#i feel like i've entered some kind of parallel universe
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(almost) fully independent at clicky and zoomy stuff
this morning i received training to use an electron microscope independently! i'm now allowed to open and close a vacuum chamber on my own and play the video game of aligning everything to make the focus better! it's honestly mostly just clicking buttons in a software and carefully sliding a door open and close lol
in the afternoon after installing all the equipment i'll need in the vacuum chamber i was allowed to operate the microscope on my own and managed to measure two samples. the other seven i'll hopefully manage in the next two days :)
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desultory-novice · 1 year
//rtdldx, Magolor epilouge main spoiler
Ok how do you think about the ending of Magolor epilouge ?
I'm pretty satisfied but I've seen some people who don't like it, because it's even more vague if the main mode Magolor really come back to Dreamland.
But regarding of the Ultimate Sword move in Star Allies, I think they are all the same Magolor. Maybe Lor found him in that *Spoiler* dimension and they come back together (20th anniversary).
I believe that Magolor still misses Kirby and the rtdl team, even those characters in *Spoiler* world parallel those in the og universe, they are still not the same. Hal, please don't prove us that Magolor abandons every relationship he had had in the og universe. (Start to feel scared.) Ok... let me drink some water... and calm down. I don't think Magolor would do that, although I only have some little evidence.
But hey! Your headcanon get somehow justified! *Spoiler* Magolor is the og Magolor!
I saw that some people didn't like it! To be honest, I was surprised to learn that! Not that there's anything wrong with people feeling that way. It's going to touch everyone differently, but I felt satisfied through pretty much the whole experience!
I DID drop my controller and scream and point at the TV when I saw Kirby Clash Magolor, but since I was always a fan of "Magolor ended up in Kirby Clash after his loss in RtDL" one of my rare HC getting justified made me excited!
And yes, I think it's pretty seriously likely that Magolor managed to find his way back to Dream Land/Pop Star. This game doesn't exactly de-canonize Kirby's Dream Collection, and Magolor and the Lor had to have reunited at some point...
Plus, it always seemed to me as if buying out Shopkeeper Magolor's shop, allowing him to re-decorate his store to be gold, blue, and gear themed, and having him switch into his original clothes, was emblematic of a "My time here is over!" moment for him.
That's always when I pictured him finally being "free" to return to Dream Land. (And now that we know there's some kind of power - Master Crown Power, to be precise - attached to the Gem Apples, it makes sense that he'd need to collect them in order to gather enough power to return to the Lor/Dream Land. In fact...)
...It's kind of fun to speculate!
Maybe Magolor was unable to/unwilling to collect the gem apples himself? (I mean, why run a store right next to a literal "gold mine?" Just get the money yourself!) Or maybe he's still a little traumatized from the whole Master Crown thing and didn't want to touch the tree... (You can see him visibly shaking/crying after the Epilogue boss fight, poor guy) Or maybe he COULDN'T harvest from the tree directly? Maybe he feared corrupting it/being corrupted by the power of the Master Tree Crown again!
The end result is, Magolor needed even more power to return/cross dimensions, but he also needed someone else to provide it for him. Someone pure of heart and unable to be corrupted. (As even Landia struggled with the crown.) Thus, Team Kirby enters the picture.
...Also, he also always wanted to run his own shop, so I guess that's convenient!
But I think your theory that the Lor comes and finds him  (aka, the Dream Collection theory) is a great one too! It didn't make sense for the Lor to rescue Magolor immediately after him going overlord, but after Magolor's worked hard for days/months/years/??? to change and become better? And has been living side by side with the Master Tree Crown for all that time without being tempted by it? (As the new pause screens suggest the Lor didn't "talk" to him before because it suspected he was being influenced by the crown)
And yes, I absolutely agree with you that Magolor cares about his bonds with the RtDL group and wants to see them all again!
Circling back around, I saw someone mention that it seemed cruel for Magolor to abandon (or potentially betray) the people he met in Dream Kingdom to return to Pop Star, but there is such a thing as making friends in a new place while still having another, separate place that's more "home" to you.
