#i don't think anybody yet IS one of Those Types
Right, okay, I should have expected this tbh, uh. Fair warning, If you're one of the new people following me, presumably after my OFMD teaser post:
I am an Izzy bitch. I like and enjoy Izzy and I want good things for him. I do not like him in that ironic 'I want to study him like a bug' way, I think he's a compelling character who is not entirely in the wrong and reacted generally fairly normally for someone in the position that he's in for most (if not all) of the situations he found himself in. I don't think he needs redemption because I don't think he's done anything worse than any of the other mains to be redeemed from.
Ball's in your court. If you disagree with this mindset, feel free to see yourself out. Alternately, stay a while and maybe have your mind changed.
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feltit-wroteit · 1 month
Spoiled and Loved
Art Donaldson x Fem!Reader
In every way, you were the person that made the college experience that much better for Art. You, on the other end, were still struggling to find your place at Uni.
Watnings: inscure reader, lost reader, small angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader has rich parents, one s3x joke
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There he was. In your usual spot in the cafeteria eating a lunch that his athletic nutritionist must've assigned him to eat. God was your boyfriend beautiful... "Baby?" He called you out of your trance and you smiled at him. "Come?" He motioned for the chair in front of him with his head. You walked toward it and sat down with your lunch that was healthy but certainly not planned. "Hey!" You said. You started eating and asking how his morning practice was and he smiled throught it all. After finishing his lunch and while explaining his morning, he drew mindless doodles on your left hand with a pencil. One was a tennis racket the other a heart and another a paint brush. Once he was done, silence had fallen and Art looked up at you, stopping his drawing. "Y/N?" Art asked while looking for your gaze. "Hmm?" You answered still looking at your left hand. "Look at me." He asked and lifted your head up with the help of his palm on your jaw. You looked at him and smiled. "How was your day so far, baby?" He then asked with certainty. You sighed and went to look down again, only to feel your boyfriend rubbing your jaw and hearing him hum no. When you met his gaze again you felt it.
The need to tell him the truth.
"Art?" He nodded at your interpellation, waiting for you to continue. "I don't think I belong here." You had felt like this for a while, but your boyfriend's joy at being here made that feeling simmer down a little.
That was until yesterday.
"That's Donaldson's girlfriend, right?" A girl said behind you during your history of the arts lecture. You normally tuned these type of conversations out, but today your ears decided that it was a mighty fine time to do as they wanted. "She play any sports?" The girl, Jenny from what you heard her friend call her earlier, proceeded to ask her friend, Luna. "Not that anybody knows of. Not to his level at least." The other girl answered with a certain turn in her voice. It wasn't a nice one at that. ""But she must do something else around campus for her to be with him, right?" Jenny continued her interrogations. "The only place other than her lectures that people see her at are Donaldson's games. She just does those two things that includes school life. People have said and know that she doesn't even have a major yet. She just does classes until she finally finds something that makes her spark. It's pathetic really." Luna said and chuckled with her friend who fired back : "Why would he want to be with her? If I were Art Donaldson-" And you never heard the last of her life hacks, because your ears decided you had been tortured enough as it was. The notes you had started taking were the only ones you took for the rest of the 3 hour lecture. Well, what was one more exam failed?
You would stay in this godforsaken place until you found a stupid major to work in life with.... Why bother studying right now? Your parents paid for your acceptance at Stanford. Your life was as corrupted as that.
"What do you mean Y/n/n?" Art asked with a concerned look and rubbed his tumb over your jaw. "I don't know what I mean by that. But that's also a problem, I never know..." you tried to explain but it was still unclear to him. He only wanted to comfort you and make you feel at ease at all times, but right now he couldn't understand you. That made him mad at himself. "I don't know what I am going to major in, I don't know why I went to college in the first place and I don't know what you find in me. Before you start to argue that point, I have to tell you that I don't doubt your love, I doubt my ability of being loved right now. I am a mess Art... I can't do it anymore! The only thing I do know, is that I'm going to end up like I always feared..." You continued to elaborate on your feelings while he was listening. "Baby... I love you for who you are. I'm sure what you feared for your future isn't even that bad-" you cut him off on that and laughed while letting some tears flow. "Oh yeah, it is. I will end up as every other rich kid who doesn't amount to nothing and will live off my family's money for my whole life." You said and removed his hand from your face. You didn't feel deserving of his touch right now. "Stop." He said sternly. How could he have left this go this far? How couldn't he have seen you were feeling like this? How bad of a boyfriend was he? "Y/n, you are not messed up. You are beautiful and intelligent and you are worth more than your family's wealth. You are important. Not only to me but to a lot of people. Listen, college isn't for everyone, baby. I know it 's easier listening than believing, but please don't pull away from me." He had tears brimming his eyes now.
What did you do to deserve him?
"I love you, Art. I'm sorry for upsetting you..." You explained and held his hand that had been squeezing the edge of the table. "Don't, baby. You do not have to appologize. I should appologize for not seeing how you had been feeling. Please... talk to me about these things. I want to be there for you like you are for me." He took your hand back in his to play with it lightly. "Okay." You said and smiled softly at him. "Okay?" He asked smiling softly too while looking into your eyes. "Yeah. I'll talk to you more about my feelings, baby." You nodded and affirmed.
As you both walked to your last class of the day that you shared, the girls of your history of the arts lecture passed you. They were looking at you and art with sadness. It was then you realized what they had been doing. Only wallowing in their jealousy because:
Art had chose you. Not them.
His heart was set on you and that made them mad. Some part of you felt like you could see them. Maybe you were loved by someone like they wanted to be, but you were also envious of how these girls would be graduating in Teaching in less than two months likw you wanted to be graduating.
Everybody was jealous of somebody in this world.
"Art?" You asked while going closer to his side. "Hmm?" He had answered when wrapping his arm around your shoulder to pull you in even closer. "I think I'm jealous of you." You confirmed while giggling. "Oh yeah? How come, y/n?" He smiled at your randomness. "You have a massive dick. I want that." You said in the most serious tone you could master in that instance. Art burst out laughing and admitted that he was jealous of you too. "How come, Art?" You copied his sentence. "Imagine being as pretty as the one and only Y/n Y/l/n under sun rays. I'll pray for that to happen one day." You looked up into his eyes and stopped walking for a second. You smiled at him and went up to kiss him on his lips. The kiss was slow and full of love, just how you prefered then to be.
"I love you, baby. Even if you are a spoiled little brat sometimes." He said and tried to cover his head before you shoved his head to the side playfully.
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riririnnnn · 14 days
More random things in Blue Lock I find endearing:
-> Brothers
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Oh god.
It's tough to explain, but to see him supporting Rin's arm instead of the trophy makes me want to punch a wall. It feels like, "Yes, we won this together, Rin." OHMYGOD! AAAAAAAA!!!
-> Hushed wisher
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I really don't think we have ever seen Noa coaching any player other than Isagi, so him silently rooting for Kaiser caught me off guard real hard. Of course, it doesn't seem like much of a big deal, but to see that Noa hadn't completely taken his eyes off of Kaiser and that he hadn't completely pulled away his trust from Kaiser hits a certain type of emotion in my heart.
Considering that Kaiser wants to win over Noa too—a fact Noa, probably, knows—makes everything feel a bit.. bittersweet.
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The above panel happened after Shidou scored a goal against Barcha and honestly—
I mean, BM was next in line to face PxG—it's probably the reason why they were watching the match live—and they were going to face Shidou which makes them rivals, and yet, when he does something cool, they all go, "WOOHOO! THAT'S COOL!!" instead of worrying or being jealous.
It's called sportsmanship, I guess?
It's sweet.
-> BM's Dad
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There's another translation, but I find the above one way better because it's so... soft.
I mean, Noa has always been shown as this cold, emotionless person who inhales and exhales logic, so it was sweet when he tried to reassure Kiyora—when he showed some kind of compassion. It was like, "Hey, Kiddo! It's okay, don't worry, you'll play the next time! Cheer up!"
It also makes it sound like even if Kiyora were not to have the required stats for the next match, then Noa was prepared to against his own ideals and let Kiyora play regardless.
-> Protective
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When Nagi got pissed off because Barou's violent behaviour nearly hurt Reo. Like, just look at that stance, he was ready to beat the crap out of Barou if Reo wouldn't have stopped him.
No matter what label you give Nagi and Reo—lovers or friends—you can't deny that they are probably the best thing that happened to eachother.
I really want what they have.
-> "It's their love language"
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They barely knew eachother and yet when these two started to brawl, they all intervened immediately—Nanase and Isagi are literally hanging onto them with their dear life. It's tough to explain, but I found the gesture really sweet, like, they didn't know them! They could bash open their skulls—it wouldn't affect them at all and yet, they are trying to stop them!
Also, Chigiri was on the other side of the field, I guess. He came running!!! So sweet!
-> First friend
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The way Bachira blindly believed in Isagi. Like, he had full trust that Isagi will come and play with him. He never doubted him at all! The healthiest duo of Blue Lock!
Also, look at his duck lips. Cutie.
-> "Welcome to the academy!"
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Anybody who has shifted to a completely new place full of completely new people knows how good and relieving it feels when others make an effort to help you feel welcomed.
No idea if those three extra characters got selected in the tryouts or not, but they were nice. If Kaiser would've met them earlier, then they all would've surely been good buddies.
-> Beloved Ace
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The way everyone instantly got mad at Shidou when he hurt Sendou—sweet! Also, the fact that they all refused to play if Sendou didn't play makes me giggle.
I adore bonds like these so much.
Pt: 1, 2, 3.
Probably the last of this series.
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starlostseungmin · 2 months
stray kids ─── as one direction songs.
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✰ pairing : non-idol!skz x afab!reader
✰ genre : fluff, angst, maybe suggestive?
✰ warnings : subtle mentions of sex and drugs, kissing, mentions of food and profanity. lmk if i missed smth.
✰ notes : uhm i really don't know what i wrote. this has been sitting on my drafts since november and thank god anon reminded me about it (i actually went on hiatus after minho's birthday last year so yeah) the songs i associated with skz members are just strongly my opinion mehehe i hope you guys like it, idk if you agree with me in regards with the songs but DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS after it! thank you so much <33
✰ tags : @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly
masterlist | taglist.
