#i don't know why i chose to put the links in on my phone
mechsbrackets · 1 year
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[I.D.: a 32 team single elimination bracket titled "Most Gender Mechanisms Character!". It is on Round 2, which consists of 8 matchups listed below /End I.D.]
The matchups are listed and linked below! As always, all polls will be tagged with #most gender mechanisms character bracket.
Ashes O'Reilly vs. The Aurora
Nastya Rasputina vs. Ulysses
Lyfrassir Edda vs. Dr. Carmilla
Ivy Alexandria vs. Loki
The Toy Soldier vs. Raphaella la Cognizi
Marius von Raum vs. Mordred
Jonny d'Ville vs. Drumbot Brian
Frankenstein's AI vs. Gunpowder Tim
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mrsrileywrites · 2 months
Oh well, it seems like my brain was feeling functional today...
Here's part two of this Simon Riley x pregnant reader ask
Enjoy everyone and as always any and all sorts of interaction is highly appreciated 🫶
Side note: I'm still new here so I don't know how to add links and be like "this" and you press the word and boom there's the link, also I do all this from my phone so bare with my millennial old ass 😅
1001 words
"Explain what?" He shouts turning around and walking towards you again, your hands fly to your belly instinctively, protective. You lower your head, eyes glued to the floor, ashamed.
Simon sees your reaction, the fear on your eyes, and he steps back taking a minute to collect himself, to come to terms with this discovery, he runs his hand over his face and hair.
"I'm sorry Si, I was-" you speak softly, your tone apologetic but he cuts you off, "You are not, I didn't want this, you knew damn well I didn't want this" he shouts again and you shrink yourself wanting to crawl out of your skin and not deal with this, not right now at least, your shoulders slump like a child being scolded. "Why didn't you tell me? You had plenty of chances."
"I didn't know how" you pout looking up at him searching his eyes for reassurance that everything would be okay but he is relentless, you see the rage and something else in his eyes, something you can't quite identify. "You didn't know how? Are you fucking kidding me right now? How about, uh oh by the way you are going to be a dad?" He sighs pacing back and forth like an encaged animal.
"I was afraid" you blink away the tears that have been threatening to spill since he walked through the door, your heart is beating so fast you think you may pass out any second. And he sees you, the fear, the vulnerability, the uncertainty and it hits him like a train, you are afraid too and you've been dealing with this for the past two months on your own, he stands in front of you.
"Afraid of what? Of me?" His voice is much softer now and he moves a strand of hair behind your ear, his calloused fingers lingering on your cheek and you nod speaking softly like you always do, because you are nothing like him, you are sweet and soft around the edges "of your reaction, of loosing you, but I get it now... you don't have to do this, it's okay really... I can manage on my own".
His hands cup your face and your fingers curl around his wrists, the look on your face pulls at the strings of his heart and he knows he would never be able to leave you even if he tried, even if that meant to face his biggest fears and become a father, the father he wish he had. "You'll never lose me love, you're stuck with me... We'll do this together, yeah?"
"Mhm" you agree and bury your face on his chest letting the tears run free, Simon rubs soothing circles on your back and apologizes over and over, he said he didn't mean to yell, he wasn't mad he was just shocked and scared shitless and you apologize too.
From that on Simon was really involved in your pregnancy as much as he could, he even talked to Price and he agreed to send him on not-so-dangerous and not-so-long missions, he even got to do all of his paperwork in his little office at home and go with you to all your doctors appointments, he was holding your hand when he saw the baby for the first time, black and white blob staring at him through the screen, he asked the nurse if he could have one of the ultrasound pictures to show the lads back at base and she give him a bunch, he chose his favorite and put it in his wallet, he tried, in vain, to hide his tears the first time he heard the baby's heartbeat, he didn't complained when he noticed his favorite ice cream running out a lot faster while yours remained untouched, you blamed it on the pregnancy cravings.
He held your hair and rubbed soothing circles on your back every morning while you hugged the toilet bowl emptying your stomach courtesy of the morning sickness and he reassured you every time you felt too overly conscious of the changes in your body, he rubbed lotion on your belly and spoke to the bump every night after you showered and got ready for bed, he cried his eyes out the first time he felt the baby kick while he laid on the couch with his head on your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair.
One night you both laid in bed, in the moon lite bedroom, you were at the 36 weeks mark and your doctor had told you the baby could be born any time now. You and Simon (Simon more than you) had put the nursery together while you boss him around. Simon laid behind you, his burly arms wrapped around you while his hand rubbed different shapes on your belly, he gasped every time the baby kicked.
"I'm scared" you mumbled so low you thought he didn't hear you. "Scared of what, love?" he spoke in a drowsy tone his mouth against your neck.
"Giving birth..." He chuckled and you smacked his hand. "You can't escape that part, baby, can you?".
"I know, I just... You are so big and the baby is big for his gestational age too... I don't know if I'll be able to do this" you sighed. "It's too late to think about that now baby" he chuckled again and you smacked his hand again.
"Simon, this is serious" you scolded him and he squeezed you a little tighter, his voice a low murmur against your neck. "I know it is, but you got this... You've come this far and you've been so brave you are going to be just fine, plus I'll be right next to you... and they'll give you something for the pain, I'll make sure you are as comfortable as possible, yeah?".
"Yeah" you agreed sinking further into his warm embrace and you knew no matter how scary it could be Simon would always be there being your biggest supporter and a great father.
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copperbadge · 1 month
Amateur Translation Programs
So I had a lot of imaginative and informative responses to my post about looking for an amateur translation program -- something where I could load in a foreign language and it would insert a box where I could add a translation every-other-line. The idea was that this way I could practice translation with more advanced texts, and texts I chose, and thus move away from Duolingo, which at this point is good for drilling and daily practice but not for more advanced learning.
I didn't find precisely what was needed but I did get some inspiration for further explanation, and I also learned that adding the term "glossing" (thank you @thewalrus-said) into my searches helped a great deal in terms of weeding out programs that were either "Let this AI translate for you" or just endless promotional links for Babbel and Duolingo and such. I thought I'd collect up the suggestions and post them here; at the end I'm including my best swing at designing what I wanted, and why it doesn't work yet.
Suggestion one, from many people, was various ways to generate a page that is simply fixed Italian text with space underneath each line to add in a translation. This is pretty simple as a process and there are sites that will do it for you, such as this one that @ame-kage suggested. However, most of these don't allow for movement in the Italian text, and many produce a PDF which you would need to print out in order to write on unless you're willing to open it in Acrobat (and deal with Acrobat). A good solution for some but not what I'm looking for purely because I'm trying to make this super frictionless so that (knowing myself as I do) I will actually do it.
I did find this version interesting, suggested by @drivemetogeek: Have one word doc saved as your "template" doc and set the line spacing as 2.0 or higher. Select your text from source and paste it into the template doc as text-only. Ctrl a, ctrl c to select all and copy, then open a new document and "paste special" as picture. Right click and set the "wrap text" as behind text. Now you have a document where you can, basically, type over the existing text because it's the background of the page. This seems like the most frictionless version, because you could set up a bunch of them ahead of time. If you wanted to move between desktop and mobile, however, you'd need to ensure that the pasted image was fairly narrow so that you don't have to sideways-scroll.
Relatedly, people suggested generating a document that is simply the Italian text with empty space beneath it for typing in of the translation. This can be done either semi-automated, using a macro or a language like Python, or find-and-replace on, say, the stops at the ends of sentences. It basically outputs the same as above but with a more digitally accessible format, without any more effort than above. If you were to do this in Google Sheets you could also fix the column width so that it didn't do anything weird when you opened it on your phone. But it is still very friction-y, and does not allow for easy shifting of the Italian as needed. There's high probability of the translation breaking weirdly across the page. Still a top option in terms of simplicity and access.
@smokeandholograms suggested another variation illustrated here where essentially you're converting the text to a series of tables, with each paragraph a row, and an empty cell next to it for the translation. I might play around more with this one eventually, since I think I could possibly make it a three-column and put the Italian in one, the translation in the next, and the auto-translate to let me know where I might be slipping in the third. (Not that I trust auto-translate but comparing a hand translation to an auto translation can be useful in terms of working out when I've messed up the way a tense or mood is read. I tend to read indirect verbs as automatically imperative because I'm a weirdo.)
@wynjara linked to an add-in for Word specifically designed for translators, known as TransTools; this appears to employ a macro to do the same thing, though it does have a format where you can place the translation next to each sentence directly rather than in a separate cell. The full suite of tools is only $45 which is reasonable for my budget, but for what I need I think I could also just create the macro.
Using LaTeX as a tool specially designed for glossing was an option on offer, but I don't know enough about LaTeX to figure out the pros of this one, which is in itself the major con -- there's a learning curve that I think varies widely by person but for me is unfortunately a wall. It came out of a discussion on Reddit about trying to find something like what I want; also in that discussion is a link to a code generator that allows you to…do something…to the initial language, but it's not entirely clear to me (I'm sure it's clear to people who understand coding) what you would then do with it that would allow it to be output in the way I'm hoping for. Like, I could turn a paragraph of text into HTML, I understand that far, but any Italian I find is already on a website.
Moving more into apps that might work, Redditors on the LaTeX discussion suggested SIL Fieldworks, which is a professional language tech tool. Fieldworks isn't a program I'd previously encountered but much as with the ones I had, it looks like the learning curve is fairly steep and it is definitely overkill generally for what I need, though it might also harbor within it the thing I want. It is free, so I may download and play around with it.
@brightwanderer suggested using note-taking or "whiteboard" apps such as Freeform or Nebo; these are generally a kind of "infinite canvas" in which you can drop objects, text boxes, or handwriting. I don't know that Freeform would be measurably different to just using Word and a macro, since I'd still have to input/format all the text and then be stuck with the same "fixed text" setup -- and it's also iOS only -- but for some folks it might be more helpful. Nebo is a similar infinite-canvas with unfortunately the same issues, though on the plus it's available for Android, which is where most of my mobile property resides.
@bloodbright suggested that I was looking for a CAT tool, a professional translation tool mainly used by translators working in the field. This was a concept I'd encountered, but I hadn't found a good starting place. They suggested Smartcat and OmegaT. Smartcat bills itself as an AI translation platform and is HARD pushing the "don't translate it yourself, hire a translator or let AI do it" angle, so it's difficult to tell what it offers in terms of actual tools for translators, and it's also cagey about pricing, so I can't really evaluate it. OmegaT is free and gives off big "some weirdo homebrewed this in their basement" vibe (which I am here for) but I also recognized it from screengrabs that were the reason I veered away from professional-grade software: it looked too complex. Realistically, the major downside of OmegaT is that I don't think I can put it on my phone. One thing I did find interesting is that once you translate a portion of the text, the original language goes away, though I assume you can turn that off if needed. I do kind of like that because it means my distractable brain is looking at Less Stuff.
So where did I end up?
Well, it looked like I was going to have to try a homebrew myself. I had the idea of trying some of the initial suggestions but in reverse -- designing a document where every other line was a single-cell table fixed to the page. You could paste in the Italian, which would wrap around the cells, and then enter the English in the cells.
You can fix a table in place in Google Docs -- you click on the table, then under Table > Style select Wrap Text, Both Sides, and Fix On Page. Getting the whole page set up is a little labor intensive but once you did that, you could just save it as a template and make a duplicate of it each time. And this actually works….on desktop.
Unfortunately, if you open it in the mobile Docs app, the app can't handle the fixed tables and automatically moves them all to after the text that's been pasted in. I tried redesigning it so that it's a table within a table -- one for the Italian, then within that a series of them for the English -- but when you nest a table in Google Docs, it doesn't let you fix the second table in place. And you are also still dealing with the wrap issue, although you can resize the page and add a large right-hand margin as a kludge of a fix for that.
You can build this same kind of document in Word, so I tried building one in Word and then uploading it to Drive, but when you open the Word file in Docs (or in Microsoft Word for Android), it still strips the fixed positioning -- there's just some functionality missing from both apps that doesn't allow them to handle fixed-position tables.
So, the design is sound, just not the final execution. If I could program an app, I could probably remedy the issues with it -- it's simply a series of text boxes nested inside one another with different formatting. I would imagine that's relatively basic to set up, although given that neither Docs nor Word can handle fixed tables in mobile, perhaps I've stumbled on a much bigger problem that everyone is ignoring because nobody actually needs or wants fixed tables in mobile. :D
Experimentation is ongoing, anyway. I might simply have to resign myself to the fact that my translation study is going to have to be in front of a computer, which might be for the best anyway when I inevitably want to compare my translation to an auto-translate to see where I might have read something wrong.
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floras-imagination · 2 months
Robbers, forever? 🖤 matty healy x reader
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series masterlist
summary: Y/n and Matty break each other's hearts multiple times over the years, yet they find themselves unable to stay away from each other... and this is the beginning of their love story 🖤 authors note: This story is inspired by some of my fondest memories shared with an ex (but I've made some changes to better align the story with Matty's character), and each chapter is accompanied by poems I've written about that relationship. I've posted them on my poetry blog, so just click on the links you'll find in the chapters:) Hope you enjoy it as much as I do 💘 (i think it's so cuuuute) word count: 2,6 k warning: y/n struggles with a restrictive ed in the first few chapters (but it's just kinda mentioned in the diary entry at the beginning)
August 2012
Dear Diary, I wish I were stronger. I wish I could beat this illness, but I just can't. Every time I try to recover, I fail. I've been doing so well in the last few months, but it's always the same. As soon as I'm doing better I mess it up again. Why do I keep lying to myself? "I'm in control." "Just one more day." "I can stop if I want to." But I never do. A day turns into a week, and suddenly weeks have passed, and I can't control it anymore.
Y/n sat in her living room, having some dinner while watching the news. As she glanced at her phone, she noticed an incoming call from an unknown number.
After considering it for a moment, Y/n became curious, so she decided to answer. "Hello?"
"Y/n?", a male, familiar voice asked.
"Matty?", she asked slightly confused, immediately recognizing the man on the phone.
"Uhm... yeah, kind of, I guess. Haven't heard anything from you in ages. How've you been?"
Matty and Y/N have known each other from school. After they graduated a few years ago, they sometimes still bumped into each other in town, enjoying a nice chat and updating each other about their busy, somewhat messy adult lives. Though their paths seemed to cross every once in a while, they never really tried to stay in touch.
"Great, actually," he answered. "George and I got a bit bored, so I was wondering if maybe you wanna hang out with us?"
"Hang out with you?"
"Yeah, we'd pick you up."
"Okay, let me get this straight," the girl stated. "You and George got bored..."
"and out of all the things you could do, you chose to ask me if I want to hang out with you?"
"Now what's wrong with that?" Matty asked, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, to call someone you have never called before, asking them to hang out on a casual Thursday.
"Well, I don't kn... Wait! Where did you get my number from?"
