#i kinda wonder if this is one of the reasons for deltarune having such a different battle layout lmao
bonetrousledbones · 5 months
the funniest thing about papyrus is that he has very tall person energy and everyone agrees he's tall but he's like 5'8"
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glux2 · 7 months
Musing: Emotional connection
Recently a very close person to me suggested i binge watch "Angel Hare", before that day my only exposure to that project was a fan game that had a very funny punchline in lampooning the "cursed videogame" genre.
So i watched the whole thing and it was great.
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This scene right here made me feel more feelings than most of the media i have watched/played/read in like the last 5 years or so.
So it made my mind wonder, like, "hold on, when was the last time i felt this strongly about a piece of entertainment?"
Sure, if you know me, i felt strongly about the ongoing plotline for Noelle on Deltarune, so one would think "2021 when chapter two came out", right? but no, i got very invested but it wasn't it.
The last time i felt so strongly about a piece of media was actually Deltarune's predecesor, Undertale in 2015.
I finished Undertale in tears, i got in a very bad funk when i found out about the genocide ending, it truly made me feel emotions.
So i began to ponder, just what really moves me?
Full disclosure: I don't cry at movies. This is not a "look at me i am a badass who is not beheld by feelings" statement, no, i kinda just dont connect emotionally with movies as easily as other people.
I have talked about this, many times actually, Toy Story 3 did not make me cry, it always bothers me how people at the time were like "if TS3 didn't make you cry, you have no soul" and shit like that, so let me repeat something i have said many times before:
Toy Story 3 was a movie i went to see the day doctors had informed me my mother had entered terminal phase of cancer.
My friends took me to see TS3 when i felt the greatest sadness i have ever felt in my entire life. And im glad TS3 was a pretty funny movie that managed to distract me from what i was going through. TS3 uplifted me when i had a very real reason to cry.
So what im getting at is, i rarely connect emotionally with what conventionally makes people emotionally connected, not that i havent felt strong emotions from movies, but as we'll get to later, it's just not the stuff you would expect, when we get back to movies you'll be thinking, "what the fuck, Toy story 3 did not make you emotional but THIS THING DID?!"
So, if traditional "emotional things" rarely have moved me i began to think to myself, "what are things that have made me feel this strongly?"
I realized it's the damn weirdest things.
I'll try to list things that i can remember making me feel this emotional.
Now i'll be upfront, im not a very cultured person, so you'll notice most of this is...not very high brow.
Also, obviously spoilers for all this stuff im about to talk about.
Before we begin: Honorable mention goes to me finding out i had repressed memories of being traumatized as a kid by being show an animated adaptation of "Pilgrim's progress" by an aunt, which disturbed me greatly towards the end as the main character dies and before it the souls of two people he met are condemned to eternal damnation from making MISTAKES, not sins, not evil, but THE FUCKING MISTAKE of exploring alternate routes before them.
-Yoshi's Island, 1994 When i was a wee one Yoshi was one of my fave videogame characters, so of course i was beyond hype when a game where you play as yoshi came out, the ending is one of the greatest moments in videogame history, the beautiful music, the journey of the stork, and finally the classic Mario fan fare playing as baby mario and baby luigi being held by their parents with the words "Heroes are born", it's such a powerful moment. To this day i still cannot listen to that credits music without tearing up.
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-The bicentennial man, 1999 The bicentennial man is one of the biggest examples of a movie being fucking mischaracterized in the marketing, this movie is based on Isaac Asimov's short story and later novel, it stars Robin Williams, so all marketing was presenting the movie as Robin Williams comedy movie, IT. IS. NOT. The bicentennial man is a scifi drama about the existential search for meaning and the nature of what truly is to be alive. You get invested on the quest of this robot trying to find humanity for 200 years, and the punchline to this movie is, in his quest for humanity he forgoes the immortality being a machine provides him as he had developed the way to turn himself biological, still artificial but biological, and he dies peacefully on his sleep before he can be told that humanity had declared him, legally, a human being. To me it was such a powerful moment, he found true meaning to his life, became human, yet died before knowing so.
-Courage the cowardly dog, "The Mask", 2002 This is a legendary episode of an already great show that has a lot of very good emotional moments, some may cite episodes like "the giving tree" or "the last star maker", but for me it's this one. For those who have never experienced this episode, it revolves around a cat girl named Kitty who one day shows up at Courage's farm and she's wearing an upsetting mask, she abuses courage because she believes all dogs are bad. The mask serves 2 purposes, one is metaphorical, "her inability to face reality", the second is to hide her identity as she believes she is in danger. The thing is, she is on the run because her lover best friend Bunny is trapped in an abusive relationship with a gangster dog who threatened to kill her if she was seen near Bunny ever again, the episode coats the whole situation with a ton of goofiness, but it's actually very fucking dark: A young lesbian is trapped against her will on an abusive relationship with a toxic, violent man who threatened to kill her girlfriend if she refused to date him. Courage, being a good little dog ventures to save Bunny and have her reunite with Kitty because, despite how bad Kitty was to him, he recognizes that Kitty is a victim and she and Bunny deserve better, leading to Courage letting them escape away together, to live happy and free. I don't think it's just me, but the final image of Kitty and Bunny hugging as the train takes them to freedom felt so powerful to me.
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-Twisted Metal Head-on, 2002 This is one of the weirdest things i have ever gotten emotionally invested, but honestly? i love when some shitposting franchise suddenly manages to pull this off, specially given the set up for this whole thing im going to describe starts in an early game as a fucking joke. So to contextualize this, the first two Twisted metal games were helmed by the og creators of the franchise, TM 3, 4 and small brawl were made by different developers when the creators lost the rights, but during the PS2 era when the og developers came back and created TM: Black, and TM: Head-on, Black was a reboot, Head-on was a retcon sequel to TM 2 that eliminated TM3 from the timeline, but not TM 4. Still with me? Okay so TM2 had this character, Krista Sparks, who was the revealed to be the daughter of the main antagonist of the game, Calypso, but hold on? wasn't Calypso's backstory that his family died in a tragic accident which lead him to become evil? So turns out, the FBI retrieved his daughter's corpse, turned it into a robot with a bomb with the intend to make her get close to Calypso and blow him up. The ending ends comically with a message reading "The FBI wishes to thank you for putting an end to Twisted metal". Stil Still with me?!?!?! ok! so Head on! In this game Krista is back, as a ghost, her ending consists on her confronting her dad, who has now brought up so much pain, misery and death to the world, Calypso tries to explain that the nature of his powers mean he has to do this otherwise he cannot use his powers, and his plan was for Krista to win so he could bring her back and her mom to life, but Krista is so horrified with what has happened that she refuses and blurts "I wish the accident that killed me and mom never happened" the intention being impeding Calypso from becoming this evil super natural villian, but as per all endings, it's always a monkey paw affair and Calypso knows it, looking saddened he grants the wish because he has no option, his powers force him to. Briefly Krista has a vision of her childhood with her dad before he became evil as they share a sweet moment playing on a swing set. HARD CUT TO A HOSPITAL, Krista is on a bed in coma, Calypso is there and whispers to her something along the lines of "Sleep tight my dear, may you finally find peace", as Calypso is leaving the hospital you can hear 2 doctors talking, mentioning that Krista had been in coma for more than a decade and apparently Calypso just had found out. Excuse me Twisted Metal, but WHAT THE FUCK? You are a dumb fucking edgy car combat game, how dare you make me feel these things?
-Mother 3, 2006 (translation on 2008) Mother 3 hopefully needs no introduction, or maybe it does, because many people have reduced it to a joke due to how nintendo stubbornly refuses to give us an official release, but also many of you must know this franchise is the spark that ignited the flame of the absolute Juggernaut Undertale would become, as well as many other games influenced by it. The Mother/Earthbound games were known for being quirky and deviating from the standard conventions of the game, notably for the modern day setting and unorthodox choices of how you deal with the villians, they were always billed as emotional, but i feel they did not live up to that...until 3. The general narrative to Mother 3 is about how greed is destroying the world, the main villian corrupting what we see of the world (a paradise little town where everybody is nice) by introducing luxury, money and status....and also stomping everything with his fascist army and cyborg mutants. Mother 3 is a game about how the worst traits of humanity are destroying the world and upsetting nature. Mother 3 is also the story of 2 twin brothers who suffer tragedy after tragedy after tragedy that ultimately pits them one against the other with the fate of the world at stake. Mother 3 punches you almost immediately by killing the mother character (which i might mention you're encouraged to name after your own mother) at the end of the first chapter and how this affects her surviving family. one of the Twins, Claus, is so disturbed that he decides to on on his own to try to kill the monster that took his mom, while the other, Lucas, was too afraid and weak to stop his brother, resulting on Claus dying as well...but the badguys take his corpse and reanimate it into a cold, emotionless cyborg who follow's the big bad's order and is using him to try to cause the end of the world. In the climax of the story Lucas is force to confront Claus, clause is a brain washed cyborg, his master is out of the picture and all he can do is fight, you can't reason with him...and then.... Lucas and Claus begin to hear a voice, a familiar voice, it's their mother, reaching for them from beyond the grave, pleading for them to stop fighting, suddenly Lucas and Claus both have a flash back to when they were babies, overhearing their parents talk about the hopes they have for them, the many things they will be able to achieve together, this makes Clause snap out of his brain washing, removing the helmet that had been hiding his face since he was resurrected, Lucas and him have a moment as they are finally reunited, Claus realizes all the bad things he has done while under control of the bad guy and realizes he must atone for his crimes, he prepares a lightning attack he knows cannot hurt Lucas and cause HIM to die. "Im sorry for all the problems i caused" he says as he is dying on his dad's arm, "I must go to where mom is now", as he passes away he can hear his mother calling for him, "You just be so tired" she says. Now i know it will sound insane for people to hear a videogame of all things can make one so emotional, but damn, just recollecting these scenes for this dumb post has made me start to cry, the emotional punch of this scene is very strong, it demolished me when i played the game back in the day, but now? After my own mother passed away? I have been scared of playing this game again. I mot sure if im emotionally prepare to go though that again, even 10+ years later. That's how powerful this scene was to me.
-Elite Beat Agents, 2007 If you have played this game, you know were im going, for those who dont, EBA is a silly rhythm game about secret agent cheer leaders that are dispatched around the world to help people in need by raising their spirit and allow them to overcome adversity, the game is insanely wacky and have scenarios like helping a ninja car salesman prevent a company from stealing his company's secrets, helping a washed up baseball star fight a lava spitting golem rampaging on an amusement park and traveling back in time to help davinci paint the mona lisa. EBA is also the second game in the Ouendan series, and there is something you need to know about this series: They all include tearjerker levels to contrast with all the goofiness. "A christmas Wish" is a christmas themed level set to Chicago's "You are the inspiration" and the story to this level is positively DEVASTATING: A few months before christmas a business man tells his daughter and wife he has to go on a business trip but he promises he'll be back just in time for christmas, the girl asks him to bring back a "girlfriend" for her teddy bear. The father dies on a plane crash. When the mother breaks the news to the little girl she gets angry, crying to the skies that her dad promised he would be back for christmas. The backdrop of the stage is set the girl and the mom doing things to remember the dad, like looking through a photo album and baking a cake for his birthday, it's very sweet, but...this is EBA, if you're doing poorly you see the "bad" versions of these scenes, and in this one, one is very devastating, the little girl is having a dream where she's chasing the spirit of her dad, if you're doing well she calls for him and for a brief moment the dad stops and starts turning towards her, if you're doing bad the spirit fades away and the girl wakes up in tears. Dear goodness. But of course, if you beat the level you get this sequence of the ghost of the dad showing up on chrismas morning to fullfil his promise, giving the little girl the teddy bear he promised and having the chance to say good bye to his family.
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This punches you really fucking hard in the gut. I am incapable of doing this level without ending in tears. For a time i could not even listen to this song without tearing up until, i shit you now, the deadpool movie used it on a comedy scene.
