#i don't know if i like or will continue with these new meme banners but hey why not use 'em at least once
axcel-lucci · 1 year
My masterlist and some notes about me:
Hello! Welcome to my blog <3
I like traffy and it shows lol.
Anyways, you guys can request anytime but do be reminded that I will do them just not immediately cause I have lots of things going on, :)
Thank you for understanding! Anyways here's my masterlist in which All are clickable (and all is Trafalgar Law x reader)
Disclaimer: I don't usually update often, but thank you for all the support even they're not the most perfect stuff.
Legend banners
I recently made a ko-fi
___(fics that needs to be fixed BC links aren't working)____
I love you too... (Y/n)
I love you too... (Y/n) (2)
Taking care of him
New nickname 1
New nickname 2
R.I.N.G 1/2
R.I.N.G 2/2
Law meeting s/o's parents
Law x reader (blushing be like)
Sick!law x reader
I miss you... A lot
Height bullshit
Law receiving a kiss as a reward
Do I tell him directly or...?
Law meeting his fiance, fem! reader's parents
Reader not liking thunderstorms
Something I thought of
Cuddle day with law and bepo (request)
Fucking finally
Brainrot rant (lol)
Brainrot rant#2
Brainrot rant#3
Brainrot rant#4
I need you
I need you (ver.2)
Don't leave a mark (request)
The opposite
Meme oneshot
The dish (is it even edible?)
A kiss
A date
I can see you now
Death will never keep us apart
Continuation of @the-fluff-piece 's story
Fishman!law x human!reader
Didn't know...
Happy birthday, my love...
Full moon
Full moon (2)
Full moon (3)
Full moon (4)
Counterparts (2)
Trick or tease
Night before Christmas
Secrets...? (Part 1)
Secrets...? (Part 2)
Secrets...? (Part 3)
Secrets...? (Part 4)
Secrets...? (Part 5)
Secrets...? (Part 6)
Secrets...? (Part 7)
Secrets...? (Part 8)
Secrets...? (Part 9)
Secrets...? (Part 10)
Secrets...? (Part 11)
More stories to come :)
𝓒𝓛𝓞𝓢𝓔𝓓 𝓓𝓞𝓞𝓡𝓢 (an original book series master list:)
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dinosquad-central · 13 hours
Alright, after running this blog for over a year I've decided to make an actual pinned post—complete with a guide to my tagging system.
First off, who am I?
I am the sole moderator of dinosquad-central, obviously. You may call me Dino Mod, and I use any pronouns, including neopronouns that do not begin with x or z.
My Favorite characters are Caruso and Buzz. I don't actually know that much about dinosaurs in general; I just think they're neat. I'm the event coordinator on the Dino Squad discord server. And I love getting asks! (Although sometimes it takes me a day or two to answer them)
I tag posts with #dino mod to indicate that they are either original posts from me, or things I've reblogged wherein I added something to the body of the post, rather than just the tags. So if you want to browse my thoughts on the show, that's the tag to do it.
Now that you know who I am, what's Dino Squad and where can you watch it?
Dino Squad is a 2007 cartoon about five teenagers who can turn into dinosaurs, and you can watch it for free on YouTube. The first episode is called "The Beginning", but the series is episodic, so the order you watch doesn't really matter after that. If you want to watch in in order, there's an episode list on IMDB.
In the immortal words of my original pinned post, reblogged from @/deerlyloved: "Dinosquad is so bad please watch it forever 😌"
If you already know Dino Squad and want to hang out with other fans, we have a discord server! Anyone is welcome to join.
Is there anything else you should know?
Yeah, a couple of things, actually. But this is already getting long, so I'll continue under the readmore.
Firstly, I need to give credit where credit is due, and make sure y'all know that the person who made the banner I use for this blog, which is also the quintessential "there's like five of us" dinosquad fandom meme, is @scoutbot. Everyone say "thank you, scoutbot!"
My profile pic, on the other hand, is lifted from official Dino Squad promotional material, but if anyone wants to draw me a new one, I'd be willing to trade you a fic for it—DM me if interested.
