#i like to think her mom is a reverse mermaid
chamoemileclown · 10 months
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Q!Baghera design concept based on her canonically being part goldfish now? Idk I think she's neat
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This old movie called Night Tide was on TV tonight, I tuned in partway through and watched part of it. Reading the summary of it on the TV guide site (obscure old horror movie about a mermaid) I was expecting it to be goofy and mediocre, but it's actually really good! Very effectively atmospheric!
It's about a young man who's in love with a woman named Mora, Mora might be a mermaid/siren who was adopted while immature and raised by a human. I think mermaids/sirens are supposed to be shapeshifting predators that prey on humans if they're real in this setting. There's a twist at the end I don't want to spoil which makes things a lot more ambiguous, but in the early-to-middle parts of the movie it was like...
... OK, family secrets, sea + beach + decay imagery, clear setting up of implications that Mora is a Creature and has killed multiple people and is kind of like a reverse Chirin (i.e. that Mora is a predator raised by her natural prey who wants to have positive relationships with members of the species that raised her but can't stop following her instincts to occasionally eat one of them), mysterious strange older woman who's implied to be a siren/mermaid in human form and who I get an idea might be Mora's birth mom, Mora's implied relationship with her own species feels very "The tense extremes of horror are lessening, and I feel queerly drawn toward the unknown sea-deeps instead of fearing them ... shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses ... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever..."
... This feels a lot like Lovecraft writing about Deep Ones, but at the same time wonderfully different from that (for one thing, I cannot remember Lovecraft ever giving the kind of significance and empathy to a woman character that this movie gives to Mora). It feels like a fundamentally and profoundly different yet parallel project to The Litany of the Earth.
@who-canceled-roger-rabbit, there's a scene where the protagonist has a dream where Mora turns into a mermaid and then a giant octopus and attacks him that reminds me of an idea you shared with me on Discord (I think the implication was supposed to be predation, but it could be read as your idea pretty easily!) and in general I think you might like this movie a lot!
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cjbolan · 11 months
Up to Chapter 14 of Emily Windsnap and the Tides of Time. More thoughts...
Is Emily learning in school about Greco-Roman mythology? Her classmate mentions King Midas...
Aiden: Something about gold. King Midas or something.
Does this mean Emily is learning in school about King Neptune? Being a human school, would they get the facts right about Neptune? After discovering that Shiprock and Neptune are real, would Emily’s school have to change their lessons about Ancient Rome? I’m sure every school has to teach about Ancient Rome at some point, be it through history or English literature class. This also brings to mind my headcanon about Emily being possibly Greek...if she is, would this affect how much she knows about Neptune?
IF ONLY Emily had just waited to talk with Shona first before making her 2nd wish DX .....
I KNEW there was gonna be some catch to things in Shiprock becoming better.
There’s a recurring theme of small run-down playgrounds getting replaced by bigger playgrounds. Make of that what you will. Kinda funny because IRL the reverse is happening, with playgrounds getting downside due to safety/financial reasons.
I giggled at the mention of old mermen with “strong muscled” arms XD. Because it reminds me of this viral shot of JK Simmons:
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Did Shona just imply Emily offers sexual favors XD?
Adult Shona: *to adult Emily* How did you get here? Still got that friendly guard on the border?
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Millie’s future may be the saddest, if not second saddest, part of the series. Maybe even sadder, because Millie this time is gravely ill without any doctor nearby she could see. Again this also hits home hard: my neighborhood getting rapidly gentrified coincided with rising homelessness, more business closures, and more chain stores getting relocated.
Where’s Mr. Beeston in the 2nd future? Did he die of old age? For some reason I always just assumed he’s really old.
LOVE the bait-and-switch on who Councillor Windsnap is. Just like Emily I thought Mary P. was the mayor of Brightport. Makes sense as she’s known Brightport way longer than Emily would, she has the right persistence and compassion for the job, and Book 4 showed she's capable of bringing a peaceful co-existence between humans and merfolk. Until I was shocked to find out instead Emily became mayor. If Emily became mayor, then why didn’t she get her mom a better place to live than that shabby boat? Did Emily at least try? 
Are humans more feminist than merpeople? I’ve mentioned this before, but Brightport electing a woman mayor brings me back to something I noticed through the series. The last 3 books make me think human women have way more equality and opportunities than mermaids do. In the human world women can be…
Mayors (Emily)
Queens (Pirate Queen)
Captains (again the Pirate Queen)
Goddesses (Terra Mater)
Tribal Leaders (Ella though she’s technically just second-in-command)
Business Owners (Mystic Millie, Mrs. Rushton)
School Principals (Mandy)
Meanwhile teachers are the only mermaid authority figures we ever see . No hate to teachers but, compared to human women…mermaids don’t have many options. Also everyone working for King Neptune is male, does Neptune not allow mermaids in politics? Meanwhile on land Emily just assumed her mom is Mayor, which suggests women politicians are nothing new to humans. I can better see why Mary hated Allpoints Island. She went from a world where women can be anything, to a world where women can be only teachers or stay-home housewives.
Mary Penelope: …look at my life here. What do I do all day?  Sunbathe, comb my hair, maybe go to synchro swim a couple of times a week. This isn’t a life for me, Jake. I want more than this. (Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist)
I wonder how shocked Jake was learning how much more human women are allowed than mermaids. 
SOOO happy this time Mary P. and Jake are still together!!! These 2 really are my OTP for many reasons One of those reasons being the only couple that stays together the entire series. All the other couples either broke up (Emily/Aaron), started dating later (Shona/Seth), or met a tragic fate (Neptune/Aurora, Archie/Millie). And they’re good people unlike the Pirate King&Queen. I might do a later post about just Jake/Mary P.
Are Jake/Mary P. the next Shona/Seth? In this 2nd future they’re still in a relationship, but just don’t spend much time together because one of them is busy working for Neptune.
King Neptune is such a sly cunning bastard. Shortly after releasing Jake from 12 years of imprisonment, he has Jake working for him. In both situations Neptune is keeping close tabs on Jake. I guess to make sure he doesn’t break the law again. Unfortunately this means Jake having to spend long periods of time away from his family, which is especially cruel after he was forcefully separated from them for 12 years. Gotta both admire and loathe Neptune for keeping people in his clutches in such a clever way.
What do y’all think Aaron is like 20 years later? Because this book keeps mentioning him.
Gonna keep reading! If you’ve read this book, what are your thoughts? Always down to talk more about my favorite book series.
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instantartific · 1 year
Do you think NSRtists and NSR as a whole can ever recover from the bad reputation B2J smeared on them? (And yes, since you gain more fans after each concert, you can only assume EVERY SINGLE BOSS CUT SCENE IN THE GAME HAS GONE PUBLIC)
Eg: DJSS: gets blasted into space
Sayu: the reverse mermaid situation
Yinu: actually being controlled by a stage mom gone mad
1010: the face off incident
Eve: public meltdown recorded
Nova's reputation would more so be at fault of the way he acts towards B2J and the fact that he casually turns into a black hole and starts destroying everything in the planetarium for a sec.
Sayu Crew is self explanatory. They'd probably get the least effect, unless we assume they more or less got doxxed.
Yinu and Mama. Mama, yeah. But I like to think Yinu would be given more sympathy.
1010 might be seen as dangers to the public given that they literally explode, and the whole face getting blown off thing. Also Neon's behavior as their Manager.
Eve has a public meltdown I guess, which absolutely would tank her image. As well as that just being something that'd haunt her for a while, because internet.
It's completely up in the air, though may require B2J going back on everything they've said and done to try and boost the NSRtist's reputations again.
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liannelara-dracula · 3 years
* soft whispers * request for a translation of everyone's names? as Ayato means Colorful Winter and Ruki means Beautiful water flow. I love the meanings of the names and the Sakamaki Brothers are so interesting with the way they do it!
Hi Love,
Aww thank you I'm glad you like my headcanon translations and I promise to do more in the future. Now be translations I assume you mean their Japanese or their given names translated to English? That's what I stuck with so let me know if it's not what you meant. Anyways here are the translations I found for the boys.
I included all the other characters for fun.
Also here are links to other name translations I've done.
English/Anglo Saxion names
Spanish/Latino names
Real names/eastern European/ Romanian
I should add to those posts for the other characters, what do you think?
The last name has to do with farming and "rolling hills" is another translation for it. So tbh I see no connection to them being farmers but maybe their ancestors were but the name can also mean "taking care of" which reminds me of how they always take in brides. So they provide from them but of course only for their own advantage.
So I actually found out it is derived from Egyptian and Japanese origin. In Japanese, it means "Lap or Circuit" and for Egypt, it means "air" (sky).
Personally, I think the meaning of Sky or Air has more significance considering that his eyes are blue just like the sky so this may have been a reason they named him Shu.
It can mean a lot of different things depending on how it's written but to keep it short it means "Proper, Govern, and Child."
Obviously the first to adjectives match him perfectly but the second one has to do with the fact he was a proper child and that he strived to be what he is.
A submission from India says the name Laito means "Gift of god" and is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin. Kinda Ironic because he doesn't believe in God so the creators could have been inspired from this.
In Japanese origin, it means "light."
He doesn't see himself as anything bright or whatever and yet that's what he should represent. Light and God's gift correspond so I would say if Laito had a good family he'd probably have a kind heart according to these meanings of his name (I am just theorizing).
It sarcastically enough means "sweet dreams." This really matches him and I think all of you know why. The sweet is his facade about him being cute at first glance or whatever and the dream part kinda relates to Lolita concepts and in general because his name means sweet dreams I think the irony is that his name may mean that but he's one hell of a nightmare when you're his target.
"Colorful winter"
Colorful may imply that he is lively, and winter means he's cold. There really isn't much to this one.
There wasn't much info but some say it means "united" in Japanese.
I think it shows how he wants to be united with his mom in some way since he did care for her.
"Wandering soul"
Well, he was disowned by Karl and he grew up on his own so there may be a reason for this translation.
It's of German origin, and both Karl and Heinz are too separate names but put together. So his name is hyphenated, technically speaking. But it does not cause it just isn't so his name has two meanings, (I have the same issue with my first name).
So again Karl means "free man" and Heinz means "home ruler" (from Germanic "hagan" = enclosure or "heim" = home + "rihhi" = powerful/rich/mighty/ruler).
The name honestly suits him cause he is free since he's basically the vampire king, and home-ruler means he rules the kingdom or demon world. And I think you get the point.
It's usually a surname but it is of German origin (Richter is German for "judge"). Which makes since he seemed to give his opinion on things.
Welsh origin: Jewel of the Sea
Celtic origin: "heart; daughter of the sea" -- maybe cause of the mermaid hair and green eyes and for the heart part well that was a big deal with her and Yui and the power. If you know what I mean.
Dutch origin meaning "she who brings happiness; blessed".
Well if we get rid of what she did to her kids and what Karl did to her she probably wasn't so bad so she could have brought happened. But in reverse when I think about it rather than bringing happiness she brought despondency, dejection, and gloom. Reiji surprisingly enough brought her happiness in the end though.
"anointed" or "chosen one". I guess this cause she thought Karl chose her out of his heart.
Said to be of Greek origin but its use is rare and can be mostly found in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany.
Mukami is of Bantu origin and means "One who milks" Believe or not this last name is common in Denmark and Norway.
Beautiful flow of water
Name in Japanese : 琉希 Meaning : 琉 meaning precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli. / 希 meaning hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal.
Beg/hope --- kinda reminds me of how he used to tourtue people so they used to beg to not be hurt and I also think he hates it when people hope or request. I mean he doesn't like to pitty people soooo.
I think it relates to the idea of his eye color. Like his eyes really are the color of the stone lapis lazuli.
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evening + horse/pony
Evening--his eye color reminds me of the sunset.
Horse/pony---he gives me cottagecore vibes, so I mean the village he lived in and he gardens so he's like a farmer in a way.
1) "happiness," 2) "light," or "peace."
(1-幸, 2-光, 3-康)
Well, it describes what an idol is like in a way.
Depending on how it is spelled it can mean trees/sand or peaceful/quiet.
I think the peaceful and quiet depicts his personality.
So it varies on how it's spelled but "Tsuki" can mean month/moon and "Nami" can mean common, average, ordinary, medium, rank with." In this case moon could mean who they are creatures of the night or obviously full moons are a big thing for them. Month and moon, probably leaning towards the idea of every month on a full moon. "Rank with" probably is the best translation in meaning since they feel superior to other vampire races as they are first bloods/founders.
So funny as it is this actually comes from German Origin and it is an old name. And it basically just means "free woman."
Karl is the masculine form of this which means "free man" but because Carla is Femmine it is "free woman."
Ironically tho, he was trapped for a thousand years in the demon world and so he was definitely not free but he obviously wanted to be.
Real, True
This may tie into the fact that he seems to be a blunt person, so he doesn't sugarcoat things for anyone.
It can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 唯, "only, alone, sole" 由, "reason" 維, "supportive"
These all kinda describe that she all in this on her own and she wants to find the reason this happening and she is positive and supportive of certain things. Like in general Yui is not a difficult person.
♤ ˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ♤
♤ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~present day ♤
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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Chapter 55: Movie Night
Lots of quotes from the movie Lilo & Stitch ahead! Fewer quotes, but some, from Trolls and Frozen.
Bold italics are trollish, ~tildes~ indicate goblin.
Content warnings for this chapter: Swearing. Here we reach the story's first F-bomb.
Also, there is some talk between characters about the harshness of life in the Darklands, how Changelings are treated by the Gumm-Gumms, and mentions of cannibalism.
This was supposed to be a light-happy chapter that got feels-y at the end, but then it went and got all dark on me.
Oh, also-also, (Not) Enrique finds out Claire flirted with Jim a while ago and misinterprets what exactly happened between them, but that gets cleared up fast.
