#i just eat a lot of hong kong food lmao
capfalcon · 1 year
as a rlly picky eater i feel like a lot of the "oh, you learn to like foods as you get older" is a lot more "you are now capable and willing to try foods that you hated in a different way bc it's more accessible to you now and bc you can personalize it" than "your body changed"
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saw5 · 1 month
re: the watcher anger
i know $6 a month isn't a lot in the united states, but they have a pretty international audicence and with currency exchange, $6 is a lot. like in hong kong that's $50 a month, mexico its 102 pesos a month, in the phillipines that's 345 pesos a month, in argentina that's 5,221 argentine pesos--you get the idea. hell, i live in the us and i can't even afford to spend an extra $6 a month 😭
i agree on paying creators fairly, and i know watcher has 25 employees who deserve to paid. but the channel already pulls in over $100k a month from patreon alone; they also make bank from all their sponsors and merch sales. i mean, one of their main series is steven lim eating expensive food like gold flaked beef. i mean, he has a new tesla!
idk it just feels like that ceo thing where they aren't happy with consistent success, it needs to be increasing success. but ofc idk them, i'm just an outside observer so idk the full story, etc.
first up -- i actually think $6 a month IS a lot for some people in the US & have talked in private w friends about how i wish they'd started at like, $1-$3/mo or smth because even that would make it more affordable for a lot of their fans :-) just to clear that up! $6 is a lot when most streaming services that offer way more than 2x as much content cost like 2x as much on average (i think? the only streaming service i have is for baseball, i pirate everything else so idk). $6 a month is also a lot, Period, for many people, regardless of context. it's the principle of paying for it at all that was my main point in that post
to everything else -- great points and i appreciate the info and your perspective. re: money i know $100k/mo sounds like a lot + they have the other revenue sources you mentioned but i think it's important to keep in mind that they're not just paying for their own/their employees' lives but also funding the shit they make -- travel, gear, production costs, everything they need to buy for the videos etc. like it's not JUST 28 paychecks that the money is going towards but also the necessary costs of the job itself. not to mention that at least shane steven and ryan live in a super HCOL area ($100k/yr for a single person is literally considered "low income" in san francisco lmao & i dont even wanna know what it is in los angeles). they could still be making bank, idk! i have literally no idea what their finances look like, i'm spitballing the same as everyone else. but i think shit costs more than a lot of people realize
i have zero argument with the frustrations with how expensive this will be for their non-usamerican audiences, i'm really sorry that they didn't roll out different prices for different locations or like ... seem to take that into consideration at all. like i said in the original post, i have no beef with anyone who is personally upset about getting priced out of content they love. honestly my only point here is that i do not doubt at all that everything they release on watcher will be uploaded to piracy sites by people w accounts & that everyone anywhere who is capable of piracy (ik some countries are harsh about it but # of countries where it faces strict repercussions < # of countries where watcher's pricing is prohibitively expensive afaik) will be able to access it, and i bring that up more in hopes that it's encouraging for people worried about getting to still watch their content than bc i'm trying to argue anything
ultimately i still think this was not an outrageous thing for them to do & i empathize with people who are pissed and sad with the Way this is going down but i still at the end of the day think we gotta adjust to artists wanting & requesting to be paid regularly and directly for their work cuz that is the world we live in rn. it sucks but i can't get mad at them for it
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Did 2015 just fly by to you? That year was absolute shit, and it felt like a century to pass by. I dealt with a bad breakup, the death of my grandfather, and brutal review classes for college entrance exams as well as the exams themselves.
Do you like platform shoes? Hate them. Would never catch me wearing a pair.
How much black is in your wardrobe? Probably a good 60%. It still takes up most of my closet though in recent years I’ve tried to add splashes of color here and there.
Are you supposed to be doing something else? I technically have work and it would be ideal to deal with them in advance. But I’m also trying to give quiet quitting a chance to give my mind and body a break, so they’ll have to wait. I can’t even stand to glance at my work laptop these days lol.
If you were with your favorite person right now, what would you be doing? Don’t have one.
Did you have a good holiday season? Last year’s was pretty fun! I do remember feeling a little bit restless and anxious because right before our agency went on Christmas break I was informed that I was gonna get promoted and was already given a heads-up about the workload to expect for the new stint. I felt unprepared so there was nagging anxiety at the back of my head, but for the most part I was thrilled to see family again and eat lots of food and get lots of BTS-themed presents lmao.
Anything special planned for today? I’m currently having Hong Kong food delivered (noodles and chicken feet!!!) and I haven’t had either in a while, so I’m so excited to wolf them down lol. Initially I told myself not to spend this weekend...but this week had been extremely difficult for me physically, mentally, emotionally. I barely got anything for myself and barely fed myself in the last six days so I thought this little treat shouldn’t completely be off the table.
Who do you really trust in your life? My best friends.
What do you think about "Justin Bieber"? I’m sure this question means well, but why is his name quoted?? Hahahaha. Anyway, I like him and he has a lot of good songs. I wouldn’t pay for a concert ticket on my own, but I certainly wouldn’t turn down a free one if offered.
Do you wish you could change the past? No, I prefer to focus on the present.
What is your hot drink of choice? No hot beverages for me.
Do you own a gun? Continued from last night because lmao did I pass out early. No, and you’ll never see me owning one.
Do you think people get the wrong idea of you? Sure, sometimes. I don’t always get to hear people’s impressions of me, but even though they get it right for the most part there will be some ideas that are just entirely wrong. I once had someone tell me they thought I had a super active life and that I enjoyed working out, which felt like a compliment but I also found it hilarious because that’s the last thing I’d enjoy doing haha.
Have you ever cracked your cell phone screen? This is the fate of all my phones, to tell you the truth. The past two or three phones I had died slow deaths because I gradually cracked their screens. I’ve been a bit more careful with my current phone but I also wouldn’t be surprised if I end up shattering this to death too.
Have your pants ever fallen down in public? Nah but my bras always do because I don’t have the torso to hold them up.
If you had to delete one year of your life, which year would it be? 2020. More than my breakup, Covid was a big waste of everyone’s time.
What is your favorite article of clothing you own? My high-waisted denim jeans.
How late do you usually stay up till? Around 2 AM. During the weekends I can stay up for later.
What is your favorite Christmas song? Eh, dunno if I have one. I have a soft spot for Jimin’s Christmas Love though, even though it’s not a traditional Christmas song.
What all have you had to eat today? I had a couple of hotdog sandwiches in the morning; we also visited family after church and my grandma made us lechon and cream of mushroom soup + my cousin got chocolate brownies; then I went to Starbucks right after where I tried this new drink they have called the brown sugar cocoa oat milk frappe (what a mouthful too, lol) and a slice of New York cheesecake with chocolate syrup.
If your entire life was a movie, what would it be called? I’m not creative enough to come up with a good title...
How do you feel about "smoking"? Don’t have a strong opinion on it. You do you.
Blue or green? Blue.
What's your current least favorite song? Pink Venom, Blackpink. I don’t even not like it because of the never-ending fandom wars; the song is just genuinely not my vibe.
Do you know how to play chess? Never learned.
What is something the world needs less and more of in your opinion? Less toxicity on social media, more letting people shamelessly enjoy their interests and not getting dragged for whatever they’re into.
Do you know someone who is just so breathtakingly attractive? I’m in the middle of a ridiculous Jeon Jungkook phase right now, so let’s go with him. Insane how that monster of a man is good at everything he does and everything he tries, while also looking as good as he does.
How hard is it for you to open up to others? Nah, I can be an open book.
What is something that has really impacted your life? BTS. They saved my life in the most literal sense. Back in April 2021 my clock was pretty much over and I was dead set on leaving, then for whatever reason they kinda just swooped in at the last possible moment with a video that came up on my FB and its algorithm, which completely turned my life around. The timing was crazy and I’ll always be grateful for them for helping me want to stick around longer.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Cooking with Loona
Request: "i know requests are closed and i’m reallyyy sorryyyy 🥺 i’ve been going through a lot and i just didn’t have time and didn’t feel right enough to ask this: maybe cooking with loona??"
A/N: to the anonnie that requested this, i hope you're feeling better and ily ❤️❤️
(had to put a keep reading tab cuz the post was too damn long f)
- C
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we’ve all seen the cement brownie she tried to give to chuu on her birthday vlive..... yeah....
she always skips like half the steps when she’s following recipes and then gets confused when her food doesn’t turn out the same like,, Heejins sweetie pleASE-
lowkey can’t cook but she thinks she can because you hype her up too much
like she will serve you a dish that will somehow be both burnt and cold at the same time and you still tell her she did amazing because it makes her so happy and that’s all that matters
your guys’ favourite thing to make together is probably cupcakes or cakes
because you get to bake them and Heejin gets to decorate them, and they always end up looking and tasting immaculate
everything in your guys’ relationship works better when you’re together, you two simply complete each other :’)
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not only does she make the most kickass bread but girlie really is a chef of all cuisines too
you still don’t know how or where she even learned to cook so well but you aren’t complaining at all
whatever you feel like eating, Hyunjin knows how to cook it to absolute perfection and she always offers to teach you how to make your favourite dishes
you two also have matching yellow cat aprons uwu
the kind of girl to either kick you out of her kitchen for distracting her while she’s making a meal or else back hug you and help you stir a bowl with her hand over yours all romantically
it literally just depends what mood she’s in at that very moment
highkey loves loves loves cooking for you and surprising you with dinner after a long day, because her favourite thing to do is put a smile on your face :D
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starts off really strong and sticks to the recipe... but then her mind wanders and she's like,,, well,,, what if i add this????
and you're like haseul,,,, please don't put chilli peppers in Kim lips birthday cake, i promise she can do without them,,,,,
she finds cooking in the dorms a bit stressful, doing her best to feed the hungry members after a long day of practice
so cooking with you tends to be a much more therapeutic experience, just you two, a bit of music and some tasty treats
but she of course brings back plenty of wonderful bakes for her members to enjoy too, they're literally her babies she is can't just let them STARVE 😔🙄😢
lowkey pretends she's having trouble stirring so you'll reach from the back and help her with the spoon all romantically
miss haseul you are not slick we SEE YOU
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yes she did in fact bejewel her cookery book
"yeojin... I can't even read the recipes, there's too much glitter!!"
