#i havent giffed in so long omg
gifsbyivy · 4 months
❝ — ° park seojoon gif pack !
COMMISSION — in the SOURCE LINK below, you will find #1003 gifs of park seojoon in gyeongseong creature !! he is 35 years old and korean so please cast him as such !! all these gifs were made from scratch by me so please do not repost them in gif hunts or take credit for them. however, you may edit them for personal use. a like or reblog would be much appreciated !!
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ohmnnnezz · 1 year
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i think they kissed too
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jiangwanyin · 2 years
hi :)
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jackkelso · 13 hours
i think i forgor how to make gifs
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dianounais · 1 year
!!!! DUDE you like treasure planet??
Of course I do!!! I grew up on it, watched it so many times I know all the lines <3 it has everything: space, steampunk and pirates, like what else do we need srsly
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jamiekb · 11 months
new update!!!! i’m going insane so here’s my thoughts on it (it’s a long one)
First thoughts on the new update and things that make me go !!!! (hope you’ve already seen it all otherwise this won’t make sense):
the new house when the page is loading!!! so cute!! with the little color paper chains that eddie showed how to make
the cute little gif of House being drawn (ok so that happens when you open it, i just wanted to see if it hada a name)
EYES oh my (edit: so i think it’s my monitor or browser but i’ve always seen the eyes, it’s like theyre just secondary banners, so there’s that)
tiny wally sitting on the banner! and new things to click!
cute bug behind the number of visitors
colorful tic-tac-toe in Wally's rock and also EYE
oh ok so the eyes stay the whole time
little pixel HOUSE so pretty
bug friend in the gallery surprised me
the tulips being drawn (oh so we have to check those, then?)
Eddie Dear i love so much, you look great sweetie
why does is that little square singled out in the long banner of the whats welcome home page?
julie and frank look adorable in pixel art!!!
cricket friend makes a heart with its antenae
ok so now we're missing a whole section of the long banner
oh my god a sticker page !!!
love them all, this is so much work! love all the team that worked so hard on this !!!
ok so maybe its a bit too late for me to be trying to see all the updates because wow those red eyes, oh well too late (are the letters something or just the name of the audios?)
the new banners in the sticker page are all cute, bUT look at Eddie and Frank AHHHHHH!!! mY heart!!!
barnaby sticking out his tongue for the snow!!!
so i got curious about the spider friend at the top, but i wasnt going to click on it because i dont like spiders. And when i do theres a video??? its says answer??? why is there a scroll bar?? (oh my god julies voice is perfect!! and barnaby sounds like a great guy. is it just me or are the pauses kind of long for the type of conversations it is?) (oh wally, what's going on?)
ok finally visiting the neighborhood
you can hear audio of them!!!! and transcripts!
and another video. why the scroll bar? is it my browser? (oh wait was i supposed to remember the numbers and apparently that is the name of the video? is that why they say answer)
eddie my darling!!!! you sound great, like you'd bring dessert if i invited you over for a meal, love you so much (hahahaha the policys) (also who is his voice actor? sounds familiar, maybe)
banner shenanigans happening again
there's so much new content!!!! look at their jokes!!! and the storybook record!! and the interview!!! (and apparently Home uses he for pronoun, noted)(and also 'it', noted again)
ah so that's why they say Frank is autistic, i get it now
ok back to the neighborhood, got distracted with the scripts. is it me or is it different? feels more colorful and with some new details maybe? could just be me (havent seen the original site in a while)
oh my god bug in eddies profile and the skit is about him and Frank, so cute! I understand you Eddie, i too would panic
ok finally got to Wally. so i think the fact that the text is misaligned is on purpose, not sure why though. And we get a new audio!
new image in the so below page. and the record is shaking real bad, not a fan of that (is that house? is it morse code or just creaking? well im sure someone will have the answer to that at some point)
pause to go back and find bug friends where i've already been. So: got Frank being bothered in his garden, audio of wally talking about eyes, sally putting on a play
ok now forth to media
hey the little buddy gives a video where you can see Wally's hands!! and now i get to actually hear the interview (is it just me or does the host sound sleazy?). also we dont get banner shenanigans but the little neighbors are overstepping a bit in one instance
omg the animation cells!!! look at them!!! the style. and i just now got the joke Wally tells in the mistery audios. the acting is so good!! i feel them moving!!
and with the news comes a new buddy, dont really know what Howdy's talking about but i love the rythm.
oohhh they mention the little drawings! and the hint of bugs!! ...and the tiny update about the guestbook, who is talking??? what ringing??
