#dude make a fucking decision lmfao
kuiinncedes · 1 year
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orcelito · 1 year
Ooooohhhh I fucking hate coder bros. Talking to me like I'm stupid just bc i put the reference things towards the top (which is literally standard) + completely overriding everything I'm saying just bc he thinks he knows best and im a "~Girl~" so obviously I don't know a thing about coding our how to instantiate classes
Go fuck yourself
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melodic-haze · 1 month
I HAD NO IDEA U WROTE FOR HSR OMG.. what do you think of bratty sub seele who just wants you to put her in her place?? i love her so bad i feel sick omfgjdksn
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Seele x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader has a cock/strap referred as such 🤷‍♀️, rough sex, impact play, dumbification, orgasm denial, vibrator use, implied public vibe play :3
☆ — NOTES: 🌈THE MORE YOU KNOW🌈 YES I DO WRITE FOR HSR!!! I've been on the grind recently too. Like initially I found it kinda boring but I came back bc of Acheron so now I have it running in auto the bg while I'm doing coursework. I'm waiting for Robin but I'm still in FUCKING XIANZHOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Bratty sub Seele ohhhhhmygod anon I think I'm going to COMBUST dude
All that bravado and what does she use it on? Fucking pissing you off to the high heavens above
She's a headstrong character!! She don't gaf ab what anyone thinks when she KNOWS she's in the right (and even when she's wrong she'll still put up a fight lmfao)
Unfortunately for you (or fortunately, whichever way you look at it 🤷‍♀️), she LOVES going out of her way to be deliberately infuriating too, making sure you're watching her all the while
You're glad that Seele and Bronya are enjoying themselves. Really, you are! Having Belobog united again proved to be a good decision, and having them spearhead the tides of change turned out to be more than beneficial.
..But for some reason, today just seemed off. You don't know why, but you felt irritated.
Maybe it was what you ate this morning, maybe it was something that happened yesterday.. or maybe it was how Seele behaved.
You accompanied her to help with the efforts to unify all of Belobog once again, but ypu feel yourself regretting it when you see how.. business seems to be conducted.
It started off as small touches here and there; the Wildfire member giving Belobog's brand new Guardian a pat on the back, or a touch on her shoulder to grab her attention when the latter was focused on the paperwork in front of her. But then it progressed—Seele leaning into Bronya's back to read something that caught her attention, holding her hand when it isn't really necessary...
Of course body contact isn't really rare between the two—they formed some kind of bond when Bronya was stuck in the Underground—but there was just something extra annoying to how your girlfriend had haphazardly draped herself on the Silvermane Commander's body.
You did feel bad for feeling this way, especially when Bronya was involved because the poor girl did nothing wrong! But when you see the Underworlder smirk right at you as she went to hug the new Guardian for a problem now solved?
It was really hard not to get annoyed.
What's worse is that it seems that Seele knew that well.
You try to drag her away for a little "break" and she fully denies ANYTHING she's done
"You know," she says with a smug grin, "if you're going to try and help, then you should probably start by analysing what we do less and helping us with the work more."
You crossed your arms, "Don't know if you've noticed, but I have been doing it. Oh, but you were practically all over Bronya, so it's no surprise you didn't notice a thing."
She shrugged, "I've just been showing my appreciation for her efforts. Being the Supreme Guardian seems like a hassle, so."
While you do agree, you can't help but feel your blood boil a little at the smug look on her face.
She knew what she was doing.
And you can't have that.
You don't drag her back home immediately, no. You did still have a job to do, and it'd be rude to leave Bronya alone last minute!!! But when you were basically allowed to go, you drag her back IMMEDIATELY. She's gonna be complaining all the while, and even if you snap at her and tell her to behave she won't. It's like she WANTS to be punished (she does 🤷‍♀️)
And when you do get home? Ohhh you need to take action right that very second bc she'd STILL a huge loudmouth, she won't shut her gob about how you're 'overreacting' or something........so you may as well use that mouth for something
Instead of snapping at her, snap your hips to her mouth 🥰 let that dick fill her mouth up, give her something else to do aside from constantly talk shit and essentially dig her grave even more than necessary!!! Don't hold back either, cuz if you do then she's gonna taunt you. "'s that the best you've got? Please," she'd go. Make her work on you before absolutely ABUSING her face, make her gag and forget whatever retort she had ready. Oh, she wanted you to be rougher?? She better not come crying to you by the time you're done 🫶
You pull out of her after a bit but you're not done. Oh NOnonono absolutely not lol you turn her around and push her down so she's on all fours with her back facing you. You have to punish her thoroughly, you can't just leave it half-assed!!! Slap her ass hard, do NOT hold anything back this bitch is gonna keep whining you like a little brat otherwise. You need to discipline her properly, so keep abusing her backside until it's all red and her eyes are glazing over
Oh, but what's this???? Despite the fact that she's yelping and screaming from every hit you inflict on her, when you palm her cunt you realise that she's soaking wet down there, and she only gets wetter the more you spank her. Is your poor little baby actually getting off on this?? Actually pathetic lol
Just like everything else in your session, fuck her fast and HARD. Absolutely abuse her hole down here just like you did her other one until she can't even form fucking words anymore. Don't stop spanking her either!!! So much would be happening at once and her tiny little brain won't be able to handle it, turning into mush as you fuck her sooooo dumb
The pace you went at was absolutely relentless, only ever stopping when you felt tired, not if she needed a break. And why would you ever ask her if she needed a break? Even as she kept begging you to stop because it feels too much, she can't think anymore, why would you ever consider actually thinking about her? If she really wanted you fo stop, you both know that the safeword is right there.
Plus with the way Seele looks right now—mouth agape as drool trailed down her chin, eyes rolled back, slick coating your cock and her thighs—you don't really think she wants to stop. Quite the opposite, actually.
"Is this.. what you wanted the entire time?" You grunted as you pulled her neckerchief up to get her closer to you and maybe cut off her breathing, but when you feel her buck against you with moan, you find that she isn't complaining in the least. Your force never falters as you spoke, "Me having my way.. with you.. and reminding you where you belong?"
You hadn't really expected an answer from her in this state, not like you cared when you were more concerned about essentially reducing her into nothing but your pretty little fleshlight, but you see her nod shakily.
