#i miss my baby monk
bastardbystander · 1 year
Osferth <3
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
just gonna drop this here real quick....
sorry not sorry.
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : Flirty intros with reader that’s Goddess reader. Reader is goddess of sexual love and beauty. Raiden and Fujin are her younger brothers. This is based off MK 11. If this gets enough likes I’ll do women
ABOUT CHARACTER : (Y/N) is able to put people under love spells. It is also hinted that when she has sex with warriors, she gains their power. (Y/N)’s beauty makes her very conceited and flirtatious than from the other Gods. (Y/N) is good neutral. This means she is mainly good but works with villains. She also has glowing tattoos along her body that symbol love and sexual freedom.
CHARACTERS: Liu Kang, Kano, Kung Lao, Kabal, Johnny Cage, Erron Black, Shao Kahn, Noob Saibot, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Jax, Geras, Nightwolf, Kotal Kahn, Shang Tsung, Kollector, Baraka, Raiden & Fujin (obviously brother and sister banter for them)
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(Y/N) : I can feel the sexual tension between us, monk
Liu Kang : I find you very beautiful Lady (Y/N)
(Y/N) : You’ll find out the rest of me is soon enough
(Y/N) : Ever lay down with a goddess?
Liu Kang : It was never really on the bucket list
(Y/N) : Well add it and then check it off
(Y/N) : Kitana is such a bore
Liu Kang : Then who’s more interesting?
(Y/N) : Look right in front of you
(Y/N) : My brother was right in choosing you
Liu Kang : I’ll honor him for his decision
(Y/N) : Honor me instead
(Y/N) : Hello, gorgeous
Liu Kang : Are you flirting with me, Lady (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Just wanted to compliment you before I destroy that beautiful face
Kung Lao : If I win, you have to let me take you on a date
(Y/N) : If I win, you have to go down on me
Kung Lao : So I win either way?
Kung Lao : Double date with Liu Kang and Kitana?
(Y/N) : You could not handle a woman like me
Kung Lao : Oh I think I can
(Y/N) : You’re quite handsome
Kung Lao : And you’re quite beautiful
(Y/N) : Such a shame I’ll have to ruin that pretty face
(Y/N) : You’ll be one of the first I breed with
Kung Lao : *chuckles* Of course
(Y/N) : Confidence is a trait all my children will share
(Y/N) : Are you jealous of the chemistry I share with Liu Kang?
Kung Lao : Hardly. You know you are mine
(Y/N) : Oh am I?
Kano : Aren’t you lovely to look at
(Y/N) : You can look but you can’t touch
Kano : I like me a challenge
Kano : You know, you don’t act high and mighty like the other Gods
(Y/N) : Is that a turn on for you, Kano?
Kano : Very much
(Y/N) : You’re loyal only to yourself
Kano : I got some loyalty to fit you in, love
(Y/N) : I will make you the most loyal of them all
Kano : So are you the dominant or submissive one?
(Y/N) : I’m the one that puts you in the ground
Kano : I’m feeling you’re more like a switch
Kano : Hello, baby. You miss me?
(Y/N) : Maybe. Did you miss me?
Kano : A lot, lovely
Kabal : You got me under some spell, babe?
(Y/N) : You are not worthy for that kind of witchcraft
Kabal : Well damn
Kabal : Screwing me wont make you faster
(Y/N) : Actually that is precisely how it works
Kabal : Ah, shit
Kabal : You’re cute when you dress in all white
(Y/N) : You’re cute when you keep your mouth shut
Kabal : Ha. Got you to admit I’m cute
(Y/N) : Are you prepared to die Black Dragon?
Kabal : Not gonna lie. That voice is sexy
(Y/N) : It will be the last thing you hear
(Y/N) : Kneel before your goddess
Kabal : Not gonna lie, that’s tempting
(Y/N) : Cute
Geras : Beauty will not save you
(Y/N) : So you admit you find me beautiful?
Geras : *sighs*
Geras : I have never seen a God full of themself before
(Y/N) : It is merely fact that I am better than the rest
Geras : It is truly a wonder
Geras : I am immune to all your powers
(Y/N) : As if I need them against you
Geras : Making a grave mistake
(Y/N) : Kronika’s minion
Geras : My purpose is more than you know
(Y/N) : I do not care for your purpose
Geras : In the New Era, you will be more humble
(Y/N) : Is that apart of your imagination?
Geras : Soon will be reality
(Y/N) : Johnathan Carlton
Johnny : Ooh. Not the government. What’d I do?
(Y/N) : Practicing for when I scream it
(Y/N) : Are you always this insufferable?
Johnny : Come on. You know you like me
(Y/N) : Like is a very strong word
Johnny : Why are goddesses always so hot?
(Y/N) : I am the only goddess you know of
Johnny : Well yeah. Still hot
Johnny : Flowers or chocolates?
(Y/N) : Neither, Earthrealmer
Johnny : How bout me?
(Y/N) : You couldn’t handle a goddess
Johnny : I beat Shinnok. I think I got this
(Y/N) : I still cannot believe that happened
(Y/N) : You know that gun won’t kill me
Erron : You don’t like a little foreplay?
(Y/N) : As if you can get there with me
Erron : What I gotta do to prove I like you?
(Y/N) : Kneel before me
Erron : I got no problem getting on my knees for you
Erron : Fighting a pretty lady just ain’t my style
(Y/N) : Then maybe we should find another way to get physical
Erron : You ain’t gotta tell me twice
Erron : Women with tattoos are always hot
(Y/N) : I will make you regret even breathing
Erron : Yeah, still hot
(Y/N) : How much is on my head?
Erron : More than a lifetime
(Y/N) : How disappointing you’ll lose out on the money
Fujin : Stay away from Shao Kahn, sister
(Y/N) : He wouldn’t dare to harm me
Fujin : You think that
Fujin : Raiden and I are only trying to look out for you, sister
(Y/N) : I’m the older sister, Fujin
Fujin : You sure don’t act like it
Fujin : Shang Tsung will say anything to have your soul
(Y/N) : I am aware, brother
Fujin : Then why are you bonded to him?
(Y/N) : When will you and Raiden admit that I’m the better one?
Fujin : When hell freezes over
(Y/N) : I guess Sub-Zero will have to take a trip down in the Netherrealm
(Y/N) : You and Raiden don’t know how to have fun
Fujin : You’re just a childish, spoiled, god
(Y/N) : I know you are but what am I?
Shao Kahn : Join my concubines
(Y/N) : *laughs* You could not handle all of this, Shao Kahn
Shao Kahn : You will bend to me eventually
(Y/N) : Sindel is a catastrophic bore
Shao Kahn : A bold statement
(Y/N) : An accurate statement
Shao Kahn : You are far too beautiful for me to believe you are Raiden’s sister
(Y/N) : It is something I haven’t found the pleasure in bragging about
Shao Kahn : Let me take you away from that fool
Shao Kahn : A woman like you belongs with a man like me
(Y/N) : How so Shao Kahn?
Shao Kahn : Our power combined will be beyond imaginable
Shao Kahn : Kung Lao is not worthy of your affection
(Y/N) : And you are?
Shao Kahn : I will break his neck again
Raiden : I believe Nightwolf is interested in you
(Y/N) : No overprotective speech brother?
Raiden : Out of all the suitors, he is most worthy
Raiden : Stay away from, Liu Kang
(Y/N) : He is not just your chosen one
Raiden : I do not need him distracted right now
Raiden : Sister
(Y/N) : The non fun brother
Raiden : Here we go again with this
Raiden : The Black Dragon are not to be trusted
(Y/N) : I know this, brother
Raiden : So stop hanging around Kano and Kabal
(Y/N) : You’ve let rage consume you completely
Raiden : I do it to protect Earthrealm
(Y/N) : Some protection you are
Noob Saibot : Such beauty like yourself is rare
(Y/N) : Are you flirting with me, shadow?
Noob Saibot : I will bring you to death to live in your beauty for eternity
Noob Saibot : I’ve been looking for you
(Y/N) : Looks like I am found
Noob Saibot : Come with me
Noob Saibot : The shadows yearn for your touch
(Y/N) : They cannot have me
Noob Saibot : Yet
Noob Saibot : Death clings to your embrace
(Y/N) : Only for you Bi-Han, I will grant it
Noob Saibot : That is all I want
Noob Saibot : Join me in death
(Y/N) : Not happening
Noob Saibot : I’d hate to do this the hard way
(Y/N) : I like men that have fire
Scorpion : I will not entertain your advances
(Y/N) : A fireball fool rejects me?
(Y/N) : I think my sign is a Scorpio
Scorpion : Why does that matter?
(Y/N) : Ugh. You are so difficult to flirt with
(Y/N) : Takahashi Takeda is your best student. I bet he’d be great at other things
Scorpion : You will stay away from him
(Y/N) : Jealous Hanzo?
Scorpion : You are playing with fire
(Y/N) : Aren’t you the expert in that?
Scorpion : Playing with a man’s emotions will cost you
Scorpion : I will not indulge in your pyromaniac fantasies
(Y/N) : It’s almost as if you can read my thoughts
Scorpion : A goddess and a scorpion will not work
(Y/N) : It’s getting a little hot in here
Sub-Zero : What does that have to do with me?
(Y/N) : Sorry. That line was for Scorpion
(Y/N) : I bet you’re good with your hands
Sub-Zero : I can show you in Kombat
(Y/N) : Please. Demonstrate
(Y/N) : Frost is a lost cause
Sub-Zero : There might be hope for her
(Y/N) : The hope is shattered
(Y/N) : So cold I feel goosebumps
Sub-Zero : You will feel more than that
(Y/N) : Are you speaking of kombat or something else?
(Y/N) : You are in the presence of greatness
Sub-Zero : That I am
(Y/N) : Now submit
Shang Tsung : (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Stay away from my brothers
Shang Tsung : Yes. We should keep this between us
Shang Tsung : Come closer
(Y/N) : What will you do if I don’t?
Shang Tsung : You cannot resist me for long
Shang Tsung : Liu Kang admires you well
(Y/N) : Of course the chosen one does
Shang Tsung : He cannot admire you for long
(Y/N) : You cannot have my soul, sorcerer
Shang Tsung : I was thinking of something else
(Y/N) : *laughs* You are not worthy of that
(Y/N) : You have affections for Sonya?
Shang Tsung : Am I sparking something in you, goddess?
(Y/N) : Just can’t believe you’d be interested in someone so boring
(Y/N) : Well aren’t you easy on the eyes
Jax : Is a goddess really flirting with me?
(Y/N) : Very much so
(Y/N) : You and I keep crossing paths
Jax : I’m not complaining
(Y/N) : I bet you’re not
Jax : There ain’t nothing more attractive than a goddess
(Y/N) : You flatter me, Jax
Jax : I can do more than that
Jax : So how many rounds can you go?
(Y/N) : With my power? About ten
Jax : You know I’m talking about Kombat right?
(Y/N) : Put those arms to use, Briggs
Jax : And do exactly what, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : You know what
(Y/N) : Low life thief
Kollector : I will steal what is left of you when I am finished
(Y/N) : You’ll never have all of me
Kollector : You are the true embodiment of a goddess
(Y/N) : Yes, I know
Kollector : I will break you apart and sell your parts
(Y/N) : To what do I owe the displeasure
Kollector : The Kahn wants you
(Y/N) : If he wants me then he can come get me himself
Kollector : Pretty girl
(Y/N) : Ugh. You
Kollector : You will regret your distaste
Kollector : And what do we have here?
(Y/N) : Someone worth more than your life
Kollector : We’ll see about that
(Y/N) : Baraka
Baraka : Shao Kahn’s concubine
(Y/N) : Ha. He wishes
(Y/N) : Creature
Baraka : Submit to the Tarkata
(Y/N) : My standards aren’t low enough for you
(Y/N) : Keep looking, Baraka
Baraka : You are not all that, goddess
(Y/N) : How dare you!
Baraka : Face me in kombat
(Y/N) : You must have a death wish
Baraka : My wish is for you to die
Baraka : You are unworthy for the tarkata
(Y/N) : You dare call a goddess unworthy?
Baraka : Rightfully so
(Y/N) : Kotal Kahn
Kotal Kahn : You will stay away from Jade
(Y/N) : I can make you forget all about her
(Y/N) : You are Kahn no more
Kotal Kahn : Kitana takes my place
(Y/N) : Which means you are unworthy
Kotal Kahn : Shao Kahn only brings out destruction
(Y/N) : You’re no more innocent than he is
Kotal Kahn : The innocents are damned
(Y/N) : Why do all men fancy boring women?
Kotal Kahn : Jade is not boring
(Y/N) : Your heart desires for a common assassin
Kotal Kahn : You are truly breathtaking (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I do not need a fallen Kahn to remind me of that
Kotal Kahn : But your mouth is ugly
(Y/N) : Be on your guard, Nightwolf
Nightwolf : You really are stunning
(Y/N) : Yes. And deadly
(Y/N) : My brother claims that you are interested in me
Nightwolf : I um..that is interesting
(Y/N) : Don’t turn back on me now
Nightwolf : I’ve never met anyone like you
(Y/N) : *chuckles* Are you flirting with me, Nightwolf?
Nightwolf : Would that bother you, my Goddess?
(Y/N) : Are you going to let me win like you let Scorpion win?
Nightwolf : I would never pose kombat on you, Goddess
(Y/N) : Shame. I like being wrestled to the ground
Nightwolf : We shouldn’t fight
(Y/N) : This is merely an exercise
Nightwolf : I will prove I am worthy, Lady (Y/N)
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A/N: I hope you guys liked this. It took me a long time to make
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comradekatara · 2 months
I just read your rant about zukka and it made me think what if zuko’s obsession with sokka has to do with the fact that sokka in some ways encompasses some of the traits that have been forced on Zuko since he was young like the whole killing without mercy or remorse and the need for control and the strategic thinking. But Sokka uses these skills no to try and rule the world but to help aang stop Ozai. I haven’t watched atla in a while but your analyses help me realize a lot of details that I missed about it was he characters
yeah i’ve talked before about how sokka and azula being so similar must be kind of a mindfuck for zuko because sokka has “a killer instinct that’s just so fire nation” but also he’s literally friends with the bald baby pacifist monk avatar who says shit like “do you think we could’ve been friends too?” and so zuko clearly has no idea what to think. like he and azula were both indoctrinated into this world that valued certain traits and dogmas over others (ie, sokka’s over aang’s) and so azula sees sokka as more of a threat.
it’s funny because obviously sokka and zuko’s first encounter is sokka getting his ass handed to him by a guy who doesn’t even care that he’s in his way, but also that scheme is pretty immediately disrupted by sokka’s boomerang. and then the next time they meet, sokka has actually spent time training under someone (instead of fumbling around in the dark by himself) and can now hold his own far better. and every single encounter after that sees sokka not only rising to zuko’s level, but surpassing him, fighting him, foiling his plans, advocating to leave him for dead, ignoring him, dismissing him.
even at the western air temple, sokka is the liaison who welcomes him into the group (the designated “leadership” role comes with more responsibilities than simply assassinating assassins), but he also makes it pretty clear that he doesn’t care for or trust zuko throughout “the firebending masters,” even if his manner of bullying is far less overtly malicious than katara’s. and yet, zuko cannot discount him. zuko saw him kill combustion man. zuko understands his value to the group. zuko recognizes that quality he and azula share. zuko may have had an advantage over him the first time they met, but it sure didn’t last long. if azula and zuko have anything in common, it’s a mutual respect for sokka.
like, sokka is the only member of the gaang’s name azula actually says (aang is “the avatar,” katara is “peasant,” toph is [insert blind joke here], and suki is “my favorite prisoner”) and on the day of black sun, she elects to distract sokka first and foremost knowing that he’s their “leader.” and she does clearly respect him more than most people do because she can see herself in him (at least to some extent, i don’t think either of them are actually insightful enough to realize how deep that connection truly goes) and thus can recognize his worth as someone who is in a similar position, albeit on the opposite side.