It's pretty clear that Bandanna Waddle Dee makes a fine guardian for the tree, and Team Kirby will keep Dream Kingdom safe. Even though Magolor probably WAS on good terms with the people of Dream Kingdom, I think that for him, it would still be kind of mentally exhausting/emotionally painful to deal with people who only LOOKED like those he wanted to see again day after, day after day.
:cough cough: and there's no Marx anywhere in Dream Kingdom, which would also be sad for him </Marxolor feels> :cough cough:
Magolor really does need to go home. Even if Team Kirby sees him as a friend, the person he REALLy wanted to be friends with... was OUR Kirby.
...I'll talk more about that later of course!
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justagalwhowrites · 4 months
I saw an ask about Beskar Doll and remembered something: I read all of your fics (duh, they're impeccable), while I was on Beskar Doll and Lavender at the same time I thought "they find each other in every universe". For months now I've been cherishing that Beskar Doll and Lavender are parallel universes, where Joel/Din find their surrogate child and, at some point, the love of their life comes through. It is a funny little thought, but it makes some sense in my head especially after [BIG SPOILER FOR BOTH FICS] Doll and Doc have babies by the end. I don't think it was your intention to write it like that, both shows have some similarities already but are also widely different, I was just reading them at the same time + had a rerun of The OA lol. My question is, if you had to write another PP's character to enter the parallel universe theory where he finds reader in every universe, shape or form, who would it be and why? Love u
OMG Hi Bestie!!
I love that you feel that way about these characters because I do, too. I'm not going to have every fic I write end with reader having a baby because I don't think that's a happy ending for everyone (like Yearling, for example, has established that Bambi is infertile and she's not just perfectly fine with that, she's pretty damn happy about it given everything) but I feel like Din and Doll and Joel and Doc needed their babies. I think for Din it was like truly solidifying his bond with Doll as a clan, they're going to raise their warriors together (and give Grogu siblings who will look after him when they're gone because tbh that's how I see that story going. When Din and Doll are old and gray, they retire on Naboo and Aidla and Grogu work on their force abilities together and travel the galaxy.) Joel and Doc's story I think always had their baby existing in some way. In the AU it's Evie, in the OG it's Sylvie. Their baby was just always meant to come along eventually, regardless of the timeline, their family just wasn't whole without her.
But to answer your question? Oberyn. Oberyn Martell would fully find reader in every universe, that man is so driven by love and passion the second he had even an inkling love like that existed, he'd search it out. Oberyn Oberyn Oberyn my first Pedro love. Gosh, I adore him, truly. I have a fic idea in mind for him (it's a mafia AU and I kind of love it even though it's super trope-y) and I need to write it at some point. Because OMG Oberyn.
Anywhoooo thank you so much for reading, bestie! Love you!!!
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Blog Delivery #3
When you think of women’s rights, who do you think of? The most common answer is women. Women’s rights affect anyone who believes in equality. A professor once asked me if women are full citizens in the United States. The simple answer is no. We cannot preach that we are a country promoting equality if 51% (most likely more if data included all female identifying people) (US Population by Gender 2027, n.d.), don’t have full autonomy rights. The same legislators restricting our rights are also putting bans on trans health care. Several states “have enacted bans on some or all gender-affirming medical care for trans youth, going against medical best practices” (Reproductive Rights Include Bodily Autonomy for Trans and Intersex Youth, n.d.). These same states have restrictive laws on abortion as well (Institute, n.d.). 
In feminism, which is a term I use in parallel to those who are impacted by women’s movements, there are different aspects. Some feminists believe that women’s autonomy refers to those who are born female. Others believe that feminism is intersectional, that we are all fighting the same battle. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 25.1, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care…”(Nations, n.d.). 