"Well Y/N, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made in the name of beauty."
said sacrifices are usually cupcakes and cakes that don't rise, burnt food or just complete mush that doesn't even look like food
however, when yeojin is fully dedicated she can pack a mean lunch, sometimes she makes them for you when you're going off to school/work, and she always makes sure presentation is A+
prefers to just go out to cafes/restaurants on dates rather than cook
but that doesn't mean there haven't been times where you and her have been in the kitchen at 2am, trying to make a gigantic cake for you and all her members to share 😌
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has the most peaceful, lofi cooking playlist ever
you two work in harmony, always helping one another but never tripping over the other in the kitchen
it's so harmonious it's like.... y'all were meant to be or sumn idk 😳😳😳
however if u try to eat any batter she will smack ur hand and be like no ⛔ that is for LATER hfhdhd
her hair always gets tied up in the cutest little bun when she's baking, and that along with her fairy apron makes her look like an actual princess
she also LOVES cooking/teaching you how to make her favourite foods from Hong Kong that she'd always make with her mom
those meals always help her when she's homesick, and with you by her side make her feel like she's not alone 🥺
Kim Lip:
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CEO of pretending she has everything under control when in reality she has absolutely no idea what’s going on
“Uhhh Jungeun, is something burning?” “NOPE NOPE IDK WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT HA HA HA........”
wants to put your apron on you every time but she’s always way too shy to ask so she just resorts to back-hugging you until you get the hint and let her tie a cute little bow behind your back with the apron string hehe
makes pretty decent food when she’s not flailing around and panicking over a single grain of rice that escaped from the pot or something
however she refuses to admit when she messes up in the kitchen
like she could burn something to a crisp or use completely the wrong ingredients but she’d still eat every bite just to prove she’s the best cook in the house
if your food sucks she will tell you to your face, followed by a kiss so you forget about the fact she just roasted your cooking skills lol
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Jinsoul gives off Hawaiian shirt drunk uncle at the family barbecue vibes who won't let anyone near the steaks
and you're like,, Jinsoul do you even know what you're doing????????? to which she responds - "food, heat, it's cooking. isn't that all i need to know?"
chaotic but refuses to acknowledge the chaos she causes in the kitchen
so when you have baking dates u have to keep such a close eye on her to make sure she isn't going to poison anyone with her creations
once she gets into it tho, she's grooving around the kitchen in her little robot apron, dancing to Christmas songs when it's not even Christmas and just 10/10 having a blast
not really the biggest fan of cooking but she knows you are, and since you help her build her gundams she does like to try and help our properly in the kitchen when she can
perhaps Jinsoul best girl???? perhaps??????
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hello this sunshine absolutely LOVES baking, especially for others because putting a smile on someone's face is her main goal in life
she loves decorating with icing too, her go to patterns are smiley faces, flowers and the sun!
her playlists are always so upbeat, the two of you end up bouncing around the kitchen singing at the top of your lungs as you work
LOVES LOVES LOOOOOVES backhugs, especially recieving them,,, it makes her feel all worm and mushy inside hehe
also likes to kiss face icing off of your face, just to have an excuse to give you as many little pecks as she so desires
choerry always makes you a birthday cake every year, and she puts so much work into it, it absolutely melts your heart
plus it makes her happy to see you eating well and having a good time, she truly just is the biggest sweetheart :']
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she always says yes whenever you ask her to cook with you, but only because she just wants to flirt with you for an hour
"why do we need to make all this food, when the real snack is right in front of me? 😏"
cooking with you actually really does make her happy though, she loves that she can be so domestic with you, it's such an amazing break from her hectic life
also lowkey makes her feel like you're a married couple... and you best believe Yves can't wait to wife you up
she doesn't suck at cooking, but has often times gotten,,, ahem,,,, somewhat distracted and has prioritized making out with you against the kitchen counter rather than how long the food has been cooking, which ends up in a lot of burnt meals
baking with her is really a time, and has more than once ended in a very messy food fight because Yves wouldn't stop smearing icing all over your face 💔
her specialty is dialing the local takeaway and ordering food instead ✨ okay Yves Ramsey go off ✨
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this baby girl is just torn between actually wanting to cook or just asking you to cook with her so she can get affection from you (as if she doesn't get that anyway smh)
backhugs except she won't let go
whenever she's making something she calls you over and she's like "Y/N is this okay?" and always asks for kisses as a reward for doing good
will feed you every single ingredient no questions asked
she loves surprising you with meals on very random occasions though, for example that one time she cooked your favourite food because it was the anniversary of the first time she got sick while dating you
she's actually a pretty good cook when she puts her mind to it though, she loves making good food that'll cheer people up when they really need it
btw you will be forced to wear matching aprons and they will be the pinkest, loudest and sparkliest ones that she can get her hands on ✨
Go Won:
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have the fire service on speed dial before you even think about cooking with gowon omg
you literally also need to have indestructible tastebuds because she WILL destroy them
her speciality is starting fires and combining foods that were NEVER. EVER. E V E R. meant to be combined 😭😭
"babe come try this dish!! it's ramen mixed with coca cola, jelly and vegetable soup!!! it tastes GREAT trust me"
at the end of the day you just leave her be in the kitchen because at least she's having fun LMAO
(just always have a fire hydrant by your side okay??? she set the loona dorm on fire making chicken nuggets once...)
despite all her chaos, she somehow always produces something edible at the end and.... sometimes it actually tastes good too???
Olivia Hye:
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lets you do all the work cuz she's worried she "might mess it up" when in reality she just wants to order takeout and cuddle instead smhhh
will probably follow you around the kitchen or rest her head on your shoulder while you do all the cooking, because this tsundere is secretly the biggest softie for you
she's actually a decent chef when she's motivated to help though
like she even put together a cooking playlist for you guys - which she very shyly revealed to you one time, a slight blush on her cheeks as she played the songs for you
cuz miss olhye is very much a romantic, she just doesn't have the confidence to show you all that yet hehe
her favourite is making desserts because well,,,, she gets to eat the batter and also gets tasty treats at the end
10/10 cooking backhugs also 🖐️😌
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Lately it's been milk bread!!! It's just been a constant craving. xD omg i also make alot of curry rice. ;-; I'm also on kick lately with curry, i dunno why lmao.
GIVE ME THE LAUNDRY LIST! I LOVE FOOD! I'm a mix of Hispanic and Italian so there's so many good foods, I'm just... Too lazy to make them. Making pasta from scratch takes so longggggg and tamales???? Ugh so long. ;-;
omg curry rice yesss. ive been making a lot of japanese curries nowadays cos im a little lazy, but thai green curry, yellow soft shell crab curry, lontong (which is like, a coconut curry w veggies) are all big big big favs of mine too!
oh gosh....i don't know where to start. like i LOVE italian food (you're so lucky you have a fantastic food culture to draw upon! i have rly fond memories of scoffing cheese pizzas at midnight in milan and i'm a huge huge huge fan of proscuitto and parma ham and italian cheeses (i've even left an exam early just so i wouldn't miss a street market!)
and ooh tell me more about tamales - i don't think i've ever had the opportunity to eat good, authentic south american food, i have tried tacos and burritos but i feel like it's v different eating it in asia yknow?
ok so if i had to narrow down a list of some of my favourite foods:
dim sum (this wld include things like liu sha baos - salted egg yolk buns, chicken feet, century egg porridge, steamed beef balls). i will SWIM TO HONG KONG OKAY.
bun cha (grilled pork served with rice noodles and a sheaf of herbs in some magical fish sauce mixture, i have such good memories scarfing down bowls of this in the narrow alleyways of hanoi - my vietnamese moots wld understand HAHA (@ravyeolii @fail-big)
hokkien mee (yellow alkaline noodles stir fried in a pork and seafood broth, singaporeans go to WAR with each other just to fight over which stall does it the best LOL)
carrot cake (not the dessert version, in singapore we pan fry radish cakes with eggs and preserved radish, comes either white or black (ie. with soy sauce or not). my singaporean / msian moots wld prob war over which version they prefer...i shall keep my preference a secret for now).
kueh salat - it's this pandan custard served over sticky coconut rice and IT'S AMAZING I CLD DIE.
pandan cake - look so our govt shut down bakeries for 2 weeks last year and i nearly cried WEH.
lamb briyani - i rly love the dry hyderabad version, washed down with a mango lassi, please and thank you!
sushi - i will fking fly my ass down to tokyo cos i miss good sushi SO MUCH. mr. nikki is a huge fan - he's woken up at 4am and queued an HOUR just to eat sushi in a japanese fish market. we're both mad over food LOL.
falafel - i rly love mediterranean food, and i have SUCH a weakness for fresh falafel, served with warm hummus and couscous. i make my own hummus BUT FALAFEL NEEDS TO BE DEEP FRIED AND I'M TOO FKING LAZY FOR IT.
hamberg steak - so this is a weird addition but it's sooo good, and i make it at home myself with minced tofu hoho.
and we haven't even gotten to my favourite meals HAHAHAHAA. gods what's wrong with me.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
20 questions tag
Tagged by @jojosmilktea who conveniently also tagged most of my friends lmao
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Cadence, I’ve been telling people to call me Cadence since the beginning of time because I’m too lazy to come up with a cool alias lmao
2. when is your birthday?