"Doesn't really matter, does it?"
"It does matter somehow."
Suddenly, the sound of a car horn made Y/N jump.
"Nah. We're here by the way. You're coming?"
"Matty! It's 9:30; I'm already in my pajamas!" she exclaimed.
Matty laughed. "I don't care what you're wearing."
"And who even gave you my address?"
"Just get your ass out here!" he snickered into the phone. "Now!"
"You're insufferable!"
"Yeah, I know," he shrugged it off with a smirk.
"Give me at least a sec to put some clothes on." Not waiting for an answer, she hung up. Despite her confusion about Matty's suspicious call, she changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, quickly grabbing her jacket and keys as she went downstairs to leave the house.
Matty sat on the passenger seat of George's car, his arm casually dangling out of the open window. "Hi, Y/n!" he greeted her with a big smile on his face, causing y/n's bewilderment to grow.
"Hi, Y/n!" George called from the drivers seat.
"Hi...", she hesitantly answered, shyly waving her hand toward his direction.
"Come on, get inside!" Matty said excitedly.
"Matty, I still don't kn..."
"Sshhh!" he cut her off, pressing his index finger on his lips. "It'll be fun. I promise."
Y/n opened the door and placed herself on the backseat, putting on her seatbelt as George started the engine, ready to drive off.
"How are you Y/n?" Matty asked.
"Uhm.. fine, I guess. Bit tired. I have work tomorrow."
"Are you still working as a nurse, Y/n?" George asked.
"Yes, I am. How's your music thing going?"
"Absolutely amazing", Matty answered immediately. "We're currently working on our first album. It's gonna be a fuckin' banger, isn't it George?"
"Oh, definitely!", George added.
"That's cool. I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to hear it," Y/n grinned.
"You're gonna be the first to hear it when it's done.", Matty beamed.
George shook his head, trying to hide a chuckle as he glanced over to the overly excited Matty. "What?" Matty reacted.
"Nevermind," George now laughed.
Matty shook his curls out of his face. "Idiot."
"Where are we driving?" Y/n asked as she slowly got more comfortable in the presence of her old classmates.
"I don't know," both Matty and George stated in unison, looking at each other as neither of them had a clue about their destination.
"Maybe we can park the car over there," Matty pointed towards and empty parking space he randomly saw.
After George parked the car, Matty quickly left the car to open the door for Y/N.
Their gaze locked for a moment, as she looked up at him from her seat "Uhm.. thank you," she chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're welcome," he waved it off. "Don't mention it."
George rolled his eyes at Matty's silly behaviour. "Ouch!" he squeaked, as Matty stabbed him with his elbow.
"Ah look! A church," Matty stated as the three of them were heading towards one of the city's churches. "Quite stunning, isn't it?"
"It's just a church, mate," George raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
"Shall we sit down on that bench over there? Hope I won't go up in flames. Wouldn't that be fun, huh?" Matty asked.
A slight chuckle left Y/n lips, as she realized that going outside with Matty and George wasn't as bad as she expected. She was actually glad that she picked up that call. A little bit of distraction from her mind and her self-destructive thoughts had been long overdue.
"Do you smoke, Y/n?"
"Nah, it's disgusting."
George threw his head back in heavy laughter before patting Matty's shoulder, who looked at him in his usual clumsy way.
"What is it with you today, George?" Matty asked, shaking his head. "You're acting kinda weird."
"Me? No idea what you're talking about," he kept on laughing.
Y/n was still standing in front on the bench, while only the two boys were sitting.
"Anyway," Matty looked away from George, turning his face toward Y/n. "You know you can actually sit down here beside me." Matty said as his curls were dangling in his eyes again. He pushed them aside with his hand as he continued, "We don't bite, you know?"
"Well, I certainly won't," George still couldn't get over whatever he was laughing about. "But I wouldn't be so sure about Matty."
Matty kicked his foot against George's. "I'm sorry about him. He's usually not like that."
"It's okay, I'd rather keep standing. I just wish I knew what he's laughing about, so I could join in," the blonde girl chuckled.
"No, I think it'd best if he kept it to himself", Matty said with a pointed look at George, his tone firm, implying he should refrain from sharing the source of his amusement. "... wouldn't it, George?"
"Ookayy... this is... weird," Y/n said while observing the two musicians, trying to figure out what was going on.
Matty knew why George was enjoying himself this much, but he didn't want anyone else to know, especially not Y/n. He instantly started to regret that he had told his long kept secret to his best friend earlier that day, since George was on his best way of ruining Matty's well-thought-out plan.
George cleared his throat as he finally pulled himself back together. "Mh, mh...," he hummed. After lighting his own fag he handed the lighter over to Matty so he could light his.
Y/N watched as he blew the smoke out, which slowly meandered all over his face before evaporating into the cold, dark night. As he slowly opened up his eyes, their glances met for a second but she looked down at her feet immediately, to avoid having any more eye contact.
"I kinda miss going to school with you guys," Matty informed them. "Do you miss it too sometimes?"
"Nah, certainly not," George answered, but Matty's eyes were fixed on Y/n.
"Yeah, I do," Y/n chuckled. "Do you know who I miss the most?"
"No, who?" Matty asked, before he quickly added "Ah, no, wait! I know it!"
Y/n raised her eyebrow, waiting for his answer.
"It's me!"
George and Y/n looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.
"Oh damn, Matty. I wish I had an ego as big as yours," Y/n snickered.
"Yeah, well... okay. Who is it then?", Matty shrugged.
"It's Mr. Miller. I kinda miss his bad jokes"
"Haha, yeah, he was such a pervert, though."
"Yeah, I know. That's what made it so funny," she answered.
"I mean, he was only that funny because his jokes were so bad. Ridiculous." George added, slightly chuckling under his breath.
"Wait... doesn't he live over there?" The girl turned around, pointing towards a house across the street from the church.
"Uhm..," Matty thought for a moment before he continued "Yes! He does! He told us about the annoying chimes of the bell tower right in front of his house, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he did. Wow, that's amazing. Come on, let's see if he's home," not even waiting for a response, she started to make her way across the street to Mr. Miller's house.
"Y/n!" Matty whisper-screamed, "Are you insane? It's half 10. He's probably in bed already, shagging his wife or something."
George laughed at Matty's words. "I'm in. This is fun. Come on Matty. Don't be such a wimp." He stood up from the bench they were sitting on, walking over to Y/n.
Matty was still sitting on the bench, his arms crossed in front of his chest like a little kid left behind by his parents.
"Matty!" Y/n turned around to call him once again. "Get your ass up!"
Matty rolled his eyes before he got up, slowly strolling over the street to where is friends stood.
"Who's gonna ring the doorbell?" George asked, looking at Matty, who immediately responded in denial. "Don't look at me like that! I won't do it."
"And you want to call yourself a man? Pathetic." Y/n snapped in annoyance.
Surprised but kind of impressed by her answer, the two boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"I'll do it then," y/n informed them before she rang the doorbell at Mr. Miller's front door.
After waiting for a few seconds with no answer, she decided to ring the bell again.
"I think no one's home.", George said.
"I told you he's under his wife!", Matty stated.
Y/n chuckled as she looked at Matty to respond "Yeah Matty, you might be right. Let's leave then."
"I'm always right. Don't know why no one's ever listening to me," he said as they walked back to their bench across the street.
Now it was only George who sat down again, while Y/n and Matty stood in front of the bench.
"Imagine..," y/n started as she turned around to face Matty "like what if they were really in there..."
"They were!" Matty interrupted her. "Believe me."
They both chuckled in unison at their silly and dirty imagination. As Matty sought eye contact again, she tried to cover up her mouth with her hand, feeling a bit insecure. This time, she didn't look away but locked her gaze with his, looking up at the curly-haired man. Suddenly, something seemed to click in her. The sound of his laughter touched her soul like rays of sunshine, covered in sweet melodies. Like the myelin sheath of axons, allowing them to reach her ears even faster than the speed of light. She didn't yet know that this exact moment would change her life forever. That this exact moment was the start of a series of memories she would never get rid of. She didn't yet know that if a magical creature offered her to relive one day of her life, she would unhesitatingly choose this one.
If she had known all this, she probably would have held onto this moment longer. Maybe her question would have been something like 'Can we stay a bit longer?' or 'Can we make this night last forever?'
But instead, she said "Can we go home now? I'm kinda freezing, and I have to get up very early tomorrow."
"Yeah, sure thing," Matty said. And even though he wanted this rather intimate moment between the two of them to last forever or at least a little bit longer, he slowly loosened his gaze from hers. "George? Come on, off we go."
George stood up, and they slowly walked back to the car, neither of them saying a word. It seemed as if something magical lingered in the air. George had noticed that something had happened between Y/N and his best friend — something that changed the entire atmosphere around them, adorning it with a sweet, metaphorical scent.
🖤[poem 1]🖤
As Matty was about to open the car door, Y/n stopped him. "Look! There's a firefly!"
"Where?" Matty asked, wildly looking around.
"Right there, in your hair," she pointed up to his messy curls. "Wait, don't move." She carefully reached out her finger to his hair, trying to let the little firefly crawl onto it.
"It's so cute, isn't it?" she asked, showing him the insect on her finger.
"It is. I've never actually seen one before. Have you?" he asked while admiring the glowing creature on Y/n's finger.
"No, I haven't."
"Look, there's another one," Matty stated as he pointed his finger in the air next to Y/n's face.
Just a few seconds later, they found themselves surrounded by hundreds of fireflies, their gentle glow illuminating the dark night around them.
George was already sitting in the car as he rolled down the window, curious why his friends were still standing outside of the car. "What's going on out there?" he asked.
Done admiring the fireflies, Y/n and Matty got in the car. "Man, you missed out on something. About a million fireflies were out there!" Matty exaggerated.
"Oh really? I see them all the time in my garden," George answered casually as he started driving.
"You must be kidding!" Matty stated in surprise.
"No, like literally almost every single night!" he laughed and kept on driving towards Y/n's house to drop her off.
🖤[poem 2]🖤
🖤[poem 3]🖤
When George stopped the car in front of Y/n's house, she unbuckled her seatbelt, getting ready to leave the car.
"So, uhm... it was nice to hang out with you, guys," Y/n said.
"Yeah..." Matty started before he was cut off by George.
"Yeah, Y/n. I'm pretty sure Matty liked it too," George teased, wriggling his eyebrows.
"Thank you, George," Matty rolled his eyes at him. "But I think I can speak for myself, can't I? I'm a big boy, I suppose." He turned around to face Y/n in the backseat. "So, yeah. I loved it. It was fun. Maybe we can hang out again at the weekend?"
"Yes, I'd love that," she shyly smiled in response.
"Okay. Well, goodnight then," she said, opening the door to get out of the car. "See ya, guys!"
"Bye, Y/n!" George waved.
"See ya!" Matty called out of the open window as she was already out of the car, opening her front door, waving goodbye with a smile on her face.
After she disappeared into the house, Matty immediately turned around, confronting George. "You fuckin' idiot!"
"What? What have I done now?" George laughed.
"George, I'm telling you...," Matty warned him. "If you ruin this..."
"I won't ruin anything, mate. I think you need to settle down a bit. Tonight went quite well, didn't it?"
"Yeah... Yeah, I think so," Matty looked outside the window, his tired head resting on his hand, his mind replaying the evening's events like scenes from a movie...
Let me know what you think xx
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
I posted the final chapter of my YR fanfic, No One Else Can Break My Heart Like You, and it has made me have a lot of feelings about everything. It also made me feel the need to reread through this truly inspiring and beautiful post about how much we all matter, how important we each are, how important it is to love yourself. If you are interested in that post, check out the very long and wonderful chain between @mynameismalin, @purplehoodiesandclementines, @nicksmile, @sflow-er, @missmeganlee and myself here; you do have to look in the comments/reblogs for some of the beautiful gems 🫀 Also sorry if I forgot to tag anyone, it got pretty marvelous for a little while there!
As I was reading through that chain, I was struck by something; I make mention of this fic several times, but I never say it’s name, or link to it. Why? I was still scared to share what I was creating. I truly believe that everyone’s thoughts matter, that everyone’s voice matters, that everyone matters; yet I didn’t extend that same belief towards myself. Over the past few months I have found more self confidence, more pride in myself, less fear. I am so beyond proud of the fic I have created, of the work I put into it, of the joy I feel when reading it; why would I chose not to share that?
When I posted those first thoughts and first few chapters, I was just beginning my journey of self acceptance, of gaining more self confidence, of unlocking my creativity. When I posted them, I was so scared of putting myself out there, or what the response would be; it was love, it was inspiration, it was friendship.
Life has been particularly stressful with work things for the last few months; I am honestly not sure where I would be without the people I have met on here. The support and care I have felt from people who I met though this space and though writing my fic has made me cry, it has filled me with joy, it has given me a new sense of hope. I was talking on the phone with a friend earlier today and realized that recently some of you know more about what is happening in my life, then people who I am physically around.
At first this made me feel a little uncomfortable, so I decided to look at it a little more. I discovered that very little has actually changed in my physical life except that I find myself wanting to share things with people that I previously kept to myself. Being accepted here, being able to talk to all of you, being able to know that if I have a hard day I can simply gush about YR and that is totally okay has made me have more confidence in the other aspects of my life too.
I feel like the world in which I live, and my own mind are often telling me to keep myself contained, to be quiet, to be compliant, to hide; the people I have met here make me feel the opposite. They make me want to share my thoughts, they make me want to talk about the things I love, they make me want to hear about what they love.
YR highlights in so many ways, the importance of not hiding who you are; this community embodies that. This community makes me want to be myself, it makes me feel like I don't need to be seen for anything other than myself, and that is enough. The variety of people I have met since that first post, since posting my first chapter, since beginning to engage is astounding and beautiful and fills me with joy and hope and inspiration.
I guess in conclusion (and if you made it this far) I just want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for just being here, thank you for sharing, thank you for making this community feel so welcoming 🫀🫀🫀
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Hey Wonders,
Today we are talking about Equipment!
: my gopro hero black 11
My vlog/ blog and journey begin with pictures & video.
Because everyone knows one picture tells a thousand words
Let's talk about it!
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A few reasons why I chose this camera
I want to be on YouTube vlogging things.😁
This camera is easily accessible & always ready to go record ⏺️ -
literally all you have to do is hit the shutter button and its starts recording immediately. You tap it again and it turns off while saving the footage.
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I love it because of... The size!
The smaller! The cuter!
It fits anywhere and everywhere!
It literally fits in your pocket!
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Great! Things really do come in small packages.
Compared to other bulky cameras I've had to wear them around my neck. I had trouble hiding them because I don't like it always like having an expensive camera visible at first glance.
Another reason I like it is...
The screen on both sides the front and the back.
Which makes recording footage a breeze when I can see on the screen exactly what I'm recording.