Becoming The Mask
Once again, Javier and Ophelia Nuñez were out for the evening, leaving Claire in charge of Enrique. Claire had gotten permission to invite "some friends" over to watch movies. Jim and Toby arrived to find Mary and Darci already there – Jim suspected, like the time he'd 'babysat', that Claire had purposefully asked him to arrive after she knew her parents would be gone.
They set up piles of cushions and blankets on the floor between the couch and the TV. Jim propped the Amulet up on the coffee table they'd pushed to one side. Maybe some of the ghost Trollhunters would be interested in human movies.
"Finally get your fill of the touchy-feelies?" Enrique teased Jim, seeing how they were all seated separately. Jim snorted.
"Not hardly." He pulled the smaller Changeling in for a hug. "Humans just have different rules about casual touching, is all. Freezing to death's not really a concern in this climate."
"Wait, what?" said Toby, dropping the pillow he'd been holding. Jim looked up to see all the humans staring at him.
"Darklands thing," said Enrique easily. "Gets cold there."
"We'd sleep in piles," Jim explained. "I had a bit of a reputation for being … clingy."
"If you weren't good at finding food and soft stuff, we'd never've put up with ya." Enrique proved himself a liar by climbing onto Jim's shoulders instead of jumping back to the floor. He fluffed the hair on Jim's scalp. "Jimmy-boy got his first nickname for that."
"Shut up," said Jim playfully. "Anyway, humans get weird about touching around puberty. I can still hug Mom whenever I want, but Toby gets embarrassed if I hug him around other people, and Claire, Mary, and Darci haven't given me permission to touch them casually yet."
"… Did you … want permission?" asked Claire. "You, kinda, said you were uncomfortable with that, I thought."
"No, it was more wondering if you were flirting with me that felt weird," Jim assured her. "After that conversation I felt like it'd be awkward to bring up that I was open to hugging and such."
Jim thought he felt Enrique growl, to quietly to properly hear. His hand, still in Jim's hair, changed position so the tips of Enrique's claws were on Jim's scalp.
"When exactly did this happen?" Enrique asked.
"Claire kissed Jim on the cheek on his birthday and then Jim said he wasn't interested in dating her," said Mary.
"Also that I realized she might not have meant it in a flirty way and if I was misinterpreting things she could ignore what I was saying," Jim added. The claws retreated.
Claire looked away. "So what movie did we want to start with?"
"Lilo & Stitch!" exclaimed Darci, looking through the shelves. "I haven't watched this in forever!"
"That's a good one." Jim tilted his head to get Enrique back in his peripheral vision. "Enrique, have you seen it yet?"
"… Yeah."
"Isn't that the one that always makes you cry?" asked Toby.
"It's beautiful. Of course I cry."
Stitch was a constructed 'abomination', who shapeshifted to blend in, and his adopted family found out what he truly was and still wanted him. How could Jim be expected to keep his composure in the face of that?
"So, quick question," said Jim. "Is talking during the movie a crime, or is commentary what makes it a group activity?"
"Commentary," said all three girls together.
"Okay, good." Jim and Toby usually talked during movies, unless one or both of them were seeing it for the first time. Sometimes even then.
"Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries."
"We believe you actually created something."
"Created something? Ha! But that would be irresponsible, and, unethical. I would never, ever – make more than one."
"What is that monstrosity?"
"Monstrosity?! What you see before you is the first of a new species!"
"You have to wonder if she and Merlin ever had a talk like this," Enrique muttered in Jim's ear. Jim snickered.
"And as for that abomination … it is the flawed product of a deranged mind. It has no place among us."
Jim stopped laughing and cringed. He loved this movie a lot, but some of it stung.
"A quiet capture would require an understanding of 626 that we do not possess! Who, then, Mr Pleakley, would you send for his extraction?"
"… Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?"
"Fun fact," said Darci, "in early drafts Stitch was a career criminal and Jumba was an old accomplice."
"Friendly cousin? Neighbour with a beard?"
"Surely the teacher won't notice I was late if he doesn't see me come in!" Claire narrated sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, Scrump!" Mary wailed, as Lilo ran back to retrieve the doll she'd angrily thrown aside.
"Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong. And things have indeed gone wrong."
"As a cook, that kitchen horrifies me," said Jim.
"If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you – except on special occasions."
"Tuesdays and bank holidays would be good."
The entire group cracked up.
"How does kid Lilo's age even know what a bank holiday is?" said Claire. "I don't even know what a bank holiday is!"
"Maybe she saw it printed on a calendar?" said Toby.
A raindrop fell on Stitch's head. He fired his ray gun into the sky. It started raining, hard.
"Oh, no, I broke the sky!" Darci cried.
"Does it have to be this dog?"
"He survived getting hit by a truck, how much more sturdy and not-gonna-die do you want?" asked Jim.
"Yes. He's good. I can tell."
"I'm sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face."
Mary nudged Claire. "Remind you of anyone?"
Like sunflowers, everyone else popped up and turned towards them.
Claire blushed. "We got into a fight in first grade and for like two days we decided we didn't want to be friends anymore, then our moms made us say sorry."
"He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."
"It's weird they get in trouble for everything but this," commented Enrique. "Human grown ups might not believe a dog stole a trike, but wouldn't they think Lilo did it? She's fought the other kid before."
"It's nice to live on an island with no large cities."
"It's not an angel, Lilo, I don't even think it's a dog!"
"Isn't that the rolling thing Draal can do?" said Toby.
"Yeah, more or less," said Jim. "I mean, I don't think Draal bites his feet – but maybe that's the trick."
"At least with those stick legs you've got," said Enrique. He curled into a ball and rolled in a circle around the group. "Face it, you're out of proportion for this move."
"626 was designed to be a monster. But now, there is nothing to destroy. You see, I never gave him a greater purpose. What must it be like, to have nothing? Not even memories to visit, in the middle of the night?"
"Now, this next bit I don't care for," said Jim. "The Ugly Duckling is a messed-up story."
"What've you got against The Ugly Duckling?" asked Mary.
"The blatant segregationist propaganda? 'A swan will never fit in with ducks and everyone is better off sticking with their own kind'. You don't even have to read it as a race metaphor. Between that and The Little Mermaid, I thought for while that Hans Christian Anderson was a Changeling writing cautionary tales about why we shouldn't get attached to humans."
"… Was he?" asked Claire.
"Probably not. I couldn't find any real evidence and the rest of his work doesn't match the pattern."
"Counterpoint," said Darci. "The Ugly Duckling is pro-integration. Everyone thought he was an ugly duckling because they didn't know what swans look like. If he'd grown up with ducks and swans around, they could've judged him for what he was instead of what he couldn't measure up to, and he might've had a happy childhood instead of only finding a community that accepted him as an adult."
Jim considered this, and nodded. "I guess I can see that, too."
"Heard you lost your job."
"Well, uh, actually, I just quit. That job. Because, you know, the hours are just not conducive to the challenges of raising a child –"
"Nani, no!" Jim begged. "I know almost nothing about Social Services but I'm pretty sure choosing to leave your only source of income looks worse to them than just losing it!"
"Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbour of my patience; but I cannot ignore you being jobless. Do I make myself clear?"
"And next time I see this dog, I expect it to be a model citizen. Capiche?"
"Uh … yes?"
"New job. Model citizen. Good day."
"So, we saw Cobra on the beach after all the tourists got scared off … D'you think he was just standing there watching them the whole time?" Mary wondered out loud after the surfing sequence.
"Until we meet again …"
Lilo was about to tell Stitch about her parents. Without thinking, Jim grabbed the remote – on the coffee table, next to the amulet – to fast forward.
"What are you doing?" Darci cried. "This is one of the big emotional turning points of the film!"
Jim paused it. "Sorry. Uh … Tobes and I usually skip this scene."
"I think I can handle it," Toby assured Jim. To the girls and Enrique, he explained, "My parents died in a storm when I was two. A cruise ship, not a car accident. I got kind of upset the first time we watched this as kids, and, we got in the habit fast forwarding this part. I think I'm okay with it now."
"You're sure?" asked Jim.
"I'm sure."
"Okay …" He rewound to the point where he'd started fast forwarding.
"That's us before. It was rainy, and they went for a drive. What happened to yours?"
Jim watched Toby more than the movie for the next few minutes.
"I'll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves."
"Do you remember them?" Claire asked quietly.
"Only the stuff Nana tells me." Toby shrugged, and readjusted the cushions he'd propped up his arms on. "I've seen lots of pictures. A couple home movies."
"Don't run. Don't make me shoot you. You were expensive. Yes, yes, that's it, come quietly."
"I'm … waiting."
"For what?"
"Ah. You don't have one. I made you."
"Maybe … I could –"
"You were built to destroy. You can never belong."
Jim blinked fast to keep the tears back. He sniffed, and pulled the blankets more tightly around him.
"Okay, talk! I know you had something to do with this, now where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can."
"Claire?" said Mary. "You okay?"
Jim looked over. Claire's jaw was clenched, and her hands were tight on the blanket, and her eyes were huge and fixed on the screen, and she was shaking.
"Ah … maybe the little sib getting snatched by otherworldly forces wasn't the best movie choice," Enrique said. He reached out like he was about to go to Claire, then pulled back his hand and hunkered down where he was.
"LILO! She's a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes, and she hangs around with that THING!"
"I'm. Fine," Claire insisted.
"You're sure?"
"We can just fast forward."
"I said I'm fine!"
"Okay …"
Mary and Darci each scooted their blanket and cushion piles closer to Claire's, bracketing her on either side. Jim tactfully retreated to the Nuñezes kitchen to microwave a few more bags of popcorn. Enrique went with him. They could still hear the TV.
"What? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? Just like that?!"
"Fine? You're doing what he says?"
"Ah, he is very persuasive."
"Is it normal to feel bad for her?" Enrique asked.
"I think so? It's an awkward situation for both of you." Jim selected the white cheddar flavour. "But it's not like there's an alternative. You're not a polymorph. And really, the only reason she's upset is because she found out."
The Nuñezes had the same microwave as the Lakes. Jim didn't find the popcorn setting especially useful for this brand of popcorn – it tended to burn a third of the kernels– so he used the timer instead.
"I never apologized to you for that, did I?" Jim asked.
"It wasn't all your fault."
"Still, I'm sorry for my part in getting you caught."
The Changelings got back to the living room in time to see the unfortunate tourist lose his ice cream for the third time.
"Does Stitch have to go in the ship?"
"Can Stitch say goodbye?"
"… Yes."
Like he always did during this scene, Jim cried. He let himself do it this time.
"Wait, how is Little Mermaid a cautionary tale?" asked Enrique during the credits. The camera panned over a photo of Stitch reading to a flock of ducklings. "For getting attached, I mean. I thought the moral of that one was to control yer temper and be careful who you made deals with?"
"Sure, the Disney version," said Jim. "They adapted it to make a more dramatic, less depressing story. And give the characters names. In the older version, the sea witch is actually a neutral character. The terms of the mermaid's transformation are that she's traded her tongue for legs, but walking on land hurts, and she'll become fully human if the prince marries her, but if he marries anybody else, she'll die."
"That doesn't sound neutral."
"Wait for it. The prince gets engaged to a human princess, so the mermaid's older sisters trade their hair to the sea witch for a magic knife and a loophole; if the little mermaid kills the prince before the wedding, she can turn back into a mermaid and survive."
"Kay, I see it now."
"Except she doesn't go through with the kill, so she dies, and because she wasn't really human, she doesn't have a proper soul, so her spirit's not allowed to go to Heaven."
"… Whoa."
"I know, right?"
"I mean," Mary commented, "not murdering somebody is kind of a low bar for moral decency. It's not as if the prince owed her anything just because she was attracted to him."
"No, no, whether the prince deserved to die or not is irrelevant," said Jim. "The point is that the mermaid had a chance to, objectively, trade one life for another, and because she was attached to the particular person she'd have to kill, she didn't prioritize her own survival, and therefore suffered."
"Wouldn't the guilt of murder have caused suffering anyway?" Toby pointed out.
"Not if she wasn't attached," Jim insisted. How were they not getting this? "If she could've just cut the throat of any random human, she'd've been fine. The moral of the story is that caring about people causes pain. That's what makes it depressing."
"Do you like any fairy tales?" asked Darci.
"Sure. Just not most of Anderson's work."
"What should we watch next?" said Claire hospitably. "If we're on a 'sister movies' theme, I've got Frozen."
"Isn't that one also based on an Anderson fairy tale?" said Mary.
"Not really," said Jim. "The Snow Queen was more 'inspiration' than 'source material'. Elsa never kidnaps anyone, and they left out the broken enchanted mirror. Plus it's fun to see all the different ways humans think trolls are like."
"We also have the Trolls movie," said Claire. "I haven't watched it yet. My dad got it for Mom's birthday because she used to collect the dolls."
"I haven't seen that one yet, either," Darci commented.
"Should we?" said Mary. "Any other votes?"
"I'm game for whatever," said Toby. "This one's a musical, right? Those are always fun."
Jim squirmed.
He hadn't watched this movie despite his curiosity, after an online clip of the opening had explained the premise. Getting eaten alive was his greatest fear. Did he want to watch a movie about trolls narrowly avoiding being eaten? Did he want to explain why he didn't want to watch it?
While he debated, the movie got put in.
"Once upon a time, in a happy forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known: the trolls. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug, and dance and hug and sing and dance and sing and hug –"
Enrique started laughing.
Oh, shit, Jim hadn't warned him.
"Uh, Enrique –"
"Ssh! This is ridiculous. I mean, the huggy bit's kind of like you, but the rest of it – ha!"
"But then one day, the trolls were discovered by – a Bergen!"
"The trolls are gonna –"
"Ji-im! Spoilers!" Toby hissed.
"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land."
Jim grabbed Enrique and covered his eyes. The smaller Changeling yelped and squirmed. Jim switched forms so his fingers wouldn't bleed from the clawing.
Enrique got his eyes uncovered just in time to see the Bergen flick a troll into its mouth.