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chan ─── perfect
honorable mention: little things
you already know how fucked up your life is but ever since he came, those days became different. it is always the small gestures that one fails to notice in the blink of an eye. you are just going to be surprised by the time it is done or how you managed to get out of a small inconvenience. he loves you so much that he would put you first before anything else. 
chan is different from everyone else. maybe because he is labeled to be kind and so above average of doing the bare minimum which people seek from their partners. he’s perfect but he doesn’t think of it the same way. 
you tried to convince him a hundred times but all you got in response is him being a blushing mess and his giggle that makes your heart warm every time you hear it. a smile would tug on your lips that would make him stare at you, he’d bounce back on the things you said to him and you think about what did you do in your past life to deserve someone as perfect as him. 
“baby, you’re perfect,” you said for the nth time, “no, i’m not, but i’m perfect for you,” he winked. “that was smooth, chan,”
lee know ─── night changes
he might be the type to not show his feelings immediately but he’s the one who subtly shows them. it started slowly, he reassured you that everything would fall into place once you both could figure out what was going on with this relationship. 
but as long as you’re together, the love you and him shared will never change. although the process of this love story has made things go in different directions, the thought of having to stick together is essential. 
your parents didn’t like him at first, they had someone in mind and that wasn’t him and yet, you didn’t care even if your first date was a disaster and the next one after that, but that didn’t stop you. it took a while for your parents to finally accept him after tons of convincing them that he’s a great guy, but it succeeded later on. 
you had a place on your own and welcomed his cats to live with you when some of them were wild, that’s what you think. minho was a mess when you met him, but thanks to you, it’s not that bad anymore. 
changbin ─── temporary fix
honorable mention: i want to write you a song
changbin is the type to offer himself as someone you can lean on but it’s not always because of this friendship you have, but as a lover who wanted to make you feel better and forget about shit. 
temporary fix is not always meant to be a cover-up of something you’d open up again to allow another train of bullshits in your life. it felt like he was being sent from the heavens to look out for you, an angel whose sole mission is to make you happy, the same feeling like something that keeps you high. 
there’s this thing on changbin’s vibe that you don’t want to share with anybody else and he makes you feel things when you’re with him. even though this relationship sounds like a fling and a guy who sneaks into your dorm late at night to make out with you, well, it used to be. but you know changbin is so much more than that after a while. 
the phrase, “you can call me when you need me, you know?” whenever he sleeps with you is now in the trashbin the moment you settle to be someone to each other.
hyunjin ─── last first kiss 
remember the time when he said that he chose to be the last love instead of the first? exactly. being the last person to love is basically spending the rest of your life with him, even if he’s not your first kiss, not your first love, not your first in everything, it’s fine as long as he’ll be the one you’ll remember as your eternal love. 
hyunjin being fitted into this song is like a message that he wanted to convey to his love, a sentiment that would indicate how much he’d spend time and effort to stay by your side until the end of time. indeed, a hopeless romantic man he is. 
last first kiss is the very first song that reminds you of him, it is part of those memories you made with him. it was that time when he decided to take this relationship to the next level, yes, he did mention that he wanted to be your last, and by what he meant, an everlasting love. 
“let me be your last,” and when you heard him say that, you knew he was the man who fits perfectly into your broken puzzle that would mend the wound forever.
han ─── rock me
honorable mention: midnight memories
rock me suits him as well as midnight memories. but midnight memories have their effects on han, giving him the vibes of being a musician specializing in the rock genre. and as someone who loves to listen to almost every genre in the world, you fell in love with him after watching him busking by the streets. 
you were amazed by how talented he is. his fingers strummed that guitar well, and his voice? like an angel. one could say that he is a free-spirited human being who does whatever he wants and writes songs about some things that piqued his interest. 
then there’s you, a broken melody who longed for him to come back, the same goes for him who let you go. both of you thought that you were too young to be in love and jisung was better off alone but his songs were dedicated to your break up. you rocked his world when you came and left broken notes when it ended.
but he always believed that what you had back then, was real and that you’d always remember the love you had. 
felix ─── why don’t we go there 
honorable mention: kiss you
felix is someone who gets hyped easily whenever you’re with him. his bright smile, his funny reactions, and the unidentified sounds that came out of his mouth made him a fun guy to be with. it started with a fling that turned out to be something you didn’t want to rush but it is slowly beginning to have a label. 
having a relationship with him offered different dynamics. it is the way he grabs your hand when you both start to get caught by the waves crashing by the shore or how he felt when you kissed him for the first time. he is someone who can get dragged with you to whatever your plan is, a great ball of sunshine to your rainy days, someone that you don’t want to be the one that got away. 
he does think the same, especially the fact that he treasures you so much and it became an opportunity to love you more when you spend that one night together somewhere, alone. it was an invitation actually and it made you realize a lot of things. 
it is the way he looked at those stars with those dazzling eyes of his. the constellation plastered on his cheeks glowed along with them, it is what they call freckles, you love them as much as how felix felt for you. having him as a getaway made you don’t want to come back, ever again.
seungmin ─── no control
night changes was the first choice but then no control became the one for him, no control, because he is, a menace. he believed that being in love was something that gullible people would do and get hurt, maybe a few of them proved it to be valid and worth it, yet he isn’t convinced because it is just a waste of time. 
and yet, you came out of nowhere. it is the way he looks at you with those dazzling puppy eyes, the way he obeys the things you wanted him to do, and it gets worse when you share intimate affections. from a gentle puppy to a wild wolf. there’s something about you that drives him crazy every time. 
nothing matters to him when you’re around and he never felt this way before. he’d kiss you out of nowhere when you reached home with your back against the wall as your hands played with his hair. he gets weak and powerless, but gets hyped and rough which you get caught off guard every time. 
and he is very loyal, he always makes sure that no other will ever meet his interest. you don’t want to share, anyway and you got him down bad.
jeongin ─── summer love
honorable mention: fool's gold.
loving jeongin is like a breath of fresh air, the freedom that he finally held in his hands, and the time he can make up for himself to be with you. it was a reckless summer that you spent in your grandma’s place, away from the bustling city and this boy showed up on your doorsteps. 
it didn’t take a while that you immediately had this puppy love type of interest in each other. you started sneaking out in the middle of the night when your grandma was in her deep sleep, swimming together by the river across the small town on a random afternoon, sharing a kiss under an oak tree that tasted like your grandma’s apple pie, it was great. you didn’t want it to end. 
and just like any other summer, it did. you didn’t know if you would still have this continuous conversation when the school year starts since jeongin is miles away from where you live. 
you saw him sitting on one of those branches of the oak tree where you kissed for the first time, and there you promised not to lose each other even if the summer ended. you couldn’t believe that what you did for less than two months was this serious. it was hard to say goodbye, yet you hoped nothing would change after the last summer’s sunset.
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
For People, Not for a Dream
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Everyone always wonders about this panel, and why Levi didn't include himself when talking about what all his comrades fought and died for.
The thing is, Levi was never fighting for that ideal world, or to create an ideal world.
For him, it was never about a concept or an ideology, because he never believed in the possibility of an ideal world to begin with.
Even when he gives his monologue to the 104th, during the Uprising arc, and speaks about freedom and the chance to have a world without the threat of titans, he still says that both world's are hell, just that he chooses the hell of people killing each other over the hell of being eaten by titans.
So I think to understand Levi, it's important to understand that he never cared about or was motivated by any system of belief or philosophy. He never did what he did with the goal of creating some Utopian world or society. His actions were never driven by any sort of fanaticism.
He was only ever fighting for people. To help people. Even in their ugliness and with all their faults and failings. He accepted that about people and the world; he accepted their imperfection. He never tried to change anybody, he never labored under any sort of belief that he could weed out the bad elements of society and, as a result, force a better world into existence, or a more civilized society. He wasn't blinded to the ugliness of his own actions by a sense of moral righteousness or belief in the "greater good". He never believed any set of beliefs or principles or ideology was or could be made inherently superior to any other. He never believed people could be made better than what they were. And yet he still found their lives worth protecting, along with their right to choose what to do with those lives, whether it be good or ill.
I think that's a big part of why Levi never loses sight of his own humanity, why he never becomes cruel. Because he never loses sight of what he's actually fighting for. Not an idea or a set of beliefs or a dogma. But just people, even when they're not good people.
And we see that reflected in Levi's lack of any sort of dream for himself, and in his support of other people's dreams. He's not fighting for their dreams because he believes in them or their possibility, he's fighting for their dreams because he believes in the worth of the people who dream them. It's the people who have worth to Levi, not the dream or the ideology behind the dream. And he hoped to prove that worth by ensuring they didn't throw their lives away for nothing. That's why he lent his strength to those dreams. It was always for the dreamers sake, not the sake of the dream itself. To show their lives mattered by helping to realize whatever it was they gave those lives for. It's why he's so determined to kill Zeke, because those soldiers in Shinganshina gave their lives for that goal. It wasn't Zeke's death that mattered, but the lives of the soldiers that died for it.
It's why he says in the above panels that if it was going to be worth the price "you all paid", it would have to be an "exhaustingly idealistic world". Nothing less than that would be worth people's lives. I think it's also why Levi's expression is one of such sadness all through the final chapters, because he knows, and always knew deep down, that that idealistic world was an impossibility. That even without titans, the world would still be a hellish place, something we see proven by the final pages of the story, with the destruction of Paradis and the continuation of war. In the end, I don't think Levi believed the outcome was worth the price his comrades paid. It wasn't worth their lives. To Levi, the concept of a "greater good" isn't worth more than any, single life.
But it's also important to remember that Levi was never the type of person to tell anyone else what to do, or what to think, or how to live, and that in itself is testament to how much he values people. The worth he sees in their lives and existence is reflected in the respect he holds for their right to choose what to do with those lives, even if that choice is to give their lives for an impossible dream.
And so that's what he fights for. Not for any sort of dream, or for the realization of an ideal world, but to help people. To help them in whatever way he can, whether that's saving their lives, protecting their right to choose how to live those lives, or supporting the dreams they believe are worth giving their lives for.
It was never for the dream itself. It was for the people who dreamed it.
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reve-writes · 1 year
—i didn't know where else to go; kaz brekker.
ʚ kaz brekker x reader | grishaverse | 1,6k words. ʚ kaz brekker knocks on your door after your abrupt departure from the dregs. ʚ injuries; angst. ʚ a/n i'm impatiently waiting for season 2 to air. here's a little something because everyone needs more kaz brekker in life.
