#i have to find the quote from the masters of the air book but at the very end rosie says the war wasn't over for him until he'd helped
rosiesriiveters · 27 days
Keep thinking of Rosie allowing everyone else to experience the trauma of war around him in any way they need to. Whether it be after listening to his crew member choke through the Munster story, reaching a hand out to comfort him, making sure the replacements are all settled and feel comfortable with him - establishing that he's someone who can be trusted with any issues - and listening to Crosby tell him he's scared he's becoming a monster and reassuring him, and yet refuses to give himself the same grace.
Thinking about how he doesn't tell Crosby about what he saw after he was shot down, what he witnessed in that camp. He's never really the one telling any stories in the series. He listens and watches, lets others say whatever they need to, all the while keeping his cards close to his chest.
Thinking about Rosie smiling while watching his crew and the other airmen enjoying themselves at the flak house, and yet not allowing himself the same enjoyment. Thinking about how the doctor at the flak house got Rosie to look after himself only when he framed it that looking after himself is looking after his crew.
Thinking about Rosie re-upping, choking slightly on his words as he explains he can't bare the thought of sending some rookie in his place to only get himself and his crew killed.
He won't give himself the grace or patience he deserves, but by god he'll take care of everyone around him.
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cryptidghostgirl · 2 months
Humanity’s Most Favored Fantasy (Alastor x Reader)
Paring: Alastor x Reader
Description: It wasn't love. Alastor didn't feel love, not anymore. He'd lost that part of himself the day he died so it couldn't be love, could it?
Warnings: Look, I'm writing and it's not for a request. Angst. It's always angst. I just love Alastor's inhumanity, what can I say? This bitch is in denial. Also, bodies, blood, death, no gore but like, eh. Also Adam is in this one and he's his own warning. Loose Mistki quoting at one part. Also a loose Sappho quote “pale as grass” and self harm.
Word Count: 2,420
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A/N My classics major side came out a little bit in this one lol. Also I have a big classics major side fic in the wings so if you guys like this, just wait. Also Sir Pentious is from the 1800s so he for sure had a classical education. Also the title came from an article I was reading about the history of witchcraft for one of my classes.
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The most complex and yet the most simple of the human emotions. Feared by some, wielded by others, out of reach for many, perennial for more still, and taken as easily as a breath of air by a solemn few. What a strange thing, love.
It was this last category that bewitched Alastor. Even when he had been alive, he had never understood the people like that, the ones who took heartbreak in stride, the ones who shared any love they had the minute they felt it with everyone and everything. The ones who weren't paralyzed by potential loss or violent embarrassment.
The people who feared love made sense. It had a vast capacity for harm, it was able to destroy without a second thought. Even when it was good, love could be devastating. Those who wielded it as their weapon of choice nearly fell into a subcategory of this group. They used other people's fear of the matter against them or they lured people in to get what they wanted and threw them to the curb without a second glance.
Everyone on earth, living or dead, had felt at least once that love was out of their reach, Alastor reasoned. Hopelessness is one of the most vital parts of the human condition, after all.
Perennial was the category in which most people fell. Love came and went. It lived and died, but always returned like the plants he had named this grouping for.
Then there were people like Y/n. Not a day went by where she wasn't explaining how much she adored something random or telling people she loved them, throwing the word around as if it had no weight, as if it was the easiest thing in the world to love, to share love. When Angel had made some snide remark about everything being her alleged 'favorite thing,' Y/n had quickly replied, saying:
"Aren't I lucky for that? Isn't that just wonderful?"
Alastor couldn't tell in which category he fell or what his opinion was about that answer of hers. One thing he did know was that Y/n was to be avoided at all costs.
She was the typical sinner. Never too bad of a person when alive, but never too good either. She wore her hedonism like a badge of honor, living her afterlife in much the same way Alastor assumed she had lived her living life: in a constant state of indulgence.
It wasn't the typical form of being that takes a person's mind when they think of the word. No, Y/n didn't indulge in a reckless, Dionysian way. Instead, she devoured everything. Books, good food, music, friends, you name it. Y/n had a million stories about each and a million examples of the best they all had to offer on hand. She relished in all that every word had to offer.
Alastor had overheard her talking to Charlie one night about that. He hadn't meant to, he had just been wandering the hotel, unable to sleep and in need of some air, when he'd heard a slight commotion in the lobby. Hidden by his shadows, he had entered the familiar space to find an exhausted Charlie standing tensely before a bulletin board.
"God is in the details." Y/n was saying as she adjusted the plans pinned on the structure so they were easier to read, more cohesive, "Anything can be a work of art, don't forget that. It's what makes everything so undeniably worth it."
She was so utterly out of his reach. Not that Alastor wanted Y/n in his reach, no. How ridiculous would that be: the Radio Demon, the most feared overlord in all of Hell, getting butterflies because he heard a girl tell someone else she loved them and imagined it was him. No, that would be utterly foolish which was why it wasn't the case, couldn't be the case. He must be getting sick, that was why his stomach had felt weird.
"What are you reading?" he heard Sir Pentious ask as the snake demon took a seat on the couch beside Y/n.
Alastor was at the bar, sharing a drink with Husk. His ear twitched in their direction.
"It's a book discussing the changes in interpretations of Sappho's poetry over time." Y/n replied, her tone soft and even.
It felt like a salve against Alastor's ears. Husk raised an eyebrow towards his master but made no remark.
"Really? I didn't know you were interested in that sort of thing."
"I was actually a professor in the human world... living world? Whatever. I didn't work on Sappho, I worked on ancient medicine, but I always found her intriguing and lovely. I mean, phainetai moi is creating a diagnosed love, using all the language of medicine. How could it not capture my attention?"
"You know, if you look at Homer, the same language Sappho uses is also used to describe love. She is actually working off a preexisting cannon of love as something painful and destroying."
"Yes, and curse tablets tend to draw off medical writings quite a bit as well, especially those involved in love magic."
"Huh, that’s a neat little intersection I have yet to explore: medicine, magic, and love. I never knew you knew so much about this. You died in the 1890s, right?"
"Sometime around then."
"I should have guessed then, my mistake. Tell me, what was it like growing up with all this wonder at your finger tips? It was hard for me to even find a university with a classics department, let alone a good one. You’re lucky to have had it all right there."
Now that was an interesting idea to Alastor. A diagnosable love, a painful and deadly thing. Love as a curse, love as being shot through by an enemy spear, love as a god. It made more sense to him than anything else about the matter had. Unavoidable, not something self imposed. A cursed love, a medical love, something that controlled a person rather than vice versa.
He lay awake at night, unable to speak, pale as grass, thinking unwillingly of the way her lips curved to form words, of the way one could see the gears of her mind turning behind her eyes. He lay awake, unable to do anything else. He stared at the ceiling.
"Ah! Angel! Thank you!" Y/n exclaimed as he handed her the sweater he'd spotted her eyeing a few days before when they'd been for a walk around town, "This was so kind of you!"
Alastor watched as Y/n pulled the lanky demon into a hug which he reluctantly returned, looking down at her with a platonic version of the sort of fondness that was so forbidden to him.
"Great work Angel!" Charlie clapped excitedly, "That's a step in the right direction."
No, it wasn't love. Alastor Hartifelt didn't love, he had lost that ability the day he had died and he'd barely had it before that. It didn't matter that his heart skipped a beat, there was no truth to his upset stomach when he had to speak to her except something bad he must have eaten. The sleeplessness wasn't new, sleep had never been his friend so to speak, the two had never really gotten along. The reason it got so stuck in his head, the way she threw her affection around, was the carelessness of it all, the foolishness. Only, what he had overheard her saying to Charlie that night, that anything can be a work of art, were the words of someone who acted purely on intention, who did nothing without considered thought.
Y/n couldn't be a wielder of love. Alastor never once saw her manipulate someone or even really ask anyone for anything at all. There was no way she was scared and the way she freely gave took her out of the other two categories as well. It didn't make sense. The intention, the earnestness, the true meaning behind her actions and words that always seemed to shine through no matter what she did, was what had him stuck. She barley even fit into her own category because of it. Most people that threw love around the way she did had the words and actions lose their meaning over time but, somehow, that seemed never to be the case for her.
He pictured a life on earth. He pictured walking with her beneath the stars, the way the light of the moon would play gently across her skin. He pictured her in the recording studio, the one he'd worked at while alive, waiting by the door for him to finish his work and taking him by the hand, dragging him off into the unknown. He pictured waking up beside her in the morning, all messy hair and smiles. He pictured, he dreamed, he dissolved. The doctors diagnosed him and he went to see other people because he didn't like the answer they gave him.
Y/n pulled Vaggie from her seat at the bar, spinning the demon into an ungraceful waltz to the music Alastor was playing on the piano for the group. He nearly fumbled, nearly missed a note. She missed so many steps and it didn't matter because she was laughing, and so was Vaggie. She didn't have to be perfect, but he did.
They each smiled ear to ear while Charlie clapped along to the beat. He imagined himself in Vaggie's place, he could practically feel his hands on the gentle curve of her hips. The world was half real.
It wasn't love because he didn't know her, he never spoke to her. It wasn't love because that was impossible, he couldn't love. It wasn't love because that was an ability he'd left in the world of the living. It wasn't love because she was too kind, too good, and he was nothing if not brutal and bloodstained to his core. It wasn't love because it couldn't be. It wasn't love because if it was...
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
He repeated the mantra to himself. Alone walking the halls, in meetings with the other overlords, making tea in the kitchen. He whispered the words to himself like a prayer.
It's not love. It's not love. It's not love.
