#i mean i know why it's because he's afraid of SAYING no and feels like he has to SAY yes to everything
poppy-metal · 3 days
after the whole patrick lending you to art for forgiveness ordeal…… you are so unbelievably embarrassed. it’s bad enough patrick knows what you’re like, what you really want from a man, but now art knows? art, who you’ve spoken to maybe 5 times, knows the lows, knows how far you would degrade yourself to make the man you love happy. art, a mere stranger, knows that when you’re used your pussy gets soaking wet. when you’re disrespected you squeeze like you’re afraid he’ll leave. and being the kind warm person he is, he smiles at you, he waves at you like you’re friends. like you know anything about the other except for what they feel like on the inside. and god, he hadn’t even used protection. he came inside you in front of your boyfriend, and now he was free to roam the halls and smile and wave and come up to patrick and hang out and you got so quiet and so flushed it was like you were the third wheel. what really got you was how much you liked it. you liked being used. you wanted art to fuck you as hard as he needed to forgive patrick, you wanted him to hurt you. but something about it left a craving, a lingering desire. he didn’t like you like you liked him. you wanted him, him, but the only reason he did it that night was to get back at patrick, to set things right. you understood why he was so mean, but the docile and nagging part of yourself wanted to be so good he had to be nice. nice, kind, warm art. the art patrick got. you wanted that.
patrick, ever observant, knows exactly how you feel. knows you want more, but don’t know how to ask. knows art wants more, because once they’re reconciled, best friends talk. started off as a joke over beer, asking would it be so bad if it happened again? decided it wouldn’t be bad. it would be really really good. and maybe it would be even better if it happened again and again and again.
so they pull you into arts bedroom, saying they wanna “talk”, but they mainly talk to each other about you. you sit between them, cheeks burning, as patrick palms the squashed fat of your ass, as he’s allowed to do, while art gently pushes your hair away from your neck and breathes there, as you didn’t know he was allowed to do.
“patrick told me you’re embarrassed about what we did. is that true, baby?”
baby. you shudder and look to patrick, panicked, but he only smiles. he raised his eye brows and on command you answer.
“i’m really sorry about that. aren’t i, pat?”
“mhm. he wants to make it up to you. you don’t have to be embarrassed you know.”
their hands and mouths moved like magnets closer to your skin, patrick pawing at your thigh and ass as arts nose brushes your throat as he kisses your collarbone.
“ok,” you say, barely over a whisper.
“ok? ok what?”
“ok. make it up to me.”
such a brave command in such a weak voice. they both laugh, and the air tickles your neck.
they are going to take good care of you. their good little girl
im gonna bite you like im really gonna do it im gonna bite you im gonna sink my teeth in you
brain short circuiting actually head empty just patrick holding your thighs to your chest so art can eat slowly at your cunt like the slut he is - flashing those blue eyes at you. like hes cataloging your expressions, finding what places he has to tongue at to make your thighs twitch, your toes curl.
patricks not a bystander either. he bands one thick arm beneath your knees to keep you in place, his other hand reaching up to cup your jaw - turn your head to his so he can see you too. "you like my friends tongue on your pussy?" when your chest heaves and your eyes dart away he grins and leans in, "you dont have to lie. i think it's fucking hot."
then his tongue is in your mouth and you're opening for him, splitting your lips to let him inside at the same time arts tongue parts your lower lips to lap across your entrance. you cant help how your cunt squeezes, trying to drag him inside. he pulls back.
"can i eat her ass?"
you gasp when patrick lets you go. chin wet with spit from his thorough tongue fuck of your mouth. it isn't lost on you how art didn't bother to ask you, he asks patrick. that makes you squirm. arch back into patricks hard body which rumbles with a low laugh.
"you're gonna make her fall in love with you if you do that. she loves having her ass played with. think she'd be happy if i just fucked that hole and didn't touch her pussy at all."
art is gripping his cock through his boxers. squeezing the head. "fuck." his eyes finally meet yours and he licks his lips. "you want me to?"
as much as you do love it, its still embarrassing to admit. its such an intimate place. even now you can feel your rim clenching like its shy. shy but eager for the attention.
"o-okay." you tell him. and patrick reaches down, thick hands spreading your cheeks till all of you is exposed. wet cunt still open from the work art put in with his mouth, the seam between your asscheeks spread to reveal your little twitching hole. it winks repeatedly at arts stare. "please," you whine, the humiliation making you run hot, burning burning burning between them. you cover your face with your hands when art starts to lean in, pink lips parted, face flushed, blonde locks wild around his head like a halo.
his cherubic beauty is what makes the act so fucking lewd. and when the touch of his tongue flutters against your tight hole you cry out, high and whiney.
"aw," patrick says in faux sympathy. you know he doesn't actually feel bad. you can feel the hard length of his dick at your back. he loves when you're embarrassed. thinks its cute. "you're gonna make her cry, art."
you hear art moan, feel the vibration of it between your cheeks that patrick is keeping spread wide - his tongue is lapping at your rim steadily, soft coaxing licks that has the furled muscle relaxing for him. hes evil, theres nothing cherubic about him at all, you decide. hes the devil.
"little babies gonna cry cause her ass is getting tonguefucked -" lips press against the side of your head. gentle. "all your secrets are out now, baby. we both know what a fucking pervert you are. open your eyes and watch art lick your hole, c'mon."
and like the puppet on strings you are, you listen.
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some-little-infamy · 22 hours
You Are the Difference
(Read on AO3) (Written for @911actions, prompted by @daughterofscotland : What if Buck is Tommy's first serious boyfriend?)