-Punch out!!, 2009 This one is one i know got me because of personal nostalgia, when i was a wee one the og NES punch out was a big part of my childhood, Punch Out!! on the wii was a masterfully crafted tribute to the franchise. To not dwell too much time on this, this game has an interesting quirk, the ending is a downer ending and it's the only ending you can get. After you beat the last opponent there is a sequence where Mac and Doc seemingly are having a disagreement, where Mac seemingly has decided that if he loses 3 times, he'll retire from boxing completely. After this you face randomly opponents from the game, the first time you lose in this mode you lose your champion title, after three loses, it's game over and the story mode becomes locked for that save file. The final cutscene is Doc walking through what seems to be a gallery with boxing memorabilia, and untold number of years later, he is alone, he spots his old bike on this gallery and rings the bell, he looks up and speak to an absent Mac, "Good job son, good job", as he leaves the camera pans to reveal he was looking at a framed photo of him and Mac on one of their training sessions. The music on this sequence is so perfect, and it was aimed at people like me, people who grew up with the franchise, the idea was making it feel like Doc was reminiscing of YOUR time with punch out when you were a kid, and to make you think about how far YOU have come since the first time you played the games in an arcade, or your nes, or snes. It's actually pretty effective and it got me.
-Regular Show, "Trucker Hall of Fame", 2012 What makes this one different from others instances of me making me emotional, it's, much like the "Angel Hare" example at the top, this one is all about WARM HAPPY FEELINGS, so for those who did not watch this episode, let me summarize it for you: One day Muscleman gets word that his dad, who was his personal hero, has passed away, and he's tasked with carrying his final wish, spread his [hat's] ashes in a place called "Trucker hall of fame", you see, Muscleman was lead to believe his dad was a legendary trucker and that earned him his admiration, but during the episode Muscleman finds out he was lied to, his dad was a forklift driver that the truckers belittled, altho feeling cheated for having been lied to he carries on with his father's wishes. Now because this is regular show, when they arrive at the trucker's hall of fame they are immediately attacked by ghost trucker for "desecrating the hall of fame" as they spread the ashes something happens: The ghost of Muscleman's dad manifests himself and saves his son, taking the chance to apologize to his son and having the chance to say his final good bye personally. Despite the inherent silliness of the show's premise, i think this episode really did a good job on expressing that sense of catharsis of making peace with the passing of a love one.
-The Final Girls, 2015 A friend suggested we watched this movie, and much like Twisted metal up there, i absolutely did not expect for this incredibly stupid comedy horror movie to hit me with any sort of emotional connection, and yet... The Final Girls opens with the main character in a car with her mom, who is an struggling C-tier actress whose biggest achievement ever was appearing on a Friday the 13th knock off movie, during this sequence they get in an accident where the mom dies and even after it's been some time since the accident the main character has not properly moved on from the passing of her mom. Her friends and some people at the college she attends are preparing this horror movie festival where the main event is they are going to play the movies from the franchise her mom was on, and they suggest she should come. Then some bullshit happens and they all end up somehow trapped in the world of the movie. A quick rundown of the rules of horror movies is explained to them, the monster cannot be defeated by fighting it, it's only the final girl who can defeat the killer, and unfortunately for them they accidentally killed the character that, in the canon of the movie, is the final girl, so they believe one of them has to become the final girl and end the movie to hopefully get out of it. The problem is, the main character is experimenting shock from interacting with her mom's character, she is not taking well to seeing her mom on the flesh and she dedicates the entire movie to "save her mom", in the climax of the movie the mom character begins to understand that she is a fictional character and the nature of her attachment to the main character, understanding that they cannot be both the final girl and if then main character wants to make it back to the real world she has to learn "To let go", choosing to sacrifice herself so there is only one final girl. It's kinda weird, that of all possible premises, this managed to make a "You need to move on" message that somehow managed to resonate with me, you might have figured out by now a running theme here, but, i was really hard for me to deal with my mother's passing even if it's been years since it happened, so it's kinda funny for me to think these are the places i have found comfort from.
-Undertale, 2015 Okay this is tumblr, i already talked about Undertale on the prologue to, whatever the fuck im doing here, you know what undertale is, you know how effective it is, Undertale is really well designed for you to grow emotionally attached to these characters, so being able to see all these characters you know have grown attached to have their happy ending on the pacifist ending does fill one with a very satisfactory warm happy feeling that can move you to tears. ...Or you can be bummed out by being a little greedy gaming bitch and taking a look at the bad ending. Because you just couldn't help yourself, could you?
-Onward, 2020 This movie did not hit me as hard as the most emotional entries on this, but it still got me, because in the end of the day the main motivation of the characters on this movie is experiencing closure, catharsis over the death of their father, for Ian it's the fact that he died before he was born so he never met him and is driven by this desire to finally see the father who he shares such a connection with on the stories everybody who knew him in life have told him, and then there is Barley, the elder brother, who did know his dad in life, but is tortured by how, as a kid, he did not properly say good bye to him because he was terrified of death and avoided being there for him in his final days. The ending for this movie is very powerful, Ian choosing to sacrifice being able to meet his dad in the flesh, even for a few minutes, in order to give Barley the chance to being able to properly make peace with his dad and properly say good bye to him. Ian doesn't even get to SEE this, he does not get to see his dad even tho it was what he wanted most of all, but he understood bringing closure to Barley was more important than his selfish desire to see his dad, someone he never knew in life.
So what have i learned from whatever the hell this trainwreck of a post is...i guess that what really gets to me, what really moves me, is when a character, maybe not even someone i can realistically relate to, gets to experience closure, catharsis and be in peace with the people who are missing on their life. The majority of these things in here, even the Angel Hare example, relate to a character being able to experience catharsis by being able to properly make pace or otherwise contact someone they lost, or their ability to move on from this world, so to speak, knowing that their affairs and in order and that their loved ones will be okay.
Things can always look dark, the world may be trying to keep you down, maybe losing someone has been specially hard for you, but it's not the end of the world, you are loved and things can get better, it always hurts and we'll never stop missing what we have lost, but the memories of happier times are there to remind us, we can be happy again, and we can move on, use those memories as your motivation, you can lead yourself to a future filled with light.
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fat-tundra-64 · 5 months
Does Berdly really matter ?
I hate to get all e m o here
But you ever wonder if anyone in deltarune
T r u l y cares for Berdly …?
Yeah like there are moments were they gave him attention (the most prominent being when Susie tells Berdly that he doesn’t need to keep his smart facade on all the time)
As Naive Berdly can be, I don’t always think a Berdly just cares for Noelle because he has a crush on her, it’s just that Noelle is kinda all he had at the moment before chapter.2 started .
Noelle helping him study might also be another reason .
I’m pretty sure everyone just tosses Berdly away as a weirdo or smart ass or both.
What I find funny about this is that thinking about it now (and also seeing things other people point out)
Berdly just sorta goes unnoticed and the thing is that he cares a lot for certain things, Especially Noelle even if she doesn’t feel affection for him and the snowgrave route proves this point greatly, Berdly does care for Noelle and immediately knows something is wrong the second that he sees Noelle before his ….demise ?
And from my memory he doesn’t try to hurt Noelle either in the battle .
And even outside of that fight, Berdly wants to find Noelle to make sure she is safe and I know that Berdly wants Noelle to be his “Queen and rule over a smartopia” but I really think he means is that he just doesn’t want to be alone and wants s o m e o n e that he knows and cares for to be on his side .
But yet despite these small efforts, Berdly just gets forgotten, left,discarded ….
The world just kinda moves on …..
A simply command from us and the Bird is gone, imagine trying to care so hard, wanting to be just recognized and loved even if you look cringy and embarrassing trying to do so,and then just being killed .
And even then if we aren’t talking about the snow grave route Berdly still gets betrayed by Queen another person he thought that truly cared about him .
I know that Berdly goes on to later have feelings for Susie, but I think that’s more of a honeymoon phase thing going on, Berdly probably just felt so happy that someone eased his social stress of being smart all the time,also maybe at this point (the end of chapter.2) Berdly may have started to realize that maybe Noelle can be on her own just fine, which may be why he wasn’t so hesitant to tell Noelle about his interest for Susie.
I know Berdly doesn’t get it as hard as the other characters, and I’m not trying to play the other characters problems either .
It’s just that Berdly seems to be one I feel bad for some times .
I wrote this purely from memory so it may go into fanon territory.
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afewbitsandpieces · 10 months
Deltarune Text Project Update #3
(View WIP Text Project Here)  
After far too long, here’s another update to the Deltarune Text Project - 99% Complete edition!
To Recap:
- There is actually several pieces of dialogue that I have tried to get, but otherwise cannot get anymore because I don’t know the conditions, or some sort of internal data prevents me from getting it again:    - Kris’s name on 1st save file: If I remember right, this has to do with getting completion data on Chapter 1, so since I’ve finished Chapter 1 several times by now, I can no longer get this.    - Green File Select screen in Chapter 1: Essentially the same as the above.    - The last Weird Route Save Point dialogue won’t show up again, presumably because it’s already been completed once before.
There is also several pieces of battle dialogue that I’m not sure can actually be gotten, or I otherwise don’t know how to trigger them in-game:
- Rudinn:    - Rudinn is alright with not fighting. [Spare conditions met]
- Hathy:    - Hathy's beat slows. [Tired]    - Hathy is skipping beats. [Spare conditions met]
- Jigsawry:    - Jigsawry looks happy about its life. [Spare conditions met]
- Ponman:    - Ponman is sleeping soundly. [Sleepy]
- K. Round:    - K.Round looks weak. [Tired]    - K.Round's shuffle becomes lethargic. [Low HP]
- Rabbick:    - You and Ralsei warned Rabbick about Susie. The enemy went on guard... [Warned]    - Rabbick is now nice and clean. [Spare conditions met]
- Clover:    - Clover seems to be getting along with herselves. [Spare conditions met]
- Lancer 2:    - Huh? What was that? [After Susie blocks Lancer's ears from "The Final Blow of Kindness"]
- Rudinn Ranger:    - Rudinn Ranger seems totally flattered. [Spare conditions met]
- Head Hathy:    - Head Hathy blocked the way! [Encounter]    - Head Hathy's beat slows. [Tired]    - Head Hathy is skipping beats. [Spare conditions met]
- Jevil:    - JEVIL got more TIRED! [Hypnosis, if JEVIL is not sufficiently tired]
- Werewire:    - Werewire swung in! [Encounter]    - Werewire and Maus swung down like stringed superheroes! [Unused encounter with Maus]
- Ambyu-Lance:    - Ambyu-Lance and its pet appeared! [Encounter with ?]
- Maus:    - Smells like wood shavings. [Neutral]    - Maus would like to go to its favorite bistro in this marvelous city. [Neutral]
- Spamton:    - $VAULES$ (rarely)
- Swatchling:    - Please enjoy this complimentary shockwave. [Red]    - What? The lasagna has some kind of explosive in it? [Blue, rare]
IN ADDITION: Like the Undertale Text Project, there's now an “X. Miscellaneous” folder of interesting things in the game:   - Chapter & Route Stat Changes (’Power’ Section)   - Character Spells (’Power’ Section)   - Character Titles (’Power’ Section)   - Configuration   - ‘Everyman’ Sightings & Mentions   - Game Over Screens   - ICE-E Sightings & Mentions   - Items     - 1. Equippable Items     - 2. Healing Items     - 3. Light World Weapons & Armor     - 4. Throwing Away Items     - 5. Miscellaneous Items     - 6. In-Battle Descriptions     - X. Key Items (& Lancer)     - X2. Too Many Items   - Missing An Attack   - Sans’s Number   - Save Point Messages   - Toriel Phone Calls
If any of you feel that there’s something else that deserves it’s own folder in the Miscellaneous section, feel free to let me know!
With all that said, if there are any suggestions to make such as missing screencaps to get (and how to get them), folder naming suggestions, etc., feel free to let me know.
