#i just. flash back to 2005 lol
anghraine · 2 years
Hey, maybe you have spoken on this somewhere, and I just missed it, so if so my apologies, but I would love to know why exactly you dont like 1995 p and p, my family and I have always loved it
I've talked about it many times over the years, but only a little lately, which may be how you missed it since I can be fairly tedious on this point. There are so many different things I dislike about it that it can be difficult to summarize (though I particularly dislike its approach to Darcy).
To attempt it, though:
Taken on its own terms, the 1995 P&P is quite good TV and a good period drama. Taken as an adaptation of Austen's P&P, I think it combines a superficial appearance of fidelity with variously caricatured, over-simplified, or simply bad interpretations of the characters and relationships. This is so consistent across the entire production with the exception of Jennifer Ehle's Elizabeth—who I don't love as Elizabeth but who doesn't seem treated with quite so heavy a hand—that I don't see this as an acting issue, but more of the vision of the creators which is executed quite well by the actors, but which I dislike.
For instance, Benjamin Whitrow's Mr Bennet is well-acted in terms of what I think they wanted him to be, it's a good performance, but also, a lot of the bite of Austen's approach to him is minimized (all the more by contrast to the very OTT Mrs Bennet).
So when I say that I hate Colin Firth's Darcy in particular, it's not that I think CF does a bad job as an actor (though I do think he was miscast for other reasons), it's that I think the production's fundamental approach to the character is ill-conceived and that carries over into writing, direction, framing, all kinds of things. Even when I first watched it as a teenager and liked a lot of it, the presentation of Darcy always bugged me. I don't like the treatment of the Darcy-Elizabeth dynamic at Netherfield, I don't like how they handle his letter, I don't like the wet shirt scene, I don't like the general humorless oversexualized brooding.
On top of that, the fact that its very specific interpretations are often regarded so completely uncritically makes it difficult to be impartial. You get things like Elizabeth's lines about marrying for love and joking about ending up a spinster—a moment invented by the 1995 P&P and not necessarily true of Austen's character, but re-created over and over in subsequent adaptations because of the 1995's enormous influence on perception of what P&P is. As a consequence, it can be intensely frustrating for those of us who disagree with its interpretations and dislike the P&P 1995-inflected fanon that permeates Austen fandom, because we can't get away from it.
I got into Austen fandom just a couple of years before the 2005 came out and so many 1995 fans were so offended that anyone would ever make another version of P&P because most of the fandom took it as an article of faith that Austen's vision had been perfectly distilled and represented in the 1995, and that everyone agreed with them. Even before the 2005, that utterly uncritical perspective on the 1995 was so inescapable that it was deeply aggravating for me as a fan of the book who didn't much like Andrew Davies's whole deal and would only dislike it more with time.
So I'm not pretending to be unbiased, but I truly believe it is very flawed as an adaptation of the novel, that its portrayal of Darcy is especially flawed, and that the issues in Davies's approach to Austen, which would become more glaring in his later Austen adaptations, are already present in the 1995 P&P and it's far from the one true version of P&P that so many of its fans present it as.
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derpinette · 2 years
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bless-my-demons · 8 months
Redamancy: Chapter Fifteen
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: So much fucking angst, and ya know - cuss words.
Notes: Okay so this was the chapter that started it all, it’s the very first thing I wrote for this story and it just grew from there. I wanted something that rivaled when Edward left Bella minus the concerning leave her in a forest at night shit. Listen to Don’t Leave Me Now - Emelie Hollow if you want to really hurt after this chapter lol
Word Count: 2335
Series Masterlist
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• September 13th, 2005 • Cullen Residence •
It’s a weird feeling - the tingling in your fingers, the ringing in your ears, the copper tang from biting your tongue. I don’t think I’ve even blinked since… Well, since Alice removed me from the war path of her brother.
It was almost as if someone else was in my body, watching this train wreck of a birthday party.
Everything was fine. I was cozied up to Jasper, he was whispering kisses into my hair and rubbing mindless patterns on my back as he held me close. Warm, safe, content, protected.
Until I wasn’t.
Until Alice wrapped an arm around my waist after Bella opened the envelope from Esme and Carlisle. Next thing I knew, I was across the room and Bella had a paper cut.
Chaos was an understatement.
Jasper met my eyes, pitch black hunger showed back instead of the person I was familiar with and a cold shiver ran down my spine. Rose flashed in front of me, drawing his predatory gaze before it finally landed on Isabella. Edward, sensing the turn in Jasper’s attention, pushed Bella away to intercept his brother’s loss of control.
It all happened so quickly, my eyes could barely track what transpired.
Edward shoved Jasper across the room, right into the grand piano under the second floor landing, causing a gasp to rip from my throat. Bella was knocked into a table, colliding with glass that tore open her bicep. Carlilse was torn between helping Emmett restrain Jasper and staunching the blood flow from Bella’s larger cut. I started shaking, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping Rose’s arm, Alice’s arm still around me and Rose standing before me protectively.
This has to be a nightmare. How did this turn so quickly?
Once Emmett wrestled his brother outside, the Cullen’s took their leave one by one, leaving Bella and I with Carlisle. Escorting Bella to his office to patch her arm up, I'm left alone in a room that looks like a bomb had been set off just moments ago. And it had, our fragile mortality just decimated what was supposed to be a night of celebration. After a few moments of spiraling out, I feel a hand on my elbow bring me back to the present - Esme.
“Dear, let me clean, I don’t want you to accidentally… C’mon.” She tells me in that light motherly tone, trying to be gentle and kind as she leads me away from the shattered glass covered rug.
I can’t accidentally cut myself, not if I want to be around Jasper.
“Where is he?” I ask in a daze.
“Sweetheart-“ but I interrupt her.
“I need to check on him, the others will… make sure I’m alright.” The words are acid in my mouth, it’s almost unfathomable to even doubt my safety in the presence of him.
Almost. And it breaks my heart.
“Garage.” She answers gently.
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I can’t breathe.
Not that vampires need oxygen, but I’m probably as close to getting a panic attack as one could get.
“Breathe man, everything is fine.” Emmett tries to reassure me, but it’s futile. I’m pacing back and forth in the driveway, while the rest of my adopted siblings watch from the garage.
“Everything is not fine.” Edward states, still as a statue from the corner.
“Dude, not fucking helping.” Rose fires back with a flash of teeth.
I continue my pacing, my fingers tugging on my blonde strands in an effort to ground myself and it’s doing nothing for my anxiety. What did I do? Is Bella alright? Is Y/n? I need to get a fucking grip on this hunger. A paper cut sending me into a spiral, you’ve got to be shitting me-
My internal monologue is interrupted by the door to the house opening from in the garage, the object of my thoughts emerging as if I summoned her.
“Y/n you can’t-“ Emmett starts, but she cuts him off, her eyes only on me.
“Alice, I’ll be fine, right?” She asks my sister without looking in her direction.
After a moment’s pause, “Yes, but-“
“No ‘but’s’, I need to speak with him alone. I trust him completely.” Stubborn and headstrong.
“We’ll be inside.” Alice acquiesces, to whom I’m not really sure.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Rosalie hesitate, protectiveness dripping from her, deliberate and aware that I could feel it. After a short nod from Y/n, she turns sharply to follow the rest of them inside. Odd, the one who abhors humans the most would feel the need to… protect one that’s threatened her way of life.
Before tonight I would’ve laughed, but now? Now I’m not so sure I even trust myself around her.
“Are you alright?” She asks me in the smallest voice I’ve ever heard from her, standing eight feet from where I pace but it might as well be the fucking Pacific Ocean.
I laugh, “Am I alright?” I repeat back to her.
“That was a stupid question, I was just-“
“I’m not fucking alright!” I explode, reaching the end of my sanity. I hear her suck in a breath and I immediately regret the tone in which I threw the words at her, but my thoughts keep flowing.
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“I can’t do this! Not when it’s so easy for me to flip a switch and hurt you!” He exclaims desperately, eyes wild.
“What are you talking about? What do you mean you can’t do this?” I know he could feel the anguish pour out of me in droves at just the thought of what he’s implying. He wouldn’t actually leave over something so small, would he?
“You don’t fucking get it, darlin’... I have to go-I can’t do this, I won’t hurt you. Not if I can help it.” Turning away I stop him in his tracks.
“I love you.” The confession slips before I could reign it in. His back tenses before spinning around in a split second flash.
“Y/n-“ He gapes like a fish out of water, the look on his face is nothing but pure agony as he turns and disappears into the night.
Did he?
Did he just leave?
Even the forest is silent, like it’s waiting with bated breath for my next move.
How did this night start so wonderfully, then turn into this? My mind is empty and too full at the same time... And breathing? When did that become such a task? In and out - but how can I force air in when my heart is in my throat? My lips start to tingle, cheeks prickling painfully.
I close my eyes and shake my head like it’s some Magic 8 ball, trying for a different answer-a different outcome.
This can’t be, denial starts flooding in to try and put out this burning in my chest. There’s no way Jasper Hale just decided so quickly-so easily, to leave me.
There’s no way.
I love him.
That’s enough, right?
I must’ve been standing here for hours. Hours, days, months, years it’s felt like since I was staring into those gorgeous dark eyes filled with such self-hatred.
I jolt out of my thoughts when a pair of cold hands find my shoulders, I glance up to see Emmett’s concerned face. I feel as though the cold has seeped right through my skin, straight to the bone. It’s almost like I’m in this bubble. I see his mouth moving what seems to be a mile a minute, but the ringing in my ears drowns his words out.