Y/n was out of reach, untouchable, destined to join the ranks of Heaven while he remained rotting in Hell. It couldn't be anything else, no other future was possible which was why it wasn't love. She was made of all the things a human is and he was made of those a monster is. She was bright, she shined, and Alastor fed off the light of others, burning it out into darkness. He refused to do such a thing to her, he couldn't. Not when she was practically the sun. Not when he wasn't even a star but the black hole of the earth revolving around her.
He saw her holding Husk's hands over the bar top as he told her something, a look of deep concern etched into her features. He watched her pick Nifty up by the waist so the little demon could dust the tops of the bookshelves. He watched her, he waited, he would always be waiting because nothing could ever happen. Nothing would ever happen, he wouldn't allow it and goddamnit it wasn’t love.
It was also impossible, Alastor reminded himself. He had left that part of himself when he had died, it hadn't made the journey with him. The most favored fantasy of his own humanity, or what was left of it. The little spark of the person he had been that glowed softly from the center of his chest. Alastor had tried to douse it, tried to kill it, tried to rip it from himself but all he'd ever ended up with was bloody hands and torn flesh and the light pulsed on in its eternal hunger, its eternal hope, its eternal harm.
And then it was too late. Then, she really was gone, double dead or however anyone wanted to call it. Adam dropped her lifeless corpse to the ground and Alastor's world crashed in around him because no matter how many times he had said it wasn't, no matter how he had avoided her, no matter what he had done it had been love, or the beginnings of it at least. The closest thing to it he'd ever really felt. His hand tightened around the staff of his microphone. Alastor bared his teeth, he saw red.
"What have you done?"
Adam turned to him, grinning. Y/n deserved a viking funeral, to be surrounded by flowers and sent off in a burning boat. She deserved a Greek burial, reduced to ashes and buried with all the proper rites that made sure she would make it to the afterlife. She deserved, she was owed, he was angry.
"What." Adam laughed, "Was she your little bitch?"
Alastor didn't think he had any room left inside him for the fury, but found his rage redoubled at Adam's words.
"What did you just call her?"
"Your little bitch." Adam smirked, "She was a cute one, shame you all are gonna have to burn. Woulda kept her for myself."
Adam looked down, nudging Y/n's lifeless corpse with the toe of his shoe. Alastor attacked. There was no thought, no order, no grace, there was only the anger. Only now that it was too late, was he at last able to let loose, be less than perfect, exist in an unintentional manner. Or was it that this was the true meaning of intention -- reckless abandon? Y/n probably would have thought that. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what she would have thought, what any of them did think. It was too late. There was no more time and Alastor had come to terms with his own frailty a second past the buzzer. He would never forgive himself.
"You will pay for what you have done. You will die for what you have done."
Because it had been love, all along and Alastor, who had thought himself above it all, had been in that first group. He had been scared, not of what love could do but of what Y/n would, of what she had already done to him. Now it was too late and he would never get another chance.
"You will fucking die!"
Part Two --> → Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy pt. 2
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mastersoftheair · 2 months
So just to clear the air (and I guess my massive confusion) Harry never slept with Sandra, correct? I gotta say I need to read his memoir at this point as he is so intriguing to me, as well as masters of the air book, but like you said it’s a “blink and miss it” thing. I didn’t interpret it as anything more than having a few friendly conversations. It was more about emotional infidelity to me than physical, but given the circumstances and that exact heartbreaking point in time for Harry I can’t find it in me to blame either of them.
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for me, ig i'm coming at my position from a place of bias. i'd read crosby's "a wing and a prayer" sometime in either 2021 or 2022 (those years blend together tbh), so i've had a lot of time to think about those 2 and their relationship and i lean towards "yeah, it likely happened" (this is a long response btw bc i'm quoting from the memoir):
crosby introduces his new friend, alexandra "landra" wingate (aka sandra westgate), in the chapter "learning about americans from the british" (this chapter was basically what we see in episode 6). moving on from this tho–
in the chapter "with landra in london", he expands on their growing relationship and the reader learns more about landra (she is genuinely Such an interesting person, and probably a spy). crosby writes about her with such admiration, regularly bringing up how smart she is. also, she's a captain!
this chapter's pretty important in how i formed my opinion on the matter. i understand the argument that the closeness of their relationship was intentionally left vague, but this chapter reads in a way that makes it feel Heavily implied despite not saying a lot (especially alongside crosby's emphasis on his wife jean being "four thousand miles away", as well as his own loneliness and despair wrt to all the missing and dead). there are some standout lines here:
-"I had Jean at home and Landra in England." (not a red flag, but it's a flag) -"I started seeing Landra every time I could." (cool) -"All I knew was that [Landra] was making my life much more endurable." (also cool) -"I did not tell Jean about Landra." (the last sentence of the chapter. it gave me pause and almost instantly reshaped the way i viewed that whole chapter)
the next chapter, "r&r with jean", crosby recalls how much the war took a toll on both him and his relationships. for a time, jean wrote more letters to croby than the other way around ("I began to skip writing to her."). i assume crosby must've been radiating Exceptionally negative energy bc he gets told this: "Croz, we can't stand to have you around. We want you back, but we want you to go home for a while." (i found the phrasing here really funny tbh. your vibes Suck! just Get Out of here!!)
so, crosby contemplates seeing jean again, wondering how both of them may have changed. he also brings up landra, for Some Reason: "What would I think of her? Protected in the States as she was, how would she compare to Landra? Now that I had grown so much, had such experiences, how would Jean and I fit together?"
the rest of the chapter Is about meeting and catching up with jean, however, and you can tell that he loves her a Ton. it's very sweetly written (he also basically ends the chapter saying "btw, we conceived our first child ;) ")
the final chapter about landra is "london junket" which begins with "When I returned from the United States and my idyll with Jean, I knew I had to do something about Landra." i think that sentence alone is pretty damning. if landra was just a friend, why would you be anxious about calling a friendship off? is it a guilt thing?
the context here is that crosby feels Far less lonely and depressed. he's met up with jean, life in london is finally "a delight". i found that important bc it gives me the impression that crosby desperately wanted companionship (possibly of two kinds), and he found that in landra– a friend and a maybe a [REDACTED]. now that he's having a great time with his friends in the 100th And he's met up with his wife, that itch's been scratched (that's just my opinion tho). bc of that, he decides to say goodbye to landra. they have this exchange:
"When a month passed after you were to return, and you did not phone me," she said, "I suspected that it was over. You found things good with Jean?" I told her about R&R in the U.S. I told her more about Jean. I told her about Stephen Patrick, Jeffrey Allen, or Evalyn. "When I realized you were gone," she said, "I no longer said no to a nice American at my office. I have been with him several times. I like him." (interesting) "I’m glad." (also interesting) "He is not married, He is not so dashing as you, but we have good times together." Me "dashing"? That was not my self-image. So much for Landra."
all put together (and with over 2 years to think about it), i Really kinda saw That Scene coming. but, like i said, i had that bias. and since i'd had a good amount of time to think about them, i came out the other end still excited to see them on screen. i found (and still find) landra a fascinating woman who must've had an exciting life (crosby's okay too ig lol). i also see them as a couple of imperfect, even selfish, 20somethings (speaking as an imperfect and selfish 20something). not to be corny, but "it takes 2 to tango". landra is Very intelligent, and crosby recounts how that aspect of hers left him in awe. she'd've 100% known the guy was married. and if signs point to her having had sex with the man, then she either made peace with it or simply didn't care (a lot of women are like that). plus, they're real people and real people contain multitudes idk. maybe some wife somewhere across the atlantic is hard to care about if you've never met her and never will. maybe it's hard to consider your wife's feelings in the midst of your own misery. a female character doesn't have to be wholesome and pure to be considered well-written. that certainly doesn't apply to most male characters. like you said, no one is perfect!
maybe, crosby left it vague out of respect to his wife. maybe it's vague bc nothing happened anyway (funny way to write it tho). maybe the wingate family wanted to avoid association with MotA bc it Literally didn't happen. or maybe they know it happened, but want to keep her name clean out of respect (who wants one brief relationship that happened 80 yrs ago to define you/your loved one decades later? that's 100% understandable). whichever the case, even crosby's kids are in a 50/50 split. i still lean towards "it happened", but it doesn't make me dislike either of them. they're flawed and i can respect that more than the show portraying either as picture perfect.
NONE of this is to say that i'm cool with cheating (or giving a "world war cheating pass", so to speak). while i find it realistic, it still wouldn't have been fair to jean, whether she knew about it or not (being a woman in the 1940s wasn't easy by any stretch). this Also isn't to dismiss anyone else's opinion on the matter, bc cheating on your partner is still a shitty thing to do. this whole spiel of mine is bc i like to share my opinions and i'm allergic to being concise. i write like i talk and on all levels except physical, anon, i'm giving you a long-winded rant over coffee and croissants lol
thanks for the ask!
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all54321 · 5 months
Secret Life Session 8 Task List
<Previous Session] [Master List] [Next Session>
Each task is directly quoted from the book.
With most of the server red and that number increasing, this will take longer to update, since I’ll have to watch a lot of videos to get all the tasks. If I miss a red task please tell me.
I am now separating each person with tildes because with reds getting multiple tasks it’ll be easier to see what tasks someone has.
Bdubs Red Task 1: Kill a green name with a trap of any kind.
Etho: You are the silent server hero. You must protect other yellow players from traps and damage. - You succeed if you are able to save a player from significant damage (more than 2 hearts) at least 3 times.
Etho Red Task 1: Get another player to look at an enderman.
Etho Red Task 2: Create a damaging trap in someone’s base. You succeed when it’s unintentionally triggered. If it’s discovered, you must make a new one. You can make multiple until one is triggered successfully.
Etho Red Task 3: Do any amount of damage with a dripstone (Must be placed)
Gem Red Task 1: Eliminate at least 3 non-red horses or all of a player’s wolves.
Gem Red Task 2: Mine a big hole underground then spleef a player into taking damage into it.
