#i love sonic and lion dance
artilite · 3 months
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chúc mừng năm mới !!! happy new year !!!
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lazorbeanz · 10 days
Late Night
Unbreakable Bond
Headcanons and indirect quotes :p #4
🔶 Tails: You ready for tomorrow’s history test?
Sonic: Yea
Tails: What ended in 1896?
Sonic: 1895
Tails: Yea you ready…
🔷 Tails: So, who did ya learn about today?
Sonic: Errr some guy called ‘Martha Luker King Jr.’
Tails: *tryna hold it together* u-uhm okay…and what did he do?
Sonic: *with all confidence* He died for our sins…
Tails: Wait no that’s- *wheeze*
🔶 Sonic singing along the Chorus of Speed Life (he doesn’t know French): 🎶“Something something speed life…SOMEBODY’S WATCHING MEEEEEE”🎶
🔷 Sonic and Tails have this challenge they do at karaoke nights where they attempt to sing a song that’s not in English, which really just ends up as a big laughing fest as they fail miserably. Sonic tries to make up for it by dancing to the music (cuz mind you, it’s catchy) but his legs turn into spaghetti from his fit, and faceplants onto the floor. Tails attempts to help him up but his knees do a funny and falls on top of him, leaving the brothers immobile and gasping for air.
🔶 Sonic: is the pink panther a lion?
Tails: say that again but slower
Sonic: I don’t get??
Tails: he’s the pink PANTHER
Sonic: okay?? But is he a lion?
Tails: 🤦..*grabs the landline phone* hello is this the brain replacement store-
🔷 The brothers have a war going on in their Snapchat stories, where they would steal awkward pics of each other…whether that’s Sonic eating a really messy chilidog or tails after an experiment gone horribly wrong, with the caption being like ‘look at this loser lol’ or something meme related…yes they turn each other into memes
🔶 Sonic would randomly decide to attach tails to a lead every now and then to see his reaction, which at first was pretty vicious, but now he’s just like “rlly bro? -_-” but either one would send Sonic in hysterics
🔷 Tails: hey Sonic, what word starts with “f” and ends with “u c k?”
Tails: it’s firetruck! 😊 uhh sonic?
*cue sonic getting carted away in an ambulance…i think he stopped breathing*
🔶 Since Sonic doesn’t give a toss, tails would somewhat keep an eye out on his brother’s quill care (you could say Amy has talked to Tails about the matter) so after heaps of reasoning and the last resort - the cute fox eyes, Sonic reluctantly gives in to letting his younger brother brush his quills for the first time. It’d go down something like this…
Tails: one~
Sonic: ow-
Tails: two~
Sonic: OWWW…how many of these (brush strokes) do we have to do?!
Tails: like a thousand or something…thre-
🔷 Tails was so sleep deprived that he almost mistook liquid petroleum for coffee one morning (somehow)
🔶 Tails loves planes…in all forms…and THAT INCLUDES the one used to be fed…
Sonic: Tails, you are 8 years old, with an IQ of about 300…and you still want me to do…this?
Tails: b-but…aeroplaneee 🥺
Happy wholesome Wednesday!
Whilst you’re here, we have an Unbreakable Bond Discord server out for all you folks who love the brothers just as much as us! 💙💛 It’s a totally chill place where we can chat, share art or fics, and most importantly, hyperfixate over that hog and fox duo we love so much! (There’s even a place for boops!)
Created by @suzienightsky ✨ If you’re keen on joining, flick her a DM and she’ll give you an invite.
Sorry for the ad lmao
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starsfic · 7 months
Shadow singer //lmk one shot//
Macaque is alone in his house. He’s cleaning it up. He never could quite live in a dirty house like Monkey King. Mac preferred organization and cleanliness. Something Wukong could never truly appreciate. He grows tired of the quiet sweeping though. He taps his tail on a CD player. His hips sway as the song picks up from where it left off last time he turned the player on. “Hey. I just wanna say ‘hey’. To let you know you blow, and all you did was-” He alters his voice to auto tune it as he sings. “Feed my ego.” He changes it back and sounds bitter as he dances while sweeping. “And baby even in the end, I tried to make amends. I guess till then I got myself a,” He smiles. Getting lost in the groove. “It’s funny how the tables have turned. I know it’s crazy, but I love it. So for now in return, I guess I got myself a-” He jumps on a table. “FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! IT’S FAAAAAAAAAAAN BEHAVIOUR!” “Woaaaaaaaah!” Macaque falls off the table as he hears the amazed boy’s exclamation.
“Ah- Kid- Didn’t expect you here today. How about you join the club, and help me clean up?” He tries to slide past him singing. “You can sing!? That’s amazing!” MK is bouncing around excitedly. “Ugh. Yes. I can sing. I just don’t do it often since…” He trails off. Thinking about Wukong mocking his singing. It was just some light words, but with DBK, Azure Lion, and Peng joining in it hurt all the more. “I just don’t enjoy it.” Mk frowns. “Can I hear some more? Pweaaaaaaaase?” Mk’s eyes glitter as he begs. “No. What are you here for, kid?” Macaque glares. “OH! Here.” He holds out a bowl of ramen. “I know you haven’t been eating right, mister.” Macaque sighs at Mk’s words. “For a kid. You’re quite an intuitive boy.” Mk blinks. “I’m quite what?” Macaque laughs, and takes the bowl.
Later, Mk is fighting a new villain. He is a strange creature. Tall and slender. With long, dark gray hair. His skin is a pale peach color with golden markings around his face, arms, and down his back. He wore an open backed robe that seemed to be similar to those in the Celestial Realm. His eyes glowed with a shining a silvery gray that seems almost hypnotizing. “I grow tired of this charade boy,” He hisses between gritted, fanged teeth. “I do not have time for games such as these. You are as annoying as your predecessor.” Mk breathes hard, but smiles. “I can keep this going aaaaaall day if I have to!” The creature smiles. “You don’t even understand what this is, do you?” He motions to the strange object he attempted to steal. “Uuuuuuuuuuh a trophy?” Mk blinks. They’re at a singing competition’s backroom. “No. It’s a scroll that holds the secret to amplifying one’s power to the point of being more powerful than Buddha himself.” Mk’s eyes widened. “And I, Gēr Zhànshì, shall use it to raise my kingdom back from the depths! From whence Sun Wukong destroyed.” Mk groans. Of courrrrrse he’s another person his teacher ticked off. Maybe he should have a long talk with him.
Before he can react, Gēr lets out a super sonic scream that sends Mk flying into a wall. “I guess I'll just win it ‘legally’.” He laughs as he vanishes. Mk starts to panic. He runs home. “PIGSY! WE NEED YOU TO SING IN A-” A cough resounds through the shop. “No can do MK.” Tang says with the pale, sickly Pigsy shaking and coughing. “Pigsy lost his voice after getting sick. I won’t be singing much of anything right now.” Mk grows pale. Pigsy was his major shot. He tries to think who could win that contest. Tang sounds like a dying cat when he sings, Sandy is too old school, Mei hates singing in front of people- Wait a minute. “MEIIIIIIIIIIIII! WE NEED TO GO FIND MACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQUE!” He runs out.
Cut to Macaque in front of Mk and Mei with arms crossed. “No.” He says plainly. “THE FATE OF THE WORLD DEPENDS ON IT!” Mei says, panicking. “I’ll move to the underworld.” Macaque jokes. “I’ve been there before.” Mk blinks. “What?” Macaque pats his head. “Uh. Don’t worry about it.” He mutters. “Please Macaque!” Mei and Mk say with puppy dog eyes. Macaque sighs. “Fine. But. I have one condition.” “Anything!” Mk says excitedly. “Wukong has to be there.” Mei and Mk are shocked. “You WANT him there?” Macaque nods. “I want him to learn. I’ll meet you there later tonight. I’ll even take a human form for you.” He goes into his shadows. “Wait, they can take human forms?” Mk asks, shocked. “Well I guess you can so…” Mei makes a “I guess it makes sense” motion.
Skip to Monkey King staring down a peach cobbler. “You. Are made of peaches. And I love peaches. But you also look funny which I don’t like. But peaches. But-” Mk zooms in. “MONKEY KING!” Monkey King screams, and sends the tray flying into the sky. He blinks slowly. “Chang’e probably is going to enjoy that.” He turns to Mk, and sighs. “Kid I was in the middle of-” Mk starts rapidly shaking Wukong. “WE NEED YOU TO COME TO A CONCERT TONIGHT! THE FATE OF THE WORLD DEPENDS ON IT!” Mei stops Mk. “Calm down Mk. We gotta do this slowly.” She clears her throat and starts shaking Wukong. “YOU BETTER COME TO THE CONCERT OR I WILL PERSONALLY RIP YOUR TAIL OFF AND-” Wukong picks up Mei. “Mk did you lose a small dragon pup?” He has an annoyed look. “SMALL!?” Mei says angrily. Mk explains what’s going on.
Wukong was a bit shocked. He sighs. “I guess I can come. I’ll go in human form as well. Won’t let him show me up.” Mk blinks. “YOU HAVE A HUMAN FORM!? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!?” Wukong sighs. Feeling a bit of embarrassment. “I tend to look like a middle aged dad. Which is less than flattering.” He sighs, and closes his eyes. In a second, he turns into his human form. He has fluffy, blonde hair with golden eyes. His smile is less sharp, and a bit of a peach fuzz beard covers his chin. He has a bit of hair on his arms and legs. The funniest part though, is his beer belly. To see the very fit, very strong Monkey King with a beer belly just makes Mei and Mk giggle.
“The human form reflects our eating habits and such. And… I like peaches okay!? Don’t judge me.” Wukong pouts a bit. “You actually kinda look like Mk’s dad.” Mei squishes his face. “He’s not my dad,” “He’s not my son.” The two say at the same time. “Pigsy’s the one who raised me, and he’s my dad.” Mk explains. “And I'm nowhere near ready to have children. Maybe in a few more centuries, but not now.” Monkey King says while shaking his hands in front of him. Mei rolls her eyes. “Alrighty.” Wukong starts to look in his clothes. “I need to look good for this. If I'm going out in… this… form I'm going to look good.” He pulls out the hoodie he wore in Lantern City. He brushes his hair out, and smiles. “Alrighty.” Finger guns. “Let’s go.”
The three are soon in the front row of the contest. Wukong is annoyed how everyone is saying how cute it is that he’s taking out his two kids. “I’m not that old.” He mutters. Mk and Mei give him a “are you serious?” look. “Who even is the villain Mac is going up against?” Wukong leans back. “Gēr Zhànshì.” Mk says plainly. Wukong springs up. “HIM!? WHY DIDN’T YOU-” Suddenly music spreads through the area. Mei suddenly leans forward. Very interested. Mk is confused. Gēr Zhànshì walks on stage. He’s wearing a black vest, gray slacks, and spiked boots. “Ladies and gentlemen, please. Would you bring your attention to me?~” He smiles. The only ones not affected by the music is Wukong and Mk due to the golden vision allowing them to see what he truly is. A siren beast. “For a feast for your eyes to see. An explosion of catastrophe.” He moves his hips rhythmically. Walking across the stage with a wild grin. “Like nothing you've ever seen before. Watch closely as I open this door.” He flips his hair back. Causing the crowd to go wild. “Your jaws will be on the floor. After this you'll be begging for more.”