(By the way, if you’re [rightfully] wondering why this took so long, it’s a couple of things: one is that both chapters put together are surprisingly long, two is that I don’t have useful tools like an in-game script, save file editing, and room/event numbers like for Undertale, three is that so far I’m going at this completely alone instead of having a group effort, and four is that at one point I kinda just got burnt out and needed a temporary break after so many replays lol)
(By the way #2: For SOME reason, updating the Chapter 2 folder is claiming there’s “upload problems” with 9 out of the total 10593 files and I have zero idea which files those are, so if someone manages to find a spot where some images are clearly missing, please let me know!)
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the-robot-bracket · 9 months
I think the reason people pay so much attention to sans and not the other many many great angst potential stuff in the rest of the game is because sans is less focused on in the game? Like Flowey and alphys and the goopy guys all have character arch’s and their story is straight up handed to you by the game so there’s less mystery. Sans you have to dig around a bit more for it and some things just straight up aren’t answered yet so there’s more wiggle room for people to read into it. Kinda sad it’s all wasted on him remembering resets tho.
To be clear, I have no problem with the fact people enjoy(ed) Sans as a character and his role in the story. In fandoms certain parts are always explored more than others. FNaF, for example, loves exploring the Afton household more than it does the missing kids.
The problem comes when so many people wrote the same story and became entirely focused on that. Many stories blended together because a lot of them did the same thing. Were there differences? Of course. But at some point it all was so similar you could confuse stories. Until Sans' role as the one judging us became... more than that. And I'm not talking him being a tumblr sexyman, I'm talking about his character and role in the story, while having depth, getting blown way out of proportion. Sans can't remember resets canonically. Let's make it more angsty, so he does remember. Sans and that other guy appeared some day? Let's make Gaster their father and him being the only one to remember him, that's angsty. Make Sans remember the good times, so he feels betrayed or sad when he fights Frisk.
And that's something very dangerous. As a character with mystery attached to it, he works. Some people used that part of him in their stories, some completely ignored it. That's fine. But when he reached Selfverse status and became the angsty character with some giving him anxiety and/or anger issues, despite that not being his character, he became too much. He became the face of Undertale with people attaching personality after personality to him.
I'll be honest, I first played Undertale only half a year before Deltarune Chapter 1 came out after seeing fan stuff. And based on my experience, I felt like Sans was turned from an interesting character to someone blown way out of proportion by a lot of fans. I didn't dislike him, but I wondered, 'How can one fandom be so obsessed with one character while adding so little to anything else?' Because rather than do interesting things with Sans in the world of Undertale and having their favorite character interact with the world, a lot of people created worlds around him or entirely focused on the Genocide run. And that gets stale pretty quickly when it's just one carousel spinning round and round. At least imo
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The SAP Squad: Spinel, Adam & Pink-Pearl (2024)
[Note: Mature Audience Readers Only, Because I will be mentioning Lilith (Charlie's Mom) by her new Nickname in this post...the nickname will still be censored though.]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Pink Diamond/"Rose Quartz" and Lilith might be different characters, but they sure as heck have hurt others… even if the reasons they left those that loved them are a bit different, but they both were still not 100% good.
yeah I still think the Lilith from our universe needed space, but Adam made the mistake in trusting those three angels in handling it… I can't really bring myself to 100% hate Adam of Hazbin Hotel, and yeah as weird as it might be, I can't help but view him being a bit like Spinel & Pink-Pearl/"Vollie"…
all three of them were badly hurt by Pink Diamond and Lilith, even if that story book plays it out like Adam was fully the bad guy but sometimes there are more to the story. and for all we know, the Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, could seem sweet and loving to her family…
but she has the dark side of being a lying, cold-hearted, manipulative, two-faced b**th who needs a good old punch to her face.
also I kinda hope that the story "The eve of Adam" that is by well someone who goes by "Anonymous" (but they go by another name on tumblr, and well I did have it wrote down on this of course but then I wasn't sure if they would want me to mention their name on here or not...and well if they don't mind it, I can edit this sometime later and say what it is. ) over at Archive Of Our Own, a part of me hopes it will be like with Kris eating all the pie in Chapter 2 of Deltarune…
of course I still think there was more that happen before Kris ate all the pie.
before I found "The eve of Adam", I had read another story that was like it but there seems to be some differences, but the one who wrote "Adam/Eve" doesn't go by "Anonymous"
but they go by "BeckyHomeEcky", I know by looking at the dates, the story "The eve of Adam" was published on April 10, 2024. and the
other "Adam/Eve" came much later on the same month. and I think we shouldn't jump into a misunderstanding.
it can be possible they had the same idea or like they could know each other and well the stories might still have Adam in that whole surprising situation, that I would love for to become canon.
I would love to write a fanfic with Adam and Eve's dark secret that appears in those two, but I guess I should wait to see if it will be okay.
both stories are interesting, of course when I did read that Adam/Eve story, I was inspired to draw a bit of fan art that was inspired by it…..it has to do with Eve and a wedding dress.
but I think I will wait a while before I post it. and well, I wonder if they know each other…? well I still like both stories, and makes me want to protect Adam (from Hazbin Hotel) like hug on to him and glare at Lilith The First B**th, and tell her to "Stay Away From Him…"…….
I wouldn't be surprised if "The First B**th" lied to Charlie's Dad about how Adam treated her, like throwing in a bit of truth but like a mix of half-truth with lies, making things worse than how they appear…….
wouldn't put it past her if she did.
and yes, I'm going to call her by the nickname "The First B**th", she isn't the boss of this "Eveningstar Princess"…also if Cain is anything like Adam (in those two Hazbin Hotel Fan Fics),
I can make a guess how Cain (from both "The eve of Adam" & "Adam/Eve" Stories) was able to have children and become a parent…I'm still gonna call both Cain & Seth by the nickname "Grunkle-Paw" because they would both be my Uncles & Grandpas.
and once again, reasons why I started to call myself "Eveningstar Princess" has to do with the weird thing with my Mom, and how she NEVER got Morning Sickness…
she only got Evening Sickness when she was going to have me, and I was even a weird little baby even before being born. XD the other weird thing was that I was a really big newborn, and I looked like a 2 week old……my Mom couldn't walk very well after having me….
but at least she got better after it, so that's good.
another name to call Cain, besides his shared nickname with Seth, which is "Grunkle-Paw"…
is to call him either Peepaw Cain or Grandpa Cain, and yeah the whole "Earth Angel Princess" thing is a weird thing that pop into my head…
(also if you want to skip some of this talk, well…just keep a eye out for the bold words.)
well blame it on some Royal Ancestors, some to which are King David and his son King Solomon (me being in the line that can't take the throne is still a blessing to me, so still not a curse.)
also even if it does turn out to be true, that Asmodeus did throw King Solomon to another part of some far away land…
that would mean that he accidentally caused this Earth Angel Princess's Birth…in other words, he caused my Ancestor-Grandparents to meet, fall in love and have their son who's line I will end up being descendant of.
well I'm pretty sure I was already a weird little accident anyway, I mean I'm pretty sure my Mom and Dad in this life had me on purpose in this life…
but as for the whole birth of my Soul, I'm pretty sure I was a unsuspected accidental surprise.
I don't know if some Eon-Boomers will listen to me, I mean I find some info about Jesus & Antichrist really messed up…it was thanks to a video I watched that talked about a possible what if future…
that made me not really happy with those two, cause no matter what choice a person makes, they are doomed either way…
this is why Earthly-Mother needs to stop those two, and protect this world…to stop a terrible future, and well that, and if Jesus and his Army are planing to do that stuff that is talked about in that video.
wouldn't it be better to do a type of cleansing that heals instead of taking a life, I mean I hope that kind of messed up future that has to do with those two sides doesn't happen at all.
I never want to take that mark, and well I had some unladylike
thoughts about where the Antichrist can well……shove it to… one thing that those of the Masculine Energy, and have been influenced by the Toxic-Masculine Energy that has plague this world since the dethroning of the Goddess.
you can only push around and mistreat the Feminine Energy so much before she grows tired of it and will push back….
and even if not all the Masculine Energy is bad, and there is that whole small Toxic-Feminine Energy (which once again isn't as high or as super dangerous as its counterpart, but it is still dangerous.) but the Toxic-Masculine is still a problem, and the whole messed up stuff those two would want to do in a possible future, it is REALLY messed up.
I mean, even if ya do that mark (BUT DON'T EVER DO THAT) you will only be given a game over by Jesus's Army, and even if you don't take it you will still be harmed in some way. I think we should at least try to stop those possible futures, to protect this world even if it isn't perfect, it is still our home. and well I still want to try to pray for Jesus, and hope he wont do that kind of messed up stuff in the future.
Other Earth Angels (who are also Humans) can't truly be okay with that kind of future or see it as "perfectly normal"…that isn't normal. when you really think about it, both sides what they want to do to a person who either does or doesn't get that mark…��..it's messed up, I can't be the only one who see that right…?
and hopefully we wont have to do a whole "Neo-Messiah" thing at this time of the present, it could be possible that could be a thing in a far off future. like both The Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother having to make a "Neo-Messiah" as a last resort, because well how bad the Toxic-Masculine Energy has been.
so long as Jesus can still be saved from himself, and make sure he and his Army never does that terrible stuff in a possible future, we might not need to have a Neo-Messiah…
well at least not in this century, and what we should at least try to do is make sure the Antichrist doesn't do that whole messed up stuff either… when I'm able to, I would like to watch that Good Omens, even if that boy in it is suppose to be a "Antichrist" it doesn't mean he has to be. and yeah, I seen a clip and it had do with how some lady couldn't see his aura. but the reason being that, it was there but she just wasn't able to see it.
I'm not sure if many will agree with me about the whole thing that is messed up about what both sides want to do, and I know some might think what Jesus and his Army will possibly do in a possible future is "okay" and "right", but I don't see it that way…it is just not. and in my view, it would be no better than the possible messed up stuff the Antichrist wants to do.
like I can still believe, ya know in the good side of Jesus and hope that he doesn't ever cross that line. it's not like everyone will wake up to the truth on how messed up it is, like you get a game over either way.
but once again, hopefully that kind of future that has to do with those two can be stopped…
excuse me if this Defective Earth Angel, doesn't agree with those two when they want to cause some form of harm that could by end up causing trauma to the soul.
plus what those two want to cause in the future, could be a type of Domestic Violence on The Feminine Energy.
some might say "no it isn't." and yeah it is possible I can't change the minds of those who believe that, so I ain't gonna force them.
but I'm not okay with what the Antichrist wants to possibly do, and I'm not okay with what Jesus and his Army want to possibly do to people even to those who felt like they see no other choice because they felt they had to do so to still live in some form of happiness with family and friends, but even with that happiness, they could still end up feeling not very good about it.
I'm going to at least hope those terrible possible futures can be stop, and people can try to hope things get a lot more better… and for Mammon to stop with the Toxic-Greed already, a little greed is normal so long as it doesn't cross a very bad line….
seriously ya Eon-Boomer of Greed, Stop Misbehaving.
and that goes for any of the other Eon-Boomer or Eon-Boomers that have had a hand in some messed up stuff that has happen. and yes the whole "Eon-Boomer" is a bit like "Baby-Boomer" but it also means that the Eon-Boomer would be WAY older than the whole Baby-Boomer thing…
anyway hope some can understand my feelings about that whole possible future hot mess that is like really messed up, and well anyway this drawing just seems to speak for itself.
not like it is really speaking, but more like…I think that in a type of Fanon Timeline/Crossover AU…those three would become friends when they share a bit of their past with each other.
even if Adam can still be a bit of a, jerk and full of himself just because he is the "First Man"….
but deep down, he might of been hiding a deep hurt.
we know that Pink had hurt both Spinel and Pink-Pearl aka "Vollie" (Vollie seems like a better nickname than Volleyball to me…even if "Volleyball" is still okay, but I like "Vollie" better.)
and she did so on purpose, same goes with what The First B**th did, plus I wouldn't be surprised if that book that Charlie read, is full of only half-truth and half-lies. because The First B**th wanted Charlie to see her Mom as the "Misunderstood Good Guy" when really she is just a two-faced lying woman and she is no better than Adam.
she better have a good reason why she left, because if she did so because part of her never loved her family, I hope she gets her butt kicked.
also the reason why I kind of like Susan from Hazbin Hotel, like maybe a little…like besides her being like a grumpy Great-Aunt or Grandmother….
well one of the reasons I like her, is that she gets Alastor to call her a certain word. as weird as it seems, I just can't help but find it funny he says that about Susan.
also besides those two stories I can't wait to read the next chapters of that is "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" there is other stories that I'm also reading that has to do with Alastor. of course I'm reading some other stories as well.
