#i hope adachi dies
0wllight · 2 months
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I need to cleanse myself of the Adachi April fools joke so I decided to draw Sovaspectrum Pokemon au. Been scheming this with friends over discord but finally got to draw out their designs :D
Sova's Rowlet/Decidueye are named Lettuce and Spinach btw ^w^
(ok to rb, insert uses any pronouns!)
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
You know what I love about the Ichigang? That they were all alone and at rock bottom at some point, with no one to rely on for support:
- Nanba wanted to be like Nightingale, but then got fired because he took the fall for someone else, who ended up having lied to him for her own benefits. His brother was being watched by the Geomijul and then disappeared; Nanba spent a long ass time homeless and not knowing if his brother was alive or not. 
- Adachi lived with the Kusumi incident in his conscience for years, hating Horinouchi's guts and hoping to find something to take the guy down. First he's demoted to the license center, then he's straight up fired. No job, no retirement, man never got married or had a family. The Barkeep even says he's "not usually a happy drunk" and that "it's the first time in a long time I see him smile like that".
- Saeko's family life is a DISASTER. Her mom died, her sister wants nothing to do with her (to the point where they were both working for the same guy and Nanoha EXPLICITLY told Nonomiya not to tell her sister about it, even when things were tough and she could've used Saeko's help), her dad is old and dying. She is on her own and basically only has her girls and Nonomiya—until Nonomoya dies, and she's conflicted cause sure, he wasn't the best guy around, but he was still there for her when she needed, and now he's gone. 
- Yeonsu's life, man. Yeonsu's fucking life. His dad was a drunkard who abused his son and cared about him so little that he had no qualms basically giving Yeonsu up as tribute to the Jingweon mafia to turn him into their leader's double—mind you, this means he could've been killed at any point. He basically lived as the shadow of someone else for years, never being seen for himself but for Joongi Han. 
- Zhao's Liumang leader status was passed down from his dad. He was doing a good job although he's clearly more passionate about cooking and having his restaurant—that he doesn't mind a simpler life and even EMBRACES it and gets angry when anyone suggests he's "just some chef". He still lead the Liumang though. And then his men and right hand turn on him and try to get him killed and what do you know, suddenly there is nothing anymore. 
- Seonhee was a kid when the whole Jingweon mafia shit show happened and then it all came crashing down. Her people who managed to escape alive were left on their own and abandoned until the Geomijul was created. 
- Even Eri, the optional party member, was in a similar situation. She was tricked by Hosho and her company was at the verge of shutting down, and when she thought she had a chance to get back on her feet thanks to Nonomiya's help, she finds out he died, and basically, as far as she knows, all hope is lost. 
And then, Chitose and Tomizawa. I feel they are the perfect example of how easy it is to stray and go down the wrong path when you are in that type of situation, and how even the tiniest kind gesture can do wonders to you:
- Chitose was a sheltered rich girl whose whole life was dictated by her parents. She craved the independence and the freedom and she wanted CONNECTION—which is how she ended up falling in Eiji's trap and being blackmailed for years and manipulated into using people who actually cared about her and with whom she was finally developing that connection she always yearned for. As far as she knows, said people will push her to the side as soon as they find out about her betrayal, and then she'll be alone again. 
- Tomizawa was living the live with his girlfriend, a nice job and a kid on the way—until Dwight and the Barracuda pinned their crimes on him. He went to jail, Marie lost the baby and then disappeared, he's blacklisted from every bank and had to go to Yamai for help with his debts, and after that, he basically became a puppet who did everythint Yamai asked him to out of fear. He hates himself for being a coward who's not able to pull the trigger even when it's necessary, and he blames himself for everything that happened. He is a horrible person in his own eyes, and as far as he knows, there is no getting out of this situation. 
And then there is Ichi, who has seen nothing but rock bottom for so fucking long but still manages to see the bright side of things. He is a good person, sometimes borderline stupid and his choices end up making his superiors (aka Sawashiro) mad. But it doesn't matter how much life beats him down, he always gets back up because he has that "once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up" philosophy. And, although some of his friends have used him for their benefit or straight up assaulted him, Ichi never turns his back on them. Because he KNOWS how it feels to be alone and to not have anyone there for you, anyone that you can rely on, and if he can be that someone, then he WILL be. If he can change a single person's life, he WILL. 
Anyway, I love the Ichigang so much and these are the kind of thoughts I have about them at 1 a.m
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yakuzacanons · 3 months
Hi!! Can we have a continuation of "How They Would Confess Their Feelings To You" hcs? With Ichiban & co, Watase and Kashiwagi? Thanks!
Brain go brrrr yea, we can do dis chief. Includes da girlies also cuz I am realizing I do NOT write for them much?!
Kasuga Ichiban: "Listen, I just wanted to say... that I really like you! And you mean a lot to me!"
Hands sweaty moms spaghetti, he is. Nervous wreck long before he actually works his way up to confessing. The thought of having a crush on you is enough to make him sweat.
Is he asking Adachi and Nanba for advice? Yes. Is he taking it? Hell nah, it just makes him more stressed. Feels like his head is spinning after hearing all they had to say.
In the end, he just quite literally spills the beans after hanging out with you and once he starts he just cannot seem to stop! Ironic given how hard it was for him to start in the first place.
Nanba Yu: "Hey, look, I get it if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted you to know... you're really special to me."
It's ironic that he gives Ichiban dating advice given that Nanba has been a bachelor for quite some time. He's also pretty calculated and takes into careful consideration whether or not a relationship would even be viable so if he's confessing, it's quite serious.
Might consult with Ichiban or Adachi about it but mostly keeps it close to his chest. Good at hiding it in front of you so it might feel like it's coming out of nowhere but trust me, it's been on his mind for a while.
He's pretty candid and straightforward. Through the years, he's learned beating around the bush gets you nowhere. He'll likely just pull you aside, no fancy date or hangout required, and just tell you privately how he feels.
Adachi Koichi: "You really changed my life, you know that? Thank you."
With Adachi, it's less of a confession and more of an appreciation of who you are. At his age and given his track record, he's kind of resigned to living the single life and the older he gets, the less he gets his hopes up for things to get serious.
Having said that, he does still want to stress just how impactful you've been on his life. Like Ichiban does with all his friends, Adachi feels you deserve your praises to be sung.
It's not something he really plans on. He'll just blurt it out in the middle of any old conversation, maybe at a bar. If you ask him for clarification or to elaborate, that's where he starts choking up. Be nice to him.
Mukoda Saeko: "Ah, you know I wouldn't normally say this but... I like you, heh."
Little miss independent will not confess easily, let me tell you. She's got an awful lot on her plate right now and potentially changing the situation between you two is not necessarily low priority but more so another thing she doesn't need to stress about.
Honestly, you may have to get her a bit drunk for this to come out. Or at the very least, she may feel she needs a touch of liquid courage to get it all out there.
Saeko keeps it short and sweet. Ironically, despite her bold personality, she gets super shy after and insists you don't give her an answer until you've had time to think it over.
Tianyou Zhao: "Ahh, you've really gone and turned my life upside down, you know? But that's okay. I like that about you."
Sly as ever, Zhao is similar to Saeko in that it takes a lot to get him to confess. Only difference is he's more perceptive than Saeko. He can sniff out pretty quick how you feel about him.
Having said that, chances of him confessing are greatly increased if he thinks or knows you would reciprocate. His playful side gets in the way though as it becomes a cat and mouse game of who gives in first: you or him.
When it eventually turns out to be him, it'll be a cute little planned event that he's meticulously thought out. He'll close his restaurant for the night and invite you over for a special private dinner with a menu inspired by all your favorite things.
Joon-Gi Han: "I don't know, I just... I always get this way when I'm with you... will you just stay with me? For a little bit?"
Our poor baby boy Joonie bun is inexperienced in the ways of confessing. He understands having a crush and love as a concept but lack of personal experience means he's navigating all new terrority. Please forgive his blunders.
Unfortunately, Seonhee proves to be little help in these matters. Although she has more in depth observations of situations between you two, even she cannot determine for Joon-Gi if reciprocation is guaranteed.
More likely than not, he'll just start blurting out his feelings during a moment where his guard is down. Half of it boils down to he just can't keep it to himself anymore and partially that he feels he's being dishonest the longer he keeps it to himself.
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So funny going into the adachi tag and see someone going “if I see another person call adachi an incel I’m going to killdiemurder them with my lazerbeams” and immediately under that someone goes “adachi’s my favorite faggot incel I hope he dies” truly sublime
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jester-creates · 1 month
New au idea: persona 4 but Inaba is quite literally, basically Night Vale with all it's oddities
instead of a radio station Inaba has a TV Station (the only other channel is the midnight channel).
Yu is sent to Inaba after his mom could find literally no one else to take him in for the year. so she called up her brother and sent yu to her hometown hoping desperately that the year there would not turn him weird.
He took the the weirdness of the town like a fish to water.
Yosuke becomes friends with Yu because he knows about the outside world and also takes the title of new guy from him. (He has been here for over a year(? Time is weird in Inaba)) Sometimes he gets possessed by the Junes to work there in the night.
Chie became friends with Yu cause she was part of the Summer reading program in the last year, and is determined to protect "the new guy" from the Librarians. Plus she's already friends with Yosuke and he's friends with Yu. So might as well.
The amagi inn is open though they are only taking ghost customers at this time. miss Yamano is too busy enjoying the inn's hot springs to answer Dojima's question on if she was murdered or just really desperate to get a reservation at the inn.
Kanji's dolls may or may not be alive. we know they are there and they move when we aren't looking. but they also don't breathe and that seems very important to life
Teddie, does not legally exist. Cause everyone knows that there is no such thing as bears.
Rise, as a native to Inaba, is naturally weird. Even before her idol career, she was quite famous for being the first person in Inaba to open their 5th eye. Which comes with the side effect of occasionally floating in the air and giving hyper-specific prophecies to random people. It's much more dramatic in Inaba than elsewhere.
(Also this is an au where Yu is romantic partners with both Yosuke and Rise. Polyamory ftw)
Naoto is not having too much of a fun time in Inaba. She came in to investigate some murders, and he came out with a realization of his funky gender, friends, government mandated eldritch entity (which is probably a persona), and a broken worldview of what she had previously thought was possible.
Dojima is part of the Sheriff's Known Police. And by part of I mean one of two members (the other is Adachi). the Sheriff's known police are also the only ones (not including the IT) that are investigating the murders/ kidnappings. And not because people are dying, but because the killer/kidnapper didn't submit the proper paperwork.
Nanako still gets letters from her mom even if she still can't really meet her. Not because Nanako's mom is dead. No, it's because Nanako's Mom is an Angel, which of course don't exist. (Though Dojima is looking for concrete evidence to submit to the city council that they do)
Everyone knows about izanami's presence. she isn't a threat. however he is a notorious pronoun thief and citizens will often wake up and find that she has stolen [REDACTED] pronouns in the night. they'll give them back the next night by taping the pronouns to the victim's door. someone else can steal the pronouns at that point though. Izanami is a menace.
Igor, or as he's better known, the weird old guy who lives in the blue door we all know is there even if we can't see it, is wanted by the Sheriff's secret police for illegal entity dealing. the sheriff's secret police are only thwarted by the fact that they cannot see the door and thus cannot find the knob to open it.
Junes is basically Strexcorp. either buying or running out local competition. Junes is also the final boss of p4 in this au, as again Izanami is simply a menace.
Yu and Marie both take over the role of TV presenter by the end of the year. They switch out depending upon if one of them's busy. This allows Yu to leave Inaba if he wants to. The previous presenter most likely died during Junes' temporary take over of Inaba.
Also the TV station has a cat. About 9 of it actually. 9 of the exact same cat. Yu and Rise take one of the copies with them when they have to leave as all the versions of the station cat are connected and part of a hivemind and a very effective method of communication into Inaba.