26/2👀 (everyone mark it down on your calendars-)
3. where do you live?
Hong Kong!
4. three things you are doing right now?
Putting my (real time) online lecture on as a bg noise, petting my cat (who is hanging out on my bed rn), drinking coffee
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
Tbh the fandoms I actively participate in and the ones I am emotionally attached to arent really the same lol but I think bnha, hq, Fleabag (does this even count but I think about that show 24/7 lmao) andddddd tua
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
Not that badly ngl. I think people here kinda have their lives returned to normal for the most parts, we started being alerted by covid way earlier than other places so as a result things definitely fell into routine by now. We’ve never really had a official “quarantine” period so I was still able to see my friends and online classes definitely gave me a lot more free time.
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Everyday A Little Death from A Little Night Music
8. recommend a movie.
Big Fish, the absolute best
9. how old are you?
I was born in 02 so you do the maths lmao
10. school, university, occupation, other?
Uni with the complimentary part time job to support my merch buying habit
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
Cold, hk is pretty hot and humid most times and even our “cold” is warm compared to most places so I absolutely prefer cold weather
12. name one fact others may not know about you.
I play the electric guitar, not very well, but I do know how to play
13. are you shy?
Ask me this 3 months ago I would say yes, but recently I’ve discovered that I’m not as shy or bad at talking to new people as I’ve convinced myself that I am the past years? I’m still not that keen on it but it seems like I can naturally channel that type of “outgoing” energy when I need to.
14. preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeves?
When people make decisions without thinking abo consequences, or just a lack of common knowledge in general
16. what is your favorite “dere” type?
Tsunderes I guess?
17. rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
7, would have been higher if it wasn’t for all the deadlines I have coming up this week lol
18. what’s your main blog?
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
@secondhand-eats , it’s my new side blog for food logging purposes
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I rely heavily on other people reaching out because I hate the feeling of being annoying or making other people feel like they have to talk to me😌if you message me at any time while I’m still awake and not at work there’s a very high chance that I’ll reply quickly because I’m on my phone 24/7 lol I’m not the most empathetic person because I’m mostly logic driven and I don’t really do verbal expressions of affection (same with confrontation, I hate confrontation), the way I talk online is pretty much the same as how I act irl lmao
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langblrwhy · 4 years
New Year’s Goals
(Yes, june, I'm sorry)
I didn't made a lot of topics this month, but I'm happy because the topics I did are in my routine now, I don't need to put effort to make me doing new stuff, eating variety of food, studying, watching movies, reading, etc. That's one of the reason why I did this list, to improve on my daily life.
Now I just need to put effort to get used to actively study languages and exercise.
1 Try 2 new foods every month (food, beverage, recipe)
I ate beet, Kıbrıs Tatlısı (Cyprus Dessert Cake, but popular on Turkey, I cooked and it's delicious)
I ate açai with fried fish and it's so so, maybe if I had the original açai, it would be better. This is a recipe from Pará, north of Brazil.
Also I'm happy because I've been eating more healthier stuff, more vegetables and leaves in my everyday life (that's one my goals in this topic).
2 Be fluent in esperanto and active in the community
I've been writing in esperanto, I created a twitter to post only in esperanto (follow @raissinha_eo xoxo) and I translated the wiki page about vaporwave into esperanto (I didn't create the page, but I added a lot)
3 Practice having conversations via audio and video
I've been practing almost every week.
4 Write a 10k fiction in french and publish it on Wattpad
I didn’t.
5 Try to study russian again and focus on the basic
I didn’t.
6 Watch a movie every week
1. Surplus: Terrorized Into Being Consumers (Sweden, 2003)
2. Plastic Ocean (UK, Hong Kong 2016) (my favorite one, great doc about the problem of plastic!)
3. Lady Bird (USA, 2017)
4. May Fools/Milou en Mai (France, Italy, 1990)
7 Read 5 books
I finished my second book: The Bell Jar (by Sylvia Plath), I'm in the half of Morangos Mofados (by Caio Fernando Abreu) and I started Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
I've been reading almost everyday before sleeping or just after waking up in the morning and I feel great.
8 Finalize 1 art every month (it doesn’t have to be good, just finished)
I've been finalizing almost everyday (and they're good)!
9 Doing some exercise every week
I was rationalizing why I haven't done any exercises in 3 months, 90 days without no exercises.
I learned something about me: when I go for a walk, I do because I relax, I sunbath, it's a means of transport and I can go to the supermarket AND I do to feel pretty.
On the other hand, all the times (since ever) I made exercises at home I did only to feel pretty. I don't care about this right now, since nobody will see me.
So I need to resignificate the "exercises at home".
I rationalized all of this 2 weeks ago, but I didn't found the courage to do something about it yet lmao.
(I can't even hold my cat without panting)
10 Try to make listening podcasts an habit
I’ve been listen to them while I do some art, it’s almost in my routine now, that’s exactly what I wanted 2.0
-Bonus: Learn toki pona
I want to cut this topic. I was all excited at january because I met some "jan pi toki pona" anu "jan mute li toki toki pona" (I don't know how to write because I don't study, SORRY), but I don't care that much anymore. For sure the future me would be grateful to learn when I see others tokiponists, and I love the idea of the language... So I'll leave this topic as a bonus.
11 Write a fiction in esperanto
Almost nothing.
12 Try 1 new thing per month
I started doing digital art on Adobe Illustrator, it's been great and I want to tests other programs in the near future.
13 Interact on virtual groups (telegram, tumblr, whatever)
I've been interacting on twitter, I created a twitter to post only in esperanto, cool, but I need more effort.
(Actually I forgot what is the point here, new webfriends? Esperanto community? Share my art? No idea lol)
14 Be more proactice and publish my stuff somewhere online (draw, fiction, whatever)
I've been posting all my good art on instagram and almost everything on twitter, aka everyweek.
BUT I should publish my FICTIONS, I need to focus on this.
-Finish all duolingo tasks by the end of the year
I was on 107 day streak, doing awful. I didn't care about this anymore, everyday at around 11:52pm I was like doing the lessons ONLY to not lose the streak. I don't feel that duolingo is the best method to learn my target languages right now, I know more than the basic, and I need to actively study.
So I deleted the app and will risk this, I'm RELIEVED.
15 Sketch every week
Skething every other day, practing new stuff, etc 2.0
16 Study spanish, focusing on write, listen and speak
I watch random vlogs on youtube, not enough and I'm sorry.
17 Study french, focusing on write, listen and speak
(the answer is: because I don't know french, if I knew, I would watch youtube videos and write a sapphic fiction aka STUDY. But I don't know enough french so I won't study [more])
Again: I need to improve
18 Study whatever theories (such as astronomy, lingustics, ecology, whatever)
I have an anarchprimitivist enthusiast friend and I started reading stuff about it, the first movie I watched this month (Surpus) was about it.
I also watched the documentary about plastic.
I need to do better, I know.
Right now I'm in the vibe to study about politics and economy, I just need to START (maybe with podcasts or easy books!).
19 Study for vestibular (mathematics, physics, geography, philosophy, sociology, biology, chemistry, history, english, portuguese, brazilian literature)
I've been reading books (not the brazilian literature I need, but it helps per se), I've watched a couple videos about sociology and biology, but I need to do BETTER.
13/19 = 68%
(Need to do better)
You know what? I'm the only one who is holding me to get at best version possible, I'm doing great and I'm happy for this. Even though we're living in a pandemic, my country is the second worst in a global scale (greeting from Brazil), I've never been happier and I truly think it's because of this list, because it focus on a health mind, health body, knowledge, hobbies, friends and future source of income (since I want to work selling my art online).
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blasfumi · 3 years
I’m going home to Missouri in a few days so here’s some food recs from Seattle after a year here
Dough Zone - It’s a dumpling chain and frankly a nice one. They actually put the correct amount of umami into their pork soup dumplings and Q baos - this is one of the few places in America other than my mother’s dinner table where a soup dumpling has tasted the way it SHOULD. I grew up eating dumplings in Xi-An, and frankly it tastes like my childhood. It’s also a lot less expensive that Din Tai Fung, which I see as kind of a major plus. 
Piroshky Piroshky - Unlike what you may suspect, actually not a tourist trap! Actually kind of worth the money - it just happens to be located in a tourist trap location. Their salmon is absolutely delicious and it’s what got them famous. You can call and order some frozen pierogis to go - Larry has like 3 bags of them in our freezer right now hahahaha. Please eat warm - you should not enjoy this cold.
FOB Poke - They have just like. So many options for protein. They even give you a heaping helping of scallop? Everyone knows that’s my favorite go-to. It’s very very nice. Their rice is also made with like jasmine tea or something and I think it makes me feel healthier about eating a ton of carbs. It’s a long trip though so sometimes I just get my scallop poke from Uwajimaya instead but like it’s not the same.
Mama’s Kitchen - Get their rib bibimbap. They actually put like whole ribs in it it’s amazing. They also are one of the few places that actually give you quality vegetables in your bibimbap (kimchi, marinated mushrooms, roots, etc) instead of just like sliced cucumber and carrot sticks. 
Milkie Milkies - Bingsoo. Just. Bingsoo. 
Kochi Po-Cha - Arguably my favorite korean fried chicken place. The sauces are so good but even the regular flavored chicken gets my mouth watering, and that’s impressive because I usually feel very little towards plain fried chicken. 