Buck isn’t ashamed of being bisexual. He’s not. But not being ashamed and being 100% comfortable in public are two entirely different things. He’s seen the way people look at them when he’s out with Tommy. It isn’t everyone, it isn’t even every time they go out, but it does happen. It happens enough that Buck finds himself glancing around when he’s on a date with Tommy, clocking every person around them who shows any signs of being a potential problem.
Buck’s explained that he isn’t embarrassed, that he just feels better being aware, and Tommy’s accepted that much. It doesn’t stop Buck from holding his hand while they walk down the street, or giving him a quick kiss before they leave the restaurant, or leaning into the arm Tommy has wrapped around his waist while they wait in line for popcorn at the movies.
Tommy watches him do it, but he’s stopped commenting on it the way he used to. Instead of trying to reassure Buck he simply allows Buck to go through the motions that make him feel a little more comfortable. Tommy doesn’t seem to mind… but it’s something Buck overthinks every time he does it, especially after watching the way Tommy doesn’t seem to notice or react to any of it. Tommy only seems to notice Buck noticing.
“Does it get easier?” Buck asks one day, after clocking a serious side-eye from a woman in line behind them at the coffee shop. There’s so much happening around them, music being piped in through speakers, orders being called, the hiss of the espresso machine’s steamer, the chatter of other customers… but Buck can’t help but focus on the one thing he wishes he wouldn’t.
“Does what get easier?” Tommy asks, taking a sip of his latte. They’re sitting down at a table in the corner, and Buck glances past Tommy to the bustling cafe behind him. He debates not bringing it up at all, changing the subject to something else before he’s stuck admitting to more things that are probably just piling up until Tommy decides he’s had enough of Buck.
Still, Buck’s tried to be nothing but honest in this relationship, and it’s working out so far. Why stop now?
“Putting up with people being awful just because you exist,” Buck clarifies. “I mean, you’ve been doing this a lot longer than I have. How long did it take you to get used to it?”
Tommy considers the question for longer than Buck anticipates, to the point that Buck almost does change the subject.
“I don’t know,” Tommy says finally.
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” Buck asks, brows furrowed.
“I mean,” Tommy starts, hesitating before pushing forward. “I don’t know. I haven’t really dated before. Not seriously, at least.” The admission comes slowly, like Tommy’s debating taking the words back even as he says them. He doesn’t, though, and in the face of Buck’s surprised silence Tommy continues. “I usually just go out to bars before a hookup. Maybe a coffee date or two. But I haven’t been with anyone I liked enough to see more than a few times.” Tommy flushes slightly, looking back up into Buck’s eyes when he adds, “Before you, obviously.”
The silence that falls between them has a weight to it now. This shared first is so big that Buck’s afraid he might actually shed a tear over the wave of feelings he experiences at the realization, blindsided by a truth he never would’ve guessed on his own.
Buck doesn’t know what to say. He’s stunned, unable to fully process everything that Tommy just told him. All this time, Buck’s assumed that Tommy was so much more experienced at all of this… this dating other guys stuff. Of course Tommy would have years to practice being cool and collected in the public eye, because why wouldn’t he? Tommy is… well, amazing. He’s hot, and kind, and funny, and the idea that he’s been single for the entirety of the time he’s been out just feels… wrong.
“I’m your first boyfriend?” Buck asks incredulously. His eyes are wide, unable to hide a single ounce of his surprise.
“Yeah,” Tommy confirms. “Is that a problem?”
Tommy’s tone isn’t accusing or even challenging… there’s a vulnerability there, and just the slightest hint of worry. Buck could laugh - if it didn’t feel so wildly appropriate for the moment they’re having - over the idea that Tommy thinks there’s a universe in which Buck would be scared off by something like that.
“No, no, uh, of course not,” Buck reassures him. “It’s just… I mean, you’re so many firsts for me, and I just figured…” Buck trails off with a soft, fond smile crossing his features. “I never thought I’d get to be a first for you, too.” Buck shifts in his seat, his coffee forgotten in front of him. “How has this never come up before now?” It’s been weeks now. Months. Months of Buck thinking that this is just the life Tommy’s used to living, and that he’s the only one feeling out of his element here.
“You never asked,” Tommy says simply.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly keen to go into all of, uh, this comparing myself to your exes,” Buck admits. “It felt safer not to ask.”
“Evan,” Tommy says, his tone so caring, so soft, that Buck nearly melts back into his seat from where he’d been growing more tense and alert with every word, quick to try and hop on the defensive.
“Sorry,” Buck’s quick to apologize.
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Tommy says. “But you should know that I’m not comparing you to anyone. Who you are, what we have? It’s… special. It’s different from anything I’ve had before.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Buck agrees, smiling easier now. “I guess I just assumed I was just another boyfriend for you.”
“You’re not ‘just another’ anything, Evan. You’re important to me. Our relationship is important to me. I hope you know that.”
Lately Buck’s been worried whether he’s moving too fast or too slow, if he’s doing this dating thing all wrong in regards to Tommy. It turns out there is no ‘right’ way. There’s nothing Tommy’s used to that Buck might be messing up or not doing, nothing Tommy’s expecting.
Tommy chose Buck because, well, because he’s Buck, and that’s all he needs to be.
“So, you think I’m special?” Buck asks, a smirk slowly pulling up the corners of his lips.
“Oh my god,” Tommy says, a fond exasperation filling his tone. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” “I hope not,” Buck says.
He hopes that there’s nothing but time for the two of them. Closing his eyes Buck imagines a future of other firsts - going on vacations together, moving in together, proposals and marriage and maybe even a kid or two. He imagines years, decades, a lifetime, with Tommy, and it feels good. It feels right.
