#i know you're lying
gotstabbedbyapen · 8 months
Melpomene: My works PEAKED when I can make mortals cry with just the tune.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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clown-owo · 10 months
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Love disabled people who just lie about their disabilities to nosy, intrusive questions. Sorry, yeah, I lost my arm in the wash one day. It's funny how that happens! Oh, I got back pain from saving nineteen children from a burning fire department <3
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hvly · 2 years
i truly think that korekiyo haters who happen to like nagito are lying to themselves
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caterpillar? more like cu. more like cunty. cuntypil. um.
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moonrpg · 3 months
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can you two stop cycling through your idle animations for FIVE SECONDS 🫵 I'm trying to listen to the music adapt to changes in the environment
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
It still amazes me the number of people who see the juxtaposition between Nami and Usopp during Wano and their fight against Ulti as "Nami's devotion to Luffy is unmatched, unlike Usopp's" when she isn't able to say he won't be the king of the pirates but Usopp is telling her to lie.
I think most people don't have in mind, either, that Usopp isn't the one being directly asked. He is looking out for Nami and begging her to lie to keep her alive because he is scared to death they might lose her for something as insignificant as lying. For him, lying is a form of survival and it is not that big of a deal because he trusts Luffy enough to tell Nami to lie about her feelings. It is something that will only stay between them because he knows it is better to lie than to die and Luffy would want it that way too.
And that doesn't mean he isn't loyal to Luffy or his dream. He is just looking out for Nami's safety. And as I said-- He isn't being asked directly, either. It is easier to tell others to lie about something of the sort than to do it yourself, and if the roles were reversed I personally think he'd have the most awful of times with it too.
Nami refuses to say Luffy won't become the king of the pirates because for her, even if lying has gotten her out of messes, she puts her trust and loyalty in Luffy before her own instincts of survival because lying is what got her to push them away when they first met and this is the one thing she can't lie about because it would hurt more than death.
Then again, I think she would do the same exact thing Usopp did if she wasn't being the one asked. It is the whole point of the scene, actually. They both know the most rational thing is to lie so the one witnessing the scene will always be cold-headed about it, but the one having to lie is the one suffering the bitter realization of how lying about this and saying it out loud is way harder than it seems from an outsider's perspective.
So I am tired of seeing people criticizing Usopp for his decision during the fight against Ulti as if it were that easy for him to see Nami being about to get killed if she doesn't lie. Sorry for the guy to actually want to protect the people he loves instead of letting her be reckless and basically kill herself freely for telling a truth even Luffy would tell her to lie about if it meant living.
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hood-ex · 1 year
I don't know why DC insists on hurting Bruce in ways that aren't even fun. Runaway bride on his wedding day? Boring. Killing one of his kids? Well. It was heartbreaking the first time but now we're used to it.
A villain making Bruce view some of Dick's favorite memories via magic except none of the memories include Bruce because the memories were carefully selected to make Bruce think that he means nothing to Dick? Now that's fun.
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Has this been done already
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zevis413 · 7 months
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happy autumn days to those guys!
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vegaseatsass · 13 days
Since I'm still thinking about Ming today... Let us compare Three Mings.
1. Ming when he's Scared*
*caught off guard by domesticity/affection and how much he likes and wants it
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2. Ming when he's Trying*
*to fix the shit he does when he's scared, but still seem cool and controlled (of highest priority always)
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3. Ming when he's Scared*
*deeply fucking terrified, scrambling, on the precipice of a complete break from sense and reason which he shan't recover from for years
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And the thing is, which of these Mings do you think stays with Joe in his bones, in his gut. Which of these Mings are the Mings Joe remembers and thinks of as true?
Ming my babygirl, you have so so soooo much more Trying to try.
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worstloki · 10 months
following the theory that loki intentionally banded the avengers together so he could sicc them on thanos later, after he took the throne in T:TDW, i think he'd be so angry at the events of civil war like:
loki as odin: hello heimdall, how do earth's mightiest heroes fare as of late?
heimdall: they have disagreed on many subjects and split up two days ago
loki: they haVE WHAT?
cue loki coming down to earth and bonking everyone's heads together until they all get along again
stark: how the heck are you alive???
loki: skills. listen here, i did not pour my blood, sweat and tears to form this team for you idiots to throw all my hard work out the window!
loki, grabbing rhodes and stark by the wrists: now, we are going to get your little friends out of prison, understood?
like an exasperated kindergarten teacher, y'know?
Loki, hitting Steve over the head with a newspaper: he's your friend, of course he's upset you lied to him about something like this
Tony: hah!
Loki, giving Tony a death glare: did you have to fight each other about it
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canisalbus · 9 months
How do you find pose references for all those gorgeous and cute and aaaaaaa drawings. H o w. Where. (<-from someone struggling to draw characters interacting)
(if you don't use references, take it as a compliment to your godly anatomy and posing skills)
I don't really use references for poses that much. I'm not sure how to explain this without sounding weird but when I'm about to draw something, I visualize it in my mind, and when it's character art I sort of see them as 3D models that can be posed and rotated. And I just sort of try to replicate that on paper, sometimes it's easy and sometimes it doesn't work out at all (a good reminder that when you browse someone's art, you usually only see the pieces that the artist is at least passably proud of, not the piles of failed projects that went nowhere).
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I tried to watch season 2 of the bear, and flamed out tragically when I saw all the famous people in episode 6. I'm sorry, those are Faces, I know who they are and therefore the illusion is broken entirely and completely.
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