#i guess we'll have to see with Rose lol
bridgeportbritt · 1 year
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Gianni's Residence | Del Sol Valley, Simerica
Gianni: Alright, be honest, Elle. How is mom doing really?
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Ella sighs: She actually seems to be doing a lot better here. Honestly, I'm a little worried about going back home because she was an absolute wreck. I've never seen her look so... sad and hopeless.
Gianni: Jeez, that's rough. Whoever's idea it was to ship her off here was smart.
Ella: Why, thank you. It was mine. Figured family time would cheer her up and just getting away from the Palace, in general.
Gianni: This KBE shit sucks. They can't take that away from Mom!
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Ella: It seems like they can and they will. I don't think Mom even wants to do anything about it.
Gianni: There must be something that can be done. Mom or Emmitt or somebody will come through.
Ella: Yeah, maybe.
Gianni: Well, how are you? Still dating that what's-his-face?
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Ella annoyed: You know his name is Luka. And, yes, we're still dating.
Gianni: Yeah, yeah, whatever. How's you and Lucas?
Ella sighs: Fine, I guess.
Gianni: Hey, if you want me to spill about my love life, you gotta do the same... unless, there are details that I seriously don't want to hear. Please tell me there are no details.
Ella: Gianni, shut up! There are no details. We're fine. I just... I don't know. Luka is really into me and I do like him... but...
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Gianni: You don't like him as much as he likes you.
Ella: Yeah.
Gianni laughs: Figures. I swear it's in our genes or something to attract those types. Must be a Wu thing.
Ella: But, it's not just that. There's kind of... someone else.
Gianni: Another one? Oh, Watcher! Wow, didn't take my little sister for a playa!
Ella: Ugh, seriously shut up! I'm not. They just both kind of happened to like me and... I don't know. The whole thing just makes me confused. Another reason I'd like to just stay here.
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Gianni: Oh, stop worrying so much! You're young, you're a Wu, you're a freaking royal! You don't have to choose either of 'em if you don't want. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't.
Ella: Gee, thanks. So just be a spinster for the rest of my life. Great advice, Gianni.
Gianni: Relax. I'm just saying. Don't think you have to tie yourself down to anyone right now. You're graduating and going to college soon. The perfect time to do and be who you want. Make sense?
Ella: Yeah, I guess. Thanks, G... But, you're still the worst.
Gianni: Yeah, you too, Elle, you too.
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Bria: We should probably get going. We've got a long flight ahead of us tonight.
Gianni: Aw, man. I'm going to miss you guys.
Bria: I'm sure we'll see you sooner rather than later.
Ella: Nah, later works for me.
Gianni: Okay, her I won't miss as much. You can take her.
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georgevilliers · 3 months
Mary & George thots
I watched all 7 episodes this morning starting at 4:30am on about 4 hours of sleep so here are all of my very sleep deprived but professional opinions. Also, I read the book The King's Assassin by Benjamin Woolley so i have Extra Opinions
(spoilers and lengthy thots beneath the cut)
These are not going to be in any specific order because I can not be bothered (see: me being up since 4am on 4 hours of sleep) and as a blanket statement I loved the show!!!!! Most of the things I will say are going to be neutral statements relating to differences I saw between what I read in the book and what was in the show. These are not good or bad things, just observations! I think it's fun and interesting to look at the things they changed to make it more interesting and palatable for a tv viewing audience, and I don't think it changes the quality of the product at all! With that out of the way, let's get on to the content:
we'll start with the things I loved
NICHOLAS GALITZINE. Like. HELLO??? I am very familiar with his work (watched everything he's been in and recorded a podcast about it) and I know he's been criminally undervalued in almost every project he's ever done but this really, really tested his limits and I mean that in a very good way. You can tell this whole project was a test of his abilities as an actor both physically and mentally and he really rose to the challenge in such an impressive way. I'm not really sure if this is ever going to be Emmy/awards fodder (if they meant it to be they released it at a very poor time but thats a different discussion for another time) but I do think this is going to lead to some very interesting places for him. People (important decision making ones) are going to see this and realise what his abilities are and this is a very good thing.
The costumes are so incredible. The details, the colours, the cuts, the CAMP. I'm not a costuming expert so I have no way of knowing how accurate any of the costuming was but damn did it look good.
On that note the CAMP. Oh my god. This really had that je ne sais quoi that makes something camp in the way only queer people can make something camp, so really hats off to everyone involved in the production value.
I should mention all of the actors here, including Julianne Moore and Tony Curran. I am biased, being that I now seem to only exist to consume Nicky G media, but everyone did such a great job.
The script is so complex and rich, I really don't envy the actors having to memorize some of the tongue twisters that were part of the dialogue.
I think they did a really good job of crafting George as a character. As someone who is predisposed to love Nick's face (lol) I really did feel a bit of hatred towards him sometimes. I found him embarrassing, hot headed, full of himself, and pitiable, sometimes all within a few scenes!
Let's talk about some of the big changes I noticed
they really REALLY made up about 95% of Mary's storyline, I would say. This is just going off the King's Assassin, mind you, but from what I learned about Mary from that book is that essentially her only role in the course George's life took was the initial bit: sending him to France to become a learned gentleman, and sending him to London to try to catch the king's attention. If anyone has any recommendations for sources about Mary's life I could read about I would be very interested in it in order to piece together more fact and fiction! In general, I would just assume the vast majority of Mary's storyline did not happen, but it was fun though! One thing that is mentioned in the book is that her and the king did become good friends.
I really missed the use of nicknames from James. I guess it was hard to show most of them on screen as a lot of them appeared in letters they wrote to each other when they were apart, but James often referred to him as "Steenie" referring to St Stephen who apparently "had the face of an angel", amongst numerous other nicknames such as wife, dog, and child etc.
I also really wish they had included this famous speech of King James' to his privy council, because it is burned into my brain I can literally recite it word for word now: "You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George."
I think they sort of removed some of George's abilities in order to make him rely on Mary more to involve her character in the storylines. In reality he made all of his own political decisions, knew how to play the king without help if he needed, and was a competent (if not terrible and easily swayed by bribery and trying to level up his own interests) member of the government
One of my favourite things to learn from the book is that when George took a wife (which, I believe in reality he was all too happy to marry in order to secure his possessions with an heir) she was welcomed by the king with open arms. King James became besties with Katie and he considered her as sort of part of their "family". In general I think they played up the "jealousies" from King James.
While it is alleged that George did kill James, it was not by asphyxiation. According to the book, he was suffering what is now known as malaria and had a violent fit, thought to be brought on by a "medication" George gave him which was provided by a doctor but actually administered by George, which is what ended up finally killing him
In general I wish the end hadn't felt so...rushed? Maybe it only felt that way because I know how it actually plays out and maybe if I rewatch while not trying to think about real life events so much, it might feel less so. But the whole issue with Spain took up such a small amount of time in the show when in real life it was like...a problem spanning multiple years. And I know they obviously can not show all of that within a 7 episode television show, it does seem like maybe they should have left it out altogether if they weren't really going to see it to its full justice?
My other small complaint is that it felt to me in some parts that the love between King James and George wasn't there. Certainly it feels to me like perhaps George did not feel the same level of love towards King James as the king felt for him, but the king certainly felt so much love for George. There were multiple instances outlined in the book in which they were "on the outs" because George started ignoring him in favour of Charles, or for other reasons, and it seemed to really tear at the king and he seemed to often be the one reaching out to George trying to keep his love close, rather than George trying to rein the king back in under his power. At that point, George had all of the power he needed and the king was so passive and loved him so much, he stayed the king's favourite until death, and George had very little to worry about in that regard.
