#ch: elide harker
msommers · 1 year
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hopping onto the fun barbie oc poster bandwagon
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msommers · 2 years
what kind of art would someone make about you?
tagged by: @denerims xoxoxo ty tagging: @aceofwonders @snapdragonling @carminasolis @solasan​ @cityandking @regina-cordium​ @gendameron​
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you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
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you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
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you are wild and there’s no way for your essence to be captured in a frozen format. you are a character and the only way to describe you is to capture you in motion. you are electric. people are naturally drawn to you because you exude confidence. everything you do, you seem to know what your next step is. you are the muse to many, even if you don't know it, but deep down you do. people tend to fall in love with the idea of which i'm sure can be exhausting.
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msommers · 1 year
what is your fantasy love language?
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revenge quest
for years, they've been training for this. this is it. the final quest. they're finally ready to take back what is theirs and fulfill all their vows. they're ready for revenge. and you? you're just there to support them. what's their pain is your pain, what's their quest is your quest.
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bandaging wounds
the sun sets on the battlefield, and in the dying light of your makeshift camp, you tenderly wrap a bandage around their latest gaping wound. flushed, they wince, but smile at you in gratitude as they magic away your slashes and scrapes. it stings a little, but you don't mind.
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pouring through spell books
it is late. the library is empty. it's just you and them, surrounded by spell components and ancient dog-eared books. together you brush the dust off of ancient runes and smile, aware of the bags under your eyes, knowing you wouldn't rather do this with anyone else.
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msommers · 1 year
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moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
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girl best friends (this will not end well)
this is almost akin to cannibalism. something toxic and hateful exists in the way you hold yourself. you tout self-love, but is it actually that? or is it punishment? like the way two young girls who have no one else love and know each other, there's something deeply poisonous about how you handle your own feelings and self-worth. you are eating yourself alive trying to appease. please, by all means. start going apeshit on anyone mean to you.
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god-hungry scientist and their abominable child
you stitched something together inside of yourself and gave it life with light from the sky and now it won't die it and you can't kill it because part of you loves it and you're not quite right in the head or the person you used to be but at the end of the day it's simply a beast of sadness. you crave the mercy you didn't get from your creators and so i'm telling you please forgive yourself. please hold the monster by the hand.
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msommers · 2 years
tagged by: @carminasolis thank youuu!! 😘😘 tagging (just for fun, no obligations): @aceofwonders @snapdragonling @cityandking @solasan @sparksfromthefire & anyone who sees this!
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SEASONING: anything spicy because that's her favorite type of food to eat
WEATHER: sunshine and cool breezes // stormy and looming doom kinda vibes
COLOUR: shades of browns, greens and reds (usually darker)
SKY: a bright sunny sky // dark sky and clouds, deep rolling thunder to warn of an oncoming heavy storm
MAGICAL POWER: superhuman intellect/agility, telepathy (mostly mind reading)
HOUSE PLANT: i don't know the name but those hanging ones with all the leaves flowing over, simply bc she'd have at least 3 in any home of hers she thinks they're pretty
WEAPON: a good rifle always does the trick bc of her dnd tinkering, other than that usually swords or improvised weapons in a moment of desperation
SUBJECT: history, sciences
SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram, youtube
MAKEUP PRODUCT: mascara, nude lip gloss
CANDY: lollipops for the innuendo, heart shaped box of chocolates for genuine vibes
FEAR: not being able to protect/save the ones that she loves, being so far off the deep end that she's considered irredeemable
ICE CUBE SHAPE: those big chonky orb ones that are used in whiskey glasses
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: passenger seat while her travel partner drives lmao
ART STYLE: realism, romanticism
PIECE OF STATIONERY: literally all of it bc she's a freak but also. a really fancy ass bound planner probs
CELESTIAL BODY: no idea tbh. mercury if only bc of the whole Virgo Life, earth bc it’s the element she’s associated with
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msommers · 2 years
i have the horror genre brainrot and have been playing dead by daylight nonstop lately, so here’s a bunch of fun concepts for a few ocs as survivors. for elide and maeve i like to imagine they were plucked from their fantasy worlds~ just because it brings to mind some funny imagery while putting them next to regular ass modern folk. (tagging @carminasolis bc of the recent ask you sent! here are half of the requested thoughts 😂)
perk #1 — perpetual calculations. you always think multiple steps ahead, preparing for success and failure alike. for each successful great skill check you gain a token, storing a total of 3/4/5 per trial. when you fail a skill check you expend one of your tokens, granting you the chance to immediately attempt the skill check once more with a 15%/20%/25% better chance at success. only one token can be expended per failed skill check. 
perk #2 — trick shot. you've scrounged for materials over the course of your last few trials, giving you enough to craft a single shot for the arbiter (the scattergun elide invented in andaria). once per trial you can activate the second ability button while standing still, pulling out the arbiter and taking aim. you can shoot at a range of up to 8/12/16 meters, stunning the killer for 4 seconds if you successfully hit them. 
perk #3 — rapid repair. you know how to quickly fix damaged machinery. you can see the auras of incomplete generators within a 8/16/24meter range. you gain a 8%/10%/12% bonus to repair speed while repairing generators below 60% progress.
outfits — would probably be her outfits from this art line-up! syllerian would be the default, casual a rare and orothelli the very rare. another very rare could be one of her modern outfits. a deep green teddy bodysuit under a pair of tight-fitting black jeans and a red cardigan. half-up crown braid styled hair.
