#i just put a light shade of purple over him and hope it made a difference
naenaex0xx · 2 months
wanna make a kirby cafe waiter dee theme...
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danveration · 4 months
Sleep well, amour Pt. 2
Parings: Alastor x reader
Summary: After falling asleep to his voice, you wake up and get confronted by Alastor. Later, you walk in on him sleeping.
Word count: 1523
Warnings: Mention of Alastor eating and k*lling a deer
part one
A/N: PART TWO IS HERE!!! I had SO many options wracking my brain on where to take this, but I picked this one! I hope you all enjoy it :’) let me know if you have any feedback, I’d love to hear it. Also, I’m currently working on all the requests I got :) as well as part 2 to that-no-good-first-man-on-earth
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You wake up, blinking and looking around. Momentarily forgetting where you are.
Shit. You fell asleep in Alastor’s recording room. Thankfully, he isn’t here right now.
Before you could get up, you notice a purple blanket on you. It seems to be the one that was on his coat hanger. Did Alastor put this on you..? The thought has you smiling and your cheeks reddening.
Alastor’s voice sure does have an effect on you. You look outside to see what time it is, but remember that it’s Hell and the sky is always the same shade of red. You’re going to have to get used to that.
Getting up, you put the blanket back on the hanger and look around some more. It feels some-what intimate right now to be in his space when he’s not around. You wonder how long you’ve been asleep for.
You walk over to his table and notice a red “play” button on his radio equipment and are tempted to press it. It surely won’t cause any harm to hear what he was talking about when you were asleep. You press it and listen.
“Haha! For any sinner, I know it’s a tempting question. But I-“ The recording fast forwards. “Nevertheless, I find it quite amusing that this technology box thinks he is on any sort of level to me! Call me crazy but the sinners have been taaallkinggg, and they think he sounds quite obsessed.” He laughs, knowing Vox is probably listening.
You smile at his voice and find it funny how he is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to his radio broadcasts. You know deep down he doesn’t actually care about the whole situation with Vox, but it’s still funny how he entertains it.
Looking to your right, you see a mug that has “Oh Deer” written on it. There seems to be a bit of black coffee still left in the mug. The “deer” reference made you giggle. You’ve always wondered about his past and how exactly he is part deer anyhow. Oh well, It’ll reveal itself with time.
You’re looking at all the other buttons on his equipment, wondering what they do, when all of a sudden you hear light footsteps on the other side of the door. It’s most likely Alastor. Nobody would willingly go to his room without permission.
The door opens slowly and in steps Alastor. You notice how he opened the door quietly, to not make make much noise. As he still assumed you were asleep. You smiled at that.
He looks ahead and sees you, immediately smiling. “Ah! My dear. You’re awake!” He claps his hands together, his cane leaning on his side.
“Hey Al. Um.. about what happened I-“ You start.
“Ah, ah! No need to explain yourself, sweetheart! Don’t go giving yourself a headache.” He cuts in and laughs.
He looks down at you and says, “you just find comfort in my voice, don’t you?” He asks, with a smug smile.
Your eyes go wide and you stutter. Of course it wasn’t the most secretive thing. Still, you didn’t think he actually knew.
“U-um. Well..” You say.
He tilts his head to side as if saying, “Go on…”
There’s really no getting out of this. Plus, you don’t think Alastor would actually care. He’d probably just find it funny.
“Yeah, I do.” You admit. “I find comfort in your voice, of course I do! I just.. I don’t know.”
You aren’t sure what to say, it’s a tad embarrassing.
Alastor begins to laugh.
“I certainly could tell! I find it quite amusing if I do say so myself.” He says.
He definitely doesn’t mind it, he has a soft spot for you. But he’s also a bit confused on why you even do. He knows his radio voice is unique, but nobody ever commented on it bringing them comfort. They usually scream and run away when they hear him. You’ve been there long enough to see him kill and do so many things that people describe as “horrible, satanic, terrifying” but you still find comfort in him nevertheless? He thinks it’s absolutely adorable!
“Amusing?” You ask.
He nods and says, “Amusing, darling! I mean.. you know who I am, do you not?” He laughs and continues. “Though you still find comfort.. now that’s an interesting fact, don’t you think?”
You shy away, looking anywhere but him. You’re comfortable around him, of course, but you’re a tiny but embarrassed of this whole situation. You know he is definitely loving his though.
He places a finger on your jaw and guides your head back to look at him.
“Uh, uh, dear. There’s no need to feel shy! I never said it was a bad thing. I’m truly honoured!” He says, smiling down at you.
You and him have been getting to know each other for a while now and you’ve just been going deeply and deeply more interested in him. You almost laugh at yourself because you sometimes act as if you did when you alive, how you obsessed over fictional characters and “fan fiction.”
You look at him and say, “Well, that’s good then.” You chuckle.
“Mm, it is isn’t it?” He says.
He thinks you’re absolutely pathetic, but in a good way. He wouldn’t let anything hurt you, this new sensation is something he never wants to get rid of.
Later that day, Charlie wanted you to pass a message on to Alastor about the hotel reservations. You knew he was in his room because he mentioned that if you needed him, he’d be in there having some dinner (aka, deer). Which he has in his half room half forest. You really wonder how on earth he even did that. The wonders of being a radio demon!
You’re at his door, lightly knocking. You wait a few seconds but you don’t hear anything from the other side.
“Al?” You question while knocking again.
“Hm.” You think.
You aren’t sure if you should go in or not. Sure, the thing Charlie told you about could wait but you also wanted to make sure he was okay. What if he.. choked or something? You’re sure the radio demon could handle that but you just want to make sure.
“Al, I’m coming in.. okay?” You say while knocking once more.
You slowly twist the knob and push the door open. Peaking in, you see him on the other side of the room, in a chair.
“Alastor, are you alr-“ You stop yourself when you notice his eyes are closed.
Closing the door behind you, you walk up to him.
He’s currently sitting in the chair, his arm on the table and his head resting on his hand. He looks so peaceful. His mouth isn’t smiling and his face just looks so.. relaxed. You’ve never saw him like this before. He mumbles occasionally and his ears twitch every so often as he sleeps. You aren’t sure how he finds this position comfortable, but you smile at it nonetheless.
You don’t want to disturb him so you leave, now relaxed that you know he’s okay.
Right before you grab the knob of the door, you hear, “Y/n?”
You whip your head back and you see him standing up, looking at you with his smile.
“Did you need something, dear?” He asks, as if he wasn’t just dead asleep a second ago.
Of course, it makes sense he is a light sleeper.
“O-oh, no. Charlie just wanted me to tell you that the renovations went well and that the guys who inspect the place will be here tomorrow!” You say. “Sorry if I disturbed you.”
“Ahh, alright! And nonsense! You couldn’t disturb me.” He says.
You look at him and smile.
“You know, you could join me if you want! I was just resting and then going to have some dinner.” He offers.
You perk up but then remember that Husk assigned you a task of picking up crates of whiskey for the bar.
“Shit, sorry. I can’t. I have to go get more alcohol for the bar.” You say with a frown.
“More? If I remember correctly, we just got new shipments in.. last week?” He says with a laugh. “Though I’m not surprised we ran out again. Husker is a busy man. Well, my dear. Some other time, then!”
You notice him looking back into the forest, eyeing a deer.
“Yeah, some other time.” You smile. “Have a good dinner, Alastor!”
He smiles back at you says, “Oh I will.” He chuckles, his radio eyes making an appearance as he looks back the deer.
“You have yourself a lovely day, sweetheart!” He says with a wave.
“You too!” Waving back, you then open the door and leave. Once you leave you hear shrieking on the other side of the door, definitely the deer that Al was eyeing.
You’re excited to have more encounters with him, and even take him up on the dinner offer! You remember him mentioning he wanted to introduce you to his friend, Rosie. You’re looking forward to it.
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undercoverpena · 8 months
The day Frankie both loves and loathes the kitchen counter
frankie morales x f!reader | resurrected chances
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summary: fall is a season that looks good on you.
warnings: none. autumn vibes. fluff, established relationship. dad!frankie (so mentions of a child - luca). an: i wrote this to make myself smile. wordcount: 2.5k
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It changes in the blink of an eye.
One moment, the nights seem long and then they’re swallowed. The sunlight barely able to kiss the world for long, before it sinks back down to the horizon.
Then, there’s the changing leaves. How they fall from the branches without regret—all in a flurry of shades he finds you admiring each morning when you’re holding your morning coffee.
It does something to you, fall. It casts a spell—transforms—sprinkles shaved pumpkin and glitters over you as the wind whispers the incantation. It swoops through and blows away the other cobwebs left by the other seasons, until you’re embodied by autumn.
The change doesn’t just happen to you, but the rest of the home too.
He witnesses how, one day the counters and table are clear, and the next, they are decorated in fall ornaments, and ghouls and pumpkins replace the usual mugs you both drink from. How the fireplace in the living room has decorative ghosts all over it, purple and orange fairy lights, with homemade bunting hanging that features little orange and yellow Luca-sized hands from a craft morning he’d “rudely interrupted”.
Frankie had known what he was getting in for when you’d told him autumn was your favourite time of year—but, he still couldn’t quite believe what the season looked like on you.
How good you looked. How happy. How joy radiated from you and bled out into every corner.
You transition with a click of your fingers from a summer wardrobe to oversized fluffy jumpers (his, always his—specifically ones bought for him, but only ever worn by him once before they are ‘mysteriously’ stolen), black leggings and the fluffiest socks (that when unrolled, come up close to your knee).
And, if you’re able to—which is most of the time—Frankie finds you’ve perfectly matched the shade of jumper to the scrunchie in your hair. Sometimes, with embellishments, such as changing leaves on them or ghosts, but his favourite happens to be the pumpkins.
Before you, he’d never thought that would be a thought he’d even have. Frankie hadn’t ever even thought of himself as someone who loved a season, but just like his son, he’d been bewitched.
Your affection for flickering candles, big blankets and wrapped-up walks rubbed off on him and Luca—secretly both becoming as obsessed with mornings spent doing autumnal crafts as you. Frankie even stupidly got excited about the prospect of another pumpkin patch visit.
But, with that all said, if someone asked him what his favourite part of the season was, it was how your two’s home changed. The way warmth rolled from you—cementing the knowledge that he’d made the right choice. Because with you, there have only been moments when he feels peace, happiness and joy. Each emotion all underpinned by moments involving shadow-touched skin and sun-kissed bodies.
You patting the seat next to you, loading up another movie—your favourite, you’d said—with popcorn in an orange bowl, and a blanket (all earth green and lined with thick fluff) just for him.
He loves curling up, but there’s something about thickened blankets and soft layers that has him excited by the season.
He just feels disappointed that with another autumn arriving, he realises he hasn’t managed to sort the things he wanted to do for you.
The shelving he said last year he’d put up in the kitchen, so you can put more of your ornaments on display. Fix the door to the end cupboard, so you can put your baking and cookie trays away, rather than hiding them in the oven. But mostly, he had hoped to—
“You alright under there, Morales?”
Blinking, he finds you smirking, watching him. “Stop staring at me.”
“Well, it’s hard not to,” you murmur, swinging your legs on the counter.
The one he should have remodelled by now. It makes his jaw tighten, and his teeth slide together.
His head turning, dark pools of brown drinking you in as you swirl the spoon around your mug—not because you need to mix the sugar or milk, but for something to do other than drool over the appearance of him under the dining table he’s fixing.
Because Frankie knows your mug is practically empty. And he also knows that when he begins these home projects, he doesn’t tend to finish them in one day if you’re around.
“Could say the same to you.”
You roll your eyes, because, to you, it’s a jumper and leggings. But to him, today’s attire is a deep forest green jumper, the one with flecks of white and orange woven in periodically—a favourite of his, and apparently yours too.
The socks today, however, are different. Thick, woollen ones he recognised all too well, smirking to himself as he brushes the hair from his forehead, slotting the screwdriver back in place before tightening.
Because the socks are his.
Feeling your eyes on him, until he hears you jump down from the counter.
“Fine, I’ll begin baking before the little man gets dropped off.”
A smile being shot over your shoulder, pulling at the cookbook that’s more flour than paper from the shelf, before splaying it across the counter.
He knows you know what you’re doing when you hinge at the hips, and lean over the counter in front of him. His mouth going dry, just like it always does when you’re teasing him.
Frankie’s about to comment on what a distraction you are, that if you want to eat at the table tonight he needs to concentrate. But then you hiss, pulling your hand back from the edge of the counter—the one chipped and forever catching on clothes, once again catching against your hand.
Then he’s just full of annoyance.
Both at the fucking counter and at himself for not prioritising the kitchen. For not giving you the dream kitchen you deserve.
The emotions shoved into his repair of the table, completing it in record time, that by the time he’s stood, you’ve chosen whatever it is you’re aiming to make. Your fingers twitching—all lost in your mind, likely calculating, mentally checking timings.
It’s what makes it easier to slide up behind you, lose his hand up the jumper of his you’re buried in. Sliding it up until he can feel your skin, all toasty, warm. Your smile slowly grows as he rests his chin on your shoulder, watching you.
Frankie has the pleasure of seeing you smile in Spring, Summer or Winter—three-hundred and sixty-five—but your skin isn’t always tinged with the scent of spiced apple, to the point he’s not sure if the season is pouring from you or if you’re just around the candles and soaps too much. He doesn’t get to see you glow in the same way as you do in Fall, like you do in the other seasons.
“Is it sturdy? The table.”
Lifting his brow, he turns you in his arms. Fingers sliding up your neck, jaw until they’re resting on your cheek.
As much as he tells you that you’re easy to read, Frankie knows he’s not all that difficult himself. Least of all with you. He’s been told he gets a twinkle, a shimmer—a soft tug of his lips that he tries to bury in nonchalance.
Shrugging, he drops his hand as he sighs. “Maybe we should check.”
“How do w—Frankie!”
With ease, he spins your body, moving it backwards, twisting, until the top of your thighs nudge against the lip of the table, fingers fanning out, palm cupping your waist as he sniggers. His palm rests under the fabric, worn and toughened, flush against skin, tasting the warmth that burns from your lips—swallowing the joy which emits from every part of you.
“We can’t.”
“We can’t?”
Shooting him a look, you purse your lips. “If we break another piece of furniture…”
You’re not cross, he can tell. If anything, your eyes are gleaming, swarmed in happiness, so close to cracking and asking him to help you on the surface.
