#i havent forgotten about you guys lol
guroseinsei · 2 months
14 days to aidk 17 days release date yay :D
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thatdeadaquarius · 16 days
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With a puzzled squint, you could see the adeptus was running over what you said in his mind, trying to parse out the meaning. Xiao then threw his head up out of his slight bow, almost glaring at you, “There is no task nor person more important than guarding you, my Lord. I will stand guard, worry not about my state.”
Nodding to you, he abruptly turned on his heel to shift to the side of the entrance to the mansion, his spear tall and ready. You’d have twitched a smile at him if you could, as you're sure he’s gotten a little more comfortable with you than when you first officially met. You’re also sure from meeting Zhongli just once in person that he’d have a small heart attack if he saw some of Xiao’s informal behavior.
But you’re glad he hasn’t, the more relaxed they are, especially considering your form, the better.
You duck inside, though the ceilings are so raised that you don’t have to go that low surprisingly. Huh, it was nice to be anticipated in a building usually sized for human heights. Wow. You’ve really reached the point of casually calling yourself inhuman.
…well, to be real with yourself right now, it might actually help to get more accustomed to that in case you’re never human again.
You also put that possibility back into the vault at the back of your mind.
HEY I live, again,
I had a big life update what with my sib graduating grad school (getting their masters degree) at the same time we both moved like 2 states over from our home state 😅
and unfortunately, i wasnt able to get my monster of a sequel out in time to post it remotely to get it out to you guys while i was afk
(as i havent had wifi/free time consistently in like 2-3 weeks)
which, phew, im finally able to be settled in one place enough to write again, and have enough time in the day to not be dealing wiht my apartment to write ToT
i hope you guys arent too mad at me! (or have forgotten me?? sobs)
i hear Natlan's coming out. 👀
I don't think it'll be out before i post the full (3 chapters total planned) sequel, but just in case, disclaimer-
🪄I am not to be held liable for not writing about Natlan bc it wasnt out yet woooo🪄
anyway, yeah its also taking a bit bc i wanna post the completed thing all in one go, over the course of like 3 days or so, that way u guys can actually look forward to the next little chapter in a reasonable amount of time lmao
well yknow, if anyones still reading this or my blog lol
happy summer you guys! I hope u all are having a good one so far, esp those of you in school, heart going out to yall fr <33
Catch you on the flip side (ao3 side?)✌️
Safe Travels,
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sweetriverdalewater · 8 months
A somewhat meet cute
authors note: first time writing in a while and its def not the best, but i couldnt resist writing about him <3 also havent proof read lol
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You were waiting for you flight to New York from Chicago to visit your friend. Your friend was going to NYU, and it was your first time flying to New York.
You have been getting eye contact with an attractive passenger at your gate. He was really tall, and you liked his appearance. He was wearing dark sweats and a hoody. You have been trying to focus on your book, but you couldn’t focus at all as you felt eyes on you. You have been sitting and debating for the past fifteen minutes if you should talk to him considering the fact that you have smiled to each other multiple times because you keep meeting his eye.
You muster up confidence and slowly walk towards him. His eyes not leaving the screen of his phone. You walk closer to him, feeling eyes on you. you lock eyes with some of his friends.  When he noticed a pair of feet close to him, he looks up meeting your eyes. You melt and see his chocolate brown eyes. “Hi” you blush, “I just, uhm.. I noticed that we are going on the same plane and wanted to say you are really cute. I was wondering if I could buy you a coffee?” you smile nervously. “Hi, nice to meet you” he says smiling, pushing his hand towards you, and you mentally smack yourself on the head. You feel his friends laughing silently. “Hi, I'm y/n” you say as you reach for his handshake. You both shake hands while staring at each other, you hear his friend snicker, “his name is Nico”. He completely forgot to say his name because he was taken back by your sweet smile. “Right, I'm Nico! So, how about that coffee?” he beams. He stands up and you feel him towering your whole body. You smile brightly and walk towards Starbucks. You start talking, and you ask if those guys were his friends and he nodded while apologizing. You buy coffee and slices of lemon loaf cake for him and his friends, a total of 6. The conversation was very smooth, and everyone watching could tell there was an attraction between you. “How old are you?” I blurted out, reaching for the bag of cake slices, he chuckles, “I'm 26, and you?” thank God, you thought to yourself. “I'm 25. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t hitting on a minor. Not that you look like a minor, but I have been hit on by an 18-year-old before.” You blabber. He starts bursting out laughing, he could not believe how cute you were. “What?” you bite your lip nervously. He was stunned by your beauty and how you bit your lip. He could feel something flutter in his stomach, “I-, nothing, it was just very cute” he beams, and you blush. You arrive back to his friends; you tell them to enjoy, and they all look surprised and politely decline. You insisted and they happily started munching on their slices. You told them it was nice meeting them and you start walking back to your seat. “I’ll sit with you” Nico says, “oh, you don’t have to!” he doesn’t listen and follow you while he sits next to you. you spend the next thirty minutes talking and you found yourself enjoying his presence. He felt at peace while talking to you. “Boarding for first class and business class passengers! Boarding for first class and business class passengers.” The speaker distracted us from the conversation. “Nico, that’s us” you hear his friend yell for Nico. He tells you goodbye and hopes to see you again. By the time you were boarding the plane, you had completely forgotten to take his contact info, and mentally write to remember.