There! That's all I can think of for now, and I think this has gone on quite long enough. I feel I need to rewatch the show and try harder to not think about real life situations and just enjoy the story. The fiction in the series is greater than the fact but I still think it's fun! And I recognise that there is a need to dramatize things greatly because the way things really played out in reality would not make good television at all. I hope no real history scholars find this post, and if you do please be gentle with me! I am not really an expert, just a history fan (even though I do find myself wanting to quit my job and become a George Villiers scholar).
If you read all of this you really deserve a medal, and you have all my thanks!
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Hobbit Babies
This discussion got very chaotic very quickly lol but I've done my best to sort it all by category. Enjoy!
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Topic One: Sam's Kids
If I’m allowing myself the privilege of indulging in AU where Frodo doesn’t leave, I often imagine Elanor calls him [Fro]. But she is the only one who is allowed to.
meg is me:
"Fwo" Frodo, lifting a cup in his hand: "throw?" "No! Fwo!"
I've been imagining Elanor calling him "Unca Fodo."
And then there's "Unca Mewwy" and "Pip-Pip." (Pippin tries to get her to call him Uncle too, but it doesn't work. He's not Unc-y enough 😂)
Stop it I’m dying from cuteness.
meg is me:
Can you imagine when elanor was born and sam was like all tender and amazed and he was like "lets call him frodo" and rosie was like. She's a girl, Sam And Sam was like..... so excited to name his son frodo that he forgot it might not be a son XD
I love that he canonically didn’t even consider that she MIGHT be a girl until she came out as one 🤣🤣 “We were all set to name him Frodo! But, well, ah. He’s a she. :-C”
meg is me:
I love sam Bless sam
I desperately hope that Sam's son Bilbo was 10x worthy of the name 😂
Bilbo Gamgee was an utter gremlin
Writing Valkyrie:
He just recites poetry to get out of punishment. Sometimes it works.
meg is me:
"First he's robbing the pantry. Next he'll be robbing dragons- THAT'S MY WEDDING RING"
Bilbo Jr. tells his friends about how he, too, won his ring in a game of wits against a nasty, ugly creature while Sam is over there waiting for him to give his wedding band back like >:-C
meg is me:
Better yet His older siblings And they half believe him because quote "Daddy is rather ugly" and Elanor gets SO offended on dear old Sam's behalf
Elanor could be overheard hugging her dad and saying "don't worry you're very handsome" Sam just laughs
“Well your mother thinks I’m handsome, and that’s all that matters ;-)” Cue the chorus of “EWWW”
Windmill to the Stars:
100% something my dad would say XD
meg is me:
It's split between ewwww and awwww Bby frodo ships his dad and mom so hard and is ecstatic to learn that they have in fact gotten married to each other
“So you’ll be together?? FOREVER??” “Indeed we will, lad!” “8-D”
Frodo Jr. ships his mom and dad almost as hard as his namesake did
So Frodo-lad is not the little boy who is disappointed when he learns he can’t marry Rosie when he grows up, but was baby Elanor initially devastated when Rosie had to tell her, “You can’t marry Sam-dad love, he’s already married to me.”??
Oh my word I love that ahaha Elanor is 100% a daddy's girl
Windmill to the Stars:
In the epilogue she calls him "Sam-dad"
Sam-dad and Rose-mum just absolutely freaking melts my heart every time I think about it. I don’t know why.
meg is me:
He loves his family so so much
See I know it says in the epilogue that Frodo Jr. is the spitting image of Sam, but part of me can’t help imagining that he looks like Elijah Wood’s Frodo… Brown curly hair and all that
meg is me:
Speaking of facts disproved by the appendices but true in my bones Merry and Pippin Gamgee are twins
oh my word I love that
I like that this is true in your bones and not in your heart. Because the heart is fickle and can be changed by things like canon. Bones are more stubborn. Sometimes not even canon can break them.
meg is me:
I adore that they aren't named Meriadoc and Peregrin but rather Merry and Pippin Sam took his dad's advice to heart- if you give them a short name you don't need to worry about nicknames Guess old Gaffer learned from needing to shorten his son's names to Ham, Sam, etc
“I’m not giving my boys those fru-fru gentlehobbit names, they’ll have short names like sensible folk”
meg is me:
Pippin casually mentions to Sam if it's a boy maybe we'll name him Aragorn Strider Elessar, Gorn for short And sam is an inch away from taking custody of Pippin's unborn child
Topic Two: Merry's Kids
I head canon Merry being that way with his kids only he desperately wants a girl so he can name her Eowyn.
meg is me:
Merry has Boromir, Eomer, and like 3 other sons before baby Eowyn comes into the world
Would Merry even feel worthy of naming a son Theoden?? I feel like he’d want to, but…
meg is me:
Ok but bby Theo With his little curls
meg is me:
Windmill to the Stars:
Part of me wants Merry to half-jokingly ship his daughter Eowyn with Faramir Took. Partially just so he and Pip can share grandkids
There’s no canon evidence that to disprove that some OTHER pair of their children ended up getting married! X-D
Topic Three: Pippin's Kids
meg is me:
I wrote a fic where Pip had a daughter named Sable because my best friend at the time was named Sable and the only place the word sable was found in lotr was in regards to Pip's tower guard uniform
That's so sweet oh my word
meg is me:
Pippin in many ways will never mature and I love him for it I'm still stuck on him and diamond naming their kids the most obscure things after Merry stole all the Friend Names besides Faramir The tooks already sound Outlandish
Pippin and diamond would be that couple who wants to choose Unique baby names but their friends keep reining them in "Let's name him TREEBEARD" "hmm and Enta for a girl" Sam: do you HEAR YOURSELVES
Windmill to the Stars:
What nickname would Pippin give to his son Faramir?
Kasey Gondor:
Progressively shortened more and more until it’s just “Ra”
Faramir refuses any and all nicknames anyone attempts to give him ever.
Windmill to the Stars:
Faramir is "Me, an Intellectual" from an early age XD
meg is me:
He started "courting" lil Goldilocks at age 7 and Sam wants to be mad but it reminds him so much of him and Rosie that he lets Faramir Took pick the flowers from his garden to give to his daughter
Goldilocks: daddy fair-meer picked MY flowers! 😄 Sam: ....we planted those together, sweetheart Sam: beyond pleased for you, lass
Sam sitting down with little Faramir Took and having a Very Serious Talk that if he intends to court sweet little Goldilocks he’ll have to be very kind and good and generous to her and always look out for her good above his own even if it’s hard and it hurts
Faramir was like 9, and all Sam was concerned about was Faramir pushing her and pulling her hair and stealing the berries out of her picnic basket, but it stuck
Years later, after the wedding, Faramir tells Sam that he’s never forgotten that talk and it absolutely changed his life and Sam is like “wot” cuz he’d forgotten all about it
Windmill to the Stars (re: nicknames):
Ferry to rhyme with Merry, and lil Faramir HATES it
meg is me:
That is so good I adore it!
meg is me:
Pippin: "hop in the cart fam we're going to Buckland" everyone looks at faramir Faramir: "don't" Pippin: "We're gonna go on the FERRY"
Merry, meanwhile, calls him Master Faramir, and this is why Merry is his favorite uncle
meg is me:
InvisibleWashboard is @invisiblewashboard, novelmonger is @novelmonger, Writing Valkyrie is @writingvalkyrie, Windmill to the Stars is @windmilltothestars, Kasey Gondor is @captaingondor, and meg is me does not have tumblr :-3
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skoll-sun-eater · 2 months
5 songs, 3 outfits
My apologies, I cannot find the notif of who tag me in this a bit ago
but here i go.
Tagging below and with no pressure to play and apologies for any double tags. I've been seeing the game float around.
@thewanderer-000 @wrathfulrook @cassietrn @grimmylover7 @omen-speaker @carlosoliveiraa @simplegenius042 @strangefable
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC(s), followed by 3 outfits they would wear.
Jenavieve Rose Seed(FC5 OC): 5 songs.
Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen Woman taken by the wind
Setsugetsuka/紲月歌 by Yuzuki Yukari
夜の隙間に感じるのは ただ君の甘い温もりと
What I feel inside the gap of night
are only your sweet warmth and two heartbeats--
Lost one's weeping/ロストワンの号哭 by Kagamine Rin/Neru
おい誰なんだよ おい誰なんだよ
Can you read the kanji on the board?
Can you read the shape of her heart?
Who stained that heart black?
Who did it? Who did it!?
Unite! by Ayumi Hamasaki
自由を右手に 愛なら左手に 抱えて歩こう 時にはつまづきながら
Freedom in the right hand, love in the left We'll walk on, embracing both, stumbling from time to time
I got you by Bebe Rexha
I just wanna love you, I got you Don't have to be so guarded Let's finish what we started It's all I ever wanted
Oh wow this was intense now for the outfits Jenavieve would wear:
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Ehhh I tried to get these to fit.
Phedra Nia Dawson(FC5 OC): 5 songs
Disgust me by New Year's Day
I wanna see all your scars Show me who you really are Don't fake it anymore Let it out, let it out oh
Promise me you won't hold back Oh, go on, disgust me Tell me the ugly I want something real
So on it by Miyavi
So wrong that I never go right So one that I never think twice So dead that I’m never gon’ die
Oops (Oh my!) by Tweet
Tell you what I did last night I came home, say around a quarter to three Still so high, hypnotized In a trance, from his body
Joan of Arc by In This Moment
You can crucify You can nail me to your cross (Light me up, light me up) You can find me guilty for everything you've lost (Light me up, light me up) Go ahead blame me for your sins Go ahead and sacrifice me Make me your martryr I'll be your Joan of, I'll be your Joan of Arc
Oh Lord by In This Moment
Oh Lord please forgive me for what I'm about to do Oh Lord won't you believe me I burn in hell for you
Oh Lord won't you teach me Teach me how to see Oh Lord tell me you love me Am I Lillith or am I Eve
Oh God have mercy on me Oh God have mercy on me Hold me down under holy water I fear I been laying with the devil I been laying with the devil (save my soul)
Okay now the outfits that Phedra would wear.
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Ahyeee, okay umm here's some stuff. Thank you again. I guess if anybody gots question about stuff just ask. I'm not good at this stuff lol.
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
In the novel, Athy's debut dress is described as white with long sleeves and the skirts made it look like a rose (? I think she was also wearing rubies but I don't remember very well anymore
Don't you have reference photos of what the dress was like? The translation I read is very strange lol
Athy's debutante dress is described to be pretty different in the novel! It was a pure white dress, that seemed to bloom like a flower at the bottom. It also had embedded jewelry and a tulle ribbon tied around the waist, and it had sleeves, it wasn’t sleeveless like the manhwa's. So the translation you read looks accurate. Here is @lithi 's complete translation of how the dress looked like!
I don't have any reference pictures of that dress specifically, sorry. And as far as I know, there's no novel-accurate fanart of the debutante. We'll have to use our imagination.
The thing about debutante balls that... no manhwa seems to get right is that, they weren't just fancy balls to introduce noble girls to high society. They were that in part, yes, but most importantly, they had the purpose of serve as the occasion for young girls of marriageable age (for the time period) to find a husband.
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So the balls had a pretty strict dress-code. All debutantes had to wear white (though shades of ivory and pink were acceptable), the dresses were strictly floor-length and with a long train, though the sleeves were short. Long white gloves were also very common. The hair had to be done in an up-do with a veil attached to it, decorated with three ostrich feathers. As for jewelry, pearls were the more common option.
Some details could change depending on the time period, but those were the basics. So no colorful gowns, loose hair, short dresses or stuff like that.
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Totally different vibes, even though that debutante dress is pretty modern. But it looks... like a wedding dress.
I was surprised to see that the novel's debutante was actually pretty historically accurate. My guess is that Spoon felt the novel's dress was too bridal, so she changed it to the iconic dress we all know (I've seen people say it feels too "homecoming", teenager ball, but debutantes were kind of just that lol). The part about the dress resembling a blooming rose was kept, but Spoon added the pink details, flowers and patterns, shortened the length and made the dress sleeveless (and gave Athy a tiara! Apparently only married women could wore those at debutantes in real life).
I quite like it. I think the choice was also to better reflect Athy's fashion sense and make her stand out compared to the other debutantes. Athy's dresses are always lovely and elegant, but she uses way more colors, patterns, short sleeves and hems compared to the rest of the girls. I think it suits her free spirit!
And yeah, it would have been kind of weird to see all the girls dressed as brides in the debutante lmfao...
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pitynostars · 5 months
ok so first things first, i loooove gatwa's doctor so much already. if nothing else, i love the masterclass in acting he's putting on, his expressiveness is so impressive. he brings a very fun energy to the role
the church on ruby road has me feeling a bit mixed as well. the plot was kind of meh, and i didn't like how in the alternate universe ruby's mum was just so mean without her. it didn't make sense. like what makes ruby so special, hm 🤨 what's this one white blond baby got that all the other babies in the world don't 🤨 i know the point was to show how much ruby meant to her mum, but like. there are other ways to do it than have a complete 180 in characterization.
i'm honestly not super interested in the mystery of ruby's parentage (which apparently seems like it will be a huge thing unless they're just making stuff up to fake us out, in which case, good on them). but i don't want it to be some big reveal i'm sorry 😩 especially not because if it is, people will bend over backwards to say how great storytelling it is when they'd never say that if moffat did a plot like this. i hadn't even considered the possibility really, when i'd first watched it, i thought it's just not that deep, but maybe i'm wrong. the people who are theorizing that ruby is rose and tentoo's daughter are sooo funny though like
ur only saying that because she's blond and we all know nobody on this show can be blond without being related to The Blond(tm) 🙄
that literally means they abandoned their kid. yes. such good parents 😫
i also feel like we didn't....really get to know ruby that well? i'll reserve judgement to give them more time obviously, and millie seems very green (not a judgement on her, and she and ncuti seem to have a lot of fun energy together) so there's still time and there's a lot of time in general for the stories to get going, and it had to do double duty as a christmas special and an intro episode for both new doctor and new companion so like, my feelings may also change with time. anyways those are my thots for now
yesss i was sold on gatwa very quickly i just hope he doesn't become 10th doctor rehash number 2345932853845 i am so tired. give him something new. also praying him and ruby don't have a romance angle there were a couple of moments in CORR i was like. GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN.
CORR plot being meh i agreeee but also xmas specials plot is a lot of times like a wafer and as someone who watched it quite roasted ngl i kinda appreciated it 😂
YEAH omhg tho with ruby disappearing and her mum (i want to say carla??) completely changing as a person??? i get that the point was supposed to be like one little change can make such an impact etc etc as well. but also i was just like. .... ok but what about the other kids wasnt good enuf ???? maybe i'm a cynic lol. but fr have another MORE kids on the wall bc she's trying to fill a gap she doesn't know is from what !!!! IMAGINE.... especially with it being sort of set up as a doctor/companions parallel oh my god
nooo oh my god i know what you mean about rubys parents i like that theyre setting it up as a counter to 13s "it doesn't matter i'm good as i am my past doesnt define me" etc. but i really want it to not be interesting. i want her parents to just be like. normal people who had to make a hard choice lol. oh my god. i just realised. we're gonna go thru a fucking rey star wars arc with her im gonna lose it byee... imagine she ends the series like "im ruby doctor" :) i would quit watching.
but yeah 100% it's gonna be a big thing. atm i dont care but i guess we'll see and hope they do something interesting with it.... prayers she's an alien tbf
rose and tentoo would be terrible parents tbf i said what i said.