The Queens of Sloth and Gluttony from Helluva Boss, just reminds me of stuff that went on when I was really little. one of them being that, I was always tired and the whole always having to be taken to the hospital whenever a seizure ended up happening.
I still think my seizures, may have been caused by some bad energies coming from those around me and even the places I had been living at before.
the reason why they seem to stop when moving to the town we live at now, might have to do with the energy being less dangerous. but I still should try to be careful, and I know not everyone will agree that I believe my seizures had been because of the energies that was coming from both people and a place.
so yeah, Bee and Bel from Helluva Boss kind of remind me of that…so far we haven't seen Bel yet, but we might see her in the future.
anyway I think that Adam, Spinel and Vollie would get along great as friends, even if Adam can be a jerk and has a very big ego of himself… but for all we know, he might not be as heartless as he plays himself out to be.
and even he can agree what Pink did to both Spinel & Vollie, was crossing a line and super messed up.
Adam could see a bit of himself in Spinel, because he was left by his first wife and well there could still be more to the story, even we the fans of the show and Charlies doesn't know about.
those three were badly hurt by both Pink and Lilith, and for all we know, Adam was really badly hurt by what Lilith and Lucifer. but it could be possible that both Adam & Lucifer are victims of Lilith. and the reason why Lucifer can't truly see it, because of his feelings for her. and who knows what could of caused them to split-up from each other.
Lilith wanting some freedom and be her own person is good, but her being possibly a terrible person to both Adam and Lucifer, and making herself seem like a "hero" to her daughter, is a different story. we just have to wait and see if it all turns out to be true, and if it is true that the Lilith from the show is who we think she might truly be.
then the whole nickname I said before that has to do with her being "The First B**th" would fit her perfectly, and no I ain't spelling it without placing some censoring in there.
and once again, I kind of hope that the whole Eve thing ends up being canon, because those two stories I read that has to do with Adam, makes me wish it was canon.
like it being like the few ideas that were put in Deltarune AUs and it turns out it ends up being accidentally predicted canon events of Deltarune's Chapter 2.
it wouldn't be the first time a fan when making some fan stories ended up predicting future canon… like the whole Ice King being in the Fridge in Adventure Time…but it may have been in a chapter of a fanfic first before it happen.
in real life, that could be dangerous of course…Ice King is of course what we know as a "Toon" and he has Ice powers so he will be fine. in a Crossover that is a Fanon Timeline, Adam and Lucifer should just throw Lilith to the Ice King….
also if you have ever wrote a fanfic that has Ice King doing that weird thing, where ya find him in a refrigerator and then some year or so later, in the cartoon he is in the refrigerator.
so of course some will end up freaking out, that would be like one of those accidentally predicting canon events even if the scene is slightly different from the fanfic.
and even if the chances are low and might not happen, but a part of me kind of hopes that the thing with Adam and Eve that was in those two stories, ends up being one of those accidental predicting of future canon events.
and yeah, while I can still view Charlie & Emily as a bit of kindred spirits, but even they should learn there is just some Sinners that are too far gone to be redeemed… some who are far worse than The Vees and any other Sinner who is either a Overlord or not.
who knows if they will show the much darker side to Sinners in the shows, but if they do then it would mean that both redemption & extermination day is needed.
but the whole Extermination Day, might have to change the way its done and not go after every Sinner.
like don't know if that will really happen in the show, and if it doesn't, well there is always the Fanon.
we just have to wait and see what happens in the future.
also, I thought it be a good idea to have the option for those to skip the whole talk about the messed up logic and twisted form of justice that has to do with that whole possible future with Jesus and Antichrist, and yeah what they both want to do does peeve me off.
I can still try to believe in the good side of Jesus, but I refuse to let him or his Army hurt people who might make mistakes that made them believe there was no other way...and that goes double for the Antichrist as well. (I still think that NO one should take that mark...)
hopefully The Earthly-Mother and The Feminine Messiah, can stop those two...well them helping stop them, as well as hope the Heavenly-Father helps as well.
anyway, I still think Adam would get along with Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
and as weird as it might be, I think they have some things in common.
even if some of the bad experiences the three of them faced are different, but they were still hurt by Lilith (Charlie's Mom) & Pink/Rose (Steven's Mom)...
I'm gonna keep a eye out for the updates for those two stories "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" because I can't help but fall in love with the idea that has to do with the true story about Adam & Eve.
and I know the chances of what goes on with Adam in both of those stories, is a small like super small chance being one of those times when fans accidentally predict canon events of either a future chapter of a game or like in a future episode of a new season of a show.
no one could of guessed that some fan animation and audio would accidentally predict that Kris from Deltarune, would eat the whole pie.
but I still think they had left the house first, broke into the library, open a dark fountain in the computer room, and then once they were done they came home and ate all the pie...which would be their perfect cover for what they were really up to.
Kris is obviously Nonbinary in the canon.
so in any AU of the Fanon, they could be a Enby, Enboy or Enbirl.
if they are a Nonbinary-Girl in some AU, they would go by She/They and if they are a Nonbinary-Boy they would go by He/They.
but in the main timeline of the Delatrune Universe, they go by They/Them.
and yeah, no one could of guesses while playing Chapter 2 pf Deltarune, another fan work would end up accidentally predicting the canon events that would appear in that chapter...
that is why I love it, at least it is better than the whole Simpsons Predictions, and I hope someday that series will just...you know, it can still do reruns and sell DVDs and stuff of all the seasons.
but I think I would rather have another season of Futurama and Disenchantment, because of certain reasons...
and yeah, I'm talking about the predictions that are talked about that happen in the show, and NOT by fans.
I still would rather that show stop being worked on so much, and just put a bit more focus on Disenchantment, but the chances of that might be really small...hopefully they will have a final season of the Simpsons at some point, and maybe someday make a Spin-Off that doesn't make creepy prediction.
one of the things that should change, is that they can't just kill off a character just because either something bad happens to the character's voice actor, either that something bad happens to them or they quit.
I can't be the only one who thinks there is something seriously wrong with that messed up sugar honey ice tea...
I mean in that old cartoon of the House Of Mouse, they could still have King Louie appear but he lost his voice, so his brother has to do most of the talking, and King Louie has to wait until a new voice he orders comes in.
I get that the lady hated the lost of her husband who voiced King Louie, but she shouldn't stop the character that her husband gave some life to with his voice, from appearing in a episode.
that is selfish and insensitive, that just hurts the Toon that was given a voice by those who put their hearts and souls into the work, either it be a cartoon, movie or video game.
like it can turn out when a Toon loses their voice, before the completion of their series, and even before some spin-off of the series.
if a Toon loses their voice way too soon, it means that the one who gave them their original voice has left this world.
in some cases, it can be when they quit and leave, but in some cases it can be when they leave this world a bit too soon.
and some characters who live in a Cartoon or Video Game or the mix of Live Action/Cartoon Worlds, they do deserve better.
and some people who have made great shows like Red Vs Blue, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss and any others who had change voice actors for some of their characters, do a bit more better than what the Simpsons series are known for, as well as the whole King Louie situation from one of the House Of Mouse episode.
we know that Caboose's voice actor had to change, because of some info about his original voice actor.
like whenever a character, either it be a 2D, 3D or even a CGI character.
whenever they loose their voice, it can be either when the person who gave them their original voice had quit, or when they go to the afterlife...
for some characters we can think they get a new voice from some kinda of voice ordering system, but in real life it has to do with finding the right person to replace the previous person who gave them a voice.
I guess I can still like the Simpsons, but I haven't been watching much of it but maybe I can find the time to once in a while.
I just am not a big fan with the creepy stuff that has been going on with it...
it be nice if others ended up drawing The S.A.P. Squad as well.
don't know how many would end up falling in love with it though.
anyway I'm going to go and find the tumblr of the one who wrote "The eve of Adam" and once again, also I'm still gonna keep a eye out for the next chapter of that, as well as that one that is "Adam/Eve"
and yeah I know it is wishful thinking that might end up being one of those accidental canon prediction, but if the thing that happens in those two stories doesn't happen in the future season then we can just be happy it does in the Fanon.
but anyway it might be thanks to reading a bit of "The eve of Adam" and "Adam/Eve" over at Archive Of Their Own, that made me realize a bit more on how Adam is a bit like Spinel and Pink-Pearl.
even if he still has that whole jerk side to himself, but him hiding that hurt and fragile soul that could turn out to be canon, it makes one just want to protect that First Adorkable Goober.
give that man a hug, and have him watch Steven Universe Movie and have him watch the whole series of Steven Universe, even the Steven Universe Future which even if some fans don't like, but I still love it because it shows some truths about Greg Universe we have been ignoring the whole time and if we re-watch the start of the series we will understand that the episode where it shows the truth about Greg's Parents, just shows that he is no better than them.
even if Greg might have some good points, he might not of saw the full picture, I mean one of or both of his parents could of suffered from that one thing that I forgot the name of...
that has to do with not being able to handle really loud sounds to the point it can become painful for them.
and like Steven said, Greg's Parents probably gave him meatloaf for a reason...and if they did have to change it up a bit, they could put some mustard on top of the meatloaf, have different stuff mixed in there if Greg was tired of the same type of meatloaf.
I can still like the good side of Greg, but he couldn't see that him and his parents were both in the wrong, and he was probably just being a insensitive spoiled brat, who couldn't think that maybe his parents couldn't get him all that he wanted, because they just didn't have the money for it.
or the fact that the reason there was a freaking curfew for him, as well as chaperons was to keep him safe and out of danger.
and the fact they made him take up wrestling, was for self-defense so he could better protect himself.
if Steven learned all that from either his Honorary Uncle who is his Dad's Cousin, or by his Grandparents or all three of them.
he would learn that his Dad didn't have the full picture, and things could of worked out better if Greg and Steven's Grandparents just sit down and talk it out.
if Greg's Parents were going through some Money troubles, and one or both of them had that one thing that has to do with them not being able to take very loud sounds, like when Greg turns his music up way too loud to the point it becomes painful for one of them or both of them, and it has to be either the Dad or Mom or both to go to Greg and get him to either turn it down or turn it off...but with how Greg is, he likely either ignores them or doesn't hear them.
and if there is going to be another series of Steven Universe in the future, I hope they will have Greg's Parents side to the story added in there.
and as weird as it sounds, I kind of want to try meatloaf with some guacamole on top.
after trying guacamole for the first time in April 2024, I found that I liked it.
so after talking about the whole meatloaf thing, and thinking about that.
I want to put some guacamole on meatloaf and eat it.
anyway hope some like this crossover fan art of The S.A.P. Squad.
I hope others end up drawing those three characters together as well.
like them being like "I bud it" cause not all ships are romantic and some are platonic but with some platonic ships, you don't call them ships or use the whole "I ship it"
you either use "I bud it", "I fam it" or "I sib it"
the "I fam it" & "I sib it" being Family and Siblings.