You try to scan your boarding card, but an alarm keeps beeping. You embarrassingly walk towards the counter, “ma’am, there has been a change to your ticket.” The staff says, she gives you a new ticket. It says first class, “there has been a mistake, I haven’t paid for a first-class ticket!” you say panicking, thinking you had bought the wrong ticket. She didn’t reply and ushered you to board quickly considering you were the only one there after everyone had boarded. You walk into the plane, and look to find your seat. As you look for you seat number you find Nico waving and smiling to you, you look confused. Your seat was right beside him, “I got upgraded” you say in disbelief. “I know, I upgraded you” he says causally. “You what? I- you-, I- no. what” you confusedly fluster your words. “It’s a little thank you for the coffee and cakes… from us” he beams and points to his friends smiling. You started arguing saying that a coffee was nothing compared to an upgrade. You were silenced by the flight attendant as the flight departed. You somehow managed to buy him a dinner one day when you arrived as a thank you and he couldn’t say no. You slept through most of the time, but kept talking to him when he wasn’t sleeping.
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arthurtaylorlester · 7 months
spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️‍🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
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puhpandas · 5 months
You haven’t forgotten about the awesome flashlight duo have you?
of course not I would never forget about my guys. they're my forevers. I've actually thought about them a lot and I had a Christmas oneshot I was writing that I forgot to finish in time and. still havent finished lol. itll be finished soon!! you dont have to worry about me forgetting flashlight duo lol I'll never forget them. I'll always make stuff for them
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our-reality · 9 months
can we please hear about. the s1 or s2 plot please i love your little guys so much
no ^_^
BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS agh it wouldnt make sense to explain the s2 plot without s1 but s1's plot is . im only proud of it in my head but i guess i can try to explain it LAWL sorry if this makes no sense
so season 1's plot revolves around this prophecy. that the highest gods of the universe (swift and python) will split apart but be rejoined by The Chosen One (its not immediately revealed who this is for Reasons) in order to stop the evil guy (vysel) but in the process the high gods will die and the chosen one will take their place . sounds pretty simple right. uh yeah thats the last time itll be simple
swift and python. really never took the prophecy seriously before their fight. they had long lives ahead of them (or so they thought), and besides thinking about their horrible demise doesnt really . do a whole lot for them. other than make them depressed. but when the split happens (and python leaves swift behind) swift suddenly starts to take the whole thing MUCH more seriously. it doesnt say how long it'll take for the chosen one (that's not what the prophecy calls them but its okay) to bring them together so swift just kinda. holds out hope for a while. but eventually they lose faith and only adhere to the prophecy because it predicts sky's gonna die early. which becomes the only thing they care about.
FAST FORWARD TO THE MODERN DAY python's a human and he's an old man and it ends up in this little town called overgaard and he (literally) runs into these two girls named ruby and java!! and within a second of shaking both of their hands it's like oh. they're The Ones huh. (keep in mind he barely remembers anything about the prophecy so like. yeah sure theres two chosen ones. why not. and it n ruby n java hit it off really well!! (ok more so like ruby and python hit it off java kinda hates him initially LOL) but eventually python knows that like. even though he hates responsibility he should do something about. this. like this is kinda important
now python's been on earth for a while. and they know there's exactly one (1) place here that swift can occasionally be found on. and that place is called purity's garden!! and it just so happens there's a gateway to it in overgaard!!! but uhhh unbeknownst to him two humans unexpectedly FOLLOW him into this place that very few, if any, humans have stepped into for the past couple thousand years. but uhhh swift does end up being there and python basically walks up to her and is like "hey girl so i know we havent talked since i abandoned you without saying goodbye hundreds of years ago but i think i found the two kids from the prophecy ^o^"
now swift has been studying the prophecy for AGES. she KNOWS that there's only one chosen one. and sky also knows that the shitbag who honestly ruined her life just came bsck without any kind of explanation or apology for doing so. AND he's just wholeass lying to them on top of that. so she's not very happy until lo and behold !!!!!!! thw two kids from the prophecy come to intervene!!!!!!! and at first swift is like "python these are just normal humans you fuckinf loser". but python INSISTS tjeyre the chosen ones, swears it on every bone in his body. amd she's like "i'll literally prove it to you ill SHOW you the prophecy" but!! when they get there!!!! the prophecy suddenly says there IS two chosen ones!!!!!!!!!!! and swift is losing it because sky's literally spent every day of python's absense memorizing that shit down to the SPECIFIC INFLECTION OF EACH WORD and somehow she mustve fuckijg forgotten that the prophecy calls for two people. ok. Fine. she can be cool about this . itll be Fuckinf Fine. so she reluctany trains these two alongside python in order to become skilled enough to defeat this evil demon thing that threatens. the fabric of the universe actually.