YEAH i know what you mean i feel like that about gatwa too i think its hard making the first intro for both an xmas special because it has to be kinda silly and rompy so you cant rlly get too into the grit of the characters?? still reserving judgement on them both, but its taken me a while to warm up to like. everyone in dr who since bill--- wait i take that back i loved bel in flux from like her first scene but she's not a doc or companion.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
why are there all of a sudden so many asks about your next update?? like i know its just two but thats very surprising to me. i thought it was like an unspoken rule everyone knew between fic writers/readers to never ask questions like that??
i guess everyone has to learn some way though (no hate to those who asked ofc)
this is mostly just me sending some love to you though. as a fic writer myself i hate getting those types of questions and answering them. take your time bee!! your work is very appreciated <3
I don't know lol I was surprised to get two of them so close together because I don't usually get asked that. it's fine I know those askers didn't mean any harm but the timing of me having to wake up at 6 am for work and immediately seeing that just bugged me more than it usually would
thank you though I am trying to get the chapter out. I want to finish ch 2 of under the hanging rose first so I can post that and the final chapter of glass at the same time. so it's gonna be a hot minute but we'll get there soon :)
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aufucker · 3 days
(Pseudo) Diner Date
You were used to being up long before the sun rose.
Chores needing to be completed on your family's ranch before school started served for great preparation for your current life of supply runs on the company's dime, spending anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours putting in lumber orders for any bloodied boards or beams that needed to be replaced.
But you always liked to leave earlier if you could. You had a trucker diner you always enjoyed going to, taking the time to scarf down a plate of jalapeño scrambled eggs and almost over-seasoned home fries with your near endless coffee refills. Sometimes, you'd treat yourself to one of their giant waffles. A full stomach did make dealing with the other contractors waiting around much more tolerable.
You seated yourself into your favorite booth after saying your "G'mornin'" with an involuntary yawn. The burnt orange pleather, still only slightly warm from whomever sat last, with the glossy table inlayed with local advertisements of roofing repairs, movers, and landscaping professionals, only to be slightly textured from the stray grands of salt that somehow escaped the recent cleaning, digging into the skin of your forearms.
Your black coffee was served without question and with an almost familiar smile. You never were around long enough to have a fixed view of the server's faces, but the tones of their older voices were always so clear.
Opting to wait a moment before putting your order in, you sipped at your coffee, ears perking slightly as the door's hanging bell was jostled loudly by someone's entrance.
"Grab a seat wherever, hon, we'll be right wit'cha!" you knew that to be Colleen's voice.
And you knew that black and white jacket that walked in to be Dean's.
You both seemed surprised to see each other, you moreso at this hour with his noticeable lack of uniformed blues.
"Oh, fuck. Hey, B. Got you working today?" he asked, his tone low and a little tired. Sounded more like he woke up recently, rather than got off a shift.
"Mm-hmm. You ain't?" you asked into your cream colored mug, hiding the small grin that tugged your mouth as he slid into the booth in front of you.
"Nah. First day of PTO. Got a long ride ahead."
"Lucky fucker. Forgot you're usually gone 'round this time of year." you mused. He was usually long gone to god knows where before you even realized.
You earned a laugh from him. You hated how it made the tops of your ears burn.
He ordered his steak and eggs with water and black coffee, going on about trying to cut back on sugar amidst the chatter you two shared. He was vague about any questions you asked about his whole vacation.
"It's a sex thing, isn't it?" you asked flatly. "You're doing some weird sex shit in the woods or something."
That earned a snort, and a part of your waffle being promptly stolen and shoved into his mouth.
"You got me, B." he said. You knew you didn't.
"Hey! Thought you said you weren't eating sweet shit!"
"Said I was cutting back!" he grinned, wincing only slightly as you slightly-harder-than nudged his leg with your boot.
"Asshole. How long a drive you looking at?"
"'Bout a day, maybe day and a half. I try not to make unnecessary stops if I can help it." Dean mumbled, pulling out and laying down cash on the table. It was enough to cover your plate and the tip. You knew better than to try and argue about it.
But you were going to argue about the car. As the two of you stepped out, you didn't recognize it, it wasn't anything you had ever seen at his place before- an old beater of some sedan, probably from the late 90s, if you had to guess.
"You know that's not good for a poor old thing like that."
He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and you heard the plain clattering of his key. "Only drive it for these trips. It's fine, B. I promise."
You felt your time together waning quickly. Why did you want to keep stalling? Something about that car felt like a death trap, and you couldn't place why. It looked *fine.* Well maintained - the body had some flaking of paint, but that was expected with something as old as you were. Your ears kept perking up to the quiet shifting sounds it made. Was it still settling from his drive in? Probably the leaf springs... your mind was wandering.
With a sigh, you dug for your own keys to the company truck you rode in with, giving the grey haired man a firm look.
"Just take your time getting back, yeah? And make sure you get that thing checked out whenever you arrive to...wherever the fuck you're going, okay? Kinda don't want to hear you're stranded in Bumfuck, Nowhere."
"Alright, alright. I'll pop in to a mechanic on the way back, okay? Thing usually sits in one place the whole time, anyway."
God, you wanted to throttle him. "Text me when you get back. Okay?"
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dave2olkat · 11 months
I love the ideas you have going on in your gold pilot au! Do you think you be fully writing the way a couple different time loops go or focusing on the main two you've talked about? Do any other characters learn about sollux's time loop? Oh! Do the other solluxes (solluxi?) keep existing after the time loop is sent through or its it like a universe mini-reset? I'm so excited to hear your thoughts
Hello, I'm glad someone else is interested in the Gold Pilot AU! My idea for the main fic is to have everything written from Dave's perspective, so sadly yes, we'll mostly just be focusing on the first two time loops. We get to see what happened in the other iterations as Dave learns about them, mostly by going through the Mage database himself but also from Sollux summarizing what happened in "the more doomed tiimeliine2".
On the other characters learning about the timeloop, many do! It's not actually Sollux who's stuck on one, they all are, Sollux's just the guy who found a way to sort of communicate with himself through the iterations (or at least as far as he knows). Mostly all the HS main characters (the kids and the beta trolls) are somewhat aware that Something Is Definitely Off about their lives but very few of them learn about the loop without Sollux telling them abou it first. In the story, he calls it "beiing awake" and besides him (who always gets awakened by himself) I imagine it's the light players, Vriska and Rose, Dirk and Terezi who have the most general awareness of the loop. Dave has been having weird dreams since he was 13 (when the time loop starts) as well as a general sense of deja-vu when he meets certain people like Karkat for the first time, but that's about it until he basically confronts Sollux about all the weird spooky shit that happens around him like he already knows it's going to happen.
As for the other doomed Solluxes (lol) I do think they reset! But how long the timeloop lasts before it does is anyone's guess, honestly. Rose speculates that the one a actually stuck on a timeloop is the Condesce herself and she's just dragging everyone else in their universe along with her for the ride. What Sollux DOES know is that he's never able to return further back than Karkat's Sixth Wriggling Day, so sadly, he's never able to save Aradia, who's stil present and acting as a sort of ghost guardian angel for everyone, and who sort of guides Dave throughout the story because she knows Sollux will keep isolating himself otherwise and yeah, she's kind of trying to set up her old boyfriend with a New cool boyfriend is that adorable.
If anyone would like to send more asks or share some of their own ideas that could be incorporated into the AU, just hmu!
