#i just dont know my questions or anything yet bc i haven't done it
kuiinncedes · 1 year
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ticklishraspberries · 3 months
hi hello i hope this isn't weird but what do you love about The Great? I finally have hulu and im about to start watching it because of you fr like i dont go there but I WANNA GO THERE // @tickle-bugs
omg hi i love this question!! i'm gonna tell you my favorite and my least favorite aspects so u can make a genuinely informed decision lol!! i believe this is all vague enough to not give anything away but give you a genuine review of the show to help you decide to watch it!! i would LOVE if you watched it, i think if you wrote a fic for this in your gorgeous style, i would DIE bc...i just know you'd KILL IT but also 0 pressure, seriously.
my favorite things about the great are:
the characters are all incredibly well-written, well-rounded, and well-acted - especially elle fanning's portrayal of catherine
the humor is sort of dirty/low-hanging fruit but it genuinely always makes me laugh, every episode, someone will say/do something so absurd or hilarious that it cracks me up
the dynamics between all the characters are fascinating - it takes place in a country/time period where class/status, gender, etc. all are so important to your place in society, and yet, characters often have unlikely imbalances of power and different dynamics that you might not expect
the romance is so compelling, just about every romantic relationship has so many layers to it and plays into many different tropes: you have the doomed-by-the-narrative lovers, the childhood besties to star-crossed lovers, the enemies AND lovers simultaneously...just the romance and the sexual scenes are all so compelling and well-done, they clearly had a great intimacy coordinator on this or smth bc damn
THE COSTUMES ARE SO FUCKING STUNNING, like the costumes are indescribably beautiful and actually breath-taking. the dresses that all the main women wear are like actually perfect, i want to steal them all. elle fanning is so beautiful and they manage to make her look even more amazing, like her hair/makeup/outfits are just incredible, but everyone looks so good.
this show doesn't use "it was a different time period" to justify any lack of diversity - there are characters of all different races, multiple canonically queer characters, women are badass and well-written/represented, and while it does address issues like aspects of discrimination in russia during that time period, there is very little actual racism/homophobia in the show, like the characters who are black or queer do not suffer.
my least favorite things about the great are:
the historical inaccuracy is self-proclaimed, but gets a bit silly at times - catherine the great was so fascinating and well-documented in history, but they really just took a concept and ran with it without even trying to get anything right? there are little things like, the number/gender of siblings catherine had, but then the huge differences like how catherine rose to power and became empress. it makes a compelling story, but if you're a history buff, it can be frustrating!!
on that topic, it does gloss over a lot of the good that catherine the great did in real life as it gets caught up in the drama/comedy/romance of the show and forgets to show her as the genuinely accomplished woman she was.
this is a big one: it got cancelled. i haven't finished s3 yet, but i'm a few episodes in and i'm not confident that it is going to end on a fully satisfying note. if a show being cancelled is a turn-off for you, this one did just end and i'm still not sure if the ending is anti-climactic or not, lol.
lastly, this doesn't personally bother me, but it is extremely inappropiate. there is a lot of violence (not too much gore, everything is either very obviously fake, or not explicit), nudity/sex, and totally vulgar language. there is a lot of infidelity, implied/mentioned SA but no scenes that are violent or explicit, overuse of the word "cunt", etc. so just proceed with caution and consider looking up content warnings if you're wary!!
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hauntedpotat · 4 months
hi 👋
My name is hauntedpotat, you can call me something related to that or Lyss! I am an AAA battery (aromantic, asexual, agender, for those who dont know), and my pronouns are xe/they/he, but I'm pretty much good with anything except she/her 👍
I am a minor, no creepy or nsfw stuff please
Shitty people FUCK OFF (you know EXACTLY who you are, and no I will not debate with you on if I should exist or not. Leave me alone. Thanks!)
Asks are cool!! Talk to Me (if you want)
I probably have adhd, idk but I'm most likely neurodivergent
I live in the US and like to make art! This blog is mainly OC and story art, art challenges, and general tumblr interactions. I have a fandom sideblog @themostuselesspotato where I post, you guessed it, fandom stuff (not specifying here, there are far to many). Outside of drawing, I also enjoy reading and most crafts.
I am currently in the process of writing/illustrating a webcomic that I plan to start releasing on webtoon this summer! The characters that I draw here will be part of it :)
I also have a pinterest, instagram (which I no longer use), youtube, and twitch (I haven't done anything with the last two yet, but I plan to in the future). You can find all of this at gpdsocials.carrd.co if you're interested
Adding a cut here, important stuff is above, spewing about my life is below (lol)
I am currently going to school for graphic design, so I know how to and frequently use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and Primere Pro both in and out of school. My current profile picture was made on Illustrator for an ongoing branding unit in one of my classes. I also learned how to design, cut, and press T-shirts.
On the topic of school, I also participate in band! I did summer marching band last year, and hopefully will continue to do so until I graduate. I am a percussionist, and my favorite instruments to play are bass drum, vibraphone, and this one specific marimba we have in class (no seriously, I could rant about how nice it sounds for HOURS). During marching band, I played second bass drum, and now snare.
I posted a complete Fishuary art challenge here! If you want to see my silly fish drawings, search the tag #fishuary2024
On the topic of tags, I also use #potats friend interactions (for general convo etc) and #potat rambles (for shitposts basically) All of these are tagged below, for easy access.
Random facts about me! Idk
I can kick someone of adult height in the face if I want to (for some reason I can just kick really high)
When I was in 3rd grade I handwrote a two page informational essay about mosquitoes from memory in an hour
I have a cat! Her name is Stormy, she's 3 years old :) lmk if yall want to see pictures of her, I've got so many pictures
The only video game I've played is minecraft on a kindle fire that I won from selling girl scout cookies at the age of ten. This shitty thing can support like one world at a time and STILL crashes
Once I smashed my knee between a boat and dock at 8am bc I was running off of hot cocoa and 5 hours of sleep and thought my knee was a good cushion for the boat that was coming in at the wrong angle. Don't do that!! Hot cocoa induced decision making is bad! And boats are still very heavy even if they're very slow!!
