#i mean you can like a mlm as a wlw ship some i find fun myself
epickiya722 · 2 months
"I like yuri."
Do you? You do actually have a ship of two female characters that you like? Or you have a ship of two male characters that you yuri-fy and use them to say you like yuri ships and female characters?
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
Woo boy this is going to be a long one, and I mean, A LONG ONE LMAO. And, of course, all in good fun; i simply just Have To Scream and Incessantly Ramble. So, if you'd like to scream along with me, and read through an ESSAY OF THOUGHTS HERE SHDKJSDHS-
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I just have to start things off with my babygirl. With the babygirlest of babygirls. LOOK at that pining. INSANE levels of pining. "When will my husband return from the war" levels of it, quite frankly PFFF. And with the hair back and the slut strands out too like???
I will say, it's very interesting to see him pining like this out in the open. I very much expected him to say locked away in his cabin most of the time, and stay entirely masked whenever he's out. But it seems like he makes STEPS towards healing rather early into the season, as the Kraken Getup seems to drop pretty quick. So, I'm very interested to know how that'll play into his dynamic with other characters (Fang, for example, seems to take notice, based on the comment he makes in the next screenie).
regardless, babygirl you're so strong and beautiful and i'm wrapping you in a blanket, kissing you on the forehead, and express shipping your man RIGHT into your arms. it'll get better, i promise.
but no really i'm going insane because like...just when edward teach couldn't get anymore beautiful, he really decides to pull up with a MESSY BUN???
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I don't talk about Fang nearly as much as I should because I love him so much. I think getting a hug from him would Heal Me, actually. Like please hsdjkss he's so sweet- "I've never seen Blackbeard like this 🥺." CAN I GET HIM A PUPPY? I'M GETTING HIM A PUPPY.
Also please are they eating cake hsdksjks. ARE THEY EATING WEDDING CAKE. Imagine your raid is to crash a wedding, steal cake toppers, and then eat what's left of the wedding cake jskdhsdjkls. DREAM JOB???
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when i tell y'all i am Foaming At The Mouth over this. Like, it obviously guts me to see Stede crying, but it makes me SO intrigued to know what made him come to the more stark realization, what made him flip from optimistic and bitchy to more somber and pained.
There SEEMS to be some sort of shift sometime around when he sees Ed's wanted poster, because there's that shot of him looking melancholic in the rain. But it doesn't quite seem as stark as THIS.
It makes me wonder if it's a gradual assembly of puzzle pieces, ie finding out about the marooning, then Lucius, then Ed's scourge across the Caribbean, etc etc. And it slooooowly dawns on him that his decision to leave in order to keep Ed happy ended up doing EXACTLY the opposite.
OR, I wonder if this is following the reunion—a PAINFUL one at that. Like, maybe he still was going into it a bit idyllic, and was holding onto the hope that it would still be alright...only for Ed to react poorly/in a way he never anticipated to see. He went into it maybe with a bit of anxiety, but ultimately leaned on the denial...only to have all the fears confirmed.
Or maybe it's a mixture of both. But either way, it's SO so interesting to see him have to SIT with it all. And even though it hurts to see HIM hurt, I'm actually very glad they addressed this and made him feel the heavier weight.
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...Only to transition right into silliness here with this shot dHJKSDKLS. ed babe listen i get it. i Get It. i'm right there with you, babe.
BUT ALSO, makes me wonder what he was smoking in his pipe beforehand. Or maybe it was the transition from pipe to a straight BLUNT that got him shdjksd. Or MAYBE it was just ~*~the sapphic kush~*~ that took him out PFFFF. wlw on mlm violence idk.
SPEAKING of which...
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here we go, lesbians. here we go, lesbians, come on. oH MY GOD, LESBIANS,,,
do you think anne and mary want me
With that whole shot where it looks like Anne just kissed Stede, and the way they're both 👀👀 at Ed and Stede having their tense little interaction, I have to wonder if their gaydars go off and one or both subsequently decide to stir shit up PFFFF. Like, causing chaos by making Ed/Stede jealous type deal. And maybe Anne kissing Stede is what makes Ed choke on the blunt sdhkshdks WHO KNOWS.
Regardless, very excited to see the pairs interact. WHO KNOWS WHAT SORT OF MLM WLW SHENANIGANS WILL HAPPEN SDKJS.
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And ALSO in relation to that scene, I just have to shdjksdhljksdkls over the editing because it took me out. Ed being like "And more importantly, no more Stede >:)" only to show his little wedding topper doll with Stede's subsequent "HULLOOO, IDWAD."
Killed me. KILLED ME DEAD. And also, a neat little way of editing call Ed out on his bullshit REAL FAST HSDJKSL. like, honey, you can try, but you know full and damn well that silly little guy has burrowed into the deepest chambers of your heart. he has your heart and you have his, WHOOPS.
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Ricky, right? This is Ricky??
So okay, a nose prosthesis is metal as hell, but that means we ALLLLLL know who he got tangled with PFFF. And I believe we see him in the Republic of Pirates talking to Stede and Co??? So I'm very VERY interested to see how that all devolves, and how he goes from vibing to wanting to throw hands.
Unless he was like, on some sort of reconnaissance mission for the British in the first place.
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...The way I missed this SEVERAL times over, and didn't even see it until someone else pointed it out in another post.
But that also has me like 👁️👁️ for SO many different reasons. How did he lose a good portion of his leg? Was Stede the one to offer up the unicorn leg as a pegleg?
My running theory is still that like...Izzy wanted a very specific version of Blackbeard. Izzy wanted someone who no longer exists, or maybe never existed to begin with. And so Izzy thought he was doing right by taking Stede out of the picture and nudging Ed back into a more viscous type of pirating...
Only for that to COMPLETELY backfire, and for Ed to get far more unstable. And like, something something Izzy was already complaining about Ed's "erratic moods" and "questionable decisions" BEFORE Stede came into the picture, so I doubt he's going to be content with Ed's turmoil and all the impulsivity that'll likely come with it.
So maybe, MAYBE, I'm thinking he'll have a bit of growth by realizing that Ed and Stede need each other, or maybe that Ed was way happier when things were smoother between him and Stede, at least. And knowing him and his characterization lol, it might not even be a selfless realization/decision. Maybe he'll only be doing it because he wants a less emotional version of Ed, and thinks that having Stede around and being cordial with him will allow that to happen.
And maybe it leads to even MORE growth when he gets roped into training Stede/the crew idk.
Regardless, REGARDLESS, they are one of the last pairs I ever expected to team up, because they were ACTIVELY bitching at each other all through last season HSDJKS.
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I'm not 100% certain, but it SEEMS like this is at Jackie's, or at least in the Republic of Pirates somewhere. And based on Ricky's injury, and also other little tidbits of footage, it SEEMS like something goes down there. Maybe some sort of scuffle between the Navy and our guys or something equivalent that snowballs into even ~*~Larger Problems~*~
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And it's so wild because I definitely see Olu (with the CROCS OFC LMAO) and Pete, and then I THINK I see Lucius and Izzy in that mix too??? So like,,,
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Oh this hurts lol. This one hurts. This one hurts a LOT. Stede Bonnet stop breaking my heart Challenge: impossible.
Because that's his home. That's his soul placed into a ship. That's the conglomeration of his hope, and heart, and adventure, and family,,,
And it's in RUINS.
Fresh off the "you defile beautiful things/you're a monster/you're a failure/you ruin everything you touch" train, and he comes back to this. And if this is after he reunites with Ed and realizes things are bad, then man, that'll be even WORSE.
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BUT, off we go cartwheeling from that footage to a VERY interesting bit of dialogue from Stede:
"The entire escape relies on this."
Escape?? ESCAPE???
Here I was thinking they enlisted they help of the Red Flag Fleet and/or Susan to try and catch up with the Revenge. So, ESCAPE???????
Did they get captured? Snatched up from the Republic of Pirates or something equivalent? Does someone have beef with Ed and holds Stede and Co hostage because they're trying to aid him?
OR, are they voluntarily on that ship to hide/lay low from the Navy or something, but their cover has been blown, and they have to quickly flee back onto the Revenge?
Very very inch resting whatever the case.
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like, you're telling me ed is going to see him like this and isn't going to IMMEDIATELY drop and start tying his hair into a ponytail? mmmMMKAY
BUT OKAY—ACTUALLY, that joke sort of brings me to a more angsty theory, because of course it does lol. I have to wonder if Stede is dressing like this because he legitimately wants to, OR, if it's because he feels like he has to.
Like, something something he's trying to do everything he can to win respect and establish himself and ALSO win back his man. And, something something he is ONCE AGAIN doing what HE thinks Ed wants, as opposed to what Ed might ACTUALLY want. Like, "Oh, he's a notorious pirate. He'll like me again if I have a little more gruff and backbone, right? That's what pirates like, right???"
*grumbling* even though it's a very VERY good look on him, so i hope it's more on his own volition.
I just want him to feel comfortable as HIMSELF, and feel like he doesn't have to perform/conform to anything. And I think there's something very deeply queer about him and Ed BOTH going through that. They're BOTH trying to figure themselves out and what they're comfortable with and who they want to be. And I hope that, IF this is his look, it's something that HE wants entirely.
((Which makes me raise my eyebrows a bit more because of the Cunty Red Jacket. Because he's CUNT. And also his curls are more pronounced when he wears that too. SooOOOoooOOO?????? VERY interested to see what he wants, and where he comfortably settles))
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So, we've seen that shot of someone falling into the water like 80 million times at this point. And this trailer ALSO showed an additional shot of said person SINKING into the gloom. At least, I THINK it was the same person/connected. Again, could be a total misdirect lol.
And then we've seen all the blue-tinted shots of Ed off on his own somewhere, fight someone/something all the while being accompanied by some unknown figure.
And BECAUSE of the tinting/consistent lighting, and BECAUSE of the figure accompanying him, I have to also wonder like others similarly are...
Is this a DREAM???
Is this some sort of unconscious sequence where Ed works through trauma/hurt/demons? Is that person with him the ghost of Hornigold or another significant figure from his past? And does said sequence end with him jumping from the cliff and allowing the Kraken to disappear back to the gloom???
But something that makes that whole theory SUS is the shots we've gotten of someone, presumably Ed, coming up out of the ocean. And it's not tinted blue like all of these other shots are.
So it's just hsdjkhsdjksdhskjdhsjksfs??????
Regardless, REGARDLESS, I think all of this points to Ed going on some sort of journey, some sort of bout of self-discovery and self-acceptance. I think he's going to heal parts of himself, or at least SETTLE with parts of himself, no matter the circumstances. And that would be so good because I want that so badly for him. I want him to be able to do that for himself.