zuko does say and aang and katara’s names (and appa’s), but sokka’s name is the first he says, and it’s really the only name he uses as a mode of address. and the matter of naming is clearly important to royal heirs, who are defined by their names and titles. we see that especially when zuko confuses ursa’s “remember who you are” with “remember your ancestry,” declaring who he is not as internal identity, but as title. to afford someone the respect of addressing them by name is to implicitly demonstrate respect for them.
this is further demonstrated by the fact that unlike “you just had to pick up the glowing egg” zuko of just an episode prior, zuko really does follow sokka’s leadership and places his complete faith in his abilities. there’s no complaining or backseat driving or undermining of his intentions, which is genuinely anomalous for zuko, who generally refuses to listen to anyone about anything (unless he’s being actively scared into submission, and even then he’s stood up to ozai multiple times). he’s not outspoken in these episodes, however. he is downright docile. and it’s because he genuinely believes sokka to be his superior. which isn’t to say that sokka isn’t better than he is, but like. aang is too and he doesn’t take his knowledge into account! because aang doesn’t represent the values that zuko strove to embody his entire life.
what’s more, i would imagine there’s something kind of satisfying, if not downright intriguing, about knowing someone who basically is what you aspire to be, who you were told you must be your entire life, and seeing that he is just. absolutely fucking miserable. like azula is also miserable, but zuko doesn’t know that (yet), because she hides it better. but sokka is genuinely suicidal (especially in these episodes). meeting this idealized standard of perfection you have always failed to reach and realizing that whatever standards you once (recently) held yourself to are actually deeply unfulfilling. that sokka isn’t “perfect,” that he actually considers himself a failure. and the fact that when he does fail, he considers it the end of the world because he never built up the resilience one gets from being a normal person who doesn’t always succeed on their first try. and zuko’s like “finally, something i have that he doesn’t: intimate knowledge of what it’s like to constantly fail and underperform and disappoint people!”
zuko is really perfectly equipped to support sokka in this situation, because he idolizes him enough to provide him with the unconditional support sokka feels fundamentally undeserving of, and also understands sokka’s misery enough to give him actually meaningful advice when it matters. what’s interesting about how zuko feels about sokka is that it’s not just about uncritically putting him on a pedestal for being Nice Azula or whatever, it’s also about zuko’s genuine desire to help sokka and protect him.
yue inhabits the martyr role that sokka has always envisioned himself in, suki establishes herself as someone who is equally capable of protecting him and he can her, and zuko risks his life to support sokka on his crazy suicide mission, when sokka was so intent on going it alone because he wasn’t thinking clearly didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. sokka doesn’t need someone who treats him like an irreproachable god. in fact, i think sokka would hate nothing more than having a sycophant. he needs someone who understands that he is fallible and vulnerable and needs help like any human being does, and respects and trusts and admires him anyway.
zuko doesn’t have the capacity to recognize azula’s insecurities and shortcomings, or the desire to help her, but he does for sokka. because he never felt like he was in a position where he had to compete for something against him. he’s not trying to usurp sokka’s role as “leader” (except for whatever was going on in “sozin’s comet,” but that’s for another post) and is happy to simply follow him, in a way that is genuinely uncharacteristic for him.
and you can say that it’s because zuko is gay and stupid (which wouldn’t be wrong, per se), but it’s also because sokka embodies everything zuko ever thought he had to be. and it’s because sokka doesn’t even care. it’s the recognition that one person’s idealized model of behavior is another’s burden. that if zuko had been “perfect” like sokka, he never would’ve gained the wisdom to accept defeat and not let it deter him. perfect like azula, who, like sokka, shatters in the face of failure.
zuko says as much in “the siege of the north,” and again in “the western air temple.” the fact that he isn’t a prodigy, the fact that he “had to struggle and fight” to achieve what little he has, is “what made me who i am.” so he’ll respect sokka, of course, because sokka is who he wished for so long that he could be. but he’ll also support sokka, because he has just enough distance from the situation to recognize that he’s not an island (even if sokka himself is convinced that he must be). so it’s not obsession, per se, nor is it simply uncritical admiration that confuses excellence for infallibility. it’s unconditional support born of understanding, a sort of empathy. it’s devotion.
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There is a first time for everything (Osferth x barmaid!Reader)
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synopsis: They say there is a first time for everything, yet never in a milion years would Osferth have thought he would lose that specific first time to someone as gorgeous as you.
warnings: Osferth being teased for being a virgin, basically pwp, p in v, oral m receiving, flirty reader, afab reader
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
Dividers by me
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“Are you going to stay a virgin forever, baby monk?” One teased, boisterously handing him a cup of ale, just as you passed to fill up their drinks. Osferth’s eyes landed on you almost immediately to, what you assumed, make sure if you had heard that. Only to visibly come to the conclusion that no delusion in the world could convince him that you hadn´t. His ears were pink and his cheeks burned cherry red. He looked immensely uncomfortable with the teasing, almost like he wants to drown himself in the cup, which gains him a sympathetic look, before you move on to serve the next table. From afar you can still see him take a sip of his drink, trying to appear unbothered by the comments. Just as one of his friends slapped him on the back, causing him to spill some of his drink on his robes. "Monk boy needs to get laid!" he laughed, causing Osferth to further blush and want to die of mortification.
As you pass the table yet again, you give Osferth a small wink and a reassuring smile, though you also make an effort to let your hips sway a bit more than before. You felt yourself weirdly drawn towards his seemingly sweet nature amidst the chaos and depravity of his friends. Osferth felt his face heat up even more, he couldn't help but stare at her ass. He wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. Instead, he just continued to wish his friends would stop embarrassing him in front of you already.
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Later that night, after closing time, Alenna found Osferth sitting alone, nursing yet another mug of ale. She walked over to him and sat down beside him.
"Where did you leave your loud friends, baby monk?" You lean in teasingly with her elbows propped up on your thighs and a lazy smile on your lips.
Osferth looked up at you, he noticed how close you were sitting, and he could feel the warmth of your body close by. He also noticed how your breasts pressed together against your tight blouse, and he couldn't help but feel aroused despite himself.
"They... left." he managed to say between sips of ale. He looked away, feeling his face grow even more crimson. "I think they went to visit some brothel or other... They wanted me to join. Said I needed to get laid or something..." he trailed off, not wanting to continue the sentence.
“Hm, it was hard to miss that." You giggle at the memories of their earlier antics. Then you become calmer. "And what do you want?"
He looked at you, his eyes wide and innocent. He had no idea how to act around someone so beautiful and confident.
"W-what do you mean 'what do I want'?" he asked. He had never been approached like that by a woman before, and he didn't quite know how to handle it.
You chuckle and reach out to stroke his cheek with the back of her fingers. You lean closer to him, taking note of his scent before speaking softly.
"Desires. You want something don't you?" Your breath is hot against his ear as you whisper the word. "Or maybe you're tired of those loud friends telling you what to do?”
You pause to let the words sink in for a moment then you speak once more. “To ask in more plain language... Do you want to lose your virginity or are you content keeping it? It is all up to you. No one else should make that decision for you."
Silence settles over them. The choice truly is up to him and whatever it would be, she would respect it. Osferth felt his heart race as you spoke softly into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He swallowed hard, trying to gather the courage to speak.
"I... I don't want to keep it," he managed to say, his voice barely audible. He could feel the stiffness growing between his legs as he thought about losing his virginity.
"Aren´t you sweet?" You coo against his lips, teasing a kiss, before you lets your lips wander down his neck. Never once actually letting them touch his skin. "Just remember, should you ever wish to stop or want me to do something specific just tell me. I want this to be as pleasant for you as it possibly can be."
As you began to tease him with kisses along his neck, you also remove his robes, listening the soft moans. The blond shut his eyes tightly for a moment, he had always been taught that sex was something shameful and dirty, yet he found himself getting harder and craving the touch with each passing second as you undressed him.
When you reveal his cock, he watched as you admired it, your hand moving gently over it. Applying soft pressure to make it leak even more of the pearly precum, which collected at the tip of his member, from your place on the floor between his legs. He felt a surge of pleasure throughout his entire body.
“Is that alright?” you ask in a raspy voice as you feel him shiver.
He nodded silently, unable to find the words to speak. So, he let out a soft moan as Alenna’s hand continued to work magic on his length, driving him closer and closer to release.
"Use your words, baby monk. Tell me what you want." You try to coax an answer out of Osferth. Though it is clearly visible that he is overtaken by the pleasure he had never felt before.
His mind raced as he tried to think of how to express what he wanted but found himself unable to form coherent sentences. All he could manage was a series of incoherent grunts and groans as your hand continued rubbing his cock. The shaft twitched seemingly restlessly in your palm as you move your head down to lick small stripes at his sensitive, flushed tip. Instinctively Osferth´s hand comes to guide your head deeper onto his cock. Slurping and slight gagging sounds fill the room until you eagerly get pulled off him with a desperate whimper.
You know he is close. It is etched into every small muscle and crease of his face and so you let him move you away before you ask. “Where do you want to come?”
"Fuck me... please... fuck me..." He managed to gasp out. “I want to come inside of you.”
And with those words, he surrendered completely to the pleasure of the moment, letting go of any shame or hesitation that he might have felt any remnants of before.
Quickly you move your skirt and any other clothes out of the way and sink down on his lap with his cock buried deep in your tight folds, gasping at how well he filled her out. Osferth´s hands find their way to your breasts, cupping them gently and massaging them as he felt her tightness wrap around his throbbing member. At the same time, you bury your hands in his hair. The pace of your thrusts is barely matched by his desperate strokes, trying to keep up with all the intense sensations. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of pleasure, and he didn't want the moment ever to end.
The slight upwards curve of his cock has Osferth´s length rub against that special spot inside with every thrust, making you see stars as you throw your head back in pleasure.
"So good." There is a drawl to your words from the cloud of pleasure that overwhelms your own brain. "Fuck, you can touch me harder. I won't break."
Osferth let out a low groan and complied with her request, increasing the force of his strokes, and gripping her breasts more firmly as he felt her body trembling above him. He could see the pleasure etched onto your face like you were an open book and he found himself feeling incredibly satisfied by bringing you such joy.
"I'm not gonna last much longer..." You mewl, bringing one of your hands down between your thighs to caress your sensitive pearl, heightening the pleasure that made your walls grip his cock even tighter. Osferth felt your approach to orgasm and increased the depth of his thrusts even further, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible before you both released. He watched as your hand worked its magic between your legs, committing the movements and your in pure ecstasy contorted face to memory. When he is sure what to do, the blond gently pushes your hand aside to replace your finger with his thumb, rubbing the same circles into your flesh. As he takes over on rubbing circles into your clit your hands go to hold onto his shoulders to keep from slumping against his chest.
It doesn't take long for your movements to falter under his ministrations, waves of pleasure shaking your body as the knot that had built in your lower stomach snaps. Osferth however continues to fuck into you, chasing his own release, which claims him only moments later. Encouraged by your fluttering walls, rolled back eyes and downright sinful moans.
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As you let out a long, drawn-out moan and cried out in pleasure, Osferth let out a loud groan and came inside of you, filling your womb with his thick seed as he experienced the ultimate pleasure of release for the first time. He felt like he was on fire, every nerve in his body burning with need even after his peak had stopped overwhelming him.
You stay in Osferth´s lap until the two of you have found your breath again and his cock has softened inside of you. Only then, you stand up to go clean up.
"How was that for a first time?” You ask him with another lazy smile and hazy eyes that glow in the light of your previous orgasm as you fix his messy hair with gentle touches and clean his cock with a damp towel. Osferth looked down at you with a mixture of satisfaction and exhaustion, his member still throbbing under the gentle, lukewarm towel. He nodded in response to your question, unable to speak for the moment due to lack of breath.
"I do not feel like I've done justice to how amazing you felt around me." He answers once he regains his mind, a weak grin grazing his lips.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. A bell like giggle escapes you at his statement.
"Well, you could always come back tomorrow..." You invite him in a sultry tone, eyes falling half close to give an equally seductive look.
The next day you hear his friends before they even enter the tavern. Smiling to yourself as you go to greet them and take their orders of assumingly more ale, it becomes more clear that they remained unaware as to what happened to their friend after they left the prior night. So, Alenna gives Osferth a wink and whispers loud enough for everyone to hear. "I cannot wait to see you again later. I had a lot of fun last night..."
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queers-gambit · 3 months
Now and at the Hour of His Death
prompt: any who say, "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," were never loved by him.
pairing: Osferth x female!pregnant!wife!reader
fandom: The Last Kingdom
word count: 6.1k+
note: fuck you, Netflix.
warnings: you already know - author needs therapy, projects hard, pregnant wife, Lord’s name in vain, Christianity (obviously), and a fuck ton of fucking ANGST because fuck your feelings. hurt NO comfort, drama, oneshot, cursing, canon-typical violence, injury, and blood. character death and spoilers - yeah, i'm giving you THAT scene. requires maturity and caution. good luck.
also please note: NO, i do not age Osferth to be 16 - that's just a reference age for when he eventually runs away from the monastery.
again, you are missing nothing if this upsets or triggers you and you choose to skip. value your wellbeing, my angels. author is not responsible for the media YOU choose consume, but still, as usual, MDNI
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"You should not be doing this sort of work," Ingrith's voice scolded you, and when you turned, you saw the blonde woman standing with her hip cocked and a stern expression. "It's bad for your health to be in such filth, we've stable boys for this sort of chore."
"I do not mind," you sniffled in the brisk air, shoveling the horse shit of the stable into a muck bucket to be dumped into the fields later. "It keeps me busy," you grunted lightly, sure to bend your knees when lifting the pitchfork, "keeps me humble," you listed, dumping the waste to grin at your friend, "and keeps me young."
"In what way?"
"Reminds me of my childhood," you eased, continuing your work. "I slept in a stable from the ages of 4 to... Oh, shit, I guess I was about 16 before I left The Loft."
"What?" She breathed in confusion. "Never knew that."
"Yeah, yeah, true story," you beamed at her, still shoveling shit. "I slept in the stalls with the horses, sometimes in the grain rooms - basically anywhere I could since my work didn't include official room and board, so, I had to make do with what was available. Then, one day when I was about ten, Old Man Rivers said I could use the hay loft if I cleared it out, fixed the rotten planks. Stayed up there till I was about 16, and after that, I kinda ran away."
"Old Man Rivers?"
You nodded, "My mother lived on his homestead, but she was real sick, you see. So, he kinda took me in without assuming responsibility for me," you cleared your throat, shrugging, "let me stay in his barn if I worked with the horses and livestock for him."
"Why would you want to be reminded of that?"
"Seems simpler when I look back."
Ingrith sighed, "C'mon, put the pitchfork down. Come help me prepare the rabbits. The scouts say the men aren't too far off, they'll want a hot meal."
You chuckled with ease and set your pitchfork aside, giving a hearty pat to one of the horse's necks as you passed by to exit the stable. Ingrith made sure you washed up before you were both mounting rabbits on the rack to start skinning them.
"Could I ask something?" She wondered after a time.
"Anything you'd like."
"Why'd you run away? From Old Man Rivers?"
You laughed, "I was in love."
"Oh, you and Baby Monk go that far back, huh?"
"Try even farther," you teased. "Our mothers were friends, and when I worked in the stable, he was in the monastery, but when he came to me, saying he couldn't do it any longer, I couldn't let him go alone. Life was supposed to offer more than what we were given, so, we set out to find the legendary barbarian, The Dane Slayer," you teased, both giggling, "our Lord, the legendary, Uhtred of Bebbanburg."
"And all this time...?" She smiled, watching you shuck hide like you've done it your whole life. Ingrith inferred you probably did.
"Yeah," you eased, "all this time, he's been by my side. Kept me close, never left me behind. The others weren't too sure about me on account of being a woman, they told us to piss off a few times - but they came around after Osferth refused to send me away."
"He's a good lad, Osferth," she nodded.
"Arguably one of the best ones," you agreed, nudging her arm gently, "but look who I'm telling, right?"
"Oh!" She giggled, swatting at you loosely before going back to your work for a moment. Suddenly, the townspeople of Rumcofa stirred to life, and over the voices, you heard them announcing their Lord's return - which meant all of your men were home. You both grinned and breathlessly left your post, Ingrith pausing a young lad to ask, "How many return to us?"