Idk what else to write here. I'm sure I will continue to update this post, so feel free to ask me questions in my asks or in the replies
Bye! 👋
Tumblr media
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 months
hi pls read i have a thing to ask if you're a ttcc player dont ignore bc guzma long text ok please i beg ok heart emote. the more important part ill color ok ?
hmmmm SO since im actually considering writing a thing on clash lore, mostly the past atticus stuff, comics, thomas dialogue/saggs cyger drama!! the direction it seems to be going...? clash staff's confusing or non-existant explanations or communications on their directions with it aside from "we are rewriting tasklines" (that are public, fuck one off discord messages. idk if theres any but i just wanna say this outright) and just how pointlessly hype based it is. they underdelivered this time and man! disappoint!
so, my question is, if you're still reading this post, i will rephrase shorter if nobody does -
but does anyone have any thoughts on clash lore and any of this? mind telling me about it?
there's probably still details i am missing especially oclo stuff as i haven't done that fight yet, and i only became an active player after 1.3, but i'm still allowed to be interested and have opinions, even if this lore is... hard to dig for. so if i ever discuss anything and may be missing a piece please do let me know. but that doesn't matter what i want right now are opinions.
i have spoken to my friends about this endlessly but i worry i may be in an echo chamber - and i know this isn't my toon blog but i feel better asking about it here, more casually. just for opinions.
because from what i've seen a lot of it isn't... exactly positive. but i explode if i venture into the wider fandom space myself and i won't do it for the sake of my own mental health.
love the game to bits, my passion for it is why i care so much - but i feel like some of the recent directions... could be discussed...? i don't know, i just want to make / write a thing discussing all my issues in a less rambly way. it'll still be a long ramble, but hopefully a slightly smarter sounding ramble.
i wish i could compare this to anything in the past updates, but i really can't as i haven't been playing. i logged once in 2019 then never again until early 2023. so like. i have nothing to point to from personal experience aside from being told that the time between the lawbot updates and lbhq got backlash, too.
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undermycoat · 8 months
I know nothing about football but I'd still like to hear about the au :3
see bc i complain and then i don't even know where to start LOL
ok so ig i'll start with the title From the Sidelines and a little description i have, to pique interest heh
Arthur is Camelot FC's star striker and captain. Merlin is the kitman. Life is hardly ever fair.
anyway . i suppose that's. a little misleading. that being said i think this grew into something waaaaay larger than i originally planned @.@ like it was supposed to be a fun little addition to the surprisingly small amt of footballer arthur fics we have but now this fic has double daddy issues (balinor my beloved...), coming out, sports injuries, shitty coaches (aredick die by my sword) and never making the national team. HUH??? i just wanted merthur to fuck on the pitch... (joke) (just in time for fuck him on the field friday)
also there's side stories. like one is when the players get handcuffed tgt for 24hrs but they've got an uneven amt for it and merlin gets roped in
and then there's the valentine's day arwen special that i somehow accidentally made into a statement about arthur's attitude toward his sexuality?? and feelings for merlin??? through his anxiety about his date with gwen????
“All good?” Merlin asks. “Never better,” Arthur replies, then pivots and walks directly into his closet. He stares at his barren shoe rack before he feels hands on his shoulders, and Merlin is turning him around and guiding him back out. “Wrong way,” he hears him say. “Right.” This time, Arthur marches out his room then down the hall to the front door. “I’ll be back.”
i'm allowed to give this info bc i don't know if i'll ever actually post the extras. i dont' even know when i'm gonna finish the main story sjkdfhgjkf
oh yeah another side story takes place in 2007 (that might be the title for it idk) and it's about uther buying camelot fc for arthur's tenth birthday LOL dont question the legaltiy of arthur playing for his father's club. i dont know and i dont care. this is fiction SIMILARLY dont say shit abt arthur being a striker and captain. it's happened before. it's literally fine. dont even worry about it
there's like. ik i rly only talked about the side stories but u have to realize just how much has already gone into this fic and i wouldn't even say i'm halfway done. i don't think i've written out a single match which is also funny bc i've been keeping up with the prem and actually think i can do it now. i just keep dragging my feet abt it lol
i think the hardest part for me is when im gonna have to seriously injure arthur. i didnt want to but i think it's an important way for his and merlin's relationship to progress and also would explain merlin's attitude toward him in january. its less abt injuring him and more abt him having to sit out of games not for like. lineup stats/compatibility reasons
oh my god typing this all out made me realize we haven't met like. half of the guys on the team yet. i was sitting here like "i need to rewatch eps with all the knights bc i dont trust myself to write percy and elyan accurately" but now i just realized i dont even know if mordred is on the like. squad yet or if he's still with the u18s (after a brief check with my info page he is. i'm gonna be sick)
like i said there is a LOT of info on this . sorry this was so long i just needed to ramble a bit and it also made me realize some info i still need to include so yayyy :3 thank you nonny if u have anything u wanna know in specific like fr anything PLEASE ask. i'd love it so much if u asked. u saved my life <3
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luffythinker · 6 months
RECENTLY UPDATED MY FIC AND IM SO GLAD UR COMIC BACK BC I HAD SOME QUESTION literally have 0 friends into Naruto so I wanted to ask what you think of my story so far?
I have several ideas where I want the story to go but I'm a little stuck for ideas on how I'm gonna have Shikamaru care (further) about Naruto before he leaves with Jiraiya like I've already made Naruto break down to him about having to fight Sasuke and now Shikas a more then a little concern about him wondering what Sasuke could have done to make a guy like Naruto cry like that he's also got a tiny crush on him bc that time he cheered for him when he was fighting Temari in the Chunin exam but he's viewing as "it just meant a lot to me that he bothered to cheer for me" Cirrently Shikamaru is in "well my first mission was a bust I need more experience to get better" mode while I'm about to make Naruto ask Tsunade what he could do to make her let him go look for Sasuke cause she wont let him leave the village because Jiraiya told her to keep him occupied while he goes to do more investigation about the Akatski (this is not my plot this is what happen in the anime I'm just adding to it) I want to make Tsunade instead send him on silly missions to occupy his mind send him on missions that's going to actually help him and prepare him to fight Sasuke if he has to even if she's not on board with the whole saving Sasuke idea. Then jiraiya comes back like hey ima take Naruto cause they want the Jinjuriki ima train him so Tsunade has already had someone thinking Kakashi or Iruka training him before Jiraiya even found this out but they were training him for Sasuke retrieve mission 2 in mind they didnt know about that.