“Monkey King what’s happening?” Mk tries to shake Mei who seems to have abandoned wanting to cheer for Macaque, and instead is screaming Zhànshì’s name. “He has the ability to sing and hypnotize people. We’re immune mostly due to our golden vision.” Zhànshì smirks, and dances. “Welcome to the show. Please come inside. Ladies and gentlemen!” He starts throwing his head down causing his hair to fly violently on every boom. “Boom! Do you want it? Boom! Do you need it? Boom! Let me hear it! Ladies and gentlemen!” He repeats it a couple times. A pair of purple eyes watch from the shadows. Macaque scowls. He’s never really liked Zhànshì. He actually took pleasure in watching Zhànshì’s kingdom fall when Wukong destroyed it. He hated the man in front of him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.” Zhànshì gently runs his hand under a girl’s chin. She starts to cough up blood. Mk freaks out. “You've seen, and seeing is believing. Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding. Please check to see if you're still breathing.” Wukong knows if he intervenes, everyone listening will be very very hurt. They have to listen to the entire song otherwise they will end up like that girl. “Hold tight 'cause the show is not over. If you will please move in closer. You're about to be bowled over.” Mk tries to touch Mei, but Wukong stops him. ‘By the wonders you're about to behold here. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show! Please come inside. Ladies and gentlemen!” Zhànshì repeats what he did on the chorus. “His spell makes it so if you interrupt the song everyone will be hurt. We have to let it go. Otherwise Mei…” He trails off. Mk feels red hot anger, but he numbs it. Tears pierce his eyes. “Okay.” He says quietly.
After the song is over, Zhànshì bows, and blows a kiss to the crowd. The crowd goes wild. He walks past Macaque, and shoulder checks him. “Beat that monkey boy.” Macaque glares. The announcer comes on stage. “After that dazzling performance. Welcome Mac Shadowheart!” Wukong rolls his eyes at the name. Macaque walks on stage. He has tanned skin, black hair, a beard, and deep purple eyes. He’s wearing a black jacket with a popped collar. His shirt is a crop top, dark purple shirt. Exposing his abs to the crowd. His black jeans were ripped, and he wore black combat boots. Mei’s jaw dropped. She is staring with hearts in her eyes. “Oh my god who is that!?” She giggles like a schoolgirl. “Yeah he looks awesome!” Mk says with stars in his eyes. “Macaque.” Wukong says with a sting of jealousy and annoyance. Mei and Mk stare at Wukong shocked. “WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT AND YOU LOOK LIKE- THIS!?” they say. “HEY I DON’T LOOK THAT BAD!” He snaps back. Macaque gently grabs the mic as the music starts. “I owe this as a tribute to an old friend of mine. Peaches.” Wukong freezes at the old nickname.
“This… is for me?” Wukong is surprised. Macaque leans back as he sings. “I try to make it through my life. In my way there's you… I try to make it through these lies. That's all I do.” Macaque meets his eyes with Wukong. “Just don't deny it. Just don't deny it. And deal with it. Yeah, deal with it.” Wukong crosses his arms, and pouts. Macaque smirks. “You tried to break me. You wanna break me.” Wukong pauses, and stares back up. He shakes his head quietly. “Bit by bit. That's just part of it.” Macaque shrugs. Letting his shadows dance in the background. “If you were dead or still alive! I don't care! I don't care!” Wukong feels his heart break a bit. Does Macaque really care so little for him? “And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I don't care!” Mk frowns. He feels almost bad for dragging his teacher here to be dragged across the stage by Macaque’s words.
“I try to make you see my side. Always try to stay in line. But your eyes see right through! That's all they do!” Macaque is getting more into the song. Struggling to keep his emotions at bay. The crowd cheers at him showing his emotions. “I'm getting tired of this. I've got no room when it's like this. What you want of me, just deal with it!” Wukong has a tear trail down his face. “Macaque. I didn’t. It wasn’t my fault.” Mei pauses, and looks at him. “Not your fault? Is NOTHING your fault?!” Mk silently looks away. “You’ve caused SO MUCH pain. Just as much pain as good in my opinion. I used to think so highly of you. But as i’ve gotten to know you. I see you’re nothing.” Mei says angrily. She’s sick of his attitude. “You deserve this.” Mei says. Macaque sings as they talk. “So… If you were dead or still alive! I don't care! I don't care! And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I don't care!” Zhànshì starts to worry about losing this.
“Nothing can care about. I'm taking care of it! You won't be there for me! YOU WON’T BE THERE FOR ME!” He screams out the last part. Tears falling down Macaque’s face. During the bridge, Macaque takes gasps of breaks to calm down a bit to finish the song. Wukong grips his fists tightly. “If you were dead or still alive. I don't care! I don't care! And all the things you left behind! I don't care! I DON’T CARE!” Wukong grits his teeth, but then… his body relaxes and he slumps in his seat. Burying his head in his hands. Feeling a bit ashamed. “If you were dead or still alive! I don't care. Nothing can care about. I don't care... I'm taking care of it. And all the things you've left behind. I don't care. you won't be there for me. I don't care... at all.” Macaque drops the mic, and leaves. The crowd going wild.
Macaque felt a bit better. He was able to get all those pent up emotions out. Zhànshì pinned him against a wall. Growling. “You’re going to forfeit the competition.” He says angrily. Macaque laughs. “Scared, are we Zhànshì? That’s what you always were. A coward. You couldn’t even save your people from one. Little. Monkey.” Zhànshì moves to hurt Macaque, but Wukong tackles him and starts pounding his fist into Zhànshì’s face. Tears flow down his face as he repeatedly beats Zhànshì over and over in the face. Macaque eventually pulls him off. “Why…” Wukong asks. “Why what?” Macaque says. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” Wukong snaps. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU THOUGHT OF ME LIKE THAT!? THAT I HURT YOU!” Macaque stares at him dumb founded. “You cannot be serious.” Wukong growls. Showing he is very much serious. “Buddha. You’re stupider than I thought. I did everything to comfort you when you were trapped. Yet, you treated me as your enemy. I betrayed the brotherhood for you. It left me alone, and broken when even you didn’t wanna see me anymore. Finally, you made new friends. Forgot all about me. I admit I was… I was jealous. I wanted to BE you Wukong. Then… our fight and…” His hand drifts to his eye.
“My death.” He could still feel the phantom pain from when he was killed. The betrayal he felt in his last moments. Wukong looks away. “You could have talked to me.” That ticked Macaque off. “Talk to you? And you say I'm overreacting? Or that I'm stupid for having feelings? That I'm WEAK!? Even after you traveled with that ‘master’ of yours, you grew no more intelligent Wukong.” He starts to walk towards the awards ceremony. Monkey King glances back at Macaque as he leaves. He didn’t want to leave it like this. An idea hits his head. A bit of bile rises up in his throat as he thinks about it. “Oh boy.” He feels sick as he rushes up on stage, and grabs the mic. “I HAVE A SONG I WANT TO SING FOR MY FRIEND MAC!” Macaque is shocked. What in the rings of hell is Wukong doing? Wukong stares out at the crowd. They all seem confused. He swallows the vomit gathering in his throat. He picks up a guitar. Starting to strum. Ignoring the eyes. “Empty home, no trace of you. Can't say that I'm surprised. All the Hell I put you through. Was showing in your eyes.” His voice shakes slightly.
“Can't say I blame you at all. I hate myself for what I've done. I swore that I'd never call. But I just need you to know…” Macaque watches Wukong unimpressed. He then hears Mk and Mei talking. “Isn’t he afraid of performing?” Mk says surprised. “Maybe he finally wants to do something right by Macaque?” Mei says with a huff. “That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Wukong is closing his eyes tight to try to avoid the fear and nausea over taking him. “I know I let you down. You deserve much more than me. Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please! Kill my memory!” Macaque glances at him. Is he trying to apologize? “6 a.m, I'm getting weaker. Keep reaching for the phone. I tell myself it's wasted time, 'cause you're not coming home.” Wukong thinks of all the 6 a.m. regrets with peach schnapps and broken memories. “I left you so many scars. I don't deserve a second chance. You gave me all that you are. I let you slip through my hands…” Macaque stares in shock and amusement.
Does he really think Mac would forgive him with a silly song? “That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Macaque pauses, and realizes. Wukong isn’t asking for forgiveness. No. He’s asking to not be forgiven and to be forgotten. “I know I let you down! You deserve much more than me… Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please. Kill my memory.” Oh if only the crowd knew the great Monkey King was begging for his memory to be forgotten and killed off. One of the most beloved and revered legends. Begging to finally be forgotten. “It's keeping me awake, every chance I had! Now it's just too late, there's no going back. You are better off without a trace of my memory. Can you just erase me?!” Macaque snickers that Wukong in all his pride is begging to have his transgressions forgotten. Things that will not be forgotten even after he is long gone as proven by the five hundred years away.
“That I'm so sorry! That I had to be the one! The one to break you! And let you come undone!” Macaque feels his smug smile soften a bit. To be forgotten… as he had been… A tear escapes his eyes. “I know I let you down. You deserve much more than me. Just leave me here for dead, I'm begging, please! Kill my memory…” Wukong places the guitar down softly, and runs off. Violently vomiting into a trash can. Throwing up repeatedly. Shaking. Macaque claims his prize since the other main competitor is… incapacitated. He goes, and gently pats Wukong’s back. “Get it all out moron.” Wukong throws up once again.
Later, Mei, Mk, Wukong, and Macaque are together with the scroll. Mk smiles. “Maybe we should read it! It’ll give us ultimate power so we can use it in the future.” Mei glares. “If anyone’s gonna read it, it’s gonna be me. I handled the Samadhi Fire! I can handle this!” Wukong scoffs. “That was nothing kid. If anyone should read the scroll, it should be me!” “YOU!?” Mei says annoyed. It causes a three way argument. While they fight, Macaque grabs a lighter, and lights the scroll on fire. It burns to ashes. “Wait- NO!” Mk says in shock. “There. Now no one can read the scroll.” Macaque dusts his hands off. “Why did you do that!?” Wukong says shocked. “Wukong. You don’t deserve any more power. Mei would go crazy with that much power. And Mk can’t control that much power yet as a kid.” Mei pouts. “I guess you’re right.” Mk perks up. “Wanna go get ice cream, and then go to the arcade?” Mei lights up. “DOI! LET’S GO!” The two run off. Wukong moves to go after them, but Macaque grabs his shoulder. “You aren’t forgiven yet. But… I guess we can start anew. Just as long as you don’t keep acting like a jerk.” Wukong pauses, but then chuckles. “Deal Mango.” The two walk off. The ashes of the scroll blowing in the breeze.
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Greetings! My name Is Mika! I go by he / they / them, 24, Demiboy, and I have a LOT of F/O's I genuinely love. Please minors DNI. Please read rules and maybe about page before interacting! I don't have a carrd as I have no idea how to make one, but, regardless all my F/O's can be found here! Stars beside the names are my Primary F/O's! Ship name's are also besides the F/O'S!