The onscreen troll's exclamation of "Oh my god!" was drowned out by Enrique's much more lurid cursing.
"What the –?" The girls and Toby all turned to stare. Claire pointed at Enrique accusingly. "I knew that didn't mean 'I'm sorry'!"
"The hell kinda movie is this?! Why would you watch this?!" He twisted to look at Jim, who let go of him rather than risk yanking his scruff by accident. "You knew?!"
"I saw a bit of it on the internet when it first came out. That's why I froze up when Claire suggested it."
That … that was the wrong thing to say. Enrique rounded on Claire. A techno-rock cover of In The Hall Of The Mountain King boomed from the movie soundtrack.
"Why in FUCK'S NAME would you think we'd WANT to watch trolls get EATEN? Is this some kind of threat?"
"How the fuck would it be a threat?" Claire shot back, stealing some cushions from Mary to prop herself up taller without getting out of her blanket cocoon.
"Most Changelings –" Jim started to say.
"We've all had close calls," Jim finished. "Nyarlagroths, Hellheetis, goblins if you catch them in the wrong mood, Gruesomes if you're already hurt, Stalklings, and it's a … popular threat from Gumm-Gumms."
"You forgot the sloorbeasts," said Enrique bitterly.
"Nobody's gotten lichen patches that bad." At least, they hadn't when Jim got out. "Have they?"
"Still counts."
"Uh, excuse me." Toby raised his hand. "I think I speak for us all when I say, what?"
"The Darklands are a hostile environment with predators and scavengers," explained Jim. "That's the other reason we slept in groups."
"Bigger targets, but we could have lookouts."
"Okay, that's its own kind of horrifying, but I was more reacting to the cannibalism?"
"Changelings don't count as real trolls," Enrique said sarcastically. "We're Impure."
He left out the part where they'd eaten their own dead. Jim didn't add it.
(It wasn't like they'd hunted each other for food. Sometimes a Changeling just died, somehow, in a way that didn't get them eaten by something else, and … well, food was scarce in the Darklands. They couldn't afford to be picky.
It also paid to keep watch over the sentry posts. Gunmar occasionally used the Decimaar Blade to post a sentry and then forgot to order them to rest and eat. Once they died, the average adult Gumm-Gumm was a meal for twenty Changelings, easily, if they could get to the body before the Gruesomes did.)
"Okay, we're switching to Frozen." Mary made the executive decision. "Wait," she said, while exchanging the disks. "If Changelings aren't trolls, how does Jim's adoption work?"
Because of course this was the perfect moment to tell Enrique about that, right in the middle of a squabble with his adopted sister.
"For one thing, most of Trollmarket still thinks I'm human." Jim switched back to human shape to illustrate the point.
"You got adopted?"
"AAARRRGGHH and Blinky thought I should have legal standing in Trollmarket outside of my job."
Enrique stared at him. Green diamond-shaped ears were pinned back. Buggy, slit-pupil eyes were wide and hurt.
"You get everything," he grumbled. "Two nicknames, and the goblins liked you, and you could always find food, and here you're the boss's favourite even when you're a traitor, and your human family still likes you, and now you get a troll family too? S'not fair."
"Hey, the goblins liked you, too." Jim was fully aware that wasn't much comfort compared to all the rest of it. "They gave you your nickname, remember?"
"They gave you one, too."
"Yeah, but you got yours first."
They probably weren't supposed to hear Darci when she muttered, "I feel like we're missing a lot of context."
"Shit," Claire muttered back. "Not Enrique told me a bit of the name part. They don't remember their names from before they were Changelings, and they don't get real names until they have Familiars, so they use nicknames instead. From each other or from goblins, he said."
"They don't get names?" Darci's voice went squeaky at the end of that.
"We're trying to come up with something other than 'Enrique' for him."
"You're trying," Enrique corrected. Darci squeaked again.
"Can we maybe circle back to the cannibalism thing?" said Toby. "That feels like the kind of trauma that should get unpacked at some point."
"I would rather leave it packed," said Jim.
"The way you blurted it out like that feels like you need to talk about it."
"Not all psychology is Freudian, Tobes."
"Do your parents still have baby name books from when they were picking Enrique's name?" Mary asked Claire. "Real Enrique, I mean."
"They didn't use one. He was named after our abuelo."
"Okay, so what about your other grandfather? What was his name?"
"Jose María." Defensively, "It's gender neutral in Spanish."
On the television screen, the movie menu finished another loop and started again.
"I tried spelling my name like it sounds, en are ee kay, but Claire said it spelled 'Nrek'. You get why I couldn't use that."
Jim laughed.
"What's funny?" asked Toby. "Is that an insult or something?"
"No, it's goblin, in English it means 'bottle'," Jim translated. "Or possibly 'container of food'." The only bottles he's seen them use held formula for the Familiars, and the word hadn't come up on the surface, so the distinction was unclear. "It's either a silly name or a really morbid one."
"Aaand we're back to the cannibalism."
"No we are not!"
"Na na na heyana, Hahiyaha naha …"
Either somebody had decided to start the movie, or the DVD had that feature where it automatically began playing if nothing was selected after a few loops of the menu.
The conversation went in circles a couple more times, then faded out.
"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"
"That's Sven."
"Uh-huh; and who's the reindeer?"
"… Sven."
"Oh, they're – ? Oh! Okay! Makes things easier for me."
"~Riot~," said Enrique.
"My nickname. Before. It meant 'riot'."
What are you doing? Jim wanted to demand. Was Enrique just – just giving up on a real name?
"You can call me that for now. Till we work out a for-real one. Better than 'Not Enrique'."
Jim stuffed some burnt popcorn kernels into his mouth to keep from protesting. He couldn't undermine Enrique's – Riot's – chosen name, right in front of a bunch of humans, when he'd been arguing with them about how rude that was for weeks now.
"Oh. Okay." Claire half-smiled. "Riot."
Jim shut his eyes to hide the flaring glow.
Previous Chapter (Angor Rot gets treated much better, and more sensibly, than in canon, and is correspondingly less vengeful)
Table of Contents 
Next Chapter (Featuring either Otto or Gatto)
A quick thank you to Taycin on AO3 for providing some name-gender context when this chapter first went up.
22 notes · View notes
wyrmzier · 3 years
Ratings of Puddle AUs that I can remember because we have made so many
The Douchebag Ending: Sam goes bonkers yonkers off the gotdam wall. Mary says this is the first one we ever made and I believe her, this one has a lot of art for it, surprisingly not as sad as some of the others we made. The cannibalism part is a little gross, however is it cannibalism if you're only partly human? Questions questions... 10/10
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Vampire AU: they're vampires this time. We kinda went down a castlevania route and killed beau, I mean we kill beau a lot, sorry beau. I like this one cause vampires are hot. 9/10
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Beau Doesnt Wake Up: Sam kills himself and then Zeke is trapped in a cave yeehaw! 8/10
The AUs of Beau dying and leaving Sam to be a widowed father: the title tells u. Sam can't off himself cause he has a widdle baby(ies) to take care of eheheh get dunked on idiot. Dad Sam always makes me soft tho. 9/10
Highschool AU: they're in highschool, I don't know why, highschool sucks. 8/10
Step-mom Lilith: Sam's ex shows up. It's kind of funny mostly. 8/10
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Supernatural AU: Beau is a mermaid and Sam's a werewolf its great! 10/10
Pirate au: Beau is still a mermaid but this time SAM'S A PIRATE. Sam keeps his mermaid bf in a bathtub its great 10/10
Several iterations of Beau in the order:
Beau was given to the order as a babyyy
Sam gave beau up to the order when they were teenagers
Sam dies and Beau gives him and Aliza up to the order
Mostly all boil down the same way, 9/10
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Reverse AU: The hunters and their partners switch places in the plot, Dreamwalker Sam, vampire Mick etc etc. I dont think we really thought abt this beyond how annoying Sam would be as a dreamwalker. 8/10
Personality switch: Mick and Pat switch personalities, incredibly funny 10/10
Mafia AU: Sam's in the mafia and Beau wears a pretty red dress, what else could you want? 10/10
Miraculous AU; Ezzy was chat noir and ppl confused my drawing of him to Sam, all according to keikaku. 9/10
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Sam moves on AU: quite possibly the saddest AU we've made, it's just very bittersweet and has made me cry, contains very many spoilers so idk if I'll actually write what it's about. We liked it so much we decided to change parts of canon ;) 10/10
Sam never left and him and beau got married when they were originally supposed to AU: this AU created their second child Zekey, and then we got attached to him and made him canon...
I can't remember why we made Ezzy, Zekeys twin but I do remember Mary was like "what if they had a stillborn" and I got so mad and I think that's where Ezzy came from lol
Evil Ezzy AU: this was actually Ezzy's original character concept, he was supposed to be eviiil but also his character was and remains very sad and we grew very attached so now hes a very good boy and everyone loves him 9/10
Moral of the story, we can't make unique characters for AUs because we easily get attached
That's all I can recall so far byeee
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
MerMay 2021 Day Six History Lesson
“You ever notice how all the cool shells are always far out at sea?” Muirin picked up a scallop and turned it over in his hands. “Like, the ones that make it to the shore are always small or broken.”
“It’s because of the waves and stuff,” Sereia said, peeking into a rock crevice to see if there was anything inside. “They like...break them up. Friction.”
“Are you sure you can carry all that, Muirin?” Chase called from where he was laying on the ocean floor nearby. “You didn’t bring a bag, did you?”
“I got it, we’re not too far out,” Muirin said.
Sereia rolled her eyes. “All the kids at school are gonna be sooo jealous of your seashell collection.”
“Hey, you never know.” Muirin grabbed another shell. “Look at this one, it’s like a uhhh...turret shell, I think. You know, in the old days, before they had money, they’d trade shells for stuff.”
“Not sure how accurate that is,” Sereia mumbled. “I’m pretty sure, like ancient Greece had money. Like coins and stuff. Right, Dad?”
“Huh? Uh...” Chase flicked his tail. “Greece is that...that place with the pyramids, right?”
“No, that’s Egypt,” Muirin said. “Ser, I don’t think merms are gonna know stuff about human history. Much less if ancient Greece had coins or not.”
“But Dad went to human school, right?” Sereia looked over at Chase.
“Well, I went to one year of human school,” Chase explained. “And I wasn’t very good at it, probably because I was missing a lot of background knowledge. Math and history were probably my worst, but biology was neat, even though I had trouble understanding. I liked art. Painting was fun.”
“Oh! Hey, I have an idea.” Sereia swam over to Chase, turning upside down to look at him. “Can you tell us some merm history? Can you, huh huh?”
“I thought you hated school, Ser,” Muirin teased.
Sereia stuck her tongue out at him. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like finding out new things. I just don’t like tests. And mermaid stuff is cool.”
“Hmm...” Chase considered this for a moment. “Well, there’s a lot of history, some of which I don’t even know, but I could give you guys some basics, if you want.”
In unison, Sereia and Muirin swam over to the patch of sand Chase was resting on and settled down, lying on their stomachs with their heads in their hands in identical positions. They briefly looked at each other and giggled before going quiet.
Chase smiled. “Alright, then. If you’re so eager.” That caused a few more giggles. Chase couldn’t help but laugh, too, then adjusted his position to be more upright. “Okay. So...where to start? I’m gonna assume a lot of early human history and early merm history is pretty similar, like the bits about hunting food but then learning to farm and making civilizations. Is that right?” Sereia didn’t answer, but Muirin nodded. “Alright. So, in that case, merm history from there is divided into four eras: ancient, monarchy, shipwreck, and modern. The lines between these eras are kinda blurry but they’re just really general outlines. Ancient is the oldest, of course. Those were when the first civilizations started to get really big.”
“Oh! Mesopotamia is the oldest human civilization,” Muirin said proudly. “It’s 6000 years old. We learned about that this year. It made the first writing system!”
“Six thousand? Wow. That’s pretty old.” Chase whistled, impressed. “I’m pretty sure the first merm civilizations are around that old, too. But don’t take my word for it, it’s been forever since I learned the exact dates and names. I do know that the first merm alphabets were around that time, too. But you see, humans kinda kept up with all their different languages; that’s not the case for merms. Ancient times were just about the only time period where merms all spoke differently. They were also when we interacted the most with other water races, like sirens and selkies and merrows and—”
“Those guys are all myths!” Sereia said excitedly. “So they’re real?! Does that mean other fantasy creatures are real, too?! Like on land?”
Chase shrugged, adjusting his cap. “I don’t know anything about land. But I do know that a lot of ancient water races eventually merged together into what merms are today. A lot of families have traditions from those different roots, but some might have different ancestors and not even know it.”
“Okay, so after the ancient era came the monarchy era, right?” Muirin prodded. “What was that?”
“Ah. Well, a lot of merms might call that the golden era, because we did pretty well back then. There were all these cities being built, people made and wrote down history and stories in books, art and politics happened...lots of stuff. It was called the monarchy era because a lot of...what’s a good word...a lot of countries were created and grew bigger, ruled by monarchies.”
“Like feudal kingdoms?” Muirin asked. “Like, where there was a king in charge, who had lords, who were in charge of knights, who were in charge of serfs?”
“Uh...I think there were some like that, yeah,” Chase frowned. “But there were a lot of other monarchies under different systems, too. This is just the basics, though, and quite honestly, it’s been a while since I learned about monarchy systems anyway, so we’ll just leave it at that.”
“Okay, so what’s with the shipwrecks, then?” Sereia asked, flicking her tail excitedly. “Was that when mermaids would draw pirates to rocks and stuff?!”
Chase hissed inwardly, trying to think of a way to describe it. “Okay so...you had all these cities and kingdoms under the monarchy era, right? Well, a lot of merms weren’t happy with how things were, so they revolted against the rulers. The old monarchies didn’t go away for a while, but there were all these new systems as well, and the countries were a lot smaller, but there were more of them. You know, something I thought was interesting in how different humans were from merms, was that you just...stayed in cities. And actually, your cities got bigger. It was kind of the reverse for us. We all started spreading out, and some groups went back to wandering and hunting.”