So my question is how do you think I can go about having Tsunade train him for Sasuke retrieval mission 2? My first thought was Naruto believes of he was an ANBU member she would let him go (and I dont know if in part 1 they knew Kakashi was ANBU or not cause I dont recall them ever seeing him with his jacket off or him telling them) Naruto's gonna put that idea away for now cause training to be ANBU isnt something he wants to waste time on he wants to be Hokage but maybe that's a side goal to hit ANBU to get Sasuke then Hokage
I need some help with the what do we do from here to convince Tsunade or does she just have a change of heart cause she doesn't think Naruto's conviction is a joke but she and Jiraiya seen very on Naruto forgetting about Sasuke (I've seen up to Shippuden Jiraiya death so ita not a large spoil for you to tell me anything important to the plot I actually know what happens to the end but I plan to have Sasuke come back after the Itachi fight)
New update of Shikamaru and Naruto a troublesome love story just dropped, this is part 5 so if u haven't read the others check it out!!
really good writing, the story is progressing so nicely i really love it
As for how to make them get closer or The Feelings start, i would say go for the little missions route and since naruto is not a chunnin yet make shikamaru be paired up with him every so often, i think they would be something nice and it would bloom The Feeling in shika's chest, naruto is too worried about everything else so he's not really internalizing it right now but it will come to him eventually
About naruto joining anbu hmmm this is very bold for sure, i think tsunade would offer it as a joke like "if u complete this training you can go try to get sasuke back again" and naruto takes it seriously, he will do it if he has too, yeah it's not his end goal but if it gets his friend back, he will do it. So Tsunade would let him, bc she thinks it will take a long time but she underestimates his determination lol
i'm not sure i understand why they would want him to forget about sasuke tho? could u say more about that?
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taegularities · 8 months
So, about the fighting over jungkook's new album, i saw that too. You see, you guys a fanfic writer, a creator, that makes you guys artists too somehow. So lemme ask you a question;
Say you posted a snippet of your upcoming fic just some tags abt it, after coming out of long long writer block, the fic was about some topic you never touched before. People went batshit crazy, calling you names, a sell out, lazy ass mf, how they didnt 'expect it' from you, but they havent even read the whole fic, let alone hearing to you out about the whole process?
so, what would you do about it? what would you FEEL about it?
Oh i bet you'd feel awful, let down, confused, maybe a lil bit anger with attitude of "Oh you know what, I dont owe YOU anything. MY fic, MY story." or something along the line some of you writers always preach up, right?
Hell, yes. it is true. just like you people dont owe us anything, NEITHER does Jungkook. Whatever feeling you have abt the album thats NOT EVEN OUT YET, it's a YOU problem.
acting like you're on a high horse just bcs you think you KNEW better than him and then acting out when people confront abt it. you're the one who's disrespecting him. why does this happen everytime and why do some of you still care.
This ONE album does not ERASE Jungkook's and BTS history. it's just an album. If it doesnt 'vibe' with you no more then the way out is over there. Easy.
see, with messages like these i can never tell whether you're talking about a general 'you' or me specifically, too. bc the only thing i said was that i'm sad he didn't write or produce any of the songs bc i'm more a still with you kinda girly.. that's just my personal taste in music, and the songs he didn't write/produce were good but not 100% my style, is all. i'm still curious about his album and would never judge its sound when — as you said — idek what it'll be like.
your comparison to fics makes sense, and yes, most of us creators would be offended if someone said these things, but i still think people are allowed to say what they feel. i haven't seen anyone blatantly discredit or invalidate the work bts has done so far, and if they did, i'm sorry you had to see it. most of the discourse i've seen is more about ppl either not vibing with the album or others bashing others for not vibing with it. we all still love bts and consider them a safe space — one album will definitely not make anyone forget the things they've done for us. those who do... i don't claim those armys lol. and i think people can have opinions without thinking jungkook owes us anything, just like i know some ppl might not like my fics without thinking i owe them good stories, does that make sense? just. in general, as you mentioned, we should just stop caring about what other people think, yk.
bc if we told armys who are disappointed or not liking this phase to keep their opinion to themselves, ppl will stop expressing themselves altogether, and that's not fair. and i guess that's why armys are often scared to air their thoughts, too.
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macintheknight · 1 year
Ooooooh so many good questions for the femme/butch ask game :O
1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 16, 20, 21, 42, 46, 47, 49, 52, 58
Im stopping here bc i dont wanna spam you with the questions but im just rly curious :3
What’s something “stereotypically” butch/femme you do? Idk if this counts but I do a lot of yard work lol mostly helping burn in the spring and fall or mowing if my dad's at work. Also getting my nails done way too often <3 I haven't recently because I work with food lol
What is a misconception about butches/femmes you hate? Butches wanna be men or are secretly transmasc. There are plenty of cis women who just fuck with gender(and then there's me, a wannabe lmao). And also femmes are helpless. All the ones I know irl would gladly gouge my eyes out if I offended them in anyway
What is a misconception about butches/femmes you like? Um... good question <3 I don't think I've heard one yet
Give us a butch/femme hot take. Um... uh... femme nails <3(no but visualize with me)
10. What character really says “gender” ? Jess McCready from A League of Their Own. I wanna be her so bad
16. Who’s a “gay icon” you look up to? (they don’t have to be gay)Diana Ross <3 I wanna learn how to get the FRO SO BAD... anyway I'll be normal now
20. Leather, flannel, or denim? Do I have to pick? Leather looks bad on me so it's a tie between flannel and denim... Probably more flannel
21. Say something you love about yourself. :0 How dare you <3 I don't think I have anything
42. What is your favorite thing about being butch/femme Vivianne thinks I'm hot even though I'm being myself <3 I have somehow attracted my favorite person in the world... by being who I am and I think that's wonderful(@needy-cute-transgirl <3)
46. Are you a top? It very much depends
47. Are you a bottom? It very much depend <3
49. What sort of style do you like in a butch/femme? Can I say Vivicore because I'm a simp? I know she likes vintage dresses. I don't think I have a preference honestly