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but omfg this is yet another case of my brain not being able to piece together timelines. because ed babe where ARE you. "BABYGIRL WHERE ARE YEEEWW..."
He looks so soft, and also has on a different ring??? An emerald/cyan looking ring??? AND THE KRAKEN RING THAT TAIKA ALWAYS WEARS HSDKJS.
So I just hsdjkhdjklsdhdjklshsjkls. "jodi you'e literally going to find out in like less than a month" I KNOW I KNOW OKAY BUT THAT DOESN'T PREVENT ME FROM GNAWING ON MY DESK FOR 18-ISH MORE DAYS HSDKJLS.
Also, as an aside, I SO very hope this leads to Fangy getting a puppy. I SO very hope that the "pets befouling the ship" clause is scratched from the rulebook PFFFF.
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also hi hello is that archie. dO YOU THINK ARCHIE WANTS M-(GUNSHOTS)
i'll just be in the corner sobbing over being attracted to so many of these damn pirates. like, it's an Issue
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I've seen people theorize it's a stab wound, a bullet wound, or some sort of wound that was burned/cauterized. Either way, EITHER WAY, OUCH??? CAN MY DARLING PLEASE KNOW PEACE HSDJKSDKL
Also again, this all plays back into my theory that they're having a party, only to get crashed by some sort of navy personal or another pirate bounty hunter of some variety. And Stede gets captured/tortured.
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Same shirt, but has his EARRING. And is BATTLING A SHIT TON OF PEOPLE. So I would assume this comes AFTER the party fiasco, but also jsjshdjkshlJKHDKLS????
Also the CONCERN on his face is so striking. It makes me wonder if he's looking at Ed. ESPECIALLY because—
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But two things about this shot. Well, three, if you count me absolutely FOAMING at the mouth at getting to see Ed battle because hsdjhsjkhsdjkls bARK,,,
One, his sword is bloody. Love that for him. King shit. Slicing and dicing.
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oh hi izzy lmao the way i did not expect the hardest line in the trailer to come from him.
"You don't know the first thing about piracy. It's not about glory, it's about belonging to something."
God. GOD. I really feel like he's going to end up surprising me so much this season lmao.
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oh god y'all lmao. want to see how loud i can scream. because, i missed this my first few watches, and didn't even notice until it was later pointed out in people's posts, but,,,
Listen, I was like 99.9999999999999999% sure he was alive okay lol. Because NARRATIVELY, he had to be. NARRATIVELY, I think his death would have sent things into irreparable places. Also, silly little pirate rom/com; Y'ALL CAN'T KILL OFF ONE OF THE MOST BELOVED CHARACTERS LMAO LIKE NO WAY.
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Annnnnnd Obligatory Tealoranges mention/shoutout because goodness, look at them. LOOK at them. LOOK HOW SOFT JIM LOOKS. LOOK HOW SWEET THEY ARE. I'M EATING MY ARM!!!
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*Baywatch Theme starts playing*
But okay okay what are we thinking:
Training montage/sequence? Or romantic moment?
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and also snorting at ed's eyes because, just when i think they can't get any bigger,,, just when i think he can't possibly get even More Eyes than usual,,,
But okay hi hello WOWZERS this sequence. This one REALLY has my brain churning.
And I'm subsequently in the camp of thinking that this is very very soon after their reunion, if not their REUNION PROPER. I'm sort of leaning more towards the former, because something tells me they'd want to keep their reunion proper a secret/save it, since it'll likely be a very pivotal moment.
Because Ed is DEFINITELY injured. Blood on the side of his head, various cuts and bruises across his face, etc etc. And Stede looks very Concerned when he calls his name. So I'm just 👀
Not to mention also, Ed seems VERY out of it. His eyes are wide/glazed-looking in all of the subsequent shots. And his first reaction is to headbutt Stede away shdkjshdkjs.
So again, the theory that it's right around their reunion seems very plausible, based upon reactions and outfits and the like. BUT WHO KNOWS.
also, for the record, still sobbing at how stede keeps his arm protectively draped over ed during these shots,,,
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,,,and maybe also *wipes tears away* because he just looks so SERENE. he looks so CALM. i have to wonder if this is after a pivotal moment in his healing, be it from his own realizations, an intimate conversation with stede, or both.
i just hope he's legitimately feeling better right here because i want that for him. i want that SO bad for him. I WANT THE WORLD FOR HIM!!!
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Annnnnnnd ending it off with this shot because omfg. Three things.
Two, Ed trying something "different" has me sobbing and throwing up. He just wants to be comfortable. He just wants to be HIMSELF. He just wants to stop PERFORMING AND MASKING.
anyway, if you made it this far, then bless you and your resilience LMAO. but also if you made it this far, you're probably just as excited as i am. like, after this trailer, after seeing all of our darlings and seeing the silliness and seeing the interactions...
idk, i'm just feeling THAT much happier. i'm feeling THAT much more confident in our showrunners/cast/crew. and i cannot WAIT to continue feeling happy with all of y'all <3
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riooklee · 4 months
My NO's in Fanfiction !
TW: opinions
( Just to clarify, this post is ABSOLUTELY NOT made to offend anyone. Seriously, write whatever you want to write and have fun !! I'm just trying to find other people who share the same views as me, thank you<3 )
1) Turning a mlm/wlw ship into a straight ship.
Sorry, but this just gives me the biggest ICK. Literally makes me want to throw my phone out the window, smash my head against a wall and gouge my eyes out. LIKEE, tell me you're homophobic without telling me you're homophobic smh.
You may be thinking rn, "Rio, how do people turn em into straight ships?" WHEN THEY FKIN GENDERBEND ONE OF THEM.
P.S. I just wanted to say, NO I AM NOT TRANSPHOBIC. I know some of u lots might jump onto that conclusion. BUT I AM COMPLETELY AGAINST THAT BS.
Don't get me wrong, I'm alright w ppl genderbending characters! NOT WHEN ITS IN A MLM/WLW SHIP THO.
P.S. I know that I can just exclude those tags whenever looking for a fic, but..the thing is, some people DON'T EVEN TAG THAT IN THEIR FICS WHEN THEY TOTALLY SHOULD BE TAGGING IT.
2) Making characters act so OC.
Yes, I do know that it IS fanfiction, people can do whatever they want with the characters. BUT SOME OF THEM MAKE THEM SO OC-ish THAT I CANT EVEN RECOGNISE IF THIS IS THE SAME CHARACTER IM OBSESSED W AND LOVE.
Some people make Harry an "UwU" cutsie little silly guy, all soft, and totes a cute cinnamon roll that he's defenseless and weak that he needs big almighty strong 10-pack Tom to save him because he's too little to do stuff for himself >-< .
STOP MAKING HARRY A PICK ME. My guy fought a literal war and defeated the dark lord. So why, IN MERLINS NAME are YOU making him act like this:'((
LIKEE, where's my sassy, sarcastic silly guy?? :((
AND TOM. OH MY DAYSS, TOM. Y'all either make him too mean or too nice I SWEAR. Likee, mean as in would Avada u if u even say a single word to him. LIKE BRO, HE WAS A PREFECT AND HEADBOY. HE DIDNT BECOME SO BECAUSE HE AVADA 'D INNOCENT PEOPLE.
P.S. I'm talking abt teenaged Tom Riddles, Voldie would def kill innocent people ykwim?
Or nice as in would call u pookie wookie bear and cuddle u if u had a bad scary dream. Let's bffr rn.
LIKE, where's my crazy psycho nice silly guy??? DD:
IF U WANT THEM TO ACT SORT OF OC-ish PUT THEM INTO A SITUATION THAT'LL FORCE THEM TO ACT AS THOUGH. Seriously, some can get away w this behavior if it is played correctly!!
3) First Person POV.
Pretty self-explanatory, next.
4) "He growled"
Okay, alpha, remus wannabe, furry looking ahh.
When I say "ppl" I'm talking abt myself.
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canonically47 · 4 months
thoughts on every ridonculous race duo including don at the beginning because i just finished watching it for the first time. continued in reblogs
don is such a fun host! he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, and doesn't push anything 'for the ratings'. and even so, he manages to have a lot of funny, witty moments. of course, chris is still my favorite host, but don definitely cuts it close!... especially because, let's be real, we all forgot anyone else in the universe. (don't come for me blaineley fans she's fine I SAID DON'T COME FOR ME STAY BACK PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY)
the LARPers. definitely some... interesting characters. they're the prime example of total drama's flat and boring personalities, most of which were distributed in pahkitew island. i'm kinda mad that, of all those horribly mid and boring characters, we got the most mid and boring one back. hell i'd have preferred dave there, he'd had given us some substance to the story. i don't even remember the girl's name and i don't wanna google it. forgettable, but definitely annoying for as long as they were on screen.
the tennis rivals. good, but overhyped i think. at least, i've seen a lot of people talk about them and ship them, especially since their cameo in the reboot. i for sure thought they'd last longer because of that. i really liked their banter but they don't come close to my favorites. i will not be calling any of their agents. sorry :(
the geniuses. yeah they definitely existed! i mean their characters were fine and i really don't have anything against them, plus their concept is kinda fun. but i absolutely despise courtney's character and hearing her voice come out of another contestant's mouth made me hate her immediately. I STILL KINDA LIKE HER... like, her character design is fun... i just don't care for them that much
the vegans. they look sooo pretty and.. that is the sole reason i put them down as 'i vibe with'. i really don't care for them. i don't even know their names lmfao
the fashion bloggers. sooo fun whenever they were on-screen. unfortunately this show is so predictable and i can tell when a character's arc comes to an end and they're going home. i don't wish they stayed longer tbh? i like them but i think they've had their time. the wlw/mlm solidarity ever next to the ice dancers but we're getting to them. anyways, solid duo!
mom and daughter. ugh. fuck you
the adversity twins. i don't want to sound like a copypasta so i'll keep it short but GODDD THEY WERE SOOO ANNOYING. does NOBODY else feel this way?? i swear before i watched RR i only saw good things about them. HOW? LITERALLY HOW??? they are so fucking annoying and all they do when they're on screen is whine. "ooh mickey is allergic to breathing :((" "actually jay has a water allergy :((" AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS OP SUPERPOWER WHAT THE FUCK IS TEMPERATURE DYSLEXIA THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ahem. excuse me. getting too worked up over thE WORST DUO. SHUT THE FUCK UP let's move on sorry i'll control myself
the step-brothers. idk about you guys but they are really close to being my favorite duo. just... their entire gimmick is so good. the build-up to finding out they're so similar... ough the bros ever. i was so sad when they got eliminated :( they were so funny AND fun. lorenzo is higher than chet because i like his character design more. tbh they're kinda the same person to me? but this is a mistake i made before watching RR, thinking every duo is the same person. which they're not, i quickly learned. at least not most of them. but yeah these two were very fun, they bounced off each other very well. i really liked them. they should've gone further methinks.
