#i dont care about things i should care about
999h34rt · 2 days
➣ paige x fem!physio
➣ summary: the new physio of the Uconn Wbb has caught the eye of their golden player, but it seems Paige has become a little... crush crazy.
➣ warnings: hoping none
➣ i hateee thisss but its been sitting in my drafts so i finally finished it 😭
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"AND BEFORE YOU TAKE THE PILLS MAKE SURE YOU ATE SOME FOOD" I said to Azzi. It's been about 2 weeks since I started working with her, the Uconn medical staff have been nothing but welcoming.
At first, I didn't know what I was getting myself into, where I come from basketball isn't a big enough thing the way football is ( soccer ). I also didn't spend that much tie on social media, but as soon as I opened tiktok, tons of edits filled my page, most about Uconn and other teams. There were especially edits of Uconn's number five.
Paige Bueckers.
The girl was attractive. And she had the confidence to prove it. Me and Paige had very little contact together , but even if it was for a second, for some odd reason, my stomach was filled with butterflies.
"Thank you again" Azzi's sweet voice said. I turned around to look at the girl, after she underwent surgery for tearing her ACL during practice last November, there was still a little pain in the leg, but nothing that should stop her from rejoining the team in January. Of course, left out from not being in the action.
"No problem and please be careful ,i dont wanna se you anymore, you're boring' I jokingly said to her, she let out a laugh. I heard a chuckle behind me, when I turned, there in all er glory, number five.
"Hi Paige" I muttered, suddenly becoming shy.
"Hey" She said grinning. "Soooooo..."
"Paige" I said sternly, hiding my smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I-I was just checking up on Azzi" She told me, cracking a small smile at Azzi. I hoped the disappointed wasn't showing in my face, the delusional part in me was hoping she just came to see me.
"Well she's all yours"
"Coach" Nika yelled, suddenly at Geno. "I don't feel so good"
"What happened?" Geno questioned her, making her sit down. She was fine 10 minutes ago.
"I feel like I'm gonna throw up" She said, staring at the ground. Coach felt Paige come beside him. "You okay?" Paige asked, Nika shook her head.
"Maybe we should call Y/N" Paige said, Nika nodded. Geno looked at the both of them, did they hit their head?
"Y/N's a physio, she doesn't deal with stomach problems" He explained, then he heard a cackle come from behind them. KK.
Now he got it, just before Nika came up to him, she was talking with Paige and KK, the three of them whispering amongst one another. Knowing Paige and her little crush, he could figure out that she put Nika up to this.
"Try telling me that again after suicides, maybe i'll believe it then" He said,trying to hide his smile, both Nika and Paige groaned. KK struggled to hide her laugh, scratch that, she didn't even hide it.
"Girl Boo, maybe next time" She said to Paige, laughing.
Practice was over, and everybody was tired. Most of them half a sleep, including Paige. While they were used to their morning practices, Paige had a late night.
"Nah I'm going pick up something from Y/N real quick" She hard Aubrey say. Hearing Y/N name, Paige was awake real quick.
" I'll come with you" She offered, the locker suddenly filled with laughs. Her teammate agreed but not before teasing her with the rest. After getting ready, both of the Uconn basketball players made their way to the medical wing, Paige was nervous, she was always nervous to see Y/N. Suddenly feeling insecure, Paige smelled herself, stressing because she's sweaty. She heard her teammate laugh. "Bro relax" Aubrey reassured her.
When they finally stood in front of Y/N's office door, when Aubrey saw that Paige was still in a bit of a daze, she took the honor of knocking on the office door. When they both heard a sweet voice yelling come in, they followed her orders.
"Oh Hi" I said surprised to see both of them here. Aubrey replied greeting me back, but Paige, just stood there staring at her, grinning like a maniac. "Hi P" I said to her.
"Hey" she replied. Before i could ask what she was doing here, Aubrey caught my attention, asking about her meds and if she could take lighter ones. I replied to all her questions, asking if she was feeling okay or if she needed a checkup. While i talked to Aubrey, i could feel Paige's eyes on me at the side of my head.
As Aubrey left, i expected for Paige to follow her, but the blonde didn't move. "P, do you need something?" i asked her.
"there's this party tonight , you should stop by"
Was Paige inviting you as a date? no.
"Okay, text me the details and i'll think about it" i kinda accepted her invite. Tonight i already made plans with my roommate, i don't think its a good idea to cancel those just because i want to see my crush. I also didn't want my hopes to be up.
While Y/N thought about that, Paige was beaming with excitement on the inside, if Y/N did show up tonight. this was going to be the night where she made her move.
She didn't show, she. didn't. show.
In Y/N's head, she didn't think not being at that party was a big deal. se assumed Paige was just being nice inviting her and she definitely didn't know that P was disappointed.
Today they had normal hard practices, and today was actually the final time Paige tried to get Y/N's attention. no like actually the last time.
As she dribbled the ball, suddenly she dropped the ball, and dramatically fell to the ground. Ice let out a laugh, but while she knew what Paige's plan was, Geno and Y/N didn't.
I gasped, seeing Paige suddenly on the ground, she was fine literally 10seconds ago. Quickly running over, followed by the rest of the coaching staff.
“Can u get up by yourself?”
“I can try”
okay good sign, good sign. it’s not broken.
“To my office” I instructed both Nika and Paige. While holding on to Paige, giving her a bit of support.
When we arrived, I made Paige lay down. And started testing her knee. It seemed fine, actually perfect.
“Maybe we should get another opinion, I don’t think my brains working properly”
I can’t seem to find out whats wrong, she says her knee hurts, but the tests i did make her look perfect.
“Ummm Alright” i heard her hesitate. Her voice slightly nervous.
“Are you… not injured?”
“Kinda” She answered.
I furrowed my eyebrows, making me think back. Maybe she didn’t want the pressure or she just wanted an excuse out of practice.
“Paige if you are using this to get out of practice well you’ve got another thing comi-”
“Im using this as an excuse to see you” She cut you off.
“I’ve literally been giving you hints all year and you’re telling me you didnt know i liked you?”
“Well no” I answered honestly. When i finally met her eyes, a small smile took over my face. Her sad face turned hopeful. She pulled her head up and it was a centimeter away from my lips, knowing shes hesitant i leaned down and connected our lips.
“I like you too P” i said “You couldve just asked me out and this wouldn’t have had to happen”
“Don’t even try to turn this on me ma” she started ranting, you just laughed and stood there watching. Okay so you weren’t delusional.
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poppy-metal · 3 days
fail marriage au…………………….
having your first big blow out fight after marriage counselling. putting everything you ever found aggravating or disrespectful or wrong or even just a bit annoying on the table. art doing exactly the same. it gets mean. it gets personal. it gets ugly. you scream at him, scream like a banshee and he shouts back. veins you didn’t know he had bulge in his neck, his fingers flex as he wildly gesticulates. you throw something, a plastic tv remote that shatters against the wall. it all passes in a heated blur, you hardly know what you’re doing or saying but that blood is pumping through your veins and you’re alive and so is art. alive. furious, at you. you stalk up to him, and he stands tall above you, looming like a storm cloud. a sweet faced angelic storm cloud that right at this second you couldn’t fucking stand. you jab at his chest with your finger as you yell, lay into him. why couldn’t he tell you how he feels? why did he have to be so fucking passive aggressive? why was tashi the centre of his fucking universe? why couldn’t he be a fucking man and tell you what he really wants? be a man art. be a fucking man for once in your goddamn life.
his nostrils flare, his anger rising with every poke. he grabs your wrist, yanks it up and leans in close. stooping, showing you that he is bigger. he would stoop to your level. he will fight back. you feel his breath on your nose and seethe. he’s still minty fresh. stupid cunt.
“what i want is for you to shut the fuck up and stop acting like you know everything.”
“fuck off, you limp dicked sack of shit.”
“fuck you cunt.” he flicks those brutal syllables at you, chewing his words, opening his mouth so you can see his tongue forming them. you feel the severity in the pit of your stomach. you feel something else lower.
“fuck me? fuck you!”
and in that moment you drew together, moving as one, in the most violent kiss of the modern age. he squeezes your wrist, still held aloft. your other hand grips his shirt collar, pulling so hard it hurts his neck. good. you hope his delicate little neck gets a friction burn and a rash and you hope it stings forever. he tongues furiously at your mouth, mashing his lips into yours and licking the side of your mouth. eating your face like he eats pussy. which he hasn’t done in a while, another thing to yell at him about later. his other hand grips the back of your head, holding it still so you have no choice but to recieve his hot, angry love. you kiss back with equal fury. you want to make him suffer your love. don’t want it? tough luck. it’s his. and he will take it. he grunts into your mouth, it vibrates your tongue. you pull back, but he doesn’t let you. he forces you back nearer to him, spine curving in hateful ecstasy. he kisses you for a few more seconds before drawing back only a few centimetres to rest his forehead on yours and breathe. your lips are wet with him.