Gem Red Task 3: Add berry bushes anywhere and everywhere. Cause someone to get pricked by one. You can punch people into the bushes if you need to.
Gem Red Task 4: Cause a Player to take fall damage of over 1 heart.
Scar: You must sabotage at least 3 red player’s bases without being seen. You can hide their stuff, destroy farms or burn things. If you are caught, you fail.
Scar Red Task 1: Dig mant 1x1 holes at least 15 blocks deep in high traffic areas until someone falls in one. Hide them with tall grass.
Grian: A fallen player is your ghostly angel, they will secretly guide you through this episode, you must do what they say. You fail if anyone asks if you are talking to someone else. They will contact you using ethereal means to set up a means of conversation.
Martyn Red Task 1: Find a red name with at least 20 hearts. Take approximately 10 of them in any way you see fit. If there are none, damage any player for at least 5 hearts.
Martyn Red Task 2: Go invisible and punch a green life off a cliff. They must take at least 3 hearts of damage.
Pearl: During this session, you must leave conversations in a creative way. You pass when you have successfully left 8 conversations or encounters in a different manner. You can leave conversations as normal, but it will not count towards your al goal.
Skizz Red Task 1: Kill a green name by any means. They can fight back once you have initiated combat.
Scott: You are a bad spy. You must listen in on red players’ plans, but convey bad intel to your fellow yellow players. You must give at least 3 significant false intel such as incorrect targets or intentions. At least one of the bad intel must be acted upon by another player.
Joel Red Task 1: Fire arrows from an unenchanted bow continuously at GoodTimeWithScar until they deflect with a shield. If they die you also succeed.
Joel Red Task 2: Build an explosive under a high traffic area. Detonate it from afar when a conversation is happening. If you deal any damage, you succeed.
Joel Red Task 3: Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks.
Joel Red Task 4: You must damage a yellow or green player by firing a bow straight up into the air. The angle can not be below roughly 70 degrees.
Joel Red Task 5: Tame at least 5 wolves and use them to deal damage to a non red.
Joel Red Task 6: Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You can not hit the, with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind.
Tango Red Task 1: Enderpearl into a conversation, deal as much as you can to as many players, if you are hit or they all run away, enderpearl away.
Cleo: From supergratmonkey: You are a secret Santa. You have to randomize who is naughty and nice on the server. You must give a gift to all nice players and pull a trick, damage or steal from naughty players. You can not do the same gift/trick twice in the session.
BigB Red Task 1: Summon a mob using an egg to deal any damage to any green
BigB Red Task 2: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage.
BigB Red Task 3: Go invisible and hit at least 5 different people with a sword within 1 minute without being hit back.
BigB Red Task 4: Cause a player to take suffocation damage of any kind.
Impulse: During this session, you must enter conversations in a creative way. You pass when you have successfully entered 8 different conversations or encounters in a different manner. You can enter conversations as normal, but it will not count towards your final goal.
Note: In tasks specifying a green life, it now applies to a yellow life.
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d7kyoshi · 11 months
I was seeking anything fanfiction related to Kyoshi and Rangi. I found your writing on Archive of Our Own so I had to come find your on Tumblr.
Please keep writing... Seriously. I am struggling with how much there isn't enough of Rangi and the only canon source material are the two Kyoshi books. While they are amazing and beautifully written, considering your fanfiction is from Rangi's POV (best idea ever for fans like me), you most also feel like there just isn't enough of the two of them. If you're F.C. Yee in disguise, because I think your writing is comparable, please keep doing what you are doing.
Side note: I have a Masters in English so if you ever need any editing help, I am happy to oblige.
Thank you so much, seriously. Though I may go in and out of writing, it is something that I will never stop. And for someone to say that my writing is comparable to F.C. Yee is such an honor and very encouraging.
When I originally decided to turn the first long fic into a rewrite of the book, I felt that there was a lot left out due to the strict POV. There were details and pieces of Rangi and Kyoshi as individuals and as a pairing that could have been expanded on. Final editing obviously played a part in keeping material limited, but that is where I get to have the most fun as a fanfic writer and bring additional scenes to life to round out the story and their relationship.
There will never be enough source material and there will always be a marginal fear of the official source material becoming watered-down in representation. Their story will continue in my eyes and while nothing I write will never be formerly considered canon, I will continue to do everything in my best abilities to bring canon-like material to the readers.
To quote one of my favorite authors:
“If possible, I would like my readers to savor that same emotion when they read my books. I want to open a window in their souls and let the fresh air in. This is what I think of, and hope for, as I write—purely and simply.” - Haruki Murakami
Again, thank you thank you thank you! I hope that you continue to enjoy my fics down the road.
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lorddarkkitty · 5 days
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Leaving off from volume 2 the girls are at the top of the river after saving someone and these knights come and apprehends them. Saying that one of them for formed very dangerous magic that change the landscape. And about to erase their memory.
So Richeh flys into this knights arm and Tetia destroys the thing that keeping Agott and Coco tied up.
Tetia express that it isn’t right for them to not listen to what Coco and Agott have to say and Richeh express she hates adults that treat children like things instead of humans. And I’m absolutely living for it cause she is so right. They are human and should be treated as such. Quifrey also shows up behind the knight who name is Easthies and I hate him. Cause he comes off, how do I say super strict? but that doesn’t fit. But he was gonna act first ask questions later type. Like he talks about justice but was about to erase the mind of two INNOCENT GIRLS. And he insults master Quifrey. Any way the other adult that was with Quifrey (I might have to make a list of their names for reference cause I can’t remember atm lol) so the other dude like “uhh hey are y’all gonna stand around and argue or are y’all gonna help cause that’s the whole point of being a witch is to bring blessings to ppl without magic” basically that’s not a quote of what he actually said. So after the ppl been tended to Easthies questions Coco. Using ink and draws the sigil she used to turn the stone to sand. Basic. So Easthies examines Coco’s hands cause the “brimmed caps” would put sigil on their bodies for power ups. WHY WOULD COCO DO THIS IDK. I doubt she even knew you could put sigils on the body. But he finds nothing but an apprentice learning how to draw spells. And they leave. Good get gone Easthies you asshat of a witch. I don’t like him.
After that Quifrey tells the girls that they shouldn’t have used magic so dangerously close to non witches cause it could expose them and then they would have to erase peoples mind which is very delicate so they don’t want to do that. But also expressed that Agott should take the second test. He a good teacher … still have my suspicions tho lol.
It changed to Easthies and the knights flying through the air showing the destruction Coco spell has done and expressing that there will be a proper investigation cause he doesn’t trust that Coco didn’t do it even tho she 10 and just learning and that her spell shouldn’t be that strong. So some confusion there lol.
Then it goes back to Quifrey and the apprentices along with the other dude I don’t know his name, Oleruggio is it lol. They make a brigade of sand but before they leave Quifrey picks up Cocos hat and her ink bottle falls out. So he giving her a light scolding cause non witches can’t see that. And Coco expresses that she been using it but it still has fall as ever and Quifrey seems to figure out why Coco spell was so strong. We find out that t that the brimmed cap that gave coco the spell book, switched out her ink with blood. Which is gross and unsanitary and that’s how you get hepatitis C. I really want to know their plans for Coco cause what are u up to???
Anyway Qifrey has to take Coco back to Kalhn "b/c he forgot to buy cod a wand" when really he going to talk to nolnoa about the ink. Tartah brings Coco to this room filled with different powders all in a specific order (Cause we learn he has something called Silverfish Syndrome) Coco was getting excited about everything but then a big flash of light happens and lots of the shelves and jars get knocked down and over. the labels fell off so his grandfather is going to have to fix it. Sucks that this isn't a way to help ppl with this type of color blind condition. Qifrey also did something that he even says it shouldn't be done but erasing someone's mind. shame! shame! He looking for something idk what his goals are but that one eye hat witch find out and kinda takes back the ink.
Gonna fast-forward cause they learning and stuff at some point Coco gets a fever and collapses and needed to head to the hospital where Tartah happened to run into them. he had to return there cause he forgot his hat so he couldn't get on a boat to get home. a fire broke out somewhere and of course Qifrey and others witches help out. Tartah hat was in the room Coco's in. He tried finding someone to help but couldn't find anyone and he wants to help coco but there aren't any labels cause he knows what he can give her. as he goes to give her water he gets a jimmy neutron brain blast with the water holder? thingy?. he separates solids and liquids and is looking for the one the turns into a powder and he got down to three. and he starts to get upset and about to give up. My favorite part is that Coco tells him that That is what magic is for. "To turns things you can't do into things you can do!" Coco tries to draw a spell to help him but she obviously sick and gets embarrassed. However, the spell is good just needs some fine tuning basically. which Tartah suggests putting some symbols in certain places and he draw the sigil allowing him to see the original form of the powders helping him identify the herb he needed. only for a nurse to come see what he was doing in the room filled with medicines wondering why he was there. but that tranquileaf I think it was called was correct. I loved that Coco did her sickly best to help Tartah. Cause really what's the point if you can't make someone's life easy.
Also we see another character be introduced that is an embodiment of forbidden magic ....and it cause a cap and a hat ...with not visible person there..A GHOST LOL
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Zuko finally finds happiness, he is finally with Katara it only took 2 books to take her away from Aang, her cheating husband.
*Warning this is a dark fic, a really possessive Zuko
@zutaramonth day 31 “New era”
Katara is extremely tired, she is wishing her fears are not real, Aang is not cheating no matter how much they are fighting over his heritage, his endless request for her to bear an airbender, each time she got pregnant is the same question “is my child going to be an airbender” two times the answer was, NO. What hurt her the most is after learning the child is not going to be an airbender Aang ran away, he does that every time when a problem is serious.