But then, you twist your fingers in the hairs at the base of his neck. Whispering that you love him, that it looks more than sturdy, it looks solid, perfect, amazing—more words punctuated by kisses, before his hands keep you nose to nose.
Because if he does, he won’t stare at the kitchen counter.
The one he despises, hates. The one that’s chipped and was up there at the top of his list to replace when the two of you bought the house you’re both standing in. But then it fell, plummeting, landing somewhere around ‘someday’ rather than ‘today’.
You don’t hate it.
Rarely ever see an issue with it. Barely recognise how ill-fitting it is to the rest of your hand-painted cupboards and thrifted accessories. That at least once a week, if not a day, you catch your hand in the same place—scuffing jumpers, blouses and more on the cracked edge.
You deserve better. A thought which pulsates inside him—constantly doing so, too. It vibrates in his ribs and echoes in the dark when he should be sleeping. He thinks about it like he does much of the house, the one he told you he’d fix, repair, re-build—even if you weren’t fazed then, and aren’t now either.
Your excitement swallows up any of his concerns, his internal beatings. Because I love it Frankie, I love you and I love this for us. He’d have thought you were lying, except your eyes still gush with joy when you look over it, as though you cannot see any of the imperfections he can.
Unable to see how he’s let you down. That he should be providing more for you—even if you never, ever think it or even say it.
“What you thinkin’ about, baby?”
Your knuckles trace his cheek. An answer there, burning on the tip of his tongue. That, thanks to you, it was hard to hate anything, never mind the counter.
The one you did a good job covering in assorted-sized decorative pumpkins and coloured pencils you’d pushed to the side. That in truth, he liked the things which sat on it, like his mail being alongside yours—and the set of mugs that had once housed both your coffees that he’d brought to you in bed this morning and the ones you’d made when he’d begun his table-fixing.
Morning. It seemed so long ago—more than hours, more like days. It forces him to tighten his arm around you and bury his face into your neck.
“Frankie,” you whine, soft, all innocent. “Talk to me.”
“Just thinking about how pretty you look.”
“Oh, shut up.”
His nose brushes against your cheek, eyes finding yours as you try to avert them. “So much so, I really, really wanna put your elbows on the table and take you from—“
Laughter flows from the last syllable to paint the room in even more contentment. Coating him in genuine bliss that smooths over the cracks, the rougher parts of him.
“Alright,” he murmurs. “Later?”
Later, you echo. Even if he knows the day has already been swallowed by him visiting the store to fetch nails and a tool, he’s sure he already owns—but can’t for the life of him find. The rest will be filled with hyperactivity and pumpkin carving with his son.
“You do look good in my socks, baby.”
He watches your chin dip, before your hand presses against his chest—fingers and thumb digging into his t-shirt. You try to bite back your shy smile, because even if the two of you have been together a while, you still seem to go shy when he compliments you.
“Really like the sight of you in my clothes,” he continues, hands on you as you head back to your place in the kitchen.
Turning, you swat at him, laughing—the sound you make is like music to his ears. Forever makes his days better. The noise which plays in the back of his head when he’s driving down a long, winding road—desperate to get back to you.
It’s why he tugs on your wrist, pulling your hand from your face, letting him hear it fully, watching it fade as your eyes blink, pupils fixing, lids widening as you take him in. He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to how you look at him—full of appreciation and love, like it’s easy to do. Like you’re not forced or feel obligated.
“They’re comfy,” you say, all tinged with embarrassment—as though he would ever mind.
As though the sight of you slowly wearing his wardrobe doesn’t make his chest swell—doesn’t fill the space with warmth where his heart doubles.
Smiling—almost mirroring yours—he brushes your cheek. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
Looping an arm around his neck, you press a kiss to his lips—his hips pressing into yours, unable to move from him, arms looping around his neck. They won’t bake themselves, Frankie. And, doesn’t he know it, but neither of you move.
The kitchen counter—the one he hates, and wants to rip out—keeps you in place. Not that he gets the impression you want to be anywhere but here, laughing with him, baking, likely recanting a story about spiders and the reason you had needed to buy new wooden spoons and a spatula.
Your cheek warms under his palm, his thumb stroking a path that curls up with your cheek as you begin to grin. “Shh, Morales.”
And he does.
But only so he can kiss you.
You in his fluffy woollen socks, his jumper and your leggings.
Starting it slow before he deepens it. Before his whole body wants to feel you pressed against his, fingers sliding around your cheek and jaw, feeling the way you move to kiss him back.
It’s intense, fire being breathed into his throat and down into his chest. He laps up every flame—allows it to coat his tongue, and spreads its heat through every nerve as he licks into your mouth.
He’s happy, oh so happy.
Losing himself in you, mouth sliding from your lips to the curve of your jaw and down the pulse of your neck. Your fingers knotting in his curls and his top, leg trying to hook around him—leaning, cautiously and foolishly, against the counter until he stabilises you with his hands.
Because you’re brilliant. Perfect. Beautiful. But, oh so fucking clumsy.
His teeth roll over the space where your neck meets your shoulder, and he groans. Hands dropping from their place, finding a new home on the back of your thighs, lifting, leveraging until you’re safe. Sat all pretty and set to be devoured, upon the counter he can’t wait to replace—
“Stop thinking about the counter, Frankie.”
He smirks, biting back a laugh. “How’d you know?”
Hooking your legs around him, his fingers run up the bare skin—thumb dragging a line more intentionally than the rest—coming to a stop between your thighs.
“Because I know you. Because you look at me like I saved you from a burning building, and you look at the counter like it was the reason the building was on fire.”
Kissing you, he grins—right against your mouth. “I really hate it.”
“I know,” you coo, biting his lower lip. “So, how about we move to the bedroom.”
Pulling his head back, his eyes narrow—your fingers brushing his curls behind his ears.
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an: autumn is my fave, can you tell?
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fan-goddess · 4 months
Chapter Two: A change of heart
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Catch up on the fic here!
Chapter Summary: All your previous thoughts are thrown out the window as Abrahams prescience looms over you like a sort of ghost. And when you think you’ve sorted yourself out, you get one of the biggest surprises of your life…
Taglist: @valeskafics, @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity @anjelicawrites @lexwolfhale @helaenaluvr @scarletbedlam @tumblin-theworldaway
Warnings: F masturbation, talks of arranged marriage, references to erotica books, (if I missed any let me know)
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It’s become a strange sort of rhythm now between you and Abraham. He makes sure you know he’s there with a particular knock at the door, four sharp taps to be specific, and when you open the door like you always do, you acknowledge him quickly with a small smile and as little words as possible.
Though now, after the you had visited his home with the pie, he’s been acting different around you. More cocky, more flirty, more annoying. It’s like your fifteen year old selfs mindsets come back to haunt you. When he came to the house on a day he usually did not visit, you remember the blush that was spread on your face when Abraham made sure to compliment your mothers cooking skills, saying he bet yours were just as tasty. If you listened close enough, not that you did of course, you’d dare to think he was making an innuendo.
Yet since as much as you find yourself enjoying the thoughts of him in this new light, his boyish nature and charm certainly puts you off him considerably. Even if his eyes somehow manage to share the same shade of blue as the sky on a clear summers day…
Yet while you thinking one morning with a steadily cooling cup of tea in hand, the familiar four sharp taps knock you from your thoughts as if a sort of siren went off in your head. You take a deep breath before you unlock the door and open it, but it’s with a sort of horror when it suddenly hits you why Abraham had paused and is looking you up and down with a raised brow.
You look down, and realise you hadn’t changed out from your nightclothes into your day clothes. As of right now, you were standing in front of Abraham wearing nothing but an old t-shirt once once belonging to your father, and some worn purple leggings that leaves less to the imagine than you’d like to show the regular people.
You hope he doesn’t notice that last thing, but by the way he hasn’t stopped looking at you with such intensity, you can’t help but think he no doubt already has. Your embarrassment though only worsens when you see Abrahams eyes widen when they seem to skim over your breasts that stick out from your shirt. So with a dark glare, you quickly move to cover yourself with your arms in an attempt to get yourself as much decency as you could get right now. Even though you find yourself strangely thrilled at seeing the usually such stern man so unfocused and possibly even bashful right now.
“Weren’t very successful hunting today. We think the games beginning to pick up on our trails, so we’ll probably try something new next time and hopefully I’ll come back with something more.” He says, his hands awkwardly jerking out to hand you the familiar feeling of twine, where this time only two small rabbits hand by their feet. Their eyes glazed and lifeless as they stare into nothing.
“It’s all right. Can’t blame them for not wanting to be killed and eaten!” You half smile, attempting to joke that to your relief, draws a small chuckle from the almost human looking giant standing in front of you.
“Yeah, I spose so…” He continues to grin, even shaking his head slightly as he still stands in front of you. Though he looks at you suddenly and allows his eyes to take over your body once more, before turning to leave without another words.
You can’t help but feel like the rabbit hanging in your hand at that moment. Staring lifelessly into the distance with your mouth wide open as you think of how Abraham has left you alone in your doorway, with your heart beating faster than usual in your chest.
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Your feelings though only seem to become even more conflicted over the next few days as somehow someway, your friends have managed to learn about yours and Abrahams recent involvement with each other. So you bet they take this information and seize it with tight hands, like a shark tasting first blood in the water.
“Oh I bet he’s so handsome up close! God those eyes!” One of them groans with her eyes shut dramatically, whilst the rest of you giggle at her girlish rambles.
“Careful Beth! It almost sounds like you’re in love with him!” Another shouts as you all now roar in laughter at the comical absurdity of it all. Even if you find yourself laughing not as much as the others who all hold their bellies with tears practically running down their faces.
“Seriously though, tell us! What’s he like? Is he really that closed off from everyone? Cause I won’t lie, the whole closed off mysterious bad boy thing works for him!”
“He’s…. definitely something alright….” You say, your mouth turning in a straight line as you’re unable to say how you really feel about it all, even if it all causes such churning in somehow both your stomach and your head. Much to your relief though, one of the girls you’re more closer with than the rest seems to catch on to your unwillingness, and thankfully manages to drag the conversation to some other more ridiculous topic the girls hurl themselves head first in.
The next few hours are filled with so many words filled with so many meaningless things. Some of you talk about clothing and what they’ll wear to random future events, and others whisper with a smirk about the latest gossip on those in town up the road. It wasn’t exactly easy to gossip about a small community you lived with, so you all whenever you could took part in listening with open ears. Usually you’d have joined in by now, laughing and gasping not so respectfully as some girl tells all about how the priests wife is most definitely having an affair with the butcher. Only now, you can’t find yourself able to focus.
Stupid Abraham manages to effortlessly consume your body hourly. It’s so stupid, and dare you even say it, really fucking cliche. A seemingly loveless girl reconnecting with someone from her past, whose suddenly turned super hot, and she finds him so attractive she can’t think of anything else? That’s so you that you want to bang your head against the nearest surface you can find.
The worst part is, is that when you’ve gone home and are laying in bed trying to figure it all out, all you can do is somehow manage to find even more reasons as to why he’s so attractive to you. The complete opposite of what you wanted...
Yet somehow, when you thought about his physical traits in particular, your body turned hot and your brain went to utter ruin.
You think about his arms, and how you want Abraham to use them to lift you into his arms and never let you go. The fact they’re littered with a whole variety of scars and tattoos as well doing nothing but make the heat inside your belly rage like a tornado.
You start to think about his naked chest, and It gets so bad that you find yourself trailing one of your hands under your underwear to your pussy, that with a shuddered breath you realise is practically leaking with arousal down your thighs.
Yet it’s worst of all when you recall his voice, and how he uttered that one specific nickname only he ever calls you, in that specific voice of his. Pretty girl.
It’s like your a teenage girl exploring your body all over again, you can’t help but think. Especially as you begin circling your clit with the tip of your fingers.
Soon though, you find yourself muffling your pleasure filled gasps into your pillow as you continue stroking your soaked folds. Your eyes tightly shutting and your breaths becoming laboured as you imagine what could happen if Abraham was in the room with you, making use of your willing body for his own selfish lustful needs.
You knew how sex was done in theory. Yet still, of course you had never actually seen what a penis looked like in real life. The closest experience being from when you’d snuck out through your window and read the naughty books displayed on the back shelf in the villages library. They had no pictures to help imagine the scene you were reading, but the words they used seemed helpful enough, though admittedly sometimes very confusing in how they were written.
According to the books, the man’s cock was supposed to be hard as it entered you. He was supposed to allow you to get used to his size (that part confused you greatly you must admit), as apparently most of the women in those books needed it, before thrusting his cock deeply inside of you in a rhythmic sort of pattern before he came deep inside her.
You think of Abraham doing this sort of thing with you as you continue to touch your aching pussy with your fingers, and you cannot deny it doesn’t get you somehow even more aroused than what you already were before.
You think of his rough hands covering the length of your mouth in an attempt to silence you, lest the both of you be caught. In your depravity, you imagine that he whispers naughty words in your ear like the men in the books do, and you feel yourself tighten around nothing and peak hard on your fingers. The warm liquid of your essence dripping down your thighs onto your bed from how intensely you came just now.
“What is that fucking man doing to me….” You murmur, closing your eyes and praying you won’t dream of the bastard whose consumed you.
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To your relief, your sleep was so deep that night that you find yourself practically incapable of dreaming of anything. It’s so deep in fact that the only reason you wake that morning is because the light coming from your window shines so brightly that it blinds your eyes even when you haven’t opened them yet.
You lay on your bed disoriented, yet your head is still ditzy when you hear a familiar knock ring through your house. A knock you know all too well. Whilst you try to blink to steady yourself, with a groan and an uncomfortable feeling of confusion bubbling within your belly, you dress only to cover yourself of indecency by grabbing a lone long sleeved cardigan hung randomly in your wardrobe.
What’s Abraham doing here so early on a non-delivery day? You think as you open move to open your bedroom door and peak out. All you can see though is your mother and father covering doorway of the front door with their bodies, conversing in such short and quiet murmurs you can barely make out the words.
“What’s going on?” You ask, walking closer to peer around them to see if it really was Abraham they were conversing with, and why it exactly was they were doing so.