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queen--kenobi · 1 month
Tyland and Elayna are rapidly becoming a ship I'm obsessed with. Pls shower me in canonverse head canons for them
Yes. Yeeeeeessssssss
Okay so! Some fun canon facts:
Tyland didn't initially have the intention of marrying Elayna! In my head Tyland is bi so like. He kinda figured they could act as each other's cover once he saw her with fem!Aemond and how the two of them interacted. Yes this does mean when they're at each other throats it's mlm and wlw hostility that turns into mlm and wlw solidarity
Elayna and Tyland cannot be together in the same room as Otto. Only one or the other, not both. Mostly because both of them find Otto pretentious, and they will be exchanging looks when Otto says something they think is stupid. Tyland has a little more respect for Otto than Elayna does, but. Not much
Speaking of looks. Since neither of them is big on pda, they've gotten very good at communicating with just a look. Literally they can have conversations by just lifting an eyebrow. Elayna tries to make it a game and see if she can't hold an actual conversation with someone while communicating with Tyland exclusively via facial expressions
Jason hates this btw. Partially because it means someone knows his twin better than him (like that's hard to do) and partially because he's only getting Tyland’s side of the conversation
Tyland’s approach to get Elayna to warm up to him was very much like when you try to get a feral cat to warm up to you. He would steadily start showing up in places she was, and once she got used to his presence he invited her to have lunch with him, which turned into a regular thing
Most of their dates either occur in the library or in the gardens. When they're in the gardens they talk, and a lot of their good ideas come from those long walks where they bounce ideas off each other
Tyland will never admit it but the first time Elayna defended him in front of someone? Hot. And it's not even like the person was particularly nasty, they just asked Elayna why she speaks to him because he seems boring. Elayna didn't tear into the person like she wanted to, but she was Firm so. No one ever asked again
Elayna hasn't necessarily seen/heard Tyland defend her but like. She know he has. He just does it in very subtle ways that like. Unless you know what you're looking for, you're not going to figure out it was Tyland. And Elayna does know what to look out for
Obviously the biggest point of contention in their relationship is Tyland’s family. Not just because Elayna literally hates all of them except for him and Johanna for very valid reasons but also because Tymon, Jason and Tyland’s youngest brother, basically decided he was going to marry Elayna and has not backed down. It's very tense because of this
Tbh there's absolutely a power struggle when it comes to who makes the first move when they realize they're into each other. Because Tyland kinda wants to see if Elayna will crack first but Elayna is determined that Tyland should finally do something himself if he wants her and not manipulate her into making the first move
Both of them absolutely lose their minds when they each have their "oh shit they know me better than anyone else" moments
It's never said outright but like. There's this quiet understanding the plan is for them to stay in KL and not go back to Casterly Rock unless something major changes. And it's for a variety of reasons, not just Elayna not wanting to go back. Like their lives are too tied up in KL, and like. I think they both probably come to the conclusion their kids wouldn't necessarily be better off growing up at the Rock, yk? They could put their kids in an excellent position if they start with them being friends with the Targ kids from a young age
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giantchasm · 3 months
For ask game, Susie Haltmann!!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I actually have a whole Susie playlist (Well... it's a playlist for the whole family, but it's MOSTLY about her) teehee, but if I had to pick one song... hmmmm...
I'm going to be pretty basic here and say rät. Because I mean... like... COME ON.
I come from scientists and atheists and White men who kill God They make technology, high quality, complex physiological Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good They taught me everything Just like a daddy should
Honorable mention to Hullabaloo, The Guide to Success, and Don't Hold It Against Us which I associate with the HWC as a whole, Star Dream & Susie, and the Haltmann family tragedy/general plot of the game respectively. All of them make me Feel Things and I would highly recommend listening to all of them and Feeling Things with me.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I enjoy how relatively universal the Wave 3 friendship is as a concept. I really do think that group would get along like a house on fire. I also love how many gijinka designs and stuff for her give her super cool cybernetics. Those are always so neat.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Oh gosh, this is tough. Not only am I not very fashionable, but I also think Susie... has two different ways she presents herself depending on the situation (cutesy vs professional), so that plays into it too. Her style ranges pretty broadly between like... comfortable, cute, pink clothing with lots of glitter or whatever and extremely boring suits. Although the extremely boring suits are still probably magenta because you can't ENTIRELY take her girlish whimsy out of her, even when she's at board meetings.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
I have a few of those. Uhhhh her and Magolor immediately comes to mind. Literally nothing wrong with it, I just personally prefer them as WLW and MLM besties.
Her and Francisca, too. Which is funny, because that's like... one of the most popular ships involving her, but I just think if you're going to ship her with a Mage Sister she'd interact with the other two in ways I find more personally engaging. I don't dislike it though. My reaction is just kind of a "Sure! Why not?"
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Oh god. Susie is a... fascinating ass character to write. She has a lot of weird psychological problems. I enjoy getting to lean into the disconnect between herself and her trauma and how she sees herself as this above-it-all figure who's always Getting By, unlike the scared, weak little girl she used to be. I also think it's consistently so fun to explore the complicated feelings she has about her dad and whatever weird cyborg shit she has going on.
What don't I like? That's tough. I guess one thing is that Susie's a lot smarter than me so it can be hard to encapsulate some of the things she understands without having to go out of my way to do research. I also have trouble remembering to keep her like... silly and cute sometimes. I lean so much into all of the things that are Wrong With Her and her thinly veiled professionalism that I forget, above all else, she's a silly pink girl who says "Yippee!"
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hey so idk if you’ve seen what’s going on in the fandom rn on tik tok with like ppl shipping orion and fleamost?? i think?? and obviously with that comes the discourse “why is it leah’s mlm ships??” etc etc and ik you’ve ranged and raved abt ppls attitudes towards wlw ships and like that realm in general but like what do you think abt this? bc like. i think there’s truth to the fact that like ppl always cling to the mlm ships but i don’t the negativity thag is bred with this criticism is a good thing yk? idk i’m just thinking thoughts and i wanna know ur thoughts bc i love ur brain and i wanna crawl in there so
lmaoooo i have not seen that but. well sure i'll give u my thoughts since u asked so nicely <3
my first thought is mostly just why would anyone ever care about that. but like. as i have said before do whatever u want it's fanfiction have fun with it and of course i do not want to be drawn and quartered for my hypocrisy seeing as i have in fact written like. stories about very minor side characters. i suppose for me the thing is that what interests me in these minor characters is looking at how their canon stories could potentially intersect in the most devastating ways, so the main thing i don't personally understand is what people find interesting if they're removing the side characters from canon completely, because then they essentially just become. names. on paper. y'know?
so! not sure how or why people are shipping orion + fleamont but i suppose if it's rooted in some sort of....canon...where like they were in love but then took drastically different life paths or something? but then i do feel like there are other characters u can do that with, so again i'm not really sure i understand the draw to those guys in particular. it mostly just feels a little silly to me and well i suppose i can be a bit of a hater sometimes and i think maybe this is one of those times <3 but obviously there's no harm in anyone shipping them i might clown on u if u do but at the end of the day it is not that serious and people should just write whatever they want when it comes to fanfic.
the sexism debate on the other hand.....god. need a cigarette for this one. i mean i suppose i can elaborate a bit more if there's anything specific u wanna know when it comes to my thoughts but overall i think the whole "UMMMM why does this fandom always find new mlm ships to focus on instead of giving the WOMEN time to shine!! we need more wlw rep this is sexism + mlm fetishization!!!!" is. mostly virtue signaling. and a huge simplification of the situation. unfortunately people have really latched onto a few key buzzwords and so i fear the discourse may be here to stay lol
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What are some of your favorite felt head canons if you don't mind, and is your intermission discord server still active?
Oh yeah psh the server is defo active. We talk there every day and we had a group vc like just yesterday! Feel free to join! Even if you’re going to lurk we got good fanarts being made like every other day! https://discord.gg/VMtTxQj
NOW TO THE INFODUMPING! Sry not sry you asked for this I’m just gunna go full ham. (I figured out how to add a read more link! hah!)
OK SO! I’ve got so many! Top fav is my ones for Crowbar of course. I love making his juju a sentient being and having it effect him negatively by applying sensitivity for timeline shenanigans on him. This also means Crowbar is weak against temporal movement like teleportation. He’s fine for the most part if the Doc teleports him with green sun magic but if Droog does it, it gets him sick and dizzy for a bit.
Oh! Also that Crowbar has lots of hobbies, but every single one is a benefit to his Felts. He’s incapable of doing activities selfishly and has a hard time detaching himself from his work. Expressing himself creatively? Sure! How about he gets into woodworking and architecture so he can repair walls, doors, and clocks whenever they break around the manor. Taking time off to zone out and relax? No problem! He unironically loves doing paperwork because the exactness of the wording comfort him and he can keep business flowing. (He secretly collects the small manuals that comes with most products because finding grammar mistakes in the terms and conditions amuses him.) He even has a mild special interest in car detailing and cleaning so that the getaway cars for everyone are in top condition, and so that the manor is clean and free of evidence.
Oh and that reminds me that I love to hc that the manor (I make it sentient) looooves Crowbar the most out of any member since he’s the only one that takes care of it. The manor’s architecture shifts constantly to confuse intruders and such, but for Crowbar it shifts to get him to wanted destinations faster. If Crowbar wants to get to the west wing from the east wing, only Itchy has a chance to close the distance faster than him. Ah! It’s so funny! I’m smiling about it now! Aaaa I love them!
And! And and I love to hc Crowbar being super dense in matters of love. In the server (there is rp and I am the dedicated Crowbar rper) I make sure to have him make the perfectly wrong assumption any time someone falls for him bc Cro mentally cannot comprehend someone being attracted to him- OH THAT REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER ONE! I hc that to us irl humans Crowbar is the most normal and even the sexiest felt, but in leprechaun standards Crowbar is like, the ugliest leprechaun ever. Leprechaun standards value weird shapes, weird chaotic habits, and the scrungle vibe, and Crowbar is intimately aware he doesn’t embody any of it, so it’s just like. “Um. I know damn well I don’t make an effort to strive towards beauty standards, so,,, why are you falling for me again? Surely this is a joke? This, isn’t what people are supposed to do.”
On that note though, I think Crowbar has a hard time with charms as a system. He’s effected by it and feels it occasionally, but he does much better with quadrants and carapacians in general. He doesn’t like talking about it with his men because he’s scared they are going to make fun of him for it, but they probably already know what with his little Snowman crush.