The blow of a horn alert her of the first stage of her plan, if she is right and Aang is cheating on her she will find out, the downside of all this mess is, if she is going to dump the avatar katara  will become world's pariah, people will hate her for “her actions against the avatar” but she still have friends , powerful friends willing to protect her from the consequences, willing to do everything for her.
he was the first to offer safe haven, he was the first to offer aid and now he is helping her in her goal of finding if her husband is cheating,  katara´s guardian angel is Zuko.
Two small air balloons land on a garden in the southern air temple, one of them with nurses and maids ready to take care of Bumi and Kya. Bumi is just 2 years old and little Kya is just 1. Katara will never regret having children, she regrets the 4 years of her life wasted trying to find love for Aang. with tears in her eyes katara says goodbye to her little children they are ready to embark to the fire nation. She knows Zuko will take care of them, for the moment Katara has to focus on her plan, she needs all her strength to face what is about to come.
her first destination, republic city and the island nearby, Aang´s little paradise, an airbending paradise with annoying acolytes from all over the world, several of them women, young women.
  “Master katara ” says the fire nation soldier in the second air balloon, similar to the one zuko used during his escape from caldera, “are you ready my lady?”.
I am ready, I am ready to face the music”.
  “As you wish master katara” 
“If I may say a few consoling words to you lady katara, lord zuko is eager to meet you after this whole problem is over, in my lord words, the avatar is not a suitable husband for you”.
  The war balloon rises up to the sky, fast and steady heading north, not even storms dare to challenge their journey, after a few days they finally reaches the island where the avatar built his second home, lucky for katara Aang doesn't notice the airballon, katara now has the element of surprise.
Katara tries to pretend she is in shock, like it is a surprise but deep down she knows this was long coming, too many red flags starting with those damn books the avatar made her read.
  -”the meaning of love for an airbender”: love is an extension of freedom, an airbender is like a bird it doesn’t matter how many trees he decides to “rest” at the end of the day a bird only has one nest to come back to.
A stupid analogy of guys fucking girls around but that is okay because they will always come back to “their main girl”
Another even more moronic book Aang made her read.
-”the wind carrying fertile seeds across the land”: a graphic description for, is okay to have multiple children with multiple women if they are willing with an interesting restriction, according to old tradition an airbender can only have one family 
The whole book is about women getting pregnant and the father leaving behind the kids because the girls are okay with it. the most poetic quote katara remembers from the book is “free from the shackles of the father” 
  Aang was so excited when those books arrived, this “new information and traditions” he didn't know about airbenders, katara quickly reminded him those are 500 years old books, out of practice traditions nobody followed and those “traditions” will not be part of their children education so he better hide them somewhere else because as soon she see them again she will burn them
now katara understands why her husband made her read those books he was trying to implant those ideas, making them look okay but why, the answer is evident and right in front her eyes three visible pregnant women are dancing around their dear avatar, in his mind this is a solution for the air nation population problem
  “So my dear husband are you enjoying your little breeding machines”
“is this the reason why you are not with me 15 days per month,? were you making sure all your ladies are pregnant?”
“how disgusting and shameful, I am still your wife whatever you like it or not”
  Aang cannot believe his eyes, what is katara doing here?! this was not supposed to happen, his plan was explaining her these things after some airbenders were born, telling katara these girls are okay with raising them without him with the condition he must spends a couple of weeks each month with them.  
  “You know…. Aang I don’t care”
“I think I never truly love you, maybe the reason why I stayed with you for so long is the same reason why I helped you many years ago”
“I freed you from the iceberg, I saved your life, I was your waterbending master, the natural next thing to do for you was helping you with your new air nation”
“this was never love, this was just a responsibility”
“We are over avatar Aang, may your little girls find happiness with a man that can't commit”
“A man always on the run, running from his responsibilities, running after we lost ba sin se, running when nobody shared your pacifist way to defeat Ozai ”
“now running away from me because it is taking us some time to have an airbender kid”
“Instead of talking, you just ran away and do this…. a filthy harem using as justification an outdated tradition from a 500 years old books””
  “Goodbye avatar aang”, says katara trying to hold her tears not because she is sad but because of all the time she lost, 3 years of her life wasted when love is somewhere else, of course Aang tries to stop her now they are both running over the ocean away from the island but katara is way faster, her water bending is better than the avatar´s but her former husband is relentless, even with 3 girls impregnated Aang still wants katara as his main girl, katara is not going to tolerate that.
  “I once freed you from the iceberg, maybe it is time to put you in a new one” with a strength only Katara can master, she succeeds in binding Aang into an iceberg, at least for a while but long enough for her to escape and leave republic city undercover.
from the port katara looks to the horizon where maybe her true love is, finally, free from the avatar, Katara embarks in an old merchant ship and sail towards the fire nation where Zuko is enthusiastically waiting for her, after what it seems endless days, she is finally there, in Zuko's room inside his palace. 
“So, my guess was right, Aang was cheating on you."  says Zuko almost happy with the news.
"What a shame…. well, it works for  me.”
  “What do you mean zuko”
“What I mean is this” zuko kiss her passionately with all the passion he has for his dear katara, the true love of his life.
  “We can't zuko, you are married, I am married.” 
  “well, Aang cheated on you I see no problem with you doing the same.”
  “Come on Zuko being serious, we are both honorable people.”
  “Katara, you are a waterbender, you once told me water adapts but it appears you forgot it.”
“my dear love, let's do our best with the little we have, please be my concubine” 
  “Zuko I am not going to be anyone whore” Katara says it so coldly she can freeze the ocean with her words.
  “You misunderstood me my dear, not only my concubine, my prime concubine, a position so prestigious only below the fire lady title.”
“When the fire lady is absent it is up to you to coordinate every aspect in the palace, all daily work. I plan to send away the fire lady, in practice is you who are going to have all the power”
  Katara pause, thinking what Zuko said because this is bizarre, sending the fire lady away is not something trivial she did something, something really bad. 
“What did happen Zuko?” Katara asks worried. 
  “My wife cheated on me since day one”
“imagine how I felt when I knew she was taking herbs to avoid being impregnated because of her many lovers”
“she had so many, it was a daily thing for her but taking contraceptive medicine that often was not safe for her, she is now barren, unable to provide me with an heir”
“I am sure she is absent because she is faking a pregnancy, for almost 8 month I haven’t seen her she is claiming she needs space, but I bet at the ninth month she will be back carrying a baby in her arms but not from her.”
  “That is disgusting zuko, what are you going to do”
“Be an easy my dear princess, the legitimacy of that baby is out of question after my court learn about this, sadly I can't divorce her, but I can send her far away after I publicly shame her for trying to place another man's child as heir of the fire nation throne, she will never be here with us.”
  “But I will never be your lady Zuko” says Katara now crying, why is the world so unfair with them.
  “Is the best we can do for now, but if we are lucky Aang will stay with one of his little playmates for a month and according to his “tradition” that is a de facto divorce because husband and wife do no longer share “a nest''.
“My situation is a little different. I can't divorce her unless the fire lady stops being a fire nation citizen, the good thing is I never update the law. let me quote it for you my love”.
“”A fire nation citizen can´t renounce their citizenship in favor of neither water, earth or air nation” but now there is a fifth nation, we just have to wait until she finds the loophole, trust me she will run away and she will find a new life in republic city”  
  “Do you think we will be that lucky” katara says this time with hope in her voice, she needs this hope she wants this future.
  “My wife is barren, all my heirs will come from you, your unfaithful husband betrayed you and his actions brings you to my arms, to me.”
“It sounds unorthodox, a weird situation we are both in…. but you are here now, in my arms that makes me the luckiest man alive.”
“Maybe is not the future we Imagined when we were kids, but this our present now and I know our future will be better, soon all your problems will go away.”
“For now, be my concubine, my only lover. My dear Katara trust my words you will be my fire lady.” 
  Katara jumps into the arms of her now fire lord, in his arms, in his embrace, in his bed she knows she will forget every painful memory, he is her new future.
After a passionate session of love, hard and raw Zuko touches Katara´s lower belly almost sure she will get pregnant, his victory was not easy to achieve, it was a wild shot, but he was able to fulfill an old promise he made to himself in that cave in ba sin se.
he will make katara his, no matter what, for her love he will burn the world if necessary
  Zuko´s body is still hot from the passionate sex, he needs some fresh air the moment he opens the windows, zuko see the moon, he knows the moon is angry at him
“At the end fire always wins” says to the moon but he doesn't end there, Zuko wants to make the moon angrier
“Yue, are you going to tell my love what I did? Are you going to tell her my secrets?”
“how it was I who secretly sent those ancient books to Aang, slowly pushing this idea without me actually saying anything”
“Are you going to tell Katara about the new air nation Aang wants to build, about the pregnant girls my dear Katara saw, how those girls are actually whores I personally hired and sent, I sent them to lure the avatar to show katara Aang is a disgrace, an unsuitable husband.”
“They were so eager, so ready to open her legs, I sent the worst whores I could find, people with weak bloodlines making sure those new future airbenders are weak, making this new air nation weak.”
“Are you going to tell my Katara, I've married the sluttiest fire woman in the realm perfectly knowing she will cheat but also knowing she will seek help and avoid pregnancy at all costs.”
“Are you going to tell her how I ordered my medics to give her the strongest contraceptive, herbs so strong if she used them in a row, for a couple of weeks she will get barren, unable to conceive.”
“You can't blame me for what I did after all she did it to herself, nobody force her to cheat on me and seek that kind of herbs.” 
“Are you going to tell Katara about Bumi and Kya?”
  Zuko closes his eyes, enjoying the sweet memories of that beautiful wedding night, Katara and Aang's wedding.
“I knew she love me as much I love her, I convinced her in order to move on is the best if we have one night together, that night I took her virginity not Aang, he just got sloppy  second”
“Are you going to tell her what happened during that diplomatic mission where she got drunk, she was the one who open her legs for me.”