“I plan to bring this up forever.”
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cannellee · 3 days
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୨୧ yandere! alpha! kurapika x omega! reader
— how does he take care of his omega ?
cw : yandere, controlling behaviour, red flags, etc.
I had this sitting in my drafts for a while now... so here it is! just like for naruto and the seven deadly sins, I'll accept requests about hxh (but my main focus will still be about tokyorev!)
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kurapika is a kind and reassuring alpha. he wants his omega to feel the safest when she's with him, to appear as flawless as possible to make her feel sheltered and in good hands.
you don't doubt him at first, kurapika is always smiling brightly. his polite smiles soothes any worry you might have as if he had everything and everyone under control.
he might manipulate you into thinking you're imagining things if you ever get suspicious of him. he's cautious, very careful about what he does and what he says in front of you. nothing would shatter his world more than see his omega wary of him. that would mean that he failed his task at shielding you from anything unpleasant and his thoughts would torture him if it ever had to happen.
kurapika is overly worried about you, you're so frail and innocent, and he knows how mean and scary the world is, especially for sweet omegas like you... which is why he got his hunter licence. kurapika had to be better, to improve himself so much to the point that no harm could be done to you.
kurapika hates unnecessary violence. you often tell him that he's kind and benevolent and that's why you love him so much. he does feel guilty about how brutally he murders all those people who had bad intentions towards you, he's afraid you'll look at him differently if you were to learn about it, but it had to be done. he would never let anything scary come close to you, he's especially vigilant that he's aware how of horribly people are able to treat soft beings like you. he has witnessed it first hand and he dreads the thought of not being capable of protecting you well enough and seeing you hurt.
kurapika is very rigorous about which individual has the right to interact with you. he's always suspicious if you say you're going out with someone or if a random person talks to you on the streets. he fears them corrupting you so much, he'll glare at them, possessively shielding you away from their gaze by putting himself in front of you, eyes red in anger and chasing them away from how powerful his scent gets. the type of scent which makes you feel more vulnerable than usual because of how bad it affects you. those domineering pheromones of him weren't meant for you and he feels so bad you had to spend such an awful moment because of him.
kurapika will baby talk to you, assuring you you don't need to go out to actually be happy. his terror of losing you grows stronger each day and the simple fact of not having you in his vision field is enough to send him into a state you're the only one able to soothe by submitting and baring your nape to him. you wait for him to scent you, all docile, while you feel his respiration calm down.
kurapika monitors you. he started by advising you certain clothes before straight out telling you what to wear. he's the one cooking for you, he can't have his precious omega hurting herself in the dangerous kitchen. he makes sure to feed you healthy meals so you're always in good shape and keep a strong body. he's putting you to sleep at the same hour each day, sometimes forcibly so because of how stubborn you can be. kurapika knows better than a dumbly cute omega like you. you need all your hours of sleep end of story. if you're persistent, he'll either drug your hot beverage with sleeping pills or coax you into agreeing by promising you he'll take you out tomorrow if you comply right now.
kurapika knows how easy it is for him to make you obey and submit, you're his omega and he knows everything there's to know about you.
overall, kurapika is insanely worried and preoccupied about his omega. he wants both your and his world to be about your relationship only, others can get lost honestly. it's fine if you don't love him immediately, his main responsibility is to protect you, you'll eventually come to love that side of him, he's sure of it. for now, all he wants is to be needed and make sure you never experience anything traumatising just like he once did, and keep that sweet and pure mind of yours untouched.
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lau219 · 2 days
Why Deny?
Part 19
Previous part here
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“Oh, Jesus, what now? Do I even want to hear this?”
As Y/N sat down in front of Benton’s desk, he exasperatedly leaned back in his chair and gave her a look of exhausted disbelief. She’d asked to speak with him about herself and Leonard, and as soon as he heard that that would be the topic of discussion, he was already over it.
“Unless it involves at least one of you quitting and no longer being a pain in my ass, I don’t want to hear about it,” he finished as he looked at her.
Y/N exhaled a small laugh and gave him a half-smile.
“Sorry, Charles, I’m afraid you’re not that lucky,” she replied.
“Then what is it? And for my own sanity, just give me the short story.”
Y/N exhaled a deep breath as she looked at him.
“I know you know the situation,” she said to Charles, and as she spoke, she parted the front of the drapey cardigan she was wearing and pointed to her stomach, her bump now evident.
“’Situation?’ Is that what you’re calling it?” he responded with reluctant amusement.
Y/N gave him a half-smile again.
“I know you know,” she repeated, continuing, “and the fact of the matter is, I can’t exactly hide it anymore. And as soon as people find out, the rumor and gossip mill are going to be running at full speed. Leonard and I aren’t going to openly advertise anything, of course, but we don’t want to hide it, either. I’m not going to lie to people forever, and Leonard’s not going to pretend that the baby’s not his. Again, we don’t plan on hitting anyone in the face with it, but we don’t want to have to hide anything, either. We want to be able to just...be.”
“Am I to take it that this means you two have reconciled, then?” Charles asked Y/N, a smirk on his face.
She blushed.
“Yes, we have,” she answered sheepishly. “But there’s still this obvious, glaring fact,” she pointed to her stomach again. “And without an acceptable explanation, people will make their own conclusions, and they won’t be positive ones, at least not about me.”
“Unfortunately, you’re probably right,” Benton replied.
Y/N nodded slowly.