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You are not a healer, nor do you make a habit of opening your door to anybody who knocks, bleeding through their shirt early when the morning is just starting to crack over the horizon. The hustle bustle of Ketterdam is starting to die down. The streets are steadily getting less and less crowded and the city starts to feel less like a living, breathing thing actively trying to suffocate you.
But it's Kaz Brekker.
“Brekker, why are you here?” You're still rubbing the sleep off of your eyes as you open the door.
He looks as if he's as confused as you are. His mind went on autopilot after he was jumped on by a group of thugs disillusioned into thinking they were a match for the Dirtyhands. While he emerges victorious in the fight, it doesn't mean that he's unscathed. The confrontation was a little too close for his comfort. His legs have somehow carried him to your door.
He heaves a deep breath and he thinks there's a bruise over his ribs. He croaks out, “I didn't know where else to go.”
That is a lie. Kaz Brekker owns more safe houses than you care to know, but you open the door a little bit wider anyway for him to brush past you, into your one-room living space. It isn't much. It's hard to have much of anything when the second you have a little bit of something in the Barrell, it's already taken the next second. You have a cot in one corner of the room, separated with a small divider you've found discarded and repainted. In front of it, there are a couple of chairs and a short square table.
“Have a seat,” you tell him. He immediately plops into one of the chairs with a big sigh of relief. His cane clatters to the floor. “How bad is it?”
He leans against the back of the chair, tilting his head upwards with his eyes closed. “I'm fine.”
He is clearly not fine. You were concerned from the moment you opened your door. Kaz Brekker's face is smeared with blood. Whose blood, this part you have yet to know. When he inhales, he puts more effort than one normally does. Not to mention, there's a sheen on his black shirt and you'll bet twenty thousand Kruge that it's his blood.
“You wouldn't be here if you're fine,” you retort. Your hands are already digging into your box of medical supplies.
He is silent because he knows you are right. Before your departure from the Dredge, he used to have no problem knocking on your door at ungodly hours. You had no problems letting him in, disinfecting and dressing whatever wounds he had. Saints, those moments when Ketterdam hadn't stirred awake yet but the two of you were—they were some of the most vulnerable moments shared between you.
Then, there's after. After you decided you had enough of Kaz. He's the type of person who would say things that'll leave a bruise for a couple of days in your heart, but never acknowledges it. It's partially your fault, mistaking his visits for anything other than convenience. He needed someone to patch him up and you were readily available.
You told him your feelings. He said something that both humiliated and rejected you. You packed up and left.
“How bad is it?” You ask once again, irritation apparent in your tone. “Don't make this a habit, Brekker. I'm not a public hospital.”
“I wouldn't be able to tell the difference,” he says airily.
You don't reply. Whatever Brekker's playing at, you want no part in it. If he thinks he can walk into your home to have a little nostalgic chat over tea then he's sorely mistaken.
“Coat off. Shirt as well. Stop bleeding out on my chair,” you reply, already pulling out a moderately-sized box with medical supplies.
You swear he looks as if he's about to run his mouth and say something witty as a joke, but he decides against it. There's a rustle as he takes his incredulous layers of clothing off. He's as lean as ever with scars littering his body. There are a small gash on his side and bruising all over him.
“I'll clean up the cut,” you tell him. Before, you would ask what happened and he would tell you the details of the fight. Now, you can't seem to bring yourself to ask. There's a line that you drew when you left the Dregs. Inviting him into your home is already tiptoeing around it. You don't want to blur the line by pretending that you're alright.
“A knife grazed me or a dagger. I don't think it's poisoned,” he says anyway. His dark eyes are boring into yours while you keep your gaze solely focused on the wound. He follows your movement, as if trying to come up with a sketch of you in his mind.
“Dagger,” you tell him based on the shape of the wound. “No poison.”
You clean up the cut wordlessly before covering it with bandages. As you work, you wonder why he didn't go to Nina instead. A Heartrender can do your job ten times better with less scarring and less pain. Then, you wonder why he comes to you at all—all those nights ago when Nina is always there.
“How have you been?” He asks as you're digging through a bag of salves for his bruises.
You scoff. “Never been better.”
You would've stayed if he had said no like anyone else would. A simple no, you would understand. A whole speech about how pathetic you are that you're clinging to the only person who comes to you for aid is uncalled for. A long paragraph about how replaceable you are, how easy it would to leave you behind if something ever goes wrong on a job—or as he likes to call it, an acquisition.
Brekker could've said no and left it at that, but he's never satisfied. He is the type of person to ram a knife into you and twist it until you remember every second of the pain. You left because if he considers you so easily replaced then he can do it.
Thinking about it makes your blood boil, but you keep it together. You hand him a small container and he takes it with a gloved hand.
“For the bruises. You can take it with you.”
Then, you're packing everything back into the box. Your job is done anyway. He shrugs his clothes back on, occasionally hissing. Kaz is still wondering why he's decided to knock at your door after desperately making sure that you're going to walk out of his life three weeks ago when he finally stands up. The small container is balled up in his fists.
“Thank you.”
His presence in your room is already suffocating enough, but as he stands there, staring at you when he should've been leaving—that takes the air out of your lungs. Everything he said then floods back into your mind. Word by word. You think you want him to leave. You know you want him to stay.
“You can go now. There's nothing else I can do for you. Ask Nina to look you over,” you say, pulling the door ajar.
He watches you as he walks towards the door. He lingers by the doorway, his cane is tracking blood on your flooring. Don't come back. You want him to come back anyway.
“Nina misses you.”
You almost laugh. “I see her every other week, Brekker.”
He doesn't know why he said that. He should leave. He has things to tend to: a revenge to plan, another acquisition to conduct and a club to run. What is he trying to do exactly? He remembers every word he uttered that night. Every single word is chosen carefully to drive you as far away from him as he can muster. All of them are personally tailored to you. They're all things that push on your buttons.
So, why did he come knocking at your door, as if he wasn't the one who kicked you out in the first place?
When he pictures Pekka Rollins begging at his feet, more Kruge than he knows what to do with at his disposal and a quiet, content day when he's finally done everything he set out to do, he realizes you're always there, too and he doesn't know what to do with that.
Before he can think against it, the words spill out of him. “I want to apologize.”
Kaz Brekker never apologizes. He can poke someone's eyeball out of their skull without so much as batting an eye, but he can't apologize without feeling like he's just been punched in the gut.
You're still angry but you relent because Kaz Brekker never apologizes. “Water under the bridge. I've been told worse things. Just, go home, Kaz.”
He's looking at you. Saints, he's been staring at you since the very moment you opened your door for him. You don't know what to do with all that intensity, especially after he's made it verbally clear that it's one-sided.
“Jesper wants you back on the team.”
You know what he's doing then. First, Nina. Now, Jesper. You roll your eyes at him. “Since when do you care about what anyone else wants?"
He is silent for a moment. “I tend to care if their wants align with what I want.”
“Say it, then. What do you want?”
He doesn't reply and as per his style, he walks out of your door. You sigh, ready to close it behind him, but he tilts his head back.
“Crow Club. 8p.m. Don't be late,” he says, taking a few steps forward before he stops again. “If it's what you want as well.”
Then, as quickly as he came, he's gone, leaving you to wish that you can read Kaz Brekker's mind.
[ ]
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braxlrose · 2 months
I miss ur writings sm :(
I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long, I haven't posted any fan fiction in so many months and honestly I lost motivation 😭 so many ppl who were in this fandom and I created a community with, were slowly getting over this "phase" and it definitely affected me. But I'm going to try and get back into writing. I hope this will do good for now! Ive had a lot of ppl recently ask for 2005 bill hcs, and I've done that before so if this is repetitive for something else I've written, sorry!
content warnings: none
a/n: I'll be updating my tag list since it hasn't been updated since like August of last year and I don't want to be tagging people who don't care or want to see these posts anymore. So if you wanna be tagged, let me know!
2005!bill kaulitz x f!reader
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- I'm an alternative person so whenever I write for bill, I always imagine him with an alternative girl 😞 even though from what I've seen he's never really been w/ an alternative one, BUT LETS PRETEND OKAY 🙏🙏
• he absolutely loves doing hair together, I think he enjoys helping you do your hair in the morning and your make up. And he's even more greatful if you do his makeup. Then he can just relax while you help him.
• pookie has crunchy ass hair at the end of the day when he has to wash it out, don't make fun of him 😞
• getting piercings together is something he LOVES doing with you. Mainly early piercings because he only has a tongue and eyebrow piercing on his face.
• if you made music too, he would always go to your concerts and basically scream the entire time. Hopefully, you'd do the same for him.
• if you have longer nails, head scratches are always a must and he will lay in your lap for literal hours while you pamper him.
- I personally think he would love to learn words in your language if you keep something different than German. And despite what anybody thinks, he finds it hilarious to learn the dirty words.
• if you cook him something from your culture, he will literally die. He basically thinks everything about you is so cool, and learning about a culture different from his is so exciting
• but if you two really want to date, you'll have to both try to learn English or each other language because there is going to be a hard language barrier between you two.
- I think one of the reasons he would've fallen in love with you is because you were upfront with him. He's not the type of guy to just go up and kiss someone so if you confess first, that would make things so much easier.
- obviously, you'd have to get along with Tom, Georg and Gustav. So if you don't, there's no way he'll go out with you, especially if you can't get along or hate Tom.
-Dates together consist of stuff you guys bought somewhere, or if you guys went to a fastfood restaurant.
• He doesn't have a lot of money yet so dates wouldn't exactly be high class, hopefully you don't mind 😉
-Since this is around the time Tokio Hotel is getting increasingly famous, there are fangirls around trying to flirt and ask out bill all the time and he has to shoo them off. He reminds you every night about how much he loves you and that those fan girls shouldn't bother you.
-he likes to spoon you a lot, and you two switch back n forth between him being the big spoon and the small spoon.
• I think he also really likes it when you lay on top of him, with your face in his neck and your legs wrapped around him. (This also works sitting upwards).
• cuddling with him is so nice too because he actually smells really good 😱
- I think he still gets very insecure sometimes because of the haters and people who harass the band because they don't like them and you reassure him a lot.
a/n pt 2: sorry this wasn't too long! I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing so if this is terrible I'm sorry 😞
taglist: none right now
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emojellyace08 · 10 months
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 2
A/N: Thanks for the request @misasdeathwish! Here's an another part of it and I'll probably make a part 3 for this since I really enjoy this (series?) so much. And also thanks for 55 followers!!! I really appreciate you guys for following my blog it means so much to me, so here's another post hope you like it! Genre: Fluff☁️and slight angst? (for everyone) WARNINGS: family issues, slight mentions of assault, and a bit sad
Hudson Ahn (Ahn Hyun-Seong)
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Considering how much passion in fighting this guy have I bet that that's how his type on a woman is.