Your mother and father say nothing, only looking at each other for a quick second before parting to allow you past. Allowing you to see Abraham standing before you, where like most times, you see him carrying a rope in his hand. Only this time, it doesn’t contain anything like rabbits or pheasants. This time, it’s attached to the muzzle of a giant, beautiful, chestnut coloured horse.
You’re face is no doubt showing your confusion by now as you continue to wordlessly stare at it. Only you’re so focused on the horse, you almost miss Abraham clearing his throat slightly, before stating something that would both shock you to your core and change your entire future together forever.
“I’m here to offer this horse to your parents, so they’ll allow me to ask you to marry me.”
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bakugoushotwife · 11 months
hi! how are you? soo i was innocently skimming around and saw you are accepting requests so….hear me out. Kakashi and hi s/o tiredly having some sleepy fluff smut with him towering over with lots of love
a/n: such a good fucking request i love u and wanna kiss /p ! i hope you like this nonnie :)
cw: fingering (fem receiving), penetrative sex, showering together but no shower sex, pet names, creampie. MINORS DNI. MATURE 18 +
wc: 3k
Care // Kakashi x fem!reader
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You blink slowly up at the ceiling, eyelids still heavy with sleep. The sound of the door creaking open and a weighty bag hitting the ground was enough to wake you, a former shinobi and forever light sleeper. It was still dark out, so you knew it had to be really late or really early, but nonetheless you were happy he was home. You lean over and click the lamp on, smiling when you’re greeted with the sight of your husband’s face. 
“Sorry love, did I wake you?” Kakashi asks apologetically, giving you a tired smile after he slides his facemask down around his neck. 
You hum and nod. “I’m glad though, you know I would want to welcome you home anyway.” You yawn, turning to lay on your side as you watch him remove his soiled mission clothes, always taking the extra time to put them in the dirty clothes hamper. He was definitely worn from this one, you could tell. He had purple bags under his eyes and his movements were sluggish. He sighed deeply, still toting his sleepy grin. 
“Give me ten minutes and you can welcome me all you want. Need to shower.” He sighs, clearly operating on auto-pilot. He’s grabbing fresh clothes to sleep in, and you frown at his exhaustion. You peel back the covers and sit up, raking your hands over your face in an effort to wake up a little.  Your legs dangle over the bed, and you scoot your way off.
“I’ll come with you, I think you could use some assistance.” You chuckle softly, the room was still dim, only the bed basking in the glow of your lamplight. He watched you get to your feet, smiling softly at your love for him. He still wonders what he did to deserve someone like you keeping his home bright and full of happiness, warming his bed and missing him every time he left. He’s grateful to be home, safely back in your presence and undeniable gentleness. He hums in acknowledgement of your joining him, digging around for some clothes for you too. 
You go ahead of him, sluggishly turning on the hot water. The sound of the water rushing against the tub made your eyes momentarily close, too relaxing and sleep-inducing to fight back. Yet you manage, shaking your head and consciously opening your eyes wider. Kakashi comes into the bathroom seconds later, setting your clothes on the counter. He grabs a towel and you finally pull the knob to make the faucet water spray out from the shower head. He has that same sleepy look on his face, eyelids drooping three-fourths of the way over his mismatched eyes, the corners of his lips just upturned into a lazy smile. As tired as he is, his eyes do sparkle when he looks at you, helping you out of the garments you wore to bed. 
The sight of your barren body stirs a little life into him, having missed the sight for nearly two weeks on his latest trip away. He takes his last layer off, sliding into the shower and looking at you expectantly. The hot water makes him sigh, eyes fluttering closed while the warmth spreads through his muscles. He stretches his neck out to either side, nearly moaning at how good it feels. He feels you slide in front of him, his hands blindly finding your waist. The water rolls down his face, turning his gray hair a few shades darker and slicking it to his forehead. He smiles warmly at you, leaning forward out of the direct stream. His hands and arms slide more up your back, pressing you to his wet frame. He’s trying to warm you up too, gently rotating your bodies so you could get your fair share of the water. You stay facing him, watching the water droplets form on his scarred chest and toned abdomen. No matter how tired you were, you would never pass up the opportunity to admire him. Your eyes trail lower, feeling almost embarrassed when you look at his soft length hanging between his legs, instead you glance over his muscular thighs and the dark hair covering them. He chuckles under your gaze, not sharing the embarrassment after years of being married. He wasn’t shy about staring at you either, that would never embarrass him. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from your frame even as he leaned over to grab his shampoo, knowing exactly where it stood on the side of the tub. He smirks. Even though it was lazy, it still makes your stomach flutter like always. You roll your eyes and reach your arm out for the shampoo. He arches his brow at you in confusion, you have your own. You make a grabby hand for it when he doesn’t move. 
“Let me.” You huff, grabbing the bottle from his hands. He sighed, bending his knees slightly so you could reach his head, admiring your dedication to him. His loving eyes took in all the features of his favorite face, and you feel your body warm under his affectionate stare. You squeeze some shampoo out and lather it in your hands, getting up on your tip-toes to apply the soap to his hair. Your fingers scrape and scratch all the right spots on his scalp, making his eyes close yet again. He knows that no one could ever love him as perfectly as you do, only you would drag yourself to shower with him in the earliest hours of the morning. Only you would insist on washing his hair for him, bordering on cranky if he denied your wish. 
“I love you and I missed you s’much.” He mumbles in his half-asleep state. You gently pull his body towards the water, grinning softly at him. 
“I love you too. Worst two weeks of my life.” You chuckle, watching him stand motionlessly under the shower head, letting the bubbles and foam slip down his body and down the drain. You grab your own shampoo and give yourself the same treatment, your husband knowingly sliding out of your way to let you rinse. 
“Am I allowed to condition myself or shall I wait?” He asks teasingly, taking his time to watch your careful fingers work the shampoo out of your own hair. He hums happily at your scrunched up nose, no doubt annoyed by his taunts. 
“Go ahead, sassy.” You huff, cracking an eye open to peek at his amused grin. You smile too, just relieved to have him home again. It wasn’t that you doubted his skills as a shinobi, and an especially revered one at that, it’s just…no one plans to die on missions, you know that. He isn’t immortal, and you feared the day where Leaf officials knocked on your door instead of Kakashi’s sleepy stride into the bedroom after weeks away. Every time he came home felt like another safe breath you got to take, even when you huff at him in the shower because of his reluctance to let you take care of him. 
He chuckles again, somehow cheerful and exhausted sounding. He watches you condition your hair with slow and tired movements, once again appreciating the tender way you care for him. He decided to return the favor, lathering your soap in a cloth and humming for your permission. You nod, a slight smirk playing on your lips. These were times you cherished. The night felt so surreal, like you two were the only people on Earth. Maybe it was a lack of sleep delirium, maybe it was just the obsessive way you two loved, or some combination of the two. He steps forward and takes your palm in his, gently scrubbing your skin. His thumb strokes the back of your hand and he starts humming some tune. 
His voice is warm and calming, his face much more relaxed but still as weary as before. His eyes glimmer with his adoration for you, his other hand coming to rest on your hip. You analyze his features, wondering if anything of note had happened on this excursion. Your thoughts don’t linger there long, your husband was too attractive to ignore. You hum as his gentle touches move to your other arm and then your chest, eyeing him daringly. Kakashi’s humming changes from his old tune to a curious question. He washes your breasts slowly, struggling to conceal the faint blush on his exposed cheeks. 
You just grin, humming your approval. Kakashi can tell from the way you sway your body and arch your brow at him that you want him, and he’s never been able to say no to his wife. Feeling your soft skin under his hands, weighty and full, makes the blood rush to his dick. You giggle quietly, watching his already impressive manhood stand at attention for you. 
“I’m thinking we need to wrap this up…wouldn’t want the water getting cold on us, now would we, love?” He hums, handing you the cloth in favor of retrieving his own to cleanse himself, all in an effort to hurry. 
“I agree, dear husband..” You grin, finishing what he started, scrubbing the rest of your body with a fervor. Your body tingles with excitement, not having him to satiate your cravings for the past couple of weeks is torture as always. Your fingers could only do so much when you had Kakashi-sized holes to fill. 
He’s quick with his body washing too, his tiredness taking the backseat to his love for his partner. He knows he won’t be able to go too wild tonight, though he knows you won’t mind. He just needed to demonstrate his love for you too. Just like you were never too tired to care for him, he would never be too tired to take care of you. 
You raced to rinse off, drying off and handing the towel to your lover once finished. He smirks when you skip off to the bed without the clothes he so carefully curated for you in his half-asleep state. He decides to do the same, just draping the towel around his waist. It didn’t do much to conceal his erection, but Kakashi was modest. By the time he gets to the bed, you are already tucked under the covers, eagerly squirming as you wait for him on the furthest edge of the bed. You bite your lip, savoring his god-like body. The towel did nothing but drive you crazy; he still had some water beading down his skin, deep v lines around his hips and a dark patch of hair making you wish he hadn’t bothered covering up.
“Now love, I am still tired.” He chuckles, throwing the blankets off and relishing your sleepy giggles as he eyes your naked frame. His eyes crinkle up when he smiles, the biggest one of the night. This is why he married you, as wiped out as he is, as grueling as that mission was on him, here he was chuckling and smiling with you seconds before you make love. “So don’t be so shy and cute now.”
You hum and scoot toward him, his body coming down around you to cage in your own. He holds his weight on his forearms on either side of your head, features soft as he looks at you with all the love in the world. You admired how he always did this, not a day went by that you didn’t know how much he loves you. He practically worships the ground you walk on.  His lower body is nestled in between your legs, hip bones touching. He hums, just happy to be so close, to feel your warm breasts pressed against him and your contented heartbeat just thump thump thump-ing away in such a soothing rhythm it could be its own song. 
You match his hum, happy the lamp was on so you could see his eyes sparkle with tenderness and desire. His cheeks were just a little rosy and his pale lips were already parted in preparation for a kiss. You lean up to oblige, angling your head just right. Both of you sigh, his weight relaxing on you just a little more. He always kisses you like he’ll never get the chance to again, his mouth heavily pressed to yours. His lips were soft, pulling back just enough to separate before crashing into you again over and over, creating a string of short and needy kisses. He shifts his weight mostly to his left side, though it’s not uncomfortable for him to lay on you. In fact, you’re thankful for the pressure against your burning middle. You’re not shy from rocking your hips up into him, giving your nerves a little relief. His right hand moves down your body, squeezing your breast and gently playing with the nipple. His fingers were slender and long, rolling your pebbled bud in between them. He can’t resist the urge he gets to tear his mouth away from yours in favor of scooting his body down to access the hardened nipple. His newly freed hand slides down your searing skin to relieve those rocking hips of yours, your mewling was incessant. You gasp at the feeling of his tongue swirling about your sensitive areola, fingers sliding around your lips to gather your arousal. 
Kakashi draws circles around your clit, his own hips rutting into the sheets beneath him. He can’t help but gently nibble on the hard nipple in his mouth, looking up at you tentatively to watch you writhe in pleasure. His fingers know just how to work you, helplessly wet for him after just the simple touch. The butterflies in your stomach were getting more intense, and you bucked into his hand to signify this need. He chuckles, swapping to your neglected nipple. He was satisfied with the way your other bud shines with his spit, red from his attention. Just to appease you because he is nothing if not a giving lover, he slips two of those long fingers inside your tight hole, eyelids fluttering shut when you clench down around his digits. You make such a pretty noise, the whisper of his name combined with a gorgeous moan, he can’t help but release your chest so he could drink up all your lewd singing. His mouth covers yours needily, his fingers curling inside and making languid strokes at your spot. Your lips vibrate against his, unable to stop moaning and whimpering. It’s a miracle he can go on missions at all, knowing he has to swear off of this for an undetermined amount of time. Though he can’t deny the motivation to get back home as quickly as possible so he can bury his fingers in your silky cunt, swallowing up all your noises while you fuck yourself on him. 
He knows you’re seconds from your release, so he pulls his fingers out and rubs your clit with his soaked digits. Your body feels like it’s on fire, eyes screwed shut as your stomach lurches, the familiar sensation making your legs tremble. His pace on your sensitive bundle slows, his kisses becoming softer as he applies them to your jaw and neck, positioning himself back over you. His aching cock weeped for you, the tip spreading your lips easily. You’re so used to the weight of him sinking into you, but you moan at the stretch every time. He holds your hips for a moment, strokes gentle and slow just so you could get used to the feeling and he could relish your warm walls suffocating him. It was so hard not to come instantly, even as experienced as the two of you were together. The feeling never got old, nor got any easier to resist. He falls forward a little, bracing himself on the headboard. 
“Beautiful girl, you always take it so good..” He muses, sleepy face looking down at you as his pacing gradually increases. You can feel his every ridge and vein, his cock made just for your insides. It makes your eyes roll closed and your mouth fall open, sure you could fall asleep just like this. The only thing keeping you awake is the sound of your own breathy moans and Kakashi’s grunts, plus the subtle noise of his balls slapping up against the globe of your ass. 
“Thank you lover, always give it so good.” You mumble back, purposefully choking down on him. He moans, just as you wanted. You smile in satisfaction, forcing your eyes open to enjoy the view of him pushing his shaggy hair back and moving your leg to wrap around his hip. It deepens his connection to you, letting him slam up against the spot that leaves you breathless. He can feel the resistance against him, groaning determinedly. He had to have you come before him, so he ups the ante with his sweet words being whispered into the early morning air. 
“I love you so much, darling.” He rasps, chest heaving. “I always miss you so horribly on these trips, I work extra hard to get back to you.” He says, his voice light with emotion. His affections combined with his caring assault on your womb makes you come undone again, signified by your broken moan and walls spasming around him. He’s truly grateful, only moments away from his own high. He loved the way you look, mouth open and eyebrows knit in pleasure. Your pretty cheeks get rosier with every thrust after your orgasm, your hands needily reaching out for him. “You’re gonna make me come in you, lover.” He whimpered slightly, waiting for your reply, though he’s been coming in you since your wedding night. 
You nod dumbly, a happy grin displayed on your face. Your hands can only reach his toned stomach, fingers resting in the divots of his abs. You can feel his stomach tighten, his pretty gasp preceding the rush of warmth filling you to the brim. 
The room is just heavy pants and heaving chests, and both of you wonder if the other has fallen asleep like this. Kakashi leans down and presses his lips to your forehead, holding your face in his hands. 