When she hums out in agreement, it comes out as more of a whine when your tip hits that particular spot inside her, "Y-- Yeeeesss..! Fuuuck, I've been sss-- such a bad girl-- ohfuckfuckFUCK right thereee... I'll do whate-- whatever you want just pleasepleasepleaseeee don't stop I'm almost--"
You rolled her eyes, "If you wanted attention, all you had to do was say so.. but if you love this so much then what's stopping me from just--" you let go of her neckerchief and slipped yourself out while your palm hits her stinging skin particularly hard, "--taking it all away from you?"
There, she lets out the biggest fucking whine as she drops before she screams out, her legs quivering and her pussy fluttering around nothing. Her cum gushes out of her, wetting the surface underneath you, as her body shook at the force of her orgasm.
"I didn't give you permission to cum, baby."
"'m.. s-sorryyy... Please don't be mad, I--"
"'Sorry' this, 'please' that, you get the opportunity to be a dumb brat and you take it happily but the moment it's something you want, you try to be a good girl." You turn her around so that she's facing you and you hit her inner thigh with a glare, to which she sobs so pathetically, "You're being selfish, Seele. I think I need to break you in again, make you remember how you behave."
Her breath hitches and she looks at you with such wide and teary eyes, but you know with the way her pupils are blown wide that she more than wants this.
By the time you're near finished, you COULD actually have her cum on your terms.....OR you could absolutely deny her of that privilege because really, why would you ever reward her for being a little shit????
Pull out of her when she hits her peak and make her suck your cock as you put a vibrator in her pussy in the lowest possible fucking setting. She's gonna whine and plead you to help her finish but don't help her 🤷‍♀️ tell her to leave it in until tomorrow's day ends. If she doesn't act like a whore like she did today then you'll reward her greatly!!!! But if not? Then you'll be doing this all over again, having the vibe in her and stimulating her in public until she learns to behave
That's what she wanted after all—to be punished appropriately
She acts like she's against it too, but if she was then she would've made it genuinely known and she could take it out herself.....but when you see her put her clothes on the next day with the toy peeking out before she coves it up with her panties, well. Doesn't seem like she really hates it after all 🫶
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thenukacolachallenge · 7 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA)
(from the Nick Apostolides(Leon Kennedy VA) livestreams, because i think Luis is neato and i liked André's performance, especially for a first-time big VA gig!)
UPDATE: NOW WITH TIMESTAMPS bc someone on the part two of this post asked about them lmfao
-André actually auditioned for the Spanish cops that escort Leon to Valdelobos originally, and went through several more auditions before landing the role of Luis Serra. for his first role on a big project like Resident Evil, that's incredibly impressive! (timestamp)
-Both Nick and André did motion capture for multiple enemies, including André calling his "best role" playing a dead body lmao. He and Nick also did mocap for the Verdugos, Salazar's bodyguards! (timestamp)
-Being that it was such a big role, he was very anxious about the game dropping, from the moment he got cast to the day it dropped. He even apparently asked Nick constantly if he had somehow been recast. (poor dude, as someone with anxiety issues and huge imposter syndrome, i feel for him!!!) Nick gives him a very sweet but stern pep talk about how he earned and deserved his role on stream too, it was a cute moment! (timestamp 1: André first mentioning his nerves) (timestamp 2: second mention of anxiety/Nick's pep talk to André)
-André is a big enough fan of the original to remember where all the treasure used to be! i love when people who are fans of a series get to work on it, dude. in addition, he was also very happy with the direction he was given, and felt that he was allowed to explore Luis as a more fleshed out character. (which he absolutely is, and i love it! Luis in the original was so strange and honestly off-putting imo. fucking ballistics lmao) (timestamp 1: first mention of André knowing a lot about RE4) (timestamp 2: more of André knowing the game) (timestamp 3: MORE of André knowing the game lmao) (there are a lot more than just these. dude is a FAN) (timestamp 4: André talking about direction and Luis)
-He refers to the bag Luis is stuffed into as a "Luis burrito", which is hilarious and adorable. (timestamp)
-(Also, not related to Luis, but Nick yells "YEET" when Leon gets tossed into the wall by Mendez, which is fucking hysterical) (timestamp)
-UPDATE: thank you to tumblr user @hamartia-grander for this detail that i completely missed originally! (timestamp)
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(transcript: I hope this okay for me to add, but he also said that in the first scene with Leon and Luis, Luis looks away as Mendéz injects Leon with la plaga because he couldn't watch another person be infected by something horrible he had a hand in creating. Which is easy to infer from that scene, but it was nice that it was a conscious decision on André's part, rather than aimless direction.)
-the first scene André and Nick filmed together was Luis and Leon chained up together! and the first line of Luis's that got revealed was when he said to Leon, "I guess you, me... picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?" Apparently the mocap for this scene was also very awkward for André, which is totally understandable, considering Luis spends 90% of it getting jerked around by Leon or trying to dodge a Ganado without the use of his hands lol. (timestamp)
-André worked very hard to make sure that Luis's accent was as accurate to Spain's Spanish as it could be, which is awesome, especially for someone who doesn't naturally speak that particular dialect. GOOD ACTING, BABEY (timestamp)
-André owns a legitimate Red 9 gun, the weapon that Luis uses in the game. this is a unique gun bc it was manufactured during the first World War, and it's VERY expensive(they can go up to $10k, but André apparently got his for a great deal!). he also has MADE a copy of the RE4 tactical knife Leon uses, and there's a video up on his youtube channel! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André also mentioned he has adhd! same buddy!!!) (timestamp)
-OKAY NEW STREAM TIME! This begins part four of Nick's playthrough, and André is a guest once more. All the previous facts are from part one, which is the first one André guested on. According to Nick, André learned how to flip a lighter around his fingers just for Luis, which is awesome. (and he shows off by doing so in stream!!!) (timestamp)
-Ashley's VA, Genevieve Buechner, got asked about her reaction to Luis' infamous "ballistics" line and both her and André aren't sad to see it missing from the remake. André himself makes a comment about how this version of Luis is still flirty without coming across as "creepy" about it. (i find the ballistics line from the original annoying, and it was a huge part of why i didn't care for Luis in og re4, so i too am VERY glad it's gone) (timestamp)
-André jokes about Luis breaking the brake on the minecart: "I react so depressed, like.... 'Guess that's it, bro.' 'Hey man, I tried.'" He really does! it feels like a mix of sheepishness at breaking it in the first place, and just very, resigned and depressed lol. (timestamp)
-Sadly, because he hadn't played up to that point yet, he didn't watch Luis' death scene, and therefore didn't have much to say on it :c
-when the cast was asked what kind of pet each of their characters would have, André said Luis would be a cat person, and he'd probably specifically adopt a stray cat, probably one that "adopted" him first. I definitely agree! (timestamp)
i havent watched Nick's last vid in the series yet but this is long enough as it is! im planning on watching some of André's streams up on his personal channel, and some others where he's a guest in, and i may make a part 2 of this :D (update: i did, link at the top of the post lol)
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davyjoneslockr · 4 months
3, 7, and 12, mista and fugo :3
TONY UNSHADOWBANNED PARTY I know this was from a month ago but I'm gonna answer it anyhow lmfao
(For this ask game)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
For Mista, the Trish cleavage scene. You know the one. I don't think I have to explain this much. Boy Why Did You Do That. The only good thing to come out of that scene was jaunty jigglesacks + overeager horndog insane psychic damage combo of lines in the dub.