A girl doesn't have to be super physically strong completely just for Hudson to get to like them. I headcannon that just like Jay, Hudson can't handle whiny girls and causes lots of high school dramas. But girlish or not, if a woman has good morals, a good perspective in life and hardworking enough to reach her goals and dreams in life I think Hudson's attention will turn his focus on you.
It makes it even better to get a bit closer to him if you know martial arts and you still you use it in a responsible way. Business is just business. If your job is to take down anybody who gets in your way, you got to prepare your knuckles for some fight just to finish it.
So imagine saving Hudson and his gang when they get into a fight with some other mfs, he and his crewmates will be definitely surprised on a girl having the balls (well actually having no balls) to confront his enemies. It's not that he's thinking that girls can't fight and stand up for themselves. He's thinking on why you're helping him when he can fight for himself and getting into someone else's business. "Who is this hot chick over here?" a tall and skinny man cooed as his eyes trailed down your figure while rubbing his chin. "Sorry, I was on my way home just saw you beating up these poor dudes". "HEY! WE AIN'T POOR KIDS WE CAN FIGHT FOR OURSELVES!" a man with a baby face and curly black hair with yellow stripes/strands of hair shouted back at you while his nose is bleeding. "I'm the Sun of Ansan. I can't just lose like this or else I'm putting Taesoo Ma, my master's name out of shame" a blonde haired man replied while standing up. Feeling a dark aura surrounding the male, you smirked as you feel his fighting spirit getting back to beat the hell out of these creeps. "Since it's been a while since I kicked someone's ass, I think this should be a good exercise". you stated as you smiled widely and cracking your knuckles getting hyped up for the fight "You should go home and don't get involved in somebody else's business. It's my fight." "Sorry boo I just got here so I can't go home just yet". He was about to refuse when one of the opponents chose to attack him. With you being aware of your surroundings, you immediately kicked the high dude on his face making him fall on the ground. And the rest is history.
Well after all the fighting, his crewmates managed to convince Hudson to join you on their team. "C'mon Hudson! She's a good fighter she can be a good human weapon!" Jacky begged with those puppy ass eyes while it sparkled like stars. "He's right. She can be a great side member when we're off for other businesses." the tattooed male replied back as Hudson sighed finally giving in for their requests. Despite not wanting to add more members in his crew (since most of them are a headaches), he admits that your fighting skills is above average. Though what he worries about is about your attitude. Since the others are all childish and too prideful, he worries is that if you're like that too he would be bothered to join you in their team.
So he tries to approach you before you leave, him awkwardly talking about how his crew gain lots of money and if you're interested in it. "SORRY! I'm not making money out of illegal stuff!" you denied his offer with a smile but the curly black-haired dude keep pushing you so you got no choice I guess. So if you're part of his crew up until the end that it got destroyed because of Daniel Park, I think Hudson will start to realize on how you managed to stay loyal on him even when he knows that he's probably going to lose on this match. And that's how he started liking you. It's because of your loyalty and you believing on himself that he can be much more stronger. And that what makes him strive for more success. It's for you and Taesoo, the most important people in his life to be proud of him.
If you're not the type to know about fighting, I think that him saving you from a man trying to assault you in a different bar will make you interested in him after his crew got disbanded. He'll convince you that you should never come back in places like this since he knew from himself how these things happen all the time in the illegal side of his business before. So it makes him a bit guilty about all the horrible things he have done before. And if you coincidentally saw him again beaten up and you took him to the hospital or cure his wounds, he might show an interest in you (I swear this men likes babying them so much they just won't admit). His ideal date would just be probably cuddling and staying at home ;)
Overall hype him up, be passionate about your goals and dreams in life, and being loyal and honest can bring out the best of him.
Eli Jang (Jang Hyun)
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Is it weird that I put Eli next to Hudson? lol. But seriously blonde Eli? I simp
Considering how this male went through so much things in his life, expect him to like someone who will be always there for him no matter how things turn upside down. His life is full of trauma and since his parents (his father passed) and how his step-mother don't really care about him forcing him to turn back and run away hoping that things will get better. But things turned worse when he's exposed to all the gangs and doing bad things like stealing and fighting at a very young age. When he met Warren, Sally and the rest of the gang he thought everything will be great but it all went wrong when Heather passed away everything fell apart. He felt that his whole life everything is just a tragedy to him and Eli felt that everything won't find true happiness until Yenna is born and when he met you.
It was in J-High when he moved schools to start a new life for himself and his daughter. Most girls were interested in him since he's good looking and as much as he appreciates their compliments, he mostly wants to focus on himself before getting to date someone. It's not even his priority since the last time he truly thought that he finally met his perfect soulmate, the worst things have gotten. But he changed his mind when you caught his attention. Your attentiveness in class and your will to help others will always make him turn his head around just to look at you. And the fact that you befriended out of pure kindness him makes his stomach grumble and feel butterflies. Sure, you wouldn't deny that he looks majestic. But the thing is you got more interested in him since despite the smile that he's trying to show to everybody, he always looks tired and sad (you can see it in his eyes). So you thought befriending him might not be a bad idea.
Like some Lookism guys, he will be a bit hesitant at first at making friends with anyone because of his trauma is consuming him for not being strong enough to take care of the people who he cherishes the most and he's thinking that you just probably wanted a date. But you proved him wrong. Your calm spirit and voice helps him ease his mind a lot. Your happy and go lucky personality makes him remind of Heather the most. So slowly but surely, he'll get used to your presence even craving and looking for you sometimes when your not present. I also headcannon that he's definitely the type to like mature and understanding women. Since he needs (or tries) to be independent throughout his childhood and not experience freedom, a whiny and immature someone can turn him off the most. After getting to know you more and able to build a special connection with you he'll definitely open about his issues/struggles in life and about his daughter (please don't discriminate him for it).
Eli would be probably into more of the soft and quiet women too. Bonus points if you know how to do household chores like cooking, cleaning the house etc. since being a single dad can be hard. Eli have to balance his school life and focus all his homework on time while taking care of Yenna and making sure she's safe is a stressful challenge. So having someone who can help him babysit the little girl is something that he'll appreciate so much. Though it's okay that if his someone doesn't know how to cook since he knows the struggles of it and it can be a great quality time for the both of you learning different recipes! (but it can be a bit disastrous at times lmao). What matters is that you don't stress yourself of taking care of the child. He doesn't like seeing you tired and it's definitely not a requirement for you to take care of Yenna since you have to study too. Though his trust for you will gain more if you insist to take care of the little girl (and you tried your best to be a mother figure).
Though at times, his past issues about Heather can get into his relationship. If you noticed that he often talks about the girl all the time, please be patient and understanding about it. You can talk about it with him without letting your negative emotions getting in the way. If you let your jealousy get into you first, this can form a BIG MISUNDERSTANDING between the two and I mean it. He'll probably think that you don't understand him enough and it can tore your relationship apart.
And after the 4 major crews got active to rip families and friendships apart, Eli is afraid to hurt everybody especially you, Yenna, and his family. So when joining the Workers is the only "solution" for Yoojin to not destroy Hostel, you immediately try to stop him but he knows he can't turn back now. Your caring personality is also one of the reasons he loves you, though he felt like he doesn't deserve it. You gotta thank Vasco for bringing Eli back home again.
Be understanding, helpful, and patient with Eli hon. Form an amazing relationship with him and his family that he never got to experience. And Yenna might even call you Mama!
Warren Chae (Chae Won Seok)
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A devoted simp lmao.
Headcannon: Warren likes shorter and cute girls (And having the same age as him don't think that way>:(. Though after some time, realizing that a sweet, positive and a helpful girl actually catches his attention more (plus being short and cute is a win for him). Warren would also be into mature yet a bit playful women. He really likes it when he gets a cute reaction out of someone he like when he's easing them and he gets really flustered when his someone flirts back.
So imagine just meeting him at school and him saving you from the other thugs AHHHHHHH. The moment he saw you getting harassed by those fuckers, he can't help but to feel the urge to protect you. Who the hell treats a girl like that?
He was on the way home with Eli, Sally and Heather when he notices you getting blocked in the way by other teenagers from the other university. As much as you want to get away from this mess, the old-looking students won't let you go. "Aww c'mon let's go to my house and grab some beer". An wrinkly-faced guy embraced your shoulder just to pull you closer to him which makes you uncomfortable. "So-sorry I-I'm good" you gulped harshly as the three men keeps whistling and making pouty faces insulting you. "Sorry miss if you don't complied we will have to keep bother-" "Oi, what the fuck (are you doing?)" a familiar male voice shouted as you turned around to see if it's really him. "The All Mighty Warren Chae". You heard about him and in fact, he's your classmate and he's one of the most known trouble maker in your school. Not only he can't finish his sentences full, he doesn't also finish doing his homework (You weren't close anyways). He's also with three unfamiliar people who are probably in another campus. "Hey is he your boyfriend? I'll go talk to him". "Hey wai-" you tried to stop the skinny dude and now he's face to face with Warren. "Are you her boyfriend? Sorry if I was hitting on your girl but she's mine now". he smirked clearly insulting and challenging the other male. "Nah, (if you try to harass a girl) you gotta fight me". Warren replied while unconsciously not finishing his sentence. As the skinny dude tries to land a punch on him Warren easily blocked his move and punched him to the ground beating the guy down (getting what he deserves).
And that's how you met and became friends with the Hostel. You got close to everybody especially with the guy who saved you, heck you even talk to Olly Wang. You'll also teach him about grammar when you have extra time so he can construct his sentences well not only on the assignments but also when he's talking. Your helpful and generous personality is enough to make Warren burst. He really appreciates it when you help him through his complications and you being patient and understanding about it makes him less insecure about his disability. And that what makes him love himself more and try to get stronger to protect you and his family. You will always visit your friends and sometimes sleep on their place (even if it's a bit messy). You'll also help them clean up and you'll always bring their favorite food especially Warren's. I also headcannon that he likes clingy and cuddly women. Though he will always ask for consent if you're willing to hug or kiss him back.