"Does it matter? Come, c'mon, let us see ourselves!" You all but squealed, overwhelmed with excitment; eager for your own reunion with the man you've loved since you were a young lass.
"Warn the alehouse!" Finan was heard shouting. "Osferth's thirsty!"
"Jesus," you laughed, dodging around the procession of people waiting to greet their warriors on their return home so you could approach the white gelding your husband rode.
His face was absolutely priceless when he caught sight of you. As Osferth eagerly dismounted, your hands smoothed over the small swell of your belly - purposefully wearing a dress that accentuated your ever-changing figure. "Am I dreaming?" He laughed, a stablehand taking hold of his horse so his hands were free to caress your belly. "Oh, my God, I'm not, 's real, oh, God," he beamed, laughing with you. "You're pregnant? Truly? Yes? I-I am not - I am not being deceived?"
"No, my love, I guess our prayers were finally heard."
"OH-HOOOO!" You heard Finan holler as Osferth finally pulled you in for a sweet kiss; both ignoring the Irishman. "Lord! LORD! Uhtred! Hey! Did you hear!? Baby Monk's got some spunk in 'im afta all!"
"Oh, God," you laughed against Osferth's lips, but he was quick to shush you with another breath-stealing kiss.
"A baby Baby Monk! AHA!" Finan was still laughing, your husband's hands caressing both your cheeks when he pulled back just in time for Finan to descend. You grunted lightly when his heavy arms dropped over both yours and Osferth's shoulders, his laugh still booming as he gave a squeeze and cooed, "Oh, congratulations, yah two love birds! Wasn't sure you had it innyah, boy!"
"Don't be so rough with her, Finan, for God's sake," Osferth scolded, nudging his friend to get out from under his arm.
"What?" Finan looked at you gobsmacked. "Sayin' I gotta treat yah different now or somethin'?"
"I didn't say that," you told him prettily with fluttering lashes, fist quickly balling up to jab him in the weak spot of his armor - making him grunt and wheeze. "Aht-aht!" You warned with a pointed finger when he flinched as if to retaliate, "Can't hit a pregnant woman."
"Oh, yeh li'l shite," Finan laughed, Osferth pushing him towards his wife so he could stand in front of you and command all attention.
Osferth took a moment to simply look at you; thumbs gently tracing over your cheeks in sweeping motions, a slow grin breaking across his lips. "This almost doesn't feel real... But how I have to praise God for this blessing. A baby," he breathed.
"A little you and me," you agreed softly. "Sound okay to you?"
"More than okay," he chuckled, pecking your lips, "sounds like a lifetime together."
"Good by me." His nose nuzzled up yours, the sweet moment broken when he sighed sadly; eyes shut and smile dropping. "What is it? What's wrong, love?" You asked, stepping into his embrace so you were nuzzled into his neck and his arms were wrapped around your form in a vice.
"Uhtred means to move us again," he whispered in your ear. "Brida, she... She's got Father Pyrlig, and - "
"What!?" You snapped, rearing back slightly to pin him under your hardened glare. Pregnancy hormones would surely give Osferth whiplash.
"My love, I did not - "
"Brida's got Pyrlig? Fuck are we standin' here for, let's go!" You reached for his hand, ready to march off.
"Uh, no, no, no, no," he pulled you back to him; anchoring his hands on your hips so you could not escape. "You are not going anywhere. Not now - especially now," he glanced at your still-growing bump. "The men will go, you know we will return, but you have this new responsibility, and that's keeping this little one safe. For us," he smiled at you.
You huffed, "I'm not unfit to do what needs done, Osferth."
"I did not say you were unfit, but look at the timing of it," he frowned. "I should've been here when you learned, but I was not, and I am truly so sorry for it. Look, I do not know how long this venture will be, but you know I will return. We've waited for our family for far too long, I will not jeopardize this - so I will return. If you go with us, and something were to happen," he shook his head, "my angel, I would never forgive myself. So I need you to stay here, stay safe, if for nothing else but for me."
"But Pyrlig - "
"Will be saved," he assured.
"And Brida - "
"Will be dealt with," he eased, chuckling lightly. "My angel, you worry too much about everyone and yet never about yourself."
You pouted, "Well, why is it just me meant to stay back? This is your child, too, Osferth, and should have the right to meet them! You can't always control what happens, accidents are real, what if you don't return - "
"Don't think like that - "
"But it's a real threat to us - "
He agreed, "Of course, but - "
"Yeah, I know," you nodded, cutting him off, "we serve Lord Uhtred. This comes first, and I'm not - "
"I've made a vow to him."
"You made one to me, too, you know."
"Angel, please, don't do this. Do not ask me to choose," he begged with a frown, and you caved.
So, with a sigh, you nuzzled into his embrace and relented, "All right, yes, fine, go after Brida and Pyrlig. And when you find them, tell him I am waiting for his safe return, he is dearly missed. Ideally, I'd have him birth our child."
"Of course," he breathed, finding a small reprieve of relief that you did not fight him further about leaving - about choosing which vow to fulfill: the one to his Lord Uhtred or the one to his wife.
Both made to God.
Luckily, Osferth married his best friend and you were never one to pick fights with him. You liked the harmony you had; the peaceful environment you had both cultivated to preserve the trust and love you built through the years. He was genuinely one of a kind; a man who walked many lines between faith, humanity, right, wrong. He was the voice of reason, constantly striving to do better than he did before, learning all he could as if a rag soaking in water. For all he was, Osferth has always been enough for you, and for that reason alone, you never felt the need to argue.
To fight. To voice contempt.
"Question," you perked up, smirking at him as your pregnancy symptoms ran a little wild, "think we've time to, you know, really give our thanks?"
"Angel - "
"What?" You grinned. "You fucked me on the alter all those weeks ago and look - your seed stuck. We might as well go give thanks in the same manner, just to really show God how thankful we are for this blessing he's given us."
"Think the Devil's gotten into you," he laughed.
"Or your child is ruining my hormones," you countered, his lips meeting yours in another passionate display of his excitement.
"C'mon," he whispered, taking your hand, and leading you to the chapel - thinking you were being sneaky, but your matching giggles made Ingrith and Finan beam at each other.
"He does know she can't get more pregnant, right?" Finan teased, flinching when Ingrith smacked his upper arm.
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"My angel, please - "
"What the fuck is going on, Osferth!?"
"I'm trying to explain - "
"The Queen? The fucking Queen is dead in our village! How can that possibly be explained!?" When Osferth didn't answer, just sat in the wooden chair before the shared hearth of your humble home, you snapped, "Well!?"
"Are you finished? May I speak now?"
With a huff, you nodded and gestured for him to speak; arms crossing around your swollen tits. He explained to you the reason for Haesten's arrival, the wagon his men toted, and why he brought the Queen's dead body to the settlement of Rumcofa. He told you Haesten wanted to keep the peace when King Edward found out, claiming Uhtred's son-in-law, Stiorra's husband, Sigtryggr, had ordered this death - thinking war would surely roll over his lands.
You never knew Haesten to be a generous man, nor much of an honest one, but it seemed the severity of the situation made everyone eerily on-edge. Uhtred dispatched his men; leaving Finan and Osferth in the village with you, developing a plan that would save both Saxon and Danish life. And yet, it was all futile when evil forces worked against good.
You didn't feel safe in Rumcofa anymore, there was a stench in the air; tension that mounted to embrace all residents with discomfort. Something was about to happen, but nobody knew what. You didn't claim or pretend to know what was happening, but Haesten's abrupt appearance spelled danger for everyone involved. So, as a security measure, you kept a long sword buckled around your swelling waist and a dagger strapped under your skirts. With Lord Uhtred gone, there was no invisible fence protecting Rumcofa - leaving it up to you, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf to pose as guard.
Yet you'd never be enough.
Like the surf over sand, a group of angered men descended on Rumcofa. "Who's men are yah?" Finan asked, you lingering at Osferth's side to watch the interaction from a short distance.
"We come from the King," a burly Saxon replied, your head cocking in interest - swearing you've seen him before. "Dane murderers are hiding here and you must hand them over."
"You're mistaken, sir," you kindly offered, the man's eyes shifting over you, "because we live in peace. Any murderers have surely moved on from here. We do not host them."
The man growled, "Don't think that's true, love."
Finan held a hand back at you, meeting your eyes and nodding simply. He turned back for the man in fur, diverting, "Of course, my men will attend to it."
Finan turned from the group, his eyes connecting with yours as he passed by. There was urgency, a quickened pace he adopted; having no intention to hand anyone over, wanting to remove these men without bloodshed. However, that was a distant thought because Father Benedict tried to assure the Saxon leader that nobody in Rumcofa would murder Queen Aelflaed.
You wanted to step in when the Saxon evidently didn't know about the Queen's demise - getting in Benedict's face and demanding to see what he spoke of.
"No, no, no," you muttered nervously, "he can't see the body, love, no, no, no, this is bad. Very bad."
"We can't stop Father Benedict without altercation," Osferth whispered back, keeping a tight hold of your hand, just watching the group. "If something happens, you need to get yourself safe."
"How do we truly know they're from Edward? What credentials do they have?" When Osferth shook his head, you worried, "Got a bad feeling 'bout this, angel."
Then the violence began.
The strange men took charge when their leader walked away, starting to physically harass the citizens; making both you and Osferth step in to try and diffuse the tension. You pushed men off unarmed women, got in between them and the children, did what you could without drawing a weapon.
When a man shoved you away from him, Finan wrangled him away, sneering, "Get yer hands off of her!" He kept the violent men at bay for a moment, telling you, "You need to go, darling - "
"Not now, Fin, look around us! We need to contain the situation, you'll need all hands you can get," You snapped, the two of you forced to part way.
Osferth panted nervously and looked left and right, turning to meet the Saxon and demand, "Tell your men to stand down!" But then, his eyes squinted when you joined his side to pull him back a step or two, recognizing him just as you did.
"I don't think they're here for the Queen, love," you heaved for breath in warning, still backing him up. "They've planned this."
"Finan!" Osferth barked, "These men have been here before!"
The Saxon roared over the fray, "Danes of Rumcofa have murdered our Queen!" His men jeered in anger, making Finan brandish both swords and for Osferth to push you back further from the attention. "Do your duty and rid the cockles from the wheat!"
You were left no choice. Osferth and you both armed yourselves, starting to fight off the Saxons as their leader demanded Danes and Christians be separated. You were unable to help, engaged in battle, but Young Uhtred gathered the Danes and begged Father Benedict to declare the church a sanctuary - thinking it would save lives.
It was only leading the Danes to slaughter.
The Saxon, Bresal, punched Father Benedict when he tried to stand in the way; his men holding Young Uhtred in the doorway to let their men enter the church the Danes were gathered in. They forced Young Uhtred to watch the massacre - men, women, and Danish children all slaughtered with no escape. No hope. No answer to a single prayer. Nobody to stop this bloody situation.
You fought on, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf doing their best to protect you by keeping you in the middle of their wee group. But you still got plenty of action.
"This is madness!" You cried out, slicing a man's throat open. "We need aid! We need more men!"
"This way!" Finan encouraged, "We must cut a path for Ingrith! Check the docks! Check the docks!"
You and Osferth ran towards the water, Cynleaf not far away. You searched for Ingrith, but you had no time to linger; engaged one-on-one again, forced to protect yourself and unborn baby. Not a minute later, you saw Ingrith on horseback, being stalled by a Saxon and for your husband to rush to her aid. He punched the man away from the horse, you hacking at another enemy, in time to see Osferth engaging with two Saxons - one being the leader, Bresal.
It all happened so fast.
You were already racing towards them when the unexpected. Osferth was battling on two fronts, holding Bresal at bay, fending off the other Saxon, screaming for Ingrith, who only managed a few paces before the Saxon's dogs spooked her horse. The noise was deafening; people screaming, crying, dogs barking, horses whinnying, swords singing as they clashed.
You watched it happen in slow motion.
You sprinted faster than ever before.
"INGRITH!" Osferth bellowed in worry when her horse reared back and dropped her to the dirt. It left an opening for Bresal to stab his dagger into Osferth's lung - freezing time and wrecking your world.
"NO!" You screamed, Bresal smirking at you and yanking his dagger free. Osferth wobbled, eyes wide as he met yours, the Saxon walking away as Osferth dropped to his knees. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, God, no, no, you can't take him - not yet! Please, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," You repeated, sliding on your knees in the dirt to catch him. "No, no, oh, my God, no, Osferth, no, please! Not now, not now, please, no, God, no! Don't do this! Please, please, please," you rambled, readjusting to better hold him, hearing Cynleaf and Finan yell for Baby Monk, too. You raged at God, "You can't take him yet! You can't have him! He's mine!"
But you heard nothing except your husband's labored breathing.
"An-Angel, angel, my angel," Osferth choked, wheezing and crying as he couldn't hold himself up and completely slumped back into your body. He pawed at your arms in an attempt to get closer.
"No, no, no, you're all right, you're okay, you're okay, my sweet love, you're all right," you insisted, hands stained in his blood as it poured from his wound. You knew it was essential to add pressure to a wound, but also, that this was all futile. Yet you needed to try. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me, just look at me, sweetheart, please, only look at me, nothing else matters," you pleaded with him in a rush, the lads sprinting to where you held your husband to your lap.
Nobody interrupted you.
"Where's the wound?" Osferth sobbed, trembling, blood spurting from his mouth; going paler by the minute. "Angel, please, the wound? Where's the wound?"
"No, no, no, don't worry 'bout that, hey? Don't you worry, you just keep looking at me," you sobbed, holding his neck and cradling him to your swollen belly. "Just at me, my love, okay? Just look at me - don't look anywhere else, okay? Nothing else matters."
"H-How bad? How ba-ba-bad-bad is i-it?"
"You're going to be all right," you lied to Osferth for the first time.
"Oh, my God, oh, my God," Osferth repeated through his tears and fears, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
He held onto you desperately, sobbing, you slowly rocking. "No, you're all right, Osferth, it's okay, just look at me." You caressed his cheek, smearing blood, but locking eyes. "My love," you whispered, "listen to me - "
"I don't wanna die, please, please, angel, my love, please," he coughed, holding your arm tightly as if it would give him life. "Don't let me die," he wheezed, "don't let me die, my love, please, please. Don't let me die, I don't wanna die. I-I wanna meet our baby, please, I want to meet our baby, I want to be a father. Don't let me die, love, please, I-I wanna be your husband longer - "
"You'll never not be my husband and you'll never not be a father, hear me?" You sniffled, trying to smile at him. "Don't you worry, you're gonna be okay, you're okay, Osferth. You'll always be my husband, nothing will change that - I swear."
Blood pumped with each beat of his frantic heart, making it gush over your fingers. You didn't even feel it.
"Please," he choked, more blood bubbling from his lips, "don't let me die, I don't wanna die. Don't let me die, please, not now, not when our baby isn't here yet, please, I just wanna meet 'em, be a family, I wanna stay with you, don't let me go. Please, don't let me go, I don't want t'go! Don't let me - "
"Shh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here with you. I'm right here, Osferth, you're not alone, you're never alone. I'm here. I've got you. I'll always have you, I won't ever let you go. Never."
He sobbed harder. "I don't wanna leave you. Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be without you - " But the words choked him, a splatter spraying across your face when he coughed; you didn't even flinch.
"Listen to me," you begged, "I commend you, my dear, sweet husband, to Almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator."
Finan was heard behind you, retching jarring sobs as you read Osferth his death rite prayer. "Don't let me die," Osferth begged still, as if you held that power.
He had always looked at you as if you hung the sun and stars, and now, as if you were his very reason for living. You hated God in that moment for forcing you two through this.
"May you return to Him who formed you from the dust of the earth. May Holy Mary, the angels," now, you choked on your words, emotion clawing your throat, but still continued, "and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life. May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace." You sobbed, "May Christ who died for you admit you into His garden of paradise. May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of His flock. May He forgive all your sins, and set you among those He has chosen. Amen. Please, please, say amen, Osferth, say it, please!"
