#i hope we get more news on chapter 3 soon DR has been on my mind a lot lately..
naycelium · 9 months
I love Tasque Manager.. 🐈
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iviarellereads · 8 months
All Systems Red, Chapter 1
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one!)
In which we meet our new best friend.
(As a preface: the story is once again in past tense, but this time, first-person. "I was". My summaries will continue to be in third-person present tense because that's how my brain works, but quotes will be verbatim.)
I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours(1) or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed.(2) As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.
Murderbot is doing its job on a new contract, hoping the two scientists, Dr. Volescu and Dr. Bharadwaj, finish soon so it can go watch episode 397 of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon.(3) It's distracted, and kind of bored, and considers trying to figure out how to backdoor the system to listen to music without notifying the HubSystem(4) as the scientists take samples from one of the many craters on the coast.
Only, then the crater explodes.
MB doesn't call for help in the way we'd understand. It sends its visual feed directly to Dr. Mensah,(5) and scrambles down into the crater to help as it hears Mensah on the emergency comm channel calling for the others to get moving to help as well.
MB gets a bunch of conflicting commands, but knowing the emergency takes priority anyway, it ignores them and all the data it doesn't need. At the bottom of the crater, it skips the small weapons built into its arms, and gets out the projectile weapon on its back. The hostile creature is more than big enough to justify it.
MB gets Bharadwaj out of the creature's mouth, and shoves the gun down its throat, then shoots where it hopes the brain might be. The creature disappears back down its tunnel, leaving Bharadwaj in MB's care. It puts the gun away, and since its base mechanical structure is still functioning even with a bit of lost flesh and armour, it lifts her, raises its body heat to help her stay warm, and thinks about how to get out of the crater.
It sees Volescu huddled to the side, terrified, and it starts talking to him, calmly. It can't touch him to move him or drag him, because it needs to keep Bharadwaj from bleeding out, but it makes its voice firm but warm and starts gently needling Volescu to get up and come out of the crater with it and Bharadwaj. Volescu stands and staggers over, and MB tells him to hold onto its arm as they get out.
By now, Mensah has managed to mute most of the alerts and notifications and data requests, so MB only has to focus on the MedSystem feed. It gets the humans out of the crater, and coaxes Volescu a few further meters before he collapses, just in case the thing can come out further. It can feel that something in its torso is damaged, and runs its visual feed back to find that it was stabbed with some sort of tooth-like thing it can't begin to identify, because they don't educate murderbots in anything but murder.
The hopper with everyone else on the team lands, and MB turns its helmet opaque so they won't see it, then says on the comm that it can't put Bharadwaj down because of the damage. Mensah tells it to bring her into the crew cabin, following the procedures that would be required if it had a working governor module.(6)
I carried Bharadwaj up the ramp into the cabin, where Overse and Ratthi were frantically unclipping seats to make room. They had their helmets off and their suit hoods pulled back, so I got to see their horrified expressions when they took in what was left of my upper body through my torn suit. I was glad I had sealed my helmet. This is why I actually like riding with the cargo. Humans and augmented humans in close quarters with murderbots is too awkward. At least, it’s awkward for this murderbot.
MB sits on the floor, bracing Bharadwaj, as the other crew bring Volescu inside. One of them, Dr. Ratthi, offers to go get the cases of equipment left behind, and MB makes a small mistake: it yells "No!" because that's accidental suicide by monster, when it should never talk-back at the clients. Fortunately, it's hidden in the cries of "No!" from everyone else on the hopper, with Pin-Lee adding, "For fuck's sake, Ratthi!"
Ratthi, for his part, remembers that they have bigger priorities with Bharadwaj's injuries, and closes the hatch so they can take off immediately.
The hopper is still close enough to see on the cameras when another hostile, or the same one, comes up right under where it sat moments before. Mensah speeds up the vertical, and everyone ends up on the floor. Pin-Lee starts telling off Ratthi for lack of self-preservation, and Ratthi finishes the argument with a sense of it being a familiar one. Mensah also tells Ratthi that it's an order to not get himself killed. MB notes that she sounds calm, but it can see on the MedSystem that her heart is racing.(7)
Arada pulled out the emergency medical kit so they could stop the bleeding and try to stabilize Bharadwaj. I tried to be as much like an appliance as possible,(8) clamping the wounds where they told me to, using my failing body temperature to try to keep her warm, and keeping my head down so I couldn’t see them staring at me. *** PERFORMANCE RELIABILITY AT 60% AND DROPPING(9)
They make it back to the central habitat, which looks a lot less safe now that MB knows there are tunneling hostiles. Dr. Gurathin has a gurney ready, so MB can put Bharadwaj down at last. Following the humans inside, it also increases security with drone patrols and higher sensitivity on the seismic monitors, locking down the habitat so no one can leave without it.
The habitat secured, MB goes to the "security ready room" where all the supplies related to security are stored, including MB. It takes off its armour, sprays wound sealant on at MedSystem's suggestion despite that it's able to close its blood vessels automatically, and sets itself to off-duty.
It can't put on its spare armour, or even the base uniform, so it gets a survival blanket from a first aid kit and gets into its cubicle to start the repair and resupply process, as it reaches 58% function.
It's just queued up some media, not to focus on, but just to keep it company, when there's a knock on the door. Confused, it says, "Uh, yes?" Mensah enters.
She said, “Are you all right? I saw your status report.” “Uh.” That was the point where I realized that I should have just not answered and pretended to be in stasis. I pulled the blanket around my chest, hoping she hadn’t seen any of the missing chunks. Without the armor holding me together, it was much worse. “Fine.” So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.
Mensah is concerned because the report said MB lost 20% of its body mass, but MB assures her it can regrow. Mensah seems to accept this, but hesitates to leave, and tells MB it was very good with Volescu, at the attack site. MB says it's standard emergency instructions, but Mensah says she knows MedSystem was prioritizing Bharadwaj's injuries, and expected Volescu to be able to leave under his own power: it didn't account for the shock.
MB, tapped into the cameras in the main room, can see that the others are reviewing Volescu's camera feed and discussing MB, saying things like they didn't know it had a face. It knows it's stayed in its armour since arrival, mostly to maintain a distance from them. They're just contract clients, they won't be permanent, and as much as it hates people-ing, it would be pointless to interact unnecessarily.
To Mensah, MB says it's part of its job to account for the System making occasional mistakes. It thinks she should know that, it's part of the package, and why a SecUnit with its organic components(10) is a non-negotiable part of company deals. It knows she logged about ten protests, trying to get out of having a SecUnit at all.
I didn’t hold it against her. I wouldn’t have wanted me either.(11) Seriously, I don’t know why I didn’t just say you’re welcome and please get out of my cubicle so I can sit here and leak in peace.
Mensah looks at MB for objectively 2.4 seconds, subjectively twenty horrible minutes. She tells it to let her know in the feed if it needs anything sooner than its scheduled 8 hour restoration cycle, then leaves.
MB wonders why she made such a big deal of the rescue, and replays its own recording of the incident. It realizes it was talking to Volescu all the way up the crater incline, asking him if he has kids and that sort of thing.(12) It hadn't even been listening to itself at the time, more focused on Bharadwaj and the hopper's trajectory. It wonders if it's been watching too much human media. In an aside it clarifies that Volescu does have seven children with his partners in a four-way marriage back home.
All my levels were too elevated now for a rest period, so I decided I might as well get some use out of it and look at the other recordings. Then I found something weird. There was an “abort” order in the HubSystem command feed, the one that controlled, or currently believed it controlled, my governor module.(13) It had to be a glitch. It didn’t matter, because when MedSystem has priority— PERFORMANCE RELIABILITY AT 39% STASIS INITIATED FOR EMERGENCY REPAIR SEQUENCE
(1) Just shy of 4 years, if people are measuring time the same way whenever and wherever this is set. (2) A bot after my own heart, spending as much of its time taking in media as physically possible without giving itself away by not following an order. (3) This is a show Murderbot mentions a lot. What do we think it's about, just off the top here, based on the name and the duration alone? (4) A lot of the words in this series are gonna be kinda self-explanatory. I left "governor module" alone because, in context, it makes its own sense, a module that's supposed to override anything a construct might theoretically think about doing outside mission parameters and company rules, and punish any that happen because of organic parts being unpredictable. (Oh no, I snuck in a bonus definition.) HubSystem is, similarly, the networked system that serves as a hub for everything attached to the mission, to communicate back to the company. (5) Clearly, some sort of leader or organizer, from context. (6) MB knows its rules and regs, if only to follow them with malicious minimum compliance. (7) Do we think MB hacked MedSystem, to see information it might not otherwise have access to, or is it typical for a security unit to potentially need to monitor the biofunctions of the clients it's tasked to defend? (8) MB deliberately tucking itself into its expected role, because as we see later this chapter, it's not particularly worried about its governor module being found out, it just… doesn't enjoy people. (9) A recurring status update throughout MB's point of view. Its performance reliability, its literal ability to do its job, will go up and down based on its current condition, just like any person's. I wonder if it's possible to function at 100%. I think organic bits get in the way of that by literal nature. (10) Organic components, like a human brain, which is still superior to any algorithmic training they can come up with, which will still recognize certain flaws that you can't train out of pure machines. (11) Noooo, my heart, not in the first chapter! How dare! (12) It may not like humans, but it understands how to deal with them, at least in times of stress. Maybe it's "too much media" but it's also just... a person. I'm exactly the same sort of person, I do not recharge in the presence of other people in my meatspace on any level, but I'm very good at masking and doing what needs done, whether that's politeness and asking about the weather or playing along with deeper conversation. (No need to wonder why I love these books so much. No need for me to examine why I relate so hard to a literal robot.) (13) How suspicious... but surely it can't mean anything. Surely.
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soudlenoop · 3 months
“What even happens in this AU of yours, Mr. Big Time Gambler?” Part 3
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Theme: https://youtu.be/dTxYadZmbfs?feature=shared (Diamond Eyes - Shinedown)
Ok, ok, here we go. SO, it’s me again, I got Hyperchrome AU Chapter 3 here! Hey, have you noticed these things are getting longer and longer? Shit actually gets kinda dark for this one, Sonic gets basically twitter-cancelled for committing war crimes. It’s almost like this is supposed to have angst. BLAH BLAH BLAH, I DON’T SELL MEDICAL PRODUCT, and HERE WE GOOOOO!!
Also: yeah, I should make this clear. For those unaware, this IS meant to be an edgy, angst AU, so my deepest apologies if that’s not your thing… at least it’s SUPPOSED to be… Seriously, though, last warning, because this chapter kind of gets crazy.
So Chapter 3 picks up where the end of the Chapter 2 summary. In a real blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fashion, I smoothly fast-forwarded to where a few months had passed ever since Shadow didn’t die on the ARK. I just kinda threw the part in to add a cliffhanger. However, I’ll go into a few more details.
Sonic had his 17th birthday not too long ago, always nice. He’s got himself a red neckerchief, THAT’S in style! …Ok, I can’t ignore it anymore. Listen, I get that the “too cool for school” attitude is, like, his thing, but I can’t help but feel like he takes it a step too far. There’s a point where it stops being “free-spirited and like the wind” and starts becoming “arrogant and egotistical”.
Sure, he helps stop crime and stuff like that, but recently, he’s been more short-tempered and violent than he normally is, and that freakish green glow that he’s occasionally got in his eyes doesn’t help at all. I first noticed it all the way back in Chapter 2, but I hope it’s just a weird thing with hedgehogs and puberty… and poor Tails has went from Sonic’s lovable “little buddy” kinda sidekick, to his quiet and introverted roommate who usually just keeps to himself and his mechanical creations that he made with his smart mind and stuff. Not to point fingers, but there’s no way Sonic doesn’t have anything to do with it.
Alright, that’s enough details, now let’s get on with it. So, Sonic is with Tails, and they’re… existing, as one does. But then suddenly, there’s a large crashing sound from the sky! Sonic and Tails look up, and notice an airplane in the sky, whose wing just exploded out of nowhere! Not just some dinky-ass biplane, I’m talking about, like, an entire commercial airline flight here. At this point, everybody already looked up, and naturally, everybody is ffffffFFFREAKING out.
So, Sonic and Tails both follow the descending aircraft as far as they can, albeit for different reasons. The airplane lands in the nearby ocean, thankfully, and rescue crews are immediately sent out.
Miraculously, despite major injuries, everyone aboard survived. That didn’t keep news of the incident from spreading like wildfire, however. Soon enough, everybody and their mom knew… everybody, their mom, and GUN.
How has GUN been doing, eh? Well, they’ve settled in nicely on South Island, and they’re still sharp as ever! But it appears GUN has a plan to finally take down Dr. Eggman, and it all has to do with Little Planet.
Little Planet used to be a small, yet beautiful planetoid that appeared only one month out of every year, right over a tiny island, called “Allway Island”, surrounded by nothing but the ocean. About 5 years earlier, when Sonic and Eggman’s… “rivalry” had only recently started, Eggman secretly took over the entirety of Little Planet, turning it into his base of operations. He also lovingly renamed the planet to “Little Egg Planet”.
Unfortunately, when Sonic had found out, it was too late, and his attempts to stop Eggman were unsuccessful. Today, Little Planet is a dead husk of what it once was, permanently chained to the island, unable to disappear as it once could.
The doctor had been radio-silent ever since Shadow didn’t die on the ARK. But all GUN needed was one good reason to stage a coup on “Little Egg Planet”. Hearing of the recent airplane crash, the commander of GUN, who I am not yet giving the identity of, decides to blame the airplane’s wing explosion on Eggman, which may or may not be a lie…
But, whatever, it’s a necessary sacrifice, WE HAVE A REASON TO INVADE “LITTLE EGG PLANET”! Besides, Sonic is more than happy to help… Take Back Little Planet. And so, GUN prepares for war. Eggman isn’t going down without a fight, that’s for sure!
Accompanying Sonic, is most of the team that assisted him during the ARK incident. Private Duo the Cat, Private Tangle Gillette the Lemur, and the guy I said was on a solo mission in Chapter 2, Private Mimic Nisemono the Octopus, all under the command of Captain Whisper Watanabe the Wolf!
Also, it’s not just Sonic and those other guys I mentioned, almost everybody who’s a GUN soldier shows up! The commander’s serious about this!
So, Sonic and GUN make it to Little Planet, meeting serious defense, in the form of ROBOTS. Fortunately, GUN outsmarts them, setting up base.
The rest of the chapter consists of The War to Take Back Little Planet, where GUN and Dr. Eggman compete for control of Little Planet. Usually, in stuff like this, Eggman would have the upper hand quite often… but something’s not right.
No matter what Eggman does, he can’t seem to push back the forces of GUN! They only seem to continue taking control of the planet, a large group heading towards the Metallic Madness, Eggman’s main base of operations, repeatedly humiliating the waves of Badniks he sends out!
Granted, GUN’s soldiers weren’t as invincible as they seemed. During one squabble, Tangle’s long af tail got chopped off, which forced her to create whole new strategies, and there WERE casualties, but, y’know, war, it’s sad and everything.
MEANWHILE, Sonic was out on his own… BEING AN ABSOLUTE MENACE. I’m serious, it’s a VERY good thing those were all robots, because Sonic is out there causing the highest degree of absolute carnage, using GUN’s large assortment of weapons. He picked a sawed-off shotgun, and a machete, for the record… What, too edgy? No? Ok.
At some point, GUN makes it to the Metallic Madness, and storms it, giving orders to all soldiers to prioritize the safety and rescue of any and all prisoners. By now, Eggman is EXTREMELY desperate. He’s using stuff he calls “last resorts”, left and right, up until he confronts Sonic in an open area, because the sky is cool.
Of course, Eggman decides to be Eggman, and brings up the fact that this is probably their “final battle”, and that, yes, the sky IS cool. So, as a last-ditch effort, Dr. Eggman sends out his finest creation, his magnum opus…
The Mechanical Hellraiser. What is it? So take Metal Sonic (who I haven’t ever mentioned up until now, but yes, he’s here), and make him better. You’d get Mecha Sonic, right? Still familiar territory. Now, take Mecha Sonic, and add the coolness of the Paleto Score from GTA V.
Yeah. You know what, I’ll just add a picture right here if I can. Don’t worry about the one on the right, those guys are literal fodder.
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Anyways, the Mechanical Hellraiser gives Sonic a genuine run for his money, but ultimately, Sonic defeats it. Walking away from the remains of the Mechanical Hellraiser, and towards Eggman, Sonic aims the sawed-off shotgun that he has at the head of Eggman. However, Metal Sonic, who IS there, narrowly saves Eggman, by shoving the shotgun’s aim in a direction away from the head, causing Eggman a nasty, but non-fatal, shot in the hip.
In retaliation, Sonic slashes Metal Sonic with that machete he also has, temporarily disabling him… Man, now that I’m reading this in words and not in my head, this shit is edgy as hell.
By then, the gunfire had noticeably died down, and Captain Whisper and her team show up, noticing they were a little late. After a little bit of regrouping, Tangle notices a wounded Eggman limping away.