Institute, G. (n.d.). Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/
Nations, U. (n.d.). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations; United Nations. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights
Reproductive Rights Include Bodily Autonomy for Trans and Intersex Youth. (n.d.). National Women’s Law Center. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from https://nwlc.org/resource/reproductive-rights-include-bodily-autonomy-for-trans-and-intersex-youth/
US population by gender 2027. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/737923/us-population-by-gender/
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Interview with Lu LeSuer
“It’s not like my parents were really private with politics and all that stuff. So I wasn't necessarily exposed in that way. But I think I knew from the time I entered in school that there was something wrong and I felt like a hierarchy and even just the school system. And I always wondered, I don't know, maybe because also my mom is a teacher and my dad is like a businessman, and so, like, even just by being born I was like, ‘oh, there's like certain roles for women and there's certain roles for men,’ and like, it even comes down to like toys and whatnot, you can just see that there's a divide.And so I think I've just always been exposed to that, and I've always kind of been aware of it”. 
Rising Gun Violence 
I was intrigued by this blog on gun violence in Portland specifically. As someone who isn’t from Portland originally, or from a place that doesn’t really have gun violence at all, I surprisingly didn’t feel scared. When deciding to move here, most people’s response was directed towards the violence and homelessness here. I expected to be more scared while walking around, but I wasn’t. There is this taboo around talking about these subjects when in fact we should be talking about it more to raise awareness. Avoiding it is not going to solve the issue. I appreciate this author's ability to create awareness.
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dgcatanisiri · 8 months
I think the fact that I've basically told myself "fine, we can outline the Buffyverse Project, but we won't actually write it" has made my brain decide "okay, so let's make sure we come up with ALL THE SIDE CONTENT TOO."
Cuz at this point, it just keeps convincing me to come up with these ideas for additional elements, things set during the timeline of the original shows and giving room to explore further in the stuff that I'm adding, and then create MORE side content there!
My original idea had been that the finale to the Buffyverse Project (yes, I'm giving it that title now, if only because with all the ideas of "set during the show proper" I've had, I don't feel like "continuation" is the right word, and I think we're way past mere "expansion") would be this kind of crisis crossover, where every still-living character would be interacting in some form or another, and... I think that wasn't feasible BEFORE, but now, it's almost certainly impossible, just on a sheer numbers level, because just ACCOUNTING for every character would probably be a full five season, twenty-two episode series.
I have said many times, I long to enter a timeless space, actually do all this writing. At this point, I probably would need to be UPLOADING everything from that timeless space, too, JUST to cover my Buffyverse ideas.
Like if I'm realistic with myself, a good half of these limited series ideas I've come up with in the course of deluding myself I can manage this revisiting of the concept, if not more, would probably be better suited to just being like tie ins or something. Y'know, books, comics, whatever. Things that aren't necessary to the screen material. But y'know, since all of this is just my ideas getting written down, fuck it! I'm writing them down in a format that would, in some parallel universe, see them properly produced and filmed, maybe even getting tie-ins of their own!
Because I'm dealing in fantasy, and fantasy is allowed to go beyond the bounds of such ridiculous boundaries like reason or sanity!
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offtorivendell · 3 years
Could Aidas, or perhaps one of his brothers, be the House of Wind's cat-like darkness? A crack theory
Please don't screenshot or share this post without credit.
Disclaimer: I've only read CC once, and then only recently, so please forgive any glaring inaccuracies in this crack pet theory of mine, about a hypothetical CC and ACOTAR crossover in ACOSF. I apologise if this theory already exists, I haven't explored the CC tags at all yet. 💜
Spoiler warning: contains plot spoilers for ACOTAR, CC and TOG series, ie. all of SJM's works to date (September 2021).
I know I'm not the only one who picked up on all of the 'the darkness in the library is a cat' references in ACOSF, and I had wondered about them a little, but until I read Crescent City last month, I didn't have many thoughts beyond the darkness potentially being multiple entities, and not just the heart of the House of Wind; maybe Koschei’s shadows were there, too, or some remnant of Bryaxis? However, when I finally got around to reading CC (thanks to @sciencebaetch and @rminnieola for getting on my case), and had a couple of weeks to digest everything, it struck me that there were some potentially significant parallels between the two books.
Given this is a crack theory, there will be a few unanswered questions included, as well as points to take away and mull over. If you have anything to add, please feel free!
Thank you to @rhyssescups for fact-checking this before I posted it.
What do we know about Aidas?