Hot take I could do with or do without Snowbar. It really depends on who I’m roleplaying with. For the most part I love it because it emphasizes the fact that Crowbar is just really fucking weird compared to other leprechauns. He’s orderly, he’s bi, he likes things to be a certain consistent way, and there’s nothing be can do about it. It just makes me feel warm inside. If my rp partner doesn’t like the ship though I loooooove to make Snowman and Cro like, slumber party pals. They engage in the tea and girl talk! Wlw and mlm! Snowy is the man’s rock and sense of reason in a sea of idiots.
Though hm, now for other Felt. I do like the idea that Itchy actually has garbage reaction time and is in a state of single focused mania a lot. My mans has trouble sleeping and knowing his environment and it can take a toll on his mind, but when he does sleep his metabolism is too fast for such a long sleep and he has to go into a hibernation state! Like a hummingbird! (That’s @naturallydark ‘shc for the Itchy they rp in the server) aaaa good stuff. Oh and I love to think Itchy is chronically bored and has big issues with being under-stimulated, which is why he is friends with most of the felt and will bother them. The company makes him happy! And when he’s not being a lil fuck, he does know how to cheer the majority of the Felt up when they are down.
On the flip side I love imagining that Doze actually has insane reaction time, his world just slows when he’s stressed, which doesn’t happen as often as folks might think. I imagine Doze’s biggest fear is getting irreversibly maimed so his powers activate during physical combat, but other than that he’s a pretty normal dude. Probably the type to catch a bunch of dishes and have everything land on the tray again cartoon style. Definitely thinks he’s the coolest guy in the room (civilized edition)
Fin is just cute. Man just, swims in the dumbest places. You can never predict when he will be in a body of water. Kinda hates when anyone dumps dead bodies in the canal and will drag them out of the water to toss to the lusi (lusus’s?) wandering the desert when he can.
Clover and Snowman get along really well. Like, Snowman thinks Clover is strangely charismatic, but this is almost purely because the universe loves Clover.
Anything @ontdah does with his Die makes me happy. Just. Anything. Love that angsty man.
Snowman can absolutely take damage without it effecting the rest of the universe. (I despise the fact that the prominent badass female character can’t roughhouse) like, she is a universe avatar. She can just choose to be an avatar of some useless far off planet, she just likes the power trip with being able to stop any fight she’s in by just standing there. Only the Felt know this but they keep it a safely guarded secret and they still respect the rules of it. After all she likes having star freckles when she embodies everything so she actually is in that vulnerable state most of the time. It’s like, her shitty personal version of a Russian roulette, but with the lives of every single person alive. She’s a massive troll. In the most dignified way possible. Stitch thinks she’s crazy, Crowbar finds her fascinating in her selfishness.
Stitch is one of the rarer less chaotic leprechauns, and he gets along pretty well with Crowbar. For the most part he’s the dad figure of the felt despite not being the oldest, and will let any of them silently hang out with him if the fucked up ness of their life becomes too much. The official sawbones, and less official therapist of the lads. Makes sure they have everything they need to handle any mental stuff they struggle with. He helps Itchy with his adhd, works with Matchsticks (more often) and Cro (less often) on their ptsd, helps lots of them with anxiety, rationalizes through Clover’s survivors guilt, and even has chats with Snowy when she’s feeling existential. He is incredibly emotionally intelligent and likes to use that ability for good, however gruff it comes across.
Sawbuck is the nice fuck boi of the Felt and you cannot convince me otherwise. Clover may be the most charismatic over all, but Sawbuck definitely has the most game. The guy is a dream boat, an absolute hunk. Sawbuck is the sexiest man alive and everyone in the felt (no matter how reluctantly) agrees with it.
Matchsticks is a pyromaniac and is constantly curbing his own urges to just burn everything to the ground, timeline included. He’s a REALLY nice guy, but the urges get to him sometimes. (Hc from @ontdah )He has troubles staying present at times and keeps multiple fires burning around the manor for convenience and for reminiscing. Crowbar has to tell Matchsticks when meetings will be hours or even days in advance or else he might not be able to include him. The guy just, travels a lot and is hard to find. His jokes cheer everyone up, but it’s clear he’s not always happy. Stitch and Matchsticks spend the most time with each other. Stitch has personally guided Matchsticks into being more present, but it’s a constant process.
Eggs is fantastic at retelling heists in engaging ways. If anyone wants a retelling of events, they tend to go to Eggs, even if Crowbar has the better memory. It’s more entertaining that way.
Biscuits makes food for the Felt. Without him they would all immediately starve. Some felt know how to cook, but only Biscuits knows how to portion meals to feed all of them correctly. He’s also their silent nutritionist and will give you a look of disappointment if you ever come into the manor with, ugh, FROG FORBID Store. Bought. Sweets. He has standards. Most of his free time is spent in the kitchen and he is the only Felt besides Crowbar who is allowed an allowance for groceries.
Quarters is a gun freak and gives all of them names and backstories like iron dolls. If you handle a gun incorrectly in front of him he’s going to very passive aggressively judge you until you piss him off enough to drag you back into gun training. He taught most every member how to use firearms (except for Stitch, Matchsticks, and Clover) but he has made every single one of them take a firearms course, hosted by himself of course. Snowman and Quarters have long bouts of dark humor involving weapons sometimes too. They started being friends after he taught her how to use a sniper rifle.
Cans is Crowbar’s bean bag and they are bros. They cuddle lots and talk about stuff. I imagine Cans has almost an enthusiastic butler sort of relationship with Crowbar and Crowbar can do nothing to refute this. After many, many, months and years of Cans comforting Crowbar and being there for him and helping him out of risky situations, Crowbar has succumbed to trusting the man fully. Whenever Crowbar is having troubles sleeping he will simply drag himself over to Cans’s room and nap with him. They are cute.
AH! oK DONE! I have more Cro hcs of course but this has taken me ages to type and! I! Need! To go to work soon!
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Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Hi there, anon!
I don't mind at all ^^. And let me tell you, this is exactly what happened to me back when I was a wee 15-16 yo or so, many moons ago XD. But then I found out about BL, I started to come to terms with my own queerness, and I never looked back lol.
It's not weird in the slightest, my good fellah, bc for starters, our tastes are not fixed and are constantly changing and evolving, so something we used to like may not be our cup of tea in the future and viceversa. It happens with everything: clothes, music, food, etc.
In the case media, one reason I found is that hetero romances are many, many times just a forced thing that shows/books/whatever add just bc they have to or something. I mean, he was a boy and she was a girl and that's it; no chemistry, no development, no proper bonding... and then they complain that ppl ship the protagonists with their same sex buddies when those two have a much more deep and compelling relationship than the by-the-numbers "romance" with the other lead.
I personally have more of an aesthetic preference for men, so there's also the matter that well, two hot fictional guys getting at it is something I just find more attractive xD. I can totally see that playing for ppl who are more into girls too. Especially given how still in this day and age 90% of most media is straight, so if we get the hetero every freaking time even without asking for it, it's only natural that we would go out of our way to find mlm and wlw. We literally HAVE to bc mainstream is just starting to catch up with the program.
I definitely don't want to assume anything about your situation, anon, but I think it's still worth remarking once more that it is not weird at all, and I fear you may have thought so at some point bc of the current unhinged wave of puritanism and gatekeeping that infuse with the fear of god anyone who is not enjoying something "The Right Way", or doesn't have the proper credentials to like this or that. You don't owe anyone a saying in what you innocently do in your free time or the type of fictional not-real media you consume, much less some rando on the internet, anon.
Go be free and enjoy whatever you feel it's right for you, or just what tickles your fancy; media is for fun and recreation, and I'd say that you should go and have all the fun with this new interests you are developing.
You're cool buddy :D
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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deadmandairyland · 3 years
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Hi! I’m here to bring you yet another Danganronpa tier list: the sexuality tier list, which you can find here.
Now I’m going to be honest here: I don’t really have any LGBT headcanons. It’s just not really something I focus on much when it comes to fandoms. Instead I usually just focus on ships, and as a result from that I tend to present a lot of characters as LGBT in fanfictions and posts I’ve made or reblogged. In other words, a massive chunk of my “headcanons” here are a direct result of shipping (as well as information I’ve picked up from the games themselves). That being said, it was interesting to actually think about this for once, so I’m kinda glad I did the tier list. And it gave me an excuse to bring back the rainbow color scheme I usually put in my tier lists for aesthetic reasons.
The original tier list had Straight at the top, but I moved it to the bottom for two reasons. One, this is Tumblr and that’s not what you’re here for. Two, I gave it a neutral color, and having a gray section next to a white section (i.e. the title of the list) like that looked bad to me. I definitely prefer this setup just on aesthetic alone.
Because this is largely based on ships, I feel it needs to be said that representation does not factor into this chart in any way. I know it probably looks bad that the only character in the Lesbian category is one of my least favorite (though NOT hated or even disliked, I should point out) characters in the main series. That has nothing to do with the fact that she’s a lesbian. She’s just a jerk, and usually not in a way that’s at least entertaining enough for me to like her.
Also keep in mind that this is just the main cast of the main series games. If you were to include characters from the DR3 anime, UDG, or the spin-offs, the Gay, Lesbian, and Ace categories would get more rep, certainly. Think Juzo, Yui, Takemichi, that gay guy with the trumpet, etc.
With that said, let’s go through the list:
Not gonna lie, one of the reasons why Rantaro is here (and not in Ace) is because of ships. Though I do sometimes ship him with girls, canon suggests he’s not interested in dating girls, and most fans seem to headcanon him as either gay or ace because of this, so I respected that. That being said, I also acknowledge he’s a very popular character in mlm ships, and at the time I was putting this together I hadn’t gotten to Taka yet so the Gay tier was still empty, and Byakuya was already sitting in Ace, so all of that swayed me to putting Rantaro here instead of Ace.
Taka was much easier to place here. He strikes me as a closeted gay man who probably doesn’t even realize he is gay. “Hey, let’s all hang out in the bath, guys! Getting naked is essential to form bonds with your fellow man! No need to be ashamed, it’s tradition!"
Again, ships. I only ship Hiyoko with one other character, and as soon as I say that you already know who she is.
Bisexual (Male Preference)
Akane is mostly here to account for any wlw ships I may have of her (e.g. Hina, Sonia maybe). Obviously she has a thing with Nekomaru, so Male Preference.
Chiaki is here for the same reason as Akane. I’ve shipped her with characters like Sonia and Ibuki before, but she really digs Hajime.