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exp123mon · 8 months
Di di di fr fr fr
digimon frontier episode watching thoughts below
35 - The Spirits Become One! Takuya and Koji's Ultimate Evolution -OMG OMG LETS GOOOOO -Goatmon is immediately lifted up and blasted, aww D= -rofl I love when the attacks don't work because of the light, Takuza and Koji are just like "no prob" and pick Cherubimon up and toss him out -Everybody works to free Ophanimon! Won't lie, Fairymon using her butt attack on the stone wall and just being like OW was funny. Yeah butts are not strong eough to break down giant stone/crystal walls haha. except maybe mine -Cherubimon starts STEALING THE DIGIVICES I like that Shutumon was the last one standing for a change harhar -I only just noticed watching this episode that Ophanimon has a lion, bull and eagle head on her helmet. That's a cool detail… except Cherubimon should be the one wearing it hehe. -Don't worry the power of LOVE will save the day!! …LOL PSYCHE STEALING UR DIGIVICES lol I love Ophanimon -ya know the one thing Digimon handles really well is the build up and execution of the "power ups" the characters get. Every time I see a new evolution I get goosebumps. Hell even when I rewatch old series I still do for some moments. -KAISERGREYMON. I'm familiar with him but HE STILL LOOKS SUPER COOL!! -BUT NOT AS COOL AS MAGNAGARURUMON OMG. "How can we improve on MetalGarurumon, the wolf that's also a military robot?" "Make it a wolf that's a military jet fighter robot, duh" Id love to be a fly on the wall in the Digimon design team… -then snap cut to the credits lol if this were airing weekly I'd be going out of my mind right now
36 - Soar Towards Victory! Showdown at Cherubimon's Castle -We open with the evolution sequence again. That's nice. Imagine missing out on this pivtol moment oof haha -I appreciate there's a bit of a struggle and not just a big climactic oneshot (though when Digimon does do oneshots they generally feel earned) -THE CASTLE IS FALLING BUT THERE'S A BIG HOLE BENEATH DUN DUN DUN -If Cherubimon survived hopefully he had no insurance so he'll at least be financially ruined with his castle being destroyed. Can you imagine being an insurance agent in the Digital World?? Like every other person you meet is a Vash the Stampede lol -KOICHI FALLS TOO-!!! but is saved by Koji, yay!! I hope we get more downtime with Koichi. Get to see what he's like beyond Duskmon and the constant threat and tension of confronting Cherubimon. -Aww, Izumi approaches Koichi to encourage him to talk to Koji. -OMG I literally just talked about DIGINSURANCE. Now we have IceDevimon who get sent to prison by DIGICOURT. Sent to DigiJail by DigiJudge and DigiJury for his DigiCrimes. I NEED to write up some ideas for my Digimon slice of life story now lol -Honestly though the second half of this episode was weird. It was a reiteration of the previous episode just with the other kids and some random one shot super criminal. Like they couldn't figure out what to do between Cherubimon's castle collapsing and the next part. -HOWEVER it was nice seeing the other kids get a moment to shine in the wake of the Ultimates/Megas reveal, so I guess they just wanted to do that. Plus the moment with Bolgmon blasting IceDevimon STRAIGHT in the face was so satisfying -This whole Venus Rose section gives me Klonoa vibes. Even Cherubimon's design wouldn't look out of place in Phantomile. This isn't relevant or anything it's just a nice aesthetic.
37 - Decisive Battle! We'll Take Back the Digital World As Long as We're Still Alive -that's quite a title for episode 37 out of 50 haha -nice moment of the kids sending Takuya and Koji off to the fight -they're getting a lot of mileage out of the Hyper evolution animations heehee -Cherubimon gives the big ball of data a smooch, very normal behaviour -I kinda wish they didn't bother to animate MagnaGarurumon speaking. His face is so weirdly undetailed it just looks kind of awkward haha -Despite absorbing the data Cherubimon's still basically just level with the other two, I like that -the moment where Magnagarurumon and KaiserGreymon rush Cherubimon for the ultimate attack was so freaking good AAAAH. I feel like I enjoy moments like this way more as an adult than I ever did as a kid lol -Cherubimon gets Datascanned, sees an image of his friends and sheds a tear before returnig to a Digitama… HURRAY! IT'S OVER! lol -The Data falls into the Digital World's center and OMG THERE HE IS THERE'S THE BOY/DEMON/FALLEN ANGEL/MAN GUY FELLA!! -WAIT WHAT THE ROYAL FRIGGIN KNIGHTS?!?!?! I see LordKnightmon and Dynasmon. omg whaaaaaaat lol -I also watched the new credits for the first time, it was actually very sweet! I liked the song and the imagery was wholesome. No spoilers either haha I worried for nothing
38 - Neverending Battle to the Death! The Prelude of Lucemon's Revival -DUN DUN DUUUUUN -We're straight back into chaos and fighting. It's just not letting up at this point! -Baronmon appears so the kids all transform. All six simultaneously whilst a cool instrumental rendition of the evolution song plays. -Fortunately Baronmon is a pal and gives the kids the deets, including some kind of vision of Lucemon that shocks them so bad they all return to human form. -The Royal Knights show up AAAAAAAAAH I'M NOT READY lol -I'm curious as to when this episode originally aired. was there a break in the schedule? We got every evolution this episode plus the infodump in the first part (Bokomon even lampshading it with "everybody knows this already!!" to Baronmon) makes me think there may have been a break between this ep and the previous -There were some cool moments during the fights this episode, particularly the kids rushing LordKnightmon and when Dynasmon first uses Dragon's Roar -Bokomon shoving Patamon into his belly-bandana and Neemon jumping in too had me giggling -Unsurprisingly, the cool new ally Digimon who has great powers and knowledge gets digitama'd RIP my dude :( -WAIT WHAT did the kids get BLASTED TO THE MOONS?!?!? DYNASMON DO YOU HAVE NO CHILL. That's a good place to break for today. Nice cliffhanger… spacehanger? Going-to-the-moon-hanger???
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Link's Parents play Breath of the Wild! Pt 6
Guess what I finally put this on the archive, guys! I got tired of making previous/next links honestly LOL. If you're new to this story just search #link's parents play botw on my blog and you'll find all the parts!
Summary: When the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged, Link's parents fight to save their son and Hyrule along with him.
First chapter
<< Previous // Next>>
The Great Plateau - The Final Shrine
The old gardens were the location of the forbidden shrine. When the family had come here many years ago for the Festival of Farore, Link had run around in the gardens, laughing and chasing bugs as Abel followed him with a watchful eye.
Goddess that was so long ago.
Now the gardens were in ruins and littered with what little bones were left of the dead.
And with guardians.
When Princess Zelda had gone to the castle, all the guardians had been affected. Most had been deactivated.
There were three on this plateau that still lived to varying degrees, and all were relegated to the garden ruins.
And now they had to get to the shrine that was in the center of it.
After getting a good night's rest at the house, Til re-dressed Link's bandages and saw that Link's wounds no longer sank through all the layers of his skin. They were still deep, but the bleeding had long since stopped, and despite the cavernous nature of the wounds, the only layers and colors she saw were red and pink, not yellow and white as well.
"Maybe the last shrine will fix everything," she whispered as she washed Link's hair. Her son almost seemed to lean into the touch, but she swore she was imagining it.
Abel gave an empty smile in reply. Clearly he didn't seem to think so. If Til was being honest she was certain it wouldn't be the case. But it was still moving in the right direction.
The real concern was what would happen after the shrine... assuming they could even get to it.
Anxiety filled the home as Abel slung together a harness he'd been working on for the last couple days. It would allow him to have Link on his back without holding him there, freeing him up to climb or move around easier.
Or, Hylia forbid, it would allow Til to carry Link while Abel fought.
The couple looked over the slate together as Abel pointed to different places in the garden ruins. "The shrine is in the lower part of the cross, towards the border. The guardians are on all three sides facing it. Our best bet is to approach from the wall... but we'll be higher up, above the garden walls..."
"So all three guardians could see us," Til surmised.
Abel sighed. "We're going to have to go through one of them."
Tilieth could already feel her heart rate spiking at the thought of it. Images came unbidden to her mind of people she'd known and grown up with being carved into pieces by red lasers, fire setting everything aglow as screams rang all around.
Her father laying broken in the rubble with Lyra buried underneath him, motionless.
Tilieth rose abruptly, choking back a sob and walking outside.