52. Are you a U-Haul lesbian? (be honest) ... yes(why must you expose me so?)
58. What is your favorite sub-genre of the butch/femme community Knightcore... you've seen the blog right?
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iristhedeadflower · 2 years
14, 20 and 23 love <3
14. what is your favorite location and position to write in?
well, i only ever really write in my room, both when I'm at home here or in my dublin apt. in both cases i usually start by writing at my desk, then get to impossibly late hours of the day which inevitably drag me to my bed where i write in the most convoluted of positions (lying down, sitting, somewhere in between the two). either way im almost definitely always uncomfortable when writing cause apparently my body is homophobic and doesn't like what i write so it finds ways to hurt me even when im just trying to write and chill (two words that don't really match if you've read anything of mine, truly)
20: do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
this is a toughie. i dont think I've ever written canon fics, at all? like i guess that i haven't really gone into fics that are ENTIRELY AUs (yet. stay tuned), but what I've written so far (and i mostly refer to apigp and other unpublished work, though i guess that for some drabbles i stay very canon friendly) strays from canon pretty fast and pretty intensely. now, which do i prefer, is another question entirely...i guess I'm going to go with canon. when i start thinking about AUs, i usually end up building entire worlds and shit in my head which ends up with me saying "ill do my own thing with my own characters here". i like expanding on canon and what im given already, so unless i have a really really really good idea that i absolutely want to expand on (again. stay tuned), i use canon and change everything i don't like :)
23: is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? hardest?
hmm. it depends. if we're talking about multichapters, like apigp, starting is pretty damn hard. i think about the content of the chapter a lot, like i have a few sentences i know i most definitely want to use and/or how the chapter's POVs are structured, but writing (and most importantly, finding the strength to write) the beginning of the chapter itself is hard. like extremely hard. but once i get the hang of it, the middle is pretty easy! the characters find their voices, the events start to take place more clearly in my mind, and everything is well again :) finishing chapters is a bitch cause i can be so fucking sure that i want to end it with one evocative, cliffhanger-y sentence and then maybe it doesn't fit at ALL. and i cry for hours cause I WAS SO PROUD OF THAT LITTLE STUPID SENTENCE. but most times i end up being super glad that i cant use it bc it was very dumb from the beginning
drabbles are definitely different though! beginnings are nice and easy cause, i get a prompt, i get an immediate idea, and how to start it. then slowly but surely my hands stop clicking around my keyboard as quickly as they were just a minute ago...and i start getting extremely overwhelmed...and i'd say that happens right around the middle. i do tend to leave drabbles alone for a few days at that point until the strength comes back and endings are cool cause im like!!!! yay!!! tis done!!! its a little tricky at times cause you want drabbles to be...normal-sized, right, and i do get self-conscious over whether its too long or too short, but most of the time i manage <3
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 6! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 51-60
On these next few parts i really just kept ranting oops. Also I just keep getting busier and forgetting to read more, but I haven't caught up with what I've read yet and that's the only thing keeping me going. Does anyone read these? Last part:
Ep 51
“What about my brother” artemis please its kinda clear at this point
So did hermes question anything or
“ i have no right to be jealous” yeah also theyre just friends dude
“Oh but hermes liked persephone” no hes a gay man argue with the wall(/j)
Why they got eels
I love how tall and slender hecate is seeing as like eventually everyone dissolves into one shape
Yes im over exaggerating what about it
Who are the fire people i love them
Bro imagine dying and like “finally free from this hell where i have to work all the time” only to be put to work when you die
“Everyone should get a fair trial with the king of the underworld” i agree but wouldnt that take forever too like there are so many deaths all the time
I literally get so tired of hades in this episode mfer has such a lack of control in his emotions
like . are you physically unable to have a conversation with her without losing it so you gotta ice her out??
“I cant accept gifts from employees” i mean yeah if they are trying to bribe you its just fuckin food man
Also this part minthe keep it in ur pants ur at work
Ep 52
Wow all women hate persephone bc shes so gorgeous so they treat her bad and like make out with her crush
My point got lost there but you get what i mean like women cant just exist they either are used to compare persephone and show how good she is or uplift her
Im not saying you cant have mean women please do but the way it all comes together just. :/
Persephone is like trying to hard to be nice and friendly and hades just kinda sits there like an idiot smh
Hermes my beloved
I want bakalava now
How would she have a driver's license demeter kept her in the mortal realm you think she would let her get that
Why do they want a car thanatos you have wings my guy
I mean. Did you die hades?