Promptly, Tangle calls him out, but Mimic tells her to ignore it, explaining that the base is swarming with GUN soldiers, who will very likely shoot him on sight, and even if he evades them, he’ll eventually succumb to his gunshot wound anyways.
And Mimic was right. Only a few minutes later, Major Lanolin Forbes the Sheep reported Ivo Robotnik dead, explaining that she and her team ambushed him behind an automatic door, immediately opening fire.
Just like that, Little Planet was free.
About 2 weeks later, Sonic is awoken by a distressed Tails, who asks him to look out his apartment window. When he does, he sees the entire street occupied by an angry mob, all seemingly directed towards… him?! Looking online, Sonic finds numerous news articles questioning his morality, and calling him evil!
But why? Upon further inspection, this uproar was all caused by a pages-long document detailing an anonymous person’s experience with Sonic. The document called out Sonic as arrogant, egotistical, cocky, violent, narcissistic, and much more. To top it all off, it contained a video of Sonic during the Little Planet raid 2 weeks ago, where he…
Oh. Oh my. You know what, I think I’ll leave it up to interpretation, for… uh, artistic reasons! Just know, Sonic used the machete that he had.
Needless to say, people were OUTRAGED. Sonic was outraged too! Although, it’s more of an “I want revenge” sort of outrage for Sonic. Eventually, after a day of meandering with the police, and other angry people, he finds out who made the document!
Klaus Richter the Falcon.
He was known as Rookie during the Eggman War, and still kept in touch with Sonic afterwards, until recently. This must have been why. Filled with unrelenting rage, Sonic sprints throughout the city, at blistering speeds, as a storm begins to settle in Starlight City.
Finding Klaus on a rooftop, Sonic prepares to hand out the fiercest beating he’s ever given, his eyes somehow glowing even more green than ever, but Klaus simply gives him some choice words, before boarding a police chopper, and leaving for who-knows-where.
Sonic is left in the rain, staring at his reflection in the forming rainpuddles, as his anger subsided. His reputation is ruined.
Sonic’s reputation is ruined.
WOAH MAMA that got dark! Yeah, this is supposed to be the chapter that cements Sonic’s place as a villain in the AU. Sorry friends, I’m very sorry. I mean, there was some dark tones in the other stuff, but this one’s a ton more overt with it. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure Chapter 3.5 isn’t as bad. Also, I’m not too in love with how long this is, tbh. It just drives home the fact I should make comics of these. Ah well, TOODLES!
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bobawitch · 1 year
His Favorite Case
(this is a fem reader x late season 5 reid)
warnings: this story does contain talk of murder, stalking, and overall some triggering topics, please read at your own risk.
A/N: i am more than willing to take requests for upcoming chapters but i will also write smaller fics on the side if anyone has specific requests! <3
Chapter one
You had never known an easy life. It seems fate just didn’t have that out for you. You were made to be in and out of therapy throughout childhood and the early stages of your adulthood. It was when you were around 6 years old that your parents were killed. The killer had locked you in your room and left you with a music box that played the swan lake. It wasn’t loud enough to block out the sounds of your parents but it was definitely calming. Police had arrived as fast as they could but they couldn’t save your mother. Your father was in critical care for a few years but eventually died which left you under the supervision of your aunt. She moved you to her townhouse in Russia where you grew up but once you were at 18 you found yourself wishing to come back to America and so you did. It had been easy since you had excelled as a ballerina and just about any dance studio was just about dying to get you. You finally found one you liked in Virginia, Quantico to be more exact. Your aunt made sure you were comfortable in your new apartment before she left you again. Now you were on your own, enjoying your own life. 
Now for Reid, there was a new case and Garcia was at the end of filling them in on it and Reid was extra interested. It was obvious that the unsub had a type and a very specific surrogate he was looking for but how long it would take before he was ready to confront that surrogate was too soon to speculate on. 
“He seems to like ballerinas, specifically ballerinas with h/c’s hair and e/c eyes.” Reid spoke and Morgan nodded, his brows still firm in thought. 
“It’s local so we should start by looking into how many ballerinas in the area have a history with a stalker.” Hotch looked at Garcia, making it clear she was to look at that immediately.
“Morgan and Rossi, you go to the first dump site, Reid and Prentiss start visiting ballet studios, see if we can find anyone that might know this guy.” Hotch finished his orders, standing as Garcia scrambled off to her computer room. 
It didn’t take long for Reid and Prentiss to get to the well known studio you worked at. The manager of the studio came and grabbed you to speak with the FBI and you hurriedly pulled on your hoodie over your leotard. You scurried to the man and woman, looking over the woman quickly before resting your eyes on Spencer. He gave you a half smile in his awkward manner.
“Uh hi, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid and this is Agent Emily Prentiss. We’re from the FBI.” Reid nodded and gave a hand for you to shake. You took it and gave a kind but firm shake, then doing the same to agent Prentiss.
“We’re sorry to bother you but we were hoping we could ask you some questions?” Prentiss had a kind and very understanding voice that soothed you and your nerves. 
“Yeah of course, here we can go sit.” You smiled at the two before leading them to the various seats in the audience.
“Thank you, we were wondering if you’ve been stalked before?”
You looked at Reid with a blank but anxious look, swallowing hard and nodding slightly.
“Nothing confirmed but I used to get these letters that never had a return address. They always asked how my life was, what I was doing.” You felt your voice shake as you spoke. You had of course brought this up in therapy but nothing was ever done about it, instead you just kept throwing them away and getting stronger security at each letter. You felt a bit safer but about 2 months ago you stopped receiving any letters. 
“How long have you been getting these letters?” Prentiss continued the questioning but you could feel Reid staring at you, a thoughtful expression upon his face. 
“Uh, ever since I moved here about 6 months ago..”
Prentiss and Reid exchanged looks.
“Thank you, uh, what’s your name?” Reid asked.
You gave him your name before you watched them leave, now more nervous than ever. Reid had given you his number so that you could get in touch easily if you got another letter. 
“Garcia I need you to run a background check on someone, her name is y/n l/n.” Reid spoke into the phone outside of your studio, Emily was now in the car, updating Hotch.
“Alright, give me just a moment… aaaaand done! Ok she seems like your average 25 year old, moved here 6 months ago, lives in a studio apartment outside of downtown. She was born in a small town in New York and.. Oh…. oh my god. Her parents were killed in her old house, she was the only survivor..” Garcia’s voice shook enough through the call that Reid frowned, still deep in thought.
“Ok, thanks Garcia.” The call ended and he climbed into the car, updating Prentiss and Hotch before heading back to the office. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, which wasn’t super uncommon but it still wasn’t comfortable for you. You blink at your ceiling before sighing and pushing yourself up and out of your bed, walking through the hall and grabbing a glass of water from the fridge. As you shut the fridge door you heard a hard thump which spiked your adrenaline. You reached for your phone, dialing Reid’s number and making your way to the front door of your apartment. It couldn’t have been later than maybe 11:30 so you were near confident that a neighbor would be awake enough to let you in. When you got to the front door you quickly unlocked all the pieces you had installed to ensure your safety then swung the door open. Reid picked up as you ran down the hall.
“Reid he’s here. He was in my apartment, I’m getting in the elevator now, please send help.” You were rushed in your words, cutting off his confused tone and the beginnings of “who is this?”
You could hear some scrambling in the background as the elevator doors closed before Reid spoke.
“Ok, I just told my team we’ll be there soon, where are you gonna go?”
“Uh, I didn’t think about that, maybe the lobby?”
“Ok, that’s smart, just go to the lobby and hide behind the front desk we’re on our way.”
Tears were flooding down your cheeks now and you could feel your breathing deep in your head.
“Ok.. will you stay on the phone with me please?” You felt your voice crack but your ears weren’t pierced with the noise as they usually would be.
“Of course, yes I’ll stay on the call until we get there.”
You mumbled a soft thank you before sitting behind the front desk, crouching with your knees hugged tight to your chest. You were shaking as you tried to calm your breathing so the man couldn’t hear you when he eventually got down to the lobby. You snapped out of your pure fear when you heard Reid’s voice again. 
“How long have you been a ballerina?”
You were a little stunned at his question because it really didn’t make sense in the situation.
“I uh- I’m sorry what?”
“Oh, sorry just trying to distract you, try and calm you down. This guy feeds on fear so if we can keep you as calm as possible it will make him more likely to just leave.”
You nodded although Reid really couldn’t see that.
“I’ve been doing ballet since I was 10. So 16 years.” You were still crying but your voice wasn’t as shaky.
“Good good, that’s super cool. I never understood dancing, it’s not like math so I’m a bit lost at it.”
You giggled at his words, still hearing dead silence in the lobby until you heard faint sirens. You perked up with a smile, wanting to look around the lobby but it was then you heard the elevator doors open and a heavy step walking around the lobby. 
“Alright y/n we are almost to your building, are you still safe?”
You would have whispered but the man was close enough that you couldn’t even try it. You shut your eyes tight and kept repeating that you were ok, hoping that maybe by some miracle that Reid would get your thoughts.
The line stayed quiet for a few more seconds as the sirens became blaring. You heard various hurried footsteps until the doors swung open and you heard deep voices yelling for the unsub to drop his weapon. Your eyes opened and you looked around until Spencer came into view, he kneeled by you and set his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N! Are you ok?” He spoke in a worried tone as the other agents made the arrest.
You nodded and took his other hand that was telling you it was safe to stand but when you did you saw the man and he was not the man that killed your parents.
“Todd? What the fuck!” You spoke angrily, starting to walk towards him though Reid was holding you back very confused.
“Y/N who are these people? What do they mean murder?!” Todd spoke confused and also angry.
You turned to Hotch, bowing your head gently, “I’m so sorry sir, this is just Todd, my ex boyfriend.”
You heard a scoff from behind you and turned to look at Reid who looked a bit embarrassed at how unprofessional that was. Hotch sighed and nodded, “We’ll still need to take him in for questioning.”
“He also now has breaking and entering, even if it's not murder we can hold him.” Spencer chimed and you looked at him again, smiling. 
Reid took you back to your room as of Hotch’s orders, telling him to stay for the night. You were a bit embarrassed since your apartment wasn’t the most clean place on Earth but you let him in nonetheless.
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sakurachan7734 · 4 months
Where are you?
Chapter 2: searching and searching but nowhere to be found 
Max pov
It is weird that Jackson and Sarah disappeared without any form of note or anything but why would it take Sarah? Did Jackson run away with its partners? I think I heard mom and dad talking about some foundation probably breaking and taking them we are currently searching for both of them I was told to look by the lake because I know Jackson likes going there with it’s partners I really hope they didn’t drown
Meanwhile with agent Kate and ace
Agent ace: are you sure the other kid is going to come to the lake?
Agent Kate: yes I’m sure
Agent ace: this is such a big waste of time
Agent Kate: I know but we need to capture all of them so we can figure out how two guys had a three kids
Agent ace: I know but SCP 682 is out for f**ks sake that is way more important
Agent Kate: I know but if two creature have a baby we have to figure this out
Agent ace: wait a minute I think I see him. Let’s wait for Him to be distracted.
Max: Jackson, Sarah where are you!!?? Come out this Isn’t funny!
Agent ace:* gets an alert on the walkie-talkie saying that SCP 096 and SCP 106 have been captured* well should we capture that boy now
Agent Kate: yes but when I say so 
Max:* notices Jackson’s jacket and Sarah’s helmet* no don’t tell me you both drowned
Max picks up the jacket and helmet and agent ace sneaks up behind Max and put a bag over his head
Max:* kicking and screaming* what are you doing?! Let me go!!
Agent ace: I got him!!
Agent Kate: get him in the truck!
Agent ace: I’m trying but he isn’t cooperating!!
Agent Kate: I told you knock him out first!
Agent ace:* picks max into the back of the truck* well it doesn’t matter he’s already in the car. 
Meanwhile, with Jackson and Dr clef
Jackson: will you quit playing that f**king ukulele and tell me where my sister is?!
Clef: not until you shut up about asking where you’re sister is
Jackson: no I won’t shut up about my baby sister
Clef: well I don’t know where she is
Jackson: I know you were told where Sarah was being taken
Clef: what makes you think that?
Jackson: what did that guard tell you?
Clef: relax kid I’m sure your parents and brother will be here soon
Jackson: why do you want us anyway?
Clef: you all are dangerous for the world!
Jackson: so you have to kidnap me and my sister?!
Clef: yes!! You both need to be here so we know how the f**k two man had a baby and if you guys want to kill all of us!!
all of a sudden they hear the alarms go off
Clef: who got out this time?
MTF guard: I think it was the baby
Clef: which one? there’s like two here now
MTF guard: the new one SCP 1096-3
Jackson: -3?
Clef: well there is three of you isn’t there?
Jackson: yes but why does she have a number?
Clef: well, you guys aren’t the only ones contained here and we give you guys numbers because it’s easier to track you all
Jackson: we have names you know?
Clef: no, we don’t and we don’t care 
Sarah then jumps onto clef face and start scratching his face 
A guard runs into the room and grabs Sarah off of clefs face Jackson breaks the glass and attacks the guard and Dr clef
Jackson:* Grabs Sarah* get your dirty hands off her!!
Guard:* kicks Jackson* get down!!
Jackson gets up and starts running
Jackson: There has to be an exit gate somewhere around here!
Sarah:* crying* I want dada!
Jackson: I know I’m trying to find a way out
Meanwhile with Zoe and Catalina
Zoe: grandma can I go play outside?
Catalina: yes dear but you need to be careful
Zoe: I know!
Zoe runs outside to go play
Agent Meg: are you sure that’s the right kid?
Agent Mikaela: yes, I’m sure that’s the right kid Her brother also seems to have these weird powers
Agent Meg: OK. How should we get her?
Agent Mikaela: we could wait for her to be alone
Agent Meg: ok
End of chapter

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storiesofsvu · 7 months
Hiya! I hope you are doing well😌 I love your work and was wondering if you still planned to finish Solace in Solitude?
Looking forward to reading your work!
hey, to be completely honest, no, i'm not doing great, i'm exhausted, and you've caught me in the middle of a stressful work weekend where i'm nearing burnout and have already cried once. and getting an ask like this lowkey just makes me want to cry again out of frustration (mainly towards myself, i know you had no malicious intent sending this). and thank you for the compliment.
i've been so busy & tired i honestly have zero concept of time anymore, had no idea how much time had gone between chapters of Solace. it looks like i was posting once a month the last couple of ch's which is pretty standard for most writers, i had zero idea it had already been 3 weeks, which yeah is a longer time frame for me to post ch's of series. BUT, every time i open the goddamn outline i stare at it for twenty minutes trying to piece things together and get annoyed and close the document. I take a *lot* of pride in most of my writing, especially series and this one is an idea that i want to make sure is done *right* and not rushed. I look through prev ch's and the outline and notice that i've already included some stuff that i meant to happen later on, or that they would be having the same conversations multiple times, that i need to figure out certain things, ways to get the hostility back up again before the snap, how far into the angst do i want to dive, what general vibe do i want this chunk of the story to have? (tbh it's sounding like i need to call a bestie and have a spitballing session, but for that we also have to account for wildly diff time zones, and the fact that even the most ferally obsessed besties also have real life shit going on and are likely as wiped as i am)
there's too much for my brain to try and figure out when i have this much other real life shit going on. I'm working overtime, i'm working for free at home doing tons of shit to make sure that my bar is moving in the right direction, that we have the best staff in the best positions for them, that the new manager is really fully set to take over in a couple of weeks and has as many resources as possible so christmas season is smooth and a win for everyone. and shit like this is what pays the bills, not writing unfortunately. so until i can figure out how writing can help pay rent and buy food, it's gonna take the back burner.
I've also been focused on attempting to start more one shots, and focus on the ones i had planned out/people had req'd for bingo that ends tonight. Some of those ideas/req's will be tossed into the trash, some of them will probably end up getting written eventually, who knows at this point. its a struggle trying to appease everyone in my ask box and give them what they're asking for, especially spread so far across different fandoms and so many characters and being one of the only writers for some of those characters.
TL;DR: yeah, i'm planning on finishing it. no i don't have any idea when. i want to work on it but my brain is dead. hopefully i will be able to get something out sometime soon but ya girl is fucking tired and needs a goddamn break.
if i ever abandon a work or put it on hold i will put a note on the masterlist.
thank you for wording your ask in a more positive way and sandwiching it with compliments
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randomnameless · 2 years
Oh god I just wish they'll release something new and we'll be spared with all Fodlan nonsense. I like the characters, their supports and interactions, but, like with fates, it seems that the supports and the story are written by two separate teams. Can we have something nice for a moment? People are arguing about "lizards bad' being a theme in the whole franchise, but I think it's more about "humanity fucked up".
iirc the gap between FE14's story and support is because the game was heavily lolcalised?
If 3 Nopes is any indication, IS seems to
really be pushing the wrong door, like 3 Nopes doesn't make any sense, Claude (Clout) regresses and becomes the 1st year uni student who thinks he knows everything - but sadly, unlike your 1st year uni student, Clout has the means to reach his 1st year uni student goals.