Secondly, there's one type of tag I don’t list in the tag guide, and that's the type I use to fawn all over everybody's Dino Squad posts. In such a small fandom, every time someone makes something new for it, they do so knowing it won't get much engagement, so I want to make sure they get at least one person who with enthusiastically give a kind, thoughtful, personalized comment on their post. Creating for a small fandom can feel thankless, but I want to mitigate that as much as possible by saying thank you thank you thank you for hanging out with us and participating in our fandom.
I'll mention it a few times in this post, but as long as you tag a post with #dino squad (as one word or two) I am basically guaranteed to see it, and I'll reblog almost anything in this fandom. So if you want more of the stuff you like, I strongly encourage you to create it! I love to see new takes and new faces in this fandom, and I will always lift you up.
I think that’s it.
Wait, didn't I say something about a tagging guide?
Buckle in, because my tagging system is extensive and thorough.
Lets start with Basic Tags.
Every post about the show (which is 99% of what I post, since this is a Dino Squad blog) is tagged with both #dino squad (two words) and #dinosquad (one word).
In most other tags that feature the name of the show, I use the one word version, for consistency. More on that later.
Posts that are not about the show, usually either dinosaur/paleontology related posts, or occasionally technical information about this blog itself, are tagged with #not dinosquad. For cool dino fun facts and art, this is the tag to explore.
Every post on this blog contains at least one of these tags.
Next, how about some Character Tags.
Whenever a character is mentioned or very strongly implied in a post, I tag it with their full name, similar to AO3's character tags. You can follow any of these links to read every post featuring that character.
#Victor Veloci—That's his name, don't wear it out!
#Joanne Moynihan—AKA Ms. Moynihan, beloved mentor of the squad
#Rolf Maxwell—AKA Max, the squad's fearless leader
#Fiona Flagstaff—The Girl™
#Rodger Blair—Smartest kid in school
#Neil Buzzmati—AKA Buzz, the one who likes "punk stuff"
#Erwin Caruso—Yeah, his first name is Erwin
#Peter (Veloci's Assistant)—Remember him? Appears once in the first episode and never again?
#Rump (dinosquad)—The squad's pet dino-dog
#Liam (dinosquad)—Fan favorite autistic character
#Terri Flagstaff—Fiona's sister
#Winifred the Snake—Buzz's pet python
Obviously, some of these characters are going to have more posts in their tag than others, simply because people like and post about some characters more than others. If you want more post about your favorite character, Make Them. As long as you tag your posts with the fandom, I can basically guarantee I'll find them and reblog them to this blog.
That's not all, though, because there are also a lot of original fandom characters, and I tag for those, too.
If you want to see all of them, I use the #dinosquad oc on every post that features one, but I also tag them with the OC's name, in case you're curious about a specific one.
#Vega Veloci—Teenage transfem lesbian clone of Victor Veloci, created by @prometheus-adam
#Violette Veloci—Another female teenage clone of Vitor Veloci (though which one of them is trans is left to interpretation), created by @ufolvr
#Valentino Veloci—Male teenage clone of Victor Veloci, created by @al-gay-tor
#Iggy and Chloe—A pair of OCs by @musekicker who will be given individual tags when they have full names
#Gyrian Maelstrom—Buzz's dad who works for RaptorDyne and is also a dinosaur, created by @ufolvr
#Moss 'Rat King'—RaptorDyne employee self-insert, created by @hotratking5592
A lot of people seem to think that Veloci would be into cloning—can't say I would argue with them lol. On the discord server, people have shared way more OCs than this, but I can only reblog the ones that get posted about on tumblr. I anticipate this list will grow.
Ship Tags are a subset of character tags
Like with characters, if a ship is explicitly mentioned or strongly implied in a post, I will tag it with a ship tag in the format of characterA x characterB where A is the character whose surname comes first alphabetically. Posts about ships are also tagged with #Shipping.