and BADABING BADABOOM that's most of s1 :-) everythinf just kinda follows that plot. and by that i mean the prophecy keeps fucking changing because it turns out having two people instead of one kinda changed everything WAY more than it fucking should. but its okay.
uhhh other than that the negative spirits take vysel as their pawn on the 200th anniversary of his death amd start rebuilding his prescence in the cutural consciousness only to make him like. the most hateable person ever. because negative actions and emotions make them stronger. and vysel's cool with it because he's a shallow asshole who only wants fame and attention even to the point of sacrificing his identity and personality both to the internet gods and to. the kinda demon things possessing him
although the whole training arc is going on (which does get some episodes dedicated to it tbf) most of the episodes in s1 are actually moreso slice of life stuff. a whole year passes between java and ruby finding out they're "chosen ones" and the end of s1 so they still have a lot of time to like. interact with their families or reconnect with old friends (as two conpletely nonspecific examples) . and about halfway thru the season vysel shows up proper and the story has urgency now yippee!!!!!
anywhoozle like i said in that one post. and i should probably explain how this happens so im gonna do that rq . but basically i've talked about this thing called imprisoned rogues before? they're basically intergalactic super criminals . if you do something that endangers an entire planet or more the gods will come up with some sort of unique enless trap for you to stay in for all eternity. like for example an endless staircase you never stop climbing or your consciousness being transferred into an inanimate object. shit like that. and all these rogues are kept in sectors that only gods can make portals to. but the collection of negative spirits within vysel have become so strong they can collectively create one giant portal to send everyone through. where they would presumably die (except for swift who they're now confident they can kill if she gets singled out ^_^). which is much safer than trying to kill them directly. and of course thats the one day java and c+ actually decided to hang out with each other for the first time in 3 years so uhhhh get fucked jobs georg you and your girlbestie get sent to the hell dimension !!!
and yada yada emotional turmoil happens and they eventually decide that letting java die out there isn't a particularly great idea and they save her but by then the endgame has pretty much started. the other gods finally start to help when they realize that this is actually. yk. a big fucking deal. and the prescence of two people is actually enough to cause the prophecy to change so much that both swift and python get to live in the end WOOOOOO (well. they live in some timelines that is. but dw about tjat its Not important ^_^) vysel dies in the process and everything is hashtag awesome the end . oh my lord that took so long to explain sorry LOL
UHHHHH S2'S PLOT ISNT NEARLY AS COMPLUCATED THANKFULLY. basically another year passes after the end of s1 and everyone's hanging out and being friends and whatever. but even after that time swift couldnt shake the feeling that something was wronf with the prophecy. she figured out it was changing but she couldn't understand why. but it wasn't really worth worrying about because they had to stop vysel. but after all was said and done she decided to visit one specific imprisoned rogue in particular, who sought to gain all the knowledge in the universe. so to punish xem the gods GAVE xem infinite knowledge but also put xem in a pitch black, inescapable room, so no one else can possibly hear xyr knowledge. which was what xe wanted in the first place. how fun ANYWAYS xe's not at all important ^_^ the point is that swift finally caves and asks xem what happened and xe's like oh!! some human kid fucked it up lol :) now can you free me now that i told you that and swift's like . sorry buddy its kinda hard to take back your knowledge now that you have it . but we'll figure out something for you !! (sky never does /J)
ANYWAYS the point of all this that swift figures that the human that altered the prophecy is the REAL chosen one. and even after all this time there's still no one to take the place of swift and python (which. swift being the god of all energy is a major reason why they're so unhappy in the first place. so of course they dont wanna put this burden on ruby or java or python.) but they figure that if this humam is old enough and experienced enough to be able to change the future in such a drastic way, then with some more experience and love for the universe they'd absolutely be able to take up this role. right ?