Chihiro honestly could have been anywhere in the Bi and Pan sections, but I ultimately went with Male Preference because of ships, specifically the fact that outside of the more... R18 circles of the Interwebs Chihiro tends to be shipped with guys more often than girls. Also doesn’t hurt that my OTP is Naehiro. I mean, have you seen how often Chihiro blushes around Makoto? (There’s more to it than that, as I’ve covered in the past. I’m just trying to add more fuel to the fire.)
Himiko is probably one of the few characters that isn’t here mainly because of ships. I do think she has some attachment towards Tenko, but I also get “I’m uncomfortable around her” vibes from her, and there are moments where she seems to crush on Kokichi (of all people) so that’s why she’s here. Still very much bi, though.
Hina has a crush on Makoto and has a complex around wishing she was more feminine so she can attract boys. So why isn’t she in the Straight section? ...Because Sakura, duh. And Kyoko too. And any other wlw ship you can think of that might work with Hina.
Honestly if it wasn’t for Miu I probably would have considered putting Kokichi in Gay. Again, while shipping plays a big part of my choices here, much like with Rantaro I have no qualms with putting a character in a tier that contradicts any ships I might have with that character, if those ships aren’t something I’m super invested in. This is a very important distinction, because it’s why I let ships sway my hand for so many of these even if I am also okay with going “Just because I ship this doesn’t mean I headcanon it” as I did with Rantaro. And honestly Kokichi’s ship teasing with Himiko does come off as more trollish than a sign that he’s into her, but he really gets into his back-and-forth with Miu, in my personal opinion, and he gets into it far more often with her for that matter. It’s why it’s one of my favorite ships for both of them tbh, and it’s because I like the ship so much that I just can’t ignore it for this sexuality headcanon tier list.
Maki... is here because of ships (e.g. Kaede).
Sakura... is here because of ships (e.g. Hina). ...What, you were expecting me to put a guy in the example? Remember, she has a boyfriend in canon.
Sayaka... is here because of... NOT ships, but DRAT. Yes, really. (”We really got down and dirty, Naegi-kun.”)
Sonia... strikes me as someone who swings both ways. I can’t describe exactly why I feel that way, but yes.
Bisexual (No Preference)
Celeste wants a harem of vampire boys but shipping her with Kyoko is also very popular and honestly i feel like it would fit her character. She’s got a look that says “I could get any ass I want and I know it.”
Ibuki is decked out in blues and pinks, and also I ship her fairly evenly among both boys and girls. She just screams bi icon to me, more so than any other character in the series.
Junko is either bi with no preferences or pan. She is an equal opportunity heart-and-soul-breaker and lust-for-despair machine.
There is no Mukuro in this list, but honestly I would probably put her where I put Junko anyway.
Kaede... is here because of ships (e.g. Miu, Maki)
Honestly I had no idea where to put Kirumi, so I just randomly chose one that I wouldn’t regret later if I ever put more thought into who I shipped her with.
I’m pretty sure Nagito being bisexual has some degree of canon attached to it??? I think??? I’m not entirely sure tbh, but fuck it. I’m doing this for fun anyway, so this doesn’t really matter.
Shuichi, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. I also find him to be more shippable with guys than the other two protags, so IMO he has no preference.
Toko might have a thing or two for pretty boys, but... Komaru, I mean, this isn’t exactly shocking, I don’t think. Probably was closeted before she met Komaru. I mean she did focus on Hina’s boobs a lot in DR1, let’s not forget.
Tsumugi, much like Kirumi, is here because I haven’t put much thought into her ships.
Bisexual (Female Preference)
Gundham has a thing with Sonia in canon, but I can see him being bi. So... yeah, ships again.
Hajime, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. It’s just that his Chiaki and Mikan game is just too strong.
Hifumi might claim to only like 2D, but his interest in Chihiro both in human form and computer program form (and the fact that this didn’t go away after the gender reveal) places him here.
Kaito strikes me as a closeted bisexual. The kind that could start any given conversation with “I’m not gay, but...”
Kazuichi also strikes me as a closeted bisexual, only his “I’m not gay, but...” is rooted more in dumbass than it is in systematic homophobia.
Korekiyo... is here because of ships (e.g. Rantaro).
Kyoko is bi as fuck, and I can see her having a preference towards girls in particular. She gets shipped with girls a lot (e.g. Celeste, Hina, Yui, and even Junko and Mukuro), and when she is shipped with boys it’s usually just pretty boys (e.g. Makoto, Byakuya, Ryota, Shuichi, and, depending on your interpretation, Chihiro). Also note that aside from Makoto and maybe Byakuya, Kyoko’s girl ships are far more popular than her boy ships. Just something I’ve noticed over the years.
Leon... is here because of ships (e.g. Chihiro).
Mahiru is here because I’m pretty sure she has a thing for Hajime in her FTEs, but obviously she tends to get shipped with girls more often (especially Hiyoko), and I agree.
Makoto, like all Danganronpa protags, is bi as fuck. It’s just that his Kyoko, Hina, Sayaka, and Mukuro game is just too strong.
Mikan may be interested in Hajime somewhat, but her obsession with Junko cannot be ignored, no matter how much some of you may want to.
Mondo is another character that strikes me as a closeted bisexual. He is said to strike out all the time with girls, so I do think he’s attracted to women. And I do get some vibes that he’s attracted to Chihiro pre-reveal. And if circumstances had been different, I imagine he probably still would have been post-reveal. But obviously it’s his bond with Taka that I feel cements his sexuality in, at the very least, an mlm category.
Tenko... is here NOT because of ships, but because I’m pretty sure she’s at least sort of interested in Shuichi because of some canon thing... and also I don’t want to put her in Lesbian just because it feels like I’d be stereotyping the Lesbian category if I do that. If we were to compare her to the character that I did put in Lesbian, Hiyoko doesn’t treat people like shit because they’re men, she’s an equal-opportunity asshole. Still not the best representation for lesbians by a long shot, but at least Hiyoko doesn’t follow the stereotype of a man-hating lesbian. She’s just like that, and that’s okay. But putting Tenko there, especially if she’s shown some degree of interest in a male character at some point in the game, just rubs me the wrong way personally, because it would feel like I’m ignoring canon just to stereotype her. But that’s just a personal hang up of mine. No disrespect intended toward anyone who genuinely feels that Tenko is a lesbian. Maybe you see something there that I don’t, and that’s perfectly fine.
I don’t remember exactly how her FTEs went, so I’m not going to get into that, but Angie just comes off as pan to me, like gender doesn’t fit into the equation at all for her.
Gonta I can see as either pan or ace. I feel like he wouldn’t care about gender, and honestly the only reason I decided to put him in Pan rather than Ace is because of that scene with Miu.
Imposter is not only pan, they are currently OT3ing it up with Ibuki and Ryota as we speak, and that’s a fact.
Keebo... is mostly here because of ships. A lot of ships, actually. Mostly male ships (Kokichi, Shuichi, Kazuichi, and, depending on your interpretation, Chihiro) but there’s also Miu to consider. And the Miu game is SO strong that I put him in Pan instead of, say, Male Preference.
Just gonna lump them together because I have the same thing to say about both of them: Miu and Teruteru would **** anything that walks. What did I censor? Well, I’m doing the Nier: Automata thing, so you can put whatever you want in there and trust me, it would probably fit, for better or for worse.
I know this is an unpopular opinion, because Naegami, but I just don’t think Byakuya is interested in anyone, at least not in that way. He might be fascinated with how common people live, because it’s so foreign to him, but that’s about it.
Even though I do ship Fuyuhiko with some of the boys, his Peko game is so strong that honestly I can’t see him actually dating anyone aside from Peko outside of some very niche fanfiction.
Honestly, Hiro was another one that I was just like “I have no idea what to do with you.” I think maybe his team up with Kanon made me eventually choose to put him in Straight? I don’t remember. I clearly didn’t put much thought into Hiro.
I really only ship Nekomaru with Akane, so that’s why he’s here. I’m sure if I dive deep enough into my psyche I can pull an mlm ship with Nekomaru in it out of my ass, but like Rantaro that wouldn’t be significant enough to change anything.
Peko is in the same boat as Fuyuhiko. I have shipped her with girls before, but her Fuyuhiko game is just too strong.
Ryoma had a girlfriend once, and as far as I can remember he didn’t really seem interested in anybody in the game, so that’s all I have to go off of for him.
So there you have it. Explanations for literally all of them! Explanations that were definitely not pulled out of my ass as I was typing them, nope, certainly not. Definitely won’t be tagging all of them, but I may tag the ones with the longest entries. And like all the tier lists I’ve done, this was just for fun and honestly any opinion I have for any of these characters could change at a moment’s notice because my brain is fickle like that. Tried my best to make sure that every tier had at least one character in it, but I did so without trying to force characters in places that I personally did not believe they should go. I hope you all enjoyed my dive into this area of fandom that I rarely dive into (the LGBT headcanons, not the ships, obviously). It was a lot of fun, and hopefully it will stay fun and not result in angry anons blasting me for my opinions. I am grateful that this never seems to happen to me, but I’ve seen it happen to others and I know what Tumblr is capable of at its worst. These are just headcanons and a matter of personal opinion, and if you disagree with them, that’s perfectly okay. Your feelings and opinions are also valid.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
helllllloo. i wanted to first say that you are a wonderful human being, your presence on my dashboard brightens my day, you’re so kind to all your followers and i love seeing you interact with us! and i am sending you all the positive adult vibes your way ✨✨✨
second, there’s been a lot of chit chat lately about all the heartrender husband fans combusting over Simon Sears’ interview and the many many feelings that a certain grumpy bear gives us for his one (1) soft spot and ray of sunshine despite all his fragility and fear. i was wondering, if you had any thoughts on how it looks on the flip side for fedyor? i cant imagine being married to the General’s right hand man is easy (it’s both the safest and most dangerous place for Ivan to be).
Okay first of all, the first part of your ask is so sweet that I read it like three different times and was like wow are u sure. Second, boy oh boy can I use those positive adult vibes (even if they sound slightly like a porno 😂) because it has been the few weeks from hell. Job rejections, family health drama, moving hassle, and other such nonsense, to the point where if either myself or a member of my family has inadvertently insulted a leprechaun, I hereby apologise deeply and unreservedly on our behalf. Sheesh.
