#i hope you enjoyed !!
mitamicah · 8 months
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Kä sticker found outside of Huxley :3
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th3archivisst · 8 days
Thinking about Dream and Hob again!! It's dreamling week so my previous posts are getting attention and that has reinstated my feelings about them. Therefor, lil ficlet I'm making up as I go because they are very sweet
A week after meeting his mysterious stranger for the first time in far too long, Hob is still giddy with happiness. His students see it, he knows, and it's impacting how well his lectures go, but he can't bring himself to care.
His thoughts keep drifting to that smile, the damn smile that erased any and all resentment he may have felt for being stood up in 1989.
So naturally, his dreams have drifted in a more positive, if dark and mysterious, direction. He dreams of his stranger almost every night, whether he remembers it or not. The times he does remember lighten his step for hours on end, contentment buzzing in his heart every time he remembers that his stranger said they would meet again soon.
And meet again soon they do, although not how Hob envisioned it.
He had picked up lucid dreaming quite a while ago, so any dreams he had tended to be a reflection of whatever he had thought about before bed. This time is no different.
The bed underneath him is warm and soft, the stranger in his arms relaxed and smiling. They're both still dressed, unlike some other dreams Hob has had, but he's content with that. The closeness is enough, more than enough.
Conversation isn't particularly prevalent in these dreams, the man and the miracle happy in the quiet moments they carve out for themselves. The few sentences they do exchange are ones Hob treasures more than the life he so cherishes. This time is no different.
Really, Hob should've caught on sooner.
Brown eyes gaze into diamond that had softened into coal, and his stranger spoke.
"You still do not know my name, Hob Gadling."
Hob tilts his head.
"No. You've always seemed a bit beyond names." He smiles, a similar tug pulling at his dear stranger's lips.
"Dream." The man murmurs, a vulnerability Hob hasn't seen before painting the words with light. Confused, Hob chuckles.
"Yes, I'm quite aware I'm dreaming."
His stranger shakes his head.
"My name, Hob."
Hob blinks.
Then narrows his eyes and sits up.
"Wait, I'm dreaming. So did my brain just... make up a name for you? I mean, it fits, but it's not real, is it?" His confusion only amplifies when he sees the amusement in his stranger's - Dream's? - eyes. "What?"
"There is no such thing as 'just a dream', Hob. This isn't imaginary, I'd have thought you knew that by now."
Before Hob can formulate a response, Dream leans up and presses their mouths together gently.
The smile he gives Hob is so fond that his heart hurts. What hurts more, however, is the sound of his alarm as it jerks him from his slumber.
Needless to say, the next time Hob Gadling will dream of his Dream, he will have very many questions.
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des-no9 · 3 months
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sha va zai // i love you
A comic about Kith'rak Voss' relationship to the lost words sha va zai, and the meaning of love.
TW for implied sexual content, death Art and words by me 8 pages under the cut
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Thank you so much for reading <3
When I initially learned the meaning of sha va zai, I spiralled into the HC of the meaning of love in githyanki society and the lost words and meaning of affection in their people. And tied it deeply with the relationship of Kith'rak Voss and Orpheus who are so old they have been there since their enslavement, their beginnings.
If you know me well, you know my tav and Voss get together, and then all three get together in an unbreakable bond. Maybe it's love for all three. Maybe not as we understand it. Maybe it's beyond it.
I have so much to say about the githyanki and their expressions of love, intimacy affection and how as a people they feel so deeply, but what does that mean when you speak in violence, touch in claim, the taste of love weakness that will shatter your bones, vulnerability bile on your tongue.
Thank you again, and I hope you enjoyed <3 I'd love to know if you did x
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cyberfreaky · 1 year
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☁︎ he will traumatise you immensely and have your home blown up
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kumezyzo · 11 months
hey !! idk if you write for quackity but could i get a bf!quackity x reader where he’s doing a stream with the reader and he’s showing her the house he built on minecraft for them, like it’s a surprise from him haha and u can add the chats’ reaction if you want 😋
i dont necessarily watch quackity that much so i dont write for him im sorry 😭😭😭😭 i love him so much, he's really funny but ive literally only seen him in a few clips. i wish i could write for him and think that ive at least done a decent job as a fellow mexican but i really doubt i could 😭😭
this sound like such a cute scenario tho and i wish i could do it justice!!! i just dont know how to write for mr. alexis 😔😔 i have an idea what kind of personality he has but i dont think its enough for a whole thing like this. but i will try a little blurb about this and you just tell me if it sounds anything like him.... please...
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youre sitting next to alex as he loads minescraft, chat excited to see you again.
'yn!!!! how have you been?????'
you read out loud, causing alex to smile at you. the minescraft opening page illuminating your faces.
"ive been alright!" you tell them with a smile, "i just want to know why im here," you laugh nervously.
"okay, baby!" he says excitedly. "are you ready?"
"i mean... its just minecraft... right?" you ask as he starts opening up a single player world he had seemingly opened last.
"yea, dont worry," he says as the world loads in. a large grin on his face. you glance at him and smile. chat and everyone after talks about how you two look at eachother with so much love.
once the world loads in, he giggles and switches his stream to capture his screen. he moves the mouse around and chat starts to realize what world he's showing her.
for the past month or so, he'd been working on that world on stream but never told chat why he was building a whole world. they all asked why it was all flowery and pretty. and now theyre realizing why.
he turned his character around to face a beautiful blocky house, "i made this for you!"
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okay yea, super short. kinda shitty. im sorry again if its not like him in any way. i kinda panicked too and i didnt wanna make a fool outa myself 😭😭 again im so sorry to this anon -Nony
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Do you have any hcs about Aegon x Helaena x Aemond with the twins and Maelor? I just love the idea of them being these parents while Aemond is trying to tell Aegon and Helaena “you guys need sleep”
you know I do, and I would desperately love to share them, especially seeing as this is the first nice ask I've gotten in a minute.
they made sure Aemond knew his niece and nephew son and daughter, right from the get go. the very instant they could convince their mother and Maesters and midwives to let him into Hel's chambers, Aegons went to fetch him from his anxious pacing out in the hall, and let him sit between the two of them, a babe in each arm.
neither of them have ever seen him so soft than in that moment. he's holding these two tiny little babes in his arms, they're soft and small and fragile, Jaehaerys is looking up at him with this soft clumsy little smile of sorts, and Jaehaera holds into his littlest finger in her whole hand. his sister's sweatied head is laying on his shoulder, she's laughing lightly under her breath as her brother sits so stiffly as if to not shatter the babes, his elder brother is looking at the the 4 of them, his pride and joys, so much love in his eyes.
Aemond helped with the babes, sitting with them in the bathing room, vaguely struggling, while Aegon helped Helaena bathe. at first he's so eerily still outside of his attempts to rock the fussing babes, but eventually his brother and sister, with a tad bit of gentle splashing and some jokes, gets him to finally loosen up. he's cooing at the little ones, bouncing them a bit on his lap, joking about with his brother and sister.
Aegon and Hel had some sort of preparation when it came to caring for kids. between daeron being their little test dummy (he was their baby, don't fight me) and a sort of natural parental instinct (if a bit odd, especially in Aegon's case), so when they had the twins they were a bit flustered, but otherwise ready for the task. they adored their kids from the moment they were born and were ready to defend them from the world. no amount of preparation with save you from the sleep deprivation that comes along with twins... that's where Aemond really comes in.
he's most needed about a week in. prior to that his siblings didn't want to bother him with the babes, but after a week of barely sleeping (on account that they wanted, not pawn them off to wet nurses as we done to them) they're too exhausted to think. Aemond's there to pick up some of the slack.
he takes babes from barely conscious arms, kissing his siblings heads before tucking them in as best as they can wherever they lay. it doesn't matter if he needs to immediately flee with a crying babe only to rock them for hours to no avail, his siblings will sleep, he'll make sure of it.
Hel insists on at least doing the most of the feedings of her children, which means she's always just a tad uncomfortable and suffering from on and off clogged ducts and mastitis. he does his best to care for her when she's unwell and to alleviate her pain. he feels so bad, he wishes to take it upon himself, but he can't, so he just becomes her willing and doting servant. he brings her cold and hot clothes, takes the babes when she's in to much pain to have them by her side, helps with messages for the pain and let down, etc.
he makes sure the Maesters get their job done without being too touchy.