Is this what that feels like? Shock? Focus Y/N, focus.
I feel a gentle shake from Emmett’s hold on my shoulders, “Are you alright? What are you doing standing in the driveway alone? Where’s Jasper?”
“He’s gone, Em.” I whisper, turning robotically to where I last saw him.
Emmett’s eyes widened, “He-he what?” I see him glance towards the woods that line the driveway, “I’ll find him and-”
“Emmett no, let him go. No one will change his mind, not right now anyways. Please,” I say a little quieter, “Don’t go.”
He envelopes me in a massive hug, “Never, Y/n/n.”
After a few moments and a small squeeze, he starts to lead me back inside to face the rest of the Cullens, where do I even begin to explain this mess to them?
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Everyone gathered in the living room, silent after Emmett gave them a short explanation as to why we were missing a member while I stood next to him with my eyes glued to my shoes.
Looking around to see everyone’s reaction, I first notice a bandage wrapped around Bella’s bicep - Carlisle’s handiwork underneath, no doubt. Standing an awkward distance away from his girlfriend I notice Edward scarily still, no trace of emotion on his face which causes a shiver to snake down my spine. I turn, seeing Esme have what looks like a silent conversation with her husband through meaningful and pained expressions, I quickly look away knowing it’ll break my heart even more to watch the exchange. Rosalie walks over to take Emmett’s hand on his opposite side, his other still on my upper back - grounding me. Her face was a perfect depiction of concern directed at her mate, I couldn’t deal with that either, so I glanced at the last face in the room - Alice. Her features are torn and taught, like she’s searching the future and not liking what she’s seeing.
I feel like my life is just slipping from beyond my control, this has to be a horrible dream. It couldn’t have been more than an hour ago that I was standing right here, in this room, with Jasper’s arm draped around my waist, watching Bella descend those stairs.
I wonder a few steps beyond Emmett’s reach and stop, needing out of this house but not quite ready to be alone, I turn back around to my best friend and plead, “Em, take me home?”
Sparing a glance to his girlfriend who tilts her head in a nod of understanding, “Of course, let me grab the keys to the Jeep.”
It only takes a second with his speed to stand in front of me again, “Alright, let’s get out of here.”
I turn to Esme before I’m fully out the door, “Thank you for hosting the party tonight, it was lovely while it lasted.”
Her face scrunches in sadness, “Oh honey-“
“Goodnight everyone.” I say as Emmett steers me into the garage.
“Don’t do that, you don’t have to-“
“Have to what?” I cut him off as I shut the passenger door, the sound reverberating in the enclosed space.
“You don’t always have to spare everyone’s feelings at the expense of your own.” He climbs in himself and jams the keys in the ignition, the familiar rumble of his beloved machine filling the silence.
“It’s fine-everything is fine, this isn’t happening. It can’t be.”
“Y/n-“ He starts, but I cut him off as he activates the garage door and pulls out.
“No Em, it’s-I just can’t okay? I don’t know my head from my heart right now and I just need to hold myself together like this for just a little bit longer, alright? My sanity is dangling by a thread.” Running my fingers through my hair, I turn towards the passenger door to lean on it.
The rest of the ride is spent in silence. I know he wants to talk, to say the magic words that fix this widening hole in my heart that’s growing by the second, but he can’t. No words can fix this, nothing fixes this sudden loneliness that Jasper created the moment he decided this course of action in our situationship. So I stare out my window, trees flying by, the outside world a blur.
Pulling up in front of my house, I spy the porch light my mom must’ve left on for me, assuming I’d get home late. I hear the engine cut off and turn to my left, surely he isn’t going-
“I’m coming up.” His eyes set like he’s on a mission.
“Are you crazy? Hell no, I’m not about to let you sulk in the corner while I bawl my eyes out like some pathetic pity party!” Throwing my hands up.
“Listen, Y/n-“
“Besides, your Jeep in the driveway is going to look suspicious! Even if you park it down the street, my mom is familiar with it.” I try to reason with him.
“But-” Emmett continues to try and sway me.
“Em, I’ll be fine,” I whine, “I know you’re worried, I’ll have my phone and I’ll text you tomorrow. This isn’t your responsibility to fix, I just think I need to be alone right now.”
He lets loose a deep sigh, “I’m just worried about you is all.”
“I know, I’m sorry. You’re just looking out for me and I appreciate it.” I look back to my house, “Maybe come over in a day or two? When I’ve had some time to process it all?”
“Of course, I’ll see if I can find this idiot and figure out where his head is at. Maybe beat him up for ditching my best friend in the dark.” He shoots me a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood.
“Emmett...” My eyebrows push together, his thoughtfulness constricting my throat.
“Go to bed, call me if you need to talk or whatever, everything will be fine.” He pats my leg in reassurance.
I climbed out of his massive Jeep and shut the door. Glancing behind me as I walk away, he gives me his signature lopsided smile as the engine turns over and he begins backing out of the drive.
Everything will be fine, yeah?
Yeah fucking right.
Who knew that was the last time I would see them, two weeks ago.
Everything was most definitely not fine.
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@aoi-targaryen @min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea
For some reason I can’t tag some of you🥺
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jackseverywhere · 4 months
Wanna know one of my hc for Johnny Fiama that is also kinda crack ship ?
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I thought about that months ago lol I think it came up because at that time Johnny and Lips were my beloveds and it would be fun to show that at some point they tried to have something but it was so catastrophic that they didn’t go past the two dates.
Around 2005 Johnny wanted to formally come out to the media as Bi. So walking around some bars he met Lips, playing solo on stage, y´ know, because in those years he was apart from the band. Johnny asked him for a duet, bought him drinks and offered to accompany him to his apartment, holding hands.
And seem idyllic… but it was only in theory! Despite having many things in common, Johnny and Lips didn’t have any chemistry. Mainly because Johnny was more focused on attracting some paparazzi than on his date. And on Lips' part because he agree to accompany the man because, deep inside, his calm voice and bearing of Frank Sinatra slightly reminded him of Zoot, finding that in fact, they are nothing alike.
To Johnny’s fortune, a paparazzi saw them just as they left the bar, making sure to squeeze Lips' hand, a little too hard and smile at the camera. Now, Lips doesn't mind being seen holding hands with Johnny Fiama, let alone with a man, but someone putting a camera with a flash straight in his face, naturally.
Well, if the date was so terrible, why did they go out again? Easy, once Johnny got the exclusive he wanted, he went back to being the flirty man we know, so Lips decided to give them another chance.
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Somehow the second date was worse! They met in Johnny’s apartment and every topic they decided to talk about just made their differences more obvious for the worse, making everything uncomfortable. Stuff like:
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They said goodbye that day, with the silent promise of never seeing each other again. Although I find it funny to think that Johnny actually refers to Lips as his ex, even though they only had two dates. Because Lips is a beauty and it’s always cool to have such an attractive ex.
But they met again 16 years later, during the filming of The Muppets Haunted Mansion.
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Both were surprised to see the other on the set, as they never actually knew that the two were part of The Muppets; Lips, because during the time he was away from the band he decided not to know anything about The Muppets and Johnny…simply because he is distracted.
So Johnny decided to say hi to Lips, friendly:
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But hey, some things changed at Lips… he came back with the band!
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And yes, The Electric Mayhem and Johnny Fiama already knew each other, they worked together on several Muppet projects. Even so, Johnny never knew that Lips was part of the band.
During the breaks both talked a lot about many things, so Johnny found out that Lips already had a relationship with someone in the band, getting a ¨yes¨ to each member when he ask who it was. Their conversation flowed great this time, even Johnny was somewhat disappointed that Lips already had a relationship (or so he thought, he didn’t quite understand).
But Lips and the band invited him to hang out with them, even after the recording. Lips and Johnny agreed to call themselves ex´s to the media, only to generate gossip.
...And Sal? Hahahaha WELL! Sal was there all the time and always knew Johnny’s intentions. Sal looked after him in the distance always, he wasn’t going to let Johnny walk alone at night on unknown streets! also Johnny and Sal live together, he could hear through the walls that awkward date. Although he is the first to mock the fleeting infatuation of his best friend, he accompany him during the duel, even buy him ice cream.
And that is all! I thought about this months ago and the memory came to me because someone asked about hc of Johnny, a post that I plan to do later, but I wanted to expand on this silly point separately. Thanks if you read so far, you just read a long crackship fanfiction xd
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biolizardboils · 11 months
Hooray for Captain Underpants: The Unnecessarily In-Depth Writeup
Ages ago, Pilkey.com entered its golden era... the era of Flash content! From about 2003 to 2006, the site was blessed with a new layout, a jukebox, music videos, a LOT of games, and a banner adorned with different characters whenever you refreshed the page! The last thing doesn’t load in the Wayback Machine but trust me it was cool
Most of this stuff has thankfully been preserved, from YouTube reposts early on to those sites with hundreds of stolen games, to archivists scrambling just before Flash died in 2020. One of the early migrators, and the possibly the site’s star attraction, was a simple song with an accompanying animation.
Before George and Harold asked what could possibly go wrong... before Weird Al helped make Dav’s decade... before the Koji Matsumoto songs that I never listened to as a kid because the thumbnails scared me... only one song could encapsulate what these books stood for. Subsequently, only one video could provide an extended glimpse of Pilkey’s wacky world, in full motion and full color. 
I’m talking, of course, about Hooray for Captain Underpants.
In this post, I’ll be covering everything to be gleaned about its production and discussing its potential impact on future CU adaptations. Why? Because the Movie won this poll by exactly 1 point! @bestanimatedmovie​ let me know if you’d like me to stop interfering in your tournament lol.