#Rodger x Max—Those who like this ship often cite S1E2 "Growth Potential" as the reason
#Buzz x Caruso—Those who like this ship usually cite "they just look cute together" as the reason
#Moynihan x Veloci—A ship that is much more popular on the discord server than on tumblr
#Peter x Veloci—Remember Peter? Appears once in the first episode and then never again?
#Fiona x Vega—Ship between Fiona and @prometheus-adam's OC, Vega Veloci
#Caruso x Max—Those who like this ship have cited S2E10 "Scents and Scents Ability" as one reason
Most of the ship tags are pretty lightly populated, some only have one post. Suffice it to say, shippers are a minority in this fandom, but I still dutifully tag ships when they appear. If you want to see more of your fave ships, or have an idea for a ship not on this list, Create for it! I will happily reblog any ship for this fandom.
Now, let me tell you about my Categorical Tags
If you're looking for a specific type of post, for example, if you just want to scroll through all the headcanon posts, or all the fanart, that's what the categorical tags are for. These tags are usually accompanied by the word 'dinosquad' somewhere in there, and many of them are listed as featured tags on this blog as well.
#Ask—Someone sent me an ask to which I decided to post a public reply
#Character Analysis—These posts will always be tagged with the character being analyzed as well
#Crossover—These posts will always be tagged with both the other fandom in the crossover, and the primary character(s) from the other fandom that feature in the crossover
#Dinosquad AU—Posts about the Dino Squad characters or concepts in an alternate universe, whether it's completely different, or just minor canon divergence
#Dinosquad Fanart—Also tagged with #art and #fanart, in addition to the fandom specific tag
#Dinosquad Fic—Fan writing, typically, but not always, in the form of a link to Archive of Our Own
#Dinosquad Headcanons—Posts containing either a single headcanon, or a list of headcanons regarding the characters or world of the show
#Dinosquad Meta—Posts about the technical aspects of the show, like animation or writing, as opposed to the plot/characters/etc.
#Dinosquad Theory—Theories about the show, both in regard to the plot/characters, and the production (but usually the former)
#Episode Review—Posts in which a specific episode of the show is being analyzed, summarized, or otherwise reviewed
#Incorrect Dinosquad—Also tagged with #incorrect quotes, in addition to the fandom specific tag
#Poll—Posts that have at least one poll in them
#Prompt—Idea(s) meant to inspire the creativity of the members of this fandom. General prompts are distinct from the Dinosquad Monthly Prompts in that anyone can post them at any time. (more on the monthly prompts later)
#Rereblog—Posts that have been on this blog before but I'm reblogging again, either because something new has been added to them, or because there was nothing new for me to post, so I picked some old favorites to pad my queue. This tag stands in the place of all the things I originally tagged the post with, so when I use it I'll only add tags that apply to the new reblog
Most of these tags are self explanatory. Many have sub-categorical tags, which I've included either in the descriptions above, or in the Content Tags section.
After that come the Content Tags
Content tags tell you what's in the post, aside from characters, obviously.
#From the Dinosquad Discord Server—Posts containing content which was screen-shot or copy/pasted from the fandom discord server
#Dinosquad Monthly Prompt—The monthly prompts are part of an ongoing, year-round event hosted by the fandom discord server. Posts in this tag include not only the monthly prompts themselves, but also art and fic created to fill the monthly prompt. Members of the fandom server can DM me on discord to suggest prompts.
#Dinosquad Secret Santa 2022—We did a fandom holiday gift exchange in 2022 and posts with this tags are the gifts created for it
#Digital Art and #Traditional Art—Two self-explanatory sub-categorical tags for Dino Squad fanart
#Feathered Dino Forms—Posts wherein the characters' dino forms are described as or draw having feathers
#Overheard at RaptorDyne—Posts about working at RaptorDyne, mostly incorrect quotes.
#Max Gets No Respect—Posts about the squad disrespecting Max, also mostly incorrect quotes
#Morally Gray Ms. Moynihan—Posts talking about the possibility of Ms. Moynihan keeping the kids dinosaurs on purpose, or similar theories/headcanons/AUs/etc.