I could take this a lot of ways for Fugo tbh. Because there's a lot of things that drive me insane about him as a person, but looking at him as a character, I LOVE that he's rash and hurts his friends and his defining character moment is him making a selfish, cowardly decision. I guess I'd say his misogyny in Purple Haze Feedback? I'm admittedly a believer that, yes, he would fucking say that, but it sucks that he would. At least he gets better by the end lol. Fugo voice I'm sorry women Sheila E is me
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I love that Mista has been designated Beautiful Brown-Eyed Bisexual Man by literally the entire fandom. Bi Mista brings us all together. And I do like the idea that his queerness is something he discovered much more slowly, and as a direct result of the gang. Something about that really ties in with the idea of the Bucci Gang as less of a realistic gang, more akin to a drag house or similar queer pseudo-family. Credit to that concept to Fox figcookie01 btw this is one of my favorite Vento Aureo analyses ever and it really informs how I conceptualize the Bucci Gang. Anyhow.
I also really like when people actually take care to explore his character and make him a very distinct, smarter-than-he-looks, older brother-type figure. It's really interesting when people explore his spirituality, too, whatever religion that may be, because that's a pretty important part of him. AND also OCD Mista truthers who know when to treat his superstitions and compulsions with some weight I love you forever. I think he's a character that gets watered down in fanworks a lot, but when his characterization's good, it's really good. There's plenty of artists and writers that have really blown me away with their Mista (and I say this as someone who's picky about characterization lol)
With Fugo, first of all. The PHF scars. Another thing that Mandela Effected the PHF fandom, but it's so so important to me. I love you physical, tangible, blatantly visible proof that Fugo has grown as a person since the day he abandoned the gang. Awesome. I also like that people mix and match his manga/anime colors, and every artist kinda draws him in a different way.
My favorite thing is probably the Fugo-Abbacchio stepkid and stepparent/siblings/Big Goth and Baby Emo Who Secretly Looks Up To Them dynamic. It’s awesome when it’s cartoonishly antagonistic and it’s awesome when it’s actually very sweet and heartfelt. Out of all the Bucci Gang dynamic interpretations the fandom’s produced, theirs is one of my favorites <3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
SO MANY FOR BOTH OF THEM LOL. But I’ll try to list some I don’t talk about as much.
Besides The Carpenters, Mista’s a big fan of folk, acoustic singer-songwriter pop, and soft classic R&B/gospel. Artists with really strong voices tend to catch his attention. The Mamas and the Papas, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, Simon and Garfunkel, The Seekers, and Gordon Lightfoot are some of his favorites. He’s also just a big sucker for love songs in general, and the hopeless romantic in him loves old girl groups like The Ronettes and The Shirelles. He’s also very much Schrödinger’s Guy to me. Cis? Trans? Who knows. Depends on what the situation calls for (though more often trans to me as of late). He’s just Some Dude.
Fugo’s a surprisingly good singer, but he’ll rarely do it if he knows other people are listening. A lot of times, he’ll sing in the shower, or when he’s alone in the car. As he gets older, he gets less self-conscious about it, and he’ll sing around the house when he’s with Giorno, or do duets with Mista for fun. There are also very much timelines in the Vento Aureo Multiverse in my brain where Fugo’s transfem. This also tends to coincide with transfem Abbacchio timelines, so there’s another layer added to Fugo looking up to Abbacchio, and I think Giorno (always transmasc to me) is really instrumental in helping her work through things and take pride in her transness. Maybe a little bit of a self-indulgent fluffy comfort hc that helps me work though my own genderisms lol
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neuvistar · 1 year
there was this one momeny where isagi was abt to be kicked by a particular guy and then he was kinda saved by chigiri, and bachira came n started cracking his knuckles n he was probs abt to beef w the dude cuzzz 😍😍 like he was like “if you wanna go, i’m down” LIKEEEE 😍😍😍 he’s soooo..
— 🍨
MINOR SPOILERS EVERYONE <33 oh my days. i’ve started the manga a few days ago n yk continued on from where i finished in the anime n now i’m very far into it LMFAO so so fast! i think i know what you mean, it was with shidou right?? I THINK I SAW THAT. I WAS FREAKING OUT HE WAS RLLY GETTIN READY LMFAOO <33 he’s so cute, he deserves a writing from me! here you go 🍨 anon, didnt even request for it but it’s fine i love my anons!
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— featuring . meguru bachira x fem!reader
— warnings / content warnings . sfw. cringe warning cringe warning waha!! bachira bein there for you how sweet of him, a lil bit of she/her pronouns, perhaps reader is hinted to be a lil shorter in height, hints of violence but i promise it’s not that bad ૮꒰⸝⸝´ᜊ ˋ⸝⸝꒱ა, um kinda ooc maybe?? IDK i gave up halfway and this may be a lil short n terrible but oh well it’s ALRIGHT i’m tired overall sfw content, not much warnings woohoo !! tell me if I should add / missed a few things ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა
ੈ‧₊˚ “i’ll be willing to do anything to protect you”
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frustrated. bachira was frustrated at the sound of chuckles and loud chattering from the men he was a few feet across from, gosh.. do they have to be this loud? it was just a few minutes after his game ended, he was exhausted and these two people weren’t helping at all, he grew more frustrated by the second. he glanced at the two for a good two minutes, cocking a brow. now hang on.. those were the guys that were speaking ill about you!