“So,” she then said, “in order to make this look as least scandalous and to avoid as much negativity as possible, Leonard and I have agreed that a bit of an alibi is necessary. But of course, we need you to be on board with it.”
Charles just stared back at her, waiting for her to continue.
“We decided that the best response is to tell people that he and I are married, and that we actually have been married for quite some time. That prior to this, we chose to keep that fact private for professional reasons, but now that we’re having a baby, we obviously have to share that information. Of course, it’ll all still be a surprise to people, and it won’t stop the gossip completely, but it’ll at least tame some of it and prevent any rumors or assumptions from getting too vicious or out of hand.”
Y/N paused then, wanting to give Charles a moment to digest what she was saying, but before giving him too much time, she felt she had to say one final thing.
“We just need you to be on board so that you’re aware of what we plan to tell people and aren’t caught by surprise if you hear anyone talking about this. But believe me, Charles, I realize how all this sounds, and that you likely even feel it’s inappropriate. But regardless, I’m hoping I can have your support. I can’t bear the idea of my career and reputation being destroyed because of this. Maybe you even feel like I deserve that for being so unprofessional, but I’m hoping you’ll forgive me enough to go along with this.”
Charles looked at her for just a moment before responding.
“Well, your approach is a lot different than Miller’s was, I’ll tell you that.”
Y/N furrowed her brow.
“What do you mean?”
“Rather than asking for any understanding, he just unapologetically told me the facts and expected me to be ok with it all.”
Y/N exhaled a small laugh and shook her head.
“Sounds like Leonard,” she said. “But I don’t carry quite the same clout he does, and even if I did, I thought a subtler approach would be more appropriate.”
At that, Charles laughed and shook his head.
“And that right there, kid, is why I like you more than him,” he said, giving Y/N a smirk. “And you can tell him I said that.”
Y/N smiled back.
“Oh, believe me, I will,” she said.
After her discussion with Charles, Y/N headed back to her office and closed the door behind her before relaxing. She wanted to wait until she and Leonard had a final chance to go over everything and get their story straight before she allowed people to see that she was pregnant.
As she walked to her desk, she squinted as she noticed a small object sitting on the desktop that hadn’t been there before she’d left to talk with Charles. Upon stopping in front of it, her heart skipped a beat as she realized what it was.
Silently sitting down in her chair, she slowly reached out and laid her hand on the small velvet box before picking it up and taking a breath. With her opposite hand, she carefully lifted the lid and opened it, and her heart skipped a beat again as she saw the gorgeous diamond ring that was resting inside the cushion.
Her expression of shock slowly changing to an enormous smile, she carefully pulled the ring from the box and admired it more closely. After a moment, she slowly slipped it on her finger, and she could not stop smiling as she stood from her chair and quietly made her way to Leonard’s office.
His door was open, and after she entered, she closed it behind her, the sound causing him to look up from where he was standing at the file cabinet. He closed the cabinet upon seeing her, and Y/N held his eyes as she made her way over to him. Once she’d stopped in front of him, she tilted her head and raised her left hand to indicate the ring.
“What’s this?” she asked him with a barely contained smile, trying to look serious.
Leonard’s eyes shifted from her face to her hand, and as he saw that she was wearing it, a surge of simultaneous pride and relief ran through him. He looked at her again.
“Well, I know you gave me the ultimatum on labor timing, but I figured that if we’re going to tell people we’re married in the meantime, we may as well make it look believable.” He then gave her a little smirk. “But I’ll reluctantly be prepared to take it back if you pass your 12-hour mark.”
Y/N smiled lovingly at him.
“I don’t know,” she said. “I’m thinking maybe I’ll keep it even if I do.”
At that, Leonard took a step closer to her and laid his hands on her hips, pulling her closer. Leaning in, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid his hands over her bump and then around her waist. Their lips met, and after a long, soft kiss, they parted and Y/N looked at him, speaking again as he continued to hold her close.
“I love you, Leonard Miller.”
@nyxxie-pooh @allie131219 @xsweetcatastrophe @febris-amatoria @hannibellector
@beastofburdenxo @garrison-girl-08 @fairytale07 @peskybinders @hudson-bay-girl
@natalie--rushman @mamawiggers1980 @ladyvenera @devotedlyshadowytheorist @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree
@fuseburner @neonpurplestars89-blog @tenderly-hopeful-collection @meister95 @betty21rose
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tumblingxelian · 15 hours
Tyrian Callows - The Master of Murder, Mayhem & Multitasking!
So, I recently saw a post discussing Tyrian Callows and I wanted to go into why I find him quite interesting despite his overall demeanor seeming to be that of a nihilistic serial killer.
Off the cuff, when I first saw Tyrian I hated him, "Oh good, another cackling serial killer, I hope e only exists to die & be replaced".
Then he ambushes RNJR & suddenly, oh suddenly I'm having fun!
Because he's not just cackling & killing, he's bombastic, spewing purple prose and strutting around like he's on a stage, then flinging himself through walls for dramatic poses. He waits after receiving major surprise attacks to reveal they didn't hurt him.
He is in essence, a theater kid who happens to also be a cultist and serial killer and I think that is incredibly entertaining if nothing else.
Beyond that I find his fawning behavior on Salem intriguing. Like, even beyond his failure, when Salem is growing in fury & others like Watts & Hazel know to get the fuck out. He starts irrationally offering her acts of service in a bid to make her happy before fleeing as well.
Like, whatever is going on there is interesting if nothing else, I think.
Then there's the fact he is far more insightful than characters like him are usually written as but, its not at the expense of is manic disposition as it often ends up being with say, Joker, bleh.