And another thing is ....
I feel like this is standard on all cameras dlsr I've had but I love being able connect wirelessly to my phone
Edit my photo and post just keeping it simple
Any question
why not just shoot and film your blog on your phone ?
because it takes up too much space.
I haven't found too many cons. The only thing I don't like about the camera so far is it has a very loud beeping and shutter noise, but there's an option to turn it off so they feel like they really thought of everything. When putting this camera together. It gets a really nice wide shot. But the same wide shot can be an issue because you have to be at the perfect distance from the object to get a really good photo.
Here are some shots I took with the Gopro 11
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If you would like to get a GoPro
Here's the one I bought 👇
And here's the one I recommend👇
Just so you know, yes I am an Amazon affiliate so if you order from this link I will receive a small commission which helps support my travel funds!
But in no way am I sponsored. I bought everything on my own. We are starting from grassroots here and these are all my very own opinions unpaid and unfiltered.
Thanks for visiting Everywhere with Ernestine. This has been our first tech review! ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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songsfordustmites · 1 year
so i was tagged by the lovely @autumngore to share my top 5 songs in my "on repeat" playlist. clearly that playlist is generated by spotify and i'm not a guy who uses that so here is what my phone says.
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right, so i feel like i have to explain things. i only listen to full albums so that's why it is all songs from the same EP. i think it's interesting that this at the top when my phone says that my most played album is 'why?' by they might be giants, but i think that the EP not being my most played album might correlate with how often i listen to these outside of my band's discography in chronological order playlists. i think they're just counted as individual song plays and not album plays when i add the whole playlist to my queue instead of adding just the album by itself. does this make sense? samsung, how is this done?
this whole thing made me wonder if windows media player can do a similar thing since i listen to music on my computer the most and it can apparently! i've figured it out. i made a playlist where i set it to add songs that have over 100 plays and here is what it added.
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so it's basically the same fucking thing. alright. i am quite surprised by this and i feel like tmbg should be in here somewhere, but they have a huge discography where i listen to each album at the same frequency so it'll take awhile for them to appear. steve has about thirty songs so with the obsession that i had, i could only listen to these fucking songs and nothing more so i guess it makes sense that he's the only one there.
now, i have used spotify before many times so let's see what has been put in that playlist for me.
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alright...i have to explain this. sweet young thing is there for some reason because some person i follow posted the link to it and said some thing about it and i clicked on it because i couldn't remember what the song sounded like so i wanted to hear it. i do not think i listened to the full thing. i think i listened to the soft bulletin once on spotify. friends..my friend shared it to me and that was the first time i heard it and ever since i just listen to the mp3 that i have of it. silly hat is on here because i wanted to see what blue's clues albums were on spotify. i have that cd now. i used to listen to the spongebob squarepants movie soundtrack a lot on here. i should get a copy of it. also it said all of these were added in 2021. i have heard other things on spotify since then so i don't know why they chose these songs.
aw shit i was just supposed to post a picture and that's it, but i got too caught up in the data that i just had to compare!
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house-of-crows · 2 years
The dream was fairly normal con fair until it came to the Discord call ringing in my ear. In a panic, I tried to make it go away- hitting the back button, which only made the call fullscreen. I tried the escape button, which made it small again but didn't end the call. My mouse had decided not to work, and the one on my laptop had been turned off somehow. I could not access the settings with the external... and it was bad.
"Good lord, WHAT?" I recognized the voice on the other end and my heart sank past my toes. "SO sorry! Discord issues. I promise I didn't mean to. I am terribly sorry for waking you, if you could end the call-" It blinked out and I collapsed back against the bed, shutting my laptop firmly.
I knew it was a Dream now, but I didn't know what was wanted. It was just an uncomfortable weight that I couldn't pull myself away from. As I looked around the room and saw the others present putting up makeup, or unpacking their bags, or otherwise settling into our shared hotel room (Still somehow in my grandmother's living room. Lovely.) I knew I was going to have to face this sooner or later.
That's when my phone buzzed next to me on the pillow. "We're going to need to talk. Sooner rather than later."
Two minutes later, as I was pondering how to respond, a new chat icon appeared with the Discord logo. "You don't know me. Yet. But we need to meet, the sooner the better." .
The door of the hotel room swung open to reveal the three of them, standing there. He smiled at me brighter than the tight smiles of the women to either side of him, but it wasn't the end of the world. That tilted and spun on its axis as he handed me a sheaf of papers. I slid down the side of the bed as they took up the chairs at the window, and he sat on the bed as I flipped through them.
The world spun a second time and I shook my head to clear it. "Is there a problem?" "No... not really. Just the fact that you both chose a color and wrote right after each other. It's a little ... well." They looked at each other, and then at him. "Ah, he told you. Of course he did. Well. I've calibrated. It's fine." And off again we went.
Fairly standard stuff. Minus a few curveballs that struck me oddly, the papers contained nothing truly NEW. What's weirder is the fact that I could actually read it. I told them who the colors belonged to on my side, but their distant disinterest killed that dead in the water. My mouth clicked shut with a snap, and I bent my head a third time.
I felt judged. Weighed and found wanting. Pinned to the wall. Welcomed to share the foyer of the house, but not to extend beyond it. It made sense. Logical and rational. Emotionally remote. As it should be, as it must be.
A clear delineation of boundaries. A well trod path through a circle arena, tied to the post in the center. I can walk in circles. I can follow the path laid before me.
I can be the next link in a chain with two very heavy gold links on one end, and the easily snapped pewter on the other. I don't mind that being the reality. I minded being so very, very starkly REMINDED of it with such a lack of gentleness in this arena. It was almost like a slap in the face, for them to assume that I didn't already KNOW the boundaries. I can read, after all. I pay attention. I volunteer information, even, to balance the scales. I don't require humbling in that arena. I know the precise line in the sand where the tide stops. Why would I expect it to roll further up the beach...? .
I felt simultaneously welcomed further in, and felt the wall slam down in front of me preventing any further insight. With a sigh and a disgruntled shrug, I rolled over and left the dreaming.
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box with the name "PAPYRUS", in all caps and Papyrus font, in its center. On its left is a talksprite of Papyrus sweating anxiously, and on its right is a talksprite of Papyrus wearing sunglasses. End I.D.]
The Great Papyrus is the most popular Undertale character among the fans surveyed here. 19.6% of responders chose him as their favorite. That’s a total of 519 fans! (Wowie!!)
Not all Papyrus fans are unified on his characterization, however. The most obvious divide was between fans who call him a “cinnamon roll” or “precious baby,” and those who find these takes infantilizing. A lot of people like the friendliness and optimism of this character, while others recognize this but highlight his maturity too. Fans who worry about his infantilization seem most concerned with how he can be portrayed as naive or dumb by the fandom. A portion of fans specifically mentioned this naivety as a point in his favor, though the marginally more popular take seems to be that he is not naive, regardless of how he first appears. This fandom divide seems to relate to Papyrus’s autistic or ADHD coding. Many fans relate to him as ADHD and autistic themselves.
Fans also related to him in his desire for friends. Many responders think of him as a friend and a comfort character, so at least in one way his wish has been fulfilled.
The phone calls were a major reason that fans said they felt connected to Papyrus. Thanks to these calls, he has the most dialogue of any character in the game. His humor and dialogue were often highlighted as favorite qualities.
While fans may disagree on some aspects of Papyrus’s personality, it is clear that his fans all value his optimism and kindness. His fans do not see his kindness as weakness. Many talked about the complexity of his character and the strength it took for him to show mercy to the player character, even when the player doesn’t show it in return. He believes in himself, and he believes in you! This kindness and trust has inspired his fans to be kinder themselves.
Papyrus fans were also drawn to his mysteriousness. Several responses pointed out that he is a more mysterious character than Sans, who is also often loved for his mystery. As shown in the phone calls, Papyrus will put on fronts depending on who he is around, making it even more difficult for fans to uncover his secrets. Some people in other sections of the survey found this frustrating, but Papyrus fans tend to see it as another point in his favor.
Among the greatest proportion of responses were from fans who couldn’t choose a favorite trait, or who just love everything about Papyrus. While these responses may be less lengthy, they are still as full of love as the essay-length answers. These responses tended to say phrases like “cool dude” or “Papyrus my beloved” or “THE GREAT PAPYRUS.”
(You were overcome by writing about such a handsome skeleton. He understands.)
Highlights: (under the cut)
Honestly Papyrus just feels like joy. Funny, incredibly kind, with a few mysteries/weird quirks about him that are fun to ponder over. I especially love how he often acts proud and self aggrandizing without putting others down, and in fact sometimes uses that to lift his friends up alongside him. You don't see this take on proud characters often.
Papyrus is strong. Strong in body, but also morally strong. He knows what is right, what it means to be merciful and kind, even in the face of danger or death. Some think him naive. And yet, even facing death and seeing the dust of those he knew, he did not falter or turn from his ideals of mercy and change for the better.
His optimism and his overall personality is endearing! You're always having fun with him :D
He's meeting all of my standards.
Papyrus is very under appreciated, and overlooked, and it's very frustrating to me—he's a complex character but people treat him like he's a baby!!! I like him because he's kind of goofy with how he talks and he's just very charming and kind.
He's weirder than Sans, and it wasn't acknowledged for years because he acts oblivious and dumb, even when he's clearly not. Quite frankly, I find it iconic. Also, his entire personality helps a lot.
I'm ND, trans, and projecting!
OK SO he's just a friendly guy!! A dude who likes cooking for his friends!! We love a hype man!! Also smart as hell and I feel like fanon majorly overlooks this. Making good, fun puzzles is HARD and setting up a flamethrower to go off wirelessly is complicated. Like even if that bridge puzzle didn't go off the components were complicated. Love that cool dude!!!!
I heavily relate to Papyrus as a character and consider him my favorite fictional character of all time. He is a very well-written and thought out character with several quirks and layers in his personality. It is headcanoned by some (myself included) that Papyrus may possibly be on the Autism Spectrum due to his nature, his interactions with others, and overall how he displays himself to the world we see.
I could talk about Papyrus forever, and you have made a grave mistake in allowing me to do so. He is a charming, strong spirited, well intentioned, complex character that is often wildly misinterpreted, and I think originally this is why I was drawn to him. He is presented as one thing and in fact acts as one thing (though not the same way as presented by fandom), and in reality when you look closer than you are meant to he is not, in fact, any of these things. It was intriguing to me. Secondly, and rather contradictorily, another thing that drew me to him is that he is very true to himself, when it comes to idiosyncrasies and moral values. It's true that he does not offer much in the way of personal backstory and feelings, but he offers very much indeed in the way of personality. What a guy! He wears silly crop tops and bright colors, he speaks in a manner specific to him that sometimes doesn't make sense, he cares about something or someone and goes whole hog with it -- he's passionate, damn it! I love him and his weirdo, goofy self with all my heart. He cares about other people to a fault, too. He would sacrifice everything to help someone, and his belief in the potential of both others and himself is indomitable. When faced with the responsibility of a kingdom, his friends gone, his brother lying to him, and himself all alone without a reliable support system, he recognized what he was facing and still bucked up and became determined to get through it. When faced with a murderous, over powerful enemy, someone who had killed many of his friends and fellow monsters, someone who had repeatedly been rude and borderline aggressive and showed no signs of stopping, he saw that they were having difficulty and offered to help and to care for them, and didn't regret his decision or change his opinion on what they needed and their potential for change, even when quite literally killed by them a moment after. Even in death, even directly after a betrayal like that, he never stops believing that they can get better, that anyone can be a good person if they want to be. That's important, I think; that concept of giving people the chances they need to grow and to change. I have a tattoo of that moment on my thigh, it's that important to me. I guess I really like Papyrus because even though he is fictional, watching him out there makes it easy to believe in people, in our inherent goodness and desire to love each other. He makes it easy to see that we can change, that no matter what you've done in the past or who you currently are, no one is inherently a bad person, and no one is incapable of learning how to be a good one. It is just a step by step process that we have to take day by day.
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[Image Description: A wordcloud shaped like Papyrus. His gloves, boots, and cape are red; his Battle Body is blue, yellow, and white; and his bones are white. Some of the most visible words are: Kind, Love, Good, Cool, Relate, Funny, Friend, Mystery, and Papyrus. These are the words that responders mentioned most in their essays about him. End I.D.]
Read the full list of responses shared with permission by clicking this link! (The document is 25 pages long, so you may want to make a copy to prevent lagging.)
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Ortho Fellowship - 22 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"Urgh, it's 5am, who's calling?" You grumbled as Jo's phone began to buzz, waking both you and Jo up from where the two of you were peacefully sleeping.
Teddy was at her place with Allison, after having spent dinner with you and Jo.
"Hey Mer... it's 5am and it's not Karev anymore... I don't know yet."
"I'll share with you, you can have S/n?" You murmured, pressing your face into the pillow before letting out a groan and throwing the duvet off to get up.
You were pressing buttons on the coffee machine as Jo removed her wedding ring and put it on her bedside table.
"Pro-bono surgery day means I am having a lot of caffeine." You replied, throwing a towel at Jo as she headed towards the bathoom.
"Link's the father!" Amelia announced as she walked in, taking the unopened snack bar you had in your hand as you pouted.
"I know Maggie told you that it might be Owen's, but it's not. Hi, Jo."
"I already knew, Link sent me a Bitmoji last night of a baby's body with his face on it, which I can't unsee." Jo admitted, nudging you in the ribs as you snorted, having also seen the Bitmoji last night.
"Well, that's... great news!" Owen cheered, "I'm happy for you, both of you, all of us, I guess, right?"
"Okay... see you upstairs. Congrats." Jo stated as she headed out, pausing as you kissed Teddy quickly before hurrying after Jo.
"Uh, it's Wilson now, wait, I don't like that either... uh... screw it, S/n? That's going to set the rumour mill on fire, isn't it? Just call me Jo. Doctor Jo." Jo stated, covering the Karev embroidery on her lab coat with a sticker.
You had just completed a hip replacement surgery when you spotted Teddy talking to Amelia whilst Jo was with Owen.
"I gave up my apartment, my job, my universal healthcare and my European work visa, to end up in a relationship with an amazing orthopedic surgeon and raise my daughter with her and my daughter's father-"
"There's a but in there, isn't there?" Amelia realised, turning around to face Teddy.
"I don't know how she feels about marriage, especially after what happened with Jo, and a lot of the other married couples she has known have ended in divorce. I know I need to ask her, but I don't want to rock the boat-"
"Y/n said something once, when she chose ortho over cardio... she said she took a risk, and that she wanted to take more risks, which is probably why she flew to New York on her day off during residency, besides she and Jo were fighting. Anyway, maybe you should rock the boat and take a chance on Y/n." Amelia replied, leaving Teddy to pause.
"Rocking the boat can have consequences though..."