#Trans Buzz—Posts regarding the popular headcanon that Buzz is trans
#Trans—Same as above, but for specifically trans-related content
#LGBT+—Posts containing queer content, such as sexuality/gender identity headcanons for characters
#Screencaps—Posts containing screen captures from the show
There are probably a few more character-specific ones that I have forgotten, but I'll keep updating this tag guide continually as needed.
There is no #Gay Caruso tag because... well... Caruso. That would be every post about him lol. Maybe one day I'll go through his character tag and add it to every post where it's relevant but it'll have to wait until I'm really, really bored.
Lastly, I have Warning Tags
I don't really have warning tags for things that were in the show, like I'm not gonna have a warning tag for sharp teeth or carnivorous eating habits, because... well... it's a show about dinosaurs. If you had a problem with that kind of thing, you probably wouldn't be here. I also won't use the CW tags for passing mentions—my thinking is that if something's not really in the post I don't really need to tag for it.
#Cursing—I know most people don't have a problem with explicit language, but this blog is technically for a kids' show, so there it is
#Blood CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of blood
#Injury CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of one or more injuries
#Death CW—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of death
#Body Horror—For posts containing depictions or descriptions of body horror (excluding dinosaur tranformations)
#Long Post—For posts that are more than two screen-lengths on mobile. I will not tag something as a long post if it has a readmore, unless the part before the readmore is longer than 2 screen-lengths.
If there is anything not on this list you would like me to have a warning tag for, or if there's a post you think should have one of these warnings, but I forgot to add it, just shoot me a DM, or an ask, and 99% of the time, I will gladly add a warning tag.
Well done making it to the end! GOOooo GO DINO!
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kusuguricafe · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022
end of the year tag game by @otomiya-tickles!!
part 1: fandom faves
1. favorite new fandoms of the year: I got into bnha this year and, fair warning, it became quite the obsession so a lot of my answers are related to this 😅
2. favorite new ships since this year: bakudeku 🧡💚 they are everything to me
3. favorite anime/tv show of the year: bnha
4. favorite movie of the year: it didn't come out this year, but I watched heroes rising for the first time this year and it was really something
5. favorite character of the year: ohh, tbh I can't choose between bakugou, deku, kaminari, or wanderer (aka scara redemption arc)
6. favorite soundtrack of the year: the sumeru battle themes absolutely slap, so I suppose it would have to be the genshin impact - forest of jnana and vidya ost
7. favorite book/manga/comic of the year: I started sasaki and miyano and I'm enjoying it so far!
8. favorite game of the year: this is a really tough one, it's gotta be either genshin, splatoon 3, or everyone's FAVORITE video game, my hero one's justice 2 (my partner and I have been playing it together, uh, a normal amount)
9. highlight of this year to remember: the "laugh! as if you are in hell" ova changed my life 💕 I remember watching the hype build up in the community, and when it was finally released, we all went bonkers reblogging the same few laughter clips again and again xD (honorable mentions: scara banner and bakudeku cranking 90s)
part 2: community review
10. favorite tumblr moments of 2022: well, I started my blog this year, and the amount of support I've gotten from all of you in just one year is absolutely mind-blowing to me!
I do have to shoutout the art and fic I commissioned this year by @ticklishfanart and @intheticklecloset. I'd never commissioned anything before and boy howdy, I couldn't be happier with how they turned out 🥹💖
kagehina fanart by @ticklishfanart renga fanart by @ticklishfanart kamibakudeku fic by @intheticklecloset
and I can't forget my fic requests either!!
bakudeku request by @my-tickle-blog spicy bakudeku drabble request by @otomiya-tickles bakudeku christmas drabble by @otomiya-tickles and of course, my squealing santa gift by @something1987
11. favorite fan art of the year: besides the ones mentioned above, definitely this bnha tickle fight comic series, this kiribaku, and this deku and all might by @simplysmilingdrew!!