“i love you,” you breath.
he caresses the back of your head.
“prove it.”
me when i overachieve.
anyway this is apart of my failmarriage au and you should probably read this part first to understand whats going on here. or just follow the #failmarriage au tag that i have.
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your breath shudders out of you. you'd never heard that tone from him before, or rather, never directed at you. not exactly cold but, chilled. serious and pointed. dominant.
your hands fall from his hair, sliding down his throat, his shoulders. you stare into his eyes - he stares back. you feel like you're on a razor thin wire. concede or push back.
you wonder what this will fix. but you don't think you care. you want him. you miss him. your heart is pounding just thinking about it. you take a step back, two, three, several paces.
"okay," you say. you dont even know what you're agreeing too, just that you want it, whatever it is.
before you even have time to linger on that thought though -
because art is already stalking towards you, undoing his soft leather belt and letting it drop to the floor. you couldn’t move. you couldn’t breathe. just watching in this kind of stupified silence as art unczips his pants and slides his delicate fingers under his waistband. In three strides, art was right up in your space, owning it,  staring you down with a cool kind of control in his eyes, heavy cock in his hand, already hard and flushed and mouthwateringly beautiful. you couldn’t speak. you couldn’t think. all you could see was art. 
when art spoke, his voice was an iron grip closing around your throat. each word as clear and distinct as a brand to your hot skin.
“get on your knees”
you sink to the floor. It felt like falling, your knees knocked out from under you by the invisible string of his command that binds you to him. breath punches out of your lungs as you let yourself go under. art was already reaching out and grabbing the back of your head and shoving his cock past your waiting lips, pushing all the way to the hilt as his leaking head slammed into the back of your throat.
“god,” art breathed out, vice grip holding you in place. “You’re beautiful like this” and you were lost. years of built resentment and anxiety dissipating like smoke as art took over your senses. the taste of him, the smell of him, the warmth of him, the silk soft press of his cock down your throat. It was everything you’d been longing for from him. 
your hands fly up to grip art’s waist, fingers trying to find purchase, pressing him deeper, holding him deeper, worried he might pull out but not able to hold yourself back. when art didn’t say anything, didn't tell you to stop, you sank forward and started to suck greedily, tongue running over art’s throbbing length, trying desperately to take him apart, to please him, to worship him, to give him what he wanted. 
you heard yourself whine, felt your body sway forward, but you managed to hold yourself still, keep your tongue flat, keep your mouth wide and waiting, holding art still against the back of your throat, wanting desperately to prove you were good. that you loved him. That you wanted, wanted, wanted him.
"give me your hand,” art breathes, looking down at you, and you think briefly of the ancient greek god apollo, and how if art was a deity, you.d gladly stay right where you are. lovingly holding him in the back of your throat. 
your mind was already starting to go fuzzy with the heavy weight of art on the back of your tongue, salt slowly leaking from his pink slit, the slow stretch of his your lips around art’s shaft starting to ache in your jaw. , but, still you had enough awareness to look up confused, meeting art’s eyes in a question. but art didn’t offer an explanation. just looked down at you, hand held out, patiently waiting, like it wasn’t a question of whether you would obey; it was just a matter of when.
shakily, your hand reaches out to his. by instinct or by pure coincidence, its the hand with your wedding band on it. your fingers brush against each other, and then arts fingers, lithe and strong, an athlete's fingers, slide between yours. he brings your clasped hands together against his chest. if your throat wasn’t stuffed with cock you’d gasp at the gesture, the intimacy of it alone. your palm against his bare chest, his right pectoral. right over his thunderous heartbeat. his wedding band presses against yours. 
“Im gonna move, okay?” he breathes down at you, and his hand squeezes yours. “If you want me to stop just squeeze my hand two times.”
you nodded, a slight movement, eager and unbidden. art ran a finger under your jaw, fluttering his fingers against you. you had to shuffle a little to keep as much of art in your mouth as you could as he exhaled and used his free hand to slide against the back of your skull, cupping it tenderly.
a little punched-out gasp falls from arts lips as he slowly rocked his hips, pushingas deep as he could go as you moaned around him. art took a second, waited for you to look at him, blink the tears from your eyes, before he started the slow glide out of your mouth. you laid your tongue flat against the underside of him, tracing the veins, unable to move forward to chase him back down your throat as arts hand kept you firmly in place.
when he was all the way out, spit slick and gleaming, he rested the flushed head of himself against your bottom lip. rubbed himself there, traced every contour of your mouth with the slit of his cock. glossing your lips with the sheen of his precum. 
“I love you.” he said - voice choked and you couldnt tell if it was from emotion or lust, maybe a combination of the two. 
you felt something flare hot in your belly, but before you could utter a word, art was sliding back home, right back into the silk pallet of your throat. and you welcomed him greedily, lapping up every inch he gave you. 
the whole while you held his hand, still pressed against his chest. you tilted open your jaw as wide as it could go, imagining you wanted to be a snake and swallow him whole. you took everything. you breathed through your nose when he was settled fully inside you - you sucked around him when he began to pull back, suctioning your mouth around him to mimic a pussy. a tight hole.
arent i such a good wife, you thought. no one could take his cock like you could. no one would drop to their knees and let themselves be used this way, but you would. to you, this was love. this was passion. 
art lasted a few more minutes before he was dragging himself free from the warm hug of your throat -
“I want you spread out on the kitchen counter," art panted, jerking his chin. he reached down to wrap a loose hand around his wet cock, stroking it languidly. your throat ached with missing it. “I need to be inside you. I want to -” he swallows. “I want to fuck you."
you inhaled sharply. it was a word you didn't often hear from arts lips. especially in reference to sex. the crude word coming from him made your belly clench warmly. more, you wanted more of that.
you stared at each other for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple seconds, art’s cock still only inches from your face. you watched transfixed as art’s leaking head slipped between the tight circle of his fingers, flushed tip disappearing and pushing back through. It was filthy, it was gorgeous, and your whole body shuddered imagining what it would feel like at your entrance: the slow press, the slick head, the aching burn as it slowly pushed inside. because it would burn. the last time you’d had sex….. you didnt want to think about it.
Instead you hurriedly scrambled to obey. shoving the straps of your dress down as you went, feeling it pool around your waist as you bent against the cool marble of the counter. you’d never fucked here. suddenly that was a crazy thought to you. wasnt it a kind of ritual for a couple - to christen the house? your fingers curled into your palms as you pressed your bare chest down. 
you felt art come up behind you and your breath hitched when you felt his palms skimming up the backs of your thighs. you hadnt realized you’d been trembling until that moment. something about his touch calmed you though. 
ridiculous,  to be shy when this was your husband. he’d seen your cunt a hundred times.
all thoughts fled your head when those familiar fingers parted the lips of your cunt - finding you wet. “baby” art’s strangled voice reached your ears as he felt through your delicate slit - he sounded beside himself with wonder. that you,d be this wet for him. this ready. he slid two fingers in easily - just a slight pressure at your entrance and there was a give of the flesh. and he was in - inside you. pumping steadily. “that’s it,” a kiss at the base of your spine, soft and special. “let me in. give me whats mine.”
yours, you dont know if you breathed it or just echoed it in your head. hips pushing back into him, opening yourself further. the stretch was full but it felt so right. 
“god - you’re so responsive - how could i forget -” he was working himself up. his thumb nudged your clit, circled it with the pad before pressing down on it, his own goran covering up your keen. like it affected him more than it did you, to feel how you throbbed against him with need. “gonna put my tongue on your clit everyday and you’re going to let me. let me worship what i married, spread your legs and fucking take it-”
“oh god,” you’re whining. practically humping your cunt on his fingers. “whatever you want, baby. take it, its all yours.” 
you clench around nothing when he suddenly yanks his fingers free, but you dont have to mourn the loss long, your empty spasming hole feeling the silken pressure of his cock in the next second. he grips your waist, wholly possessive as he drags you back onto him and, oh. Its so blissful. that tender ache in your cunt as its filled to the brim. You’d-
“fuck - i missed this - missed your pussy -” 
yes, yes missed. you’d missed this.
art adjusts himself. spreads out his legs so he can really move, leans his broad chest over your back, covering you, smothering you, squishing you into the countertop but he doesnt care. you dont care. pinned beneath him and speared open like this - you’ve never felt more loved by him. 
“so tight and warm - god - i never wanna leave -” he watches, pink lips parted where you’ve taken him. the flared open lips of your pussy hugging the base of his cock. a groan rips from his chest, loud, because he wants you to know, really fucking know, how overwhelmed he is, how much you make him feel, as he slowly drags himself out - only able to make it halfway before he has to bury himself back into that tight heat. your walls tighten and squeeze around him in these luxurious pulls and he feels spit pool in his mouth, the sensation enough to empty his brain. he rocks there, barely pulling free from the clutch of your body. 
