter.
If an unmarried couple becomes pregnant the woman has 100% of the choice to keep the baby or have an abortion. If the man wants the baby and the woman doesn’t the man is out of luck. If the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman does the man is on the hook for 18 years of child support. Controversial I know, but I’d like to hear thoughts.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/16/34-men-discuss-societys-insane-double-standards-that-favor-women-and-hurt-men/
0 notes