What I mean is, Tyrian is very good at analyzing people, what they want, what they feel, what will hurt them the most, what above all drives them & can articulate it very easily. Ala his confrontation with Mercury only knowing violence & being too afraid to leave it.
Yet at the same time when out under pressure by Clover, Qrow & Robyn he very quickly starts losing his cool, his mannerism and behaviors become more unhinged & wild, he is legitimately not all there. & it is isn't until he's had time to cool off in the airship that he's back on his game.
Finally there is his 'rivalry' qith Qrow.
To me the fun thing is that there is zero rivalry on Tyrian's end.
Qrow is just someone who he met in V4 and knew to be a capable fighter & important enemy agent. He was excited to fight & kill him & was briefly knocked off his game when disarming Qrow did nothing to slow him down.
Most Hunters based their fighting styles on their weapons so disarming them tends to be a winning move unless they are Hazel, Tyrian or Yang style combatants.
But he was back on his game in short order and still having a great time and even managed to essentially score the win... Right until Ruby dismembered him & he did not take it gracefully.
To say the least, Tyrian is definitely arrogant, I think that much is self evident.
It makes sense, it took a cooperative operation of Mitral Hunters & Atlesian Specialists to take him down. The Queen of Grimm came to collect him herself. His Semblance lets him take Aura out of a fight. & by all accounts he definitely seems to be among the most dangerous combatants on Remnant even without said Semblance.
So yeah, not surprised that he was both knocked off his game & angry about the injuries but after that he doesn't seem to dwell on them much the way Cinder spent several volumes seething over the damage Ruby did to her.
His little foreshadowing moment to Ruby before the election massacre & enjoying Qrow's suffering during Volume 7 very much seem like things he'd have done regardless cos he's just like that.
Tyrian will however exploit the idea of a rivalry to his advantage.
What I mean is, Qrow makes it clear when ambushing him with Clover & Robyn that he holds a grudge over their last fight. Tyrian doesn't utilize that in the three on one beatdown he gets, he's barely keeping his head above water most of that fight.
But once he is back in the game he's cheerfully egging on the break down in the Atlas and Mantle alliance. He's completely ignoring Qrow until the man jumps on him & even then doesn't offer him any unique attention.
Its only once he's established that things with Qrow and Clover have degraded as far as they have that he jumps in. He avoids starting off too violently to see how things go & is well pleased by Clover's dogged commitment to his orders.
Also likely dismissing Tyrian as just a violent lunatic.
It is then and only then that he leans on the idea that he actually wants a rematch with Qrow. But even then he still patiently waits for Qrow to float the idea first. He is playing into Qrow's grudge & Qrow's belief in a Shounen style rivalry & with it the belief that Tyrian will ignore Clover themoment he is not interrupting the fight and duke it out with Qrow.
But Tyrian only plays along with that and instead uses Clover's defeat to end his fucking life and frame Qrow for it.
He certainly has fun twisting the knife but again, this is stuff he does with everyone when he gets the chance. & it serves to make things more complex for Atlas and the now rebellious heroes than it would if Clover & Qrow had died together. Especially as enemy reinforcements are coming.
After this, again, neither Qrow or Ruby warrant a mention from him.
This is his job, they were parts of his assignments and Tyrian just happens to love what he's doing. Which humorously aligns very well with the life advice he gave Emerald and Mercury. Even if that was just because he thinks it'd be fun to be given the chance to kill them.
Anyway those are my takes on Tyrian Callows, evil as fuck, but smarter & more interesting than the usual portrayals of his archetype!
Thanks for reading!
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junespriince · 2 days
Hal: weird, you're not afraid of bats, I mean Barry wasn't as afraid but you know he had the manners to not say it out loud what he's thinking about.
Wally: wow, speedsters being different from other speedster, it almost like we're different people with different personalities and such.
Hal: rude... Barry never act like this.
Wally: hold on, *looks through his lunch bag* oh, would you look at that, out of fucks to give.
Oliver: well, Mr. Sass, can I ask you a question.
Wally: I don't know, can you?
Oliver: damn, really shouldn't have let you get corrupted by Roy.
Wally: wrong, I always been this way. Just aged, like a fine wine.
Oliver: ... I mean Barry was horrible, but you're worse than him.
Wally: yeah, because he's not my blood dad, I take after my momma.
Oliver: Mary?
Wally: Iris.
Oliver: yeah I see it, anything that's not my question, my question is why ain't you scared of him or creeped out at least.
Wally: easy, I saw his ditsy civilian persona, how the hell am I supposed to be scared of that? Hm? I can't be, all I see is a emo furry ditz with a punching problem.
Oliver: well, how do you feel about this Diana? Someone bullying your mans
Diana: well, let's see, my love how do you feel getting bullied by your son-in-law in front of your teammates?
Bruce, grumbling: horrible.
Diana, smiles and cheerful: I love it then.
Clark, sighing: dia, give Bruce a break, he has gremlin children he needs a break.
Wally: he doesn't deserve a break, not after he took one of his child's own mantle away from him, but we don't have to unpack that small rock in your fucky wucky quarry now.
Arthur: I thought this meeting was about the rate of high level crimes spiking...
Martian: Aquaman, shut up I'm enjoying our new flash bullying Batman.