All Lords must sing kumbaya happily ever after, so all that mumbo jumbo with demonic beasts and Supreme Leader doing everything she can to achieve her goals?
Clout apparently convincing Dimitri to abandon Rhea and the Church and to politely let him trample through his country to kill her for no good reason - i mean - bar "church bad, church is the reason why people are unhappy and crests bad remember" - and Dimitri accepts, but not because Clout is hanging a sword at his neck, nope, but because Clout "convinced" him.
Take the Golden Route trigger from all this crap on Ao3 "everyone unite against Rhea" - with the twist that Dimitri has to be on his knees to "accept" - and you've got 3 Nopes in a nutshell.
The plot implodes to make people with vastly different mindsets and convictions work together, and issues aren't resolved, even if all Lords survive.
Rhea of course gets the short end of the stick, as always, but hey, the three Lords are market-able, so why should Rhea even matter?
IS is a company, and has to make profit, but damn if FE16 - and Fodlan in general - was a wasted product.
Why bothering to create all this verse, background, and story about nabateans and different countries if it is to completely ignore it at the end, only to end up with the ultimate player pandering fantasy or the marketing fantasy?
Fodlan could have been a story about humanity fucking things up, just like lizards and mole people, but now they all have to live together - but they prefered to make a story about "uwu students", + "follow the story of the lord of your choice!" with the usual "twist upon twist" for Clout or the true and tested "brainwash!" for Supreme Leader.
Who cares about Rhea and the Church+Faculty staff?
Current IS might think FE4's 2nd gen sells more than the first, so they would cram the 1st gen in 3 chapters (prologue + meet Deedee + Deedee is missing and Eldie dies + Arvis's BBQ) to develop the 2nd gen, and give a special chapter to Larcei.
Tl ; dr : I don't really any hope (lel) left in IS, maybe I'll change my mind later on, but given the recent spoilers for 3 Nopes, it's not going to happen any soon.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 7-35 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 7 – Rains of Monte Cristo: 7-1 / 7-3 / 7-5 / 7-7 / 7-9 / 7-11 / 7-13 / 7-15 / 7-17 / 7-19  ♦️ ♦️  7-20 / 7-22 / 7-24 / 7-26 / 7-28 / 7-30 / 7-32 / 7-34 / 7-35
Content Warning: This section contains topics that may be uncomfortable to some readers (mentions of abuse). Please proceed with discretion.
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Court Hallway
After the trial ended, I did not leave immediately. Rather, I waited in the hallway for Hang Jiahe. 
Soon, she walked over, guarded by two bailiffs.
MC: Miss Hang.
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Hang Jiahe: What are you doing here? Are you going to laugh at me?
Hang Jiahe: Are you happy to have beat me?
MC: You’ve misunderstood. I came to tell you something.
Hang Jiahe: What?
MC: Actually… this examination report…
I took out that last examination report again.
MC: Due to time and technical limits, we currently do not have the identification results.
MC: When I showed it in court, I just wanted to add psychological pressure onto you.
Hang Jiahe: …
Hang Jiahe froze for a few seconds, but she then responded quickly.
Hang Jiahe: You tricked me… you tricked me… hahahahahahaha!
She suddenly burst into sharp laughter.
Hang Jiahe: I didn’t lose… I didn’t lose…
Hang Jiahe: I still got my revenge!
MC: …
MC: Miss Hang, can I ask you something?
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Hang Jiahe: What do you want to say?
MC: You said in court that Qi Yu tried to hold Hang Fei back “that night”.
MC: But you still murdered her out of hate for her bystander position, correct?
Hang Jiahe: Yes, I hated her for being a coward, hated her for being too scared to resist Hang Fei, hated her for looking on for so many years without lifting a finger!
Hang Jiahe: She knew during those years what Hang Fei was doing to me, so why didn’t she save me?
MC: …
Hang Jiahe: Then… did you know that Hang Fei had also been abusing Qi Yu during those years?
Hang Jiahe: I did. How could she not have been beaten, with how cowardly she was?
MC: Then do you know why she was beaten?
Hang Jiahe: Why?
MC: …
I took out my phone and opened a video featuring Qi Yu’s abuse. That small woman was lying weakly on the floor, passively enduring the man’s punches and kicks. But she kept mumbling something –
“Don’t hurt Jiahe… and those children… stop it…”
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Hang Jiahe: What…
MC: Miss Hang, did Qi Yu never do anything during all those times you were abused?
MC: Are you sure that every time, she chose to be a bystander, rather than being forced into her position?
MC: Did you know that Qi Yu said those words in each of the videos she was beaten in?
Hang Jiahe: I…
Hang Jiahe froze for a second, but then she immediately reacted.
Hang Jiahe: So what, then? What do you want to say?
Hang Jiahe: That I misunderstood her? That I shouldn’t have killed her? Then does all the pain I suffered for so many years even matter?
Hang Jiahe: You want me to absolve her? To forgive her?
MC: You’ve misunderstood. That’s not what I mean.
MC: I am not you. I have not endured your suffering, so I cannot request for you to forgive anyone.
MC: I haven’t seen what happened during those years, so I cannot judge whether Qi Yu was actively or passively making her decisions.
MC: And I definitely can’t carelessly determine whether she sinned or not.
I stopped for a moment and looked at Hang Jiahe’s gloves. 
In her mind, she probably was the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantès – someone who had been wronged and could only get revenge for herself. She believed herself as intelligent and as lucky as Edmond, that she would ultimately be the winner. But…
MC: But even Edmond would figure out the situation before his revenge and repay his benefactors.
MC: I’m telling you this, only because I hope you’ll understand what sorts of people you sent away.
MC: I hope you understand that there have been people who intended to treat you kindly.
Hang Jiahe: …
MC: Also, Miss Hang, I can guess why you were not willing to ask for help from the police.
MC: In that sort of situation, you may have thought that you couldn’t rely on the outside world to go against them.
MC: But even so, me, Captain Morgan, and many, many people still have to do something.
I flipped further into the examination report.
MC: Even if Hang Fei is gone, the things he’s done will not disappear with him.
MC: This is the report we’ve created. Captain Morgan’s already sent it to upper management and applied for international cooperation.
MC: Miss Hang, we will bring you the justice you deserve for the pain you’ve experienced.
MC: As for the last few people, I promise that they will receive the punishment they deserve.
MC: So, for the rest of your life, please don’t live in hate.
MC: You’ve already stayed in the darkness for long enough. Please try to take a step forward.
MC: Doesn’t it say that in your beloved “The Count of Monte Cristo”?
MC: “He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.”
MC: Miss Hang, if possible, please try it.
MC: Perhaps the light you’ve always been searching for isn’t too far away.
Hang Jiahe: …
Hang Jiahe: Ha… ha… hahahahaha!
Hang Jiahe broke into sudden, sharp laughter. It sounded like a heartrending sob was woven in it, as it resounded in the empty hallway, melting into the rain.
Amid the grey deluge of rain, specks of light leaked through. Maybe the downpour would finally end this time.
Not long after, Simon’s homicide case opened trial, and Wang Chunchong was deemed the murderer. Xingrui Estates declared that they would be depriving Xu Yin of her position and removing her from the family. Only Tyson received the weakest blow, as the evidence for instigation of murder was insufficient. However, lots of people online were saying that they hoped he would “succumb to the demon of illness as soon as possible”.  
Thus, the homicide case of the couple in Yaofu Community came to an end.
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NXX Base
After the Hang Jiahe case concluded, the NXX investigation team met up at the base again for discussion.
MC: That’s how the Hang Jiahe case went.
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Marius: Thanks for your hard work!
Artem: Thanks for your hard work. You did excellently.
Luke and Vyn nodded at me.
MC: Thanks, everyone.
MC: Enough about me – how’s everyone else’s investigation?
Artem: I’ve already updated Tyson’s case file. I haven’t found any new clues for now.
Marius: I followed what Wang Chunchong said and investigated that guy named Xiao Ren, but…
Marius: I haven’t found anything for now.
Luke: You also found out about Xiao Ren?
Marius: Huh?
Vyn: What a coincidence. I, too, found out about him.
MC: !!!
Luke: Marius, what information do you have on Xiao Ren right now?
Marius: Mainly what Wang Chunchong told me before.
Marius sighed.
Marius: According to Wang Chunchong, Xiao Ren is linked to Heirson’s raw materials purchases.
Marius: Tyson held Xiao Ren to very high regard, and keeps his occupational information on severe confidential status.
Marius: All in all, this person seems pretty mysterious.
Marius: What about you, Luke? What did you find?
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Luke: The aunties in the group told me that Zhao Fei kept looking for someone called “Xiao Ren”.
Luke: I suspect that Tyson brought up this person in the recording that he sent him.
Marius: That’s possible. Wang Chunchong also heard Tyson bring up Xiao Ren, so there should be some sort of link between them.
Artem: Luke, that’s not all the information that the assistive team provided you, is it?
Luke: Yep, that’s not all.
Luke: First, the workers in Heirson where the abnormalities appeared were mostly on the production front lines, so what they touch the most are the products.
Vyn: They probably mixed in their developed illegal drugs into the products, resulting in infection.
Luke: That’s right.
Luke: Secondly, about Zhao Fei…
Luke ripped out a page from his notebook and placed it on the table.
Artem: These names are…
Luke: When I was questioning these ten people about Zhao Fei, their reactions were a bit abnormal. I suspect that…
Luke: They’re the ones hiding Zhao Fei.
MC: What about you, then, Dr. Richter? You just said that you also found out about Xiao Ren.
Vyn: I spoke with half of the 20 special respondents and noticed that it was the same doctor in charge of their examinations.
Vyn: And that person is named “Xiao Ren”.
Vyn: So I suspect that this person knows many secrets regarding Heirson’s experimental data.
MC: If so, this Xiao Ren person knows about where raw materials come from and can deal with the experimental data…
MC: If we can find him, we might be able to patch up the missing part in our evidence chain against Heirson.
Marius: So this Xiao Ren is going to be our investigative focal point from now on?
Luke: Leave it to me, then. I’m the best when it comes to finding people.
Artem: Then leave Zhao Fei to me. I just happen to have something I want to confirm with him.
Vyn: I have only met with the special patients. I will continue to meet with the remaining bunch.
Vyn: Marius, what are your plans?
Marius: Me? I plan to go see Hang Jiahe.
Marius: She wanted to find reporters in the past to drop major news about Heirson, and she’s now in jail…
Marius: We should find out what this news is.
MC: Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about that!
Marius: So, jiejie, want to come with me to see Hang Jiahe? After all, only the two of us know her the best.
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MC: Uh…
I suddenly had a bad feeling.
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Luke: Marius, do you really need someone to accompany you just to go see someone?
Marius: I’m not going to see a typical person, am I? I’m going to see someone who might give us an important clue.
Marius: It makes sense to be a little more cautious and bring someone else.
Luke: Then just bring your assistant. If anything else, then bring some recording equipment.
Luke: Convenient, and it can record in real time.
MC: …
Right after, Artem spoke.
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Artem: Zhao Fei’s case was ours to begin with, and now that we have clues…
Artem: MC, let’s finish it off, alright?
MC: Lawyer Wing…
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Vyn: I may be overstepping, but…
Vyn stepped in just before Artem could speak again.
Vyn: May I trouble you to go with me next?
Vyn: There’s a special patient that I need your assistance with.
Faced with their “eager” eyes, I was very sure that –
The investigation team seriously needs to recruit a new member!
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼ CHAPTER 7 END  ✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 9
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You’re glad to hear that Jimin has been making improvements and you make sure to receive daily updates about his condition. Even if he isn’t ready to go home, certain situations arise which may need you to start rehabilitating him at your home instead. 
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‘Echo, we have some bad news. - Charlie’
‘I’m listening... - Echo’
‘We know you checked the pet of the recent fighting ring’s leader into an institute but we have insider news that the leader’s men that managed to get away are looking for him. - Bravo’
‘They have good security at the institute. - Echo’
‘No, there’s a tip that they have a mole in there already. Waiting to get to the calico cat hybrid and get him out. Their leader is still in holding so we’re not sure what they want to do with him when they break him out. Either give him to the next appointed leader or sell him for his rarity. - Alpha’
‘I’ll get him out. Thanks for the tip. - Echo’
After 5 seconds, the chat times out and deleted itself, leaving you to stare at the blank screen of your computer. This was not good news, Jimin may be in trouble. If something happens to him, you’ll never forgive yourself. 
“Jinnie, Namjoon.” You called them. The nursery was closed today so it was only the 2 of them with you at home. 
“Jimin may be in danger, we have to go get him out. Right now. I’m not wasting a second and risking his safety. I’ll explain more on the way there but get changed. We’re leaving.” You said quickly and they nodded, heading back to their rooms to change. You called Dr. Lee to let her know you will be heading over as it was an emergency. 
“So, what’s going on? Jimin is not ready to be discharged yet.” Namjoon asked as you drove. 
“I got word from my organisation. That Jimin’s previous owner’s men are looking for him. There’s a possibility that they have a mole in the facility he is at.” You explained. 
“But didn’t you say he was arrested?” Jin pointed out. 
“He is... But I guess he still has men on the outside. They’re either reclaiming their’s boss’ pet or going to sell him. You know how rare male calico cats are, even though he is a hybrid, I guess the same logic applies too.” You sighed, finally arriving at the institute. 
“I got your text.” Dr. Lee rushed out to you when you entered the lobby. Casting all the other workers a glance, you pushed her to her office, Namjoon and Jin trailing behind you. 
“I need to check Jimin out.” You started. 
“He’s not ready to be. I know I told you he’s improving but he can’t leave.” She shook her head. You began to explain to her the situation. 
“Ah! Why didn’t you start with that?!” She slapped your shoulder. 
“I’ll let you take him home but he has to be on these medications. He’s still not as stable yet.” Going to her patient cabinet, she handed you a few bottle of pills with Jimin’s name on them. Jin took them, placing them in his bag to hold them for you. 
“Let’s go get your hybrid.” She took her keys. The 3 of you followed her to Jimin’s ward. Jin and Namjoon decided to stand outside to guard you while you went in. You were greeted by Jimin’s back. 
“Jiminie?” You called. Hearing your tinkling voice, Jimin’s ears twitched as he turned around slowly. 
“(y/n)...?” He gasped in disbelief. 
“Hey, sweetie. I’m here to take you home.” You whispered. He ran to you and hugged you tightly, burying his head against your chest. 
“You let them take me... You abandoned me. I thought you hated me and didn’t want me anymore. You didn’t even say goodbye to me. You just let them take me and left with the others.” He whimpered. You rubbed his back soothingly to comfort him. Of course, hearing this broke your heart. You never meant to make him feel like you abandoned him. 
“I would never abandon you or hate you, Jiminie. I knew you would be safe here, I did it so you would get better. It was never to hurt you. I’m sorry.” You kissed his forehead. 
“We’ll talk more at home, alright? We have to go now.” You held his hand. He nodded his head. Dr. Lee handed you his file. 
“Take care, Jimin.” She smiled and he bowed his head slightly. You led him out, your two other hybrids joining you as you headed to the car. Namjoon drove with Jin in the passenger seat.
“You’ve gained some weight, you look better.” You stroked Jimin’s head. He purred under your touch.
“How are you feeling?” You asked. 
“Okay.” He nodded his head. You did see that Jimin had gotten better. Besides putting on some needed weight, he wasn’t as anxious, jumpy or scared as before. He seemed a lot calmer and less afraid when he saw Namjoon and Jin. Also, he didn’t try to be possessive of you like before. 
“We’re here.” Namjoon broke the silence and you nodded, getting out. Jimin actually let Jin bring him to his allocated room. You gave him some of Yoongi’s old clothes to wear. 
“(y/n), as much as I don’t think Jimin is in the right condition to be here... I think it was a good call getting him out.” Namjoon spoke. 
“Thank you for saying that. I hope Yoongi understands that too. He’s just edgy around Jimin because I got scratched the last time.” You sighed, not wanting to imagine the panther’s temper. 
“Yoongi hyung always had a bad temper. But he’ll never get angry with you. You did it for Jimin’s safety. Even if the situation isn’t ideal, I’m sure Yoongi hyung isn’t the kind to want to risk any other hybrids’ safety either.” Namjoon shrugged and you nodded in agreement. 
“You always know what to say, Joon.” You patted his head. 
“I just want you to be okay, alright?” He smiled, his dimple popping out as he leaned in to rub his cheek against yours. 
“I’m so glad to have you, Namjoon.” You hummed as you leaned in, melting under his touch. He pulled away and pressed a kiss to your temple before leaving you. You went up to Jimin’s new room and knocked on the door. 
“Come in.” Jimin said softly. 
“Hey, Jiminie.” You called and he went to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You sat on his bed and Jimin laid his head in your lap. 
“Please don’t leave me again.” He said softly. 