“treat me so well with this - little cunt - “ wet desperate kisses are pressed wherever he can reach, his mouth hungry for the salt of your skin. he pulls it between his teeth, some raw animal part of him just wanting to naw on you. he rubs his forehead against your shoulders as he starts to move his hips faster. finally pulling out all the way before he slams back in, knocking your hips into the hard marble, and he should say sorry, he should take more care, you’ll be bruised surely, but then his mind flits back to your therapy session - at the words you’d both said - how you felt - and the words exchanged in your fight. and he feels something kindle in his chest, sparked to life by the liquid heat pouring through him - you fucking - you’re so cruel sometimes and you dont even know - you dont even see what you’re doing to him, the power you hold, how much he’d give to you if only you’d fucking open up to him. get angry at him. demand more of what you want instead of fucking expecting him to read your goddamn mind. 
he hadn’t felt the wet grip of his wifes pussy in months until just now. that couldn’t happen again. 
he pulls himself to his full height - using his ringed hand to make a makeshift leash of your hair, wrapping it around his tan fist. anchors you back onto his hard dick again and again in hard punishing pulls that seem to punch moans from you.
“this is how i should have treated you from the beginning, huh? come home every day and bend you over the minute i step through the door. pound out all my frustrations on this tight cunt. use you to masturbate my dick.” he grunts - that viseral fury that’d you’d seen spark in him briefly before was back in full force now. you could feel it in the reverberating clap of his balls against your ass. the forceful grip on your hair, yanking your neck back, nearly pulling your chest off the counter, your tits bouncing. “maybe then you’d appreciate me.”
you dont know what part in you is broken that soaks his cock at his treatment instead of clamping up. his anger, his vitriol, it all speaks to a deep part inside of you that screams to be wanted. you whimper and bear down around him, meeting him instead of shying away. 
“g - od - oh god, art - “
“would that make you my happy little wife?” he slows back down. drags his thick length in and out of you in purposeful rolls of his hips. “I bring all my shit to you and you devote this hot little pussy to warming my dick. you’ll take care of me, right? drop to your knees and give me a proper fucking welcome home.”
you cant think. your eyes are rolling back, your brain fogging. Its so good, oh god, how is it so fucking good. you’re drenched between your thighs, you can feel it running down your thighs. you can feel the hot raw part of your pussy that is being penetrated again and again on his cock as it retreats and then glides back in. 
“Im gonna cum.” is all you can say. “art, im so close -”
“fuck,” he stops his movements. grinding his hips into yours, churning his dick inside you. his mouth skims your ear, he lets go of your hair to grip you around the throat. “tell me you love me. tell me you love me when you cum, baby, or i swear to god, i cant do this anymore -” 
“I love you!” the words are the truest they’ve ever been in years. you’re on your tippy toes, squirming, trying to get away or trying to get closer, you cant tell. probably closer. you want art to carve apart for himself inside you - brand himself on you forever so you can never leave, never forget, never doubt this marriage. “I love you, i love you, i love you, i love-”
“I love you too. fuck - i need you to cum. cum on my cock and show me you still want this -” 
you shatter apart. a million stars exploding in a galaxy. arts strong arms come around you like a band, wrapping you up against him as you shake. your breaths come out harshly in sync. the beats of your heart a fast thrum between you. 
you turn your head, desperately seeking, and he’s there, already leaning down to take your lips in a kiss. 
the weight of him still inside you is one you take comfort in. you dont want him to leave your body. you dont want this to end. 
“stay,” you whisper against his mouth. 
his hand cups your cheek, strokes his thumb over the swell of your flushed skin. “always,” he says back. 
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meyhew · 2 days
it's fucking crazy to hear simon cowell speak about one direction in the year 2024. “if one member doesn’t want to tour it stops the others from doing it. if i owned the name that wouldn’t a problem” um..... “i told them dont complain about paparazzi. it’s hard work and if u dont want it you can go do something else. i told them you’re going to lose a lot of privacy and thats just something you have to deal with. youre going to be very well known and it will all be worth it.” like im paraphrasing that but dude they were TEENAGERS. u should have been looking out for them and protecting them the best u could have, not telling them that things will be bad and they just have to suck it up if they care about making music. the fuck…. “i wanted them to have as many hits as possible so that if they come back they can just play stadiums” u never saw them as anything more than a money making machine. obviously i knew this it’s not new but hearing this shit straight from his mouth is like wow…. hope u die!! hope they never ever ever come back in a way that will benefit u!!!!
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feyburner · 22 hours
I loved LOVED a word, a look, will be enough. I’m obsessed with the way you write jason and tim. No pressure to answer this at all, but I was curious if you have a headcanon about how the missing spleen reveal eventually goes
Jay »
Good afternoon Timothy.
« tim
uh oh
Jay »
I just had a fascinating conversation with Doc thompson
Care to hazard a guess about what?
« tim
pollen season
Jay »
« tim
bird flu
Jay »
Is there a reason you havent told anyone in your life that you dont have a fucking spleen?
« tim
okay first of all
i’m not sure why doc thompson felt the need to tell you my private medical information
pretty sure they have a rule about that
Jay »
It’s not her fault.
I mentioned that you got whammied with that stupid germ bomb from Typhoid Tony or whatever the fuck his name was
« tim
vik vyral
Jay »
And she got all serious and told me I should get you into the clinic asap, and I was like no he’s fine now, it was basically a 24 hour bug, and she was like no, theres no such thing as a 24 hour bug for him, he needs to come get his blood tested yesterday
And then she clearly realized I had no fucking clue what she was talking about and clammed up. Wouldn’t say a thing. Told me to ask you myself.
Jay »
The look she gave me when I said you slept it off and went back to work. Like I should know better. like I was letting you be careless and shit bc thats just how I am or something.
« tim
“letting” me?
Jay »
yeah. Letting you. I know you know what I mean
« tim
i’m not sure i do.
Jay »
When youre with someone you take care of them.
I dont pretend to know much about this shit but I know that.
I’m not talking about handcuffing you to the radiator. Im talking about knowing whats going on with you and knowing that sometimes you let shit slide that I wouldn’t. When it comes to you
You do that for me and the others all the time. Thats how it works.
« tim
doc thompson doesn’t know you’re “with” me
Jay »
If you think everyone doesn’t know exactly what’s going on then your detective skills need work
Jay »
Also, Jesus, Tim.
« tim
ok sorry, i didn’t mean the scare quotes part
but did you pause to consider maybe there’s a reason i haven’t told everyone other than whatever shortsighted masochistic bs you’re assuming
Jay »
I dont need you to tell everyone. I’m not asking you to write a report on it.
Just like. if there’s any other major medical shit can you maybe tell me
Before you fucking die of a sinus infection or whatever bc the asshole who lives with you didn’t know your immune system has the horsepower of a bicycle
« tim
did you know you curse more when you’re fronting like you’re not worried about me
Jay »
I’m actually not fronting! in this moment!
« tim
well. i am sorry
that sounded sarcastic bc of who i am as a person
but it’s not. i mean it.
Jay »
Sorry for yelling at you
« tim
i dont wanna go into it over text but i’ll tell you tonight. okay?
about what happened.
also there’s nothing else. it’s just the spleen thing
Jay »
« tim
well and the mango allergy
well. and i’m double jointed specifically bc i have joint-hypermobility syndrome
which is why im so flexible :)
but also why i dislocate things a lot :(
um and im mildly allergic to carrots, bananas, pineapples, and most legumes, but it’s fine they just make my tongue itch
i think that’s all
Jay »
Tim can you be honest with me for a second
« tim
Jay »
Are you inbred
« tim
Jay »
Like are you that type of rich person
You can tell me. We are not going to procreate so I dont mind either way
« tim
just scared the living shit out of an intern who had never seen me laugh before. i think she thought i was choking
jesus CHRIST
i will see you at home.
Jay »
didn’t answer the question….