Frisk and Chara being adopted by The Dreemurr Family, is a "I Fam It" type.
also I hope some understand about my thoughts and feelings about not to misinterpret, when we do misunderstand something without getting all the facts, sometimes hurt feelings happens.
of course that thing that happen a few years ago with that Toxic-Religious person who hurt my feelings really badly, was anything but a misunderstanding...they just couldn't accept I believe in a Goddess now, even though I can still believe in God as well.
and maybe when I'm able to, I will post that drawing that was inspired by that "Adam/Eve" story, but it might not be happening right away. and anyway, I will keep a eye out for the future chapters of that story as well as the one that is called "The eve of Adam"
as well as keep a eye out for other future chapters of the other stories I'm reading as well.
anyway hope some like the whole S.A.P. Squad and the idea of Adam from Hazbin Hotel becoming friends with Spinel & Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe. :)
and once again, it is thanks to reading those two stories, that made me see even more that Adam is just a misunderstood bad boy, and Lilith may not be all as she appears, and she might be a two-faced, lying witch who has Lucifer and Charlie fooled.
and if there are more than one Lilith in our universe, there being like The Matriarch (which would be Adam's first wife) and The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest...
if that happen in some Fanon Timeline, The Lesser-Lilith who is the youngest could be like seen as the older sister figure of Charlie maybe. who might not agree with some stuff that the Elder Lilith has done to both her ex-husbands.
well if some info is true, then right after The Lesser-Lilith, would be The Small-Lilith...but we don't have to get into that at the moment.
even if the name S.A.P. Squad doesn't make sense to some, but it came to me when wanting to do this drawing that has Spinel, Pink-Pearl and Adam.
you could say they have a Sappy Friendship. XD
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doomed-era · 3 months
hey so this may be. A Question. but how would gaffen + widget + maybe the champions react to undertale/deltarunes characters. sorry for undertaling you </3 . also anything on the champions descendants?
OKAY here i go. finally. im gonna limit it to gaffen/widget unless I can think of a funny interaction between undertale characters and the champions I think solely bc there are a lot of them...these are gonna be fairly superficial and based on first impressions don't think too hard about them </3 cause theyre kinda bad
honestly they'd collectively be very weirded out by monsters that can actually speak to them. widget and daruk would definitely try to work things out and yknow. not try to kill anyone while given the first sign of violence gaffen might start attacking everyone. so my first thought is. they are probably better off sticking together in this scenario because of gaffen. and tbf it's not like widget wouldn't be suspicious either, she would be less than friendly at first, especially if she learned how monsters got into the underground. she'd immediately start wondering why and paint humans as the victims who must have had a good reason to do such a thing. idk i'll go in the order of a neutral route
flowey: i'll be honest they would not like flowey...which is HORRIBLE ik. I imagined them trying to beat him up and them him resetting which!!! I do not blame him. if they knew more about him I don't think gaffen would be sympathetic and urbosa would just be pissed. however. mipha probably would reconsider. widget would be all like DONT LOSE HOPE THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY!!! revali going "tch I would do cooler things if I could reset everyone" would be funny i admit but smhhh
toriel: ok I admit I think urbosa would be like "shes such a soft mom geez." (baka.) if gaffen wasnt in work mode he'd want to make puns with her and eat her pies....in the meantime he will stare soulfully at her. if toriel read widget facts about snails then widget would be fascinated im ngl she would stay in the ruins with toriel if this was an actual undertale route. however I think they are just taking a tour so whagever
sans: widget would be a bit startled by his jokes! also I think sans would realize that shes like, a PRIME target for them. gaffen and sans would get into a staring contest and gaffen would lose because sans has no eyelids. or does he
Tumblr media
explain this toby fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
papyrus: oh you bet widget and papyrus would get along. immediate best buds. gaffen would look at papyrus like he was insane (his eyes are bloodshot from skeleton staring contest) revali being all are you AWARE of how GULLIBLE you both ARE would be funny and mipha immediately jumping to widget and papyrus's defenses would be super funny
undyne: urbosa being like UM. I am FAR less of a show off than you are. you must serve your kingdom with grace. and then they get into a suplexing contest. daruk also joins but he's like oh haha i'm doing this for fun :) while undyne and urbosa are giving it their all. widget is cheering for urbosa obviously and gaffen is a last-minute contestant. widget cheers even harder for urbosa. im not sure who would win but it's not gaffen. also urbosa thinks it was super funny. also mipha would be fascinated by the echo flowers + have a lot of fun swimming around in waterfall. heartbroken by onion-san and tells her all about zora's domain </3
alphys: im going off my immediate first thought so honestly widget asking what anime is and alphys freaking out about it at first and widget being like OH NO WHAT DO I DO. mipha being like...tell me about this...anime...also widget would think mettaton is really cool. revali might like it but he would not express interest at first. and then he would criticize the sequel to mew mew kissy cutie along with alphys really passionately (iirc??? I forgot which one she didnt like) gaffen is eating instant ramen noodles straight out of the package when no one is looking. also if widget knew about the true lab she'd be like well um its fine ??? you did what you could ig wouldnt think of it as bad at all. which. erm. widget. urbosa would complain that her and daruk cant fit in the elevators and criticize asgore's city planning
asgore: yeah speaking of him. idk I think theyd like him. especially if they've heard a lot of good things on their way over. im imagining them all sitting down for tea...widget might be a little skeptical. and would also definitely figure out that him and toriel are divorced and ask intrusive questions about it. if this was deltarun id say asgore might be a little more interested in talking to gaffen I think he would see a bit of resemblance between gaffen and kris, mostly just quiet + weird + :| face I think. gaffen would just be quietly intimidated I think
OKAY. i'll do deltarune ones cos im kinda enjoying this
kris: ok honestly I cant even imagine kris would want to interact with them. widget would track them down and kris would just leeeeaaave
susie: widget immediately thinking susie is horrible and awful and susie responding in kind by being susie-er is funny to me. she would think widgets relationship with the champions and gaffen is super weird I think, but would she say this? idk.
berdly: ...yeah this is one of the reasons I wanted to answer this ask. I just. revali and berdly...I dont think theyd get along at all I think they'd see the worst aspects of themselves in each other and hate each other </3
uhh I think that is enough for me. for Now. but. yea
champions descendants is fairly complicated so uh if you wanted to send me another ask abt it so I could answer it separately...pleas...
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I was thinking about the Beauty and the Beast references and wondering:
Where did monsters come from, anyway? We all know that Beast was turned into a monster by a spell as a punishment.
Also, there are clear Monsters Inc. references throughout Undertale and, by extension, Deltarune. The Loox kinda resemble Mike Wazowski, and apparently that similarity was intentional:
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From the wiki.
One of my favorite special features on the Monsters Inc. DVD is this short animation:
So. We have two confirmed Disney references in Unrelated. And in both of these Disney stories, the monsters were originally humans that somehow got turned into monsters by magic.
So, my question is- did the monsters in Unrelated (or their long-ago ancestors, perhaps) start out as humans, too? Did they turn into monsters by choice, or were they placed under a spell? Or have monsters just always existed since the beginning of time?
Now, this is a question that I don't honestly expect to get an answer to. It's not something that has affected the story so far, and I can't imagine a reason that it would. But I am curious, nonetheless.
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syxnewt · 11 months
I had such a wild dream
It started off at a school, I think? That part wasn't clear. I was given a gun - a Valorant ghost, though those don't exist- and didn't really question why. While a substitute teacher was leaving, I managed to throw it from one end of the school to another and broke it. I told my teacher friends I would turn it on, presumably to fix it. There was this sort of long desk thing and freaking ProZd was working one end of it. He seemed super grumpy so I figured that's how he must be at his "regular job". I rounded the corner to the other side and there was an even grumpier woman who refused to listen to why I had a gun. When I tried to explain I had broken in by throwing it at a teacher when he left (????) she said something like "That's a worse offense than anything you've already said" then screeched for the staff. Luckily my teacher friends were there and they painted me a picture of a duck to reassure me or something.
Somehow I ended up no longer a teacher and with Phineas and Ferb and Candace and some random scuba divers all ready to search for some rumored perfect city. We swam in the ocean and eventually found it. It had like no gun violence and a bunch of other liberal things (for Americans) and one of the diver guys said, in Dan Povenmire's voice "Wow I wonder who's idea this whole city was this is pretty crazy I wonder who thought of it" For some reason we ended up on the top of this pyramid thing in the center of the city and it turned into deltarune characters but I didn't notice that yet. Then the part we were standing on broke and we fell into the ocean. At that point I was Kris and Noelle was right in front of me. We were in cages in the ocean because it was a trap of some sort? We were underwater but totally fine except for being trapped. Kris managed to get out somehow, and it kinda looked like a 3-D video game from my pov. Then Kris was immediately eaten by some sort of sea plant and their soul was spat out. It looked like if someone had seen a realistic human heart before and wasn't really sure what all the arteries and stuff were. The soul swam over to Noelle to possess her Different-Snowgrave style but she was not having it. She tried fist fighting the soul before realizing it wasn't helping and then they merged. Kris also had like a stupid deep voice for some reason. They came to an agreement that things would go back to normal once everyone was saved (how, considering Kris was dead, I have no idea). And then they began ripping the cages. The people I perceived as Noelle's mother and sister were weird, since one could stretch like elastical and they were both human. Somehow everyone switched to like anime characters that don't exist. When they reached the surface, people wanted their autograph, and "Noelle"'s other sisters were looking for her. The soul and "Noelle" looked pretty different that regular "Noelle" for some reason. I didn't write the dream I have no idea. Eventually the sisters realized the mysterious savior was "Noelle" and they were forced into an awkward conversation. Then I woke up.
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sparkdoubt · 2 years
Just a little headcanon that I have for Deltarune: The Other Puppet.
The reason that Jables originally started repeating the last word of some of his sentences (like OG Jevil does) was because he wanted to annoy Spammy a little bit. After a while though, it ended up becoming a habit.
The Jables talksprite is official. I made the Spamton one if you were wondering (it looks kinda rushed because it was lmao).
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hydrasquadd · 2 years
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Inktober day 1
Featured: @shatered-soul , Pearl (doesn't have blog :(
We don't talk about the last time where I didn't finish it SHSMSM
that's why I'm doing digital this year because
I draw digital multiple times a day, every day anyway so
And also I'm moving and my art supplies are packed OPSUPSSSSS
Ok so
I decided to include a little bit under the posts this year to kinda talk about the arts and stuff because it's fun and a lot of these have funny meanings sjsksnjsjaskak
ALSO some of them will inevitably have HSS spoilers because these are all based on sys shit and so is HSS so uhhhhh
I'll include the tag hss spoilers or something if u don't want to see it.
OK moving on
Yes they are the same colors as last time, I literally color picked them from the old images LSJAJKAK
You may be wondering why mr green man looks so different, it's just the funny little "nogard form" or a dark world form just + horns and ears because reasons (For context, Nogard is an extension of headspace that is just an entire planet with a ton of shit, like the "main four" alters (by main four I mean like, the alters who where prominent when we discovered we where a system so they're like, important? In Nogard's creation.) They have entire kingdoms. The Acid Jungle is Codi's, the Endless Abyss is Pearl's, the Sun's Ocean is KN's, and the Lunar Planes are Truth's. Kris was just basically made big boss of the whole thing (because nobody was confident enough to try to take them down from leader position that they gained by fucking murdering people lmao), so they just kinda watch over the entire world? It's crazy but like, I'm not going the one to piss them off so- /hj) it's also been setting to a bit of VATP content. That's probably where it's known idk when I've ever posted about it outside of that. And yes it's technically a dark world since the main people responsible for it's existence are Deltarune fictives)
So the main idea for this one is sort of a play on the prompt. Since it's gargoyle, the immediate reaction is to draw the whole damn dragon. But it goes deeper then that. Since Pearl (the dragon) was basically the first split tm made to literally fight people, she's like the ultimate protector. So running on that I decided to add the current protector also, who is Sal. (Pearl barely fronts anymore so even if she is a protector, she isn't THE protector.) There is actually another protector in sys but I didn't feel like drawing them. (LMAO get fucked.) For no reason more then I really just didn't feel like drawing a whole nother person.
