#i hope this is decent lmao
maddstermind · 8 months
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Hey there, howdy, hello! Welcome to my writeblr that I am going to try real hard to be active on!
I'm Madd, they/them, and while I might not post it all here, I am a very active writer hoping for publication in the near future! I'm hoping to become part of the community, so feel free to tag me in things/shoot me asks/anything of the sort!! I'd love more writer friends :>
(Also, this is a sideblog! My main is warriorblood1, so if you get random follows/likes from that account, that's me!)
Want to know more details? Keep reading!
What do you write? I write all kinds of things! I have ideas in honestly too many genres and whatnot at this point, and I hope to someday write them all!
Right now, however, I have two main focuses: spooky short stories, and a novel series! (Though I do have a couple other novel things.)
Tell me about the short stories. My short stories tend to be 3k to 5k on average, and most wind up being horror or horror-adjacent. I tend to describe them as being "Twilight Zone-esque," but most would fit as being called gothic horror.
I have previously published some short stories, but my full legal name is on them so I hesitate to link them here. Regardless, I hope to publish a collection sometime soon!
Tell me about the novel series. Auberon Academy is a four-novel series told through a rotating POV of four main characters. It is a fantasy setting (though a bit more modern fantasy; more or less 1950s tech-wise), but the plot is more of a mystery/thriller.
I'm querying the first novel and have the first draft of the second one finished, and am now starting to draft the third book! You can learn more about the first book, Manifestations and the Missing, here in this funny slideshow I made. Update: Here's a slideshow for book two, In Pursuit of Knowledge!
What do you do besides writing? Not much. Just kidding.
I'm bad at video games, but I love to play them. A favorite hobby of mine is tabletop role-playing games, my favorites being Call of Cthulhu, Blackbirds, Dungeons & Dragons, and Vampire: The Masquerade! I also love to draw, and several of my story ideas are actually comics!
But lets be honest. Torturing my characters (canonically or otherwise) is my favorite thing to do. What kind of writer would I be if I said anything different?
How do you tag things?
General writing: #madd writing
Prompts: #prompt response
Tag games: #tag game
Ask games: #ask game
Asks: #questions
Resources: #holding
Short story work: #short story
Novel work: #novel work
Auberon Academy-specifc: #boberon
Soulbearer-specific: #sogbog
DIIE-specific: #DIIE
Cináed-specific: #dragondad
My art: #madd doodles
Other writeblr-related things: #writeblr stuff
Also, this post has the list of character tags for Auberon!
I'll also try to tag anything that feels like it should warrant a trigger warning!
Anything else to note? I'm very nervous about posting my work to Tumblr (fear of theft really gets to you), but I'm trying to overcome it. That being said, you might not see too terribly much of it here - if you're really interested, please reach out to me! I'd most likely be happy to share more on a more private level.
Also, I have ADHD! I tend to hyperfixate on my own work (which is a nightmare but also useful), but if you're ever confused by something. That's probably why.
Thanks for being here, y'all!
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clouvu · 4 months
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Acorn x Wobin thoughts on the brain rn
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isjasz · 6 months
What happens now? Do we have another go? Do we bow out and take our separate roads?
🌻 Watch the whole video on yt!
For @desert-duo-week day 5 - Allies and Enemies 3 days late LOL o7
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squuote · 3 months
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loser ass dude stuck in video game, more at 12
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emblazons · 3 months
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"I'll be fine. You've seen how much ass I can kick."
(The Many Eras of) Tifa Lockhart in Bonzi Palace Color Palette Meme Request for @fireplceashes
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themisterhip · 2 months
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Happy genos (/:''>)/
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qazastra · 2 months
absolutely surreal that OnlyOneOf announced a show in June at what is one of London’s most well-known gay clubs, called Heaven
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dragon-spaghetti · 9 months
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Thinking of uncle jayfeather again,, redraw of this from 2021
(Please click for better quality!!)
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Can i get a total drama request about the contestants meeting Chris’ niece/nephew(gender neutral tho) preferably for world tour but any are good :)
Thamk you!!! :3
(Wasn't sure if you wanted younger, same age, or older, so I'm doing all three. If you want ALL of them, tell me! I just did these 3 for now since they're the only new appearances in World Tour, but I'd be happy to write more of the cast! I say it at the end too, but if you want this written in a proper paragraph style too I'd be more than happy to try to do so, just let me know!!)
Probably OOC 💔
Alejandro, Sierra, and Blaineley meeting Chris’s niece/nephew (no pronouns mentioned) (gn)
Younger (8-12)
Extremely confused
Also fairly concerned
Why would Chris bring his own niece/nephew on this show at such a young age?