“the lady that gave him the bottled water? she’s his girlfriend?! quite the taste meguru bachira has.”
“nuh uh quit lying to yourself, she doesn’t look too pleasing. if anything, i’ve seen better looking women. see now, i don’t even know why bachira picked someone unattractive like her, i thought he’d have a better taste when it comes to women.”
“well it appears he doesn’t”
bachira’s heart dropped to his stomach, just what the hell were they on about? he bit the inside of his cheek, running his fingers through his hair before crossing his arms clearly upset at what the two guys had to say about you. he was getting even more and more frustrated by the second, who are they to tell him if his partner looks attractive or not, that isn’t their decision to make! fuck.. he couldn’t take it anymore. bachira stood up, making his way over to the two boys talking ill about you. “ahem.” the duo looked at each other then back at him, letting out a few laughs here and there. he’s basically told everyone around him about you, so much even people know about you both but these two guys don’t seem to get it. bachira knew how sensitive you were, he knew how quick you can take insults to heart, he wants to take matters in his own hands at times and protect you.
“to me, it seems as if you both seem to have the guts to talk ill about someone you don’t even know personally, thinking i wouldn’t hear what was running in your mouths.” he glared at the two, taking a step forward towards them.
“shit dude why are you so angry, can’t take a joke?”
“yeah, we were just joking. you’re getting all aggressive n defensive for nothing”
bachira’s body tensed, clenching his fists. did they really have to edge him on even longer? he was losing his patience, he wanted to tell these boys to scram already. unfortunately, the duo did not speak my further, attempting to walk out only to be stopped by bachira himself. “listen here, if i ever hear you both run your mouths about her once more, i’ll show you how aggressive and defensive i can get” “trying to sound all tough are ya? what are you going to do huh?” he smirked, cracking his knuckles. “guess we’ll have to find out.”
— buuuwwep !! ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ꒱ྀིა
“meguru!” you ran up to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his neck as your nose picked up his scent, lips curving into a smile. “missed you so much, y’know that?” he grinned, hands resting on your hips, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. you’re too sweet.. even though his mood changed when he saw you, he still can’t help but repeat whatever those guys said about you in his head, he exhaled lowly and grabbed your hand, kissing it before holding it tightly against his own. tilting your head and looking up in curiosity, you couldn’t help but sense something unusual about your boyfriend, “something the matter, meguru?” bachira tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“ah. . nono it’s nothing, how about we go cool down with some ice cream? it’s kinda hot, isn’t it?” “of course, let’s go” deep inside of his heart, he couldn’t help but feel upset for you. who do those people think they are? they think they can just walk in and talk ill about someone as sweet as you are? most people have no human decency, he thought. he cant let you know about anything, he was willing to block all kinds of negative things from you, protect you from anything that tries to harm you in any way.
“if i’m being honest i never expected her to even get together with bachira, she doesn’t really suit him.” a voice can be heard from the opposite direction from where you and him were walking, he sighed to himself. if only he could protect you from everything, but sometimes he can’t always be your knight in shining armour, and that’s frustrating to him. if only he was always there by your side, he wanted to be by your side, he wanted to always be there for you but he is aware he can’t always be there beside you, someday he knows that you’ll overhear something from others.. someday and somehow. but regardless of anything, bachira is willing to prevent you from hearing ill things about you, he is willing to do anything to protect you, for you and you only.
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This is so rushed omg i’m so sorry it’s late at night i’m losing my mind ૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა — Maryse
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makwandis · 8 months
i’m actually so curious what your roderich hcs are 👀 what do you think about when writing him and how do you see his dynamic with gilbert? with antonio?
Oh my gosh it's a big thing to answer UMMM I got dis
so I feel like roderich is femme fatale as a boy. Venus as a boy. He's antinous. He's beautiful. He's sensitive. He's very very demure. He reminds me of Scarlett ohara and he reminds me of Blanche Dubois. He reminds me of s delicate flower but watch out the flower is poisonous as fuck. I think overall yeah He's a sensitive, pensive, observant quiet gentleman with refined tastes and also like is a total bitch. He's gay as fuck. I love him. He's preminger from the barbie movies too lowkey. I always just picture like what would like a very beautiful man from antiquity or whatever be like what would happen to him ya know. I personally love roderich a lot cuz I honestly can relate to him a lot too. He's a nurturer, he's a kind soul, hes reserved , he's been hurt a lot, he doesn't trust easily, but he's a good friend to have.
As for him and Gilbert UM talk about toxic lol. Pruaus is my endgame and my fave Pru ship by far, I think Gilbert has been madly in love w roderich since he first saw him and roderich is the most beautiful boy Gilbert has ever seen. I really hype up rod being pretty NO UGLY AUSTRIAS THANKS lol. But Gilbert is insane and frankly so is roderich when he's around him. Roderich is usually quite reserved snd it's very hard to get a reaction out of him- he doesn't really yell when he's mad. Normally. Around Gilbert though? He just can't help it he becomes THIS FIRECRACKER he's feisty and sassy and will fucking slap Gilbert lmao. Gilbert has made him madder than anyone else on the planet and I feel he's an adrenaline rush for roderich that roderich is lowkey high key lowkey addicted to. Gilbert had also made roderich laugh harder than anyone else on the planet too. Gilbert just brings out all these extremes in roderich that can either exhaust him or he enjoys it a lot. They've had their ups and their many many many many downs. They have been terrible to each other but I think Gilbert has been worse. Roderich deserves better but Gilbert is the bad decision he can't help but make time and time again against all logic and reason and advice from his friends lol. But i think as Gilbert matures he's becoming a better and better decision for roderich. Retirement has done wonders for gilbert and roderich both lol. I love them so much.