I think that's all I have right now? So I'll just leave now. *closes the door quietly behind me.*
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megaderping · 11 months
Rating: Teen and Up Category: Gen Fandom: Persona 4, Persona 5, Persona Series Relationship: Narukami Yu/Hanamura Yosuke, Akechi Goro & Tatsumi Kanji, Akechi Goro & Dojima Ryotaro, Akechi Goro & Dojima Nanako, Akechi Goro & Narukami Yu, Akechi Goro & Marie (Persona Series), Akechi Goro & Shirogane Naoto, Akechi Goro & Investigation Team Characters: Akechi Goro, Tatsumi Kanji, Dojima Ryotaro, Dojima Nanako, Marie (Persona Series), Narukami Yu, Investigation Team (Persona Series), Izanami (Persona Series), Adachi Tohru, Shadow Akechi Goro, Hanamura Yosuke Summary: Ever since his mother died, Goro Akechi languished from orphanages to neglectful foster homes with his hopes ever dwindling. One fateful night in Inaba, a chance encounter with Kanji Tatsumi alters the trajectory of his life forever. A single phone call is all it takes to set an intervention in motion. The Dojima family offers him a fresh start and a chance to heal, and Kanji extends the hand of friendship, but just as he begins to lower his walls, his world flips upside down. Rumors of the Midnight Channel, the arrival of Yu Narukami, and the ensuing serial murder case drive Akechi down a reckless path. No matter the dangers, he will find the truth and prove he's more than a throwaway child.
--- It's finally here! Chapter 1 of my Persona 4 Akechi AU. At the time of posting, I have the first 20 chapters fully outlined with dialogue and basic descriptions and am nearly finished with Chapter 3. EDIT: If you saw this when it was posted earlier and saw the Hanamura Yosuke/Persona 5 Protagonist tag, that was a typo. x_x; It has been removed.
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kenzan-kiwami · 6 months
(screenshotting the replies and posting because i feel weird replying from my main <\3 hope you don't mind the ping @startledpixel )
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i never even thought about it happening that way... haha... excuse me while i go scream in a corner for a couple of minutes
it ties in really well to the sort of recurring motif i see through his life that the only time he's allowed to be truly happy with himself and his place in the world is after his "death" and recovery. kazama is a very complicated character to think about when it comes to his motivations and his relationships with the people he's close with - i don't think he's very good at prioritising his emotional investments (nishiki being the obvious example, but also the way he doesn't send any letters to kiryu in jail until the last day before his parole), so to add an extra layer of tragedy to the whole thing i like to think that he hadn't been making as much time for kashiwagi towards the end than he maybe could have been. not in a premeditated disloyalty sense, of course, but he's got his hands more than full with the whole embezzling 10 billion yen from the tojo coffers gambit... kashiwagi being the way he is though would be all the more desperate for reconciliation, and to then not get it before kazama kicks it would be the icing on the shit cake
but yeah KNOWING adachi was in the building with everyone else must have been like reliving his second-worst nightmare... meeting this man he thought he'd be able to settle down with for the first time in sixty odd years but still constantly having to worry after him. i still adore no idling as an exploration of those feelings after the fact & i find myself coming back to it an awful lot as someone who doesn't generally read fiction more than once or twice unless i'm trying to find something specific (if you may allow me my nerd moment)
it's something i would love to explore more myself, but i don't really feel i have the means to do it in a way in which i'd enjoy the end product... but i suppose that's what commissions are for!
ANYWAY, apparently, everyone kiryu meets in his side story gives him some kind of reward, and i'm having A Time thinking about what he might get from kashiwagi. i'm trying not to set myself up to be disappointed by what happens, but there's a big part of me that hopes kashiwagi pulls "suzuki" to the side and leaves whoever else on the bar for a while so they get a chance to actually catch up. i think at this point both of them really need something like that, because i doubt there's any way kashiwagi didn't get the news that kiryu "died" in 2016
the other big thing that's got me physically shaking is the idea they might finally namedrop him. and uuhhh if they still let us karaoke at survive then i hope judgement gets its own cinematic. : )
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Hi ! Could you post a list of who has been submitted so far ? (With the number of submissions for each if possible)
If that's too much work i completely understand and humbly request to know if more that one person (aka me) have submitted Obi-Wan and Anakin
[Disclaimer‼️ Just because a pairing has three or two votes does not mean that they are automatically going into the bracket. Pairings with 1 vote might also make it in if I like them enough. We will not be starting arguments over if they should or should not have made it in.]
Totalling at 235 submissions so far!
Will be in the bracket:
Usagi Tsukino & Mamoru Chiba, Sailor Moon, IIIII (prelims)
Sailor Senji, Sailor Moon, III (prelims)
Link & Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, IIIIIIIII (prelims)
Link & Zelda & Ganandorf, The Legend of Zelda, IIIII (prelims)
Link & Fi, The Legend of Zelda, I (prelims/bc i like this ones)
Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi, Inuyasha, IIII
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens, IIIIIII
That Guy and Their Cat, Real Life, IIIII
Homura & Madoka, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, IIII
Eleanor Shelstroph & Chidi Anagone, The Good Place, IIIIII
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, IIIII
Captain Kirk & Mister Spock, Star Trek, IIII
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto, IIII
Grian & Scar, The Life Series, IIIIII
Submission Box
Three Votes:
Breekon & Hope, The Magnus Archives
The Doctor & The Master, Doctor Who
Xie Lian & Hua Cheng, Heavens Official’s Blessing
Hawkman & Hawkwoman, DC Comics
Doctor Doofenshmirtz & Perry the Platypus
Meliodas & Elizabeth, Seven Deadly Sins
Ash & Pikachu, Pokemon Anime
Two Votes:
Sakura & Syaoran, Cardcaptor Sakura
Wei Wuxain & Lan Wangji, Mo Dao Su Shi, II
Utena & Anthy, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Judai Yuki & Yubel, Yugioh X
FitzChivalry Farseer & Beloved/the Fool, Realm of the Elderlings
Yusuf “Joe” Al Kaysani & Nicolo “Nicky” Di Genova, The Old Guard
Finn the Human & Jake the Dog, Adventure Time
Sakura & Syaoran Li, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Eiji Hino & Ankh, Kamen Rider OOO
Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck, Hunter x Hunter
The Entire Cast of Phineas and Ferb, Phineas and Ferb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus & Gideon Nav, The Locked Tomb
Daniel & Luce. Fallen
Gilgamesh & Enkidu, The Epic of Gilgamesh
Kaidan Alenko & Commander Shepard, Mass Effect
Raleigh Becket & Mako Mori, Pacific Rim
Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Ladybug
Bebop & Rocksteady, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Katarina Claes & Sophia Ascart, My Next Life as a Villainess
One Vote:
Mieczyslaw Stilinki & Lydia Martin, Teen Wolf
Spiderman & Deadpool, Marvel Comics
Beavis & Butthead, Beavis and Butthead
Obanai Iguro & Mitsuri Kanroji, Demon Slayer
Emma/Melinda & Dimitri/Edred, Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Dean & Pharm, Until We Meet Again
Kaiou Michiru & Tenou Haruka, Sailor Moon
Zunzite & Zoisite, Sailor Moon
Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Witch of Delays & Cure Oasis, Tropical Rouge Pecure
John Doe & Arthur Lester, Malevolent
Hani & Hinino Yamato, Hiraeth: The End of the Journey
Dream /Morpheus & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Adachi & Shimamura, Adachi and Shimamura
Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham (2014)
Zelda & Ganondorf, The Legend of Zelda
Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Stickmin & Ellie Rose, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Jonny D’Ville & Gunpowder Tim, Mechanisms
Merlin & Arthur, Merlin
Vash & Knives, Trigun
Siren & Kappa, Castle Swimmers
Ruby & Sapphire, Steven Universe
Om Kapoor & Shanti Priya, Om Shanti Om
Solane & Sym, I Was Teenage Exocolonist
Will Herondale & Tessa Gray & Jem Carstairs, The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Agent 3 & Agent 8, Splatoon 2
James Sunderland & Maria, Silent Hill 2
Macaque & Sun Wukong, Lego Monkey Kid
Tang Sanzang (reincarnated as Tang), Shah Wujing (reincarnated as Sandy), Zhu Bajie (reincarnated as Pigsy), Ao Lie (ancestor of Mei), and Sun Wukong (ancestor of MK), Lego Monkey Kid, Journey To The West
Nadja & Gregor, What We Do In The Shadows
Catherine Foster & The Ghost, Archivist Wasp
Kaworu Nagisa and Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Kiryu Kazuma & Majima Goro, Yakuza / Ryu Ga Gotoku
Red & Blue, This is How You Lose the Time War
Church & Tex, Red vs Blue
Rand al'Thor and Ishamael/Moridin, Wheel of Time
Birgitte Silverbow and Gaidal Cain, Wheel of Time
Beryl and Sapphire, Beryl and Sapphire
Kiana Kaslana & Raiden Mei, Honkai Impact 3rd
Banjo & Sento, Kamen Rider Build
Orpheus & Eurydice, Greek Mythology
Odysseus & Penelope, Greek Mythology
Emet Selch & Hythlodaeus & Azem, Final Fantasy XIV
Yona & the Four Dragons (Ki-ja, Shin-ah, Jae-ha and Zeno), Akatsuki no Yona
Akane Kurashiki & Junpei, Zero Escape
Ryo Asuka & Akira Fudo, Devilman
Zagreus & Megaera & Thanatos, Hades
Megatron & Optimus Prime, Transformers
Emma Swall & Killian Jones, Once Upon A Time
Rumplestiltskin & Belle, Once Upon A Time, I Snow White & Prince Charming, Once Upon A Time
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson
Buttercup & Westley, The Princess Bride
Orchid & the Moon Supreme, Love Between Fairy and Devil
Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long, RWBY
Ozma & Reincarnations, RWBY
Raava/The Avatar Spirit & Wan/The Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Johnny Silverhand & Vee, Cyberpunk 2077
Newt & The Brain/Alice, Pacific Rim
Dr. Strange & Dr. Christine Palmer, Marvel Comics
Bill & Ted, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Lucifer & God, Abrahamic Religions
David and Jonathan, The Bible
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse, Disney
Cinderella & Prince Charming, Disney
Dean WInchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Essek Theylss & Caleb Widogast, Critical Role
Lup Taako & Barold "Barry" Bluejeans, The Adventure Zone
Taako & Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch, The Adventure Zone
Steve Rogers & James “Bucky” Barnes, Captain America Films
Mane 6, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Raven & Lloyd Allen, Shaperaverse
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
Shinichi Kudo & Ran Mouri, Detective Conan
Kusuriuri & Kayo/Chiyo Nomoto, Mononoke
Shun Shimotsuki & Hajime Mutsuki, Tsukiuta
Nanami Momozono & Tomoe, Kamisama Kiss
Red & The Boxer, Transistor
Yvaine & Tristan, Stardust
Jayfeather & Half Moon, Warrior Cats
Time & Fate, The Starless Sea
Sappo, Fragment 147
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars
Ichabod Crane & Abbie Mills, Sleepy Hollow
Aragon & Arewn, The Lord of the Rings
Will Turner & Elizabeth Swan, Pirates of the Caribbean
Tom & Jerry, Tom & Jerry
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck, Looney Toons
Batman & The Joker, DC Comics
Akira Kurusu/Joker & Akechi Goro, Persona 5
Mytho & Ahiru, Princess Tutu
Dazai Osamu & Chuuya Nakahara, Bungo Stray Dogs
Koh & Canalo, Ryusoulger
Gai & Juggler, Ultraman Orb
Sonoi & Momou, Donbrothers
Haruka & Saruhara, Donbrothers
The Scooby Doo Gang, Scooby Doo
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softfuzzyships · 5 months
Me: I hate adachi. I hope he dies. Badly
Audrey: I love my toxic divorced yaois (:
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
hey guys have you met kanji tatsumi
he's like the best dude
wait lemme sum up other stuff first before getting to my good good punk boy
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I'm good enough friends with shrine fox that he'll give me a discount on healing which is good because HOLY SHIT THIS BITCH IS EXPENSIVE, what the hell. 9 THOUSAND yen, bro? what the fuck. i'll just go home and sleep thanks.
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Hung out with Yosuke and like the retail core of my soul just shrivels and dies every fucking time because yep YEAH YEP THAT SURE IS A THING.
Like... it is horseshit the amount of hours retail sucks out of your life, but leaving other people to take on your hours and thus grind that other person further into the ground just. hate it.
Yosuke is both trying not to be The Junes Kid but everyone around him expect him to basically be a ad hoc manager and that shit fucking sucks so much, I'm sorry, dude.
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also he burst into Reverie's room looking for porn. ah, life before the more widespread proliferation of the internet and its cavalcades of erotic content. someday, yosuke, you will be able to just look up tiddies.
i know everyone has probably said all of this already but out of everyone, yosuke feels the most like he's Trying to be hetero and it's painful to see.