According to the site’s New Stuff page, both the song and video were added on January 5th, 2005. The Free Music page lists its copyright date as 2004, however. It seems the song was created first, then held back until the accompanying video was ready a year later.
Speaking of copyright, I'd like to shine a spotlight on everyone who contributed to this gift to humanity! First, the song:
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Produced, Written and Performed by Josh Katz.
This guy’s perpetual voice-crack and rap-adjacent stylings make up most of the Extra-Crunchy CD O’ Fun. Outside of that, he’s better known as Rappy McRapperson, a tongue-in-cheek “gangster” act active from 1999 to 2017. I won’t be linking to his music since it's all rather... off-color; look them up at your own risk. I’m not sure how Dav found the guy and now I’m afraid to ask
Beat by Ben Petty.
Petty seems to have contributed music (and his garage) to the Rappy act. The only info I can find on him is tied to Rappy, so again, no links.
Children's Chorus: Mrs. Dean's Music Class.
Imagine having been in this class, your youthful voice immortalized for the ages! Where are these students now, I wonder? If only one of them spoke about it in a random subreddit or something...
Additional Vocals: Elizabeth Dean.
Besides the slim chance of one of her students having the same last name, this was probably the music teacher. I have an inkling on what “role” she plays in the song, but that’s for later.
The video lists two more parties:
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Animation by Wetland Animation
Googling this name only supplies animations of wetlands, but I might have found them under a different name. At the bottom of the home page, the site’s redesign is credited to both Dav and an “Eyeland Studio”. There’s an archive of their site from around the same timeframe, and whaddya know!
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Directed by Scott Hamlin
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This guy is the first (and only) name on Eyeland’s Contacts page! Well, not specifically Eyeland’s—apparently that’s just one of three branches of a bigger subsidiary named Games In A Flash? But this is an infodump about Captain Underpants, not the Flash industry, so
On to the actual song and video! I’ll be using this 4K remaster for reference. (And it’s a stellar remaster, might I add—judging from ancient videos of the original, every single asset and animation error is still intact!)
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The first few shots include two villains getting inconvenienced in amusing ways—a bold directing decision, I must say. More seriously, I’d like to point out Prof. Poopypants’s color scheme here. It actually lines up with the two (yes, two) he has on the cover of Book 4!
He wears a muted blue suit on the front cover (at least in early editions) and a purple one on the back cover. Here, he’s wearing the blue suit and the frames of his glasses are purple. Coincidence? Yeah, probably, but it’s cool to know he had a two-outfit thing going on way before the Movie.
First off, nobody walks like this. Second off, what kind of school has searing mint green walls? Sorry, it’s just... not the color I had in mind for Jerome Horwitz lol. Anyway, here come the lyrics!
[GEORGE] Uh-oh.
[HAROLD] Here we go again!
Ah, the classic lines! Not much to say here, but keep the Boys’ voices in mind.
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Wedgie Woman has the smoothest animation in the whole video for some reason. (The perks of being a girlboss, I guess?) Her scene is a highly kinetic bit of slapstick, too—it makes me wish I knew how to make good GIFs.
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Meet George and Harold! They pull pranks and stuff! They're cool (COOL!) And they're mischievous!
Yes they are 💙 Also lol at “Gym teachers smell like stinky toilets”—I wonder what the sign said earlier.
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Krupp has a skin-colored line floating over his arm, and the walls drift to the left at the end of this shot. But also, Harold’s hair does a funny little bounce when they notice Krupp! Plusses and minuses, I guess?
Meet Mr. Krupp! He's not nice, he's mean! That was, until the day  he saw a Hypno-Ring!
... 🎵 and now you know the plot! 🎵
[CHORUS] [x2] Underpants, underpants, I like Captain Underpants! Underpants, underpants, Hooray for Captain Underpants!
The phrase “hooray for Captain Underpants” showed up often in the earlier books, usually in the Boys’ comics. 
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The syllables of “underpants” snap into place as the chorus sings them—almost like waistbands! Also, Captain’s antics here correspond with specific Book covers, and the background’s colors change to match! For Chorus #1 we have, in order: purple for Book 3, orange-on-yellow for Book 4, turquoise for Book 2, and blue for Book 1! (Not sure about the shot of him running towards the camera though.)
He flies up high in the air—he's not scared (Woosh!) Captain Underpants likes wearing underwear! He also likes fighting crime (Pssh!) Evil-doers beware, ‘cause it's superhero time!
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I'm just noticing this but what happened to the Dandelion of Doom here sdfghjk?? Is this a placeholder graphic that got left in? It looks much more book-accurate later in the video, which makes this even funnier.
And the lifestyle gets pretty rough (AAAH!) You gotta spend a lot of time fighting mean stuff like Talking Toilets and Professor Poopypants (Pssh!) When you're done, you do a little victory dance!
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This part kills me cus Poopypants was literally just standing there vkhjg. He even seems to sigh in resignation before the underwear hits!
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In the Hall of the Mountain King, babyyy! This scene is just the Underpants Dance Flip-O-Ramas from Book 7, but with extra frames—and it looks amazing! The four bad guys scowling at Captain in the background are the icing on top!
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Good lord, that’s like, highlighter yellow. Seriously, who painted this school?
OH NO! The world's in trouble again (AAAH!) The lunchroom lady really IS an alien!
Fair warning: if a Second Epic Movie ever happens and they confirm the Alien!Edith thing, I will post this part but bass-boosted to obscene levels.
And it's all for... thrills and laffs!
I was promised Action, Thrills, and Laffs—where’s the Action?? For shame, video! I want a refund!
[GIRL]  Captain Underpants, can I get your autograph?
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About that inkling I mentioned earlier: I think Mrs. Dean may have voiced Autograph Girl here! Her voice sounds the slightest bit older than the chorus singers, and that’s my only point of evidence, but I can’t think of any other reason for that Additional Voices credit.
[CAPTAIN] Tra-la-laaaaa! (Woosh!)
Captain Underpants should fly by MY school!
You and me both, Josh! I say despite no longer being in school Also I always felt bad that Captain just... flew off lol, I like to think that girl got his autograph later.
Bad guys and crime sprees, they don't even care— Now they stop in the name of underwear!
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This part is great dfghj. The smoothness, the Boys’ >:) look, the little detail of Booger Boy sniffling, I love it.
Hitting robots in the face and poking evil in the eye (Poink!) It's very fun when you defeat crime!
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If any British people read this, I’ve got a question: I know Dr. Diaper was renamed Dr. Nappy over there, but does that apply to the Movie too? Like, when Captain namedrops him near the end, did they have Ed Helms rerecord the line, or is he still called Dr. Diaper? 
[GIRL] I wish I could do it all day long!
That's why all day long, you listen to this song about—
You bet your Poopypants I do!
[CHORUS] [x2]
Chorus #2 introduces two more scenes of Captain fighting Poopypants and the Dandelion of Doom. The Poopypants one is based on a Flip-O-Rama, and while making this post I thought the Dandelion one was, too. I checked Book 3 while wrapping up and turns out I was Mandela Effect-ing myself, but, like, it’d make for a good Flip-O-Rama, right? Here, I even made a mock-up of what I “remembered”.
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Also when Captain flies up in this scene, there’s a green dot where he stops (possibly to mark his position for the animators). Have fun un-seeing that!
I’m guessing Josh voices Poopypants here. This and Go Poopypants are kinda weird to listen to in a post-Movie world. Pour one out to parents and teachers who read these books aloud, I imagine kids get sad if they don’t do Zee Accent. (I know I would.)
Now the day's been saved and peace has been restored— Captain Underpants isn't needed anymore (Awww!)
PERISH THE THOUGHT. Must one be “needed” to justify their presence? Do people not exist beyond the services they perform?? Captain is a good and happy and fun guy and I love him and he should be allowed to stay!
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Anyway, look at this pile of assorted bad guys! We can see, from left to right and from bottom to top: Either the Booger Boy or the Robo-Boogers, Dr. Diaper, The Harold 2000, Wedgie Woman, Dr. Diaper’s robots, the Dandelion of Doom, the two burglars from Book 1, one of the Alien Lunch Ladies, and... 
...The Inedible Hunk?? He’s an interesting pick, since he’s comic-exclusive and never comes to exist in “reality” like the others. This was his sole color appearance for 8 years until the In Full Color editions; he’s green there as opposed to yellow here. I think he looks suitably gross in both, though.
He's your pal, but also he's your PRINCI-pal! Sometimes he's ridiculous, sometimes inVINCI-bal!
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Krupp’s toupee just falls in from nowhere here lol. I like to think it got stuck to the ceiling after flying off at the start of the video.
But now, he's gotta enforce the rules By being mean, and being not cool So it's back to school life with a paper and pen, but then—
I called Katz’ stuff rap-adjacent earlier, but I’ll admit this part is pretty fire.
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Poor kid, about to get his yo-yo confiscated... In this moment, I’d gladly follow that sign’s instruction.
[GEORGE] Uh-oh.
[HAROLD] Here we go again!
You know how I said to keep the Boys’ voices in mind? Now, go find a clip from Epic Tales (or just use this) and listen to them there. You might find that they sound similar, despite being made thirteen years apart! Maybe DreamWorks had this video in mind when picking the show’s voice cast? Before the Movie and Epic Tales, Pilkey.com’s Flash videos were the only full-color, fully-animated CU Things for ages—I’d be surprised if they didn’t use them as references. 