“I’ll get you cleaned up, you know I’ll always take care of you.” He hums, kissing the tip of your nose and then finally, a sweet kiss to your lips.
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brrbrina · 5 months
sapphire lies
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a/n: hi!! I'm so excited for this !! let’s pretend mat barzal is a football player and not a hockey player lmao it just didn’t make sense to put him as a hockey player but i’ve been obsessed with him lately. also i have no idea if this will turn into a 3 chapter story, i hope you like it.
Blue eyes were adorned by stars that were only shown when a certain light would appear, as if a comet was shown in plain daylight time. A starlight she could only hope to see in her dreams, was it too selfish wishing that those eyes looked at her the way she looked at them?
She was taller, her arms were long and her fingertips were always colored by the season the year was on, her lips were plump as a peach, her hair was the prettiest shade you could never aspire to have, not even with a 12 hour shift at the most expensive salon; always adorned with a small bow that would match her clothes, this time, her bow was purple, her hair was put up in a ponytail, high enough to see the last name that would eventually hers..
“You look lovely” Robin said standing up to say hello to her future daughter in-law, “You are one to talk, you look fantastic” she said smiling at her, “Taylor, hi, i love your shorts you look so sporty today” That wasn’t true ,she was wearing a white shirt and denim shorts, she would’ve worn the jersey of the quarterback, but she didn’t.
joe b sent new message:
hey Tay i don’t mean to sound rude or anything but could you please stop wearing my jersey to the games? ik this is a weird thing to ask but i don’t want Kat to feel like she has any competition or anything.
not saying she has but
you know what i mean
Taylor didn’t reply to the text, in fact she cried like a newborn baby afterwards, she was really even planning on attending the game, but she knew Joe’s mom would attend, it became a tradition to watch his games together back when they were in high school. When he transferred to LSU, she was over the moon, Joe and Taylor had been best friends since she was 16 and he was 17, they met because Taylor needed a tutor in physics, and Joe needed a few bucks, their friendship skyrocketed since.
You sat next to Robin, your eyes were watching the game but your mind was somewhere else, you came to earth after the screaming noises that you heard beside you, LSU won 23-20 over the Auburn Tigers, you came back from your trance after Robin told you to come to the field with her and Katherine. It was a horrible idea, you were planning on leaving early but you couldn’t, as you stood there on the field, you watched Katherine jump into Joe's arms, kissing him and telling him how proud she was of him, she stood awkwardly, Robin was the next one to demonstrate her happiness of the winning game to Joe. He was called into the locker rooms after hugging his mom. As they were walking back to the sidelines to wait for him, an overwhelming feeling took over you, he didn’t peek at you, not even once;
“I’m going to head out I have a huge paper due tomorrow, it was nice seeing you” You said hugging Robin as she kissed you forehead “It was so nice seeing you, any chance I have and I’m taking you back home with me” she smiled, Taylor waved goodbye to Kat and made her way to her dorm.
She were out of breath, Joe came over that night, they had been sleeping together for about 4 months now, it was a sporadic thing that happened at what she thought was the right time. Contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t love with Joe before the sex started, not even a spark was there, Taylor knew he was hot, as fuck, Joe felt the same way about her.
The night it began she was wearing jeans and a shirt that showed off her collar, as she was talking and noticed Joe’s eyes drifting from hers, he began looking at her lips and then at her breasts, he was licking his lips and she were lost in the lust that now reined in his blue eyes. “Do you want to have sex?” you thought out loud, next thing you knew Joe’s back was covered in scratches and her neck and breasts were full of hickeys. But she didn’t fall in love with him for the great sex they were having, she fell in love because he was the last thing she saw before she went to sleep and the first thing she felt around you in the morning. He was warm everytime he was near her, he always smelled so manly, so clean and made her feel at home. There was a period of time when their encounters stopped being only sex, it became aftercare that became kissing without lust, it became Taylor falling in love with him.
“Someone is blowing up you phone” she said between kisses “Don’t worry about it” he said kissing attacking her lips, it was a heated moment, but sometimes, there is a feeling in your stomach that doesn’t leave “I-I think we should stop” she said stepping away from the kiss “Are you okay?” he asked “Yeah, I just” she stuttered “I’m not in the mood” she said looking at him, he leaned back and stood up, “We can watch a movie” she said looking up at him, “No, it’s fine I have to be up early tomorrow for practice anyway” Her throat closed.
What? Since he cares so much about waking up early for practice, he has gone to practice after a rough night. She saw him leaving your dorm that night, she didn’t hear from him in the next hours, she went to bed and chose to shut your thoughts.
robin burrow:
It was so good seeing you doll. I’m leaving until Monday, I would love to treat you to brunch tomorrow. What do you say?
hi robin!! i would love to, i was planning on going to the mall, if you want to we could go together too 🙂
And so she went, over brunch they only talked about the brunette , how she was doing and how was life back home, she missed her mom, Robin became kind of a second mom once her kid and Taylor started hanging out. She remembered the first time they met, Joe picked her up from a friends reunion and brought her home to make pumpkin pie, he had been waiting for that the whole week.She was the sweetest person ever, after going to Joe’s games the two became closer, she never had a daughter, she always said Taylor was the closest to knowing how being a girl mom would’ve been.
“Your hair got so long since the last time i saw you” Robin said looking at her, she loved spending just the two of them, there was a certain connection she could only have with her, they have known each other for a while now, 4 years sound so little but actually it felt like a lifetime together.
“Let’s take a picture to send to your mom” Robin said after about 4 hours of shopping, she took the picture, hugged her goodbye and parted ways. After driving to her dorm building, she took a shower, it was almost 4 and as much as she loved shopping with Robin, she was hard to keep up with.
Robin Burrow tagged you in a post.
Robin Burrow: Got to hang out with my daughter today! Always a fun time with this doll.
joe b sent a new message:
How did I not know my mom invited you shopping
Could’ve asked Kat to go with you guys.
The happiness she felt on her stomach dropped after those messages popped on her notification center. Like a punch in the throat.
Taylor: what’s gotten into you? Do you not like me hanging out with your mom?
joe b: All I’m saying you could’ve asked my girlfriend to go too
Girlfriend, like an uppercut that was smashed to her face.
Taylor: not my fault your mom didn’t invite her??
joe b: Whatever just
joe b: She should start hanging out with my mom, and my mom needs to let you go.
Taylor: what does that even mean??
joe b: You do realize we are not boyfriend and girlfriend right?
joe b: Like whatever happened between the both of us ended a long time ago, you don't need to play daughter in law with my mom.
Taylor: You can come pick up your stuff from my dorm, I’ll leave it outside on a box.
joe b: Good.
That night, Taylor couldn’t stop crying, she lost her best friend, and the closest thing shehad to a mother, Robin was the one who helped her choose her prom dress since her own mom was too busy criticizing how her arms looked in that dress. Joe knew that, she called him crying after the heated encounter that had just happened.
A knock on the door woke her up the next day, too lazy to get up and open she figured that if she avoided it it would go away, it did. After a whole week of what it felt, a gut wrenching feeling that would not leave her body.
What changed on Joe to make her feel this way, was she not pretty, was she not smart, was she not what he was looking for? She never told him how she felt, there was never a need for it, everyone around them knew that.
Joe can recall a moment he felt his stomach turned of happiness, it was an off-season sunday, both of them were back in Athens, Joe’s brother hosted a barbecue and Taylor was his unmentioned +1, he picked her up and as much as he tried to hide his excitement he just couldn’t, his sisters in-law always got along with her, or as much as the age gap let them, his nephews were cray for her, and she as crazy for them too, playing tag with them in the backyard while looking as is she was made of angel dust, after staring at her, a familiar voice got him out of that haze.
“You are not fooling anyone son” His father said “Fooling with what?” Joe looked at his dad and chuckled, “You are in love with her” Joe chuckled again “How many beers have you had dad?” His dad looked at him and laughed. Shortly after Joe went inside to change his shirt since the smoke was impregnating his clothes, after changing he stumbled up Taylor. “Hey, I was looking for you” she said “I gotta go but thank you so much for having me” she said half hugging Joe, he was confused “What? You’re leaving so early! We haven’t had dinner yet” “I know and I’m sorry, I promise I will make it up to you” Joe walked to the door to grab his keys, “No worries, I ordered an uber” she said putting her hands on his chest “It’s already here” she said opening the door and closing it so Joe couldn’t walk her to the car. He was confused, but he was also quick, she didn’t get in an Uber, she got into a car and was greeted by a guy he was very aware of, Mathew somehow knew a friend of a friend of a friend from Taylor, they met on a party one night, they were not dating, she thought he was cute but didn’t felt like the one she was looking for.
Joe held onto that memory for the longest time,he didn’t know who the guy in the car was, couldn’t see his face, he felt bad about her leaving him and his family to see some other guy. But he couldn’t complain, he had done that two or three times, maybe more, using football as an excuse to not go with her to the movies or shopping. Mat and Taylor stopped seeing each other afterwards, he was a quarterback for Michingan and was insanely gorgeous, also one of the best in the league, LSU and Michigan played against each other on the season, and that’s when Joe knew who he was, he told some of the defense guys to tackled him harder, later that night, after the win Taylor was wrapped around Joe’s arms, He won both matchups that day.
Tired from her pity party, she decided to go out that night, her girlfriends were more than happy to go and have a nice dinner as long as it meant to dress up cute. They laughed so hard that night and took a bunch of pictures, she posted one to her story and went to bed that night.
barzal97: You are drop dead gorgeous.
barzal97: I’m playing LSU next weekend, wanna come?
And she did, wearing Michigan gear, sitting with Mat’s friends and having a great time. There was no point in going to the game and being on the other side if Joe wasn’t willing to be nice to her, LSU won 21-17 that night. But she was more than happy to see Mat.
After the game, Joe went to see his family and girlfriend, realizing a short brown eyed was missing, “Hey Mom, did Taylor come?” he asked her very quietly “I don't know honey, she didn’t sit with us, maybe she was in the stands” Robin half smiled at Joe, he knew she wasn’t there after all he wouldn’t blame her. Later that night, Joe found out she was sitting on Michigan’s side after a text from one of his friends. He was so mad and so heartbroken at the same time.
joe b: Really? Wearing Barzal’s gear, that’s low even for you.
He regretted sending that text and as much as he tried to deleted it, Taylor already saw it,
taylor: What is your problem dude? You’ve been acting like a dick lately.
taylor: you were the one who told me to stop hanging out with your mom, now that I’ve done that, ur pissed off about it give me a break you big baby.
Stop hanging out with my mom doesn’t equate to wearing someone else’s jersey, Joe thought to himself.
joe b: Tell your little boyfriend that he will always lose you to me, I had you first.
joe b: I’m sorry tay i shouldn’t have said that.
The last message didn’t go through.
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kakksart · 11 months
Muichiro let’s you eat his food!
Part — 1 .
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Small Chapter!
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You were out on a mission with Muichiro and you felt a bit hungry, but you didn’t have anything to eat at the moment. Once you guys stopped and had a break you and Muichiro decided to sit down under the tree for some shade to protect you guys from the Sun.
Muichiro started to grab a lunch that had onigiri with sushi and shrimp. He kept eating, in front of you! It made your stomachs growl from hunger and you turned your head away to avoid looking at the food any longer.
Muichiro saw this and looked back at the food, he was wondering if he should or if he shouldn’t..his face still blank which makes you think if he zoned out or something.
Before you could know it he was already grabbing a piece of his food which was an onigiri. You already went ahead and grabbed it with no complaining.
“Thank you, Muichiro.” You brought the food to your mouth and devoured it. It only took 3 bites before finally finishing the onigiri that Muichiro gave to you.
“That was good! Who made it?” You said trying to make a conversation with him.
“I did, I learned from..who again?..” he spoke to himself on the last part of his sentence.
“Don’t worry about it, just know that it’s delicious!”
You gave him a smile which then made a light shine in his eyes, it reminded him of something.. but who? Ah, yes. Mitsuri The Love Hashira! It made him a bit..flustered.
But he never got flustered when Mitsuri did it, so why was it different with you? He didn’t know.
“Are you alright, Muichiro?” It was a bit unusual for him to act that way around you. But You didn’t really mind it. But what You didn’t notice is that he had a peachy color on his cheeks.
“Want more?” He asked hoping to see the same beautiful smile again when You finished eating the last onigiri. You didn’t even have to think before You nodded and took one of the onigiri.
After finishing the food Muichiro had took to the mission both You and Muichiro were now full. Instead of running you guys walked so your bodies could digest the food.
“Thank you for the food.” You said giving him a poke on his cheek with your lips.
You just thought it was a friendly gesture but to Muichiro he didn’t really know what that meant.
Muichiro felt his heart thumping in his chest and it made his cheeks turn a peach color once again.
You two were passing a nearby village before you saw a stand that was selling bracelets and hairpins.
You looked at the small bracelets, specifically the purple one. You realized you didn’t really bring any money for anything so you decided to leave it alone, for now.
Muichiro must’ve noticed this because your gaze lasted a long time before finally breaking. He thought about it for a moment before speaking up.
“Keep walking, I’ll find you in a moment.”
You looked at him for a second while he spoke before turning around and continuing to walk.
Muichiro walked over to the stand before buying a blue and purple bracelet. After he bought it he placed the blue bracelet on his hand and began to walk on the path you took.
You heard some steps behind you which made you look back, seeing Muichiro carrying a purple bracelet.
“Hand.” Is all he said. You thought about it for a moment before holding your hand out. You watched as Muichiro put the bracelet on your hand. You noticed a blue light underneath his uniform before noticing it was a blue bracelet, the same as yours. You two were matching!
“Thank you so much, Muichiro!” You said as you began to hug him. He stood frozen before he started to hug you back. After a few seconds you two finally let go of each other.
You placed your hand beside his and pulled a bit of his sleeve up.
“Look, look! We’re matching!”
After that day? Oh yeah, you always wore that bracelet, even when you went to sleep. For some reason it just brings you comfort. Muichiro did the same, he even takes it off and clasps it in his hands putting it under his pillow as if your sleeping with him since it always reminds him that he bought it for you and it finds him comfort. ♡
Thank you for reading! Sorry this is a short chapter I’m currently starting to move .