And I thought it would be cool if it was scary so that's why there's a smile on the face screen thing
It really stands out. I think I was planning to make Pearl's eyes glow but haha oops that didn't happen oh well.
I really haven't drawn Pearl's big wof dragon form in a while. Though it is THE iconic appearance she takes on, she's not a direct fictive of any character, more of like, oc fictive? I've heard that can be a thing so there you go. She fits into the world but isn't an existing character. She also will be a cat. Just a cat
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marsmarvel02 · 2 years
Deltarune Amalgamate Not-Quite-A-Theory
Warning: Spoilers abound!
What’s the title about, I hear you wonder. Deltarune doesn’t have any amalgamates in it, since Alphys is just a science teacher and not Royal Scientist. Checking out the graveyard even reveals that the amalgamates’ components are dead, fell victim to whatever caused them to Fall Down.
Now, I wholeheartedly agree: Deltarune doesn’t have any amalgamates in it... yet. 
This hypothesis (it has too many things missing from it to really call it a theory) was born of three things: Speculation about Deltarune’s endings or lack of plurality in that department, speculation about whether Berdly is “really” dead, and speculation about future Weird Routes.
First, future Weird Routes: If the sliding bead toy does indeed symbolize the “intended” route, and a bead breaking off it the completion of a Weird Route, than we have two more incoming: A “green” Route and an “orange” Route. Since it’s yet unknown what the colors actually mean (Was Snowgrave Route’s bead blue because of Noelle’s ice magic kinda being bluish or was it blue because Berdly was blue?) I hesitate to draw conclusions about who our future victims will be. Heck, and it would even be so Toby Fox to break our expectations and have a 4th Weird Route that just reuses an already-done color. So I guess we have a minimum of 3 routes (including Snowgrave) and a maximum of 6 (since that’s how many chapters are left plus Ch, 2′s Snowgrave). Unless Toby decides to be himself again and throw out a chapter with two seperate Weird Routes in it... Regardless, we’re obviously going to be taking more victims. (Oh, and a little side theory: With all the sliding bead thing’s weird meta properties, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was once in the possession of the Annoying Dog).
Second, is Berdly really dead or not? Snowgrave is stated to be “Fatal”, but his body hasn’t turned to dust the way monster bodies do when they die. There’s been some theorizing, but general consensus is that dying in a Dark World puts the monster’s Light World body into a “Fallen Down” state. Here, I predict that the cabinet will be found empty, and perhaps even a little dusty, in future chapters, but it will be the ordinary sort of dust that accumulates in unused places, and Berdly’s body will have been taken elsewhere. The same also stands true for places you stash your future victim’s bodies in. (Not related to the main theory, but I just got a really cool idea: A Flowey-esque character who’s a monster who died and came back without their SOUL, except they came back when the room holding their dust was turned into a Dark World, and they exist as a hive mind of Rabbicks).
Third, will Deltarune have multiple endings? Toby has said that there will only be one, but is it not in the nature of Toby Fox to find loopholes for this? A particularly interesting possibility I read is that the game’s “Bad Ending” will be you being stuck behind a boss that is literally impossible to kill. Now, that seems like it would be a bit hard to do, what with video game hackers and all, but he’s already created not one but many bosses that are unkillable: The Amalgamates, who refuse to take damage at all (except for the one that takes a pittance and heals back to full health right away.)
Now, here is what I think may happen: Someone will steal the Fallen Down bodies of our victims, inject them with Determination, and watch them melt into an Amalgamate to stop our rampage. If you’ll recall, the only way to “defeat” an Amalgamate is to SPARE it- and to follow through with each and every Weird Route is to utterly abandon MERCY.
The reason why my “theory” isn’t quite one is that, well, I have no idea who will make the Weirdmalgamate and why. Possibilities are: Everyman, someone we haven’t met yet, or someone who we’ve met but only as a background character so we don’t know anything about them. Everyman seems the most likely, since he had a connection with the Amalgamates in Undertale- specifically Reaper Bird, while our first victim was Berdly. In the Amalgamate battle, he appears being swarmed by butterflies- a common symbol of death and rebirth, fitting for someone who might take our dead victims and reconstruct them into a molten Frankenstein.
But hey, that’s just a(n incomplete) theory! A GAM- No we’re not doing that.
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mrfandomgage · 1 year
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So, way back when in 2015, Undertale came out, right? I was 13-14, but if I remember right, I was in Middle School, and one of my friends made an OC for it. I didn't know what it was so I asked about it, and I vaguely remembered Markiplier's first 2 episodes on it, before the fans harassed him into streaming the entire game. I wondered why Mark didn't play it, but I heard JackSepticEye played it, and because I was a kid without money, of course I watched him play it.
After watching Jack's playthrough, I fell in love, and basically watched everything I could about it. Learning all its lore, watching fan dubs of comics, wondering why Sr Pelo made that April Fools Genocide route (this is before I knew how Subtitles worked, and JFC when I learned that a lot of content creators were being harassed I got upset). I joined fan groups, joined Amino (hell hole), drew shitty art (I do leagues better than my old art, still shit tho), and because I loved AUs and lacked art skills, I started writing more often because of it. Hell, "Mr Fandom" was a name I made up because I was into Undertale, FNAF, My... that one I don't like talking about, but I wanted to express my interests in everything and embrace it. Gage Fandom as a name and character came later.
I have so many positive experiences with Undertale and its community, not to say it's all sunshine, but it definitely helped me out a bit. So why am I tired of it? Simple. I was obsessed with it since I was 13-14. A lot of my thoughts and ideas were about Undertale, I am 21 now and edging towards 22. I once was talking to my little sibling, and they called it a Hyper fixation, I found that wrong, because this wasn't a short term thing like those can be, I've been into this thing for nearly 9 years now. I'm just growing tired of thinking about it all the time. Don't get me wrong, if you wanna know anything about Undertale, one of the many games in my life that made me a furry, I can still recall most of it's lore, if something is only fanon or canon, if it's a myth, or even those messages Toby Fox made for when people inevitably shared them on the internet, good going Toby, you made a game interesting that the secrets that say people wouldn't be impressed with if they were put on the internet, people were legitimately impressed and made animations about that, good on.
I will tell you, Undertale is a fantastic game, it inspired me to write stories and even to an extent practice drawing (tho I definitely started drawing more when I got into HomeStuck around 2018, and I definitely started taking my own artwork a bit more seriously after accepting I'm a furry). I may have a hard time ever finishing a story I write, but I got into it because of Undertale and its writing.
Oh, and let's not forget Deltarune. I love it for some of the same reasons I do Undertale, Character writing is one of my favorite subjects (this is Kinda why I like Homestuck, a lot of characters are well written, even if also as much aren't, lol). Yes this is why most of my writings on this blog are of characters talking to each other, I'm primarily practicing Dialogue and trying to get to a point where it feels natural.
I love Undertale. I do not want to think about Undertale for a while.
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fayesdiary · 1 year
Top 5 video games (any variety, not just Fire Emblem)!
Honorable mentions include The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (or the KH series in general, really), Portal 2, Kirby Planet Robobot, Dark Souls 1 & 3.
5) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
I played both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask last year on my 3DS (with a QoL mod for Majora installed), and while I kinda liked Ocarina and mainly respect it for its legacy, I absolutely adored Majora.
I couldn't put the game down, I 100%'d it, I adore the three days mechanic, I fucking love Termina and its atmosphere and just the whole creepy-melanchonic-odd tones the whole game has. Especially with the masks.
Not to mention facing quite literally impossible odds while everything is working against you over, and over, and over trying to stop the moon from destroying the world, with Link never getting any recognition for his deeds. It just hits a lot harder than the usual fated battle against Ganon because if anything, this game is a desperate struggle against Termina's fate.
Also I just found the game a lot of fun and is currently my favorite 3D Zelda game.
4) Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Well, of course Echoes is here!
It's my favorite FE and the direction I'd love for the series to go, it's simple yet so fun and Valentia and its characters are wonderful. Definitely the game in the series that's most dear to my heart.
3) CrossCode
I only played it a few months ago, but CrossCode quickly became one of my favorite games and my absolute favorite of the games I played in 2022 and I am begging everyone to go play it
It's an incredibly polished Action RPG with Zelda-like dungeons set in a futuristic MMO (although the game itself is single-player), the gameplay is incredibly fun and the story is even better, it kept me absolutely hooked for months and the characters are wonderful, especially the protagonist Lea, who's both canonically mute and arguably the best character of the entire game. Also she's my newest blorbo.
Also the themes almost seem tailor-made for me to obsess over and just AAAAGH GO PLAY CROSSCODE ALREADY
2) Undertale
...I mean. Does this game need any introductions? I feel everything that could be said about Undertale has already been said.
I played this game in 2016/2017 and it stuck with me hard, and after these many years the attachment has only gotten higher thanks to Deltarune, obsessing over theories and details with my UTDR mutuals and etching some of my favorite tropes (like symbiotic posession) into my heart. I even made some new friends because of it!
I have a huge feeling Deltarune is gonna dethrone it once the full game comes out if Ch2 is any indication, but Undertale will always be special to me. 1) Mother 3
Ah, Mother 3.
This game is very much in a Majora's Mask situation where its predecessor is more popular and beloved but while I respect the legacy it left behind I loved the sequel far more.
Gameplay-wise the game fixes almost every issue I had play Earthbound and makes it a lot more fast-paced and fun, but the story is very much what makes Mother 3 the masterpiece it is.
Beside the themes sadly becoming more and more relevant by the day, Mother 3 has often been described as one of the most heartwrenching videogames of all time and for good reason.
I almost never cry but the ending left me about to sob, and that was with me getting spoiled.
I can't recommend this game enough. Sure, it's not been localized, but grab a ROM and the unofficial translation patch and you're good to go. Just play Earthbound first.
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obscuremechala · 1 year
testing testing 123
i just got here so i wanna test things out, probably won't keep this post in the long run but maybe i'll forget this is up or something idk
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this is my profile pic, i drew it myself real quick and i don't feel like elaborating why. the url is a tad different bc i was thinking of sharing it on instagram (i didn't tho) and tumblr doesn't allow underscores apparently
but i digress
i don't have much to talk about but that's 'cause i don't have a prompt or anything this was just meant to be a test
one day i'll ramble about my story stuff bc there's a lot going on there but there's still a lot i need to figure out
hmm maybe ill do an intro or something
but probably not here i don't think it'll fit
ill test things in the meanwhile
italics? oooh yes
[redacted] (huh would that be unredacted or what is this a paradox)
awelkhfas ooh different fonts too
point 1
point 2
there are no points
what am i doing
idk man
i just got here and want to learn and maybe interact
i tend to just lurk on socials but i am capable of interaction
i just usually don't
friends are nice, i wish i could interact with mine more
testing testing one two three
moths are cute, i like moths
one of my fantasy races/species are inspired by moths but that's for another time
i don't expect anyone to actually read this
tho i do expect it'll take me some time to get used to things here
ive seen a lot of posts on pinterest while looking for writing advice and character design inspo, tho now my feed is 1/3 transformers, 1/3 pokemon, and 1/3 misc. tumblr posts
i also like robots and transformers
what if moth robot
hmm lemme think
i could def make it work in my universe, i shall ponder
anyway more tests
ooo smol
wonder what this does
color text nice
this song is great i found it a few days ago and have listened to it several times on loop
however i don't have spotify i just have youtube music
sad that they deleted google play music, at least i could listen to music outside of the app and with my screen off without paying money
i haven't actually played undertale, i watched a neutral run playthrough and have played deltarune, if i get the game id probably do a pacifist run
undertale music is good tho
there is no 2
what did that do
i don't really get it
maybe it'll do something when i publish this
ooo i should post some art
i don't have a lot tho
maybe i should redraw my old art bc i looked at some last night and yikes
apparently i only recently discovered decent anatomy/proportions and that was via mostly guesture poses
i have recently been shown the way of shapes and im watching a lot of character design and redesign stuff along with my hermitcraft
i never really got into miraculous ladybug but for some reason watching people tear into it and redesign the characters tends to pull me in like a moth to a light
it's funny bc i have no investment in what people are complaining about but im interested in how they make things better/different
also taking notes on what not to do so
i wish i could draw my characters, a good chunk are robots and hard to design, 90% of the rest of them are homemade fantasy races/species i have to actually conceptualize, and then the humans are kinda just there
bc i do have humans there just arent a ton bc i must make everything hard for myself
dw its fun for me it just takes a long time to actually hammer out
i wanna talk more about them but im thinking of better ways to actually organize my thoughts that just vomiting words on a page that no one will see anyway
it's gonna take some tome to figure out this place
maybe ill make separate blogs for original and fandom stuff idk ill explore the features more and get back to
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darkhymns-fic · 2 years
The Purrfect Salesman (Lying)
Kris runs into a shady figure in a dark alleyway.