“Oh, sweetie. I never left you. I would never. I’ve always been receiving updates about how you’re doing, making sure you’re sleeping well and eating enough. But I just couldn’t see you or else you wouldn’t have gotten better. I’m so proud of you and how much you have improved, Jiminie.” You ran your fingers through his hair. 
“I promise to keep improving.” Jimin said, sleepily. 
“I’m happy to hear that. We’ll take it slow and work on it together.” You chuckled. As you softly massaged his scalp, Jimin’s eyes started closing and soon, he was asleep. 
You had fallen asleep as well, leaning against the headboard with Jimin’s head still planted in your lap. Yoongi had come home with Taehyung. The others didn’t need to tell him, he could smell it the moment he entered the house. 
“Who’s here?” Yoongi asked. 
“Jimin.” Taehyung pointed out. Namjoon and Jin grabbed the two, bringing them to the kitchen. They gathered around the kitchen island and the two began telling the panther and tiger what happened today. 
“The situation isn’t ideal but please, all she’s worried about now is Jimin’s safety and whether you will be angry with her when she finds out. I know we’re all concerned about her safety but we have to give her some credit and trust her decisions.” Namjoon said. 
“She makes it sound like all I do is get angry with her.” Yoongi scoffed. 
“I think if we all help her with rehabilitating Jimin, it’ll benefit us all. If we all just keep fighting him, he won’t get better. He may get worse and (y/n) will be at the receiving end of it.” Taehyung pointed out. 
“That’s a good idea, Tae. We’ll try to help with what we can.” Jin patted the tiger on his head. 
“You two go wash up. I’ll get started on dinner with Namjoon. Don’t wake them up yet.” Jin said. Yoongi and Taehyung nodded, going to their rooms. Taehyung finished and sat in front of Jimin’s door, looking up at it. He was waiting for you to wake up so he could give you a hug, like he always does when he’s comes home from work. 
“What are you doing?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the tiger. 
“Waiting for (y/n) to wake up. I want my hug.” Taehyung pouted, not taking his eyes off the wooden door. 
“It’s starting to get cold, come help me bring the heating lamps out.” Yoongi called the younger. Taehyung nodded, looking back at the door before going to help Yoongi. They brought out the heating lamps from the storage. 
“Cold already?” Jin teased. 
“Shut up.” Yoongi mumbled, laying out the futon with blankets and pillows in the corner of the living room. Taehyung spread the heating lamps around and turned them on. Jin and Namjoon were not affected by the cold, Jin being an arctic fox and Namjoon being a wolf. 
“Boys?” Hearing your voice, Taehyung dropped everything and ran off. 
“You were sleeping for so long! I had to wait for my hug.” He huffed and you laughed, patting his back. 
“Umm...” Jimin stood there, playing with the hem of his sweater as he watched Taehyung hug you. Taehyung lifted his head, blinking at the smaller boy. Suddenly, he pulled Jimin into a hug, making him stiffen.
“Tae, you shouldn’t-”
“Welcome to the house, friend.” Taehyung said. Hearing that, Jimin visibly relaxed a little, awkwardly wrapped his arms around the taller boy. Taehyung grabbed your hand and Jimin’s bringing the two of you to the kitchen. You were surprised by Taehyung’s attitude towards Jimin but glad to see him accepting the calico cat nonetheless. 
You guessed that Jin and Namjoon has told Taehyung and Yoongi about the new tenant that would be staying in the house with you. 
“Good evening.” You greeted everyone. 
“You’re beautiful even with your bed hair.” Yoongi teased, running his fingers through your hair to even it out. 
“Stop.” You blushed, shoving him gently. 
“Everyone, this is Jimin. He will be staying with us for now. Jiminie, this is Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung.” You held Jimin’s hand. The 4 gave him acknowledging nods. 
“Well, I hope you like chicken, Jimin.” Jin said, placing the pan of spicy stir fried chicken in the middle of the island. You and Yoongi helped to plate the side dishes while Taehyung took the plates and cutlery out. Jimin stood there awkwardly, not knowing how he could help. 
“Come.” You waved him over to sit. Jimin sat between you and Taehyung. Yoongi still kept his place on your left. 
“What’s your schedule tomorrow?” Jin asked you as everyone ate. 
“It’s a long day. 20 hour shift. Head nurse Park told me the OR is fully booked. My first one is at 8 am.” You groaned, already knowing how tired you’re going to be after such a long shift. 
“You’ll be gone for 20 hours?” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“Yeah. It’s normal, especially since the hospital is short staffed now.” You sighed, placing a piece of chicken in Jimin’s bowl. Jimin nodded but looked down. It finally dawned on you that you didn’t think about who would be with Jimin while you were at work. Taking days off were difficult and all your other hybrids were working. 
After dinner, you paced by the window, biting your nail as you tried to come up with a solution. Bringing Jimin to the hospital with you would not be any better since you can’t stay by his side. He would just have to stay in your office alone. 
“Snowflake~” Jin called from behind you. You stopped gazing out the window and turned around. 
“You’re gonna get wrinkles from all your frowning before you even hit 30.” He chuckled, gently kissing your forehead. 
“I didn’t even think about Jimin being alone tomorrow.” You sighed. 
“Don’t worry about it, snowflake. Your hybrids got it covered, we already came up with a plan. Our jobs are flexible enough to allow us to take certain days off so we’ll take turns staying at home with Jimin. Tomorrow, it’ll be my turn so you don’t have to worry.” Jin informed and you didn’t even know how to react to that news.
“Really? You guys... are okay with that?” Your voice trembled. 
“Of course. Any way that we can help you, we will. And if it helps Jimin settle in too, all the better.” He smiled. You wiped your tears. 
“Don’t cry, jagi.” He hugged you. 
“I don’t know what I would do without any of you.” You whispered. Your phone rang and you saw that it was your mother. That made you frown because your mother never calls you. Your mother was one of the most, if not, the most well known attorney in the country. She has never lost a case before. 
“I have news from a friend in the president’s office that you’re not going to like... It’s not announced yet but I thought I should tell you firsthand.” 
Jin watched as your expression grew grim as you listened to your mother. You were giving off negative emotions. 
“I see... Thanks for letting me know then.” You told her and hung up. 
“Call the boys, we’re having a meeting.” You told Jin and he nodded, going upstairs. As you waited for him to round up the boys, you sat on the couch and took your phone out to start searching for shops.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked.
“My mother just called. She delivered some... not so good news. As you know, with her connections everywhere, she heard about an announcement that the president is going to make tomorrow. She decided to tell me early instead of wait for it to be announced.” You started. The boys looked at each other uneasily, not liking where this was going. 
“A big feral shelter was broken into and a lot of hybrids are now out on the streets. As law enforcements try to round the escapees up, there will be some rules in place.” You sighed. 
“Like what?” Taehyung tilted his head. 
“You’ll all need to start wearing identification collars. And you cannot leave the house during certain timings. A curfew of sorts.” You said. 
“I’m sorry, guys. I know I talked about how you have your freedom when you’re with me but it can’t be helped. I’d rather do this than any one of you get taken to the shelter because they think you’re a stray.” You told them. 
“It’s not your fault, don’t apologise. We just hate that this is the government’s solution to the problem.” Yoongi rolled his eyes. The others nodded in agreement. You were also unhappy with the news. Hybrids being on collars and leashes was something you always fought against. 
“I know it’s uncomfortable, which is why I wanted to tell you guys the moment I heard the news.” You looked over at Jimin. He seemed the most stiff when he heard that he would be in a collar again. 
“I’ll get them for you tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.” You said and the group broke up. 
“(y/n)?” Jimin called you. You turned around.
“Can I sleep with you tonight, please?” He asked. You shook your head, making him let out a small whine. 
“Jimin, you know you’re not supposed to be sleeping next to me. That’s why you have your own room. Also, I have to wake up early so I don’t even let the others sleep with me. But tell you what, I’ll tuck you in.” You stroked his head. He pouted but nodded. Walking him to his room, the first thing you did was given him his medications. 
“Good job.” You complimented and tucked him under the covers. 
“Goodnight, (y/n).” Jimin smiled sleepily. You leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. Taking his pill bottles, you left the room. 
After stopping by all the other rooms to wish your other boys goodnight, you finally went to you room to sleep. 
“Your alarm rang at 6 am and you got out of bed to get ready for work. 
“Namjoon?” You were shocked to see the wolf sitting on the ground, in front of the giant glass window, watching the ran fall. His tail and ears perked up at your presence as he turned around to give you a small smile. You put your bag on the counter and shuffled over to him. 
“Are you alright? What are you doing up so early?” You checked his temperature. 
“I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would guard the house. Also, I could see you off.” Namjoon smiled. 
“You don’t have to...” You smiled, stroking his hair. 
“It’s the alpha in me.” Namjoon had recently told you that his wolf ranking was an Alpha too. He had stronger alpha instincts that Jin. Jin had alpha instincts because he was the oldest in the house but he wasn’t an alpha by nature. 
“Well, alpha, make sure you get enough rest, alright? I don’t want you getting sick.” You giggled. 
Hearing you call him ‘alpha’ sparked something in Namjoon. A low growl rumbled in his chest but seeing your shocked look, he turned away as his cheeks turned red. He let out a cough and shook his head to get all the inappropriate thoughts out of his head. It was the alpha in him that wanted you to be his mate. 
“S-Sorry! You should go, wouldn’t want to be late.” He forced a smile, standing up. As you grabbed your things, Namjoon fixed an iced coffee for you in your to-go tumbler. 
“Thank you. I’ll see you all tonight. If anything happens, just phone me.” You said as you grabbed the drink from him. 
“Don’t worry. Drive safe in the rain.” He hugged you. You wrapped your free hand around him and Namjoon planted a kiss against your cheek, nuzzling his cheek against yours. He pulled away and walked you to the door. 
As you entered your car, Namjoon watched from the window. His eyes followed your car pull out of the driveway and down the road. He sat back down at his previous spot. Seeing you was able to calm whatever nerves he was having. He had been having recurring nightmares of the fighting ring but he wasn’t going to bother you with them. 
His thoughts went back to the day you stood up for him to that lady in the grocery store. You didn’t even care that you got hit by her. But from then on, he had such a strong urge to protect you just like you did for him. 
“You, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jin and all the hybrids out there are worth fighting for. If I get hurt doing it, so be it.”
He still remembered your words to him. If it weren’t for you, he would probably be dead now. He definitely wouldn’t have survived those fatal injuries that the ring people gave him. 
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Nice to meet you, where you been?
Chapter 2 of In Breakable Heaven!
Summary: Reader becomes acquainted with some members of the BAU.
Warnings: none that I can think of!
Word Count: ~1900
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Penny came back out to the foyer, handing you the oversized t-shirt and shorts you left here last time you slept over. You pulled them on quickly, following Penny to the living room where you instantly realized, it was more than just you, Penny, and the tall man in the apartment. You stopped moving as you took in the additional new faces. You had never met Penny’s team before, but she had talked about them a ton. You blushed again thinking of how you must look a mess right now.
“Everyone, this is Y/N! She is my very best friend and she is very sad so we are going to cheer her up.” Penny started the introductions. “Y/N, this is Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau aka JJ, and Emily Prentiss.” You took in the names as Penny went around the room. Eyes bouncing between a very muscular bald man and two of the most attractive women you’ve ever seen. “Oh, and for a more formal introduction, this is Dr. Spencer Reid, although you two met at the door.” Your eyes attempted to meet his again, but he was staring at the ground. You couldn’t help the whisper that escaped your lips “Doctor.”
 Either the profilers didn’t hear it, or chose to ignore it, along with the blush forming on your cheeks yet again. You looked around the room again and couldn’t stop yourself from speaking your thoughts. “God, is it a requirement to be hot as hell to work for the FBI?” Everyone laughed as you threw your hand over your mouth, eyes widening. “Oh God. That’s embarrassing. It’s true though, what a good looking team.” That earned more laughter form the group.
  It was clear they were all wondering why you had just sobbed into their coworkers adorable sweater vest. You waited a beat hoping someone would say something. But since they were all staring at you, and you hate awkward silences, you couldn’t help but blurt out “today was my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend,” Not noticing the slight frown appear on Spencer’s face, you continued “but I went over to his place and found him in bed with another woman. So now I am very drunk.” Their faces all softened, offering slight words of encouragement as you sunk into the sofa and picked up the bottle of white wine from the table. Not even bothering with a glass, you started drinking again. You drank nearly half the bottle before taking a breath.
 “Woah” you heard someone say, but honestly you didn’t know who. “Why don’t we play a game or something? Maybe switch to water so you don’t completely hate yourself tomorrow?” You realized it was JJ talking. “I am always down – hiccup – for a game. I must warn you, I am extremely competitive though. Plus, I don’t get hungover so I’ll be fine.” You looked at their disbelieving faces. “Fine” you muttered, annoyed at having to explain this again, “I’ll switch to water for a bit. But only because I want to win.”
 Penny went to get the cards, confirming your statement “Y/N is right ya know. She has never been hungover. I’ve seen her drink countless tequila shots, chase them each with a wine cooler and clean her entire apartment before 8 AM the next day.”
 “Impressive.” Derek smirked as he looked at you.
 “What can I say? It really boosts my productivity.” The room chuckled as the hot doctor chimed in.
 “Your liver is responsible for breaking down all the alcohol you consume into an enzyme called acetaldehyde, the toxin responsible for hangovers. Recent studies have shown about 23% of people are able to break down the acetaldehyde much faster resulting in little to no hangover symptoms. Whether or not you experience hangovers is based 45% on genetics.” You looked over to him, wildly impressed with the first words you’ve heard him say.
 “What’s the other 55% based on?” You asked, intrigued to finally know why you don’t actually experience hangovers. He looked surprised as he met your eyes for the first time since you entered the room.
 “It’s actually a mixture of volume of alcohol, water, and food consumption.” You chuckled as he said this.
 “Well, it must be genetics for me because there are a few times I remember making very bad choices…” You felt the thought slip away as Dr. Spencer Reid smiled at you.
 “How can she even do simple math right now? Based on the story she’s had 10 drinks in the last 3 hours?” Emily whispered to JJ and Derek. They exchanged glances as Penny finally sat back down with the cards.
 “What should we play?” She asked the room, but mostly you. You could already feel your competitive edge creeping in as you tore your eyes from Spencer’s to suggest one of your favorite group games. “Egyptian Rat Screw!” It should be especially fun since you were all drinking. Nobody seemed to know the game though, so you quickly explained the rules as you took the cards to shuffle and deal.
 “Remember, whoever gets all the cards wins. Slap sandwiches and doubles. Royals have the special rules we just talked about. If you slap and there’s nothing there, you have to put a card in the bottom of the pile.” You said as everyone got situated around the table unsure what to expect. “Ready?” you asked, a mischievous grin on your face.
 After winning the first two games you couldn’t help but tease everyone “I am definitely the drunkest one here. I thought a group of FBI agents would have better reaction times!” You giggled as everyone laughed along with you. You dealt the cards into five piles, one for each agent. “No cards for you?” Derek asked. “Nope.” You popped the “p” as you took in their confused faces. “I’m going to start with no cards and see if I still win.” There was a clear competitive glint in your eyes, with a matching smirk.  They seemed disbelieving that you would pull out another win, but continued along with the game.
 You hadn’t even tried slapping the table until there was only Spencer and Derek left with cards. Emily, JJ, and Penelope were chatting aimlessly, having lost interest a few minutes ago. You sat up and stared at the ever growing pile of cards. The whole game was basically memorizing the order of cards, or at least the general timeline. You knew as soon as Derek played his jack, Spencer would follow with an identical card. As you spotted the first jack hit the pile, Derek taunted Spencer “Haha pretty boy, one chance to get a royal or I’m pulling in the big pile.” The two of them seemed to have forgotten that you could get back in the game. Spencer smiled as he flipped over what you knew to be a jack. It was clear from the smirk on his face he knew it was a jack as well. What he didn’t count on was your cat-like reflexes slapping the pile before he could finish laughing at Derek’s sad face.
 The two of them looked shocked as you picked up the cards, readying them for the next set of flipping. “Damn girl, I thought you forgot how to play.” Derek laughed at the smug grin you were wearing. He only had two cards left. Easily knocking Derek from the game, he joined the side conversation being had in the kitchen as he resigned to another round lost. You turned to Spencer, almost whispering “Looks like it’s just you and me, Doctor.” Spencer looked up from his cards stating, “you sound pretty confident considering your opponent has an eidetic memory and knows the exact order of both our hands.” You stuck your tongue out as you placed your first card. “Not fair.”
 Minutes passed as the game drew on, neither player really making an advance. You yawned as you flipped another card onto the table, losing focus for just a second. Reid recognized the pattern emerging, getting ready to slap after your next card. You forgot to look at the potential for a sandwich, playing your next card. You noticed it a second to late as you slapped your hand down. Spencer beat you too it though, and when your hand landed it was on top of his. You didn’t move at first, shocked to have lost so many cards at once. Spencer was gloating as you picked up his hand and put it on top of yours.