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sallytwo · 2 days
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Jennifer nearly jumped into the water / and she was tired like no one's ever been tired
#myart#wesley crusher#jennifer is on her way home. then she remembers her life is like a nightmare!!!!#geniunelyyyy thinking about the post-first duty years of wesleys life is so miserable.#he killed his best friend and ruined his friendship with everyone else and lost picards respect (the only thing he ever cared about)#and then you just. dont hear about him at all for 2 years.#trying to capture the extremely specific existential dread of knowing something is deeply wrong in your life but not being able to change.#JUST THE LOOK OF A YOUNG MAN WHOS PROFOUNDLY UNHAPPY AND DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHY!!!#the quote from that novel. where he says “jaxa knew better than the rest of us the only way to escape this thing was to die”. ITS SICK!!#like leaving starfleet was not even on his radar until journeys end. he didnt even consider that as an option. so what could he do.#man. theres a reason for the prominently placed golden gate bridge. jennifer nearly jumped into the water.... cuz she got no way to get out#the photos in the bg are him and picard. jack. two of joshie (the ski tripppppp) him and bev and the entire nova squadron up top#do i think he would have his room this nicely decorated while horribly depressed NO!!! it was just for the compostion of the piece#like trying so hard to keep up appearances. being surrounded by pictures of all the people who love him and still not able to get out.#some of the papers lying around the desk are like. intended to be letters to bev that he just gave up on writing.#OKAY sorry i just wanted to finish this before i leave tomorrow. i spent such a stupid amount of time on this. never again#you people should always talk to me forever about my friend wesley . im soooo normal. lies facedown on floor#OH AND THE VERY SPECIFIC. EMOTION. LYING ON BED IN FULL UNIFORM. WE'VE ALLLL BEEN THERE.
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unknownmystery22 · 1 day
ONE OF YOUR GIRLS -Charles Leclerc
Summary: Where he loved the idea of her love not her. Warning: Angst pure angst, toxic relationship, asshole charles
A/N: inspired by One of The Girls By THE WEEKEND
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Charles Leclerc the man he was, his charming smile and the gorgeous eyes that no one can resist. And you are no exception. Inspite of knowing his playboy ways and his lack of comitment you found yourself attracted to him.
You being a part of media knew each driver well and were close with most of them due to your genuine questions and how you always refrained from asking about their personal life. The drivers all had taken a liking to you and all looked forward to do interviews with you, inspite of you being a recent joinee.
Lewis Hamilton your idol and your grid family was the first notice your attraction towards the Monagasque "Careful there Y/N, dont go and fall in love with him now" he said laughing but also being concerned. You just shook your head.
Charles Leclerc himself didn't make it any easier for you always complimenting you and doing small gestures which others would consider as friendly but your naive crush took it to heart. The way he would bring your favourite coffeee each time you interview him or the way he ensures you have a ride home or the way his eyes light up whenever speaking to you.
You really thought you had a chance and he did nothing to deny that or make you question your thinking about him. You just wanted him in your life if not possible as a significant other, at least as a friend. You were friends and Charles always confided in you always. Charles always made you feel like the most special girl he made you feel like you were his everything.
Max and Lando well aware of your feelings towards him. Always motivated you to tell him your actual feelings
"C'mon Y/N he never speaks to a girl more than a week if he isn't intrested in them" Lando said
"Atleast you would not keep having expectations, schatje. Just tell him" Max said
How wrong they were !
One fine evening you and Charles were hanging out in his house were you came to the topic of how you prefer your significant other to be. You thought this was it this the only shot you have. You did just that you confessed how much you like him. As soon as you confessed Charles kissed you. It was the best fucking kiss of your life. It was everything and all you ever asked for.
Everything was perfect for a while. Him hugging you, holding your hands, cuddling and going on dates. Few drivers noted the changes and were all happy for you. you too were glowing. You should have known NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.
Soon you noticed how he was never affectionate towards you in public but you brushed it off thinking he wanted to keep it private, that didn't bother you much. But when he randomly going out or partying without you knowing, flirting with other girls it made you question what you really had.
You confronted Charles about this and what his answer just made you more confused.
"What are you my girlfriend ? we are just trying thing out Y/N. I am not in space to commit right now just give me some time".
That must have been it but no, you loved him way too much to let him go easily. You stayed with him hoping things would get better and you will be a happy couple.
Things just got worse from there, he was not as open as before he slowly started ignoring you but you still held on to tiny hope you found here and there.
Others weren't oblivious to the situation though you tried not to let it show. They all noticed how you seem so down always and have fake smile on.
Lewis and Max confront you one day. You break down in front of them and for the first time you let your feeling out. You told them everything about how insecure you feel, how you feel like you are the problem, maybe if you were better or that you are being overdramatic.
"You are the strongest person I know, love. He does not deserve your love I know it is not easy to let go of him right now, but you need to he is slowly sucking the life out of you. It is better to be alone than in bad company." Lewis explained.
"You deserve to be in relationships that make you feel seen, heard, and valued. You dont have put up with his shit, schatje" Max added on. "We will be with you every step of it".
It took you time but soon enough you were done you had no more tears to cry or fucks to give him. You just said to him that you are done with him but he didnt take it seriously cause this was the cycle falling out and him convincing you and you falling right back.
"Dont I too deserve to be loved by someone ?" you asked
"I love you, Y/N. I will start taking you seriously" he tried.
You shook your head "You dont love me Charles you just love the idea of me being in love with you. You love the idea of a person living solely for you. You love that you could pick me at your worst and drop me at your best"
With that you walked out and cried for him yet in the end it hit you that all you will be is
.........ONE OF HIS GIRLS.
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reyadawn · 1 day
Punish Me Once
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*image not mine, credit to owner*
This is specifically for the Anon who asked @darling-millicent-aubrey this earlier. Please bare with me on this, its COMPLETELY out of my comfort zone!
Summary: Noah taking you to meet the rest of the band; things get a little heated you're partying on the tour bus. Dirty dancing, grinding up against one of the band members who you think is Noah but it's dark and you're drunk. So wreckless of you. Noah's in the corner watching 👀
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OFC x Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson
Warnings: EVERYTHING, 🔞 so dont even THINK about reading if you're under age, language, kissing, choking, hair pulling, spanking, degredation, handjob, blowjob, fingering, unprotected sex (threesome), creampie...basically, pure unadulterated filth 🥵
Word Count: Who cares?!
Buckle up buttercups!
How I managed to get myself to this point was beyond mind-boggling. One minute, I'm screaming myself hoarse at the barricade of the Bad Omens' performance at The Highwire and the next, I'm taking shots with the band on thier tour bus after the show.
I was currently seated next to Nicholas at the small table, kicking back my lost-count-of Buttershots. The rich and smooth butterscotch flavor slid warm down my throat and settled into my stomach. I was past the point of tasting the alcohol.
Music suddenly blared from the speakers as I kept my blurry gaze fixed on Noah. Tall, dark, handsome, entire body saturated in tattoos should be every woman's hottest fantasy. Basically, he was sex-on-legs. As the music carried on, I got up and started dancing, hips swaying in the short plaid skirt I wore. I raised my arms above my head as I felt strong hands suddenly gripping my hips.
I gasped, as I purposely rubbed my ass to the front of the man behind me who I was quite certain was Noah. Peeking through partially opened eyes, I didnt see him anywhere in sight at the table or front of the bus. I continued grinding down on the hardening cock behind me, the sudden feeling of fingers between my thighs from behind. I smirked, knowing full well I had no panties on, as the mystery fingers gently swept through my already soaked cunt.
"You filthy fucking girl", the deep voice behind me whispered. A hand wrapped around my throat, tipping my head forcibly back and gently squeezed. Lips were at the skin exposed where a bruise was sucked to life.
Opening my eyes again, the bus was empty now except for a very pissed off, very turned on Noah seated at the table. His hand ran through his hair irritably as he looked up at me with fire flashing in his gaze. The large erection he sported behind the black sweat pants he wore was threatening to burst.
Through my drunken state, I stopped grinding against who I assumed was Noah, knowing now it wasn't him. I half turned, looking up into the heated face of Jolly and I could feel my face grow hot in mortification.
Suddenly, Noah yanked me from Jolly's grasp and I damn near stumbled and fell after him as he dragged me down the isle, past the bunks and into the back room. Jolly was hot on our heels as Noah waited for him to enter, slamming and locking the door behind him.
"Strip. Now. Don't make ask you twice, princess. You wanna' act like a fucking slut, I'll treat you like one", Noah snapped, arms crossed in front of his chest. "You, too, Jolly. Clothes off".
I stared at Noah in shock, my eyes briefly slicing to Jolly, but complied. I was shaking like a damn leaf as I stood naked in front of the two men. Noah smiled darkly before sauntering over to me and placing his hand on my shoulder to forcibly sink to my knees.
"Take me out", Noah said, arms now relaxed at his side, hands balled into fists. I reached for him, pulling the waistband of his sweats down causing his cock to spring free and I damn near lost my ability to breathe at the sight; long, thick, red tip shinning with precum.
"Open", Noah commanded before looking over at Jolly who was more than hard himself. "You suck my cock until I come down your throat and don't you even think about fucking gagging". I nodded only once before getting to work.
I slid my lips along the length of Noah's cock, flattening my tongue to take him as deep as I could into my mouth. The rich earthy taste of his skin had a wave of slick coating my clit, running down my thighs. I hollowed my cheeks, sheathing my teeth behind my lips and sucked hard, earning a hiss from Noah.