More possible evidence: Harold’s shirt colors! They fluctuated a lot until the Movie and Epic Tales settled on green stripes. In fact, his default shirt in Epic Tales resembles the one he wears in this video!
[CHORUS] [x2]
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Thus ends the music video ever: with a wink and... whatever this shot is!
What more is there to say? Besides some mashups and this amazing trap remix, this song’s legacy is an understated one. Pilkey.com has seen multiple redesigns since then, eventually retiring its Flash content; two new, higher-budget theme songs were made, and it’s hard to compete with Weird Al himself. Yes, Hooray’s time in the spotlight is long over, and it’s probably too late to reach out to anyone involved in its creation. After all, who’s gonna laud a potty-themed Flash video as their claim to fame?
Surprisingly, that question has an answer. And the answer is (drumroll please)... this Redditor!
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This has been an unnecessarily in-depth write-up about Hooray for Captain Underpants—thanks so much for reading this far! For my closing remarks, I’d like to plug that one trap remix again, discovering it made me die of laughter
Say hello to a former member of Mrs. Dean’s Music Class! (Except don’t actually go bother them about this, please respect their privacy.) I found this by complete accident last year and saved it to share here later, and now’s as good a time as any! I suggest that we heed their command and start worshipping them immediately!
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90smagicalgirl · 8 months
5 Social Sites and Online Games I Played Growing Up (゚▽゚*) ・‥…━━━★゚+.・‥…━━━★゚+.・‥…━━━★゚+・‥…━━━★゚+.・‥…━━━★
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> Cartoon Doll Emporium CDE for short, I believe was created in 2005 and officially shut down in 2019. The site started out as a simple forums and dress up site where there would be dress up dolls from other sources and original artists. It went through a few good many changes through out the years, even having a full avatar based system and membership. I remember you would collect points by playing the dress up games and mini games to spend on your avatar items. I never personally really participated in the events or the forums since I was still a teen and felt too shy or nervous. Sadly, due to the death of flash, many of the early site flash dolls that were more original and simple are no longer able to be played even through the archives.
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> Fantage Fantage was an online social site that I would compare to GaiaOnline. It was created in 2008 and officially shut down in 2018; I believe there is a single player/ private server somewhere that was created, but I've never looked or seen it myself so I can't say for sure! You had your avatar and a world to explore. Different parts of the map had different locations like a beach, city, etc.. You even had access to your own home where you could host parties with other players or join parties. This one also had a premium membership, I remember almost having the membership but was too discouraged by the price as a young child to actually ask for money for it lol. I did not do a lot of progression in the game but I just liked to hop on for the music and the vibes.
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> Tinier Me Tinier Me seems to have been created back in 2009 and it was officially shut down in 2012, with the forum shutting down in 2020 and the doll maker in 2021. Now it looks like there is a patreon for DreamSelfy, which would have been a successor to the original, but it doesn't look like it will ever reach it's goal. The last update for DreamSelfy was back in 2018 and it's been radio silence since. Now, Tinier me was an avatar dress up site (again similar to Gaia Online~) and you could even go out into the world and walk around to socialize with other players. It did have a premium money option and also a gacha system - and thus it was here that I was first exposed to gachas and I will forever be loyal to them now many years later. But I didn't care for the premium stuff very much, I just absolutely adored the style and cutesy anime look it had to it. I did play this one alongside GaiaOnline :) Now you may be thinking also, hm, those avatars looks sort of familiar don't they? Well you may be thinking of Cocoppa Play! They were both made by the same company and they still incorporate the original mascot for Tinier Me (Selfy) in Cocoppa Play for the more simple and common items in their gachas and game stores. Tinier me, my beloved, I miss you ♥
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> Free Realms Okay, okay so maybe this one is borderline MMO and borderline social site, BUT, I used to really just play it as a social site so that is what it primarily was to me (∗  ❛ั ᵕ ❛ั ). Anyway, Free Realms was a massive multiplayer online game that was released back in 2009 and officially shut down in 2014. You may even remember seeing it's commercials play on tv alongside Wizard 101 and Toon Town, when 3D MMOs aimed at kids and young teens was at peak popularity and you would no doubt see those commercials ALL the time on tv. Now, I personally tried ToonTown and Wizard 101, but NOTHING got my attention like Free Realms. The game was my very first MMO and one of the games I miss the most thinking back at my childhood. The game provided you full freedom, with the option of doing anything and everything you wanted with no restriction on your class or job. Heck, you didn't have to do those things you could just be an explorer which means running around the maps finding secrets and tokens! Or just sit around and socialize with other players. I remember the game having constant seasonal and non seasonal events, plus the fact that you could choose if you did want to cook, fight, dungeon crawl, tailor, etc.. was so mind blowing to young me. And the music! Oh my god. The music. The soundtrack is available on Youtube and I highly recommend listening to it, it is so good. I'm gonna stop there, because I could go on and on and on about this game alone. It just means that much to me.
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> Gaia Online
Of course after mentioning it twice I have to put it in here! Gaia was created way back in 2003 and is still active to this day. As you can tell by my profile pic below, I haven't updated my profile about 3 years since the last time I was super active was during the pandemic. But I always like to go on and off just to occasionally log in and see that it's still going and change my outfit. I don't remember when I joined Gaia, but I do know this is the my second account actually. I had an even older account that I could probably access if I tried really hard to find the email I used but it wouldn't matter since I did abandon that old account years ago for the current one so its okay :3 Gaia needs no real introduction as I'm sure many of you know about it and what it's all about. But basically, it's a social avatar site just like CDE and Tinier Me was. You have an avatar that you can dress up, a profile page where you can customize pretty freely especially if you knew how to make a sick Myspace page, an aquarium, a car and even pets (but only for the mini game!). Yes, Gaia has mini games and full length games within the site as well, the most infamous being Zomg, which was shut down in 2014 but then brought back again due to all the backlash from users. Be aware though, to play it you do need to download another browser that supports the hardware the game runs on as it does not run on regular browsers since Flash is gone. Another game that I actually enjoyed was Kindred Lake, which is where those pets would come into play. Gaia is also known for its extensive and active forums, weekly art contests and the world of Gaia where you can run around and talk with other players in a multitude of different maps. I have many memories of GaiaOnline and I'm glad that it's one of the sites that managed to stay alive and well all these years later, especially since the death of flash.
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⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ Conclusion ♡ I hope you guys enjoyed this list I made! Again, I'm not someone who knows all about these sites and games but the main purpose of this list was to maybe find others who also remembered/ were on them too. Or maybe I even helped you remember something you forgot ages ago, if so reply ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ Have a lovely day/ evening everyone and thank you for reading. If you got this far bonus kitty for you below:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣧⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣇⠀⢸⣿⣿⣦⣤⣄⣀⣴⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀♡ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⡆⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⣿⣧⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣿⣿⣿⠻⣿⠂⡀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣿⣿⣿⣦⣿⣏⠁⠀♡ ⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡀⠀⠀ ⢠⣾⣿⡿⠋⠀⠈⠙⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⡿⠿⠟⢿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀ ⠈⠿⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠻⣿⡿⠂ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢿⡿⠟⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀♡⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀
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lorangechim · 2 years
The one about a party and a stolen kiss.
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Summary: In which you have a massive crush on your best friend Johnny, he gets a little drunk and a little jealous.
Words: 2,089
Genre: Fluff, my trademark.
WARNINGS: None, just pure fluff. Maybe drinking ? It’s a tiny mention but, still. Oh! The ending is kinda ambiguous so, take that into account lol.
AN: Hello! This is my second attempt at uploading a fanfic here on tumblr lol, I posted this same oneshot on AO3 a few months back and I’ve decided to bring it to tumblr too. Hope you enjoy it, leave a like or comment!.
The cold air blew strongly hitting my already red cheeks. A few meters away someone stumbled on a plastic red cup and it made an ugly scratchy sound that was soon swallowed by the strong bass coming from the big black speaker on the floor.
I curled in on myself on the chair I was sitting on, in an attempt to warm up a little, holding my best friend’s beer bottle to my chest, almost hugging it and stuck my free hand inside my coat’s pocket.
Johnny will have to endure endless movie nights watching the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice over and over for dragging me out to yet another one of his friends’ parties in this cold ass weather.
My fingers are numb from the cold liquid inside the bottle and I’m pretty sure my nails will be purple by the time Johnny finally comes back and takes this wretched bottle from my hand. Why does he even like beer anyways? It tastes horribly and smells even worse.
Just as I’m scowling at the bottle and wondering just what the hell took Johnny so long, a flash of movement catches my eye and I see his head peeking above a group of people hanging around near the table filled with chips and various bottles of alcohol. Only when he was a couple steps away did I notice the paper cup covered almost entirely by his hand.
“Here” he said, holding the cup in front of my face
Quickly, I pulled my hand out of my pocket and took it from him, noticing how much bigger it looked now that I was holding it.
I looked up to look at him, “What?”
“It’s tea, I could see your teeth chattering from over there and asked Mark if I could steal some his roommate's fancy infusions”
The fluttery feeling in my chest made me smile and in a poor attempt to ignore it, I dramatically cried out to my best friend “Johnny, you life saver!” Pushing the beer to his chest.
Laughing, he quickly grabbed it brushing his knuckles against my own and sat on the empty plastic chair beside me. The flutter returned tenfold and before my thoughts wandered too far from reality, wondering if he also felt the same sensation his fingers left behind on mine from that single fleeting touch a moment ago. I raised my hand up to his face and pressed my still tingly, and very cold fingers to his cheek.