 He finally looked down to see you pulling the cards toward you before jumping up to get them back. You held the cards close to your heart, faking the offense you felt at his suggestion that you would cheat, despite your very obvious cheating. When he reached for the cards, you backed up into the couch, holding them above your head. He knelt over you, leaning forward to reach your outstretched hand, forgetting for just a second that he really didn’t know you at all and being this close should make him uncomfortable.
 You shrieked as he tickled your sides to pull the cards in. He was gloating yet again as he pulled them from your grasp, not realizing how close the two of you had become. The two of you froze yet again as you felt that same magnetic force as earlier pulling you closer as you looked into his eyes. He cleared his through as he sat up, returning to his seat to finish the game. 
The two of you continued the game until you only had a few cards left. “It appears as though your winning streak is quickly coming to an end.” Spencer joked with you, playing a queen. He was clearly trying to ease whatever tension was lingering from your couch experience. You glanced at the cards in the middle of the table. It must have been 45 cards in the pile. You switched tactics to playing the cards as quick as possible to prevent another mistake.
A queen meant playing two cards in a row. You knew you had two sevens in a row in your hand, so you were ready to take him down. You glanced up stating “Rule 1: The Doctor lies.” You stated matter-of-factly as you flipped over your first seven. “Oh, and don’t blink.” You said, playing the second and slapping it before he finished comprehending your two Doctor Who references. You just had an instinctual feeling that Doctor Who would distract him.
 You finished the game with relative ease as the others made their way back into the room. You celebrated as you took the rest of his cards, completing the game and adding another tally to the mental scoreboard you had in your head. As everyone sat back down, you put the cards away. It was now 12:30 in the morning and suddenly you were exhausted. You rose from your seat, putting your coat back on your shoulders. “I should go home” you said, earning stares from everyone.
 “You are completely welcome to stay the night here!” Penelope said as you continued preparing to leave.
 “Thank you, Penelope, but I already feel so much better.” You chanced a glance at Spencer to see him staring right back. “I want to go home and lay in my bed and throw all his stuff out the window. Plus I could really use some fresh air right now.” Everyone started to verbally object now. Sometimes you forgot what Penelope does for a living and how much she’s seen. “No really, I’ll be fine.” You continued, “I live in The City Block, it’s only half a mile from here!” This did nothing to satisfy the worried looks on the five faces staring back at you.
 “That’s on the way to my building.” Spencer stated. “I’ll walk with you, okay?” You looked up, surprised. Slowly a small smile appeared on your face. “Okay.” Somehow that was all you could manage. Everyone said their goodbyes as you and Spencer made your way out of the apartment and started walking down the street.
 tag list:
@mac99martin​ @eevee0722​ @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets15
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lumina-rose · 3 years
Tear You Apart
Chapter 3/4
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AO3 Link:
Laszlo x Reader
Mere months after the conclusion of the Beecham case, Dr.Kreizler and his associates are asked once again to solve a new series of murders that plague the streets of New York. They are joined by the alienist’s new assistant, who’s presence soon unravels startling revelations. Not only within the case, but also within the mind of one of their own.
(This story is set between the events of Season 1 and Season 2)
Murder Mystery, Graphic Description of Corpses, slight dark!Laszlo (kinda. Think Will “This is my design” Graham), Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Minor Violence, Friends to Lovers,Assistant, Boss/Employee Relationship,Tension, Sexual Tension, Mutual Pining, Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Abuse
(More Future Warnings TBD)
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Adding an extra warning for this chapter, just in case.
This chapter deals with themes of violence, kidnapping, captivity, non-consensual touching, non-consensual groping, and implied abuse.
Chapter 3: Lily
Dr. Kreizler was not a man who considered himself superstitious.
Ever since he was a boy, he clung to his curiosity, searching for answers through science rather than religion in order to understand the world around him, even if it left his reputation tarnished to the more traditionally-raised, God-fearing socialites of New York. Yet, even as a child, there had always been a darkness that surrounded him, drawing in trouble wherever he went. No, Laszlo was not superstitious, but there seemed no other term to describe himself other than cursed.
You had been missing for two days, and even logic and reason could not explain why history seemed destined to repeat itself.
Following your night at the opera, Kreizler had thought it odd that you had not appeared at the Institute the following day. You had not seemed unwell, during your outing- quite the opposite, actually- and yet the fact remained that your presence was notably absent. At first, the alienist pushed his worry aside. After all, you had spent what was supposed to be a night of rest by his side. He reasoned that perhaps you had simply drained yourself, driving yourself to exhaustion with both the investigation and the concern you had displayed for him. But what truthfully unsettled him was the lack of warning of your absence. It was unlike you.
Regardless, even with your absence, Kreizler quickly worked through the day's sessions and duties, leaving most of the day free to continue working on the investigation. Your theory the day before had intrigued him, and gave valuable insight into what the killer's motives and background could be. With a newfound momentum, Laszlo called for Stevie, sending the ward to gather his colleagues here at the Institute, in order to follow this new train of thought. He also instructed Stevie to find you, deciding that it would be best to check on you, if only to calm his own anxieties. With that, all that was left to do was wait.
Marcus and Lucius were the first to arrive, punctual as always.  Not wishing to waste any time, the twins immediately went to discuss their new findings with the doctor, picking out bits of information that may be relevant to figuring out the killer's identity. Kreizler listened, drawing connections to their findings with the theory you had created. John was the next to arrive, quickly followed by Sara. The two had not had much to work with, in terms of narrowing down who the killer may be, but found a couple police reports and articles that had spoken about similar incidents. Laszlo nodded, giving his own opinions and comments occasionally, but his mind continued to drift elsewhere. He had pulled out his pocket watch, when he heard a new set of footsteps. Quickly, he looked up, only to see Stevie once again. Ushering the boy inside, he asked if he had found you.
"I tried, Dr. Kreizler, but I couldn't find her anywhere." Stevie explained. "Even went by the house a few times, but no one ever answered. Her door was locked, so I thought maybe she came back here."
Laszlo sighed, audibly upset by the news. "Right, thank you Stevie."
This caught the attention of everyone in the room. After the boy left the room, Sara turned to Laszlo.
"Has something happened?" She asked, sensing Laszlo's growing worry. "How long has she been missing?"
The alienist simply shook his head. "Since this morning. At first I thought I was simply overreacting, but now I'm not so sure..."
Saying his admission aloud, Laszlo realized how troubling the whole situation had seemed. He explained where you had been last night, and how Kreizler had made sure to get you home safely after the opera, only to find that you had not come to the Institute today. John stood up from his seat, sending a glance to Sara and the brothers. They stayed silent, throwing silent glances back and forth, as if talking through looks alone. Finally, Sara stepped forward.
"I believe we should go to her home, ourselves. If we find that she is safe, then we can continue our investigation."
"What're you saying?" Lucius interjected, stunned by Sara's proposal. "What would you have us do? Having the five of us show up unannounced to (y/n)'s home might be an overreaction, considering it hasn't even been a day."
"You may be right," Sara starts. "but I'd like to make sure nothing has happened to her. I won't be able to shed the guilt if the worst has come."
Laszlo's heart sank at her words, reminding him of the very same doubts and worries he had told you of the night before.
Moving quickly, Laszlo went to grab his jacket, placing it on as he spoke. "I'm going-"
Once more, Lucius was wary. "Dr. Kreizler-"
"-stay here if you must, Lucius." He turned, leaving no room for argument as he walked towards the exit.
Reluctantly, Lucius followed after Laszlo, with Marcus's hand on his shoulder. Sara and John were already standing, ready to leave with the doctor, the same memory of the Beecham case fresh in their mind. With that, it didn't take long for them to reach your home, a mere few blocks away from the Institute. It was a relatively small building, not like the towering apartments that surrounded it on either side. It was as though someone had taken a cottage from the countryside and placed it right on the streets of New York.
There were no lights on, by the windows. A fact that shouldn't have been strange, considering it was now late into the day. Even so, it caused a sense of looming dread to enter Laszlo's mind. It felt so similar when he had returned to his own home all those months ago, as though time was repeating itself. First with Mary, now with you. As the group called and knocked on your door, drawing the scrutinizing and curious stares of the people passing by, Laszlo concluded that he must have been cursed. How else could he explain the events unfolding? Truly, everyone that was drawn towards him seemed destined to either leave or be taken from him.
There had been one thing that gave him hope that it would be different.
With Mary, she had been a constant, comforting presence. What he felt towards her had not always been there, not until much later after their first interactions, but it had been a source of happiness and warmth. The feeling of being known so completely, without needing so much as a word being spoken. Mary had brought out a kindness in him that even he had feared he did not possess. It had been sweet and somewhat innocent love, regardless of the rather unusual dynamic.
With you, it was a similar feeling, but not entirely the same. Where his feelings for Mary were more subtle, there had always been an underlying want in his relationship with you. At first, it had simply been a need to understand you. How you could be so similar to him, sharing that same curiosity for the human mind, yet still be able to catch him by surprise with your insights. He wanted to know about you, every little detail. Learning what made you tick, what made you happy, and what parts of your mind you had not shown to anyone else. Yet, even that wasn't enough. It wasn't until much recently, had Laszlo deduced the source of this incessant need for you. Where his feelings for Mary had made him recognize the lighter side of him, you made him realize that perhaps the darkness there was deeper than he knew. But he welcomed that new feeling just as enthusiastically, after the events of the opera.
What he felt for Mary and for you were very different, but just as intense. He had hoped, foolishly, that those differences would change something. And yet it seemed as if history was playing out again, as it had before.
"Unlock the door."
Laszlo's words were met with hesitation by the group, before they noticed the clear distress in his expression. Marcus nodded, placing the bag he held down in front of the door, before crouching down to pick the lock. Once unlocked, Sara opened the door, leaning in through the frame to look inside. From what she could tell, the study and kitchen were empty, and she could hear no sounds of movement, even after she called your name. Slowly, one-by-one, the five of them entered your home.
"Marcus and I will check upstairs," Sara decided, earning a nod from the Isaacson brother. "I believe there are a few rooms further back."
As they split up inside the house, Laszlo found himself at a loss. Although he had stopped by a couple of times, he had never truly taken the time to examine the home. Outside of the paintings that decorated the walls and the furniture provided to you, the home was extremely bare. Only a handful of personal items were scattered about, as well as a couple of books he had given you to read. For each and every room the doctor passed, it dawned on him that you had not been exaggerating when you had told him you dropped everything to move to New York. He wondered just how much you had left behind.
"Dr. Kreizler!"
Marcus's voice called out, clearly alarmed, causing the air to still throughout the house. Rushing upstairs,  John, Lucius, and Laszlo all went to join Marcus and Sara, only stopping once they saw the man exit what appeared to be your bedroom. A small bouquet of roses in his hands.
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You awoke with your eyes closed. The only thing grounding you to reality was the steady, throbbing pulse in the back of your head, causing a dull ache to pass over you with every beat. With a low groan, you blinked, as you thought about how rough work at the Institute was going to be, if this headache was going to plague you. As you shot up from the bed, letting out a painful cry, you went to raise your hand to you head. Only for them to be pulled back harshly, by a binding pressure against your wrists.
You blinked, and suddenly the pain in your head was in the back of your mind. Your eyes shot to your hands, ignoring the sting of the sudden action. A bundle of knots bound you, as a rope dug into your skin, leashing you to the unfamiliar bed frame behind you.
No. no. no no no. You thought in a panic, realizing the gravity of your current situation.
You took in your surroundings, seated on a small bed in the center of a room. There were no windows, and only a small lamp by the door lit the small space. The walls were bare, save for the portrait of a young woman. The only exit was a wooden door, with cracks forming from the bottom. Your heart racing, you tried to recall your memory of the events last night. What had happened to you? Where were you? Who brought you here?
You remembered the opera, and your pleasant time with Laszlo there, and how he had escorted you back to your home. So why couldn't you remember falling asleep there? Why were you still wearing the same dress you had spent hours deciding on? You had watched the carriage ride far out of sight, Stevie at the reins. You had opened the door to your home, without the use of your key, as it had been unlocked already.
Unlocked. Despite having purposefully locked it before leaving for the night.
"Stupid." Your breath hitched, as you cursed yourself for not noticing such a mistake. You hadn't even realized. Too giddy and tired from the emotional events of the opera.
Your heart raced, as you grew more and more frustrated, causing you to tug at your bindings. But no luck came. You thought back to what you did after entering your home. You had placed a few things down, before retiring to your bedroom, in order to change into your night clothes and sleep. But you never made it that far. In a sudden moment of clarity, a memory returned to you. You had sat down in front of your vanity mirror, before noticing a flash of red in the mirror. A bouquet of roses. Perhaps it was the fear and shock of the realization that the killer they’d been hunting had been in your home that caused you to lose consciousness. However, the pain in your head suggested otherwise.
Whatever the case was, you were now trapped in a room, after being taken from your home by the very person you had spent months trying to find. But aside from the distressing predicament of your kidnapping, what unsettled you most was the sudden deviation in behavior. If you truly had been taken by the killer you were searching for, why were you still alive? Why did he take you? What did he plan to do to you?
You didn't want to wait to find out, but found that you had little choice in the matter. No matter how many times you tugged and pulled at your bindings, the restraint never weakened. You had tried untying the knots on the bed frame, in hopes that you may be able to escape, even if your hands were tied together. The knots however, were tight and overlapping each other, and no amount of strength that you possessed could undo them. In desperation, you looked at the wooden door, knowing that it was all that stood between you and freedom. If you only could unbind your hands. But even if you had escaped, you didn't know where you were, or who's home you were in.
The answer didn't come till what felt like hours later. You had sat yourself up into a more comfortable position on the bed, where the rope would not pull at your now-aching wrists, and jumped as the wooden door suddenly opened.
Your heart leapt to your throat, and all you could seem to do was stare at the figure in the doorway. You were shocked. Your were speechless. You wanted to deny it, to try and lie to yourself by saying that he couldn't be the one who took you. That his presence here was merely some miraculous coincidence. But you weren't that naive. Still, never had you thought the same man who would regularly stop by your house could potentially be a murderer.
"Mr. Arnett." You breathed out, finally.
"Good evening, my dear." He greeted, his tone just as casual as any other time you had spoken. As though it was normal, to have you tied up in a room against your will.
As he stepped into the room, you found yourself growing more and more anxious with each of his steps. He had asked you something, a question you couldn't recall. You couldn't even find it within you to respond, knowing that anything you said might make your situation worse. If Arnett truly was the same man who’d been killing the women of New York, then it’s likely he’d have no issue using that same violence against you. Although, he had already changed his behavior, choosing to attack you in your own home, rather than on the street. That alone revealed that he was unpredictable.
"What..what am I doing here?" You asked, fearfully. You wanted your tone to come off as more questioning, rather than upset. You knew that if Laszlo’s theory was correct, the only reason you weren’t dead yet was because the fantasy behind the murders relied on your acceptance of the man. Still unsure of his intentions with you, you shuddered at the thought of letting the man do whatever he wanted.
"I'm taking care of you."
The vagueness of the answer, and the emptiness in his tone, as he spoke sent a wave of fear over you. The man took a step towards you, right next to the bed you were tied to. You sat up, moving away from him, by instinct. You had hardly noticed the tray Arnett had been carrying, until he placed it down on the foot of the bed. A wide assortment of fruits, breads, and foods were placed onto the tray, along with a single red rose. Taking a seat next to you, he lifted something off of the item.
"A strawberry, from my garden." He explained, as though that was the cause of your nervous behavior.
You didn’t feel hungry, but felt a sense of relief at the act. Only because that meant he didn’t plan on harming you…yet. Once more, he placed the strawberry up to your lips.
Arnett's jaw tensed, as he spoke again. This time he sounded as though he were trying to restrain himself. "You don't need to be afraid of me."
Afraid to anger him, you took a bite, before attempting to distance yourself from him further, if that were even possible at this point. He praised you for the action, as an owner would praise a pet. Bitterness rose from your chest, creating a bad taste in your mouth. Whether it was the fruit he gave you, or the reaction you had to his words, you weren't sure.
"See, I knew you'd be good," He spoke, condescendingly. "just like my Lily."
You swallowed back a grimace. "Lily?"
Arnett blinked, as if confused for a moment, before giving a forced chuckle. His eyes turned to the portrait in the room, of the young woman. "I must apologize, it's rather rude of me to compare you to my wife- ex-wife. "
He quickly corrected himself, before looking back at you, his eyes falling to your wrists. More specifically, the red burns on them, from your previous attempts at escape. He reached out, without warning, before scolding you profusely. He spoke only about how should be more careful, as to not harm yourself further. In your upset state, you didn't even think before instinctively ripping your hands from his hold, not wanting him to so much as touch you.
Arnett's almost-caring expression fell in an instant, before revealing an angered scowl. He grabbed your arms again, only now his grip was harsh and painful. There was no doubt in your mind that you would have bruises later.
"Don't do that." He hissed. "Don't you ever do that!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You gasped, shaking as you quickly apologized in an attempt to calm his sudden temper. Blinking, you searched for any excuse that might help you. "I'm sorry.. I.. It's inappropriate, I wasn't expecting you to.."