My eyes snapped open to see Noah's hand come down on Jolly's ass who was currently bent over the arm of the loveseat. "We share, don't we, Jolly? We aren't greedy or selfish are we? You're never doing that again are you?", Noah growled, each question he asked, his palm making contact with Jolly's skin, turning it a bright red. Noah's other hand suddenly caught in my hair, fisting a handful to thrust into my mouth. My pussy clenched at the sight of Noah spanking Jolly and I almost gagged as he reached underneath him to carress his balls. Jolly whimpered, shifting over the arm, no doubt to relieve the pressure on his aching cock.
All of a sudden, Noah tipped his head back and cried out as hot fluid splashed on my tongue. By now, tears ran down my cheeks and saliva down my chin. I probably looked like a strategic hot mess.
"On your fucking feet", Noah said, pulling his cock from my mouth with an audible 'pop', hauling me roughly to my feet.
"Stop manhandling me, Noah", I snapped. He suddenly rounded on me, hand shooting out to wrap around my neck, hauling me to his chest and turning me so my back faced the loveseat.
"What was that, princess? You've got a smart mouth. Clearly you learned nothing from having it stuffed full of my cock so how about I let Jolly here fuck that sweet ass of yours while I fuck this tight cunt at the same time? You'll be our own personal Chinese cock trap", Noah replied, as he uncerimoniously shoved a free hand between my thighs, sinking two long fingers inside me while curling them upward. The act raised me to my tip toes and my eyes rolled back as I let out a pornographic moan.
Noah backed me up to where Jolly now sat spread eagled on the loveseat. Jolly's fingers gathered through my slick that collected on my thighs before slowly pushing a thick finger inside my ass. I preened, arching my back, Noah's hand still around my neck as he brought his lips to mine, still thrusting his fingers in and out of my dripping cunt. I whimpered into the kiss as Jolly guided me to sit, ass down over his lap. The head of his cock pierced the tight ring of my ass and I squeezed my eyes shut tight.
Noah pulled away from me. "No, no, princess, eyes open...let me see those pretty eyes as he fucks your sweet ass...one day, it'll be mine", Noah said roughly. The fuck did that mean? Using more of my slick to coat his cock, Jolly sank me down until his cock was fully seated inside my ass. I leaned back until I rested against his chest as Noah straddled over us, the head of his cock pushing into my core. Noah's hands reached to grip the back of the loveseat over Jolly's shoulders as he gave a hard thrust, sliding inside me to the hilt.
I screamed. There was nothing for me to do as Noah's relentless thrusts to my overstimulated pussy had Jolly's cock rising and falling inside my ass. Jolly had my legs pinned up so Noah could bully his cock inside me, the head pummeling my cervix repeatedly. My orgasm hit me out of nowhere, my ass instinctively queezing Jolly's cock causing him to come as he let out a rough shout, and I screamed again.
It was too much. The feeling of being overly full, stretched. I could only let Noah fuck his cock into me at a now bruising pace as he removed a hand from the loveseat to rub his thumb in furious circles over my clit. I reached up, grabbing a hold of his bisceps, muscles buldging from the grip he held to keep himself upright.
"Come on, princess...come for me...come all over this cock...be a good little cumslut for me", Noah said, pistoning his hips. I opened my lips on a silent scream, eyes rolling back as he gave a final hard, deep thrust, holding himself inside me as he emptied his balls, lips biting into the side of my neck to shroud his cry of release.
I limply laid against Jolly as Noah pulled his cock free on my body. He stepped back, fixing his clothes as Jolly moved to lay me on the cushions and covered me with a blanket where I promptly passed out.
"I think we broke her, man", Jolly said, getting dressed. Noah looked over at him and grinned, the two men sharing a high five.
Don't come at me, I did this on my lunch break at work! 😅
@darling-millicent-aubrey @doomhands-jr @thefallennightmare @exitwoundsx @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @lma1986 @lilhobgobbler @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @artificialbreezy @amourtoken @livingdeceasedgirl
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ultimatefartwizard · 2 days
Holy shit I am losing my mind... @monocle-teacup you better read this <3 (dead serious though cuz wtf)
Also of course as always, spoilers ahead this time for season 2 of earthspark so dont want it? skedaddle (s2 isnt worth caring about though, trust me)
Also again nobody go witchhunting or harassing anyone, this is discussion of media and someones poor takes on some clear themes in a show.
How you continue to have terrible takes astounds me 💀 You can't be serious man how are you this like,,, braindead? And ignoring all of what S1 is trying to teach even before S2 came out? oh wait.
You choose your attraction of a gross ass man over LITERAL IN YOUR FACE PLOTPOINTS BECAUSE YOU'D RATHER MEATRIDE YOUR BABYGIRL MANDROID OVER EVERYTHING THE SHOW HAS BUILT UP. Not like you probably ever cared to connect any of the dots.
Oh, to help you do that, I have a previous post I made where I pinged you! You should read it before you read anymore, it'll help with what I'm about to preface here. Please READ IT.
Okay, time to dig into literally EVERYTHING ALL OVER AGAIN BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEEM TO LET GO OF THIS MAN AND HIS OBVIOUS LACK OF HUMANITY IN HIM AND CONTINUE TO SEE SOMETHING THATS NOT THERE. I will start off by saying the quality of the writing for season 2 and season 2's entire disregard for season 1 don't discredit season 1, no matter what nonsense there is. I hate season 2 for all its going for thus far and its just genuinely a waste of my braincells to try watching it again. There are also things not specifically related to mandroid but are also pet peeves that show your lack of attention to detail.
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How. Did you miss this. Humans have been living with bots for 30 to 40 years at this point they don't bat an eye at them because THEY THINK THEY'RE JUST SOME BOTS CASUALLY WALKING AROUND. They don't give a fuck about the terrans; only a select few know they are even earth-born bots. Transformers have been living amongst humans casually don't you think they wouldn't give two fucks and know not to gawk at random robots walking around like they just started existing?
You saw the Philadelphia episode (I hope? because you act like you haven't) or really any episode they are just chilling and walking around, you didn't notice nobody gave a damn? What about Optimus, Elita 1, and other bots? Would you randomly gawk at a group of sapient beings walking amongst you who've been there for a lifetime?
They had to hide FROM GHOST not FROM THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. Ghost would have tried to capture them and imprison them by deeming them a threat for merely existing, not humans as a whole. The fact you miss this entire detail is incredibly sad.
Okay now onto Mandroid stuff because you never stop meatriding him MY GOD
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Huh, maybe you need to USE YOUR BRAIN and realize he was not protecting earth. He -thought- he was, because he perceived them as vermin who need to be wiped out and a threat to humanity. Like I said before in my last post DECEPTCONS DO NOT EQUAL ALL OF TRANSFORMERS OH MY GOD. Plus with this season its clear there can't be the same writers on this team. They have sacrificed the story for toymaking opportunities DON'T YOU THINK MAYBE HE'S NOT RIGHT JUST BECAUSE S2 SOMEHOW SAYS THE -CONS IN SPECIFIC (NOT ALL BOTS MY FUCKING GOD)- ARE TO NOT BE TRUSTED AND ARE DANGEROUS? USE YOUR CRANIUM THAT EVOLUTION HAS GIVEN YOU. Mandroid conflated every single transformer with a twisted ideal in his head born out of hate, not from a true sense of danger nor did he separate cons and autobots or unaligned bots in his head from the conglomerate "evil" he thinks they are.
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As above so below, you're DEFENDING HIS TERRIBLE GENOCIDAL BEHAVIOR BY BEING LIKE "HE MIGHT HAVE DONE BAD STUFF BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY HE WAS JUST PROTECTING EARTH" over a giant guardian robot who's being mind controlled and had no intention to do this or will of her own. Why are you so adamant on convincing yourself he was a good or commendable man? Where is your basic comprehension of anything in this show at all. HE TRIED TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON A WHOLE RACE OF BEINGS WHO HAD BEEN COEXISTING ON EARTH FOR YEARS. It's not something you can go 'erm acshually-" on.
He literally killed EVERYONE who was a transformer; even if their death wasn't permanent they still died because he saw them all as a disease needing to be eradicated.
He has no sense of humanity, only hate in his heart and the need to destroy. How do you think he was protecting earth when he had succeeded at murdering an entire population off the face of the earth even if it's only for about 5-10 minutes? HOW ARE YOU THIS BLIND TO MEATRIDE HIM THIS HARD.
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I honestly doubt they knew about her, let alone understood the glyphs everywhere. They were just mapping ancient tunnels and figuring it out; Croft also probably forbid anyone from entering due to the DWELLERS, not Terratronus; she was well off course and well protected/hidden by dirt and freaky alien monsters. Even if they somehow DID know, GHOST probably just utilized Terratronus to justify imprisoning dozens of transformers; whether they were cons, neutral, or autobots that didn't want to be part of a government mass incarceration and control program. Mandroid probably didn't give a shit at the moment because he was busy trying to squash literal children like bugs. Shut up about this stupid attempt at the executives making money off of random plot bullshit and toymaking opportunities.