"What the hell is happening?" You exclaimed as the code violet alarm began to go off, hurrying to spot the human chain cutting DeLuca off from everyone else.
"Oh shit..." You murmured, pausing as you glanced over at who DeLuca was accusing of human trafficking in his rambles.
"Weird vibes..." You whispered before your phone buzzed, reminding you of another surgery that you had to do.
"Who'd you kill?" Jo asked as the two of you arrived at the bar.
"I think I dumped myself. Is that even possible? Oh wait, of course it is, I'm me! I left all my stuff at Nico's place because he convinced me to move out of my mom's house. And I haven't found an apartment yet, so I'm homeless." Levi admitted, giving you an exasperated look as you flicked a grape into your mouth.
"Do you want to stay at my place whilst you look for your own?" Jo asked as she put her beer down on the bar.
"Jo, that time in my mother's basement was a one-time thing. I'm a gay man." Levi deadpanned, leaving you to laugh as you remembered that Jo and Levi had hooked up before, whereas Jo was laughing for a different reason.
"That's why you're getting the invite, dummy! Plus, I'm basically staying at Braces' apartment, my place is too empty and I can't stand to look at it anymore." Jo explained, sipping her beer.
"Then definitely yes." Levi smiled, clinking beers with Jo as you flicked another grape into your mouth.
Jo raised an eyebrow as your phone buzzed, watching you type a reply.
"Going to get laid tonight?" Jo enquired, smirking as you missed the grape you flicked into your mouth.
"I wish. I think Teddy wants to talk about the future." You replied, giving Levi a grateful look as he pushed the basket of peanuts over to you.
"Oh... do you want to talk about the future, with Teddy?" Jo asked, raising an eyebrow as you stared at the bar.
"That apartment is my safe space, Joey. Plus, you're kinda there too, I'm not leaving you." You replied, leaving Jo to sigh.
"Worse case scenario, we all move in together and raise children as a matrifocal thing. Y'know, a massive fuck you to the nuclear family." Jo suggested, laughing as you gave her a confused look.
"Children? Owen has Leo, Cody and Mac have Rory, where are these 'children' besides Allison coming from?" You enquired, leaving Jo to smirk.
"Well, there's adoption, IVF, artificial insemination..."
"And on that note, I am leaving to go talk about the future with my girlfriend and find out if there is a future. Because right now, I'm batting two for two based on my past two relationships and how they ended... and you can tell I'm bricking it because now I'm rambling. Goodnight you two."
"Hi. I figured coming here would feel more comfortable for you, as it's your safe space and I didn't want to alienate you with anything." Teddy explained as she walked into your apartment.
"What exactly did you want to talk about?" You avoided looking at her as you asked, instead staring at the old video games that sat near the old TV. The TV had Cody had fixed up for you when the two of you found it in a dumpster in college.
"Well, Amelia's baby is Link's, so we don't need to panic about the dynamic changing with four babies, I know Rory isn't yours, but Allison really likes Rory around and I was worried about change. I keep worrying about change and I wanted to ask you about how you feel about things like moving in together and marriage and kids but-"
"Marriage is just so, it's a piece of paper and weddings are so overwhelming and over the top and what if everything went wrong and it didn't work out. Joey's barely holding it together after Alex left her... I'd rather just elope and take your name. But rings are, rings have bad connotations." You sighed, wrapping your arms around yourself as you spotted a familar video game.
"You know, that Just Dance game has high scores from my intern year on it. There was someone in our class, her name was Heather Brooks. She was my friend. Back then, I only had Joey, so to make friends was rare for me. She, uh, she died. I miss her, I miss everyone who leaves, because they all eventually do. I'm scared, Teddy. I'm scared that one day you'll up and go, just like Alex did to Joey. Or something else will happen and you'll be gone like Danielle, dead. I love you, Teddy Altman, and that terrifies me." You played with your fingers, staring at the video game case that held the Just Dance game, memories flicking by in your head of Brooks smiling and Danielle cheering.
"Everyone is supposed to go someday, Y/n. I'm sorry that you have lost so many people so early in life, but I can promise that I will fight for you. I will fight for you in a way that Alex didn't fight for Jo, I will fight to come back to you if I am ever on the cusp of death, I will fight for you, and I will fight for Allison, because as much as you don't realise, Allison has three parents. I want you to use that fear, that terror, and fight for us too. Please." Teddy walked over, cradling your head in her hands as her thumbs wiped away the stray tears that ran down your face.
"I know this apartment is your safe place but-"
"You're my safe place, you, Joey and Allison. You are all my safe place." You affirmed, standing up so you could hold Teddy close to you.
"I'm not ready to move in with you yet, Joey isn't in a good place, but I think that one day, I would be strong enough to leave this place... the couch is a dealbreaker though, I am not getting rid of the couch." You bargained, smiling as Teddy chuckled.
"That couch is the most comfortable couch I have ever felt, I'd think you were going wild if you wanted to get rid of it." Teddy kissed your forehead, smiling at the grin on your face.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader | break-up angst
summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
He said it was easy to fall in love with you. He said he didn’t know when exactly, at which place, nor for what reason. Simply one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi found himself looking at you with the epiphany that maybe there’s something more meant to happen between you and him. There you stood before him that day, the person he could promise love to. (And there he stood before you that moment, the boy whose promises you found yourself believing in no matter what.)
So maybe that’s why it was even easier for him to fall out of love. When he told you he was no longer in love with you, it didn’t matter to you to ask when exactly, at which place, or for what reason. Even the universe itself is meant to fizzle out one day along with the death of the stars. Just one more person drifting away from you like a lone planet with no real orbit shouldn’t leave you broken. You are used to this. You won’t fall apart.
But you break anyway.
It was snowing outside when he decided to tell you to end things now before it hurts both of you even further. Not that the snow has anything to do with the coldness creeping up your chest threatening to spill out of you in endless sobs. You were glad, though. That at the very least, he remained honest with his feelings. He never left you guessing. Every time, he never forgets to tell you what’s on his mind. His honesty is something he thought was necessary.
“I understand, don’t worry. Thank you for telling me right away. I know you’re also considering me–” you tell him and choke up. There are tears running down your face but you’re not worried about that. Wakatoshi never let you mask your emotions around him. For the longest time, he reminded you to feel free to be completely bare with him. All the good and the bad, he said. Don’t be afraid to show them to me. I will always understand.
He steps closer and puts you between his arms. You feel his chin on top of your head as you lean your face into his chest. You’re sobbing now. “I’ll be fine, Toshi. We’ll be fine.”
He kisses the top of your head and lets you stay in his arms for minutes. “I loved you then, and I love you still. It’s just that they’re no longer the same kind. I will stay if you ask me to, okay? Anything you want.”
This only makes you cry harder. He’s always been too good. And even in breaking your heart, he’s too good. You want him to hold on. You want to ask him to stay with you for years and years. Even with a different kind of love, you’ll let him be as long he’s close by. But someone like him who has dreams beyond yourself shouldn’t ever be with someone like you who still lacks certainty toward anything.
“Just for tonight,” you ask, still crying. “Can I stay?”
“of course,” he replies. Anytime you want. Anything you want. It has always been this way.
Because humans are creatures of routines and familiarity, you spend that night the way you usually do when you’re at his place. You cook dinner with him and eat on the dining table, sharing stories and laughter. You keep adding food to his plate and he smiles as you giggle at everything you find funny.
It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.
You clean the kitchen and stay in the living room. He leans on the couch as you lay down with your head on his lap. You keep talking and laughing. He goes along, sometimes adding things to make you laugh even more, sometimes simply agreeing, sometimes asking questions. You keep it loud and light, afraid of the silence. Inside you, it’s so heavy, your heart might just fall off. This will be the last, you tell yourself. You want to be happy for now. While he’s still here.
"Do me a favor, okay?" You tell him as you're nearing slumber. "Let me leave first tomorrow. Maybe stay in bed, maybe pretend you're asleep. But tomorrow, don't get out of the room until I've left the house." Your voice shakes, feeling yourself wanting to sob.
"I don't want to wake up to another empty bed but I don't want to see your face when I wake up too," you curl into him even further. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I still don't really know what to do. And I know you wake up pretty early and you know, do stuff, but just for tomorrow, please?"
Wakatoshi didn't really understand why. He originally planned on cooking breakfast for you and taking you to the train station. He would watch you board the train and he'd make sure to smile at you as he waves. You always waved back. That's how it works. Even after fights, and even after especially bad nights, you'd still do the same. Watching you leave with a smile was how you both knew you'd still be fine the days after. That nothing much can affect your relationship. For years, this has been the routine.
But tomorrow, he knows he has to give way. He knows what he said hurt you. It would be wrong of him to do what he wants simply because he's used to.
Tomorrow's the last, he realises. And then if you want, he'd never see you again.
You wake up pretty early. The sky is a calm shade of blue, the world outside still waking up. You check the time on your phone and find it's 6 AM. Last night, you slept with your back on him. The sight before you is the other end of his bedroom and you notice just how much of yourself you've managed to leave around his place. Pieces of just one other person in his life, scattered in places around his world pretending that’s just where they belong. You didn't mind leaving things behind back then. You never really thought of the day that you might’ve to take back all of them. Just how does one pick up parts of themselves when they thought they’ve finally found a place for them to stay?
But as you stand up, you conclude that when things end, traces shouldn’t be left behind. He didn’t decide to break up only to be reminded of you even after you’re no longer close to him. So you go and pick every little thing that's yours. Even your jacket and sweaters and a few pairs pyjamas in his closet. You'll just take his things from your place too and hand it to Tendou's shop. Coming back here won’t do you any good. Him coming to your place instead wouldn’t either.
Collecting all your things, even the ones you can't use anymore, you leave the bedroom and enter the living room. You don't have many belongings here aside from some DVDs and books. You only take the books and leave the rest for him. You've always preferred reading anyway.
Setting your bag and things aside on the sofa, you go ahead and wash yourself in the bathroom and bring your toothbrush and some other products with you when you're done. You then head to the kitchen to cook him something light to eat for breakfast . You knew you didn't have to. He knows how to cook. It has always been him cooking breakfast for you. When you could, you’d rather stay in bed until the very moment you must start preparing to go to uni or work. But you did anyway. He's probably in his bed, awake. He has never been a heavy sleeper. With all the moving you did around his room, he was bound to wake up if he wasn't already.
You make him a simple omelette and write a small message on top of it with ketchup. "Good luck with practice today!"
You've already cleaned everything you used, preferring to wash and set utensils as soon as you're done with them. That way, when you're sitting down to eat, there won't be any cluster around to distract you.
You put the ketchup down and decide that should be enough. You'll stop here. You should go now.
Ushijima is sitting on his bed. He's been awake since 5 AM when he usually goes on his run. It isn't the first time he chose to stay with you instead of going out, but he can't help but feel heavy this time. He stayed in for you. But as the minutes pass by, it seems that he simply cannot find the courage to sit up and face you.
He wants to sink into his bed.
There's knock on the door followed by sentences uttered softly. "Toshi, I'm going now. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure to eat before you go."
There goes the heavy feeling again. Maybe if this keeps up, he might just actually sink and never get back up.
You've done that a few times. Leaving while he's still in the room. You don't even open the door. You simply knock and tell him you're about to go, always reminding him to eat before he goes too.
But this will be the last, he thinks. If you leave now, will he never see you again?
chapter 2 will be up soon not rly sure when tho. (it's up now the link is at the top)
also, im not entirely sure but i think i didnt use any pronouns or gendered nouns for this except "girl" in the 1st paragraph which i erased just now? if i'm right, then i hope everyone reading this get to feel as though theyre rly the person in the story. unless ofc u dont want that bc this isnt the happiest ushitoshi x reader fic u can find🥲. but thanks for reading!!!! m so sorry for typos nd other errors as well. i kinda cant read my own writings bc sometimes doing so makes me wanna smack myself in the head and never write again nd i hate that so now im leaving my mistakes to the gods nd hope they love me enough or smth. but yes thank u sm again for reading!!!!
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
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Often the most basic counter to my arguments is that I can't possibly know that parts of the fandom's antipathy toward Scott McCall is racially motivated. People don't have to explain why they don't like a character, after all. Well, someone chose to do so, and guess what? It falls completely in line with how I've described racism operating in the fandom.
Brief summary of the aspects of fandom racism I concentrate on:
white prioritization: the point of view and goals of white characters are automatically considered more important without reflection
empathy gap: the emotional motivations of white characters are treated as valid, while the emotional motivations of characters of color are ignored or trivialized
editing: scenes giving positive context to the actions of characters of color are ignored as well as scenes giving negative context to the actions of white characters are simply treated as if they don't exist
double standards: above all, white characters are evaluated differently when it comes to similar actions taken by characters of color
Recently I came across a post by someone who might be considered a BNF. They explained that they like Scott McCall at first, but then they soured on him for, quote:
Specifically the scene where Scott lashes out at Stiles for daring to put Allison’s life. safety and well being above Scott’s inflated ego in Wolf Moon.
I can provide the link for this post. This argument hits all four of my criteria without breaking a sweat. They go on to be even more racist, but I'm not interested in piling on. I can provide the link if you wish.
The white prioritization is immediate and fundamental. This person liked Scott McCall for the first thirty minutes of the first episode and treats it like they gave the character a fair chance (until people like me somehow bullied them into not liking our favorite character, however that works). They also act as if that within the first thirty minutes of the show, the audience ought to know enough about Stiles Stilinski's character and the dynamic between Scott and Stiles to understand the proper dynamics of their relationship -- namely that Stiles has the right to demand Scott's obedience. They're both sixteen-year-olds, but Stiles must be treated as more competent and appropriately motivated for no apparent reason.
Their empathy gap is the size of the Grand Canyon. This person has completely disregarded that Scott was savagely attacked in the woods a few days ago in the story. Since what happens to Scott has no bearing on the story, Scott has no excuse for this behavior. Now, this same person excuses Derek's stalking, brutality, manipulation, and lack of trust throughout the first season due to the trauma of the Hale Fire and the death of Laura, and Peter should be excused for his murder spree because he's out of his mind, but Scott acting to get what he says he wanted out of life and ignoring the consequences of his horrific assault is "inflated ego." Also, Scott's anger is not justified in the slightest by Stiles's behavior (unlike Stiles torturing Scott with lacrosse balls). For those of us who treat characters of color as human, I sympathize with Scott, and I suspect that many people would be like me in that I might get a little irritated if my best friend went into my bag, to get my phone, to cancel my date against my will, and I wouldn't even have been inflicted with aggression-enhancing lycanthropy to be pissy about it. But, for this person, characters of color aren't entitled to react to things.
The editing is thorough and complete. Any scene that shows that Scott's doubt about Stiles's conclusions as possibly rational and not a product of arrogance is completely and utterly obliterated. Including this scene:
Scott: Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?