Aegon definitely becomes the most delirious while sleep deprived, so it's a lot of taking bundles of blankets from him or keeping him from trying to bathe a pillow or something. I think after giving and giving and giving touch, to his kids and to his wife, Aegon is especially touch starved. he needs to be held and given a cuddle by the end of the day, and Aemond will taking him into his arms (aegons is short compared to him, she he can really wrap him up) and just hug him for a while until Aegons lets his brother put him in bed. Aemond will sit there for a while and stroke his hair or hold his hand, cause he's a bit worried for his brother (and his sister).
they take turns staying up when the twins catch a sickness of some sort. Helaena's worried but mostly composed, trying her best not to hold them, to help ease the fever, part of her knows they will be fine, but a mother will worry regardless. Aegon's convinced they're dying, he has to be physically restrained to keep from holding them. Aemond sits by their cradles, wiping away at their sweaty little foreheads and kissing their little hands cause he's worried and it's a beast he cannot slay, so he can just sit in wait and love on them and hope it's enough.
they all still sleep in the same bed, except Helaena's being cuddled in the middle, partly cause she earned it after months of being pregnant and being such a good mom, but also so she can't get up first when the babes start to fuss, being on the outside let's them get a head start at it all.
skin to skin with the little ones. it's the only thing that will calm them, and it's so therapeutic for parents. it's good for both parties. just Aemond or Aegon cuddling their little bundles of joy to their chests soaking up the feeling of baby skin on theirs, drowning in the chemical release that's brought on by it (going back to that parental instinct, cause it makes me feral). also shirtless men being good dad's is hot and Hel loves the show.
Aemond telling the kids stories of great dragon warriors and fearsome knights and kill queens, doing the voices and using his hands (imagine him making a dragon with his hands, making shadow puppets on the wall for the kids, my heart 😫😭💕) or toys to tell his stories. Aegon sitting close by to listen on.
Hel sings lullabies to both her big babies and her little babies.
Hel likes to show the babies the stars and will take them out later at night to sit and watch. she tells them the stories of the constellations, kissing the tops of their heads, reflecting on just how precious they are to her.
they were all obsessed with the baby smell, but it affected Aegon the most. he just can't get enough, it's like catnip. he carries them around the keep, to less official meetings or just out and about, just so he can keep taking a whiff.
Aemond wears them in wraps, especially when both Hel and Aegon are in need of a break, just so he knows both are close and safe and well.
their all time favorite time is bath time with the kids. there's bubbles and toys and water splashing everywhere, endless laughter. it's chaos, perfect chaos.
meal time is also chaos, getting two rowdy toddlers to sit and eat is hard. they almost always end up painted in pea mush and carrot bits.
they celebrated when both twins dragons hatched, and the chaos increased tenfold with 2 dragon children and 2 hatchlings flying about the keep. Aemond had picked the one that became Jaehaerys's where as Aegon had picked Jaehaera's. they were perfect for one another.
Aemond and Aegon carry them around on their ankles once they're toddlers.
Helaena insists they take the babes out on their first flight once they're a little over 6 months old. Aegon takes his baby girl (girl dad aegon fr fr) and Hel takes Jaehaerys (Mama's boy) and both are fascinated by the feeling of being in the air, the glimmer of blue and golden scales, and the sight of their daddy on his huge dragon flying ahead of them. after that they're hooked on it, natural dragons just like their parents had, the air had become a second home.
Aegon and Aemond are the worried/helicopter parents, they're convinced the tiniest of things will kill them. Hel's like, hey it's cool, they're fine, it's ok.
one time one of the kids grabbed a chalice of wine and took a sip before someone could stop them and Aegon nearly had a heart attack and died. he was so worried.
helaena loves to sew clothes and stuffies and other things for the kids, normally bug related.
Aegon and Aemond "rough house" with the babes, pretending to be taken down and defeated like a great beast, letting themselves get beat up with swords and wooden dragons and imaginary magic.
the kids join the cuddle pile at around 3 years old (cause Aegon was too worried about crushing them prior to that), by then Aegon had returned to the middle, so the kids are slotted between him on either side.
those babies get all the kisses. it's never ending.
Helaena was the one who decided when they had Maelor, seeing Aemond and Aegon being such good dads gave her major baby fever and she decided they needed another one.
Aemond is much more active (as he's more comfortable in his place in the relationship and as the kids' second father) during Helaena's pregnancy with Maelor and he's the best.
both he and Aegon know what they're doing this time round, so it's a lot smoother. they know what she does and doesn't like, what she tends to need more often, what she needs them to be we do ever, etc.
they let her be so mean and pushy while pregnant, they bear it so she doesn't put on others she'll feel really bad about being mean to after the fact (she feels bad regardless, but it's easier to be made at them, the ones who got her pregnant). it's how they suffer beside her during the pregnancy.
she would get the weirdest cravings and Aemond would always go out looking for ways to satiate them.
they let Hel pick out the names, they trust he to pick the right one. she always does.
they talk to her bump at night, telling him about the life he's going to be born into, about his siblings, and his uncle daeron. they just want him to be in their arms ASAP.
when Maelor's born, Aemond's there, Hel demands it. she's breaking both his and Aegon's hands, screaming at the top of her lungs, Aemond's scared shitless (being on the other side of the door makes it seem like one thing, being right next to it is something else) Aegon's like "dude you don't even know, imagine two?", silently of course, they're speaking with their eyes, and helaena's still hearing them loud and clear and is about to strangle them.
Maelor ends up in Aemond's arms first, as Helaena needed a second to breathe before she could even think about holding her son, so he's all wet and slimy but Aemond gets it, he's gets how a baby can look so perfect in that moment. they're bloody and gross but they're so alive they're so frail and he's instantly in love.
then he's in Aegon's, since Aemond wants him to experience that fresh baby feeling, and Aegon is still amazed 3 babes later just how they can look so weird and fleshy and moist and still wrap his heart around their little icky fingers. he starts crying so Aemond starts crying.
then Helaena's finally ready to hold her baby herself, she's starting to cry again for 8 different reasons, and she's just pressing her baby to her chest, resting her lips on his soft little head. she knows her kids are just outside with their wet nurse, that her husbands are next to her, her baby is in her arms, she can't think of a greater heaven than that.
Aemond's the one who gets the twins, settling them in the hallway before carrying them in. he sits at Hel's feet, keeping the two back while Helaena and Aegon wrap the baby in his swaddle, before he slowly lets them approach, guiding them to be gentle as they look him over. he praises their care and attention before taking them both back up into his lap when the family falls together for s cuddle after their eventful day.
Aegon, forever a 'daddy's' boy calling in Cole when his mother comes to see the babe (I have to include him, Criston "girl dad, father of the daddy's boy, defender of Aemond" Cole? he's my weakness, he's gotta be here), all three of them preening under their love and attention as they look over their kids and their kids's three kids, perfect and happy and loved.
the cycle of Helaena and Aegon being the sleep deprived parents, this time more by choice. it's not as bad, but keeping them as the 'primary' caregivers leave Aemond always at the ready this step in. they tried dividing it equally but then they were all screwed cause they're all exhausted. they have a very complex and odd schedule and division of tasks that works for them and no one else understands and everyone's just gotta be ok with it.
Helaena teaching the kids art and philosophy, Aemond teaching them history and sword fighting, Aegon teaching them High Valyrian and the art of bonding with your dragon.
having to baby proof all of the secret passes they know of and snuck around in as kids so they don't accidentally get lost or stuck.
Aemond and Argon staring daggers at anyone who dare attempt to court or seek a betrothal to any of their babies. Helaena being passive aggressive when denying her children's hands. their dragons making it very clear its a bug no no when they can.
Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena introducing the kids to their dragons. Sunfyre playfully nudging the kids with his snout like he used to to (still does tbh) Aegon when he was little. dreamfyre getting broody over them as if they were her own hatchlings, tucking them under her wings, making them laugh. Vhagar resting her head down on the ground, huffing gently, even though to the kids it's like torrential winds, at them as Aemond guides them to pet her snout.
introducing their littlest, still too young to go flying, telling them his name and that he's tiny and perfect and theirs. their dragons being so so gentle, uncharacteristically calm in some cases, as they look over the wee thing. (the thought of Vhagar, this behemoth, being so gentle with her boys baby is everything and more)
Jaehaera being a daddy's girl through and through, eventually growing to be loud and confident like them, wanting to be a great knight and dragon warrior queen like from Aemonds tales. Jaehaerys being softer spoken and very close to his mother, a sensitive dragon dreamer like her, who grew to be his sister's confidant, longing for a simple sated life and nothing more. Maelor being somewhere between the two, he's the youngest and babies by all of them, he's happy where his family is and doing what his family is doing.
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Nobody Else
Eddie x fem!reader, 18+ smut, 6.1k words Inspired by a few lyrics from Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat by Del Water Group (they’re bolded in the fic)
CW: one-sided pining, smoking, grinding, protected sex, p in v, aftercare, mention of unprotected cockwarming, fingering and cunnilingus, edging, crying, possessive!Eddie, slight dom!Eddie, overstimulation, dry humping (Eddie to the bed), praise kink, fluff at the end
Tags: @hawkinsroyaloutcast​ @eddiemunsonfuxks​ 
Idk how but after editing it got 150 words longer...pls lemme know if you like it! This is the longest one shot I’ve ever written 🥵
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You had a minor crush on Eddie Munson for a while—one that you were determined to get rid of because you knew he’d never go for you—before he suggested being friends with benefits, which you immediately said yes to but in a cool way.