“So why’s it called the shipwreck era?!” Sereia repeated insistently.
“Because there were a lot of shipwrecks,” Chase explained. “Just like you guessed, merms would draw a lot of human ships and make them wreck, so they could take the things inside. That’s when merms with siren blood made the best use of their powers.”
“So...merms didn’t like...eat humans or anything?” Sereia asked.
“Sereia!” Muirin gasped.
“What?! That’s what they always say!”
“Humans have a lot of myths about merms that aren’t true,” Chase said patiently. “No, that never happened. All the shipwrecks caused by merms were to get the human-made things on board. You can think of it like pirates, if you want. Stealing and plundering. A lot of trade was raised around human-made items.”
“But merms don’t wreck ships anymore, do they?” Muirin sounded like he definitely didn’t want that question confirmed.
“No, that stopped happening a while ago.” Chase traced an idle pattern in the sand. “That’s when the modern era started. Part of the cause of it was a lot of merms continuing to leave monarchies and even other groups, making more and more smaller sections. And part of the cause was human diving, as humans explored deeper and deeper into the ocean. Any large merm settlements were left behind. Some merms continued to scatter, and some went deeper into the ocean, but I don’t know what’s happened to those groups, if they’re still around. So nowadays, merms tend to be either on their own with their families, or gathered in small schools.”
“Whoa...” Muirin breathed. “It’s like...the apocalypse happened.”
Chase frowned. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“You offended him,” Sereia whisper-shouted, nudging Muirin’s arm.
“No, I wasn’t offended, don’t worry,” Chase assured them. “It’s just that the apocalypse is...well, a bad thing. And things aren’t bad now, and weren’t really that bad once merms started all separating. It’s just a different way of doing things than humans. I mean, I expect you two to look at it in a human way, that’s how you were raised. But it’s not like merms are behind humans or anything. We still do all the things we did before, just all spread out.”
“I think the thing about one language is cool,” Sereia said. “So we’ll be able to talk to any merm anywhere and understand them.”
Chase chuckled. “Well, there might be some differences in the way we speak. Like different accents. You’ve probably already noticed that.”
“Yeah, all your friends talk differently to each other,” Muirin agreed. “Like...Schneep is very different.”
“Well, he’s from a very different area. And Marvin and Jameson are freshwater, so that’s even more different. Heck, they probably have a slightly different history from what I’ve told you.” Chase looked up towards the surface. “Hmm...it’s getting late. Your mom will want you home soon.”
“Aww...okay.” Sereia pushed off the ocean floor and into the water. “C’mon, Muir.”
“H-hang on.” Muirin was having some difficulty gathering up all the shells he wanted to keep. He kept dropping them.
Chase smiled. “Here, use the hat.” He took off his cap and handed it to Muirin. “You can put some in there.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Muirin said, relieved, as he started putting shells inside. “Oh, and thanks for telling us about merm stuff. That was pretty interesting.”
“Come on, you guys!” Sereia performed a flip in the water, clearly ready to move.
“We’re coming, we’re coming!” Chase said. “Don’t you worry, shelly.”
And so, the three of them headed back to the shore.
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cowbpy · 4 years
Witcher Fics I Want
this is jaskier x geralt by the way. i couldn't sleep so i came up with these instead.
Skating AU
Jaskier is a figure skater and Geralt is a hockey player. Geralt plays for “the Witchers”. The two groups fight for ice time a lot. 
High School Teachers AU
Jaskier teacher choir or art. Geralt teaches History or Chemistry. All their students call them mom and dad. Ciri is their favorite. She is too smart for her classes so she hangs out with them after school and during lunch. They are oblivious and ciri is like “omg just kiss already!”
Pride and Prejudice AU
Its just pride and prejudice, but Jaskier is Lizzie and Geralt is Darcy. Geralt is emotionally constipated and cant handle his feelings so hes a dick instead. Basically just follows the plot of the book/movie and geralt proposes and gets turned down until he fixes himself. Georgiana is ciri she helps geralt win back jaskier.
Princess Bride AU
Jaskier is Buttercup and Geralt is wesley. Follows the movie kinda. Geralt is “killed” by the witcher then comes back pretending to be that to save jaskier from marriage to a shitty prince (valdo marx???).
The Little Mermaid AU
Jaskier is Ariel and Geralt is Eric. Jaskier is a mermaid who loves to watch people but some drowners (or ther water monster idk) is in the area he likes to watch and geralt gets knocked out saving jaskier who in turn saves him. He makes a deal to give up his voice to have legs so he can travel with geralt. Yennefer is Ursula i guess,,, idk.
Aladdin AU
Jaskier is Jasmine and Geralt is Aladdin. Jaskier hates being stuck in the palace and having to act like a royal. He sneaks out and geralt helps him escape some guard so he can play his lute in a market or something. Geralt is in love but doesnt think a prince would fall for him so he uses a potion or magic or something (yennefer helps??) to change his hair color and disguise himself as a prince. Takes jaskier for a ride on roach idk.
Falsettos AU
This is based off of falsettos the musical. Geralt and Yen divorce and geralt leaves to live with jaskier, but hes still trying to have a relationship with ciri and yen. I think triss would be marvin cause gay is always better. This doesnt have to be an exact copy of the story, but just an inspiration.
Theater AU
This would just be a one shot lol. i just think it would be funny. Jaskier is the lead actor and geralt is on crew. thats it lol.
Coffee Shop AU
Jaskier works as a barista at a little cafe and falls for the guy (geralt) who always come in and sits in the corner reading and only orders a plain black coffee. Jaskier is a gay disaster and his coworkers know it.
Disney World AU
Geralt brings ciri to disney world for a weekend and Jaskier is playing her favorite prince (idk which one just pick) and they go and visit him everyday they go.
Drag Queen AU
Jaskier is a drag queen at a club (goes by dandelion or buttercup) and geralt is the bouncer/security. Someone gives jaskier a hard time outside f the club after closing and geralt saves him and walks him home.
Public Transport Musician AU
Geralt takes the subway everyday and jaskier is always playing in the station. One time he gets on the train with geralt and they talk. Jaskier shares that on weekends he plays at a club and geralt goes and sees him.
Self Defense Lessons AU
Jaskier moves to a big city or something and wants to take self defense lessons and geralt is the instructor. Jaskier can not handle geralt pinning him down and straddling him.
Neighbors AU
Jaskier and Geralt live next to eachother in an apartment building. Jaskier is always knocking and asking for extra flower or help fixing something. At first geralt hates it but it becomes endearing and then one day geralt asks jaskier for help with something and thats when they get together. Yen and Triss live across the hallway and laugh as it goes down.
Mandalorian/Star Wars AU
Geralt is apart of a bounty hunter clan (the mandalorians/witchers) and is supposed to find a child and deliver it to some bad people (its ciri/baby yoda) but doesnt and adopts her. Jaskier come in at some point idk how tho.
Gym Training AU
Trans!Jaskier wants to get buff so he passes better and gets trained by geralt. thats it.
Role Reversal AU
Jaskier is a witcher (he still has a smaller frame. I think hes more of an assassin and more stealth based.) and Geralt is a moody musician (i dont think he sings) Somehow geralt gets tied up with one of jaskiers hits and that how they end up travelling together. Jaskier is jealous that geralt is still huge and jacked despite being a musician.
Gender Bend AU
I just want a big muscly lesbian geralt. Jaskier is a cottage core lesbian. otherwise nothing changes.
You’ve Got Mail AU
Jaskier owns a smaller bookstore thats going to be swallowed up by witcher co. books. Just follows the movie plot. I read a really good youve got mail au fic a long time ago and i want more.
Fake Relationship AU
This is honestly my favorite au and ive yet to see it in the witcher fics. Jaskier lied to his family that hes in a relationship so that theyd stop trying to set him up, but they come to visit so he has to get Geralt to pretend to be his boyfriend. or Jaskier gets a chance to go to a resort or on a cruise and play for the guests but its a married couples only thing so he brings geralt along and they have to pretend to be a happy married couple. Triss and Yen are there and onto them the whole time.
Soulmate AU
i havent seen any witcher fics with a classic soulmate au. there is plenty to pick from. One could be matching birthmarks and jaskier ( or geralt) figures out that the other has the matching birthmark but is scared to tell cause “witchers cant feel”
Mechanic AU
Jaskier keeps “accidentally” breaking things so the hot mechanic will come fix it.
Circus AU
geralt is a strong man or “beast” tamer and jaskier is some artsy shit idk. Concept: jaskier is a trapeze artist and he sings while he does it so hes the “song bird”. Yen can be a fortune teller or some shit.
PLEASE let me know if you right a fic going off of these or if you find one similar to one of them that youd think id like. Im shit at writing myself, but im a pretty ok editor so let me know if you need a beta reader
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loseyoutoloveme · 3 years
will you do a song by song review for life support? i really liked the ones for sweetener and thank you next!
oh absolutely, i’d love to! thank you for asking and being interested 🖤 all thoughts below.
the beginning:
this was such a great way to open this album, it’s so cinematic and really sets the mood so perfectly. one of my fav instrumental intros i’ve ever heard.
good in goodbye: “you put the over in lover, put the ex in next.”
the lyrics are so wonderfully corny and i’ll love this song forever, like the chorus is literally just so fun to sing along to.
i do think it feels a little... shallow compared to the rest of the album, and the album being released so long after this song came out makes it feel disconnected from the rest. but i love it so i don’t care.
default: “i know, i know this must be coming for me, i swear, i swear i will be the end of me, the end of me.”
this song is just sooo...... OUCH!
i’m obsessed with the way the chorus just SOUNDS like an emotional spiral, like her life falling apart, like falling into a deep depression, and then the outro builds like destructive racing thoughts.
also i never noticed the wave crashing and the bubbles at the very beginning until really recently, and i love that little touch. the whole song feels so underwater. cloudy and fuzzy. it does a good job of depicting certain symptoms of various mental illnesses.
follow the white rabbit: “is it haunting, baby, that i’m wanting, baby, that i’m wanting, wanting you?”
i actually was fully not expecting to like this that much based off the snippets she’d shared, but omg this left me WEAAAAK on first listen, which was the best surprise
there are definitely so many layers to these lyrics too, despite it being just a bombastic sexy toxic love song on its surface, particularly when thinking about the album as a commentary on mental illness, and some of the breakup/love songs as metaphors rather than straightforward love songs. definitely about infatuation and toxicity and perhaps knowingly entering a bad relationship as a bad coping mechanism, a way to avoid dealing with your pain or (as we see in effortlessly) a way to just feel anything at all.
effortlessly: “i hold my breath to breathe, hurt me so i feel, used to do these things so effortlessly somehow.”
oh god this song is just a punch in the stomach
i ALSO didn’t really expect to love this one based on snippets but the lyrics are just devastating and perfect and i hope speak to anybody who has struggled with self-harm and medication.
i don’t even have thoughts on this song, it just makes me go jsn*@(#nkdasdnkasd7*@U#j2k3n
love that this is such a fan favourite. it deserves!
stay numb and carry on: “truth is it was never love, your fault if you thought it was.”
the reverse “i’ve become emotionless” at the beginning >>>
also love the “i was gin and you were toxic . . . wish we’d just stayed plaTONIC” like a platonic relationship would be the opposite of toxic. it’s such fun wordplay.
also “i don’t feel like anyone” makes me emo, she really just slid the most simple but heartbreaking lines in everywhere and you don’t notice them until they hit you out of nowhere one day and you’re like ...OH
in conclusion, madison beer is a vessel for god
blue: “you could be as sweet as honey but i knew the darkness in your mind.”
this is my least favourite on the album but it’s still fantastic
the lana influence is clear without being too copycat, like it’s still SO madison. sorta like lana’s video games modernized and adapted into something truer to madison’s vibe.
love love love the whole outro
glad that this wasn’t a single like it was planned to be
interlude: “would you do that shit for me too?”
this album in general is just not really for people who don’t like vocoders and lots of technical effects. i looove that she leaned into it so hard bc it’s so HER.
this song also has so much depth for an interlude, relaying the experience of feeling SO hard about people, and realizing like you’re putting in way more than you’re getting back.
the post-chorus is like... 🤩🌌💫☄️🌠
homesick: “these humans speak my language, still don’t understand it.”
THIS SONG...... IS MY BABY......
oh god it just breaks my heart on every listen. the image in my head is of a little girl talking to the stars.
and why does the line about her mom and dad make me wanna cry every time? i have no idea.
i’m sure she’s not the first person to ever use this metaphor for mental illness, expressing the alienation of mental illness (especially one as stigmatized and misunderstood as bpd) by talking about LITERAL aliens sdkjfsdfksd, but she does it SOOOOO well and sincerely that it feels like it’s uniquely hers.
the rick & morty sample is so funny and so weird and so madison. i will probably never watch an episode of that show in my life.