Free / Louis (Beastars)⭐ We Can Never Look Back (Louis x Free x Jeremiah) (Engaged)
Rocko Rama (Rocko's Modern Life) Awkward Bunch (Rocko x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Monty Gator (FNAF: SB) ⭐Rockin' Hearts Like The 80's (Monty x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Freddy Fazbear (FNAF) (AI ! AU) You Brought Me To Life (Freddy x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Glitchtrap (FNAF: HW) Chasing Dragons (Glitchtrap x Mika) (Engaged)
Toy Bonnie (FNAF 2) Little Perfectionists (Toy Bonnie x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Bossk (Star Wars) Scaled Chasers (Bossk x Me'kha) (Rival Lovers)
General Grevious / Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Star Wars)⭐ Stars Divine (Grevious x Me'kha x Kenobi) (Married)
Sebulba (Star Wars) (Me’kha x Sebulba) Racing to The Finish (Rival Lovers)
Jabba the Hutt ((Star Wars) Mine and Only Mine (Jabba x Me’kha) (problematic)
Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank) We'll Chase The Stars (Ratchet x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Wolf 'O Donnel / Fox Mccloud (Star Fox)⭐ Captivating The Enemy (Wolf x Fox x Jeremiah) (Married)
Reptile / Baraka (Mortal Kombat)⭐ Striking From the Shadows (Baraka x Mika x Reptile) (Married)
Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat) (Problematic) Promised Eternal Life (Shao Kahn x Mika) (Engaged)
Anubis Kruger (Power Rangers SPD) We’ll Light The Fires Of Hope (Married)
Donatello / Leonardo (TMNT) (T!Cest warning) ⭐ Three Lovers In a Half Shell (Leonardo x Mika x Donatello) (Boyfriends)
Set (Smite) Covered The Sands (Set x Mika) (Married)
Ganesha (Smite) Luck Didn't Count This One (Ganesha x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)⭐ Two Tragic Subjects (Rocket x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Venom (Marvel)⭐ Webbed Desire (Venom x Mika) (Engaged)
Red Hood (DCU) To Live Our Lives Fully (Jason x Mika) (Rival Lovers)
Kurapika (HxH) Bleeding Scarlet (Kurapika x Mika) (Engaged)
Cooler (DBZ) (Problematic) Conquer Me (Cooler x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)
Perma!Fuse Vegito / SSJ4 Gogeta (DBZ)⭐ Cocky Lover...s? (Vegito x Mika) (Married)
Cell (First Form) (DBZ) (Problematic) Hating Your Perfection Idea (Cell x Mika) (Toxic Lovers)
Dyspo (DBS) (Crush) Speed Dancing (Dyspo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Goku Black (DBS)⭐ Pink Divinity (Goku Black x Mika) (Engaged)
Broly (DBZ) Comfort the Rage (Broly x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Champa / Beerus (DBS) Two Halves of a Whole (Beerus x Mika x Champa) (Rival Lovers)
Denki Kamanari / Tokoyami Fumikage (MHA)⭐ Electrified Shadows (Denki x Mika x Tokoyami) (Boyfriends and Teammates)
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) Apart Of The Ship and Crew (Chopper x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tails (Sonic) We Don’t Got Much to Lose (Tails x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Asriel Dremurr (Undertale, GoHD AU) Tragic Love (Asriel x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)⭐️
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) Dancing Hearts (Angel Dust x Mika) (Secretly Lovers and Co-Workers)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) (Problematic) Belonging To You (Valentino x Mika) (Boss and Possessive Lover)
Collin (Helluva Boss) (Angelic Desires) (Collin x Mika) ⭐️
Modo (Biker Mice From Mars) Trust This Process (Modo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tadano (Aggretsuko) Going The Long away (Tadano x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Scar (Zootopia!AU) (The Lion King) King Of My Heart (Scar x Mika) (Engaged)
Simba (The Lion King) Before The End (Simba x Mika) (Dating / Boyfriend)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) Oddly Romance (Stitch x Mika) (Boyfriend / Teammates)
Rono (Anthro!AU, Bambi) (Adult version OFC)⭐Once Envious Love (Ronno x Mika) (Secret Boyfriends)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) Parlay With Death (Death x Mika) (Married)
SkekSo (The Dark Crystal) (Problematic) My Ocean Encrusted Jewel (Skekso x Mika) (Secretly Married)
King Sombra (MLP; FiM) (Problematic)⭐ Sweet Little Pet (King Sombra x Hydro Dancer) (Pet / Master)
Butterscotch (MLP; FiM) (Shy Hearts) (Butterscotch x Hydro Dancer) (Dating)
Big Macintosh (MLP; FiM) Apples to Apples (Big Mac x Hydro Dancer) (Crush)
Zak (Dragontales) Strange Little Crushes (Zak x Mika) (Crush)
Deathslinger (Dead by Daylight) Whisky n' Bourbon (Caleb x Mika) (Testing the Waters)
The Oni (Dead by Daylight) Enraged and Sweet (Kazuma x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) ⭐ Captain My Ex-Captain (Wesker x Mika) (Crush)
Sleeps-With-Scales (Argonian) / Jupuyil (Argonian) (Elder Scrolls) (OC’s) Slumbering With The Hist (Sleeps x Meeka x Jupuyil) (Happily Married)
Razum-dar (ESO) Covert Secrecy (Razum-Dar x Meeka) (Secret Lovers)
Rh’eyata (Yautja) / Ssyide (Sangeheili) (Halo) (OC’s) Warrior Allegiance (Rh'eyata x Mika x Ssyide) (Happily Married)
Sarabi (The Lion King) Romantic
Octavia (Helluva Boss) (Incest / Romantic)
Juno (Beastars) (Romantic)
Opal (Steven Universe) (Romantic)
Tigress (Kung-Fu Panda) (Teacher x Student)
Princess Luna (MLP; FiM) (Romantic)
Orisa (Overwatch) (Romantic)
Boa Hancock (One Piece) (Partners)
Whitebeard (One Piece) Healing in The Sea (Mola x Whitebeard (Adopted Family)
Bandit / Chili Heeler (Bluey)⭐(cradle ship) Not So Normal Anymore (Bandit x Jeremy x Chili) (Adoptive Family)
Stolas / Octavia (Helluva Boss)⭐Magical Process (Stolas x Mika x Octavia) (Adoptive Family) (Cradle Ship)
Shaak-Ti / Kit Fisto (Star Wars) Jedi Upbringing (Shaak-Ti x Me'kha x Kit Fisto (Biological Family)
Daybreaker / Nightmare Moon (MLP; FiM) (Problematic) Day Breaks the Night (Daybreaker x Hydro Dancer x Nightmare Moon)
Gosha / Leogshi (Beastars)⭐ Dramatic Turn Of Events (Adoptive Family)
Judy Hopps / Nick Wilde (Zootopia)(Cradle Ship) Breaking The Laws (Judy x Jeremy x Nick) (Adoptive Family)
Scrafty (Vickson) Mewtwo (Alana), Weavile (Slash), Feraliagtr (Waterspike), Toxicroak (Nightmare), Semipour (Willow) (Pokémon) (OC’s) Down The River (Adoptive family)
Ice-Man (Marvel) Newest Student (Bobby x Mika) (Best Friends)
Robin (Tim Drake, DCU)⭐ Apart Of The Fray (Tim Drake x MIka) (Teammates)
Order66!Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) Newest Padawan (Mentor) (Ahsoka x Me'kha)
Bambi (Bambi)⭐ Secret Little Lies (Bambi x Mika) (Best Friends)
Glamrock Chica (FNAF: SB) Technical Imput (GR!Chica x Mika) (Friends)
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
any thoughts on the game awards street fighter trailer?
Not too many but a few, the game's got a loooot of content to cover and I'll stick with mostly some character impressions
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Dee Jay! I have never been happier to see Dee Jay! ...I've never usually been happy to see Dee Jay, granted, but this redesign is really all that was needed for me to unreservedly love the dude, it does away with the biggest problem with him that was his basic and kinda-racist design (the new art style also helps a lot). It's such an upgrade in terms of his style and vibe and conveying the kickboxing DJ concept. He looks like someone I'd find at Mongaguá beach if I went down there tomorrow, drumming away and living his best life. I'm so happy for this dude.
I like that they opened the trailer with him, with a club party and him dancing along with the protagonist. LOVE the music notes on his new Super, love his new animations and that camera autograph victory pose, love the sparkles and ways they've incorporated his old moves (he's got a Sonic Boom fakeout and, as obnoxious as that's gonna be to deal with, it's a pretty brilliant choice and one that fits him superbly)
Love that the new minigames, I mean of course they brought the basketball parry, and I'm sure the car destruction's gonna be real fun as always, but I'm surprised they dug back that far and brought some things we haven't seen since Street Fighter 1.
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I think it's really remarkable that, for the trailer shown at The Game Awards of all things, they chose to focus on the return of, arguably the least popular of the New Challengers, and three new characters. Everyone assumed it was a dead giveaway that this was gonna be the Cammy trailer and the fact that it wasn't, and that people still absolutely loved it without complaints, man, what a testament to how confident these guys are in what they're doing. I have never seen a Street Fighter title be this brazen in it's new faces in the trailer period, I've never seen one where EVERY new character or return of an old character, without exception is incredibly popular and well-received.
I'm not too big on Manon? I do like her but she's probably my least favorite as of yet, feels a little more gimmicky than the others and I kinda wonder if she wasn't some SFV concept that they held off on (in fact I'm pretty sure I remember seeing some characters like her on the drafts for Kolin and Menat). She's definitely filling a much-needed niche as the agile pseudo-grappler and, those months of dance training I took for music theater definitely give me a greater appreciation for her animations and pose work.
She's been compared with Abel a lot but I kinda feel like she's a response to Shermie? Definitely with her alt costume. Capcom and SNK riff on each other all the time and I do wonder if someone in the SF6 dev team saw that KOF XV Shermie trailer a couple years back that got the biggest viewcount of all the characters and thought to themselves, hey why don't we have our own sexy French fashionista grappler lady, and that's how Manon was born.
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Oh GOD, Marisa, the standout of the trailer to me. I was hooked from the design alone but that trailer, good God, what a character. Everyone thought she'd be a grappler but no, she's just a tank, absolute beast mode woman who just bulldozes through whatever puny shit you do to repaint the pavement with your face. I get stupid looking at this character, what a glorious addition to the Giants Club of Street Fighter characters.
She might have some ties to the Illuminati characters? I’m curious if she’s gonna be a villain or anti-hero or on the “just here to fight good” alignment, I’m cool with all of these.
She’s Zangief-size and built for it and we’ve NEVER seen a female character be depicted like this in a fighting game. Every other “big girl” people point to in these games is pretty much always some fitness model with, at best, muscle definition in the arms but a typically thin stomach and torso, identically-attractive to all the other female characters but slightly more ripped.
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You never see women characters built the way Marisa is, You just don’t see muscular women depicted often (if at all) outside of either someone’s fetish or someone’s punchline. Fighting games have a marginally better track record with body type diversity than other game genres but still an incredibly, painfully limited one when it comes to women, who are given like two body types to work with and no one would be able to tell 80% of them apart in either type if they switched acessories.