"A-Amen - Amen!" He coughed, trying to get closer to you, nestling into your warmth as he felt impossibly cold. "Don't leave me, don't leave me, please, please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be alone. I can't go without you, please, don't let me go - don't let me die, angel, please, I can't go without you. I-I’ve never been without you my whole life, I don’t wish to start now. I love you. I-I love you, please, don't let me go, I love you. I need you."
"You'll never be without me," you promised, face coated in blood, grime, dirt, and ash; all streaked with your tear tracks. "You will always be my husband, hey? Hear me? You're always gonna be with me, I will never be apart from you. I'll love you forever, Osferth, I won't ever stop." You felt your chest cave in as you sobbed, "Please, don't you leave me - "
But Osferth was wheezing and panting, only staring up at you. "I only need you," he whimpered, "I've only ever needed you, I can't do this without you. Please, I can't - I can't go without you. I don't want to leave you, I can't leave you, please!'
"So don't leave me," you sobbed, him still clawing at you in desperation. "I love you more than life, Osferth, please, don't leave me, okay? Don't go. I love you so much. Being loved by you was my greatest pleasure in this life, I want our child to know your love, too, Osferth, please, don't go."
"I-I wanna meet our baby, I wanna hold 'em, love 'em," he repeated. "Please, this can't be the end, don't let this be the end. W-We have so much more - we were supposed to have eternity together, my love, my angel, please! This isn't the end, I can't - I can't go without you!"
"You're okay," you soothed uselessly, rocking more prominently. "Just stay with me, my love, okay? Stay with me. Don't go. Only look at me, all right? You hear me?" You sniffled, caressing his cheek. "You're the best thing in my life, Osferth, yeah? Understand me? Where you're going, y-you'll be welcomed a hero, with open arms. You'll be my own angel. My real angel. The reason I keep going for our child. An-And you'll stay there just for a little while until I join you, okay? You'll watch over us, me and the baby, right? Our own angel? Hey? 'Cause you'll never be part from us - you'll never be apart from me. You and I are a forever sorta thing, we'll never be apart, we'll always be part of each other no matter what."
Osferth lost his words, eyes widening and pulling you closer.
You just soothed, "I'm here with you, my love. I'm here, I've got you. You're not alone, I'm right here, I have you. I've got you. I love you. I love you so fucking much, Osferth, okay? I love you more than anything, you're my everything. I love you," you sniffled, breaking down in worse sobs, repeating, "I love you, I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't faster, I love you, this shouldn't be happening. I'm so sorry, I should've come faster! I love you, I'm so sorry."
With his last breath, Osferth choked, "L-Love y-y-you."
"I love you," you hushed, bending at the waist to rest your forehead on his, "I love you so much. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be all right, you'll be safe - where you're going, you'll be safe. I'm so sorry, my love... I'm so sorry."
You felt him go still. You felt the last of his breath exhale, his body deflate. You felt his soul detach from his body.
You froze.
"Oh, my God," you breathed, pulling back to look down at his petrified features. "Oh, my God, no, no, no. God, please, please, give him back," you sobbed, "give him back to me! Do not take him! It's not his time, you selfish cunt! Give him back! It wasn't supposed to end like this! Give him back to me, please! Please! This isn't how this was supposed to happen! We promised eternity together, please! Let us have that! Let us be together, give him back to me! I need him!"
Your shrill hysterics were heard all over Rumcofa.
Finan sobbed into his wife's arms behind you, Cynleaf knelt to slowly extend his hand onto your shoulder. "I'm so sorry," he offered, but you pushed him away harshly; knocking him into the dirt.
"No! I don't want your fucking condolences!" You snapped, holding Osferth tighter, "I want my husband! I want my husband back! Can you give him to me? Can you, Cynleaf? Can you give him back to me!?"
"No - "
"Then you have nothing to offer me! I want nothing else, nothing from you! I only want him!" You looked away from the young lad, finding Osferth's wide open eyes staring up at you. You whimpered, "I only need him, so, please. Please, give him back to me. Please. I need him, I need him, I can't do this without him, please, God, don't do this. You take so many lives, why add him to the mix!? Give him back! C'mon," you begged the cooling body, "c'mon, love, get up. Get up for me, please, just wake up. Come back to me, get up... Get up, Osferth, get up! Please! WAKE UP!"
But Osferth never moved. Never blinked. Never drew breath. And God never answered your pleas. Your dress was saturated in your husband's blood; a pooling puddle seeping into your knees, bodice drenched, his baby moving in your belly. You wailed into the still air, holding your husband tight to your chest; mouth agape to release the terrible screams of anguish, tears never ending, rocking on your knees. You didn't know what to feel... But devastation was prominent.
You wept until your throat went raw, jaw tender from your open mouth. "I'm so sorry!" You repeated, "I should've been quicker! I should've been at your side! You shouldn't have been alone! This is my fault! This is all my fault, I shouldn't have been away from you. I should've been with you, you did not deserve this end. Please! Forgive me, wherever you are, forgive me, I did not intend for this, I shouldn't have left you, I should've been at your side, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."
"No," Ingrith whispered, "no, do not say this is your fault, you did nothing - "
"Exactly!" You snapped at her, eyes ablaze, her husband silent. "I did nothing, I wasn't with him! I wasn't where I was supposed to be! And he was stabbed because of you!"
Finan whispered your name in reprimand.
"No! How many times have you rode a fucking horse, Ingrith!? And now, today, the time it truly matters, you fall; you posed distraction," you sobbed, crumpling in on yourself. "He was distracted by your fall... This shouldn't've happened, this is all wrong!"
The trio just watched you, knowing your emotions were raw and unwavering, that your words did not have meaning because your husband had just died in your arms. Hours passed, you did not move. Hours passed, your husband did not return. Hours passed, and your heart shattered with each passing breath you selfishly drew.
Because living felt selfish now without Osferth.
"Sweet one," Finan whispered, the sun setting, "we should move him. Bring him to the church so Benedict can pray."
Your head shook, "No."
"Darlin', we have to - "
"No," you whimpered, "because if you take him to Benedict, it's real. If we move, he's truly gone... He can't be gone, Finan," you sobbed, meeting your friend's eyes. "If you move him, he's gone, I'm not ready to say goodbye, please. Please, don't take him from me."
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, "but he should be laid to rest."
"Don't take him from me," you begged, a new wave of tears starting. "I just - we were supposed to be a family. We were supposed to have this baby, and now, it's just me? This cannot be, so please, don't take him from me, I only need him back. Give him back to me, Finan, please, I can't be without him."
"I know," he nodded, gently encouraging you into his embrace. It meant you had to let go of Osferth, something you did slowly and gradually, leaning into the Irishman's chest. "All right, I got yah," he whispered, looking to his wife. "C'mon, stand with Ingrith. I'll carry him."
"Be gentle," you sobbed, feeling Ingrith grip your arms to help heave you to your feet; watching Finan scoop Osferth over his shoulder. The change of position made more blood splatter to the dirt, your heart stalling in your chest when you heard the mess.
You felt your soul shriveled and hidden somewhere deep in your chest, following as if in a trance. You watched Finan and Cynleaf slowly lower Osferth to the ground with the other dead Danes, feeling yourself drop to the ground in shock.
Seeing Osferth amongst the dead made it so much more real.
"It's all my fault," you sobbed, Finan moving to your side, "it's all my fault, I got him killed. I should've been quicker. This is my fault, my fault, I did this, 's my fault."
Finan knelt beside you, bringing your foreheads together to hold you tightly and let you sob into his embrace. "You didn't do this," he promised, "you did nothing wrong. You are not at fault. Do not carry this guilt."
You sobbed without reprieve.
Young Uhtred halted Father Benedict from praying over the Danes, telling the older man they had different customs, but looked back at you. He asked your name softly, wondering, "Do you wish for a prayer for... Him?"
Even Young Uhtred couldn't stomach the truth, avoiding using Osferth's name out of sheer disbelief.
"That'd be nice," Finan agreed, turning to sit beside you and hold you under his arm. You leaned into his embrace, head to his shoulder. "She read him his death rites when... It happened."
Young Uhtred nodded, bowing his head, leading, "Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Then, you joined from under Finan's heavy arm, sobbing through your words, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death."
Benedict finished, "Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end."
Together, you, Ingrith, Young Uhtred, Benedict, Finan, and even Cynleaf ended, "Amen."
Feeling the most level-headed, Ingrith stepped in and directed the men; informing that Young Uhtred should lead the remaining Danes to Daneland, Finan and Cynleaf would meet Uhtred on the road, and she would accompany you to Wessex - where Osferth could be laid to rest at the place of his birth. Then, the people mourned together for their fallen.
Finan disagreed initially, telling his wife you were his responsibility now that Osferth was passed. But there was no way you could continue with the company, not in your pregnant state. Finan didn't like the idea of you being without him, considering you close to a sister; something of a best mate, someone he couldn't turn his back on - no matter the situation. However, he understood the predicament and finally agreed to part ways, but not before he untied Osferth's crucifix and latched it around your neck. At the gates of Rumcofa, before separating, Finan gifted you his rosary; thinking it might bring comfort in his physical absence.
Years from then, you would bring up a single son named Gabriel (a name your husband favored, a name benefitting an Angel) under Lord Uhtred in his birthplace of Bebbanburg. You never remarried. You never even so much as looked after another man with lust. Gabriel would grow into a handsome warrior and a devoted man of God, satisfied on tales about his father; being painted as a man of honor, integrity, and bravery. Osferth, too, was a man of God, a man of the sword, and a man of his word... Until the very end. And when your time came, you were brought back to Wessex to be laid to rest with your husband; your son having a son, naming him Osferth, and knowing, both his parents shined down on him in pride.
It was a comfort for everyone to know, somewhere in the afterlife, in God's warmth, you and Osferth were reunited; looking just as you did the day you parted from one another.
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requesting rules and masterlist
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partycatty · 3 months
So ive been obsesed with janet cage since she appeared in the end of mk1 and now shes finally being released with peacemaker and im desperate for something ANYTHING PLEASE 🙏 😭
YOURE SO ME FR I LOVE JANET SO MUCH GENUINELY i need her so bad she's my pfp and banner on discord rn HAHA thank you for sharing your thoughts bc i was so afraid i was alone HEHE
janet cage > this one's for you, baby!
janet's got a wittle crush on the reader, and will go to stupid lengths to show herself off
notes: you're in the genderbent universe :3 but because i'm stupid, the chosen ones' names are gonna remain the same because i couldn't think of a genderswapped name for them and wasn't about to do them dirty with new names LMAO
[ masterlist ]
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it was only a couple months into training, and things were looking... decent? at least, you could consider yourself improving. sure, combat was something you trained in, but when it came to you versus whatever horrors outworld contained, you tugged at the collar of your shirt.
janet, however, seemed unfazed. actually, she seemed ecstatic! you'd seen a couple of her movies and knew she could kick ass if needed. her physique impressed you, as did her endless charm and effortless ability to piss the swordswoman off. her attitude was brushed off for your sake. you knew she had just gone through a messy divorce with her ex-wife, is in talks of selling her mega mansion, and new roles were coming up dry. you'd think she'd be bitter but it turned out to be quite the opposite. her typical swagger and flourished gestures tore you from your thoughts.
"there she is!" janet exclaims, swinging a toned arm around your shoulder and tugging you close to her side. "you miss me? i bet you did!" you recall the last time you interacted with her: lunch. twenty minutes ago. even still, her perky attitude flustered you quicker than you'd like to admit.
"suuure," you sarcastically reply, hoping to toy with her ego a bit. "as if i didn't see you at lunch."
"it's hard to not miss me when i'm not around," she sighs dramatically, as if she has the hard life. "no need to lie to me, babe. you love having me around." your insides twist at the name. as you eyes are downcast, janet's eyes light up more than usual with a slight blush to her cheeks.
"whatever you wanna believe, miss A-List," you swat her arm, and she removes it though her grin remains unfaltered. janet pauses for a moment, lifting her sunglasses from her eyes and settling them on top of her head. you're winded by her beauty. you had seen it on screen as mentioned before, but there was some alluring power of her eyes when they were only a couple feet from your face. janet could kick ass, but she was also a gorgeous actress.
"tell you what," she shoots a single finger gun at you, once again removing you from your daydreams full of her face... among other things. "you won't have to miss me tonight. raiden and i planned to spar after dinner. you'll watch me kick her ass, right?" there was a hint of pleading, almost nervousness in her gaze. as if she needed you to say yes. her brows knitted together for only a single twitch.
"don't sweat," you reassure her, taking her strong hands in yours with a soft smile. "i'll be your cheerleader." with your confirmation, you turn on your heel and head the other direction to tend to your own duties. what you don't notice, however, is janet whooping to herself as soon as your back is turned.
just as the sun hits golden hour, you and the girls are waiting by the sparring ring. raiden stands straight, hands behind her back as she waits for her opponent to arrive. and so she does. janet comes jogging into view, waving at the crowd of monks and earthrealmers. she waves and smiles, blowing kisses to an unamused audience. she acts like it's another one of her performances. liu kang rolls her eyes.
"i bet your chakram hat that janet gets her ass kicked," you mutter to kung lao, who stood beside you with a smirk. she nudges your shoulder.
"aren't you supposed to be on janet's side?" kung lao mumbles back with a knowing grin. when you return with a perplexed frown, she scoffs. "everyone and their mother could figure out you're into her."
your cheeks puff up out of frustration, ready to rip kung lao a new one for being so loud and direct, but you see a hand snap in your face. snapping your neck to the source, you meet your eyes with janet's, who was leaning down to catch your attention.
"hey hey, eyes on me, sweet thing," her voice feels like honey when it drops low, and you snap back to her attention with a dazed look in your eye. your heel drives into kung lao's foot when you hear her snicker. "atta girl, check this out." a part of you dies inside from embarrassment. damn her and her confidence.
the spar begins, and admittedly it's evenly matched. punches are matched with kicks, parries and dodges slightly rile the crowd up from how equal the combat is. while raiden is calculated, janet is quick, and it becomes apparent that janet actually has a good chance.
that is, until she successfully knocks raiden to the ground. she's doubled over in pain, trying to prop herself up enough to come back from the near-knockout. janet winds up a fist almost comically, winding it in circles with a grin. just before she lands the blow, she turns to you with a beaming, cocky grin.
"this one's for you, baby!" janet shouts out, pulling her sunglasses down with her other hand to wink. before you could even consider being flattered, raiden flips up and shifts her weight, readying a godlike kick.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
janet sits awkwardly on the cot, fidgeting with the now broken pair of sunglasses in her hands. she can't seem to bring herself to focus on you, even as you're leaning into her to wipe her wounds.
"you should have been more careful," you gently scold her, holding her face up by her chin to wipe the dried blood on her nose. "i don't need the whole show to be impressed, janet."
she smiles lazily, eyelashes fluttering as she inspects your features. "did i at least look hot getting my nose broken?"
you want to sigh and scold her further, but you decided to indulge in her entertainment and smile back, and janet visibly tenses up at your warm stare.
her lazy smile turns into a lopsided grin as she realizes you're calling her hot. not that her ego needed it really, she knew she was hot. but you saying of it all people, dear lord she was reeling. although she was an actress, a damn good one, you could see she was visibly straining herself from losing it. so, considering you had the upper hand, you hold her face by her cheeks and squish gently with a teasing smile.
"you're blushing."
janet frowns dubiously. "am not."
"i can see it. you're blushing." your eyes flicker between hers, and then to her lips briefly. she sucks them in, focusing on your own lips with dazed eyes.
perhaps janet could use another lesson, you think. so, instead of indulging in what you both want, you let go of her face and place the bloodied rag in a discard bin, wiping your hands on your thighs. janet freezes with a pleading look, knowing exactly what you're doing. you're playing a sick game of cat and mouse.
"where are...?" janet's voice trails off sheepishly, the hardest indicator that you've caught her off guard. she wants to stand up and follow you out, but the monks told her to stay, and a pounding migraine from the blow made sudden movement difficult.
"gotta fight for what you want, janet," you coo innocently, waving with your fingers before you exit the tent. "just don't get your ass kicked. maybe then i'll reward you."
you're not around long enough to see the steam spilling from her ears and her beet-red cheeks.