have you seen the telephone box in the merchandise page?!?!?!? they designed a whole package for it!! THW WORK AND LOVE THAT GOES INTO THIS!!! AHAHHHHH!!!
and the illustrations for the Eddie thing are so cute!!! they remind me of blue's clues original style
there's a coloring book!!!! i need that as actual merch someday please
THE EXHIBITION!!!! The phone is there!!! Wally is made out of actual cardboard!! dont see the puppet you could see in the reflections of the records though (new drawing! you can hear heartbeats, maybe they belong to house?)
guestbook time!!! new bug buddy (with my darling eddie going through it) (wonder if there's something in the glitches at the end of the videos)
first time there's a colored background (yellow), interesting choice, and no eyes. (ok only now just listened to the audio from the buddy, so its wally but not his eyes, just him i guess?)
interesting, the image for the section where you actually leave a note is called 'goodbye', not sure it said that before
now on to (dont know how you write that, dont care to look it up) the actual guestbook, and to check out all the little drawings again
ok, one box with weird double text but not too alarming. huh long comments. oh my that was only one page
oh little friend (oh my god, its the conversations from the drawings of the pie charts so cute!!)
on the second page now, so it seems that while wally is the only one that communicates with us, the others may be with him??? he said barnaby told him something (was this already a thing??) and frank also?!?!?!
why do you say Eddie runs too much Wally??
howse. love that
banner shenanigans are back, or maybe its just my browser doing weird things
new friend!! oh and banners are different widths, so there's that. kitty cat is so cute!!! why is tumblr redacted?? :(
huh in this page most drawings dont have a name that is part of the conversations, just numbers and letters.
ok more banner stuff. some drawings have 'names' others dont. sneaky text !!! i dont think thats a rat Wally but A for effort
second to last page. same sneaky text, wonder if it's in the same box even.
so again same sneaky text, but now there's another almost next to it, cant read it though. not a koala Wally but cute drawing. two instances of banners misbehaving. a bunch of drawings dont have names :( (then again there is already so much put into this, why an i complaining? i have no right)
is that a reference to something or am I just tired???
might be missing two bugs??? if that's how that works (found 12)
Final thoughts (yes even more):
THIS IS SUCH A WONDERFUL PROYECT!!! Clown i love you !! and everyone in the team!!! there is so much new content, and you made physical things!!! and there's audios now that really bring evrything to life!!! The banners are so great! All the bugs are so colorful and fun! You rearranged so much! The pixel art is adorable!!! thank you so much for this wonderful experience, will definitely have to go through everything again just to admire it more (and of course check for more hidden little things)
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strangerhands · 7 months
10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags
waaaaaa omg thank you for the tag em 🫶 @runa-falls!! its been 800 years since i got to do a tag game (and make my own post for once..) so thanks! this actually made me happy but also a little "oh shit. people know i exist..?" i also made this post unnecessarily long but its me so whats new
ummm its all. only. oscar. not sorry (a little sorry)
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1. marc spector + steven grant + jake lockley, moon knight-my absolute beloveds. moon knight is so special to me. the boys are so special to me. theres really nowhere near enough i could say here about them but if you get it, you get it. its also what got me into oscar (even though i discovered immediately that he was in annihilation and x-men: apocalypse WHICH I WATCHED YEARS AGO GODDAMMIT)
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2. robbie paulson, law and order: criminal intent-listen. hes my girlfriend. my babygirl. my love. my sweet boy. the one plaguing damn near every Thot. most niche character here. wish he was real. wish there was more content of him out there but good god if fran (@/midgardian-witch, who also made that gif) hasnt been holding it downnnnnnn. bless.
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3. poe dameron, star wars sequel trilogy-beautiful brave sweet husband who would maybe drive me a bit insane irl but in a good way (mostly) i wanna protect him. (also the only star wars films ive seen sorryyyyy sorry. yes it was for him. and adam driver.)
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4. miguel o'hara, spider-man: into the spider-verse + spider-man: across the spider-verse-ohhh you beeg grumpy beautiful man. he would not like me. bite me pls (also still my two favourite movies oat.) craving some milk and cake suddenly... (his hair wings..<3)
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5. cecil dennis, revenge for jolly!-pathetic little dirty alley cat man my beloved. my little princess. also my babygirl girlfriend little guy loser boy. (AND THE CURLSSSSSSS. AND SAD COW EYES.)
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6. nathan bateman, ex machina-asshole who i unfortunately love. we would not get along irl but thats what fics are for!!!! he would make me cry. (but what if i could fix him..) i have a soft spot for him...