so they kinda have an issue. cuz swift absolutely Cannot handle being a god anymore . but this kid (named requiem) doesnt wanna do it either. and also said kid is way too powerful to just. stay let loose. so they're like hey man!!!! you can like. change the future and shit isnt that cool. and this kinda freaks requiem out they're like THATS WHAT THE PROPHETIC STRESS DREAMS ARE ABOUT?????? ALSO WHO ARE YOU so automatically they're even worse now
and the main 4 are like. hey. ik we really stressed you out before and were sorry but we can also get you out of here because youre very obviously depressed. and requiem's not great rn but they also Are Depressed and Have No Plans For The Future so they're like. okay. their parents are okay with this btw because theyre. aghh
so basically s2 is about trying to get requiem to appreciate life. because we dont want this child who can change the future to be sad all the time. or angry. or yk. evil. which sounds kinda shallow but they develop into really good friends!!! and they found family each other ....... bless. so they travel the world and see things from so many other perspectives and this is the season where i kinds go creazy with the worldbuilding ....... its for me to have fun . win
and uh . funny story i STILL dont have a proper ending for s2 .......... i have ideas i just need to think of how such a thing would happen. but i will get back to you when i come up with something ! dw
and erm thats kinda it ... there's also a side story with themes and motifs AND two blokes who do fuck all. but i dont talk about that one as much but its okay!!!! i will soon.......... stayyyyyy tuned ^_^
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ferrocyan · 5 months
a meandering talk about tart and "fray"
disclaimer that im talking abt half remembered events and quests bc i havent replayed any of them. were playing fast and loose here lol
because she woke up after the calamity w amnesia tart has an odd sense of what she is and isnt capable of. some things shes totally clueless abt but others she tries and is like oh huh i sort of know how to do this already. like carpentry, and combat
her mental process tends to go "idk if i can do this" (gets into a situation) "OH I TOTALLY CAN LETS GO" (gets overwhelmed) "shit shit shit gotta run". bc her knowledge base is limited and she works mostly off of feelings she gets into bad spots a lot www
so tart is sorta both recklessly brave and a coward. and also a dumbass who thinks if she runs she can probably escape (nope lmao) well it gets her beat up a lot but shes ok w it
tart goes into fighting arr primals w this reckless mindset and so far has been strong enough to come out on top. she wants more so she goes to gridania and hears about a mysterious primal that appears on occasion. goes "awesome gotta kill that guy" and challenges it to a fight
this is odin, and odin is way, way more than she bargained for (ooc: this is an extreme level fight that is labeled as normal, i was clueless and went into this w minimal information and got my ass fucking stomped)
as per habit tart wants to run. except. shes here w a padjal (basically children blessed by the forest elemental spirits) and only a handful of guards. tart is the only one who can fight a primal, everyone else would get corrupted and die. theres no way she can run, and for the first time shes terrified out of her mind
and gets killed by odins final "zantetsuken"
the primal disappears (defeated?) fortunately the padjal is able to beg the elementals to save tart, so shes not dead, just with a deep scar where she was cut from shoulder to chest. but something did get killed there.. her desire to run from danger
it doesnt die instantly either, much like tart herself. it takes until she gets framed for the murder of ul'dahs sultana, and she and the scions of the seventh dawn have to escape arrest. the rest of the scions sacrifice themselves for their leader minfilia and tart to escape. at the last moment minfilia stays behind and urges tart to go ahead, escape to ishgard where she would be safe
for a moment tart feels so relieved and takes the offer. but in safety the realization of what shes done hits like a truck. she vows to never, ever allow herself to run and leave someone else to die again. plant your feet on the ground, keep yourself chained in battle, and you do not die. (this is holmgang, the warrior skill that makes you unable to die for 10 seconds. i changed it to target self instead of chaining an enemy at the beginning of heavensward.. i had wanted to not do it but decided it worked as part of tarts story. incidentally i might have forgotten to use holmgang at all in the odin fight... lol)
so. thats good right! throughout heavensward the primals that the warrior of light has to fight ramp up in power. even her allies start to worry, especially alphinaud, but tart doesnt care. without the fear, primal battles are just fun. she fearlessly takes them on!