Anyway, never mind all that. We are indeed losing our minds slightly over said interview, for obvious reasons, but yes, Fedyor. Obviously he is Ivan's little ray of sunshine and one (1) weakness and the person he allowed himself to fall in love with despite losing the rest of his family, all of which are ship dynamics that drive me/us promptly feral. I definitely feel, however, that Fedyor has plenty of ferocity of his own, which is one of the reasons Ivan is drawn to him. Book!Fedyor tells Alina in the carriage scene that he became a Heartrender instead of a Healer (despite being of a Healing temperament) because he thought that he could do more good for people as a soldier, including when he has to kill. He also says that being a Corporalki is the hardest of all Grisha paths and requires the most training and study. I imagine that Fedyor was pretty good especially at the book learning part of his training, is interested in and dedicated to Grisha lore and history, and about finding way to use that beyond the obvious and making the Grisha appreciate who they are as a people and what their purpose in Ravka really is. And I'm not just saying that because I am also a historian and like to project onto my favorite characters. Shh.
Fedyor is obviously the total opposite of Ivan, personality-wise, but I think that is also why they complement each other. Fedyor helps Ivan lighten tf up and eat a pink cookie at a party, and Ivan helps Fedyor cut directly through the bullshit when he needs to. Living in the Little Palace and around the royal court, as members of General Kirigan's inner circle, obviously requires a touch for politics and diplomacy that Fedyor is far better at than Ivan, but that means his instinct is likewise to smile and humor people even when he wants to tell them to fuck off. Cue Ivan coming along and telling them to fuck off, which means they can blame Ivan for it and not Fedyor, and Ivan is perfectly 100% fine with everyone thinking he is the biggest grump to ever grump, since the only people whose opinions he cares about are Kirigan and Fedyor. Oh Ivan.
Fedyor is also outgoing and likes to have fun and is probably on good terms with most of his compatriots. He's clearly friends with Nadia since we see them arm in arm at the winter fete in mlm/wlw solidarity. He is also Ivan's Anger Translator, and if people have something they want to tell Ivan, they have a bad habit of telling Fedyor instead and trusting him to pass it on, rather than talking to Ivan themselves. (Fedyor: honey do you think this is even a slight problem? Ivan: no what are you talking about, it's great.)
I do think that Fedyor is just as frightened of losing Ivan as Ivan is of losing him, though for different reasons. It helps for him that they're usually in the field together (judging by his comment to Kirigan in 1x06 assuming that he and Ivan are going after Nina together) and facing the same things and same danger, even if it causes Ivan anxiety for this exact reason. I do appreciate that none of us have bothered to include any homophobia in Grisha culture, or exclude the possibility that Ivan and Fedyor could indeed be married in a church ceremony in the Ravkan liturgy. There's probably some side eye toward their relationship in wider Ravkan society, sure, but that is also tied up with being Grisha and the prejudices that they already face for being different. Behind the walls of the Little Palace, though, that is not really a factor and not something that they have to deal with. People are surprised that Fedyor and Ivan are together not because they're both men, but because "you're so nice and he is so... Ivan..."
Fedyor: I know, I know. But I love him anyway.
I also think that Fedyor is deeply protective of Ivan, not least because he is the only one who knows the truth about him being fragile and losing loved ones and everything else that he has been through, which is why one of my favorite headcanons is Fedyor going absolutely apeshit if Ivan is ever seriously hurt. Likewise, you can call Ivan grumpy in a joking fashion, and Fedyor will chuckle and agree with you, but anything else and his eyes turn red and the Heartrending hands come out like what u say about my husband bitch. Only Fedyor is allowed to roast Ivan in depth at all, according to Fedyor, and he will Let You Know if you transgress.
(Also why I want Ivan and Fedyor to meet the Crows again, Ivan sees Jesper and goes NEMESIS, and Fedyor just goes MURDER!!!)
Anyway. I'm love them. The end.
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lgbt-ya · 4 years
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Recent LGBTQ+ reads
MLM reads:
Finding Home by Hari Conner  -  A beautifully drawn graphic novel about a healer fey who can grow flowers (!) and a chef, who are travelling together across their country. Along the way, they get to know each other, and we get to learn more about their fascinating, magic world. This is a slow burn romance, and the two men don't get together in this volume, but the others are already published - I'm super excited to read the next one. The art really makes this one - their expressions give so much information, and there is a diary full of illustrations kept along the route by the character included too. Really lovely and magical! 
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley* -  A beautifully written, funny and paradoxical time-slip story set during the Napoleonic War, if it all went in France's favour. Romantic, full of ships and battles and lighthouses, this is so inventive and fun. There were a few parts which genuinely made me gasp (the freezing sea, the London Underground, the final train journey). Other times, I found myself scratching my head a bit. There were a few missing jumps in logic - I found it hard to follow all of the many battles and voyages over different time periods, and it was very frustrating that Jem didn't seem bothered about being in the past or use his knowledge of the future in any way. But I loved the characters (some of Kite's more....immoral behaviour aside) and I was truly hooked - I read this in one sitting. (Kite is a queer man, and others are questioning)
WLW reads:
Giant Days, Vol. 11 by John Allison - I love this series - I've been reading them for many years now, starting when I was a fresher like the characters, and now I am most definitely not (!). Each volume is a low-stress, big-hijinks slice of slightly surreal life, and I'm going to be dipping in and out of them as long as they're being published. (Daisy is a queer woman.)
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth* -  An intricate, lengthy ghost story, about a haunted girls school in 1902, and the group of modern actors who are filming a movie about the ghost story. Unfortunately, the crew are planning to make a haunting on-set, to build up the hype of the movie and add a second layer to the spookiness of the narrative. I loved both timelines, which were equally diverse with queer characters and intrigue. The writing was lush and relaxed, taking its time to build a realistic world on its way towards the ending. There's also some wonderful horrifying moments in there too - if you're wasp-phobic, this one might not be for you!
Genderqueer reads: 
The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix* -  I really liked the worldbuilding and character dynamics in this, but it was bogged down by too much explaining and not enough showing. I couldn't really tell you what the stakes were! A bit of a shame. (The character Merlin is genderqueer)
Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries #5) by Martha Wells* -   I love Murderbot, and it was a true luxury to stretch out in a full length novel. I sometimes struggled to follow the action in the novellas, because they were so fast paced you can lose track of the tread if you don't pay attention for a single page. But I didn't have that problem at all here - it was always clear what the stakes were, and the traditional non-stop action had space for breathing room, AKA snide remarks and sitcom viewing sessions. It was so great to have ART back too! The humans are always pushed backstage compared to the fun AIs, but even so I found them really engaging and enjoyable here too. Bring on the next! (Murderbot is a modified human who doesn’t identify with a gender and uses they/them pronouns)
* gifted by publisher
My own LGBT YA novel was released for Halloween! The Reckless Afterlife of Harriet Stoker is a paranormal horror about ghosts stuck in the afterlife. 
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“Congratulations, new kid. Welcome to the afterlife.”
What if death is only the beginning?
When Harriet Stoker dies after falling from a balcony in a long-abandoned building, she discovers a world of ghosts with magical powers – shape-shifting, hypnosis, even the ability to possess the living.
Felix, Kasper, Rima and Leah welcome her into their world, eager to make friends with the new arrival. Yet Harriet is more interested in unleashing her own power, even if it means destroying everyone around her. But when all of eternity is at stake, the afterlife can be a dangerous place to make an enemy.
Word count: 93,000 Ages 14+  Tropes included: breaks-the-fourth-wall, closed-environment, ghosts, historical-magic, lgbtqia, magical-house, time-travel, unreliable-narrator.
Amazon UK
“A wildly original, pleasantly diverse and wickedly engaging supernatural thriller. Fans of anti-heroes, the found family trope, queer relationships, and cool mythology will enjoy this one!” – The Nerd Daily
“Dead character Harriet discovers a world of ghosts with magical powers – shape-shifting, hypnosis, even the ability to possess the living (great for fans of TV shows Upload and the Good Place)” – BookTrust
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sp00kybitme · 3 years
Okay so this is really personal but I feel like I need to share it in order to better my health because being upfront about your trauma is a good way to heal from it. So buckle up because this post is gonna be a real doozy:
So let's start by backing up about 4 years ago in the summer of 2017, I was 17 since my birthday follows the year number and I was going through my own personal turmoil, dealing with my already medically diagnosed PTSD, OCD, Anxiety disorder, and severe depression. I had falling outs with most all of my irl friends due to my declining mental health but the decline started around august as my therapist who worked the best for me was leaving the clinic. She was openly queer and I related a lot to her since I felt like for once I wasn't alone yet after she left I was distraught. Also at the time I had a falling out with my father and my brother was a recovering drug addict so you could say shit was really complicated around that time and my head space was not well.
So back in 2016 I was able to get a PS4 and I hadn't used it until 2017 due to being more focused on my mental health but I caved and began playing Overwatch and there I met some folks who made life seem somewhat normal for once, no high end conflict, no drama, just simple fun with friends is all I wanted and for a while I actually had that! That was until the coming month september.
So September was when I started breaking off from big friend groups and settled with 2 people, let's call them Z and J for context, So Z was someone who I would say had undiagnosed mental health issues and J was someone who was mutual friends with Z because they went to high school together. Z and J were some of my only friends and we as people really bonded over stuff and I felt like life was actually turning up after losing so much shit that year.
So just for preface/context: at this time I identified with she/her pronouns and went by the term pansexual/demiromantic but now after much time I identify with they/them pronouns and am at least asexual, as for romantic I'm still figuring that out. So November rolled around and I noticed conflict immediately, Z and J were subtly arguing and J was using a victim complex mentality to guilt Z into caving yet at the time I was an oblivious 17 year old who was just desperate was friendship to the point of trying to always be a mediator.
Z was always talking about how lonely they were and how every relationship they had never worked out and at the time I was not out about not being cisgender and so they perceived me as a girl. Throughout September to november they would CONSTANTLY ask me out to the point of it being a desperation and a guilt trip and at this point I was afraid. I had lost EVERYONE in my life here and it was so frustrating but for a month I would keep my boundaries up and say no because I genuinely wasn't interested in a relationship and I didnt feel taht way about Z but they continued to push me and eventually I gave in and I remember the exact place it happened.
So we all 3 had a daily routine of getting on and playing Overwatch for hours just to talk shit and goof around so that day we were skirmishing on the "Temple of anubis" map and I said yes and in retrospect it was a horrible time to do that because it was in front of J and in turn made them feel loke a 3rd wheel. I wanna say that me conceding into a relationship while having no attractiom or interest was wrong of me and that I apologize for but again I WAS pressured as a minor. Also I forgot to say that Z was 19 and while that kind of age gap isn't inherently the worst, I was still an emotionally vulnerable minor being coaxed into a relationship.