Once more, you cursed yourself for coming up with such a weak excuse. However, even as you closed your eyes, you felt the grip on your hand lose its hold. When you looked back at Arnett, his scowl had disappeared. He thought for a moment, before a slight smile crept over his lips.
"You don't need to worry about such things anymore, my dear." He sighed. "Now that you're here with me, you won't have to feign innocence for the sake of appearances. We can speak freely now."
As you stared into his eyes, you came to understand that in some twisted way, his mind had made up a lie: making him believe you held some form of silent connection with him. Twisting your interactions into subtle advances, when they had merely been polite conversations. Every small talk in the study of your home, he had taken it as a sign of reciprocated affections. Rather than what they were. And he truly believed that lie, which was what frightened you the most.
You were silent, as he ran a thumb over your injured hand. It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but you viewed it more as a threat. You knew that if you pulled your hands way, as you wanted to, you'd be met with more aggression. Eventually, his focus returned to the tray he had brought in, handing you the rose as he placed another fruit to your mouth. You were fighting back a mixture of emotions, as you attempted to process the situation. You wanted to snap, and tell him that he didn't need to feed you himself. You wanted kick and fight, if only to save your pride. But you knew that none of these actions would help you, and would more likely cause Arnett to harm you.
Instead, you tried to refocus your frustrations into questioning Arnett's plan for you.
"Mr. Arnett, I..I find myself at..at a loss as to why you've brought me here." You muttered, weakly. "Surely, it's not simply to 'speak freely', as you put it? I can't help but think there is another reason.."
The older man scoffed, as if surprised you even had to ask.
"Well, I've been left with no other choice, haven't I? You're forced to spend every day and night fretting over the little problems of a half-crazed alienist, who insists on keeping you by his side." He grit his teeth, looking  around the room for a moment. "But that no longer matters. You won’t need to worry anymore about Kreizler taking his liberties with you, my dear."
The bruising grasp on your hand returned. His voice and expression reflected anger, though it didn't seem directed at you this time. His eyes were still staring off at nothing in particular, and it seemed as though he wasn't even aware of the venom in his tone. Ignoring your pain for a moment, you feared what he meant, upon mentioning Laszlo. Was he merely speaking his suspicions out of a jealous delusion? Or had he known- had he seen- your actions with Laszlo at the opera last night?
You let out another pained gasp, causing Arnett to release his hold on you. This time, he stood up, staring down at you with regret and fear. Almost dejectedly, he grabbed the tray once more, and made his way back towards the wooden door. But not without looking back at the portrait once more.
"Lily was as delicate as you."
A time passed before the door opened again.
You had fought to stay awake, in order to try and defend yourself against Arnett, even though you were essentially at his mercy. But the reality was that you were exhausted. Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. The stress of the case, Laszlo, and your own current situation had left you utterly broken. As sleep came for you, your eyes fogged with tears, as you thought back to the happiness you felt just a night before.
When you finally awoke, you heard a loud thud, as though something had fallen somewhere in the building you were being kept in. Your heart pounded, half hopeful and half afraid. The wooden door to the dim room opened, your heart sinking as you faced Arnett once more, his face red with anger as he began yelling out, seething with every breath.
"He comes to my place of work, accusing me!"
Arnett raves, red in the face, as he circles around the room. His sentences slur together, his words coming out faster than you can understand them. You sit up quickly, bracing yourself, as it's all you can do in the moment. The man's eyes were wide and his gaze flicked from place to place, as if searching for something as he continued to ramble on. You noticed how his hands were clenched, his fingernails digging into his palms and his knuckles becoming a white color. Fearing what he may do, you kept your mouth shut, hoping in vain that he might forget that you're there.
"-Slandering my name and reputation!” He heaved out a heavy breath, before his stare finally finds its destination on you.
Whatever pleasant facade the man placed on for you before was gone now, overcome by his anger. He rushed forwards, pushing you back against the headboard of the bed, placing a hand on your face, pressing hard on your cheeks and jaw. Startled, you froze, unable to even move, except for the trembling throughout your body.
"Who is he to you?" He demanded, an accusatory glare cutting through you.
You choked out a reply, asking who or what he was talking about. That only made his grip stronger, squeezing against your bones enough to make them ache.
“That damned Kreizler!” He spat. “Is he truly so dependent on you, that he cannot go a single day without you?! Is your company so enjoyable that he cannot help himself?”
Arnett’s words were spiteful and insulting. Not only towards Laszlo, but yourself as well. It seemed that while Arnett did not seem to know the extent of your relationship to the alienist, the suspicion was enough to drive him over the edge. You only feared what would happen, should he learn what occurred at the opera. As your mind raced with your thoughts, you hadn't noticed how your captor now moved over you, trapping you under him. His spare hand trailed over you, his glare burning holes into you as he grabbed at your form. Your mind went blank, and all you could hear was the heartbeat that now pulsed in your ears. You twisted and turned, biting into your cheek as your body moved on its own, trying to do anything to get him off of you. A quick slap stunned you, causing you to recoil from the force.
Still, Arnett seemed lost to his ramblings. “He claims himself a gentleman! Tell me, do you enjoy the attention he gives you? Perhaps I’ve been mistreating you, perhaps you enjoy the way he takes advantage of you-“
Mistreatment was an understatement, but you dared not speak your mind in this moment. The feeling of his spare hand pushing a trail up your leg sent a wave of disgust and fear through you. Desperately, you spoke, saying anything that came to mind, hoping to calm the clearly unhinged man.
“No, no Mr. Arnett, please!”
You cried, gasping as your throat seemed to close off on its own.
“You’re- you’re right! He’s- He’s not a gentlemen, not like you. Louis-“
You barely registered what you were saying, only focusing on pleading for your life. You continued, speaking whatever you thought the man would want to hear. As soon as they left your mouth, you hated every lie you spoke about Laszlo. How you were catering to Mr. Arnett’s sick fantasy. It seemed to work, however, as the man paused his assault on you. His grip on your chin lifted your gaze up to him, making you stare through tears to look him in the eye.
Your voice shook as you spoke, going on and on about how you were being mistreated and how Arnett was a gentlemen, as much as it pained you to do so. You empathized the phrase, hoping it might somehow make him stop. His actions were abhorrent, yet he seemed to pride himself on being the gentleman he had tricked you into believing he was. You played into Arnett's fantasy, making yourself appear as some damsel in need of saving and that Arnett was the man who would do it. All you could do was hope your words satisfied him.
His hand released its hold on your leg, but you did not allow yourself to sigh in relief. The hold on your chin disappeared, as he gently placed his palm against your cheek. A soft smile met his lips, yet his eyes remained vacant and cold. His voice was distant once more, as if remembering something.
“You truly are just like my Lily.” He pressed his lips against you, holding you there. You didn’t move. When he finally parted, he gave a reassuring smile, something meant to comfort you, before saying: “He won’t mistreat you anymore, my dear. I’ll make sure of it.”
The older man stood up, smoothing a hand over his suit, before turning from you. Your heart sank at his words, leaving you in despair even as he left the room. Pulling your legs up to your chest, you cried into the wrinkled fabric of your dress, muffling the sound in order to keep Arnett from hearing you.
It felt like years, as another day passed. Your heart ached along with your shoulders and wrists, as you stared blankly at the wooden door. There were moments when you asked yourself if this barren room would be the last thing you saw. If the painted, empty eyes of Lily Arnett would be staring down at you, as you joined her in death. But there was hope.
Arnett’s outburst had been sudden and terrifying. But in his state, he’d given you the knowledge that Laszlo and the others were close, already questioning the man. Already suspecting the truth. You just needed to keep him satisfied, until your friends could figure out how to find you. If they found you.
When the wooden door opened once more, Arnett was bringing in another tray of food and water for you. As he came into the light of the lamp, your attention was drawn to the cut along the man's temple. Given your situation, this shouldn't have surprised you, but in all the time you've known the man you’d never seen the man with even a scratch on him, despite the violent attacks he had carried out. Before your abduction, you knew the man to be of good standing in the eyes of society. Someone obsessed with his reputation as a proper gentleman. Someone who’d never be caught up in a fight, not one that would cause such a wound.
You ask what happened, less out of concern and more out of curiosity, desperately wanting to learn what you could about the events playing out in the world outside of the small room. Your words seemed to fall on deaf ears however, as Arnett silently approached, not answering you. Instead, he lifted the food for you to eat. Slowly, you took a bite, not wanting to upset him further. After finishing the bits fruit and bread he initially offered, you found yourself growing more and more restless, due to his unsettling silence. As he lifted another fruit to you, you turned your head slowly, until eventually you found yourself looking up at the woman in the portrait.
Twice now he had mentioned his late wife…Lily. Some deep-rooted part of you felt as though her death had not been some random accident or illness, given how Arnett had consistently been comparing the two of you. No… By now, you suspected that perhaps the poor woman had shared your fate, falling victim to her husband's erratic behavior.
You opened your mouth, your throat dry as you carefully said: “I…I realize I never asked about your wife, before. If it is not too upsetting, tell me, how… how did she pass?”
Arnett blinked, as if snapped from his silence. A vacant expression crossed over his face, sending a frightening chill through you. It was identical to the one Laszlo had at the morgue, as the alienist was trying to gain insight into the killer’s mind. You had trusted Laszlo, but it was different now. Now you looked that very killer in the eye.
“I believe I told you. She was delicate." He paused, staring you down, before glancing away quickly. "Now eat.”
A horrible pit in your stomach grew, as your mind raced to create images of what you suspected befell the late Mrs. Arnett.  If his lack of hesitation of using force against you was any indication…It was slowly becoming evident that perhaps she may have been the first. The catalyst that created the man you faced now. You swallow back the lump in your throat, speechless. In your shock, you had forgotten what Arnett had ordered you to do. It was too late to fix your mistake, as the man quickly took your silence as refusal. In an instant, the tray was shoved aside, slammed to the floor, as his form climbed over you.
"You ungrateful bitch!" His hands clamped down on your throat, using a strength that felt as though it would snap your life away at any second. You hands pulled down on the ropes, having enough length to allow you to claw at his grasp. “Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused me?"
You struggled for breath, your heartbeat becoming the only sound in your ears before a slam at the door snapped you from your panicked state. A voice- no, voices- spoke loudly. You didn’t process what was said, only that the weight of Arnett shifted. You found yourself placed between Arnett and the unknown parties, a sharp pressure against your neck. As you gathered your senses, you realized the pressure was a knife, one Arnett had kept hidden away. You weren't sure if he had it before, or if he had planned to use it against you before being interrupted.
John and Sara stood before you, the woman aiming a gun towards Arnett. Though, with you placed in between them, the weapon was also directed towards you. You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. If you weren’t so focused on the knife’s weight against you, your heart surely would have leapt with happiness. They had found you! But the confrontation was not over.
"You have no right, breaking in here!” Arnett seethed. “I’ll have you arrested!”
Sara was quick to respond, not even flinching from his words. “Call them if you like, but I doubt the police would be interested with us, upon finding a woman unwillingly locked up on your property.”
Arnett shook his head, his breath coming out in heavy exhales. His voice was shaking. Out of anger, fear, and confusion. “No, you’re wrong! She..she wants to be here! Tell them!”
The knife pressed harder against you, as Arnett whispered unintelligible words against your ear. You gasped, closing your eyes, as if everything would disappear if you didn't watch. Another sound of footsteps grabbed your attention, forcing you to look up once more. A third figure emerged through the door, joining John and Sara. He stopped dead in his tracks, however, upon seeing the tense stand-off between them and Arnett. With you at the center.
“Laszlo!” You called, the name falling from your mouth before you could stop it.
A vice grip found the back of your neck, making you gasp in pain. His whisper was erratic but you could just make out: "How dare you say his name in front of me-"
The knife pressed harder, a small sting followed by a warm trickling feeling. His cheek pressed against your ear, speaking lowly. “Tell them you want to be here. With me.”Another pause of silence made him seethe. "Answer me, Lily!”
Arnett’s grip on reality, whatever remained, was slipping as the scene played out before you. Still, you refused. Laszlo was here, They were all here! You were so close to freedom that you couldn't bare the thought of him taking it away. Tears reached your eyes, as you glanced at the faces you've grown to know.
“There’s no where to go, Mr. Arnett.” Sara said, regaining your attention. She looked back at you, rather than your captor. She looked unsure, as she aimed her gun toward the two of you, in contrast to her confident words. “If you truly care for her, as I suspect you do, then let her go.”
“No, nonono..” Arnett’s breaths became erratic. “She belongs with me! Tell them, my dear, now.”
Still you remain silent, biting back a cry.
Arnett snapped, cursing you, as the knife lifted for a moment, before turning fully towards you, intended to pierce your throat. In that split moment, you heard the loud blast of gunfire, followed by the metallic smell of gunpowder. A ringing overtook your senses, followed closely by a burning in your shoulder.
Your heartbeat signaled to you that you were alive, but you couldn't help yourself but think it was a trick. One last cruel joke for the entertainment of a higher power.
Your mind and vision seemed to blur, as each passing moment came by in flashes. You no longer felt Arnetts breath against your ear, yet the intense pain in your shoulder remained. You felt a pair of arms reach around you, as the restraining pull of ropes on your wrists disappeared. The cool breeze of air hit your face at some point, before the rest faded away to darkness.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me, Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan: Chapter 8
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AUTHORS NOTES: None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
“It's started taking its toll on me now 
It comes back to you 
The lights are on but the bulbs have blown out
It comes back for you.”
Test and Recognize by Seekae
Driving down to La Push brought back fond memories. I remember always hanging around Sam and Leah when I was younger. The walks around the beach were my favorite, even if I did get pushed into the water. I was the youngest after all even if it was only a year... it was a big difference to them. I haven’t seen them in years, I hope they’re both doing well. I parked next to Tyler and got out, immediately shivering at the cold wind.
“You guys are really gonna surf out here? It’s freezing.” I said. Angela grabbed a blanket from Tyler's van and handed it me. I took a seat next to Bella and stole a Twizzler.
“I mean we drove all the out here, we gotta do something.” Jessica replied.
“I don’t think I should go out there.” Eric said.
“You know, I keep thinking Eric’s going to ask me out to the prom but, he just doesn’t.”
“You should ask him.” I suggested. Bella nodded in agreement with me.
“Yeah.” I said.
“Yes you should, you’re a strong, independent woman.” Bella said.
“Thanks you two.”
“Bella.” I heard a familiar voice say.
“Hey Jacob.”
I looked up seeing Jacob and Sam, a smile made it’s way onto my face. Sam’s hair only got longer.
“Hey Sammy, been a while hasn’t it?”
He smiled at me before speaking.
“Yeah it has, you still haven’t gotten rid of that god awful nickname.”
“I never will.” I said in defiance.
“So, you guys surfing?” Jacob inquired.
“No, absolutely not.” Bella said.
“Bella would drown the second she got on a board.” I joked. Bella nudged me in the ribs and laughed.
“She’s not wrong.” Bella said.
“You guys should keep her company, her date ditched her.” Jessica said.
“Note to self, never tell Jessica anything. She has a big mouth.” I thought to myself.
“What date?” Eric asked.
Jessica giggled before continuing. 
“She invited Edward.”
“She was just being nice Jess.” I said.
“I think it’s nice she invited him, no one ever does.” Angela defended. 
“Yeah because the Cullens are freaks.” Mike said.
“You got that right.” Sam said.
“They are not, I am dating one of those “freaks” you know.”
Sam looked at me shocked, I thought I could see a hint of anger. Before I could ask what was wrong he asked me to come with him. I obliged and followed him I could hear Bella ask if Jacob and Quill knew him and all she got in response was... 
“The Cullens don’t come here.”
I knew that would drive her suspicion of them even more, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.
“What’s wrong Sam?”
“Are you really dating one of them?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Which one?”
“Oh this is great, just great.”
“What is the problem with that!?” I asked getting agitated.  
“Did you not listen to our tribe story at all?”
“It’s just a story... isn’t it? They aren’t really a enemy of yours right? Is there something you’re not telling me!?”
Sam just looked at me and then looked down again. He didn’t know what else to do. He grabbed me a few moments later though my the arms and pulled me closer. His grip felt bruising on my pale skin.
“You need to stay away from them.” 
“Sam get off of me.”
“You need to listen to me Fleur.”
“You’re hurting me Sam.”
“I said GET OFF!” 
I pushed him back and looked at my arms, bruised in the shape of hands made it’s way onto my skin. Sam’s eyes soften after he saw the bruises, he muttered a apology and then left before I could get another word in. I stood there confused, my mind couldn’t process it all. He had never acted like that toward me before. 
“Hey Fleur!” I heard Bella call for me.
I turned around and slipped on my sweater hiding the marks Sam left on me.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. What did you need?”
“I just heard this crazy story about Jacobs tribe... have you heard of it?”
“I remember Sam telling me about when I was younger.”
“Do you think it holds any truth?”
“I’m not sure.” I answered half truthfully.
“Why did you want to know?”