Aidas is the handsome, blonde haired, and opal-blue eyed demon Prince of the Chasm, also known as the fifth level of Hel. He "yields" only to two brothers, the Prince of the Abyss (the sixth level), and the Prince of the Pit (the seventh level of Hel).
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When he enters Midgard's universe without being summoned, he uses the form of an equally blue eyed white cat. We have already had a TOG crossover with ACOTAR (the red star), so what if the Hel realm that is linked to Midgard is also connected to Prythian's world? Elain once uttered "I hope they all burn in Hell," about the Mortal Queens, so it appears that Hel/Hell is a common theme between the two universes.
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Are the Levels of the library a metaphor for the circles of hell?
The following is certainly not a new idea - I've discussed it with plenty of others in the fandom - but the levels of the library could, hypothetically, be a metaphor for the circles of Hell; the library is even circular in design. There are seven levels that we know of, though - correct me if I'm wrong - we don't learn the exact number of floors in the library before you reach the pit in which Bryaxis lived. For all we know, the "pit" could have been the ninth level. Considering that, and the attributes of the library's levels, when thinking about the levels of Hel we learnt about in CC, opens up some new theorising opportunities.
How is Aidas - or one of his brothers - hypothetically linked to the library?
Nesta told us that the shadows started to get darker from the fifth level of the library, and that, occasionally, the darkness appears to come alive. Some of this is the Heart of the House, of course, but what if some of the darkness is Other? I can't shake the feeling that the darkness we learnt of in the House of Wind isn't as simple as a Made house.
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Nesta also said, a few times, that the darkness was like a curious cat; this was frequently associated with either the fifth floor - or circle - of the library, or the number five, such as when Gwyn instructed Nesta to take five breaths, before Nesta considered letting her thoughts drift "deeper."
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Aidas, as we all know, has a cat form, and has previously shown kindness to a young Bryce Quinlan when she was in distress after her visit to the Oracle. Could he also be monitoring the library under the House of Wind? Nesta and Bryce also both had/have an eight pointed star tattooed on their bodies. And, just like Aidas with Bryce, the darkness knew Nesta's name.
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Note that, below, Aidas mentions "true dark," which sounds akin to the "true darkness" of the lower levels of the library, which Nesta mentioned in ACOSF.
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But Bryce's question stands… "What sort of cat visits an Oracle?" Was Aidas even visiting the Oracle that day? The Oracle is right next to Luna's Temple (see map below), and Luna could - hypothetically, of course - be the Midgard version of the Mother Goddess.
Also, what are the plans that Aidas mentioned?
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Map from CC ebook, Kindle edition
What if it's the Prince of the Pit who is monitoring the library, not Aidas?
While Aidas seems like the obvious option - and he still may be! - the very bottom of the library under the House of Wind is referred to as "a pit" multiple times. This, understandably, calls to mind Aidas' most senior brother: the Prince of the Pit.
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Nesta is also associated with "pit" imagery throughout her story in ACOSF, both figurative and literal.
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"The pit of Creation" (inside the Cauldron) sounds like "The heart of the world, of existence. Of self." This tracks, given Nesta was Made in the Cauldron, and she also Made the House of Wind. She also found the Mask, another Made item, in the "bottomless pit" of the water in the Bog of Oorid.
Both the Cauldron and the Bog of Oorid could be considered hellish places, and the Heart of the House? What if it holds a crack - a rift - through which the Prince of the Pit could squeeze in cat form, or as the essence of a cat, to help monitor the library? The darkness was described as "twining" down through the library with Nesta, to the seventh level - and any cat person can attest that cats absolutely like to twine (through legs, plants, priceless antiques)… but why would any Prince of Hel be there, in Prythian?
What if Aidas - or the Prince of the Pit - is monitoring Jesiba's library, the Great Library of Parthos?
The Great Library of Parthos is an almost mythical, and certainly legendary, collection of books from Midgard, that pre-dates Asteri and Vanir occupation of their world. It exists to bear witness to the life and creation of the humans who once lived there, to prove that they do not owe all they are now to their magical overlords. However, after its discovery at Griffin Antiquities, where it appeared to contain a volume called The Book of Breathings,(suspicious, no?) it - unsurprisingly - went missing again. Is it currently veiled in shadows as thick as a layer of fog, at the very bottom of the library?