But not everything and everyday is all about rainbow and unicorns. Everything went wrong when the adults find about Hostel and with Heather getting pregnant and passing away from labor. It even got worst when Eli ran away again. You have to move out from another city to start a "fresh life" because your parent/s got so worried for being involve into "low-standard" run-away teenagers which is far from truth. And no matter how much you want to protest to them, you can't do anything and you have to get through the burden of it.
But when you find out that you study with Eli at the same school, you get to make contact with him but it was a really hard task. First he tries to avoid you at all cost thinking that Sally or Warren contacted you to follow him and convince him to get back to Hostel. But with great communication and understanding with one another, you and Eli started being friends again and you managed to have contact with Hostel again after a few months (years rather). You're really excited to meet Warren again and that you hugged him a bit too tight making him and Sally chuckle. "Warren! I missed you so much!" you cried as your arms wrapped around his waist which he doesn't mind (he even loves it). "I-I missed you too." he replied while blushing back loving your warmth that brings him comfort. "YOU COMPLETED YOUR SENTENCE!" "(I've) Been studying (reading)." "At least you're getting better now, little boo!" you gleefully smiled as he kissed your forehead. He knows that it's dangerous for you to be involve with him especially when all the drama about the 4 major crews are getting a bit spicier and heated. But can he just enjoy this moment for a while? To hug and cuddle with you and forget the world in just a moment?
If you really like Warren, be understanding about his condition. Also having a warm and positive vibe around him can make his heart melt.
Johan Seong (Seong Yohan)
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Not really clingy but he still cares about you if you're not too much of a bothersome.
If you know Johan before the cult incident or if you're childhood friends with him along with Zack and Mira, he'll be more open and awkward around you. Since he's really shy around this time he's still developing himself as a whole. He wants to get strong like Zack as he always watches him do boxing. Yet when he tries to stand up for himself from the bullies he still get defeated which makes him feel unworthy. Though if you saw him getting bullied as you tried to stand against the other kids, he'll start to see you as an inspiration. An emotionally strong women can really catch his attention.
The thing that he calls admiration soon becomes deeper as he explores your personality even more. If you're accepting and understanding even on the smallest things he'll literally develop a crush on you. You may be still be developing as a child (same age as him), but your good set of morals makes him inspired to do better in life not only for you and himself but most especially his mom.
But things took a bad turn when the cult incident happened. And the addition of his mom loosing her eyesight and getting involved/addicted to drugs stresses him out the most. He just wants the best for her and his friends too. And he hates it when you and Mira get hurt by other people. That's why his fueling rage and anger makes his way to encourage himself to be strong. Stronger than Zack, stronger than anybody. That's why no matter how he thought that it'll be toxic for him to just leave you and his family without any words or context, he felt like he has to. To protect you and find a cure for his mom.
Of course his sudden leave will make you devastated. And after some years, as hurtful as it sounds he'll probably start forgetting abut you since he's focused on the major crew business. But after his crew disbandment and lost, he's probably going to meet you without plans on a food stand (considering how much this guy loves food). He would panic and pretend that he's just a random stranger but your gut feeling got the best of you and you'll ask him if he's the boy you're looking for. Of course he'll deny it at first but seeing his sweet someone will make him iresistent. He misses you no matter how hard he tries to deny it. And when he goes to visit his mom (without her knowing it's her son since she's getting blind), she'll always tell him about you on how you always take care of her especially if you have free times. Johan likes helpful women especially in household chores just like Eli and if his someone/crush also takes care of his mom she's definitely his type on women too just like Daniel.
He has to explain to you that once this is all over and his mom's eyes got better he'll come back to your hometown and back to you. But it still hurts you Johan suffering from all of this when all you want is for him to be happy.
If you haven't met him in his childhood, he'll definitely be more cold and reserved. He won't give a damn about everybody (except his mom and his friends ofc) but women? He doesn't have time for them especially the loud ones. But if you're the emotionally matured and understanding type he'll definitely have an interest for you (despite him denying it).
Even if he's not a clingy person, your caring, gleeful and emotionally strong personality can make him relax a bit from all this chaos. Just ask him for a good and warm hug and he'll sigh and open his arms for you (he secretly likes it trust me).
A/N: WHEWW! Johan, Hudson and Warren are so hard to write for! (It's my first time writing about them so please don't judge it too much lol) Eli is much easier since I can express my way of writing more to emotionally unwell characters. But feel free to give some criticisms if you're not satisfied!
Looking for Jake, Gun, Goo, and Sinu one? Part 3 will be coming up ;)
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silverbladexyz · 6 months
We saw dazai with reader who doesn't like him. What about dazai with reader who does like him, more than a friend
Uhhh please ignore the fact that I haven't written any requests in ages ;w; I hope you enjoy ❤
The image used is not mine. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None
Fell first, fell harder
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Oh, heavens.
Just when had you fallen prey to this disgustingly nice feeling that accelerated your heartbeat and filled your stomach with so many butterflies that it felt like it would explode from the intensity?
Whenever he was in your presence, or whenever you looked into those beautiful brown hues as he talked to you with his irresistibly smooth voice, you could feel your chest constrict and your knees weaken helplessly as you fell prey to his endlessly charming appeal. It was painfully obvious that you were stuck pining after him, despite all the warning bells ringing in your head about the complexity of this man.
Yes; the man you had fallen for was none other than Dazai Osamu, the suicidal maniac who could outwit demons himself.
You should've seen it coming when you reciprocated his flirting one day.
It was initially to shut him up, as you were already having a stressful day with lots of paperwork and impatient calls to attend to. Despite being able to momentarily silence the man, you soon learned that it was the worst mistake of your life as his flirting had nearly doubled in both it's intensity and amount at the end of the day. Even when you knew he was only teasing, you were determined to get back at him. And you, like the unknowing, competitive fool you were, decided to challenge him to see who could fluster the other person first.
Soon, you found yourself wishing that the ground would split open and swallow you up whenever he dropped another impossibly smooth compliment that you didn't even see coming.
You would've already given up and told him of your feelings were it not for the fact that it was Dazai that you were crushing on.
At first glance, anybody would say that it was reasonable for you to fall for him. He was tall, witty, had a way with words, worked in a respectable company, and attractive; many people had helplessly fallen for his charm. The very same charm that he utilised as a weapon to manipulate others as he pleased.
Throughout the many playful banters and friendly conversations you had with him, you noticed how sometimes, his silly persona seemed slightly forced. How his eyes seemed to see through your very existence, finding out your darkest secrets and laying you bare to his sharp gaze. And how he never showed any genuine emotions, despite being an expert at reading them.
Plus the fact that he was a womaniser who still had countless admirers who were vying to have another chance with him, and he had rejected every single one of their advances. You were a personal witness to them, and each rejection made you rip up your feelings and toss them to the back of your mind, only for them to resurface as soon as he turned his attention towards you. Yet it was obvious that your feelings were in vain.
You gave a small sigh as you typed away on the computer, thinking about this complex dilemma you were in.
You knew that you should only stay friends with Dazai for your sake, but your heart just said otherwise.
"My my, you are sighing quite a lot today. Are you thinking about me and my irresistible charm, perhaps?~"
The butterflies resurfaced in your stomach again as you turned to face the cause of those damn feelings.
"Heh. As if. Instead, I was thinking how good it'll be if you actually did your work for once instead of pushing it all to me and Atsushi-kun to complete. It'll be a great help to all of us, don't you agree?" You gave your best agitated smile, despite wanting so desperately to scream out 'I like you!' at the top of your lungs and unbottle all those feelings you had harboured for Dazai.
"Ah, don't be maddddd! You know I do that because it's my love language! The best type of love language, if I may add!" He grinned cheekily, seemingly unaware of how fast your heart raced at his gorgeous smile. Your faux irritation quickly melted away into attraction and longing for him, already having gone past what friends normally felt for each other.
"Besides, I know you love me too much to actually make me do my dreary paperwork on my own.~"
Dazai's grin grew wider as his brown eyes gazed into yours; those same brown eyes which had drawn you in and made you captive to it's warm, bewitching stare. In fact, everything about him had made you fall, and fall hard.
He really was going to be the death of you someday.
Not too proud of this oneshot, but it really did exercise my rusty writing skills. I'm open to any criticism about my writing ❤
@circinuus @ashthemadwriter @sariel626 @dazaiyohane @xxelfmamaxx @nekokinax @yuugen-benni @i-just-like-goats
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ik i said 'modern take' in the wip post but that's not what ended up happening, so have a very vague timeline. this was written mostly around midnight and it's unbeta'd so there's bound to be mistakes and incoherence.
Eddie Munson is no stranger to people knocking on his door at all hours, for all sorts of things. During the day it's neighbors needing Wayne's help with a busted pipe under the sink, or a ride into town, or a pack of Camels and a six pack traded for gas money. He and Wayne don't ask for anything in return on these occasions; the trailer park is a community on the outskirts of Hawkins' elite and they take care of their own here, no payment or judgment.
But during the night, when Wayne's long gone and already at work, people come knocking looking for a quick fix with shaky hands and nervous glances over their shoulders. Eddie’ll run them through his (Rick’s) prices, give them a little discount if needed and cover the lost earnings out of his own pocket. He keeps a pocket knife on him in close reach when they’re real shifty and skittish – knock on wood, but he hasn’t had a deal go bad yet.
That changes when Chrissy Cunningham dies in his living room and throws him into the deep end of the Upside Down. No knife can protect him from the monsters he thought only existed in his campaigns. The town turns against him (not like they were on his side in the first place) and brands him a murderer, sends a manhunt after him. When it’s all said and done, hardly anybody wants to buy from him and he loses half his income. He spends most of his free time nowadays cleaning spray paint off the side of the trailer.
All this to say, need for a helping hand and a good high weren’t the only things people came to the Munson’s for.
There’s always been whispers of Satan worshiping, all because he plays D&D and listens to metal music and preaches about the evils of a capitalistic society.
Only a few knew of how close those rumors were to the truth, just a bit skewed to the left.
Eddie Munson is the seventh son of a seventh son. A healing man, as his mamaw would say. He’s never laid eyes on his daddy so that makes him able to do things no other member of his family can.
Now he and Wayne never openly advertised it when they moved to Hawkins when Eddie was eleven. They knew these people weren’t as open-minded as the folks back home were, with their holier than thou attitudes towards the more "primitive" practices of the mountain regions.