12. favorite fic of the year: besides the ones I mentioned in question 10, it would have to be this bakudeku fic by @intheticklecloset and this bakudeku fic by @ticklishscumbag
13. favorite ask game of the year: I never actually received any, but I loved hearing others' answers to this voice ask meme! especially @ticklishfanart struggling to say her own blog name xD
14. my top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: starting my blog, reaching 5,000+ hits on one of my bakudeku fics on ao3 (how????), and reaching 100+ followers here on tumblr!! thank you guys 💕
15. my own best fic/post of the year: I really like how my tickletober teasing bakudeku fic turned out ^^
16. my most underappreciated fic/post of the year: hmm, maybe this genshin windtrace fic?
17. a post of mine that got more popularity than expected: the same teasing bakudeku fic I mentioned in question 15!!
18. something I changed on my blog since this year: it coming into being *cue albedo voice*
part 3: next year
19. something I didn't post this year but would like to do next year: I don't know if any of you guys remember, but I was planning on doing a valentine's day event this year that I never got around to finishing because I took on wayy more than I could manage in the small timeframe I gave myself. so, I am hoping on actually completing it and posting it by valentine's day 2023!
20. goals for next year: I don't have any specific goals, but I definitely want to continue writing more fics ^^ and flesh out my hybrid bakudeku au
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most: I'm not sure when it's supposed to be released, but I am sooo excited for sk8 season 2!!!
part 4: spreading love
22. shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year:
@otomiya-tickles for this tag game, making me feel welcomed and appreciated, and for all the stellar content you provide 🙌 thank you queen, I don't know what this community would do without you
@intheticklecloset for their amazing writing and kindness they've shown me 💙
@ffeather-ficss, @ticklishscumbag, @veryblushyswitch, @happyandticklish, @volleeball-bo, @my-tickle-blog, @something1987, @impulsively-made-tickle-blog, @justmaybee, and @burningablaze for their amazing writing as well!!
@ticklishfanart, @skribblz, @chibimochii, @simplysmilingdrew, @vqler, @sleepysheepytea, and @dokidoki-muffin, for their incredible artwork
@wertzunge for their wonderful writing and premium anime tickle clips (idk how you manage to find and collect all of those, it's truly a feat to behold)
@lovelymessybubbly for her lovely art, positivity, and kind heart! 🥚💛
to everyone who has ever liked, reblogged, and especially left a comment on any of my posts or fics 💓 (to the people who keysmash and leave little comments in the tags, I see you, and you are very appreciated)
if you took the time to read this far, thank you so much 💖 I am so glad I finally gained the courage to make a blog this year. it's been so nice to be able to interact with the community, without only sending asks on anon. I am so grateful to everyone who has made me feel welcomed. here's to another year full of art, joy, and laughter! 🎉
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aeriscallanga · 5 months
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First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your unwavering support and love for my blog! I also highly appreciate your patience and understanding with my inconsistent posting and sudden hiatuses in the past few months. These things kept reminding me to continue creating and sharing content with all of you without pressure. It all means a lot to me ♡
Moreover, to celebrate my brief return, I'll be throwing not only just one but two parties here in my blog, a new year celebration and victory party from winning the choral competition with the theme of Ateez' Break the Wall concert, because I miss them so book your ticket, sing your heart out and have a great night! ♫
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Follower celebration starts on January 2nd until January 14th at 11:59 pm (GMT+8), join us and let's break our first wall in 2024! ♬
𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 & 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 || 𝗧𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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[Original Characters' Corner]: "Let's say hi first...dul set, 8 makes 1 team! Annyeonghaseyo eitijeu ibnida!"
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HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened Live Alive): Fill out this form and I'll make a Tumblr banner for your OC, though it may take weeks or months to finish it
New World: Tell me about your OC I'll try to sort them to another fandom or an AU they would also fit in. Take note: this may took a lot of time to generate, the more information, the better!