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Over in the Hierophant SLink, I got enough eloquence to talk to Dojima and this conversation took me tf OUT. Dojima, you HAVE to try harder, Nanako hangs out more with my high school friends than you and it SUCKS.
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That said, the whole family working on the garden is very heartwarming and gives me hope. Dojima needed me to level up my stats to even TALK to me, so there is this gap he has to bridge to reach out to Nanako, and it's painful to see because I'm sympathetic but also you GOTTA do better, Dojima. This is not optional.
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I read the first few chapters of My Immortal.
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AND IN THE SUN SLINK THERE IS LIKE SO MUCH FUCKING DR-- drama. there's. drama in the drama club. i see what they did there. Yumi's mother collapsed. but ho ho!
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It turns out that her deadbeat dad collapsed and mom lied to get Yumi to come, and it's a fuckign MESSSSSSSS.
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Then in the fucking Adachi SLink that apparently exists??? The game gave me the option to flirt with him and he actually let me down very smoothly, which.
WHY IS THIS HERE? Was there a hankering for this weird side character to get an SLink? I'm baffled.
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And then Nanako asked me why people die and I am not equipped to handle that one, honey! Not yet! Whoo boy! Your dad sucks!
here nanako, do you have a psp? play this game, persona 3 portable, it'll explain everything, okay? make sure to use the arcade games to boost your stats, you'll be fine.
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hang on the entire scene with him is so good i need another post, brb
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la-scree · 5 months
Yua and G'raha: Why They Will Never Be Comrades
Before we get into this bit of Yua’s Lore and why it happens, I will need to bring up some Content Warnings. It’ll be marked within the writing but also I’m just gonna say it here as well:
-Torture and Murder
-Suicide Ideation
-Isolation and Loneliness
I also want to point out that it's okay to like very different characters compared to myself. It's something I have to say because Fandom will Fandom but I'm not gonna be an ass just because you like the ketchup cat. We got enough bullshit in the fandom and I'm not the type to piss in someone else's sandbox. With that said…
You’ve probably heard me go on about how Yua has issues with the Scions’ resident catboy and speak briefly about why she feels that way. While I have my own critical thoughts, they do not go as far as how Yua views him. Not yet anyway but his simps (derogatory) are driving me to the point of hating him so your mileage may vary. You’ve heard me throw things such as ‘gets aggro pinged’ when it comes to their so-called relationship but I never really put into a lot of detail as to why. It’s taken me a long time to put it into words so I hope this goes alright, especially since so many things have changed since I had last written things on this (2021) and now it’s 2024. But before I explain why Yua doesn’t have love for G’raha, I’ll need to talk about some of her time before her arrival in Etheirys and why that part of her life made her the way she is.
A Traveler By Not Her Own Choice and Her Own Mental Struggles
Yua has been going through some intense trauma that hasn’t been addressed in years. To be more specific, she has CPTSD due to her time during Persona 4’s end as well as her time in Synodiporia, a game on Dreamwidth where she was constantly travelling between worlds. Within the True Ending of Persona 4, Yua faced the goddess of Death, Izanami (and her start of somehow always getting involved with Death deities) as Hope’s Representative to show that Humanity can make its own choices. During the fight, each member of the Investigation Team took a hit meant for Yua and as a result, died and got ‘dragged to Yomi’.
Yua watched all her friends get killed and dragged to Hell. That’s not a small trauma, even for a Wild Card and someone still in her teenage years. Moreso because she spent a lot of time with them and grew close to them given her lonely life before Inaba. Yes they got revived but still, that’s a horrible thing to witness! And before that, Adachi fought Yua and was left frozen while he pistol whipped her and did his villain monologue. Think what happened in the original anime but the only difference is Yua managing to break free and stab his hand with a piece of glass. Again, a traumatic moment during her teenage years and seen currently by Yua’s fear of guns. 
It gets more intense when she was forced by beings called the Arcana to be a pawn in a game that will determine which would run the universe. And because of this, Yua experienced one of the very worst things that can happen to anyone: murdered then brought back to life constantly.
(CW: Talk of torture, death, isolation, and loneliness)
One of the worlds that Yua visited before the events of Syn happened was called Moebius: a sick and twisted prison the Arcana put the Travellers like her in as a means of punishment for telling a group in the previous world who they were and what they were trying to accomplish: it all depended on which Arcana was involved. The purpose of this jaunt was to make sure everyone dies…and replaced the original people with the Travellers. Or rather ‘overlays’ but nitpicking won’t help right now. And there’s another twist to this: there’s a time limit. If they don’t accomplish their goal, time resets and they would have to do this over and over again. 
Some of these loops Yua remembers. Some she doesn’t. One she does was when doctors purposely cut her open as a means of torture with no anesthesia and wide awake, being one of her deaths. Another time was where they cut into her torso, another was other travellers killing her, the list goes on. Every single time, Yua was murdered and the scars quite literally remain. And every time she was killed, the arcana revived her like it was nothing. Like her life didn’t matter. This was the start of Yua’s spiral, changing from the positive girl who would be open to anyone to being closed off and much more harsh. This also led to her feeling isolated from the other travellers, including other versions of the Investigation Team when they did not know she existed. Basically, every single person knew Yua as her male counterparts called Souji Seta or Yu Narukami. There was an exception (sort of) with a version of Adachi, being in the role of the Wild Card where he did meet a girl named Seiki. However, she died in a car accident as a young child.
So there was another version of Yua out there…just dead. You can see why this doesn’t help.
She couldn’t really hold strong friendships or connections except with Adachi (who will be called Herodachi so it differs) and Minako Arisato, the FEMC from Persona 3 Portable. Even with those, the isolation grew strong as Travellers would sometimes get stuck within various spaces specialised to themselves called dungeons. What’s in a dungeon depends on the person and their emotional state. Sometimes calm and other times hectic and dangerous. Typically, someone stuck in a dungeon needs help getting out from others but there are very rare exceptions.
Yua was the only one.
She was stuck in her own personal hell of isolation, loneliness, and making sure she didn’t die to Shadows. She pulled herself out and while on the surface, this sounds heroic and shows how strong and tough she is but it wears on her the more the journey goes on. Others are trapped in their own dungeons and there is always help at the ready, including Yua because that’s how she’s always been: willing to help others, right?
She was always willing to lend a hand to help another in trouble…but no one ever came for her. Yua had to pull herself out of her dungeon not just once but twice. And yet no one came.
She began to feel hollow. Even while talking with others, she started to feel numb. The one who noticed was Herodachi and after speaking to him, he noticed her eyes looking distant, losing their light and life. He knew what was going on. And it was his words that helped pull Yua back from despair. Not completely but a small step:
“Hey…don’t go Empty on me.”
Just like Cylva when explaining about Ardbert’s reaction upon learning who she was, Yua too was shown care and was undone. She broke down into tears and cried as he hugged her. Despite all of this, Yua’s traumas still remained. She cannot sleep without assistance and when she can sleep, there’s usually nightmares. She fears guns and doctors and hospitals by extension, refusing to be seen unless there is a dire emergency. She wants to be able to die without being brought back, having ideation thoughts of suicide and wondering if she’d find peace that way. She starts to look at Hope as a curse but she can’t bring herself to despair because everyone will depend on her. Her counterparts are typically male and the only counterpart who was in fact female is dead. Was she meant to be? 
Safe to say that Yua suffers from CPTSD due to this…and G’raha’s actions in Shadowbringers sadly made them much worse. Remember the phrase ‘The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions’ because that’s what happens and the consequences of these actions end up with him leaving in 5.55.
(End of CW)
Fighting Back Against An Idealised Version
One of the biggest reasons why this will never be is that G’raha cannot take off the rose tinted glasses of idol worship. In the recent lorebook, a passage stated that as the Crystal Exarch, he spread the story of someone called the Warrior of Darkness based on Yua from the memoirs from Edmont de Fortemps and his own biases from when he and her went into the Crystal Tower. Certainly it didn't matter that she threw him into a tent when they officially met because he was playing around and hiding the sand she needed in a den full of ixal. Or that Yua only saw him like a co-worker; someone who was fine and that’s it. His plan was basically to summon Yua to the First, let her hold a ton of tainted Light until the right moment where he can try to be a Big Damn Hero and take all the nasty aether along with himself and die.
In his eyes, Yua Narukami can do no wrong. She is strong, kind, sweet, caring, and cannot do any wrong. To him, she has no problem that she cannot overcome. She’s the Warrior of Light after all, the pinnacle of heroism. To G’raha Tia, Yua is Perfect. And how does his hero take this mindset?
Very badly.
During every single interaction before Rak’tika, Yua acts antagonistic because he keeps trying to change the subject, always hiding something. He acts like he’s apologetic for the Scions’ predicament but Yua refuses to hear it. After all, how could she trust a man who kept her in the dark and refused to show under his cowl? From the get go, Yua refuses to be anything like an ally to him, bringing up during their first Occular meeting that he’s not being nice but rather trying to not fuck up more. When G’raha says that he hopes that there is some form of trust between them after telling her the troubles of the First, Yua wasn’t having it.
"No, I don't trust you at all because you're practically holding people hostage and I got no choice in the matter."
Besides the idol worship, she absolutely hates her ability to make a choice and her bodily autonomy taken away. While yes he does say something along the lines of ‘you don’t have to do this’, there’s no other option. Just the illusion of one.
Yua usually cuts through the bullshit and will say things as she sees them; this is why she never gets involved in politics because she knows she’s bad at them. Any kind of potential idol worship she sees from him, Yua quickly shoots it down until she sees the results of it after Innocence’s fight and G’raha’s attempt at sacrifice. In fact, she managed enough strength to call him a ‘fucking coward’ and that distraction was enough for Emet to use the Gun Spell. The kicker is that moment pissed her off not just because of the idol worship but what his ‘heroic sacrifice’ showed her: a hollow message.
His words meant nothing because Yua attempted to try and understand him after Rak’tika, asking what motivates him but he side stepped her questions. When the ascian Emet-Selch was more upfront with her, Yua trusted him more. Even to the point of falling in love with him despite knowing what will happen. It pained her to kill Emet but she knew it needed to be done because no one else can save the fucking universe it seems.
G’raha’s sacrifice would be hollow to Yua, especially since she has seen several others back in a shadow world stand against a death goddess. And to keep Yua safe, each of them pushed her aside and took the hits meant for her. She watched them get dragged to Yomi and die. The friends she shared meals with, fought alongside with, talked to every day, celebrated festivals with, made a genuine connection with…that caused her pain and made her flashback. And it made her more angry because G’raha basically spat on the memory of her dear friends.
Yua only rescued him because he needed to send the Scions back home but outside of that, she couldn’t give a shit less about him. And why should she after everything he put her through like holding all that tainted Light and messing her body up more, doing things that brought back traumatic memories and triggering her cptsd? Hearing about his time travelling in order to save this timeline and mostly her? Boy howdy was she reminded of those Moebius time loops. She refused to talk to him outside of any Scion meetings because she didn’t want to break down and get triggered every single time, instead trying to take care of herself. But her breaking point and the Point of No Return was after fighting Elidibus in his Warrior of Light form.
You’re Not Meant For This Place. Don’t You Dare Grow Here
When Yua learned what Elidibus was, her plan was to defeat him and make sure he returned to the star and rest. Also because a primal being loose is not a good thing as most know by now. Because of her own circumstances and thoughts on death, she thought it was best. It sounded like it was going to go that way…until G’raha did a Very Big Stupid Thing by announcing that he was going to seal Elidibus in the Crystal Tower and make him power it until he is no more. It’s a Very Big Stupid Thing because to Yua, it’s absolutely cruel to force someone that shouldn’t stay to be used as a battery. Not only that but saying that he was going to trap the ascian made her flashback back to her own trapped life in her dungeon back in Liminal. She refused to let it happen and she tried to stop him but unfortunately, G’raha was quicker and casted Break on her. It lasted long enough for Yua to witness Elidibus being trapped and the one responsible still standing. Well, close enough since the magic ended up costing his body to rapidly turn to crystal. Seeing the horror and pain in Yua’s eyes, he tried to speak up but he only got a look of pure disgust and silence. This was the final straw for her as she felt a deep ache, a familiar gnawing at her soul…a numbness. She had witnessed G’raha Tia at his worst and Yua was not going to answer to him at all. Instead, she turned her back to him, quite literally and left him to turn to crystal all alone. Yua in pain could only think of one thing even in silence:
Yua’s heart grew cold that moment and the Scions noticed quickly when Lyna handed her G’raha’s crystal vessel and asked her to keep it safe on the journey home. Yua in turn responded bluntly and with venom that if she didn’t have a soft spot and cared about Lyna, she’d smash the damn thing. It was looking into Yua’s eyes that made Lyna not say anything, seeing the pain…seeing the light dim. His actions made Yua relive her fears, her worst moments and how could she talk to the Scions about them when they never knew she was from another universe? The only one who had any inkling was Krile and that was more of a forced thing back in Eureka. 