Mommy’s Kitchen - Not to be confused with Mama’s Kitchen. Actually THE BEST butter chicken I’ve ever had in my life. I didn’t like Indian food until I had them and they have stunningly convinced me to eat EGGPLANT. If you know me, you know I’m not a picky eater but I absolutely HATE eggplant. THEIR EGGPLANT IS GOOD.
Yomies - Asian-style yogurt. I drove Damon there and ever since everyone in my friend group is obsessed with this place. We even considered making a “Yomies Fund” just to make sure we could buy Yomies at least once a week hahaha. I really suggest their Strawberry or Purple Rice with Red Bean flavor. This is a really popular brand from Taiwan and unlike Sharetea I think it deserves any attention it can get. 
Musashi - Get their Chirashi bowl. It’s $19 (they’re famous for the inexpensive cost of it) and honestly tastes so good. I hate that sushi costs so much everywhere in America except California and whenever I get a sushi itch I usually default to Musashi because it’s honestly the only sushi that’s worth your buck.
Hong Kong Dim Sum - Honestly it’s embarrassing how much money I spent Uber Eating this place, and the reason it’s on this list isn’t because it’s super delicious but moreso because I gotta acknowledge the restaurant that kept me going through quarantine. Many a lonely night was spent on my bed, eating their take out, listening to Youtube because I needed to hear human voices and eat warm food that I didn’t have to make myself. They got me through a lot of executive dysfunction. Their dim sum is hit or miss but some of the menu items are nice comfort food. Top Suggestions: Seabass Tofu Caly Pot, Baked BBQ Pork Bun, Baked Egg Custard Bun 
That’s all I can think of for now. I have a lot of favorite dishes of mine that I want to find in Seattle, and I’ll update this list as I go if I find anything impressive. In terms of my credibility I can say that I did grow up in China so I actually have quite high standards for Chinese cooking, and while I’m not a picky eater I definitely find food oftentimes more unsatisfying than not. I do believe though that an important factor in eating out is cost, so I don’t consider a lot of places that have amazing food but also exorbitant prices. I think that kind of culture is frankly an example of why capitalism fails us sometimes, so I like to keep all my suggestions under $20 if possible. I may make a LA version soon since I miss California!
List of favorite dishes I’ve yet to find quality versions of in Seattle:
Chocolate Souffle Po Mo Gyudon  Takoyaki Army Stew or honestly any Korean stew - I ask Esther to cook me those Potstickers - I ask Larry to cook me those lmao Wontons - I’d ask Michelle to cook me - you get the point hahaha Bun Bo Hue Chow Fun or honestly dim sum in general Pasta in general Pumpkin Tempura
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stargir1z · 4 years
whats hong kong like? im visiting this summer & i was wondering if u have a few recs of places to see or eat at! thank uuuuu miss queen
hi!!! thank u so much for asking me hehe. here is some basic things i can think of rn in a few categories:
mong kok, aka smack dab in the center of the city where a lot of young ppl hang out: the market on tung choi street, ctma centre, a bunch of street foods and bobas on dundas street across from h&m, full cup cafe (the entrance is in a creepy alleyway but so worth it!), more east is a fish market n pet market. also has a lot of street kiosks with cheap charger cords, lighters, water, etc. in case u need. also a lot of the buildings are apple malls that specialise in things like camera gear, men’s suits, fake nails, hypebeast clothes, cosplay .. funnest thing is to go up or down a random escalator that you see a lot of ppl going in and see whats in there. 
sham shui po, a local area but with some cool shit: dragon centre for a japanese style apple mall w a bunch of floors, huge toy market and fabric market, jewelry-making stores if u can find them cause i always forget where they are.. there’s a ton of diy markets basically and a quick google tells u which streets are for which but its harder to navigate than mk for sure. 
tsim sha tsui, aka more international area but kinda ‘suss’: go to the one (a mall)’s 16th floor for some quiet, a very good view, and possibly the smell of weed .. but onlt some of the elevators go there so youll have to be patient, hk art museum, k11 musea (it’s new i havent been but its supposed to be good!), chung king mansions first floor IF YOU DARE (rumor is that they don’t have cameras past the second floor because policemen are too scared to go up there)
central: LAN KWAI FONG IF YOU ARE OF AGE OR LOOK IT some of the best bars for younger ppl are china bar, fire n ice, chocolate, and play. pregame at seven eleven doe. also a lot of art galleries open during the day! just look up what is on that month nd there will be a list with locations. visit tai kwun prison it’s cool. food in central is more pricy as this is a more international area. in general kowloon side = ‘more local’, island side = ‘more white’.
misc: kubrick, elephant grounds, mum’s not home, and coffee academics are the best hk cafes hands down! also flying pan for 24 hr breakfast. also skip ocean park, disneyland, and imo victoria peak lmao. if you want an adventure i recommend taking a ferry 2 cheung chau, its a fishing island with a decent beach and great food. u can also take a taxi from tsing yi station to ma wan fishing village, whcih is abandoned and you can explore the houses although its a bit hard 2 find. if u are gonna go to a temple go to 1000 buddhas but be warned lots of steps. sothebys is always open in admiralty if ure bored and you wanna look at auction art. hk is fairly easy to navigate in my opinion the key is realizing there is a ‘central’ road in each area (mk = argyle street, tst = nathan road, central = queen victoria) and mapping where u are based off of tht. also dont b scared of minibuses! im sorry i said too muhc but like i wanted to b helpful and i had so many things LMAO . hk is a gem in that every time you go to an area you find something new. last thing is that in causeway bay or central midlevels or even tst, a lot of the fishier small buildings (usually have sex store (OH GO TO A SEX STORE THEYRE GREAT FUN) sex hotel (ALSO GREAT FUN IF YOU WANT A NAP) and spa advertisements on the stairwell), do not have a private rooftop. you can go all the way up the top. there will be no door or it will be open . and chill like an #hkkid. HAVE FUN I SAID SO MUCH BUT RLY YOULL LOVE IT 
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 years
omg the pictures from your trip are so pretty!! and you are too!! do you have any more you'd like to share?? tbh i always pictured you in my head as an elf like your profile lol
Omg thank you so much anon, lol! That’s so sweet of you to say and really made my day! (I also get the elf thing a lot, lmao.)
I actually don’t take too many pictures of just myself (and am also quite shy), so here’s just a few more pictures from my trip! If you’d like to see more of something (like food or animals) I’d be very happy to share! And again, thank you so much for your very sweet and kind message, it made me very happy! 💖💖
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In order: shrimp tempura and pork tonkatsu (Kyoto), Tiger Sugar brown sugar boba (Seoul), salmon doburi (Nara), Thanks Nature sheep cafe (Seoul), eating dim sum (Kowloon), Inari-Fushimi Shrine (Kyoto), Kinkakuji (Kyoto), shopping in Shibuya (Tokyo), standing on Victoria Peak (Hong Kong), pop-up instagram exhibition (Hong Kong).
If you’re wondering why I don’t have as many pictures of Seoul, it’s because we went there mainly for my sister’s K-Pop obsession and to shop! I got new eyeglasses there though, and it ended up being my favorite city of the bunch!
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tsukkeirock · 5 years
30 questions challenge
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people
Thank u @hystericalroger for tagging me!! 💕💕💕
1. How tall are you?: 5'2-5'4 I'm not sure haha but it's in that range
2. What color and style is your hair?: I have really dark hair, shoulder length and i have bangs that are growing out hehe i look cuter with bangs so yea
3. What color are your eyes?: A dark brown, nearly black i guess but there's a bit of brown
4. Do you wear glasses?: Yep! I have astigmatism basically :> I'm not really blind but things get a little blurry if i don't wear them
5. Do you wear braces?: Yes!!! And I am in immense pain right now because i got my wires again yesterday and found out that I'm really gonna have my 2nd or 3rd molars removed by surgery this summer so yay :') send help pls huhuhuhu
6. What is your fashion style?: 80s-90s Art hoe ish. Basically just mom jeans, striped shirts, ribbed tops,mens sweaters, sometimes art socks and vans or converse :> but i mostly wear shorts right now because it's really hot in where i live
7. Full name: I'm not gonna put my full name here but my second name is Martha and that's kinda where i got my online name which is mat hehe
8. When were you born?: July 20 '01 :> i nearly have the same bday as brian uwuwuwu oh yah guess who's gonna be legal this year yeet
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?: I'm from the Philippines and i live somewhere in manila ahahaha
10. What school do you go to?: I'm not gonna say what school specifically bc there's multiple branches of this school so Im studying in St Paul University so im a paulinian basically :'))
11. What kind of student are you?: I'm a really quiet one ahaha like i don't really recite and i have average grades and of course i procrastinate alot but I try not to and I'm described as 'masipag' I don't know how to translate this but it's something like productive in a way?? idk my filo mutuals would get it so ahaha sorry but I always try my best in school :))
12. Do you like school?: It's okay i guess hahaha there's just some subjects I don't like hahaha oral communication I'm looking at you
13. What are your favorite school subjects?: So I just finished 1st sem and honestly i don't really have a favorite but i like science, personal development, mandarin even tho it's just a club activity and literature haven't had the subject yet but I already like it hahaah
14. Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, , NCIS, Brooklyn 99,Big Bang Theory, Orange is the new black, Hannibal
15. Favorite movies: I have a lot of faves ahaha but I'll list a few that I really like
Call Me by Your Name, Kimi no nawa, The Hobbit and LOTR series, Les Miserables, American Psycho, Studio Ghibli Movies, The Breakfast Club, Marvel movies and of course Bohemian Rhapsody
16. Favorite books?: I have some classics that are my faves like The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Half Blood Prince, The Hobbit, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Ryunosuke Akutagawa short stories and Shakespeare's A midsummer nights dream and Sherlock Holmes stories and i have some modern faves like Lang Leav and Michael Faudet's works, To all the Boys I loved before series it's really good omffjkd, Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase series, Fangirl and Eleanor and Park
17. Favorite pastime: Sleeping lmao, playing the uke guitar and piano, reading actual books and fanfics, hanging out with fam and friends, eating and baking
18. Do you have any regrets?: Yes, a lot of regrets but hey that's alright
19. Dream job: I don't really know im still trying to figure that out but probably somewhere in psych, law or crime related careers
20. Would you like to get married someday?: Marriage is cool but i don't know yet but maybe, I'm still young and I barely date but thinking about marriage makes me anxious somehow?? idk
21. Would you like to have kids someday?: I don't know man, I like kids but having kids of your own takes full responsibility and commitment and I don't know if im ever ready for that so I'd rather be an aunt even tho im already one and have nephews and nieces ahaha
22: How many?: well if i were ever planning to have kids, maybe 2
I'd rather have cats and puppies as my children cough
23: Do you like shopping?: I guess?? I window shop most of the time and i buy food, books and stationary most of the time but right now I'm saving ahahaha
24: What countries have you visited?: I went outside the country twice and the countries I visited is Singapore and Hong Kong
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?: I had very few nightmares and most of them happen when I have sleep paralysis and I'm not really scared of them about but I had a dream where it kinda made me anxious and I woke up sweating and i couldn't breathe properly so yah I don't remember much of the dream but it did made me freak out when I woke up 
26. Do you have any enemies?: idk?? There's people who thinks I'm annoying but they're not really threatening like heck we fucking spilled tea we had a freaking tea party with some friends so none i guess
27. Do you have a s/o?: nope! lmaaoo I wish but hey self love comes first ;) but srsly tho im so lonely date me pls
28. Do you believe in miracles?: uuuhhh not really I'm a bit of an atheist so no
imma tag @whoevenisgalileoos @heyyyydee @queenrogerina @doing-allright @sneakydeakyy @drowsyroger @bensroger-tay @ben-hard-on @marshzzellow @moonvinyls @dancing-deacon @ddeaky I don't really know who to tag so hahaha just want to get to know u guys a little better ahahha yall don't have to do this btw hehe
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🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰The place was absolutely amazing it’s a major tourist attraction here in Hong Kong. Something that without my friend i probably wouldn’t have even been to visit, and this is about my 4th time coming. When you walked in you went up a Short set of steps there were tables scattered all over a huge room with maybe 90-100 people in there all enjoying the food and the atmospher. We shared a small table in the front with an elderly women and her son who happened to be about our age.