Pirate King: Here's your chance to talk with my OCs! click the link of my OC Masterlist, and all you need to do is to send their representative emoji(s) with your question. MTLs, headcanons, and general discourse are also welcome
FEVER Medley (Good Lil' Boy + The Leaders + To the Beat): Similar to Pirate King, but with a twist! Let's exchange "tea" of our OCs without mentioning their name(s). You can send juicy asks too, but again...no name dropping
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[Moots Only]: "Let's continue to make more beautiful memories together"
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Celebrate: I'll create a moodboard based on your big three (sun, moon, and ascendant) and venus sign. In case that you don't know what are they, refer to cafeastrology
Illusion: Send me your five most recently used AESTHETIC emojis [smileys are not included] and I will tell you which ATEEZ member + their song you give vibes of
Eternal Sunshine: Gimme your best meme/inside joke(s)/pun(s) and I'll share mine in return. Let's spread positivity here!
Turbulence: This milestone wouldn't be possible without my lovely mutuals! Feel free to ask a handwritten letter if you want to
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[For Other Followers and Anons]: "Thank you for everyone who worked hard on this concert and joined us today"
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BOUNCY (K-Hot Chili Peppers): Drop one simple word and I'll try my best to create a short poem about it
Sunrise: How are you feeling? Come to talk with me through submission ask, and I'll try my best to give you comfort or advice to cheer you up
Aurora: Tell me about yourself (don't forget your age and sexuality + preference) and I will ship you with someone from random fandom(s) on wheel of names, it'll be a surprise so buckle up!
The Real (흥 ver): You already know this one...the usual ask games, kiss marry kill, cym, top 5, and others you can think of
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This was ATEEZ today hana, dul, set...8 makes 1 team, gamsahamnida!"
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚⋆*・
𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝘁𝘀: || @foxesandmagic || @arrthurpendragon || @jemmalynette || @deliahscrush2003 || @carmens-garden || @megandaisy9 || @multifandomfix || @impales || @fiction-is-life || @the-second-tonks || @moonrainbowfish || @needsmth || @stingrayextraordinaire || @oceanblueeyesoul || @literaturewithliz || @diorgirl444 || @gayandfairycore || @ourbonesmccoy || @virginia-peters || @fuckitup-in-style || @mysticmeadows || @howlruto || @moonlight-yuyu || @ppoppokari || @x0x0josephinex0x0 || @ihavenothingtodo10220 || @disneymbti ||
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msommers · 2 years
tagged by: @gendameron, thank you!! xoxo tagging (just for fun, no obligations): @aceofwonders @darlingicarus @cityandking @solasan @derelict-heirs @carminasolis @ice-knife @sparksfromthefire @regina-cordium & anyone else who would like to give it a go!
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What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
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the empress.
You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
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A cheery woman’s voice chimes from above. "Game over! Please restart and try again." The old woman holds a baby in her arms and makes to pass it to you. Will you take it?
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alatuslvr · 2 years
Genshin event
Character - Xiao/reader, traveler[aether or Lumine], Paimon, madame ping.
Note - Since you all like my prev writing, this one is for valentine,I'm late but whatvr. May make on for albudi. Also, heads up, this might me long. I have another draft that have been sitting long enough in here, dedicated to scaramouce, and I don't think it will be out as soon as possible knowing that I'm lazy af
Tags - not proof-read, playable reader au, gn reader!, a completely made up event just to fed up my satisfaction lol, mentioned war, self sacrifices, dead bodies, blood, dying, basically archon wars spoilers
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Genshin event: may light bring us back. [Lantern rite]
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Starting off with a secret event that HoYoverse set up, if players want to get to the event banner, they have to meet certain someone to unlock the event. It also trigger character banner to unlock- featuring you. Reader. As the new 5*. In this case, the reader is electro and polearm user [and is using signature weapon when in burst mode, which is a scythe.]
Act Ⅰ
Quest starting with a rumors going around Liyue that caught Paimon attention, she suggested to dig further more information in this topic about an adepti that grants insanely amount of luck. At first, traveler was decline the idea, but their companion insisted on it.
And thus, traveler was forced to agree and made a snarky comment about how greedy Paimon is! This moment set a meme on the community, the second one after emergency food. Traveler and their companion went to search for this adeptus, and ask madame ping about it. She was... Surprised, and look sad, confused at the same time!