I am supremely glad over the fact that this is a SF6 character just now making her debut, because if Marisa had debuted at any prior installment in the series I do not think she would have been allowed to be this way. If she was in the 2/Alpha/3 titles, there is no way she'd have been given such an unapologetically burly design, and if she was a IV/V character, she'd be most certainly some kind of awful joke they’d have to rework later.
I love that Marisa is a bruiser, that she’s got an rowdy attitude and might even be a villain, but that she’s not fucking Abigail (...I mean maybe she IS fucking Abigail, I don’t know her life, if anyone could do it it’s her but why would anyone want that tho), that she’s allowed to be so cool. I have nothing but praise for this character so far and I really wanna see how her story unfolds and also I NEED TO PLAY THIS.
I main Big Lads in fighting games and I main all the Big Lads in Street Fighter and now I need to main The Big Lass, I need to land that glorious counter of hers ASAP, I need to Sparta Kick my way through matches, this character has my playstyle written over her and I need this game to be out now damnit
I’m sure he was a nice guy and obviously not saying he was the sole cause of everything, but every step of this development process I’ve been thanking my stars that Ono quit the team, we are so unbelievably lucky
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While I was holding out some hopes that Capcom would make the final boss a woman this time around (especially with all the new characters being so great that this wouldn’t be a worrying prospect), I was also very curious for JP and I’m really excited with how he’s turned out.
He definitely feels like they took their time connecting a whole lot of separate design ideas and undercurrents into a single character to carry them. He is a rich fighting dandy, a modern equivalent to Dudley and Eagle (Eagle in particular since he was the first weapon user in the series). Some have brought up comparisons between him and Rugal Bernstein, which makes a lot of sense as a character to emulate if you’re doing a Final Boss who’s supposed to be like Bison but different, a next evolution of Bison and his power, since that’s kinda what Rugal was, the next evolution of the Fighting Game Final Boss after Bison and Geese.
Like Ed and Falke, he’s another new character who wields Psycho Power and has mysterious connections to Bison, except he doesn’t suck. He’s got a fantasy wizard vibe and his single-letter name and style seems to imply some sort of connection to G, another powerful fighting wizard dressing and behaving like authority figure, and by far the standout character of V.
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G was also said to be the Final Boss of SFV, a position I do think he was qualified for but never really fulfilled because, I don’t think he was supposed to be that entirely, I think they retroactively made him the Boss when Necalli proved to be a dud and the story mode revolved around Bison but they still needed someone who could be the V Boss for assorted reasons.
I think JP is kind of them taking that idea, of G as a Final Boss and important character in the storyline, and sort of doing it right this time around, as he also follows that theme of succession they’ve been doing with these bosses: Emperor/King (Sagat) - Dictator (Bison) - Cult Leader Messiah (Gill) - C.E.O (Seth) - President (G) - N.G.O Oligarch (JP)
He hits such an absurd amount of my aesthetic and conceptual tastes that I, almost don’t believe he’s real? He’s Bison 2 + Eagle + Rugal + G. He’s a Russian supervillain with a dapper red suit vest, gloves reminiscent of black claws, a wonderful mustache and beard combo, and he fights with a cane. He’s got a killer design I absolutely need to take a crack at cosplaying after the game is out.
He has a cat, a detail deemed important enough to go in his bio. He’s voiced by Wally Wingert and Tomokazu Sugita, two people I could watch in anything. He’s got a sick fighting style summoning portals and claws and spike energy spires and one of the most murderous supers in the game yet.
He’s Christopher Lee as a Street Fighter final boss. Can you blame me for thinking more and more that this game is made for me?
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Listening Post: Wire — Not About to Die
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In the late 1970s, Wire invented a certain variety of art punk—short, rhythmic, minimalist, melodic and smart. The band’s first three albums, Pink Flag in 1977, Chairs Missing in 1978 and 154 in 1979, set a template for a whole generation of 1980s bands: the Feelies, R.E.M., Sonic Youth, the Wipers, Mission of Burma, the Minutemen and others. Their brash, engaging aesthetic continues to reverberate through rock and pop—Jay Reatard, Franz Ferdinand, Shopping, the Woolen Men and a hundred others all sound like they spent time listening to the first Wire albums.
Wire itself moved on briskly from this early salvo, refusing to play early material (relegating that role, on one tour, to a cover band called Ex Lion Tamers) from 1985 forward and moving instead into a synth-y, dance-y phase.
Perhaps because they were so insistent on leaving the past behind them, Wire spent years resisting a release of the material now on Not About to Die, a collection of demos and alternate versions of songs from Chairs Missing and 154, as well as other tunes that never got an official pressing. Cassette copies circulated unofficially, and in the early 1980s, Amnesia Records released a bootleg version despite the band’s objections.
The demos are rough sketches, made without much attention to production and further damaged by several generations of tape-to-tape copying. But while no one would mistake this material for an official Wire release, it provides fascinating insight on Wire’s creative process. Early versions of “French Film (Blurred),” “Used To,” and “Being Sucked in Again,” document the development of Chairs Missing, while prototypes for “Once Is Enough,” “On Returning” and “Two People in a Room” hint at the rough beginnings of 154.  “The Other Window,” blown out on 154 into a baroque space opera, is here a galloping, punk song.
The whole enterprise sheds light on a period when Wire was reinventing itself—not the only time but a significant one—and the way their songs changed as their ideas about what they were doing changed. It’s also a lot of fun, and if you like the earliest Wire best, it’ll make you happy in the most basic way.
Jennifer Kelly
Jonathan Shaw:  A university girlfriend gave me Chairs Missing in 1990. I knew about the synthy Wire, which was my only schema for them. The one-two punch of "Practice Makes Perfect" and "French Film Blurred" completely knocked me out, still one of my favorite two-song sequences in music. Canonical in my post-punk imaginary. So the version of "French Film Blurred" here really threw me. As someone who has never made music, I always sort of know that songs get wood-shopped, worked over. And the guys in Wire had very specific ideas of themselves as a band, so one can imagine the journey from initial concept or melody to final version could be really long. But man, that's a very different song, and an interesting glimpse into the band's process.
Ian Mathers: Personally, my favorite of their opening trilogy (and still just my favorite Wire album) is 154. The weird, often kind of mannered energy of that record (the reason I love it!) isn't really found here, even on versions of those songs, but that's not a complaint. I'm most struck by the way that, if I didn't know most of these songs already, I'd be quite willing to believe this was just an early Wire album, and a good one. It might be the use of 'demo' throwing me off a little —  reviewing the Pavement Terror Twilight reissue I listened to a lot of demos, but those were much chintzier efforts intended by the songwriter to show the rest of the band what the song sounds like. These demos feel more like Wire are at least considering the idea that any of these could be basically the final songs. If anything they feel more like the different takes on the Stooges' Fun House box than a lot of more recent demos I've heard.
I guess at least some of the material here was included on the previously released Behind the Curtain comp, but maybe because that's less focused (31 tracks in I think a bit over an hour, versus 18 tracks in a little under 40 minutes) I could never get into them there, whereas I've been listening to Not About to Die a lot, and enjoying it. Something like "Chairs Missing (Used To)" is an example of a demo for one of my favorite Wire songs that's both different and lacking a lot of what I specifically love about the LP version of that song, and yet I love this one too. And then stuff like "Stalemate" just feels like a lost gem. I came into this interested to hear this record and expecting to find things of interest, but already I'm thinking this is just getting added to my regular collection, which I didn't necessarily expect.
Tim Clarke: Like Ian, 154 is my favorite Wire, so on initial listens, the hard-edged punk energy of the opening run of songs on this collection threw me a bit. I've never been that attracted to the fast and loud aesthetics of punk, but what's really striking with Wire is how tight they were as a band during this era, even when throwing together demos. Admittedly, part of the magic comes from what they brought to the songs in the studio, but there was clearly chemistry within the band that came from just playing together in a room.
Jonathan Shaw: Fast and loud is where most of my listening is located, so my surprise at the record's relative polish is inflected differently. I also come at demo recordings with other contexts for how the form functions. There's a long tradition of public-facing demos in heavy music, stuff that's recorded for large(ish) audiences by bands that haven't yet been signed, stuff recorded by signed bands that's issued outside of labels' releases. Those tend to be rough and raw by design, a sort of marker of the music's authenticity. That's a fraught term in punk — always has been: see the venom associated with scene "posers" in the 1980s. It's even more fraught when listening to a band with such sharp attitudes about Art. Still, I share Tim's enjoyment of the sense of the band "just playing together in a room." Wire's music is not famed for its warmth, but these recordings have a sort of warm immediacy that's appealing. 
Jennifer Kelly:  I was just A/Bing "French Film (Blurred)," and it's a really striking transition.  The demo version is loose and live sounding, sort of barked out vocally, with those really serrated, punk rock guitars, not that far off from the Buzzcocks or the Clash.  The one on 154 tamps the vocals down to an ominous whisper (and gets it way more under control pitch-wise), while bringing the guitar and bass up and sharpening them up.  There are some close harmonies in the chorus, where in the earlier version they could barely get the right notes on one vocal line.  It's just so much more carefully coiffed, at once odder and more pop sounding.  And having said all that, I like them both, and I maybe like the demo a little better.  
Bryon Hayes:  I was doing this as well with "The Other Window," as on my first listen through of the demos, I didn't know what song I was actually listening to.  The demo is a chugging guitar rave-up with actual sung vocals that could easily have fit in on Pink Flag.  Had I heard this version before the one on 154, with its underwater guitars and spoken word, I might have thought that the latter was actually someone like Bauhaus covering Wire.  I know that this is anachronistic, since the "Bela Lugosi's Dead" single came out the same year as 154, but I think this is also more evidence of Wire having a major influence on such a diverse array of bands and musicians.  Even more evidence: my introduction to the band was actually through Flying Saucer Attack's cover of "Outdoor Miner."
Jennifer Kelly:  Anyone want to share early live Wire experiences? I don't have any, but I bet someone does.
Bill Meyer:  I believe that Wire did a tour of the USA with Roxy Music in the late 1970s, but I didn't see it. My first encounter was in 1980, when I went to Wherehouse Records in East Lansing with a request for guidance. I'd just picked up XTC's Drums and Wires and dug it, so I wanted to hear some more new wave sounds. I was directed to 154, which was a bit of a mind-blower for me. I worked my way back over the next couple years, picking up Pink Flag and Chairs Missing, and I also enthusiastically embraced Colin Newman's solo albums. My first impression of the demo recordings under consideration is that they lack the precision and conscious preference to take roads less traveled that made Wire's albums so powerful. I suspect that part of the Wire recording process in the 1970s was to take their songs and figure out what about them sounded like someone else. Those parts had to go. 
I didn't get to see Wire live until 1987, when they came to town in support of Snakedrill and Ideal Copy. They weren't playing anything earlier than "Drill," but they did have the ex-Lion Tamers on hand to play Pink Flag straight through. I remember being amused by the open act (who were very accurate), and very impressed by the spareness of Robert Gotobed's drum it - one hi-hat, one snare, and a bass drum with a garbage can lid nestled inside. I was also very impressed with the rhythms he played using that set-up. The band's sound was pretty streamlined, but "Drill" had real teeth live. Oh, back then Graham Lewis had a rather impressive mullet, which in combination with his fierce faced delivery made him look a bit like Frankenstein's monster.