Also smth to ask before hand lmao thats on you
Hecate, agent of chaos, my wife, my everything, my-
Ep 53
I know hecate has reasons to do things but i like to believe she doesnt and she does what she wants
Theres no way minthe sounds happy on the phone when she knows its just hecate
Nah nvm shes probably scared of her
How. how does anything get done at this place
Hades can you. Can you treat her like a friend or even a worker instead of a crush its not that hard youre a big guy
I love the eels
The moment when the artstyle changes randomly and you have to get adjusted to a new one
Hecate is now a different shade of blue what
Fuck you hades putting all your emotions on a 19 y/o
Unfortunately he does treat her like any other of his employees hes just. A shitty boss
“Oh no she thinks im mad at her” yeah dude ur acting like a dick
Sorry this just pisses me off
“Shes like me” she just like me fr
Why is the building confusing what do they gain from that
Its actually so rachel doesnt have to remember the layout
Ep 54
“Is she angry” no shes tired wtf do you think
I know rachel tried so hard on the “please dont grab me” panel girl was sweating
Personally id just leave if i was the reporter but ig he needs smth
Asking for a statement isnt the bad thing its the grabbing and like pressuring yknow
Do they have close ties
I know its supposed to be casual but i wouldnt hold my mothers friend/ business partner. Whatever their lie was, like that
Idk how i would actually im going to be thinking of that
I do like how she has a trigger but im gonna be real i dont think its ever brought up again
Sure you could say she is just good at avoiding it but idk
“I dont always get to do what i want” you literally do unless it doesnt help the story
Rereading has made me see how many things are in place for the story that disappear when not needed
“Man im a lousy tour guide” and a lousy boss :D
I do just want to make sure you guys know how much i hate hades as a boss
Ep 55
Its a lobby. Thats funny ill laugh at that
“That not exactly what we do here” what do you do
I havent read greek mythology in so long
“They may become hysterical” please explain psyche i saw i reply talking about how we didnt see her reactions to phone
They were so right that mustve been fucking bonkers
How do they ease them into it? Do they go through all the years of technological advancements just quickly??
Who is hecate talking to
Let her get the jacket make hades pay the designer to make another one
Also only 3? Like 20 id get but 3? Nah
“Why is she employed here?” you were there yesterday minthe remember she got an introduction
I think hades needs an HR department yknow what
I agree with hecate except no one treats it like a work place
Not even you really lmao
If they are scared of her why would they go bitch to her esp if they know she doesnt care
Small medium cause shes so petite but she has curves bc shes gorgeous and-
Rachel smythe sniped me :/
How did she put that on
Ep 56
Whose the green person in the back poseidon idk
Also glasses again :)
“Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes”
Yes i already made the joke its funny tho
meg/persophone is my otp /j
Seriously its already more healthy than hades gotta be honest
So nice of her to let her borrow it how is she gonna return it. They talked more im sure but its funny to think that she actually doesnt know who meg is
Why does his hair get longer in the mortal realm get up
Omg does he have extensions that would be so funny
“I have to have control” yeah you do its gross
I love persephone fury look tho
Wait why did her hair grow
I get like thats the style in that time or whatever but
“I for one find you terrifying” is such a cute line not gonna lie
Persephone why do you look like youre trying to kiss him
“How can she be doing better than me” because zeus is married
I feel like thats obvious
Blue nymph obviously evil she has to be shes a woman and-
But also i forgot her name. Tha. no uh
Its thetis :)
Ep 57
“My visions arent always correct. But they are most of the time” is such a sloppy line
Omg i forgot that hera was the reporter
Also idk how her visions work but couldnt it have been literally anyone? How does she think shell narrow it down
Persephone you are wearing a skirt thing be careful
Also. dont push off people chest just generally
Her hair got much longer but i can excuse this one bc shes using her powers and they tend to coincide
“I gotta inspect that volcano” yep. Sure is a volcano
“But once they die theyre all in service to the underworld for the rest of the eternity” is there a way to die after death bc that sounds awful
Ok but why do they have to wait how does that earn you money
Like no i get the like immediate ride for a obol or whatever but why 100 years. You lose out on so many laborers for a while that way
I love Styx hand in marriage
Haha why is she bald in the last panel
Ep 58
“Reminds me of a younger me” is supposed be like a red flag but was zeus not chill during his formative years
Why does he get so mad a her vision genuinely
Also like why he get mad about her guessing apollo
I know i know “reputation ruined and so is ours” people change yknow also i do second guess your ability to choose olympians
Spit on him queen
This is one of the spots where i feel like rachel was just pushing to make zeus a bad guy. Not like a dick but actually antagonistic qualities
“I prefer the financial benefits of ongoing unpaid labor” haha so funny /s go fuck yourself
Yeah theyre dead and have nothing else to do but damn
“Why would my mom hide it from me” i mean. Thats fair but youre the one that calls her like hovering so i doubt she wants people trying to sex you
I mean fertility doesnt have to mean sex its more than that also one second
Nvm i googled it i was gonna say hestia was a goddess of fertility but shes the goddess of home a stuff my bad
Arnold reaction meme
Oh why is it dangerous
No i know why lmao
Persephones jaw goes from ) to ] in a matter of seconds
“Just stay away from tower 4 until we get to the” THE WHAT??? THE WHAT
Thats not a joke the sentence ends there
“OH you said yes!’ to you helping her like friends do
Ok but how will he know its her
Ep 59
Yes persephone you communicate clearly!! Be healthy!!
I love the flower nymphs personally i know everyone says we dont see persephone be close with them but its the little things i think
“I literally have no idea why you want to be here” me either hades
Haha flower nymphs are dumb! Village people! Haha racism
No i know thats not what shes saying but the racism of nymphs is overlooked
Me, everytime she was handed something pomegranates: :OOOO ITS THE!! ITS THE THING
No minthe has a right to be upset id be pissed if id have to change someones entire schedule
Not the snapchat filter
Why is his name big spenda thats so funny
Ep 60
As someone who has been jealous before i have to say this isnt healthy
Like duh but so intense for someone you barely know
Hades, watching her in silence: wtf is happening
Im glad she realizes its unhealthy
Ok i know i said they dont ever bring up the “any time any place” question but they do here which reminds me that that deal should no longer exist now that hes her boss
I dont think hooking up is bad esp when they werent in a relationship tbh
Like now she is in a relationship so yeah its bad
I love snarky chat that is the most real thing in this comic
“ we need to do smth about persephone” or yall could do your jobs. Kooky idea i know
She is still flirting with thanatos which is bad
Yknow assuming the boundaries her and hades set was monogamy and no flirting
And yeah hes flirting too thats also bad
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hey, you posted brioche you made a while ago, do you maybe have the recipe for that? no worries if not or you dont feel like copying it!