“I could have stopped her, I was not drunk but I didn't….. she felt so bad to the point she punished herself, she never drank again but can you truly blame her? I am her true love it is inevitable for us to love each other”
  Zuko chuckles, he is proud of his achievements. the fire lord continues taunting the moon, the supposed guardian of the water tribe.
“What I didn't expect was that my seed took root in katara´s womb so quickly. Bumi looks like a chubby Lu Ten  and my uncle knows it but he keep quiet”
“kya, her face is almost a replica of my sister, my mother sees it too” 
“What other proof do you need to make you understand katara belongs to me, her body lust my seed, how happy she was when she was carrying my children inside her.”
“I hate you Yue, I blame you, because none of my children are fire benders, if bumi or kya were firebender there won't be any room for doubts and Aang had just accepted the reality, the reality that Katara is mine.”
“But the protector of the water tribes failed, my Katara is here now where Agni  rules “
“She is no longer cursed by your protection, she will carry my heirs, my future firebender children”
“she doesn't need your protection, Katara only needs  mine”
  Zuko with a smile similar his father once wore, he makes his final statement to the moon.
“The rest of the world will see what Zuko the fire lord is capable of”
“My father failed to win the war, failed to control the world but I have a better plan. The fire nation will be under my rule a superpower with the biggest economy this world has ever seen.”
“I will build military bases all over the world and with Katara on my side that reality is ensure, my princess will grant me the resources of the south pole and in return I will grant her people prosperity.”
  “So, tell me precious moon, are you going to tell my next fire lady what I did?”
“Yue Hear my words and send this message to any water spirit out there, nobody will take my Katara away from me.”
Closing the windows, the fire lord, Katara's possessive dragon, her dear Zuko looks his Katara with lust and love. Zuko is eager for round two, one round of sex is not enough, the jealous possessive dragon needs more and pleasing his Katara is one of his favorite things to do.
Zuko’s plan is not over, he has to deal with some old enemies. People who dared to hurt his katara, the enemies she made; the nobility in the north shaming her abilities, the surviving freedom fighters, everyone who made her cry, Zuko will burn them all because his Katara deserves the best.
  “Fire always win.”
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cupids-chronicles · 7 months
Hades X Persephone Saga: A Game of retribution #3
Author: Scarlett St. Clair
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Mythology
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐/5.
Spice: 🌶🌶🌶
Goodreads rating: 4/5
Pages: ‎‎‎468 
Published: 31 May 2022
A Game of retribution Review
Note: This book is intended for mature audiences over the age of 18 due to explicit content (steamy chapters).
Well, dear readers, hold on to your mythical chariots because we've been taken on yet another whirlwind ride with the gods of Olympus and the Underworld in "A Game of Retribution". Our old pals Hades and Persephone have returned, along with an entourage of divine drama that could only be rivaled by a soap opera airing directly from Mount Olympus.
Remember that old chestnut of a quote, “Knowledge changes perception”? This statement encapsulates the essence of this third installment perfectly. Hades, our underworld anti-hero, who once saw no issues letting souls meander off into the afterlife, is found in the midst of many a mortal miscommunication. Bless him, he did try to respect Persephone's time with her friend, Lexa, but as they say, the road to the Underworld is paved with good intentions. You'd think after centuries of existence, the dude would’ve mastered the art of timing and empathy.
On a side note, why was Persephone so desperate to keep Lexa alive? If I were to see my friend for eternity in a place like the Underworld (which, let's be honest, is essentially an eternal spa retreat for souls), would I really be so worried about a premature send-off? No, but maybe that's just me.
Meanwhile, Hades is found juggling a narrative equivalent of chasing his own tail. Every time he tries to investigate, interrogate, or perhaps indulge in a much-deserved nap, our dear Persephone, with her seemingly never-ending escapades, interrupts him. And poor Hades is dragged from one scenario to the next, like a divine yo-yo. At times, you almost wish for the guy to just hit the 'mute' button on his celestial phone.
We also delve deeper into Zofie's past. Remember Zofie? Persephone's bodyguard who packs more mystery than Pandora's box? Our glimpse into her history and Hades' hand in her life added depth to an already intricate tapestry of storylines. It’s akin to finding out that your mysterious friend who always wears sunglasses was actually a spy… and also once played in a rock band.
However, let’s address the papyrus in the room: the formatting and editing. Was there a minor deity in charge of this? Maybe the god of typos? The occasional errors, though not tragic, did sometimes feel like Hermes had misdelivered a sentence or two. And as for the formatting - the margins! It felt like reading a scroll that Zeus might have accidentally sat on. Perhaps it's a design choice meant to symbolize the vast emptiness of the void? If that's the case, kudos for thematic consistency. If not, let's hope the next edition will be more space-efficient.
In conclusion, A Game of Retribution scores a celestial 3 out of 5 stars from this humble mortal. For all its highs and lows, it's a must-read for fans of the series. And I, for one, am eagerly donning my toga in anticipation of the upcoming books announced by Scarlett St. Clair on her divinely curated Instagram. Bring on the melodrama, the myths, and maybe a map of Hades’ underworld investigations - because this mortal is here for it all.
Please note that this book is part of a series and can not be read as a stand alone. Lucky for you this can be your little weekend binge as almost all the books in the series has already been released !
Wait a minute boys and girls, check out these trigger warnings first:
Romance Tropes, you ask ?
Who do we meet in this book ?
Persephone (Perri)
What to read next:
Neon Gods (Dark Olympus) by Katee Robert.
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.
Drag Me Up (Gods of Hunger) by R.M. Virtues.
Or just like read the next few books of this series.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
Manifesting Meg The Secret Doria Drugs and Agape Spiritual Center - Heres the connection by u/somespeculation
Manifesting Meg, The Secret, Doria, Drugs, and Agape Spiritual Center - Here’s the connection We oft joke about Meg’s blatant manifesting in her own PR.Some recent examples: rom com creator for Netflix, Royal Goop empire, Dior brand ambassador, etc.But the manifesting concept is from a hugely popular book “The Secret” that was promoted on Oprah. Fun fact: the author was inspired by another book, “The Science of Getting Rich.” A key feature is the law of attraction - essentially manifesting.​1) Oprah episode summary of "The Secret":​https://ift.tt/p1s65cX episode aired in 2004. Meg would have been 23. She also only had three acting appearance only in three years. Clearly her big Hollywood game dreams were stalled. This would have made her particularly vulnerable to the promises of “The Secret” and using manifesting to turn your life around.​https://ift.tt/teD5ygi) One expert on the show was Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith. He was pictured and quoted above in the episode summary. He was a drug dealer before becoming a religious leader and founder of Agape Spiritual Centre in Beverley Hills.​https://ift.tt/KOnwZEr) Doria was also a frequent pot user, according to Bower, and was into exploring alternative new age religions. For example, she married Thomas Markle at the Self Realization Temple in LA six months into their relationship.https://ift.tt/okMdDxQ is the deeper dive into the man, Michael Krall, aka Brother Bhaktanada, who married them, and the guru whose beliefs he followed. Perhaps that’s where her interest in yoga began?https://ift.tt/E0HatSO) Back to Rev Dr Michael Beckwith and Agape. He sells books, is a paid for speaker, and TM or copyrights his website etc, I am unsure where he earned his doctorate. I am unsure of his agent. Reverend is likely self appointed as a founder of a religion.5) Here in his own words is confirmation his was into the LA pot scene in the 70s (to be fair, not that uncommon) and was dealing in multiple cities (less common).https://ift.tt/a7bAMEw may speculate that it is plausible that he and Doria’s paths crossed then. It would theoretically explain her absences as well, and breezing in and out of Meg's life. She could also have a connection to his wife, but that is speculative. To be clear, this is not to undermine her admirable achievement of a Master's degree since the. 6) However, confirmed HERE’S THE CONNECTION:Agape is Doria’s church. Confirmed by Omid Scobie in Finding Freedom.​https://ift.tt/BNKkuME even got a shout out, allegedly, during the Agape service the day after Meg and H’s wedding.https://ift.tt/8t01MzF) Meghan also used to attend Agape with Doria.https://ift.tt/2oODSVp here’s a timeline of Meg’s life in LA:https://ift.tt/8LZwx3T) Doria regularly attends Agape. Harry and Meg had a pap shot taken during Covid of an allegedly "socially distanced Mother's Day visit" with Archie to Doria in LA. https://ift.tt/DxvI7zg) So, manifesting Meg and new age Harry is representative of Agape’s founder and “The Secret” spirituality. He also allegedly runs Ayahuasca retreats. This has been coopted, revised and recreated, and commercialized from a variety of Indigenous spiritual practices. https://ift.tt/rFqM413) Harry enthusiastically endorsed the use of Ayahuasca in his interview with Dr Gabor Mate as a way to “clearing of the windscreen" along with Spare, he also touts near daily pot use and other 'natural' psychedelics. https://archive.ph/V4E4F​IN SUM: Meg's manifesting likely derives from "The Secret" . The founder of Doria's spiritual center, Agape, promoted "The Secret". He is an admitted former pot dealer; Bower alleges Doria was. The timeline and region for his overlaps with hers, allegedly and theoretically. 'Natural drugs' are a part of their spiritual ethos at Agape. Harry has been endorsing beliefs and practices aligned with this. ​Lots to digest!Thoughts? post link: https://ift.tt/alOou6p author: somespeculation submitted: June 25, 2023 at 06:27PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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wanderfan2000 · 1 year
“Wander and Mater, How I Made My Two Favorite Animated Characters Brothers, The TRUE Story!” Written by WanderFan2000.
or WanderFan2000′s CRAZY origin story of how she made Wander and Mater brothers all the way back in high school. The Story: It was the year 2016…
My favorite Disney animated series, Wander Over Yonder was starting off with the second part of The Dominator Saga, which in this case, this tale takes place on February 8, 2016. The date when the episodes, The Cartoon and The Bot aired. (I wasn’t exactly a He-Man fan, because as we Wander fans remember The Cartoon was Lord Hater created a cartoon to impress Dominator and the whole thing was definitely a love letter to the old 80s shows we grew up with like He-Man: Masters of the Universe and even Scooby Doo.) Okay, I’m getting off topic here, so let’s move onto the part where things got interesting.