Stiles: Huh! I didn't even think about that.
Scott: And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?
Stiles: Also something I didn't think about.
Scott: It's - comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail.
Stiles: I know.
Or this scene
Stiles: You know what? I actually think I've heard of this - It's a specific kind of infection.
Scott: Are you serious?
Stiles: Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called - lycanthropy.
Scott: What's that? Is that bad?
Stiles: Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month.
Scott: Once a month?
Stiles: Mm - hmm. On the night of the full moon. (howls) Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling.
Scott: Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me.
Stiles: I know! You're a werewolf! Rrr! Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon.
These are two scenes in the first thirty minutes during when the person 'liked Scott' that demonstrate that Stiles isn't an expert in the occult and Stiles is prone to teasing Scott even when Scott is worried about what is happening to him. They are important to the context of the scene in Stiles's bedroom that angered this person so, but they are simply excised from consideration because this individual above all wants to hate Scott. It's not "inflated ego" that Scott suspects that Stiles is screwing around with him, as Scott says "Are you seriously wasting my time with this?"
I saved double standards for last because I could go on and on and on about it. Scott's behavior causes this person to dislike Scott because he put his own wants above Stiles's instructions and endangers Allison and Stiles. Except that he doesn't endanger Allison or Stiles at all. Scott pushes Stiles up against the wall but he stops himself from hitting him and immediately apologizes. Scott leaves the party the moment he starts having trouble and afterward he doesn't leave his house until Stiles tells him Derek Hale took Allison home from the party.
But to this person, Scott simply acting on his own wants, including his stated desire to have a normal life after being assaulted in the woods, and this is enough for them to dislike him because of the potential danger. Also, he hurt Stiles's feelings and he was wrong, and it's due to him thinking he knows better than a white person. Not like Stiles ever does this, say in the next episode:
Stiles: Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you. Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed - she was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?
Stiles is wrong here. He sits in the back of that police car to satisfy his own curiosity and tells Derek that he knows he killed his sister and he wants to know why, suspecting because Derek was jealous of her. Stiles isn't doing this to solve the mystery, because to him, it's solved. Stiles is doing this only because he wants to know, and all he did was get Derek arrested. But Stiles doesn't have an "inflated ego."
And then there's always Season 5, where Stiles undergoes an assault that changes him and proceeds to lie to his father and Scott, lie to Malia and then cruelly dump her when she figures it out, lie to Lydia and sabotage her investigations. But the argument is that Stiles is going through something terrible and sometimes you don't make the best decisions when that happens. Yet Scott is to be judged for it.
The difference doesn't matter, apparently. What does matter is that a sixteen-year-old boy who didn't make the best decision in the aftermath of a life-changing event is seen as having an 'inflated ego' but every single white male character is excused for every bad decision they make because of trauma.
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Heloise's 3.5k Followers Sleepover [Closed!] and Writing Challenge [Closed!]
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Hello my lovelies <3
On Wednesday we reached another milestone once again! I can’t tell you how happy I am to know that so many of you have been enjoying my writing. All the support I’ve gotten from my followers has been beyond my expectations and I’m just so very grateful. I never imagined getting 50 let alone 3500 followers. Mind blowing really! I wanted to do something fun for such a huge milestone and as it’s a writing blog, I thought, let’s write. I want the writers to enjoy writing and the readers to enjoy reading. However, on the other hand, I didn’t want to leave out my non-writer followers so a sleepover should be in place as well.
Therefore, welcome to⁠—
Heloise’s 3.5k followers Sleepover and Writing Challenge
Part 1. Sleepover [Closed!] (Please click on the link above!)
Part 2. Writing Challenge [Closed!] (See below the Keep Reading option!)
Let's have fun and send your Ask! ^^
Heloise's Map | Masterlists
Heloise’s 3.5k Followers Writing Challenge Masterlist
Part 2. Writing Challenge!
Disclaimer! I do not own any of the prompts listed below, they all belong to @screnwriter and @dreamy-prose and each prompt list I have used for creating this event are listed at the bottom of the post. [Numbers] next to prompts refer to the prompt lists you can find them at.
➵ You don’t have to follow me to participate, although it would be much appreciated. ➵ Chose as many prompts as you’d like. No limits. ➵ Write for any universe and any pairings, I basically read everything. ➵ No incest, racial, religious, or sexual hate openly, not related to the story line, but to hurt others. If you have any of the above in your fic, I will not reblog it. ➵ Fluff, angst, smut, anything goes, just please use appropriate Warnings!  ➵ Use the Keep reading option above 500 words. Tutorial from phone is Here! ➵ No deadline for submission, but deadline for entry closes on 27 September 2021. Clarification: You can submit your fics even next year if you wish. End date is only for entering the event. I will not be able to accept entries after 27 September 2021. ➵ If you would like to participate, just send me an Ask with the prompt(s) and character and Reblog this post. ➵ Please use the tag #heloises3.5kcelebration and tag my name @heloisedaphnebrightmore when you post your fic. If it's not reblogged in 48 hours, please send me an Ask or DM. My tags seem to be funny at times. ➵ And most importantly, Have fun! :)
I decided to use both Scenario prompts and Dialogue prompts to take on a different approach compared to my last writing challenge.
Scenario prompts
Enemies to lovers / Tension prompts
1. “I’ll kiss you right now to prove that I don’t feel anything for you.” “Okay.” The two characters kiss, and whoops they felt something, followed by lingering, as they’re catching their breath, trying to make sense of what just happened, and the feelings rushing through them, and then there’s this urge to dive back in for another kiss. [5]
@goddessofdawns (x) Loki Laufeyson x Reader
2. Your enemy has never let anyone touch their scar, until you come along. [7]
@natashxromanovf (x) Bucky Barnes x Reader
3. Character A and B kiss each other to prove there's nothing going on between them, but they get so caught up in each other, they prove the exact opposite. [2]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
4. For one night, Character A and B give into temptation and sleep with each other, hoping it will solve the tension building between them. It does the opposite. [2]
5. Character A and B avoid each other after sharing an intimate moment, be it a kiss, a hug, holding hands, or just looking at each other's lips longer than appropriate. [1]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
6. You're upset one night, and you don't know where to go, so you end up at your enemy's house, and as they open the door, you stay silent for a second, before saying “I don't know where else to go.” Your enemy doesn't say anything, instead they pull you into their arms, giving you a shoulder to cry on. [1]
@goddessofdawns (x) Bucky Barnes x Reader
7. The best friends to lovers “Let’s just kiss to see what it’s like.” They kiss, followed by the characters pulling away, eyes still closed, forehead against forehead, lingering… and then they go in for the second kiss. [5]
@goddessofdawns (x) Newt (Maze Runner) x Reader
8. You threaten your enemy, and when they close the distance between you, you realize how attracted you truly are to them. [1]
9. Pinning your enemy against the wall. Or straddling your enemy’s hips whilst they pin your arms above your head. [1]
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
10. You end up on your enemy's lap, and you yank the belt from their pants “Let's just get this over with.” [1]
11. You're about to leave the room, but your enemy slams the door shut, and with one hand on either side of your head, barricade you against the wall... (cue the reckless make-out session). [2]
@band--psycho (x) James Potter x Reader
12. You’re sharing a bed with your enemy and being told “Stay on your side or I'll set this whole bed on fire”. Only to wake up the next day with your enemy's arms wrapped around you. [2]
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
13. Your enemy has been badly wounded, and somebody needs to bandage them up, so you agree to help them, and suddenly they're shirtless, and you can't help but admire their body, something that cheeky bastard takes notice of. [1]
14. You've been wounded, your face is all bruised up. Your enemy puts a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes to theirs, asking “Who did this to you?”. When you don't answer, they ask you again “Who did this to you?”. [1]
@band--psycho (x) Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
@grimdevil (x) Regulus Black x Reader
15. You've just been hurt, you're bleeding out, and your enemy is freaking out, dropping the “I love you. I can't lose you” card, begging you not to close your eyes. [2]
@goddessofdawns (x) Loki Laufeyson x Reader
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
16. Two characters look at each other, a tense silence between them and then bang, lips crash into each other as they can’t resist anymore and then one of them pins the other against the wall. [6]
@forever-and-more (x) Lorcan Salvaterre (Throne of Glass) x Reader
17. You had a really good time on the date tonight, and your date is asking for a good night kiss. It was only meant to be on the cheek, but then you pull back, our eyes meet, and there's a gravitational pull pulling you closer again. [6]
18. You’ve never been kissed before so your friend volunteers, but you decline because you’ve been best friends and it would be weird. But a couple hours later you lay awake in bed and can't stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss them and suddenly you regret what you said. [6]
@queen-of-brokenhearts (x) Hermione Granger x Female!Reader
Intimate / Domestic prompts
19. You are wearing your lover’s clothes when they say, “Can I get my shirt/hoodie back?” and you say “No.” or “Come and get it.”. [4]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
20. You're talking on the phone and your lover quietly comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you, and starts gently kissing your neck. You begin to lose focus on your phone call as you concentrate on not making any noise. [3]
@band--psycho (x) Fred Weasley x Reader
21. You’re supposed to be mad at your lover but they’re holding your face and smiling, and you just can't resist it when they're pouting like that. [6]
22. You and your lover sitting next to each other at a table, and they rest their hand on your thigh, gently rubbing their thumb back and forth. [3]
23. Looking at your crush or lover only to find them already looking at you and when you make eye contact, they smile at you. [3]
@iliveiloveiwrite (x) - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
24. You think mistletoe kisses are lame, but your love interest brings you under one, regardless of the season and suddenly you're all for it. [6]
25. You and your lover are in bed, when you say, “It’s time to get up.” and your lover pulls you back down, wraps their hands around your body, snuggles up close, preventing you from getting out of bed. [4]
26. Your lover is resting their head on your lap, falling asleep whilst you are playing with their hair. [4]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
@band--psycho (x) Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
27. Having a piece of hair brushed off your face as you're reading or looking down. [3]
28. You're sick, and you can't kiss your lover, and it's an absolute torture. [6]
@msmarvelouswinchester (x) Jensen Ackles or Dean Winchester x Reader
29. Being asked “Are you sure?” (There's nothing sexier than consent) [3]
30. When it’s a slow burn, and the characters just look at each other like “Fuck it, I’m done with this.” and they finally kiss. [4]
@acourtofbooksandfantasy (x) Azriel (ACOTAR) x Reader
Dialogue prompts
Flirty / Sarcastic prompts
1. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I like the sound of your voice, because you don’t seem to ever shut up.” [9]
2. “Is that a challenge?” [9]
3. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.” [15]
@will-be-a-fineline (x) Harry Styles x reader
4. “When have I ever put you in danger? Actually, don't answer that.” [11]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
5. “I dare you.” [9]
6. “If you don’t shut up, I might as well kiss you to put that mouth to good use.” [9]
7. Character A: “Do yourself a favour, get laid.” Character B: “Why, are you offering?” [9]
@grimdevil (x) Draco Malfoy x Reader
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
8. Character A: “What if bite you?” Character B: “I’m into that.” [10]
9. Character A is returning a priced procession to Character B and says, “I want something in return.” Character B “What?”  Character A “You.” [2]
10. Character A: “What changed your mind? “ Character B: “You.” [7]
11. Character A: “What do you want?” Character B: “You.” [9]
12. Character A: “Just admit it.” Character B: “Admit what?” Character A: “I’m the best you’ve ever had.” [13]
13. Character A: “You haven’t listened to a word I’ve said, have you?” Character B: “And yet for some reason your mouth just keeps on going.” [8]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
@theravenclawgal (x) Sirius Black x Reader
14. Character A: “I shouldn't have kissed you” “ Character B: You're right. But I should've.” [7]
15. Character A: “Do you flirt with everyone?” Character B: “Unfortunately, you’re the only one who caught my attention.” Character A: “Unfortunately?” [8]
@sexysirius (x) Sirius Black x Reader
16. Character B: “I like to keep my options open.” [8]
17. “I hate you. Oh, I hate you so much right now.” [11]
18. “Jesus Christ, you're annoying.” [11]
First kiss / Confession prompts
19. Character A: “Come over here.” Character B: “Why?” Character A: “You said you’ve never been kissed before. I’m planning on changing that.” [10]
20. Character A: “Just… don’t make this weird, all right?” Character B: “Meaning what?” Character A: “Meaning, don’t treat me like I haven’t been kissed before.” Character B: “But you… haven’t been kissed before.” Character A: “Look, I just want this over and done with, okay. I don’t want to be treated like a delicate flower. Kiss me like you mean it.” [10]
@band--psycho (x) Damon Salvatore x Reader
21. Character A: “I love you.” Character B: “I know.” Character A: “You knew?” Character B: “You haven’t exactly been discreet.” [15]
@band--psycho (x) Natasha Romanoff x Reader
22. “Listen, I know you’re busy, but… it’s important.” [15]
23. “I love you, and I don’t care if you don’t love me back. I just need you to know that I do.” [15]
24. Character A: “Do you have feelings for me?” Character B: “What?” Character A: “Do you have feelings for me?” [14]
25. “Is that truly, all it is? Just, two friends, hanging out?” [14]
@pregnant-piggy (x) Sirius Black x Reader
26. “I need to ask you something and I don’t want you to brush off the subject or turn it into a joke… I need you to be honest with me.” [14]
@grimdevil (x) Young!Sirius Black
27. “Are you… are you in love with me?” [14]
28. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” [14]
29. “All this time I thought you didn’t want me.” [14]
30. “If there’s something you want to tell me, now’s the time.” [14]
@wearywinchester (x) Dean Winchester x Reader
31. “There’s nothing going on between me and Character C. because the person I want to be with is standing right in front of me.” [14]
32. Character A: “I want this to work. I really do.” Character B: “Then we’re on the same page.” [16]
33. “I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t even think it was possible to miss someone this much.” [16]
34. “I know we're not together, but I might die today so I'm going to kiss you just in case there is no later.” [6]
Reassurance / Sweet prompts
35. “You could stay here, tonight. For as long as you'd like.” [7]
@oliverwoodmarrymepls (x) Oliver Wood x Reader
36. “Could you ever love someone like me?” [7]
37. Character A: “I've never been in love before.” Character B: “Then let me show you.” [7]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
38. “I can’t get up. You’re gonna have to carry me.” [11]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
39. “Are you okay with me kissing you?” [12]
@deanwanddamons (x) Jensen Ackles x Reader
40. “I feel safe with you. I always have.” [12]
@band--psycho (x) Newt (Maze Runner) x Reader
41. “I need you to know that you can always come to me.” [12]
@iliveiloveiwrite (x) - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
42. Character A: “You’ll wait for me?” Character B: “For as long as I need to.” [12]
43. “I’ll always be there for you. Don’t you ever doubt that.” [12]
@band--psycho (x) George Weasley x Reader
44. “Don’t hide from me. you’re even more beautiful in the morning.” [13]
@will-be-a-fineline (x) Harry Styles x reader
45. “I’m going to kiss you until you’re sick of it.” [13]
@goddessofdawns (x) Sam Wilson x Reader
46. “Just hold me. I’m not ready to wake up.” [13]
@pregnant-piggy (x) Sirius Black x Reader
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If you have any questions, don’t be afraid of sending me a message. My inbox is always open for everyone :)
Prompt lists used from @screnwriter and @dreamy-prose
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Cuddle Buddies
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Pairing: Roommate! Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Minors DNI, RPF, angst, cursing, pining, jealousy, suggestive language, butt slapping, fluff! No smut!  All errors my own. I apologize if you like the smell of patchouli, lol.