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dre6ming · 1 year
The delicate beginning rush-imagine
A thousand flowers
Masterlist <chapters 1->14>
Imagines Masterlist- short stories
To be added to my tag list click HERE
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warning:age gap(10 years) smut, thigh riding, dry humping, hope that’s all…. and fluff lots of it
Plot: Austin is over, visiting you while you’re filming and he takes you out on a walk only for you to return to the perfect ‘at home’ date.
Word count: 2750
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As I push my way through the door of the apartment, with Austin behind me, giggling like little kids, then stop dead in my tracks. The apartment is drowned in the dim amber light of candles. "What?" I gasp, turning my head to look at Austin. He's grinning at me, brushing a hand through his hair. Looking back at the place, I take my snow boots off and slowly walk around. "Let me take your jacket!" Austin says, reaching his hands from behind me, unzipping the puffer jacket and slipping it off my shoulders. I wonder around, following the candlelit pathway to the kitchen. Tears gloss my eyes, as I take in the beautifully set table and the bouquets of purple star flowers, sitting all around the room. "Aus.." I turn around to look at him, he's now taken off his jacket as well and is standing close behind me, with his hands in his pockets, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. Walking up to him, I cup his face in my hands, touching his bottom lip with my thumb, saving it from the torture of his teeth. "How did you do all this? When?" I ask in awe of it all, looking it his beautiful blue eyes, which shine a bright shade of teal in the bright orange candle light.
Austin blushes, settling his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to his chest, letting me feel the tremble of his heart. "You like it?" He asks shyly, brushing his nose against my cheek, as I turn my head around to look at the scene. "I- yes, no one's ever done anything like this for me before, this is so beautiful." I say, my voice wavering a bit with emotion. "I asked Matt to come set this up, I found this small flower shop today, while you were on set, when I was exploring." Austin tells me, his hands traveling down my side, slowly reaching the back of my thighs, his strong fingers gripping the flesh. He lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, making me squeal out of surprise. "I saw purple star flowers in the display window and I know they are your favorite, so I got you a bouquet." He tilts his head down, to touch his delicate lips on my neck. I tangle my hands in his sandy hair, pulling at the roots, feeling the vibration of his groan. "But then I thought about that thing you told me, how your favorite scene form Gilmore Girls is when Max proposes to Lorelai with a thousand daisies." Austin's lips brush my tender flesh, his hot breath fanning against my cheek as he chuckles. "Now I'm not proposing, but I just thought - God I'd love to see her face coming home to a thousand purple star followers."
My heart squeezes painfully with the emotion overload, all these things I'm feeling are new to me and my brain and heart are trying to work together, processing everything. "They didn't have a thousand of them, but I hope it still coun-" I cut him off by roughly glueing my lips on his. We sigh into the kiss, his hands traveling up my back, keeping me flush to him. It's a mess of lips and tongues and teeth clinging together, short breaths escaping us. "Wow, baby.." Austin exclaims, curling a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thank you so much Austin, I don't think I can explain how much it means to me, that you did this for me." I put my forehead against his, closing my eyes, soft streams of salt running down my cheeks and he's quick to kiss each tear away. Then his plush lips, land on my left eye, then on my right, then on the tip of my nose, the corner of my mouth and lastly my lips. I can taste the salt on his tongue, moaning into his mouth. "I'm so glad you like it, now how about we eat? Hm, I made pizza?"
Austin pulls back, looking at me with a childish smile and I shake my head, kissing his lips one more time, before he walks us over to the kitchen table, putting me down on one of the chairs. "Stay here, I asked Matt to put it in the oven on the heating setting, I made it before you got back from set." Placing my elbows on the table and resting my head in my hands, I watch him wash his hands, then go over to the oven, pulling out his famous pizza, the delicious smell reaching my nostrils, making my tummy twist with hunger. "So this is why you were so eager to go out for a walk?" I quirk a brow at him, also getting up to wash my hands, looking around for my cats, suddenly worried about all the candles. "They are in the bedroom" Austin reads my mind. "I'm sorry, if you want I can blow the candles out and get them here." Austin suggests, referring to William and Simba. "No, I'll just go check on them, I'll be right back."
He nods, setting the pizza on the table, as I go over to the bedroom, opening the door slowly, peaking my head in. "Aus come here!" I whisper exited, waving him over. He comes behind me, looking over my shoulder and I crack the door open a bit more, showing him, the two fluff balls, cuddled up together on the crochet blanket he's making out of hearts. "They look so peaceful." Austin whispers, circling his arms around me. "Yeah..." then my stomach decides to start calling for food, making Austin laugh, pulling me back towards the kitchen, so we can eat. "I'm really grateful you came to visit, it was starting to get a little lonely here." I say, sitting down, quickly lacing my fingers with his, keeping him close, a chuckle going past his lips as he stumbles over his own feet. "Want me to pull my chair next to you?" He quirks a brow at me, the corner of his mouth twisting up in a boyish smile. "Yes." I respond pulling on his arm, laughing when he bents down to place a kiss on the top of my head.
"I never understood why the need to sit opposite of each other on dates anyway." Austin stretches his arm out, dragging his chair next to mine, sitting down as well, placing the palm of his hand on my thigh. "Date? I've never been on a date before." I say wide eyed, grinning from ear to ear, making Austin laugh. His hand squeezes my thigh, causing the breath to get caught in the back of my throat, it's like a thousand electric shocks travel from where his palm lays on my denim cover leg. "One day, I'm going to take you out on a date somewhere nice..." he promises, moving his hand up my thigh. "One day, I'll be able to scream from the top of my lungs how I'm the luckiest guy alive, because you're mine and I yours." He's so close, I can taste his breath on my tongue and it makes my mouth water. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, my heart pumping fast, it's beats resonating in my ears. I swallow thickly and lean forward, gently touching my lips to his. "I'm yours and you are mine." I whisper before teasing his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue. Austin groans, kissing me, softly, his free hand cupping my cheek, thumb caressing my silky skin.
He pulls away too fast, making me whine, which makes him snicker at me. "Let's eat, you're hungry." Austin cuts a slice of his homemade pizza, lifting it up and bringing it to my lips. "Really? I can feed myself." I laugh, trying to take the slice from him, but he doesn't let me. "Ah ah it's romantic, now let me feed you!" He fake pouts, pushing the slice in my face one more time.
All these small things he does, from calling me sweet pet names like baby or darling to letting me shave him, or asking to paint my nails, all these small pieces of affection mean so much to me. I can't say that I've had this kind of attention before, it's not the kind a parent or a sibling gives you, it's so much more different, because the person has no biological obligation to do these.
"How do you like it?" He asks, taking a bite out of the same slice as well. I'm searching in my brain for the right way to say all the things I want, but I'm stuck and worry washes over his face when I take a moment too long to answer. Austin puts the slice down on the plate, wiping his hands on a tissue. One of his hands comes up to touch my cheek, the moment his fingers touch my skin, I feel the wetness. I'm crying again. "I can't explain to you, how much it means, that you do these things for me. Things I never knew could make me feel so many emotions at once." I chuckle, sniffing. His mouth twitches in a quick smile, then his eyes become red and hot streams of tears, go past his leads and onto his rosy cheeks. "I haven't always made the best decisions in regards of relationships and one day I'll tell you all about it, but baby, (y/n), you are the one thing I promise to never mess up." He takes my right hand in between his, bringing it up to his lips, kissing my knuckles, then opening my hand and placing it on his face. Austin closes his eyes and leans into my touch.
I look at this man, this man who everyday since we promised to give this "more than friends" thing a try, has been opening up to me, has been so gentle and patient. His soul is so pure and safe. My thumb touches his lid softly, feeling his eyelashes ticking the pad of my finger. He opens his blue eyes to me, smiling brightly, before he kisses the palm of my hand one more time. "Let's finish eating, then we can watch a movie." He says going back to feeding me. "Can we watch pirates of the Caribbeans?" I ask chewing my bite of pizza. "We can watch anything you want baby!" Austin tells me, drinking some wine.
Later after dinner and one too many glasses of wine, we've both changed in more comfortable clothes and are now sitting on the couch. I look at the screen of the tv, but my mind isn't really there, having watched this movie so many times before I almost know it by heart. In my peripheral vision I see Austin, his head in hand, leaning on the backrest of the couch, looking at me. "You're so beautiful, (y/n), do I tell you that enough?" He asks, playing with my hair, arranging some stray strands of hair behind my ear. I blush deeply and look at him. His smile is sloppy and his eyes are droopy, he definitely had more to drink than I did, he's not drunk, but tipsy and it's clear his relaxed. "Yes, you do, thank you." I bite my lip, looking at him, my eyes travel between his lips and his eyes.
Austin seems to read my mind, his hands grabbing my hips roughly, making me yelp as he settles me on his lap, straddling his hips. My heart races beyond control and it's like I can feel the blood running through my veins. "I'm yours..." he says, then he pulls me into a wet open mouthed kiss, his lips running over mine, sucking the breath out of me. My fingers search purchase in his golden locks, enjoying the softness of his hair. His chest vibrates with each grunt and moan. I feel weak, I feel so hungry for him, I feel so powerful yet so vulnerable. My hips move against his on instinct, feeling the bulge in his sweatpants, through my thin leggings.
Austin hands grip my hips tighter, pushing me further forward on him. I sigh into his mouth, trembling at the feeling of his hard on rubbing into me just the right way. "Baby, I- god don't stop, please!" Austin begs throwing his head back, moving my hips over his. "Shit, shit, that's it baby, (y/n)!" I kiss down his neck, biting and licking and sucking every patch of skin I can, marking him as mine. My hands stay in his hair the whole time, pulling and scratching at his roots, drawing the sweetest sounds out of him. "Aus.." pleasure builds in the pit of my belly, I can feel the wetness seeping through my leggings and I'm now chasing my pleasure as well as his. "Baby, (y/n), fuck, I'm close, please keep going."
Austin's hands dig into my flesh, keeping my rhythm steady. His hips lift off of the couch, meeting mine in a sweet dance of back and forth. I grind down on him, breathing hard, sucking his bottom lip, biting it, causing him to growl. "Shit, I'm , fuck, I'm cuming.." Austin grunts, tensing, then with a long and loud moan he relaxes. I'm breathing so heavily, my mind hazy, I'm still hungry for that release. "Get up baby, take off your leggings and panties, I want you to ride my thigh." Austin tells me and I follow suit, almost stumbling over my feet, struggling to take off my leggings faster.
"Jesus baby, (y/n) you're soaked. God." I bite my lip, crimson painting my cheeks. I look away, embarrassed all of a sudden, then his hands lay on my hips again and he pulls me to him. "My darling, my sweet darling!" Austin uses his nose to lift my shirt up a bit, exposing my belly and placing a sweet kiss right there, making my insides twist with need. "Come on, straddle my thigh baby." Austin pulls me to sit on his thigh, a moan leaving my lips, the moment the rough cotton of his pants touches my sensitive pussy. He smiles at me, his teeth shining in the dimly lit room. Blue eyes sparkling at me, watching me with such admiration and affection, I've never felt so beautiful before. "Like this..." he whispers, moving me over his thigh, the friction bringing me the pleasure I so much craved. I moan, keeping my eyes on his. Austin lifts his leg up a bit, the new angle pushing me further towards him. One of his hands leaves my hips, coming to my front, reaching for my clit, drawing tight circles on it. "Yes, please, Austin." I brace myself on his shoulders, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, as he keeps me grinding on him, stimulating my clit at the same time, the calloused pads of his fingers, working me like magic. "You're so wet, my beautiful girl, doing so well for me, are you close (y/n)?" His voice right in my ear, brings a new wave of pleasure jolting through me, I tremble in his arms, nodding my head with a soft cry, all words lost on me. "Come on honey, relax for me, cum all over my thigh."
Austin keeps the pace steady, whispering sweet praises into my ear, kissing the side of my face. I feel the bubble ready to burst, so I moan louder, urging my hips to move faster. "Yes, fuck, Austin, my sweet Austin!" I feel the bubble burst and it's so sweet and so amazing, it's like I'm free falling, every muscle in my body becomes drenched in this release. Austin rides my orgasm out, rubbing my back. "Perfect, good girl, always so beautiful."
We sit like this for a while, me on his thigh and him hugging me, then his hand moves from my hip and over to my leg, dragging it over his other leg. I squeal in surprise and he chuckles. "Let's take a shower, I want to wash your hair again." Austin says, getting off the couch with me tightly wrapped around him, my head leaning on his shoulder. "Ok, I guess you won the right to do it." I say, a big yawn leaving my lips. "Did I now?" Austin laughs, walking to the the bathroom. "I think you did."
Tags: @galaxygirl453 @rainydayz101 @samaraannhan20 @marlowmode @myradiaz @areuirish @micaelainthe60s @homebodybirkin2003 @pennyroyalcreep @purejasmine  @strokesofstokes @lanasfloridakiloss @denised916 @kibumslatina @macey234 @melodixs-blog @shantellescrivener @chewiethecatus @guacala @fangirl125reader @father-of-2cats @lucid315 @melodixs-blog @ilovehobi101 @richardslady121 @jensmithin @julie181 @chrisevansgirl34 @ranaissingle @onecrazydirectioner @maria-1287 @austinbutlerssimp @kingdomforapony @acoolnight @tarot-sybarite @goldenmarygio @frozenhuntress67
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
summary; you have a stripe of hair that correlates with your soulmate's hair color
warnings; language
genre; fluff
word count ; 647
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You were born with a light streak of brown in your hair. Right in your fringe area above your left eyebrow.
By the time you were 14 or so, that streak started turning many different colors. From pink and orange to purple and blue. Seems like your soulmate liked dyeing their hair. Although, they wouldn't be able to paint over the matching piece in their hair that correlated with your hair color.
By 17, you think your soulmate ran through the whole rainbow. You still had your hopes up about meeting them, especially with such an uncommon shade of purple. Although, the bigger chance is that you never would.
Soulmates could be connected from across the whole world, and never meet or be able to live out their lives. The hair is just a little clue that most people never solve the riddle for. Eventually, everyone gives up and lives their own lives.
You sit down with your friend, Tommy, at a salad bar, having a little lunch date to talk about your content and whatnot, and sharing ideas. He was more into video games while you were more into commentary.
"So, yknow my friend Freddie? I'm pretty sure I've talked about him...?"
You nod, taking a bite of your food.