A few minutes later, her husband joined her, sitting by the cooking pot with her. "Til..."
Tilieth shook her head, hugging herself and crouching further.
Her husband's arms were warm around her. "Link and I will be fine."
She opened her eyes, looking at him as panic electrified her veins. "What are you--you're not going alone, I'm--I'm..."
Her voice faded and she bit her lip, looking away. She had to go, she could handle the slate better than him. Not to mention she was the better archer.
Not that arrows made a damn bit of difference to guardians, anyway.
She knew why he was saying this. She knew he was afraid she'd panic and freeze the instant the guardian had come into view. She did it once when they'd first discovered those guardians were still active.
But she couldn't just leave them to deal with those monsters alone.
"I'm coming with you," she said, albeit shakily, and she looked Abel firmly in the eyes. "I'm coming with you."
Her husband's worries vanished as his face hardened. "No. You're not. Tilieth, you need to stay here. I want you to keep an eye out for that man."
Tilieth opened her mouth to argue and then grew confused. "That man? The old man you talked about?"
"What does he have to do with anything?"
"This is the final shrine on the plateau. He might be plotting something."
"All the more reason to go with you! He'll go after you, not the house!" Tilieth fired back.
"He might go after the shrine or the tower." Abel reasoned. "I need you to keep watch."
"You think I'm some foolish foot soldier who listens to orders blindly?" Tilieth snapped, rising. "I know you're trying to just give me a pointless task to occupy myself so I don't get hurt."
"No, you're not a foot soldier," Abel barked, also standing. "That's exactly why you're not joining us!"
"Link isn't in any condition to be in a fight!"
"Link has to go!"
Tilieth growled, frustrated and terrified. She wasn't an idiot. She knew the logic behind his words.
It didn't make her feel any less useless.
Defeated, she hugged Abel tightly, crying into his tunic and whispering, "Be safe."
With Link on his back and the Sheikah slate on his belt, Abel was ready to go. He gave his wife one last kiss and pivoted before she swiftly turned away.
She'd always hated goodbyes.
Sighing, the former knight made his way to the old garden ruins. He knew the area well, having mapped it in his mind the instant he'd recognized the threats there. If he came in from behind the walls were collapsed enough that he could climb them easily and quickly.
It was just a matter of sneaking around the guardian for as long as possible before he was noticed.
Creeping up to the wall, he found a sloped half collapsed arch and started to dig his hands and feet into it, pulling. He bit back a grunt as he had to move his son's weight as well as his own, but thankfully Link wasn't too heavy.
Once he reached the peak of the arch, he saw it.
The guardian was sitting innocuously on the ground, its remaining two legs having been cut out from under them by his sword many years ago. It whirred a little, having heard the noise, and its head swiveled back and forth.
Opposite of him.
Holding his breath, he settled down on a platform and held Link's legs tightly as he scurried across to the other side. When he got to the wall he found the area that had the lowest clearance and practically leapt over it.
The guardian didn't notice him the entire time.
Breathless, the realization sank in as Abel collapsed onto his knees and huffed out a laugh.
Well that worked awfully well.
Now all he had to do was figure out the shrine. And successfully sneak back out.
When it was time to distill the rune, Abel released the harness, lowering Link to the ground to give the boy a break. He wasn't sure how uncomfortable the harness was for Link, but it wasn't the best for Abel himself, pinching and pulling. His boy was still pale, still silent, still asleep, but the occasional twitch from him was significant improvement.
Abel was beginning to worry about how they were going to feed him, though. He'd seen soldiers die from malnutrition and dehydration. He needed to make sure Link didn't fall victim to that either. He wasn't sure if Sheikah tech was still preserving him in a way or not. He hadn't been in the shrine while it was actively healing his son. All he knew was Link needed sustenance.
"Link," he whispered, jostling the young champion.
Link didn't budge.
The not-water fell onto the slate, and Abel sighed, rising and grabbing it. When he read it, he laughed out loud.
Remote bomb. Well at least that one's pretty damn easy to figure out.
Link would love this rune too.
"Just wait until you wake up," Abel whispered as he got Link on his back once more. "I'll have to hide the slate from you."
The bomb blast rattled his chest and blew his hair out of his face, and he tossed a look at his shoulder where Link's head rested.
Still no reaction.
Abel shook his head and focused.
After destroying a few blockades, he found himself in a giant room with stone catapults, and the next step became unnervingly clear.
"You have got to be joking," Abel muttered. He was supposed to launch himself now?
Clearly this shrine was not designed for worn and weary joints. Or for someone to be carrying someone else.
Gritting his teeth, Abel unstrapped Link from his back and held him in his arms instead. At least that way he could protect him better if he had to tuck and roll.
Or if he fell.
There were three catapults. One led to nothing, a simple heavy metal ball being tossed back and forth.
A tutorial.
Abel huffed. Honestly, these monks didn't think much for Link's intelligence, did they? Or did they expect the Hero to be young and inexperienced?
Goddess, was Link supposed to have fought miniature guardians and gone through these trials when he'd first gotten the sword as a twelve-year-old? Abel shuddered.
The other two catapults led to a treasure chest and a solid rock wall. A bomb easily destroyed the wall. As for the treasure chest...
Abel wasn't as curious as his wife, but he also wasn't one to waste resources. Leaving Link against the wall in the corner so he wouldn't be in the way, Abel braced himself and stood on the stone catapult.
The stone moved quickly, flinging the former knight into the air with a yell. He tucked and rolled as best he could when he landed, but his knees still screamed in protest, as well as the shoulder he landed on.
And his head once he smacked into the treasure chest.
Grumbling, Abel heard the chest lid pop open and he peeked inside to see a large chunk of amber sitting innocently at the bottom.
Well that was a waste of time. Grabbing it because he might as well, Abel looked to see if he could just slip down rather than fling himself across the chasm once more. When it was apparent that he could, in fact, hop off the platform and take the stairs back to his son, he did so, hissing as his shoulder ached.
He was too old for this nonsense.
"Catapults and treasure chests, this is ridiculous," he grumbled.
Abel groaned as he pulled Link into his arms. It was easier to carry him like this now rather than on his back with the way his shoulder was bothering him. He'd need a hot water bottle when he got home.
Oh wait. He still needed to go flying across the other chasm.
Muttering curses under his breath, Abel paused and saw with delight that there was actually a ladder he could climb. He just needed to get Link on his back once more.
He sighed as he clipped the harness back on and his shoulder groaned in protest. He winced a little as he climbed, and he took care as he saw Link's hands bounce lightly against the rungs. He could already see a little scrape on one of his boy's knuckles, likely from when they were climbing with haste outside to avoid the guardian.
Abel tried not to feel too guilty about it.
When they reached the monk, Abel tipped forward to let Link's hand touch the strange barrier, and the monk gifted him with the spirit orb. Abel watched him disappear and allowed the disorienting feeling take him back to the entrance.
Where the mysterious Sheikah elder stood.
Abel jumped, startled, and reached for his sword immediately. He wasn't taking any chances with his boy so vulnerable in plain view.
The elder held up his hands. "Peace, friend! I don't mean to harm anyone. I did help guide you with the shrines, did I not?"
"How did you know we were here? Who are you?" Abel hissed. "No more mystery or secrecy, tell me."
The elder took a fortifying breath and lowered his head. Abel stared at him a moment, blinking, his mind registering the sight but not quite placing it, and then it clicked.
"You--you're--" Abel stammered before muscle memory made him stumble down to one knee. Link's feet brushed against the grass, his weight throwing off his father a little bit.
"Yes," the king said as his attire transformed into his royal garb, so familiar to the knight. Yet the man had an eerie glow to him, strange bluish flames floating around him.
Abel felt his blood run cold. A ghost?!
Tilieth would have lost her mind. She was deathly terrified of the mere idea of ghosts.