10000000000/10 this song is the loml
selfish: “shouldn’t love you but i couldn’t help it, had a feeling that you never felt it.”
my absolute favourite of all of the singles, noooo question about it. it’s a perfect, perfect, perfect song.
two years, alone on new years’, nightclubs, gemini... women writing lyrics with very specific details about the shitty men that the song is about... it’s everything to me.
this song will just NEVER age. every time i listen to it, it’s like the first time all over again.
sour times: “don’t know what song of mine you heard that made you think i’d want to spend the night with you.”
home with you’s big sister<3 
not the strongest lyrics, but the concept and production are more than strong enough to carry the song.
she came on this bitch mad as hell
also love that this have been another fan favourite, seemingly??
men gross
boyshit: “don’t know how to talk or communicate, we’re so on and off, to you it’s a game.”
it took me awhile to get into this when it was a single ngl, probably because it came out the same night as evermore sjdknfsfnkjsd, but once i got into it, it became the best song ever
she’s soooo reliable with her “men ain’t shit” songs ugh
baby: “i’m a handful but that’s what hands are for.”
when this came out as a single it was the only thing i listened to for a solid week and a half. just an excellent song. the chorus is evvverrryttthhhiiinnnnggg.
stained glass: “my life’s a still fading memory of what i can’t have, and everything ’round me is starting to fade into black, but black and white is so much better, i’m learning how to hide my colours.”
i’m so surprised by how much non-stans seem to love this omg, it’s never been a fav of mine, as much as i still love it
but i’m obsessed with how different and distinctly madison it is
also this is a much more genuine take on the “pls stop being mean to me just bc i’m famous / you don’t know what people are going through” type of song than most of the others i’ve ever heard. her pain is evident, and the soft “i just might break” is just..... </3
the glass breaking and little scream are so good
she loves a good metaphor and so do i!
emotional bruises: “how do i word this? was about to write you this letter, but it was just curses in cursive, you probably deserve it.”
this was definitely my most anticipated song along with everything happens for a reason, like i listened to the snippet on repeat CONSTANTLY lmao. and the full song definitely lived up.
the scribbling sound is so fun, i love her obsession with little real-life sound effects
everything happens for a reason: “i still can’t find a reason you’d wanna hurt me so bad.”
again, this was for sure one of my most anticipated songs and just kjsadsdkajsm god i love love love it
i think she posted a video one time of the song over a clip of the mermaids from peter pan and it was so pretty and i still picture that video when i hear this song. it’s just soooooo hazy and dreamy and retro and perfect.
also the song on the album where she got to show off her vocals the most. she found her niche with this song, truly.
oh my god i was FLOOOOOORED at the dear society clip. dear society was and is one of my FAVOURITE songs, and i appreciate her reasoning for not including it on the album (just wanting some space for a new song instead of one we’d already had for so long), but it did hurt a lil. i was so happy she found a little way to include it :’) rip to hurts like hell tho since she didn’t get the same treatment sjdnksd.
the channel surfing is also just such a fun concept for an outro.
and her laughing with her producers at the end followed by such a sweet calming tropical instrumental...... oooo it’s so nice, it feels like the calm after the storm.
overall, this album was just SO worth the wait, it’s so fantastic, it’s the loml, one of my favourite albums ever. i LOVE that it’s helped anyone with BPD feel seen and understood, and as someone who doesn’t have bpd but has a couple of loved ones who do, the emotions she expressed in these lyrics have helped me to understand this disorder more too. just such a special album.
most of the criticism i’ve seen of the album has been that it’s overproduced, and that’s definitely criticism that i understand, bc it IS heavy on the technical side and some people just don’t like very heavy production, buuuut... some people do! i do! madison does! and heavy production does not automatically make an album bad. this type of production isn’t something that i expect her to move away from, because it’s clearly her thing, and maybe that just means her place in the industry will be more with the heavy heavy pop fans and maybe even in more hyperpop circles. i also think it’s SUPPOSED to be overproduced; it’s supposed to be a mess of emotions and sometimes a little chaotic. she executed it very well.
i hope by the time her next album is out, people will stop comparing her to like every single artist out there. some reviewers seem determined to pigeonhole her and compare her to every female artist under the sun, which feels like an absolute disservice to me. she is influenced by many different people and they comes out in her music, as it does any artist’s because everybody has their inspirations, but her sound is VERY much her own. as someone who has liked her for years, i can absolutely feel her essence in each song and nobody else’s.
a 10/10 album and such an amazing, promising debut<3  
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Freaky Fusion Hybrids Sirena Von Boo Diary
I filled out my Monster High application today (*gulp*). I’m trying not to get my hopes up – I mean, why would they accept me? What makes me so special? My only hope is that my unusual scaritage will help me stand out (it usually does – just not in a good way!). What other monster do you know who can say her parents met at the bottom of the ocean? You see, my mom was a huge bass-ketball (it’s kind like underwater casketball) star back in the day. She could dive deeper and faster than anyone else, which is really important when you need to retrieve the ball. One day during practice, she dived down farther than she’d ever been before, and she found this amazing old shipwreck… and who should be frightseeing around that wreck than the most drop-dead gorgeous ghost she’d ever seen. To hear my mom tell it, the ship wasn’t the only thing that was wrecked – so was her heart (*gag*). That drop-dead gorgeous ghost (otherwise known as Dad) couldn’t believe he finally found someone who matched his spirit. Who cared that she was a mermaid and couldn’t swim through things? He fell so hard in love that he never went back to the ghost world again. Fast forward about 20 years, and here we are today.
I got my love of anshrieking – you know, finding ordinary items from the past that have survived long enough to they’re now special, from my Dad. We can spend hours in them, mulling over faboolous finds and imagining their history. Next to the ocean, anshriek stores are my favorite place to drift off in. Even though Dad can get on my nerves sometimes (he has a tendency to hover), he’s usually pretty great company.
As for mom… sometimes I’m not so sure I belong to her! We get along fine and all, but if it wasn’t for our matching tails, I might wonder. My mom still operates at tur-boo speed, whether she’s planning cruises (her job) or shopping with sand dollars (her hobby). Me, on the other hand… well, I just like to coast along and take things as they come and lose myself in my imagination. Mom and I spend a lot of time swimming together, though, and she thinks I’m fast enough to swim competitively if I wanted to. Maybe, if I’m ever at the same high school long enough, I’ll try out for the team.
Head in the clouds, tail in the water: that’s pretty much how I feel most days. Half in, half out. Today I had to stop at the ghostery store for my dad, and this little vampire was all like, “Mommy, is that a ghoul, a ghost or a mermaid?!” (*cringe*) Poor little chomper looked totally confused.
Sometimes I think if I was just one thing I wouldn’t feel so divided all the time. But which would I choose??? I daydream about that a lot (mainly because I’d love to rock a pair of boo-jeans, and that’s really hard to do with a tail). But honestly, what would I do if I could only be on the land OR in the sea? It would be so boring to be chained to just one of them – like watching barnacles grow boring.
The only people who really get how I feel are by best friends Avea, Neighthan and Bonita. You would think we’d have nothing common, all being such different types of hybrid monsters, but they get what it’s like to be two things at once. I’m so glad they applied to Monster High, too. We made a pact that if one of us doesn’t get in, NONE of us are going. Fins crossed we all get the same news, one way or another.
One of the freaky coolest things about the summer is treasure hunting in the sea. I pretty much treasure hunt year-round, but the water is so much warmer in the summer, and I’ll take any oppor-tuna-ty I can to lurk around collecting. One of my favorite treasures to collect is pearls (diamonds are SO out with the tide, you know). I like to turn them into charms or weave them around my chains for extra-special occasions. I also string them up around my room so I can lay on my waterbed and listen to them softly chiming in the breeze (and when your dad is a ghost, there is ALWAYS a breeze). One of the great side effects of treasure hunting is I get totally lost in my thoughts down there – watching the sun sparkle through the water, wrapping myself up in the warm silence… just me, the water, and some otherworldly sea creatures. Today I woke up really worried that I hadn’t heard back from Monster High yet. I think I know what this means (and I’m not surprised), but all my worries were gone once I was a few fathoms below water. I saw this adorable family of sea horses, and I started thinking about how cool it would be to have a seahorse of my own… or maybe a whole litter of them, so they could pull me out to the sandbar… is “litter” the right word for a group of seahorses? Why are they called seahorses, anyway? They don’t neigh… hey, do sea horses make any sound at all?! (*head spinning*)
I was checking my email today at the Coffin Bean, and I suddenly realized I was the only monster there without a pet! My dad tends to creep out most animals, and my mom can’t stand the smell of wet fur, so they just refuse to let me have a pet. Sometimes my parents are so shellfish – don’t they understand how much this means to me?! The first thing I’m going to do when I graduate from high school is get a pet (well, after I find my own place, since I’d be in deep water if I brought one home!).
I spend a lot of time daydreaming about what kind of pet I’m going to get. One day I’m convinced an electric eel is the pet for me (we’d certainly light up the night together!)… and the next day all I can think about is getting a starfish (how cute would a periwinkle starfish look in my hair?! *squeee*) in fact, deciding which one to get might be the most stressful part about having a pet. I guess the only answer will be to get more than one!
I was on my way to meet Avea, Bonita and Neightan for a move (in sea-D!) this afternoon, when I decided to stop off at the catacombs to cool off from the blazing sun. the catacombs are the perfect summer hideaway. I can let myself – and my thoughts – wander without much chance of interruption. Today, however, I had a surprise. I ran through a ghost named Spectra! AND Spectra had a pet – a ferret named Rhuen! Spectra is a student at Monster High, and she writes a column for the school paper. She’s also a ghost, which automatically gave us something in common. I’m not entirely sure we’d be ghostly good friends – she asked a TON of questions – but it was scary cool to say I now know somebody who actually goes to Monster High (not that I’m getting in or anything). We talked about meeting up again, when all of a sudden, I noticed my shell phone flashing. I totally missed calls from Avea and Bonita – and, as it turns out, I missed the movie as well! It all ended up working out, though. I found everyone at the die-ner after the movie, and I had a gill-licious ice scream shake and fries. That’s what I love about my friends. They don’t take my drifting off personally.
Did this really just happen, or is this another one of my daydreams?! It started out like any other day… I was in the kitchen warming up a bowl of float-meal when my dad rattled over with mom and asked f we’d gotten anything interesting in the mail. Right away I knew something was up – I mean, you can see right through him. Dad handed me a letter, and before I even had a chance to read the first line, shrieked “Honey, you’ve been accepted to Monster High!” I rolled my eyes like, “Whatever”, but then I flew back to my bedroom and re-read the letter about fifty times. It was true… I would be starting Monster High in less than a month! I’ve been drifting around from school to school for so long. Maybe, this is just one more place to unfit in, but at the same time… maybe, it’s a chance to really make a splash.
I guess the worst thing that can happen is that Monster High will be like every other school I’ve tried… I’ll go there, hate it, then drift off to another school next year. And I guess the best thing that can happen is that I’ll love it. Avea, Bonita and Neighthan all got in, so I’ll get to see them every day. Maybe I’ll make some more clawsome friends, learn some deadly cool new things, and even try out for the swim team. Then again… I don’t want to make a specter out of myself on the first day. As my dad is fond of saying, what ghost up must come down. Maybe the reverse is true. If I keep my expectations down, then they can only go up from there!
Just take a deep breath and dip your toe in, Von Boo. You can do it!
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pridebooks · 4 years
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It’s Trans Day of Visibility, so have some books!!
Full list of books (with synopses) under the cut.
First picture: Books by trans authors (most also have trans characters)
Memoirs of a Man’s Maiden Years by N. O. Body - "I was born a boy, raised as a girl. . . . One may raise a healthy boy in as womanish a manner as one wishes, and a female creature in as mannish; never will this cause their senses to remain forever reversed." So writes the pseudonymous N. O. Body, born in 1884 with ambiguous genitalia and assigned a female identity in early infancy. Brought up as a girl, "she" nevertheless asserted stereotypical male behavior from early on. In the end, it was a passionate love affair with a married woman that brought matters to a head. Desperately confused, suicidally depressed, and in consultation with Magnus Hirschfeld, one of the most eminent and controversial sexologists of the day, "she" decided to become "he." N. O. Body was identified as Karl M. Baer (he/him).
Spy Stuff by Matthew J. Metzger - Anton never thought anyone would ever want to date him. Everyone knows nobody wants a transgender boyfriend, right? So he's as shocked as anyone when seemingly-straight Jude Kalinowski asks him out, and doesn't appear to be joking.The only problem is ... well, Jude doesn't actually know.Anton can see how this will play out: Jude is a nice guy, and nice guys finish last. And Anton is transgender, and transgender people don't get happy endings. If he tells Jude, it might destroy everything.And if Jude tells anyone else ... it will. Matthew J. Metzger (he/him) is a queer trans man.
I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver - When Ben De Backer comes out to their parents as nonbinary, they're thrown out of their house and forced to move in with their estranged older sister, Hannah, and her husband, Thomas, whom Ben has never even met. Struggling with an anxiety disorder compounded by their parents' rejection, they come out only to Hannah, Thomas, and their therapist and try to keep a low profile in a new school.But Ben's attempts to survive the last half of senior year unnoticed are thwarted when Nathan Allan, a funny and charismatic student, decides to take Ben under his wing. As Ben and Nathan's friendship grows, their feelings for each other begin to change, and what started as a disastrous turn of events looks like it might just be a chance to start a happier new life.At turns heartbreaking and joyous, I Wish You All the Best is both a celebration of life, friendship, and love, and a shining example of hope in the face of adversity Mason Deaver (they/them) is nonbinary.
George by Alex Gino -When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl.George thinks she'll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte's Web. George really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can't even try out for the part . . . because she's a boy.With the help of her best friend, Kelly, George comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte -- but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all. Alex Gino (they/them) is genderqueer.
Starglass by Phoebe North -  Terra has never known anything but life aboard the Asherah, a city-within-a-spaceship that left Earth five hundred years ago in search of refuge. At sixteen, working a job that doesn't interest her, and living with a grieving father who only notices her when he's yelling, Terra is sure that there has to be more to life than what she's got. But when she inadvertently witnesses the captain's guard murdering an innocent man, Terra is suddenly thrust into the dark world beneath her ship's idyllic surface. As she's drawn into a secret rebellion determined to restore power to the people, Terra discovers that her choices may determine life or death for the people she cares most about. With mere months to go before landing on the long-promised planet, Terra has to make the decision of a lifetime--one that will determine the fate of her people. Phoebe North (they/them) is genderqueer.
Power Surge by Sara Codair - Erin has just realized that for the entirety of their life, their family has lied to them. Their Sight has been masked for years, so Erin thought the Pixies and Mermaids were hallucinations. Not only are the supernatural creatures they see daily real, but their grandmother is an Elf, meaning Erin isn’t fully human. On top of that, the dreams Erin thought were nightmares are actually prophecies.While dealing with the anger they have over all of the lies, they are getting used to their new boyfriend, their boyfriend's bullying ex, and the fact that they come from a family of Demon Hunters. As Erin struggles through everything weighing on them, they uncover a Demon plot to take over the world.Erin just wants some time to work through it all on their own terms, but that's going to have to wait until after they help save the world. Sara Codair (they/she) is nonbinary.
Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve - When genderqueer fourteen-year-old Z Chilworth wakes from death after a car crash that killed their parents and sisters, they have to adjust quickly to their new status as a zombie. Always a talented witch, Z can now barely perform magic and is rapidly decaying. Faced with rejection from their remaining family members and old friends, Z moves in with Mrs. Dunnigan, an elderly witch, and befriends Aysel, a loud would-be-goth classmate who is, like Z, a loner. As Z struggles to find a way to repair the broken magical seal holding their body together, Aysel fears that her classmates will discover her status as an unregistered werewolf. When a local psychiatrist is murdered in an apparent werewolf attack, the town of Salem, Oregon, becomes even more hostile to monsters, and Z and Aysel are driven together in an attempt to survive a place where most people wish that neither of them existed. Hal Schrieve (xie/hir) is a genderfluid trans man.
This is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender - Nathan Bird doesn’t believe in happy endings. Although he’s the ultimate film buff and an aspiring screenwriter, Nate’s seen the demise of too many relationships to believe that happy endings exist in real life.Playing it safe to avoid a broken heart has been his MO ever since his father died and left his mom to unravel—but this strategy is not without fault. His best-friend-turned-girlfriend-turned-best-friend-again, Florence, is set on making sure Nate finds someone else. And in a twist that is rom-com-worthy, someone does come along: Oliver James Hernández, his childhood best friend.After a painful mix-up when they were little, Nate finally has the chance to tell Ollie the truth about his feelings. But can Nate find the courage to pursue his own happily ever after?  Kacen Callender (they/them) is a demiboy.
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee - Captain Kel Cheris of the hexarchate is disgraced for using unconventional methods in a battle against heretics. Kel Command gives her the opportunity to redeem herself by retaking the Fortress of Scattered Needles, a star fortress that has recently been captured by heretics. Cheris’s career isn’t the only thing at stake. If the fortress falls, the hexarchate itself might be next.Cheris’s best hope is to ally with the undead tactician Shuos Jedao. The good news is that Jedao has never lost a battle, and he may be the only one who can figure out how to successfully besiege the fortress.The bad news is that Jedao went mad in his first life and massacred two armies, one of them his own. As the siege wears on, Cheris must decide how far she can trust Jedao–because she might be his next victim. Yoon Ha Lee (he/him) is a trans man.
Second pic: Books with trans characters
Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky -  Alone at home, twelve-year-old Grayson Sender glows, immersed in beautiful thoughts and dreams. But at school, Grayson grasps at shadows, determined to fly under the radar. Because Grayson has been holding onto a secret for what seems like forever: “he” is a girl on the inside, stuck in the wrong gender’s body.The weight of this secret is crushing, but leaving it behind would mean facing ridicule, scorn, and rejection. Despite these dangers, Grayson’s true self itches to break free. Strengthened by an unexpected friendship and a caring teacher who gives her a chance to step into the spotlight, Grayson might finally have the tools to let her inner light shine.
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills - "This is Beautiful Music for Ugly Children, on community radio 90.3, KZUK. I'm Gabe. Welcome to my show."My birth name is Elizabeth, but I'm a guy. Gabe. My parents think I've gone crazy and the rest of the world is happy to agree with them, but I know I'm right. I've been a boy my whole life.When you think about it, I'm like a record. Elizabeth is my A side, the song everybody knows, and Gabe is my B side--not heard as often, but just as good.It's time to let my B side play.
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin - The first thing you’re going to want to know about me is: Am I a boy, or am I a girl?Riley Cavanaugh is many things: Punk rock. Snarky. Rebellious. And gender fluid. Some days Riley identifies as a boy, and others as a girl. The thing is…Riley isn’t exactly out yet. And between starting a new school and having a congressman father running for reelection in uber-conservative Orange County, the pressure—media and otherwise—is building up in Riley’s so-called “normal” life.On the advice of a therapist, Riley starts an anonymous blog to vent those pent-up feelings and tell the truth of what it’s REALLY like to be a gender fluid teenager. But just as Riley’s starting to settle in at school—even developing feelings for a mysterious outcast—the blog goes viral, and an unnamed commenter discovers Riley’s real identity, threatening exposure. Riley must make a choice: walk away from what the blog has created—a lifeline, new friends, a cause to believe in—or stand up, come out, and risk everything.
The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson - David Piper has always been an outsider. His parents think he's gay. The school bully thinks he’s a freak. Only his two best friends know the real truth: David wants to be a girl.On the first day at his new school Leo Denton has one goal: to be invisible. Attracting the attention of the most beautiful girl in his class is definitely not part of that plan. When Leo stands up for David in a fight, an unlikely friendship forms. But things are about to get messy. Because at Eden Park School secrets have a funny habit of not staying secret for long…
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller - Sallot Leon is a thief, and a good one at that. But gender fluid Sal wants nothing more than to escape the drudgery of life as a highway robber and get closer to the upper-class—and the nobles who destroyed their home.When Sal steals a flyer for an audition to become a member of The Left Hand—the Queen’s personal assassins, named after the rings she wears—Sal jumps at the chance to infiltrate the court and get revenge.But the audition is a fight to the death filled with clever circus acrobats, lethal apothecaries, and vicious ex-soldiers. A childhood as a common criminal hardly prepared Sal for the trials. And as Sal succeeds in the competition, and wins the heart of Elise, an intriguing scribe at court, they start to dream of a new life and a different future, but one that Sal can have only if they survive.
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson - A good friend will bury your body, a best friend will dig you back up.Dino doesn’t mind spending time with the dead. His parents own a funeral home, and death is literally the family business. He’s just not used to them talking back. Until Dino’s ex-best friend July dies suddenly—and then comes back to life. Except not exactly. Somehow July is not quite alive, and not quite dead.As Dino and July attempt to figure out what’s happening, they must also confront why and how their friendship ended so badly, and what they have left to understand about themselves, each other, and all those grand mysteries of life.
I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman -  For Angel Rahimi, life is only about one thing: The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are currently taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark’s fandom has given her everything – her friendships, her dreams, her place in the world. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark too. He’s their frontman – and playing in a band is all he’s ever dreamed of doing. It’s just a shame that recently everything in his life seems to have turned into a bit of a nightmare. Because that’s the problem with dreaming – eventually, inevitably, real life arrives with a wake-up call. And when Angel and Jimmy are unexpectedly thrust together, they will discover just how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be.
The Pants Project by Cat Clarke - Whoever wrote the uniform policy decided (whyyy?) that girls had to wear skirts, while boys were allowed to wear pants. Sexist. Dumb. Unfair. “Girls must wear a black, pleated, knee-length skirt.” I bet I read those words a hundred times during summer vacation. The problem wasn’t the last word in that sentence. Skirt wasn’t really the issue, not for me. The issue was the first word. Girls. Here’s the thing: I may seem like a girl, but on the inside, I’m a boy.
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unhingeddumbass · 4 years
Ben, Kevin and Gwen answer random questions:
😷Where or with who are you spending quarantine? 
Gwen: I’m staying with Kevin at his mom’s house.
Kevin: What she said lol
Ben: At home with my folks, since Grandpa Max is a risk patient, he’s staying at Galvan Prime with Azmuth. 
✊🏾What’s your position with the current racism tragedy? Are you getting involved in any way? 
Gwen: I’m horrified. I can’t believe we’ve come to such high levels of intolerance and hate and that the government just adds more violence instead of trying to change the situation peacefully. I’ve been getting informed and learning, doing videos teaching people about racism, posted them on my social media so I can try and teach people more. I’m claustrophobic so I don’t go to protests, but I’m supporting from home. 
Kevin: I’m fucking angry. I’ve been at the protests with Ben and we’re trying our best to keep people safe. I’m also working on a piece of tech to cover tear gas before it blows and some bulletproof stuff.
Ben: Like Kevin said, we’ve been on the front with protesters providing help and keeping everyone as safe as possible. Our parents are donating and we’re trying to get the Plumber’s help too, but they said it’s not their jurisdiction. Either way we’re doing our best and we’ll always stand with justice, peace and equality for everyone. 
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
Gwen: Yaaaas, it’s so romantic! 
Kevin: Uh.. *Looks at Gwen* Only if it’s her. 
Ben: Dafuk’s a soulmate?
💌- diary or journal?
Gwen: A mix between both, I love scrapbooking.
Kevin: Das some soft shit bro *He secretly hides a journal but he’ll never admit*
Ben: Why wasting paper? It’s better to keep everything on the Cloud
💕- are you crushing on someone?
Gwen: Hmm… Patch Cipriano *Kevin glares at her* JUST KIDDING, only you. 
Kevin: This babe right here *Grabs Gwen’s waist and kisses her forehead*
Ben: *Simping* Jennifer Lawrence, Selena Gomez… there’s too many 
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
Gwen: A rainy autumn day *Daydreams*
Kevin: Three words: Dark. Backseat. Lake *Smirks and winks at Gwen*
Ben: *Cringes for the Gwevin moment* Anywhere I guess. 
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
Gwen: Fishing with Grandpa Max and my first karate tournament
Kevin: Buying my car xD
Ben: THAT ICONIC summer vacation, hell yeah
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
Gwen: Yellow roses, ofc.
Kevin: Weed *Gwen elbows him in the chest*
Ben: None, tho I kinda like sunflowers
💖- have you ever been in love?
Gwen: *Looks at Kevin and smiles*, yes. 
Kevin: *Starts singing I’m in Love With My Car by Queen, Gwen glaring at him* Ofc I love you babe, I’m kidding.
Ben: My love belongs to Mr Smoothies
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Gwen: Both! Also love coconut.
Kevin: Those are some lame ass flavours, I rather chocolate or blueberries.
Ben: As long as it can be made into a smoothie, I’ll love it.
🍯- describe your favorite smell
Gwen: A new book and a autumn scented candle
Kevin: Gasoline and... *blushes*... Gwen’s shampoo.
Ben: Pickles and chili fries, duuuh. 
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Gwen: An infinite supply of books, making high education to be accessible to everybody and to reverse the damages the human race has made to the environment.
Kevin: My car to be completely indestructible, free food forever not only for me but to everybody and…*whispering* getting to see my dad at least one last time.
Ben: Infinite chilli fries and smoothies, to stop racism, misogyny and homophobia, and Grandpa Max to be around for a lot of more years. 
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
Gwen: Freshly baked cookies!
Kevin and Ben: *Screaming* Cookie dough! Salmonella won’t ever stop us!
☕- coffee or tea?
Gwen: Coffee in the winter or at college, tea for relaxing.
Kevin: Bring me the strongest coffee! *Slams fists on table*
Ben: F U C K I N’  S M O O T H I E S 
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
Gwen: I can’t choose, I’d love both.
Kevin and Ben: *Smirking with pervert thoughts* MERMAIDS!
🍂- what’s your middle name?
Gwen: Catherine, but I rather being called Gwendolyn instead.
Kevin: Ethan, but dare to call me that and I’ll yeet you into oblivion. 
💫- what is your zodiac sign?
Gwen: Cancer (14th July)
Kevin: Scorpio (4th November)
Ben: Capricorn (27th December)
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Gwen: Read, drink tea and listen to calm music.
Kevin: Either I sleep all day or I’ll go to Gwen’s house. 
Ben: Eat, sleep, TV, and rave repeat. 
🍭- how tall are you?
Gwen: 5’6
Kevin: 6’3
Ben: 5’10
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Gwen: The Vampire Diaries or Friends.
Kevin: Law & Order *Screams DUN DUN*
Ben: Summo Slammers!
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
Gwen: Thanksgiving, because of the family reunion.
Kevin: Saint Patrick’s Day, cuz I have an excuse to get fucking drunk and party
Ben: Christmas! Good food and gifts heck yeah
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
Gwen: Warm Vanilla Cookie or Pumpkin Spice.
Kevin: Enchanted Pine
Ben: Citrus Mint
🎶- favorite song right now?
Gwen: Sit Still, Look Pretty by Daya
Kevin: I’m In Love With My Car by Roger Taylor (Queen)
Ben: Human by Cher Lloyd or Game Over by Falling In Reverse
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
Gwen: Don’t be a dickhead, be supportive, be funny.
Kevin: Respect my space, be brave and plz don���t hate my car
Ben: Be playful, funny and patient of my lifestyle which is very hard
🍩- current mood?
Gwen: Normal, concerned about the pandemic and missing my bff
Kevin: Meh, I don’t go out as often anyway
❄️- what is your favorite season?
Gwen: I like summer but I love autumn
Kevin: I don’t actually mind
💍- your current relationship status?
Gwen and Kevin: Taken! *Kiss*
Ben: *Gags and glares at the happy couple* single and enjoying my peaceful life.
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
Gwen: Organizing my books by height, having always my room clean and never leave my house without my earphones
Kevin: The volume on the tv has to be in an even number, my car has to be always well maintained and my phone is mostly on silent or vibration mode.
Ben: Never spend a day without a smoothie, text Grandpa at least once a day or two, and collecting stuff I like.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
Gwen: Hardworking, introverted and intellectual
Kevin: I’ve got some roguish charm *smirks* and a little soft sometimes
Ben: Quirky, loud and funny.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
Gwen: Some call me golden child or goody two shoes. Probably teacher’s pet too.
Kevin: *Points at Ben* well, he thinks I’m strange and dangerous, so I guess other people think that too, maybe also an asshole.
Ben: A couple people think I’m an egocentric pain in the ass.
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
Gwen: Physical appearance isn’t important, but I love smiles. I like a person who I can be myself with and is honest always. 