"So, he might actually be your soulmate... if you wanna meet him?"
The blonde clears his throat, and awkwardly rubs the nape of his neck. "Uh, so, your hair stripe, like, changes with his, and I only kinda recently put it together. I'm pretty sure you guys are soulmates"
"You totally sure?"
He nods as he pulls out his phone to show you a picture of this Freddie character. His hair was dyed the same purple your little streak was colored. Other than the only thing that currently connected you two other than your hair and Tommy, he was rather cute.
He looked kind of like a dork, which you could definitely get behind. He had an adorable smile and peak sense of fashion, you wanted to jump through Tommy's phone and just kiss him already.
"Why... why tell me like this?" You giggle, respectfully teasing the blonde boy across from you.
Tom shrugs, "You're right, bad time. Uh, but! If you do wanna meet him..."
"Of course I do, Tommy! The universe has connected us for the past twenty years, why wouldn't I want to meet him!"
"You're a very indecisive person, Y/n."
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
"Hi, my name's Freddie" The purple haired boy smiles, lightly waving, "Tommy tells me we're soulmates" He points up to the un-dyeable strand of y/h/c hair in his fringe, matching your hair.
"Hello" You shyly smile, sending him a little smile, "I think so, I mean, hopefully, maybe" You awkwardly chuckle, glancing up at the spot where the purple in your fringe lay.
Tommy stands between you two with a smile, holding up his phone to record this for you guys. He knew his boundaries and personal space though, making sure to make this moment still special while capturing the moment.
"So, I hear you're into exploring, what kind of adventures have you gone on?" He asks, striking up a conversation.
"Mostly hikes and walks through parks and stuff, seeing a bit of the beauty the world has to offer" You respond with a light shrug, "I love being out in nature and feeling the fresh air on my face"
"Oh my God, me too!" Freddie giggles.
God, that laugh, it could fuel you for a week straight with no sleep. That would be keeping you up tonight.
"I'm glad we can agree on that, nature is just so intriguing and perfectly boring"
"That's the perfect description, truly"
Seems like you were definitely going to enjoy your time with purple haired boy who enjoys the outdoors as much as you did. A match perfectly made for each other.
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adina123 · 10 months
Gemcyt Rejuvenated jimmy headcanon
First some explanation
The color of a gem can give you a good indication of what their personalities are because of the way gems are made by the diamond putting their essence into their creations resulting in the gem inheriting looks powers and personality traits from their creator 
All the diamonds contribute to gem making process so a single gem usually is a combination of diamond traits it’s just that the mixture is uneven so the diamond that contributes more is the one that they get more from 
 An example of a gem that is a mix of multiple diamonds would be holly blue age she is a light blue with purple hair meaning the diamonds who’s essence was used to create her are pink white and blue
if it is a green gem then they have similar personalities to and even look like blue diamond and yellow diamond just like a red gem would be like pink diamond and yellow diamond 
Powers and roles are also a good way to glean information about a gem
blue gems are elites that can control water and ice they are mellow but they let their emotions stew and spill over 
Yellow gems make up much of the military and are technicians they are rational dutiful but also blunt
Pink gems are immature but empathetic the roles they take are entertainers and artists they seem to have an easier time shape shifting (their is a theory I’ve seen that they have fire powers but pink diamond never demonstrated it despite gems with pink essence having that ability)
White gems are perfectionists and self centered and are very high ranked 
white gems or gems that are lighter shades of the colors have high positions the lighter blue gems are higher than others(aquamarine and sapphire) while the darker shades or  mixed with to many different colors while valuable are not as high on the hierarchy( lapis and holly blue agate) also dark yellow or gems that are a yellow combo with pink and blue are common soldiers but topazes are a lighter shade of yellow than other yellow gems and also have a higher ranking than jasper who is orange
So Color is a good thing to keep in mind when making a gem au 
Using the information we can guess what their factory settings are 
Jimmy is a blue gem but is lighter than the average lapis and a little bit of green so if he was hit with a rejuvenator then I think his base personality would be like the sheriffs from empires season 2 but the negative traits turned up 
From white he has a I can do no wrong attitude 
From yellow he gets his stubbornness 
From blue he gets petty ness and elitism 
It sounds worse than it is he acts like an upper crust gem only sticking around because grian is a higher ranking than him but he ignores the lesser gems and gross organic life surrounding him
In order to get him back they need to jog his memory and for use to figure out what needs to happen to get him back we should make a back story here is my take
As soon as he emerged he was placed in a group of lapis they acted very much like mean lapis and nice lapis from the show very snide with lots of high school mean girl energy 
 but after he majorly screwed up on a terraform project he was sent to reeducation and when he returned they turned on him he became an outcast on the other side of the snide remarks 
and because of that realization once he reformed he made a change to his form by adding a veil he tried to hide his face out of shame but he also had hope that if he tried to get back in to the group he would eventually be excepted back but no matter what he tried he messed it up 
After three major failures the empire had given up on him and he was to be harvested but fortunately that was where he met a captured rebel martyn who he bonded with 
While they were waiting to be harvested they joked around and martyn made a joke about jimmy but to jimmy’s suprice he was not hurt by it because it didn’t feel malicious and like he was excluded 
he found he liked being the butt of the joke and opened up so when other rebels came for martyn Jimmy was offered a place on the team
Cut to current day and he doesn’t have his memories so In order to jog his memory he needs to get a slice of humble pie which won’t be hard to pull off because he is naturally clumsy but it can only be done by grian
Because if he is humiliated by a gem he sees as bellow him then he will pretend he didn’t hear the comments but if it is by an equal or superior then he will move on to the vail stage 
Then he will progress the veil stage and to get back his memories he needs to be put in a situation where he is emotional done and is with a gem lower on the totem pole that makes fun of him and he is ok with it 
Heavily inspired by @marblegroves Gemcyt art
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bluemermaidjay · 1 year
Morning Kisses (Syntax x Reader)
Been writing up some drabbles lately, this was one that @beauleifu​ and @synoo​ requested I flesh out more. Hope you all enjoy Spider Smooches!
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You drag your feet along the floor, only just coming home at the prime time of 1:35 in the early dawn. Your body is so exhausted. You could literally flop down on your couch, but choose to resist for at least 20 minutes while you clean the day off of you. It wouldn't be too much of a good idea to suddenly plop down on your sectional sofa since your roommate of 2 years, Syntax, opted to sleep there and put the TV on to fall asleep. You didn’t want to disturb his slumber at such an ungodly hour anyway.
  Slinking into the bathroom, you quickly wash up, drying your hair as much as you can with a towel before brushing your teeth and changing into your comfiest pajamas. You feel a little upset that you weren’t able to enjoy the warmth of the water for long, but thinking about it gave you a wonderful idea. Not wanting to sleep in your cold bed alone tonight after the agonizing torture work put you through, you tiptoe over to the couch and sneakily lay next to the spider demon. You lay facing him and pull some of the blanket covering him over you. Sleep washed over you almost instantly, a smile on your face as you drift into dreamland next to your personal heater.
Come morning, you wake up first due to the sunlight illuminating your living room. The TV automatically turned itself off which helped you with your rest, only being able to sleep in near-to-total darkness. You move your arm to rub the sleepies out of your eyes when you feel an arm already draped over your middle. At some point in the night, Syntax subconsciously noticed your form next to him and held you close as you slept. That alone made you blush, your skin decorated with goosebumps. You peer up at his still sleeping face, completely in awe at how gorgeous he looks with the morning light hitting his face in just the right way. He appeared absolutely breathtaking. You lean your face closer to his, wanting to steal a kiss while he was still fast asleep. You stopped yourself and pulled back, shutting your eyes and heavily blushing at the thought. You felt his arm move a bit before you opened your eyes to meet his own, his hand trailing up your side to cup your cheek.
"Well, if you won't do it, then I will." He mused before pulling in for a short, sweet kiss. You squeak as he does so and he smiles into it knowing fully well how flustered you are. He’s right to think so. Your focus was all over the place from the butterflies in your stomach to the warmth of the morning sun to his soft lips on yours.
He pulls away after a couple seconds to see your flushed face. He chuckles, “Good morning~ Would you like some coffee or did that wake you up enough?”
It takes you a moment to compose yourself after that. You can still feel his lips on yours even after he stops. You hum at his question, coming up with a response that would surely fluster him as well.
“Coffee sounds good, but I’m gonna need an extra shot or two of KISSspresso~” You smirk as he makes a noise akin to his breath catching in his throat, his cheeks turn a darker shade of purple at your flirt. He composes his thoughts before smiling at you, a shimmer in his eyes.
“I think I can whip that up for you.” He pulls you in for another, longer kiss. You know for a fact you won’t be getting your morning coffee as quickly as you expected, but that’s fine with you. His lips tasted better anyway.
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someone1348 · 1 year
It's vacation time! You know what that meansss! Fics!! Woohoo!!
I hope you all enjoy! I promise the requests will be completed soon! I just wanted to get something out there for ya'll!
People in this: Lee!Mikey, Ler!Donnie
Tw: none this is adorable!
Again this is a tickle fic so if you don't like it please just keep scrolling :]
With all of that being said! Enjoyy!
-K :]
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Hard as Nails!
Mikey growled and pouted like a little kid in his older brothers lab. He wouldn't let him join in a particularly dangerous mission today. Mikey was upset that he wasn't being taken seriously again, and Donnie was in a rush.
Tensions were high and it was a clashing that the purple clad turtle just physically did not have the time for. He did his best to remain patient with his youngest brother but Raph, the oldest, was really hurrying him along for this mission.
"Michael, you can't come im sorry, but I have to go, I'll be back soon. Your main task is to hold down the fort until me and Raph get back, Capiche?" He put his hands on Mikeys shoulders to make sure he was listening
"I- but D! I could help! Please let me come with you!" His gut was screaming at him, he needed to be there, they're gonna need him, he repated in his head before he spoke again. "I'm Hard as Nails! Remember?"
Donnie blinked and giggled softly under his breath. His energy shifted from rushed and tight to calm and free, as if time had no meaning. 'Raph can wait a few minutes' He thought to himself as he came up with his plan to make his youngest brother listen to him.
"Mikey, this isn't a repo job. You and Leo have to stay here, okay?"
"But I'm Hard as Nails! I can help! Pleaseeee!" He gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes ever, and while it almost broke Donnie, he had to stay strong and continue with his plan,
"Oh yeah? Prove it, right now, that you're 'Hard as Nails' as you say it" he smirked and crossed his arms, waiting for his answer.
Mikey blinked a little before he flexed, showing off his muscles and growled, trying to make himself look as intimidating as possible.
Donnie's smirk grew as he poked his side mid-flex causing the box turtle to squeak and flinch out of instinct.
"I don't remember anyone who's quote, unquote, 'Hard as Nails', being ticklish?~" he teased him as he scribbled along his sides "maybe it was a fluke, you can't be ticklish, it's impossible I mean you said it yourself you're hard as nails, right Mikey?"
Mikey bit his lip and shook underneath Donnies tickly fingers. It took every ounce of strength he had to not burst out into laughter
Donnie tilted his head "Why are you shaking so much? This doesn't tickle? Does it Angie?~" Donnie used Mikeys nickname against him from when they were kids as he scribbled along the side of his neck, it was always Mikeys kryptonite.
"DOHOhoHoNniEEHEhe!" The dam burst as a light shade of pink entered his cheek bones. He scrunched up his head to his shoulders trying to prevent the tickles on one side which just made Donnie move to the other side of his neck "NOHoHoHo FAHaHaiR!-"
Donnies genuine smile came out as he moved back to his sides "Gotcha~" he moved down to the ground as he scribbled all over the back of his knees, the one time Mikey didn't wear his knee pads!
Mikey chirped and fell to the ground, Donnie caught him easily, making sure he wouldn't get hurt before he went back to scribbling over the back of his knees and the back of his thighs
"DEHEHE" Donnie gently flipped him over on his lap blowing raspberries into the back of his knees "What's wrong Angelo?~"
"IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!" Mikey snorted as Donnie giggled along with him "Does it now?~ hmm I hadn't noticed, thats very fascinating Mikey!" He gently bit into the back of his knees "Does this tickle too?"
Mikey gently hit the ground with his hand signaling to the older one that he was tapping out as his genuine laughter shined through
"YEHEHES! IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES ALOHOHOT!" He answered honestly before Donnie rubbed away the ghost tickles and held him close
"You still can't come with us but your job is just as important, does that make sense? someone needs to look after Leo" he joked as Mikey giggled as he caught his breath
"I guhuess you're right!"
Donnie smiled with relief. He always had a soft spot for the box turtle,
"Hey Donnie?"
"Yes Mikey?"
"Am I still Hard as Nails?,, you know even though I'm ticklish?"
Donnie melted before he answered
"In my eyes, Mikey, you'll always be Hard as Nails" he ruffled Mikeys invisible hair as he spoke "You're the toughest one here Michaelangelo, never ever doubt that okay?"
Mikey giggled and nodded before he got off of him. "Be safe!" He waved him off
"We will, I promise"
"Hard as Nails!" Mikey smiled to himself as he said that quietly, in victory, under his breath.
I'm starting the new Gif thing for my fics! Let me know if you like this layout and I'll keep it or not depending on your answers!
But I hope you enjoyed and a special thank you to @aninabanina6969 for the inspiration from our rps!
Have a great day today, treat yourself, take care of yourself, know that you are loved and that I am so incredibly proud of you for existing! /p /gen /pos
-K <3
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Umbrella - Marieltober 2023
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Day 21 : Rain For the Marieltober in 2023 by @irenea666
warning : aged up, marinette is in her early 20s and gabriel is in his early 40s, fluff, mutual feelings, proffesor/student
Info : This is my first time doing such an event I hope I did everything right. Even though it's not the 21 of October anymore but I hope that is all right.
An actual warm sunny morning had settled over Paris and lured the city dwellers outside. Warm temperatures, a cloudless sky and warm rays of sunshine were perfect. So Marinette had also thrown herself into an airy dress. A creation of her own in red tones and black embellishments, she had designed it herself over several days. Inspired by her Ladybug outfit, of course.
With her bag over her shoulder and Tikki in it, she had made her way to the Paris University of Fashion.