So things went on relatively the same except for the fact that J was beginning to sound more spiteful and ended up getting upset easier and volatile which I blamed myself for but we'll get more into J very soon. So Z and I were noticing the change in behavior but tried not to bother J with it because they always didn't wanna talk about it. J confided in us at one point by telling us about their living situation being troublesome, they claimed they had no privacy, were verbally abused by their mother, and had relatives who were also abusive. We both had empathy for J and I was strongly affected by that since I had a strong disconnect from my father at the time who was abusive in a religious way.
We tried to keep things relatively normal at this point for the sake of J but Z was always trying to be bluntly romantic with me and I wasn't interested although they did ask me for "thigh pics" (lemme preface by saying I was still a minor at this point) but I was coaxed into that and virtual s*x which I was extremely uncomfortable with but Z had a strong tendency to victimize and guilt trip and I just wanted friends and had PTSD from friends levaing me and calling me selfish. It's not something I'm proud of but I genuinely was THAT scared of losing friends. In instances where J would get spiteful and resent Z, J at one point left our group chat and group and didnt reply to us because they attempted s*icide. We were HORRIFIED to find that out and really tried to keep a close eye on J into the new year.
2018 rolls in and now is the year that I consider my worst, I will TW// onward for talks of verbal abuse, emotional manipulation, talks of s*xual assault, s*icide, homophobia, and gaslighting. So after J's s*icide attempt I felt even WORSE in a relationship that itself was already one sided but I powered through as to not upset Z. The friendship dynamic we had at this point was gone as it only seemed to be arguing and fake excitement. One thing we all did in the game was idolize specific characters and obsess over them for mental comfort to the point that we got emotionally distraught over their deaths in game, genuinely very unhealthy for all of us. One thing J would do at times was purposefully pick me and Z's characters in game in commit s*icide in game with them just to upset us and would sometimes mentally torture Z by forcing them to be the character Z hated which only screwed up Z's Mental health. J would also alwsys victimize and act like they weren't being treated fairly and that all culminated in January.
January 2018, J began putting the thought of a polyamorus relationship on the table as in J, Z, and I would all be in a relationship together which I wasn't too keen on but was open to if it made everyone happy. Z wasnt interested at all and for the span of 2 weeks of January, J kept trying to manipulate and coax Z into a relationship and had me try to convince Z as well which I didn't know was wrong but granted I didn't understand Poly relationships until years later. Z eventually half caved and gave it a try but a day later Z backed out because they felt uncomfortable. I was a bit irritated at that time and so was J but I didn't personally know why because I was very oblivious to love and how it was supposed to be. We also would play 1v1 type games for fun until this time because both of them were seriously bothered by losing in 1v1 games and would gloat when they won. I personally didn't care as much and would joke around for the most part just to have fun. After this month we stopped playing 1v1 type games.
Early February came and we all began hanging out in skirmish (which means like a map where you just freeroam for 30 minutes until it refreshes), sometimes we would do ship dynamics with each other for fun and at the time we were joking around. Me and J joked around about two male characters (Junkrat and Roadhog) being together and if you have seen the two characters then you'll know why. Their dynamic as friends is flawed but a popular one yet nonetheless I liked their dynamic as a relationship at the time. Around this time, Z was beginning to do what I would call "selective homophobia" as in they would like some gay ships and despise others. When Z was presented with a WLW (lesbian) ship, they would be 100% supportive yet when a specific MLM (gay) ship was presented, they would make gagging noises as if they were trying to throw up. I should also mention how often Z would send Overwatch porn to group chats and how it made me incredibly uncomfortable, especially as a minor.
J would ultimately hold the blatant homophobia against Z and tried to turn me again Z for it. During this time, J was messaging me privately to try and convince me that Z was a bad person and that I should break up with them. Ultimately I agreed and broke up with Z over this and me and J distanced myself from Z to just hang out together. I was personally distraught in just finding out that a friend I was close to ended up being Homophobic all this time and emotionally it broke me a lot. At the time, J was there to help me emotionally and that initially helped me build trust with them. Eventually in mid February they asked me out and since they had helped me so much mentally, I felt out of a sense of obligation that being with them was something I almost owed them.
Side note: I wanna bring up this point as just a weird coincidence: February itself has always been one of the worst months for me every year, something horrendous has happened to me each February of each year and its weird because of how often I can recall this still being the case.
So After being around J for so long we started to just joke around and have fun as friends. They actually showed me their face for the first time over a video call which actually surprised me because they looked different then I thought they were but nonetheless I enjoyed their company because I felt like I had a friend. March rolled around and my birthday was coming up, my 18th birthday which was more of a big deal to J than me. They wanted to see me in provocative pictures and were constantly talking about how excited they were for it and I didn't understand why really. They were also 19 btw and they seemed way too excited for something as simple as that kind of picture. The day rolled around and I felt uncomfortable, I was told to send pictures and I did which admittedly made me uncomfortable as hell yet I still did and I was given positive affirmation for it. Little fact about me is that one thing I didn't get much growing up was positive affirmation so getting that made me feel like I was actually doing something right for once.
Over the next few months, J went from supportive and well intent to showing their true colors. As time went on they began to get more and more controlling with the things that I did as an individual. It went from supoorting the fact that I struggled with PTSD to using it as a reason that I shouldn't be making other friends besides them. From being supportive of my open mindedness with sexuality to coaxing me into spewing hateful rhetoric. Their family was actually really supportive of me at first, the thibg they had said about their mom turned out to be a lie used to play on my sympathy because their mom adored me as a person and constantly would ask if me and my mom needed anything. They sent us two big care packages through the mail with food and money for food and I originally was against that not just because I'm genuinely horrible at taking gifts but because they had my physical address and knew where I lived in case they wanted to "visit". The care packages meant a lot to me and my mom because we've been low income since I was little and having the luxury to live in a house or not have to worry about food consumption was something I never had.
During late spring, J began to be a lot more forceful with me by manipulating and gaslighting me into thinking many toxic things. I was afraid at this point of both J and being alone again. They would tell me that I should start acting more feminine and "like a girl" and that was REALLY triggering to me since over a big part of my life, I was questioning my gender identity and being forced into this feminine box made me hate myself. They would tell me to wear "panties", talk higher pitched, and even tell me to be a submissive partner who just lets them lead and me follow. I'm naturally a more dominant person in general so it was like I was disregarding a huge part of my identity. I was almost silenced into this role that J wanted me to be. They would force me to do lewd things online and while you could say that I shouldn't have been worried since it wasn't irl, they knew my address and last name.
One instance I remember was that J asked about my deadname and I told them and then questioned why I would change that name since it "was more feminine and fit me". It was upsetting to hear that but at least they didn't deadname me after finding out. They also kept telling me that I wasnt allowed to be attracted to anyone but them. I wasn't allowed to protest because they would threaten killing themselves and actually send a picture of them with a knife to their throat as if to threaten me.
A detail I left out intentionally was something that disturbed me the most about them and really makes me think they have a serious form of some kind of dissociative mental disorder. (Context: I'm not stigmatizing folks who have Dissociative disorders, my mother has one and the symptoms J exhibited make me think of someone who experiences detachment or disillusionment. Im not going to diagnose them but my instinct makes me believe that it could be something similar yet they have never been medically diagnosed.) J would constantly talk about a friend they had in elementary school who had taken their own life and how the spirit of this friend still keeps near them since they were close back then. This friend almost seemed to become a way to manipulate me later on in 2018.
This friend of theirs almost seemed to be a way to seperate themselves from how they treated me or avoid blame. This friend would threaten me that if I didn't let J r*pe me that they were gonna commit s*icide and that it would be my fault for not doing what they wanted. They also would threaten me to do what J said or else they would "possess" me. I'm someone who has had bad experiences with spirits so I didn't want to have more hell. J themselves would sometimes get extremely angry when I stood up for myself or expressed stuff I was really interested in and would threaten to track me down, assault me, and kill my mom. They also began pitting me against my mom because I would talk about how my mom was getting worried about me being hurt but J said that my mom was faking it and manipulating me and I almost believed J but I know my mom and I know she cares too much about me to do something like that.
Around September, I was practically an emotionless shell. I wasn't excited about anything, I wasn't angry anymore, I was barely feeling much of anything but a deep seeded sadness. I lacked in a lot of places and repressed any emotion I had so deep that I couldn't react to anything anymore. I think J began to notice because they started to actually act concerned after a while but that was flickering like a light switch. One of the last instances that I broke down was august of 2018 when I began crying heavily over microphone and begging them to not hate me. They had no reaction, no remorse , no empathy and when their mom came in they just left me there crying without affirming me at all.
During this time, I was sending hundreds of nude photos a day to appease them and they would get off and go to sleep and during the night I would secretly cry and look at queer based things in private to try and keep some semblance of my identity in tact. I actually started watching Sanders sides around July 2018 and enjoyed the series and how nice the fanbase seemed and it somehow helped me get through this rough period of time.
October was probably some of the worst time because I ended up missing my favorite holiday, Halloween which was the only time I personally enjoyed being myself because the element of the holiday made me happy. That halloween I spent on overwatch with J, overall miserable and hating myself. I also forgot to mention that J would dictate what I wore, they would hate that I wore boxer briefs and men's cologne and deodorant, they constantly questioned why I was trying to be masculine when I was AFAB but again I was also closeted with my gender identity and this shoved me even more into the closet when they would argue with me about it.
November rolled around and I had practically been at my breaking point, J was trying to convince me for weeks to move down south to live with them and their family and I was practically being forced. I have a fear of flying and I kept saying that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my disabled mom by herself and my mom also hates flying. J was trying to get things their way and forced me too and I was looking into flights even though I was deadset on not going. November 11th 2018, I wasn't replying to J's texts right away because I was actually standing up for myself. They began HEAVILY threatening to end their life and I remember sitting there and crying without emotion then I hung up on them and told them to stop calling and texting me as they had begun to text and call me incessantly. I said I needed a break and finally let out a breath when they said ok.
Around late November, I felt as though I had misjudged Z and unblocked and messaged them, apologizing for being a dick to them. They initially forgave me and I was just going to move on but they asked if we could play in a public chill server and I accepted just to try and get my mind off of J. As we entered into the game, J suddenly started spectating and Z left instantly out of fear. I only talked to Z just to apologize and give context as to what happened, I was desensitized and just needed a friend. J messaged me apologizing frantically and saying "if you've moved on to date Z, just tell me so I can move on" and I said "no, I just needed a friend right now and I need my space. Don't talk to me for a while, respect that one thing." And thankfully, I was actually left alone.