this is a great thing, right? its character development. though someone disagrees: tart herself
you cant really kill a desire, can you? you can repress it of course, and its easy to repress a desire when its been cut off from your heart. but its still there: the desire to run. to not be in danger. to be safe and unhurt and alive. it lives on, though separated by odins blade. it does not accept how tart has chosen to throw herself into mortal peril over and over. for what? for the ishgard that never accepted her? for the eorzea that took her heroism when its good for them and then threw her out like yesterdays garbage? why be a hero when it either gets you killed or taken advantage of? it was better before the calamity, when her parents were there and they still called the vigil home. if only we could repel those damned ishgardians and take back the vigil... if only theres a way to stop tart from her foolish heroism...
and so we arrive to fray. fray myste was a dark knight, someone working in the shadows of ishgardian society to protect the weak. it led him to be accused of heresy by the church and put into a trial by combat, the (unfair) result of which was his death. frays body was left to rot along the walls of the slums. ...and that is where the repressed desire of tarts heart finds itself a convenient vessel, becoming "fray"
frays dark knight crystal gives "fray" the ability to use dark magic, which they use to entice tart to interact w them. fray will teach her how to be a dark knight. tart agrees, and in learning the dark arts its not just tart who becomes more powerful, but fray too. bc tart has stopped just repressing fray outright and denying them completely, it gives fray the power to grow beyond what it is
at first fray hopes that tart would listen and stop this "heroism" madness. but the events of heavensward leaves tart w a certainty: she cant call coerthas home. shes a different person from who she was before losing her memories. now she is the warrior of light. thats all she can be. fray rejects this and attempts a hostile takeover of a fort in coerthas--since the vigils are gone, home is in ruins, then whitebrim front is the closest thing and fray will take it
they fail. defeated by tart. fray laments their fate but goes willingly back into her heart. only wanting to be heard as the feelings of love that they are
and so ends the tale of fray for now. i say that because. uhh. tart never does listen and only gets worse in the next expansions. heroism will only consume her further ...sorry fray.... u_u
then there is myste. or is there myste? myste is an orphan boy with a strange ability: he can manifest memories into almost-real people. he powers this ability with tarts dark knight crystal, by accident, and so shes roped into helping him out (with our other dark knight friends sid and rielle. theyre great, i just dont have anything to say abt them really)
similar to fray, myste is a manifestation of the warrior of lights broken heart.. this time their guilt and regrets. theyve saved the world and many people in it, but along the way theyve killed others and failed to save even more. thats why hes shaped like both haurchefant and ysayle.. friends who saved us for the price of their own lives. myste wants everyone to have another chance to live. he wants the dead to pass on peacefully, and the living to be unburdened by grief. myste wants to be forgiven for what hes done
now uh. i unfortunately have to tell you that tart has none of that shit. the vigils, dawn and dusk especially, were the first line of defense in ishgards war against dragons. tart was raised surrounded by death. its just a part of life, dying and killing. were all beasts getting slaughtered in the end. no need to feel guilty over upholding your survival above everyone else
its not impossible that tarts guilty conscience would break off and manifest as a boy, like fray, but the thing is the self-love and self-preservation that fray represents was a part of tart as a character, part of how i played her back in the beginning of the game. while guilt and regrets... not really. tart is stupid and easygoing but more importantly shes callous when it comes to "doing the right thing". anythings justifiable if its for the right thing. conscience isnt something she denies she just doesnt have one. lol
also the cardinal virtues former warriors of light of the first work way better for her to explore regrets and living at the cost of other peoples lives
ok whew that is all thanks for reading my ted talk on. literally what is this even about. i just like talking abt tarts "fray" and where it came from lmao alright im done
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creepycatboyz · 1 year
i got 2 for u bestie. 🐥💝
so many people want to eat my art HELP-
I am really down to talk but I am EXTREMELY awkward LOL (ALSO I havent forgotten about your ask to draw your boys in your au!!!!! it will come eventually >:))) )
you guys are also free to eat my art... I hope it tastes good <3
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castielsparkle · 1 year
62, 80, & 98 for the ask meme
hii thank u sm!!!
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh great heavens. okay. i need to post my kinlist but perhaps posting this instead will be like microdosing on that. LMFAO
castiel spn
twilight sparkle mlp
dexter morgan dexter (<- NUANCE i swear to christ im normal about that)
the mangle fnaf
will byers stranger things
jesse pinkman breaking bad
jane villanueva jane the virgin
you may ask. what the fuck do these characters have in common. well. thats. yeah
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
OUGHHH god this was so hard...... jewel tones for me personally however on other people i tend to be more drawn to earth tones!! (my gf is an earth tones guy for example!)