“Look, I can’t feel my fingers” I smiled teasingly.
He jumped up at the feeling “Holy shit!” He said, eyes opened wide and looking straight into yours.
You lowered your hand, laughing at his reaction. “You took your sweet time out there and I almost lost my hand to frostbite!”, I cried out. Johnny threw his head back and joined my quiet laughing.
He took a sip from the glass bottle he was now holding and with his free hand he reached out and took mine. The contrast between his big warm hand and my small frozen one brought a shiver down my spine and I happily welcomed the warmth he provided and allowed myself to enjoy the butterflies his touch awakened inside my stomach if only for a little while.
He placed the bottle on the ground next to his feet and tugged down the sleeve of his hoodie to cover his cold hand and placed it on top of mine sandwiching it.
He started rubbing his covered hand on mine, trying to warm it up “I brought you tea though” he smiled smugly. I rolled my eyes, faking annoyance.
And it was at moments like this that I found it incredibly hard to suppress my harboring feelings for him. When he was so close to me that I could count his eyelashes and his touch was warm on my skin. I felt as if though with one single look at me, he could see it written on my forehead “I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU”
A loud rumble of laughter snapped me out of my thoughts and I squeezed Johnny’s bare hand, looking up to him and smiling a grateful smile and slipping my hand from between his. My fingers tensed for a second and I grabbed my steaming cup of tea with both hands a little too hard, the liquid almost spilling.
For a second, confusion flashed on Johnny’s eyes, always so perceptive. “Wha-”, but before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud “JOHN!” Jaehyun was waving his hand in the air and calling him over to the beer pong table in the center of the patio.
He signaled Jaehyun to wait up and looked back at me, and I knew what he was thinking before he spoke.
"Go, I'll be fine" he didn't want to leave me alone.
"Are you sure? Mark can play instead of me"
"And have Jae direct murderous glances at me because, and I quote 'I stole his best man'? No thanks" I finished taking a sip of my tea.
He laughed "Ok, I will be quick then" he stood up and started walking to the table.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll lose in no time!" I screamed after him. He turned around making a hurt face that made me laugh.
However, he was still not satisfied and when he reached the table he brought Taeyong closer by his shoulder whispering something to him. Taeyong's eyes fell on me and he nodded at whatever Johnny was telling him. The guys started to make teams for the beer pong match and Taeyong started to walk over to me.
The green tea warmed me up enough to be comfortable. The night progressed slowly and a thick layer of fog settled over the backyard simultaneous to the way Johnny’s tongue started to slur some of his words and he started making bigger hand gestures when he talked to his friends as he became tipsier with every sip he took from his beer and the drinking games his friends called him out to play.
Taeyong was excitedly telling me about this new fish tank he had started to put together. I was enjoying the excitement and the shine in his eyes as he talked and showed me pictures of it on his phone. I was laughing at the cute names Taeyong gave his crabs when suddenly I felt a thud on my shoulder.
Startled, I turned my head to my right and found Johnny’s head there, almost by instinct, I moved my opposite hand and patted his hair.
“You ok there?” I laughed. I knew he was not drunk, he was the tallest guy I knew and he was able to hold his alcohol very well but I still asked.
He groaned a little nodding, making me and Taeyong laugh. I turned away from him and looked at Taeyong. “I think the rounds of beer pong with Leo caught up to him a little” I smiled.
Taeyong laughed and peeked over to Johnny “Do you want some water dude?"
Johnny's cheek was squished on my shoulder but he still managed to nod.
"Ok, I'll be back"
Taeyong got up and I shouted a quick thanks to him before he walked too far. I was still looking in his direction and smiling when it happened.
The first thing I felt was a soft thud on my cheek and then something wet followed by a smack. It took me a moment and then...
"Did you just kiss me?" I was looking at Johnny with wide eyes, trying (and failing) to hide the smile that threatened to stretch over my face and the shock because ‘what the hell?!’ He was not that drunk... was he?
All he did was laugh and then "Yes". I could not believe what was happening. What was even happening?
"I didn't think you were this drunk" I said jokingly. Smiling over how dumb and sudden that peck was. But I was still searching his eyes for something to tell me what was going on inside his head.
Johnny threw his head back laughing "I'm not drunk!" And then paused before he rushed out "Well, maybe a little but you were making googly eyes at Taeyong looking all pretty with your red nose and you were ignoring me!!"
I let out a chortle "Are you kidding? It's Taeyong! Taeyong who stops on the street to help dogs cross the street without the risk of getting run over. Everyone makes googly eyes at him" I laughed. His words didn't even register fully in my brain.
He frowned at me "Stop laughing!" And that made me laugh harder and louder.
"This is so ridiculous, what are you even saying? Were you jealous or something?" And this time I stopped laughing.
He looked everywhere but at my eyes "And if I was?"
I lifted my arm to hug his shoulders and began cooing "Aww you will always be my best friend John, don't wo-" he turned his head and his face was now so close our noses almost touched.
"Just your friend?" He asked in a serious tone. My head started spinning and I didn't understand what he was asking. Like, I did but at the same time I didn't.
"What?" I asked.
"I like y-" I slapped a hand over his mouth and shut him up.
"Oh no no, you can't be saying these things drunk"
"Mmnt dnk!" He mumbled into my hand with wider eyes, the ones he made when he was annoyed. I ignored him and kept talking over the sounds he was making.
"You won't even remember this tomorrow! And then I will feel like a dumbass for getting my hopes up." I was talking without thinking and only when I stopped talking, my brain caught up with my mouth and I looked at him in horror.
His eyes were wide too, but they faded quickly and a mischievous glint replaced the surprise. He grabbed my wrist to remove the hand that was still covering his mouth so he could start talking, but I pressed it harder.
"No, you are not sober enough for this. Just forget it ok?”
Johnny glared at me, and I could tell he was fed up. He looked down gesturing to my hand, I gave him a pointed look to remind him to drop the subject. He raised his hands in innocence as if to say ‘I won’t talk about it’. So finally, I dropped my hand.
“If I still remember tomorrow, can we talk about it?”
I sighed, feeling my shoulders tense up a little annoyed, mostly at myself since I had already begun to get my hopes up. To dream, to think about what if’s and to wonder what could happen.
From the corner of my eye I could spot a figure in the distance walking in our direction, and I remembered where we were.
“Sure, if you can remember this whole conversation happened, we can talk about it”
He smiled, a little too flirty and a little too smugly, but it was just pure Johnny. I faked annoyance and pretended my heart didn’t flutter. A moment later Taeyong sat back down with us and gave Johnny a cup of water.
For a moment, I stared at my best friend, my crush. Still trying to figure out what was going on inside his head, was I really that dense to not notice he might like me as more than friends? Yes, yes I was. It wouldn’t be the first time I failed to notice someone’s feelings towards me until someone else pointed out the obvious.
I must’ve stared for too long because Johnny caught my eyes, a knowing look crossed his face and the bastard dared to wink. I stifled a laugh and turned away from him, at the boisterous screams coming from the beer pong table.
Tomorrow, I can deal with my feelings tomorrow.
The next morning when I woke up, I stretched my hand to grab my phone.
I opened my messaging app, quickly scanning through the unread messages from friends letting me know they arrived home safely yesterday. But I opened one chatroom, the message from about a half an hour ago.
[Text message]
From Johnny 🦕:
“Wanna have breakfast?” (11:00 am)
“I’ll buy if you promise not to shut me up with your hand over my mouth ;)” (11:03 am)
I took a sharp breath, my mouth suddenly dry.
He remembered.
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zeether · 4 months
I still cannot believe how fast I got into KP after watching maybe like, 3 episodes
The show's existence was known to me for a LONG time, I used to hear the theme song constantly on Radio Disney back in '02-03 when I was finishing up middle school and this one lady who was kind of my guidance counselor told me about an episode where Ron saved the day (dunno which one that would have been since there were so many where he helped thwart something lmao) but I never had cable so my only exposure was hearing Call Me Beep Me and the occasional Disney Adventures comic
That and I heard Naked Mole Rap a few times, Rappin' Drakken was 2005 which would put it around when I was in high school and I guess I heard Radio Disney a few times then, that memory is hazy to me
Flash forward and I remember finding out about So The Drama but I never knew about season 4, I just knew Kim and Ron kissed and that's it lol
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gemini526sdumptruck · 10 months
Hey there, I just came back from my trip to 2005 and have acquired Flash 8.
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I've been wanting to dabble around in it for the longest time, and now I have my first attempt at art using the program!
This character is an old character I made back in 2016 who was just called Stuff. Occasionally he was named Stuff Crate but I usually shortened it to Stuff lol. I'm planning to put him into a group of objects that I plan to be inspired (kinda) by Newgrounds, so this is a bit of a teaser for what's to come eventually.
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anghraine · 9 months
Long, rambling, general post (with some detours into Austen + SW):
I find the academic obsession with novelty (at least in my field) rather irritating and in some ways actively harmful. But I've been thinking about it as I work on my dissertation, and there is an underlying concept I do find important.
Over here, I'm pretty content to scream my opinions at no one in particular, and have fun if people end up (courteously) answering back. But while there are commonalities between fandom meta practices and academia, a major difference (again, at least in my field) is that in academia, you essentially have to familiarize yourself with the wider community and discourse, and engage with it.
In literature, at least, it's important that you're not just reaching interpretations in a functional vacuum—interpretations that may well have been reached and argued thoroughly and well before. If you've got something fresh to contribute to the overall conversation, okay—maybe you basically agree with another interpretation but feel it could be expanded upon or there are some nuances that got missed. But the conversation doesn't particularly benefit from people just echoing the exact some interpretations over and over without adding or modifying them at all.