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coleskingdom · 2 days
Care Pt 2
Jay White x F Reader
Follow up to this
@midwestmade29 @madhatterbri
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“ He knows” I say softly as Jay walks back out of the bathroom. His face gives away nothing, “How?” his voice calm as he gets back into bed handing me the pain reliever and water. “Pretty sure , the phone in my skirt pocket, was answered. I’m surprised that he stayed on so long. I heard his voice screaming when we were in bed” unscrewing the cap, taking a swig, “ I assume you already knew that though .” meeting his eyes as he runs the wash cloth over me. His grin told me he either thought he got away with it or, he was surprised by my reaction. “Why didn’t you say something?” his fingers tracing on my legs. “I’m pretty sure I said plenty.” he laughed and I pulled him up to kiss me.
His lips meet mine and I give myself back over to him. “You’re not mad.” he bites my bottom lip, and my hips buck up in response. “Not mad at all.” Biting his lip a primal growl from deep within rumbles in his chest. “ I ran you a bath” his lips on the outer shell of my ear. “ Later” my breath hitches as his teeth graze my neck. He slides his hand down cupping my center his fingers teasing me again. “You can’t get enough of this can you. Your body just wants more.” he pushes two fingers in and I arch towards him.
His teeth nip, tugging at my nipple the same way he did my lip, and a moan falls from my lips . It's not going to happen. Not yet.
That's impossible. And yet the rush of an impending orgasm builds in my veins, threatening to take me over.
"More." It comes out sounding like a plea and a demand, and is met by a growl from Jays lips as his finger plunges inside harder and faster, his thumb finding my clit.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." My entire body goes taut, and my vision turns fuzzy as my eyes roll back in my head. The release washes over me, and my entire body turns languid.
"Your tight little cunt doesn't want to let my finger go." My eyes fix on his massive hard length. follows the direction of my gaze, and his lips tug into a sinful smile. He pulls his finger free of my pussy and lifts it to his mouth, sucking my juices clean. "You taste so damned good."
It's primitive, the feeling that's gripping every cell in my body. “Please”
"Can you take it all? Everything l've got to give? As hard as I want?"
My hips lift, anxious to get closer. "Yes."He moves between my legs, levering them apart with his hips.
"You sure? Because the way you got me right now, you're gonna be feeling me tomorrow." His lip quirks up on one side.
"I like the thought of that. You, feeling me with every step you take. Remembering what it was like to take my cock hard and fast."
As he speaks the words, he presses closer, rubbing the head through my slick heat.
"I'll give you whatever you want if you'll just”
At my declaration, his eyes blaze.
"You should be careful offering a man like me whatever I want. I'm not afraid to take it."
With the head of his cock nudging against my opening, Jay grips my hips with both hands.
"So tell me, Love, you really mean that? Whatever I want?"
"Yes!" yell, desperate to have him inside me, and probably willing to agree to anything right now.
With a jerk, Jay yanks my hips toward him and slams forward at the same time, driving his cock deep, almost to the point of discomfort. Since I'm already lit up from my last orgasm, the line between pain and pleasure blurs.
Jay’s expression takes on an intensity l've never seen before as he unleashes everything he's been holding back.
He uses his grip on my hips to pull me back and forth until my body is fucking his cock as much as his cock is fucking me. Each pounding thrust takes my breath away, but l've never experienced anything more erotic in my life. My eyelids drift closed, but Jay releases one hip and slaps my thigh, demanding my attention.
"Eyes on me. I want you to know who's fucking you. Whose name you're gonna scream when you come."
And then he becomes relentless, and I'm helpless to do anything but hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
His gaze never leaves mine, almost daring me not to come. I hold back for as long as I can, but it's a losing battle.
"Jay!” His name leaves my lips on a hoarse scream as a blinding orgasm rips through my body.
I break our stare as my head rocks from side to side, unable to keep still as the pleasure owns every inch of me.Jay doesn't slow his pace.Sensation overwhelms me as he powers inside me over and over, seeking his own release. When his roar echoes through the room, his cock pulses and I'm filled with heat.
For long moments, the only sound in the room is our heaving breaths.
This time when I pull him close he doesn’t stiffen, he lets me run my fingers through his hair and down his back. Our bodies lax and content, he rolls off of me. This time I’m the one out of the bed, and in the bathroom. I drain and refill the bath. He knocks “Come In” as I’m sitting down in the tub, he slips in behind me. He kisses and rubs my neck . “So” his voice the least confident I’ve heard all night . “So” I say staring ahead. “You’ll stay tonight?” his voice soft against my skin. “Sure” my voice catches, as I try and compartmentalize all the things that I’ve done.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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We're going to save your brother.
#mario movie#mario movie spoilers#super mario bros#super mario bros movie#super mario bros movie spoilers#princess peach#mareach#cherrysip edits#I FEEL LIKE THIS MOMENT DID NOT GET THE ATTENTION AND APPRECIATION IT DESERVED ON HERE#man i could write you an essay about this#i do think that the 'i'm not afraid! i'll do anything for my brother' line actually ISN'T said during this scene - it's probably earlier#but that this line IS in the right place (peach's mouth movements match)#which means that scene is going to break me because it just seems like a very vulnerable sweet moment between them#where peach and mario get to talk about the situation they're in and their fears and how big the stakes are for both of them#peach fighting to protect her kingdom and her subjects - the immense pressure on her to stop bowser because of her role as a leader#and mario desperately trying to save his brother - not knowing if luigi is ok or not and not being able to keep him safe is so painful#i think that's why mario doesn't have his hat on - the adventure is starting to weigh on him and he opens up to peach for the first time#about him and luigi and their closeness and how he CAN'T lose his brother he CAN'T let him down when he needs him more than ever#and peach reassures him and it means the world. even in this quick clip there's something a little sad about his face#but also there's relief and gratefulness to her for saying that. they're the absolute sweetest :) :) :)#i could be off base but that really does seem like the vibe of this scene from what we've seen and i am ALL ABOUT IT
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druidonity2 · 9 months
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2021 Shadowlands fanart.