98. favorite historical era?
oh good heavens im gonna explode. ok. SO. man. man. man. theres so many im probably forgetting because i am very autistic about a lot of historical eras. however. wait i need to mention. i took art history classes however sadly due to the time in my life i took them at i do not remember jack shit</3 and also i was super autistic about history as a kid but ive forgotten most of that as well. the things i remember clearest however are:
italian high renaissance (who else is a davinci girl bc I AM!!!)
pleistocene epoch (aka: the ice age) SHOUTOUT TO THE SMILODON!!! i love you more than anything american scimitar cat<3 american scimitar cat smilodon is my best fucking friend now and forever. FUN FACT. i was so autistic about this when i was like 6 or 7. that when assigned a school project to get a cardboard box and turn it into an animal and then put facts about the animal on the box. i turned mine into a scimitar. wait i havent elaborated. those are a relative of the sabre-toothed tiger. Anyways. my box animal was a scimitar. i was later informed i was the only child in the history of that project in that class to have done a presentation on an extinct animal. i felt So Special and happy. :)!!
honorable mention: baroque period went off the shits as well. AND YOU KNOW WHAT. SHOUT OUT TO SPECIFICALLY THE 1880S. THATS WHEN THE LAST TARPAN (widely considered ancestor of majority of modern horses) AND THE LAST QUAGGA (subspecies of plains zebra) PERISHED. YOU WILL FOREVER BE FAMOUS. speaking of the 80s. big huge fan of the (19)70s for architecture and musical purposes. and also i just miss the 2000s every day. lol<3 oh god wait i cant post this without saying shoutout to the thylacine i saw one at a dc museum unexpectedly and legit almost started crying. wait. i think i have a photo of me with it. hang on. ( i visited the museum for my birthday<33) ok i found the photo and im gonna preface this with: this area of the museum was Empty and in a corner i was wearing my mask the rest of the trip. wanted to clarify that its important to me. anyways. when the fucking autism hits:
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it was the one behind the curtain btw. thank you so so fucking much for these questions btw so so fun to answer they hit Niches in my Autism brain.<3333
hii feel free to ask more here anyone whos interested!!!
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gingerlee-holds · 1 year
yeah im not doing great rn, and i could really use some positivity
if you want, dm me some things you'd wanna do with me if we knew each other irl, but you dont have to do that if you dont want to /gen
more sad stuff down there
also im sorry for being sorta inactive- idk whats wrong with me but i havent been able to interact with you guys- ive gone back to lurking and liking posts without reblogging *gasp* cardinal sin i know
to make it up to you guys, if anyone wants me to reblog something, no questions asked, send me a link to the post and i will
im beginning to realize that its very very easy to be forgotten by folks
idk im not thinking of anyone in particular /gen but man it really feels like when i stop posting, people stop caring about me lol
for the first time ever,,, ive had to delete old dms of people i havent spoken to in months and that really hurt
anyways if youre gonna dm me, dont mention this lil part under the 'keep reading', this is just so i can get my feelings out and sort through my thoughts
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cainightfics · 2 years
what countries have you visited? which countries would you like to visit and why?
thanks for the ask! this is an interesting question lol
so basically ive been poor pretty much my whole life, and ive only ever been able to travel when part of it was funded by an outside source. so far, ive been to america, mexico, and a few different countries in europe. ill give you a #hashtag storytime about the europe trip tho.
ok so. in 2017 i was sent by my school district, along with a couple of other kids (i was in highschool at the time) to attend the 100 year anniversary of the battle of vimy ridge in france. if you don't know your WW1 history, basically this battle was a massive fight between the canadian army and the german army over this big hill in france called vimy ridge, which the german army had captured. the battle is considered a big deal in WW1 military history because the canadian army did some crazy tactical stuff to beat the germans and return the area to the french. this is what the ridge looks like (this isnt important lol its just for context):
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anyways. so out of like thousands of applicants, me and a couple of other kids were selected to represent canada at this big 100 year memorial ceremony. flights, hotels, food stipend all paid for. i got picked because my french was pretty good (we're required to do 10 years of french class in canadian public school), and because i also knew some german.
so we get to france and go to the ceremony. it was a pretty big deal, i shook hands with prime minister trudeau, met prince harry, etc. i don't really care about any of that and if you ask me the royal family should be abolished and/or guillotined but whatever. in fact i did not care about literally any of this because when i signed up to go in the first place, i had any one goal in mind: to go to as many european countries as i could using the travel stipend the government gave me.
the ceremony ends and most of the schools im with are planning on heading back to canada the next morning. NOT ME LOL. i was a teenager with a passport and i had big plans. i had 500 euros, a eurail pass, and a dream.