They have cat ears.
This is unexpected.
Fandom: Deltarune Characters: Spamton, Kris, Noelle, Queen, Susie, Ralsei Rating: G Word Count: 4577 Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: I wrote this fic around a year ago, (since people discovered him having the Cat element) but with the new Spamton lore reveal and the possible reason why he has this element?? I just think it’s very fun and I realized I never shared this here. Enjoy cat Spamton.
You hear a strange, clanging sound from the nearby dumpster.
It makes you stop in your tracks, though your hand doesn’t reach for your sword just yet. For all you know, it could just be an annoying mouse, trying to find its way out of the dumpster and into another hole in the wall. It could just be an Ambyuu-Lance, searching for anybody in need of some help and/or bullets. It could even be one of those Tasques that liked to bat you around like a little yarn ball.
And when you hear a rather frantic, “ME0W!” you begin to think it must be one of them. You can just sneak by the dumpster and get to that crosswalk-
The dumpster lid flies wide open when you barely take a step.
The first thing you see are fuzzy, black kitty ears which slowly emerges from the rim of the dumpster. Oh, cute.
…Which is then followed by the gaping mouth of a weird puppet man who is bending his head to the left a little too much, his pink and yellow glasses shining brightly. You can even hear his open mouth rattle unnervingly. Oh. Not cute. NOT. CUTE.
At the very moment he locks eyes with you, you realize you have lost your one measly chance at escape.
“WHOA! IS THAT A-!?” And then the cat-man-puppet jumps out of the garbage, leaping with all the feline grace that he apparently had. Against your own will, you take another look at him and, of course, he has a long silky tail. To match with those black ears of his. And?? Did he have paws?? It was not as easy to tell if what he has are paws or just nubby little puppet hands. But as he lands on all fours in front of you, he holds up those paws of his and gives you the full-frontal view of his toe beans.
Okay, that was kinda cute then. Weird, but cute.
“LIGHT nER! HEY-HE- ME0oooW!!!” He shakes, the yowl reverberating out of his throat like a static mess. You wonder if he has a very bad cold.
You don’t really want to get it yourself so maybe if you take a step back-
“LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE [[In Need of a Fuzzy Friend]]? WELL, LOOK NO MORE!!” He continues to show off his toe beans, but his talking, which is a mixture of static and a yowl, is not exactly drawing you in. “SPAMTON NYA SPAMTON HAS A [[Specil Deal]] JUST FOR YOU AT THIS [[Fine Pet Establishment Inc. 1997]]!!”
You’re afraid of what this cat-man is going to say the very next moment, but even when you try to turn your head away, he darts quick to be right in front of you. His little cat tail is waving around himself erratically. Like, in a not normal-cat kind of way. As if it is just about to leave this very dimension at every wagging motion. Also are his cat ears clipping through his head somehow…?
“I WANT YOU TO [[Adopt Me]] KRIS!!” He hops on all four of his feet – which, doesn’t exactly look right. He still looks very much like a puppet who is bending forwards on his hands and having a hard time even doing so. He struggles to keep the position and half the time stands up anyway, as if the previous action has been hurting his back. “I CAN BE YOUR [[Fuzzy Little Lumpkin!]] THIS WILL MAKE YOU A REAL [[BIG SHOT]]! I [[Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Back]]!”
You instantly shake your head in the negative.
“WHAT THE [[Paw Patrol]] DO YOU MEAN??! I’M A GOD-DAMNED CAT!!” He hisses through his open mouth, his jaw still rattling, always looking as if it is just about to fall off. “LISTEN, KRIS!! LISTEN! LET ME [[Sweet n’Low™]] THE DEAL FOR YOU!”
With that, Spamton the Cat Puppet leaps right back into the dumpster, making little yowls and hisses as he does so. You really should have left by now, but every time you take a step, Spamton would turn back at you and hiss, his black ears pressing back against his black hair.
Maybe you should wait and humor him a bit.
After a few more minutes, Spamton leaps right back out again, now holding something in his mouth. You wonder if he thinks he looks adorable like this, but with the way he grimaces and sorta drools over the object he is holding, it just looks kinda gross instead…
He then plops the object right at your feet. It’s a Maus, who falls to the ground with a tiny squeak. You have a feeling it’s still alive.
“SEE?? OL’ SPAMTON CAN BE YOUR VERY OWN [[Pest Control Services For Only $49.99 a Month]]!! IT’S A STE4L!”
The Maus clicks around a bit until it gets back up and scurries away into the darkness.
“HEY! WHAT THE [[@#$#$%]]?! I TOLD YA TO STAY [[Killed]]!!”
You once again try to leave, but Spamton gets in your path. He’s on all fours and clearly suffering through it!
You do your best to say that you are allergic to cats-
He saw right through that one, didn’t he?
Spamton is scuttling up to you again, clearing his throat a few too many times that you worry if he is about to cough something up… “KRIS! HOW ABOUT DOING THE [[Pet and Feed!!]] SO I CAN SHOW YOU HOW YOU’LL LOVE THIS DEAL! PLEASE?! [[I’m so lonely]].”
It’s hard to not feel pity for this cat, even if he is a very weird-looking, very aggressive cat. So you decide to do as he asks, and went to pet his head.
As you do so, you instantly feel the dried gel that he must have used in his hair/fur. But even the hint of you pulling your hand away makes him hiss and screech, so you went back to petting him until he is content and doing what he thinks must sound like purring but is more like…clearing his throat. You try to ignore the icky texture, since with the gel is also mixed in a lot of garbage juice.
Yeah, this is kind of a gross cat honestly.
He conveniently leaves out the fact that he looks like he is ready to maul your face whenever you are going to do anything else otherwise.
You have a feeling that no matter what you say, this cat thing isn’t going to let you go.
In all fairness, you’ve been attacked by giant syringes, lanky wire beasts, and nearly been hit in the face with a glass-full of battery acid more times than you care to count. What is one weird cat thing to all of that?
Still, it would have been nice to have a choice in the matter.
“SO KRIS!! [[Deal or No Deal]]?? YOU’LL GET THE [[Top Dog Package]]!! EXCEPT I’M A CAT!” Spamton is shaking. His purring (??) noises grinding out to corrupted glitches. It’s a bit horrifying to witness so you immediately answer in the positive.
The shaking stops. Spamton is whole, a happy little kitty cat with greasy hair. He mews brightly, his glasses gleaming. “NYA~! THEN LET’S GO, KRIS!”
He leaps up once again, this time landing right on top of your head. You make no discernable expression. Even if you can smell the garbage off him way too keenly now. You inform Spamton that he needs to take a bath.
Okay, might as well give up on that front. Also, too much information.
So, you’ve gotten yourself a cat now. A very dirty, possibly rabid cat, but you got one. You suppose you can deal with one for the time being. So as if nothing life-changing had just happened, you walk off with your new little meow meow on your head, his paws scratching at your scalp just slightly painfully.
Only after you leave the alleyway with Spamton do you wonder how he knew your (is it yours?) name in the first place.
When you get back to Queen’s car, the first thing she asks you is, “Kris What Did I Tell You About Bringing Strays Back Home?” She looked at Spamton who is still kneading his claws into your head, leaning back in the passenger seat with her drink while you took the wheel once more, for some reason. “I Don’t Want To Get Fur All Over The Upholstery.”
Noelle, still in her ingenious robot disguise, is staring at you through her box-y head. You try to avoid staring too much, due to the craftsmanship of it. “Er, Kris? Who is…what is that?”
Spamton sees his opportunity then, jumping from your head and landing right in front of Noelle, meowing in a very, very grating manner. “HEY THERE, [[My Gal Pal]]!!” He then tries to do a little jig? You are not sure why he even bothered. “ARE YOU READY TO DO SOME PETTING? GIRLS L0VE PETS!!”
You can’t see Noelle’s face through the box, but you can imagine that she’s not enjoying things very much right now. “It- it talks? I don’t…”
Then Spamton leaps towards her so fast, almost violently with the way his back seems to crack, with the way his jaw seems to dislocate so he can keep doing his off-key meowing. “HERE COMES [[Santa Paws]]!”
He latches right onto her face, claws already tearing through the cardboard. And as he does so, Spamton keeps saying “meowmeowowowmeowowowomeow” on loop.
“Get it off get it off of me Kris help me!!!”
You feel it is getting a bit cold in here…
“Okay Everyone Get Out Of The Car Now,” speaks Queen. She grabs both you and Noelle in both arms, leaving her drink in the cup holder. “Guess We’ll Need To Hoof It.”
Of course, as she does so, Noelle’s boxy head falls right off, until Spamton is left clutching only that. He doesn’t seem to notice, furiously gnawing at it like a… well, like a cat that really liked boxes.
“YUM YUM [[Now That’s What I Call Boxmanship]]! GIVE ME ALL THE FIBER YOU HAVE!!”
And once everyone (except cat Spamton) is out of the car, that same car promptly explodes. Nothing was left. Not even a scrap of box or cat.
“Sorry Kris But It Had To Be Done,” said Queen. “Cyber Rabies Here Are No Joke.”
Though right after she said that, she notices Noelle and her box-less head. The red lights on her face read ‘OMG’.
“Oh Noelle Sweetie Gravy Pumpkin Spice Latte.” Queen clasps her hands together, smiling wide. “I Knew You’d Come Back.”
“…Uh oh.”
Before you can even blink, a cage had been calibrated correctly right on top of Noelle. You can only hear her screams as she’s whisked away, along with Queen’s regal laughter.
“I Knew It Was Good To Be Trucies With You Kris. Anyway Catch Ya Later. I Gotta Go Conquer The World Now With Noelle. Come By If You Want To Be Captured Too.”
And just when Queen runs out of there, that’s when you heard a familiar screeching… a familiar yowling.
You look up and see a rather toasty cat man fall from the sky to land right on your face. The force of his descent knocks you right onto your back. Everything is upside down for a long minute.
“KRIS! KRIS!!!” he yells right into your face, making your headache that much worse. “YOU [[Specil Little Slime]]!! DON’T YOU KNOW I HAVE [[9 Lives and Counting]]?! THAT’S THE DEAL YOU CAN’T REFUSE!”
He then begins pawing at your face, his claws a bit sharp, possibly a bit dirty. You hope you don’t need any shots after this.
Looks like you are still a cat owner, to your disappointment.
Susie makes a face as she looks at your forcefully-acquired pet that made his home on your head. “That’s a weird-looking cat.”
Ralsei is smiling, but you knew he is only doing it to be polite. “I think it has a rather unique cuteness! Kris, it’s so nice to know that you’re a pet lover.”
You nod, grateful that at least having this cat puppet man on your head is doing you a few favors. Maybe. Actually, you aren’t so sure on that front. But at least you found your friends after losing Noelle. They’re still in the middle of munching cotton candy. You would have to be sure Spamton doesn’t eat some.
“Seriously, since when were you a cat person, Kris?” Susie asks. She sounds like she isn’t exactly one herself.
After clawing your head some more, Spamton leaps down to greet your friends, smiling wide, which you are sure shouldn’t have been a normal thing to see on a cat. “KRIS! YOU GOT [[Friends]]!? NOW WE CAN BE A [[Buy 3, Get 1 Free]] GANG!”