“Hey y/n!” Eddie called from the doorframe across the hallway. Your head turned at the familiar voice. You and Eddie have had a few classes together and were paired up for most of the group projects in those classes so you were not quite friends but not quite strangers. You were acquaintances who would do class work and then smoke together, but Eddie was cool and you liked a lot of the same stuff so you wanted to actually be his friend.
You finished grabbing your books out of your locker and walk towards Eddie, “What’s up Munson?”
“I’ve got a question for ya,” he mused. “Don’t take it the wrong way alright, you’re hot and pretty cool, and you get along with the band and we always have fun when we smoke so I wanted to ask-“
“Oh my god, just spit it out Munson I have to get to Spanish,” you said, adding a breathless laugh on the end.
“Alright alright, Christ,” he responds, hand going up to rub the back of his neck. “Do you wanna be friends,” he pauses. “With benefits?”
Your brain stuttered and you paused for a little longer than you probably should have, but to have the guy you’ve been crushing on and been teetering on the edge of friends with ask you to casually have sex on a regular-ish basis? That was totally unexpected.
While your brain had been restarting, Eddie’s eyes searched your face for any inkling of a response before he huffed and said, “forget about it. Just forget that I said anything, it was stupid.”
He started to walk away but you quickly shifted your books to one arm and grabbed his wrist with your now free hand, “Eddie wait, wait.”
He paused and looked back at you, a mix of hurt and annoyance graced his usually happy features. “Yeah,” you breathed. “Let’s do it, why the fuck not.”
That had brought the biggest smile on his face, but he quickly hid it with his signature smirk. “Cool, meet me at my van after school yeah?”
You nodded and went your separate ways to class.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Eddie after that. Payed no attention in any of your classes, all you could think about was the fact that soon Eddie’s hands would be all over you. His lips would be all over you, his dick would be in you. And because of the not-so-pure thoughts that ran through your head you were getting turned on in the middle of English class talking about Of Mice and Men.
After that class you kinda rushed to your locker and swapped the books you had in your bag for the books you needed for homework—though you probably wouldn’t be getting any done tonight—and then walked outside while steadying your breathing. You saw Eddie in the left corner of the parking lot. He leaned against the passenger side of his van, cigarette in hand, talking to Gareth and Jeff. It’s like he felt your eyes on him because his flitted to yours and he smirked.
“Hey guys!” You said to Gareth and Jeff when you reached the van.
“Hey, y/n! How are you?” Gareth said with a hug.
“Hey y/n,” Jeff smiled.
“I’m good, thanks! Eddie and I are gonna have a smoke session while we work on the history project otherwise we’d invite you guys to hang out tonight.”
“Ah that’s alright, I’ve got family dinner and Jeff has a date tonight so it works out,” Gareth smiled. “We gotta do another smoke sesh with all of us though! I miss hanging out with you, 
y/n, Eddie needs to bring you around more often!” He half-yelled as he and Jeff started the walk back to their cars.
“Smoke session and history project, huh?” Eddie said, after he took a drag from his cigarette. “Nothing else? No other plans?”
“Shut up, Munson. I didn’t think you’d wanna let the world know we’re gonna be fuck buddies, plus we do need to work on the history project.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I think smoke and sex tonight, history project in the morning. It’s Friday anyway, no one should be doing homework on a Friday.”
He flicks away the butt of his cigarette and opens the passenger side door for you, helping you in to his van.
“It’s only 4 pm Eds, you really think we can’t work on the history project even a little bit?” You asked when he got into the driver’s seat.
“Nope, we’re smoking and then having takeout and seeing where the night takes us,” he looked over at you and gave you a toothy grin.
And that’s exactly what happened that night. You smoked, ordered Chinese food when the munchies hit and then smoked some more.
By 8 pm you were fed and high as a kite and still so horny from thinking about Eddie in class so you took the first step. You shifted from where you were sitting next to Eddie on the couch, getting up and standing in front of him. His legs were spread, one arm on the edge of the couch that was previously by your head, the other held an almost finished joint to his mouth.
He removed the joint from his lips as you straddled his lap, rubbing your needy cunt on his crotch as you got comfortable. Eddie smiled from where he sat below you. Wrapping his free arm around you he held you to him as he leaned forward to put the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the coffee table. He pressed a quick kiss to your clothed shoulder as he dropped the butt in the ashtray and leaned back into the couch.
His hands ran down your sides, your hips, your thighs and stopped at your knees, where he drew lines at the junction of your knees and thighs. He looked up at you, pupils blown from a mix of weed and lust, and you both stayed silent as his eyes followed your movements.
You crossed your arms reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, tossing it to the couch beside Eddie. His hands still ran up and down your thighs, drew circles by your knees. His eyes bore into your chest as you reached behind to unclasp your bra, finding its way to the ever-growing pile on the couch. 
His hands went wide, gripping your thighs tightly as his eyes raked over your half naked body. He followed suit, ridding himself of his shirt. You both looked at each other, marveling at the newly exposed parts of you both that neither of you had seen before.
“Y/N, we only have to do this if you’re comfortable,” Eddie said, eyes trailing from yours down your torso. HIs hands were still splayed on your covered thighs.
“Eddie,” you sighed. You rolled your hips against his jean-clad hard-on, eliciting a moan from his soft, pink lips. “Touch me, please.”
He met your eyes and slowly, agonizingly slowly, trailed his hands up to your hips, thumbs finally meeting skin. His hands were calloused and rough but his touches were delicate as his hands traced your figure. When his thumbs caressed the underside of your breasts you let out a shaky breath, hips moving of their own accord to create friction on the blossoming heat between your thighs. Thumbs trailed over your nipples and you arched into him. When he took your hardened buds between his thumb and pointer fingers and tweaked them you moaned and Eddie’s eyes went wide. He tried to readjust himself below you but instead dragged gasps from both of your throats as his throbbing, clothed cock met your warm, clothed core in a slow stroke.
“Kiss me,” you practically begged, and he happily obliged. He wrapped his arms around you, sitting up to meet you halfway and pulling your bare chests together as he took kissed your lips with fervor. It was a sloppy kiss, full of tongues and bites and open mouthed moans as you rocked against each other, chests together creating tantalizing friction on your sensitive nipples. You pulled back, a line of spit connecting your lips to his, and wrapped your arms around his neck as he stood and walked you backwards to his bedroom.
He settled you on his bed tenderly, kneeling between your open legs. He trailed kisses down your neck and chest. He took your right nipple into his mouth, tongue swirling around it he suckled and let go with a pop. When he blew cool air on its slickness, your back to arched towards him. He lavished your left with the same treatment before kissing down your stomach.
“Can I take these off?” He asked, hands on your hips. You nodded and he made quick work of your jeans, pulling them down and tossing them into a new pile to be made on his bedroom floor. He looked to you again for confirmation before dragging your panties down and tossing them to the floor with your jeans.
You sat up, hands reaching for his belt. Eddie pulled you in to a kiss, hands on your cheeks, as you worked down his jeans and boxers. When his cock sprung free from its confines he groaned into the kiss. He released your mouth as soon as your hand grasped him, his hips bucking into your fist.
“Bedside table,” he breathed, one of your hands still pumping his cock while the other reached for the condom.
He took the condom from you and gently pushed your shoulders down to the bed. You looked down at him between your legs and watched as he rolled the condom on his aching dick, your own fingers dipping into your needy cunt to prepare yourself for how big he is. Eddie watched your fingers sink into your wet pussy as he pumped his cock a few more times before lining himself up with your weeping hole.
“Ready?” He asked, eyes meeting yours again. Your yes turned into a moan as Eddie pushed himself into you slowly. Your walls stretched around him, back arching into his chest, knot in your lower stomach starting to form. His arms held him above you as he watched your face change with pleasure, your mouth dropping open in a silent oh, and your eyes rolling back. It was a sight that would never leave his memory.
He inched himself into you, reveling at the feeling of your walls pulsing and fluttering around his cock. As soon as he was buried to the hilt your cunt squeezed around him eliciting beautiful noises from his kiss-bitten lips. 
“Jesus H Christ, Y/L/N, fuck me,” he breathed. “If I’d known how greedy your pussy was—swallowing me so well—I would’ve asked to be fuck buddies a while ago,” he teased with a smile.
“Shut up, Munson,” you met his eyes with a half-laugh. “And move, please,” you asked, nails digging into his shoulders.
He loved that he had you begging already. He knew after this—after getting to feel your hot, wet cunt—that he was going to sit you down and talk all things sex and kinks so you both could get the most out of this friends with benefits relationship.
He kissed up your chest as he pulled back slowly, meeting your lips and swallowing your moan as he pushed back in to the hilt.
“More,” you begged. “Faster, Eddie.”
And he was happy to oblige. His kiss became more demanding as his thrusts became more forceful. The sound of slapping skin and muffled moans and the scent of sex filled the room. He held himself up with one hand and led one of your legs around his waist, your other one following soon after. At this angle his tip was hitting that sweet, spongey spot inside you that had the coil in your stomach winding tighter and tighter.