#world of warcraft#anduin wrynn#Garrosh follows this with something like 'yeah your not but maybe i am' so i sorta take the quote out of context but#I remember Anduin being very upset about the mere idea hes compaired to Arthas#Its always seemed to me that his similarities with arthas are something that lowkey bothers him because so many only see that in him#Of course people hurt by Arthas will be a bit weary of a human boy with blonde hair who claims to champion the light and justice#Especially one who is a prince of an important human kingdom#So its something hes self-conscious of and is keen to prove people he's not destine to fail#Which is why#even if he didn't become another Arthas entirely#what happens in SLs is so much more traumatic to him#He hurt people he cared about#he hurt innocent souls#((and his situation of mind control is more akin to sylvanas' then arthas but does he see that that way? Or do his fears blind his view?))#And blizz didnt go into detail what this meant but Arthas was used against him literally#My headcanon is that Anduin knew and could feel it and hear arthas in the sword#but in the cinematic anduin is surprised by arthas' soul appearing so canon says anduin didnt know#He dissappers because he is unsure if the bad feelings he felt orignated from him or zovaal or arthas so#prehaps he is afraid that everyone was right to be weary of him#Maybe he didnt end up as arthas at the end of shadowlands but that doesnt mean he can't still go down a dark path#he is afraid he is more capable of becoming an unjust and cruel leader then he thought he could#His people have every right to be upset that he abandoned them#but they dont know that he left because he was afraid he could hurt them and feel joy from it
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running-in-the-dark · 29 days
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last post for the night i swear
the real tragic part about the whole science fair incident is that perpetual motion is impossible to achieve
ford’s machine would have never worked, regardless of whether or not stan had interacted with it
(warning i accidentally wrote an approximately 30-tag dive into ford’s character in the tags don’t click see more if you don’t want to read that)
anyway!! good night everyone ❤️‍🩹
#it’s also tragic because ford didn’t know#the impossibility of perpetual motion was discovered far before that point and yet he didn’t know#i mean. ‘he’s actually just so arrogant that he thought he could break the laws of physics’ doesn’t make any sense#his reaction to the situation really didn’t match that interpretation as far as i can tell#i don’t think it’s just a ‘oh no! my dream school (that i was essentially shoved into pursuing)!’ type deal#here’s what i’m thinking:#fact one- stan and ford were seemingly already drifting apart by this point in time. this is important to note#fact two- it’s really emphasized to him that he’s smart. that’s all they say about him really- that’s he’s a genius#fact three- filbrick does not even care enough about stanford to say his name. he calls ford his ‘ticket out of this dump’#these last two points were likely heavily emphasized to him throughout his childhood#filbrick found out ford was smart and thought stan wasn’t. so ford became his plan to make money#ford is heavily bullied for his weirdness. his hands and his interests. being smart could ‘make up’ for this in his mind#he wants to leave. he outright states this- he doesn’t feel like he belongs and he wants to go somewhere he does (his own bermuda triangle)#so what essentially happened- i believe- is that ford internalized all these things#that his weirdness is bad and that he makes up for it by being smart and that he’s meant to make his family money-#-and that he wants out#his machine fails. this is a slap in the face to him. perpetual motion is impossible?#but why didn’t he know that? he’s supposed to be smart isn’t he? if he isn’t smart then what the hell is he?#what redeeming qualities does he have? how is he supposed to help his family now? he’s a failure isn’t he?#he spots a familiar bag. stan was here. suddenly he has an excuse- a reason to believe it wasn’t his fault#(and there’s really nothing to be at fault for but he doesn’t think that)#it’s easier to blame it on stan because of how distant they’ve grown. he can’t read stan as easily#and his reaction is suspicious- did he actually sabotage the project? is it…actually not ford’s fault at all?#they don’t speak to each other again for another decade#stan because he’s afraid of rejection#ford because he doesn’t want to face his own insecurities and emotions about everything#it’s easier to pretend that he wants to be famous and isn’t just doing it to make it his father money#and it’s easier to distract himself with things he loves than to feel all the guilt and hurt and frustration#and that. is perfect for bill to use to manipulate him#that’s my thoughts anyway. sorry for the rant was not expecting that to happen
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Now this might be because I have issues but is it just me or does Slay The Princess feel like an allegory for a relationship?
#like i dont even mean the actual textual stuff like the two gods loving each other i mean like#while the narrator himself does say that he is not the protagonist at all the voices do in fact count him as one of them and#both the narrator and the voices are described as shattered glass pieces on the floor#and im saying that just to contextualise what im about to say because i feel like the narrator is an echo of someone who was in#a relationship with another person and is trying to 'slay' the memory of this person and defeat death not only literally but#on a metaphorical level (as in the death of a relationship). if you do slay her you destroy her memory and in that way you do not know her#at all nor do you care to#and the routes would be the perspectives held by different parts of you. shes literally a being that changes based on who perceives her#but metaphorically thats just how people work isnt it? relationships are complicated and there is a part of you who sees someone as a razor#and there is a part of you who sees them as a damsel and another who sees them as a god etc etc#its like youre a person who is trying to make sense of the situation and; which is why the construct of the princess is made up of#several vessels called perspectives. you understand the whole of what you think only when you take apart all your perspectives;#and theres a you who isnt you anymore who doesnt want to do this. hes telling you to just destroy it. it was wholly wretched and wholly bad#and it changed which is a crime in itself. theres an echo of you. and theres you; built by this echo because thats how the self works#we are each our own god and we build ourselves. the different voices are like different parts of you#much like the vessels are the equivalent of the voices. theyre the finite confined perspectives; aspects of a whole person#and slaying her in this context would obviously mean literally just destroying the memory and deciding that change and all it brings#is an awful thing. though im not yet sure what the difference between leaving with the whole and between separating yourself#and leaving with just an aspect would be.#thats probably like the only thing thats kinda ruining this interpretation lol#oh and obviously a lot of the routes have like very strong relationship symbolism. specifically a lot of them feel like#scenes from a relationship that is falling apart. for example in the adversary and then the fury when you run away the dialogue#basically mimics a partner running away from a conflict and the other one destroying themselves because of it#witch and the thorn are both heavily Esop-coded and the text itself says that its about two people hurting each other even though they love#each other but both are afraid of the other one and of being vulnerable. thorn is about finding forgiveness in one another#and deciding to be better and love each other despite the hurt youve caused each other due to your problems#etc etc#like am i insane am i mental am i projecting?