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Perfect Timing
A/N: this isn’t great but I have baby fever and this helps lmao I needed some fluff in my life
Pairing: Osferth x reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, pregnancy
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“You look nervous, baby monk,” Finan chuckled as he looked over at his friend.
“Wouldn’t have to do with a certain, pretty Dane would it?” Uhtred added.
Osferth’s face heated up at their words but he refused to answer. Truth is, he was nervous. He hadn’t seen you in months and he wondered if you would welcome him back with open arms. The two of you didn’t leave on bad terms, quite the opposite actually. But Osferth couldn’t help but get in his head about things, especially concerning his feelings for you.
“I wonder if she’ll even remember ya. I told you you should’ve given her a parting gift,” Finan winked. Osferth scowled but it was soon overtaken with a look of nervousness when the gates of your village appeared in the distance.
The men led their horses to the stables to be fed and watered and then sought out the ale house to do the same for themselves. Osferth tried not to look too eager as his eyes scanned every inch of the town he passed through, looking for any sign of you.
“We don’t serve riff raff in these parts!” The ale house owner yelled when she noticed them walking in, a joking smile on her face.
Uhtred hugged her before settling down at a table. Ale was poured but it didn’t to much to ease the young man’s nerves. His eyes kept darting around and his friends noticed.
“Madame, does (y/n) still live in this town?” Sihtric asked the owner, causing Osferth to nearly choke on his ale. The woman eyed Osferth for a moment before turning to Sihtric.
“She does. She usually spends her evenings down by the river. The cool water eases her,” she said. Osferth became worried that you were ill, wondering what the older woman meant.
“Sounds like we should take a trip to the river,” Finan said.
The men all missed you and regretted leaving you behind in the town. But the open road was no place for a lady such as yourself, no matter how tough you acted. Uhtred wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if something had happened to you while with them.
You were always so kind to them and took them in while they were in hiding. They quickly adopted you into their family and were anxious to see you. No one more than Osferth though.
As they approached the river, they could see a figure with their back turned to them up ahead. You stared out at the sunset, lost in your thoughts, so much so that you didn’t hear them approaching.
“That’s quite the view!” Uhtred called out, causing you to jump. You spun around without even thinking at the voice of your friend.
Their eyes all fell to your arms that were cradling your swollen stomach. Your eyes widened as you realized what they were staring at.
“I see there is much catching up to do,” Sihtric chuckled. All of the men had smiles on their faces except for Osferth, who was too stunned to move.
“Os…” you whispered. His eyes were glued to your stomach and you felt almost uncomfortable under his gaze. All color drained from his face. The men looked between the two of you before realizing.
“That’s not quite what I meant by a parting gift, baby monk,” Finan mumbled to him.
“I think we should give them a moment,” Uhtred said. “Come and find us after. We have missed you.”
“I’ve missed you all too,” you said sincerely.
Your heart was racing as they walked off, leaving you and Osferth alone.
“I would’ve written, but I didn’t know how to get a letter to you,” you said.
“Is it…?” He pointed at himself and you frowned.
“I’m almost insulted, Osferth. Of course it’s yours,” you scoffed. His hands grabbed yours and he finally looked at your face.
“I’m sorry, I just…it was one time,” he mumbled.
“And that’s all it takes,” you sighed. “Don’t feel obligated to be in our lives. It was an accident.”
You pulled away from him and turned back to the sunset. You had imagined this moment a hundred times, and you often hoped that he would be accepting of it, maybe even excited.
“I’m just surprised, is all. I have thought of you every moment since we left and I just never imagined such a blessing in my life.”
He wanted to hold you, to take you in his arms and never let go, but he was afraid to touch you. He was scared to harm you in some way so he refrained.
“You’re all I’ve thought about since the moment I met you,” you admitted. He knew you were fond of him, and him of you, or else you wouldn’t be in your current predicament.
You trusted Osferth and that’s why you allowed him into your bed months prior. You were both tired of being virgins and sought comfort with one another, promising that it would not negatively affect your friendship.
It certainly did affect your relationship, however, you just weren’t sure if it was for better or for worse.
“How long will you be staying for this time?” You asked.
“How long until the babe is here?”
“I’m told it will be soon.”
“I will stay as long as possible, until you and the babe are healthy enough to travel and then we will return to Rumcofa. If that is okay with you, that is,” he quickly added.
“You should like us to come with you?”
He reached out for you again and ever so softly took your hand.
“I would’ve liked it 9 months ago and I would love it now.”
“I was so worried we would never see you again. Or if you did return you’d be upset with me.”
Yours eyes were cast down on your feet and he gently lifted your chin so you could meet his gaze.
“My love is going to bless me with a child of our own, how could I ever be mad at that? I’m only sorry I never told you how I truly felt before and left you with any shred of doubt.”
Tears began to slip down your cheeks and he was scared he said something wrong.
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m so emotional these days,” you sighed, quickly wiping your face.
“You have nothing to apologize for, sweetheart. May I hug you?” He asked. You quickly nodded and you laughed at how cautious he was taking you in his arms.
You nuzzled into him and finally felt peace for the first time in months. Osferth jumped back suddenly when he felt something move against him.
“Was that…?”
“Here, place your hand here,” you said, putting his hand on your stomach. Tears filled his eyes as he felt his child dancing in your belly. “It seems she knows her father is here.”
“You believe it’ll be a girl?” He asked, his eyes lighting up as he felt the movement again.
“I’ve dreamt of her, of the three of us,” you said quietly. He knelt down and laid his head against you.
“Hello, my sweet girl. I bet you’ll be beautiful just like mama. I already love you so much, just like I do your mother,” he whispered.
“You’re going to make me cry again,” you sniffled. He rose to his feet and took your face in his hands. He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips that melted away all of your previous tears.
“Let’s get you into bed. It’s getting late,” he said.
“That’s how we got into this situation in the first place,” you joked.
“It is, and I wouldn’t change it for the world,” he laughed.
He brought you back to your house where your friends were already making themselves at home.
They all congratulated you and were thrilled to learn you wanted to return to Rumcofa with them once the time was right.
A few days later and you held your newborn baby girl in your arms. Osferth was a great support during the birth and the first time he took her in his arms, his entire world stopped. He praised god for this blessing and for the timing of his return to you.
He finally had a family of his own and he swore one day he’d make you his wife to show his love and appreciation for you.
And they lived happily ever after and nothing had ever happens again.
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loveslibrarywp · 5 months
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Worship and desire
Osferth x Fem!reader
Summary: You and Osferth have been in a secret relationship for some time. After a long day of traveling, Uhtred’s crew settle down in a secluded forest for the night. When the men fall asleep, you pull your lover away for some…quality time.
Warnings: NSFW. Cock worship. P in V sex. Outdoor sex. Praise kink. Blowjob. Mentions of religion. Lowkey subspace.
Authors note: Just a silly little thought that’s been on my mind. Enjoy ❤️
“Where are we going, my love?” Osferth whispered as you drug him deeper into the forest. You didn’t answer and continued to guided him through the trees until you were far enough away from the sleeping men.
You softly pushed him against a nearby tree, pressing yourself against him. Your gaze was full of lust and desire. You wanted him. You smiled up at the man, finally getting a moment of alone time with him after so long.
“Hi.” You said, your breath fanning onto his lips because you were so close to him. He laughed, “Hi.” He replied as he pulled you closer by your waist. Your arms slung around his neck and you pulled him into a fierce kiss.
Your lips moved together. All of your emotions pouring out into it, your bodies connecting as one. The kiss was hot and wet and messy, just how you liked it. “I’ve missed you..” you mumbled against his lips, which made him smirk against yours.
“I missed you too, my sweet lady.” He said into the kiss. Your hands were all over him, as were his. You both had gone so long without touching each other, you were burning in desire. “Osferth..” you whined as you pulled away from him and stared up at him with lusty eyes.
“Yes, my love?” He asked, your hands held his face and caressed his cheeks. “I need you..” you said as your hands trailed down his chest and your head dipped into his neck, nipping at his soft skin. His breath shuttered at your words, making you let out a little giggle at his nervousness.
No matter how many times he had laid with you, he was still so shy. Your sweet little monk.
You felt his cock harden in his trousers. You knelt down on your knees in front of him, your eyes never leaving his. Your actions made his own eyes go wide because he knew exactly what was about to happen.
You yanked down his trousers to pull out his semi-hard cock. “We’re doing this here? Right now?” He asked with a ‘are you crazy?’ Look on his adorable face. You only nodded your head with that crazed look in your eye.
You pumped his cock in your warm hand, making him throw his head back in pleasure. “Look at me, sweet boy.” You demanded with a soft voice. His gaze fixed back onto you. As you stared into his eyes, you licked the tip of his cock. The salty taste of his pre-cum made you close your eyes and groan, as did he at the feeling.
You began to kiss along his length, savoring the feeling of it against your soft lips. “Such a pretty cock, baby..” you mumbled, licking up his cock and kissing the tip. He gaped at you with a look as if he were in love with you. He was in love with you.
“I love it so much..” you sucked on the tip, licking up all the pre-cum that leaked from it. You moaned and whined as you sucked his cock, the feeling of it in your mouth made you all needy and whiny. Your undergarments were practically soaked in your own arousal. “I love you so much..” you said as you ran a finger down a vein.
“I love you too!” He breathed out. He was whimpering and groaning as you bobbed your head on his cock, stumbling on his words as he spoke, “just…just l-like that.”
You took your mouth off him and began stroking him again, your eyes were pleasing with him, a pout plastered on your messy and wet lips. You looked angelic, like the most perfect being that ever walked this earth. He thought he had died and gone to the heavens when he was blessed with your presence. You were truly a gift from God.
“It’s so perfect..” you said as you gazed at the tip of his cock, watching a bead of cum drip down the side of his cock, which you quickly licked up. “You’re so perfect, Osferth.” You gleamed as your eyes fixed onto him, looking fucked out as can be.
“N-No, my love. That’s you..” he stuttered. A soft smile came from his panting lips. You giggled as you shook your head, disagreeing with him.
“Please, I need your cunt..” he begged for you. His begging ignited something inside you. You quickly nodded at his pleads, giving his cock one more kiss before standing up.
He pressed you against the tree and bent you over. Osferth hiked up your dress and stopped at the sight of the growing wet spot on your cotton panties. His fingers reached for the spot, the tips of them rubbing against the cotton, making you moan out.
“Please, Osferth..” now you were the one begging. His hand yanked your panties to the side and grabbed his cock, running the tip over your dripping slit. He pressed himself into you, the first thrust making you both moan in pleasure.
He started at a slow pace, like he was making love to you. You often adored when he treated you with such kindness and devotion but you wanted to be fuck tonight.
“Os, baby? I need you to fuck me. Hard.” You said with an urgent tone. He nodded his head, fulfilling your need as swiftly as he could. His once soft thrusts turned into hard and deep ones.
He continuously hit that one spot deep inside you that had you seeing stars. Your moans grew louder and echoed into the darkness of the night. “Fuck! Right there, sweet boy. Keep fucking me like that!”
He fed on your praises and savored the feeling of your wet and warm cunt as he fucked it as if we’re a toy. “Lord-“ he groaned out, his cock throbbing inside of you as you clenched down onto him.
A smile was painting on your fucked out face as he slammed his hips onto yours, your ass jiggling at the motion. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he gave you a particularly hard thrust, almost hitting your cervix.
“Your cock is so good, Osferth! You fuck me so well!” You moaned as you gripped onto the tree in front of you. You felt your arousal drip down your thighs and the wet sounds of your cunt mixed with his groans only added to the pleasure you were feeling.
“Holy-, don’t talk like that, my love. I’ll finished too quick.” He breathed out as he held your hips hard, he was definitely going to leave bruises with his death grip on them.
“I’m so close! I want you to finish with me..” you gasped. The two of you were so near the edge of your peaks, so close to finishing together. His cock was throbbing inside of you and you were clenching onto him like you life depended on it.
“-‘m cumming!” You barely managed to shout out, your cunt spasmed onto him and your legs began to shake. Osferth fucked you through your orgasam as he chased his own, groaning at the feeling of your mixed arousal dripping down his balls.
“Fuck!” He quickly slipped out of you, jerking himself off onto your back, His spend shooting out onto your ass and back.
You both panted as you caught your breaths from the intense sensations. You shook as he took a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned you both up. He leaned you up to press a delicate kiss on your cheek and held you close to him by the waist. He moved your cotton panties back in place and fixed your dress.
“I love you, my beautiful lady.” He whispered into your eyes, pressing his lips anywhere he could reach. “I love you too, sweet boy.” You said as you leaned your head back and rested against his shoulder, savoring the moment together.
• • •
You had finally woken up and walked out of your shared tent to see the men huddled around the fire and eating some breakfast.
“Oh! Look who finally decided to wake up!” Uhtred laughed, which made you roll your eyes and sitting down next to him as you hit him in the arm. “She needed her beauty sleep after the…rough night she had last night. Baby monk here really did a number on her if you didn’t hear it last night!” Finan laughed as he shook Osferth who was beside him.
Your eyes went wide and Osferth went red. They had heard you. You were sure you went far enough so they didn’t.
“I think we all heard it..” Sihtric sighed.
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junichan · 1 year
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So, I want to do my own LMK / Post - Isekai’d Into The West story but I have several ideas and cant decide which to focus on first…
Here’s the Setup:
For fourteen years Reader guided the pilgrims west. Now at last they had reached Soul Mountain where Buddha would send her home. That was the deal.
Sun Wukong wanted her to stay, and she knew she would miss him dearly, but she just didn’t belong in ancient China. She had to go home. After more than a decade missing, her family probably thought she was dead!
Reader missed her family and friends, her home, hell, even her old job! She missed Netflix and pizza and indoor plumbing. It had been fourteen years since she’d been to a salon and gotten a proper haircut. It was long past time to go back.
“You’re immortal, right? Just wait a few thousand years and find me in the future!” It had been a joke. Reader didn’t actually expect the Monkey King to wait for her.
 So what happens next?
Good End
Reader was worth waiting for! She goes home to her time and finds the 14 years in the past were only 14 minutes in her present. She also finds Sun Wukong took her advice and waited for her. So now she gets to figure out how to introduce her demon monkey boyfriend to her friends and family.
2. Wukong points out that she could just as easily become immortal and wait those few thousand years too. Reader changes her mind about going home and returns to FFM with the Monkey King. Together they restore Wukong’s home, and Reader gets to spend the rest of her immortal life snuggling with baby monkeys on Huaguo. Time passes and Reader returns to her family as a legendary immortal queen.
Extra Bonus: Macaque is there too, and in this instance he and SWK never had a falling out. Reader gets bonus monke hubby!  
Bad End
Reader goes home to find the Monkey King waiting for her. Except this immortal demon spent the thousands of years between past and present being an unstoppable despotic warlord, and she’s his predestined queen! She gets home to find her city turned into a warzone as Wukong tears it apart looking for her. Welcome home, Peach!
--0R-- 2. Wukong doesn’t give Reader the chance to leave. He takes her back to FFM where she spends the rest of her immortal life - because of course he makes her immortal – in the royal pillow nest where he can keep her safe and sound. It’s for Reader’s own good of course. Can’t have her going back to a life of mundane, mortal monotony.
Extra Penalty: Macaque is there too, and whether he’s still buddies with Wukong or not he’s definitely not there to help Reader. She’s got two demon warlords to deal with.
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acoraxia · 7 months
How do you view Erlang, SWK, NuWa and MK?
Firstly: I do not view Nüwa as someone who is motherly in the same way other people (seemingly) do. I do think, because she created humans and has spent time with them, she has a distinct personality. She’s approachable but she’s also got a cold and closed off personality.
Secondly: I think back on how she cursed a king because he lusted after a statue of her and claimed he wanted to marry her—pissed her off so badly he sent three fem-spirits to keep him from performing his kingly duties.
So she is not a good motherly figure—even if she sometimes acts a little goofy. She’s also the Jade Emperor’s daughter in Investiture of the Gods and thus I kept her as such (meaning she’s Erlang’s cousin).