Even if they aren't competing. Should they really be seeing this sort of thing?
After finding out you're not part of the competition, he relaxes a little bit.
Apparently you're here because your mom/dad had to go on some big work trip, and since you were so young, you couldn't be left alone for that long.
Convinced that your parents don't watch the show, because no responsible parent would allow their child in that
Probably tries to talk to you, to get to know you.
Maybe even ends up seeing you as some sort of sibling after a while.
Will defend you if anyone else (*cough* Duncan *cough*) decides to be an asshole
Genuinely cares about you.
How can someone so sweet be related to *that?*
If you're a trouble child however
Makes sense how you're related to Chris
Still makes an effort to be nice to you considering you're only a child
Little minds are influenced by family, they can't help it.
Does tend to keep his distance more though
Probably pulled his hair at some point and that was it for him
Always ponytails it if you're there now.
Either way, if you get hurt somehow, he'd help.
Again, you're only little.
Even if you're 12. 
A little less worried in that case, since you're old enough to kinda look out for yourself
But still makes sure you're alright.
She already knew of your existence. 
Found your mom's Facebook page for info on Chris
Found you there too
Doesn't question the fact that you're here
Immediately wants to become friends with you
Probably smothers you with hugs
Suuuuper friendly
Constantly saying stuff like "Chris your niece/nephew is so sweet" even if you're basically the devil himself
"They could do no wrong ♡"
She's doing it because she genuinely thinks this, but also partially because she wants some "brownie points" or whatever the fuck they're called
Also trying to prove to Cody that she can "be a good mom."
He apologizes for her
If she wins a reward challenge, she'll 100% share whatever it is with you if it's child friendly
Even if you're getting the same good food as your uncle
Will make you dolls out of anything she can
And will want to play with them with you
A child? Really?
What was Chris thinking?
No one wants to see a child on a show like this
Not to mention the grubby little hands
Doesn't want anything to do with you
Or she makes it seem like that, anyways.
If you get time where it's just the two of you, she's actually surprisingly nice.
Genuinely good with kids
Treats you like her own child
As soon as someone walks in she's back on the other side of the room glaring at you
Will deny this until she dies
If she finds out the fans like you 
Then she starts acting all nice and buddy-buddy on camera too
Not very genuine though
It's just like that when she knows she won't get poked fun of for it
Same age as (still younger than Blaineley)
Couldn't really care less tbh
Another contestant
Another obstacle
For now
Still makes the effort to talk to you, to make you like him
Like he does with everyone there
The more allies the better right?
May possible try to woo you
With the idea in mind to get you eliminated
There's a possibility he does come to genuinely like you over time
But he'd never admit that
(Platonically or romantically depends on how you wanna read this)
Keeps you around for a little while after
Really not a fan of you at first though
Mainly because you're related to Chris
Who wouldn't?
With the reputation that man has, he's got every right to assume you're like he is
Hopefully that's wrong
If it is? Like I said, definitely starts to genuinely care for you
Actually tries to befriend you
Not just an alliance 
Not just for a scheme
Maybe a little schemey 
But not only for that.
If you ARE like Chris?
Not a fan of you then.
The whole robot thing hasn't happened yet since this is World Tour
But even then
He knows what an ass Chris is
That's an understatement
Really doesn't like you that much
But he still makes the effort to "befriend" you
Just to get rid of you, of course.
(Cannot write for this man to save my life, sorry if this is absolute dogshit)
Again, already knew about you.
Very excited to meet you, too!
She's the self proclaimed Total Drama Superfan, she HAS to know everything about you!!
Talks your ears off
All with good intention of course
She is absolutely ECSTATIC
You know in those cartoons where they shake someone's hand extremely excited and they just. It's almost violent
Like that
That's how she shakes your hand when you're first brought on the show
I'd imagine you weren't brought immediately
Because like
I have no proper reason
Just for funsies
Before any proper eliminations 
(But after Zeeke's)
But yeah!!
Her Cody obsession is… off-putting to say the least
You stay away from her, or at least keep your distance at first
She keeps talking to you, being all friendly
And if you're not too scared of her
Then you guys could become friends!
If you keep talking to her on your own without keeping any distance?
Makes every day so much better for her
Probably used to people being weirded out by her
So you actually talking to her because you GENUINELY LIKE her? 
Bouncing off the WALLS
A friend! Yay!
Obviously Cody is still her #1 priority
But if you prove yourself, she miiiight let you in on a couple group hugs
Doesn't give a shit
Just like the younger version
But without the sweet bonding time
Doesn't like you very much
Might put on her fake little buddy-buddy act to stay on the good side of the media
Since you're probably "great for the ratings" 
Being related to Chris and all
Idk what else to put for her sorry
Older than them (17-19) (STILL younger than Blaineley)
..why are you here?