over the next week or so, i (and two other people with me who i didnt really know) basically rode the trains/busses around central europe. we went to the netherlands, all around france, denmark, and germany. i stayed up for 72 hours straight at one point because i was so determined to experience as much as possible. this answer is already getting super long so ill just tell you some highlights of this trip:
at a burger king in munich i got scammed by a guy named salvatore who pretended to be a security guard and demanded a 2 euro "tip" for opening the door. salvatore if youre out there i havent forgotten and you WILL be dealt with if i ever see you again
i milked a cow at a dairy farm outside brussels. in exchange, the farm owners gave me a huge block of cheese. on the flight back to canada, i was told my cheese would be confiscated at the airport, because it wasnt in a checked bag. but i was like "well wtf im not just throwing out this wheel of cheese" so i ate the WHOLE THING in the last hour of the flight. it was at least three pounds of aged cheddar. id never felt so sick before
i had the best ramen of my life in an alleyway in paris. i have no idea if this was even a legit restaurant (it was literally just an alleyway and some guy cooking on a bunch of hotplates) but for some reason i ate there anyway. idk if i was tripping from lack of sleep at this point or what but the taste was literally heavenly
i managed to get into a techno club in frankfurt and then also talked my way into hanging out in the DJ booth for a good part of the night. heres a pic (i blocked out ppls faces for privacy, im the short dark haired one on the left):
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anyways, that was teenage me's trip to europe. i had 500 euros to get me through a week and somehow managed to only spend 150 because i slept on the train, showered at public pools and rec centres, and ate nothing besides coffee and street food.
the last trip i went on was to las vegas in 2019, where i ended up joining this half naked furry stripper (?) in his street routine. we did some sort of dom/sub situation where i pretended to throw him around, choke him out, laugh at him while he pole danced, and force him to be my human chair. i made $50 in 2 minutes in tips from the crowd doing this btw and i was wearing like a hoodie and jeans just walking back to my hotel from dinner lmfao. idek i always just end up getting into these fucking random situations whenever i go anywhere lmfao 🤣🤣 i have whatever the opposite of social anxiety is
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ANYWAYS enough of my stories.... as for where i would LIKE to travel?? hmm... probably asia? id like to see the chinese countryside, singapore, japan, korea, vietnam, thailand, etc. i do face this sort of ethical dilemma tho where a lot of travel that westerners do seems very exploitative and sort of like neo-imperialism, you know? plus with covid and climate change idk how i feel about international flights at the moment. but in an ideal world, id definitely like to check out asia
thanks again for the ask!
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ghoulsgraveyard · 19 days
Did you ever write part 3 to ‘wear it’? Not sure if it’s me not able to find it or whether you never got round to it. Either way it’s a great fic!!
hi anon!
i have a start to part three, and it'll either be super long or i would have to split the series in four parts. I've been super busy at college, and this is the first time in like two years ive had excessive time to myself to be able to actually write.
honestly i havent finished it because i figured so many people had moved on and didnt care anymore, which i dont mind, but its been so long that the people who wanted to be tagged have probably forgotten about it by now.
if there's interest in me finishing the fic i totally will! but i think in the future i need to stick to writing one shots lol.
which reminds me: if you guys want me to write more stuff, send me requests!
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darkravenstag · 1 month
tagged by @figsandphiltatos :)
shuffle your on repeat playlist (on spotify) and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people
First Time by Hozier -- Been listening to this one (and the album in its entirety) since last October and like much of Hozier, it spoke to me! I think my favorite part is about the flowers,,,, mothers gifting life to you again, how a plant lives mostly underground in the roots, deadened to light and sound but reaching for the light anyway, even when it's doomed to be cut back for its beauty?? how the plant knows it's dying but puts forth its every effort to make flowers anyway?? "fighting off like all creation the absence of itself, anyway" ANYWAY????? and the end hurts a special kinda bad ough! ough!
Sjamboksa by Gang of Youths -- god knows I love these boys, but this one is an unsung gem from their earlier albums. "In the thick of my heart, by the skin of my teeth, until I'm forgotten, and covered in weeds, and my withering soul is in the sea, i will hold on to you, hold on to me." It has a warm, heartful sound that gets me emotional
Keep Me In the Open by Gang of Youths -- not your typical love song. It's about a relationship in the end stages of failing. It's always been a heartbreaker, and I appreciate it filling an uncommon niche. "When did everything get this weird? how the fuck did it start? did you ever believe in me? was it always so hard?"
Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face -- I've loved this one since like 2018? or 2017? It's an EXCELLENT "thinking about your OCs" song with excellent vibes. Generally this band is good for this purpose, recommend their other stuff since I think this is their only big song. I enjoy Small Hands iirc. They have very visual lyrics that I can smell yk? "Sheets are swaying from an old clothes line, like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass, was never much but we made the most"
Wildflower and Barley (Feat. Allison Russell) by Hozier -- This makes me think of Seurri and Erastos' year together in their mutual downtime, enjoying the glade together and Philander learning to be comfort in a gentle, quiet love. the fuck . the vibes are... like, jazzy and folksy. "springtime from my window, another month has not much longer now, the sun hesitates more on each evening's darkening, would all things god allows, remain above ground? like grief and sweet memory, wildflower and barley"
I Don't Know You by Mannequin Pussy -- Excellent intro to their show in Atl. Started us off easy for sure lol. It's soft, it's about regret, it's about knowing your regret and still being unable or unwilling to act on it i think. plus longing
Little Dark Age by MGMT -- I don't remember listening to this a ton recently but in general? yes. I'm claiming this one back from the fashy teens who wanna use it in ww2 edits, this song slaps severely and the dark and mysterious vibes speak to me. good for OC imagining lol "The humor's not the same, coming from denial" IDK if this song has a coherent meaning (ik MGMT can be cryptic) but I havent interpreted it and I like it that way frankly
Too Sweet by Hozier -- Who could have predicted! OHhh! who knew! This song is for Solomon and Solomon only idc idc idc idc "But you worry some I know, but who wants to live forever babe" like yess mercenary queen work i need you to concern your elf nobility non-wifey wifey endlessly
We Don't Believe What's on TV by Twenty One Pilots -- Middle school makes a bold return! I stopped listening to these guys before 2016 I think, but I got a hankering for this particular song because I'm so unsure of what I want to be or do, or if I can even be or do that. I want to be unafraid of the future with somebody and I don't think I could relate to this song in middle school but I get it now! Also I refuse to factor religion into my interpretation of top or I'll stop enjoying it again shh
Archie, Marry Me by Flyte -- This song is one I'd occasionally play on loop late at night, the echoing choir and soft, what, organ? in the background? If I had a wedding this would probably be in it. It's so warm and personal, but I love the original by i think Alvvays! This cover I just think I love more.
I don't think I have any steady mutuals who haven't already been tagged in figs' post so... like or rb this or otherwise let me know if you'd like to be tagged in anything in the future :)
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briellemeow88 · 1 year
This is only a preview of whats to come, and sites will keep popping up with ALL YOUR PICS, INFO, AND PITIFUL TALES OF WOE cuz you are small minded enough to stay in Misery. What a wasted life. Youve never seen the world like i have, jealous? Youve never had sex with celebs like i have, jealous? Youve never partied with the real hippies in 808 before, no, cuz youre rubes. A rube is all youll ever be. But me, i have stories to tell... youll see it when the time is right. This is all for Cheryl Gendreau from Portland Oregon who set all the wheels in motion. She was right, it is easy to mock you losers. Pics of my new 808 house will in the book. What you saw before was only a satire to see how much it could stab you. THIS BOOK is gonna just kill you. Boy do you have surprises coming to you. And Kaylan Ballard from Kansas City Missouri, dont worry i havent forgotten about you. After all, you cut off a guys finger. Amber Heard much? Well, at least youre not exactly a low self esteem pushover like Shelli, youre a gold digger like Amber Heard. But a bad one. You pick trailer trash like its gold. Lol. I got something special for you.
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tianhai03 · 3 years
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my semester break is starting tomorrow but i dont have anything new to post at the moment so. here have something i drew for one of my school assignmnets about a week ago
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do not repost my art at all please ~~~ and now for something completely unexpected!!! i wanted to share these bc i recently came across a fanfiction of homeraised from 2020 that i had never seen, and i was so flattered by that, and touched that someone wrote that- enough that i decided to share some doodles from a while ago of HR related stuff- yes, yes i have gotten so rusty at drawing su but i try to do it every now and then just so that when i finally fully get back into it, i havent TOTALLY lost the ability to draw it LOL the top one is an au of an au that i made just for fun, it's a darker version of homeraised where pink (who is called Red, here) is way scarier and worse- his mom was too, haha the second one is doodles of homeraised pearl, and pink's pearl, piper! i also. wanted to share these bc i wanted to let ya'll know, HR is ofc not happening rn, but it's... not forgotten, i need to find the time and motivation to do it, but i really want to say it's not gone, and that all of you who are still here, supporting me, mean everything and more to me, and i hope that when HR finally arrives, you guys will enjoy what you see <3 until then, my inbox and messenger are always open to questions about it or questions/dms of any other kind, i promise I don't bite!!! :D
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