Wayne wasn’t normally one to speak ill about people but when he told Eddie, with a not unkind voice, “These are the type of people that get huffy when they think y’ain’t usin’ the book the way the good Lord intended.” Eddie remembers nodding along in the truck’s passenger seat, even though he didn’t really have a firm grasp on what his role in this was just yet. Wayne continued, “but one day these folks are gonna need someone and their medicine won’t be able to help ‘em.”
Eddie understands now. It’s been ten years and he’s seen all kinds of people for just about everything under the sun, from the common cold to warts to colic. He isn’t a man of faith by any means; doesn’t really believe in God in the way most Christians do – he just knows that the religion goes hand in hand with the mountain magic he was taught and it feels like he’s breaking an unspoken rule when he tries to leave it out.
It’s been ten years since people started seeking him out, mostly under the cover of night where prying eyes can’t see, but business has been kind of slow because of the whole murder allegation fiasco, even though his name was cleared and the blame was shifted to a copycat killer.
So he isn’t expecting someone to be pounding on his front door at two in the morning.
The explicative he has on the tip of his tongue dies when he opens the door to a woman carrying a toddler bundled in blankets.
“Please,” the woman says. “She’s sick and I heard you could help.”
Eddie looks at them and weighs his options. He could turn them away and the kid potentially gets worse with whatever she has and the guilt would eat away at him. Or he could be a decent fucking person and help. He opens the door further and ushers them inside.
The kid is awake, he notes, turning on the overhead light in the kitchen. She just looks like shit. Probably feels like it, too. The corners and edges of her mouth are tinged red, a dead giveaway for thrush.
“How’d you hear of me?” He takes the kid from her mother and tilts her head back toward the light. “Can you open your mouth for me, kid?” She does and the back of her throat looks like she went to town on a whole tub of cottage cheese. He winces in sympathy and hands her back to her mother.
“When I went to the pharmacy to pick up Katy’s medicine, I couldn’t afford it out of pocket. So I started asking around and a woman told me of a boy that cured her own son a couple years ago.”
There’s been so many people, Eddie has no clue who she’s talking about.
The woman tells him her name, Michelle, and he motions for her to lay Katy on the couch. He’s getting a rag from the bathroom when his bedroom door opens.
“Wa’s goin’ on, Eds?” Steve asks, still half asleep and rubbing his eyes. “Why’re all the lights on?”
If it were another time, Eddie would coo and pull him close, tuck his face into his shoulder and rock him back and forth until he was asleep on his feet. Instead, he tries to guide him back into the bedroom with a gentle hand on his hip.
“Nothin’, baby,” he says quietly. “Go back to bed, I’ll be there as soon as I’m finished, alright?”
Steve looks like he’s about to agree until a nasty sounding cough from the living room has him perking up.
“Is there someone else here?” he frowns, eyes darting from the end of the hall back to Eddie. He pushes past him before Eddie can even get a word out. Eddie sighs and follows him, detouring into the kitchen to run the rag under cold water and grab a bowl.
“Steve, this is Michelle and Katy,” he introduces as he carefully moves Katy’s head onto a pillow. “Katy’s sick and her mom brought her to me.”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “You? What can you do?”
Michelle looks alarmed at this but Eddie is quick to reassure her, “You have no reason to worry. Steve here’s just never seen me in action before. Has Katy eaten anything at all?”
Warily, Michelle shakes her head. “Just liquids. She hasn’t been able to swallow anything.”
Eddie nods but gives a warm smile to Katy and feels her forehead for a fever. “Hurts, doesn’t it?” She nods, looking absolutely miserable. “Don’t worry, kid, by tomorrow you’re gonna be feeling right as rain.”
Addressing her mother, “I’m gonna do some things that might look a little weird to you, but I promise I know what I’m doing. You were told to come to me for good reason.”
He starts wiping Katy down with the wet rag and mutters the Lord’s prayer under his breath, does this three times until the rag is warm, and then wrings the water out into the bowl. Next, he holds Katy’s mouth open and blows air into it. Steve and Michelle give him odd looks but he ignores them in favor of getting a lid for the bowl and throwing the rag into the ice box. He and Steve walk her out and Eddie hands her the bowl after Katy is in the car.
“Keep this under her bed and make sure she stays there until the fever breaks. As for the thrush, it should be cleared up by morning.”
Michelle’s brow furrows. “How? You didn’t do anything, how can she be cured?”
“I’m confident enough in my abilities to know she’ll be alright.”
Michelle leaves with a healthy dose of skepticism, as Eddie thinks all people should, but he knows that not all people believe he’s the real thing until they witness it for themselves.
“Care to tell me what that was all about?” Steve asks after they’re back inside the trailer, door locked and lights off as they crawl into bed. Eddie just yawns and does what he wanted to do earlier: pulls him close and tucks Steve’s head under his chin and runs his fingers up and down his back.
“It’s a long ass story that can wait until the sun is up and I’ve had at least three cups of coffee and seven hours of sleep. This shit is exhausting.”
it is said that the seventh son has healing powers that can cure thrush, talk the fire out of a burn, and stop bleeding. for thrush, he blows into the patient's mouth (in some instances, they'll spit into the mouths, as it's believed their saliva holds the healing properties.to cure fever, you gotta stave it out. don't eat anything once the fever comes on. wipe yourself down with an ice cold wash rag and recite the lord's prayer three times. when the rag is warm, wring the water out into a bowl and put the rag in the freezer. keep the water under the bed or couch and lay on it until the fever breaks.
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muffinsin · 2 months
Hey just wanted to ask if you will be open to do a story on the siblings.
I love the fluffy stories you do for them and I would be very grateful if you could do other one. I don't mind what at all maybe other people have a good idea.
Maybe one about Bela this time about needing comfort even though she tries to hide it. I love wondering what they would do if one of them where sick as well as what her mother would do so I guess that's one idea.
Bela being ill and trying to hide it to do jobs her sisters need help with or her mother. She would get yelled out by Cassandra as Daniel snuggles wishing her to get well as Cassandra joins in all tough saying she's only doing it to keep an eye on her as she mother was the one to help heal Bela.
Now that would be funny and fluffy I guess I had an idea over all.
Btw how is Bela monster fucking going? I can't wait.
Awh, this is adorable🙌 regarding the Bela monster fucking- I don’t think there’s any requests in the inbox for that or any interest I’m aware of :)
There’s so many sibling bonding asks in my inbox, it’s adorable y’all
Let’s get into it ;)!
Bela Dimitrescu does not get sick
Or; she tries to convince everyone, including herself, of this at least
While being understanding when her family falls sick, she is much different when it comes to herself
Bela is very much the type to ignore it, grit her teeth and keep going
And sometimes, it works. It pushes her to the limit and utterly exhausts her, yet, sometimes, the illness and dizziness does fade even without careful rest and medication
Sometimes, that is, mind you
It seems, now is not one of those times
She is no longer merely sniffing here and there and struggling to breathe in and out through her nose
No, the fever is weakening her, no matter how hard she fights it. It seems, fighting and pushing forwards only makes it worse
Her vision blurry, her limbs heavy and aching, she forces herself to keep going and refuses to let anybody know of her condition
Even as she grows too weak and feverish to even swarm alongside her younger sisters
She- doesn’t want to disappoint. She wants, no, needs to keep working
One morning it seems particularly bad, when she falls back onto the hard mattress the moment she sits up, her head aching and the all too familiar dizziness causing the room to spin for a few moments
Again, she merely grits her teeth, hard and frustrated enough for a fang to chip slightly. She doesn’t dare flinch and whimper at the sharp, cold pain it causes
As she forces her thighs off the bed and her feet to move across the room at last, the dizziness seems to only grow worse. Closets and cabinets spin, her window a mere blurry, bright light
She changes out of her clothing as the bathtub fills next, her mind and body overly aware of the thin layer of sweat covering her; no doubt another affect of the fever tormenting her
With difficulty, she manages to scrub herself clean, her frustration evident in the force she applies, so that the sponge leaves soapy, bloody scratches along her pristine skin
A second, a single, short moment, she allows herself to throw her head back and howl in pain and frustration, her tears thick and her lips pulled to an angry snarl
Within another moment, she forces her weak body to cease shaking
Breakfast is- a difficult affair
Attempting to calm her family’s worried stares, she eats the meat and drinks the bloodied wine presented to her
And yet, every bite makes her stomach turn and scratches against every inch of her sore throat like sandpaper
She gulps down the wine all too eagerly, chasing the soothing feeling of liquid calming and wetting her dry and sore throat
When asked whether she is alright by Cassandra, she flat out lies through her teeth. She smiles, even as her face muscles ache, and confirms
Work is- nearly overwhelming her
Her eyes are heavy, her body covered in sweat yet again despite her bath only two hours prior
She’s panting and whimpering quietly to herself in her office, her shaky fingers gripping the pen tightly, her wet hair clinging to her warm face
She considers opening the window, even as she knows the icy cold air outside means death
But…only a crack..she shakes her head at her own thought. No, she is too smart to open a window in winter
Yet, her body feels as if on fire. Her dress feels wet and heavy, restraining, even
She wants nothing but to take it off already
How much longer is it? She checks the clock at her wall repeatedly. Six hours. Six hours. Five hours and fifty-seven minutes. Time just won’t pass quickly, it seems, no matter how hard she wants it to
In half an hour, no work has gotten done
She feels sick and dizzy, yet the mere thought of standing up to head to the bathroom makes her stomach curl unpleasantly
She doesn’t even notice the small chirps her flies send out, broken and quiet, yet- not unheard
Daniela, the fastest of the three, is the first to appear in the study
Bela watches through heavy, lidded eyes as the blurry figure of her sister steps in front of her. When she cups her cheeks with cold, bare hands, to examine her sister’s face, Bela nearly howls happily
She presses her face forwards blindly, as though chasing the cool feeling calming her overly warm skin
Yet, when the door bangs open and Cassandra comes in, too, the feverish haze draws back and Bela immediately pulls back her head, fast enough for the room to be spinning and for her to sway slightly
Again, she feels hands on her skin; stronger, larger ones. Gloved, and slightly forceful as they’re set on her hip and shoulder to steady her
Even through her lidded, tired eyes, she sees her younger sisters scowling at her. They know, something is clearly wrong, and they are not about to leave until it is handled
Cassandra is the first to speak up. With Alcina out at a Lord meeting halfway across the village, it is up to her to handle her sickly-looking older sister, after all
Still, she winces when she asks what’s wrong and the harshness in her tone has the blonde flinch
She figures, she could attempt a gentler approach
At first, she is met with denial. “Everything is okay”, “Don’t worry”, “I’m fine”
Neither of the younger sisters believes a word. Not even Bela stumbles as soon as Cassandra’s grip eases slightly and her eyes keep darting to the window longingly
She begins to lose her patience, her grip tightening on her sister the more wobbly the woman’s legs seem to get. Cassandra doesn’t miss how tightly she grips the table, as though aware she’d fall without its support
She snarls, her eyes rolling when Daniela waves her hand in front of her and beckons her out of the way
Bela watches confused as she is led from the table, her arm slung around Cassandra while Daniela holds onto her hand tightly, guiding- or rather; pulling- her along
Alas, she is in no state to deny them even if she wanted to. And really- she doesn’t
Not when her legs feel weak and her middle sister is what keeps her from falling, the messy buzzing of her flies somewhat comforting to her, and not when Daniela’s cold hand feels so relieving in her own, warm one. Is she sweating? She can’t tell anymore, and her vision and mind is too hazy to take notice of Cassandra’s scrunched up nose
At last, she notices where she has been led- Daniela’s room. Sickly sweet in its scent, yet familiar and comforting
Her eyes struggle to stay open, and only do they widen when she is dropped to the bed suddenly
Soft whines and broken chirps pass her lips as the cool hand is pressed to her forehead. She doesn’t mind Daniela’s gasp at the warmth she feels there
“Poor thing! You’re burning up!”