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AS STATED IN MY LAST POST: YOU ARE CONFLATING DECEPTICONS WITH ALL TRANSFORMERS, AS MANDROID DID. ONE GROUP DOES NOT EQUAL ALL OF THEM, AND DOES NOT MAKE TRANSFORMERS AS A WHOLE DANGEROUS IF THERE ARE INDIVIDUALS WHO CAUSE TROUBLE. MANDROID SAW ALL TRANSFORMERS AS A THREAT EVEN IF THEY HAD BEEN LIVING WITH HUMANS PEACEFULLY FOR DECADES. YOU ARE HERE SIMPLY REITTERATING A STUPID AND NULL POINT THATS PROVEN WRONG AGAIN AND AGAIN IN S1. His reasoning behind his actions are "we need to get rid of these filthy dangerous vermin who are invading our precious planet." Also the chaos terrans being born evil is a horrible plotpoint and groups being born evil is terrible writing, just like the entirtey of Season 2 because these new writers on the team understand nothing about the show as is. (Yes, most of the writers in s2 never worked on s1)
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I'm not gonna be nice with this last one. You are incredibly media illiterate if not just lacking basic cognition to think he of all people would willingly team up with people he wanted to kill off during season 1. You watched the finale of season 1 and GATHERED NOTHING FROM IT. You, in all your 34 years of life, somehow have not obtained a single gram of "maybe I shouldn't vouch for and defend a person who's xenophobic and wants to commit genocide" despite enjoying writing and HISTORY. HOW ARE YOU ONE TO ENJOY HISTORY YET MAKE NO CONNECTIONS TO ATTROCITIES COMMITTED BY PEOPLE TO WHAT MANDROID IS DOING AND HOW THEY ARE WRONG AND ENTIRLEY UNFORGIVABLE. At this point I believe you to be willfully ignorant to pass off your crush on this man as okay and convince yourself he is right somehow; even going as far as to utilize this new season as an excuse for him.
Your audacity to think he is anything other than a pathetic horrible man with terrible and morally bankrupt goals and actions somehow will be nice to groups of people he hates astounds me to no end. The show gives you all you need to connect the dots and you haven't. I'm aware i'm likely talking to a brick wall because you're likely willingly ignorant to excuse yourself or will never read this but I will call out this nonsense regardless. It comes off as extremely weird and bordering on you just believing in the ideologies he spouts.
I will say this again to make it clear; Mandroid is a stand-in for people who believe in racist and xenophobic ideas, and will stop at nothing to destroy them. The transformers are an allegory for refugee immigrants, and the terrans are first gen decedents. You continuing to believe his lies and defending him just borderlines on you upholding racist ideals. (That might sound deranged af of a claim but considering the context... yeah)
TLDR for lazy people: This fool pinged in this post is claiming a character who ATTEMPTED TO COMMIT GENOCIDE as being in the right somehow with his ideals/actions and not a total morally bankrupt person. Meatriding getting in the way of logic.
-No cheers to you, Wizard and Cupid
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roxyandelsewhere · 2 days
one thing about iwtv s2 is we should have had a santiago sex scene by now. I dont even particularly care with whom. Santiago that's it that's the tweet
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 days
i dont think all fiction should be like this, but like. i do this its important to have fiction that takes its moralising to the extreme end. like inhuman, impossible ends. shin no nakama does this really well, for instance. the clear message is that people have the right to be who they want to be, and nobody should force you to be something you don't want to be or to suffer through things you dont want to do, and none of us are beholden to our nature. and they do this by setting up a girl, god's chosen hero, the only person on earth who can stop a world-ending threat, and having her reject her role to live a quiet life with the people she loves. she doesnt save the world, she doesnt find a replacement, she just walks away. and like on the surface thats selfish and stupid! if someone in real life did that we'd all kill them for it. but the point is that NOBODY in real life could ever do that, because that is not a situation that exists. the situations you're going to be in are gonna be like 'frank from my office is off this week but my wife is in the hospital. i shouldnt skip work since theres no replacement for me today.' thats not your business! its not your responsibility! take care of you and yours before giving half a shit about your boss! and if your mission in creating art is to tell people this, you cant make your stance so flimsy that there's room for debate. it's ALWAYS okay to prioritise yourself and you dont have to live up to the expectations and responsibilities that others force on you. even if youre the only one who can save the world from destruction. because you never will be. you dont need to find the point on the sliding scale where you have to do what someone else is forcing onto you, because its okay to walk away at the furthest possible end of it.
and this is the sort of thing i was talking about with the omelas post. nobody should ever need to feel that their suffering was somehow justified. youre allowed to be upset with the people that hurt you, or the fact that you were hurt in general. even if your suffering made everyone else's life painless and perfect, even if societally your suffering is an objective improvement over every other system, youre allowed to be mad and upset and think its unfair and grieve for yourself. because your suffering will NEVER improve someone else's life like that. and if that kid's justified in being upset, you dont have to pretend like youre fine with your own suffering either.
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tomssexdoll · 12 hours
hii i was wondering if you can do a tom angst where he keeps ignoring the reader and constantly leaving her behind and when the reader confronts tom about they argue and tom says something so rude like “not my fault my career is more important than you” or something like that. it can end with fluff, smut, whatever you think it should end with 🩷🩷. i really hope this made sense like it does in my head😭 mwah mwah 💋
Left behind
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"It's not my fault my career is more important than you!"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2015 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: After Tom starts treating Y/N badly she finally decides to confront him. It goes horribly and they end up in an explosive argument where he says something horrible, causing her to storm out and leave for a few days.
A/N: hey guysss!
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (missionary), eating out, fingering, nip and breast play, arguing
Tom and I's relationship was starting to go sour, he was so busy at work, always out, always leaving me behind and ignoring me when he got home. I tried everything, buying him gifts, cooking him meals, cheering him up, nothing. Nothing worked.
He didn't even argue with me, he just shut me out, like I was worth nothing. I wondered why he was even with me if he wanted to treat me so badly, surely he would've just left me if he got tired of me?
It hurt my heart, seeing how he went from such a loving and caring boyfriend to this? We've been dating for 5 years, we've had our moments but we've always made up, he's never neglected or treated me badly, I wonder why he started now.
I decided to confront him about it, cause why should I continue to let myself be treated like shit, it wasn't fair, if I did this to him he'd blow off the rails. Today was his day off so I decided to let him sleep in before I'd confront him, even though I was mad I still cared about him.
He stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a beer and sitting on the couch, turning the TV on to watch his sports games. I sat down next to him, watching as he didn't even greet me, just ignored my presence.
"Tom.." I nudged him, watching as he ignored me yet again, then I nudged him again, "tom!" I raised my voice. He grunted and turned to me, glaring down at me, "what? Don't you see I'm trying to watch the game?" I scoffed, disgusted by his attitude, "what is wrong with you, am I a stranger or something, why do you treat me like shit!" I got up, yelling at him.
"No, I've just been busy, jeez.." he rolled his eyes, flicking through different channels, sipping at his ice cold beer. "Stop trying to dismiss me, you always fucking do this, I can't believe it Tom," I sighed, "how did you become so cold? So calloused..."
He chuckled mockingly, "oh yeah, blame it on me, your hardworking boyfriend who just wants a good life for his girlfriend, I don't see you working as hard as I do, working multiple hours, organising things and practicing for hours, hm?" he turned to me, sending me a dangerous glare.
"You chose this fucking career and knew how hard it would be, I've told you multiple times to stop working so much and let the others help but you dont fucking listen, it's like talking to a wall Tom!" I couldn't believe him, he was implying I was selfish because I didn't choose such a difficult career like him?
"This is my passion, my dream, why wouldn't I work hard for it?" he pulled his packet of cigarettes, lighting it and taking a long drag. "Tom, I told you not to smoke in the house!" I yelled, snatching the cigarette from his hand and putting it out.
"Oh it's too fucking early to yell, just shut up and sit down," he sighed, "why should I? I can't take it anymore! You're barely home and when you are you shut me out, you ignore me and treat me like shit, what happened to our happy, fun, loving relationship, huh?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
He remained silent, focusing on the program on the TV. "Tom! I'm fucking talking to you!" I screamed, grabbing his arm roughly, "oh for fuck sakes, it's not my fucking fault my career is more important than you!" he got up, inching closer to me and screaming in my face.
My jaw dropped, I just stared at him for a few seconds before coming back to my senses. "Fuck you Tom, I'm done," I snatched my keys, storming off, "yeah, leave, I don't fucking want you here anyway!" he shouted, I just ignored his hurtful comments and slammed the front door, getting into my car and speeding off, tears streaming down my face.