It all began after seeing the Cartoon Wander on my TV screen for the first time and the MOMENT when I saw him riding Cartoon Sylvia, this is what I whispered to myself:
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“I knew it! I knew they (Wander and Mater) were brothers!” - WanderFan2000 on February 8th, 2016. 
 When the newest WOY episodes were over that night and during the next day at school, I kept thinking about Cartoon Wander, how he definitely reminded me a LOT about Mater…
Then in about one second: a brand new obsession was BORN! 
The Drawings and Fan Art: After witnessing Cartoon Wander and ever so slowly becoming obsessed with the design, I decided to draw it along with Mater, (also in a space traveler form): 
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The design your looking at here is actually the SECOND design for Mater in the WOY universe. Also, the buckteeth is a reference to Cartoon Wander as well.  But aside from the newly redesign I made for Mater, his brotherly adventures didn’t begin with him as a space traveler. They actually started when I settled on the final drawing design for the tow truck, which was the Little Golden Book form: 
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I kept drawing this design a lot: 
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Wander worried for Mater after he ate hot Wasabi. 
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Wander and Mater having fun with each other.  But Mater didn’t start out as his LGB design, Mater started out with Wander, originally in his somewhat “3D” design I did for the tow truck: 
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Wander and Mater doing a crossover in Mater and the Ghostlight. 
The Disney Pixar Brothers: After drawing Wander and Mater as brothers for…quite a while in high school, I decided on giving them both a name. Hitting Wander was from Disney and Mater was from Pixar, I suddenly came up with a name that was PERFECT for them: The Disney Pixar Brothers!  During this time, I loved quoting the ending quote from Epic Mickey, because it genuinely fits for Wander and Mater, bounding as brothers: 
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The Disney Pixar Brothers.
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Wander and Mater: The Disney Pixar Brothers. 
I sure had fun with drawing Wander and Mater as brothers. But until noticing that it was still hard for me to draw Mater as a tow truck, I settled on a new design for him, a space traveler! 
Tow Mater: The Space Traveler: 
Mater’s OG space traveler design didn’t have a hat like he has now, but I couldn’t find ANY of my OG Mater space traveler designs, so I decided to show pictures his new current design. 
Basically, Mater’s space traveler form consists of two things, his patched up hat to his dark blue shoes. Wander gave Mater his hat after encountering the Lemon Cars for the first time in an old BW city, complete with a Disney Store. (This was actually something I had going on in my brain back in 2016, because I have a CRAZY imagination!)
As I was giving Mater’s new form a go, there was no doubt he had a BUNCH of new adventures alongside Wander: 
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Mater and Wander recreating a deleted scene from Cars 2. 
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Definitely every little brother with their big brothers. XD (Also, OG space traveler design of Craig McCracken.) 
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Mater and Wander doing a scene from Cars: Mater-National Championship. (I watched this cutscene on YT tons of time as a kid.) 
A Bond Between Two Brothers, The Cancelled Novel: 
During my new obsession with drawing Wander and Mater as brothers, I decided on one thing: write a novel about them. The novel was officially called: A Bond Between Two Brothers, which was going to be an origin story of how Wander and Mater become brothers. I still remember drawing a book cover for the story. I was ready to set out and write it, it unfortunately never came to be and A Bond Between Two Brothers was left on the drawing broad…But who knows? Maybe I’ll bring this old novel back someday… 
Into The Dark Ages: 
As many cartoons I came across, they always had those “dark elements” I love witnessing, whenever it’s Wander getting scared by the Phantomimes in The Heebie Jeebies or Mater getting captured in Cars 2. I knew I could definitely make some dark pictures featuring the brothers, better yet, pictures that would crush their spirits… 
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I always had these ideas where Wander was in the Cars 2 universe, trying to rescue Mater from his captivity, but he ends up too late to rescue his brother, unfortunately, that can’t give me the idea of drawing Wander holding Mater as Mater gives a tried and defeated expression while Wander giving a terrified and scared expression at Mater’s captives. NTM, this is a trend that I still draw today.  The Conclusion: 
As I mentioned before, Wander and Mater’s brotherly bond have DEFINITELY took them to new heights, even in my fan made series, they love to refer to themselves as brothers. It’s funny how one simple episode from WOY gave me the inspiration to make Wander and Mater as brothers.
Plus, even in this new decade: Wander and Mater will ALWAYS be brothers!  The End. 
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I would love to see something with Aro and Ghost!Peter after they get together. Ghost!Peter experimenting with how touchy feely he can be with Aro? (within tumblrs propriety)
Sounds like it's gonna be a literally cold experience for them both, haha.
Warning: implied actions
On with the fic!
There was no denying that Peter had a reputation when he was alive of being someone who loved carnal pleasures. He had a bed just pretty much out in the open in his penthouse, and the bed in his actual room had seen its fair share of romps.
Peter was aware that Aro was also a man who enjoyed sensual things, he had seen it for himself a few times in the early days of his haunting. It was between Aro and his wife, yes, and Peter knew it seemed a bit... weird, to watch the man who killed him railing his vampire wife, but still.
It wasn't like Peter was a saint, he wasn't above a little ghostly voyeurism. And even though at the time he really hated Aro, he couldn't deny that the man had an ass that was sculpted by a fucking master.
And of course the, ahem, front of Aro was very well sculpted as well. Kinda threw what Peter knew about the ancient Greeks' preferences out the window.
But now... now that he and Aro were together, a vampire and a ghost, he was allowed to finally touch this beautiful man.
He just didn't know where to start.
Normally, Peter was good to go, ready to just get right down to business. But things were different, this wasn't just a good lay, this was something more. As much as it drove him crazy to admit to that.
He found himself seated in Aro's lap, on what he happily called the fuck bed, in Aro's private chambers. "I've never done this before." Peter started, then made a face. "I mean, I've fucked, loads of times, holy shit, I used to have a little, black book and shit, but, like... not as a ghost."
He had learned that pleasuring yourself as a ghost was weird, it was something, but it was really hard to put into words. Well, there was one word he could use, and that was cold, but everything about Peter now was cold.
Stuff like this was probably going to be a similar thing, maybe, unless Aro was able to do something about it.
"That's alright." Aro commented. "We're experimenting. We don't have to go all the way, yet, but let's try things first."
He was patient, and Peter could respect that, someone had to be the adult about all of this, and it wasn't going to be the horny ghost.
He fumbled with undoing the buttons of Aro's shirt, it took a few tries, but then he got it, opening the shirt to expose a pale chest. He was surprised to see the chest hair, he hadn't noticed it before, been too busy looking at other... things.
He put his hands on Aro's chest, he felt so strange, like a polished statue. These vampires were so fucking weird, he couldn't even figure out what to do with that information.
Still, it didn't stop him from rubbing the pad of his thumb over a nipple, feeling it stiff under his touch. Aro's breath hitched for a moment, ah, good, he liked that. Peter leaned close, kissing him, on his lips.
Kissing was still weird, but he liked it, he liked the oddity of kissing someone like this. It was different, it felt wrong and right and Aro's lips were so soft and pretty.
He tried to grind himself down on Aro's lap, but it was hard to keep himself as somewhat solid when his mind was becoming a buzz of sensations and thoughts, feeling icy cold hands slip under his ghostly shirt, claws dragging down his back. There would be no damage, but he could feel the sensation of touch, of pressure.
Fuck, this should not be hot, but it was, holy shit, was this ghost sex?
"Aro, I... I need you to-" Peter started, before suddenly finding himself slipping, and then he was partially through the bed, his ghostly ass hitting the marble floor.
He looked up at a confused Aro, who arched an eyebrow at him. "Sorry, I have to concentrate a bit when I want to stay 'solid'." he said, making air quotes around the word solid.
"That's quite alright, again, we're experimenting." Aro commented, running his fingers through Peter's hair. "Although... at this particular angle you happen to have found yourself at..." A quirk of his lips as his eyes glanced down to his lap.
Peter took notice of this and realized what he was implying. "Alright then, back to experimenting."
Yeah, that's as far as I think I'm allowed??? As long as no one tags this as ns/fw/ or whatever... >.>
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heavensbeehall · 2 months
"Mockingjay", Chapter 9b
Part 1: The Ashes
Chapter 9b: Cressida wants to see Gale and Katniss' meeting place. They talk about what drove them to hunt. Then they go to the bakery and film a message for Peeta. Katniss returns to the Victor's Village to get some stuff for her mother. He reminds her that she kissed him on the kitchen table. They kiss. It's weird. Everyone goes back to 13. Katniss sleeps a lot (depressiosn?). Boggs finds her and brings her to Command. But when they get there, the screen shows the Capitol Feed. Beetee has found a way to break into the Capitol's broadcast. Snow says something and then introduces Peeta. But Beetee breaks in with footage of the bakery, destroyed. Peeta sees Katniss on his screen. Beetee battles with the Capitol tech nerds. Somehow, Peeta manages to get out a warning to Katniss about a bombing on 13. Then the broadcast cuts out with him being beaten bloody.
-- This Peeta Propo takes place in the Presidential Mansion. Snow is present. No Caesar Flickerman anymore. Later in the books, Peeta will say things like "Snow says you're a liar." And I think he means Snow was literally there for much of the torture. And it's interesting to see what words Snow puts in Peeta's mouth, because, well, I think it has a lot to do with how Snow sees both Katniss and Lucy Gray.