December rolled around once again and at this point I had finally blocked J and moved on from everything, J's mom had messaged me on Facebook and told me that I was a "filthy cheater who just used J for their kindess and didn't care about them" but I did actually genuinely care deeply about J yet he abused my compassion by gaslighting me and putting me into this false sense of security. Before I could reply, she blocked me so she never actually took the time to ask me. I was feeling guilty for leaving J but I was reassured by Z during that time period and Z had apologised for previous comments as well. Z ended up introducing another friend to the group, we'll call them A. We would first play Overwatch but immediately switch to Minecraft which I had bought when still with J to play with their family. Around this time I had begun to cling to Z uninitentionally due to recovering from my trauma and needing that affirmation that I wasn't some terrible abuser, as J had manipulated me to think I was. Z was getting a bit bothered by this yet they had never publicly told me nor did they understand why I clung to them in the first place. Z knew I had PTSD and I had told them exactly what I had just described earlier about what J had done to me and Z was initially very empathetic though I was never told that my clinginess was bothering them because I was in recovery mode. Eventually towards the end of January, I was told by A that they knew why I was so clingy with Z. At first I was confused because they both had known that I had PTSD but A proceed. "The only reason you're so clingy with Z is because you're secretly still in love with them, I can read you like an open book and you would do best to stop denying your obvious feelings for them" Hearing this made me personally disgusted, appalled, and upset mentally. Z kept to the side during this discussion and didn't go against A however they didn't deny A's words.
I retorted by speaking about my trauma and how it made me cling to people unnecessarily but then A proceeded to invalidate my trauma by implying that I was over exaggerating what I had gone through. I felt awful and I forcefully distanced myself from them both only to go back once again out of fear of being alone. This continued for a while until July 10th, 2019 when I finally distanced myself from Z for good. I made my own account on Instagram and over the span of 2 years, I built up a community of people who liked my work and I got my sense of individualism back give or take. I recently changed accounts because this era in my life is brand new and I couldn't be happier with where I'm at.
This post is more so a form of being vulnerable and a bit of exposure therapy. Sure im not a perfect person, I can't even publicly out my abusers but I think it would do more harm than good. If anyone wants to have a warning for their accounts, at least on YouTube, message me on my Insta in my bio. I'm sorry if this was long and possibly upsetting but I wanted to just get this out. I dont know who would be seeing this but if you read this far: thank you, honestly its upsetting to have to go through so much bullshit and I hate talking about it because it's difficult to really put shit out there without feeling like its some tupe of attention thing. I don't want to post this for sympathy, I want to post this for me, just to feel better about where I'm at and also face my trauma head on to heal from it. I'm not saying this to compare who's life is worse or not but I am posting this to better myself.
Thank you again,
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bxffysxmmers · 3 years
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real gods require blood
first thing's first: everyone in this ad should be between the ages of 25 and 30 with the exception of persephone who should be 23 - 26 and demeter who should be 27 - 30. genderbending is okay with me as long as you run it by me first because i don't want to have a million girls, i want it to be fairly balanced. everything said below should be taken with a grain of salt meaning if you put your own spin on it that is totally fine, the inspo is what matters.
additionally, only one or two characters should be from hogwarts, because the group is a group of people who are imports to the uk and the life they have here so please look towards the other wizarding schools for these. on site, i did link to some cool pinterest boards with some inspo for all of the different schools as well as a modern take on all of the different gods if you want to look at those when we open but i am not going to take up even more space here to do that and besides, it's just for inspiration, please please please make every single one of these guys your own.
now, for the actual ad, basically these guys are something of a found family. through their jobs, parties, socializing, exes, currents, whatever they all met and it was almost instant, that connection, that 'feels like i've known you my whole life' thing that came over them. and so they stuck together, even if it was just a group owl or once a year dinner party, they've all stayed in touch ever since despite distance, work, time constraints, and anything else that came between them.
the first pair that met and really started it all were aphrodite and hephaestus. they were on again off again, always a problem with time and where their lives were at, but the love is there. they've been friends since their time in school together and it never let up, that care. the rest of the group swear one day aphrodite will find a way to settle down and be with hephaestus but for now hephaestus deals with the on again off again because sometimes is better than never. and then aphrodite found god here, and another one, and their interconnections grew the group and now here they are, family without being blood, with ties running through them, cutting and caressing them all the same.
from there, feel free to just get with me and we can make it work. i'm going to be making a ship developer for them (including a timeline because it seems necessary so that we have some idea on who, what, when, and how) but the basis is a found family plot with interconnections that made this many people come to mean so much to one another. from there? go wild, get with me on any questions, and please have fun with it. some suggestions for interconnections are below in the applicable boxes but if you don't want to use them just talk to me.
something else i'd like to suggest but not require? more creatures! aphrodite is half-veela and having some other creatures in the group, even if they're 1/16th giant or something simple like that would be amazing. thanks guys!
ZEUS. OPEN. zeus drinks himself half to death at a bar. he no longer cares for mortals. he has long stopped trying to make this world turn. suggestions: brother to poseidon and hades. married to hera. affected greatly by the war. enters polyship with hera and hestia after cheating scandal. himbo energy.
HERA. OPEN. hera no longer praises marriage. instead she talks to the women. she tells them that men always lie, tells them to run. she wishes she could take her own advice. suggestions: married to zeus. enters polyship with zeus and hestia after cheating scandal. better than you.
POSEIDON. OPEN. poseidon still loves the sea but he could not hate mortals more. he feels the pollution of his domain like a phantom pain, raging that he could not protect his oceans from mortals. suggestions: brother to zeus and hades. affected greatly by the war. has a crush on demeter. moods like the sea.
DEMETER. OPEN. demeter isn't peaceful. she feels the dying of the earth and with it goes her happiness. she curses the mortals who caused this. suggestions: older sister of persephone. doesn't approve of hades. has a crush on poseidon. the mom friend.
ATHENA. OPEN. athena chainsmokes in an alleyway, and glares at ares as bloody knuckles and booted feet connect with battered bodies between them. the fight clubs are their temples now. suggestions: business partners with ares (wlw/mlm solidarity, y'all). just doing her best. definitely sapphic. possibly once had a thing with aphrodite.
APOLLO. OPEN. you find apollo in a nightclub on 55th and 3rd, his prophets writhing in intermittent darkness, bassline pounding in their ears, liqour coursing in their veins, smoke and strobe lights clouding their eyes. suggestions: twin brother of artemis. pansexual and everyone knows it. always chasing the next high, running from the lows.
ARTEMIS. OPEN. artemis spends the night in a jail cell, blood on her knuckles and on her shirt and in her mouth, the smell of metal lingering in the air. suggestions: twin sister of apollo. sapphic pls. the protector meets the vodka aunt. possibly once had a thing with aphrodite.
ARES. OPEN. you watch as ares starts a fight in a dive bar, takes a knife from his pocket and uses it without flinching, smiles as he wipes his blade on his thigh, smashes a bottle on the floor and lights a match. suggestions: business partners with athena (wlw/mlm solidarity, y'all). possibly once had a thing with aphrodite. just a boy, made of rage and the inability to express his emotions. looks like he'll kick your ass, will pull athena and artemis off of you in a fight, exhausted that he has to yet again.
APHRODITE. TAKEN BY ATHENA. aphrodite drinks your worship straight from your lips and chases it with a scotch, crashes a cigarette, flicks the ash on the floor and leaves without so much as a thank you. suggestions: on again off again with hephaestus. in love with hephaestus. most likely to have slept with everyone in the group, twice. intimacy issues? i do know her. i know her so well. someone help.
HEPHAESTUS. OPEN. you find hephaestus on college campuses, amongst engineering students. in times like this he is more relevant than ever, growing whilst other gods die. it seems that aphrodite is more keen on accepting his gifts now more than ever. suggestions: on again off again with aphrodite. in love with aphrodite. patience is a virtue. stubborn pride is a gift.
HERMES. OPEN. hermes is in the hustle and bustle of rush hour and the rush of the subway. he is perched atop skyscrapers, surveying the beautiful chaos of it all and lo, it is good. suggestions: brother to hestia. in a secret relationship with dionysus. lost family in the war. running to and for, never from. chaotic good gremlin energy. do not feed after midnight.
HESTIA. OPEN. hestia mourns broken homes, she waits for her family. she waits in the doorway, arms outstretched and a smile like forgiveness waiting to embrace the siblings whom she know will never return. suggestions: sister to hermes. doesn't approve of dionysus. lost family in the war. enters polyship with zeus and hera after cheating scandal. the mediator. why can't we all just get along?
DIONYSUS. OPEN. dionysus shoots up in a basement in the seedy side of town. he wants to forget the suffering that has filled his immortal life. suggestions: in a secret relationship with hermes. "gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off my mind". heart of gold but no one ever seems to believe it. here for a fun time, not a long time, but thinking about that too much hurts.
PERSEPHONE. OPEN. persephone grins when people tremble. she is vengeful and wears flowers in her hair and she will make damn sure that the world will never forget her name. suggestions: younger sister of demeter. in love with hades. she's beauty, she's grace. she'll punch you in the face.
HADES. RESERVED FOR LIV. hades stalks the streets, hazy in the fog of the streetlamps, and he smiles, because people will always believe in death and worship riches. suggestions: brother to zeus and poseidon. in love with persephone. affected greatly by the war. secretly the most well rounded and good hearted of them all. how are you so pure, bro? who sent you?
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angeloncewas · 3 years
for me personally shipping usually is the character i identify with most and then the person id want to be with but in the context of creek (bc im still baffled by this ship when i see earlier seasons), craig and tweek are background characters, meaning they naturally have less development and whatnot, and their most prominent early interaction was literally brawling on the playground after school in a fight that the main four arranged by saying the other was trash talking them (if that makes sense). so the jump from that in early seasons, to there being a lot of shippers in the fandom despite their minimal interactions and the fact that their most noteable one wasnt positive, to south park making fun of those shippers, only to make it Actually Canon and (attempt) to give it some sort of development is interesting and kinda fun to see, even if i dont personally ship it. i think part of creeks (and any south park ships) popularity is just that the characters are very easy to project onto since they are like. characters who have depth, but also it's not so much depth that you cant just throw whatever you want out the window (bc the canon-ness of everything is up for debate a lot of the time anyways) or interpret it differently to others? idk. hopefully this makes sense! and sorry for the ramble!!
That's so interesting ! It makes it a much more of a whatever-you-want-it-to-be situation; the appeal could partially be in the fact that the fanworks have a lot more wiggle room, so to speak ? I'm always so concerned about ooc characters and it'd probably be a lot more fun (/lh) if there wasn't too much of a base to the characters themselves. You could project onto them (if you wanted) and it wouldn't necessarily be inherently incorrect like it would for some popular media ships and stuff.
What makes a ship popular is so compelling. Mlm are vastly more popular than wlw in fanworks and there's certain patterns you can find, but sometimes it's like woah okay, that happened
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