But more to the point-- "How are you here?"
"I could not leave my daughter," the king explained vaguely. "My hope was to await the reawakening of the Hero so he could save her and the kingdom."
Abel felt shame fill him, and he hastily averted his gaze. It was his his fault that the Shrine of Resurrection had been damaged.
"Sir Abel," King Rhoam said, catching his attention. "Captain of the Royal Guard. I remember you well. You were a good and faithful knight."
There was a pause, and Abel wasn't sure if he should brace for a rebuke or if the king was seeking acknowledgement. He glanced up to see the soft concern in the monarch's face, and he grew confused by it. He'd... never seen the king make that face before.
"I speak to you now as a father," the king said solemnly. "I am no longer a king. My kingdom has been destroyed, and I am partly to blame for it."
"Your Majesty--" Abel immediately tried to argue, though he wasn't sure what to say.
It didn't matter. The king held up a hand. "Do not try to disagree, captain. It's true. So as a father, I ask you, from one father to another: save my daughter."
"Your... Princess Zelda?"
"She is at the castle," the king explained, though Abel was very much aware of that fact. The Sheikah had explained that, and the sudden cease in attacks and deactivation of a majority of the guardians had told him the rest. "She is actively fighting Ganon by herself. I know you seek to save your son... and I implore you to save my daughter as well."
"Your Majesty, I..." Abel glanced up again and saw the king motion for him to rise. He did so slowly, keenly aware of the wounded hero on his back. "I will do everything I can, but..."
But? But what? Abel would have immediately agreed to such an order ten years ago.
But he wasn't the same man as he was ten years ago.
It wasn't that he wouldn't try to help the princess, or that he wouldn't claw out Ganon's eyes with his bare hands if given the chance. But it... he...
He was too old and weak for this. Ganon had destroyed the entire kingdom. How could Abel and Tilieth stop that? Zelda seemed to be doing well enough on her own.
Then again, it was the Hero who was supposed to eliminate Ganon. That was Link's duty.
And Abel had nearly sabotaged it.
"We have all made mistakes," King Rhoam said, as if he'd read his mind. "But together we can rectify them."
"Where should I go?" Abel asked. "I--Your Majesty said these shrines are all over Hyrule."
The king nodded. "I do not know all of their locations. Your best bet would be to request assistance from Impa, leader of the Sheikah."
Abel nodded. He remembered Impa. He'd seen her with the princess many times, and he'd interacted with her on occasion.
He remembered how bloodied and bruised she'd been the last time they'd met. How she'd taken Link's tattered tunic and had promised to guard it, had wished him good luck and said they'd meet again.
"In the meantime, I can give you this."
Abel blinked, snapped out of his musings and seeing a paraglider held out in front of him. He stared at it in confusion. "How did... what? You're a ghost, why do you have a paraglider?"
The king smiled. "I have my ways."
Abel frowned. "This makes no sense."
"Take the paraglider, Sir Abel."
He automatically received it, still bemused but slightly browbeaten at the realization that he'd just argued with the king. When he tried to apologize, he saw that the man was fading into the evening light. "Your Majesty?!"
"Save your son, Knight of Hyrule," the king said, his voice fading along with his spirit. "And save my daughter. Zelda is depending on Link... and Link is depending on you. Make haste, before Ganon can retaliate."
Before Abel could ask, the king was gone before his very eyes.
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
Hello! I love reading your posts, it makes me so happy to see that there are people that still love these two❤️ I appreciate all that you have done to keep the fandom alive!
That being said, because I wasn't involved with the fandom when I first watched the show, about 13 lol, I am pretty out of depth with how popular certain aspects of the show are to the general audience of Doctor Who.
Me being in my little bubble, I always assumed that all the RTD companions were really beloved, especially Rose Tyler. However after going out of my way to now seek out fan content, as an adult, it seems that there's way more dislike for her than I thought. Is she genuinely well liked amongst the majority? I thought that most fans really connected with the tragic love plotline they had?
The reason I ask is because I am fairly certain (a crack theory I've been making up in head) that more than ever there's a chance that we'll get some insight on how Tentoo and Rose are doing in the alt world but I'm afraid I might be getting my hopes up for nothing if they're not as popular as I thought they were. Thank you and I would love to hear if you have any insight!❤️❤️
hi! aw thank 🙈💗 honestly i just made this sideblog to ramble so i wouldn't annoy my followers on main (even though i was originally a dw blog there) and had been out of the fandom for about seven years before october; so i'm rediscovering it too!
i have noticed a lot of differences in the fandom from when i originally watched dw when i was in high school to now. when i watched it was 2012, so ten's era was still really recent and tumblr was much more active, especially in terms of doctor who.
back then, tenrose was everywhere because that part of the fandom was still the majority, but there was a lot of tension because of the direc moffat was taking the show. i remember there was sooo much excitement about even the possibility of david and billie being in the 50th, then it was announced and we all thought we would see tentoorose or at least s2 tenrose; then it ended up not being that at all. this resulted in the fandom feeling disappointed and used for views on top of the fact that a lot of people did not like moffat's characterization of ten and his decision to bring gallifrey back. it was a lot of things, but i think the 50th really created a split in the fandom that we have never fully recovered from. from then on, a lot of rtd era people de-activated tumblr and moved on to other things, including me for a while, because the fandom was so so so tense on both sides.
tenrose is absolutely still a very popular ship, rose is still a beloved companion by many, but it's not 2012 anymore. there are people who ship the doctor and river, the doctor and clara, the doctor and yaz, etc. so there is less unification i guess? and sometimes this leads to people hating on rose because some think they can elevate their ship by minimizing what rose meant to the doctor, which is bs because the doctor is allowed to love multiple people over the course of their insanely long life!
it's not that people don't like tenrose, it's just that there are people who prefer other eras and relationships now and the people who love tenrose aren't active much. but man, the SECOND thirteen regenerated into david ALLLL the tenrose girlies came out lol and i fully expect that to happen again in november. i mean, a lot of people hate ten as well, but that's because he is so popular and i think that applies to rose too. it's a sort of resentment sometimes imo. not always, but a lot of the time. dw is just a massive fandom and with things this long running there is never gonna be one specific consensus to cater to, and rtd always firsty caters to the story.
that all said, rtd is absolutely gonna bring them back even if it's not in the 60th. he always planned to, and planned to make the tardis coral scene canon somehow, so when i saw he was showrunner i was like "it's time!" lol and he has liked a TON of instagram comments about them and rose and bringing them back, including mine 😇🥰
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lorebite · 4 months
dusting off the blog soon...?
Hey lovelies. Guess who rose back from the dead? I'll save you the gory details but long story short, I've been hit with the worst depression spell of my life in 2023, and while usually I'm able to keep it in check, this time around, it's been really testing my will to live lol
But I truly miss writing. Which is a first in months. I've gotten into a new game/fandom as of late which has been my clutch during these times and it's inspired me to start writing again. I have some ideas I will slowly try to work on, plus some unfinished fics I haven't touched in ages so I guess what I'm trying to say is, expect my return soon? But no promises. I haven't written a single paragraph since the last fic I posted so we'll see how quickly I can get my comeback fic out. 😅
Anyway. I'm tired of feeling miserable, and I miss this blog and my friends here. I'm very sorry I haven't responded to your messages in such a long ass time but I will soon. Pinky promise. 💖
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redwinterroses · 2 years
For the road trip, on a personal note (and thus the separate ask so feel free to delete or what have you): I noticed the Christian description in the bio and out of curiosity as a Christian myself, were you raised as such? Did you convert later in life (either to a different denomination or Christianity as a whole)?
I guess I'm just asking about your testimony because I like hearing them. :) BUT I get it if you don't want to share or if I've misunderstood your bio lol
In any case have a safe trip today!