Yes of course! I used this french recipe, which i will translate bc i don't think i have that many french followers lol. (also to my non-metric followers here are converters for ml/oz and g/lbs, hope this helps)
Also quick disclaimer: Hervé (who made this recipe) mentions a kitchen aid machine, which i don't have, and as a result ended up almost making my shitty 14.99€ hand mixer from Rossmann catch fire. i had to take a 30s break every minute so it would stop smoking and making a weird noise. it took me a very long time to knead it and i wasn't super happy with the results, but i think that was just my fault bc i know for a fact that Hervé's recipes are on point. i'm done talking now here's the recipe
Ingredients: 500g flour, 200ml milk, 80g of butter, 80g of sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 20g fresh baker's yeast or 10g dry baker's yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoon orange blossom water*, 2 eggs + 1 for the glaze
Recipe: Whisk together milk, sugar, salt, 2 whole eggs at room temp, then add the orange blossom and the flour and start kneading until it's combined (doesn't have to be very long). Now add your yeast**. whisk for 6-7 minutes on low (a setting which my mixer doesn't have lol), and then continue on a high setting for 5 minutes. add your butter (room temp, cut up into smaller pieces), and keep whisking for 8 minutes. you can see why Hervé uses a kitchen aid. this recipe will cost you your arm but it will be worth it. Unstick the dough from the sides of the bowl and let it rise for at least 1 hour. when it's done, punch out the air and put the dough on your work surface. cut into three identical long pieces and braid them. i did not do this. i was tired and my dough was too sticky. but i will try to do it properly next time. put your braid into your loaf pan and let it rise for another 45 minutes***. Preheat your oven to 180ºC (356ºF, 453.15ºK, 815.67ºR), brush the top of your brioche with a beaten egg and a bit of salt. bake for 25 minutes, and let cool. then eat!
*i'm gonna be real with you, i have no idea what "orange blossom water" is, and i know i probably can't get it where i live, so i just skipped it. didn't even substitute it w anything. i'm wild like that. do whatever you want. cheers.
**idk why the yeast is added so late, that really confused me, but every brioche recipe i could find said to do this. also i recommend granulating it if you're using fresh yeast, that will make it much quicker and smoother
***the recipe does not say to use butter or baking paper in your pan, but i recommend baking paper, as it might be difficult to remove your brioche after baking
ok WOW this post has been in my drafts for like a year and my ahdh ass didn't get around to finish writing it bc i think i wanted to proofread it fist??? so i'm just going to post it now and if you have any questions feel free to ask! (although i might not know the answer bc it's been so long that i forgot how to make brioche) <3
so sorry lol hope you're still interested in the recipe!
(also i did end up finding orange blossom water recently, but i haven't used it yet)
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enden-k · 2 years
Hey hi this is... high-key ridiculous of me, but! How? Do? Friends work in genshin? I haven't even co-oped yet, like at all, cus I don't understand the like. The etiquette? Obviously there's a bunch of tiktoks where some Childe main joins worlds to leave partial lyrics and see what happens and thats funny and all but what? Is the done thing here? I'd like to be able to do co-op, my absurd social anxiety aside, cus it seems like a lot of fun but I can't figure out the... rules for lack of a distinctly better term djdjdn not to be cripplingly socially inept but you've got a bunch of friends on genshin and you've shared your uid so people can add you so clearly you know how this works and so like. Oh my god. *pinches the bridge of my nose* this is genuinely the stupidest ask I've ever sent istg.
TLDR: how do friends and co-oping work in genshin cus I am entirely too skittish to find out via trial and error and you seem to know what you're doing djdhsksl
this not a stupid thing to ask, dont worry!! i can understand your question!
ok so basically, in coop/with friends you can:
join low level players and help them with progress/bosses/farming/etc. sometimes you find people in the coop list that literally have "need help with bosses" or anything similar in their signatures so theyre actually hoping for someone to join and help them out! i have a few low level friends and they often ask me for help which is v fun, i really enjoy helping people out
ask friends or join strangers if you need any mats you ran out! my friends ask me whenever they need smth if they can pick that in my world and if i dont need those mats myself, theyre free to pick. obv the other way around too; if i need smth (for example when i needed dandelion seeds back then) i just ask friends or even here. if you join strangers and are in need of mats, its better to ask them first if you can pick those!
farm together with friends! i tend to farm with irl friends or my close friends on here for artifacts/bosses; for me its more fun to do that together, especially if all of you need the same thing (shared pain over a shitty artifact is half the pain, as a saying goes ajsbsb) you can also coop in domains w random people, the game will match you up with whoever needs to run the same domain! ive never tried it (like i said, i usually farm alone or with friends) but yea, thats also an option if youre bored farming alone or need help and wanna play with others
do whatever you want w your friends, like mini concerts or photoshootings AHHA YEP! my best friend and i sometimes do little photoshootings with our ships (since u cant really take pics of two of your characters jasbc); i have really cute pics of our zhongli and childe on the bridge under the tree in the harbor <3 (he often neglects his childe, esp now that he finally got his fav boys together so i guess i need a new childe AKJBCKAJ </3)
jon others and just-- chill and chat? i had a xiao come in my world (they were the first random stranger i ever accepted bc i was also super anxious about ppl joining) and they didnt need anything, they just wanted to chill. turned out they just joined random peoples worlds and asked them about their current fav song (mine was teardrops by bmth, btw HAH i managed to share a song with yall) and turned out we share the same music taste so we ended up running around, fighting a little and chatting about fav songs and art and got super excited over stuff and boom, were friends now HAHAH (it was a really nice first coop w strangers experience for me!) but yea, never did that myself, i guess most people who dont mind/shy away from talking to others enjoy just popping in and have a chat, they just have to find the right people who are up for that i think ahbhjhja
i threw in a few things i do or experienced as some kind of example but yea! there are not really any rules; just talk to people! i think many people tend to kick others if they join their world and then just pick mats or do whatever without even a greeting or asking or anything, which is understandable
also: if it helps, depending on your server we can play together too and you can see how its like? on EU im used to help others and on america i absolutely dont mind getting help with exploration or anything since im so behind with everything and it can get a bit boring lmfao
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taqtu · 3 years
i find comfort in the way that no one will ever read this but me. i have been kind of really downtrodden lately, i dont properly know how to heal from the whole thing just yet. i have some responsibilities i have to get to eventually, one at a time.