Is that why Bryaxis was there, as a guard dog? He was frightening enough to scare a battle-hardened Cassian, and we still have no known reason for his residence in the base of the library... could he have been sent through a rift, from the Chasm or the Pit? Forgive the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone reference, but is Bryaxis the Prythian 'Fluffy?
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This above text is what suggests, in my opinion, that the Prince of the Pit is the more likely candidate, even without the "pit" imagery in ACOSF. Aidas, at least at this point in time (the CC epilogue), is unaware of the location of the Great Library of Parthos - though I'd love to ask him a question or two about The Book of Breathings. Unless ACOSF occurs after CC1 - or the timelines are more... wibbly wobbly - then Jesiba has potentially had the Prince of the Pit hide the books for her (and all of humanity). Alternatively, could the cracking Cauldron have become some sort of rift, and The Book of Breathings fell into Midgard after Feyre threw it into the Cauldron in ACOWAR? Furthermore, the beckoning dark of the pit, "like it was an entry into some dark pit of hell," sounds eerily like the dark that beckoned Aidas home to Hel, at the end of CC's epilogue. But I digress.
Jesiba Roga is a witch who is associated with the Under King, the head of the Bone Quarter of Lunathion, where souls travel to spend eternity after death. She had amassed a collection of priceless antiquities, including the aforementioned Great Library of Parthos, which the Asteri wanted destroyed, as it contained books that predated the Asteri/Vanir occupation of Midgard.
But what if it contained more?
Nesta - and Emerie and Gwyn - could potentially need to use those books to figure out either how to kill Koschei, or where to send him, potentially banishing him from their world, like Aelin did the deities of Erilea, if they are unable to truly kill him.
Take away thoughts and questions
The Lady Death being associated/friends with a prince of Hel is a story I'd love to read.
The eight pointed star may be superficially associated with Dusk, but I think it could be something more, that hints at the origins of the Asteri, and potentially the deity figures in Prythian.
Is Koschei an Asteri, the Prince of the Pit, or something similar, and are they related in any way to the Valg from Throne of Glass?
What, exactly, is the darkness in the library? Is it just the one entity, or a combination of many?
Is Bryaxis a monster from the Seventh Level of Hel? Or is he the Prince of the Chasm, or the Pit, himself?
Why was The Book of Breathings in Midgard?!
Crescent City
If this is a case of a crossover between ACOTAR and CC's worlds, is it Aidas or the Seventh Hel prince who is monitoring the Library? Or both?
Why does a cat visit an Oracle? Will we ever find out?
Where is the Great Library of Parthos now?
What are the plans that Aidas mentioned? Are he and his brothers, the princes of the Abyss and the Pit, planning to get involved in overthrowing the Asteri? (I hope so).
How does Jesiba know Aidas, and does she know his more senior brothers? If the books are hidden in the library under the House of Wind, did she ask them the favour herself, or did the Under King put in the request?
Who in the Hel was Hunt's father? One of Aidas' brothers? An Asteri? (Unrelated, but it's been annoying me ever since Jesiba and Aidas spoke about it).
Throne of Glass
How does this link with the library guarding Baast cats from the Torre Cesme in TOD? Cats that can - if some healers are to be believed - walk through pools of shadow and reappear around the library! Cats with "beryl" eyes (an aquamarine that sounds a lot like Aidas' opal blue). That's another post, if I ever get the time.
If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging. 💜
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picturejasper20 · 4 years
Steven universe future: Volleyball Analysis
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This episode! I have been waiting to review it for quite a while. There so much to talk about: Pink pearl,Steven, the reef..
So let's get started!
The episode opens with Steven healing some quartzes whose gems got cracked while playing volleyball. After they leave, Pink Pearl enters and asks Steven to do her a favor: Heal her eye.
Steven tries applying his healing powers on Pink Pearl's gem and then the injury.. nothing seems to work.
So he asks her how she got her eye cracked in first place:
"White hurt you before she controlled you?"
"What? Oh, stars! What a misunderstanding. This is all Pink Diamond."