Jonathan Shaw:  I have never been in the room with the band, but this set from German television in 1979 is pretty great. It was released as a CD/DVD bundle a number of years ago. Likely my favorite Wire music.
Tim Clarke:  Comparing 154 opener "I Should Have Known Better" with its demo version here (entitled "Ignorance No Plea") demonstrates how restraint and subtle changes in tempo can transform the feeling of a song. In its demo form, it starts off slower than the album version, dragging its heels, then picks up speed and introduces plenty of cymbals that swallow up the high end. The demo works fine as a standalone song, and it's not massively different to its final form. However, they reined in the sense of release that comes from the demo's second half and introduced eerie reverb, crafting the song into a more effective album opener.
Likewise, the production on the album version of "Two People in a Room" really dials up the huge snare sound and the dissonance between the guitars and bass. The demo almost has a rockabilly feel, plus that distracting phaser effect on the guitars. Wire really knew how to pare songs back to essentials in order to maximize their impact.
Bill Meyer:  The differences between the demo and final  versions of “Chairs Missing (Used To)”  are, I think really informative. Jonathan used the word “warmer” to describe the demo editions, and I do think that the added electronic sounds and more restrained vocal of the final edition result in a decidedly chillier sound. I’m also intrigued that the demo has such an elaborate vocal arrangement; this was not a dashed-off performance, and they threw out some elaborate work to get to the song to its end form. 
“Being Sucked In Again,” on the other hand, wasn’t drastically changed at all. The modifications are mostly a matter of tweaking gestures to make them stick out a bit more.
Jonathan Shaw:  The opening seconds of the demo version of "Used To" sounds like a blues shuffle. I almost expected ol' Keef Richards to start riffing over it. Like Bill, I'm struck by the experimenting with vocal arrangement--wonder if "5th demo" indicates a number on a tape reel or the fifth version of the song. I think the former is more likely, but the band must have worked hard on many of these songs.
The version of "I Should Have Known Better" here isn't so radically different from the 154 version, but the demo has some serious 1977 punk attitude. Strongly prefer it.
Ian Mathers:  Funnily enough, the Flying Saucer Attack cover of "Outdoor Miner" was also MY introduction to Wire!
I hadn't done many A/B comparisons before reading about the ones mentioned here, and it's been really interesting! Something like "Options R" is a case where the demo sounds so great and so... finished, I might have thought they didn't really change it unless I compared. The actual b-side version is largely the same, possibly a slightly less winning performance. But the slight vocal distortion and the way they turn the sort-of guitar solo near the end into this shimmering, serrated thing is another example of those small, distinguishing touches that really makes the finished versions worthwhile in their own right (compared to such strong demos, I mean). 
I'd seen the Wire on the Box video Jonathan shared before, and love it - one of my favorites from them as well. I wasn't able to see them live in person until even later than Bill, on the tour for the first Read & Burn EP. They did not have any Ex-Lion Tamer equivalent with them, I think may have just played one older song, during the encore (sadly it's not up on setlist.fm and I didn't take any notes back then!), and was one of the louder shows I've ever seen. I definitely heard some fans lamenting the lack of earlier material, but honestly they played with such ferocity I respected the not-looking-back gesture.
Jennifer Kelly:  In addition to alternate versions, there are a few cuts here that never made a proper Wire album.  I'm liking "Culture Vultures," for instance, which was recorded on a Peel Sessions, but never for a studio album.  
As was often the case, Peel got something especially visceral out of the band.  
Bryon Hayes:  I'm really liking "Underwater Experiences".  This track wound up on Document and Eyewitness and the more recent 10:20 collection, but in a sped up and aggressive format.  The version on Not About to Die is such a slow burner, you can feel the aggression building but it doesn't really burst until that last line, "to free my mind and break my neck".  Priceless!!
Bill Meyer:  Ian, that Read & Burn tour really drew me back in. As Wire’s music got more ponderous and less rhythmically interesting in the latter part of the late 1980s-early 1990s run, I grew very disenchanted. When they did the tour in the late 1990s where they finally played all the old tunes, I just didn’t want to know, and I sat it out; it seemed antithetical to their concept as a project in perpetual progress, and given what the Wire album had sounded like, I didn’t trust their judgment. But then I heard a promo of the first Read & Burn EP, I liked it, and decided to see the tour. The short, ferocious, and (yes, very) loud set of new material made it clear that I was wrong to write them off. The Read & Burn/Send era still really holds up for me.  
Jonathan Shaw:  Speaking of short and ferocious: I really like the way the recording quality gives some of the playing such an immediate snap. The opening seconds of "Stalemate," for example, in which the action of the strings feels so taught and sharp; or Gotobed's crazy, tight rhythmic structures in "Stepping Off Too Quick (Not about to Die)." The undercurrent of anxious tension is just about palpable. I've often found that really engaging on some of the classic records we've been discussing. "I Feel Mysterious Today" is a batshit song--as insanely paranoid as it is playful. That weird, psychologically inflected quality feels especially present in the playing on these demo tunes. So sharply attuned, so beset by nervous intensity. It's not the most pleasant thing to tune in to, but feels very much in tune with that thing we call post-punk.
Chris Liberato: The Read & Burn EPs and Send have held up for me as well, Bill. Those are good records. As for the songs on Not About To Die that didn’t make it onto a Wire album, I don’t think anyone’s mentioned “Oh No Not So (Save The Bullet)” yet. That one really threw me off on first listen; It’s so bouncy and jangly and generally un-Wire-like that I thought I was listening to a different band the first time I heard it. I had burned Not About to Die onto a CD-R (I know, I know) to play during a road trip and had it sequenced to follow a bunch of Neutrals’ music. When the Neutrals portion of the disc ended and “Oh No Not So” started, the two blended so well that my brain didn’t register that I listening to Wire until the chorus hit and just enough of Newman’s chilliness came through that it finally clicked.“It’s The Motive” is probably my favorite of the songs that didn’t appear on an album, though. I hadn’t thought about the similarities between Wire and The Feelies before Jenny mentioned it in the introduction, but Gotobed’s fills on that one definitely bring them to mind, as does the skittery guitar work and rhythm on tracks like “Once Is Enough.”
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cornwithhorn · 9 months
Welcome to my Tumblr page!
Hello, hello, hello, the name is Corn or Cornelious. I'm Non-Binary going by They/Them. And I'm also Bisexual. I'm 18yrs old, and I generally prefer if minors don't interact with my blog considering I sometimes post drawings that lean more on the NSFW side of things, and I sometimes reblog stuff that's not meant for kids. So if you're a minor, I kindly ask you leave. For your safety and my own. On my Tumblr page, I post art, my hyperfixations, sleep deprived rambles, and all as such. I love these Movies/TV Shows: Doctor Who (9-12 fucking hate 13) Invader Zim, Trollhunters, Good Omens, Ghost Adventures, Darkwing Duck, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, Star Trek DS9, Beetlejuice, Gargoyles, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The X-Files, The Addams Family, DBZ, MIB 1-3, Gremlins 1-2, and TMNT (2010 because it's the best version and you can fight me on that). I like these Movies/TV Shows: Star Trek Voyage, Edward Scissor Hands, Beetlejuice, The Lost Boys, The Neverending Story, Willow, Goonies, Critters 1-4, It old and new, Duck Tales, Astro Boy (The original), Inspector Gadget, Sweet Tooth, Angel, The Matrix, Back to the Future, Sailor Moon, The Witches (I fucking hate the newer one), The Pagemaster, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Casper (Live Action), Hook (Live Action), Jumanji (Old, I think the newer ones were alright), Hercules, Anastasia, Bartok the Magnificent, Matilda, Hocus Pocus (The old one, the new one was alright I guess), Ferngully, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Brave Little Toaster, Wild Wild West, The Iron Giant, A Goofy Movie, Aladdin (Original one), The Lion King, The Jungle Book, Cats Don't Dance (Watch it if you can, it's so underrated), and I love these music artists: Forrest Day, Sub Urban, Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Imagine Dragons, Lemon Demon, The Correspondents, Venga Boys, Lady Gaga, Queen, Twenty One Pilots, David Bowie, Elton John, Neoni, Cg5, Missio, Layto, Unlike Pluto, Glass Animals, SAFIA, ck9c, AViVA, Aurelio Voltaire, Adam Jensen, updog, Jake Daniels, The Chainsmokers, Jagwar Twin, Des Rocs, YOHIO, NIVIRO, Depeche Mode, grandson, Weathers, Halsey, Icarus Dive, Dagames, FAKE TYPE., Cosmo Sheldrake, Lorde, Lewis Blisset, They Might Be Giants, Mia Rodriguez, UPSAHL, The Ready Set, Timmy Trumpet, Bronze Radio Return, Napolean XIV, and Conor Maynar. I love these video games: The Last of Us, PVZ, Psychonauts, Batman Arkham Asylum, Destroy All Humans, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning, Medievil, Dragons Crown, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Stray, Skylanders Spyros Adventure, Alice Madness Returns, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Astroneer, Minecraft, Terraria, Forager, Cookie Clicker, Grounded, Roblox SCP: 3008 Infinite Ikea, Roblox Bee Swarm Simulator, Ark: Survival Evolved, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pacman, Alex Kidd, Bonanza Bros, Death Jr. Root of Evil Wii, Coralina Wii game, Rabbids Rayman TV Wii, and Mario Kart Wii. DNI: P*dophile/MAP
Minor N*crophilia
Foot Fetish
Scat or piss fetish
Conservative/Republican/Far Righter/Libertarian
Transphobic, Homophobic, racist, sexist, and or misogynistic
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chichiraion · 2 years
Akko HCs 'cause why not...
I'm procastinating stuff I really shouldn't but y'all deal with me.
Anyways, some general Akko HCs, I also have a very very specific background for her so mind that.
Oh right, I'm also adding stuff from a previous post of mine.
This is long Af too. Seriously this is LONG.
(If anyone knows how to put this under a cut I would be forever grateful)
She was part of her school track club
While good at English she actually never was part of the English club at school, she however studied by herself and with her dad's help
She really likes baseball, her favourite team is the Saitama Seibu Lions.
She lives in the Chiba Prefecture. (This was confirmed apparently)
While she mostly likes pop music (Kpop, Jpop, English Pop, etc etc) she also has a nick for Rap and more Indie-like music.
She has undiagnosed Adhd, she was called quite the problematic child at school back in Japan.
She figedts a lot, she also has some toys to help her with that. (Like a chewing necklake, puffer ball and a fidget pen). Finnelan once confiscated them and Chariot had to step up so she could get them back, the other teachers don't mind it too much.
She is fan of rythm games and she's pretty good at her, while some of her faves are in the style of Dancerush Stardom she's also pretty good at playing Taiko and Pc Games like Muse Dash and Osu!.
She also prefers Sonic over Mario.
Likes Visual Novels too and can get very inmersed into them, just don't let her alone to play one that lasts 60+ hrs.
She likes dancing and sports, she would practice some in her free time. (Usually weekends) However is there's one particular thing she did spend the most time at was probably Parkour.
Loves anime and American comic books, specially superheroes as such one of her favourite anime/manga genres is the shounen.
She also likes magical girls for obvious reasons.