Madame ping told them about the adepti.
The cutscenes was beautiful, the soundtrack and everything. Madame ping said: "they were once the assistant of the lord of geo archon, helping him on growing a civilization. Managing everyone needs, helping everyone with anything they could." In this part of the cutscenes, showing the reader handling all the paperwork, helping the locals, and checking everything, building through building.
The narration goes on. "The ancient assistant consider the weakest of lack energy when it comes to battle, this lead to many conflict between them, and the vigilant yaksha." Cutscenes continue with showing the ancient assistant alone, being away from other adepti's.
"when the archons war happens, the war it's almost ended, the yaksha's couldn't handle more karmatic debt, leading them dying on the battle, leaving the vigilant yaksha completely alone in the battle field. The lord of geo was about to win the battle, but the lack of soldiers, and the yaksha's dying, at that point, they were about to lose the battle.
And thus, the ancient assistant sacrifices themselves to end the war by using all the energy that they've been saving from the starts." The assistant in the middle of battle field, with many enemy serounding them, the vigilant yaksha can only watch from distance afar and extend his right hand, look like screaming for their name in horror.
The final cutscenes was the vigilant yaksha holding the ancient assistant in his arms, serounded by pool of dead bodies and blood of allies and enemy, "theirs and others sacrifices will be remembered by everyone of Liyue." Ended with black teal streaks haired yaksha pulling [h/c] with purple streaks assistant closer and the view goes up into the golden red sky.
Back to madame ping, traveler, and Paimon.
"that just made Paimon feel guilty..." Paimon said with sad voice, "but, Paimon doesn't get it why this will lead us to the adepti.. plus! It doesn't sound so connect to the rumors." "This story will lead you to them, though... I don't know if.. *sigh* nevermind mind that, you both should seek for the vigilant yaksha in wangshu inn."
"of all the people mention in the story, Xiao is the one we are going to? How about Zhongli?" Paimon crossed her arms, "you didn't really pay attention, aren't you?" Traveler said with half eyes lid open and frown. "W-what? I'm toottallly pay attention!" Traveler just keep staring Paimon, madame ping laugh, "one must go continue their adventure, one is expecting for your arrival. Go now, I'm sure he expected to see you two."
Traveler and Paimon goes to wangshu inn with a plate of almond tofu in hands, hoping to summon the vigilant yaksha in the balcony. Turns out he was already there, with his arms crossed, looking into the distance, "hey there almighty Xiao!" "Hello Xiao."
"... What schemes you're plotting.." he sigh, "nevermind. Speak. what businesses make you go to seek for my presence."
Traveler told Xiao everything
He look distrub, "This is none of your business. I suggest you to stop and never look for this so called 'adeptus'." "But-" Paimon try to convince him but Xiao already teleport somewhere else. "Ugh!! we should've looking for Zhongli and not him!" She pouted and sigh, "should we go to Zhongli Or..?" "Maybe we should give up..."
"what! Come on, don't be a such party-pooper! We should get the luck blessings from them and searching for a clue where your sibling are will be easy!" Trying to convince traveler. Traveler just sigh and pinch the bridge of the nose, "let's go!" Paimon drag traveler with her to the Forest.
Act Ⅱ
"are you sure this is the right place? It looked like a normal forest, but with more flowers." Traveler comments on the progress of founding the assistant adeptus, "oh shush you! Of course it look normal! If it look some kind of magical forest, it would give it all away! Now let's not get distracted and keep searching!" Paimon look around, "I'll go to the right, you can go to the middle or the left one!"
And she left traveler alone, the traveler decided to choose right, as [he/she] removing branches and bushes away to grain access better to walk, traveler find an odd spot. It was a bald spot of the forest, a small hill with a lonely tree on top, many flowers were grown, but doesn't look like a wild one. Someone have been planting them.
Traveler got carried away by the beautiful scenery infront of [him/her], and immediately shocked after seeing a person laying on the ground! The person was peacefully asleep, it almost like they were dead.