Susie bares her teeth, hand dangerously close to her ax. “Why does it sound like my laptop right now?”
Ralsei gives a tiny clap with his furry hands. At least his fur is soft and clean. You miss that. “He looks friendly! Did you give him a name yet, Kris?”
Susie is looking incredibly freaked out. “Okay has this thing, like, been checked? I ain’t good with animals.”
You decide to be brutally honest and tell her you have no idea what the cat man’s problem is.
Ralsei still smiles, gazing down at Spamton who is looking a bit frazzled as he struggles to stay on all fours. “I’m sure if you give him a good home and some food, he’ll start being healthy before you know it!”
“I think this is more than just the cat not having enough freaking kibble.”
In fact, you're wondering that yourself. Because Spamton keeps shaking, his head facing the ground. His back arches slightly, and then you hear some strange hacking noises coming from his throat.
Susie is not having a good time right now. She flinches back, teeth basically jutting out of her mouth in a snarl. “The hell is its problem?!”
“Oh no, maybe we need to give it CPR…”
“WHAT? You can do that, Ralsei! I’m out!”
You kneel next to Spamton, also hoping you wouldn’t have to do so, but you are a cat owner now, so you have to accept some responsibilities. You gently place a hand on Spamton’s back, seeing him continue to heave. You ask if he is okay?
“JUST! A LITTLE HAIRBALL CAUGHT IN MY THROAT! DON’T WORRY ABOUT-” And then he promptly throws up on your shoes.
Susie is yelling, “The FLYING F-”
“Fiddlesticks!” Ralsei slickly interrupts. “He must be really sick if his hairball is that big!”
You suppose he is right, but something about that hairball is…off. It was a bright blue? And it seems to be moving, like it was about to hatch-
Oh. And it does. And from out of that blue shell comes out a dozen tiny little men. Little Spamton heads. They bounce around all happily, and they also all have little cat ears on them. This is the weirdest thing you have ever seen in your entire life.
Spamton looks down at his mini-versions and then gathers them all up in his paws. “LOOK, KRIS! I’M A MAMA CAT NOW!”
Susie slams her ax into the ground with a furious yell. “What the hell is going on right now?”
“Oh wow, Kris. I guess you have a full litter to take care of!”
You didn’t sign up for this.
“ACTUALLY YOU DID! IT WAS A [[Verbal Agreement]].” Spamton holds his egg children tightly, all of them chittering away like…actually you have no idea at all. “THEY’RE ALL I HAVE! PLEASE DON’T [[Sell Them Off to the Kitty Mill]]!” He then proceeds to lick them, cleaning up their dirty faces like a genuine parent cat would do.
Susie is grimacing. “We need to get this thing fixed.”
It’s hard for you to disagree…
Berdly smirks at you as he stands in your way once more, his halberd held high. “Hm, guess you’ve gotten soft, Kris? Who knew you’d be picking up strays now? Haha! But I guess that’s not surprising coming from-”
Spamton suddenly goes feral and leaps for Berdly’s face before you can even blink.
“NATURAL INSTINCT [[Coming in Hot]]!! ALL FOR THE [[Low, Low Price of Irritating Pain]]!!”
You realize this is fast becoming a problem with your cat.
Susie doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to do anything to help, and Ralsei is looking worried but also does nothing, mentioning how he doesn’t want to hurt the poor kitty. “He must have had such a hard life,” he adds.
An idea pops into your head, so you take out a little cat toy that you had bought in the city earlier, one with a toy Maus attached to it.
Spamton’s ears perk up when he hears the little bell ring from it, and quickly unlatches his claws from Berdly’s face to go and bat away at the toy you're waving around. “WOW! THIS IS [[High Satisfaction Guaranteed]]!”
“I can’t…feel my face…” Berdly croaks out, feathers fluttering all around him.
You probably need to train your cat a bit more.
It’s at Queen’s mansion that Spamton starts to act strange. Well, stranger than usual. For one, he is still kneading your skull with his paws, and you just have to accept that.
“KRIS!! THE BASEMENT!” He paws at your head, which for odd puppet cat paws, do not feel so comfortable. “WE MUST GO [[DownDownDown]] AND [[SEAL THE DE4L]]!”
You thought the deal was for him to be your cat now? You even bought the cat food from those Addisons who were all too happy to sell you their stock.
“NO, THE. OTHER. DEAL.” A pause, and then Spamton seals it with a wink and a “[[Nya~~]]. NOW LET’S GET TO IT, KRIS!”
Well, you are supposed to stop Queen, but you also didn’t want to be a bad pet owner…
Susie and Ralsei have been watching you as you stand in front of an open door. You go to tell them to wait here, or Spamton would get irritated.
“Huh? So what?” Susie growls. “Not like I’m gonna eat the dumb thing.”
“NYA!” Spamton hisses, grabbing onto your hair, again, not in a comfortable way. “SPAMTON IS NOT GOOD WITH NEW PEOPLE!”
Ralsei nods. “Makes sense. Some pets get scared of other people they just met.”
“Didn’t this dumb cat and Kris just meet today???”
Spamton is still hurting your head, so you decide to hurry this up and go on ahead. You tell your friends you’ll be back. Your cat just probably wants to go out.
Susie looks grossed out. “Ugh. Good luck with that.”
“I know you’ll do a good job, Kris!”
Spamton is still scratching at your head. “HURRY UP MY [[Little Cungadero]]! WE GOT PLACES TO BE! CAT POSTS TO SCRATCH! ME0WWW!”
Spamton just keeps repeating this same line of dialogue the whole time as you explore this basement. His meows and yowls echo against the walls, traveling back to your ears so you can deal with the damage even more so. You suppose these are just cat owner problems. Though you wish your cat would just take that bath already.
Spamton seems to be steering you through the basement as you explore, grabbing onto your hair and pulling you into going a direction he wanted. Eventually, you come upon a something that’s different from the monotonous atmosphere. Not just crumbling stone and clinging vines; but something made of metal that hangs in-between pillars, its details lost to the shadows.
Your cat goes ballistic just then as if the giant body is full of catnip. He leaps off your head and rushes towards it, quickly disappearing inside it until the last thing you see is his furry tail.
Did you just lose your pet??
You frown, putting your hands on your hips. Bad cat! Get outta there!
You can hear Spamton scurry inside the metal, and so you try to raise your voice a little louder, to show that you are quite angry with him. Bad cat! You don’t know where that’s been!
“I’M BUSY! GO AND [[Please Hang Up and Dial the Number Again]]. I WANT TO BE A FREE CAT NOW!”
You are getting irritated. You even got Spamton his own litter box and everything! The outside was dangerous!
“I’M A FREE CAT!! [[Hear Me Roar]]!! Meowmeowmeowowowow. I DON’T NEED A PET OWNER ANYMORE!”
You sigh. Maybe you should have given Spamton to Tasque Manager when you had the chance.
…No, you can’t think that. Spamton is your cat. He is your responsibility.
You grab onto the metal body and proceed to climb inside. This promptly freaks out Spamton intensely.
The body shakes. You fly out of it and land on the hard floor. And that’s when you see that the body now has a head, and arms, and legs. It’s covered in bright neon pink and blinding orange, all of it haphazardly glued onto the body like an abstract creation. And it’s moving towards you.
…Also, it has cat ears.
“HERE I AM, KRIS!!” shouts Spamton. His pink and yellow glasses sparkle in the dark. Green strings hang up to a unseen ceiling. He moves towards you, each step making another weird meow noise? “I AM THE ULTIMATE [[Cat’s Meow!!]] AND I STILL GOT [[7 Lives Left]]!”
You get up, now knowing your cat has gotten feral. If only you had gotten Spamton his shots like you meant to but the expenses for that are so-
“HEY STOP THAT! I NEVER WANTED TO BE YOUR [[Little Furry Friend!]] IT WAS A RUSE! I’M THE [[King of the Jungle]]! IM HERE TO BE [[Top of the Food Chain]]!! I JUST NEED YOUR [[S O U L]] TO FINISH THE DEAL! ALL WITH THE HELP OF [[Hyperlink Blocked]].”
You ask Spamton about his children. Doesn’t he need to watch over them? Doesn’t he care about them?
His face turns a furious shade of red. “DON’T YOU DARE BRING MY LITTLE PIPIS INTO THIS!”
He holds up what looks like some sort of laser weapon, ready to strike. You step back, but you’re pinned to a wall. You have nowhere to run to. Maybe you really have reached your end. You prepare yourself for what would definitely be a kitty-themed attack aiming straight at you. Maybe a thousand claws will shred you up, or you’ll hit get by more weird hairballs that aren’t made of hair. The possibilities are endless.
And then you see what looks to be plastic cat ears fall from Spamton’s head to the ground. They're perched on a rubber band, the kind that people put on top of their heads…
Spamton lowers his laser weapon, staring at the forlorn head accessory.
The truth is revealed.
That is when Spamton falls to his knees. “I’M A FRAUD, KRIS!!”
You have no words to respond to this.
“I’M NOT A REAL CAT! I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE! BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO BE FRIENDS WITH [[Number 1 Rated Salesman1997]] ANYMORE! SO WHY NOT?? A [[Cute and Fuzzy]] ANIMAL?? THE INTERNET LOVES CATS!!” He continues to weep, his tail waving behind him. Even if it isn’t real, he is rather dedicated to the cosplay. He then holds up his hands to you, showing off those same toe beans until you notice something… “SEE?? THEY’RE JUST DRAWN ON!”
Spamton begins to cry, loud and very grating. But still, it is sad.
Feeling sorry for him, you walk over to pet him on the head. He looks less garbage-y, so it doesn’t gross you out as much as last time.
Spamton looks to you with teary eyes, his big head a bit intimidating but at least he isn’t about to bite you. Hopefully? You are going to hope really strongly on this.
Wiping away the tears, he reaches for the cat ears, their fake fur a little dirty looking, probably from sweat and also being in the garbage. You wonder if that is where he found the cat ears in the first place…
“IT….It… looks like I couldn’t be anything more than a puppet…OR a cat…” And as he speaks, his giant body shrinks, and soon he is left with just his old self, no longer having either kitty ears or tail. Just a poor little puppet man in his scuffed-up suit. “But… I can see that you are strong. Especially when caring for someone like me.”
You do not mention you had no choice in the matter, but it’s probably better that way.
“My own strings…My own weaknesses… I couldn’t overcome them, but you could. Please. Let me become your strength.”
And with his words, he starts to fade away until… there is nothing left but the dirty cat ears he had been holding, which now floats to your hands.
You have acquired the Purrfect Little Meow Meow!
You don’t want this.
“…Kris…? Kris?! KRIS?!!” Spamton yells from those same cat ears. “YOU’RE GOING TO [[Decline This Limited-Time Offer]] FROM ME?”
These ears are dirty. Also embarrassing. Can’t it be anything else?
Doesn’t Spamton have those fashionable pink and yellow glasses? Why not those inst-?
You swallow your pride and put on the Purrfect Little Meow Meow!
“Thank you!” You can feel the ears on your head smiling. You are not sure if this is that much more comfortable then before. “Now let’s get moving!”
So you do. You leave that dark basement with the broken body, leave the weird spinning teacups that Spamton had also thrown up his hair (egg?) balls into, and finally make it to your friends who are waiting on top.
Susie is at the door, ax in hand. “Hey, Kris! I was just about to go to you. You were taking so long and-”
She stares at the cat ears you wear on your head. You can see just how badly she wants to laugh.
And then she does, slapping her ax into the ground until it rumbles. “You look so freaking stupid, gahaha!”
Ralsei smiles softly. “Aw, Kris! You really are a cat lover, aren’t you?”
Susie then stops laughing immediately. “Oh yeah, where is that weirdo cat of yours anyway?”
You sigh. You suppose you have some explaining to do.
The sound of meowing still echoes in your ears…
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