(Below is my design of Nüwa; to me, the more powerful gods/celestials have no pupils and only appear when displaying heavy emotions)
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I read of the myth where a piece of sky fell when she was patching it and that rock that formed was Sun Wukong; I loved that myth so much I kept it for my interpretation of LMK Sun Wukong. He wasn’t meant to be born, he just sort of happened, and she made no effort to keep an eye on him.
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Much like Nüwa, Erlang is different during the FSYY Era, he’s devoted to Heaven and fights alongside them even killing one of the evil spirits Nüwa sent down in a fight.
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But eventually, after witnessing Su Daji’s execution, he realizes he, just like many other soldiers, were merely pawns in Heaven’s game. He moves away, to the mountains, with his sworn brothers and no longer obeys by Heaven’s rules so easily. He only visits when summoned by the Jade Emperor himself,
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Cue our favorite monkey being thrown into the mix.
Sun Wukong met Erlang Shen shortly after becoming Bimawen. But the two officially met when he was the guardian of the peaches—so before the whole banquet situation happened. Sun Wukong, being wildly unaware of Nüwa’s play into his creation, is essentially a good parallel to how Erlang was: he believes Heaven is looking out for him, respecting him as if he were one of their own, and happily listens to them when they beckon or call for him (blissfully unaware that Azure Lion has been lying to him and that Heaven is genuinely scared of how much power he possesses).
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Eventually, after Sun Wukong gets triple shot traumatized by Heaven, realizing Azure Lion groomed him to be this usable pawn for his own fantasy game, and he got Journey’d by a random monk—he and Erlang had a heart-to-heart after defeating a demon (king?) together. They both realized how messed up their lives were after touching upon how cruel and unusual Heaven’s punishments are (how they both have high expectations from the mentors in their lives)
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And bam! Sworn brotherhood formed! (Swk is the little brother Erlang never wanted <3 and the little sister he misses <3)
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Eventually, after Wukong meets Xiaotian—he connects the dots so quickly as to why this magic monkey-kid can replicate all his abilities, magic, tricks, and even withstand training with him for months without breaking much of a sweat,
Because baby boy was also crafted by the human-creating Goddess of Marriage.
He is disturbed by this.
He did not want a little clone.
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Ultimately: the four of them have CENTURIES worth of trauma and influence on each other (You cannot escape the “heaven is cool” -> “fuck heaven i’m making my own rules” -> “i have 500 years of trauma in my bones” pipeline)
What a weird family <3
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theforbidfruit · 3 months
Hit with Babality
[Gender neutral reader that is afab]
- What happened? Y/n got ambushed by Shang Tsung while tracking him. Before Y/n could take him into custody, they were hit with a spell. NOW THEY’RE A BAABYYYYY.
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Liu Kang and Geras
First of all, they were worried for Y/n to be cursed like this. Liu Kang is afraid that it could be permanent. The amount of attempts to remove the curse failed.
Guess they got a baby Y/n to take care of.
Liu Kang finds baby Y/n very cute and couldn’t bear leaving them with just nursing monks.
Liu Kang would have Y/n in his arms during training. Probably buys a baby carrier for walking around the academy
Geras takes on night duties. Tending to the hourglass while giving Y/n a bottle.
Once Y/n finished their bottle, they’re put right back into the crib. Geras made the crib out of sand and made sure they sleep comfortably.
The only downside they experienced is Geras not wanting to let Liu Kang take Y/n out for the day.
Geras: Y/n is safe with me.
Liu Kang: I know. Although I prefer to take them outside. It’s best for the baby.
Geras: very well. I created a schedule for Y/n needs. Their feeding time, when they need to be change and tummy times.
Liu Kang: I’ve already created a schedule for Y/n. They don’t need a changed schedule.
Geras: ……mine is more proficient.
Raiden and Kung Lao
Kung Lao didn’t want to hold Y/n. Saying stuff like ‘babies are gross’ or ‘they’re too noisy’. Raiden on the other hand, loves to hold babies. Keeping Baby Y/n in his arms and attach to the hip
Raiden and Kung Lao take turns watching Y/n if one of them has to do training. Kung Lao uses Y/n to pick up girls in town by creating a single father sob story.
Kung Lao: -and then the mother hands them over to me and said ‘I don’t want it anymore!’ My poor baby!
Definitely taking baby Y/n to Madame Bo’s tea house. Hoping that Madame Bo has some compassion to ‘two newly fathers’. Yeah it didn’t work but she hogs Y/n all the time.
Madame Bo: *holding baby Y/n* you are such a cute baby. I hope you stay like this…
Raiden: *chuckles* Yeah- wait no!
Tummy time are the best since it gives Raiden and Kung Lao a break to watch Y/n, even though it is a one person watch.
Kung Lao has a habit of over feeding Y/n which causes Y/n to cry to be burped or have their diaper change. And guess who has to change them- It’s Raiden.
Johnny and Kenshi
Now Johnny thinks that if he shows Y/n’s favorite things to do, their favorite songs or foods, Y/n would turn to normal. Kenshi just watches from the sidelines and judges Johnny.
Kenshi is the one that would make sure Y/n is safe from Johnny’s shenanigans. Often talking to the baby like Y/n is a grown person about stuff, only to be replied by babbling and coos.
Kenshi reminds Johnny that Y/n is a baby and not a grown adult. Johnny thinks otherwise but drops it momentarily. He just misses Y/n whole.
It may sound like they make a good duo. No. Nononono….no. With the two bashing heads, they completely forgot Y/n is there until it’s too late.
Kenshi: *Sets Y/n in a car seat in the back of Johnny’s Lamborghini* I can’t believe you told strangers that Y/n is ‘OUR’ baby!
Johnny: Hey! We got that nice family discount meal!
Kenshi: *turns to baby Y/n* please grow up fast…
The men bash and banter when they go up to the front doors to realize that they lock themselves out of the car. THEY LOCKED THE BABY IN THE CAR!!!
Kenshi: Y/n! You’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you ou-
After that Fiasco, Johnny and Kenshi lost their ‘baby Y/n privileges’.
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months
So the DBZ Abridged Buu Saga clips are out, here are my thoughts:
Android 18 knowing about Maron and her and Krillin messing with people about their daughter being named Marron is genius (cause I always found it weird that Krillin named his daughter after his ex girlfriend)
It's kind of insinuated that both Vegeta AND Bulma see the Capsule Corp interns as slaves, just shows they are perfect for each other, but also shows Dr Breifs' evil side peeking through his daughter
Trunks and Goten's voices were so damn cute!! Shout out to their VAs!
Everyone making fun of Gohan's durag XD
KAISER VOICING SHARPNER!! "He knows I love him. You know I love you" Me: AND I LOVE YOU!! A character I did not like in DBZ is now one of my favs in just a minute!
I loved the detail of Trunks referring to Goku as Kakarot (makes more sense since this Trunks grew up with and spends a lot of time with his father Vegeta)
The baby shark bit XD
"Gohan, you taught him how to dodge, that's great!" "TRUNKS PULL UP!!" LMFAO
Dabura's voice! HOLY SHIT!! it was hot
Buu's voice was also good, similar to the dub but way less irritating.
Goku, Shin and Gohan's discussion on shopping carts and tipping, as someone who worked in both fields, I FELT THAT! THERES A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR THOSE PEOPLE
Goku's "oh no" and a little giggle when Shin asked if Vegeta has evil in his heart. Goku KNOWS what's gonna happen and he's gonna let it happen XD
Vegeta's "I know you're playing me..." line to Babidi being a parallel line to Perfect Cell
Lani once again NAILING THOSE SCREAMS as Vegeta!
Vegeta killing thousands of innocent people, Goku's okay with, but bringing potato salad to a BBQ, HES CROSSED A LINE!
"God I missed you..." that made me chuckle.
Vegeta going to BBQs and movie nights with Krillin, they are friends now and I love it (underrated dynamic in DBZ tbh), also Vegeta acknowledging that he's now referring to Krillin by his actual name instead of "the bald monk". I always felt that Vegeta referring to people by their names is his way of showing respect, so him calling Krillin by his name, he hates that he now respects Krillin.
"Too bad we couldn't finish our fight. I didn't get a chance to wip out my new form-" *Vegeta knocks Goku out* PFFP- HAHAHAHA if he only knew
"I'm going to hug you now" "Hug complete" *knocks Trunks out* "I'm a way better dad than Kakarot" ASDFGHJK LOLOL
Vegeta referring to Goten as KAKATOT lol <3
The "Vegeta no" "Vegeta yes" bit having a conclusion with an emotional impact tied to Vegeta's death.
Even as a joke, I still got emotional during the abridged version of Vegeta's sacrifice.
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eddiemadmunson · 1 year
Saving the Baby Monk
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @hamatoanne​​ 🎉🎈🥂🍰 I love you, my dear sunshine 🌻💕💕💕 I am so happy that you are my best friend, you make me smile every day and you make my grey days much more colorful 💞💞 This is my first gift for you for this special occasion 😊😊💕🌻
Paring: Osferth x reader Word count: 4930 Warnings: this is a fluffy smut... so there is nothing triggering I think. 
You were Y/N Ragnarsdóttir. You were daughter of great Ragnar the Fearless and sister of Thyra, Young Ragnar and Uthred, but unlike your brother Ragnar or your sister Thyra, you stayed with your brother and best friend Uthred in good and bad. You were his most trusted warrior even though you were a woman. You always fought fiercely and with more courage than many men. That was the reason why you were trusted with an assignment to travel to the nearby village to stop their upcoming rebellion. It took you two weeks to settle everything down, but you were satisfied with your work. The traitors were hanging from the fortress’ walls and the rest of the villagers sworn an oath to serve Uthred as their only Lord.
You came back to Coccham only to find that your brother was gone along with his men. Surprise, surprise, Alfred needed his help and Uthred once again went to save his ungrateful ass.  You were so pissed that you missed the opportunity to go with him into a battle and get more glory for yourself. You walked into the main hall and realized that something else wasn’t right because your brother’s men were avoiding looking at you. “What is going on, what are you not telling me?” you asked but they just murmured and shifted their legs nervously. “Someone better tell me what is going on!” you shouted and looked around the room. You grabbed the nearest Dane and shouted into his face. “What the fuck are you not telling me!!!” you were furious at this point. “It’s about Osferth, my lady,” he finally said. “What is with baby monk?” you asked, anger quickly left your veins and it was replaced with fear. You became very fond of the cute religious boy. “Is he dead?” you gulped.  “No, my lady. But he was captured by the Saxons who happens to camp across the river,” he said and trembled when the anger crawled back into your eyes. “How is that possible? Why is he not with my brother and Finan and Sihtric?” you demanded answers. “He was injured in the battle and lord Uthred insisted that he stays here to recover. He went to the river to clean himself up and he was ambushed and taken to their camp,” he explained. “And when did this happen?”you growled. “Two days ago,” he whimpered when you grabbed him by the collar of his tunic. “Two days ago? And you are just sitting here doing nothing? They can be torturing him or he could be already dead! And you are sitting here on your fat asses and doing nothing?” you shouted at them in disbelieve. Sure Osferth wasn’t Dane, but he was one of Uthred’s most trusted men. “Lord Uthred told us to stay away from any trouble,” he objected and you slammed his head against the dining table. “Trouble? You call Osferth a trouble? He is Uthred’s friend, he would want you to go and save him! So get up your sorry asses and let’s go and save him!!” you shouted but they kept sitting. “I am so sorry, lady Y/N. But Lord Uthred’s final words were stay out of trouble. And there are too many men in their camp, we would be butchered, plus they would kill him if they knew how much you want him back,” he tried to reason with you.  “You are cowards, all of you. I am going to save him alone, if you are so afraid to get your swords bloody,” you snorted and made your way out of Coccham. You and your men walked through the woods until you found the Saxon camp. Unfortunately your brother’s men were right. There were too many people here. You had no chance to save Osferth with force. You had only 30 men, who were already tired from their last adventure in the rebellious village and this would really end up as a slaughter. “I am so sorry, lady Y/N. But without lord Uthred and his men we have no chance to rescue that boy,” one of your man told you. “You are right, Hvitserk. Lead the men back to Coccham, you all need to rest and visit your wives and families,” you ordered. “What about you, my lady?” he asked you, knowing you long enough to know that you are not giving up so easily. “I will get baby monk back on my own,” you smirked and his eyes almost popped out of his head. “But my lady, that’s a suicide mission, I can’t let you do that!!” he protested in low whisper.  “That’s an order, Hvitserk. Take my men and return home. If I won’t come back with Osferth in two days, assume me dead. Just tell Uthred that this was my decision and I don’t regret it,” you said firmly and Hvitserk knew better than argue with you. “As you wish my lady, but if I can say what I think about it...” “No, Hvitserk, you can’t, just go!” you said firmly and he sighed and led your man back to Coccham, already mourning you, because there was no way that you could get out of this alive. You watched your men disappear behind the horizon and watched the camp for few hours to learn how it works there. They had many men, but they didn’t seem very organized. You suddenly heard something, you noticed a Saxon woman walking alone from the camp. You acted quickly, you captured her, took off her clothes, tied her hands and legs and hide her in the woods. You quickly changed your clothes and slowly walked inside the camp. You walked slowly, with your head low but no one was giving you any attention. You quickly made it to the heart of the camp. You looked around yourself, trying to figure out where they keep their prisoners, when you heard sharp voice from one of the nearby tents. “I will ask you one more time, boy! Where the secret passages into Coccham are, how many men resides inside and is Lord Uthred present?” the man asked and you quietly walked closer to the tent.  “I won’t tell you anything, I am loyal to my lord Uthred,” Osferth said bravely, but his voice was shaking with pain and fear. You heard a loud smack and your blood boiled in your veins. “You make me sick, monk. You are God’s man but you are associating with Danes. I bet you are fucking their whorish women, our God is disgusted by you,” the man hissed and the grip on your sword tightened. “I have never been with a woman, Saxon or Dane,” Osferth protested and you raised your eyebrow. So Finan was right when he was saying that Osferth is a virgin. “Hmmm, I think you a lying, monk. Or maybe not, which woman would want you with this ugly face,” he laughed cruelly and you had enough. They were obviously alone in the tent, so you quickly sneaked inside. “Women are fighting over him, you piece of shit!” you said and hold the point of your sharp sword to his throat. “Lady Y/N,” Osferth gasped in shock and relief. “Hello, baby monk,” you grinned at him. “You can’t stay out of trouble, do you?” you smirked and focused on the man in front of you again. “What are you doing here, Heathen bitch?” he growled at you. “You are surrounded by our men, my brother Uthred offers you a deal. Give Osferth back and he will let you and your men leave unharmed,” you said firmly without hesitation. “And if I refuse?” he asked slyly. “If you refuse there will be a battle. And believe me, you will lose many men before you will run away from here screaming! I think you heard a lot of stories about Uthred and his power, you can’t beat him,” you threatened him and he was thinking for a while.  “My brother is under protection of King Alfred, do you really want to mess up with him?” you pressured him and you noticed fear in the man’s eyes. “Yes, it would be considered treason, is you attack Alfred’s most trusted warrior,” you continued and the man finally gave up. “All right bitch, you can take the useless monk and leave unharmed. You have my word,” he said and you kept your neutral face, but inside you were screaming happily. “Let’s go, baby monk,” you helped him get up and you made your way through the camp. “We need to walk quickly, Osferth. But not too quickly, that would be suspicious,” you rushed him. “I don’t understand this, my lady. I thought that lord Uthred is gone. Is he already back?” Osferth asked you confused. “No, he is not back. It’s only me and you baby monk. So move your cute ass, we will be both dead if they find out about my little lie”. His eyes almost popped out of his head. “You shouldn’t have risk your life like this for me, my lady,” he protested. “This is not really the right time or place to discuss this,” you dragged him behind you. You were almost at the end of the camp when you heard someone shouting. “There is no army in the woods, that bitch was lying!”  “Oh shit, we need to run, Osferth,” you started running, Osferth close behind you, but his injury and weariness were slowing him down. You made it to the spot where you watched the camp with Hvitserk and your men. Two horses were waiting there for you. You smiled gratefully, Hvitserk obviously believed that you will somehow manage to escape with Osferth. You quickly helped him into the saddle and you two raced towards Coccham, you got rid of your pursuers after a while since you knew the woods like a palm of your own hand and they didn’t. “We need a healer,” you yelled as soon as you were safe inside the Coccham walls. Hvitserk quickly ran for the healer and you helped Osferth dismount his horse.   “How do you feel, baby monk?” you asked him worriedly. He was paler than usually and he was shaking from all the exertion. “I am good, my lady. Thank to you. You saved me today. You risked your life for me. You shouldn’t have to do it. You shouldn’t risk your life for someone as unimportant as me,” he said sincerely with worry and adoration in his blue eyes. “Hey, listen to me, baby monk. I am in control of my own destiny. I saved you because I wanted to do it. And you are very important to me,” you said hotly and his eyes went wide. “I mean to all of us! Finan or Sihtric would never admit it but they like you a lot and they would mourn your death. And Uthred would be devastated. You are in our hearts, baby monk. And now rest, and stop this silly talk about you not being important to us!” you mumbled and left stunned Osferth alone in the hands of the healer.  One week later he was feeling much better. His wound was almost healed and he was well rested and fed. You received a letter from your brother that they are coming back very soon. He helped Alfred win the battle and he was coming back to you. You were sitting by the fireplace at your home, when Osferth visited you. “Are you all right, my lady?”  he asked you softly and sit carefully next to you. “Yes, I am happy that my brother is coming home. I don’t like it when we are parted like this,” you admitted softly. “Did I do something to upset you, my lady?” he asked you carefully and watched the flames dancing in the fire. “No, why do you think so?” you asked him confused. “You seem to avoid me lately, my lady,” he said shyly. Oh, he was right, you felt like you revealed too much of your true feelings for him and you rather avoided him. He was always talking about his God and celibacy that you assumed that he was not interested in any woman. “No, I was just really busy,” you lied and avoided looking into his sincere eyes. “I understand, my lady. Sorry to bother you, I will leave you alone,” he wanted to leave you but you caught the hem of his cloak. “Stay, Osferth. You never bother me,” you smiled kindly at him and he sat back down next to you. “I wanted to ask you for something,” he started hesitantly after few moments of peaceful quietness. “Sure, Osferth, anything,” you encouraged him. “I know that you heard that I admitted to that man in the camp, that I have never been with a woman,” he stuttered and his cheeks turned red. You simply nodded waiting for the reason why is he telling you this. “Can I ask you to not mention it in front of Finan, Sihtric or Uthred? They would tease me mercilessly for it,” he blushed even more and looked so cute that you fought the urge to squeeze his cheeks.   “Don’t worry, your “secret” is safe with me, Osferth,” you answered. “But I am afraid that they already know, no matter how many times you try to deny it,” you chuckled. “But they don’t know it for sure,” he protested weakly and a very ungodly idea crossed your mind. “Maybe you don’t have to lie to them anymore,” you suggested slowly, biting your bottom lip. “What do you mean, my lady?” he raised his eyebrow in confusion. “Lie with a woman and your problem is solved,” you winked at him and he blushed even harder. “I can’t, my lady. That’s a sin. Plus I don’t think that I would find a fine lady who would like to do it with me,” he stuttered and started sweating. “Come on Osferth, there were two ladies fighting over you just few weeks ago. You are a very good looking young man, you are a warrior now, and you are monk that makes you very exotic for ladies around here,” you smirked and watched him squirming in his seat. “And maybe this is a sin in your God’s eyes. But come on, you are killing men with your sword, I think that one more sin won’t hurt anyone,” you smiled at him slyly. “I can help you, if you let me,” you finally suggested and his mouth opened in shock. “I can’t take advantage of you, my lady,” he gulped loudly and you laughed. “Oh, baby monk, trust me, you won’t,” you licked your lips and he watched your tongue with mix of fear and fascination. You gently took his face into your hands and leaned into him. “Do you trust me, Osferth?” you asked him softly. “With my life, my lady Y/N,” he said shakily. “So, don’t run away from me,” you said and closed the gap between your lips. You kissed him softly. You gently pressed your lips against his. You could feel that he was trembling. “That’s okay, Osferth, I got you,” you whispered against his lips as you scoot closer to him. You pressed your lips against his again and you felt his large hand on your cheeks. You were afraid that he wants to push you away but he kept them there as he wanted to be sure that you won’t leave him like this. But it was not your intension. You slowly started moving your lips, urging him to do the same. He quickly followed your lead. You tongue licked his lips, silently asking him to open them for you. He hesitantly opened his mouth and you slid your tongue in, gently stroking it against his. He let out a tiny whine and you felt the wetness between your legs already forming. You playfully ended the kiss with a gentle bite into his lower lip and you enjoyed the little whimper leaving his lips. “What do you say, baby monk. Do you want me to show you more?” you asked him as you started kissing the side of his neck. “Yes, my lady,” he whispered and you smirked against his neck. “Take your clothes off,” you commanded and he gulped. “We can do it with our clothes on, but I assure you that it’s much better without it,” you teased him. “Do you want me to help you?” you smiled seductively at him and he nodded. “All right, come here!” you urged him as you started getting rid of the many layers of his clothes. You stopped when he was standing in front of you only in his undergarments. “Ok, sit on the bed,” you softly nudged him. “I think I should take this off too,” he said and took off his cross, he turned away to place it gently on the chair next to your bed. You found it silly but you didn’t comment on it. You took the opportunity and quickly slipped out of your dress. He turned around and almost passed out when you were standing there completely naked before him. He quickly averted his eyes. “Hey, it’s OK, look at me,” you gently touched his chin and made him look at your nakedness. “You are beautiful, my lady,” he said lowly, fighting with his own conscience. He wanted to look at you and at the same time he felt like he is doing something wrong. “Osferth, please, call me Y/N, just Y/N,” you begged him. “I am not sure, if I am able to do that, my lady,” he stuttered. You sighed and took his hand and led him to your bed. You pushed him down. “Please, Osferth, don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you,” you assured him when you noticed his terrified look. “I know, my lady. I trust you, my lady,” he said and you slowly sit on his lap. He gulped and he obviously didn’t know what to do with you on his lap. You gently took his face in your hands and kissed him slowly.  “I will take care of you, baby monk, don’t be afraid,” you whispered between kisses. You kept kissing him and took his hands and placed them on your body. He quickly pulled away, but you patiently repeated your action and this time his big hands stayed on your hips. “Use your hands Osferth, start exploring,” you encouraged him and he hesitantly moved his calloused palms and fingers started moving across your scarred skin. He touched your sides and when you happily sighed into the kiss, he got bolder and lightly brushed the underside of your boobs. You moaned against his lips and he almost pulled away, surprised by that sound coming from your lips. You held his hands in place and bite his bottom lip playfully as you ended the kiss. “Breasts are very sensitive part of female body, Osferth, we love to be touched there, please don’t shy away now, you are doing great,” you praised him and he smiled at you like if you were an angel speaking to him from heaven. He hesitantly covered your right breast with his large palm, and you sighed happily. “Yes, that’s it, baby monk,” driven by your praise, his next move was purely instinctive, he flipped his thumb across your nipple and you moaned loudly. “Osferth,” you rubbed yourself against him and he whined when you brushed against his cock.  “Did I hurt you, my lady?” he asked, scared that he messed up something. “No, you are doing great, keep doing that move with your thumb,” you encouraged him. He focused on his task, his fingers started playing with your hard nipples experimentally. His touches were inexperienced but it only made you more aroused. “You know, Osferth, your lips can replace your fingers,” you suggested and his blue eyes almost popped out of his head. “Excuse me, my lady?” he couldn’t believe his ears. “You heard me, just do it, it will make me very happy,” you smiled at him and he hesitantly lowered his head to your chest. “Go for it, baby monk. Lick my nipple first,” you instructed and he hesitated for a second but then his tongue licked your nipple teasingly lightly. You cursed under your breath. You knew that he wasn’t doing this intentionally, but he was killing you with this. You cradled the back of his head, keeping him close to your chest. “You are doing amazing, Osferth,” you continued with your praises. “Now take my nipple into your mouth and suck it gently, like a child when is drinking milk from its mother,” this time he obeyed you without complaints and you moaned loudly as his lips covered your nipple and sucked it into his hot mouth. Your moans filled the room and judging by his hardness you felt under you, he enjoyed it as well. He let go off your breast with wet pop and gave his attention to the other one.  “You are natural talent, baby monk,” you grinned when he started playing with your abandoned nipple with his long fingers, rolling it between them. You enjoyed his mouth and fingers for some time. “But, enough about me, this night is mainly about you,” you winked at him and rolled you over so he was on his back now. You kissed him deeply before you started kissing your way down his lean and slightly muscular body. You scratched the muscles on his chest and abdomen and he let out quiet whimpers. You stopped at his underwear as he took a sharp inhale. “I will take this off, are you still comfortable, Osferth?” you asked him and he nodded, fascinated by your every move. “I need your words!” you insisted. “Yes, my lady,” he said and you slowly slid his undergarments down his long legs, tossing them somewhere behind you without a care. His cock was already standing and begging for your attention, his tip red and dripping with pre-cum. “Oh, and you were hiding this under your cloak the whole, time? Bad boy, Osferth, very bad boy,” you groaned and watched his thick, long, beautiful cock hungrily and he didn’t know what to say to it. “I am going to touch you, Osferth, OK?” you asked him and he nodded while blushing wildly. You gently wrapped your hand around him and he jerked his hips in response. “Shhh, it’s OK, Osferth. Stay still,” you commanded and he watched you with almost painful expression as you started stroking his hard cock slowly, not putting too much pressure, afraid that he wouldn’t last very long. “Is this pleasurable?” you asked him with sly grin. “I have never felt anything like this, lady Y/N,” he said and let out aloud moan, when you played with the tip of his cock. “Oh God,” he whimpered and you chuckled. “I am afraid, that God has nothing to do with this,” you smirked and decided that you won't suck him off tonight because he wouldn't last for more than few seconds and would cum in your mouth. And you wanted him inside you. I think you are ready, baby monk,” you winked at him and straddled his hips. “What about you, my lady,” he protested and you raised your eyebrow. “I… you know… I’ve heard Finan and Sihtric talking about ladies on many occasions,” he stuttered and you waited what he means by this. “They said that woman must be… wet, so this could be pleasurable for her,” he finished his thought and bit his lip nervously. “Oh, Osferth, trust me, I am so wet for you right now, that you don’t have to do anything else to help me with it,” you winked at him. “But don’t worry, I will teach you how to make woman wet with your fingers, mouth or even words next time,” you promised and he shivered at the promise of a next time with you. You stroked his cock couple times before you slowly sank into his hard length. You moaned at the feeling of fullness and Osferth let out the sexiest whimper you have ever heard in your life. “Y/N,” he moaned you name and you smirked. “I knew you will stop calling me lady at some point,” you giggled and started gently rocking against him. You almost cum when you saw the expression of pure bliss on his pale face. “How are you feeling so far, Osferth?” you asked him and he grunted. You leaned forward and captured his lips in bruising kiss. He started acting instinctively and his hands gripped your hips, helping you moving up and down his cock. You nipples were brushing against his chest and it only added to your own pleasure. “Give me your hand,” you ordered and you sucked his long fingers into your mouth. You went back to your sitting position and you lead his fingers to your clit. “This is clitoris, Osferth, or simply a clit, if you touch me here, you will make me feel extremely good,” you continued your lesson and he eagerly did what you have suggested. “Osferth!” you moaned his name loudly when he rubbed your clit. Encouraged by your reaction he started moving his fingers more firmly against your bundle of nerves and you felt your orgasm coming quickly. You clenched around him and you smirked when he opened his mouth into perfect O. “Are you close, baby monk?” you asked him teasingly and clenched your pussy around him again. “I don’t know what you mean, but something is happening,” he panted and you smirked.  “It’s OK, Osferth, let it go?” you encouraged him. He cum inside you, his hips twitched and you could feel him throbbing inside you, his eyelids fluttered shut as he pulled you close to hold onto you, chasing that high with an almost feral sound escaping him. You cum shouting his name and fell onto his chest, breathing heavily. “You are no longer a virgin, baby monk, congratulations,” you grinned at him and he looked at you like if you were the most wonderful creature on earth. “Did you liked it?” you asked him and rolled off him and cuddled to his side. “It felt like nothing I have ever experienced, my lady,” he said shyly. “Oh, come on Osferth, stop calling me lady,” you pouted your lips at him. “I shouldn’t have stop calling you that earlier, my lady,” he blushed and you smirked. “I guess I need to do this with you more often, so you will learn how to call me just Y/N,” you teased him again. “Would you like to do this with me again?” you asked him, suddenly you were the one who was uncertain. “I would love to, lady Y/N,” he smiled shyly and pulled you into a soft, slow kiss. You made out for few moments and you felt him getting hard against your leg again. This young man needed a lot of training and you were more than willing to help him with that.  When you woke up the next morning you were snuggled beneath warm furs and Osferth was softly snoring next to you. He was usually a morning person, but you probably exhausted him. You closed your eyes, cuddled closer to him and drifted back to sleep again. “Can you believe it, Sihtric?? We ran back here, rode on our horses day and night, to save her and baby monk, and the lazy bitch is sleeping until noon,” Finan’s loud voice woke you up from your slumber. “Stop shouting, you asshole,” you groaned and noticed that he is right and you overslept. You glanced at Osferth who was still covered by the furs, scared that his friends could find him in your bed. “Oh, I am sorry, are you hangover?” he mocked you. “This place reeks of sex, Finan, not alcohol. She had a very interesting night, I would say,” Sihtric smirked and Finan laughed. But his laughter died in his throat when he noticed the cross hanging on your chair. “No, way!!” he gasped. “What is it?” Sihtric who was almost out of the door asked. “Do you see what I see?” Finan pointed at the cross and they both shared a shocked expression. “Baby monk?” Finan shouted and Osferth trembled under the furs. “Are you hiding under the furs?” Finan teased him. “I am not hiding,” Osferth defended himself. “Oh Gods, it’s really him,” Finan laughed and Osferth finally faced his friends. “You took his virginity, Y/N?” Sihtric chuckled. “No, I didn’t. He wasn’t a virgin, you two assholes. He was a very skilled lover and satisfied me perfectly. So now I would appreciate if you two would leave us alone, I wish to dress myself and go welcome my dear brother,” you kicked them out and they left with stunned faces. “Thank you for helping me, my lady Y/N,” Osferth said politely and kissed your hand lovingly making you blush. “I know that your God don’t like liars, Osferth,” you said and he nodded in confusion. “So we need to train a lot so my words about you being the skilled lover become true,” you grinned at him disappeared under the furs. Osferth’s moans filled the morning air as you gave him his first but definitely not his last blowjob. 
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
JTTW-era Stone Egg part 2:
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referencing this previous post about the Pilgrims reacting to the knowledge that au!Wukong is having a baby and has a missing mate.
Ao Lie is a real bro; he figured out Wukong was a having a kid based on his dragon/horse nose, and decides to support him 100% no matter his choice at the end of the day. The fact that he suspects its an asexually-produced Stone Egg that could kill his new buddy is something Ao Lie is keeping quiet about until Wukong himself is comfortable sharing it.
Ao Lie, after Bajie accuses him of having a crush on Wukong: "Ew no! He most certainly has a mate awaiting his return - I wouldn't dare dishonor a married demon!" Wukong, brightly playing along: "Yeah, piglet! Plus, no one will ever measure up to my Mihou!" Ao Lie, confused whinny: "Excuse me, what?" Wukong, tail curling into a heart: "The strongest, most clever monkey on Flower Fruit Mountain - my equal in all including on the battlefield. <3"
The rest of the gang are pleasantly surprised... and outraged to learn that their pregnant companion has a mate that up and left him while he was pregnant. Whomever this "Macaque" figure is, the Pilgrims gonna have a stern talk with him when they find him.
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Except maybe the two former-celestials;
Bajie is just like: "Wait, did you just say this Macaque guy was your equal in battle!?" Wukong, wistful sigh: "Yeah..." Zhu Bajie & Sha Wujing: *share equally terrified looks*
Maybe they'll need to devise an attack strategy before confronting this guy head on. Ao Lie loudly states that he's gonna kick the guy if he sees him first.