"My mom?!"
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As result of her mom being mentioned, he turns pink. In "Rose buds" it was explored that Steven doesn't know how to feel about Rose. He can't look at the painting of her mom without feeling all twisted up about it.
"Sorry! It's just baggage."
"Is everything... all right?"
"Yep, but this is not about me!"
He has been trying to avoid this problem for a long time. He's so focused on fixing other's problems he doesn't fix his own. It's almost as it is a natural response. You don't have to think about your issues when you are always helping people.
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So they both go to Pearl to ask for her help. She tells them that there is a place called The reef, where pearls used to be made.
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One aspect i really enjoyed about this scene it's the contrast between the kind of person Pearl used to be and who she's now. Pink pearl is innocent and follows orders easily. She lacks identity. While Pearl has her own personality and personal life.
Finally they enter in the Repair Chamber. Everything seems fine until..
"I am sorry. There is nothing I can do."
"Her physical form shows damage, but her pearl is perfectly fine. This injury must have been so impactful that it continues to manifest despite the fact that her pearl has been repaired."
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"That's absurd! I am fine."
The machine cannot repair Pink Pearl and her crack starts getting worse minute by minute..
The way that she's acting here is very much like Steven. She's pretending to be fine.. when it's pretty clear there is something wrong going on.
It's revealed how she got her crack: When Pink was ignored and negleted by the Diamonds this made her threw a tantrum that accidentaly hurt Pink pearl with her powers.
Pearl can't believe this. Rose throwing tantrums? What is she talking about? They start arguing.. and Steven can't take it anymore.
"STOP IT!! I can't deal with ONE more horrible thing she did OKAY?!  I don't want to HEAR about it! I don't even want to THINK about it!!I just... want to FIX IT!!!"
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All his emotions suddenly explode and he releases a scream that shatters the walls. He can't deal with her mom's problems. He's tired, he wants to put the past behind him.
His powers make the machinery malfuncion and both pearls get trapped and zapped to be "fixed".
Pearl "I'm sorry for not believing you. It looks like I'm still making excuses for her."
Pink pearl: "Is that what I've been doing?! But she didn't mean to!"
Pearl: "But you were hurt- badly hurt!"
Even though it was a accident, she was still hurt. Her trauma is still valid. She's entitled to be mad, even scared.
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They both hug and fuse into Megapearl.
And the next scene.. it's awesome.
The music.. the action.. the utena references. It's just fantastic. It's one of the best scenes of the show in my opinion.
After they manage to escape from the reef, Steven feels guilty about failing to heal Pink Pearl, saying the whole trip was for nothing.
Mega pearl denies this, stating that now both Pearls have each other and now they have the whole picture of Rose/Pink. The episode ends with Pearl and Pink Pearl holding hands, looking at the stars.
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Note: Steven and Pink pearl share many parallels this episode. They pretend to be fine and don't want to make other people worry. They try to hide their trauma and feelings despite being hurt. It shows how destructive and dangerous this can be and it's important to have support and loved ones to help you.
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script-a-world · 4 years
Do you have any recommendations or thoughts about how to divest interplanetary travel from sci-fi? I've been trying to build this universe forever, and i think having multi-species interaction would be cool, but I'm not entirely drawn to a fantasy world where all the 'species' are confined to that planet, and would love to have a species on a moon. But the thought of spaceships and advanced tech has never felt right. I feel stuck!
Delta: On principle, it is possible to include “space travel” in a fantasy-genre story. The line between science fiction and fantasy is pretty blurry to begin with, in many cases, so having a world that “feels” fantasy, but includes some kind of space travel is very possible, and all in the delivery.
I think the answer to your question is going to depend on the level of technology you have in the rest of your world. Depending on that, there are numerous options that could get a group of people from one planet to another. One idea include some kind of magic teleportation (as seen in fantasy like The Witcher), which usually operates on a planetary basis, but there’s no reason your universe couldn’t expand it to interplanetary travel (and won’t seem particularly un-fantasy-like in my opinion, simply new and unique). Another option would be some kind of solar sail, that uses sunlight (or rather, the radiation or light photons that it’s composed of, if you want to be scientific) to propel them from one planet to another. In real life, this is a genuine theoretical proposal for human space travel, and has been used in other science fiction films, such as Treasure Planet. Treasure Planet also did something interesting in that “space” in that movie is not a vacuum, so there was no need to pipe air through a closed spaceship. You could play with a redefinition of space like that, where it is either less lethal or not a vacuum or something like that.