A/N: This is an answer to the following ask from @teatro-dira :
Okay so I don't know if this is kinda weird but like an Rafael x reader were they are like really cuddly(like a lot of hugs, cuddling and stuff) friends and roommates and everyone teases them asking them if they're dating. Then Rafael gets a girlfriend which makes y/n lowkey feel betrayed and jealous, but he doesn't realize that. Y/n accidentally ruins their relationship(you chose how). They get into a fight, but it ends in fluff. Hope you understand what I mean:)
Here it goes! I hope you like it!
A series of unfortunate events led you to this situation six months ago.
You were subletting Rafael’s apartment in Santa Monica when production wrapped a month early on his project in Vancouver. He had nowhere to go, and neither did you, so you agreed to share the space.
You vibed, almost as much as he and Daveed did. Folks began to call you the fourth Muskateer, for as much as you, Rafa, Daveed and his girl were always together. 
You all talked, smoked, and created together. You and Rafa especially were always all over each other, keeping each other warm under blankets on the couch, watching movies while you ran your fingers through his hair, in one or another’s bed watching videos, or writing in tandem. 
It was all good, cause Rafa was being a man-whore at the moment with several ladies, and you were just chilling. It was dope. 
It would have been all the way dope, except...
Except for the fact that you were in love with Rafa.
You loved sharing the same space with him, because you could smell him when he just got out of the shower, play in his silky hair, and feel his strong arms around you. And when he wore grey sweats…. Damn.  You and your little bullet celebrated every time that happened.
Everyone could tell, except for Rafael.  People ragged on you two so hard, that you vehemently denied it every time, to the point of getting heated.
One night, you side eyed the teaser through a cloud of smoke after catching Rafa’s grimace when they said you two should get together.  Your mood sank at what you perceived was rejection.
“I would NEVER get with Rafa, that’s the homie.  He’s like a brother to me. Ugh. Getting with my brother? No way. We’re just Cuddle Buddies.”
Rafa blinked and then took a toke.
“Exactly, we the homies. Platonic Ride or Dies.  It’ll never happen.”  He passed what he was holding and then stood up. “Cuddle Buddies till the end.”  He sounded disgusted.
“I’m going to go get some food. I’m hungry. What does everyone want?”  After everyone yelled out their orders, you offered to come with.
“Nah, sis.  I’m good.  Gonna clear my head. I’ll be back soon.  Rafa peaced out and you sat back down with the crew.
Ever since that night, Rafa seemed a little distant.  He was always busy, and never had time to sit and kick it with you the last couple of weeks.  You all never seemed to link.
One night, he was home when you came in with groceries.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know that you’d be here!” You put the groceries down on the counter while Rafa was at the stove, cooking up some pasta with marina.
“Mmmmmm. Smells good!” You went and stood very close to him, expecting him to give you a side hug, at least.
He just turned and glanced at you, a smirk lifting one side of his face.
“Will you never learn to keep an umbrella in the car? You always come in soaking wet from the rain.”
Here he was, shaking his head that you didn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain.  How could this talented genius ever want to be with you?
You just played it off, as usual. “I’m starving. I didn’t think I would make it through cooking, but you’re always clutch, Rafa!” 
Rafa stood there and gaped at you.
“Uhhhhh… I thought you said you were driving down to the Vista to see your mom… I have someone coming over for dinner....”
“No.  She’s decided to go on a cruise to Cabo with her bestie… she just called and told me as she was boarding the ship this afternoon.  The hussy. Tryna be fast with her little friends.”  You laughed.
“So, who’s coming over?  UTK? Wayne? Jimmy?”
You jumped up on the counter and watched as Rafa put some french bread with butter and garlic in the oven.  Smelled like heaven.  Those guys would definitely invite you to stay.
Rafa wiped his hands on the towel that was hanging on the stove. And turned around to face you.
“Her name is Aurora.”
It was like he’d punched you in the gut. He’d NEVER brought one of his heauxes around. You fought the urge to double over, even though you felt nauseous.  When you looked at him, he looked concerned.
“Hey, you okay?”
You jumped down from the counter and quickly nodded your head, laughing weakly.  
“I...uh.. Yeah.  Like I said, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, expecting to be at dinner with my moms by now.”
You grabbed your groceries, putting them up quickly and grabbed an apple, taking it to your room.
“I’m going to get out of your way in a minute, I’ll go over to Carla’s and hang with her tonight. We’ll probably go out and do what we do, you know?”
Rafa still looked worried.
“Are you sure you’re ok? You need more than an apple. Look, stay…”
“NO!”  Your voice was raised and it startled you.  “I mean, I’m not one to be a cock blocker.  I’ll just get my stuff and get ready to go.”
Rafa just watched as you scurried into your room. Why did you feel like crying?  Why did you feel as if you would never breathe properly again?  You got out your phone and called Carla.
20 minutes later, you exited your room dressed for the club with your overnight bag.  There was a strange smell in the room, and it wasn’t pasta.  It was patchouli.  You HATED patchouli.
You didn’t realize you were giving the gas face until Rafa came out of the kitchen followed by a short, but cute woman, with a body like, whoa. 
Of course.
Rafa glared at you and you fixed your face.  That bestie telepathy was on point. Then he looked up and down, as if he were judging your freakum dress.  Well, fuck him.
“Oh, hey!  Y/N, this is Aurora.  Aurora, Y/N.”
Aurora ignored your outstretched hand and went in for a hug. 
“Y/N!  I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like I know you intimately, just like Rafael.”  
You tried to keep your face straight in reaction to her scent, then gave her a sideye. 
Was it the inept way she rolled the ‘R’ in Rafael, or the thinly veiled shot at your relationship? Either way, you felt like slapping the shit out of her. You looked at Rafa, but then just cleared your throat.
“And I’ve heard so much about you as well.  You’re all Rafa talks about.” He shook his head behind her.  “Nice to meet you, but I’m headed out for the night.”
It was then that Aurora saw your bag and brightened up.  
“Oh!  You do look nice. Are you leaving, you sure you don’t want to stay?”  
You could smell insincerity a mile away. Even patchouli couldn’t cover that up. You just smiled at her.  
“No ma’am.  I’ve got places to see and people to do.”  You winked at them as you walked out of the door, holding up your umbrella.  “Stay dry y’all.”
You made it out the door without crying of jack slapping that little bitch or Rafa.  You were winning.  
But why did it feel like you’d lost everything?
You and Rafa successfully avoided one another for days.  He was either over Aurora’s or you were with Carla, your mom, or just stayed in your room.
One time you passed Rafa and Aurora on the couch watching a movie on your way to the kitchen to get something to eat.  Rafa’s head was in her lap.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Rafa’s slightly raised voice say: “Don't’ mess with the swoop, Babe.”
‘Babe.’ He called her Babe. That’s it. It was time for you to go. 
You were cramping Rafa’s style.  You just tiptoed back in your room, making little to no noise so that they could watch the movie in peace. You didn’t see Rafa looking at your door after you went in.
A week later, you let Rafa know your move out date.
“Wait. What?”
Rafa’s mouth was open. You repeated yourself.
“Well, I’m going to move in with Carla. She’s going to let me ride her couch until this other place comes open in three weeks. It’s a sweet deal, near the studio….”
Rafa’s mind was racing, you could see the gears turning.
“Well… why don’t you just stay here until then, we got a good thing going.” He looked upset. What was up with him?
“Rafa… I’m just in the way.  You’ve got Aurora…”
“Hold up, wait.  We aren’t even that serious.  I mean, I just stopped seeing Bev and Chrissy. He looked at his watch. Last week.”
You laughed at Rafa’s fuckboi ways.  “Well, what about me? I might want to date someone and bring them over…”
Rafa’s face changed.
“Bring someone over here…”
But it didn’t sound like an invitation, it sounded like a threat.  
It was your turn to stare at Rafa.  “What the hell…?”
He straightened up.  “I mean, any of your guests are welcome here.”
You sighed and shook your head. 
“See what I mean? Things are getting tense, I want us to stay friends, not be tight with each other all the time.”
Rafa grinned.  “You said ‘tight.’”  He dodged a couch pillow thrown at his head.
“What are you, a 12 year old?”  You were rolling.  He really was one of your best friends.  But you needed space to get over yourself.  And him.
“Okay.  You grown.  But just know that you don’t have to go.  And know that I will miss the hell out of you.”  
Rafa came over to hug you, and he held you longer than normal, and then kissed the top of your head.  You looked up at him, still in his arms and it was like…
You cleared your throat.  “Well, I guess I better go start to pack.”
Rafa stepped back.  “Ok.”
Both of you hurried to your perspective rooms.
One night, a couple of days later, Rafael came into your room without knocking.
“What did you say to Aurora?”
You were laying on your stomach on your phone, in just your t-shirt an panties.  You rolled over and looked at him. 
“What are you talking about?”
Rafa wasn’t yelling, but he was keyed up.
“What did you tell her the last time you talked?”
You put your head down to think, then brought it back up. 
“I just said that I was going to miss playing in your hair when we watched movies, that I knew it was your favorite thing.”
Rafa nodded, then shook his head.  
“Y/N, you’re the only one I let touch my hair.  Aurora has barely been allowed near it.”
“That’s…. New.”  You were perplexed.
“No it isn’t. Everyone knows I don’t like people messing with my hair.  Aurora accused me of having feelings for you.”
You were sitting up now, crossing your arms and standing before Rafa.
“That’s ridiculous.”
Rafa looked like he was about to explode. He threw his hands up in the air and walked out of your room.
“OF COURSE IT IS! RIDICULOUS!”  He was really agitated.
“Yeah, I know all too well that you think it's ridiculous for me to want to be with you.  I don’t know what makes you think I’m not good enough for you?”
“Good enough for ME?  You’re the one running around with all the model/actress types, you’re the one who thinks I’m beneath you.  You said so that one night when you said we were ‘Platonic Ride or Dies.’”
“Here we go! Total distortion! Did you hear what you said before I said that?  You said I was like your brother.  Your brother.  You think it’s that disgusting to be with me.”
“I just said that because you made a face when what’s her face said we should be together.”
“I made that face because I was imagining fucking your brains out.  It was probably my cum face.”
You stopped and stared at him, mouth hinged open.
“The fuck?”  You burst out laughing.  “You are mad outta pocket Rafa.” Rafa was rolling too.  “But you ain’t gotta lie.”
Rafa stopped laughing.  
“Why do you think I’m lying?”
He was moving closer to you. This felt… dangerous. He looked up and down your body, and it was the first time you felt uncomfortable being comfortable around Rafa.
“Because you told me that you wanted to just be Cuddle Buddies a month after you came back from Canada. You drew a line in the sand.”
Rafa shook his head at you and smiled, green-blue eyes twinkling. 
“I knew you were too zooted.  I shouldn’t have tried to shoot my shot.”
“Run that back for me?”  You couldn’t believe what he was saying right now.
“What I said was..I wanted to be Cuddie buddies. Cuddie is… you know…”  
He pointed to your crotch.
You looked down, and then up at him again. “I can’t with you Rafa….” 
Rafa tilted his head in that sexy way at you. 
“Can you really not?” 
You were stunned.  Rafa continued.
“But I’m serious. When you came back with ‘Cuddle Buddies,’ I thought you were blowing me off and just wanted to be friends. So, I just settled into the friend zone.”
“Do you mean you’re attracted to me? Rafa, that’s funny as hell. You want me for my body?”
Rafa raised his eyebrows at you. “Hell yeah. C’mon girl. You know you’re fine.” 
Your cheeks heated up. You stared at him for what must have been a solid minute.  The possibilities of this alternate reality where Rafa liked you like you liked him opened up.
“But, Rafa... I don’t wanna be just cuddie buddies.”
“Oh. Ok, Cool….” Rafa cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at you.
“I want your heart.” 
Rafa paused when he heard that and his face fell as he moved toward you.  He took your arms in his hands.
“Y/N I'm sorry, I can't give you my heart.”
It was your turn to pick up your face.
“’Cause you already have it.” 
His mischievous grin made your stomach flip.  But you were mad.
“Fuck you, Rafa.” You were laughing with happiness, despite him playing too much.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Rafa swooped down and threw you over his shoulder. “I’ve been waiting six months for that invitation.”  
You were trying to kick and scream. 
Raa swatted you on the ass, then smoothed his hand over the cheek that stung.
“The more you struggle, the more you’ll be begging me to stop in a few.”
You struggled some more, but he made it to your bedroom and deposited you on the bed.  He glared down at you, all sexy green-eyed god.
“Try me, Y/N.”
You reached for the drawstring on his sweats.
“If you insist, Rafael.”
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hot-wiings · 3 years
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The One Where Denki And Mina Think Katsuki Needs To Be A Softer, Nicer Boyfriend, And An Insecure Katsuki Agrees, But [Y/N] [L/N] Doesn't Want A Nicer Boyfriend, She Wants Him.
Requested By: @spicyhokage
Edited: 1-6-2021
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It was late when Katsuki came in through class 2-A's dormitory doors. Being his second year at UA the school was allowing students to go back into student internships. With Best Jeanist still off the streets, Katsuki wound up interning with Fatgum, using the link between Eijirou and him to get in. Katsuki hadn't expected to be out for so long, there had been a bad villain that showed up at a different agency and it was a perfect match for both his and Fatgum's abilities. Fatgum had allowed Katsuki to work on it with him, nevermind the fact that Katsuki had already planned a study date for your upcoming test Monday, he jumped at the chance to work with the heroes.
Katsuki knew, or at least he hoped, that you wouldn't be that mad or upset at him for ditching you at the very last minute. It was a leg up in the hero industry, it was a helping hand, he could make more connections and improve his skills. As a student hero, you should know how important this is. He'd want you to make the same choice if it was reversed.
Despite abandoning your date, Katsuki wasn't heartless. He bought a bouquet of hydrangeas as an apology. Apologies weren't something he was good at, but he hoped you would accept it. Katsuki was hoping you would be up waiting for him in the dormitory lounge when he came back, but he knew that one was a longshot. He'd rather have you in bed resting, or making up for the studying he promised to help with but hadn't. Katsuki was hoping he'd find you in the dormitory lounge waiting for him, but instead, he found two of his peers.