Antonioooo and him I see as like- roderich was very young and stupid and toni was this smooth talking kind of older man who was able to schmooz roderich. Roderich and he were probably married and I think roderich wasn't very happy at first but ya know lay back and think of the emperor lmfao. Toni and roderich were also pretty toxic, I think rod has a thing for toxic masc dudes who are really jealous and intense and it is NOT GOOD FOR RODERICH. But toni is a Spaniard the dude is cheating. It was very up and down, very very toxic, and roderich was happy to get rid of him- but I think toni thinks rod is his "one that got away" which is just so dumb but I don't think the guy is very bright or introspective. Overall, roderichs ex, who sometimes still gets drunk and calls him, and Roderich really doesn't care about him anymore. I have met many dudes like toni, in spanish we'd call him un pinche mujeriego cabron or something along those lines... but he and roderich dooooo make a very handsome couple lol.
Those are my thoughts but feel free to ask for my discord I can talk about this all fucking day and night !!!!
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borisbubbles · 16 days
Eurovision 2024: #29
29. ICELAND Hera Björk - "Scared of heights" 37th place
Decade Ranking: 110/153 [Above ReDDI, below Tix]
That awkward moment you're halfway through the next update and realize you skipped over someone. 😬
Sadly, I did NOT feel it coming. 😔 Iceland is another one of those cases of "I probably could have liked them, if not for a few detrimental flaws." I mean it's Hera Björk with wine mom disco. There are worse things in life.
Unfortunately Hera suffered from not only her dated song being completely outclassed by everyone in the first semi (bad enough by itself), but also by *other* mom disco anthems from previous years and nfs, including Heaven's not that far tonight, High Heels in the Neighbourhood (lmfao) and Hera's own 2010 song. "Scared of Heights" is not an unpleasant song to listen to, but that's about as baseline as the genre gets, rly.
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Combine that song with a lifeless act forever stuck with no movement and a bunch of wideshots at key moments (how did they make it look WORSE compared to SVK's already lowbudget affair?), like yeah, we know where this is headed. It's the "Unstoppable Object Collides Into An Unmovable Wall" of hopeless last placers. There's nothing that Hera could have done to avoid a red lantern, not with that song and that act working so hard to undermine her efforts.
I do have a bit of sympathy for her though. Even a suboptimal Hera Björk is still Hera fucking Björk (vocally excellent and decently charming) , and the bullshit she had to endure simply to be allowed to sing at the Tuesday show was uncalled for.
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After SVK's... darksided results - which Hera won because the Anti-Pro-Palestine Icelanders thought SHE had the best chance of beating Bashar although (1) have you seen Bashar perform? Man cannot serve for his life (2) um, Sigga was right there (3) Hera's song was co-written by a Palestinian? (leave it to the Israel sympathisers to be misinformed, incoherent and smugly incorrect - defo, abso looking at YOU, J*n B*rs.) (4) GO TIFFANY!!!! INTO THE ATMOSPHERE!!! - she then had to negotiate with RÚV in order to go to Malmö (although she WON the SELECTION!!) . This as per the rules Iceland had established for SVK2024. RUV's weird decision to play for the moral high ground, but only partially. Like dudes, if you're going to be antsy about Israel being there, then don't hold SVK? and if you do hold, don't be like "WELL WE MIGHT JUST WD ANYWAY [if the wrong person [anyone but Bashar] wins]" like fuck off? Either you make a statement by INTERNALLY picking Bashar, or you don't make one at all by not including him in SVK. Pick a fucking lane.
Once she arrived in Sweden, well... Remove Iceland from this year and everything that went down still goes down in the precisely the same fashion, with the exact same placements for everyone else. The only true difference is that KAN have one fewer delegation to target with passive aggression. Whether Hera went to Eurovision or not made no difference to the contest itself which is some exponential level of irrelevance that she does not deserve to have attached to her legacy.
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So all-in-all, a sour return for Hera, but the one Iceland deserved after they trashed their EXCELLENT national final for the sake of questionable priorities, and then picked the INCORRECT winner to boot ("Wild West" wasn't fantastic and (thankfully) wouldn't have won ESC, but it is a much better song than "Scared of Heights" was. ) The Icelandic shitshow was a prélude to what was to follow in Malmö. Events which, just like Hera's participation in this year, probably should have been avoided by competent leadership.
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allthefoolmine · 3 months
Happy young royals season 3 to all who celebrate!
(it’s me I’m celebrating)
Not able to binge the series in one go this week but still want to yell into the void about it, episode by episode, with someone. Join me, gentlefolk of tumblr, for episode 2 of season 3!
Commentary and reactions under the cut for those avoiding spoilers or this show.
Haaah, the opening of the episode! I was a bit like, oh god, not sure I’m ready to watch them have phone sex, but fortunately the boarding students have to turn in their phones so I didn’t have to!
Ugh, people being homophobic to Simon on social media. Legos underfoot to them all!
I wonder who made that report…
Man, every time I get some sympathy for August, the character makes it fucking vanish. Top level writing. Also, really, going to school with lower class people is the worst fate imaginable! The horror, the horror. LMAO.
Ohhhhhh boy, Felice. Felice! Oh Lord. Was not expecting the hard right turn into racism. Should have expected it.
Oh they didn’t cancel the spring hike?! LolWHUT. Because nothing bad happens when you put these teenagers in the woods, under-chaperoned, huh. LMFAO.
It’s weird to see the Eriksson dad being a dad, honestly. Or trying to. Bless.
Wilhelm joins the choir! Can he even fucking sing—oh wait, doesn’t matter. Not the point. Rowing did look like fun though.
Again: who complained? My money is on Alexander at the moment. But then…was it Nils? August? What happened to them at their initiation?!
August what the actual fuck are you doing? Seriously? Calling Sara on your secret phone? Asking her brother if she’s okay? Actions, consequences, bud.
Wilhelm and August, joint kings of the bad liars. Doing group therapy together. This is gonna hilarious.
“As if you did” please tell me that’s a metaphorical gun on the wall that’s gonna go off. Also please tell me that we’re not gonna find out Erik was a bad dude.
Simon, writing music! Love it. Of course the palace doesn’t.
CONFLICT. Oh this was coming but it still hurts so much.
This camping trip is gonna be a disaster. And I am here for it.
THREE IN A TENT LMFAO. I wanna buy the teacher who came up with that one a bad ideas beer. (a bad ideas beer is a beer you buy someone when they’ve slipped on a banana peel after coming up with an incredibly elaborate scheme to avoid phallic fruit with yellow skins, btw)
Wait, where did all the teachers go? The students can just have a dance party in the woods and it’s all good?