“Right there! Fuck, right there,” you whined. He dipped his head to yours, taking your lips in another heady kiss as he continued his assault on your pussy. One of Eddie’s hands trailed down your hips towards your center and traced rough circles onto your clit, drawing a moan from you.
Without warning, the coil in your stomach snapped, and your walls fluttered and squeezed around Eddie’s cock as you came. He let out a soft fuck at the way your pussy gripped his cock, your slick leaking down your thighs and ass as he continued to fuck you through your climax. A few more thrusts into your wet cunt had Eddie’s dick twitch before filling the condom with his seed, the sound that left his throat as he came was animalistic and raw. He continued to piston into your heat as his cock softened and your pussy fluttered around him before he pulled himself out and rid himself of the used condom.
Eddie slid off the bed and lifted you into his arms as he walked into his bathroom. He set you on he toilet so you could pee while he grabbed a towel from the sink and wiped your slick from his thighs and the base of his dick. He tossed the used towel into his hamper and helped you climb back into bed, pulling the sheet over your naked bodies. You were confused but thankful when Eddie wrapped his arms around you and laid your head on his chest.
“Do you need anything? Water, a snack? Cuddles, a movie? Sleep?”
“Eddie,” you said questioningly. “We’re friends with benefits. Isn’t now the point where I put my clothes back on and do the walk of shame home?”
His laugh reverberated in his chest. “Just because we’re friends with benefits doesn’t mean we won’t do aftercare or hang out after we fuck.”
He pulled back to look at you, “don’t tell me your asshole exes never gave you aftercare.” Your silence was loud in his ears. “Jesus, okay so aftercare is what we need after sex. Sex can take a lot out of you mentally, emotionally and physically and aftercare is supposed to supplement the missing parts of those after, hence after care. Like for me, this right now, this cuddling and a little hanging out is what I need after sex.”
“Okay, um I think cuddling and hanging out will be good for me but also maybe talking? About what we did and then also maybe just in general? My ‘asshole exes’ never really talked about what they liked or didn’t like or ask what I liked or didn’t like and usually just went to bed or played their video games after.”
“We can definitely do that,” Eddie smiled at you. “Cuddling, hanging out and talking. That’s a good start.”
“And maybe some reassurance that this isn’t going to change our friendship at all,” you laughed.
“Oh so we’re friends now?” He chuckled, “don’t worry Y/N, nothing is going to change.
So the rest of the night consisted of cuddling, a movie, and talking through the good parts and not-so-good parts (of which there weren’t many) of the evening as well as just talking in general. Before you knew it, both of you were asleep in Eddie’s bed.
That was the first time you stayed the night at Eddie’s and nowhere near the last.
That was six months ago. And since then you talked kinks, hard limits and soft limits, and everything in between. You explored each other’s bodies at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a week, and usually ended up spending weekends in the Munson trailer. Eddie opened you up enough to start exploring your sexuality more, he made you comfortable enough to talk to him about what you’ve done, what you want to do and what is a little scary but a little interesting to you. He talked through what he’s done, what he wants to do and what he’ll be happy to help you test out.
You know some of the gang is getting a little suspicious—there were only so many projects you could blame your extended periods of time together on—but neither of you really care. You’re both content with learning about each other and through each other.
There are also times where one or both of you aren’t up for sex on one of the nights when you hang out. Instead, you’d go to the movies or get dinner or just smoke and plan the next DND campaign together. It was nice. It is nice.
And your crush you swore to get rid of? It’s still there, and you still try to snuff it out so you don’t ruin the good thing you have going with Eddie.
It’s Friday and Eddie has been a tad more touchy than usual at school recently. Even going so far as to hold your hand under the cafeteria table at lunch today, his thumb rubbing circles into the back of your hand.
When the bell rings he says by to the boys and walks you to your locker.
“My place after school?” He asks, shoulder blocking you from the rest of the hallway.
“Yeah,” you smile at him. “What plans do you have for us tonight?”
“That, my dear Y/N is a secret. But I think you’ll enjoy it,” he smirks, a lustful glint in his brown eyes. You scoff and close your locker.
“That’s what you said last time.”
“And what? You didn’t like warming my raw cock in your wet little pussy and not being allowed to fuck yourself on it? I, personally, loved how needy you got after a while and how much you clenched around me.”
“Eddie!” You half-laugh, half-scold him, smacking his arm softly with your textbook. “I’ll meet you at the van after last period.”
“See you then, sweetheart.”
Classes went by quickly and you’re buzzing with excitement about what Eddie has in store for you at his trailer all through last period. When the bell rings you get up and head to your locker to switch out your books and pick up your homework for the weekend. Walking outside, Eddie and the van aren’t in their usual spot at the corner of the lot. Instead he’s right out front, leaning against the passenger door with a cigarette like the first Friday night you fucked. 
“Hi, Y/L/N, ready to go?” He asks with a smile and open arms.
“Well this is different, and more out in the open,” you laugh, accepting his hug. You part from each other and he opens the passenger door for you.
“Oh such a gentleman,” you tease hopping in.
“Enjoy it because I won’t be a gentleman when we get home,” he smirks at you when he gets in the drivers side. You shiver with anticipation and he starts the van starting the drive to his place.
The drive is comfortable, constant conversation flows between you as you talk about school and life and sex.
“Can I get a hint, pleaseeeeeeeee?”
“No ma’am,” Eddie says with a laugh as you turn onto his street. “My lips are sealed.”
“Ugh fine,” you huff.
“Have patience, sweetheart. I promise you’ll like it.”
He pulls into the driveway and you both get out of the van and walk to the trailer door. Once inside you both put your backpacks by door and stand in the doorway looking at each other.
“So,” you pause. “Are we smoking and doing takeout like usual or?”
“No smoking. I want you to be present for what we do tonight, I want both of us present,” he smiles slowly, eyes raking over your body. “Up to you if you want to eat before or after. It might be a while.”
“Food after,” you say a little too quickly. You’re too excited to think of anything other than Eddie and his plans.
Eddie smiles and holds his hand out, palm up. You place yours in his gingerly and he walks you to his bedroom. Once inside his room, the door closed, Eddie put on music at a low volume and met you in the middle of the room.
“Can I-“
Eddie shakes his head and kisses you quiet. It’s a soft kiss, and when he pulls back he starts first. He rids himself of his shirt, toes of his shoes and takes off his jeans, standing before you in just his black boxers. You’re yes go wide as Eddie kneels and helps you take off your shoes. He moves his hands to the top of your shorts and with a nod of your head shimmies them down your hips, placing a kiss on your newly exposed thigh. He stands and removes your shirt with another nod of your head.
You stand together in the center of his room. Eyes taking in bodies. The air between you is charged, but something feels different this time. Eddie snaps out of whatever haze he was in when you ask shyly, “do I get to know what’s on todays agenda now?”
He smirks, “I want to see how long you can last.”
You rack your brain trying to understand. Then it hits you, “edging?!”
“Yes,” he says with a nod. “I know it was an interest for you and I think we should try it today.”
You stay silent.
“What are you thinking? Talk to me Y/N.”
“I-“ you pause. “How? I mean, with what?”
“Just my hands,” he smiles at your sudden shyness. His eyes trained on your lips as you pull your lower one between your teeth.
“Yes? I need a solid yes or no, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Eddie.”
He smiles and settles himself in his bed, on his side with one hand propping his head up and his back to the wall. “Come here,” he says patting the open space beside him. “But take off your underwear and bra first.”
You do as he says and lie down beside him, flat on your back with your face turned toward him. Your eyes meeting his sweet brown ones.
“You know your limits. We’re going to use lights for this okay. What are they?”
“Green means keep going, yellow means slow down, red means stop.”
“Good girl,” he coos. “How are you right now? What color?”
You breathe deeply, thankful for the addition of praise. You talked about that a few weeks in to this. “Green,” you say lightly.
“Talk to me okay? Tell me how you’re feeling.”
All you can do is nod your head. Anticipation and nerves running high, your body erupts in goosebumps as soon as Eddies warm hand runs over your stomach. He lazily runs his fingertips across your tum, and down towards your core. Your thighs open wider for him.
“Green,” you let out with a breath.
“That’s my girl.”
His hand dips between your thighs, middle and pointer finger running through your wet folds.
“So wet for me already? What has you dripping like this?”
“You,” you sigh as his fingers stroke through your folds again, teasing at your weeping hole. “You, Eddie.”
Eddie groans and his dick twitches in his boxers. He’s growing hard from your admission and how vulnerable you’re willing to be for him. He hopes he can hold out long enough to see this through.
“Babygirl, you’re so good to me.”
At the pet name, your hole clenches around nothing, his fingers beginning to work at your engorged clit. Eddie rubs slow and fast circles over your sensitive bud as he watches your face change in pleasure. You feel a tightness start in your lower stomach.
He kisses your bare shoulder, “look at me Y/N.”
You struggle, the pleasure shooting through you overwhelming your senses, but you open your eyes to look at him.
“Play with your tits while I touch you.”
Your eyes go wide but you nod. Bringing your hands up to squeeze and knead at your breasts. As you move to tweak your nipples, Eddie moves his fingers from your clit and slips one inside your cunt.