She adores animals, her black cat is actually called Jiji, like Kiki's cat. Can't have a dog because her apartment is small but she would love one.
She used to spend a lot of time with the neighborhood animals, she has a pretty good read on a lot of them.
She has an easyness when it comes to picking up languages.
Used to work at a convenience store for a part-time job, even tho her school didn't allowed it.
While not having many friends she had a couple of regular pals back in Japan and they're still in contact.
She likes vtubers too.
She has a bike and loves to ride it, it's prone to accidents.
When excited she tends to speak Japanglish (Japanese/English mixed)
Akko is decently versed when it comes to modern technology (ie daily life stuff like Pc, Phones, etc) she also has rgb cat headphones.
Likes to doodle on her notebooks, specially stuff related to animals and magic. She's pretty decent at it.
She's not really good at singing but that doesn't stop her from going to the karaoke.
She's very street-smart. She's goos at travelling too and has quite the spacial awareness.
Her favourite type of magic is metamorphosis, sound mimicking and illusion.
She can speak at double tempo if she gets excited enough (God save you is she starts rambling like that)
She has lots of scars from her endeavours, she's not really too careful even when hurt and others have to step in and make her slow down.
Regarding her scars she has lots of bandaids with different colours and designs she loves to use.
She doesn't look like it but she's quite strong, can easily carry any of the other girls around.
She really likes swimming too.
Her room is quite a mess but she always ends up cleaning it eventually.
She has a lot of shorts, t-shorts and jackets, when it's too cold she usually uses jeans, also her foot wear to-go are sneakers.
Tends to like colorful clothing.
Not really fond of makeup, she says it feels weird.
Has tried Ice Skating and Snowboarding, it hurt. She's good at gymnastics tho.
She really likes Ghibli and Disney movies, good lord does she know a good amount if not almost eveyr single song from the golden age...
She's a pretty decent cook, she would most of the time had to make herself some food.
Akko is very physical focused when it comes to affection.
She doesn't get sick usually, until she does and she gets to be bedridden with fever for like 2 or 3 days.
Akko knows some piano, while not the best she can actually give her friends a small show.
Akko can't handle milk very well, also don't give her alcohol, she can't digest it.
More... personal? Hcs and more specific fan-story of mine.
Personally I Hc her as Panromantic Ace but you do you.
While divorce is not as common in Japan as other countries Akko's parents are actually divorced.
She lives with her dad in Chiba Prefecture, her mom lives in Tokyo with a new family.
At the time of the divorce her mother wasn't really prepared to take care of Akko and as such her father got custody.
Akko's mother got her life back on track eventually and remarried, she has a son now.
Akko loves her stepbrother and they have a good relationship, they would spend time at eachothers house (Like summer)
They have roughly 5yrs of difference (Her lil' bro is around 10)
He's way calmer than Akko but also anxious, they help each other with it.
They share interests in manga/anime and games, as such they tend to go to the arcade to play games, they also like to go to the Karaoke.
She has a kind of a strained relationship with her mom, they love each other but they don't really know how to act around each other. They're awkward around each other but was worse when they first met again after ebing separated.
Akko's mom didn't re-enter her life until she was aroun 10yrs old, she left when Akko was about 4-5yrs old.
Akko's dad works a lot, he's usually not at home a lot of times.
He loves his daughter dearly and it's always there trying to cheer her on.
Convincing her mom to let her go to Luna Nova was a bit difficult as she wasn't sure what to think but eventually both parents signed all the necessary papers.
Akko's hair colour is closer to that of her dad while she gets her red eyes from her mom, her stepbro has a darker hair like her mom but has dark blue eyes like his dad, however both have facial features more closer to their mom that their respective fathers.
Aaaand I think that's it for now lol
I did say it was long...
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I do not ship these NoodleMoon-playing characters
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Before Sing 2 even came, I wasn't really shipping the koala with anyone tbh. However, what's common with Internet users is that if they like a film or franchise that much, they feel to redo it for fun via YouTube recast spoof or literature fanmake. I ought to know, since I am one of them.
When I saw the first Sing, I didn't remotely think of any hidden details that gave one the idea that Buster and Eddie may be closeted boyfriends, though that's not proven yet. However, because Illumination is a new company that thrives on what masses of the audiences want and trying to be more relevant to today, them becoming a canon pair would not be impossible.
The main problem is, some of the online spoof-makers or fanmake-writers, who don't even think about the hidden details like the detail-searchers and NoodleMoon shippers do, and the characters they cast don't seem fitting to be more than just friends.
Here are some examples I've seen:
Marco (Star vs. the Forces of Evil) and Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Danny (Cats Don't Dance) and Dexter Grif (Red vs Blue)
Danny (Cats Don't Dance) and Mickey Mouse (Disney)
Danny (Cats Don't Dance) and Noah (Total Drama Island)
Flik (A Bug's Life) and Dexter Grif (Red vs Blue)
Brian Griffin (Family Guy) and Tantor (Tarzan)
Mario and Slinkman (Camp Lazlo)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (Looney Tunes)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder) and Norville "Shaggy" Rogers (Scooby-Doo)
Norbert (The Angry Beavers) and Red (the Angry Birds Movie franchise)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) and Po (Kung Fu Panda)
Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Kion (The Lion Guard)
Megamind and the Blue Ninja (Lego Ninjago)
Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Daffy Duck and Porky Pig (Looney Tunes)
SpongeBob SquarePants and Manny (Ice Age)
Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank) and Wreck-It Ralph
Theodore "TJ" Debtweiler (Recess) and Charlie Brown (Peanuts)
Sonic the Hedgehog and Runt of the Litter (Chicken Little)
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Disney) and K.O. (OK K.O.)
Louis the Alligator (The Princess and the Frog) and Marty (Madagascar)
I know these users didn't think about the idea but they're not as open-minded as others are, but in all honesty, with everything evolving, I think they should include the love-interest of the respective character playing Buster as an extra if Illumination does that.
These are the names of the users, btw: JinxBatstar, JackSkellington416, rodriguezjunior2682, Rosemary1315, Minniemouse2003, Elsie1234, johnfanart101, Beanie122001, MixelFanGirl100, Skymation, LovesickPearl, adamhatson, eyfdzfgvvyvc, agus979, Koshak2004, seansiq, and Justin Quintanilla
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artilite · 2 months
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thank you for all the love on my last post !!! reading what everyone had to say in the reblogs meant a lot <3
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chrancecriber · 9 months
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 08, 2023)
23:59 Lstn - Undecided 23:56 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 23:52 Hein Klein Feat. Lisa Carter - I Was Made For Loving You 23:49 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 23:41 Edx - We Can't Give Up 23:38 Dj Antoine Feat. Chanin & Jona Xx - Dancing In Tulum 23:35 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 23:29 Joel Jungell - Autumn Painted Leaves 23:26 Blank & Jones - Coastline 23:23 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 23:19 Lumininius - I Believe In You 23:16 Lizot - Daddy Cool 23:08 Kygo - Freeze 23:04 Sonic Adventure Project - Waters In Motion 23:00 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 22:54 Sans Souci - Venice 22:48 Jazzamor - Je T'aime 22:44 Lstn - Thoughts 22:39 Woolfy Vs. Projections - We Were There 22:32 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 22:29 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 22:25 Five Seasons - In Your Town 22:17 Timboletti - Dhunche 22:14 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 22:08 Aurosonic, Katty Heath, Frainbreeze - All I Need (Chill Out Mix) 22:02 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 21:56 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 21:51 Sw - Sweet Lullabies (Original Mix) 21:43 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 21:39 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 21:35 Mahmut Orhan - Schhh (Feat. Irina Rimes) 21:32 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 21:27 Ohm G & Bruno - One 21:23 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 21:20 Ck West & Sassi K - C Song 21:17 Xillions - Somebody Like Me 21:15 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 21:12 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 21:08 Croquet Club - Awake 21:05 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 21:00 Rodriguez Jr. & Liset Alea - Amplify 20:57 Chubbanak Club - Candysnow 20:51 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 20:48 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 20:44 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 20:40 Nora En Pure - World Of Rules 20:35 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab - Swept Away (Original Mix) 20:32 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 20:29 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 20:20 Sina Vodjani - Vision Of Mahakala 20:17 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 20:13 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 20:07 Hot Natured - Planet Us 20:04 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 20:01 Hypnosis - Pulstar 19:55 Delerium Feat. Sarah Mclachlan - Silence 19:52 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 19:49 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 19:45 Erik De Koning - Dream Flight (Chillout Mix) 19:43 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 19:38 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 19:36 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 19:31 Arden - Open 19:28 Sal De Sol - Another Chance (Single Mix) 19:26 Digital Camel - Shine Bright 19:23 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 19:17 Noraj Cue - Story At The Campfire 19:13 Nihoni - After Sun 19:10 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 19:07 Mhe - The Sounds Of Silence 19:04 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 18:56 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 18:53 Alok, Bruno Martini, Featuring Zeeba - Hear Me Now 18:50 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 18:47 Tom Tyler - Chewin' The Chew-z 18:44 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 18:41 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 18:38 Nightmares On Wax - You Wish 18:34 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 18:28 Blank & Jones - Coh 18:24 Lexy & K-paul Feat. Enda Gallery - Peilschnarte 18:21 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 18:17 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 18:12 Lux - Secret Fish 18:08 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 18:05 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 18:01 Alan Walker - Alone (Restrung) 17:58 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 17:55 Robin Schulz Feat. Nico Santos - More Than A Friend 17:52 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 17:48 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 17:44 Ivy - Edge Of The Ocean 17:41 Elderbrook - I Need You 17:36 Lyke - Stay With Me 17:30 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 17:27 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 17:24 Younotus Feat. Chris Gelbuda - When I Think About You 17:21 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 17:18 Shouse - Won't Forget You 17:14 Viva La Panda & Finding Molly - Bring It On (La La La) 17:07 Max Melvin - Whatever 17:04 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 16:59 Alex Sail Feat. Al I Bo - Symantec Clime 16:53 Twocolors - Together 16:51 Mount & Emdey - Venus 16:47 Night Cruzer - Timeless 16:43 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 16:40 The Hitmen - Turn Off The Lights 16:35 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 16:33 Trinix & Ian Urbina - Bad Things 16:30 Alok, Zeeba And Iro - Ocean 16:26 Hakan Lidbo Feat. Emma - What Is Love 16:18 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 16:11 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 16:07 Alan Walker & Gavin James - Tired (Kygo Remix) 16:05 