“I just thought... never mind, it’s silly.”
“Okay, let’s go home, I’m freezing.”
“Yeah let’s go.”
By the time we had arrived back home the air had somehow gotten even colder. My breath could be seen in the cold, fridge air. We both rushed inside, dad was out so I made dinner for all 3 of us. I left his food in the fridge for him to heat up late. As soon as I made it up to my room my phone rang. I picked it up not seeing who it was.
“Hey Darlin.”
“Jazz hey.”
“Did everything go alright down at the reservation?” 
“Yeah, everything we fine.” I lied... he couldn’t know what happened today. He tried to kill someone.
“Well, there is something that happened with Bella...”
“Yes?” He asked waiting for me to continue.
“She heard the tribes story on you guys and well... it got her suspicious about you guys again. I think she knows what you guys are, or is about to figure it out.”
“It was bound to happen, Edwards too enamored with her to stay away from her.”
“I figured he had a thing for her.”
“Anyway, I was mainly calling to tell you I can’t come tonight and we won’t be in school tomorrow.”
“Is the sun finally gonna come out?”
“Yes, and we all need to go on a hunting trip. I’ll see you later tomorrow night”
“Well okay, stay safe tomorrow.”
“I will, love you.”
“Love you too.” He hung up a few seconds afterward.
I plugged my phone in and went to bed soon after.
Sure enough, the sun was out the next morning. It burned my face as I raised myself up. I picked out slightly cooler clothes today, thinking the sun would the area up a bit today. The drive to school was nice the air coming through my windows woke me up faster. The music was another plus, it was good again today.
Oh joy's arise The sun has come again to hold you Sailing out the doldrums of the whole week The polyphonic prairies here, it's all around you It's all around you, out here
And if the whole world is crashing down Fall through space out of mind again Where the emptiness we leave behind on warm air rising Blows all the shadows far away
Empire Ants, By the Gorillaz.
Classes were quite boring without Jasper there and they seemed to drone on longer than usual. But, I soon made it to lunch. I was sitting outdoors today with Bella, Jessica, and Angela. Bella was looking around, her eyes scanning to find the Cullens. Jessica noticed this and decided to help Bella with her curiosity.
“They’re not here today. The Cullens are never in when the suns out.”
“Do they just ditch?” Bella asked.
“No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen pull them out for hiking and stuff.” I explained.
“Oh my gosh guys I did, I asked Eric out to the prom, I took control. He said yes.” Angela stated excitingly.
“See we told you that would happen.” I said.
“Are you sure you have to leave town Bella?”
“Yeah, it’s a family thing.”
“Why doesn’t Fleur have to go?” Jessica asked.
“I’ve never really been close with mom, besides I’m going with Jasper to prom anyway.”
“We better go to Port Angeles before all the dresses get cleared out.”
“Port Angeles?” You mind if I come with you guys?” Bella asked.
“Yeah, I need your opinion. Are you going to come too Fleur?” Angela asked.
“Yeah sure. I’ll go.”
Time skip to Port Angeles.
“I like this one.” Angela said.
“Yeah I really like the beading.” Jessica added.
“That one is nice but, I think Lavender is more your color.” I said to Angela.
“Yeah me too.”
“I like this dusty rose one too but I think this one is better.” Jessica said.
I heard a knock on the window that made me jump. A group of men started cat calling us. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off, kicked the window slightly in the process.
“What do you think Bella?” Angela asked.
“You guys look good.”
“You’ve said that about the last 5 dresses though.” Jessica replied.
“I thought they were all pretty good.”
“This isn’t really your thing is it?” Angela asked.
“No, not really... I planned on going to this bookstore. I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah absolutely. Hey Fleur I know you were looking for some new books to read. Why don’t you come me?” Bella asked.
“Sure, I’ll go.”
We both left the store, I followed Bella since I didn’t know where she was taking me.
“I’m not going to lie... I’m trying to find this book about that story Jacob told me about.”
“I just have a gut feeling there is something more to the Cullens. I feel bad prying into there business but, if you don’t even know... I feel the need to find out.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, I do.”
I knew I couldn’t change her mind, she is just as stubborn as me. It was dark by the time we left the bookstore. I didn’t have a good feeling in my stomach, I felt like something bad would happen. I soon saw those group of men that cat called us in the dress store. We turned to the side trying to get away from them but, the cornered us.
“Hey, it’s my girls from the dress store.”
“Where are you two going, why don’t you hang out with us.”
They got closer, we both started to get uncomfortable.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Get away from me.”
“Oh c’mon don’t play hard to get.”
“I said don’t touch me.” I demanded I then kneed one of the men in the groin. He bowed down in pain. Another man had pushed me onto the ground.
Edwards volvo then screeched into view, it parked soon after. Edward and Jasper came shooting out of the car. A deadly look was marked on there faces. If looks could kill, all five men would be dead. Jasper ran toward me at normal human speed and help me up. He help me against his chest and walked me toward the car.
“Get in.” I heard Edward say.
We were all in the car, Edward was driving recklessly. The tension was uncomfortable but at the same time, I felt safe.
Who knew shopping for dresses would’ve led to this?
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goldentournesol · 3 years
The Receptionist and the Profiler (Six)
Chapter Six: Lifted Burdens
(Spencer Reid x f!Reader)
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The word reverberated around her brain for days after she heard it. Her brain was mocking her and she knew it.
Girlfriend. Girlfriend. My girlfriend.
Over and over again.
A heartbroken Y/N went home that day to an extremely livid Penelope. Y/N was the one calming her down instead of the other way around.
“How could he be so stupid?! I mean, he’s a genius, but he’s still the stupidest person I’ve ever met! Oh my God, I’m gonna kill him! A girlfriend?! He’s out of his mind!”
And although Y/N agreed with every single word Penelope’d said, there was little she could do about it now. She had shown Ashley around just like she had with every other new agent. It would have been a lot easier to hate her if she wasn’t so...nice. You know, even though her father was a serial killer and all.
She was so normal. And Spencer seemed happy around her. That’s all she could ever ask for, right? So why was it still so painful every time the three of them were in a room together? Why was avoiding all the team members’ apologetic stares as they witnessed a moment between the couple turning into a sport? Well, she knew exactly why, but she didn’t really want to give that thought the time of day.
Derek was almost as livid as Penelope when he’d learned of the new relationship. It took everything in his power to not chew Spencer out.
Spencer, on the other hand, was convinced that this was the only way he’d ever get to get over Y/N. Besides, she’s married now, what’s everyone so upset for? Is his happiness too much to ask for? Although, he did find it odd that Y/N wasn’t wearing rings on any of her fingers. He would have thought that a newlywed wife would have been much more excited to show off her ring. It was also quite strange to hear that Anderson transferred to a different unit. But he stopped himself from thinking about her too much anyway. Stopped himself from thinking about how much her eyes stopped twinkling as much as they used to. Or how her smile always seemed a little less bright than he was used to.
Stop, Spencer. You have Ashley now. He reminded himself.
Ashley was a nice girl. They’d met a few times before they began dating. He first met her when Rossi took him to the Academy to speak with some of the recruits who were interested in joining the BAU. Then, after that, he’d ran into her while he was guest-lecturing at her university. She’d been taking extra classes to get her degree faster and ever since then, they’d kept in contact. They’d met again while Spencer was on his medical leave. He had practically begged Rossi to take him to any lectures. Despite being a homebody through and through, Spencer had had enough of sitting at home waiting for his knee to heal. He needed to get out of the house and do something. Ashley had been the one to suggest a date and Spencer was shocked to say the least, but he accepted. Who was he to deny a pretty girl a date when the love of his life was already married?
Coming back to work was exciting to say the least, even if he wasn’t authorized to go into the field yet. The rest of the team still had to go though, which made the bullpen kind of eerily quiet.
He tried to spend most of his time in Garcia’s batcave to be able to be a part of any video calls with the team, despite the fact that Garcia could barely look at him without wanting to crush the rest of his bones (it’s all in the name of love, she swears). Him being in Garcia’s cave made it practically impossible for Y/N to go in there as often as she normally would. She’d normally spend her entire breaktime with her, they’d chat, eat, and watch kitten videos on repeat. But now Dr. Genius was occupying her space there and it left Y/N sulking out in the empty bullpen. 
Now, Spencer wasn’t completely oblivious to the way the team was acting around him. He’d noticed a decrease in Penelope’s affectionate terms, he’d noticed Derek’s disapproving stares, even JJ was being short with him. Maybe it had something to do with him dating the new agent.
“Hey, Garcia?” Spencer asked from his seat next to her, he was currently going over a case file as she sorted through VICAP.
“Yes, Reid?” She asked, obviously not paying attention.
“Do you guys um, not like Ashley or something?” He asked tentatively, fiddling with his pen between his fingers. That got her attention because she turned in her chair and looked at him.
“What gave you that idea?” She asked with signature Garcia concern.
Spencer shrugged and pursed his lips together, “I don’t know, you’ve all just been acting super weird since I got back and every time I’m with her around you guys it’s super awkward.”
He saw Garcia take a deep breath and she slumped her shoulders, “No, Reid, we do like her a lot. I guess you can say we just weren’t expecting it. I mean, you’d just gotten shot and then came back with a girlfriend, it was kind of...surprising.”
“Why is it so surprising? Is it so surprising that someone actually finds me interesting?” Spencer almost scoffed, that had come out way meaner than he’d intended.
“No, of course that’s not what I meant, you know that!” She exclaimed, tears already threatening her eyes, “It’s just...we all thought it would...y’know, take you a while to get over Y/N.” She tiptoed around what she really wanted to say. Spencer held back a roll of his eyes.
“Well, I am. So...so you can all stop being so weird. Besides, what does it matter how long it takes me to get over her? She’s married now, remember?” Spencer said, not even trying to hide the bitterness behind his voice.
Garcia’s face drained of all emotion all at once, “What?”
Spencer analyzed her expression before shrugging, “What?” He asked, feeling like he was missing something.
Suddenly, she began laughing in disbelief, “No, no, no. There’s no way.”
Spencer’s impatience and irritability grew, “What are you talking about?”
“Spencer! Y/N has been living with me for the past 3 weeks, you big idiot! I’m not saying anything more to you. You need to be talking to her right now, not me.” He felt as though his brain took ages to process what she’d told him.
“What...why would she be living with you?” He asked, his brain raking through all the possibilities. Garcia shook her head and refrained from speaking to him for the rest of the day. The dread set in as he realized.
He’d only seen Y/N at her desk whenever he had to leave the batcave for something. Most times she’d just send him a polite smile but they rarely engaged in any conversation. Her energy has been cut in half lately. 
Near the end of the day, Spencer trudged all the way to the kitchenette on his crutches to make himself a fresh cup of coffee. While reaching up to grab his mug, he tried to balance on his crutches but was still very wobbly. The result of his wobbliness was a shattered mug on the floor of the BAU’s kitchenette. Spencer winced at the sound and sighed a deep sigh.
He heard quick footsteps to where he was, “Is everything okay? Are you hurt?” Y/N stood in front of him, taking in the scene. He hadn’t heard her voice in days, it was the closest thing he’d felt to relief hearing from her again.
“I-I’m okay, I just dropped a mug while trying to make a cup of coffee.” He huffed frustratedly, upset that his mobility was compromised.
“Spence, next time you can just ask me or something--or someone else, it doesn’t have to be me, but I mean, I don’t mind doing it, if you asked.” She stumbled lightly on her words, cheeks reddening. Spencer smiled in response and nodded, touched at her kindness, “Now, step back and let me help you clean this up before someone gets hurt.” 
Spencer took a step back, the feeling of guilt overwhelming him as he watched her pick up the pieces and sweep the floor, “I’m sorry...about that. You didn’t have to help me out, thank you.”
Her face cracked a smile and Spencer felt the hunch in his shoulders loosen slightly, “Come on, it’s really nothing. How’s the um, knee?” She pointed slightly as she brought down another mug and began to fill it with coffee for him.
He sighed, “It’s not great. It hurts sometimes, like a lot, but it could have been worse I guess.” He shrugged, unable to keep his eyes off her captivating face. If he thought the science of reading microexpressions was interesting, reading her face was on a whole other level.
“I’m sorry, Spence, I really hope you feel better soon.” She spoke while adding the perfect amount of cream and sugar. He could tell that there was something weighing on her heavily as she seemed to drift further away as she watched the swirls of the cream dance in the mug.
“Thanks, Y/N/N. Um, what about you? Are you okay?” He asked, noting the way she immediately snapped back into shape almost as if she’d been caught slipping. Her facade was back on as if it hadn’t slipped for a nanosecond.
“Yeah! I’m great.” She smiled, not meeting his eyes, Spencer was about to ask about her current living situation when she spoke quickly, not leaving a pause, “How about I walk this back to your desk for you?”
“Um, you don’t have to do that. I can take it.” Spencer frowned, feeling already guilty enough. 
She giggled slightly, purposefully glancing at both his hands wrapped around his crutches, “Got a third hand I don’t know about, Spence?”
Spencer grinned in defeat, realizing what she meant, “Right…” He sheepishly began to walk back to his desk, is Garcia needed him she would call. She set the cup down and flashed him a smile before turning around and walking right back to her desk where she stood for a few seconds as if contemplating something then continued on in the direction of Garcia’s office.
“Garcia...I did something bad.” She confessed sheepishly stepping into the office and closing the door behind her, feeling somewhat like a child who hadn’t followed instructions. 
Garcia turned around in her chair, “Oh no, sweets, what happened?”
“I talked to him…” She flopped down onto the chair next to Garcia’s and pouted. Garcia couldn’t hide her smile and shook her head.
“And…?” Garcia looked expectantly at her.
“I don’t think I can ever get over him, Pen.” She suddenly frowned, picking at a frayed thread on her skirt.
“Well it’s not gonna happen overnight, sugarplum. Tell you what, why don’t we have a girls night out when the team gets back tonight. Maybe you could get a little lovin’.” Garcia added suggestively but Y/N rolled her eyes and huffed playfully in response.
“Yes to girls night, no to getting any “lovin’”, I don’t think my heart can physically handle anything else.”
“Ughh, alright. But um...there’s something you should know…” Garcia began.
“What is it?” Y/N pushed.
“So...you know how Reid is a certified genius and stuff...yeah...he’s quite possibly the most obtuse man I’ve ever met.” Garcia spoke.
“Yes, we know this, what is it, Pen?” Y/N asked, growing more impatient and anxious.
“I found out today that he had absolutely zero clue that you called off the wedding.” She said.
“What do you mean? How did he not know?” Y/N almost laughed at the absurdity.
“I guess no one told him. I think we all got so caught up with him getting shot that no one told him. Y/N, I’m telling you, up until 1:22 pm today, he thought you were married to Grant Anderson.” Y/N almost grimaced at the mention of her almost-husband.
“Well, what good is it now, he’s got little miss Ashley, who, by the way, IS NOT invited to girls’ night.”
But she was, of course she was. But it wasn’t just her, oh no, the entirety of the BAU had invited themselves out.
Everyone was stuck in their own little conversations around the table and Y/N felt like the odd one out. She looked up from her glass to see Rossi and Hotch deep in conversation, Derek and Penelope were in the middle of a story to which Emily and JJ were listening intently, and finally, the cherry on top, sitting directly across from her, was Spencer and his precious Ashley sitting practically glued at the hip with his arm around her shoulders. This was supposed to be a girls’ night out, and here Y/N was, feeling as miserable and insignificant as ever.
“I’ll be right back.” She said to no one in particular as she got up from the table, not that anyone noticed or heard. Spencer caught her leaving out of the side of his field of vision but Ashley quickly began telling him another story. Y/N had almost made it out of the bar when a familiar voice stopped her.
“Y/N, hey!” She turned to see none other than Anderson himself, looking quite put together and smiling very largely at her.
“Hey! Um, you out here too?” She smiled awkwardly and looked around for his friends.
“Yeah, came out for drinks with the guys from the White Collar Crimes division. Hey, you should come say hi.” He nodded his head towards a table full of men. Y/N glanced back at her table and saw that no one was looking for her so she shrugged and agreed.
She sat at the table and they all immediately brought her into the conversation, which made her mood lift significantly.
Had Grant always been this funny? She thought. As the guys settled down after their stories, Grant turned to Y/N.
“Can I get you a drink?” He offered nicely and she thought about it. She spent 11 years with this man, what could one drink possibly do? 
As they sat at the bar and chatted, Y/N noticed that Grant was being extra gentlemanly and just...nice.
“So, yeah, this is my life now.” He tilted his beer at the table they were at previously.
“They’re really nice guys, I’m glad you’re happy at work.” She smiled and nodded. Grant smiled back and studied her for a moment.
“Um, so...I was wondering...I mean, do you...are you still sure about all this?” He gestured between them, “It’s just that we get on so well and I um, really wouldn’t mind doing it all over again for you.” He ended his sentence with a genuine smile. 
Y/N’s smile faltered from a grin to a sad smile, her eyes flitting across the bar to look for Spencer, who had been keeping a close eye on her since she left in case she was in trouble. Their eyes met for a moment but nothing longer.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” She nodded with finality. Grant followed her eye-line and felt some jealousy stirring up inside.