Once everyone was back on the Source, Yua simply left G’raha’s crystal vessel to Krile and told her to do what she wished with it. She was going to take no part of what happened next and she was right. She didn’t want to see the face of the man who kept hurting her, even in the name of the greater good. It was bullshit and Yua would have shut herself in her house if it wasn’t for someone she had met while exploring Rabanastre and learning about Ivalice: Misija. Instead of the MSQ during 5.4 and 5.5, Yua was in Bozja helping Misija with understanding her ancestor’s role and to stop Misija’s former legion comrades from taking over. Didn’t mean they cared about the resistance but they had to work with them for their goals. It was during this campaign that Yua became more brutal on the battlefield, including breaking limbs of several Bozjan Resistance members who were nobles due to overhearing them belittle Misija and her origins. The other resistance members feared her but said nothing because this was the Warrior of Light and who knows what would happen if anyone pissed her off. Let’s just say thank god that Yua had both Misija and Estinien in her corner to pull her out of that despair.
It was because of them that Yua finally managed to gather her courage to do two things:
-Tell the Scions that she was Not Okay
-Challenge G’raha to a brawl
That second one is what I’m going to focus on for this since it does involve him. This may have sounded like something Yua shouldn’t do but she realized that using her words wasn’t going to be enough; sometimes you have to beat up a simp hard enough so they have to listen. And that’s what she did, even as he refused at first. But Yua wasn’t going to let him go until they settled things. No, she was going to make sure he sees and hears what she has to say. What happened was constant fighting back and forth with both weapons and words, both of them saying what they felt was right. G’raha tells her that he had no purpose, no hope, and did everything to make sure that the Source and the First wouldn’t fall and kill more people. That his life had no meaning and sacrificing himself would have been the best call. Only for Yua to tell him that she wouldn’t have seen him as such. Heroic sacrifices to her are never heroic nor are they noble; it’s just something to make the person feel good before they become food for the worms. Besides, if she can’t die, he gets no pass to fucking give up because of depression. 
After all, she’s had thoughts of wanting to end it all. She’s gone through so many horrors and yet people expect her to grin and bear it. She’s the fucking hero after all, a godsdamned IDOL. Who the hells does this pathetic man think he is?! And she tells him that she will never forgive him for what he’s done to her. She would leave the Scions if it came to it because fuck being in the same space as the man who hurt her and being told to smile and nod and be happy.
Fuck. That.
After this, G’raha does leave the story and stays as a Scion in the field. Yua never sees him again. Although I can’t say the same for other characters but that’s for another time.
I’ve constantly fought with myself since Endwalker’s release to figure out what kind of relationship would Yua and G’raha have. Would I follow canon? Would Yua be able to forgive him? Could they be civil? But the more people asked me about her story and seeing a lot of wolqotds on Twitter about the themes of their WoLs, I kept answering that Yua’s main theme was about Healing. Not really in the physical sense but rather her being able to open up about her traumas, being able to speak about her fears and make connections again like she did as a teenager. There’s no cure to CPTSD but having a good support system might help her in the right direction. I bet some who are reading this might be asking about forgiveness being needed to heal and move on. That in order to love, one needs to let go and forgive the one who wronged them. However, this is Yua’s story and in her case, she doesn’t need it. Forgiveness is earned and it’s not up to the person who wronged her but up to Yua. Being unable to forgive is not an evil thing. She has moved on and is slowly letting go of the pain G’raha caused by being able to talk about it and express her own feelings. She takes what she has learned and tries to do the things like communicate with people about her thoughts and feelings.
Yua feels loved with her group of friends and loves and small family. She felt seen and heard and not given empty reassurances. She didn’t need to forgive someone who has hurt her to move on and feel like a person again. Someone does not need to forgive the people who have hurt them in order to move on and live a better life. Healing also means doing what is best for the person, including self-love and not offering forgiveness. And it’s something Yua is finally able to do.
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artichow · 1 year
You know what I’m about to ask you
hehehehee them :D
Ship It
I am mentally ill about them /pos
What made you ship it?
I... don't know,, can't think of a moment really, although that scene at the end of fury and gingka's little speech may have been a big sign :) what was that gingka :D Also I think like narratively the scene at the end of fusion where gingka catches ryuga while falling has done something to my brain forever, it is so precious and important to me like.... OUURGH my feelings about ryugin is very!!! arti. grhej can't find a better way to describe it, they are a specific idea of ship i have in my brain that i like as someone who is incredibly confused and lowkey scared of romantic relationships and dating in general, that's why to me they are both aroace (jus like me fr,,) and what they have?? complicated but also so simple somehow!! But honestly I think I liked this idea of ryugin pretty early into my rewatch but i was kind of scared voicing it at first because there can be really shitty interpretations of those characters and their dynamic. I also am a fellow ryuga enjoyer who lives in the magical land of delusion and canon rewrite so :')) that helps a lot. But they mean so much omg i love them so fucking much!! I hope I can write coherently about them because!!!!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Omg so many things... I love how I think about them with the right song and it hits me right in the feels! I love how similar they are and also vastly different their upbringing (mainly hcs on ryuga's side but yk how it is) and destiny was. Like I'm still absolutely going feral over that post from last year I made about both of our first look of them in the show?? Tbf it's the second scene where we see Gingka but still,, where he's on top of a building seeing the whole sky above him, while when we first see ryuga outside of vague flashbacks or the opening, he's in a sort of coma in a weird coffin surrounded by machine? And the shots of their beys parallel each other?? Like gingka is holding pegasus, probably feeling comfort holding onto his companion and momento of his dad, of his village. Meanwhile Ryuga's hand is lose cause he's asleep but it seems L drago is wide awake and already feeding off of him, one was a bey given to Gingka with a heavy burden of a goal but representing hope and the other was stolen, in order to only bring destruction. I think their relationships to their bey evolving throughout the show is super interesting to compare (but that's also because I hc a lot of things about ryuga that aren't canon because sometimes i want to chew on canon and chug it in the "don't care" bin).
Okay I think I only gave one reason FUCK umm I like the similarities and differences in their designs a lot (scarf/coat, headband/crown, gloves/no gloves, rounder features/sharper). That's mostly to do with Mr Adachi's really cool designs but still I wanted to mention it.
I like the hope in it you know? Ryuga's such a broken person but he's also like,, in my au 14/15yo during fusion and still a kid during the series? And how he almost died at least once (i'm also counting fury because no he didnot i don't care) so young and all this time without any form of genuine care or love. Like I like thinking about him mainly because there's not much that can excuse his actions but it's so interesting too? Like i like explaining the path he takes after fusion. How he's stuck in a downward spiral, hungry for power still because to him power is the only way to feel safe and in control, never being used again. But that ultimately keeps him away from genuine connection still and it also drives him to an almost death and just makes him extra stupid during fury :D idk to me fury ryuga felt so much like character regression, they really saw his masters character and went "yeah but what if..." NYWAY I digrace. I like how they're both just kids and the moment Gingka remembers/realizes it during their final fight in fusion is the thing that saves the world, that for gingka to still be Gingka and to save beyblade, how can he not save this other kid in pain. It is in tune with his character but it's also such a huge accomplishment on his part? He went through so much, his friends, his village, his father got taken away because of Ryuga. It's not all because of Ryuga and Gingka probably knows that but still?? He absolutely hated his guts and for good reason too. But I find it just so!!!! I love the idea that despite it all, there can be love after all of that. However you define it, just compassion and understanding <3 It is so cheesy but maaaaannn what are we without the power of love. I just love ryugin so much, i always try very hard to not make it sound like i'm glossing over all the problems ryuga caused and the emotional and mental toll gingka suffered becaus it's here, but also I love to believe that Gingka is just such a beam of light and he truly empathize with people in general, and something in him will always reach out to Ryuga. And that moment when he stopped him from falling to his death is just so!! To me in my hcs and aus and everything it is just the thing that starts ryuga's growth and character developement, like yeah he's still a stupid guy with a lot of issues but he's going to try. At least in my book (i feel like i'm rambling about things that are so far from canon but whatever i'm vibing my brain is vibrating rn). I just keep thinking about that quote from the good place "the point is people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't" and i want to tear up a little.
okay i have a couple more i think that i can think of,, vhfdj this is getting so so long,, oopsie. Um anyway, I like to imagine Ryuga actually helps Gingka too (it's not all one sided i promise but look at this mess of a boy) especially in expressing his feelings and communicating, i feel like gingka would and just by nature still struggles with this but because they understand each other's intentions very well most of the time (and that's canon baby) ryuga helps pointing it out if that makes sense. I also love how they're both intelligent while very dumb at the same time like they maybe aren't beyblade geniuses like Yu but they understand that game so well and so quickly i love that a lot. And I like how they both acknowledge it and respect the other for it.
I like how I imagine them both being vagabonds in their young adult years (*cough* snufkin much *cough*) and valuing their time alone but also sharing adventures together and feeling very comfortable with the other and just vibing :)
It's so funny when i think about it like trying to simplify their dynamic in my head cause it's just: gingka to ryuga is the light, the guy that saved him, the thing that changed everything and he can never fully understands it frustrates him but he can't keep away very long evn though he thought he'd always belong in the dark. And Ryuga to Gingka is friend (extra plus edition) :) both so valid honestly gdfhjsdhj
I love that there is SO MUCH angst potential but also this ship just brings me a sense of peace and joy, like it's somehow cozy??? with these two in it?? but yeah :)
they both absolutely annoy and pester the crap out of each other <3 look at them they're so stupid >:) what is my life if every character in the world is not annoying and dunking on ryuga honestly
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
this has been such a long post holy shit and i feel like i still have stuff to say :') uuuh unpopular? I guess I hate most of the fanart i see of them unsurprisingly... But that's also just the pinterest side of the fandom like... between the straight up absolute weirdo stuff you never want to see ever again, the perpetual whitewashing of ryuga, the abusive/uncomfortable stuff you find it's just :') but again that's true of a lot of characters and ships in the fandom. Idk if me seeing them as aroace and in a more qpr relationship is unpopular, honestly I feel like we're just us two vibing in the ryugin sphere Hani ghfdjsk
btw now that i'm done writing this whole page i'm thinking "but honestly still i'm not really that big on shipping, i feel pretty normal about them even after putting this much effort into this silly ask :') Anywayy whatever the relationship nature is i just like these two characters a whole lot so yeah it's just such a wonderful dynamic and ship to think about <3
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evansencezz · 1 year
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^(#`∀´)_Ψ・・・・・・†_(゚ー゚*)β—SAY IT.—Kai Adachi x Thereain—*ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
notes: WH-, man not again, jealousy, fake marrige, extreme jealousy, kissing, flirting, shy kai, threian is a fuckwit and i hope he dies, knives, trauma, yandere!thereain, not in title cause hes a yandere in every au, kai is kinda batshit crazy, blood, anger, blood mage, maya makes another apperance, fancy knife collection, pining, teasing, gonna kms, akari is kai’s older sister obviously, kai uses she/her/they, teacher x apprentince, the fuck is thereian’s problem. gambling, acohol, knife useage, mainuplation, smut, OH YEAHHHHH , this is absoutetly mind bending and moan, everything bro, this is so ngh, dawg im not even gonna lie to you theriean is really fucking hot in this, bitting, like lots of it, fucking, edging, sadism, masochism slightly, i cannot do this man oh god, merry christmas, fingering yep, ties, suits, hair pulling, nosebleeds, bruising, man this is brutual, consent is given, choking slightly, overstimulation, UH HUH, theriean does not know when to shut up, emotional abuse??, kai gets a little beaten up, extreme emotions, kai is despreate for theriean, kai runs into jiren, lenevery and ciel again, ciel being a little shit, ciel being a fucking flirt, ciel is kinda into kai??, theriean breaks kais wrist and gives her a bloody nose but not in the smut, porn with plot.
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Kai sighed as she fixed the collar of her shirt. Another day of being in this hotel’s ressidence she guessed. It wasn’t too crammed though, and she adjusted it to fit her theme.