The gasp that falls from your lips is music to his ears. He continues to watch as you pinch and roll your hardened nipples, reveling in how your pussy clenches around him with every pinch of your sensitive buds.
He thrusts his finger into you at a slow pace, reaching that sweet spot but barely caressing it with the tip of his finger. “How are you?”
You don’t respond, head still turned towards him, eyes closed in ecstasy. He removes his hand at your lack of communication and you whine at the loss, cold air hitting your pussy where his hand was keeping you warm, walls clenching around nothing.
“Eddie,” you breath out.
“What color, Y/N?” “Green, so so green.”
He laughs lightly and palms your warm cunt before slipping two fingers in this time. You let out a soft fuck and arch your back. Your hands go back to kneading and giving attention to your sore tits. Eddie works his fingers in and out of you at a faster, more eager pace, thumb coming to rest on and rub at your clit.
The coil in your belly tightens all the more. Eddie feels the flutter of your walls and he pulls his fingers from you.
You mewl, and nudge the arm his head is resting on with your nose. “Eddie.”
“I know honey, I know you were close,” he pulls his fingers to his lips and sucks them into his mouth. Tasting your sweetness for the first time today, he groans. “Always so fucking sweet.”
You watch him as he licks his fingers that were just inside you and your legs move to close and create pressure where you need it.
“Ah ah ah,” he tuts, hooking his top leg over the thigh closest to him and keeping you open. You whine again but he swallows it with a kiss. He pulls back and your lips chase his. He trails wet kisses down your neck and shoulder, leaning over enough to lick a stripe over your breast and take a nipple into his mouth. You gasp, hands moving to his hair to keep him close to your chest. He moves from your nipple to the top of your breast, kissing as he moves but stopping to nip and bite and mark you.
When he notices your breathing level out again, his hand trails back down to your core, repeating his ministrations from the first round until you’re writhing under him. Walls fluttering around his fingers, he pulls away. This time you cry out, hips bucking up trying to chase his touch.
“Color, Y/N.”
“Fuck, I don’t know, I just want you, please.” Your head is getting fuzzy with need and you can’t think straight. You just want Eddie’s hands on you, fingers in you, mouth on you, cock in you, something.
“Baby, you know what you need to do to get my touch.”
“Green,” you huff. He can tell you’re getting antsy, chasing a high he won’t let you have, but he also knows when you’re truly done. When you’re really overstimulated and recoiling from his touch instead of chasing it.
“Good girl.”
After heady kisses, trails of hickeys and hands on tits, his hand moves to your cunt again. Fingers pumping faster, hitting the spot that has you squirming and trying to fuck yourself on his fingers. Bringing you just to the precipice, before removing his hand for the third time that evening. It feels like you’ve been here for hours, begging for his touch, for release.
There are tears in your eyes as you let out a breathy, “green. Please.”
He kisses your tears away before meeting your lips with his. You open to him, all tongue and teeth. When you pull away to breathe again you meet his brown eyes, soft and full of lust. Both of you are looking at each other with so much desire and reverence as he runs his hand up and down your body, from your stomach to your collarbone that’s now littered with hickeys from his last attack to your lips and neck. Your breathing alines with his and he lets his hand trail lower.
“You’re doing so good for me sweetheart. So so good,” he moves his fingers slowly through your folds with his praise. Fingers moving first to your clit, puffy and sensitive and begging for a release. Eddie rubs circles into your nub before pinching it which elicits a mixture of a moan and scream from your throat. He groans and says what he’s been thinking for the last few months, “I don't want anybody else touching you like I do.”
You can hear him but can’t respond, throat closed in pleasure.
“Is it okay? That I don't want anybody else touching you like I do? Tell me that nobody else touches you like I do. Tell me that nobody else touches you like me.”
He continues to rub and tweak your clit faster and harder until you move to push his hand away. He pulls back entirely. “Color?” He asks before looking to your face. You’re actively crying from the overstimulation and edging. “Baby? Y/N?”
“I-I can’t do it anymore, I can’t go any further. Red.”
His heart squeezes. He hates to see you in any sort of pain, even if it was from too much pleasure. “Okay baby, that’s okay.”
He pulls your body closer to him and strokes your hair to try and calm you down.
You’re overwhelmed. From his hands, from the edging, from his confession. Your breathing slows as Eddie kisses your forehead.
You meet his eyes.
“Can I help you get what you need? Can I help you finish?” He asks with so much sincerity and care.
You nod, “please.” Eyes going watery again from the build-up of pressure in your belly. It’s withered but still lingers, an ache you know won’t go away until you cum.
He smiles softly at you, “I know we haven’t done it yet, but can I use my mouth?” He asks eagerly. “It’ll be the softest way to get you there.”
“You want to-to eat me out?” You question. He knows no-one has ever gone down on you before. You mentioned it months ago after you gave him a blowjob that he said ‘was so amazing, lemme return the favor.’
He nods, “please, baby. I want you to finish on my tongue.”
You nod and his smile grows wide. He moves down the bed from his position beside you, settling himself on his stomach between your thighs. You feel his warm breath fan over your wet, aching cunt and hiss at the feeling, your puffy lips so sensitive from Eddies earlier onslaught of pleasure.
“Green, Eddie, please make me cum. I need it.” You whine.
With that, Eddie dips his head to your pussy. He flattens his tongue against you licks up your folds. You moan and your hands find leverage in his hair. You pull him against you to keep him close to your core, overwhelmed by the pleasure and new feeling of his mouth on your most intimate parts.
His soft, wet, warm tongue catches your throbbing clit, running circles around it until he sucks on it. You arch your back at the pleasure, hands pulling him closer to your cunt, smothering him in your wet folds.
He continues his assault on your clit before kissing his way down to your weeping hole. You clench around his tongue as he thrusts it into your pussy. Eddies hips move of their own accord, humping the bedsheets below him at the same pace he moves his tongue in and out of you. He pulls out his tongue and circles your hole before pushing back in you pull on his hair at the sensation. He moans into you and you feel it everywhere. It reverberates through your entire body, nipples hardening, toes curling, heart racing.
His nose puts pressure on your clit as he continues to eat you out, tongue thrusting into your cunt at a ruthless pace until your walls start to flutter around the wet muscle. It hits you like a freight train. The coil snaps and all the built-up pressure releases.
“Eddie!” You scream his name and close your thighs around his head as you cum in spurts onto his tongue. Your legs shake around his head as more and more of your slick coats Eddies tongue, lips, and chin with the shockwaves that continue to hit you.
Eddie keeps eating you out through your prolonged orgasm, reveling in how much you’ve given him. Your legs drop open and the hands in his hair push him away from your aching cunt. He kisses his way up your stomach and chest before moving beside you.
You reach your hand towards Eddies clothed cock wanting to help satisfy him like he did you. Squeezing him through his boxers you sigh when you feel the wetness on his front. “You came?”
“Same time as you actually. I told you before that I can get off on just eating pussy,” he lets out a breathy laugh. “How are you feeling?”
He smiles, “understandable. Bath or a shower?”
“Bath, I don’t think I can stand right now,” you laugh.
“Your wish is my command.”
Eddie removes himself from the bed and take off his soiled boxers on his way to his bathroom. You hear the water start running and a few minutes later hear it stop. Eddie comes back into the room, and picks you up bridal style out of bed. He walks you to the bathroom and sits you in the tub first before climbing in behind you.
Pulling you back into his chest you lay together in the tub in silence for a bit. Eddie’s hands run softly over your arms and stomach as he peppers kisses to the back of your neck and shoulders.
You’re the one to break the silence.
“Did you mean it?”
Eddie stopped his motions, “mean what?”
“What you said before I called red. About not wanting-,” you pause, nervous that it was said in the heat of the moment and not intentionally. “About not wanting anyone else to touch me?”
He’s silent for a bit, his hands finding a resting place on your stomach. “Is that something you want?”
“Eddie, please answer me,” you say, tears threatening to fall for the second time that night. “I can’t-I-”
“Hey hey hey, Y/N, Y/N don’t cry please, I’m sorry,” Eddie says frantically hands finding and squeezing yours under the bath water. “Yes, I meant it. I don’t want anyone else touching you like I do, I want you to myself.”
“Really?” You let out with a hiccup.
Eddie puts his hand under your chin to turn you around and face him. “Yes, Y/N. I’ve wanted to say that for months now. I just didn’t know how you would take it. If you would want it too.” His eyes search yours for an answer to his worry.
“Eddie,” you coo, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Truth be told, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. I don’t think I could ever find anyone that touches me like you. I don’t want to find someone to touch me like you. I want you.” 
“You’re so perfect, how did I not realize I needed you sooner? How were you under my nose the whole time but it took a stupid idea from my horny brain to make me see that?”
He hugs you closer to him in the water and you sit together in the bath until your fingers and toes are get pruny. You get out and dry each other off and Eddie brings you a t-shirt to wear to bed. Your legs are still weak and wobbly, so he picks you up and places you in bed. Eddie crawls in beside you in just boxers and you fall asleep in his arms, happy.