"You were out awfully late, weren't you?"
"Shut it, pink face. I need to go see [Y/N] and then head to bed, like a smart student. You and dunce face do realize that we have a big test Monday, don't you?"
Katsuki marched right past Mina and Denki, who were sitting on the couch, towards the elevator to get up to your dorm. If he was right, Mr. Aizawa would be asleep by this hour, and getting into your dorm would be no issue. Katsuki stopped walking towards the elevator when he hears Minas' voice speak out again.
"Did you really get hydrangeas for her? You ditched her for your internship and you got hydrangeas? Girls like roses Katsuki. If a guy ever brought me hydrangeas, I'd kick his butt to the door. Queens deserve better."
"What the fuck are you implying raccoon eyes?"
Katsuki turned back around to yell at Mina for implying that he wasn't good enough for you. He nearly crumpled the flowers by clenching his hand. Mina didn't know what she was talking about. He had brought you hydrangeas several times before, you never complained about it. Denki spoke up to try and intervene Katsuki from blowing up on Mina.
"I think what Mina meant to say is that we're just worried for you. You really like [Y/N], right? Take it from a guy who gets dumped by girls a lot. Pretty girls like [Y/N] don't need to sit around waiting for guys like us. While you're trying to further your career you're ditching her, not to mention, when is the last time you showed her affection?"
"For starters, dunce face, don't call my girlfriend pretty. Secondly, there are no guys like us and girls like [Y/N], there's me, her, and all of you fucking extras that need to get out of my relationship."
"Fine, don't take our advice. Just so you know, [Y/N] isn't in her dorm, she's in the kitchen."
Mina practically sings her words out, and Katsuki changes his course of route from the elevator to the kitchen. He had a scowl on his face the entire time, courtesy of Mina and Denki. He had to restrain himself from beating them with the bouquet. Katsuki reached the kitchen door and he took a minute to recompose himself from his previous anger to a calmer version of himself. He pushed the door open with a calmer smile on his face but stops after opening it halfway.
"What's the answer to number two?"
"Uhm... 6?"
"That's right! Here's your reward."
Katsuki clenched his fist, practically ruining the flowers. He ditched you and your study date, he shouldn't be getting so mad at seeing you and Deku study together. You can have friends other than him. You can be around members of the male gender other than him. Even if it is shitty Deku. You're allowed to have a life outside of Katsuki, but as Deku broke apart a cookie and threw it right into your mouth, a sweet reward for getting the question right, he was ready to toss hands with the boy.
"We're gonna ace this test Monday. Thanks for studying with me Deku. I hate studying alone and you're great at math. Usually, Katsuki helps me, but he got busy."
"It's no problem, [Y/N]. Seriously, I'm always here if you need me."
Katsuki quietly pulled the door shut instead of going in and interrupting you and dumb Deku. Maybe Mina was right. Katsuki thought about it more as he walked back to Mina and Denki. He didn't really show you affection that much, and he did spend a lot of time in the gym or at his internship. His idea of a date was training together or studying. You probably hated the flowers but chose not to speak on it. If he didn't change, change now and fast he was going to lose you to that shit-munch. He needed to show you he was the better more deserving man. As Katsuki stared at Mina and Denki he uttered the words he never wanted to say to them.
"I want your fuckin' help."
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"Bring [Y/N] roses. Girls love roses. Not a daffodil, not baby's breath, not a tulip. Roses."
Roses were Mina's first piece of advice to Katsuki. According to her, girls only cared about getting roses, and every other flower was inferior. She also said apology flowers must be paired with chocolates. Katsuki personally thought that was bullshit. He had been bringing you different breeds of flowers throughout your entire relationship and never once had you vocalized disdain for it. But Mina is a girl unlike him, so she must have had some kind of special insight. You must have just not wanted to make him feel bad for messing up. Katsuki knew he was inexperienced in the dating area, but he hadn't realized he was screwing up so badly.
Katsuki did exactly what Mina said. Saturday afternoon, Katsuki showed up at your dorm with a bouquet of yellow roses and a box of chocolates, the milk chocolate kind. According to Mina, milk chocolate was better than dark chocolate. He knocked on the door after checking his phone for the time. He knew you didn't like getting up early on the weekend, and you had been up late studying the night before. Twelve-thirty seemed like a reasonable time to stop by.
You opened the door, slippers on your feet, eyes barely opened, and a crinkled forehead as you tried to slightly open them to see who you were staring at. You had a pair of shorts on and one of Katsuki's sweatshirts. One you promised you hadn't seen and swore he must've lost in the dorms laundry facility. Katsuki smiled down at your sleepy form, you were adorable. Once you registered who it was you yawned and crossed your arms as you lazily leaned against the door frame and let a small smile cross your face.
"What're you doing here? You were out so late last night, you must be exhausted."
"I could say the same about you, you look like the epitome of tired. How late were you up?"
"No later than two. When did you get in?"
Katsuki didn't want to tell you he came in at midnight. You would've asked him why he didn't come to see you, and he didn't want to say that he saw you and Deku studying together. He didn't want to admit that he felt pained at seeing you together so close. Pained at you needing and using Deku as you would him. Katsuki held up the roses and chocolates and thrust them into your arms.
"I didn't even check the time. I brought you apology flowers and chocolate for ditching you. They're roses!"
"O-Oh, they're yellow."
You took the items he thrust into your arms and moved further into your dorm so he could come in. You set the chocolate down on the bed but kept observing the flowers. Katsuki was quite proud of the flowers he picked out. They were pretty and blooming, and he thought you'd like them. Yellow roses would look good in your dorm room. You, on the other hand, were not ecstatic with the flowers. You bit your lip and tried to make your smile bigger. Did he know what yellow roses symbolized? He had to of known, even Denki would know something this simple. Maybe you were reading into it too much, they're just flowers. It was a gift, not a death sentence to your relationship.
"I'll have to go to the kitchen and see if there's anything I can put them in."
Katsuki could sense you being standoffish. He assumed you were upset at him for ditching you the previous night. He did the flowers right, he would just have to go the extra mile to make you happy with him by serving your needs.
"I can go to the kitchen and find a vase! You just shower or get dressed, or whatever, and I'll even bring you up some lunch."
"You don't have to do that. I can get dressed and do it myself."
"I don't have to do it, I want to do it."
Katsuki cupped your cheeks and pressed a quick kiss against your lips. They were soft and sweet. Katsuki could taste the residue sugar from the cookies you had been eating the night before and he pulled back with a frown, making you frown just as much. He wasn't mad that you didn't brush your teeth, although you should have. He was upset at the reminder that Deku was with you when you were supposed to be having a study date. He was upset that Deku was the one who stayed up with you until two in the morning. He was upset that Deku was acting like a better boyfriend when he was just your friend and nothing more. Katsuki should've been doing more, he should've been doing a better job.
"I really am sorry for ditching you yesterday. If you want, we can redo the date today."
"I really missed you yesterday. I did some cramming with Deku, but I don't think he's as good of a teacher as you are."
"Of course dumb Deku isn't as good as me. I'll grab my books before I come back, we'll have a nice do-over date."
Hearing you say that Izuku wasn't as good as him made him feel good. It was slightly reassuring to Katsuki, yet he couldn't stop this budding feeling every time he thought about you and Izuku studying last night.  
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"Buy her something nice. Something nice like jewelry. I always see you buying her practical stuff, that's boring. Girls like pretty shiny gifts from their boyfriends."
Mina's second piece of advice had been to buy you some jewelry. According to Mina jewelry was an acceptable gift for a boyfriend to buy his girlfriend. Katsuki had been buying you practical and weird gifts throughout your relationship. He thought they were good, he thought they were sweet and enjoyable. He supposed he was wrong. With every piece of advice from Mina, Katsuki was getting punched in the gut. He thought he was treating you right, he thought he was doing this whole relationship thing right, but he wasn't. If he didn't fix things fast then dumb Deku would steal you away from him.  
Katsuki felt inside of his pocket for the necklace he bought you. He had Mina help him pick it out that morning. It had been sitting there in a pretty little black box with a red bow waiting to be opened. He wanted to give it to you when he gave you the flowers, but he didn't want you to view it as an apology gift, he wanted it to be viewed as a sweet, 'I was thinking of you', gift.
By the time Katsuki had gotten back to your dorm room, you were all showered and dressed in fresh clothes. You were wearing comfortable clothes, and Katsuki had to smile again. You looked simply perfect. With your hair pushed back by a headband, sweatpants, and another one of his sweaters which you practically swam in, you looked angelic to him. Katsuki put a bag containing your lunch on the small table you had in your room, he placed the vase containing your new flowers there too before pulling out your lunch. You grabbed his book bag from him with a smile and began to pull his books out and place them alongside yours in a neatly organized fashion to create a nice study space.
"What'd you find for lunch?"
"There wasn't much in the fridge to quickly grab, so I made some curry."
"I love it when you cook. It always tastes good."
You smiled at Katsuki and placed a quick peck against his cheek before taking a seat next to him. His chest swelled with pride as he watched you freely dig into the container of food. You liked his cooking, and as he watched you feast in it he knew you weren't lying. At least he did one thing right on his own. One more wrong thing and he was sure he was going to blow a casket.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
You stared at him with half-lidded eyes and spoke with your mouth half full, barely pronouncing your words but Katsuki still knew what you were saying. He stopped staring at you and began working on his own dish. Every once and a while Katsuki noticed your eyes go from your food to his face and then to the flowers before diving back to the food. He supposed you really liked them. It felt good knowing he was doing it right. It felt good knowing you were happy and content with him for the moment.
You wiped your face off and just as you were about to clean up your lunch mess Katsuki jumped up and took care of it. He grabbed your lunch containers and closed them before tossing them back into the bag he brought them in. He took a wet wipe and wiped up your table and then proceeded to toss the dirty wipe in the trash bin.
"Ready to study?"
"Yup! You're a really good teacher, I really look forward to our study dates."
You walked over to your bed and took a seat on the ground whereas Katsuki laid across your bed in a position where he could have a book out and also easily look over the edge to see what you were doing. This was how you always did your study dates. Katsuki would work and watch to see if you were slacking off, then you would switch books and quiz each other. Slowly the clock clicked away, each passing second made Katsuki grow antsy. He wanted to give you the stupid neckless he had inside his pocket. Katsuki huffed as he slammed his book shut and pushed it off of the bed. You craned your neck back to see what Kastuki was doing before narrowing your eyes, no way did he think he could stop studying while he made you work.
"What are you doing? Are you studying up there?"
"No, c'mere."
You huffed as you pulled yourself up off of the floor and crawled onto the bed next to Katsuki. A mixture of blankets and skin touched you as he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you so your back was flush against his chest. He let his head rest inside your neck, and you struggled to pull out of his grip.
"What are you doing? We're supposed to be studying."
"I don't wanna study right now. The test is Monday, we can still study tomorrow."
You bit your lip as you contemplated his offer. He had a point. The test was Monday morning, and it was only Saturday, not to mention that you had studied with Deku yesterday. The offer was just so out of character for Katsuki, part of you wondered if it was a trick and thought he was going to pull out a piece of rolled-up newspaper to hit you with like he did for Eijirou. You let yourself sink into his arms, you had been up to this for a while, you deserved a break.
"Okay, but only a small break. got it?"
"Mm. I got you something."
Katsuki pulled away from your body to dig in his pocket and pull out the small black box. You rolled over so you could face him and your gift with a growing smile on your face. You loved Katsuki's gifts. Whether it was intentional or not, he always got you something you needed. Whether it was you complaining about cold hands or your lack of working pens, the next day you would find gloves and a pack of pens with a note from him saying something stupid, like 'You better use these to take your shitty notes' and 'If you get arthritis in your hands you can't become a hero'. It was always a surprise and a delight. Katsuki handed over the box and you tore the bow off before opening it.
"It's a necklace!"
"Oh, it's very cute."
You tried not to frown as you looked over the necklace. You tried you're best to put a beaming smile on your face. It was still a gift and you needed to show your gratitude. It wasn't as conventional as your other gifts, but it was still pretty. Maybe it had a special meaning? Maybe he saw it and thought of you? It was just so unusual. He never bought you jewelry and the style was obviously not his.
"Did you pick it out yourself?"
You tried not to make it sound like you were fishing for an explanation as you smiled and clasped it around your neck to show how much you 'loved' it. Katsuki contemplated telling you he picked it out himself but seeing as you were friends with Mina he wasn't sure what she'd say and he didn't want to look bad.
"Well, I got a little help. Figured a female's perspective wouldn't hurt."
Suddenly you felt sick to your stomach. Not only had he given you a necklace, an unconventional and unusual gift compared to the ones he usually gave, but he let a girl pick it out. There was no special meaning, it was just pretty. Your mind went back to the flowers. The yellow roses. He bought you yellow roses. Your whole relationship he brought different breeds and types, never roses. Especially not yellow, the color that represented friendship.
"Thank you, I love it!"
You wrapped your arms around Katsuki, bringing him into a big, tight hug. Although you were with him physically, mentally you were in other places. That dark place in the back of your head was telling you why he gave you these offhanded weird gifts. The dark place in the back of your head was filling you with untrue silly thoughts, yet you couldn't help but let your head entertain them and wonder. The more you wondered, the more you wanted to rip your neckless off.
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Pop music could be heard blaring loudly from a BlueTooth speaker connected to Mina's phone as you walked into her dorm room. Without knocking you barged right in, Mina supposed there really was a reason you and Katsuki were together. You were both bluntly rude and sometimes you didn't even realize it. You flopped down at the foot of her bed and looked up at her before greeting your pink friend.
Mina didn't look up from what she was doing, she continued flicking through the pages of some fashion-forward girly magazine as she replied to you. You ran your fingers through her soft duvet as you looked around her dorm room. It looked like Claires threw up on the walls and it gave you a major headache. You and Mina had two different style sets, two sets of style very far apart.
"Did you study for the test tomorrow?"
Unlike her room, that was a subject that would give Mina a headache. Mina roughly flipped another page of the magazine she was holding as she let out an exhausted breath.
"No, and before you scold me neither did Denki. I swear Katsuki is rubbing off on you."
At the sound of his name, your hand went up and touched the necklace he got for you. You only wore it in case you saw Katsuki today, you planned to wear it for the next two weeks, then you'd pretend you lost it. You weren't a necklace kind of person, and it wasn't even sentimental. Mina tossed her magazine down on the bed and a smile played on her face as she saw the necklace between your fingers.
"That's a cute necklace? Did Katsuki get it for you?"
"Yeah, he did."