-- Why is Plutarch obsessed with weapons humanity no longer has? Seems an odd hobby.
"Maybe I'll be like that man in 'The Hanging Tree.' Still waiting for an answer." Gale, who I have never seen cry, has tears in his eyes. To keep them from spilling over, I reach forward and press my lips against his. We taste of heat, ashes, and misery.
Here I think Katniss just kisses Gale because emotional stuff makes her uncomfortable. It's a bummer to compare every relationship in the books to "The Hanging Tree". I wish Gale had seen her make out with Peeta on the beach and just... took that as an answer. Maybe move on. Meet a nice soldier girl. IDK. He "wants an answer" but knows Katniss doesn't like to see people in pain. So how can she say no to her best friend?
The camera pulls back to include Peeta, off to one side in front of a projected map of Panem. He's sitting in an elevated chair, his shoes supported by a metal rung. The foot of his prosthetic leg taps out a strange irregular beat. Beads of sweat have broken through the layer of powder on his upper lip and forehead. But it's the look in his eyes--angry yet unfocused--that frightens me the most. "He's worse," I whisper. Finnick grasps my hand, to give me an anchor, and I try to hang on.
I feel confident in saying he has the venom in him at this point. Peeta has shown anger and aggression (on the Victory Tour in 11, towards the monkeys that killed the morphling, probably Brutus as well)--I don't want to say he's perfect--but it's not really his default setting. And I think a large part of what the Capitol is trying to do is draw out his angry side. So he'll attack, duh.
Plutarch's in spasms of delight and most everybody is cheering Beetee on, but Finnick remains still and speechless beside me. I meet Haymitch's eyes from across the room and see my own dread mirrored back. The recognition that with every cheer, Peeta slips even farther from our grasp.
They thought they were still in the game. Sob.
At the mention of my name, Peeta's face contorts in effort. "Katniss…how do you think this will end? What will be left? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol. Not in the districts. And you…in Thirteen…" He inhales sharply, as if fighting for air; his eyes look insane. "Dead by morning!"
It's clear Peeta is trying so hard here to master himself. And he must know it will only result in more pain for himself, since he's already being tortured.
And everyone was cheering moments earlier.
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greensparty · 4 months
2023: The Year in Green's Party
This was a historic year for my blog as it turned 10! In Jan. 2013 I began this blog as a way to share my thoughts on pop culture and since then I've gotten to do things I never even imagined would be possible: interviewing filmmakers, actors, musicians, authors and more; reviewing movies, music, concerts, books, and theater; covering conventions and film festivals; and connecting with fans who also have their hands on the pulse of pop culture at the moment and it's history. This was hands down one of my best years yet! Here are just a few of the highlights:
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the many faces of Green's Party
Retweets and social media: Tom Petty's website included a pull quote from my Nov. 2022 album review of Live at the Fillmore 1997 on their website page for the album; Ondi Timoner and her doc Last Flight Home shared my interview with her on Twitter; the Video Archives Podcast liked and shared my Best Podcasts of 2022 list on Twitter; Cadence13 and David Spade of the Fly on the Wall podcast liked my Best Podcasts of 2022 lists on Twitter; TV Guidance Counselor host Ken Reid liked and shared my Best Podcasts of 2022 list on Twitter; Completely Conspicuous host Jay Kumar liked my Best Podcasts of 2022 list on Twitter; U2 Daily Tour News shared my U2 movie review and album review on their daily newsletter and on Twitter; the Video Archives Podcast liked and retweeted my Quentin Tarantino birthday post; Andy Summers shared my concert review on his social media; the Chasing Chasing Amy team shared my movie review on Twitter; X (the band) shared my concert review on their Facebook; the There Was No Alternative team shared my interview with author Jeff Gomez on their Facebook; and Tremolo Productions liked and retweeted my Congrats to them on 20 Feet From Stardom being added to the National Film Registry on Twitter.
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Exene Cervenka and I backstage at the X concert
Interviews: I got to interview a number of entertainers I find fascinating including director Ondi Timoner, musician Glen Matlock, Exene Cervenka of X, author Michael Azerrad, author Jeff Gomez, and Pete Stahl of Scream!
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me hanging with Indiana Jones
Movie Reviews: I got to review loads of movies including One Fine Morning, Marlowe, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, my annual guide to the Oscar Nominated Short Films, Scream VI, Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with Dave Letterman, Jimmie and Stevie Ray Vaughan: Brothers in Blues, Spinning Gold, Air, Little Richard: I Am Everything, Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie, Master Gardener, Lynch/Oz, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, The YouTube Effect, Desperate Souls, Dark City and the Legend of Midnight Cowboy, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning: Part One, Oppenheimer, Chasing Chasing Amy, Stop Making Sense re-release, Flora and Son, The Holdovers, The Stones and Brian Jones, Silent Night, The Sacrifice Game, and Godard Cinema!
Album Reviews: I got to review tons of albums including Shonen Knife's Our Best Place, Inhaler's Cuts & Bruises, Philip Selway's Strange Dance and Live at Evolution Studios, U2's Songs of Surrender, Mudhoney's Plastic Eternity, The Kinks' The Journey - Part 1 and The Journey - Part 2, Wilco's Crosseyed Strangers: An Alternate Take on Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and Cousin, Iggy and the Stooges' Raw Power RSD Essential release, The Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet RSD edition and Hackney Diamonds, Galen & Paul's Can We Do Tomorrow Another Day?, Hollywood Vampires' Live in Rio, Tommy Stinson's Cowboys in the Campfire's Wronger, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds' Council Skies, Alice Cooper's Killer and School's Out Deluxe Editions and Road, Extreme's Six, the Asteroid City soundtrack, Deaf Charlie's Catastrophic Metamorphic, Wham!'s The Singles: Echoes from the Edge of Heaven, Brian May and Friends' Star Fleet Sessions, Neil Young's Chrome Dreams, Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros' Live at Acton Town Hall, London, Aerosmith's Greatest Hits, Speedy Ortiz's Rabbit Rabbit and Major Arcana (10th Anniversary Edition), Courtney Barnett's End of the Day (Music from Anonymous Club), Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense Expanded Edition Remaster, Huey Lewis and the News's Sports 40th Anniversary Edition, Will Butler + Sister Squares' Will Butler + Sister Squares, The Replacements' Tim (Let It Bleed) Edition, The Breeders Last Splash 30th Anniversary Original Analog Edition, Ringo Starr's Rewind Forward, Haim's Days are Gone 10th anniversary edition, Chris Shiflett's Lost at Sea, Duff McKagan's Lighthouse, Prince and the New Power Generation's Diamonds and Pearls Super Deluxe Edition, Snail Mail's Valentine (Demos), Jimi Hendrix Experience's Hollywood Bowl: August 18, 1967, Scream's DC Special, The Beatles' 1962-1966 and 1967-1970, Pearl Jam's Vs. 30th anniversary edition, and The Black Crowes' The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion Box Set.
TV Reviews: This year I branched out and got to review some TV shows including Lucky Hank, John Carpenter's Suburban Screams, Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bassists Human Too?, and John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial.
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my friend Ron and I at Boston Calling in May
Concert Reviews: I wrote about my day at the 2023 Boston Calling festival and I also got to cover concerts from Andy Summers, X, Sting, The Breeders, and Scream. I also started a new feature called Concert Pics, where I share pics from concerts I attended but didn't review.
Blu-ray Reviews: I got to review some blu-rays including Project: Alf, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, The Lost Weekend: A Love Story, and We Are Not Alone.
Book Reviews: I got to review and cover some books including Stewart Copeland's The Police Diaries, Michael Azerrad's The Amplified Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana, and Jeff Gomez' There Was No Alternative.
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my friend Jenn and I at Jagged Little Pill
Theater Reviews: I got to review Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill when it played in Boston!
Comedy Reviews: I got to cover The State reunion show in Boston!
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me at the Boston Underground Film Festival in March 2023
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me with Mr. Sam J. Jones at 2023 MusicCon Collectibles Extravaganza
Film Festivals, Conventions and Events: In February I got to cover Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Man of the Year presentation to Bob Odenkirk and Woman of the Year to Jennifer Coolidge; the 2023 Northeast Comic Con Spring Edition; the 2023 Boston Underground Film Festival (my first time covering them since 2019); the 2023 Salem Horror Fest; the 2023 Independent Film Festival Boston; the 2023 MusicCon Collectibles Extravaganza; I got to cover the Stop Making Sense reunion Q&A simulcast from TIFF, IFFBoston's 2023 Fall Focus mini-fest, and the 2023 Northeast Comic Con Fall Edition.
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Me seeing Stop Making Sense on the big screen!
Stray Observations:
I got to cover Hollywood Vampires collectively and individually: In June I got to review Hollywood Vampires' album Live in Rio and I got to see them live in July, I also saw Joe Perry solo in April and I got to review Aerosmith's Greatest Hits in August, and I got to review Alice Cooper's Deluxe Editions of Killer and School's Out in June and his newest album Road in August.
It was a sad year for Gen X: in May MTV News announced they were ceasing operations; and there was also the passing of Andy Rourke of The Smiths, Sinead O'Connor, and Paul Reubens, all staples of the 80s and 90s :(
The Police never ended: It's as if I got to see a Police reunion this year because I got to cover guitarist Andy Summers' concert in July, singer / bassist Sting's concert in September, and while I didn't see drummer Stewart Copeland live, I did get to cover his book The Police Diaries in October!
Tough year for physical media fans like me between Netflix ending it's DVD by mail service and Best Buy announcing they're going to stop selling DVDs. Time to go to my local library more often for DVDs and blu-rays!