i'd like to move on from it faster but it's kind of difficult when you still care to an extent. i think i'm being kind of dramatic about this but i really dont know how else to be, i didnt think id be pouring out this much emotions in a month. usually im fine about it after just a few days. i've been doing a lot of self-reflecting about the whole ordeal w her and...
it's just leaving me stuck in this loop. of wanting her back in my life but also knowing i deserve better. and constantly questioning if it really was that bad and maybe i was just being dramatic. maybe things would have turned out differently if she was kind of healed before she befriended me so quickly, and intiated anything. im kind of really fragile towards the people i care about aren't i?
which leaves me in this weird state again, rationally i know i deserve better, but my emotions have been kind of taking over me recently and i don't like it. i haven't done anything to her directly (as in talking w/ her, or such, and looking at her profile) bc if i do...i'm making the active choice to be depressed about it and spiral even more. emotionally i like her still as a friend and want her in my life, but she treated me really badly. i still don't understand. and it's kind of unfair that she's feeling good about discovering herself when she left me feeling this way. i don't get why she didn't realize she hurt me in the process and used me. i really don't and now i'm the one feeling and writing this out.
good things are coming i know, i will be okay, i know. it's just difficult when you see them being happy when you're the one who was wronged. im really. kind of sad about it really, because it's unfair.
0 notes
heartagainstthemind · 5 years
Forgive me for loving you the way I did and still do, but you realize that I've literally watched you becoming the fucking gorgeous confident loving woman you are today. has it hit you how many years that was? I've never known any woman as long as I've known you, ive never fallen so hard to wind up face first in the middle of an intersection either. almost 10 FUCKING YEARS. remember what i used to say? I know you do because you've repeated it to me. do you not understand what women would kill to have the relationship we had? how they would do anything to have a man love them that long and never once switch it up or even gradually lose those feelings? you prolly dont recall the countless amounts of times I said this either but literally EVERYTIME I picked you up I would get the butterflies just as hard as I didnt on the first night we met. they've never eased up. just fuckong being in your presence would give me anxiety until I held you hand or listened to your heartbeat, or when you gave me the hugs I loved so dearly? do you remember that anxiety, and the immediate relief when we touched? you've still got your old tumblr and clearly you've been on it to block me and post those things and remove some of the pictures of me, but there is still a lot of time on that tumblr if you go all the way back to when It was created, and trust me it takes a while to actually scroll back through all those feelings. or how when we first started to see each other after the years that went by, and knew this was it, we were never going anywhere bc of that love we had been holding back so long. do you remember the first time I told you I love you when you had to drive me home bc of all the liquor I drank thinking that you were actually helping, and it was nasty ass citrus Smirnoff in a glass bottle. do you remember being carried out to my c ssw r by me the first night we met and why it happened? do you remember EVERY SINGLE DAY I'd come see you at hunters trace, where our feelings first really started growing for each other? do you remember the bruises on your knees the one night you snuck me into your room while everyone was asleep and what we did all night? or the video I had forever that I took that night? I even remember the navy colored bra you had on that night. the fact that I can literally pull any memory out of my brain with all the drinking I've done in the last 8 years bc of how vivid those memories really were and still are to me? Do you remember or still think about all the things I cant get out of my mind to move on from bc of these stupid feelings I have that clearly even though I want them gone and I want to forget, will not go away because my love is stronger than my want to let to ever lose you? do you actually know how much I really fucking loved and love you? did you ever really see the changes I've made over the three years of dating, like I saw with your temper, and your patience, not to mention how skinny you were when you left Jordan and how thick and full of life your glow was because you were ACTUALLY happy. or how fucking stupid I am for sitting down one full day brainstorming and planning out the note i was going to give you, and then the amount of times I screwed up and had to start over because I wanted it perfect, and I never got the chance to give to you, bc its sitting on this bed right beside me as I speak. all the questions I've wanted to ask about why and how, or trying to communicate, or how I promised you I was going to marry you when we started becoming financially stable. how can you forget? or better yet tell me how to let go bc 3 months and not w fucking thing has changed, just like they haven't for almost ten years. is this why your trying to get to me, or rebound, or get revenge? love doesn't work that way. I'm still lost, it feels like I was put in a row boat randomly dropped into the middle of a random ocean with now supplies. that fucking lost.
0 notes
blaerbear · 7 years
Offense ♡
Genji: Any body modifications you want but are too scared to get? Hmm I dont rly think I want legit body modifications but like. ok. i was playing da:i and my character lost her arm and in the epilogue it showed that she deadass attached a crossbow to her arm stump and that was sick so i want that
McCree: What’s your #1 guilty pleasure? Ok I KNOW I have some but I legit can’t think of any bc I’m so out of touch with myself tf!!!
Pharah: How closely do you think one should follow the rules? I honestly feel as though rules are there for a reason and should be followed, but that being said, some “rules” are oppressive and unfair and I don’t think those should be followed. Basically many rules are there for your safety and wellbeing but don’t blindly follow them
Reaper: Tell us about an embarrassing middle school/high school phase. Ugh I resent you for making me talk about this but when I was in middle school, me n my friends had this huge warrior cats phase except we took it too far and we made our own cat names and pretended we were cats like dirty fucking furries and then we basically claimed this section of the school where our clan base was and we would like fight whoever tried to enter it was so embarrassing
Soldier: 76: What do you think you’ll be like at 60? I’m gonna be that grandma that lives by herself with 8 cats and talks to them on the regular
Tracer: Super speed or super strength? Super strength so I can protect my gf with my strong Zarya arms! 
Sombra: Favorite way to tease/annoy your friends. I like to overreact to silly things they say
Defense ♡
Bastion: Which animal can you see becoming your lifelong partner? Cats for sure like I just rly rly connect to them!