The person has [h/l] [h/c] hairs with purple streaks, wearing a tight white top with no shoulder, a black armor inside the white top with a golden like that separate the two. Two purple long sleeve with white cloud design with a strings to hold it in place, the right strings have an electro vision holder on top.
Wearing a lossen white pants with two purple and cloud design side clothes, a belt that secured in place, a purple like demon mask, a single geo crystal flies core as a hair ornament. A dark purple diamond star marking under left eye, and a red eyeliners.
"excuse me...?" Traveler blurred out without thinking, the [h/c] suddenly twitched their fingers making traveler jump, "hello..! Are you alright?" The [h/c] let out a groan, and let their eyes open half, "where..." The person whispered, "you're in Liyue, more specificly, in jueyun karst forest." "Liyue..."
The [h/c] eyes immediately open wide and got up looking around, "it's over...?" The person relaxed once again, their eyes is almost dull [e/c], with a star diamond shaped pupils. "Are you..." "Traveler!! Where are youuu??" Paimon yelled from a distance, [he/she] sigh, "I'm right here!" The pixie immediately goes to the sources of sound, "oh? You already found the person!" She grins.
"huh?" "Wait, you already forgot?" Traveler look away with a small pink dust on [his/her] cheeks, "a-anyway..! Paimon, how can you sure this is the right person?" "Use your eyes dummy! The purple streaks hairs give it all away!" "I suppose you're right..."
The [h/c] frowned, "I'm going to guess that you two are here for luck blessings, yes?" Paimon nodded, "I apologies, I don't do that anymore. Not after that happens to everyone." The [h/c] said with sad eyes, "w-what?!" "I... Need time, if that's okay?"
Paimon sigh, "I guess we can wait.." "thank you, your patience is highly appreciated." They smiled, "hey! We should introduce ourselves! This is [username] and Paimon is Paimon! Traveler bestest—" "–emergency food." "Hey! I thought we're already done with that joke!" "Who said it was a joke?" Paimon screamed.
The adepti laugh, "it must be great to have someone to company you. My name is [y/n], or Yún as in Morax assistant." "Nice to meet you [y/n]!" They nodded, "we should go to Liyue harbor and stop at wanmin restaurant! Paimon is hungry..."
[Y/n] got up and follow the two "Say. You two seem to know more about Liyue. By any chance... Do you know an adepti named cloud retainer?" [Y/n] said while holding their chin "Oh her! Yeah we know her!" Paimon put her hands on her hips "Do you think you can give me the directions to her? I need to tell her someone..." Paimon look at traveler with troubled looks, "uhh, I guess so? But Paimon is hungry!" "In that case, I can cook you something!" [Y/n] placed their [dominated hand] infront of their chest.
"free food?! Yes please!" "That was fast..." Traveler sweatdropped, "sorry about Paimon." "It's fine! I can't really handle to see someone is hungry." [Y/n] look at traveler smiling, "we should find a hilicurls camp and use their pot!"
[player have to defeat a hillicurls, and find ingredients to cook.]
"phew! All done! now we should start a fire and cook!" Paimon said with glee, [y/n] laugh, "I will do the cooking, you two can rest while waiting for the food to cook."
After [y/n] finished cooking
"hmm ... We should get to know each other while eating, how does that sound traveler?" Traveler nodded, "great! Tell me more about yourself, like what the reason you started go out on an adventure if that's alright with you." "..." Traveler look down on [his/her] food.
"oh, I see." [Y/n] immediately pick up the situation, "you don't have to tell me, it's written on your face. Well then, I suppose we should drop this topic and moving on." [Y/n] softly said, "this food is amazing! You should join us on our adventures [y/n]!" They chuckled and smile, "thank you, Paimon. We should head to cloud retainer abode after this, let's go." Paimon and traveler nodded.
[notice: main event still unlock, the player must complete the third act of the event.]
[player receive 200 primogems, 30 hero wit, 20.000 exp after completing two act]
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Note - I will be splitting this genshin event into two parts, if I finish everything in one go, it would be too long for you to read :') anyway, thank you for reading!
Part two > [still on progress]
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