Tripitaka meanwhile has to mentally wrap his head around the idea of two men marrying before he can process that *Sun Wukong* is married. The Confuscist / Buddhist attitudes at the time said "Girls have Karma Cooties"; so it was considered normal for men to "prefer other men's company" but it was still super-illegal. Being raised in a sheltered, likely all-male, monastery also adds in extra confusion for the monk. Not to mention his own asexuality.
Tripitaka: "Is it... acceptable for a man to love another man like one would a woman?" Zhu Bajie: "Only if they're into it." Tripitaka: "Wha...?"
Eventually he ends up asking the boddhisattvas and different gods for their opinions;
Tripitaka: "Is it normal amongst those in the Celestial Realm for men to... have thoughts of romance for other men?" Erlang: "Oh diyu, yeah! It's totally normal! We even have Tu'er Shen - he's the rabbit god of homosexual love!" Tripitaka, pleasantly surprised: "Oh! That's interesting - but is it accepted?" Erlang & the Plum Hill Lads: *share a footballer's huddle, whispering intensely* Erlang: "Ehhh... just don't bring it up around my uncle. He's kinda weird about it." Triptiaka, a little heartbroken: "Oh..."
Best advice comes from Guanyin herself ofc;
Guanyin: "I'm am composed of multiple energies, Tang Monk. Although I do not experience romantic feelings like say, Chang'e and Hou Yi, I know for a fact that the buddha does not judge those for whom they love - even if their fellow man do so." Tripitaka: *delighted smile!* Tripitaka, remembering why he asked: *fatherly instincts activate* "I'm going to kill that Liu'er Mihou for breaking my student's heart!"
In the Jttw Stone Egged au where Macaque lives, Tripitaka is the only one to get a solid punch in before Wukong calls the gang off.
Angst and canonical death tw under Read More;
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Zhu Bajie ultimately starts out as a huge a-hole, and the Journey makes him a little less of a jerk. One huge change Wukong noticed in his bro's behavior was around the time... he lost Macaque.
Especially in the Slow Boiled au.
Bajie would walk up to Wukong like he did many time when he tried stealing his snacks or to poke fun at him... only to sit down next to the monkey watches the moon together. Both longing.
Zhu Bajie: "You know... I wasn't lying when I said I was cursed to suffer many heartbreaks... I know what it looks like from a mile away." Wukong: *says nothing, hiding face in his arms and knees* Zhu Bajie: "You really loved that guy, huh?" Wukong: *nods, face still hidden* Zhu Bajie, confidently: "...you'll see him again. Maybe not in this lifetime, but you will." Wukong, uncharacteristically quiet: "Thanks..." Zhu Bajie: "No problem."
The pig is noticeably easier on Wukong after that day. And maybe a little more appriciative of the time he had with Culian... he's experienced enough bad love-lifes to figure out how to make things work. Maybe after the Journey is over, he'll give her a call?
He does really hope his Eldest Brother and his mate reunite in the future... even if it means in the Diyu.
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Care For You
A/N: surprise! I’m avoiding my issues with real men by fantasizing about my fictional men so please enjoy the product of that! Slight enemies to lovers (which isn’t easy cuz Osferth is such a sweetheart) but it’s my favorite trope!
Warnings: swearing, insults, unprotected sex and slight choking, people walking in on them
Pairing: Osferth x fem!reader
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The sun was slowly setting over Rumcofa when a watchman from the river yelled to Uhtred.
“Lord! We’ve spotted a ship we cannot identify!���
“Soldiers to the riverside!” Uhtred called to his men.
He and his merry misfits waited on the dock to see who it could be. As the ship came closer, a familiar face stood up.
“Is that Eadith?” Finan asked, standing taller.
“It is!”
“Lord, we are from Frankia looking for safe passage. We have coin to pay the toll!” She called out with a smile.
Uhtred and his men were thrilled to see her.
“Don’t let her fool you, lord. It is no more than tin,” you joked, popping up beside her.
Finan looked at Osferth who already had a scowl on his face. The Irishman elbowed him in the side and chuckled.
Uhtred helped the two of you off the ship and escorted you to the great hall along with his men.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“We have been studying healing in Frankia and we heard that Rumcofa has become riddled with diseases of all kinds,” Eadith answered.
“Well that would be Osferth’s fault,” Finan laughed.
“That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest,” you smirked. “Or perhaps it would since I’m sure you’re still a virgin, baby monk.”
“Didn’t feel like staying in Frankia?” He snapped at you.
“And miss out on seeing my favorite warriors?” You asked, throwing your arm around Finan. “I think not.”
“Do not listen to him, y/n. We are glad to have you,” Sihtric smiled.
“Speak for yourself,” Osferth mumbled under his breath before leaving the hall.
You had to admit he had grown into quite the fine young man, but his attitude was as sour as ever and you loved to poke at him.
“Why such hostility?” Eadith asked Finan quietly.
“They want to hump each other but neither will admit it. So they do this instead,” he sighed. “Stubborn bastards.”
“We will celebrate properly later but we have much to do to prepare for the festival,” Uhtred said.
“Yes and we must get settled,” Eadith said, looking at you. You followed her to the small inn where they informed you that they only had one small room left.
“You take it! I’ll stay with someone else,” you insisted.
“No buts! You’re here for important business and you’ll need a place to rest,” you reminded her, referring to a letter the Lady Aethelflaed had sent to you in Frankia.
“Fine, but go straight to Uhtred and tell him you need a place to sleep,” she said.
“Yes, lady,” you said while rolling your eyes playfully. You sought out the lord and found him at the ale house inspecting the latest brew for the festival.
“Uhtred! May I have a moment?” You asked.
“For you, you may have many moments,” he joked.
“It seems your inn is full and I gave Eadith the last room so I’ll be needing a place to sleep,” you informed him.
“Well I’m sure Sig and Sihtric wouldn’t mind you staying with them. I doubt they’d even notice another person,” he laughed.
“Any other options?”
“Finan and Ingrith already have guests and I would offer my own, but-“
“The princess is coming, say no more,” you gave him a soft smile. “So that leaves…”
“Osferth!” Uhtred said with a huge smile as the young man in question came through the door.
“I’d rather sleep with the pigs,” you grunted.
“I doubt even they would have you,” Osferth snapped.
“Kids, play nice,” Uhtred sighed. “You will stay with Osferth, end of discussion.”
“What? Lord!”
“End of discussion, Osferth,” he said in a serious tone.
“Well are you going to show me the way or do I have to guess which place is yours?” You asked. He said nothing but left while expecting you to follow.
His little house was nicer than you expected it to be. It was simple but it suited him. It didn’t seem like as much of a bachelor pad as you would’ve expected and it made you wonder if he had a woman in his life. You quickly rushed that thought from your mind because you didn’t like the jealousy bubbling up inside you.
“There’s a small makeshift bed over there for guests so…help yourself,” he mumbled.
“What a shame, I thought we’d be sharing,” you said with a wink and a laugh.
“Not if you begged me,” he scoffed. “Although I’m sure it would sound nice coming from you.”
“Like I’d ever beg you for anything.”
He crossed the room in only a few steps and bumped his shoulder against yours as he passed, stopping briefly at your side.
“I’m sure there are ways to get you to beg,” he whispered in your ear before walking out the door.
What a cocky asshole he had grown into; you couldn’t say you disliked it though. It lit a fire in your belly that you wanted to ignore.
Osferth left and went to find Finan and Sihtric who were searching for Aethelstan who was probably hiding from his chores.
“So, it must be weird seeing y/n after all this time,” Sihtric commented.
“Why would it be weird?” The younger man asked.
“We know you were upset when she left with Eadith so I’m sure there’s some unresolved feelings there,” Finan smirked.
“I was not upset and there are no feelings!”
“You don’t have to lie to us, baby monk,” the Irishman chuckled.
“Has she grown into a beautiful lady? Yes. Is she still the same annoying brat from all those years ago? It would appear so. So that’s all there is to it,” Osferth insisted.
“She just likes to play with you,” Sihtric sighed.
“Yes well I don’t enjoy it.”
“Perhaps you’d enjoy it if she played with you in a different way,” Finan said, jabbing him with his elbow. Osferth replied with a scowl but deep down he knew his friends were right- about everything.
Uhtred held a small feast to welcome the two of you back. You found that you actually enjoyed the townsfolk of Rumcofa. It was nice to be back with your friends, even if Osferth’s weird stares had been throwing you off all night.
“Lady, I am glad you have found your way to our humble town,” a man said, taking the empty seat next to you. “I am Ivar.”
“Hello, Ivar; it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you smiled. “I’m quite enjoying my time here so far.”
“You’ve come at the perfect time. Blood month festival is always a momentous occasion,” he said. He scooted closer to you and slid you another cup of ale.
He was attractive, you couldn’t deny that. You knew Uhtred would not allow any sleazy men in your company so you hoped he was decent. What harm could it do to entertain him?
“Perhaps we will be able to celebrate the festivities together,” you said, taking a sip of the ale he offered. His eyes lit up at your words and you laughed. The two of you were unaware of the eyes that were watching you with much scrutiny.
“I would enjoy that very much, lady-“ he leaned in closer so that no one but you could hear- “perhaps there are some other festivities that we could enjoy together as well.”
You were surprised by his words but you were more surprised by the knife that was stabbed into the table between the two of you. You jumped apart from one another quickly, looking up and realizing it was Osferth standing over you.
“To cut your meat, lady,” he sneered while pointing to the knife. He stormed off, leaving you angry and Ivar confused.
“He should probably be more careful next time,” he mumbled more to himself.
You wanted to chase after him and demand a reason for his behavior but you did not have the energy to deal with him.
You continued on with some small talk before you realized that as handsome and forward as Ivar was, he was actually incredibly boring. You finished your meal rather quickly and excused yourself from the table. He offered to walk you back but you politely declined, feigning exhaustion from your long journey.
The walk to Osferth’s was not long but it was enough time for your anger to creep back in. You slammed his door shut when you entered, causing him to look up from whatever book he was reading.
“You were a reckless idiot back there,” you snapped.
You began to take off your top layer of clothing to get ready for bed. You’d spent enough time around Uhtred and his men that being shy was no longer a thing.
“I was reckless? I’d consider you the reckless one if you’re going to sleep your way through Rumcofa,” he replied.
“Are you dense? It was one man and we were simply talking! It was not as if he was going to take me right there on the table in that moment!”
Osferth’s jaw tensed when that image flashed in his head.
“I saw how you were acting, like a bitch in heat.”
You stormed over to him and ripped the book from his hands, throwing it across the room. He stood up from his seat, fuming.
“I should cut your tongue out for saying such a thing,” you growled. “I’m so sick of your holier than thou attitude! You’re no better than anyone else.”
“I’m better than you,” he sneered.
“Is that so? I’m fairly certain it was I that saved your ass in our last battle. And it was I that convinced Uhtred to allow you to join us in the first place; what a mistake that was!”
“Is that why you’ve always been mean to me? You regret having me around?”
“I’m not mean! I simply tease you like Finan and Sihtric do!” You defended yourself. You truly never meant any malice toward him.
“It is different with them.”
“Why? Because they are men?” You asked.
“Yes!- well, no!”
“Are you sure about that?” You laughed. “You’re no better than me just because you’re a man.”
“Well at least I stuck around! I didn’t run off and come back years later pretending as if nothing happened after abandoning my friends!”
His words made you stop in your tracks. You left with Eadith to gain more knowledge and secure your own coin. Uhtred encouraged you to do so so you knew it was not him that was angry with you for leaving.
“I was not aware that you were so upset over my leaving,” you mumbled.
“I was not.”
“It sounds like you were,” you said with a small smirk. “Do you care for me, Osferth?”
“In your dreams,” he scoffed. His heart was racing and he was afraid he had been discovered.
“Oh in my dreams you do much more than care for me,” you joked.
His eyes widened at your admission and he was left speechless. You noticed the change in demeanor and decided to test his limits.
“Do you wish it were you?”
“What are you talking about?”
You moved closer to him so that you were nearly pressed against him.
“Do you wish it were you whispering dirty things in my ear? Do you wish you were the one taking me on a table at any given moment?” You asked seductively.
He gulped and refused to look at you. You could feel something against your leg so you looked down and noticed he had gotten hard beneath his robes.
“I knew you cared for me,” you chuckled, looking at him with a smirk. He finally looked at you and you could tell he was annoyed.
“Just because I wish to hump you doesn’t mean I care for you,” he scoffed.
“Do something about it then,” you said. “You may bed me if you wish.”
Once again, he found himself speechless. You were testing him but he couldn’t tell if you really wanted it. He allowed himself to stay in his head for too long before he heard you laugh. You turned away from him and went to the table where you had tossed your belongings.
“I thought just as much. Perhaps I should go back and find Ivar. I’m certain he would not hesitate if offered to-“
Before you could finish, his back was pressed against yours and he had a hand wrapped around your throat, forcing you to look at him.
“Do not say his name again,” he growled.
He slammed his lips to yours in a feverish kiss of passion. He turned your around and you slid onto the table, welcoming him between your legs. His hands were rough as they grabbed at your hips, sliding your slip around your waist.
“You are far too dressed,” you sighed as you pawed at his robes. He threw his robes aside and dropped his trousers.
“Your turn,” he chuckled as he pulled your underwear down your legs and threw them behind him.
You pulled the slip over your head and set it aside. You took a moment to admire his body just as he did with yours. He hooked his arms beneath your thighs as you braced your hands behind you. He slid his cock through your folds and chuckled.
“Already so wet, lady. Is fighting foreplay for you,” he asked.
“Only when it’s with you,” you admitted. His eyes snapped to yours and he could tell there was sincerity in your words.
He slid his cock into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust. He waited until you told he was good to move before sliding out and thrusting his hips back into yours.
You couldn’t contain your moans and whimpers as he began to fuck you relentlessly. He enjoyed watching you fall apart in front of him, knowing he was the one bringing you this pleasure.
“I should bring you back into the hall and let everyone see what a whiny little mess you are on my cock,” he growled. Your cunt clenched around him and he chuckled. “You like that, huh? Want everyone to see who you belong to?”
“Y-yes,” you managed to say as he hammered into you. He released one of your legs so he could circle your clit, bringing you closer to your release.
“Say it; say who you belong to,” he grunted.
“You, Osferth! I belong to you!” You cried as your climax washed over you. He kissed you once more to swallow your moans and his as he spilled his seed inside of you.
He broke the kiss only so the two of you could catch your breath. He rested his forehead on yours and you enjoyed the intimacy more than you cared to admit.
“I do care for you,” he whispered. “It pained me when you left so easily.”
“Uhtred encouraged me to leave and I believed there was no hope that you’d ever return my feelings so I fled from them,” you told him.
“Your feelings?” He looked into your eyes with hope.
“Why do you think I always teased you?” You asked with a laugh. “That’s my way of flirting I suppose.”
“Couldn’t have just stuck with ‘you’re handsome and I like you’?” He laughed.
“I suppose that may have been easier,” you agreed.
“No matter. Now we just have to make up for lost time,” he said, leaning in to kiss you again.
“Aye! We were told to make sure you didn’t kill each other yet!” Finan laughed as he burst through the door.
“Oh my god!” Eadith shrieked as she averted her eyes. Sihtric took in the room, clothes strewn about before turning around, laughing as he left.
“Told you they wanted to hump!” Finan laughed as Osferth did his best to shield you from their eyes.
“We’re alive! You may go now!” He yelled, very annoyed at the intrusion.
“Uhtred owes me 10 silver,” Finan said as he took his leave, closing the door behind him.
You let out a sigh of relief but you both jumped when you heard tapping on the window. You turned to see Finan’s stupid face in the window.
“And close your curtains!”
You covered yourself with your slip as Osferth went and pulled the curtains shut. He turned around to look at you and after a moment of silence, you both burst into a fit of laughter.
He came back over to you and helped you off the table, gently taking you in his arms.
“To bed, then?” He asked with a small smile.
“I’m not tired.”
“I didn’t say it was to sleep,” he smirked.
He did say that you had to make up for lost time, and that you did.
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