You answer Mina's questions and inquiries as you let the gem on the necklace slip out of your fingers. You couldn't help but let your face slip into a frown. You couldn't help it, the more you thought about the necklace, the further you fell into dark thoughts. It wasn't even the fact that it wasn't sentimental like all of the other gifts he gave you, it was the fact he let some girl pick it out. You weren't a controlling person, not remotely. If Katsuki wanted female friends he could have them, he did have them. While he wouldn't call Mina a friend, she was. Mina was a girl you felt comfortable with, however, you had already had a girl in mind of who you thought helped him, a girl who wasn't Mina. A girl you didn't feel comfortable with, a girl you knew you shouldn't feel comfortable with.
"Well, it's very pretty, if I had a boyfriend who brought me gifts like that I'd be over the moon. So I take it things between you and Katsuki are good then?"
"I guess, um, I just... I think Katsuki is cheating on me."
You started off in a stutter before you bluntly spoke out your words. The moment your voice hits your ears you cringe at yourself and cross your arms. It was such a ridiculous thought. A horrendous and dark thought that, lately, kept crossing your mind more often than it should be crossing and occurring.
"What? Why?!"
"He's just acting so strange and weird."
You pulled yourself up into a cross-legged sitting position on Mina's bed to talk to her. Mina moved and adjusted her own body, completely immersed in what you were saying. You played with your hand as your next words came out.
"Whenever he's out late he always, and I mean always comes to my dorm before going to bed. He didn't come to my dorm last Friday, instead, he shows up at my dorm Saturday afternoon with flowers."
"Flowers are sweet and romantic though. The fact that he bought them for you means he cares."
"Katsuki always brings me a wide variety of flowers. Hydrangeas, snapdragons, hyacinth. It's out of the ordinary and romantic, but this time he bought roses. Not just any roses, yellow roses. What kind of statement is he trying to make with that one?! Everyone knows yellow roses mean friendship and red means romance. Even Denki knows that."
Mina scratched the back of her head nervously. She supposed she should have explained to Katsuki to get red roses. Katsuki was unaware of things in the romance department. Mina needed to try and dial things back before Katsuki found out what you're thinking.
"Katsuki isn't very romantically smart, you're his first serious romantic relationship."
"Yeah, but we've been dating for nearly a year, and that's not even it. We were studying yesterday, and you know how strict Katsuki is when he's studying, you've seen him with Eijirou. Katsuki was not strict at all, he made me stop studying to cuddle. To cuddle! Can you believe that?"
"Well... Maybe he's trying to be sweeter to you, I mean look at the necklace he got you, it's so romantic."
"Don't even get me started on the necklace! Katsuki always brings me sentimental and meaningful gifts. He buys me pencil led when I'm low, and notebooks when he sees my paper is getting down to the end, he buys me gloves when he notices mine are lost or have holes. They're stupid and meaningful and I love it."
You ran your fingers through your hair distressed and upset. Yanking your hands through a few new forming snarls from laying on the bed, practically pulling some hair strands out.
"The necklace isn't meaningful, it doesn't have sentiment, and he didn't even pick it out himself! Some girl picked it out for him."
"Why, didn't he say who? It doesn't mean anything. The girl is probably a friend."
"I think I already know who the girl is. It's some stupid brunette from Shiketsu High. They met during his supplementary lessons, they met again after their internship heroes started working together regularly. She saw him when we were walking to get coffee and she just had to stop and talk to him, she was obviously flirting with him."
You had never felt more awkward at that moment. She was blatantly flirting with him, whether she knew that you were together or not, you didn't know. You didn't expect Katsuki to talk about his relationship during his internship, he was supposed to be working, but you didn't trust her. You knew from that moment the brunette was going to be trouble. She was interested in your boyfriend and that spelled out trouble to you.
"'had a little help' he says, staking her claim on what's mine I say."
"[Y/N], I don't think katsuki would cheat on you. He wouldn't do that."
Mina felt completely nervous. She hadn't realized you and she had such different opinions on romance and what was wooing and not. Katsuki was romantic, he was doing nothing wrong, she just didn't see it from your point of view. Mina had worried Katsuki for nothing and gave bad romance advice which resulted in you worrying. Katsuki was going to kill her, she needed to fix this.
"[Y/N], Katsuki loves you a lot, don't worry, okay?"
"Okay, you're probably right, I'm thinking too much. I'm going back to my dorm, try to get some studying in before the test tomorrow."
Despite the pink girl's words you still didn't feel good. As you stood up and walked to her door, you still felt a rush of negative thoughts and emotions. You still felt winded and emotional. You still felt hurt and fearful of your relationship. You felt the same as you did when you walked into her dorm.  
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You nervously tapped your leg up and down on the ground repeatedly as Mr. Ectoplasm and his copies passed out the scored math tests to the class. You supposed a quirk like that must be very useful as a teacher. You kept making little glances over at where Katsuki was sat and your heart clenched. You felt so ridiculous for suspecting he was cheating. You felt completely horrible. Mina was right, Katsuki loved you. Katsuki loved you and he would never cheat. The simple thought that he would was wrong, yet, this lingering feeling told you he was. 
Maybe you should talk to him about it. Maybe you should tell him and express your fears and worries. It was better to talk about things like this, it was better to express yourself rather than locking it up and away, where it could fester and damage your relationship. You looked back over at Katsuki, who caught your glace this time and smiled at you. The smile made you feel sick and guilty for feeling this way. You would tell him how you were feeling after class. The sooner it was out in the open the better. 
You turned back to your test sheet and frowned at the result. You got a forty. Forty. After all that studying you had received a forty. You wanted to be mad at Katsuki for not making you study harder, but you had studied with Izuku first hand. Maybe Ectoplasm would let you take a retest. Ectoplasm dismissed you all and you quickly folded up your test paper in half so no one could see your result as you exited. After you packed up your school bag you stood out in the hall and waited for Katsuki. 
The nerves in your stomach churned. You didn't want to tell Katsuki the negative thoughts that were running through you, you didn't want to tell him how you had dark thoughts and worries about him cheating, but you had to tell him. You had to put your thoughts and theories to rest. Katsuki came out in the hall with his own test papers in hand and you both began to walk to your next class. 
"What'd you score?"
"Got a ninety-two. You?"
"A forty."
You sighed as you clenched the paper in your hand. That was a D. Katsuki was on the fritz. He was trying to take Mina's advice. He wanted to be nice and softer to you like Mina told him he had to be, but he couldn't. You should've studied harder, he should've made you study harder. Katsuki gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to calm himself down before responding. 
"You'll do better next time!" 
"What is wrong with you?"
"What do you mean?"
You looked at Katsuki like he grew two heads. This wasn't your boyfriend, and you slightly wondered if Toga had infiltrated UA. He was never kind like this, he wasn't a positive person. He was supposed to yell at you. Tell you to study better. Tell you you needed to get good scores if you were going to become a hero with him. 
"It's just a bad test score, not every score can be a baller."
"I failed my test, you're supposed to yell at me. Tell me I'm stupid, tell me to study more. Tell me anything but that fake positivity shit! You are not acting like yourself, are you cheating on me? Is this guilt? Are you guilty?"
"No! Fuck, no!"
Katsuki dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. That wasn't how you meant to tell him about the thoughts you were having. You wanted to tell him calmly and respectfully, you hadn't meant to flat out accuse him, your thoughts just need up tumbling out that way. Katsuki's own reassuring words came stumbling out in your ear as he tightly gripped you against him.  
"You are perfect and beautiful, and so important to me. I would never cheat on you, I would never fuck up what I have with you. Why would you think that? I don't wanna make you feel that fuckin' way."   
"I know that. I know you wouldn't, but you have been acting so weird and different." 
"I need to be nice or else I'm going to lose you. I got insecure, but shit, I should be. You are so perfect, and you deserve roses and jewelry and the world. You deserve someone who cuddles you instead of studying and who doesn't make you feel like they're cheating and fuck-" 
You pull out of Katsuki's tight grip and cup his cheeks. Your fingers skimmed over his skin tenderly as you stared up at his red eyes and noticed how watery they were. Your heart broke, you thought he was unfaithful but he was really just scared of losing you.
"I don't want you to be soft and nice. You already give me the world Katsuki. You make me study because you care about me. I don't want you to get me roses and Jewelry, I hate it, and I love the stupid little gifts you get me. You don't give me affection and cuddles, but you do other things, like waiting to walk me to class and making me food." 
"You don't want me to be nicer?"
"No! Everything you do is already perfect. Everything you do shows me you care about me in your own way. I love the way you are, I don't want you to change."
Katsuki pulled you back into his arms and pressed a rough kiss against your forehead. He was doing everything right. He was better than dumb Deku, and your test score was proof of that. He wasn't going to lose you, Denki and Mina were wrong. 
"Come to my dorm tonight, you need to study better dumbass."
It didn't matter that the whole class watched the exchange between you both. It didn't matter that Mina had screwed with your relationship and felt very relieved to have gotten off scot-free, for now at least. It didn't matter because all Katsuki cared about was the fact that he was a great boyfriend, the best. He didn't have to be softer, nicer. He didn't have to change, you liked it. You loved him, the way he was. That was all that mattered.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 13
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A/N - OMG finally an update!!! I'm so sorry it has taken me so long but writers block is a bitch! Thank you all for sticking with me and being so patient 💕💕💕 Please like/comment/reblog.
Shit, shit. Shit! Oh my fuck this can't be happening!! I thought to myself as i clicked on the link Hannah had sent me, the page loaded showing photo's of Chris and I kissing, photo's of Chris and Mason...... my heart was racing and i could feel the panic setting in.
"Fucking Brian!" I mumbled, this was taken the day i saw his car outfront! I got up and made my way to Chris' office, i needed to let him know about this ASAP incase he was suddenly blind sided with a question while doing his interview.
As soon as i appeared in the doorway Chris looked up and gave me a little smile that soon fell when he saw the tears in my eyes.
"Im so sorry but can you just excuse me for two seconds..... i'll be right back" Chris said leaving Scott talking to Jimmy Fallon.
"Whats wrong?....." he asked quietly pulling the door closed behind him.
"Im so sorry Chris....." i shook my head.
"Why? Whats happened?...."
I passed him my phone showing him the headline and photo's "Everyone knows, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault...." i started to cry, this isn't how i wanted everyone to find out... we weren't ready for everyone to know yet!!
"Hey stop! This isn't your fault sweetheart!" Chris wrapped his arms around me "come on don't cry, i hate it when you cry".
"Im so mad Chris!...they have no right posting photo's of Mason!"
"Let me just go finish up this interview, i'll be two minutes" he kissed me before rushing back to finish up with Jimmy.
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After Chris had finished up his interview he was calling his publicist Megan, he already had missed calls from her so she had obviously heard what was going on. An hour later she was sat on the sofa across from us listening to the whole story.
"I want those photo's of my son taken down now! They can't post photo's of my 6 year old for everyone to see!" Chris was yelling as he paced the room.
"I've already put in a call and told them to take it down, but you know its gonna be out there now....you can't hide from this Chris"
"I know but.... fuck! We didn't want Mason in the public eye..... he's just a kid!"
"I get it, they should have at least blurred his face in the shots, most tabloids do nowadays unless the parents give consent but this particular tabloid that published the story, they're not one of the big names so they're more interested in their 5 minutes of fame with this exclusive"
"Brian did this. He did it to hurt me, its not even about the money! He could've sold the story to one of the big tabloids and got a payout..." i shook my head "the guy is crazy! I wasn't even dating him!"
"We're gonna try and do something about him too, leave it with me" Megan gave me a small smile while writing something in her notebook "So, you should probably post something on your socials.... clear up the gossip. Usually id say don't react to this but we need to do some damage control because right now, i guarantee all people are thinking is either you've been an absentee father with no interest in your son for the past six years" she said looking to Chris "or you'll be public enemy number one for keeping Chris's son from him" she looked over to me and i lowered my head in shame, i had done that..... i had my reasons but i did it all the same.
"So what do we say?" I asked quietly as Chris came and sat beside me taking my hand.
"We say that even though the two of you haven't been together romantically up until now, you have been raising your son together but chose to keep him out of the public eye"
"I'll put something together for you to look over, make sure you think its okay" Chris told her.
"I know this isn't great but we can handle this"
"Thank you Megan".
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Over the next couple of days things gradually calmed down, Chris had posted a simple statement which i was told to post too even though my accounts were private to friends only, he didn't go into much detail but confirmed that we do have a son together and asked for our privacy to be respected.
His fans had actually been amazing and so supportive, of course there were a few saying some not so nice things about me and Mason but we knew that would happen. The tabloid stories quickly disappeared regarding Mason when other celebrities started posting, calling the tabloids out for not respecting our privacy after we had made it clear we didn't want our son in the spotlight.
But i still had this constant pit in my stomach, a feeling that things would still get worse before they went back to normal.
I was currently laid on the bed next to a basket of laundry that needed folding and putting away, I had retreated upstairs with the excuse of doing laundry while Chris, Scott and Mason were out back playing some game. The truth was i just needed some alone time, i was tired of putting on a brave and happy face, pretending like everything was fine. My hands massaged my temples trying to shift the dull headache that seemed like a constant thing lately.
"Hey, you okay?" The sound of Chris's voice from the door way made me crack open an eye to look at him.
"Yeah, headache is all"
"You've been up here a while, i got worried"
"I was doing laundry i told you....."
"You mean the laundry still sitting next to you?" He teased with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep, i started then i got a headache. I just need a few minutes" i said quietly closing my eyes again.
"Sweetheart you know you can talk to me, you don't have to act like everything is fine....."
"Yes i do, if i don't I'm gonna loose it and i can't do that with Mason around".
I felt the bottom of the bed dip and opened my eyes to see Chris crawling up the bed towards me, he moved my legs so his upper body was resting between them as he pressed kisses to my T-shirt covered stomach.
"What are you doing?" I shook my head and chuckled at the playful look he had on his face.
"Trying to cheer you up, maybe help you forget for a while" he smirked pushing my T-shirt up more so he could kiss my bare skin this time.
"Is now really the time for that? Mason is awake downstairs...."
"Its the perfect time for that, Scott will keep Mason busy"
"You dont know that....."
Chris quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped quickly on the screen before tossing it aside.
"Done, no distractions" he laughed.
"Oh god please don't tell me you told Scott why?"
"Of course not but he's not stupid"
"This is a bad idea..... we said slow...."
"This is slow, i just wanna make you feel better. Plus you know orgasm's are supposed to help with headaches" he shrugged with that cocky grin.
"Oh really? Is that right?"
"100%" he nodded making us both laugh, he reached for my shorts and starting to pull the them down my legs...
"Wait!" I said suddenly sitting up to look at him making him groan as he looked back at me from between my legs.
"Lock the door would ya?" I giggled throwing myself back down on the bed shaking my head as he leapt from the bed and flipped the lock.
"Now where were we?" He said before crawling back into position.....this was a bad idea.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields @turtoix @dottirose
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
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