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joowee-feftynn · 1 year
been digging through the rain world files and i keep finding some cool stuff
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like these three little guys
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these cool moon pictures
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stuff that probably shouldn't be there (i don't have downpour installed)
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and corn.
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the-lady-hestia · 9 months
I just finished a physics quiz
I was mid-way through when I hit a problem I had literally no idea how to do
I skip it
Finish the rest of the quiz
“Oh fuck I still don’t know how to do this”
Time is running out
I’m so fucked
Then BAM!
It hits me
The solution
It’s perfect
The math is glorious
It all works out
Perfect harmony
Massive W
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silent-browser · 2 years
Sooooo.... I continued it... But not really. Also I never continue things so fair warning if there is a drop in quality.
I was rewatching Scara's introduction and got to the point where he talked about the "Third Betrayal" and only JUST NOW realized that he doesn't understand death because he is a puppet and was probably still super young at that point and it usually takes normal human children a long time to come to terms and fully understand their mortality. He doesn't have to do that because he was originally built to last as long as possible. He had to be built that way to house a gnosis. And as a result death would have been a very hard concept to fully grasp.
Sure he understands that of you hurt someone enough they go down and possibly even stop breathing but they'll get up soon enough right? I mean how else would his enemies have so many people to fight for them if those still people didn't just get up and go back to what they were doing before? (Which was fighting him) He would probably need something big to force him to really understand death in a very short amount of time. (Hehehe)
Say perhaps if his precious Companion were to get injured for the first time in some random skirmish against hilichurls and he dismisses it. He's seen mortals leak the red before but he doesn't see it as any more than an annoyance when it gets on his clothes. His Companion insists on stopping to "clean up the wound" which he agrees to. That red stuff can really stain good clothing and other mortals look so weird and weary if you try to interact with them while still wearing the stains. And, even more importantly, such stains may get in the way if his future cuddle time.
After they are done fiddling with the wound and some random scraps of fabric they continue on but strangely enough his Companion doesn't seem to be doing as well as before. The injured body part seems weaker and is starting to become warm, sore and puffy. They have started to apply strange plant mixtures to the offending area, claiming that these poultices would help the injury "heal" though it seems to be doing the opposite. It was when they were about to leave the supposedly beautiful Qingce Village (he thought his companion looks 100× better than this random village of old people) that his Companion stumbled in their step before looking up at him and saying "please don't get mad" before dropping to the ground.
Scaramouche had never been so afraid. Not after being abandoned by his mother, not after loosing his friend, not after every hard fought battle and not even after loosing the gnosis he so craved. He watched their precious, delicate, achingly mortal body fall and screamed. He saw visions. Vivid as if he was right back to when they happened. Visions of soldiers felled by his blade, visions of Dottore's lab after he was done experimenting with delusions and the effects they had on mortal bodies and visions of the child he had once called friend laying still in that suffocating shack.
Near by villagers came rushing over to the small campsite that the two strange wanderers had insisted on setting up instead of staying in a guest house, to find a very distraught looking young man clutching on to his softer spoken companion as if they were his life line. Villagers quickly leapt to action and gently guided the young man to bring them to a cleaner space than the open air campsite and, with much coaxing and promises that he can remain by their side during the examination, to let go of them so that a local doctor can take a closer look at them.
When it is confirmed that the seemingly insignificant wound they had gotten from that hilichurl fight not to long ago was now infected and a much more serious problem than it once was Scara is devastated. How could this happen? Why did it happen? What does this mean for his Companion? What exactly is an infection? He almost holds this poor doctor hostage until he gets all of his questions answered and he understands the situation better. Once the poor doctor is release from the room and scara has a moment to think...
'Their injury is infected. They got injured in a fight. A fight that I obviously didn't protect them well enough in. Therefore they got injured because of me. That must be why they told me not to get mad. They knew that I failed to protect them. They knew and yet they still traveled with me. They don't want me to get mad.... At myself...'
He spends a lot of time stewing in that mental space. Thinking about things he could have done better in the fight. Thinking about all of the signs that something was wrong that he didn't notice. All of the winces when ever his hand brushed the injury when he want to hug or cuddle them. All of the herbal poultices used in vain to keep the infection at bay. All of the moments taken to rest that he misinterpreted as more head pat time for him. All of the selfish actions he took that might have made it worse. Thinking about what might have happened if they weren't anywhere near other people when they collapsed. Those thoughts scare him the most.
The only time he spends outside of his own head is when the local doctor comes by to redress and check on the wound. During that time he pays close attention to what the doctor is doing so that he could replicate it in the future, should he fail to protect them from another injury again. He gains a sudden interest in medicine after all of this.
After a week or two you are deemed healthy enough to travel once more, something scara is particularly excited about. Traveling will mean less of your attention is focused on other beings and a new chance to prove himself worthy of your praise and affections. A chance he will never take lightly ever again.
Scara becomes more protective after this experience. Insisting on looking you over after every single fight. Doesn't matter if you were even involved in the fight. Doesn't matter if his own limbs are hanging on by mere threads. Doesn't matter is some random guard or adventurer had gotten involved as well and were more obviously hurt. He is checking his Companion over for even the smallest scrape so that the ever looming threat of death could never claim you.
Not that he exactly had the right word for that feeling yet.
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ppawmkinz · 1 year
Good morning. Can I get Lucky with a hypermobile fem s/o with knee problems? I dislocated my left kneecap again three days ago (this is my 5th one total).
(I'm so sorry to hear that!! And I hope you don't mind headcannons I don't do this much so I'm a bit rusty!)
. if he saw you standing With your knees bent back a little to far he would ask why your standing like that-
. When you tell him that you stand like that because your hypermobile He wouldn't mind! It scares the living HELL out of him when he finds out about your knee (LMAOO GET IT? CAUSE THERE IN HELL?? No? Okay-)
.When he Found out he was RIGHT by your side he says your lucky your in his presence! "Lucky your in my room-" "I didn't ask you tho did i?"
.If you ask for help with something Hes gonna make you beg😐 Let's say you need Help grabbing your phone "Hey lucky could you hand me my phone?" "..Sure :)" He will have it THIS 🤏 close to your hand when he pulls away and says "beg for it." And you just want the phone soo you do it! "Hm i dont know i dont think you really want this" He has to keep his Dominant Aura somehow!
.When your down in the dumps cause of the pain Lucky will let you cuddle with him. He of course is the big spoon💀 And just this once he will let you pet his ears!
I hope you enjoyed these headcanonss I suck at writing tho honestly But I hope you enjoyed💗
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acavatica · 8 months
Adults Leather Eye Patch For Kids
I loved the ofmd finale, but that's neither here nor there. I am shopping for an eye patch.
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[ A discord screenshot that reads: This is not for pirate reasons I have one nearsighted eye and one farsighted eye and my glasses are for computer distance and so sometimes when I watch TV I cover my right eye with my hand ]
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[A screenshot of an Amazon listing for a reversible leather eye patch. The heading says: "Cover your eye in style," below that is a picture of the eye patches, in brown and black. Where there is generally a description, there is a long paragraph of SEO search terms. Beneath that, a wide-eyed white man and woman smile too big, extremely creepy, the photoshopping of the eye patches is very bad. Next to them it says "Perfect as a gift!"]
[ The text says:
Eye Patch for Adults Eye Patches for Adults Leather Eye Patch Adult Leather Eye Patch Leather Eyepatch Lazy Eye Leather Eye Patch Black Leather Eye Patch Brown Leather Eye Patch Pirate Eye Patch Black Eye Patch Brown Eye Patch Lazy Eye Eye Patch Adjustable Eye Patch Tan Eye Patch Eyepatch
Leather Eye Patches for adults left eye Leather Eye Patches for adults right eye Leather Eye Patch for Adults leather eye patches for adults leather eye patch eyepatch for adults leather eye patch for adults black eye patch eye patches adults eyepatch for adults mens eye patch adult eye patches right eye patch left eye patch eyepatch for lazy eye blind eye patch pirate eye patches adult leather eye cover lazy eye pirate eye patches adult cool eye patches for adults pirates eye patches for adults kids eye patches for lazy eye boys pirate eye patches for adults ]
At first, I was weirded out, but since I'm acclimatized to our capitalist hellscape, my poisoned brain quickly found it charming. So charming that I thought it deserved to be recited.
[mp3 description: the above unhinged 2 paragraphs read by a person with an American accent, soon gasping for breath... voice begins to sound strained... huge inhale... voice becomes forced, sounds increasingly desperate... gasp... voice grows more pained... it's getting weak... they might cry... finishes with one stumble right at the end, with a triumphant "adult leather eye patch for BOYS... Pirate eye patches for adults."]
17 notes · View notes
Oh god.
This summer you sent our mutual friend a package, to get to me. An heirloom, a bit of camp history. Passed down to me.
And on that package, your phone number and address. Your phone number, that I had long deleted from my phone because the urge to call you was always too strong.