I decided to go to his twin brother, Bills house. Him and I were really close, I met him before Tom and we just clicked. I knocked urgently on his door, my chest heaving up and down.
As he came out he took in my hurt expression, instantly pulling me inside and setting me down onto the couch, grabbing a bottle of wine. "What's wrong love, is it Tom?" he sighed, already knowing the root of the problem, pouring me a huge glass.
"Yeah..he's such a fucking asshole, he's become super distant and cold, ignoring me and treating me like a stranger! I don't know why, I don't know if he's cheating or he just doesn't care anymore," I sobbed, a big weight on my chest from all the emotions.
"Fuck..I told him he'd hurt you, he never listens he's so selfish," Bill gave me my glass, watching as I took a huge sip. "He was telling me about how work is so stressful and how he's scared he's taking it out on you, what he's been saying and doing," his hand came down to my thigh, rubbing it gently.
"So he knows what he's doing? Fucking great.." I rolled my eyes, taking another big sip from my glass, then setting it down and grabbing a cigarette from Bill, lighting it and letting the smoke fill my lungs.
"You can stay as long as you like, I'm going to speak to him now though, stay here honey," he kissed my forehead, grabbing his phone and rushing into his bedroom.
While he was gone, I could hear him screaming at Tom, berrating him for how much he's hurt me. The bitterness in his voice echoing throughout the whole house.
As the days went by, the longer I stayed at Bills the more I detatched from Tom, my feelings slowly slipping away. I still had a enourmous amount of love for him but I felt myself letting go.
He didn't even try call or text me, not even after Bill yelled at him. I wondered if he had already moved on, found another girl he could use and abuse.
I spent my day with Bill, going to clubs, parties, dinners, lunch dates, etc. I really missed Bill, him being busy with work too really did take a toll on our friendship but as usual it bounced right back.
We decided to go to the beach, unwind and have a few drinks. He rented an area just for us to sit and relax at. I knew the paparazzi would be taking millions of photos of us, twitter headlines that suspected us being together, but I didn't care, I just needed to relax.
As we arrived I set up a spot, sticking our umbrella in the sand and unfolding our lounge chairs. "Here you go y/n," Bill smirked, handing me a flask of vodka, pulling one out for himself.
"Bill, we look like alcoholics," I giggled, putting my sunglasses on and relaxing, letting the warmth of the sun kiss my skin.
As hours passed and the sun started to set, I heard a familiar car roaring in the distance. I then saw Toms figure frantically running, searching for me. As soon as our eyes locked, a wash of relief displayed on his face.
He ran towards us, the sand flying in the air around him with every step. "Baby..oh my god.." he panted, I just turned my head and ignored him, enjoying the view of the sun setting.
"Please, just talk to me, do anything, yell at me, hit me," he pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice. I continued to ignore him, showing him what it felt like for me, how hurt I felt.
"Baby!" he cried out, getting on his knees beside me and leaving trails of kisses on my thighs. "Tom, if she isn't responding, leave her alone," he rolled his eyes, sipping at his drink.
I kept ignoring Tom, even moving my leg to stop his kisses. "Please schatzi, please let me make it up to you, I'm so sorry for treating you badly, you know I love you so so much, I love you more than life itself, just let me make it up to you..please.." his voice shaky.
I sighed, my heart cracking slightly at the pain in his voice. I just turned my body away from him, completely shutting him out. "No..no no no baby.." he whimpered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against his chest, sobbing into my shoulder.
My eyes widened as I heard him cry, he never cried around me and when he did I knew it was serious. "Please..I can't lose you, I know I'm a fucking idiot, I know i've been a shitty boyfriend, I'll do anything to make you happy, I'll scream and tell the whole world how much I love you.." his tears coating my shoulder.
I couldn't see him in pain anymore, it broke me. I turned around and stood on my knees, hugging him tightly and stroking his hair. "Shhh baby.." I cooed, leaving small kisses on his neck.
"Oh baby...I love you so much, I need to make it up to you, please let me.." he continued to sob, his shaky arms wrapped around me. I nodded and pulled back, getting up and hugging Bill, "I have to Bill..." I sighed, "I know honey, go ahead," he smiled, patting my thigh softly.
I smiled back, turning around and holding Tom's hand, walking with him back to his car. We were silent the whole Tom, I guess he didn't want to fuck things up, he was super lucky he even got a second chance.
The car ride home was just as silent, his hand tightly gripping my thigh, as if he was trying to hold onto me incase I slipped away. As we got home he practically dragged me inside, slamming the door shut and rushing to the bedroom.
He pulled me into his lap and just held me, whispering about how sorry he was, how he was an idiot to push me away and treat me the way he did, how he didn't mean any of the things he said in the argument, how he was just mad and not thinking properly.
"Let me make it up to you, let me show you how beautiful and worthy you are," he pulled back, admiring me. "How so.." I bit my lip, his head turned to the back and then back at me, hinting his idea.
"Alright.." I smiled and kissed his cheek, getting off his lap and laying back on the bed. He quickly followed, towering over me and capturing my lips in a soft, passionate kiss, not one filled with lust of anger, one that showed me his love for me.
He started to undress, desire burning in his eyes. First his jacket, then his shirt, then his jeans. All he was left in was his dark grey boxers, his cock straining against them.
He dived down against, holding my waist carefully while kissing me again, our lips locking in a passionate embrace. I kissed him back, deepening the connection, his strong hands roaming my body, reacquainting themselves with every curve and hollow.
He nipped at my bottom lip, basically asking for permission to take things further. I nodded and opened my mouth, his tongue delving into my mouth and exploring in a passionate and hungry kiss.
His hands sliding down to my hips as he pressed his hips against mine, his growing arousal evident against my thigh, "god...I've missed you so much," he sighed, planting kisses down my jawline, down to my neck.
He sucked softly, kissing all the right spots on my neck and leaving marks, then moving down to my chest, his hands reaching behind my neck and removing my bikini top, revealing my hard nipples.
"Ohhh fuck.." he groaned, his gaze immediately dropping to my exposed chest. He wastes no time in leaning down to taste them, licking and sucking at my nipple, his hands kneeding my other boob, making sure to pay worship every part of me.
"Tonight it's all about you, all about your pleasure..I want to make you feel loved, make up for all the times I made you feel neglected.." he mumbled on my skin, looking up at me.
I nodded and smiled, his lips kissed down from my breasts to my stomach, the sensation making my whole body tingle as he went closer to my burning heat.
"Tom.." I whined, bucking my hips up. "Okay, okay baby.." he chuckled, wrapping his fingers around the ties of my bikini bottom and slowly letting the knot loose, peeling it off me and revealing my wet, aching cunt.
"Jesus.." his breath hitched, eyes widening. "You like what you see?" I smirked, teasing him, "oh do I? What kind of question is that.." he dived his face into my sopping pussy, licking a stripe through my folds.
His hands held my thighs open as he started to flick his tongue at my clit, moaning against me with the taste of my arousal. "You're so sweet baby..fuck.." he groaned, his tongue swirling around my clit with calculated precision.
His hands slid up, sliding 2 fingers into my hole and penetrating me gently, making sure to curl his fingers at my g spot. "Ohh Tom, oh fuck it's so good!" I cried out, rolling my eyes back as the pleasure became more intense.
As he hears my cries of ecstacy, he knows he's hit the right spot. He moans against my pussy, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure throughout me, he uses his fingers to finger me harder, "you like that, hm? The way I finger fuck you while sucking on your needy clit.." he growled, "yes yes yes!" I whined, his tongue flicking at my clit, a knot forming in my stomach to signal my upcoming release.
He feels my pussy clench around his fingers as I get closer to my orgasm, continuing to work my clit with his tongue, determained to make me cum harder than ever before. He hooks his fingers inside me again, making me let out a loud, whiny moan.
"Good girl, let go on my fingers.." he chuckled, I rolled my eyes back and threw my head back as my release hit me, spilling my juices all over his fingers.
"Ohh baby.." he grinned, pulling his dripping fingers out and sucking every bit of slick on his left on them. His eyes darted back to mine, his erection throbbing wildly.
"You want me to fuck you, make you scream?" he crawled closer, his muscular frame hovering over me, I nodded eagerly, reaching down and freeing his cock, it slapped against his abdomen and stood tall, his tip leaking pre.
"So eager for my cock, such a good girl," he smirked, positioning his tip at my entrance and slowly pushing in, wasting no time. He grips my hips and thrusts himself deeper inside of me, his movements are slow and deliberate at first, savouring every sensation.