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7. llewyn davis, inside llewyn davis-sad beautiful talented man. you can crash at my place any day. i would let him leech off of me idec lemme help you baby. i could show you what love is. (the curls and outfits...... i Crave.)
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8. santiago garcia, triple frontier-woof. this guy. damn. yeah. sorry santi but i wanna bite your knees
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9. blue jones, sucker punch-literally. asshole piece of shit but good god. whore. so slutty and beautiful and PATHETIC. i would let him be mean to me and then cry in private. but also put him in his place. its complicated. (whoever did his eyeliner and club wardrobe in that movie... i owe you my life. thank you. thank you. you deserve everything. thank you.)
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10. mikael boghosian, the promise-oh. sweet beautiful intimate lover man. THAT scene... absolutely killed me. THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MEEEEE. i need him. (i am taking this moment to remind yall of the titty bite. yea. not sorry. youre welcome.)
honestly i couldve put nearly all of oscars characters but alas.
no pressure tags, hope none of you mind! i know this is very sudden and unexpected from me. only tagged some mutuals so its not 10 :p sorryy (sorry if youve been tagged already)
@my-secret-shame @saturn-rings-writes @spacecowboyhotch @villainsoftheweek @f4nrir @kouichijo @mugensword
again, no pressure to do this. hope everyone tagged is doing well! i havent interacted with some of yall in a long time<3
all gif credits go to their respective creators! i have no idea if tumblr automatically shows who made them or not, so sorry if it doesnt.
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jimimn · 1 year
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bibliophiliaxvignette · 7 months
hey love!
just wanted to drop by to say hi because i havent bothered you in soooo long :)
also, i love you so muchh and im so happy when i see anything you reblog because it just kinda gives me weird bursts of hope and happiness i dont know why
like, that water gif post you reblogged? god i had a smile on my face for some reason
(ps ive begun writing you fic 😉 also, i wanted to ask if you wanted snippets and teasers of it once ive finished writing?)
Omg 😭😭😭 I love you too! This made me so happy. I can’t wait to find out who you are!! And read your fic!!! I’m so pumped. I’d love to read some snippets if you’re open to sharing with me!! ❤️❤️❤️
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nflyins · 9 months
sarah (@vertiny) just popping in to say hiii and just sending love your way bc you deserve it !! 🤍🤍🤍 i also just wanted to say as well — was gonna say this much earlier but nerves are a strong fighter lol — that back during the crazy like that era (and now w/ my minchan set) i'd see you rb my stuff and i would see you tag them with a little "name tag" and idk even tho we haven't spoken or anything of the sort, it just really always made me smile and give me a little boost? if that makes any sensefjdjsj 🤕 but anyways enough if me taking up your time, just wanted to give you some love and hope that you've been well !!! mwah 🤍🫂
omg hiii sarah!!! ☺️💓💘💗💖 ahh tysm you're so sweet & i really hope ur having a great day and that you're doing okay!!! i honestly love your content so much and i love that you gif verivery a lot bc theyre my little faves and i dont see much content on the dash but it makes me so happy when i see you made gifs!!! and when you tag me omg im so honoured i wont lie LIKE im so happy that you use my tag pls never stop hfjsjdsk also im sorry we havent talked but you're always welcome in my dms or inbox if u wanna im SO shy but i will always be happy to talk to youuu ah anyway im glad that your little name tag and emoji makes you happy (i admit the tags forgot your emoji so i didnt use it on your latest post but i went back and changed it bc i rmrd you're 🍡 bc that's actually my fav emoji fjsjdjs) ANYWAY im glad it gives you a boost bc you deserve it!!! i used to make gifs a lot and i know hard work goes into it so you deserve to feel good about them!!! tysm for sending this msg im sorry it took so long to respond i literally spent this whole time like ☺️☺️☺️ bc you sent it fjdndjd i will stop talking now but just know i love u okay MWAH MWAH!!!! 💘💖💓