When I last saw you in person, you said that when you finally moved to the city it would be with your girlfriend. You would move in together. And surely, she would become your fiancee and then your wife.
There it is. On the package. Your new address, in the city.
I have to keep myself from calling you right now. You probably have my number blocked, and I truly don't know what I'd do if you answered. But I would give anything to hear your voice again.
Even if it's just you saying, "Hello? Who is this?" While her voice is in the background, asking you what you want for dinner.
At this point, I don't even need to be the voice in the background asking what you want for dinner.
I just wish I could be the voice on the other end of your phone call.
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
here are some vines turned gregor the overlander for your enjoyment Gregor: it is wenzday my duides  Ares: *unholy wail* The bonds vibin Gregor: bop it Ares: uclck Gregor: twist it Ares: chcscsshhhhh Gregor: pull it Ares: eenegggeh Ripred: no off topic questions.  Ripred: Because I no.  Ripred: That’s an off topic question.  Ripred: Permission denied.  Ripred: Next.  Ripred: You have been stopped.  Ripred: I said whoever threw that paper, your moms a hoe.  Ripred: alright let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. Imma go first. Alright; I hate you.  Gregor: hi my name is Gregor with a b and I’ve been deathly afraid of insects- Ripred: stop stop stop. Where’s the b? Gregor: there’s A BEE?!?!? Gregor and ares: *waddle away* Ripred: *sigh of disappointment* Henry: oh sorry I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich Gregor: go back to sleep and starve.  Ares: *mixes together every drink* fuck you Gregor: *starts playing piano*  Ares: *dances like he’s in hell* Gregor: crawler rave. *starts beatboxing* Crawlers: *vibin* Twitchtip: what the FUCK is up Kyle. No what the FUCK Kyle. Step the FUCK up.  Luxa: bring the beat in Gregor: *sprinting across the castle holding a plate with a beet on it* anything for you Beyoncé Gregor: *making Mac n cheese* Ripred: *leans close. Intently* that’s what good pussy sounds like Ripred: hey Gregor, say ‘who want lasagne?’ Gregor: who- *trips falls, breaks head* Gregor: *falls elegantly from ares back* good evening.  Gregor: *falls from roof and lands on floor. Lays there a while* Howard: *walks in. Stares at him a second* h-hey Gregor Gregor: *without missing a beat, lifts hand* hey Howard.  Ares: *scares ripred* wah! Ripred: ahh! Stop. I coulda dropped my croissant Gregor: first let me hop out the Ares: *hits piano keys* Gregor: I don’t wanna hit the Ares: *hits piano keys* Ripred: shut the Aurora: *hits piano keys* Ripred: up.  Gregor: I’m on ares flying away. Brum brum Ripred: *screaming from the ground, sprinting* GET OFF THE BAT Gregor: aw.  Gregor: a potato flew around my room before you came.  Ares: let’s do the fork in the garbage disposal Gregor: DING DING DING DA DING DA DING DING Gregor: *goes into rager mode* Aurora: what the fuck Richard Gregor: Fuck this shit I’m out *jumps out window and onto ares back* Luxa: *does an array of flips* Gregor: weow  Gregor: *hits all the bloodballs* Luxa: yeah! That was legitness  Aurora: yeah it was.  Grace: let me see what you have? Gregor: a knife! Grace: no!!! Ripred: yeah! Boots: I smell like pee Boots: I smell like pee Boots: I SMELL LIKE PEEEEEEEE
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kebriones · 11 months
The Samos hopscotch nonsense featuring Alcibiades:
-he sends message to athens that he'll bring Persian help if they take down the democracy.
-a portion of the Athenians at Samos (an island where part of the Athenian fleet was stationed) were oligarchs so they went over to Alcibiades to say hey we also wanna help. Alcibiades was like great!
-these guys from samos went back to Samos and caused a coup, using mostly the rich and frustrated citizens.
-the poorer people didn't like this but hopef they would at least get paid
-thete was one guy called Phrynichus, an Athenian general, who didn't like any of the stuff that was happening because he believed (as was the truth, Thucydides says) that Alcibiades couldn't care less about what political system anyone had and only cared about returning to athens.
-phrynichus said that they should just ignore Alcibiades and focus on not having internal issues and keeping their democracy.
-nobody listened to him and he could see that as soon as Alcibiades was recalled, he would try and harm him for having spoken against him.
-so he made a plan. He sent a message to the spartan general warning him that Alcibiades was trying to harm them and return to the Athenians, and told him everything that was going on.
-the spartan general, for whatever reason, went to Tissaphernes and Alcibiades and told them "hey this Athenian general told me so and so, but I think that what Alcibiades is doing will benefit the persians so whatever"
-alcibiades immediately wrote a letter to the rest of the Athenians in samos, telling them the Phrynichus was being all secret-message-y with the spartans and asking them to kill him.
-phrynichus got really scared now because he was in very real danger and sent a letter complaining to astyochus, the spartan general he had been communicating with, that he hadn't keot their little secret. But, he said, he is ready to help the spartans destroy the entire Athenian fleet at samos in order to avoid getting killed.
-astyochus (who probably by that point was sleeping with Alcibiades on the regular and was whipped otherwise i cannot understand what he was thinking-thats my commentary) WENT AND TOLD EVERYTHING TO ALCIBIADES AGAIN.
-phrynichus kinda realized that he would get betrayed again, thought of another plan. He told everyone that the spartans were about to attack samos and that they should fortify it. So they did. Soon after, another message from Alcibiades saying that Phrynichus was betraying the Athenians arrived, but since Phrynichus had already done all that with the fortification, nobody believed Alcibiades.
-alcibiades then continued putting all his energy into being on Tissaphernes' good side.
-meanwhile in Athens, the people were tired and hopeless do after some persuasion they were like "okay ten dudes can go talk to Alcibiades and Tissaphernes and decide what's best." Other guys met up to discuss taking down the democracy.
-so the guys from athens come to Tissaphernes and Alcibiades to have a talk and come to an agreement.
-alcibiades sabotages the negotiations telling the Athenians that he could manipulate Tissaphernes, if only the Athenians would try a little harder to meet the completely crazy demands he was putting on the table in the name of the persian empire. I really do not understand what's happening in these negotiations and what is Alcibiades trying to achieve, but the Athenians get angry at some point and leave.
-Tissaphernes was starting to grow really uncertain and scared.
-Some time later, the oligarchs at samos decide, fuck Alcibiades, we'll do this ourselves
-then,in athens, some androkles and some other who didn't like Alcibiades are murdered because people thought this would please Alcibiades and help his return. Athens was a mess. Phrynichus was there being very zealous about oligarchy because he was still afraid of Alcibiades and for some reason believed that as long as there was oligarchy in athens, Alcibiades wouldn't actually get recalled, so he'll be saved. (Poor Phrynichus waa having Alcibiades nightmares I'm sure)
-after many stuff happening, oligarchy is put in place in athens. Alcibiades is not recalled. The olivarchs start trying to make piece with Sparta but it's all a mess.
-ambassadors are sent to samos to reassure the army there that the oligarchy in athens is for everyone's good. They lied that the oligarchs in power aren't 400, but five thousand.
-about 300 people in Samos were all for the oligarchy and tried staging a coup against the democrats.
-the killed a guy called hyperbolus (guy who had been exiled from athens not because he was dangerous but because he was "bad and brought shame to the city" whatever that means.
-the non-oligarchs in Samos got together and managed to beat the oligarchs, gave everyone amnesty and everything was nice and democratic in samos again
- after a whole lot of things that happened, the people un samos decide to recall Alcibiades. Thrasybulus, an Athenian general (i think he was a general at this point? Idk I'm confused) goes to Tissaphernes and picks up Alcibiades and brings him to samos.
- they have a meeting at samos at which Alcibiades COMPLAINED for the way he has been treated by the athenians and then started CRYING while describing how hard all these exile things were for him.
- after that he spoke in great length about politics and gave everyone "great hopes for the future" (this guy i swear to god)
- he also overstated greatly his influence over Tissaphernes with "unimaginable boastfulness" and that only Alcibiades could make Tissaphernes help the Athenians and bring them the Phoenician fleet and a bunch of other made up nonsense like "Tissaphernes would sell even his own bed to help the Athenians" 💀
- he is immediately elected general.
- everyone has complete trust in him and is very excited and hopeful.
- they were SO excited in fact, that they were ready to get in the ships and go beat the oligarchs at athens right that moment.
- Alcibiades stopped them and said he should first go talk to Tissaphernes.
- he was now in a position where he could use Tissaphernes to threaten the Athenians, and the fact that the Athenians had made him general to threaten Tissaphernes.
- if you care, astyochus the spartan general got sick and died at some point. Rest in piece.
- some new ambassadors of the oligarchs arrive to samos to talk to the army.
- here we get a rare praise from Thucydides towards Alcibiades, that he "benefitted athens more than anyone else"
- he managed to hold back the enraged masses who were ready to sail from samos back to athens. Thucydides says that nobody else would have had the power to manage that. I am cheering and clapping and tearing up.