Kevin: If a girl is fearless, strong and independent I become a simp for her tbh *Looks at Gwen* That’s how you got me at your feet babe. 
Ben: I really like someone supportive and understanding, also bonus points if they’re not that serious, I want to joke around.  
🍓- one secret about yourself
Gwen: I tend to be a people pleaser and I struggle with standing up for myself around my parents. 
Kevin: I’m a sucker for my mom’s food and I’m actually sensible around the people I care the most about. 
Ben: I’m not as careless and cocky as I pretend to be. Also I secretly love Lady Gaga’s music. 
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
Gwen: Gossip Girl, bakery shows and Stranger Things
Kevin: CSI and Law & Order, also Pimp My Ride cuz hell yeah old MTV shows
Ben: I mostly watch Summo Slammers but I also like Rick and Morty, Big Mouth and Stranger Things.
💗- who do you miss?
Gwen: My family and my best friend, Emily. 
Kevin: ...my dad. 
Ben: Grandpa Max, no cap. 
🥀- last time you cried?
Gwen: The other day, while we watched A Dog’s Purpose 1 and 2. 
Kevin: I don’t wanna talk about that soft shit
Ben: I had a very lucid nightmare the other day and woke up crying
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
All of them: Coming back from death in Legerdomain
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becky69lu · 4 years
Ed Edd n Eddy Music Taste Headcanons
Last night me and my friend came up with ideas of what the kids from Ed Edd n Eddy would listen to for music. And I thought I’d share with you all :) (You’re free to disagree but this is what I think the characters would like)
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Ed: This guy would definitely be into soundtracks. Video games, horror movies, etc. He’ll enjoy them all. I feel like he’d be the type to explain why he likes a song on a soundtrack, like the vibes it gives him and how good it was in whatever game/movie it was. 
Double D: Growing up he’d be into classical music by default. It’s all his parents played so it’s what he’s conditioned to like. I feel like as a result he’d never really have a preference to listen to music because he mainly uses it as a form of relaxation for studying or concentrating. But when he entered high school it’s a whole other story.  He ends up befriending (or dating, depending what you ship) Marie. She introduces him to her music (which we’ll get into in a bit!). You’d expect Double D to hate it. Hardcore rock and heavy metal seemed a bit extreme. At first he might think it’s just noise. To his surprise, he ends up enjoying it immensely and starts to understand why people listen to music for fun.  On more than one occasion Ed and Eddy will catch up to Double D in the hallways or the walk home from school and catch him blasting some heavy band. It surprises people greatly what Double D likes, but in a good way. 
Eddy: This dude is the embodiment of the meme where you listen to rap with the homies but something else when alone. This guy will listen to Lil Peep and Juice WRLD, and don’t get me wrong he genuinely likes it, but it reaches its max appeal at some point. By himself he’ll listen to old school music. He really likes Elvis, Frankie Valli and Frank Sinatra. It’s what he grew up listening to with his dad in the car and loves it to this day. He’s not ashamed of it but prefers to look cool for listening to rap around random people. Really only Ed and Double D have listened to his playlist with him.  The only thing he kind of hides which is a guilty pleasure is NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys.  I feel like in high school Eddy and Kevin would be close bros, the kind that constantly pick on each other for fun but they really do appreciate each other and will be there for each other. As a result of their constant roasting, both of them listen to rap together but end up going home and listening to completely different things. 
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May: Growing up, all three of the Kanker Sisters listened to Country. Their mother enjoyed it so she’d play it around the house a lot. May’s the only sister who’s favorite genre is Country though. She loves Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, etc. In high school, her music taste opened up slightly. She likes pop music and enjoys a bit of Marina and the Diamonds, and Melanie Martinez (which she heard from Marie’s room and thought it sounded good.) She’s still a country girl at heart but enjoys bubblegum pop too. She’s also the type to enjoy basically anything, but she refuses to listen to heavy rock. Her limit to rock music is screaming, and at that point she wants to shut it off.
Marie: A rocker at heart. Of course she always dressed the part, but didn’t actually listen to rock music until she was 13. She entered her emo phase and never left. She likes classic rock, modern rock, and anything alternative or indie. Her favorites are Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, A Day to Remember, Falling In Reverse and In This Moment.  In terms of other music, she really likes P!nk, Avril Lavigne, and Ke$ha. The only genre she hates is country. For her, growing up listening to it constantly made her hate it because it was overplayed. She refuses to listen to it and sometimes her and May butt heads when in the car trying to play music. 
Lee: This girl takes pride in her music taste. She flaunts her love for old school rap. She loves 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G., Tupac, and Eminem. She’ll play it around whoever is willing to listen and genuinely enjoys it. If her and Eddy became friends (or dated) she’d get him into Eminem especially.  Regarding other music, she enjoys anything 2000′s like Nelly and TLC. She still likes Country music too, but doesn’t listen to it as often as other stuff. 
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Rolf: He listens to foreign music. I feel like this one’s obvious but it’s true. He listens to music that’s poppin in his homeland. When he’s around Kevin and Nazz he actually grimaces at their playlist. He probably won’t like any of it, even if he’s open-minded about it. On occasion he’ll end up liking a few songs or artists from them but not a lot. I feel like he’d like a little bit of Post Malone. 
Jimmy: He’s a THEATER KID!! When he goes to high school he immediately joins the theater program. He’s definitely that one kid that’s liked by everyone. But for music, he’d definitely enjoy musicals. Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked. You name it, he probably enjoys it. He also likes disney music as well like the soundtracks from Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc. And he’ll definitely be in every spring musical and already know the songs. 
Sarah: Since her and Jimmy are best friends, of course she also becomes a theater kid. She’s probably one of the most disliked people in the program but doesn’t care. She also enjoys musicals but not to the extent that Jimmy does. They still listen to them together all the time. She probably really likes pop music. Katy Perry is one of her favorites. She’s definitely a Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber fan. To be honest she probably went through a hardcore K-POP phase where she had a stan twitter and everything. 
Jonny: He mainly just likes whatevers popular. He probably enjoys songs off of Tik Tok and is that annoying kid that plays meme music over and over. All Star by Smash Mouth is banned from the Cul de Sac because of him. He probably enjoys some soundtracks from video games as well. The type to just blast Revenge by Captain Sparkles for hours.
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Kevin: We’ve already established that him and Eddy basically listen to the same thing. Lil Uzi Vert, Xxxtentacion, etc. That kind of thing. He tries especially hard to be cool. He’s definitely that kid with the speakers in his backpack blasting music down the hallway. But like Eddy, he listens to something else when he’s alone. He probably likes 70s and 80s hip hop and a little bit of classic rock because of his dad. Listens to Motley Crue, Def Leppard and Blackstreet. He’s not ashamed of his music taste, but definitely only plays modern rap in the car with the homies. 
Nazz: She’s a carefree spirit. She likes old school rap too but appreciates a lot of older stuff. She likes Fleetwood Mac and Queen because of her mom. But she also really likes pop and Jazz. She likes Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, and Rihanna. Probably a big Beyonce stan too.  Because shes a free spirit, she’ll listen to anything someone plays. She’ll enjoy heavy metal if someone puts it on or even Country. She doesn’t care. If she likes something she’ll definitely go home and look up more stuff. She probably has the most diverse music taste of them all. 
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dreamlanddoll · 4 years
The Isle of Mermaids
Sofia takes Cedric with her on a quest in the Mystic Isles for the first time. The sorcerer is absolutely riveted with excitement, but upon arriving at a certain isle, he receives an unexpected amount of attention he did not prepare for.
“So, are you excited, Mr. Cedric?” 
If it wasn’t already hint enough by how Cedric had been endlessly smiling and bouncing on his heels as he and the princess walked out onto the front steps of the castle, there wasn’t much else he could do but tell her. This was the first time Cedric had ever gotten the privilege of going to the Mystic Isles, and as the magic-loving enthusiast he was, Cedric was ecstatic. 
“Oh, Princess I am more than excited. I’m absolutely riveted!” The sorcerer exclaimed, clasping his hands together and beaming at the thought of getting to explore that glorious manor of magic. “I can’t wait to see all those mystical sights!” He twirled. This was the most excitable and dreamy Sofia has ever seen Cedric act before. It was quite an endearing and humorous thing to witness. The only time that came close that she can recall was when she took him and Calista to see Merlin. 
Cedric went on. “The Isle of fairies, the Isle of Sorcerer’s and OH The Cove of Crystals~!” He rambled on about all the places he was dying to visit, hardly being able to contain his joy. 
Sofia giggled. “Well I’m happy you’re so excited, becauuuseeee-” she drawled, hopping down the stairs and landing in front of the carriage to take them there. Which had no flying horse or coachmen in sight, but instead gave off a reassuring glow, signaling that it was very much enchanted.  “we’re gonna do more than just sight see.” 
Cedric halted beside the carriage beside her looked down at his princess, confused by this new information. “Whatever do you mean?”
Sofia smiled sheepishly. “Welllll I do have a small job I need to do. But it’s okay! That’s why I thought it’d be okay for you to come this time since we’ll have lots of time to sight see. I promise.” The princess explained as Cedric opened the door for her. She hopped inside with him following behind. 
“I trust you, princess. But, just one question.”
Sofia blinked. 
“Don’t you usually take your flying pegasus to the isles?” He asked as the carriage took off.
Sofia groaned, shrugging into herself in embarrassment. “Mom wanted me to start taking the enchanted carriage because she thought it’d be safer than me gallivanting around on a flying pesagus without a saddle and helmet like I do with Minimus.” She explained shamefully, resting her head in her arms on the window. Looking quite glum with this new found restriction on something meant to be an adventure. No doubt if Chrysta saw her riding into HQ on this, she’d never let her live it down.
The coach came to a steady sore as it tilted down to land at the entrance to the Isles, prompting both Sofia and Cedric to climb out of the side door of the coach. Immediately, Cedric gasped in amazement the second he and Sofia stepped onto the cloudy surface of the land. His eyes lighting up at all the beautiful blue and purple mist and clouds surrounding them, the energy of never ending magic all around them, the frolicking fae and witches and centaurs around every corner and on every isle. It was all so wonderful and breathtaking, there was not a single place his eyes could stay focused on for more than three seconds because of all that was happening before him. 
“Welp, here we are!” Sofia gestured, allowing Cedric a moment to take in the grandness of the place they were in. She stepped up beside him, placing her hands on her hips. “Whadayya think?”
Cedric’s eyes didn’t cease their wondrous gazing and his huge, dorky smile never faltered. The majesty before them was almost too much joy and brilliance for him to handle. “This is.. the most incredible place I’ve ever seen!” He said as his voice got high in pitch with excitement. He looked up to see a circle of pixies flutter gently down to the crown of his head, placing a multi-coloured flower crown of all different beautiful shades of blues, purples, pinks and yellows on his head.
“Oh, um, th-thank you!” He addressed the fae folk, gingerly touching the grown they graced him with and waving them goodbye as they flew off. They all waved to him as well before giggling and diapering into the clouds. 
The second the pixies left, a familiar voice came up behind Sofia, causing her and Cedric to startle and turn around. 
“Hey Sofia!” Chrysta flew in, a friendly smile on her face at seeing her favourite princess. “This your friend you brought with ya?” She nodded at Cedric.
“Uh huh.” Sofia affirmed with a nod, gesturing to proudly present her royal sorcerer and mentor. “Chrysta, meet Cedric the Sensational.” She grinned, stepping aside. 
Cedric stepped forward, placing a hand on his chest and sticking one hand out for her to shake. “A pleasure to meet you, Chrysta. Forgive me for our first meeting, it wasn’t exactly formal.”
The protector laughed to brush it off, taking his hand to shake. “Hey, don’t worry about it. Sofia’s very important to the both of us.” She threw the princess a wink. Looking back at Cedric, she noticed a certain adoration on top of his head, rousing amusement in the fairie. “I see the pixies have greeted you already.” 
“Hm?” Cedric puzzled at first, but once he noticed that Chrysta had been eyeing higher up on his head, he remembered the flowered decoration the pixies gifted to him just a minute ago. Feeling embarrassed, a hot blush rushed to the sorcerer’s cheeks as he quickly swiped the crown from off his head, chuckling and folding it into his pocket for safe keeping.
Chrysta still had a smirk on her face along with crossed arms, looking over her shoulder she noticed something quite different about the young protectors choice to transportation here. “Sofia, don’t you usually use Skye to get here?” She asked, turning back to the princess with a quizzical look.
Now it was Sofia’s turn to be embarrassed. “I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Well good, because we don’t really have time. We need to get you two to the Isle of Mermaids, stat. As far as we know they’re the only ones with the starfish key we need to open the Chest of Miracles.” Chrysta said, checking her enchantlet. 
“Right. We can get there fast.” Sofia reassured, suddenly hardening her tone to let Chrysta know that she meant business.
“Good.” The fairie replied, then turned to Cedric with a smug grin. “Think you can handle it, Royal Sorcerer?”
Cedric scoffed. “I’m sure I can handle a few fish-tailed ladies that spend their day splashing about in the water.” 
“Great!” Chrysta clapped her hands together and began to usher to two back into the carriage. “Check in with me once you’ve got the key, then you can use your enchantlet to transfer it over to me where I’ll be at HQ. Okay, Sofia?” 
“Okay, it’ll be done in no time.” She said confidently as Chrysta continued to push them. 
“Good, now let’s get a move on you two!” She proclaimed, shoving the princess and the sorcerer into the carriage and slamming the door before either of them could get another word out, and smacking the side of the enchanted vehicle to let it take off.
“What exactly is the Chest of Miracles, Sofia?” Cedric inquired to the princess sitting across from him. 
“Well,” Sofia started, bringing up her enchantlet to her chin and pressing down on the middle with her finger. The whip extended to create a circle between the two, showing them an image of a jewel-encrusted golden chest with an enchanted lock that looked like it was made of steal iron. It was decorated with rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, you name it. The sight in a mere picture was almost too much for ones eyes to handle. 