Probably assumes you're an intern at first
Or here to help run challenges/watch them
If you're in the challenges, he finds it to be unfair
You're older, probably taller and smarter, and he's CONVINCED Chris is giving you some sort of advantage
Still does his whole thing
But like. Not romantically.
If you're not in the competition?
VERY confused as to why you're here
You're not competing, but you're still back in the plane with them?
It just doesn't make sense to him
You're probably there to help out with challenges
If you're 17, and I'd assume still in high school, you might be there for volunteer hours or something
Since you're probably not getting paid either way /hj
Might attempt a flirting thing once or twice (if you're not older than 17)
Probably doesn't do shit though
Genuinely have no idea what to put here I'm just repeating myself
Again, already knows who you are
Basically just like the second one but more "respectful" (not really) 
Blaineley would've probably been suuuuper boring (even worse than her "same age" (technically still younger) one) so I didn't include it.
I'm sorry this is so shit lmao I'll probably try redoing it as a proper paragraph written fic/one-shot instead of this. That'll probably make it better. If you want that, please tell me so I can start it soon!! xx
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HIIII ARI!! i love your writing so much 'n i was wondering if you have any tips about writing for suguru :D
HIIIII ANON <3333333 thank you so much!!!!!!! i’m hugging you very tightly!!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
OKAY SO . honestly!!!! when it comes to writing for any character ….. i think the best way to go about it is just to read/watch the source material, and then build your own interpretation of the character in question!!! :3 there’s no correct way to write suguru, and personally i think the most fun part of writing/reading fanfic is seeing all the different takes on him!! but it’s a good idea to at least get some impression of what he’s Actually Like through the manga or anime…. after that you can decide how you see him and how you want to write him!!
sugu in particular is also just…. soooo full of contrasts which is why i think a lot of ppl find him difficult to write for 😭😭 i tend to focus on one particular aspect of his character for every piece i write for him!! when i’m writing for cult leader geto i want to give a different impression than i do when writing for a happy au sugu…. etcetc!!! but if i had to give on tip(?) on his character just based on how i personally write him, i’d say the key is his softness!!! it’s just my own interpretation but i really do see him as being very soft at heart, no matter which sugu i’m writing for. even cult geto is extremely soft for the people he cherishes, while also being cold and cruel in some of his actions!!!! so. that’s one thing you could keep in mind if you’d like to!!!
but again …. it rlly is just up to you!!! there’s never anything wrong with experimenting and building your own version of a character when writing for them :33 it’s a lot of fun!!! and getting inspired by other takes on him that you see on here could also help you a bunch. i hope your sugu writing journey goes smoothly!!!!!!!!
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itbmojojoejo · 2 months
So, I have been thinking… I suddenly have a mighty need for season 5 Finan, specifically that hand gesture he makes before they take Athelstan on the hunt.
So, if you could help a girl out… I’d love you forever. (If you aren’t too busy)
Thanks babe 😘
You're a menace. I totally hated every second of this and didn't cackle at all.
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Enjoy babe xox
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doeeyeseddie · 2 years
yearning from wanting you
for @clusterbuck
Afterwards, when Buck is lying half on top of Eddie, come sticky between them, and Eddie can’t bring himself to stop touching Buck, Buck murmurs, “It doesn’t have to be a one night stand. This was good, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees, probably the best sex he’s ever had, actually.
“So it could be…a friends with benefits thing. People do it all the time.”
Probably not with their best friend, Eddie thinks, but then again he doesn’t think there’s anything they could break by making this a regular thing that wouldn’t have already broken after last night.
“Sure,” he says, hoping it comes out sounding casual. “Friends with benefits sounds good.”
while christopher is at camp, buck and eddie strike up a friends with benefits situation. it doesn't really get complicated until the kid comes back.
buddie. 18k. read on ao3
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paint-n-thinner · 1 year
can we see some cuphead x holly fluff? maybe holly giving cuphead a flower crown?
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for you anon 💌
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can-of-slorgs · 1 month
Big congrats on finishing your stamp pages! Also split grundos are one of my fave pets of all time so plz tell Volks that I love him. :')
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He's thankful to say the list.
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hopesallwegotleft · 1 year
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hooved · 4 months
i wish as many people wanted to fuck quark on FA as they do on here because that's the only public place i've posted the sexy swimsuit + mini novelty dildos quark figure photos i took and the most favorites one of them has is 5. which is like. alright for something so niche but i know some of you would go crazy for them and i thrive on seeing people be horny about my Quark Content
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