The words nearly bring a frustrated sob out of her. Perhaps, she no longer needs to pretend it’s all okay. After all, they already found her out
She eagerly lifts her arms and turns as the sweat-soaked dress is removed and coos in relief at the feel of cool, soft sheets against her scratched, sweaty skin
“We should call Mother”
She whines, her throat too achy and sore to allow any words to form
It seems, her sisters get the hint, so that instead of swarming for the phone in Alcina’s office, Daniela crawls into the bed as well
At first, a whine is pulled from Bela when she feels comforting arms wrap around her. Then, a sigh of relief passes her lips. Her body is too heavy, her mind too hazy. She merely pushes herself into her sister’s touch, sighing happily when cool hands return to her cheeks and forehead to cool the warm skin found there
For a moment, all feels calm. She doesn’t notice Cassandra leaving for the bathroom, until she jumps and coos happily when wet rags are pressed against her neck and back
“How could you keep working like this?!”, Cassandra fumes
She sports an angry, concerned scowl. A harsh contrast to the care and gentleness applied as she drags and dabs the rag at Bela’s sweaty, scratched skin
“You know we are supposed to rest when we get sick! Mother’s told you a million times!”, she adds with a low grumble
Daniela giggles for a moment, a low “as if you were any different” muttered under her breath. Cassandra chooses not to pick a fight- this time
Bela feels as the fever catches up on her at last- yet- the lukewarm rag and cool hands on her help the heat seemingly burning under her skin
She isn’t sure what urges her to do it, yet, as she feels the cloth gently dab at her warm skin and soothing it, she turns suddenly, her body inching forth and her heavy arms wrapping around Cassandra
Her other arm pulls Daniela close, the woman’s giggle almost too loud in her ears
“T-Thank you” she whispers hoarsely
With her face tucked in her sister’s neck, she doesn’t notice the surprised look and the worried smile she wears
She does, however, feel the acknowledgment and reassurance of the swarm as both her sisters pat her gently
“It’ll be okay, Bela”, both of them promise
And even with the fever and the heavy worry for her duties evident in her head, she accepts, and she believes it
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goddess-of-eyes · 5 months
I feel like the Neo Swords don't get enough credit. Like sure they're not as drastically different as the Legendary Beasts are but I feel like there's so many subtle details about them that people haven't noticed yet.
Let's start off with Iron Crown's Scarlet dex entry.
>It resembles a mysterious object introduced in a paranormal magazine as a cutting-edge weapon shaped like a Cobalion.
Let's think about the context of that for a second. Of that wording. A weapon shaped like a Cobalion. Now, why would anybody build a robo-Cobalion in the first place? What purpose would it serve?
Well, let's take a look at Iron Crown's Base Stat Total and compare it to Cobalion's!
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Iron Crown has a slightly higher base stat total than Cobalion does, but take a look at how different some of their stats are. Iron Crown is a VERY strong special attacker, with a special attack of 122. Then compare that to Cobalion's special defense. It's their weakest stat at 72.
Take their typings into consideration too. Iron Crown is Steel/Psychic, while Cobalion is Steel/Fighting. What are fighting type Pokemon weak to? Psychic types.
You could probably brush this off as a coincidence, but I fully believe that this was intentional. Let's compare Iron Leaves' Base Stats and Virizion's Base Stats as well real quick.
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Once again, we've got a huge difference in stat distribution. Iron Leaves? Very strong physical attacker. Virizion's lowest stat? Physical defense. Iron Leaves' physical attack has almost twice as many points as Virizion's physical defense.
So coupled with the fact that not only do the Neo Swords have a higher base stat total than the Swords of Justice, but they all seem to exceed in places where the Swords of Justice falter, not just in stats, but also in type matchups.
Iron Crown and Iron Leaves were built to kill and replace Virizion and Cobalion. By taking advantage of the strengths that the Swords of Justice lacked, they could bring them down from just how much stronger and more powerful they are, having the higher up in advantages in every single way.
But things get a bit different when we look at Iron Boulder and Terrakion.
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In contrast to Iron Crown and Iron Leaves, Iron Boulder doesn't outclass Terrakion in any stats other than special defense and speed. Sure, it can move faster than Terrakion, but Terrakion isn't much of a special attacker anyway and it's still much bulkier and stronger than Iron Boulder.
Not only that, but it could still reasonably go toe to toe with Iron Boulder. Sure, fighting types are weak to psychic types, but Iron Boulder is still a rock type, and rock types are weak to fighting types. So, what gives? Why do Iron Crown and Iron Leaves take advantage of Cobalion and Virizion's weaknesses while Iron Boulder doesn't?
Let's refer to Scarlet's dex entry on Iron Boulder.
>It resembles a Pokémon described in a dubious magazine as a Terrakion that had been modified by an evil organization.
And therein lies the difference. It's not a robot made to take down Terrakion, it IS Terrakion.
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When you compare them side by side it's clear they had to take a few liberties to get Iron Boulder to be as fast as it is. Terrakion is much bulkier while Iron Boulder has more of an armored shell thing going on with its body. Its structural integrity probably leaves much to be desired, but perhaps the idea is you wouldn't need to worry about it getting hit when it's too agile to get hit in the first place.
Iron Leaves and Iron Crown were built to kill Virizion and Cobalion, and then when those two were gone, they likely had to weaken Terrakion so they could bring it back to be modified, since Iron Leaves and Iron Crown all outclass Terrakion in terms of stats and typing, leaving Terrakion with no advantages at all.
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Living beings tend to make mistakes, lapses in judgement. Often times, it might be critical, and in the heat of the moment, one might slip up, miss something, leading to justice not being served as it should be.
The Swords of Justice cut themselves off from humanity after the war ended, hid themselves away after realizing how much of a burden people were to Pokemon, and the harm they could bring. Even in the years past, they still refused to believe humans and Pokemon could co-exist, attacking anyone who drew near for the longest time. A stubborn mindset, a flawed one, the fault of the mind. A machine would have no sense of selfishness.
Why waste time with human error when a machine is less likely to make mistakes, if at all? Surely, a machine must have a better understanding of justice, of righteousness than a living being. Thousands of calculations per minute to determine the best possible outcome, the best course of action. A machine would be a far better protector than the Swords of Justice ever could be.
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thottybrucewayne · 5 months
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Every zionist, duh, but esp yall who screenshot perfectly reasonable posts and go "Um, the look at this idiot who thinks genocide is wrong" yall make my ass itch and nobody takes you seriously, MOVE. 2. The entire U.S. government but esp Joe Biden that old ass man gettin spit roasted in hell (AND NOT THE FUN KIND!) 3. DIDDY AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT PROTECTED AND DEFENDED HIM. 4. Tory Lanez whole family, his mama, his daddy, his dog? All them. 5. The nonblack people who run those Rap House Tv type blogs that are clearly trying to be shade room clones. 6. People who get all their news from the Shade Room and Whatsapp, sorry auntie, I'm sick of you tellin' me COVID can be cured by sticking cloves of garlic up my nose :/ 7. Every single one of you dirtbag leftist ass people, yall do nothing for nobody except you thousands of adoring "former nazi" fans that need to be told it's okay that they still say the n word in private. 8. N.O.R.E and every single hiphop "journalist" 9. Charlemagne Tha God and Dj Envy, they know why. 10. Everyone who made Ike and Tina jokes after Tina past away. Grow up. 11. You fanfic girlies. So many of y'all are seeing the lake of fire, But esp if you donate to ao3 or own ao3 merch. Like, that is just embarrassing. 12. It's 2024, If I see you coming up here saying shit like "Miku wroke harry potter!" or " Hello Kitty wrote Ofmed, actually" I'm sending you to hell myself. 13. Booktokers? This is yall the second year on this list, tighten the fuck up and stop being weird about strange men on the internet, now. 14. People who do LITERALLY NOTHING yet try to tell other people how to be activists. You contribute nothing to any conversation you're a part of, suck my dick from the back. 15. People who stopped masking because other people were making them feel bad. Fuck your mama not being able to see your smile, PEOPLE ARE DYING???? 16. Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift. They know exactly what they did. 17. Every white girl on twt who tried to jump me cause I said the Barbie movie is white feminism at its finest. 18. Elon, you raggedy bitch. 19. Every single man who hit on me this year who isn't one of my friends. 20. People who don't know what transmisogyny means and make that everyone else's problem. I need yall to start reading so bad it's not even funny. 21. You "goth is a feeling" people. You gonna be "feeling" that hell fire nippin' at your ass, NEXT 22. You 35 defending fanservice of high schoolers in anime/manga all day every day...yeah, just get on down there, big fella. They waiting on you. 23. Cishet Black men on tiktok and twt who make it their life's mission to make an ass of themselves for minor ducats. You are a one-man modern-day minstrel show and you will be dealt with. 24. White Tyler The Creator fans. Y'all know what you do.