Still..her mood wasn’t the best today…she shook her head and opened her room door. Theriean was simply sprawled out on the hotel’s couch. He was watching the TV, his eyes flicking around.
He perked up when he saw her slide into frame. It was amusing how his attention immeditally drifted to her. He grunted and adjusted his posture slightly so he faced more her way.
“Good morning, Apprentince. What are you-..” He started but was cut off by him taking in her.
She wore a pretty red flowly shirt, the collar having the same necklace she always wore around it. It also had black webbed sleeves that had small lace openings and looked sliky.
They also wore a pretty basic red skirt, it having the same spider like black lacing. He would’ve assumed them to go for white instead, but it was nice. They also had red crystal earrings hanging from each ear and a red headband ontop, trying to sort her messy hair.
“Uh..is something wrong..??” She nervously asked, shifting.
The male snapped out of it and smiled at her.
“Nothing, you just look nice.” He complamented.
Kai grinned slightly before looking away. It was nice to be complamented by her crush, but she still hated something about it. It felt held back.
“So..what are we doing today?” She asked.
He hummed and shuffled around some more. Usually he would be so restless but it seemed like he kept staring at her.
“I think we can ask around the casino some more. Actually, do you want to split up today?” He pondered.
The long haired girl blinked a couple times. Split up?? Usually he would never allow something like that. He was paranoid of her leaving him, she and he both knew that.
“Split up..?” She echoed.
He nodded and leaned his head aganist his hand. His darker red eyes seemed to reflect her own.
“Yeah, split up. I think we’ll get around quicker if we do. Ah-but don’t go TOO far.�� He explained before warning.
She sweated and pressed her lips into a line. This geniuley seemed what he wanted and who was she to object? He most certianely would raise a eyebrow at them if they started being defiant now.
“Okay!..” She hesatainetly agreed.
He still seemed to pick up on their emotion as he sighed. He finally stood up and walked around then, closely basically circling them. His hands were behind his back before he placed them on their shoulders.
“Don’t worry, you won’t miss me for too long.” He reassured.
The lighter eyed girl merly nodded as she could feel his smile from behind her. He was messing with her again. She could feel it in her soul.
“I’m serious, Kai..~” Theriean breathed out, turning her around.
She tensed, this was new?? Sure, he liked touching her but she thought it would only be a verbal remark.
She tensed further when his grin was in full view. It was a simple one, one that could probably make a basic girls heart pulse. And she was that basic girl.
But before anything really had happened, he pulled away. Like it was nothing. Her mouth fell into a open frown as she gazed at him.
“Let’s go then!” He encourged, moving further away.
She didn’t like it. She wanted to grab him and yank him back but she couldn’t.
He stared back at her before tilting his head. She was odd to him aswell. But it didn’t come off as anger, as theirs did.
The shorter shook their head and offered a tight smile.
“Right, let’s go.”
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The pair ventured off-not actually a pair anymore. Kai was alone, again. Once they had reached the casino he immeditally caught somebody and made a motion for them to leave.
They clentched their hands into fists and looked down slightly. The streets were busy, of course. People smiled, talked to vendors, and conversed with one another. The blood mage just scowled further.
No one seemed to bother them, while they were by themself. Not that they cared, just something they noticed.
“Hey, you okay there?” A hand landed on her shoulder.
She immeditally froze and whipped around. Meeting two men, different. One had brunette hair and amber eyes. While the other had black hair and dark colored golden ones. From their auras, they didn’t seem to be related, or like each other at all in that manner.
Funnily enough, the brunette who had put his hand on her shoulder stared wide-eyed. It was like something familar had crossed his path but not quite.
“Oh..yes..sorry may I help you?” She tried to be polite.
The other male seemed to be a little more intrested now. He gave her a quick once over, seeming even more amused.
“Yeah, Jiren. Why did you stop an imporant looking person?” He mocked, nudging the other male.
Speaking of him, he seemed to not be amused at this. He shoved the other back before looking at Kai.
“You just seemed to be annoyed, orrrr’ thinking about something REALLY hard.” He added on.
‘Oh.’ The white-nette thought.
The slightly taller male scoffed and actually grabbed Kai. Her eye twitched slightly at the unwanted contact but hey, at least they weren’t in people’s way anymore!
“Just say they are eye candy, good gods.” He sarcastically hissed.
The red eyed girl blinked a few times in surprise but didn’t say anything. Jiren, on the other hand, glanced from her to the male holding onto her.
“Hey don’t they look oddly simaliar to akari?” The end of his question was blurred out.
Ciel made a sound of confusion and leaned closer to her. She turned a little red while leaning away but glared a little. God, it was really bad today, wasn’t it?
“Oh yeah, I do see it.” He hummed.
She waited for him to move back to the way he was, he didn’t. She grunted and grumbled under her breath while moving back a little more and standing straight.
“Again, I’m okay. I’m just looking for someone.” She explained.
Good enough. Also, she just now noticed, Jiren had a familar accent to him.
“Looking for someone? Well is it the love of your life? Because I think you just met him.~” Ciel smoothly stepped.
The female didn’t even notice when he slung his arm around her shoulder. He moved so smoothly and talked with a certian sleze.
Her throat seized for some annoying reason and her face heated. She hated how easy it was to get embrassed. Being pale didn’t help with their problem either.
“Aw, your cute!~” He contuined, after seeing their blush.
The long haired girl simply grumbled and looked away. The other male also seemed annoyed at this.
“Ciel, c’mon. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you looking for?” He pulled the dark haired one away and smiled at her.
She just now noticed how he seemed to have cat ears, albit scarred. It was like someone had cut them up. And he also had a tail behind him, it seemed docile for the moment.
Should she say something?? I mean, if she came back to Theriean empty handed..
“Heyyy’, that’s a really nice necklace.” Ciel noticed.
The other males eyes darted to her neck and blinked at the pendant hanging off of it. The red crystal shone with the sun and reflected.
“Ah..thank you it was a gift from my sister..” Kai answered.
The golden eyed male squinted before relaxing.
“Oh and..I’m just looking for a friend of mine.” She mummbled, glancing away again.
It was strange, these two were strange. Kai couldn’t get a good reading on them, espically Jiren. His natural aura seemed good natured, but now it was closed off.
Ciel was obviously a man with motives. His soul glew a murky red tainted with black and she wanted to crush it. Greedy.
“A friend?? They must be around here somewhere then. Can you give us a descripton?” The brunette questioned.
Now here came the difficult part. If they were too straightforward or hasty, they would probably be questioned for motives. But if they were vague it would be even more odd.
“Oh yes, of course! Uh..she has white hair like mine and blue eyes..she also about a inch taller then me..and was wearing something blue last time I checked..” They answered.
Kai hated describing Akari, she really did. She hadn’t seen her in years so how was she suposed to know the older hadn’t changed? What if she cut her hair, dyed it?
What if she was way taller now? What if she had changed gender? Though, Akari always seemed perfectly fine being feminine it ceritanly wasn’t something she could rule out.
“Huh..that sounds oddly simaliar to someone we know..” Ciel mummbled.
He shuffled on his feet, seeming in thought as the girl was. Although, she was reclusive, that was obvious. She didn’t like eye contact and she seemed to think a lot about how she worded things.
Some people wondered, questioned him on how he got a read on people so quickly. It was just body behavior, and she was trying to get a read on them too. Oddly catious.
“Yeah, that does sound like her. Hey, are you from around here??” The based man agreed before turning his attention back to her.
In all honesty, she did and at the same time, did not look from around here. She had the vibe and smell of magic, wasn’t too rare around here. It was the more..rich and dark vibe she gave off, everyone else here seemed to bask in sunlight.
While she seemed to shy away from it.
The red eyed girl blinked before sweat-dropping. Shouldn’t she had said something sooner?!
“Oh no, I’m not. I’m actually just here for a bussiness trip with my partner, you see.” She lamented.
“Partner?” Ciel repeated.
She smiled tensly and went to respond but someone bet her to it. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pressed closer to her.
“Husband, she means, right darling?” Theriean said.
Her face immeditally heated up and she looked away. It was embrassed for her for to be outed like this. But it was nice for him to reconqize her as a partner.
“Husband???!” The gold eyed male’s jaw practically fell on the floor.
Kai sighed and nodded. The male only seemed to press closer.
“Anyways, I assume my darling has already asked you the question? Where her friend is??” He questioned.
The white haired male blinked and contuined staring. He had a observing expression on his face, but it lightened when he saw Jiren. He immeditally darkened and pull the younger back.
Meanwhile, the other seemed to notice him. His eyes flicked around the others face.
“Wait a second..” He mummbled.
The blood mage scowled and tugged them. Then, turning on his heel he took off, wrist dragging them. They caught a glance behind them, Ciel looking confused and Jiren in shock.
The two that were running weaved in between the crowds. Some people shooting them looks, some not caring.
Both of them sighed finally as Theriean dragged them into a empty alley. Kai leaned over slightly, blinking rapidly and trying to get a good look at him.
“What the fuck was that?!” She bluntly asked.
The older adjusted his posture, looking behind himself slighty.
“You didn’t tell me you knew fucking Jiren.” He hissed.
The long haired girl moved one of her hands to fix her now messy hair. She also pushed it back from her eyes slightly so she could get a better look at him.
“I don’t know him!! He stopped me in the middle of the street! Your so paranoid, honestly!” She bit back, scoffing and leaning back.
That was it though, he reached his hand out and she went to slap it away but he caught her wrist. The poor thing pulsed and swelled under his hold and she grunted.
“Where’s this defiance coming from?” He questioned, staring at her wrist.
She nervously glanced at the same wrist before back to him. Was his presence always this suffocating? I mean, it always had the feeling of being watched around him.
“Did he taint you?” He asked.
She paled and tried to pull away but Theriean only scoffed and didn’t budge. She tried again and nothing happened once more.
“L..let me go! Your being soo…” She breathed out before trying to find the right words.
The marooned eyed male pulled the wrist closer and yanked it up, making her body tumble forward slightly. She would’ve fallen into him if it wasn’t for her digging her heels into the ground.
“So? Come on, Kai. What am I?” He echoed.
Her eyebrows furrowed, her wrist throbbed. Why was he so worked up in the first place?! He was the one who wanted to split the fuck up!
Yeah, that was exactly it. He had no reason to be angry!
“You have no reason to be angry! Your the one who wanted to spilt up in the first god damn place!” Her bright eyes glew brighter.
She finally pulled away and looked at him like he was insane. She clutched her wrist closer to her and quickly looked at it. It was completly cold and limp, she couldn’t even wiggle her fingers.
“You even broke my wrist!” She complained.
The older male had his eyes also trained on it. Before coming closer and making her back away further.
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to do that.” He apologized.
She only moved furhter back and he had is face in a lopsided expression.
“Whatever, Just stay away from me. And..you knew those two..?” Wrong move.
Her jaw was yanked forward this time and she winced. Her cheeks pulled back a little showing her wince expression.
“Only one of them. Two is worse then one, naturally though.” He mummbled, looking down at her.
The white-nette tried to move again but he only tightened his hold. They could try and use their magic, sure, but he would probably even get more hurt.
“Theriean pleas-!” They were cut off by him.
“Do you dream about this, apprentince?” He asked, raising his head a little more.
It was a odd question, did they dream about what exactly?? Him hurting them? Yeah sure, it was defentily something Kai couldn’t rule out. He was a powerful bloodmage that was a little unhinged.
“You do.” He answered it for himself.
Honestly, it was so easy to read the girl. She absoutetly sucked at hiding emotions, espically when it came to him. What? Was she a stupid highschool who had a massive crush on him or something?
“Therie-!” She tried to speak again but he glared at her.
“How weak are you?? I mean, I knew you were at least in love with me. But seriously? Being a masochist is something else.” He rethortically asked.
She looked at him. His eyes showed no sympathy for her. In fact, he was probably enjoying this. But why??
“Your mistaken. I would never be in love with somebody who has their eyes on someone else.” She denied.
The meaning was a double edged sword. Her older sister had absoutetly no intrest in him, if anything she hated him. She obviously had more of a intrest in Jiren.
“Seriously? How dense do you take me for??” He hissed, getting awfully close to her.
She yanked away on accident, body reflex. But this time he let her go, a seering pain covering both his and and her nose. He probably wouldn’t have let it go if it wasn’t for that.
“Ack! What the-!” He shook his hand off, glancing at the burn mark on it.