Finally, regarding delivery, if you make the rest of your story feel like fantasy, then it will be fantasy, regardless of whether or not your characters travel from planet to planet. This will depend on everything from the style in which you write to the rest of the worldbuilding you do. I would recommend looking at fantasy stories that are your favorites, picking out the reasons you like that kind of fantasy, and seeing how you can add that style or “aesthetic” to your own story, to retain the feel that you’re looking for, while still exploring the full extent of worldbuilding you want to do.
Tex: Science fiction, to very broadly generalize, does its socio-political commentary under the guise of advanced technology - this usually pushes the setting to the future (or its sub-category of “once upon a time”), because of the awareness that one’s audience doesn’t already have the aforementioned level technology. It’s a method to suspend disbelief, and makes it easier to broach contemporaneous, controversial topics.
Fantasy behaves the same way, but in the ostensibly opposite direction of supernatural/paranormal. Science fantasy is a combination of the two, though admittedly the Wikipedia article is more of a stub that leads to other avenues of research. The teleportation that Delta brought up is an excellent idea - Wikipedia’s list on teleportation outlines the many methods that have been used in the past, with quite a few of them abstaining from a technological standpoint entirely.
I would, however, like to point you in the direction of Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws, particularly the third one:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
As many examples in the list on teleportation point out, there are feasibly-believed technologies available to worldbuilders that from a Watsonian perspective could be perceived as “magic”, and thus fulfill your wish to find a middle ground between “fantasy” and “sci-fi”. The world of Hellboy, I think, meets many of these qualifications, and in particular how the live-action 2004 film showed people moving between “realms” while having a mix of steampunk-esque and modern, mundane technology.
The world is your oyster in this regard, because of the plethora of ways you could accomplish your vision. I think you have a great idea on your hands, and it should be interesting no matter what you decide on.
Further Reading
List of science fiction themes - Wikipedia
Category: Science fiction themes - Wikipedia
Clarke’s Three Laws - Wikiquote
Constablewrites: The TV Tropes page on Science Fantasy is significantly more developed than the one on Wikipedia. Loads of tropes linked from that page that can take you in more specific directions. The page on other dimensions also links to loads of subtropes about fantastical places that aren’t other planets. See if any of that resonates and go from there.
Feral: Portals have been a staple of the fantasy genre for decades. Although TV Tropes refers to this as “Trapped in Another World,” there’s nothing inherent about portal fantasy that says you can’t freely travel between the worlds. Although Chronicles of Narnia and Alice in Wonderland are probably the best known portal fantasies, a different take on the genre is the ABC show Once Upon a Time, in which the characters travel (only as freely as the plot needs, tbh) between different universes through a variety of methods including the Dark Curse, magic tornadoes, magic beans, magic hats, and Genie wishes.
There is also Diane Duane’s young adult series Young Wizards, in which the characters travel totally freely between different worlds in our solar system, galaxy, and universe via magic portals called worldgates. There is a hub of worldgates known as the Crossings, which is a spaceport but with magic portals instead of space ships. I recommend Young Wizards to pretty much everyone, but I think this specific series could definitely help jog some ideas for the brand of fantasy you’re going for - just a heads up that the interplanetary travel aspect is given a nod in the first two books, So You Want to Be a Wizard and Deep Wizardry, which take place respectively in a parallel universe and the bottom of the ocean, but really gets going in the third, High Wizardry.
Another weird take on the portal fantasy/science fantasy niche crossover genre is Doctor Who. Yes, aesthetically speaking, Doctor Who is much more sci-fi than what you might be interested in, but we’re talking about the mechanics of space (and time) travel, and the TARDIS is a magic blue box that you enter and then a minute later you exit and are in a different place and/or time.
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