Pic 1
It was the soft, sweet fluffy bread that was homemade but it was so delightful. If i wasn’t thinking about my waistline i probably couldn’t eaten the entire piece. Not to mention it was on the dryer side but still very good
Pic 2
Was a wrap and inside the wrap was chicken, the stomach of fish and some kind of Japanese potato was that absolutely horrible to me. The potatoe when you ate it was dry, felt like it had some kinda fur on it and was completely bland of taste it had to be one of the worst tastes I’ve had in a long time. The stomach of the first was soft and rubber like those textures together were not up my alley but i wanted to try something new i did. The chicken tho was soft, seasoned to perfection so i ended up taking the wrap apart to enjoy. The women who we shared a table with and her son who happened to be around our age. She notices i was eating all the meats but not the other part of the dishes. She then said to mr friend in their language. Tell her that she should eat those to it helps to prevent cancer. I laughed cause i said all look at her using her motherly arms on the American she doesn’t even know. I thought it was sweet and spoke a lot of the people of Hong Kong.
Pic 5
It was a type of pork it was soft, juicy, with like a glaze of honey over the top like something i would say reminded me of a rib tip from the Chinese store in the USA. Only thing it was like 10 times better. I would definitely recommend people visiting this place to get a full Hong Kong experience. The food and dishes were being rotated around the room on little carts and you just had to grab what u wanted and hope what you wanted wasn’t taken before the Cart made it pass your table.
My only downside of this experience was it not offering cold beverages. They only had tea lmao but i would definitely go back.
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lametooru · 6 years
tag games! 
im always so slow to do these so heres a bunch of them bc they are super fun to do and i love learning things about my mutuals , thanks to everyone who’s tagged me ❤
20 Qs Tag
tagged by @hwangsrenjun 
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
name: kingkanoke
nicknames: tan
height: 5′5
orientation: het
nationality: british/thai
favorite season: autumn !!!! 
favorite flower: forget-me-nots they’re so pretty 
favorite scent: fresh laundry soOOSOO good
favorite color/s: like any shade of blue 
favorite animal: cheetahs and dolphins 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ice coffee + tea
average sleep hours: i used to be able to run on 5/6 hrs but apparently now i need like 7/8
dog or cat person: love both but if i had to choose ... doggies
favorite fictional character(s): literally so fucking many but rn im brainwashed by marvel so : thor, peter, steve my BEST boys 
number of blankets you sleep with: 1
dream trip: korea, jpn, cali, nyc, greece, italy, bali, new zealand, australia lmao like everywhere
blog created: 2012 im a veteran on here kiddos ive seen the rise and falls of whole civilisations 
number of followers: more than i thought i would get tbf
random fact: i would chose death over eating celery like honestly even the smell alone idk it really urks me 
get to know me ok
Rules: Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Tagged by:@kkimingyu
nicknames: tan
gender: female
zodiac: pisces !!! wheres all my emo fish people at c;
height: 5′4/5 like im in between there 
age: 19 ohymgod im so old im not even gunna be a teen anymore next yr thats goss :(
time: 10:04pm
favorite bands/artists: hmmm im gunna answer outside kpop ... i listen to panic! at the disco, fall out boy, rihanna, britney spears lmao im so basic i know aksjhfasl i also have a lot of misc songs that i really like so my music taste is just all over the place
song stuck in my head: its legit just the the theme from parks and recs bc im watching it rn 
last movie I saw: it was literally black butler book of murder lmafooooooooo ffs can my weeb ass tone it down pls
last thing I googled: ‘why am i sneezing so much’ 
other blogs: @fyvoltronld (100% vld stuff) and my newly made art blog @tnkisu
do I get asks: i used to get quite a lot of requests when i was an anime blog lool
why I chose my username: bc mingyu is uwu :3
following: 210
the average amount of sleep: 7 ish
lucky no: 3 bc i was born on 3rd march 
what am I wearing: grey joggers and over sized tee lol see me at the next fashion week pls
dream job: illustrator / graphic designer in the entertainment industry somwhere
dream trip: okaay lol here we go: italy esp positano!!, california, nyc, hawaii, new zealand, japan, korea, hong kong, canada dream big i guess
favorite food: literally craving roast duck n rice so much rn also ice cream if that counts! and noodles mmMMMMmmmm
instruments: i used to play the trumpet but i quit when i was like 13
sports: i played volleyball for almost 2 yrs but stopped bc uni and i used to cycle loads too (and yes its bc of anime lmao whats new)
hair color: dark brown, blackish like ur normal asian hair
eye color: matches my hair im so boring oof
most iconic song: um if u seek amy by miss britney spears? she didnt have to snap that hard
languages: english and like 40% of thai lol im losing it all 
random fact: i LOVE dressing gowns if im not outside im probably wearing one, even in the summer theyre just so comfy i own 3
describe urself as aesthetic things ! : the buzz of a busy restaurant, 3am talks with your friends, going into the city at night and being surrounded by lights, the warmth of the sun hitting your skin, your favourite people smiling at you, reading a book on a cloudy day, that one annoying itch you can’t quite seem to scratch 
˗ˏˋ 11 question tag ˊˎ˗
thank you for tagging me @jisoostar & @gyuofficial
rules: tag some people you would like to get to know better.
how much sleep did you get last night? don’t lie to me.
9 i think.. its the summer holidays so i sleep for a looooooong time
do you use any lip balm or lip tint? what are you using?
lip balm all the way aint no time for ashy lips lol i use the cherry carmex lip balm  
tell me about your guilty pleasure!
hmm maybe those slice of life animes that r just over the top, a bit dumb and funny with no serious plot lines or anything 
what’s your favorite subject at school and why?
art bc i was shit at everything else ahaha....
pick 5 idols to be your classmates!
oKAy : kevin (the boyz), key (shinee), hoshi (svt) , mingyu (svt), hyungwon (monsta x) 
experience the hunger games or the purge?
the purge bc i live in the most eventual village in england  
tell me your favorite food without saying what it is. describe it.
mmmmmm....a meat from an animal with wings paired with white grains from a plant and a hot liquid on the side (this makes it sound gross aslfjaslkf)
what language do you have an interest in learning?
spanish, mandarin, korean, italian too mayb
you found a magic lamp and the genie will grant you three wishes. what do you have in mind? please, don’t ask for more wishes.
the ability to draw whatever i wanted to the way i envisioned it in my head (correct proportions, depth of view, shadows vs highlights etc) 
to be able to be fluent in all languages i wanted including reading & writing
have flawless skin for the rest of my life 
pick three of your favorite cuisines!
not being biased but thai is my number 1 lolololol
chinese esp dim sum 
hey, the last question is a PSA. you’re precious and i love you. reply with: “i’m precious and i love me too”.
getting on my last uwus smh :(  thank u, im precious and i love me too ~
tagging: @kkimingyu @cafewoozi  @jeongahn @wonhuis  @himeaegyo @jeong-hanie​ @jisoostar​ @bbymarklee @ilxu (feel free to do them all, one or non ^^) 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
America - What is your favorite place to eat?  I mean...these days I obviously haven’t been eating out at all, but I used to always enjoy dining at either Yabu (for the food) or La Creperie (for the ambience).