Something that was actually red hot covered her nose and under it. She moved back furhter and raised her hand to wipe at it. Blood.
“You used your magic on me? Are you kidding me?” He scoffed out.
Kai really didn’t mean to, that was something she really hadn’t ment to do. She never wanted to hurt him, no matter even if he hurt her.
“I..I didn’t mean to..I don’t..” She tried to apologize.
The white haired male scoffed again and roughly yanked her up by the arm. Wincing at the searing pain on his hand he shoved the hurt hand in his pocket and yanked her closer.
His eyes scowered across her face before her nose. She could still feel the liquid searing into her skin and pouring. Some of it was already dried though.
He had a open frown on his face before sighing deeply and almost looping his free arm with hers.
“Come on, let’s go back to the hotel room. Clearly you can’t be out of my sight.” He said before grunting.
The younger looked away and bit her lip. This was so stupid. Maybe she shouldn’t have liked this clearly unhinged guy in the first place. He had always been slightly rough but not enough to draw blood.
Maybe he was just that angry with them.
In reality, they knew he didn’t really care about them. He was their pretend husband who pressed close to them and acted sweet. He was just upset because he couldn’t find the paethetic girl he had a crush on.
Honestly, fuck both of them.
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The long haired white-nette grunted as they were practically tossed in the room. Theriean also entered and fiddled with the lock behind him, closing the door.
“Sit down, right there.” He ushered, almost pushing her onto the couch.
She had the urge to snap at him and say that he should get his hands off of her. He blinked at her before going somewhere else, she knew better then to get up though.
Maybe she should’ve stayed with the other two. This man that she was staying with wasn’t good for her, she knew that. His presence hurt and loved at the same time.
There was just something about him, something like posion to her. Kai could leave for a while, but he would drag her back somehow. And yet he didn’t love her.
“Here.” The said male sat down next to her and placed what looked to be like manual healing up things.
She looked at them, bandages, disinfectint and cotton. She wondered where he picked these up at.
“C’mere.” He beckoned, not waiting for her to actually do that.
He grabbed her shoulder and made her face him completly. He reached over with his other hand to grab the liquid disinfieint. He also dotted cotton on it once it was open before leaning closer.
A small red overcame the youngers cheeks as his face was right infront of hers. His eyes flicked back and forth before dotting the cotton on her cheek. It stung, apartenly she had been cut.
“I’m..I am sorry..apprentince..” He whispered, seeming more sincere.
The girl blinked a couple times. Was he being honest again? His touch seemed to be holding back, well obviously. It didn’t seem like he actually wanted to touch her for once.
“To be honest..you should be sorry..” She whispered back, hissing when he moved to her nose.
Damnit, she was overthinking again. Was that a warning for her to shut her mouth or what?! His eyes were focused on her injury though.
“I supose I was..jealous.” He contuined, scowl in place at that last words.
Kai’s own eyes went wide as they blinked a couple times. Did he seriously just adimit to being jealous?! They ment sure, they had got him to be possive a few times, but jealous?!
“Seriously?!..” She mummbled, sweat-dropping.
He had a blank expression on his face as he pressed the cotton harder on her. She shut one of her eyes as a reaction.
“Yes, it’s odd. I thought only my love could provoke such a reaction.” He explained.
She looked away. He was acting werid again, he was treating her way too nicely. But could you really blame her?!
“Jealousy is normal.” She clarrifed.
Theriean made a face and grunted, pulling the now blood soaked cotton away. There were still remints of blood but they were all dry by now. He wiped that back of his hand on her face, apprently getting more blood off.
“Your right, it is. I just thought that I would never feel something like that for you.” He agreed.
Was he basically saying that he didn’t feel anything for her?! Cause’ that’s what she was hearing!
“Yeah..?” She questioned.
The male leaned slightly away from her with a lopsided expression. His maroon eyes shifting to contect to the others.
“Yeah.” He bluntly said before sitting straight.
“But we’re fake married.” She added on.
“Maybe that’s why you felt jealous.” She tried to clarify.
The olders expression changed yet again. This time, his eyes firmly connected with hers and darkened. His mouth pressed into a straight line and it seemed like he loomed above her.
“Your so naive. Don’t you get it?” He hissed.
The female flinched again and leaned back, one of her hands supporting her. Was he going to hurt her again?! Just why was he so moody?!
“Theriean-!” She yelped when he pushed her somewhat softly down on the couch so her back was flat aganist it.
He hovered over her and his hande were by her sides. Her white haired sprawled aganist the couch and she turned red.
“I want you. Why do dress up for other people? Who are you trying to please?” He bluntly questioned.
She sweat-dropped and looked away. What time was it again? It seemed suddenly darker.
“I’m not trying to impress anyone! I just liked the outfit today!” Kai snapped.
He moved his face back a little and gazed at her. Her necklace hung sideways on her neck and covered her chest. Her skin was a little more colored now.
“Really? Don’t you trust me?” He asked.
She bit her lip and chewed on it. He always asked this question, of course she didn’t. Espically after earlier. It hurt so bad but she would be lying if she said she didn’t want to kiss him.
God, it felt so good but hurt so fucking bad.
“You know how I feel about that..” She replied.
The white haired male grunted and shuffled his hands so he leaned closer. Her eyes glazed over but she snapped back quickly.
“Shouldn’t you wait to do this with your beloved?” She leaned back.
It’s not that she didn’t want too, oh she did. The youngest Adachi just couldn’t believe he would forget about his darling so quickly. There was no way, but ahe wished there was.
“Shouldn’t you be stopping me or running away?” He grinned slightly and asked back.
The apprentinces body tensed. Was he serious?? The brighter eyed ladder really should push him off and run away. He would probably even listen if she said to stop.
“Do you want this, darling?” He quickly cut off their thoughts.
The red eyed girl only shrank back but nodded non-theless. That was all he needed to conect their lips and his elbows propped him up by her sides as his hands eagerly grabbed the sides of her face.
‘Oh my fucking god.’ Was the only thing repeating in Kai’s head.
He was so fast, almost too quick. One of his hands slowly and encourgingly rubbed circles onto her cheek while the other wandered.
She could tell he was smiling, he was so attractive. And he knew what made her embrassed or senstive, how unfair. He was a fucking tease.
The shorter yelped when he leaned into her further. Her hands were bent at a uncomfortable angle, it was like he was waiting for her to buckle.
Theriean bit her lip rather harshly and she sucked in a gasp of air. But before she could get too much, he slid his tongue into her mouth.
It wasn’t a completly bad feeling really. It was mainly the closeness of the whole thing that made her the most embrassed. She could practically feel the air he was breathing.
“Breatheee..~” He whispered, before going back to it.
She contuined to go at it with him, breathing through her nose. It was so embrassing to be told how to do something. Usually, they would just figure it out on their own.
“Your so weak for me.” He laughed while pulling away and breathing harshly.
They simply glared at him. He was so annoying, bothering them like this. He was still AWFULLY close too.
His right handed moved to her visible necklace and he looked at it. The gem reflected when he gently twisted it so light caught it.
“I will never get over how pretty this is..it really does suit you, even though I’ve never seen you without it.” He spoke.
The other underneath him plastered a nervous smile on his face. Why was she so nervous?? He was just adimiring somethin-
His left hand had drifted to her hip and he had absent-mindingly started drawing shapes on it. Square, triangle, heart-wait, stop focusing on it!
“Kai?” He called, extremely lightly yanking on her necklace to bring her attention back to him fully.
The male had this innocent aura about him when he knew damn well. It was annoying, because then he would tease her about she was acting.
“What’s wrong?” He inquired, fingers digging into her hip harder.
Aganist her will, her eyes darted towards his left hand before back up to his eyes. His own pair followed the movement, softly mummbling something under his breath before smiling at her.
“Sorryyy..I didn’t notice..seems like you don’t hate it though, yeah?~” He mummbled before snarkly asking.
The long haired girl shifted slightly and pressed her lips together. Only to wince when he copied the movement with his other hand.
Now he was almost ontop of her fully, making her all the more nervous. A sick yet tightening feeling filled her lower stomach, she hated it. It was the feeling of nervousness mixed with something else..
Of course, the female had gotten the feeling before around him. It was only natural to feel things for your crush. She sweated.
“You have really cute reactions to everything, y’know? Have I ever told you that?” He rythtorically asked that it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Theriean was really igorant. And now he was getting cocky, of course she had noticed his behavior.
She jolted slightly when his face leaned closer, his eyes darting around her face but still somehow focused on her. His eyes had always had the habit of somehow pinning her in place. Usually it was in a bad way..
But she didn’t actually mind it this time..well..besides the tiny hint of obession she caught in them..
He leaned even closer and connected their lips. She grunted and accepted him. Did he even relize what he was doing?
One of his hands manged to get tangled in her hair. The taller also tossed the red headband she had in it aside, on the floor and her messy hair came back full force.
Theriean was surprised by how smooth her hair was! It was always shiny and soft looking of course, simaliar to Akari’s. That’s right, he hadn’t asked if they were related or yet, right?
Well whatever, now wasn’t the time.
The apprentince grunted again when he pushed impossibly closer. Her head was now slightly tilted back at the angle of which he held her hair. When she quickly peaked through her closed eyes, she found deep, half-lidded eyes observing her.
No, it wasn’t creepy. It seemed like he was doing it to guage a reaction to his actions.
He pulled away and shuffled her shirt down further, leaning to the right and opening his mouth. Theriean didn’t hold back as he bit down and she groaned.
He always had sharp teeth, obviously. But this actually hurt! He kept at the area before suckiing on it, probably creating a massive bruise. Then he quickly kissed it before making some more further down.
By now, the youngest Adachi’s face was bathed in red. People could wonder how she could come undone so quickly, they didn’t get it. She had wanted this for so long!
She muffled a moan by biting her lips harshly when bit right above her collar bone. Their neck throbbed and pulsed and their eyes glanced at him.
His own eyes were focused on her pale skin. He licked the wound he had caused and quickly moved them over so he could start on the other side.
He jolted though, when she placed her hands on him. Her own hands were actually shaky and sweaty like she was nervous. She was nervously looking at him, face even more red.
Before he could bite on her neck, he decided to speak.
“Love?” He inquired.
“I want to..touch you too..” She mummbled, extremely embrassed.
His eyes kept shifting to find hers, his mouth slowly twisting up into a open grin. He snickered, was he seriously laughing at her?!
She narrowed her eyes at him and was about to ask what was so funny but he quickly undid his collar. His already loose tie came undone with the motion and he tied her hands together. She didn’t struggle fully, not when she didn’t understand what was going on.
“No, that’s not how this works, apprentince.” He corrected.
His tone was mockingly soft, kind of like what he did when teaching her. It was basically like he was talking to someone who was stupid.
“What-I..i don’t??” She confusingly stumbled over her own words.
The man only snickered more at her confusion. He grabbed the silk tie, making her wrists move closer with the movement aswell. He raised them awfully close to his vision, before flicking his eyes to hers.
“This is about you getting what you deserve. Don’t worry, I won’t be too rough.” He explained vaguely before letting go, her wrists uncomfortably sitting with the motion.
She tilted her face slightly upwards when he leaned closer. Then, his right hand twisted her face so she was facing the other way, probably to give him better acess towards the other side of her neck.
“Mff!-~” She muffled a moan that threatened to slip out as he started working immeditally.
His right hand also seemed to be digging into the flesh on her face. Kai wouldn’t be surprised if he was lying about not being rough.
The red eyed girl grunted softly when his fingers on that hand smoothly slid to her lips. His thumb pried open her bottom lip softly and he mummbled something through his breath.
“Open.” And that was exactly what she did.
Once the girl had opened her mouth, a couple fingers where jammed inside of her mouth. She whined uncomfortablly but stopped squirming when he shoved them further down. She embrassingly focused and sucked on them softly.
His hands had always been attractive, pretty big really. But they were smooth even though they were pretty boney.
She almost accidentally bit down on one as his other hand had slid up her shirt. It wasn’t too cold, but not normal tempature for how hot it was outside. His fingers danced along her sides, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“God, so senstive. What, you that needy or something’?” He casually questioned like he didn’t have his fingers in her mouth.
It was honestly sort of werid for him to drop the sort of proper tone he talked with. His words drew out and floated around in the air, not extremely heavy but carrying pressure with them.
“I’m not needy..” She manged to get out, before sucking on his fingers again.
‘Liar.’ Her mind hissed again.