Oh, I hate seeing them argue, but this argument about class differences and Wilhelm’s obliviousness feels very, very necessary, and quite honestly overdue. Sadly, I don’t think Wille’s sitting in the sunrise to make good decisions.
Really twisting the screws on Wille with that ending huh?
Bedtime for me, so no episode 3 until tomorrow! Tot ziens!
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ichorai · 4 months
Im watching succession rn and reading hell yeah simultaneously and YOOOOO the way its my lifeline rn, like fr fr. Its so so good!! Im currently in the third season and after i finish an episode i come back to tumblr to read the part of hell yeah from the ep 😭💕 i do have to confess that i mayyy or may not have read beyond the ep im currently in BUT idc bc it was so worth it !! Kept wondering as well, while i was reading, what wouldve happened if roman chose to fire the reader instead of “breaking up”?? How do you think the reader would have reacted?? I couldnt stop thinking if that possibility bc i love angst lmfao
ANYWAY !! Thank you so much for sharing the story with us!! Its absolutely amazing and your writing is so so good <3
omg thanks so much for reading dude :( makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying the series !!
as for an au where roman fires reader, she'd definitely not take him seriously at first. maybe laugh and tell roman to stop joking around but then does a double take when she realizes he's being forreal </3 roman also tries to alleviate the guilt he feels by repeatedly saying it was logan's decision, not his (don't blame the messenger and whatnot) but reader would be v hurt nonetheless. he'd start spouting out bs like, "i'm doing you a fucking favor, it's for the best, i'm putting the company's interests first, etc." from then, reader would grow furious and tells roman that if he fires her then whatever it was that they had between them would be over. roman, being roman, tells her they never stood a chance in the first place (he doesn't actually believe this, he's just swept up in the argument).
everyone's surprised / shocked when they hear she's been sacked, as she's so close to the family without acc being on the board and also has such a vital role keeping the company afloat. waystar itself would have a terrible adjusting period bcs they really underestimated just how much reader did for them (esp the small things that accumulated in her absence).
she leaves the company upset and bitter at first, but eventually realizes that she can finally live her own life and do what she wants to do without the constraints of the company / the roy family / her own absent parents. reporters are still constantly swarming her, asking her what happened, why she got fired, if she has any plans on going back, etc.
as for her relationship with roman, i can see them reconciliating eventually after a month or two because roman misses her like air and he fucking hates being in his dog cage the company without her there. would spam text her a million times one random day until she finally responds and would demand that she come to a fancy restaurant (he'll pay ofc, he's assumed she's gone totally broke now that she's not working w him), and they meet again and things just fall into place with the two of them :( reader is still pretty angry and hasn't forgiven roman yet, but she's missed him a lot too and couldn't ever permanently estrange herself from roman. as for the other siblings, reader wouldn't really keep in contact with shiv and kendall without roman in the equation, but she still gets check-up texts from connor, which she would briefly but fondly respond to </3
in this au, reader & roman wouldn't romantically get together probably until after the events of season four. they're terribly tragic soulmates in every universe i'm afraid !!
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Alright you know what, I'm talking about the new addition to Eggman's Sonic fandom wiki page that's really been bothering me lol because the misinformation is killing me man it's paining me and I can't stfu
So recently someone asked Mike Pollock for Eggman's age on Twitter early October and this is all he said, clearly just for the sake of answering:
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And for some reason, now the Sonic fandom wiki was actually updated to say "age: 40s" on Eggman's page with this as the source? What?
I don't think I should have to explain what's wrong with them updating the wiki because of this but I will.
First of all, this isn't the first time Mike has been asked and answered this, as I brought up in the past. But here, some screenshots this time:
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But it's not confirmed or clear if that means they intend for it to be the actual character's age because that's not always how the casting specs work, as he followed it with back when he answered it that time with the above and below here:
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So there's a big chance that even the actual people for English casting weren't stating the actual character's literal age. And I don't think it's even known if this was also ever something listed in the Japanese voice specs either and you know, Sega of Japan created him and are in charge of his character information of this kind.
And if it were only America casting that did this, then it would especially mean it's not actually what they actually envision for Eggman as character as they're not in charge of this stuff. And even if it was in Japanese too, there's still the possibility that they don't mean the actual character age.
But wait, there are more reasons why this as a wiki addition is bothering me and here they are:
The Sonic CD JAPANESE concept art implied that they considered putting Eggman in his 60s but they didn't update the fan wiki to say that, now did they?
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And it makes sense because it clearly wasn't actually confirmed to be their final decision for his age in the end, as all his bios after have had his age down as "unknown".
Mike Pollock even randomly said Eggman was "supposed to be about 60" without elaboration in a tweet one time too and nobody updated the wiki saying that then either.
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Also makes sense for them not to, because his age in all his officially published bios for the games is down as "unknown".
And then focusing more on Sega of Japan, the actual creators of the characters and the one that makes all the major defining character traits, ages, and other major details obviously, they have Eggman use the Japanese washi pronoun, refer to him as middle-aged and old, and have associated him with Respect for the Aged Day, a day to celebrate senior citizens in Japan.
Sonic Channel using Eggman in the art for celebration for Respect for the Aged Day:
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Them doing the same again the next year:
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This made me curious about what age you have to be to be considered a senior citizen in Japan and apparently it's 60+. So wouldn't associating a dude any younger than at least 50s with that day be waaay too young? I'd fucking say so lmfao! They could've associated any of their gray haired old guy Sonic characters with the day but they specifically went with Eggman more than once and that's saying something.
And with all this aside whatever your take on it may be, it doesn't change the fact that the age for him in official bios by Sega of Japan has always been "UNKNOWN", so that's obviously the official published canon truth. Plus didn't they literally just remove all the ages from Sonic Channel anyway? So there's a chance they'll either change some things or keep them all unknown.
Having his age down as 40s on the wiki makes no sense. The only time it's said something like that in something official and actually published and finalized at all was Archie, which isn't canon to the games and wasn't connected to Sega of Japan at all, so it has no indication towards the real canon intended age by them and no power in making that decision for them. Neither do any American English specs in casting that might not have even intended it for the actual age of the character anyway.