"Mmm, faster please..." I whined, looking up at him with doe eyes, he instantly obeyed, only wanting the best for me. He starts to speed up, his balls slapping against my wet pussy with each powerful thrust, "ahhh!" I cried out, holding onto his biceps for balance.
"That's it, scream for me, show me how much you love this cock.." he groaned, gripping my hips tighter as he starts to fuck me even harder, his cock hitting that gummy spot in me.
His thrusts becoming more erratic as he pushes himself deeper inside of me, filling me up completely, making sure he wasn't the only one experiencing euphoria.
He grunts with pleasure, leaning forward and kissing me passionately as he slams into me, his cock throbbing with intense need. He can feel my tighten around him again, getting ready to cum all over his cock.
"You gonna cum on this cock baby?" he teased, nipping at my earlobe. "Yesss! Yes, yes fuck!" I cried out, the sound of skin slapping filling our ears. He grins wickedly at me, his gaze dark and filled with desire.
He continues to pound into me roughly with every ounce of strength he has, "gonna cum baby!" he moaned loudly, rolling his eyes back as his release was just as close as mine.
He grunts and thrusts harder, feeling my pussy tighten around him as I came, he keeps fucking me throughout my orgasm, riding out the waves of pleasure with me. "Fuckk.." he groaned, finally reaching his peak and emptying himself inside of me.
He rode out his high, panting and collapsing on top of me, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to calm down from his earth shattering orgasm.
After resting, he layed back on the bed, pulling me onto his chest and stroking my back, our naked bodies melting together, finally feeling the love again after so long.
"Why were you so mean Tom.." I mumbled, not having the strength to look up at him. "I don't know baby, I was just stressed and didn't handle my emotions properly which resulted in me taking it out on you, I should've never done it and I'm so sorry liebe," he sighed, kissing the top of my head tenderly.
"It's okay, I forgive you.." I sighed, burying my face into his chest. He chuckled lightly and continued to caress me, not missing any spot on my body.
"I love you so much Y/N, I swear I will act better and make it up to you, I'll do anything to fix it.." he whispered, I smiled and drifted off to sleep, tired from our lovemaking session.
As I woke up the next morning I realised Tom wasn't in bed, I was confused and got up, searching the house for him. "Tom?" I called out, "here baby!" he shouted back, I smiled and ran towards the kitchen, gasping as I saw a huge bouquet of red roses, my favourite.
Beside the flowers were sets of wrapped gifts, some small, some medium. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, peppering kisses all over his face. "Liebe..thankyou.." I smiled, turning to the presents and opening the smallest one.
A little velvet box stared back at me, I opened it to reveal a beautiful, diamond necklace. It was an infinity symbol, "that's a symbol of our love, it's eternal.." he smiled, a tear forming in his eye.
"Oh baby..you're so amazing," I cried out and kissed him passionately. I turned around and let him put the necklace on me, his touch soft and promising.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @miyukafujii
tags: @tomsonlyslut @ella1289 @20doozers
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pixelyssa · 3 days
Bye I am acc desperate atp I need helpppp
Basically I go on holidays mid July and I just know the food will be so tempting (and I’m so scared of letting myself go) and my family will obvs notice if I don’t have anything but I also want to have a nice time 😭 what do I doooo??!!
And even if i eat small amounts of things I’ve no clue how many c@ls would be in them
I will be so so grateful for any tips or advice u have!! 💓
ily stay safe bb 🩵
hey! if i was in this situation i would just heavily r3strict for the week before. that way the vacation will be like a reward. ofc thats probably not good to advise you to do 😭
maybe instead of that, you can up your workouts and make sure all of ur meals/snacks are nutritional (get ur proteins and ur veggies) vs f00ds with just sugar and sodium. and that can help u have the energy to up ur workouts too.
u said you might “let urself go” no honey, its not a choice… its brain chemistry. if ur thinking about the f00d ur gonna be having over a month from now… youre in deep. you won’t “let yourself go”. youll be anxious either way. youre not gonns get used to e@ting normal and then just stick with it, even if h do youll slowly become obsessed with ur image again soon and go back to ur ways.. thats the fuck of it all… might as well ENJOY ur vacay.
it would rlly suck to go in vacation and be trying to guess the c4lories in everything, and ordering what u think is the lightest option. you should e@t what you want.
you can still r3strict certain f00d groups. if i was going on vacay with my family theyd buy snacks for the hotel or wherever we’d be staying. i would avoid those, bc i would normally avoid them at home.
going out to restaurants id do the same thing i do at home when i go to restaurants, order something that sounds good so i can enjoy myself, whether its a salad or a big mf burger lol. and i eat till im full. (if u dont have that sense, leaving 1/2 or 1/4 of the meal on the plate is a good measurement.)
if theres an appetizer, i have maybe a bite of each one and say im saving room for dinner, (my family and friends know i get full easily) & same goes with dessert. if it looks rlly good ill have a bite, but since i ordered what i WANTED for dinner, im satisfied before a dessert comes out and i play it off that im full.
i would probably figure out what we’re doing for food and decide what is most worth it to me and save my c4ls for that.
id also make a list of things i wanna enjoy. for example: my trip to nyc i wanted to try
-new york pizza
-a pastry and latte from the cafe next to my hotel
-a martini
-something fried from a food truck
-any non american food restaurant (italian, french, idk)
-a croissant from this popular cafe in times square
and i just kinda rationed it out. i remember my bf wanted to go for a walk, i new we’d pass the bakery, so i pointed it out and indulged there. got a matcha tea and a macaroon & then played off being full until dinner and chose something light (i think i made us get sushi that night which is pretty low in c4l) another day, we took the metro to soho and we walked around ALL day, so by the time we got back to the hotel it was late. we ordered the pizza i wanted to try… and i didnt care bc i had 20k steps done. i was still able to have everything i wanted the whole time, i just r3strictied the things that werent on my list.
idk what kind of vacation ur going on but a lot of them call for lots of walking, so thats a plus. you will not g4in that much. thats why i said id go crazy a week before, so that i dont feel like im g4ining it just feels like its fluctuating normally.
either way if u let urself enjoy it atleast ur metabolism will get faster! (im toxic) lol metab week(s?) ❕
me and my bf are planning a 2 week trip to europe. 2 weeks before we go i would push myself to burn way more c4l than normal. and i wouldn’t w3igh myself in that time. in 2 weeks i could lose like 4Ibs and not even know, that way when i get back from vacation and ive g4ined 3Ibs i wouldnt even notice. then life goes back to normal!
i hope that makes sense, and i hope its not too much. i really hope u enjoy ur vacation & can allow urself to enjoy a few of the f00ds wherever ur going. 🩷
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afternines · 1 year
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
Broke: danny runs away from bruce wayne because he reminds him of Vlad (bad, overused, fundamentally misunderstands Bruce’s character as a whole for a shit joke)
Woke: bruce wayne doesnt remind danny of vlad masters, but of his best friend sam manson
black hair? check ✅
jewish? check ✅
richer than god? check ✅
gothic? well, mister wayne isnt himself but he lives in the most gothic city on earth so quasi-check ✅
loudly and proudly an activist for various rights including environmental and womens' rights? check ✅
im tired of the "oh danny runs away from bruce because he's rich and reminds him of vlad" give me a danny who actually likes bruce because he reminds him of his awesome kickass best friend who is also stupidly rich
like i’ve been told about the whole “oh fruit loop joke” before and i still think its a cheap, shallow joke if i’ve ever heard one that flanderizes Bruce’s character to an impressive degree. Vlad and Bruce are only comparable in the same sense that they’re both rich and Bruce adopts kids — but he isn’t doing it because of the “adoption addiction” joke, he’s doing it because he sees himself in the kids he adopts and he wants to give them better than he did. Vlad wants Danny as his son to spite Jack, they are not remotely comparable beyond that.
Like, beyond that too i highly doubt vlad masters gives his employees benefits like bruce wayne does. who canonically hires reformed villains and has various branches of medical, industrial, technology, etc in his company in order to help the people of gotham. does Vlad Masters run charities, soup kitchens, etc?? is Vlad contributing to the community? No, no he isnt.
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bakudekublogblog · 1 month
talking to normal people about mha is always so enlightening because someone told me they didn't like season six and i was like???? THE BIBLE??????? YOU DONT LIKE THE BIBLE??? BAKUGOU KATSUKI RISING?? THE APOLOGY??? THE CHASING AFTER HIM TO FIGHT SHIGARAKI, THE REVEAL KATSUKI HAS BEEN WORRIED ABOUT IZUKU, IZUKU'S FERAL RAGE WHEN KATSUKI IS STABBED, KATSUKI BEING THE ONE TO FIND IZUKU AND THEN THE ONE TO BRING HIM HOME??? YOU DONT ENJOY THE SACRED TEXTS?? and then i'm like oh right not everyone is a fujoshi high on that sweet, sweet bkdk yaoi
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