Australia - Do you have any quirks when speaking?  I don’t think so; or at least I don’t think I’d be aware of them unless someone points them out to me.
Austria - What kind of person do you wish to be?  What do some (or most) of these questions have to do with the countries? Lmao. Anyway, I just want to be remembered as being kind, I guess. I’m not aiming for anything grand.
Belarus - Is there anyone you love?  I’d do anything for my friends, close or otherwise.
Belgium - What do you think of your siblings? I like my sister; I care about her. I don’t really think much of my brother.
Botswana - Do you like to sing? Why or why not?  Yeah, but I only do it for myself. I never sing in front of others; I don’t think I’m that good.
Bulgaria - Who do you consider close to you?  My two best friends and everyone in my college friend group.
Cameroon - Describe your culture.  Folktales, hundreds of languages, more than just adobo and balut.
Canada - Favorite wintertime activity?  We don’t have winter.
China - What was the best moment of your life?  I don’t think I’ve had it yet; but so far the moments that are in the running for ‘best’ are my Paramore concert in 2018 and the day I found out I passed UP.
Cuba - What sort of grudges do you hold if any?  I haven’t talked to Marielle since the backstabbing incident in 5th grade, and I pretty much don’t talk to my uncle (unless we’re at a family gathering and I have to greet him for show) for all his past failures.
Cyprus - What hands-on activities do you like (drawing, carving, building, etc.)?  Embroidery! which I haven’t done in a long while but I’m definitely still into it.
Denmark - Do you wish for something of your past?  I wish I had more time with my relatives who died from Covid. Even a proper goodbye and a big, long hug from each of them would’ve sufficed.
Egypt - Do you stand up for what you believe in? How?  Sure. I speak up about it, educate others when I can, and raise awareness or reiterate my stance about certain issues by sharing posts on social media.
England - Are you controlling?  Depends on what context you’re talking about, because control can mean many different things. I’m a control freak when it comes to my work tasks and I know that can drive some people mad, especially those who prefer working independently.
Estonia - Do you think people often misunderstand you?  I think I’m pretty easy to read.
Finland - What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy?  In general, kindness; but I also don’t have any clue to what context these words pertain.
France - How do you show love for those you care for?  I like messaging them about things I see that remind me of them. I will also buy them small gifts from time to time, usually food that I know they like.
Germania - What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?  Breaking up with Gabie, and accepting the said breakup. Both were equally difficult things to overcome and I’m just happy to be out of that part of my life.
Germany - Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself?  Yes. It takes me a while, if at all.
Ghana - What is our favorite sport?  You mean mine? I like pro wrestling, if that counts.
Greece - Do you let others help you when in need? I do, but I have a hard time asking for help. < Yeah. I will accept help when I finally acknowledge that I need it; but getting to the acknowledgment part can take me a while.
Hungary - Who is the person you trust most?  Either of my best friends.
Hutt River - What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had?  Back when I was at a low point I used to have recurring dreams of my girlfriend at the time dying. It sucks for the fact that my most unforgettable dreams are nightmares and for the fact that they all involve her, lol.
Hong Kong - Do you fear death?  Not really. I fear dying in a way that I wouldn’t want to experience, but I don’t fear the actual concept of death.
Iceland - Do you hide your real personality? Why?  I hide some parts from people I don’t know all that well or I’m not that close with; like I obviously wouldn’t have crackhead vibes with my clients at work lol. But outside of that I pretty much act the same way around everyone.
India - How important is family to you?  Quite, but it’s not my be-all and end-all.
Japan - Tell us a secret about yourself.  I don’t really have any. I share everything on this blog, anyway.
Kenya - What is your favorite wild animal?  Elephants.
Korea - What is one thing you accomplished by yourself?  Shooting my shot and landing an internship, and eventually a permanent job, at a company I had no connections with, all while I was heavily depressed and wasn’t really doing anything else to take care of myself. 
Kugelmugel - Is there anyone you have a love-hate relationship with?  My mom and I bicker all the time, but she is my mom.
Latvia - Do you believe you are brave?  I guess so.
Ladonia - What is the internet site you visit most often?  I’d say either Twitter or Facebook.
Liechtenstein - How do people underestimate you most often?  I don’t know if I can answer this; people usually don’t.
Lithuania - Do you desire power?  No. That implies being in the spotlight, which I don’t crave at all.
Macau - What is your favorite festival or celebration?  Christmas, only for the huge amount of food I get to freely eat.
Molossia - Do you consider yourself strong?  Emotionally, yeah. Also what is Molossia?
Monaco - Do you think you are a lucky person?  Not a big believer of luck.
New Zealand - Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard?  None of these.
North Italy - What is your least favorite part of your personality?  There are some parts to my sensitivity that I don’t really like, like my tendency to overthink remarks that were actually meant to be harmless.
Norway - What was the most disappointing time in your life?  All that time I spent being hung up on Gab and desperately talking to her post-breakup, mostly because of how much I neglected myself then. She was working a night shift then and I remember keeping on waking up at like 1 AM and the first thing on my mind always being to message her and UGH it’s just so embarassing to think about now.
Netherlands - Most generous thing someone has done for you?  That one time Andi half-walked and half-took a trike back to UP at 11 PM after already having gotten home, just to retrieve something I forgot to bring home and was having a breakdown about. It was really embarassing and they bring it up every once in a while to tease me, but we have a good laugh about it now.
Poland - Hardest thing you have gone through?  The breakup and deaths in the family.
Prussia - Would you prefer to live forever or die alone?  Live forever I guess, because I have serious FOMO HAHAHA
Roman Empire - How would you like to be remembered?  Like what I said at the start of this survey, just as someone who had been kind.
Romania - What is something you are very ashamed of?  I don’t think there is anything.
Russia - Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still?  I used to. Not really anymore. I’m liking myself more these days.
Sealand - Who is your best friend?  Angela and Andi.
Seborga - What is your favorite beverage?  Water or coffee.
Seychelles - How do you handle people being rude to you?  Be mean back, but in a passive-aggressive way.
South Italy - What is your favorite part of your personality?  I like that I’m generous and that I can remember a lot of different small details about everyone.
Spain - What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance?  That she was right, I ended up being happier without her; and that I hope she can finally sleep well knowing she was right, considering our whole relationship was pretty much built on her wanting to be right about everything.
Sweden - Are you a leader, follower, or independent?  Follower.
Switzerland - Would you consider yourself evil, good, or neutral?  Chaotic neutral.
Thailand - How good is your poker face?  I don’t even understand poker.
Tibet - What do you value most?  Friendships, and my happiness.
Taiwan - What do you think of the people or person who raised you?  Grateful.
Turkey - Would you ever want children?  That would be nice, in a few years.
Uganda - How would you like others to see you?  I answered this question like twice already. It still applies hahaha.
Ukraine - What is one thing that has made you stronger in life?  The difficulties I was able to overcome.
Vietnam - What is something you are proud of about yourself?  ^ Those.
Wy - What kind of art do you like?  Paintings and films.
Zimbabwe - Who is your favorite character from any folklore?  I don’t like folktales.
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chiveburger · 6 years
It was bound to happen but I miss my brother lmao............ he finally went back to hk recently to help n I guess subsequently take over my dad’s business n its truly so boring here without him. we still talk online n he sends me photos of food he’s eating in hk but its so quiet without him in the house :-( when my mom was in hong kong we’d spend a lot of time together like we’d go to mcdonalds everyday lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thats so bad but we’d really go get mcdonalds @ like 3 in the morning. I’d wake up @ 4:00PM n that would be normal for us but my mom would be like “???? WAKE UP ????” It’s not like I don’t like spending time with my mom theres always gonna be a generation gap between me and my parents. my brother is 10 years older than me but we still communicate like friends. I tell him a lot of stuff I would tell my friends n when I’m depressed I would tell him too, he treats me very well n always buys me electronics and games n shit. I never had that phase in my life where I hated my siblings because my oldest brother especially is always so nice n he’s always stupid funny n I knew it was gonna happen but I wish he didn’t go back. It’s so boring now n I wish my whole family was together in hong kong like I miss my dad n my second brother but to be honest I’ve spent a lot of time with my oldest brother. when he was here I’d literally wake up @ 7PM or some shit n he’ll still be sleeping n I’ll be like “so........should we just get church’s chicken?” n he’ll be like “OKAY!!” like............... thats so fun. I can never understand the feeling of hating your siblings n maybe its because I’m the youngest in the family but I love my brothers.
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steamishot · 5 years
Asia Trip Recap
I think I write this with some heaviness in my heart because I regret picking fights with him during the trip. Note to self: don’t travel with your SO when you’re PMSing!!
A few days before the trip, we met up at Wurst to plan our itinerary. I was tired from work but decided to meet up with him anyway. Again, he arrived later than he said he would and that put me in a bad mood. When I realized he was going to be late again, I almost cancelled on him and thought “maybe our relationship would be easier if it was long distance, so we won’t have to deal with these things”. During our dinner, I was annoyed because I felt he was judging me by putting extra sauce on my sausage. He made a disgusted face at it and said it tasted bad, and kept asking me why I liked it because I normally like to eat clean. I didn’t say anything that day and had the night to review what happened. I brought it up to him over text the next day saying that I felt he was being mean. He tends to bend over backwards and admits to wrongs, but i think he started feeling like he was always wrong. He tends to think “big picture” and in this fight, he understood that we were having a fight over food and that was dumb- and that he’s sorry and won’t do it again.