...And the Biggest Postings and News of the Year on Green's Party:
1/2/23: This blog turned 10! It feels like I'm just getting started in some ways!
1/20/23: A very rare clip of The Eric and Mike Show, the cable access TV show I co-hosted and co-produced as a teen, surfaced online.
Jan. - Mar. 2023: I rolled out my Best of 2022 lists in time for awards season!
3/15/23: I had my 3000th post on this blog!
4/18/23: After Netflix announced they would be discontinuing their DVD by mail service, I wrote my remembrance of Netflix DVD.
6/26/23: I shared my thoughts on the Best of 2023 so far.
9/14/23: I got to cover the re-release of Stop Making Sense, the re-release of Talking Heads' soundtrack album, and the simulcast of the Talking Heads' reunion Q&A at TIFF with Spike Lee.
10/28/23: I posted about Dave Grohl's history of SNL appearances. 34 notes.
10/30/23: I got to cover The Holdovers screening with an intro and Q&A from director Alexander Payne.
11/25/23: I wrote about the passing of Marty Krofft. 16 notes.
11/29/23: In memory of George Harrison's passing on that day in history, I posted his music video for "Any Road". 10 notes.
11/30/23: I wrote about the passing of Shane McGowan. 192 notes, making it my biggest post of the year!
11/30/23: I was quoted in a Boston.com article about the best holiday music!
Nov - Dec. 2023: I got to do an album review of Scream's DC Special, interview singer Pete Stahl and cover their concert, a rare hat trick for me!
12/27/23: I wrote about the passing of Tom Smothers. 11 notes.
Thank you for attending Green's Party in 2023! Now onto more pop culture thoughts in 2024....
0 notes
pazodetrasalba · 1 year
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Dear Caroline:
I have tried to discover what obscure reference is being quoted here, but to no avail. 'Phalanx' brings to mind several images, not all of them pleasant -the most immediate, the name of the Fascist party under whose boot we languished in Spain for about four decades-. On the plus side, I remember it as the name of an association of artists of which my beloved Wassily Kandinsky was a member, and for which he made a nice, bluish, Jugendstil-like poster, which you can see in the quotes section.
From the context you provide, it seems to be some conservative (online?) association promoting traditional 'masculine' values and a retreat from a corrupt world, which would probably count it as an quasi-entomological object of study and interest for your trad phase, some sort of weird insect thriving in the digital ecosystem.
Your juxtaposing of knitting with Han Feizi is so surreal and quaint it would probably sit well in a poem. Here I am also left in a maze of inscrutability, "And I, like one lost in a thorny wood, / That rents the thorns and is rent with the thorns, / Seeking a way and straying from the way, / Not knowing how to find the open air, / But toiling desperately to find it out". I have dabbled with some Legalist primary sources (商君書) and am aware of the contents of Master Han Fei's book, but can think of no element of femininity or tradition therein. As for knitting, my biggest interest would lie in Daina Taimiņa's Crocheting Adventures with Hyperbolic Planes...
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0 notes
spacereon · 1 year
Oof, I keep forgetting to do this stuff! No wonder it's a challenge. Anyway, back to the Storyteller pond.
Malati, Twilight Caste Solar Exalted
Strength: **
Dexterity: ***
Stamina: **
Presence: **
Manipulation: **
Composure: **
Intelligence: ****
Wits: **
Resolve: **
Strength: **
Dexterity: ***
Stamina: **
Presence: **
Manipulation: **
Composure: **
Caste Abilities
Craft (Fire) ***
Craft (Air) **
Investigation ****
Lore ***
Medicine **
Occult ***
Favored Abilities
Archery ****
Dodge ****
Resistance ****
Other Abilities
Martial Arts **
Stealth ****
Artifact *** (Long Powerbow)
Mentor **
Resources **
Influence *
First Archery Excellency
Second Investigation Excellency
Phantom Arrow Technique
Summoning the Loyal Bow
Ox-Body Technique x 2
Shadow Over Water
Seven Shadow Evasion
Easily Overlooked Presence Method
Mental Invisibility Technique
Compassion **
Conviction *** (Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint)
Temperance **
Valor **
Essence: 3
Willpower: 5
Personal Essence: 14
Peripheral Essence: 35
Health Levels: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
Dearest Magistrate:
I'm writing this though I know I'm not going to show it to ya. Sorry. I can't tell you yet. I'm scared, y'know. I am. I feel like I screwed up. Like "the Immaculates are gonna burn me for this" screwed up. But I gotta put this down somewhere because I feel my head is gonna explode if I don't.
I saw the Battle Master.
Yeah. From the book. The one in the high shelf. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I read it. You told me not to. To be honest, I dunno what made me go up and get it when you were gone from the office. Curious. Dunno. Dunno. Just. I opened it. I didn't understand it much, it was too technical. I thought when you were up with the Guilders, y'know, when you caught how they were evading taxes, when you said like, "Just rotate the puzzle pieces, and they will fit before you know it," I remembered that, and I saw the book, and then I realized something.
I wrote this book.
I know this, Magistrate. I wrote this friggin' thing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't tell you. The Immaculates are gonna burn us both, I know. But I wrote this book. I remembered it, and I remembered the Battle Master, because I built the Battle Master. I know - I don't know where it is, but it's in a chamber that I built, too.
I have to find it. Before the Immaculates, before anyone else.
I'm so, so sorry. I'm burning this letter now. I'm a monster, like the Immaculates say. I did this. It's all my fault.
I'll find the Battle Master, Magistrate. Before you do.
I'm sorry.
Exalted! 2E, to boot. Look, I used to be into anything RPG.net was at the time, we all have our sins of youth. God, all the memories flashing back - rocket tag, Chungian paranoia, Gem getting blown up again. Fun times! I don't care enough to look at 3E, but I still enjoy how unabashedly "anime" it is, in that 00s kind of way when people weren't saying Japanimation but still said "anime" in a way that you could hear the quote marks around it. Plus, it's a game about powerful heroes fucking it all up, how could I not be fond of it?
Well, yeah, Charms and combos and rocket tag. I know, I know.
0 notes
mvautoservicerepair · 2 years
Clutch Repairs and Replacements in Perth
If you need clutch repairs perth or replacement, you can trust a professional in Perth. We use OEM parts and repair your car to its factory specifications. There are many common reasons for clutch problems, including mismatched clutch parts, air in the hydraulic line, and leaks in the master clutch cylinder. Read on for more information about clutch repairs and replacement.
Review of Auto Owls Mechanical & Auto Electrical
The family owned Auto Owls in Bentley, close to Welshpool, provides all types of car services, from 24-hour car service to auto electrical repairs. They also offer battery replacements and a complete log book service. They take great pride in their work and only use the best parts to repair your car.
The owners and mechanics are friendly and knowledgeable, and I appreciated that they communicated with me during my visit. They gave me a clear estimate and performed thorough checks on my car. When they finished, they even cleaned it up so I could drive it home. I was so pleased with the service I received that I will return to them in the future for future service and repairs.
Cost of a clutch replacement
If your car has clutch problems, it's essential to have the system checked out. Clutch replacements can cost anywhere from $1200 to $2000 depending on the type of vehicle and mechanic. Clutch problems are usually caused by an issue with the clutch pedal. Other common symptoms include a burning smell, shuddering while changing gears, and a lack of speed. In addition, as you approach the 200,000-kilometre mark, your chances of requiring a clutch replacement increase.
Regardless of what type of vehicle you have, there are plenty of options available for clutch replacement in Perth. You can search online for quotes or read reviews from previous customers to compare different options. Once you've made your choice, you can book an appointment online.
Signs of a worn clutch
There are several signs that a clutch is wearing down. One of the most noticeable is black dust covering the clutch. It signals an imminent problem. However, a more reliable symptom is the presence of visible physical damage to the clutch. Other warning signs include a burning smell and grinding noise.
A worn clutch can also make it difficult to change gears. In this case, the clutch pedal will feel soft and unresponsive. Moreover, there may be a vibration coming from the clutch. These are common symptoms of worn clutches and are easy to detect. If these symptoms are present, you should visit a mechanic.
While a new clutch may cost as much as Rs 6,000, a replacement can cost up to Rs 12,000 or even more, depending on the vehicle. The cost of a replacement can reach up to Rs 50,000 if the vehicle is imported. However, it is possible to prolong the life of the clutch by performing regular maintenance and not driving your car with extreme driving styles.
Quality of parts used in clutch repairs
When looking for clutch repairs in Perth, it is important to find a shop that uses only genuine and quality parts. A reputable store will stock a comprehensive range of clutch kits, spigot bearings, alignment tools, and more. If you need a particular part fast, a reliable service provider can source it within hours. They can also source smaller, less expensive parts, such as flywheels, if they are needed.
A clutch repair can be a very expensive process, as you need new parts for the job. In addition to the clutch itself, you will also need to replace the slave cylinder, the internal slave cylinder, and the flywheel. All of these parts can be expensive, so you should seek advice from an experienced mechanic to make sure you get a high-quality clutch. You may also notice your clutch is vibrating - this is an indication that it needs replacing. This could result in premature clutch wear and damage.
Towing service offered by Auto Owls Mechanical & Auto Electrical
Auto Owls is a family owned and operated auto mechanic based in Bentley, near Welshpool, offering 24 hour car services. Their services include auto electrical repairs, battery replacement, and air conditioning. They also offer a full log book service. They take great pride in their work and use high-quality parts. If you're looking for a professional mechanic in Bentley, PA, give Auto Owls a call for a quote.
The service team at Auto Owls is friendly and professional. The receptionist is extremely helpful, and the mechanics are thorough in checking and estimating any repairs. Their service was prompt, and when they finished, they returned my car exceptionally clean. I'm very satisfied with their work and will definitely use them again for my next service or repair.
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