With all the hints and signs implied by Sega of Japan themselves, it seems way more likely that Eggman would be in his 50s-60s. But even that still shouldn't be in the wiki page either, you know why? Because all his actual finalized and officially published bios have had his age as "UNKNOWN!!!" We aren't supposed to know his exact age and they aren't telling us officially and until they genuinely confirm his age in some kind of bio like that, no other guess or word from anyone else is 100% canon confirmed fact.
So that's why they shouldn't state that he's in his 40s on the wiki like it's a canon, confirmed, finalized, officially published fact by Sega of Japan because it isn't and it's not connected to them in this particular case. It's no more final published canon than actual SoJ considering to put him at 60+ in CD, especially not when it isn't even them. Why does it feel like suddenly nobody seem to care about what the actual official finalized canon media from Sega of Japan says and take literally anything else but the original source as immediate fact instead? Come on
Eggman's age is unknown and the only other thing that's canon besides that that's blatant, and not just a hint like the other stuff, is how he's also referred to as old and middle-aged. Unless that changes with a new bio or description somewhere approved and published as official and final by Sega of Japan, that's how it will stay no matter what anyone else says, whether they're involved officially or not. If the Sonic fandom wiki really cares about the published facts, it shouldn't say anything more than "unknown" with possibly a "(middle-aged)" next to it as an extra and that's it.
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taco-pal · 9 months
Been playing Starfield and while I love the game's astronomical highs, the lows the game contains are all old problems other games have already solved and also very annoyingly Bethesda design choices. It's baffling how Bethesda oscillates between being occasionally brilliant or stumbling into the most boring versions of quest design and character choices.
For instance, the gameplay loop of Fallout 4 felt incredible; loot houses and buildings for construction material while usually getting into some great gunfights that reinforce the idea of trying to survive in the wasteland and build a community. BUT we're going to have such a strange choice of a plot set up and limit the choices you're able to make and simplify the lore. Also you're not going to be able to romance the cool detective crooner and easy choice for love interest android man Nick Valentine because we're prudish weirdos who think it'd be icky!!!!
The main cast and main quests of Starfield are painfully dull. No one has any sort of real character depth. It's like they thought of a few archetypes but didn't give them any real sense of personality beyond that. Walter should be portrayed as a capitalist freak, instead he's a philanthropic capitalist funding his dream. Sarah Morgan is so robotic. Andreja is potentially interesting but has no depth. Matteo should be constantly presenting conflict within the group because he's religious, etc etc. Barrett seemed like he had a personality but there hasn't been much depth to him since the beginning of the game.
It's like Bethesda wanted to be as painfully inoffensive as possible that they whitewash conflicting ideologies constantly, so much so to the point that it feels like there's no real ideological differences between the main factions outside of the ones committing real crimes. Like, how could a free market economy EVER have a united government in space? How do all of these randos afford to have space ships? WHY give the player a ship immediately? It's also a massive misstep to not IMMEDIATELY include alien civilizations for interesting conflict!!!! This game wants to feel like Star Trek/Mass Effect but it misses so much of what makes those stories interesting. It is so apparent that they started working on this a decade ago because the science fiction tropes they present here became tired tropes between 2010- to now. Do you like Firefly? Here is our Space Western planet :) Do you like cyberpunk? Here is our neon drenched cityscape :) Do you like the Citadel from Mass Effect? Here is our version. :) It just does all of that stuff in ways that aren't even half ass effectve. It's also so fucking weird that they just don't want anyone to look hot? It feels so distinctly American in that it is so prudish and too cowardly to acknowledge that sex even exists in this universe lmfao. EVERYONE is so overdressed! It's hilarious. In the year that Baldur's Gate 3, the most horny game ever dropped? Laughable.
There's so much potential for interesting dramatic conflict and they don't explore any of it! It's such a boring way to present Constellation. Sarah Morgan says they do shady shit all the time and know what a jail cell is like, but has a meltdown the moment anything morally grey happens! It's like Bethesda is so averse to having any of these characters be disliked, so they ironed out any possible sense of real personality they could have.
It's so frustrating because there is so much potential here; a lot of the side quests are fun and present great dramatic conflict, even though they are undercut by some flat outcomes. Exploring planets and the ship stuff is all fun and engaging, jetpacking around and shooting dudes is fun as hell too. And yet the main quest is so damn boring it takes away from all of that. Ugh.
This is all without even getting into the horrid UI and terrible decision to NOT INCLUDE LOCAL AND CITY MAPS????? I want to love this game and have really enjoyed some of it! It's just got some very distinctly Bethesda flaws. It brings me no joy to say this. Ugh. :\
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oldanimefan · 1 month
Just finished volume 3 of Heaven Official's Blessing and even though the first half was a little hard to read for me, I Ioved it. There's such a great mix of humor, trauma, fighting, and love.
I'm going to post my notes/ all the random shit that popped into my head as I read from volume 3 below the cut so don't read below if you don't want spoilers.
Also, before my notes, I know who Jun Wu is and more or less his roll in XL's journey so I make references to him in my notes when I shouldn't know what's going on with him at this point.
I would try to block out the whole your country dying and literally nothing you do helps thing too XL
Xianle state preceptor really got to the point with the whole you "ascended too soon because all your people are still alive" bit. I get it where he's coming from, but damn that was a lil harsh.
I love that XL is of the mind set of "what the fuck is the point of being a god if I don't help my people?" I was kinda wondering the same thing my dude.
This is the first series where I am having to put the book down and walk away after every 10 pages. Poor XL is making every possible bad decision he can even with everyone screaming at him not to.
JFC the land of tenders was NOT what I was expecting 😬
I understand why HC is such a snarky prick to FX and MQ lol they were always such assholes to the poor lil guy. He just wanted to make heart eye and protect his crown prince.
Ok so Lang Ying is obviously working with white no face (jun wu), but he's obviously gotta be someone in present day right? I feel like he's too prominent at the moment to not come back in the present.
I'm fucking stupid lol Lang Ying -> Lang Qingqiu. Lang Ying is obviously going to be the first king of Yong'an
Lil soldier kinda disappeared?
Man body horror is gonna be an ongoing theme throughout this huh?
XL is really too pure for this world.