On the morning of our trip, he drove over to pick me up with his mom, who was going to drive the car back from the airport. They parked outside of my house, a few houses up, and my mom and grandma saw me out. Matt and his mom waved from outside of their car and I lugged my suitcase over. I was really nervous meeting his mom again. She was a part time physical therapist at the senior center I used to work at, and I remembered speaking with her a few times. The first thing she talked to me about was Cambodia… how Cambodia and China started off at similar playing fields, but that China advanced way faster. And that she really liked Cambodia. When I saw her I gave her a smile and a “hi”, but she just went for my luggage and was like let me take that. It was like a basic Asian greeting, which I am more comfortable with. So I was standing with Matt and his mom and waving bye to my mom and grandma. As were they. And it was kinda awkward because they’ve never met or knew of each other’s existence before lol. The car ride wasn’t that bad… she asked me a few questions about living in Echo Park and stuff about our trip. Me being the way I am, I said like a sentence in response to the questions and stayed quiet otherwise. I was sitting in the backseat and heard them talking about typical Asian stuff like universities, education etc. that almost put me to sleep LOL. I understood what he told me then, that his parents are pretty serious and he doesn’t joke around/laugh with them. Whereas I’m constantly joking with my parents and never really speak seriously with them. When we arrived at the airport and said our goodbyes, she told me while pointing to Matt, “he is a crazy boy”. Later on, Matt said that it was weird how his mom was fake laughing in the car and weird how she referred to him as a “crazy boy” since she’s never done so. When we boarded the airplane, I texted my mom and he texted his that we were about to fly. His mom responded additionally with “Connie is a good girl. Treat her well.” I saw the message pop up on his apple watch and he quickly swiped it away, because I think he saw my name and wasn’t sure if it was a weird message or not. But I read it quickly before he could haha. He responded with “Ok” and it made me feel good that his mom kinda accepts me.
The plane ride with ANA was great because it’s ANA and they have exceptionally good airplane food. We also got to play sexually a little on the plane so that was fun. I got mad at him again at the airport when I felt he was questioning me too much lol so that was like another hour wasted on negative energy. When we checked into our first Airbnb, it was worse than we expected… the floors were also dirty and I felt dirty laying on the bed. After I got up from the bed, I felt itchy. We were dirty as well being on the airplane/traveling for the last 15 or so hours. We ended up having sex and then showering/changing to get ready for the night. We both weren’t happy with the accommodation so we looked into other options. We went downstairs to speak with the host person, and he agreed the place wasn’t as nice as the pictures, i.e. “I admit that the pictures are professionally taken lol” lmao. So he agreed to refund us and we agreed to pay the clean up fee. I later contacted Airbnb with photos of the dirty floor and they refunded me the rest. We ended up checking into a nice hotel like 4-5 blocks away. The taxi ride there was $10! But it was wayyy more comfortable. After that experience, I was afraid the Airbnbs I chose for Korea and Taiwan weren’t going to be as good, and thought maybe doing hotels for Asia would have been a safer choice. When I came last year with my mom, there were two instances when we had to cancel our Airbnbs and stayed at hotels as well.
That night, we asked the hotel guy for recommendations. The place he recommended for izakaya was just alright… I think he recommended only like the “touristy” restaurants where they have English menus. We walked around til close to midnight and went back to sleep, so that we would be on the new timezone. The next day, we went to the Tsukiji fish market, Asakusa temple, Shibuya, standing sushi, and Kobe beef dinner. I thought the standing sushi was really fun and interesting. The other places I’ve already been to last year, so they weren’t that big of a deal to me. Tbh, the food in LA is just as good or even better than the places we had in Japan. The last (half day) we were in Japan, we had soba at a little shop outdoors that seats like 8 people max. That was one of the highlights. We also got to see the cherry blossoms… and those were beautiful. I was reminded at the garden that I’m more of a naturey/countryside person than a city person. (I enjoy the city only for food haha). Matt’s back hurt a lot the first night. I remember getting up at 5am to give him a massage. We did some yoga and I really enjoyed taking baths and using the bidets/toilets.
Going to Busan was a struggle. I didn’t know that the train to the airport only came once every half hour (instead of every 10 min or so). We were freaking out because we thought we were going to miss the plane. Once we got to the terminal, we ran and ran lol. And we literally got to the check in like 10 minutes before the window would close. After check in was another struggle, going through security. The line was longer than we thought, but we made it! We got to the gate as people were boarding. Very close call and stressful. I was so hungry on the plane that I ended up ordering instant noodles and paying for a bottle water.
It was gloomy when we reached Busan. We waited for the airport “limousine” bus to the city. There were a lot of Hong Kong people waiting around too. I started feeling sick and hot and took my sweater off on the bus. Matt said to put my sweater back on or that I will get sick. He said it’s the stress and being in a new environment that I can’t feel that I’m cold but I really am.. so I thought that was caring of him and put my sweater back on. It was my first time being in Korea. When I saw all the taxis lined up, I was reminded of the Korean dramas I used to watch. It was like K-drama coming to life for me. We stayed near the Busan station and the location was perfect. There were restaurants and coffee shops everywhere, and it was close to the station. It took a while to find the Airbnb but we were both blown away by it once we entered. Ironically, it was the cheapest Airbnb of our trip as well. The view was fantastic and everything was new. The washing machine was nice. The fridge was built into the cabinets. The A/C and heater were all new and so technologically advanced. I remember that about Busan’s airport- how advanced it was. Even though Japan is known as the city of the future, their airport was under renovation and all their workers were old and slow. The machinery they used was also kinda outdated. Not in Busan. The best thing about the Airbnb was the heated floors. I didn’t realize they were heated until I woke up in the middle of the night to go pee. The first meal we had was pork soup and rice, with sides. I really enjoyed it because it was clean and we had way too much ramen the few days before. Busan also had way less tourists than Tokyo. I felt like tourists/foreigners were everywhere we went in Tokyo. Most people knew how to speak English. In Busan, there were like no tourists around and no one spoke English. It was definitely more fun that way.
The first (and only) full day we had in Busan, I wanted to eat at a little restaurant in the train station. The food didn’t look amazing, but it was one of the few things open and the owner seemed nice and encouraged us to eat there. As we sat down, Matt said “I’d rather eat at McDonalds”, which I got angered by and started a fight by calling him judgmental. The mood was tense the first few hours, mostly on my end. And it seems our “fights” mostly revolve around him being late or something food related (wait for the last fight). I guess we learned how to work with each other. When I was living in Taiwan, and visiting Japan with my mom last year, we often just chose restaurants by random. I was down to do that this time too, but he wasn’t so much into the idea. He prefers to yelp or use Tripadvisor for the restaurants we eat at, even though he claims he “doesn’t care about food” (eyeroll). So I would get annoyed when after being on Yelp or TA for a while he still couldn’t decide on something, or when he’s looking down on his phone so much he’s missing things in action. His argument is that he wants to have a plan of action, and he wants the decision to be a good one. My argument is that you can kinda tell whether food will be good or not by looking at the menu/restaurant/food in front of you and consulting the internet isn’t always necessary.
Anyway, we went on our day as planned. The temple was okay, the beach was nice- had a Santa Monica vibe to it, but it was foggy and we couldn’t see much. The cultural district with the “slum” view was super nice. Afterwards we went to a seafood market. It was then when he realized he wasn’t as adventurous as he thought. I learned that he wasn’t as adventurous as I thought too. He really enjoys watching travel vloggers (mostly white people) so I thought he would be into trying new things/food. But sometimes I felt he was like a white guy in a Chinese guy body- minus Chinese food, he can eat that. We went into the Jalgachi market and ran into a Chinese store owner. “I’m Chinese, not Korean. I’ll give you some extra free seafood for being Chinese” he told us. So we walked around and checked out the other stalls and came back to the Chinese guy. I got to try live octopus for the first time! Years ago, I was keen on trying it in Koreatown but for some reason couldn’t find a place and gave up. I also read that there were some deaths related to eating this because the tentacles may suck on the inside of your throat, but I don’t know how true that is. It was just as I imagined it tasting. I think it’s just the novelty that is fun. It was really nice going back to the Airbnb and sleeping next to such a nice view in a nice apartment.
Learning from our previous hurdle, we got to the airport early this time. However, we faced another hurdle… I think because Korean technology is too good. They stopped my luggage because I had about 40-50 face masks and it was required that I have them in a zip lock bag. The lady was nice enough to bring two out, but I was sad when I saw that there were about 15-20 that couldn’t fit and that were would have to throw them away if I didn’t check in my luggage. Most of the face masks, I had bought from Japan to give to my mom as she requested. The others, I had bought from a Korean store thinking it was special (later on finding out that they sell them here at target!!!) I couldn’t decide on the spot, but I looked sad that I had to throw them away. Matt went ahead and checked them in for a fat fee of $50 and regretted it immediately. When we were figuring out what to do, he said it’ll cost $50 to check in. When I asked him are you sure? He said he wasn’t sure so in my head I thought maybe it’s only $25. But internally he was sure. He felt bad about that, and I venmo’d him the money immediately because it was all my stuff. We both felt bad about it. At least we got to check out a few cool lounges at the airport.
At the Taipei airport, I learned about mainland Chinese people. They do not leave gaps when waiting in lines because people will cut. That is something Matt is cognizant about. They have a different understanding of personal space and will get up all in your business. I was annoyed by them and understand what people mean when they say Chinese people are rude… but it helped me understand where Matt is coming from sometimes. They’re just blunt and to the point and it is normal for them to speak that way. Maybe I’m the more Americanized one? At our last airport stop from Taipei to Shenzhen… I got cut twice in line at the restroom because I was the only person waiting in line. Anyone coming in will go in front of me and wait right in front of the stall that has the person coming out. Culture shock: you snooze you lose.