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 15:57 Boral Kibil, Mahmut Orhan - Herneise (Original Mix) 15:54 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 15:50 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 15:44 George Holliday - Never Gonna Grow 15:41 Kush Kush & Sickmellow Feat. Kazhi - Blacklight 15:36 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 15:32 The Alan Parsons Project - Mammagamma (Instrumental) 15:24 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 15:18 Rìfìs Du Sol - On My Knees (Oliver Schories Remix) 15:14 Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes 15:11 Mahalo - High Life 15:10 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 15:04 Velvet Lounge Project - In Harmony 15:02 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 14:54 Justin Martin - The Sad Piano 14:47 The Last Atlant - Twin Of The Sun 14:44 Nora Van Elken - Sumatra (Lstn Remix) 14:42 Suduaya - Flow 14:39 Lucy Neville - Ransom 14:32 Mahmut Orhan - Way To Life (Boral Kibil Remix) 14:26 Spiller (Royksopp's Malselves Memorabililia Mix) - Cry Baby 14:23 Lunax - I Like 14:18 Worakls - Caprice 14:15 El Profesor - Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix) 14:10 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 14:07 Cotone - Faded Glory 14:00 Relaxraum - Endless Horizons 13:57 Hagen Feetly - Cry 13:54 The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya - Don't Let Me Down 13:50 Nora En Pure - All I Need 13:45 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 13:40 Klangkuenstler Feat. Alice Phoebe Lou - Man On The Moon (Original Mix) 13:37 Nora Van Elken - Mount Fuji 13:34 Dizkodude & Dj Antoine - Your Eyes (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Summer Mix) 13:30 Joyce Sims - Come Into My Life 13:24 Rodg - Heights 13:18 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 13:14 Tosca - Gute Laune 13:07 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 13:03 Ambyion - Motion 12:57 Faro - Shape Of Sense 12:53 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 12:45 Boris Pillmann - Love You 12:42 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 12:38 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 12:35 Jazzamor - Song For Maggie 12:28 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 12:24 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 12:17 Hraach - Delirio 12:11 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 12:07 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 12:04 Norman Feller - Retrospective 12:01 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 11:56 Atb & Anova - Route 66 11:51 Dalibor Dadoff, Nacho Lezcano, Grabo Bakos - Sounds Like A Melody 11:46 Tebra - Suton 11:39 Jan Blomqvist - Maybe Not (Rodriguez Jr. Extended) 11:36 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 11:31 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 11:26 Maestro & Cabal - Clifton Bay 11:23 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 11:19 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 11:16 Kayu Feat. Gabs - Waterfalls 11:13 Armin Van Buuren & Avira - Illusion (Mixed) 11:10 Tiesto - Lay Low 11:07 Rita Ora Feat. Alesso - Anywhere 11:04 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 10:58 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 10:53 Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot - 6 Days 10:51 Mila Feat. Uwe Worlitzer - Teil Von Mir 10:47 Kygo Feat. Ellie Goulding - First Time 10:45 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 10:42 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 10:36 Sven Van Hees - Ocean Jive 10:33 Sons Of Maria - Always 10:30 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 10:25 Rue Du Soleil - La Francaise 10:21 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 10:17 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 10:13 Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson - Here For You 10:10 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 10:07 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 10:01 Max Denoise Feat Claire Willis - Bring To Me Life (Original Mix) 09:58 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rbvln - Weight Of The World (Feat. Rbvln) 09:52 Fous De La Mer - Vue Sur La Mer 09:49 Raffa Fi - Ritmo 09:42 Beyhude - Terso 09:37 Beatkonexion - Heart 09:34 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 09:31 Thomas Gold Feat. Bright Sparks - Seventeen 09:24 Heather Nova - Aquamarine 09:19 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 09:14 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 09:10 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 09:07 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 09:03 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 08:59 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon 08:56 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 08:50 Hippiehaus - Galaxy 08:47 Together Alone - Let Go 08:40 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 08:37 Alok Feat. Bruno Martini & Zeeba - Never Let Me Go 08:25 Monkey Safari - Hi Life (Cheeky Bold Cover) 08:22 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 08:19 Kygo & Imagine Dragons - Born To Be Yours 08:16 Iossa, Ken Holland - The Seed Feat. Iossa (Original Mix) 08:11 Röyksopp Feat. Astrid S - 02 Let's Get It Right 08:07 Dk Dent - A Walk In The Park 08:02 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Adios Ayer 08:00 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 07:57 Diena Van Diest - Don't Give Up 07:53 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 07:49 The Timewriter - Soulstickers 07:46 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 07:43 Sans Souci - Fenton 07:37 Hacienda - Sci-fi Saloon 07:34 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 07:28 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 07:23 Schiller - Das Glockenspiel (Live Aus Der O2 World Berlin) 07:19 Above & Beyond - Out Of Time (Original Mix) 07:16 Dj Antoine Feat. Ablai - My Corazon (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 07:11 L' Art Mystique - Le Jardin Secret (Original Mix) 07:08 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 07:04 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 06:57 Cantoma - Gambarra (Lexx Remix) 06:55 Paratone - Time After Time 06:47 Rodriguez Jr. - 2 Miles Away 06:44 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 06:39 Klangkarussel & Poppy Baskcomb - This Love 06:36 Alphawezen - Out Of Sight 06:32 Audax Feat. Ron Caroll - Falling For You 06:29 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 06:25 Feder Feat. Emmi - Blind 06:19 Edx - Conundrum 06:12 Valeron - Jamal 06:09 Adara, Egzod, Sinego - Free 06:06 Bernward Koch - Flowing Colors 06:04 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 06:00 The Alan Parsons Projekt - Eye In The Sky 05:57 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 05:53 Blank & Jones Feat. Cathy Battistessa - Happiness (Milchbar Terrace Mix) 05:49 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 05:44 Lstn - Sky & Sand 05:37 Project Blue Sun - Sunrise (Planet Chill Mix) 05:34 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 05:30 Alex Breitling - Faith 05:26 Shaun Feat. Conor Maynard - Way Back Home 05:23 Sans Souci - Take My Breath Away (Original Mix) 05:20 Melonia - Sweet Child O' Mine 05:13 Mr. Sam Feat. Kristy Hawkshaw - Split 05:11 Kamrad - I Believe 05:07 Sum Wave - Goodbye Earth 04:59 Cabeiri - Plants Telling 04:55 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 04:51 Jackson Feat. James Yuill - Love Love Love 04:49 Minelli, Filatov & Karas Remi - Rampampam 04:42 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 04:36 Fous De La Mer - Aguas Blancas 04:34 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 04:30 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 04:26 The Weeknd Feat. Daft Punk - Starboy (Kygo Remix) 04:21 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 04:18 James Carter & Ofenbach Feat. James Blunt - Can't Forget You 04:13 Gary B - Love Rain Down 04:09 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 04:06 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 04:01 Slackwax - Midnight 03:56 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 03:48 Chris Coco & Captain Bliss - Harmonica Track (Deep Mix) 03:45 Ec Twins, Oda Loves You - Wonderful Life 03:40 Robert Manos - Silver 03:36 Kygo Feat. Justin Jesso - Stargazing 03:33 Thrdl!fe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head 03:29 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 03:26 Junge Junge Feat. Kyle Pearce - Run Run Run 03:19 Nora En Pure - Cognitive Fadings (Club Mix) 03:12 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 03:08 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy 03:04 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 03:01 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 02:57 Solaris Navis - Blissful Memories 02:49 Garlington - Falling To Pieces (Extended Mix) 02:45 Feder Feat. Lyse - Goodbye 02:40 Tebra - Istok 02:36 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 02:31 Billy Sizemore - Together 02:28 Famba Feat. Brando & Mkla - Games We Play 02:21 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 02:19 Ofenbach & Svea - Body Talk 02:12 Hraach - After Dark 02:06 Christopher Von Deylen - Free 02:00 Cell - Under Your Mind (Live Version) 01:57 Rosa Linn - Snap 01:50 Bay Area - Dolphin Rider (Pianodreamsession) 01:43 Dj Disse - Riders In The Storm (Original Mix) 01:39 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 01:32 Watermat - Bullit (Original Mix) 01:25 Blank & Jones - White Light 01:23 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 01:15 Rapossa - Oriental Tales 01:10 Schiller - Free The Dragon 01:07 Gamper & Dadoni - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 01:03 Discover. - Lost In Music 00:59 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 00:55 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered) 00:51 Maa, Seven24, R.i.b. - Frozen 00:46 The Ocean Piano - Piano Mi Camino (Blue Wave Mix) 00:42 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 00:36 Trentemoller - Moan (Original Mix) 00:30 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 00:28 Depeche Mode - Uselink 00:23 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 00:18 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Sweet Lullaby 00:15 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. Diplo Feat. Deb's Daughter - Hey Baby 00:09 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 00:04 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended)
0 notes
ncsrne · 11 months
Severin & Like Lions I Hear Sleigh Bells NCS Release #ncs
Feel the energy, let yourself go, When the train bells start to ring. Severin & Like Lions, the music to envelop you, In this NCS release, prepare to be blown away.
Catchy melodies, beats that will move you, A contagious sound, you can't resist, you'll see. The pounding beat will envelop you, As sleigh bells echo in the air.
Feel the emotion, let the rhythm take you, On this sonic journey, there is no escape. The notes dance, the bells sing, The intense beat makes your body vibrate.
Severin & Like Lions, masters of melody, Perfect composition, a true symphony. Let yourself be carried away by this magic, In this NCS launch, an experience that is contagious.
So turn up the volume, immerse yourself in that sound, Let yourself be carried away by the beat, let the body get good. Severin & Like Lions, the bells won't stop, In this NCS release, prepare to fall in love.
The music is in the air, the bells will ring, Severin & Like Lions, a duo to look up to. Feel the energy, get involved, In this NCS release, get ready to live.
0 notes
ceristhehedgehog2 · 1 year
Original Character Theme
Lunar Andhera the Wolf (Sonic)
Loyal Brave True (Mulan)
Dollhouse (Meleanie Martinez)
Faster Car (Loving Caliber)
Talking To the Moon (Bruno Mars)
Dancing With Your Ghost (Sasha Sloan)
Undead Lullaby (JT Music)
Under the Moon (HalaCG)
Can't Tame Her (Zara Larsson)
Sad Story (WE ARE FURY)
Moon (Nomi)
Let It Go (Divide Music)
Voice With No Name (NerdOut)
Solana An-Nur the Lioness (Sonic)
Lover. Fighter (SVRCINA)
Rise (Katty Perry)
Best of Me (NEFFEX)
Army (Besomorph, Neoni)
Kings & Queens (Ava Max)
Playground (League of Legends)
Head In Her Heart (Nico Collins)
Final Boss (HalaCG)
RISE (League of Legends)
Feelings (Diviners)
FIREBORN (Driviakat)
Mourning Dove, Avaritia Avarice (DC)
Tears of Gold (Fauozia)
Friend Like Me (Rachel Grae)
Old Angels (Pastelle)
Awoken ((Cinematic) Divide Music)
Letting Go (Yonetro)
Human (Christina Perri)
City of the Dead (Eurielle)
Coming Home (Arch North)
Beating Heart (Ellie Goulding)
Taking Over (Divide Music)
Most People Are Good (Luke Bryan)
Salvation (Skillet)
Lonely (Nathan Wagner)
Good News (Ocean Park Standoff)
Preach to the Choir (Blacklite District)
Master's Lament (Lizz Robinett)
Hello, Again (Circus–P)
Light (Divide Music)
Friend (Jeff Williams)
River Lea (Adele)
The Feels (Maren Morris)
Comin' Alive (Blacklite District)
When She Cries (Britt Nicole)
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ceydsmelayne · 2 years
Who is she.