The truth was, and everyone knew that she was. She pushed people away but they always seemed to come back. Kai acted like they didn’t like it, but that wasn’t true.
They did like it, alot actually.
“Oh, yes you are! Don’t lie to me.” He casually refuted again before moving his hand quickly up to her ribcage in warning.
The white-nette didn’t verbally respond, almost fucking trembling at the amount of shivers that went down her body. It was stupid, she hated how her body reacted.
Theriean loved how her body reacted. It was so obvious she had never been touched like this, not even by that whatever the fuckers name was?-Maya?? Yeah, her. He was her first, he was her everything.
The man really never considered having a geniune crush on her. And if he was in love with her, he wouldn’t hate it. She did make him react in ways simliar to his beloved.
He looked up at her as he smoothly circled his one hand to her back, to undo her bar. The clip greeted his fingers and he was tempted to stick his tongue out as he undid it to focus.
He sighed in relief when he also slid it off of her, she sqirmed a little. Atleast she worked with him a little bit. She had also been holding her fingers straight inbetween her teeth as this process occured.
His apprentince’s brighter eyes embrassingly fixated in his movements. He held up the garment to get a better look at it for a second, laughing at the newly flushed red on her face.
“Pretty, looks expensive.” Was the throw-away comment he made.
He tossed the thing on the floor and finally removed his other hand from the girl’s mouth. Her jaw seemed to almost crack once her mouth was able to close again.
He would change that.
His other somewhat wet hand followed his other hands movements. His eyes were also fixated on her face, waiting for something.
She immeditally shivered and tensed when his hands found her breasts. They weren’t massive, but still a good size for his hands. The soft skin immeditally tensed up and his barely even touched them.
“Ngh-!” She moaned out.
One of her eyes shut while one kept on his hands. He snickered harshly at this.
“Tam venerandus es, ius illud scis?” He asked.
She blinked a few times, how exactly was she suposed to respond to that?? For gods sake, she didn’t even know what language it was!
“Hu-Ack-!” She breathly questioned before yelping when his one hand pinched her breast.
“It’s latin, my love.” He simply explained.
They only made a sound simaliar to a harsh wince. What, were they suposed to give him a answer back?
He leaned closer and connected their mouths again. He really liked to seem pushing impossibly closer to them.
In reality, it made Kai nervous and wet. Everytime he shifted or pushed more pressure on them, something filled their stomach. It was probably anixety or stress from all the teasing.
Atleast when he was kissing them he wasn’t talking as much.
“Relax for me.” He whispered, before going back to connecting their lips.
The long haired girl hadn’t even noticed how tense her body was. His hands had moved to her ribcage to linger before smoothly going down to her skirt.
His hands teasingly rubbed aganist the very edge of it before giving in to her whines. He slid it down to her upper thighs, just knough so her pussy was showing.
Kai grunted when he shuffled her up by her lower thighs so she was almost sitting up. Her back leaned aganist the armrest and she peaked down at her with one lidded eye.
His pale hands peaked out of the ends of her skirt. Her legs and core practically radiated warmth.
“You ready?~” He inquired, voice light.
‘Ready for what exactly?’ was her question but she didn’t speak it outloud.
She simply nodded and was taken aback when he pressed insanely close to her again and slammed his lips aganist hers. It was like he never got tired of kissing her!!
She immeditally almost pulled away in reflex when he carefully slid her underwear aside. Theriean quickly followed after and captured her again.
He laughed slightly when she immedtially squrimed when his fingers barely brushed aganist her clit. His left hand held her left thigh in a tight embrace and the right one did all the work.
She also flinched when he shifted slightly again and seemed to be feeling around for something with right hand. He made a slight winning sound when he seemed to find what he was looking for, a small knife.
Her brighter eyes shot open and worredly looked at it. Theriean laughed slightly and twirled it in his hand.
“Here’s how this works, but if your not okay with it, let me know.” He warned.
The female only nodded meekly, eyes still trained on it. If by chance you were wondering what it looked like, it had a sharp and polished metal tip, the handle of it somewhat blocked off by his hand. But from what they could see it had carvings in it, from eyes to shapes and languages they didn’t understand.
“I’ll give you what you want, if your just honest with me. That’s it! But if your not, thennn..’~” He explained before trailing off.
His hand with the blade lightly traced a shape on her thigh. It made a slight scratch in it’s way, showing off how sharp it was.
“I’ll make you bleed.” He hissed, a smile on his face.
The youngest Adachi blinked a little before a nervous smile framed on her face. She didn’t mind, she knew she could at least be a little honest.
“Alright..” She replied.
Oh boy she was going to regret how confident she sounded. His eyes narrowed slightly but he still had a smile on his face.
“You sound confiedent. Are you exicted??” He bluntly asked.
The white-nette turned red and looked away. The smile whipped off of his face as his hand on her thigh tightened further and he raised the blade to her face. She sweat-dropped when he tilted it to gently graze her and bring her vision back to him.
“Answer me.” He ordered.
She gulped slightly and breathed shakily. He pressed it a little harder before glaring at her.
“Yes…” She mummbled.
The darker eyed one seemed satisfied enough as he removed it, but not completly from her face. His left hand danced closer to her bare pussy and finally, he slid his thumb over her bean.
She hissed and he had a grin on his face. How annoying.
“You want this?~” He teasingly asked.
Kai glared at him slightly but it faltered slightly as he looked more smug. She wanted to look away so bad, she wanted to slap his face. Her fingers twitched inside of the tie lace.
“I..yes..” She honestly answered, embrassed.
The red eyed male tilted his head slightly. He was already testing her, it was funny.
“Ack-!” She hissed when Theriean curiously slid his two other fingers down her slit.
Her eyes glazed over and her lip quivered slightly.
How adorable.
She whimpered slightly when he squinted his eyes and pressed the blade closer to her. She was already weak enough, who knew she was this touch-starved. He did.
“Your so senstive, only for me, right?” He inquired.
The brighter eyed one flushed a deep red but nodded anyways.
“Yes..” She answered.
A crooked, almost twisted smile overcame his face. He was insane, she knew that. But she never took him as the type of person who liked getting people hurt this much.
One of his fingers testingly teased around her dripping hole. She made a grimnace like expression and glanced at his eyes for a split second.
“Please…” She begged.
She watched him laugh in mockery a little. Honestly, he was having way too much fun with this.
“Begging? Really? Are you that despreate for me, pretty girl?” He harshly mocked.
They only grumbled something before slightly gasping when he pressed the blade sideways to their neck. It’s cold texture, already flaring up his bite marks.
“Remeber!~” The white haired male cheerfully reminded.
She sweated before making a lopsided expression. This made him raise a eyebrow.
“I..I love you..so much..” She confessed.
His expression changed, mouth in a open frown. He blinked a couple times before scowling, his one finger giving up teasing and inserting itself. She whimpered louder.
“Confessing at a time like this?! Ha! What kind of freak are you?!” He sarcastically asked.
She only moaned, trying to defend herself. This only effectivly made him look at her with fake pity.
“That was cute. Do you think about this alot, hm?” He kept questioning them.
They clentched their jaw together. Their mind was fogging over and his finger wasn’t even going that fast. It was just the length of his bony hands, and how it was so light but it was still there.
And the more they thought about it, the more worked up they got.
“Hey!-!” Theriean suddenly snapped, almost cutting them.
The shorters extremely flushed face became startled as they looked at him. He chuckled and mummbled something under his breath.
“Don’t go spacing out on me like that. You’ so focused on getting mind fucked or somethin’?” He sleazy asked yet another rytorchical question.
His other finger, that had yet to be inserted, well-inserted itself. They moaned and shut their one eye again.
“Ngh-no! I..I just-!” They stuttered out.
“Liar.” He spat, fake anger lacing his tone.
She grunted when he flipped the knife around towards her stomach. She was already scretched enough by his fingers, what was he gonna’ do?? Cut her open??
He pressed the tip closer to her stomach, basically ontop of it. She grimnaced and stared at it. His mouth was pressed into a firm line and for even more re-enforcement he removed his fingers from her.
She bit back a whine and only glared at him slightly. He almost thought about sliting her throat, but he didn’t. Instead, he whipped off his left hand on her thigh and snaked it up to her neck, holding her down.
“Quiet now.” He whispered, eyes flicking up to hers before back down.
The man tilted his head slightly as he pretty harshly cut through her stomach area on her shirt. Well, guess she’ll need a repair! Anyways, he poked the actual skin with the knife, getting not really a response.
She breathed in and out shallowly, watching the knife slightly move with her. But before she could get too comfortable, he tightened his hold on her neck and cut into her. Not too hard though, but enough too atleast scar.
“Fucking-! Theriean-!” Kai couldn’t even finish her sentences.
He only shushed her by squeezing even tighter. The girl couldn’t even make out what he was carving on her throughout the hot flashes of pain.
He squinted and finally pulled away after a few minutes. Her blood was hot, naturally of course.
He carefully looked at the dagger, covered in the stuff. His eyes flicked back and forth, espically when he loosened the grip on his apprentinces neck and the dagger closer to his mouth.
She bit her lip and looked away slightly, but not enough. She saw him stick the tip of the blade in between his teeth and making a licking sound. A slight hum and slizzing sound echoed around the room now.
After a minute or two, he pulled the blade out of his teeth and flicked his hand, making the blade dissapate. He whipped off his mouth off on his sleeve, staring at her with a open expression.
“There. Now even if you were to die I have a part of you.” He muttered mainly to himself.
His hands undid his collar more and the rest of his shirt. Her face flushed red and while she was looking at his body, she caught a glimpse of her own stomach.
It was littered in small, stinging cuts and deeper ones. This made it look like the main ‘desgin’ was almost stitched on. Speaking of it, there was a large-perfect heart carved into the middle and upper ribcage.
She paled slightly when she saw the amount of blood coming out. It didn’t look like a wound she would die from-still though! Her fingers twitched again.
Now, Theriean’s body was rather sickly, not in a bad way. He was skinny, atleast two ribcage bones visible, but not so weak that you could snap him like a twig. Across his lean, pale skin scars littered it. Her maroon eyes mainly focused on a large scar, going sideways.
It almost looked like someone slashed at him.
“Worrisome, I know. I’m fine though.” He seemed to pick up on their worry as he reassured.
His white hair swayed slightly as he leaned closer and basically hovered straight over her. They were confused before relizing what he was doing, taking off his belt and pants.
The female shrunk back slightly when he merly tossed his belt over his shoulder. His shirt still hung on him, completly open though. He then, somehow cutely stuck his to tongue out of his mouth as he focused on getting his pants off.
He seemed more eager now, they noticed. Not that it wasn’t welcome, it was just strange. He acted like they were the despreate one but did he see himself??
She blinked slowly as he finally got his pants off. It was embrassing to say, but he certianely wasn’t lacking. From what she could see, he had a impressive at least six inches on him and the thing wasn’t skinny either.
Then he got that look, that stupid smug look on his face. His grin was nothing sort of all knowing and also insanely smug.
He lifted his hands so he was now holding onto her hips. They stung uncomfortably from the cuts and she groaned.
“Hey, you want me to make up a safe word?” He questioned.
The younger made a baffled face, shouldn’t he have asked this earlier?! Maybe before he carved a fucking heart and cut her up?!
“Sure..” She sweat-dropped.
The male’s hands seemed to dig into their hips in thought. He looked away, thinking way too hard about this.
“How does Cheer sound?” He came up with one.
The ladder could not give a shit less, they were getting antsy. Just how long was he going to leave them hanging?!
“Fine! Now please-!” They bluntly answered before trying to continue.
The older only snickered slightly and rubbed his one hand up and down on their hip. The blood flow had started again, but it oddly didn’t hurt that bad. Just a dull throbbing sensation to remind them that they were, indeed bleeding.
“Okayyyy..” He lazily drawled out, not even wasting time.
The apprentince’s constant begging seemed to be getting to him. Because as soon as he removed the last layer of cloth, he inserted his dick into her throbbing pussy. She let out a pretty loud moan at this, fingers clawing into her palms.
“Fuck! Ha..wait..wait a second..~..” She tried to gain her breath back, panting.
He allowed this staring at her in intrest. Her core was blazing hot, normal considering her blood type. Everything was hot aganist his freezing skin, but he relized his tempature was probably the same for her.
“Wait? Aren’t you the one who was rushing me a few seconds ago??” He rytheortically asked.