“Wait--is this all about Reid?” Grant stared at her incredulously.
“What?! No! Of course it isn’t. We weren’t working out, I already told you.” She defended quickly, but Grant was unconvinced. He gave her a look and she avoided his eyes, “Me and Spencer are just friends, I promise. We kissed like, once, it didn’t even mean anything.”
“You kissed? When?!” Grant’s eyes immediately filled with rage, looking across the bar.
“It doesn’t matter, look, can we just step outside for a second, get some fresh air?” She tried to reason with him but before she knew it, Grant was out of the bar stool and marching his way over to the BAU’s table. Y/N followed him quickly, trying to minimize any damages.
“REID!” Grant yelled in the small bar, quickly alerting all the agents. Spencer’s worried eyes flitted to Y/N’s.
In one swift motion, Grant lunged forward to attack a still-seated Spencer, eliciting a frightened yelp from Ashley next to him. 
But thankfully, Derek was much quicker than Grant and effectively took him down yelling, “What the hell is wrong with you, man?” 
Hotch and Rossi visibly relaxed upon watching Derek drag a livid Grant outside the bar. Mortified, Y/N grabbed her things and ran out, unable to meet any of their eyes. She flagged a cab and tried to stop the sobs from tumbling out of her.
Needless to say, the next month was the most awkward month she’d ever been through. Anderson was lucky he’d only been suspended without pay and not actually arrested for attempted assault of an FBI agent. She was downright mortified after what had happened at the bar and had fully retreated into herself, having finally moved out into her own apartment. Her pickiness ended when she realized she couldn’t stay with Garcia anymore.
 Even JJ had tried multiple times to set her up with one of Will’s friends, but Y/N always refused. Invites to bar nights were turned down and ignored. Her days consisted of waking up, going to work, coming back home, pretending to unpack but in reality avoiding it and ending up sitting on the couch with a pint of ice cream. The entire team felt for her, but Spencer especially felt for her as well as felt like an absolute moron. Not about what had happened at the bar, he didn’t really care if Anderson had beat him up, maybe he deserved it for making her feel this way. 
He watched curiously from his desk as Derek and Penelope walked through the glass doors of the BAU and stood at her desk. Penelope placed a heavy cookie tin on the raised part of the receptionist’s desk, the sound making Y/N look up from her computer.
“Morning, lil’ mama.” Derek grinned at her.
“Morning, D. Hey, Pen. What are you two up to?” Y/N’s gaze shifted between them suspiciously, “And what’s this?” She referred to the cookie tin.
“Oh, you know, just your favorite homemade chocolate chip cookies.” Garcia said with a smile. She watched as Y/N’s face lit up and immediately reached for the tin but Penelope held it securely.
“Uh-uh-uhh,” Derek taunted with a smirk.
“What? Why can’t I have the cookies?” Y/N huffed.
“These, my love, are a bribe and I’m not afraid to admit it.” Penelope said with a dramatic upturn of her chin.
“Oh no.” Y/N said.
“Oh yes.” Derek and Penelope both said. When Y/N rolled her eyes and was about to refuse, Penelope opened the top of the tin and Y/N took a peek and was hit by a whiff of heavenly chocolate chips.
“Fine, I will listen to your offer, but no promises.” She tried to stay strong even though the scent of the cookies was already driving her mad.
“We thought you might say that, which is why the entire tin is the bribe.” Derek said smoothly and Y/N’s jaw dropped.
“That is low, chocolate thunder!” She exclaimed and Spencer unwillingly smiled at her reaction.
“Anyway, you get this entire tin of cookies IF you agree to come to Rossi’s tonight.” Penelope offered and Y/N paused to think about it.
“I don’t know, Pen…” Y/N began.
“Come on, pretty girl, we miss you. You haven’t been out in ages.” Derek tried. Y/N’s heart pulled in her chest, maybe she did miss them too.
“Alright, fine, fine! I’ll come.” Y/N crossed her arms, trying to hide her smile as Derek and Penelope celebrated with a hug and a cheer, “Now, give me these!” She stood and grabbed a cookie, quickly taking a bite and visibly melting back into her chair from the taste.
“See? I told you that would work. No one can say no to my cookies.” Penelope whispered to Derek as they separated to begin their days.
She finally got some motivation to empty her bags and boxes when she returned to her apartment. It was mainly because she had to look for an appropriate outfit to wear. Ever since she’d moved, she’d been picking out her work clothes and pajamas from her suitcases, rewearing all the blouses and skirts that don’t need ironing, but it’s time to start taking care of herself again. Perhaps she felt like the clothes she was wearing didn’t belong to her anymore, she decided that she’d take herself shopping soon. After a relaxing shower, she picked out a black satin blouse and tucked it into a pair of fitting blue jeans.
Arriving at Rossi’s, she took a deep breath before ringing the bell.
“Ciao, bella!” Rossi graciously greeted, hugging her tightly, “We’re all so glad you could make it. Come on in, dinner is almost ready.” Rossi’s warm greeting eased the anxiety that bubbled in her chest. She was also greeted warmly by everyone in the room when she walked in. Penelope pulled her to sit next to her immediately.
“You look stunning!” Penelope complemented, making Y/N blush.
“I agree, you are looking hot as hell, mama.” Derek chipped in, making her laugh.
“Oh, hush, you two.” Y/N rolled her eyes and accepted the glass of wine that Emily offered her. She sipped on the wine, glancing at Spencer over the rim of the glass. He caught her eye and sent her a small smile. Y/N sent him a small one back before feeling herself shut down as everyone around her started conversations. She hadn’t noticed just how much she depended on Spencer for conversation in outings with the BAU until his attention was taken away. He would always stick to her side but now he had someone else’s side to stick to. With no Anderson and no Spencer, she really had to fend for herself. All night, she felt this indescribable weight on her shoulders. She did everything to try to get rid of it.
Soon, one glass of wine with dinner turned into two, then somehow turned into two rounds of whiskey. Before she knew it, she was up dancing with Derek and Penelope in the middle of the garden. They all had migrated into the backyard after dinner, where most people were chatting and eating dessert.
“Spencer, are you listening to me?” Ashley’s voice cut through Spencer’s daze.
“I’m sorry, what?” Spencer turned to her, he’d been caught up watching them dance, secretly wishing it was him she was grabbing onto for support instead of Derek. If it wasn’t for his damn knee, he would have joined them in dancing.
“I asked you if you wanted another slice of cake.” Ashley said, with a small smile on her face. She was nice, but she wasn’t her.
“Oh, no thanks, I’m good.” He shook his head and reverted his attention to the dancing trio. She was finally smiling, he hadn’t seen her smile that wide in so long. Her laugh was heard across the garden and somehow it seeped right into Spencer’s bloodstream. The familiar feeling of jealousy creeped up on Spencer as he watched her twirl herself in and out of Derek’s arms.
“See? Aren’t you glad you came out tonight?” Derek smiled as she twirled back against his chest. 
She nodded and smiled, a tad bit too tipsy, “Yeah, I guess.”
Penelope grinned and pulled her away from Derek, “Alright! Quit hogging her, I wanna dance with her too!” Y/N laughed and wrapped her arms around Penelope, burying her face in her shoulder.
“Thank you for everything, Pen.” They swayed and Penelope squeezed her harder.
“Anytime, sugarplum.”
“Alright, I’m just about beat. I need some dessert.” Y/N said, pulling back and dragging them both to where everyone was.
While eating dessert, she watched as Spencer continued to converse with Ashley and felt her blood boiling beneath her skin. Or maybe that was the alcohol, she wasn’t sure. It was like a cloak of clarity cascaded upon her. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of everyone and speaking loudly, loud enough to halt the ongoing conversations. With her eyes on Spencer, she only ever had her eyes on Spencer.
“Spencer, I called off my wedding because of you. And now we’re not even friends. You were my best friend, the closest person to me. I don’t know what happened, but I miss you. I don’t want things to ever be this weird between us again. And--and I shouldn’t have been with Grant, I know that. There were so many reasons not to marry him, but the truth is I was ready to ignore every single one until I met you. I asked myself why I waited so long to get married and I thought I just wasn’t ready but I knew I didn’t want him,” she paused to swallow, her tears blurring her vision, “I want you. And now you’re with someone else, and that’s fine. She’s wonderful and she makes you happy and that’s fine,” A few tears escaped and she realized what she was doing, “and I think I’m drunk and I shouldn’t be driving home so if someone could drop me off that would be great.” She dropped her plate on the table and quickly made it inside, leaving a group of agents completely stunned.
And just like that, the weight she’d grown so accustomed to seemed to dissipate from its place on her shoulders.
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spencesglasses · 3 years
sweet creature (spencer reid x f! reader) pt 1
A/N: I did it! I did change the plot a little bit so Spencer does know the reader instead of just meeting her at the BAU. This takes place around season 11/12. Please ignore any grammar or spelling errors hehe. Enjoy! <3
part two
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Spencer weaves through the sea of people, heading towards a small coffee shop tucked between two lonely stores. The hustle and bustle of the market square was enough to make Spencer’s need for a serene atmosphere urge him into the cafe. A familiar scent fills his nose when he finally walks in: freshly brewed coffee and muffins straight out of the oven, he concludes.  
“Welcome in!” he heard someone call out from the back. “I’ll be with you in a second!”
He nods and claims his spot on the battered leather couch in the nook of the quiet coffee shop. The building was cold, despite the burning heat outside. Which was good, he supposed, he was never really fond of the heat.
Spencer puts his attention to the woman in front of him. His eyes were stuck on her, and his thoughts drowned out most of his surroundings. She and Spencer had known each other for a while now, since the day he walked into her shop on an impromptu coffee run. Spencer went in with a frown on his face and left with a number memorised, but Y/N didn't need to know that. And that next Saturday they found themselves on his couch watching movies and cracking jokes through them all. By the end of their first movie, she was asleep so peacefully Spencer did not have the heart to wake her up. So he stayed there with her, throwing a small blanket over her and making a makeshift bed on the floor below her. Y/N left in the morning for her part-time job, a job he found out keeps her afloat when monthly payments come around.
“Hello,” sang Y/N, waving a hand over his face. “Earth to 187.”
For a moment, he feels out of place while the memory of them clings to him. “Huh?” he clears his throat. “Sorry about that.”
Y/N quirks her brow. “It’s alright, Mr. 187,” she pokes his stomach.
“Doctor, actually,” he grinned, shooing her hand away.
She moved away just before Spencer could poke the spot between her brows, and she made her way back behind the register. “Well, doc, you didn’t come here to sit and look pretty. Whatcha want?” Spencer’s face flushes and she watches him shake his head, as if it was a reluctant reply. “Unless you did come here to sit there and look pretty,” she laughs.
His brows furrowed. “What? I was ju-”
“I’m just messing with you,”
His lips curl into a gentle smile. “Oh,” he looks up at the menu. “You choose.”
“Oh, don’t say that, Spence, I’ll give you the most repulsive cup of coffee you’ve ever had.” she said with a smile.
“The most repulsive cup of coffee, but I’d still love it anyway,” he leans forward against the counter between them.
“And why is that, 187?”
“Because you made it,”
Y/N pushes his head away and starts on the ticket. “Such a charmer, Dr. Reid. So tell me, you use that line often, or are you just trying to get free coffee?”
Spencer taps his finger against his chin in a false ponder. “Both, but free coffee always makes my day.”
Her laugh and the smell of freshly brewed coffee are lively compared to the quietness inside the shop. Seeing her move so effortlessly around the kitchen had more of an effect on him than he’d care to admit. She puts a lid on the cup and pulls a pen out of her apron.
The buzzing of his phone in his pocket pulled him out of his thoughts. “I gotta go,” he said. “We just got a case.”
“Just in time, 187, your coffee is ready,” she slides the cup across the counter.
He takes out his wallet and pulls out a few dollars and Y/N shakes her head, “No need,” it was her turn to shoo away his hands. “It’s on me.”
“So I’m taking my charm worked?” he laughed.
Y/N held her hand over her chest and batted her lashes. “Oh, of course,”
“That usually doesn’t-” Spencer’s phone rang.
“You should go,” she checks her watch. “I actually have to go as well.”
Spencer tilts his head at her. “New job,” she continues.
“I can walk you out,”
“I’m sure the FBI needs you much more than I do, and I think-”
He interrupts her. “You paid for my coffee and the least I could do is walk you out.”
She paused for a beat. “Alright then, doc, I need to clean up a bit then clock out and I’ll meet you out front.”
Spencer nods, turning on his heel and walking through the front doors. She stared at the doors closing behind him, then got to work.
“I can do that if you like,” she hears her coworker, Anna, say. “I see you have a special someone waiting for you.” she wiggles her eyebrows.
“Oh please, Spence and I are friends,” she rolls her eyes. “Barely that, we meet each other a month ago and the only times I see him, or actually get to have a proper conversation with him, is when he stops by the shop.”
“Spence?” Anna repeats.
She arched one brow. “Yeah?”
“Nicknames already, huh?” Anna faked yawned.
She threw the rag she was using to clean the counters to her friend. “Just shut up and clean,”
Anna chuckled softly. “Have you told him, by the way?”
Y/N’s head snapped up. She did mean to tell him, but she just did never have the chance to. Now, she had two options: tell him now, or surprise him later.
She frowned deeply. “Not yet.”
Y/N hurried to the front and found Spencer leaning against the shop building, fiddling with his watch. The sound of the doors opening alerted him. “Ready?”
She hummed and held out her arm. “Ready.” Spencer linked his arm with hers, and they were on their way. Meanwhile, Y/N had something boiling deep inside her, her thoughts overflowing. Should I tell him now? Of course! This is the last chance you have! It’s not that big of a deal, right? She huffed, digging her nails into her palm.
Spencer’s eyes fall on her, quite literally having to look down at her. “Are you okay?”
“I asked if you were okay,”
His voice catches her off guard, and she’s quiet for a moment. This is the perfect opportunity to tell him, Y/N. You’re making a bigger deal than it is. “Don’t profile me, 187,”
“I don’t need to profile you to know something is bothering you,” he separates their arms. “What is it?”
Tell him, Tell him, Tell him. “It’s really nothing,” she said. “I start at my new job today so I’m just nervous,”
This wasn’t a total lie. She was nervous. Who wouldn’t be nervous starting at a new job, especially the one she’s about to have. New people, new surroundings, and traveling every other day. It would be a huge adjustment considering the job she has now. Despite the nervousness, she was excited. She was ready for new and bigger things, things her current job could not give her.
“Hey,” he says softly, halting their movements. “You are-”
“Spence, we both have to go,” she snaps.
Spencer watches her as her feet carry her to her car. She didn’t mean to be so blunt. She knew she should just tell him and get it over with, but she couldn’t help but think about how awkward the interaction would be. She didn’t want to intrude. Dammit, Y/N. Why didn’t you just tell him when you had the chance? You’re making this so difficult! She shakes her head. It’s silly that she’s arguing with herself through her thoughts. “I’ll see you in a bit, Spence,”
He gave her a questioning look but before he can question her, she was off.
What is she hiding, he thinks.
The train to Quantico was brief, but it gave him time to be alone with his thoughts. What was she being so secretive about? And why was she going to ‘see him in a bit’. He knew he was thinking too much into it, but the profiler in him needed answers.
Spencer made it to his floor as soon as he could, realizing he was 30 minutes late. This wouldn’t be the first time he was late, but it was the first time he was late because he was with her. He rushed through the hallways not paying attention to his surroundings into he heard someone call his name, well his nickname.
“Boy wonder!” he halts and sees Penelope Garcia rushing towards him.
“You’re finally here,” she places her hand on his arm. “We have a case,”
“Hotch sent me-”
“And we have a new addition to the team!” she squeals.
Wait. New job. “See you in a bit”. It couldn’t be. Could it? Is this what she was so nervous about? Starting at the BAU? Not just starting at the BAU, joining their team. Being a new member of their tight-knit group. A new member of their family. Don’t think too ahead on this, Spencer, you don’t even know if it’s her yet. Don’t get your hopes up.
“Oh, you will love her! She fits in so perfectly!” Penelope tugs on his wrist, pulling him towards the wide glass doors.
The bullpen is lively. Everyone seemed happier, more joyful than they’ve had been in a while. His eyes roam left and right, trying to find if his conclusion was true. And there she is. Just as he thought. Y/N. Y/N sitting there with Hotch. And Morgan. And Tara. She sits there as if she has always been there, making jokes with everyone and already having a playful banter with Morgan. He knows Penelope was right, as always.
“Spence!” JJ calls. “Come meet newbie,”
Y/N’s and Spencer’s eyes meet, and they knew exactly what they were thinking. She gives him a sheepish smile and says, “Surprise.”
A/N: I just remembered that Emily is only in one episode in season 11 so you’ll probably only see her when I write out that episode and when I write season 12.
But anyway, first chapter! How we feelin’?
Feedback is always appreciated <3
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