This ask makes me so happy, but I'm going to stick it under a cut due to general conversation of religion and some religious trauma. :)
So -- first off, sorry for taking so long to answer this. I'm like an infant with no object permanence as far as asks go. The minute I look away it ceases to exist, lol.
But! Answering now.
Yup, there's Christian in my bio. I'm not very in-your-face about it but I occasionally mention church or my pastor's wife or something on stream. I think I started humming a hymn the other day before I caught myself lol.
My dad's a pastor, and I was raised in church. Literally. Like -- every time there was an event, and half the time when there wasn't: I was at the church. We lived next door to the church(es) most of the time, and in later years we would sometimes go spend the day there in the summer because the church had AC and our house did not. XD
But yeah: churches. Plural. Being a PK is no bed of roses -- we were chased out of one church by an assistant pastor who bullied the congregation and scared them into "asking" my dad to resign, and in another my then-best-friend's mom led a ring of conspiracy theorists who thought Dad was part of a cult out to take over the world. (I wish I was exaggerating. I'm legitimately not.) We were forced out of our house (because the church owned it) two weeks before Christmas, no one from that church would speak to us ever again, and though I still live relatively close to that town I refuse to drive through it.
I'd lived in ~8 different houses before I was 12, and that particular event ended with us being homeless for 8 months and living in my grandad's basement. it was bad, I still have nightmares about it 20-ish years later, and I've legitimately blocked out a large portion of that year from my memory -- which can lead to some fun discussions sometimes with parents or sibs who remember something I don't.
And because of all that, I... don't have a lot of trust in the church, as an organization. I teased my dad the other day that, frankly, he's lucky all of us didn't ditch the whole shebang. He didn't laugh, actually. He agreed.
These days I'm dealing with what certain circles call "deconstruction" -- dunno how in on Current Popular Christian Lingo you are, but basically I'm going through the (very arduous, very stressful, often very emotional) process of picking apart everything I've ever been taught and trying to evaluate what's really true, what's just tradition, and what's outright wrong. So my testimony is kind of just starting, honestly. I don't have any dramatic conversion story (though I was baptized in January in a church where they forgot to turn on the heater in the baptistry so that's a vivid memory XD) but I'm in the middle of some kind of reformation, rediscovering the beauty and hope of my faith, and we'll have to see what comes out the other side.
Sooooo... yeah. That's the answer there. Probably a bit heavier than you were expecting, so sorry about that. :) Being a Christian on this webbed site isn't exactly... a popular option, so I feel a leeeeettle defensive about the faith that I've worked dang hard to keep and am working even harder to grow like some stunted little bonsai tree LOL.
But thank you so much for the question! And we had a lovely and safe trip back, so thanks for those well-wishes too. <3
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herasyndlla · 1 year
if you're in the mood i would like to hear about your dnd characters!!!!!!!!
ooooooo you have given me such a treat asking this, i LOVE talking about my characters. i will only talking about characters i have played as and not the backlog i have sitting in reserve. though... maybe another time cause i have some good ones waiting! i'm going to go in order of playing them.
starting with eryn! she's my first dnd character and boy is she. a wood elf ranger, basically a princess. dead mom issues. she was difficult and learning to be a team player. she's my baby girl, i learned how to play dnd with her and she will always have a special place in my heart.
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next is isobel! she's my longest running character, started playing her in 2018 (though we're on a hiatus atm but we'll be back at it this year). she is the most made from me character. i have figured stuff out about myself with her. she's my warlock turned wizard.
her story is soooo sad and sometimes i think maybe it's too sad lol. she was chosen for mysterious reasons as a baby by a demon who proceed to kill her parents to isolate her at age 7. the demon befriended her though isobel had no idea what they are. eventually a young couple took her in and her adoptive dad started to teach her magic. at 16 her country fell into turmoil with civil war, most likely caused by the demon (it was, she only suspects this now). in her escape of her home, she made a pact with the demon for magic and unknowingly gave away a piece of her like soul, binding herself to them.
at 19, in a new country, she meets a group of other travellers and they all start working with a rebellion to free the country she's in now. a lot of stuff goes on, she causes some pretty bad things trying to get out from under the influence of the demon. she does try to break her pact, and while that has been unsuccessful, she has rejected the magic she was given and now uses her own powers.
she also has fallen in love with a paladin who is one of the rebellion leaders, this young sweet and very strong girl named zephyr. they are not together, it is super slow burn, and isobel doesn't think she is worthy enough to love her or to be loved by her. it's good. we're all rooting for these cuties.
this is the very first art of isobel by my dm @gladejade
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next is meriele. she's a fun one. my girlies and i briefly played curse of stradh before deciding it was the best fit for us at the time. she's a high elf wizard, using necromancy magic to heal people instead of hurting people. she used to be like a teacher or teacher's assistant at a magic school but left. she ended up traveling with two other people before ending up in the vampire stuuuff. she was fun and messed up but wanting to be good.
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finally, there's my girlie sefris. she's a rogue assassin in training and i loooove her. we're playing waterdeep and it's so much fun. sefris is of a family of rogues who are like the spies and secret bodyguards from this noble family. she, the youngest in the family, fell in love with the youngest son of the family she works for. i cannot share his name because the other players are trying to guess it and one of them does follow me here lol (i see you, rose 😘). they're found out and she gets distracted on a job, potentially losing a family member, and the boy's parents send her on a job to waterdeep to like prove her dedication to them and her family. she meets two very fun ladies in waterdeep and gets into a lot of fun shenanigans and now the three of them own a tavern. i looooove sefris she's a lot of fun to play. she's my first not good aligned character (chaotic neutral) and it's a fun change. this campaign is also on a little hiatus and i cannot wait to get back to it. we at one point went to an opera and the opera was the story of eryn's group lol.
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invisiblegarters · 11 months
Be Mine Superstar Ep 1
Decided to give this one a try since I don't have much on my plate right now. We'll see how it goes. I hear it employs the whipping boy trope and I do love a good whipping boy trope.
Lol this is great. Is this what Lakorns are like? If so I might have to give one a try. Recs for the most soapy Lakorn Thailand has to offer, please. I want hot hot mess and will accept nothing less.
Where do I recognize the actress from? It's going to drive me nuts until I can figure it out. Expect an interjection halfway through this when I remember.
Lol okay the infighting is making me lau - oh hey is that the dude who played Pruek in Between Us?
*quick run to MDL later*
It is! And the woman I recognize is from Rose in Da House. Would not have remembered that since I literally saw one clip once on youtube I think? Thank you MDL, you save me from going crazy wondering where I know that face yet again.
We're gonna have a stalker wall, aren't we? This whole thing screams stalker wall somewhere.
I'm with baby bro on the celeb crush, actually.
Genuinely do not know if the bts squabbling of the drama within the drama is going to stay amusing to me for very long, so if this is too heavy on it I might have to bail.
Wow getting serious Hira vibes with this one. Maybe mixed with a little Toh? This is not necessarily a bad thing. Lord knows I love Utukare.
My goodness not!Pruek is so lovely.
Oh I hope they do flesh out the friendship between the three actors, though. Seems like they like each other a lot despite the manager beef.
HA, okay one thing I can definitely get behind is extended fantasy scenes. I don't know why but I love 'em.
Well okay then, bar scene. Loving it, honestly. Love me two confident men who know exactly what they want and know how to go about getting it.
Oooh I like doc. I think these two might be fun.
Hm. So our leads haven't really met per se, they just had a slow motion spinny cam moment that probably meant far more to Pun than Ashi. I think Title and Ashi have a thing happening and good for them, really. I already care more about the second couple than the first one, but well. Early days and the second couple got more stuff to do this ep. As predicted I'm already finding the managers a little grating, although as I said I am interested in the dynamics between the three actors.
I plan on sticking with this for at least a few episodes. We'll see if it catches me, I guess. Currently there's not much else on but that's soon to change...
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