To put it another way, not everyone needs to (or should) cover every interpretation they agree with. This is not exactly literary criticism's reputation, but it's fundamentally social. Not everyone needs to do everything. Different people can and should cover different ground, and the general discussion benefits from this.
But this post isn't really about academia.
I think there's some real value in this idea that not everyone needs to be seen to repeat every correct take, or every take they agree with. Sometimes you're not really equipped to add anything. Sometimes you're not the best judge of a particular issue because it's not in your ballpark. Sometimes the ground has been so thoroughly covered in wider social discourse that you don't really need to add to it.
And I think this is especially important when it comes to the Internet firehose. People essentially repeating the same thing over and over and over without adding anything significant is a major way that ideas—including mistaken ideas—spread so quickly. Sometimes it's fairly inane jokes that become inescapable for an OP or within a fandom or whatever (book Isildur fans unite!). Sometimes it's mistaken or irrelevant corrections that someone/some people get bombarded with because no one bothers to check if the corrections have been made already. Sometimes it's the same reply ad nauseam, which quickly becomes intensely irritating while adding nothing. Sometimes it's worse than that—wrongheaded or exaggerated attacks on someone's character that get launched at the person incessantly, or active disinformation.
But basically, I think it's worth considering the shape of the overall discussion when you're considering what you specifically are going to contribute to it, if anything. Sometimes this is very serious. Sometimes it's a minimal consideration for others and for your impact on the general atmosphere in a fandom or some other social context.
For instance: back in 2005, when the Keira Knightley/Matthew Macfadyen Pride and Prejudice came out, my part of Austen fandom was having absolute conniptions over it. Some of this was over literally any adaptation of P&P ever being made after the 1995 mini-series (especially anyone else ever playing Darcy). Some of this was over claims that the 2005 P&P was generally more Brontë than Austen. Some of it had to do with particular contractions, or certain depictions of characters, jokes, aesthetics, dialogue, etc. I remember very serious articles about how it was a flash in the pan that would soon disappear from cultural consciousness (lol).
I actually share a number of the criticisms, as it happens! But I thought (and still think) that the collective outrage was ... excessive, at best. So I mostly didn't talk about my personal gripes because they already seemed to disproportionately dominate the conversation (to me, etc), and I didn't want to add to it. But it interests me that people have sometimes assumed that not personally adding to the griping about it means that I love it (and often, that I need to be corrected from doing so!). The same thing happens with particular ships or dynamics I don't like but don't want to add to discourse about.
I've definitely erred in the other direction. I used to talk quite a bit more about my criticisms of the Star Wars prequels, for instance, which I later regretted despite still having those criticisms. The fandom rage was just so over the top and everything covered so exhaustively and excessively by others that it (very belatedly) started to feel like adding to it was kind of like kicking a dog.
On the flipside, sometimes the firehose is pointed the opposite way from my personal opinion, and even if that opinion is just a mousy little cheep amidst the roar of approval/disapproval, voicing it seems more appropriate to me than joining a stampede of disproportionate hatred. Or sometimes the general discourse is pretty mixed and you just have to exercise judgment about your role in it (I've definitely gone for "I see a lot of debate on this point and hell with it, I get a place in the ring, too").
But in any case, I think that the pressure to be seen to have a take all the time and the assumptions made about people if they don't individually weigh in on ... basically everything is really misguided. We're social creatures! Sometimes ground has already been thoroughly covered. Sometimes it's been covered far too much. And I think stopping to think of what we're really adding, even when we're not plodding through reviews of the literature in academia, can be worth attempting.
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s12e12 stuck in the middle (with you) (w. davy perez)
unfortunate that that song has forever been associated with that reservoir dogs scene in my brain
not sure why this scene reminds me of the movie diner (1982), paul reiser on the brain and a group i guess
DEAN [leaning across the table to talk to Cas] Oh, dude, she is into you. WALLY Mm hmm. MARY Dean… DEAN No, this is good. We’ve been looking for teachable moments. This…
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i dunno why i have such a bad attitude about the show right now. partially attributable to my overall depressed ennui situation.
ok so is this scene a reference to reservoir dogs? i recently saw the madonna discussion roundtable diner scene thing from the beginning of the movie (haven't seen in 20+ years) and oof. i didn't particularly enjoy the movie when i saw it originally and my feelings have not improved
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job going sideways and bloody, set to an old song, certainly tracks with tarantino. it was a good scene, they say staring dispassionately. cas is leaking
and the title cards and jumping around in time. okay. guess we're really going there
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s12e12 / s2e17 heart
ahh how things have changed/not changed (incl my screenshotting habits).
s12e12 / s1e22 / s2e1
well that sound effect when he flashes his eyes is a blast from the past. had to go find out if they did in fact use it for azazel way back when and look at that, yes. i associate it with the title screens more - so i included that too. giving my brain a little pat on the head. *rawr*
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very drama, very nice shot. is that the spear of destiny? i thought that was at the bunker. did they do anything with it? can't remember. (lalala the blog search OF COURSE didn't return that post when i searched for destiny. or spear. fucking tumblr fix your shit i'm begging you)
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s8e17 / s12e12 / constantine (2005)
WALLY I-I just mean, I-I heard the sales pitch– money, gear. It all sound swell, but someone walks up to you and offers you something that sounds a little too good to be true? I wonder, what’s the catch? MARY Since I’ve been working with them, we’ve taken out more than a dozen vamp nests, four werewolf packs, and a ghoul who was eating his way through Arlington. We saved a lot of people. WALLY Right. So you do trust them.
one way to deal with the american hunter problem i guess, earn the trust and turn them into cannon fodder
WALLY You meet them fancy Men of Letters? SAM British Men of Letters? DEAN Yeah, they got gear, but, uh, you know they tried to kill my brother.
reminds me a bit of how sam is willing to stow baggage for practical reasons, mary willing to work with them if it's for the greater good
from s9e22 stairway to heaven DEAN And the last time you had this kind of juice, you did kill humans and angels, and you did nothing but lie to me and Sam about it the whole damn time! SAM Can we, uh -- can we take this somewhere else, guys? Will you stow the baggage, Dean. Look, we've got a case. Let's work it. Cas, did you know the angel in that video?
SAM Wait, Mom? Uh… I just wanted to make sure that, um… you’re okay. I mean, I know… you never really wanted this. MARY Since when is life about getting what you want?
kind of a throwaway comment but also hits a little too close to home
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s12e12 / s4e22
thought it might be the same painting as what was in that little fancy jail zachariah put him in during 4x22 but no, different spearing
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really, show. i feel like they've done this pulp fiction sight gag before?
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s5e14 my bloody valentine
lol they did, it was a soul in the briefcase
mary gonna own up to all this?
CROWLEY Your friend was stupid. You’re all… Do you know what you’ve done? Does the name Ramiel mean anything to you? SAM, DEAN, AND MARY: No. CASTIEL Yes. SAM What? CASTIEL Ramiel, Prince of Hell.
this is me throwing my hands in the air. sure, why not! never mentioned before but hey another harder-than-usual to kill baddie. did we know azazel was ... a prince of hell? also chuckled that when searching for prince you do get the canon discrepancies page about the inconsistent effect the demon knife has on various ranks of demons
and more pulp fiction, polishing a pocket watch for no reason
the lance of michael, i see. so this is six years ago crowley gives it to this prince dude, which would be s6? after michael was tucked away in the cage, he snagged it? and we're gonna retcon in some explanation of how crowley ended up with the king of hell job while multiple members of royalty were out and about
CROWLEY I don’t have friends. I make deals with those I can use. Every kingdom needs allies, even Hell. RAMIEL Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted up angel?
snorted but also, mary got an alcohol problem too? unless sam's doin it on the side
CROWLEY I admit they don’t sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody, “this is the end of all things,” a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they’re an asset we can’t afford to lose.
crowley selling it well (but also, facts. they might start the armageddon, but they will also stop it)
CASTIEL No, you listen to me. You– Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it… it’s been the best part of my life. And the things that… [inhales sharply] the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you. Just please… please, don’t make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.
oh now cas gets a dramatic deathbed goodbye that won't stick
DEAN Cas, no. CASTIEL Yes. You need to keep fighting. SAM We are fighting. We’re fighting for you, Cas. DEAN And like you said, you’re family. And we don’t leave family behind.
admit i giggled at sam's like, it was a little too cheesy earnest. and tried to not giggle at dean's line. it's just too much! the music, the delivery. rousing
so mary is so committed to keeping whatever she stole from him, she's willing to role the dice and fight him? maybe that was the plan anyway. too tired to think this through :p
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and crowley gets to save the (cas) day by figuring out the cure is breaking the spear of destiny the lance of michael, ok
conveniently, mary gets a pass on having to explain stealing the thing. god i do not like the homage to tarantino movie music either, what a surprise.