Not only the university, when it comes to clothes and creating, but also her opportunity to become a fashion designer. But that was not the reason why she put her bright lip gloss on her lips and a little mascara on her eyelashes in the bus. She felt so pretty too, but Friday was always her favourite day when she was with a certain someone. Gabrielle Agreste.
The fashion designer Paris. He had been a kind of substitute professor since the building and always had a helping hand over the works of his students. Which is why she at least wanted to dress up a little. What do you think he'll think of my blouse? she murmured to herself and looked out of the bus window to see the colourful university. ,,He must like it," she heard Tikki's voice from her pocket and the little red and black kwami winked at her encouragingly.
,,You're right, I'll do my best," she replied, smiling gratefully at the mystical being before hurrying to the university to avoid being late. The first hours were dry theory, colour teachers and which fabrics harmonised best with each other. Until the time finally came when the professor ended the lesson and she went to her favourite lesson with a joyous heart. 
Like everyone else, Marinette had her own table, her own doll to dress up and her own sewing machine. Her little kingdom from where she could watch Gabriele hidden behind mountains of fabric. She saw with her blue eyes the little smile on his lips as his white hair bounced slightly every time he took a step.
The bright eyes behind the glasses that flew over the students. As handsome as a butterfly, she thought, smiling slightly at the comparison. But as much as she loved to dream and look at the older man, she knew she had to work too. Time flew by as she cut more and more fabric and sewed more and more.
The woman in her early twenties hardly noticed that raindrops were falling on the windows and the sun was disappearing behind rain clouds. ,,I think that's enough for today, students, before you get too wet, have a wonderful day," he announced cheerfully and the students left one by one. All except one. Marinette.
The blue-haired woman was so absorbed in her work that she did not notice how the older man looked at her. His gaze wandered over her work and herself. ,,Little Ladybird…I must say your work is phenomenal, quite enchanting. I'm just afraid you'll have to take the needle off too," he said softly and saw Marinette flinch, she seemed to have only just noticed him.
The student turned around and he saw her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, he saw her lip gloss and her accentuated eyes. He himself felt the warmth coming to his cheeks. ,,Thank you Monsieur Agreste it meant a lot to me that you are pleased with it" she replied and cleared the way to let him have a better look at the blouse.
The purple fabric with the silver ascesoirs and butterfly buttons was perfection. Maybe Marinette liked Hesperia? ,,I hope the other professors see it that way," she murmured, packing her things before swinging her purse over her shoulder.
All of a sudden she felt his hand on hers, a brief touch like the flutter of a butterfly's wings. ,,Hope is the best thing you can do Marinette" he said and the two decided to walk together to the main exit. She knew that the spot on her hand was tingling and he wanted to give her words of hope again.
The two walked together through the corridors, glancing at each other furtively from time to time. They had always understood each other well, what was initially excitement and curiosity had now become respect and love.
The creations of his little ladybug were beautiful and the endless hope and kindness of her handsome butterfly was always during. ,,Rain? Oh no…no umbrella" the younger one stated as she scurried back under the roof of the university and Gabriel stopped, a little taken aback. His eyes went to the dress and he understood what had happened.
He had brought his own large lilac umbrella with him and stepped towards Marinette. ,,Miss Cheng, may I take you to the station…or home?" he asked after a moment's hesitation, not knowing if he had crossed a line. He saw surprise, then consideration and then something like hope in her eyes. Before he handed her the umbrella and took off his coat to put it over her shoulders. ,,Misseur Agr-" she wanted to say, but he took the umbrella from her before he sat down next to her and said, ,,Gabriel please, if I may also call you Marinette" and was pleased to see the hasty nod.
Before she grabbed his arm on impulse and the two of them walked down the street together under the umbrella. The older man felt her press herself closer to him, her hand sliding from his arm to his hand. A smile crept onto his lips as he saw the flush on her cheeks as he squeezed her hand lightly. ,,The rain gives hope for another fine day," he murmured, looking at the drops around him.
He heard her agree with him and the two fell into a small conversation about hope, rain and fashion. It was only when the two arrived in front of the younger woman's flat that they fell silent. ,,I hope you didn't get too wet," he said and saw her wipe a few drops from her bag. ,,No, it's fine," she smiled and saw how the white-haired man seemed to be thinking.
But about what. ,,Marinette, I totally understand if you say no but…would you like to come to dinner and create an outfit together?" He asked, fearing that she would refuse, stay with him or even leave.
His thoughts ran amok, but when he suddenly felt her take him in her arms, he heard her say, ,,Oh, I'd love to, Gabriele, I'd love to". The younger one had embraced him so stormily and they were both standing in the rain again, the umbrella rolled to the ground and she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. In the end, the happiness of the Ladybug and the hope of the butterfly won out, because together they found love.
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justcallmecj · 17 days
First Day of School
(First time putting a picture in Tumblr so let's hope it works. Also, the picture is very old art and looks terrible in my opinion, so pls ignore it an only use it as a brief reference for what my TW! oc of myself looks like. He's a fan-made Animal Linguistics professor.)
        Sevens dammit. I hate that stupid fucking alarm. I even made it annoying to make sure it'd wake me up, but I'm to lazy too change it.
        BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
        I rolled over in my nest and rummaged around for where I hid my phone. I kept my eyes close to hide from the sun that was peaking through the window, creating red, purple and blue shades through my eye lids. When I finally found it, I opened my eyes and quickly swiped the dismiss circle.
        I tossed and turned, stretching every which way that my limbs would let me. I laid on my stomach and allowed my wings to open as wide as they could. The sun light reflected off my white scales and created more fractal shapes around the room. I soon gained enough energy to sit up and truly wake myself. Getting out of the bed was the hardest part, I wanted nothing more than to just keep sleeping on the comfy mattress. But I can't be late on the first day.
        Groggily, I walked to the wardrobe and managed to find my school uniform. To be fair, it doesn't look that bad. Never been a fan of uniforms but I think I can role with this. The white button-up, Pomefiore purple waistcoat, and black blazer looked nice together. After dressing into the uniform and making sure I looked fine, I packed my backpack with everything I would need for the day. Just gonna keep the schedule in my pocket, it'll always be on hand then.
        When I opened my door to leave, the door across from me opened as well. Out walked a short boy with lilac purple hair. We both startled the other and our eyes met. His ocean blue eyed were definitely shocked when he laid eyes on my horns, wings and tail. We both just kinda froze, neither knowing quite what to do.
        Crap, what do I do now?! Do I say hi? Do I look away and walk off?? Do I go back in my room and wait for him to leave??? He beat me to it.
        "Um...Hi!" he awkwardly waved. I waved back with a small 'Hiya'. Then, silence occurred again. Wow, I really suck at this, huh? This time though, I was determined to not go through the awkward moment again.
        "Looks like we're gonna be neighbors for our time here, huh?" I remarked. He thought about it for a moment until he came to some kind of conclusion.
        "Well technically, we're not. If I was, I would be in the room to your right. Pretty sure we're just hall mates!". His answer threw me for a curve ball. I actually laughed a bit after considering it. He giggled in turn.
        "Same difference if you ask me." I told him. He laughed again. "What's your name?" I asked.
        "Epel, Epel Felmier. Whatta 'bout you?". He had such a sweet southern accent. We both decided simultaneously to leave the comfort of our doorways.
        I'm Y/N L/N. Just call me Y/N though. You another first year?". He nodded as we both started our way down the hall and towards the kitchen. Breakfast time!!!
        Me and Epel talked about the basic stuff on our walk. 'How do you feel about going to NRC?', 'What classes do you have?' and a few other things. We quickly grabbed some breakfast sandwiches and made our way to the school building.
        Well shit, talk about a castle. Epel and I continued into the school building. Students flooded the halls and plenty of conversations filled my ears. Classes haven't started yet so everyone was waiting to be let into their class rooms.
        "What class do you have first?" Epel asked me. I pulled out my schedule from my pocket and found my first class.
        "History of Magic." Nice, a class I can do well. All that reading will come in handy. Epel jumped up and pumped a tiny fist in the air.
        "Woohoo! We got the same class!" Yay! A friend to start off the day. I smiled a wide toothed smile and he caught sight of my fangs. He looked slightly amazed by them.
        "We should head off now, shouldn't we?" I asked. Don't give him long to think about it. I started off to where my schedule said History of Magic would be. He followed close behind.
        Before we could get far, the bell rang. While the halls are large, we just so happened to be in a hall where lots of students decided to hang out.
        When everyone started heading for their class, they bumped and pushed one another. Me and Epel got stuck in the middle of the chaos. Unfortunately for him, his small size caused him to be crushed. He started to panicked.
        Nope. Not looking to let my first friend here get crushed before class even starts. I moved my way through the crowd, luckily people made room when they saw me.
        When I reached him, I spread my right wing out and wrapped it around him. "Come on, let's go this way." While he didn't quite know what to do with my wing there, he followed my directions. I gently swayed my tail behind us, careful not to hit Epel, and others gave us some space.
        Finally!! We've reached the room! The door to History of Magic was open.
        "Thank you for that. Kinda worried they woulda all crushed me back there." he said, pointing a thumb at the crowd behind us. "Those wings of your seem to come in handy, huh?". I kinda like how he doesn't talk about my features. I've grown so used to people whispering negative things about me just from the simple sight of me, the silent acceptance was a comfort.
        "They do, only when they're not being a pain in my butt. You don't know how many times I've whacked myself up side the head with them!" I sighed, remembering all the times of hitting my head growing up. I got Epel to laugh though, so all was well.
        We went in and found seats next to each other. Immediately our teacher came in through the door. An older man, with gray hair, maroon robes and a black and white cat in his arms, came and stood at the teachers desk. He said nothing, only eyed each of us up and down thoroughly.
        "I'm Mozus Trein. Your History of Magic professor. This is my familiar, Lucius. I expect all of you to hush up and sit down, we have a lot to do today." He sat Lucius on the desk, grabbed a pointing stick and moved to the blackboard.
        Me and Epel looked each other in the eyes. Both of us held exasperated expressions. Silently, we seemed to come to an agreement. This is gonna be a looong class.
        Me and Epel separated for two class periods after that. We found each other again in PE where we took flying lessons together with Coach Vargas. Then we parted ways again. Then came my favorite part of the day. LUNCH!!! Luckily, me and Epel planned to meet at lunch.
        The cafeteria was enormous. The roof went high and the room itself when far in each direction. Guess it does have to fit and entire college worth of students. I started my way down the long line. Foods I recognized from all over Twisted Wonderland were out on display and ripe for the picking. I chose plenty of meaty food, I'm a dragon, it's what we do. I grabbed a few extra things that looked appealing and a bottle a ice cold water. Hopefully this will help me cool my temperature a bit.
        I left the line and now found myself faced with the hardest decision known to me. Where the hell to sit? I was indecisive and just stood there, that was, until my savior came for me.
        "Y/N!! Over here!" I heard. Epel's voice shot through the crowd. My ears were quick to pick up on something that brought comfort, like his voice. I quickly spotted his lilac hair through the people. With a new pep in my step, I made my way towards him. I was quick to see that someone new was sitting next to him at the table. A beast man with white hair and wolf ears. I sat across from the both of them.
        "You started to make me think ya weren't coming. I been tryna find you for a while now." Epel told me. I chuckled at his concern.
        "Hey, I keep my promises. Don't worry." I turned to look at the unknown boy. "Hey, I'm Y/N, you?". He seemed to be put off a bit by my sudden acknowledgment of him.
        "I'm Jack Howl. Nice to meet you." Epel spoke up. "I met him during my potionology class." Nice, maybe we can be friends too. Suddenly I realized the mistake of where I was sitting. The sun coming through the windows was constantly hitting my back. My wings spread open in an attempt to mediate my temperature and I gulped down my water bottle. Jack was quick to catch eyes of me and start staring.
        His eyes unfortunately didn't hold the same silent acceptance Epel's did, but he did have a look of understanding on him. Maybe because we both weren't entirely human. Both of us having in-human features. Whatever the reason, he didn't talk about it.
        Jack, Epel and I talked and discussed our day throughout lunch. Unfortunately, the bell had to ring and we had to part ways. Next class. I pulled out my schedule. Animal Linguistics. Awesome, a class I can dominate at. At least the classroom wasn't that far away, didn't take long to get there.
        Walking into the classroom, I realized how much more accommodating the room was. While yes all the classrooms were large, they weren't made for students who take up a lot of space. Like me. The auditorium seats here were spaced for kids who had long tails or large wings. Perfect for me. I found a nice seat in the front of the room and waited.
        Soon came the teacher. A beast man, snow leopard to be exact. He sported a half buzz cut hairstyle with a muted purple coat over a lilac waistcoat. His tail swooshed behind him as he placed his bag on his desk, but something stood out about him. Not even a couple feet above his head was a small cloud that only snowed on him. When the snow reached closed to the ground, it evaporated, keeping the floor dry and him cool. Now he knows how to stay cool in the heat. I'll have to ask him to teach me how to do that.  He sat on the desk and turned his attention to us.
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        "Hello everyone. I'm the Animal Linguistics professor. Professor Oski. By the end of the year, I hope you all can either speak fluently with animals or fluently understand them.", he gave us a sweet, fanged smile and continued the class.
        Animal Linguistics seemed like it was gonna be a smooth class. After that I had my final period, Alchemy. Jack and Epel already told me about this teacher. Divus Crewel. Definitely sounded like an interesting character from what I got from Epel and Jack. Hopefully, this all goes well.
        Again, I found myself in another classroom, with another teacher. This is starting to get a little too repetitive. I sat at a seat in the middle of the room and notably, two boys sat to my right. One with vibrant red hair, the other with deep blue. While Crewel was giving a speech, the two of them talked non-stop. Then, I picked up on their conversation.
        'Deuce, look at the kid over there. They got wings.' said the red haired one. 'I can see that, Ace. I'm more interested in their horns though. They look scary but awesome at the same time.' said Deuce to Ace. I managed to catch a glimpse of them staring. Then Crewel announced free time to get to know one another.
        I got the most random burst of confidence. I actually walked up to them, with no hesitation.
        "You two gonna keep whispering about me or actually going to try and speak to me?". I spooked them, their surprised faces were a clear sign.
        "OH!? You heard us!? Deuce exclaimed. Ace came dangerously close to jumping out of his chair. I nodded as confirmation. Now, neither looked like they knew what to do next. Guess I'll have to take the lead this time.