Damnit Qi rong. You and your big mouth
FX - "that brat will definitely grow up to be a good man" bro aren't you the one that kicked him out of the army lol
Oh it's because he's just happy not everyone hates XL 🤣
Hoo boy. 1st half of volume 3 is a doozy. Everyone is getting a big ol helping of trauma and suffering. Hong'er/ Lil soldier breaks my heart when he's telling XL he won't forget him.
Lmfao XL threatening QR with siccing HC on him
I do not like Shi Wudu 😡
Lmfao HC being so extra for his man at the festival he wrote a play and sent up 3k lanterns. Pei ming being all I told you guys HC didn't take XL to be mean 😏
Pei Ming is like that himbo that everyone doesn't like cause he's fucks around, but then you talk to him and he's kinda funny.
Hahahahahaha HC and XLs "first kiss" is killing me. XL pretty much saying he'd stab anyone who did that to him but HC and he's confused about why. Hmm I wonder why XL?
Oh this poor boy lol getting so flustered he's trying to run away only to be caught because he's bleeding from his foot. Poor guy is panicking over his cursed shackle on his ankle isn't he 🥺
I'm so glad the second half of volume 3 is not quite as traumatic as the first.
Dying at everyone thinking that ghost baby is Pei Ming's
I don't like Jun Wu's sword. That's icky
And then on the flip side, Rouye and E-Ming fighting for XLs attention is adorable lol
Poor Qi Rong being subjected to the torture of watching XL and HC flirt. Maybe if they laid it on a little thicker they could get him to leave the body he's in.
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nyarnamaitar · 4 months
Apologies if I'm late to the scene but entering the silm fandom and learning about Manwe was such a delightful experience. The idea that this overpowered dude is so fucking nice and kind and has a never ending patience is so (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠). But surprisingly, when I still knew nothing of Manwe's character, I've seen Manwe (and the other Valar) be called either a tyrant, homophobic, awful and abusive and by no means I am policing takes and headcanons (and how people write them) but honestly it kinda warped how people see Manwe (me at first ngl) that it's normal to just write him in such a bad light. The whiplash I got when this 'awful' Valar wasn't actually awful and the real awful dude was Melkor is just—wow. Even though I shipped Manwe and Melkor, the fact that Melkor got more apologists and defense than Manwe is not surprising but still kinda bummer. Anyway, I love love love your defense posts about Manwe, I love it, I read it a lot. Don't know where I am going with this but um more love to you. ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Awww, Anon, this is so sweet. <3 I've re-read this message a few times and it's never failed to make me happy. <3 Sending all my love to you as well! <3 Manwë might not be as popular as other Silm characters, but there's so much to explore about him (and it might just be me, but I do feel there are more and more Manwë enjoyers around).
The Valar have always been pretty polarising characters. Valar hate was way more prominent a few years back, but it's still around today. Manwë, especially, gets the brunt of it, probably because he's the leader of the Valar, and so every decision of theirs, good or bad, is tied back to him. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.
I can see where a lot of Valar antipathy comes from, even when I don't agree with it, but I'll never understand characterising Manwë as a tyrant, because I don't think the text supports it, like, at all. If people enjoy that kind of characterisation, good for them, but I think it's dumb. And boring. (Especially coming from Melkor stans, lmfao. I love Melkor to death, but propping him up as Manwë's moral superior is hilarious.)
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(This goes along with how the Klowns react to their S/O being pregnant) How would the Killer Klowns interact with their child with their S/O?
How would the klowns interact with their child?
Jumbo is definitely the type of dad that attempts to ‘toughen’ his kid up, but the minute his kiddo gives him the puppy dog eyes just to get something? he’s wrapped around their little finger, which you most certainly poke fun at him about.
Rudy adores his kid, and tries to make sure they are not only educated, but also trained on combat, on life, and anything else! he just wants them to be prepared for anything, especially so they don’t end up defenseless if anything were to happen to both you and him.
Chubby is a snuggle dad for sure, like after a long day of work he likes to chill with them on the couch and watch something and they always fall asleep on some of him or curled up next to him <33 and if you were to join?? that just makes his entire DAY.
Fatso is such a gentle father, like the kid is just so small, and he’s such a big dude.. like he’s terrified he’s gonna hurt them just by looking at them SHJSJS- but seriously he’d die for his family, he just loves the two of you so much <3
Slim def reads a ton of baby books and mommy blogs because he’s terrified of permanently fucking up this kid LMFAO, but he calms down after a while and just starts to go with his gut.
Spike carries that poor child like a football under his arm HSJSJSJ, he plays a little rough but he would never intentionally put the kid in any danger! in fact he’s just as protective about your child as he is with you, he’s grown extremely fond of the family man role.
Shorty goes with the flow! of course he keeps himself educated on parenting books and such, but for the most part he trusts that his kid knows what they want! and he’ll fully respect their thoughts and decisions (with reason)
Jojo spoils his child to death, like this kid is not only going to get all the toys and treats they could ever want- but also all the attention! all the klowns on the ship have watched your baby at least once while you and jojo have date nights, and your kid is always in good hands! everyone adores them!
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1rakus · 2 years
hi!! got any cool podcast recs of the horror variety?? everywhere I look seems to say nothing except tma and i feel like ur the guy to ask. ty!! xx
yeah here you go, enjoy dude! these are spotify links, hope that works for you
video palace - the single best horror podcast i've ever listened to, point blank. simply the best acting and editing, mockumentary format, young new yorker slowly gets obsessed with what he's researching to the point where he's making bad decisions and endangering everyone even when his subject of research is getting weirder and more dangerous
i am in eskew - english guy at the end of his wits gets terrorized by a weird fucking city that he's not really sure how he came to live in. i'm a big horror fan and some stuff in here even had me going like EW???? phenomenal script, acting, editing
welcome to night vale - yes, yes, very popular, kicked off the horror podcast wave, everybody's heard. i don't care. it's still one of the best ones. not the scariest, but the atmosphere is par none. a radio show for a weird, fucked up little town in the american southwest
the black tapes - this got me into horror podcasts!! i love it!! also a mockumentary type (mockumentaries and found footage are my favorite) where a seattle reporter investigates a famous paranormal skeptic who is offering a million dollars to someone who can show him something really paranormal. it also has the worst production and acting on this list, sorry. still better than the fucking magnus archives though lmfao
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