Hanzo: What advice would you give to your younger self? Make efforts to rationally think about a situation so you can understand before making judgments. Things aren’t as bad as they seem, and you will be okay. 
Junkrat: Name your favorite pastime/hobby. Videogames! Honestly if I don’t have anything else to do, I will deadass play 15 hours a day lmao I don’t even eat
Mei: Favorite flavor of ice cream. Chocolate! 
Torbjörn: Name three first three things that pop into your head. Zoe, overwatch, Leo
Widowmaker: Last instance that really tested your patience. Playing comp in overwatch against a really good team that was just absolutely kicking our asses. I have respect for their skills but it was annoying lmao especially soldier I want him to die irl
Tank ♡
Reinhardt: What is the thing you love most about yourself? Ughhhh these questions are always hard for me but I feel like I’m pretty empathetic and I like that about myself
Zarya: How do you bounce back from difficult situations? A lot of self-reassurance. I gotta convince my shitass brain that I’m not worthless and I don’t deserve to die, but once I do, I’m all good to go
Roadhog: Bacon, sausage, or neither? Both lmao
D.Va: Of which accomplishment are you most proud? Idk I havent rly accomplished anything big? I mean I guess picking my grades up to almost straight a’s in college from nearly failing in hs was pretty cool
Winston: What is your dream job?I wanna write for TV shows 
0 notes
moonietoons · 7 years
"I haven't told her yet."
Warnings: none just fluff
Gif: not mine
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x reader
Summary: Shawn was doing a concert in your hometown and since you didn’t go with him on tour bc of school you said you’d wait for him until he came to you hometown to be with him. After the m&g he had the Q&A with the fans and a fan asked if he loved you.
You were sat at home waiting for your mom to come pick you up to go to the arena where Shawn was having his concert. You decided to wait after his meet and greet to see him, (much to Shawn’s dismay) saying that you didn’t want to disturb his time with his fans.
While waiting you decided to watch the secret livestream that Geoff had put up for only you to see so that you could watch everything before meeting him there.
Waiting for Shawn to enter you could hear fans talking to each other, asking what questions they were going to say, talking about his hair and how great it looks, and his button up shirts he’s been wearing a lot and how hot he looks. You giggled to yourself quietly, agreeing with the fans on how great he looks. Then, the door opened and Shawn walked through, waving and saying hi to them then propping himself up onto the table that was always set up backstage. He smiled and said, “You guys know the drill, don’t be afraid to ask that’s why I’m here, to answer your questions and talk to you guys, and when someone is talking please be quiet and do not speak over them, other than that I’m cool.”
All the fans started raising their hands and waving at him to be called and ask their questions. He looked around trying to see who he would pick first. “Hi honey, what your question?” He asked a girl somewhat sitting close to the middle. “How has tour been so far for you?” She asked slightly jumping in excitement. “Tour has been incredible, I’ve learnt so much, seen so much and done so many cool things that most people can’t really get to say.” He replied while holding onto his water bottle. He looked at the crowd again picking another girl that was seated at the back. “Hi hun, what’s your question?” He said while leaning back a little to stop himself from slouching. “I was wondering if you could say happy birthday to my best friend, she couldn’t come today because she got really sick and she’s in the hospital right now.” She replied while holding her phone up to take the video. “Sure, what’s her name?” He asked, sitting up straighter for the video. “Her name is Y/BFF/N" he looked straight at the camera and greeted her. “Happy birthday Y/BFF/N! I hope you get well soon and sorry you couldn’t come today, maybe I can fly you out to another show when you get better.” He said waving and smiling at the camera.
The process went on like that, he’d look at the crowd and choose someone, ask what their question is, greet them then answer the question. Someone came in and said, “sorry guys but we only have enough time for three more questions.” The crowed sighed in disappointment, wanting to have him with them longer. Shawn looked around again before picking out a girl in the front. He smiled at her the said, “hi honey, what’s your question?” She waved back then replied, “do you love Y/N?” This caught him a little off guard because during this whole Q&A you had only popped up in the conversation a couple of times, fans asking him if you were going to meet him here and how you’re doing but never something so straight forward that even he wasn’t exactly sure of the answer.
He thought about it for a second before replying nervously, “I-I think so I mean, I care for her a lot and she makes me happy when I’m around her, she keeps me grounded when things get to my head. She’s different but the kind of different that makes you want more, she’s smart and kind, and she always knows what to say even if she’s not sure. She doesn’t always believe that she’s beautiful but every time I look at her all I see is beauty. She makes me feel complete like there’s this warm feeling inside. But yeah, I don’t want to keep you guys here all day.” He laughed at the last part, the crowd in awe and laughing at his last statement. “But I haven’t told her yet so don’t tell her anything until tomorrow.” He said.
He then moved on to the second to the last question. The fan saying how cute that was and asking her question. He thanked her then answered her question. He heard his phone go off and he reached in his back pocket to see who it was. “Hold on just a second guys.” He said before checking the message.
It was you. His eyes widened then looked at the message you sent him.
“I love you too, I'm on my way.” You replied to his response to the fan just a while ago. He looked up at Geoff already knowing what he did, Geoff gave him a wink.
He put his phone back and called the last person to ask their question. “Who was your last text?” The fan asked. Shawn smiled a little wider and replied. “It was Y/N just a minute ago and she said I love you too.” The fans awed at the little moment you guys just had.
“I’m sorry guys but that’s all the questions I could answer for today, I love you guys and I hope you enjoy the show!” He said, standing up and blowing them a kiss before walking out of the room.
He walked backstage to meet you. His smile never leaving his face as he turned the corner. You heard footsteps coming towards you as shawn was starting to turn the corner, “Looking for someone?” You asked cheekily. He turned around, almost missing you before grabbing you by the waist and kissing you passionately, putting all those months of being away from you into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he tilted his head to get more access.
You both pulled away smiling while he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you.” He murmured before kissing your lips again. “I love you too.”
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