“It’s a magical chest that when you open it, it will grant you one wish and one wish only, so powerful that it can’t be reversed by any magic at all.” Sofia tapped her enchantlet, bringing up another image of a couple of regular looking goons, though clearly native to the Mystic Isles. “There’s been a couple of bad elves after it recently. And before we go looking for them we have to ensure that every single key is safe and locked away where nobody can find them. There’s one key on every isle, but they are incredibly hard to find because they only surface every 10 years.” She took the image down, putting her hand back to her side. 
Cedric rubbed his chin, absorbing all that the Princess had explained to him. “Oh my, seems like quite the event to keep track of.”
Sofia nodded. “It is.” Her eyes shifted to the side and upon looking outside the window, she gasped. “We’re here!” She exclaimed as the coach landed on the sandy and rocky surface of the Isle of Mermaids. Sofia sprung up from her seat and flung the door open, dashing outside to the front of what appeared to be a seaweed door. Covering the entrance to the rocky cove, there was a curtain of multiple thick and long strands of seaweed, decorated with seashells and conch shells and starfish in a prettily detailed pattern. 
“Whoa.” Sofia marveled at the display as Cedric strolled up behind her, who was also taking in the aesthetically pleasing sight.
The princess turned to Cedric, putting up a hand to prevent him from going any further. “I’ll go in first, just to make sure it’s safe.” She walked ahead, ignoring Cedric cry out- “W-wait, Sofia!” -out of fear she might get into some kind of trouble that he’d be deemed responsible for. 
Sofia had slightly peeled the seaweed curtains back and slipped in as to not cause too much disturbance. Her eyes widened at the pretty sight of the cove, the weaving and bending isles of crystal white and purple rock pillars stood proud and tall with bunches of sparkling barnacles gathering at their bases. Beneath Sofia’s boots were purple sands, almost identical to the sand in the Dancing Dessert. 
The cove was packed with mermaids, much to Sofia’s luck and surprise. There were so many. Some chatting, some playing and splashing about, some napping on the sandy shore, and some doing their hair and makeup while they rested on rock peaks. All completely unaware of anything going on around them. Oh boy, it was going to be hard to even get their attention. 
“Um.. e-excuse me?” Sofia quipped, but no avail. 
“Excuse me!” She said a little louder. The mermaids just kept socializing. 
Sofia puffed her cheeks, reckoning she’d have to be louder if she ever wanted this to get anywhere. “EXCUSE ME!” She shouted, which took enough energy from her to turn her normally pink-ish cheeks a brilliant red of frustration.
Silence fell over the gaggle of fish girls, they all turned their heads to the source of their disturbance. Sofia was expecting a backlash of annoyed mermaid folk, but instead was met with a wave of pleasant gasps. 
“A visitor!!!’ They all cheered, swimming up to Sofia like excited newly adopted puppy-dogs. 
Taken aback by the sudden attention, the princess stepped back. “Um.. hi!” Sofia waved, trying her best to just smile cutely and be polite. If she wanted to find that key, she’d have to win her way too it. 
“Hi!” One mermaid with red hair replied gushingly. 
“Aren’t you one of the protectors?” A curly black-haired mermaid with a navy blue tail asked eagerly. 
“Yes, actually.” She replied, attempting to make pleasantries. “I’m Princess Sofia, the Mystic Isle’s first human protector.” She stated proudly, making a heroic stance, which only fueled the mermaids’ excitement.
“A PRINCESS?!” They all gawked, swimming even closer, crowding around the little girl.  
“How many crowns do you own?” One chimed. 
“How much are your dresses?” One chirped. 
Unsure how to respond, Sofia backed up as a swarm of chatter and inquires continued to fire at her at once, overwhelmed by all the sudden questions. “Um...”
From the other side of the seaweed, Cedric had been nervously biting his nails. Wondering what was taking Sofia so long. He had been pacing, looking at the floor and giving the curtain the occasional worried glance. 
“Oh... what is that girl doing in there?” He muttered, concern greatly affecting his every emote. 
What if they weren’t any help at all? What if they were just being rude? What if they were actually bad mermaids? WHAT IF THEY TRIED TO DROWN HER???
It only took a few minutes for the worries and doubts to build up inside of the sorcerer before he couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s it!” Cedric stopped, stepping up to the door of green strings and puffing out his chest. “I’m going in there.” He declared, drawing out his wand. 
Throwing back the curtain dramatically, which was very opposite to the approach Sofia had tried to take earlier, he stepped inside the cove and called out, “Sofia! Are you alright? What is going on in here?” 
The giggling of the mermaids stopped, being caught by the attention of the new arrival in their midst. Their gazes completely going past the princess and now landing on the tall sorcerer. They unanimously scanned him up and down as Sofia talked. 
“Mr. Cedric, I’m okay, they're actually really nice! They’re... just-”
“A BOY?!” The mermaids squealed in unison, their tails excitedly flipping up in sync. 
“Wha- AH!” Before Cedric had time to react, he felt himself being pulled by his arm down to right where the shore met the water. Before he knew it, or could really register what was going on, he was suddenly surrounded by a flock of doey-eyed fish tailed maidens as the new specimen of their attention. 
“He’s so cute~!” A blonde one in the back cooed, making a shy blush creep onto Cedric’s pale cheeks. He can’t remember the last time he’s ever been called ‘cute’ completely unprompted. 
“We never get any boys here in the cove.” One sighed, looking up and resting her cheek on her arm that was resting on the sand beside his leg. Tracing patterns in the sand with her finger.
“Guys, look at his hair!” A pretty red head reached forward to feel the tips of Cedric’s silvery bangs, to which he sputtered and stumbled back. 
Cedric shook his head, almost certain he had just gotten whiplash from all the tugging and fawning he had just received. He wasn’t used to being so doted on, let alone by a dozen or so pretty mermaids. “I-I-I do apologize ladies, but the Princess and I are in a bit of a-”
“Are you a sorcerer?” The black-haired mermaid swam forward, intrigued by the wand he had currently in his hands possession. 
“Hm?” Cedric directed his attention to where the mermaid had been gazing dreamily, realizing he had been up in arms with his greatest magical tool this whole time. “Oh, um..” he then looked around at the array of adoring faces awaiting for his response. In all honesty it kind of unsettled and yet.. it also flattered him. He would be lying if he told himself that he wouldn’t perhaps enjoy indulging in this sort of attention, just a little. 
“I-I am.” He stated, though that statement was true, he still seeming a little confused and frazzled. However, that response alone was enough to make the mergirls squeal with excitement. 
“Can you show us some tricks?” The blonde one spoke up.
“Oh, well, um, I-I don’t think we really have the ti-” 
“Where’d you get your wand?” The red head intervened.
“That’s actually a funny story! You see I-”
The loud throat-clearing of the princess alerted Cedric to not continue with his story unless they wanted to be there all day. 
“Mr. Cedric, I don’t think we have time for that.” She pointed to her enchantlet, tapping it as if it were a watch. 
Cedric nodded at Sofia, affirming his dedication to get this over with. However, the attention of a particularly bold mermaid caught Cedric’s eye back. A brunette with a dark purple tail swam up to the shore and leaned forward to Cedric on her elbows. “So, Mr. Cedric, do you swim at all~?” She drawled in a sultry manner as she looked up at him through lidded eyes and a confident curl of her lips. This caused a rupture of giggles and whispering from her mermaid companions. In Cedric, it caused what he was sure was the fieriest blush he’s ever felt in his life rise up in his cheeks, knowing he was definitely beat red by now. Not to mention the spike his blood pressure went through at hearing that comment. 
Sofia sighed, lowering her head in defeat. At this rate, she wasn’t gonna get anywhere in finding that key. Not with these mermaids short attention spans. 
The sound of water swishing by the princess’s feet startled her, casing her to turn her head to the water where a “Pstt, hey, Princess!” had sounded. 
Sofia spotted that curly black haired mermaid, who must’ve slipped from the crowd among noticing her distraught. “Is there something you need, honey?” 
The protector smiled in relief, rushing up to the coast line and kneeling down to meet at eye-level with the mermaid.  
“Yes, do you think you can help me?” She asked.
The mermaid chuckled, waving a hand. “Oh of course I can, sugar! You’ll have to excuse me and the girls this whole time, we’re very...” she and Sofia looked over at the rest of her merfriends, who were still gushing over the very frazzled sorcerer, keeping him knelt at the shoreline as one reached up to tuck a lavender sea flower in his hair over top of his ear. They all squealed and giggled at how cute he looked with it.
“distracted easily.” She shook her head, turning her attention back to the princess. 
Sofia giggled at the wholesome sight. “That’s okay.” She turned back to the mermaid. “I’m just glad you’re here now. Do you think you can help me find this?” She lifted up her enchantlet, tapping it to let the whip form it’s image-creating loop, manifesting the sight of a large, sky blue key with an orange starfish that made of the end of the handle. There was a large red jewel installed in the starfish's center, and tiny diamonds aligned the length of the key. “It’s the starfish key, it’s supposed to help open an enchanted chest that needs to be protected.”
The mermaid brightened with familiarity at the sight of the image, straightening up and flipping her tail. “Well why didn’t you say so? I’ll go get it for you!” In a flash, the mermaid dove off back into the water, causing some droplets to splash into Sofia’s face. 
Sofia coughed, wiping the water off her cheeks as she contemplated how easy that was. Well, she supposed it wasn't all that easy. Getting the mermaids to even focus on one thing for long was a challenge on it’s own, but the princess was at least expecting some kind of fight to be put up since what she was asking for was very important. Though, she supposed since she was recognized as a protector, she did have some authority in this realm.
In a mere minute, the mermaid popped back up out of the water, giving the princess a warm smile. Sofia returned her expression and eagerly leaned in as the mermaid had lifted one hand out if the water to reveal the long awaited starfish key exact to the one in the picture. “Is this what you’re looking for, sweet pea?” She drawled, handing the key to the princess. 
“Yes.” Sofia nodded, looking down at the object in her hands. It was a lot more glow-y than in the picture, a gold aura quickly seeped out from it once it hit the air. “Thank you.” 
“Anytime!” The fish lady chirped. “My name’s Quinta, by the way.” She affirmed, resting a hand on her chest to gesture towards herself. 
“Sofia.” The princess stood up to curtsy, addressing herself in return. Then, with key in hand, she turned to Cedric and waved it in the air. “Mr. Cedric!” She called, cupping one hand to her mouth to overpower the noise of the giggling and inquiries of the other mermaids that were still flocked around him. 
The sorcerer’s attention was quickly caught, he turned his head to the princess and beamed, standing up to signal that he was ready to go. “Oh thank goodness you found it!” He exclaimed, a little relived. 
“Actually, it was Quinta.” Sofia smiled, nodding over the the mermaid beside her. She waved at Cedric, who in return waved back.
Sofia rushed up to the sorcerer, tugging on his robe sleeve. “Come on, we have to get this back to HQ.” 
“Right.” Cedric nodded, about to bid the mermaids a polite goodbye. He was interrupted by the feeling of a hand reach out and grab his, tugging gently on his arm. He looked down to see the pleading eyes of the red haired mermaid, along with her other now sad-faced friends crowding in closer to the shore. 
“Do you have to go?” The redhead whined cutely, sticking out her bottom lip. 
“Uh...” Cedric panicked, looking fearfully at all the pouting lips and pleading gazes, afraid of upsetting them he was unsure how to answer. 
Sofia sighed, knowing there’s no way that Cedric, being the kind of person he was, still a little afraid of disappointing people, stepped in to help him. “I’m sorry, but we really have to go. It’s important for the Mystic Isles.” She stood in between the mermaids and her sorcerer, separating them.
“Awwwwww.” The mermaids cried in unison, their shoulders slumping and their expressions dropping. 
“But don’t worry, we’ll probably be coming back at some point!” Sofia chimed, trying to instill a bit of hopefulness into the group as she began to usher Cedric out of the cove, very similarly to how Chrysta had been doing to them earlier when getting them into the coach.
“Hmm, okay!” One chirped hopefully, reaching up to wave the two goodbye. “Bye Princess! Bye Cedric!” 
“Yeah, bye you two!” Another jumped in.
“Hope to see you guys soon!” The blonde called. 
Sofia and Cedric waved politely as they continued to make their way out, looking over their shoulders and at the mermaids briefly before turning around and pulling back the seaweed curtain. Cedric had offered for Sofia to go first, lifting the ocean veil for her, the princess smiled up at him and just before completely disappearing, turned back over her shoulder to see that Quinta was still there, giving Sofia a grin and waving goodbye as well. Sofia smiled back to silently thank her for all her help, and left with her sorcerer.
“Well, that was...” Cedric commented, not really sure how to continue with that as they both walked to the coach. On one hand, the mermaids were incredibly lovely and friendly, but on the other hand, it was all so sudden and quick that he wondered if it even actually happened.
Sofia giggled. “Interesting.” She finished the statement for him, stopping by the coach as Cedric opened the door for her. “Very interesting.” She hopped inside.
“Yes, I should say so, Princess.” Cedric agreed, still in between a state of contentment and confusion, stepping into the coach behind her. 
The princess let out another chortle, hiding her grin behind her hand as she had noticed something... new about Cedric when she sat across from him. Much to his further confusion. 
“What? What is it now?” He panicked. 
Sofia pointed to the side of her head, just above her ear. “I like your flower.” She teased, making Cedric’s hand fly up to his hair. He ruffled around up there with an embarrassed blush before pulling out the flora from his locks and holding it in front of his face. 
“Oh what is with this place and putting flowers on me?” He grumbled, stuffing that flower into his other pocket. 
Sofia grinned cheekily. “I thought it looked cute.” 
Cedric crossed his arms and sat back in his seat, feigning a grumpy facade that hadn’t fooled the princess in years. She knew he fully intended to keep that flower, and the crown he was gifted. 
As the coach continued to sore through the air, it went off to take them to the next Isle. Their journey here only beginning. 
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