MARY That’s not good enough. I lost a friend. I almost lost one of my boys. KETCH And we apologize– MARY Shut up. Anything like that happens again– anything– and I will burn you down. All of you. KETCH Is that a threat? MARY It’s a promise.
has mary adopted cas too? and i like mary staring down this asshat like a boss
the colt???? oookay.
i know that voice, is it my true lucifer love mark pellegrino??? he's so much better at being creepy
LUCIFER [laughing] Ah. I know that look. Sam and Dean have got you down. Well, I still can’t believe that you’re working for the Dukes of Haphazard. Do you really think they care about you? I mean, think about it, Crowley. They kill your kind. It’s in their blood. And you know… you know… it’s only a matter of time before they come… [singsongy] for you.
dukes of haphazard lol
so they had to keep him in some elaborate cage in hell before, but now he's trapped in some little kennel in the topside "palace"?
this episode might be a record. took 2 days to get through it and probably 4 hours total. too much shit i felt the need to comment on or needed to look something up for. for the literally zero people that will ever read it. wait no, 1 person! i will read it and reference it
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anosci · 1 year
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(61-75 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6])
names and thoughts below cut
61/ PROGedia - Diõscuri (2023) holy shit what is this. prog hip hop? 6???? insane bangers out the gate why is this from R&S? feels like brainfeeder 💯 massive.
62/ Sampling Masters - Never Float (2001) this sounds a bit ahead of its time. its not just me right? does this sound like 2001 to you? 2005 maybe… this is a good thing btw
63/ VA - D3: Diverse Style from "B" 3rd style Normal (2001) this feels a little dated and amateurish (affectionate) it's a complete mixed bag in style and quality but an all around lovely time. "R4" maybe fav song? there's a lot of good here…
64/ VA - D3: Diverse Style from "B" 3rd style Versus (2001) kinda the same story as the "normal" version. maybe a bit weaker overall. the last two tracks are a really strong closer
65/ Autechre - AE_LIVE (2016) weird case im not rly including this thoroughly but i found fanmade CUEs and titles for the AE_LIVE releases. so obv i gotta split and organize them. relisten a bit… not to all of it. its cool to have "names" to my favs! (drunk), ceramic, c7b2 slip…
also my least favorite: (rave) get EQ'd gdi
66/ Autechre - AE_LIVE 2016/2018 (2020) weird case #2. turns out the newer sets are dif material. fewer beats. it is. RLY GOOD. again with the CUEs and fan IDs, some fav tracks: (flash) holty shit reflected ;_; (cyclone) (2016 ver)!!!!!! "(cosmos) - flute" i could swim in this
67/ Herbie Hancock - Future 2 Future (2001) i still have Herbie Hancock associated with like. the old jazz greats. a constellation fixed in the sky. so its wild to me to hear his explorations afterward. smokey jazzy sound sprinkled over breaks and even some bleepy styles. chill.
68/ VA - D4: Diverse Style from "B" 4th style (2001) wild variation. putting the diverse in Diverse Style i suppose. im just gonna list some standouts: "Funky Modelling [ATM Remix]" hypnotic! "WOW WOW 220" jf adventure! "manmachine plays jazz [ex.MIX]" classic beat!
69/ Initial Y - Dance X 2002 (2001) oh, cheese. i probably shouldve seen that coming based on the artist name. overall not a fan, but also… lol track 6. "Last Regrets -Winter Night Mix-" and (especially) the hidden track are the only ones that truly vibe with me
70/ VA - side-c (2001) yeah its another wild ride of genres. im having a good time! standouts: "Believe~Flirtation" sexy garage! "RG14" fun!!! "terrolist_egoist" hits a nostalgic spot "ヒッポカンパス" l u s h, ahead of its time even "雲海に棲む鳥" grasslands rpg vibes!
71/ Casiopea - Main Gate (2001) no words just jams
72/ Holly Waxwing - The New Pastoral (2023) beautiful and elegant. i feel like i need to study this to learn restraint and intent in design.
73/ 4 Hero - Creating Patterns (2001) (i have decided to be extra harsh on dnb albums.) …oh the dnb is stripped back. a sexy jazz fills the space. im still picky about vocals but some of them feel right to me. not quite Groove Aramda but ya. "Eight" is my fav here i think lol
74/ VA - Metalheadz Platinum Breakz 03 (2001) (i have decided to be extra harsh on dnb albums.) VA here means Various Alignments with my taste. im far more into the jungle jazzish portions than the darkstep(?). overall: ok. (this is me being harsh)
75/ The Railway Raver - You'll Never Get Anywhere By Spending All Day Playing Around With That Bloody Drum Machine (2001) i love railay raver's ear for sound design. id say "gentle synth feel" but this deviates from that a bit. acid tho.
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brianllama · 10 months
8 Shows to get to know me better
Tagged by @autisticharrywells, thank you!!
1. Doctor Who
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I grew up watching this and I've been obsessed with it since 2005. She is the love of my life and nothing else will ever compare.
2. The Flash
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This is a close second to doctor who. I could (and have, and might do again) sit and rewatch the first few of the seasons on a loop. I don't really like S6 and beyond though. I'm a bit on the fence with s5. It's not my favourite season, but I used to watch it on a loop in the background of me doing uni work because it wasn't distracting like the other seasons were lmao, so I'm somewhat sentimental towards it.
3. Gotham
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I really like Sean Pertwee as Alfred (translation: I think he's hot. I will be taking zero criticism on this lol). I love the development of the villains and how casually queer some of them are. I wasn't a big fan of the final season unfortunately.
4. Fleabag
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A tragedy and a dark humour comedy. I think the depression vibes is balanced out quite well with the comedy and I always end up watching it whenever I'm feeling particularly depressed lol.
5. The Great British Sewing Bee
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It's like bake off but with sewing. I find the judges more likeable than in bake off and the overall show a bit more enjoyable than the most recent season of bake off (rip bake off but it's not as good as it used to be).
6. Warrior Nun
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I've only watched up to the first episode of the second season, but I'm still including it as a reminder to finish it so my mate can talk to me about it lol.
Warrior nuns fight demons. The main protagonist was brought back to life with an angel halo which makes her the only person who can actually kill the demons. She's not a nun, nor does she want to be the main protagonist. I'm enjoying it so far!
7. Hannibal
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I watched the human centipede on a definitely non-illegal website and I did not enjoy it... Hannibal was one of the shows that the website recommended to me and I thought 🤷‍♂️ can't be worse than what I just watched lol. I thought it was dark and I loved it and I really need to rewatch it.
8. Legends Of Tomorrow
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It's queer, it's funny, it's like doctor who crossed with comic books.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
Dreams are weird
Last night I had a convoluted and crazy-stressful dream.
I literally couldn't wait to wake up from it and be DONE with it!
First off - W and I were living or at least visiting/staying with my mother. But here's the thing, it wasn't her current house, or the last place mom and I lived together at, but at my childhood home, that she moved out of over 20 years ago! The old townhouse in the gated community, next to the common area/pool and the park with the big tree. 2 car detached garage as well with a nice walled in back yard.
First part of the dream had W and I upstairs and we were putting stuff away, hanging clothes, that kind of thing when I saw on the news that an 8.0 EQ hit Los Angeles.... and since we didn't feel anything, I kind of had the impression we were in Arizona, because an 8 in LA would have also badly damaged where I grew up... but we felt very far removed from that.
Later that night, W was laying down, room was dark, and I heard a noise and caught 3 teens in the backyard hopping over the wall carrying skateboards and a small mini-bike. Thinking they were breaking into my car or moms or something, I yelled down at them and by they just dismissively waved me off, with a "meh, just ignore him" attitude. I immediately ran downstairs and made sure the outside gate was locked and then sprayed the sidewalk, backyard and top of the fence with water to make it slippery and muddy in case they wanted to come back.
When I turned back toward the house, I heard a crash and saw flashing lights and so I turned around an a big red truck was on its side smashed against a tree and leaning up on a garage. I immediately ran back inside to grab my go-bags (orange for tools/supplies, blue for medical) and put on masks because you know.. COVID is still a thing and I think this is one of my first COVID dreams to be honest! But mom grabbed my mask first and said it was because it was so comfortable and I could just wear another, so I scrambled to find another and then by the time I got outside.. the red truck was GONE. Fire and PD showed up and all I could do was shrug. You could see the marks it left, but it was just.. gone.
Speaking of gone, so was my SUV!!! I went to walk back through the gargage, and instead of the SUV.. my old... and I mean OLD... truck was there. I haven't had that truck since around 2005! It was a 1987 S-10 that was a 2 seater and had manual windows and it was OLD when I started driving it in the late 90s. lol But it was there, and my SUV wasn't!!! I was clicking the button on my keychain trying to get it to beep and locate it, and I kind of heard something once or twice, but not really... and mom was really unconcerned about the SUV being missing. She just kept saying "You always park your truck there."
So tl;dr - im in my childhood home, 8.0 earthquake in LA, kids possibly stealing shit, truck crash, mom taking my masks, missing SUV.... it was ... a hell of a dream.
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demonsfate · 2 months
With Ogre's return, the idea I go with is that Jin won, but Ogre didn't just poof away like in Jin's ending, instead, he was simply defeated and captured, having been placed under the Hon-Maru temple with the same kind of chains that kept Jin (and in Heihachi's ending for T4, Kazuya) subdued.
So Ogre more-or-less takes part of Jinpachi's story and role as final boss, since poor Jinpachi and the idea of him being the originator of the Devil Gene just didn't vibe with people, since that was the intent before Harada more-or-less said "That totally wasn't the plan, nope", though the fact his AI made him difficult no doubt helped put people off him.
But things play out the same, Jack-4s blow up the Hon-Maru with Heihachi inside, freeing Ogre without realizing, and with no-one in charge to decide what to do given the Zaibatsu would have been partly aware of Heihachi and his intentions with Ogre, the temporary board of directors quickly announce a new tournament with Mishima Zaibatsu ownership as prize if the winner is able to defeat Ogre.