- he managed to calm everyone down by saying completely sensible and nice things for once in this whole book.
- he was like, if we kill each other there won't be anyone left of athens to save.
- there were some Argives there too who if you remember from back in the Sicilian expedition they were there because they were Alcibiades fanboys. Alcibiades gave them a pat on the head and told them they have been good and that they may go now.
- now we cut back to Tissaphernes who after all this was having a lot of trouble with the spartans so he was like alright I'm going to go bring you guys the Phoenician fleet.
- Alcibiades caught wind of that and immediately sailed after him to go stop him.
- news of Alcibiades' behavior in samos reached athens. The non-oligarchs were rather pleased that Alcibiades was being influential in samos and hoped they would get rid of the oligarchy soon.
- theramenes is also somewhere in the mess in Athens being against the oligarchs! He does some stuff like talk about walls and stuff.
- Phrynichus died i think. Some guy "hit him" idk
- there was "unimaginable confusion" in athens. There's unimaginable confusion in my head trying to understand what's happening and who's on what side.
- everyone in Athens was gathering weapons and they barely managed to avoid completely slaughtering each other
- there was that wall theramenes didn't like so he went with some soldiers and started demolished it. I have completely missed the point where they built yet another wall in athens. Idk how many walls there are at this point.
- after a ton of confusing things, the 400 tyrants are replaced by 5 thousand and the decision to recall Alcibiades to athens is made, so they could get the samos army back.
- we cut back to Alcibiades, who finally returns to samos saying that he has prevented the Phoenician army from joining the spartans and that "Tissaphernes is now more than ever their friend" whatever that means.
And this is where Thucydides stops. He died before finishing the history of the Peloponnesian war.
To continue the story of how Athenians were extremely stupid and Alcibiades extremely annoying but also inexplicably good at several stuff, we must move on to xenophon's "hellenica". Stay tuned.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
7 and 22… separately lol
This is cheeky, anon 
Ok, two for the price of one 
To shut them up (NY AU)
Clarke hides her smile in her textbook as green eyes flare at her in exasperation behind a stack of seven books, each thicker than the last, all with law related titles emblazoned on the spines. 
“Clarke, you’re going to get me kicked out,” Lexa hisses in exasperation, tapping her pencil against the dark lacquered wood with a petulant frown. A silver haired librarian looks at them menacingly from across the room, a bony finger holding her place in her novel as she glares at the couple, tucked into a darkened corner of the quiet room. 
This area of the library is quiet, save for the two of them. At 10 p.m. on a Friday, Clarke is shocked the law library is open, period. Clarke scoots closer, wincing slightly at the screech her chair makes as she drags it over the worn wooden floors to sit closer to her frazzled girlfriend. 
Lexa’s eyes narrow at each inch that Clarke creeps closer, the pirated Columbia sweater that she had stolen when Lexa had gotten into law school tucked securely around her hands as she cozies into the familiar, spiced scent of the fabric. 
She peers at Lexa, making her eyes as liquid and pleading as possible. Lexa looks back, unimpressed, as she flips pointedly through the top textbook. 
“Babe, the whole purpose of me coming here was to pick you up, so we could go home,” Clarke complains petulantly, letting her bottom lip stick out as far as she possibly could force it.
“You told me to come get you at ten, that there was no way on God’s green earth that you had more than seven hours of work to do!” She whispers harshly, jabbing an accusing finger at Lexa. Clarke glances over at the librarian as she does so, mindful to keep her accusations down to a dull roar so as not to aggravate their keeper. 
“Babyyyyyy.” She drags out the word as she presses in close to Lexa, her nose crowding into the apple of Lexa’s cheek. 
“Clarke,” Lexa whispers back distractedly as she bends her head to scratch down another note in her methodical, neat handwriting. 
“Lexa,” Clarke hisses again, her hand closing around Lexa’s wrist. Lexa drops her pen willingly as she folds her hands, waiting politely for Clarke to finish her sentence. Four years of dating had taught her that Clarke was nothing if not tenacious. 
“Lex, I want to go home and I want you to come with me. I got that seasonal beer you like. I want to walk back to the apartment and order that great pizza place we found with the really puffy crust and lots of sauce, and then i want to go to bed and fu-”
Lexa, eyes widening in alarm as Clarke’s voice carried across the silent room and the librarian puffed up in premature furey, slung her hand around Clarke’s neck to slam their lips together. 
Clarke relaxed into the kiss, eyes slamming shut as she moved in to deepen it. Lexa, having kept one eye on the very angry book guardian, pulled away with another soft peck as she hastily shoved her books in her backpack, scrambling to pack everything away before Clarke started up again.  
Clarke lets a small, victorious smile spread across her face as she is tugged out of the library. She even gives a little wave to the extremely unimpressed librarian as they spring out into the brisk April night. 
In a rush of adrenaline - takes place after the in anger prompt
Clarke flat out sprints through Polis, pointedly ignoring the raised eyebrows and side eyes that she gets when people see Wanheda running through the city, straight for the tower. 
She had dropped her bow and arrow as soon as she saw the tower light a golden flame, the first sign that Lexa had finally arrived home, abandoning her training with the Natblidas with a hastily shouted apology as she had turned and ran. Aden’s laughter had floated after her as she had scrambled to leave the training ring, vaulting over the short wall when her fingers wouldn’t cooperate to undo the latch. 
Tearing through the main hall, Clarke almost bowls over a very unimpressed, mud soaked Indra in her haste to reach their chambers in the higher floors of the tower. 
“Indra, hi,” Clarke pants as she bends double, clutching a stitch in her side as she tries to breathe through the pain. “Lexa- where-”
Indra cuts off her pathetic panting with a slight eye roll as she points a dented sword towards the stairwell that leads to Clarke and Lexa’s chambers. Clarke narrowly avoids colliding with a very surprised kitchen maid as she runs for the starwell, beginning the climb up to their rooms. 
Halfway through her climb, Clarke suddenly remembers the merits of the elevator and rides the last few stories up to their room with energy running rampant through her skin, foot tapping impatiently as the lift slowly makes its way up. 
Lexa had been gone for over three weeks in what was meant to be a routine border dispute and Clarke had missed her. 
Clarke bursts through the door without so much as an acknowledgement to both Cadok and Ryder, who once again stand guard at their bedroom doors. They had gone with Lexa on her expedition, despite her wishes that they stay to protect Clarke in Lexa’s absence. Clarke had strenuously objected, arguing that the Nightbloods and the entirety of the tower staff were more than enough protection, along with the rotating guard that followed her covertly when Heda was away. She tolerated it, if only for Lexa’s piece of mind. 
Lexa stops mid sentence from where she is quietly conversing with Titus, lips turning up in a shadow of a smile when she notices Clarke vibrating impatiently in the silhouette of the door. She dismisses Titus with a flick of her fingers, already moving towards Clarke as the doors swing shut behind her Flamekeeper. Lexa’s bright eyes sparkle behind the mask of her warpaint as she reaches for Clarke, but Clarke is already lunging for her.
Their lips meet in a practiced dance, slotting together as Clarke blinks back hot tears as she squeezes Lexa tighter than she ever thought possible, burying her head into her shoulder as she revels in the feeling of her houmon back in her arms. 
Lexa tolerated the manhandling without complaint, a soft sigh of relief her only sound when their lips finally part. 
“Hi,” Lexa breathes, a smile dancing on her lips as she gently pushes golden waves out of Clarke’s flushed face. 
Clarke, still shaking from adrenaline, can’t find the words to respond as she tries to soak in the relief that Lexa is home, that she's safe. Clarke runs her hands down Lexa’s sides, trying to scan covertly for injuries while still being discreet about it. Lexa catches her shaking hand as it skates down a sharp jawline, pressing a soft kiss into her palm as she folds their fingers together. 
“I’m fine, ai hodness,” she whispers, letting her words caress Clarke as she pulls their bodies together again, slotting one more kiss that tastes relief and love against trembling lips. 
Clarke notes as she once again runs her eyes over her wife, tugging her distractedly towards the bath as she tugs at buckles and armor that separates Lexa’s skin from hers. 
She pauses to whip her own shirt off, chucking it somewhere over her shoulder as she returns to unfastening Lexa’s pauldron and dropping it carelessly to the couch as she begins on her chest plate, smiling when soft skin is revealed. 
“I had a bath drawn when I saw the flame,” Clarke murmurs distractedly as she fastens her mouth to Lexa’s exposed neck, smirking when Lexa lets out a surprised breath and stumbles as she tries to patiently direct them both to the steaming tub that smells like soap and eucalyptus. 
“We have all night, Clarke,” Lexa reminds softly as she tilts Clarke’s chin up to meet her eyes, giving her a gentle peck on the nose as she does so. 
Clarke smiles and laces their fingers together as she somehow relieves Lexa of the rest of her armor, working on relieving her of her shirt next. 
“I won’t settle for anything less than forever, Lex,” she whispers into her smile.
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