The long haired other clentched her jaw and made a final hissing noise. God, how badly she wanted to wrap her own hands around his throat. She leered at him and his hands around her hips tightened impossibly harder.
“Okay..okay I’m..I’m fine..” She breathed out her consent.
The darker eyed one paused for a few more seconds before moving again. God, she was so greedy. Her core sucked him in with no hesitation. Not to mention, she was a virgin so she was insanely tight.
“Fucking hell..aren’t you lucky that I’m your first?” He hissed when thrusting forward.
She only whimpered when he laughed at her. He was so mean and cruel, of course she already knew that. But she didn’t actually believe he would actually act like this!
She could handle it though, but no way in hell was she going to be defiant. No matter how much her inner thoughts told her too. He could easily put her back in her place.
She moaned and her body, mostly her wrists jolted. He had found a good spot, well all of them were good spots really.
“Ngh!~” She moaned.
Theriean wasn’t nearly as loud as she was. Of course, he had his grunts and winces whem he was greedily sucked in. Speaking of, he almost growled when it hapened again.
“Jesus christ! Stop being so fucking needy.” He venomusly said before leaning over her and kissing her neck again.
She felt his hands also move to roam more around her body. When his hands grazed over her thighs, they tried to clentch shut. He grunted into the kiss and forcefully held them so he had more space.
Kai’s whines and cute moans where shut by him. It was like he chewed up all their words and disrespected them.
A sick cord built up in their stomach, tightening with every thrust. Their fingers that kept twitching dug into their palms, almost drawing blood.
The white-nette male laughed somewhat hoarsely at them. A wide open grin played on his face even though his breath was labored.
“You gonna’ snap or somethin’?~” He mockingly cooed.
She only shut one eye and laborly looked at him. Her own breath was panting and she could barely even actually get out a word without yelping or moaning.
Theriean’s one hand shifted to trace shapes along her neck. It honestly stupid, how she was so dishelved but she still had most of her clothes on. Shouldn’t he be the more dishelved one atleast?!
“Kaiiiii..!~” He called out her name softly, making her blush an insane red and sweat.
She could feel his hand slightly poke and squeeze at her neck. He was messing with her. He knew what he was doing and seting off.
“Stop teasing..” She begged.
The grin on his face only seemed to widen further. His hand that was near her neck gave a soft squeeze and she could feel the cord become impossibly tighter.
“But your just soooo’ cuteee! Your reactions are making me like this.” He defended, basically obessing over her.
The brighter eyed one liked it, she liked being obessed over. Espically when he praised her, at least he wasn’t fully making fun of her. Did she also mention how much hotter her blood seemed??
“Come on, break for me already, darling.” He spoke, something in that tone of his.
She could feel her body seizing up and her throat aswell. Stuff almost like waves came over her, but the cord didn’t snap completly.
“Ha!~ I can’t..I can’t..mhh!~” She struggled to form a sentence.
The man merly moved his one hand to her hair and burried itself in it. Actually rather harshly tugged on it. She almost bit her tongue as her whole body seized up and the cord finally snapped.
“Mgh!~” She whined.
It was like electrical shocks getting sent althroughout her body.
The older of the two stared at them as they finally relaxed after a while. He had stopped moving just to get a better look at them. He then, made them yelp as he roughly grabbed their hair and yanked back.
“I hope you didn’t think we were finished here. Hell no. I am going to break you, Kai.”
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luuxxart · 1 year
To be honest. I have tried to read your AU college but I don't really understand it. And I wanted to know if you could explain it to me please.
Heck yeah I can try! I’m assuming you mean the council because I’ve only done one college shuake pic (but I might do more in the future who knows :3)
Ok so the Student Council AU! It’s built off of my Uncle Adachi AU, which is where Adachi is Akechi’s uncle who adopted him when Akechi’s mother (Adachi’s older sister) died.
In the normal Uncle Adachi AU, Akechi is taken in by Naoto after Adachi is arrested so that Akechi can be trained as the Second Coming of the Prince Detective. Eventually, he falls into the hands of Shido, and Persona 5 continues as usual. (I’m a sucker for trying to keep things as canon as possible haha)
The Student Council AU is the Uncle Adachi AU, except that it takes place in a timeline where Adachi is never arrested. This AU specifically takes place in the Accomplice route from Persona 4 Golden, where the Protagonist burns the evidence that would convict Adachi.
Because Adachi is never arrested, Akechi goes to Yasogami High. He grows up completely different. He’s a lot more self-centered and spoiled. But, due to the trauma with his mom’s death, he still has a strong desire to be liked and to be wanted, and he believes becoming Student Council President will accomplish this.
That’s the simplest way I think I can explain things without going really in-depth on some story elements I haven’t revealed yet! I really hope this helps!! And thank you so much for reading 💕‼️
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chibitantei · 1 year
I don’t feel so good Mr. Adachi let’s talk about Shadow!Tsukasa.
Obligatory disclaimer that this is for the Adachi and Naoto family AU lol
The Shadow has two different appearances and phases, but they do not come directly after the other. I made a post a while back about the first phase, but it didn’t go into much detail, while this one will. Slightly.
The first one is after Naoto enters the TV along with Namatame. In canon, Heaven is formed from both Nanako and Namatame, although it takes more inspiration from the former. A similar concept applies here. The lower half of the dungeon is an abandoned orphanage. Broken windows, parts of the floor have holes, etc. The farther up you go, the stronger the plant overgrowth. Reaching the roof and climbing up the beanstalk or tree, whatever it is, would then take you up to Namatame’s portion of the dungeon.
(I don’t know what his version of Heaven would have looked like, so just use Nanako’s version of Heaven as a placeholder because this isn’t about him.)
Unlike Nanako, Naoto is 13 and knows judo and/or karate, so she easily escapes Namatame’s grasp. Namatame is too fearful to leave the last area, so Naoto runs down the dungeon, hoping that she can find a way out. She makes it down to the last floor (Floor 1) and realizes she doesn’t know what lies beyond this place. While there are strange Shadows, they haven’t attacked her, so Naoto reluctantly decides to stay. She goes back up to the last floor and pins Namatame down. When she does, the IT show up. She also knocks him out then.
She says canon Naoto's “It’s about time you arrived” line and after discussing that they need to drag Namatame to the police station, her Shadow appears.
The Shadow has the appearance of a creepy horror film child, but the notable parts are the tattered, oversized yellow raincoat and a stuffed bunny missing an eye. The tattered appearance represents Naoto’s origins as a ‘throw away kid’ as she was sent to an orphanage after her parents died. I could go on a long essay about this, but I will refrain from doing so.
Naoto’s obnoxious attitude is a mask she wears to hide how she really is beneath the surface, just like canon Adachi. There is a part of her that enjoys being a little shit, in reality, she’s a lot more quiet and introverted than one would expect. If not for Adachi encouraging her to act her age or make friends, she’d stay inside and study, and hide her emotions. Due to the stigma around ‘throw away’ kids and adoption—not the mukoyoshi process— Naoto is insecure about this part of herself. She’s not ashamed of having Adachi being her adoptive father, but often hearing how she’s not his ‘real’ daughter or how it’s weird that she’s adopted makes her sensitive to it. Her obnoxious attitude is a mix of her enjoying herself, to hide insecurity she feels as an adopted child and a way to prevent people from getting too close to her, and this is the part her Shadow mostly talks about. She also talks about how Adachi made her who she is and without him, she’s worthless. Her acting a little like canon Adachi’s goofy facade is a small example of that.
The second phase occurs after Naoto is discharged from the hospital and learns about what happened while she was in the TV world.
Her Shadow appears in Adachi’s dungeon, which is a bar. Adachi’s Shadow takes the appearance of a mafia leader, and since this phase relates directly to him and because Naoto loves her dad so much, her Shadow gets a new appearance to reflect that. She follows the same mafia trend, with a suit and a crooked red tie. The tattered yellow raincoat from the first appearance remains. She also has her little hat this time around.
After the argument and learning that Adachi had gotten into a car crash while trying to chase after Namatame’s delivery truck, Naoto feels incredibly guilty for the events that happened and blames her for everything bad that happened to Adachi during this time. She believes that under a different kid who was more understanding and grateful, Adachi would not have gotten into this accident and he wouldn’t need so many visits to the doctor, etc. Although she knows it’s irrational, she also begins to doubt whether she really is a family with Adachi, because how can she prove it? Is being biologically related the only way to be a ‘real’ family?
This is what her Shadow talks about and naturally, she denies it.
After all of that jazz, Naoto’s Shadow then takes the mafia appearance over the creepy child one.
End Notes
In the thread where the Shadow appears the second time, the IT aren’t present to see Adachi and Naoto’s Shadows do their speeches, they come in after the Shadows have gone berserk. I sincerely doubt this will ever be relevant, but this might be what canonically happens rather than the IT being there to witness very personal family related pain.
The horror child phase acting more childish while the mafia phase acts more calm is like canon Naoto’s Shadow switching from the crybaby to evil persona at the drop of a hat.
Mukoyoshi is adult adoption, specifically when an adult male is adopted into the family. It’s usually seen to continue the family business because only men can lead a business. Women are just cringe. I guess. You can read more about it here.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
why did you give izanami nullity? is that even an actual arcana?
oh shit I never explained this at all here ever have i 🤯
short answer: no it’s not a real tarot, however it's somewhat derivative of The Fool and the reverse of The World (you get where this is going).
long answer sponsored by moel oil gas corp
It was all the way back when I started thinking of this au making it the first few things I ever thought about in the lens of gameplay and lore wise. I figured I’d follow how they implemented Adachi’s SL and mimic that-ish.
In the way that Social Links and Arcana are affected by the Velvet Room’s guest’s perception of their bond, the nature of the relationship itself etc etc. It’s what gives them strength and in P4’s context, helps bancho find the truth.
By definition “nullity” could mean “nothingness” “insignificance” “nonentity” “a thing of no importance or worth” where I just hoped it would be the opposite to “anybody” or “everything”
that being said if this social link was ever implemented into the game players would fucking hate it for how stupid volatile it is <- thought about gameplay
while it’s incredibly easy to garner points since whatever the fuck you say to their face wouldn’t really matter, the schedule is so intertwined with the story itself if you missed the dates to rank up one rank the whole social link would just be gone from your SL menu and it would’ve been like there was never an attendant to begin with
you keep the attendant part time job just . without the attendant. they even stop showing up when it rains they’re just fucking out of there they’re done with you
not only is there a strict schedule but also dumb prerequisites to each rank like initiating Justice or getting Jester to rank 3 not only do you have to worry about the day but if you’ve gotten those ready or not <- dumbass hypothetical game mechanics <- is the one that thought of the game mechanics
BUT if you do it all right and get it to rank 9 you’re technically fine and Yomotsu-Hirasaka becomes Yomotsu-Hirafuckedup and is worse than the Hollow Forest itself gamefaqs worst jrpg dungeon of the decade. If you choose the right dialogue options maybe you’ll a good bad ending where someone theoretically dies but it continues like the game’s True ending or maybe you get Nullity to rank 10 and it becomes the Universe and you get a special key to unlock episode izanami on persona four arena ultimax for free and the whole story completely diverges from there
moving the hypothetical gameplay aside, i make mim go through their own’s fool’s journey if you know a thing or two about the actual tarot. that makes three clowns and a judge at the gas station it’s a circus at that point (gave Namatame Adjustment tarot, Thoth equivalent of Justice)
while i also understand the weight of the World and Universe arcana in the Persona-verse itself i like to mess around and give mim the universe hehe (i am pulled off stage probably) i think it’d be cool to see another fool complete their journey and receive the world
i probably mentioned this 10000 times or never times on this gas station i don’t know but my plans for mim at least is that. well. they’re quite literally nothing
sure they’re a god sure they have a duty they have a face they have a name they have the power to manipulate the manifested world of a collective unconscious—but it’s anyone else’s bond with the attendant, it's the gas station attendant social link. nothing more than a role they play to put their plan into action. like acting as a manager for a bunch of amateur teenage show hosts or puppeteering Teddie’s poor Shadow or governing an entire reality
something meant to be disposable and forgettable—something empty. like a weirdly crocheted pouch you think you wouldn’t use and probably end up unraveling to reuse the yarn but you used it so much, put things in it, decorated it even, that there’s sentimental value to it now and you can just toss it out or unravel it anymore <- has been crocheting
that’s no longer nothingness that’s no longer nullity there’s essence and something and ego that yes maybe this bond will change dramatically from both parties’ view
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