All to Kazuya's frustration and claims that he should take over because as it'd be pointed out to him, Kazuya lost in the previous tournament to Heihachi, and whatever happened at the Hon-Maru is unknown to them aside from the explosion and freeing of Ogre, so they can't and won't take his word with his recollection.
That's true! But at the same time, I feel like Jin probably would've always made sure Ogre was dead (unlike Paul lol) Jin was just far too angry with Ogre to... NOT make sure he's dead. Plus I coooould be wrong? But I think it's heavily implied that Ogre absorbed the souls of the previous fighters. As that's how he learns all those different fighting moves. And well, I think the plot mentions that fighters from around the world were "disappearing". and well... you also see Ogre absorb Heihachi (or Jin if you're playing as Heihachi). Which Heihachi is fine afterward, which also strongly implies that once Ogre was 'defeated,' the souls returned to the bodies they were stolen from. Which is why he "exploded" and likely the flashes of lights were the souls returning. But I suppose the souls could always return in another way or somethin. CX The chains make sense tho considering it's been implied that, somehow, Ogre has some connection with devils.
I'm not sure if people mind that Jinpachi originally had his own devil before it got retconned. Though, I wasn't using the internet back in 2005, so I don't recall people's reactions to it lol. But I think people are more so annoyed that it was retconned. As people feel the game does many retcons that are unnecessary.
Regardless, I can totes see Ogre having been alive somehow, or at the very least, resurrected. And I can see how this could've worked! Even if it didn't go this way... it'd still would've been cool to see Ogre again. Still kinda weird they went with Azazel again but I guess him being the Creator of the Devil Gene, they had to use him again. :/
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sokkastyles · 3 years
In your last post you talked a lot about how Zuko respects Iroh. Could you give some examples of that? Because I'm feeling like Zuko doesn't really respect anyone, he (understandably) has an ego and thinks he's above everyone, even if he's working on
It is such a shame that Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005) was cancelled after two episodes.
Lol, now that I've got that out of my system, I'm gonna assume you aren't just a troll and treat this like you actually want a serious answer, because it gives me an opportunity to meta about Zuko and Iroh's relationship.
I would say that the Zuko we are introduced to has a pretty big ego, yeah, and thinks he's above everyone else. He's incredibly disrespectful to most everyone he meets, including his long-suffering uncle. When I started the show I knew through cultural osmosis that Zuko would get redeemed, and from the first episode I was like "alright, I'm ready to see how the show is gonna make me like this asshole." I especially did have a negative reaction to the way he treats Iroh in the beginning, because Iroh is one of the first characters I loved. I also was sympathetic to Iroh because I'm an adult, and an adult who works with kids. If any of my students said to me some of the stuff that Zuko says to Iroh I'd be like, yeah, okay, detention for you young man.
It's also pretty clear from early on though that Zuko's ego comes from a deep insecurity and low self-esteem. That doesn't make the things he does any better, and yes he is incredibly disrespectful to Iroh, especially when Iroh contradicts him about his mission. That's also related to his deep insecurity and trauma surrounding his father, of course, because Zuko needs to believe that he can win back his father's acceptance to cope with what his father did to him, but that doesn't excuse it.
He says some incredibly nasty things to Iroh. In the first episode we see him respond angrily when Iroh won't teach him more advanced firebending, and Zuko responds, as he does several times, by trying to imitate his father's brand of coercion and intimidation. Iroh is like, not impressed, and he puts up with a lot of crap from Zuko but he also doesn't let it get to him because he's a responsible adult and he wants to support Zuko in the way he can. Which also means telling him off sometimes because dude.
Zuko thinks Iroh is lazy and a failure, and resents the fact that Iroh is keeping him from what he says he is "more than ready" for, and tries to bully Iroh when he doesn't get his way, but then we see in the third episode, "The Southern Air Temple," Zuko's fight with Zhao. We see that for all Zuko's complaining about Iroh's teaching, he does what Iroh taught him to do, he sticks to his basics, and he wins. Iroh says that Zuko is honorable and we see that Zuko appreciates Iroh's support. It's also implied by the way Zhao mentions humiliating Zuko in front of his uncle that Zuko wants Iroh to be proud of him, that it's obvious to Zhao how close they are.
Another example of the show letting us know that Zuko cares more about his uncle than he lets on is when he threatens to leave Iroh behind in "Winter Solstice" but then comes back for him to find him gone, and goes out of his way to search for him, even setting aside his hunt for Aang. Zuko fights the earthbenders to save Iroh and Iroh compliments his form, to which Zuko says Iroh taught him well. This episode does a lot to develop Zuko as a character and his relationship with Iroh because not only do we see that Zuko cares for his uncle, but that, contrary to his rudeness and dismissiveness in episode one, Zuko does respect Iroh as a teacher and a bender.
There's a lot of examples like this where Zuko says one thing but does another, because Zuko is a character who, at the beginning of the story, carries a lot of cognitive dissonance and guards his real feelings about things. His relationship with Iroh is an example. This isn't very surprising because it's pretty common in child psychology. Especially with kids who have been abused, they will rebel against an authority figure and push back in any way they can to see if they can find a breaking point. Iroh's endlessly patient and supportive but solid and firm presence is something Zuko is not used to and doesn't know how to deal with. But it's very clear that Zuko relies on Iroh as a father and mentor, even when Zuko doesn't realize it yet.
"The Avatar State" in another episode that shows how much Zuko relies on Iroh. At the beginning of the episode Zuko is sitting apart and it's implied that he's not happy with Iroh relaxing and getting a massage, but Zuko also opens up to Iroh about his feelings about his father. Zuko also is dismissive and rude to Iroh again in this episode, criticizing Iroh for collecting shells and also insulting Iroh when Iroh contradicts him about going with Azula, but then Zuko is happy when Iroh goes with him to Azula's ship, and we get that flash of the image of Ozai with his hand on Zuko's shoulder. This tells us that Zuko sees Iroh as the kind of mentor figure that he wishes his father were, even if, again, Zuko doesn't quite realize this yet. There are many other examples like this where Zuko is frustrated by not getting Iroh's approval on something because he wants Iroh to be proud of him. Like when he steals the teapot and gives it to Iroh and Iroh is not interested in stolen items. Zuko's clearly hurt by not having Iroh's approval, which is a big part of why he left Iroh, and Iroh knows that Zuko is struggling to find himself but also still needs his support.
Then you have "Bitter Work," the lightning bending, and Zuko's look of total admiration when Iroh is bending lightning and teaching Zuko a move that he invented himself. Like I said before, it's clear that Zuko respects Iroh as a powerful bender. This is also echoed in that scene in the book two finale when Iroh is about to breathe fire and Zuko has this look of "wow my uncle is going to beat you so bad this is going to be great!"
There's also a lot of little stuff in the Ba Sing Se arc that show that Zuko respects Iroh and values him as a mentor figure. He lets Iroh do his hair for his date with Jin! It looks terrible! Zuko has no idea how to behave on a date so he's like um, uncle said to give you this coupon! Look how smart my uncle is! Of course the culmination of that arc is Zuko's fever and his awakening which gives him a renewed respect for Iroh, and he actually makes an effort to show Iroh how much he values him. He still betrays Iroh in Ba Sing Se but it's not the "I hate you and you smell!" thing that the play portrays it as. One of the reasons Zuko was so confused there was because he felt like his uncle was telling him contradictory things, and he couldn't reconcile his uncle's wisdom with what he'd been taught to believe by Ozai.
But it's finally losing Iroh as that pillar of support that makes Zuko truly realize how much he does value his uncle. It still takes him a while to get there, and he again pushes back against Iroh when Iroh won't talk to him in prison and blames him for his own internal turmoil. But when he does finally get there, it's such a slap in the face to Ozai that Zuko on the Day of Black Sun tells him to his face that Iroh is his real father, that Zuko is going to fall to his knees and beg for Iroh's forgiveness, because Zuko has realized that Iroh is the one who really deserves his respect. Not only does Zuko tell Ozai that he, in fact, did not teach him anything about respect, but the respect Ozai tried to get from his son through cruelty and control is something Zuko will freely give to Iroh.
Then Zuko spends the next several episodes constantly talking about how great Iroh is, how much he misses him, how good he is at making tea and telling jokes, how wise he is, and what an ass he, Zuko, had been to him. He follows Iroh's advice and humbles himself because Iroh always said he didn't think things through enough, he works hard to make himself into someone his uncle would be proud of. Then when he does meet Iroh again he asks for forgiveness, but he says that even if Iroh won't forgive him he would try to make it up to him. He's completely humbled himself and it's so satisfying because it's the fulfilment of their relationship arc, and you can feel the love and respect that these two characters have for each other. And it's directly meant to contrast with what Ozai said about respect, because Ozai is full of shit.
And then Zuko just like automatically assumes that Iroh will be the Fire Lord and Iroh's like "Zuko did you forget that you are the crown prince?" And Zuko, bless his heart, is like "but I made so many mistakes."
I'm sorry, but if you're gonna keep arguing that Zuko, at this point, still "thinks he's above everyone else" then you are just being willfully obtuse.
Not to mention the fact that Zuko's crowning moment as Fire Lord is him giving a speech about how he wants to serve others, to heal the world, and even the applause and praise that he, in the beginning, wanted from others is something he doesn't accept. He tells everyone that Aang is the real hero. And Aang is a hero but like, Zuko is a hero, too, by showing heroic qualities like being selfless and humble and caring towards others. And then his last scene is not him as Fire Lord, but serving tea to everyone dressed in Earth Kingdom clothes.
And who does he serve tea to first? Uncle.
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