Dishonorable mentions: Shojo fans who never talk about the fucked up shit in the manga they recc you because "At least its not as misogynistic as shounen!" (yes, yes it is) Fashion tiktokkers I hate so many of you its not even funny Every person who put the image of T.D. Jakes getting his doonies beat down at a Diddy party in my mind. Like I literally never needed to think about that. My dad <3 and all my friends' dads. Patricide NOW!!!!! People who are still whining about having to boycott shut upppppp god damn. People who stare at me in public. You got a fuckin problem?????
That's a wrap! Here are the lists from last year and the year before feel free to add more in the tags <3
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
SHAZAM SHAZAM SHAZAM pls tell us about billy batson. ive only ever seen the movies o great comic knower
Very very very VERY far from comic expert (that's brawltogethernow) but I have read a lot of Shazam. His history is actually really, really fascinating and involves more than one lawsuit that really defined very early comics. I'll focus on one thing, though.
There are two Captain Marvels: One from the 1940s to around 2013, and one from 2013 til now. The Captain Marvel you're familiar with (who is named Shazam) is from 2013. He's a more realistic, grounded character. He was created to be pretty much the polar opposite of his original version. The best summary is to say that the Wizard chose Billy Batman 1940 because he had the purest heart, and the Wizard chose Billy Batson ~2013 because he was there. My personal 'best' Shazam story is the "Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil" graphic novel by the guy who made Bone. It's good because it's for elementary schoolers yet acknowledges this small child as homeless. Which, don't get me wrong, you shouldn't always do. My personal favorite is the 1970s ones.
As some background: Otto Binder was the creator/main writer of the very early Captain Marvel comics. He was by far and away the best writer of the early Superman Silver Age comics, because all of his comics were batshit insane. Shazam has a complicated and legal history with Superman, so the 1970 run was a super fun high camp tongue in cheek reinvention of the best Silver Age stories.
So the 1970 Captain Marvel comics are insane.
I can't even summarize them without sounding crazy. Basically the conceit is that Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, and Mary Marvel (Billy, Freddy, and Mary) are having 1940s Golden Age Adventures when they get somehow in suspended animation and are basically time travelled to the 1970s. This don't bother them too much. Why would it bother them. Nothing bothers these people. Nothing. I don't think anybody experiences a negative emotion in these comics. Not bc they were twee. Bc they were insane.
Many of the comics basically had three shorter comics inside it: one Billy story, one Mary story, one Freddy story. Interestingly, they all had different art styles, artists, types of story, genre, etc. Billy's stories had a cartoony art style with very over-the-top and silly plotlines that involved supervillain bad dudes. Freddy's art was slightly more realistic and was slighty more grounded, but still had some classic Marvel indescribable scifi that can best be summarized as that one meme panel people have seen where Sivana recites a science equation that lets him walk through walls. Mary's stories were much more realistically drawn and featured the most banal shit, like her starting a club with her friends. Somehow Mary Marvel gets involved in those.
Sometimes they worked together and did superhero things and fought bad guys. The average fight looked like this:
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Billy was a twelve year old who lived by himself, in his own apartment, had his own radio show, a full-ass job, a whole thing as Captain Marvel. He paid fucking taxes. Everybody knew this and nobody cared. He's the most affable, good natured kid on the face of the planet. Nothing bothers him. Nothing. Nothing bothers any of these people. Sivana shows up and he's BIG MAD so he's creating another death ray and Captain Marvel shows up like "Oh you rascal! Time to punch this and go back to helping my friend eat his infinite Jello."
He has a friend named Talky Tawny, who is a talking tiger wearing a suit. He also has a friend named Sunny Smiles, a person of indeterminate gender who everybody falls in love with, for unexplained and unknown reasons. Not to be confused with Freddy's friend Gregory Gosharootie, the "World's Dullest Mortal", who is so boring that nobody notices him and he keeps accidentally comitting crime. There is also an old guy named Uncle Marvel who pretends he has superpowers, which they all find funny so they just roll with it. Freddy is a disabled orphan who has to sell papers on the street corner to make a living. Mary lives in a middle class suburban home with loving foster parents. It never once seems to occur to Mary's parents to adopt Billy, for Freddy to live with Billy. Everybody is happiest this way.
I do think this is partly why a good Shazam comic has to be aimed at the 6-12yo demographics. They have to be for small children, because Billy is living a complete and utter power fantasy that only a ten year old would think is a good idea. He's a kid, and he doesn't have drag parents or a lame family, but he can turn into Superman, and he can also do magic, and everybody loves him and thinks he's the nicest person, and his supervillains are Dr. Doofenschmirtz and a worm, and his supporting cast is like okay my sister if she HAS to be involved, but also my best friend who is a paperboy! but cool because he's disabled, and….
Look, you could engage with that seriously. You could go "holy shit this is a homeless child". That's fine. That's what they do these days, and that's what they did in the movies. Nothing wrong with that. Take the story more seriously.
But also they don't give a worm the electric chair in those stories, so.
To actually give some commentary on these comics: these comics really love people. I've never seen comics that were so entrenched in their community. The kids just know everybody they meet on the street. Freddy delivers paper up and down every block, so an average story for him is just talking to a butcher or baker or old man or grumpy housewife and helping them out with some batshit problem. Mary's a sweet girl who's always starting clubs with her friends and taking on neighborhood projects. Many Billy stories involve one of his many friends falling into some trouble and Captain Marvel helping them out - or just exploring some fun with Billy hanging out with Sunny Smiles, who is a person of indeterminate gender who for some reason has magic love brainwashing powers -
This isn't the biggest #Shazam take, but I think a good Shazam story stays grounded in that. These are poor street kids who love Fawcett City so damn much. They love fighting their supervillains, but they love helping out the random guy off the street with their problems even more. Way more so than Spider-Man or a lot of other guys, I think of the Marvel family as the friendly neighborhood superheroes. They're both larger than life and street level. They're Superman level powers but they just use the powers for wrapping up their hijinks. Isn't that nice? Aren't you tired of going apeshit? Don't you just want to be nice?
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transmutationisms · 8 months
possibly too broad but do you have any thoughts on the discourse around self-pathologizing? seems like there’s weird territory there since there are so many barriers to diagnoses and people should be free to self-report, yet some pathologies are essentially capitalist inventions and it may be more harmful than helpful for people to fixate on them without some kind of external guidance (though i don’t mean to imply they need to consult medical practitioners). i also don’t really think faddishness is the big concern it’s made out to be, but what do you think?
yeah to me this is a good example of how genuinely epistemologically radical critique of psychiatry can become assimilated into pretty staid liberal discourses of self-empowerment / -care / -improvement. pathologisation, imo, is basically materially meaningless if it's not backed by the sorts of institutions and power relations that characterise the psychiatric establishment. which is to say, if we're only talking about diagnostic labels in a kind of personal-choice framework (as so much of the medium dot com industrial complex seems to be doing lately) then it robs these conversations of a lot of their urgency and impact. i don't think overreliance on the language of the dsm is particularly helpful, as a general matter of seeking to develop political consciousness as well as self-knowledge, but i also don't think it really matters one way or another if someone self-dxes or un-dxes. what makes a difference is things like: is this person being robbed of their autonomy? are these explanatory frameworks being imposed on them by credentialled experts levelling their professional status to claim epistemological authority over the psyche? what social and economic violence is being committed here? some rando online relating to a diagnostic label and using it for themself is not doing these things, and may very well be helpful to that person (it may also not. but again the harm here is p limited).
i have said before, a lot of what puts me personally off dsm labels is the essentialism they're in bed with. ie, it's not just a shorthand descriptor of behaviours or symptoms—these terms are pretty much always being wielded as claims to have identified a biologically based 'neurotype', eg, or some as-yet-unverifiable misery-engendering genetic complex, or whatever else. and to be clear, i think these types of claims do actually carry widespread social harm, because no matter what rhetorical games you play, you're never just saying these things about yourself. it's a claim to certain forms of bio-essentialism that both shores up professional psychiatric authority and applies to people besides yourself (this is just the nature of such universalising claims about human biology). but this is an issue that goes so far beyond use or disuse of diagnostic labels; plenty of people who have embraced superficial principles of anti-psych critique still make all manner of such essentialist claims when it comes down to it, with or without grabbing onto a specific diagnostic label. so i think the kind of panicking we see in certain left-leaning circles about self-dx is not actually about this issue at all, and is certainly not capable of addressing it productively.
without going insanely long here i would just add that this is kind of a general answer because different labels have different histories and functions (eg, compare the social and political function of pathologising a depressive episode, vs autistic traits / behaviours, vs a so-called personality disorder). and also, whenever talking about self-dx i think it's important to add that one of the most important functions of these labels from a patient perspective is they function as means of gatekeeping access to certain accessibility measures, so any kind of anti-self dx position in current political conditions will harm people who need those accommodations. and i have less than zero interest in questioning anybody who wants accessibility measures for literally any reason or uses any method to obtain them.
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genaleah · 1 year
It's probably beating a dead pig at this point, but I haven't seen anybody else mention this enemy in the game.
(Under a read more for antisemitism)
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This enemy type called "Mr. Pinch" can be found in one of the later levels of the game, in the slum section. He hides in the upper portion of the screen to grab the player and fling them upward. He also pulls a coin out of their back pocket.
I don't think I need to pull up the direct references images, but this guy looks like an extremely antisemitic caricature. I've also seen the same said about the merchant npc "Mr. Sticks", but I think that design is a bit less egregious.
Its just that when you have TWO character designs that look this much like antisemitic cartoons, and their gameplay behavior is about money/greed, there's absolutely no way to wave that off as an accident or fluke. And especially after seeing so many of the creator's racist, misogynistic, ableist, and transphobic comments; I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on anything.
This whole thing is a huge bummer. I don't think that this situation is quite that same as Hogwarts Legacy, most people didn't go into it knowing anything about this guy's views, and the game had just come out about a month ago. A lot of folks were having fun and enjoying the positive aspects of the game like it's animation, gameplay and music. And aside from this enemy and the racist cheese slime, there isn't much within the game itself that comes across as negative. It's also really easy to miss how bad those enemies are when you're playing, I talked to some other people who had played and none of them had noticed Mr. Pinch's stealing animation. But, once you know about them, it can sour the whole experience.
I've seen a few different reactions to this situation, some people have talked about pirating the game and modding out/replacing the nasty elements, and I've seen other people who are going to stay away from anything remotely related to this game because the entire thing gives them a bad feeling now. I think those are both totally reasonable. But I'd say the barest minimum should probably be to not financially support this game anymore. Avoid buying the soundtrack, plushies, etc, and don't buy it on Steam if you hadn't yet.
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