On our train ride to the city, we were looking up things to eat, and I said something like I want to eat! And he said “again??” and I got upset at that. When we got to the Airbnb, he ate some pastry we bought but didn’t have the capacity to eat. I thought, “why are you eating a pastry when we could be eating local food. What are you doing in Asia, people come here to eat”. He also commented on the Airbnb saying, it always looks nicer in the photos- which is a valid point because I did agree it wasn’t the best, but it made me feel bad at the time. I accused him of “not letting me eat” because we ate lounge food, or pastries instead of eating local food. I guess I was just being pissy and moody and extra sensitive. We went to Taipei 101 and he had Starbucks reserve for the first time. We went to the top of the tower and got to experience the observatory. For dinner, we went to eat at a fancy hot pot place I ate at with my friends back when I studied abroad there. I didn’t expect it to be so expensive, but the bill came out to be $120. A little into the meal, he said something along the lines of “I think you don’t know what you like to eat either” and that I only chose this restaurant because my foodie friend influenced me to. I got defensive because I felt like he wasn’t listening to anything I was saying – it was true that my foodie friend reminded me of this place and that I do value his opinions, but to imply that I only wanted to come here because my friend told me to angered me. I wanted to go back to a nice place that I’ve been to 5 years before. Had I known dinner would have cost that much, I wouldn’t have gone. Anyway, we argued through dinner and I couldn’t enjoy my meal as much. We were the last ones at the restaurant and I paid for the meal because I wanted to take responsibility for the cost. We went to the nearby night market after that. Whatever we were arguing about, he wanted to look at my text messages as proof of something, but once he saw my texts, he realized he was wrong. He was annoyed at himself the rest of the night and wasn’t in a good mood. Fighting with him felt different than fighting with David. Because even though we were arguing, I felt like we were still together and that he wouldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t emotionally shut down to the point where he would ignore me or walk away. Even though we were both in a bad mood, we still stuck close (maybe because we were in a foreign land), and I still felt secure in us. We went back to the Airbnb, where he worked on some applications for residency. It was like he couldn’t concentrate… it was the first time I saw him when he needed time alone/to himself. I left him alone, and then cuddled him later in bed.
The next morning, he was acting lovey and cuddly, more so than usual. He said it was his way of saying sorry. I had more to say… and he said guys can’t win with females, because they have ammo from way back when lol. But anyway, I asked for a full apology and it was fine after that. We started our day kinda late, but it was okay because we were both already really exhausted from traveling/walking everywhere and could use the rest. We went to eat Chun Shui Tang for breakfast, which was a highlight of the trip too. Chun Shui Tang supposedly “invented” boba, but I just recently learned of it. We had beef noodle soup and fried chicken, and jasmine tea with pearl. Everything was amazing. Afterwards, we went to Yangmingshan, the national park. The first stop was really nice and pretty. We had an impromptu picnic. The second stop- the main one with the cattle and grasslands—was filled with fog, so we couldn’t see anything. After that, we went to the same night market as the night before and had a better experience. It was a holiday of some sort so there was a parade and firecrackers. We also saw gogo dancers on moving cars. The dan dan mian we had was also excellent. We waited in a semi line for this sausage rice thing at a stall which a “michellin star guide”. It was my first time having it so it was interesting- good to try but wouldn’t get again. We went back home after and considered going clubbing, but was like nah- since neither of us had clubbing appropriate shoes. We went to eat xiaolongbao instead. In hindsight, I probably focused too much on food, and we should have racked up the energy to do some nightlife lol.
Our last day, we woke up kinda late, because I felt like my period was gonna come soon and therefore I was extra tired. We got ready to check out and left our luggages at Taipei main station, where we would have to go for the airport. Right below our Airbnb is a dance studio (ballet). They had pictures of all the girls in the class on the wall, and they had one special ed/down syndrome class. Matt described it as “little girls under us” which I thought was funny and made fun of him for. When we were leaving, there was a girl with down syndrome waiting there, so that was nice to see. Very independent. Memory in Tokyo: a little girl (~5 years old) standing next to Matt on the bus, and yelling out: hey stop the bus! It’s my stop! Also another memory from Taipei going to Yangmingshan: a lady yells at the bus driver saying why didn’t he stop the bus when she pressed the button 3 stops ago! (why she didn’t voice anything until after 3 stops later, don’t ask me). We went back to Willbeck coffee shop which had this really good sesame coffee latte (something I’ll miss). Then we went to this niuroumian place in an alleyway we saw that had a long queue. We waited in line and then were guided to sit down in front of another Asian American couple. We shared a table with them and sat directly in front of them. “this is intimate,” Matt said. The girl was like where are you guys from? To start conversation. Later we found out that they are both starting residencies too- basically I had lunch with 3 doctors lol. Matt was really good at talking to them and made them laugh, and I would just say something here and there but keep quiet the rest of the time. After they left, it was interesting to hear what he said about our interaction. We both forgot their names. He said the guy is good at bringing up a topic and the girl talks about it and finishes it. He said I mainly looked down and said something every 5 minutes lol. He said I was mostly focused on the food and the others were more half and half. But he admitted that he didn’t know what he ate afterwards. That was something I used to tell him when we first started dating, to stop talking while eating so he can taste the food.
So to the airport we went. Last stop Shenzhen for a layover before heading back to LA. When we got to the check in point, the guy nonchalantly told me: you have two problems. 1. The flight is going to be delayed so you will most likely miss your connecting flight. 2. You don’t have a Chinese visa so you might not be able to leave China. And Matt was like uhh those are pretty big problems no? So I was freaking out a little. Matt told me to relax, and that it’s coming from him (I’m usually the more relaxed one). Matt had a flight to Kunming from Shenzhen the next morning at 7am, so I thought if I missed my flight, at least we would be able to spend the night together.
So we stayed at the Taipei airport lounging for a few hours. The niuroumian they had there was actually really great. Walking into the lounge, it was like walking into a restaurant. That’s Taipei for you. Matt stuffed himself per usual and I ate a little bit. I ended up drinking like 4 glasses of red wine because I was stressed out about the flight situation. I was already pissed at Chinese people for them cutting me in line and being “rude” (culture shock), and horror stories from friends about going through China’s airport didn’t help. Matt took the subject seriously too, and told me to try to find nice looking customs people to talk to. He kept saying how Chinese people fear the government. But he also told me to relax. Drinking while watching music videos was fun. I was a little tipsy going on the flight. When we boarded the airplane, Matt noted how the airplane is part of the Boeing 737 Max line that crashed. I was like what the fuck. What else can go wrong. The flight was like 95% Chinese people with like 2 white people. We later found out that the pilot was also white (when he made the announcements). We were both like, thank goodness there are white people on this plane. I felt more safe.
Contrary to my expectations of it going to be a bad/scary experience, the Chinese people were actually really friendly and helpful. As our group of plane people entered the airport, there were two girls who shouted “who’s going to Kunming tomorrow morning?” so they had a plan of action for Matt already, who they were going to hook up with a hotel for the night. They also knew about me who had a connecting flight. They helped me get a temporary visa and I went through the airport no problem. They told me to hurry up and check in upstairs and said Matt can retrieve my luggage and bring it up to me later.
Takeaways from the trip:
He mentioned how I do stuff he doesn’t like either but he just lets it go and doesn’t point them out. Whereas I’m nitpicky and point out the stuff I don’t like. He then feels that he’s always in the wrong/can’t do anything right. I think this was a problem in my past relationship too- my perfectionism. One thing he said that stood out was that I hold him to a really high standard. And it’s true. He says I respect my friends more than I do him. That if my friends act a certain way, I can always justify it and I’ll be on their side. But I have trouble doing that for him. Which is another thing I think is true in relationships too. Because I don’t see my friends as often, or their lifestyle/decisions don’t affect mine as much, I can easily be more supportive. I can let things go more easily because we aren’t as very intimate. That’s something I will work on doing.
And our pride- we both want to be right, but in reality, we are both right to an extent. Towards the end of the trip, I realized that what he says is right too, and it seemed he realized what I mean as well. We are both stubborn and forget to be kind over being right.
Anyway, this trip was stressful, the way it was planned wasn’t the best. We only had one full day in each city and maybe at least 30% of the trip itself was traveling/going to and from airports. That put pressure on that one full day being going well. Since I’ve been to Tokyo and Taipei before, I didn’t experience that many new things, so I do want to go somewhere new next time. And that was also my bad, because I wasn’t as open minded to the other countries and I thought it would be nice to be with him to experience his “first” in Asia (outside of China).
They say traveling with someone is like getting a taste of what it’s like being married to them. Even though we got on each other’s nerves and traveling was a struggle at times, we’re still there for each other at the end of the day. I hope, at least. Saying bye to him in China was sad, as he is staying in Asia for an additional 11 days while I’m back in LA. It was hard going from sleeping together for 6 nights straight to not, especially when struggling with jetlag- you just want some love. LDR is definitely harder when your SO is halfway around the world, and there are only a few hours in a day when your times match up. It’ll be hard saying bye to him when he leaves for NY. Maybe I’m needy, but it already sucks not being able to talk to him normally for 3 days now.
Before our trip ended, he kept saying “our trip is ending soon…” and he is planning out the remaining weekends he has with me. He wanted to do Seattle the weekend he gets back, but I said it was too rushed and that he will be jetlagged. So it made me sad that after he leaves for NY, our relationship will never be the same. Because I’m certain his workload will be very hectic and it will remain hectic for at least 3+ years. And that made me realize I really don’t treat him with the same respect as I did when we first started going out. That I’m becoming “comfortable” with him/taking him for granted. So I’ll just be mindful of that in the future. To remind myself to think big picture instead of narrowing down on details.
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