        "Hi, I'm Y/N. I couldn't help but overhear you two talking about me. You're Ace and you're Deuce, right?" I pointed at both of them respectively. Ace huffed and Deuce sputtered a few random sounds.
        "You really must've been eavesdropping, you already know our names." Ace said, he seemed offended in some way.
        "Maybe if you weren't talking about me, I wouldn't have." I smiled at him teasingly. Deuce spoke up finally.
        "I'm terribly sorry!! We didn't mean to offend you. We were just curious, that's all!" he sure does speak loud. My pointed ears flinched from the yelling.
        "No, it's fine. As long as there was no ill will, I'm fine with it. I've grown used to whispers about me. How about we keep the behind the back talking to a level of zero?" I teased with a chuckle. After that, they were both pretty talkative people. We three talked for the rest of the free time we were granted, until class was dismissed, then we went our separate ways in the Mirror Chamber. They both went through the Heartslabyul mirror while I went through the Pomefiore.
        The common room was full of students. I only barely managed to sneak through the room without drawing a lot of attention to myself. My social battery has run out for the day and I really don't want to have to deal with anyone. While walking to my room, I ran into someone.
        "Why hello there, Dragon de glace. Hey are you on this beautiful day?" I looked only to meet the eyes of Rook, my vice dormleader. His green eyes gave me the same feeling his close-eyed smile did, only open this time. A shiver went down my back, ironic again, I don't shiver. What did he call me? Dragon de glace? What does that mean?
        He quickly moved in front of me, I didn't even have a moment to react before he was in my face. His heels brought him up to my height.
        "Your answer, Dear?" he asked. His hat came close and tickled my nose with its feather, I almost sneezed. "Um...it was pretty good today. Stressing but good none the less.". He seemed satisfied with my answer an backed away a bit.
        'Well that's great to hear, Dragon de glace. Your first day should be one that's magnifique!". His hand flew up and a dramatic manner. Magnifique? That's French. Means the name he called me was also French. Good start to figuring out what it means I guess. I noticed that his piercing gaze was locked on my wings and tail, occasionally my horns. Now this is getting weird. Gotta find a way to leave.
        "Well, I need to do something in my room. So I'll be on my way now. It was really nice talking to you Rook!". I maneuvered my way around him and put some speed in my walk. Luckily, I didn't hear the sounds of pursuing. I went in my room and didn't come out until dinner. He stared more at dinner and I quickly made my way back to the safety of my four walls and finally found the release of sleep.
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kazeofthemagun · 1 month
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"Black Wiiiind."
Kumo's landing was soft as always, but the groan from behind his mask alerted the summoner. Turning his head, the gunmage gazed at the younger, his one hand stirring thick meat stew in a pot over the fire.
The knight allowed the Maken to slip off his back and float off to rest against a nearby tree. Having taken a seat beside his counterpart, White Cloud released his mask and took a deep whiff.
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"What is that." His tone was as hollow of emotion as he could possibly muster, and yet a hint of disappointment slipped past nonetheless. "This smells worse than your dirty laundry."
Ah, there it was - the beginning of the Cloud's newest session of complaining.
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"Shut." Kaze's attention was undivided, stirring steady circles in the bubbling concoction. The soupy liquid sloshed, and the Misterian made an expression that could only be described as revolted. "Have you heard of vegetables? I read about them in a book and they seem to exist."
Even in the face of his other half's biting sass, Black Wind remained unshaken. One, two, three - some indiscernible quality in his handiwork seemed to finally satisfy him and he set down the spoon, fishing for something in his pocket.
He brought out a brown powder of sorts - seeds..? - pinched between two fingers. The intense, aggravating smell was impossible to ignore. And then, as quickly as they had appeared, into the pot they went.
"Nooooooooo," complained Kumo. He would have sounded almost convincing in his show of bitter agony, had he not already given up on proper acting. Instead, he allowed his mask to once again cover his features, framing displeased jade orbs. A head of white fell against the Windarian's shoulder, a slight angled poke with one of his horns. Hair falling over his face not without a sprinkle of drama - a clear message saying, do what you must. I do not wish to witness.
White Cloud did not need to graciously witness him for the Wind to do his job. And so, that he did, all the while feeling one of his counterpart's long horns digging into his form.
A horn that seemed to deliberately shift and poke him, stealthy adjustments of the younger's skull only causing the dark spike to further irritate him.
"Are you five?" Kaze finally commented, and the Misterian seemed to briefly pout. Sitting straight once again, the royal crossed his arms, casting a scornful glare. It was clear he was looking for a comeback, before rolling his eyes and sighing. Bickering would get them nowhere, and he had an image to uphold. Lowering himself to the level of arguing with the likes of Black Wind would do that image no favors.
So he did the next best thing. Rummaging through their shared bag of supplies, he excavated what appeared to be two long, purple stalks of some Wonderlandian plant and a knife, which he promptly put to use. Except, peeling the thing did not seem as easy as he had assumed. Fumbling his motions, he cut unevenly, discovering the art of handling a cooking knife quite different than handling a sword. When was the last time he even did something like this..? A light shade of pink crept upon his features, memories of a Windarian's smiling, crimson eyes filling his mind's eye.
"...Let me help."
He half expected to see Aura as he looked up, instead being met with a familiar shade of ocean blue. Black Wind's hand unceremoniously took the knife from his and traced an incision upon thick, violet skin.
"...Like this. Less work." The outermost layer peeled with little effort, revealing sticky, honey-colored flesh. Kumo adjusted his grip, finding the task much easier from then on. Green orbs met blue with a slight raise of snow-colored brows. "Oh. So you have heard of vegetables. Even handled some, it seems. I would have never guessed."
Though he did once again choose to cover his embarrassment with playful mockery, there was gratitude in his voice, and a smile behind his mask. A newfound hope that maybe, just maybe, Black Wind's dish would not turn out an absolute failure after all.
The gunmage motioned at the pot, and the prince added in the chopped fragments of the stalks. Golden juices flowed from the flesh into the concoction and mingled with the flavors of the meat, bridging the gap between it and the strong spices. Suddenly, the smell became all the more bearable - enough so that Kumo instinctively recalled his mask.
It wasn't too long before the food was ready, and the Windarian poured the golden-brown stew into two bowls. White Cloud accepted his portion without hassle, waiting a short moment before bringing a bite to his lips. It was quite hot, which meant the prince had to blow on it a bit before the tip of his tongue no longer rebelled at mere contact.
The moment the food hit his tastebuds, jade eyes could not help but widen in surprise - the sweetness of the Wonderlandian plants seemed to have absolved whatever nightmare Black Wind was concocting - mellowing out the overwhelming presence of umami and the sharp taste of the spices. All in all, it was.. acceptable. More than acceptable, really, and it was something he never thought he would admit.
"It's... good." He swallowed politely before speaking, a nod from the Wind following his words. Though his fellow Unlimited spoke far more rarely than he did, it did not mean he did not communicate in other ways. The glance shared between them was one of mutual understanding, a hands-off pat on the back for a job well done.
Before the prince realized it, his spoon was already scraping the bottom of the bowl, his portion cleaned out and his insides feeling pleasantly warm and heavy. A satisfied feeling settled in his body that promised a restful slumber later - something both of them needed rather badly. It was Black Wind that tended to take the first watch, but even the wielder of the tireless Magun was a living being that needed his rest.
"Black Wind?" Kumo started, hand resting on the same shoulder he had previously bullied relentlessly with his horns.
"Mhm?" The redhead rumbled, polishing off his own serving.
"I'm taking the first watch tonight. Get some rest." And he was off, a metallic click signifying the Maken returning to its nest upon the small of the knight's back. With a push of white boots off the ground, the man disappeared into the treetops.
Guess there was no room to complain, thought the Wind.
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the-werdna · 1 month
Title: Robcina Week Day 5 - Outrealms
Notes: Takes place between Chapters 52 and 53 of my other story, A Future Tied by Fates, which is a crossover with Fire Emblem Fates set after events of both that game and Awakening.
Words: 1454
"Oh look, over here! Are those candied apples? We should go try some!" Lucina pointed out excitedly. She seized his hand, pulling Robin along after her and she headed through the crowded streets towards one of the stalls before he could respond to her words.
Robin laughed, finding himself grinning ear to ear even as he was forcibly dragged through the festival by his wife. He was just happy she was enjoying herself. After the past several months of near-constant fighting in this world, it was just nice to have a day to not worry about all that and simply enjoy themselves. Thus when it was asked that they attend the New Year's celebration in Hoshido's capital, how could he refuse? For now, he was glad to, for just a few hours, forget the war and all the danger still ahead of them.
Despite the widespread destruction wrought on the Hoshidan capital during the Vallite attack, not to mention the war with Nohr prior, it had amazed Robin that the New Year's celebration was being held at all. Indeed, any plans for the remaining civilians to evacuate the city had been put on hold until after the celebration. However, the explanation Hinoka and Sakura had given made a great deal of sense: as the marking of a new year was incredibly important in Hoshido culture. It was a time to celebrate endings and a new beginning, A time for rebirth and renewal of bonds with those you love. To not hold the festival at all would cause much more harm in terms of lost morale than the extra time would otherwise grant them in terms of benefits.
It's a shame that the festivities here are smaller than they would normally be, Robin thought to himself, remembering the descriptions he'd been told of past years. It would certainly be worth a trip to see it as it was in happier times.
Even in its diminished state, the festival was quite a sight to behold. The entirety of the central market of the city had been packed with colorful stalls, lit by strings of many-colored paper lanterns strung overhead to crisscross the night sky. The crowded streets were filled with people, both commoners and nobility alike, all here to temporarily forget their troubles and celebrate the birth of a new year.
At last, Lucina came to a stop, arriving at the back of the line before the stall she had spotted. Sure enough, lines of candied apples shone glossy in the lantern light. Still laughing even as Lucina allowed their entangled hands to drop back to the slides between them, Robin dusted off his kimono, taking even a moment to brush away a bit of dirt that had stuck to Lucina's.
The kimono Lucina wore was a bright sky blue with a white floral pattern and a golden obi around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a bun of traditional Hoshidan style, held in place with butterfly-shaped pins. Meanwhile, the kimono Robin wore was silver with a white trim and a geometric pattern of a deep violet. The obi around him was the same shade of purple as the pattern. Both had been selected by the two Hoshidan princesses and tailored specifically for them, despite protests from both him and Lucina that this wasn't necessary. But, as official guests to royalty, it had ultimately seemed rude to refuse such gifts.
Hopefully, they didn't look too silly or out of place in them. Or rather, he hoped he didn't. There was no doubt that Lucina had pulled the look off without flaw. She looked truly stunning in it,
"I hope Morgan isn't getting into too much trouble tonight," Lucina said, her excited grin momentarily replaced by an anxious look. She glanced around as if searching for a glimpse of their daughter 'mid-shenanigans'.
"I'm sure she'd be fine. I don't think she, Ophelia, and Kana can get into too much trouble in such a brief period of time. Remember, she also agreed to spend the other half of the festival with Inigo," Robin assured her.
"That second part doesn't inspire as much confidence as you'd think. Though I suppose Inigo is still walking on eggshells with her, even after they reconciled. That may very well keep him from encouraging poor behavior in her," Lucina conceded.
"My thoughts exactly. Though speaking of those two… there is someone else I am far more worried about getting into trouble." Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, already again fearing the potential outcomes of her running amok.
"Oh, Soleil…" Lucina said. She grimaced. "We really do need to curb her behavior at some point. This is getting out of hand. And I thought Inigo's philandering ways were excessive." She trailed off, shaking her head.
"Yeah… though for now I suppose we just hope for the best," Robin said.
Soon enough they reached the front of the line, Robin purchasing each of them a candied apple. With treats now in hand, they set back off into the festival. In short order, they made several more stops, from watching a group of street performers act out a play with colorful puppets, to checking out several of the other stalls, to having to quickly rush out of the way as a parade rolled through the center of the festival to the sound of drums and other musical instruments. Eventually, the two found themselves relatively alone, standing on the bridge towards the edge of the festival. It ran over one of the many streams that flowed out from the towering spire atop which sat the royal palace, currently mostly empty with so much of the royal household present at the celebrations.
"The lights are beautiful, are they not?" Lucina asked, staring out at the strings of lanterns hovering above the sea of stalls and crowds below.
"Yes, they are." Robin agreed. "Reminds me a lot of our trip to those Hot Springs in the Outrealms. I wonder if Hoshido's culture influenced Anna's resort at all. Then again, from what I know of Chon'sin back home, it seems several broadly similar cultures are present across many worlds in the Outrealms. I wonder why that is…"
He shook his head, brushing aside his musings. "Sorry, just a bit of academic curiosity on my part. Don't want to bore you with it."
"It's alright, I don't mind," Lucina assured him. She tore in half a pastry she had bought on their way to the spot, offering one half to him. It was filled with a sweet bean paste. Accepting it, the two ate in silence for a few moments, before Lucina ventured to speak once more.
"I wonder how long it will be until we can go home," Lucina said. She leaned against him, resting her head against his shoulder. "I know we cannot, not until the threat here is dealt with and our own world is safe, but…"
"I know," Robin said. She didn't have to say it. It had been too long since they'd been away, too long separated from their new family. From Morgan and Marc, the younger infant versions they'd been forced to leave behind. They were only a few months old when they were last there. If they were still that age, he didn't know how quickly time moved here relative to their own world, or even if they could use time travel to correct any such long discrepancies.
Robin leaned over, kissing her softly on her cheek. He slipped his hand around her as he finished, holding her close. "As soon as we're done here, as soon as both this world and ours are safe, we will return. I promise."
"I know," Lucina said, her turn to affirm their shared understanding, "I know we have made many wonderful new friends here, but even then I cannot help but feel homesick." She chuckled softly, adding, "Even if it is odd, that only a few years ago I would have never considered staying in that time for good."
"I am glad you decided to stay, I'd have been lost without you," Robin said. He kissed her again. She kissed him back in return.
In the distance, a gong tolled midnight. A firework shot off into the sky, raining down a shower of sparkling embers. Another followed, then more, illuminating the night with countless new stars that were born and died in each passing instant.
"I'm glad you're here with me, Lucina," Robin said, taking in the moment at her side. They watched the coming of the new year. No matter what the new year brought, no matter the challenges the future would bring, they would face it together. As they always did.
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