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omg oh you got my first part?? im shocked, never seen it. so its ANOTHER part 2!! what about it? yeye this gif is so perfectly looped TT i hope the kitten is more taken aback by the unknown smell rather than the awful, absolutely terrible pain this ball gives him. but hes so cute TT 'its weird someone else has my name' ekaterina I, ekaterina II and me: *_*, *_*, *_* well.. hm.. sorry for stealing your names babygirls... yk, im proud. like hannah montana is hannah, you should be proud too! omg there IS a cat called PRINCE and you can TALK to him!!!!! omg im crying TT HES SO PRETTY TT omg you can CHALLENGE him TT he may scratch me to death 'shes not a minimum viable product' lol it was the first thing ive seen when i searched for the meaning of mvp. i dont understand your gamer slang >:( ok yes i learnt what mvp really meant but i needed to mention this mvp too. 'i aint ever reading that its too long' LOL i've read 'war and peace' and 'And Quiet Flows the Don' (tha fact they translated it like this... smart but so unfamiliar...) which is probably 3000 of pages in total... and oh.. 'The Master and Margarita' also represents hell in a way and ive read it so.. you cant mock me like this catmom TT im sorry i talk about russian literature so much but i dont really read smth else... well beside the all tumblr shit... 'i hope you only mean in the show' you never know..... 'less anxious about sending asks!!😤' YES GIRL!! i love this mood!! youre gonna do it and do it in the best way bc youre the best!! i believe in you!! no one can stand against your hot person presence!! go and talk to them! 'my body is like is this a threat CLOG THE NOSTRILS' ghdjs its kinda funny how you talk about your body as a castle which was attacked TT its kina true but still hilarious. hope you breath well lol. 'to be fair i have an electric fan open and when its night it gets colder' and i've got an opened window... youre really lucky i cant slap people. how was the movie? and what movie TT 'YOUVE ALWAYS BEEN SWEET IM LUV U SO MUCH' yk what? i take after my catmom. meomeow!! love you too<з SO listen the daemon idea..... 'BUT THIS SCENE WAS SO INTENSE' YES its also so true!! i love how alicent is the loving (lol to aemond) mother and a fair (LOL in her own way) woman, a majestic queen (lol sorry i want to say shes great but...). she said there was not enough information about alicent in the books so they kinda created some of her character and background? i think thats why alicent is so great in hotd. actresses really feel her. and emily!! i was amazed by her acting in the scene where she was like 'supporting' king in his chambers? her voice was really trembling and she looked so lost. wow. omg i havent seen tom and ewan in youtube so i absolutely forgot about them TT rip TT i like tom too. from what ive seen in tumblr and his insta i (as a judgemental person lol) think hes sweet. and im sorry but TT i used to (actually i still do) find it funny how ewan purses his lips TT IDK WHY but it makes me laugh so bad TT he seems quiet to me. 'WHICH WAS SHOCKING' lol hes got a puppy face... no his acting is good but... my judgements... theyre rarely mistaken yk.... you can love emma and can love olivia separately but their duet?? divine! theyre so ?? a match?? i even thought they may be a couple for a moment. so hope you've got a good day! and a good week!! love you! take care<З
ok i gave up on my homework and passed it /alsfhlasfhasf HAHAHAHHA
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i hope i didnt do so badly HAHAHHA
anyway let me start by talking about that movie i had to watch for one of my classes. it was boring but then i made it halfway through the film and i was like wait its not that boring and part of me wanted to watch it but i decided not to continue cos i got all my answers HHAHHAHAHH
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it was this movie, october sky, its about a kid who wants to make rocket ships and its based on a true story so HAHAHAHA i kinda might go back to it but i prolly wont AHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
omg oh you got my first part?? im shocked, never seen it. so its ANOTHER part 2!! what about it?
T_T this was so dry i was like ??? wait did MY reply not send ? HAHHAHH /:
yeye this gif is so perfectly looped TT i hope the kitten is more taken aback by the unknown smell rather than the awful, absolutely terrible pain this ball gives him. but hes so cute TT
HAHHAHAAH its probably more of the contact the kitty had with the ball spring thing thing
'its weird someone else has my name' ekaterina I, ekaterina II and me: *_*, *_*, *_* well.. hm.. sorry for stealing your names babygirls... yk, im proud.
HAHHAHAHAH im more like PLS its YOU who stole MY name even though *I* stole Hannah's name in the bible because she's who i was named after lol HAHAHAHAH
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like hannah montana is hannah, you should be proud too!
i was!!! i was like OMG IM FAMOUS HAHAHHHAHAHAHH i love hannah montana
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i have no idea what his episode it but AWW THATS OS CUTE I LOVE IT WHEN GIRLS GIVE BOYS FLOWERS T_T
omg there IS a cat called PRINCE and you can TALK to him!!!!! omg im crying TT HES SO PRETTY TT omg you can CHALLENGE him TT he may scratch me to death
YES YOU CAN CHALLENGE HIM but its like??? this card game HAHHAHAAH its like a game within the game and the cat is a player in the card game
'shes not a minimum viable product' lol it was the first thing ive seen when i searched for the meaning of mvp. i dont understand your gamer slang >:( ok yes i learnt what mvp really meant but i needed to mention this mvp too.
IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEANT TO CONFUSE YOU mvp isnt gamer slang actually it originated from sports specifically basketball i think and it trickled to mainstream media. MVP means most valuable player! T_T i thought you gathered i meant she was a minimum viable product from what i was telling you. i forgot i even said mvp T_T im so sorry my love
'i aint ever reading that its too long' LOL i've read 'war and peace' and 'And Quiet Flows the Don' (tha fact they translated it like this... smart but so unfamiliar...) which is probably 3000 of pages in total... and oh.. 'The Master and Margarita' also represents hell in a way and ive read it so.. you cant mock me like this catmom TT im sorry i talk about russian literature so much but i dont really read smth else... well beside the all tumblr shit...
its fine you can talk about russian literature all you want! idk i find it scary to read like 'classical' books, especially the ones you learn about in class, cos idk it feels like ???? a chore????? idk idk
'i hope you only mean in the show' you never know.....
'less anxious about sending asks!!😤' YES GIRL!! i love this mood!! youre gonna do it and do it in the best way bc youre the best!! i believe in you!! no one can stand against your hot person presence!! go and talk to them!
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me @ my brain demons
'my body is like is this a threat CLOG THE NOSTRILS' ghdjs its kinda funny how you talk about your body as a castle which was attacked TT its kina true but still hilarious. hope you breath well lol.
'to be fair i have an electric fan open and when its night it gets colder' and i've got an opened window... youre really lucky i cant slap people.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA IM RONNIN 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
how was the movie? and what movie TT
HA i already answered that HAHHAHAHA
'YOUVE ALWAYS BEEN SWEET IM LUV U SO MUCH' yk what? i take after my catmom. meomeow!! love you too<з SO
<3 <3
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listen the daemon idea..... 'BUT THIS SCENE WAS SO INTENSE' YES its also so true!! i love how alicent is the loving (lol to aemond) mother and a fair (LOL in her own way) woman, a majestic queen (lol sorry i want to say shes great but...). she said there was not enough information about alicent in the books so they kinda created some of her character and background? i think thats why alicent is so great in hotd. actresses really feel her.
HAHAHHHAHAH the parts in the parenthesis HAHAHHAAH. also ive seen people say that the show is basically and interpretation of the book because its so... ??? incomplete cos its a bunch of outside accounts ??? so as interesting as that is, imma just enjoy the story as a tv show so yeah AHHAHAAH. alicent crazy (theyre all crazy) but she can choke me
and emily!! i was amazed by her acting in the scene where she was like 'supporting' king in his chambers? her voice was really trembling and she looked so lost. wow.
i felt so bad for young alicent. her dad an ugly rat L. OMG by the way when i say L that means loser AHAHAHAHH and W but i dont think ive used it is winner HAHAAHH T_T stuff i learn from my younger sister HAHHAHAH
omg i havent seen tom and ewan in youtube so i absolutely forgot about them TT rip TT i like tom too. from what ive seen in tumblr and his insta i (as a judgemental person lol) think hes sweet.
and im sorry but TT i used to (actually i still do) find it funny how ewan purses his lips TT IDK WHY but it makes me laugh so bad TT he seems quiet to me.
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and then this tiktok
i bawled laughing when i saw this (though tbh im not sure if this is the original one [i feel like the door was brown in the one i watched and the dude's lips were SUPER curved. that or i have bad memory])
'WHICH WAS SHOCKING' lol hes got a puppy face... no his acting is good but... my judgements... theyre rarely mistaken yk....
you can love emma and can love olivia separately but their duet?? divine! theyre so ?? a match?? i even thought they may be a couple for a moment.
T_T ur so right they compliment each other so well [BREATHES FIRE]
so hope you've got a good day! and a good week!! love you! take care<З
i hope you have a good day too! i have class tomorrow and im going to go to school so i might reply late.
i love you <3 <3 <3 do well <3 <3 im proud of you always
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jungkooksan · 6 years
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Definitely, as I get older and my taste buds change, I want to do different things. I'm not ready for directing yet, you know, maybe when I get my big boy voice; I don't have that yet, but right now definitely producing for sure. -Michael B. Jordan
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taeyongtown · 6 years
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taeyong for nba style korea
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chaekkung · 7 years
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he’s too beautiful (´ ω `♡)
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kazuhas · 4 years
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gowon // loonatv #601
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bleuspirit · 4 years
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⁠— “...I did fall in love with Katara. And I'll probably always love her.” 
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