Woman: (according to Oxford Dictionary) an adult female human being
The Mayflower apartment was a run down complex in the middle of now where. My Godfather lived across the hall way from us. Before she married Michael, he basically lived there, or in his truck on that hill. I remember their fights. Verbal and physical, he liked to break her things. He had a drinking and anger problem. She supported his habit, he wasn't even 21. I blame him for her current drinking problem. When she kicked him out, the other guy, Skippy, was around. Dependent on men. Looking back, I don't understand how she met the people she had around. Didn't she work? Didn't she have kids? She kept us from our dad as much as possible, so we weren't as his house. Maybe these were all friends from my Godfather?
Reflecting on the memories in this apartment, I can still smell the building. Damp carpet, musty, coated with cigarette drywall, with a hint of marijuana. I remember the environment we lived in. Drug house meets life with kids. Her friends over often, Pacer and Eddy, 2 I remember the most. She never had "girl" friends, she was always afraid of competition. If she did, their friendship would end in fist fight.
As we left Iowa, before my parents divorced, we stopped at the Whities on the north end of Bellevue to fuel up before we hit the road. They had the best bumble gum soft serve and gas was 99 cents. Now whether this was rumor or true, I don't know, but the memory remains. Hearing her scream how much of a dumb bitch this woman is for sleeping with her husband, as she whips the air hose at her. I'm sitting in the front seat of the U-Hal crying and watching in awe. I've never known my mother to have female friends since.
Living in that apartment does have good memories. My Mamaw coming for visits was always the highlight for me. We sang and danced, we played so much. Sometimes I was able road trip back with her to Illinois. Brittney Spears on replay. Did my grandma know the life I was living in? She may not have been told, but she knew. I brought home a kitty, Gemini, he was fluffy, grey and white. I found him at my dad's apartment. He lived until I was 19, he was 18 and loved to steal Cheeto Puffs from the bag. I pretended to be a model and did fashion shows. I played my SEGA, the lion king game and Sonic, of course. Oh and the one Christmas, I swear I saw Santa outside of my window. That year we got bikes!
My dad lived in the apartments behind the Sonic, in Conway, same complex we initially moved into a year or so prior. His girlfriend was nice. They named their son Mikey. I loved him so much, I was so excited to be a big sister again. I wish I had more memories with them. Like I said, she kept us from our dad. She hated(s) him.
She loved the video camera. Always wanted to capture our moments. I remember one moment, I was twirling and dancing with my banana, sister comes up and with love, I give her the banana. She takes it, looks at it, throws it on the ground and stomps on it. I think that was the start of sisters videoed tantrums. Every out burst sister had, she had the camera out to capture the moment. I think the point of doing this was to show sister what she looked like, sounded and how ridiculous she was being. Recording her carried on for many years. Nothing beneficial came of it, probably making her worse and what she is today.
I don't remember her making much for dinner, but I remember making Ramen noodles for sister and I. Sister stole the cheese singles from the fridge all the time. Hid the wrappers under her bed. When mom cleaned our room, it was funny to hear her response to her findings. My Godfather told me once " I remember your mom going from making full on meals to not, that's when I knew she gone to far." I knew he meant being high all the time, not from weed.
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dreamland-arcade · 2 years
A- Adventure Is Out There (AJR), All Of You (Encanto), Are You Satistfied? (Marina), Arms Tonite (Mother Mother), Antonymph (Vylet Pony)
B- Believe in Myself (Kaz Silver), Best Friend! (Toybox!), Born2Run (Penelope Scott), Burning Pile (Mother Mother)
C- Cascade (Homestuck), Catch Me If You Can (Runblebee), Class of 2013 (Mitski), Come Hang Out (AJR), Crossing the Line (Mandy Moore), Could Have Been Me (The Struts)
D- Days Gone By (MLP:FIM), Do You Remem8er Me? (Homestuck), Disobedient (Katie Micucci), Darling Kanaya (Homestuck)
E- ECHO (Gumi), Electric Angel (Kagamine Rin and Len), Escapism (Steven Universe), Everything Stays (Olivia Olson)
F- Finale (AJR), Fallen Down Reprise (Toby Fox), Feel Better (Penelope Scott), Fit Right In (MLP A New Generation), Flawless (MLP:FIM), Fool (Cavetown), Francis Forever (Mitski), Friends (Hyper Potions)
G- Ghost Boys (Cavetown), Ghosting (Mother Mother), Green (Cavetown),
H- HACHI MATORYOSHKA (HACHI), Hate You (Homestuck), Here Comes A Thought (Steven Universe), Hermit the Frog (Marina), Heroes (Brian the Sun), Hopes and Dreams (Toby Fox), Hope Shines Eternal (MLP:EG), Hurt (Oliver Tree)
I- I Got No Time (The Living Tombstone), I Can't Fix You (The Living Tombstone), I Bet On Losing Dogs (Mitski), I Love You So (The Walters), It Doesn't Matter (Tony Harnell and Crush 40), It's Alright (Mother Mother)
J- Juliet (Cavetown) ((Why is this my only J song)
K- Karma (AJR) ((Again, only K song))
L- Lava Reef (Tee Lopes), Lemon Boy (Cavetown), Let it Rain (MLP:EG), Let Me Make You Proud (Jeremy Jordan), Life Itself (Glass Animals), Long Hope Philia (Masaki Suda), Lost Girl (Toby Fox), Lowlife (Poppy), Lullaby for a Princess (PonyPhonic), Little Lion Man (Mumford and the Sons)
M- Me and My Husband (Mitski), Monster (Olivia Olson), Moonsetter (Homestuck), Movin' Right Along (Alkaline Trio), My R (KurageP) My Die Young (Penny Parker), Maya Fey theme
N- No Big Deal (Amphibia), Nothing Left to Lose (Jeremy Jordan)
O- Ordinaryish People (AJR, Blue Man Group), ODD FUTURE (The better one not sorry UVERworld the original long song SUCKED), Oh Ana (Mother Mother), Oh No! (Marina), On My Own (MLP:FIM), Orgy for One (Ninja Sex Party)
P- Paradise (Coldplay), Peace Sign (Kenshi Yonezu), Pigeon (Cavetown), Pinkie's Bard (Jenny Nicholson), Pinkie's Present (MLP:FIM), Poison (Cavetown), Pork Soda (Glass Animals), Put Your Money On Me (The Struts)
Q- No Q's to be had
R- Raise This Barn (MLP:FIM), Ryu vs. Ken (Starbomb), Rät (Penelope Scott), Davesprite (Homestuck), Ready As I'll Ever Be (Jeremy Jordan), Record Player (AJR x Daisy the Great), Requiem (Homestuck), Right There in Front of Me (MLP:EG), Rolling Girl (wowaka), Rules of Rarity (MLP:FIM)
S- Samurai Abstinence Patrol (Ninja Sex Party), Say Goodbye to the Holiday (MLP:FIM), Season 2 Episode 3 (Glass Animals), Shout Baby (Ryokuoushaku Shakai), Sleep Awake (Mother Mother), Slow Dance With You (Olivia Olson), Sober Up (AJR) Sonic Boom Ending Ver. (Patische), Spider8reath (Homestuck), Star Marker (KANA-BOON), Strawberry Blonde (Mitski), Sugar Song and Bitter Step (Unison Square Garden), Surface Pressure (Encanto), Sweet Hibiscus Tea (Penelope Scott), Sweet Tooth (Cavetown), Take a Slice (Glass Animals), Starlight Brigade (Ninja Sex Party)
T- The Ghost and Molly McGee Theme (Yeah, it's good), talk to me (Cavetown), The Hero of Rhyme (Starbomb), This Comes from Inside (The Living Tombstone), The Light of Your Cutiemark (MLP:FIM), The Magic of Friendship Grows (MLP:FIM), The Nights (Avicii), The Other Side of Paradise (Glass Animals), The Seeds of the Past (MLP:FIM), THE WORLD REVOLVING (Toby Fox), Time Adventure (Adventure Time), Time to be Awesome (MLP:FIM), Time Trials (Hyper Potions), Two Birds on a Wire (Regina Spektor)
U- Un-gravitify (Runblebee, Crush 40), Undertale (Toby Fox), UPDATE (miwa)
V- Verbatim (Mother Mother)
W- Waiting For Love (Avicii), Waiting on a Miracle (Encanto), Waiting in the Wings (Eden Espinosa), Washing Machine Heart (Mitski), We'll Make Our Mark (MLP:FIM), Weak (AJR), What's the Use of Feeling Blue? (Steven Universe), When I Grow Up (Matilda the Musical), Woke Up (Olivia Olson), Wow I'm Not Crazy (AJR), Welcome to the Show (MLP:EG), What More Is Out There? (Duet) ((MLP:EG))
X- F's in the chat for X songs
Y- You'll Play Your Part (MLP:FIM), Your Heart is in Two Places (MLP:FIM), Your Reality (Doki Doki Literature Club), Youth (Glass Animals)
Z- ZZZ no song here And that's all my songs! I probably forgot some, because I do not remember every song I listen to and especially if I don't download them to my playlist. Also, go and listen to AJR the music is SO good and I will die on that hill ok bye.
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onestowatch · 2 years
Yung Bae Shares His Art Basel Soundtrack
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Photo: @justinbettman
If there’s one person who knows how to craft a vibe, it’s undoubtedly Yung Bae. Taking inspiration from the nostalgic realms of city pop, disco, future funk, and more, the producer and artist crafts music meant to be experienced; the sort of timeless dance music meant to groove to and lose yourself in. This notion comes to life in his latest collaborative single, “Straight Up Relaxin’,” featuring Australian powerhouse duo Cosmo’s Midnight. 
To celebrate the release of the idyllic new track, we asked Yung Bae to put together a vibe of his own making. Taking us on a sonic journey, Yung Bae shares with us his soundtrack to Art Basel. 
Lion Babe - “Rockets”
One of my all time favorite tracks. I remember hearing this the first time and it felt like I was transported to the ‘60s.
Drugdealer - “Suddenly”
I’ve been a massive fan of Drugdealer and Weyes Blood for some time now and then finding out they have music together was the best surprise.
03 Greedo, Kenny Beats - “Soul Food”
This dude Kenny refuses to miss I swear. Every time this comes on it makes me want some soul food to bounce along to the track with.
Tyler, The Creator - “Best Interest”
I’ve been a fan of tyler since I was in high school so it’s been crazy watching him grow and evolve and this quickly became my fav track from him.
Disclosure - “Angels Fear To Tread”
Disclosure was another duo I was lucky enough to watch grow as well. Being a fan of theirs and also being rooted in sampling it was sooooo cool to see them really dive in and sample more and more.
The Doobie Brothers - “Echoes of Love”
Anyone who knows me knows I refuse to shut up about yacht rock. And I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I grew up with a ton of doobie brothers and this was always my favorite feel good track from them.
Oliver Cheatham - “Get Down Saturday Night”
One of the best funk tracks out there. Each time I hear it I think of that dance scene in Ex Machina. Then I think why don’t I have an android girlfriend to dance to disco with me?
Jungle - “All of the Time”
Can’t get enough of these guys! Their new album is hands down my favorite of the year and I can’t wait to see what these guys have planned!
Shelley - “Sweet Va Breeze”
This is some real Motown! Shelley truly has one of the best voices in the game and this is a go to song for me every time I’m feeling down.
Myd - “We Found It”
Myd has such a unique sound and seeing him collab with Bakar was such a welcome surprise.
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