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cr0wc0rpse · 1 year
My cat is literally a part of my soul and heart and I am not joking at all. I’m having a moment
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corbinite · 1 year
One of my coworkers calls out just about every time there's a game on and he never fucking tells us until just after the shift starts. He SAYS he has a family emergency but come fucking on we know the pattern by now. He wasn't even originally scheduled today, literally yesterday he said "yeah i can take that shift" KNOWING he'd be calling out. And it's not the first time this has happened, where we ask him "i know there's a game tomorrow but will you be able to come in? Tell us if not, we can work around it if you set a boundary so just please be honest" and he says yeah he'll be in and then can you believe to learn that it was a lie?
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strwbrymlkshake · 1 year
I don't think I've ever been in a relationship this healthy before I don't know what to do 💀
#mine#🎸#DUDE my feelings are so weird like i cant even describe them cause theyre all over the place. im hoping someone sees this and sends me an#ask or something with advice if this is even gonna make sense. because i am so confused lmfao#First of all im always expecting something to go wrong so i feel like it might be the absence of Problems thats throwing me off#But he reassures me all the time and genuinely cares about me? in regards to my last post we talked about it and he comforted me#i feel like im kind of in an emotional limbo where im still processing everything. my yan moments make appearances more than my dere#i feel so cringe saying that as a native english speaker. well im here to express my feelings not to be judged <3#but i definitely FEEL the jealousy more. like i exhibit both equally but im more emotional in a bad way than a good way#but its not cause of anything hes doing at all! hes perfect?! i dont know how to handle it!! i only know how to be jealous#at least if im mean im not as likely to get hurt and thats why im afraid to feel lovey things as much??? im making myself sound like#a bastard but ive just been feeling more anxiety and getting worried about Relationship Stuff and that kills the vibes#but he doesnt even mind he doesnt treat my problems like a burden. he isnt sick of them he doesnt abandon me. he loves me and i am still so#bewildered? like. hes the nicest guy ive ever dated. ill gush about new people i meet but they do have flaws. i just dont acknowledge them#because im so blinded by idolization. but for this one ive thought everything out i have PONDERED for so long and he really is just such a#good person. how? WHY?? he has not done anything wrong and its just my mental illness that causes ALL the problems. but he wants to#BE there and comfort me. what the fuck my brain is like short circuiting. people this nice exist? he doesnt want to use me??#and ofc this is all in the romantic sense. i still have friends that i value very much but this post is focused on romance#watch me say all this then he does something horrible. <-SEE IM SO NEGATIVE i expect things to go wrong#my main problem is im confused about my feelings they feel very tangled and muddled. im happy of course but i feel like the part of me that#feels romantic happiness/genuine satisfaction is all fucked up and broken. but he doesnt mind that im this way 🥲 WHY#HE ASSURES ME EVERYTHINGS OKAY he is there for me he cares about me but i cant wrap my head around it! im. this is so weird#one of my goals is to be less focused on being insane and actually get things done. w all my relationships i have a time blur thing#where i feel like time passes differently even more than it does for me. im just thinking so much bruh#right i think i was gonna go about getting adderall because of the everything all the time. im feeling numb but also#literally every emotion all at once. and it consumes me and my waking thoughts. i guess it was easier to ignore before?
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thisqueernerd · 5 months
#rejection and heartbreak rant part 3#i wonder if hell let me adore him as friends#but im right back where i started before confessing#where im afraid to be affectionate because i dont know how he feels about it#except now i fear even more than hell be uncomfortable#i asked him his boundaries on physical affection once and he said he wasnt ok with it when there was a deeper meaning#idk being in love with him seems like a deeper meaning to him#i wouldnt be doing so to try and get into a relationship#i really just want to fucking relax and enjoy one of my two comfort people#but everythings messy#im pretty sure id be happy without a relationship as long as i could freely show my love#but i dont know if hed be alright with that#we starting talking a bit about that#but i didnt get very far because i didnt want to overwhelm him with everything at once#why does he have to be the most complicated and closed off person ive ever met /aff#i wish i knew all his thoughts#i wish he wanted me#im not delusional when i say were practically perfect for each other#oh and im afraid that even if i am happy adoring him but not being with him#that hell choose a romantic partner over me and leave#because lets me honest#thats what happens in society#i dream of having a home and raising a family with him and my qpr#(who he loves /pl as well)#(or at least i assume platonically)#(but a part of me fears that maybe he likes her instead)#(he always did prefer fem people and shes way more confident and funny and similar to him than me)#anyway returning to my dreams with him in the next part#him
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