perk #1 — damsel in distress. physical fights aren't your strong suit, but you have faith that your friends will always come to your aid. other survivors gain 10%/15%/20% speed while healing and rescuing you from a hook. when a survivor takes a protection hit for you while you're being chased, you both gain a 7% haste status effect for 4/5/6 seconds.
perk #2 — historical accounts. from the grim journals of maeve sommers, you recognize the details of your next trial’s setting. at the start of the trial, auras of generators, chests, hooks and totems are revealed to all survivors for 8/10/12 seconds within a 32 meter range.
perk #3 — the bard's muse. there's nothing wrong with a bit of idolization every once in a while. at the start of the trial, one other survivor is chosen at random to be your muse. the aura of your muse is revealed to you when you are within 8/16/24 meters of them. while your muse’s aura is revealed to you, they gain 8%/10%/12% action speed while repairing generators, unhooking survivors and healing.
default outfit — her outfit in the art here! prolly with pink and blue recolor options uwu
rare outfit — prolly a cute and more casual outfit, something she’d be found wearing at her estate. a dark purple long-sleeved top with ruffles around the edges and a floor-length black ruffled skirt to match, then a corset over the top which has flowers embroidered on it purely for the aesthetic bc who needs function. honestly could look good in a roughed up state.
very rare outfit — mayhaps just a modern maeve outfit bc why not. hair in half-up space buns. a lace heavy shirt worn underneath a flower patterned elbow length button-up, both tucked into a pair of light jeans. bi pride patch stitched onto one of the back pockets and wearing a bunch of jewelry plus pink heart-shaped glasses.
perk #1 — seeker’s study. your deductive and perceptive skills can aid your allies. perks that allow you to reveal the aura of the killer last 3/4/6 seconds longer. whenever you reveal the killer’s aura, other survivors within range can also see their aura.  
perk #2 — rogue’s evasion. outrunning dangers seems to be a family inherited trait. gain a token for each successful pallet stun and rushed vault while being chased, up to a maximum of 3/5/7 tokens. for each token you gain a 1% haste effect while being chased by the killer. being put into the dying state or being hooked removes all tokens.
perk #3 — cosmic resistance. you are less afraid of the eldritch and arcane after accepting the harsh truths of the universe. killer perks effects that affect you within their terror radius are reduced by 8%/12%/18%. you recover from status and passive effects 4%/7%/10% faster and reduce the remaining duration of exhaustion by 6/8/10 seconds when you escape a chase.
default outfit — a denim jacket worn over a stripe patterned t-shirt, accompanied by dark blue jean leggings and a messenger bag slung across her shoulder. variants change the pattern of her shirt and shade of her jacket/pants. loose hair.
rare skin — a knee-length brown, wool double-breasted trench coat worn over a green sweater and light blue pair of jeans. her hair is up in a messy bun.
very rare skin — mandy thompson morph (like the stranger things/resident evil specials). she wears a yellow tweed jacket over top a dark brown shirt with a belt around her middle, with a below-the-knee box-pleated red skirt and plain dark knee stockings underneath. her glasses and pearl necklace are pristine baybee.
map — velma’s diner in arkham city, though from way back when in the 1930s~ when eldritch cult activity was at its peak in the city and investigators needed a space to relax and grab some food. and then, y’know, make it extremely fucked up. kind of as if the old cult had succeeded in summoning a great one and the city got screwed as a result, the entity pulled that universe’s version of it. the main building is the diner which has broken windows, doors and walls opened as vaults. the inside has a load of retro decorations and electronics, and in some places amidst all the random clutter there can be seen notes and gear of investigators that were still working to fight the good fight. the long countertop and rearranged barricades made out of the tables/booths are your classic loops. the outside is the parking lot and a small bit of the forest behind the diner, a killer’s shack replacing what was probably a utility shack of some kind just a small bit off to the side of the diner, and a road that you can cross. the other side has a handful of storefronts with signs so dilapidated that you can’t make out what they once were, but who cares bc there’s probably some generator spawns there.
killer — leader of the cult of atlach-nacha, aka the cult spencer was working against in her home realm. a humanoid man that has started to morph from his time spent devoted to and communicating with eldritch beings, able to call upon their powers for his machinations. probably that classic of having one tentacle-eqsue growth on one arm that has overtaken half the chest, making him a bit lopsided in stature but incredibly strong with that arm. not too sure about his ability. could be a case of calling on the power of the eldritch “deity” he worships to summon a tangible circle of the cosmos in a certain radius, triggering a countdown that leads to the survivors being confronted with the absolute horrors of reality and becoming afflicted by manifestations of that deity which could slow/injure them. ways to rid themselves of the effects could perhaps be reading one of mandy’s journals that are scattered throughout the map because her sensible, clinical ass notes can clear the mind lmao. i DO know that it’d be dope to have a perk  about conflicting loyalties, where he can displease his eldritch deity by instead working with the entity to alter smth in the trial. i don’t know what but it sounds cool from a character perspective.
i don’t know exactly Why it would have happened, but i know the When of spencer and the cult leader being brought into the entity’s realm would have been right in the middle of spencer and her friends attempting to disrupt the cult’s big ritual. two of the biggest players on that board being yoinked would have been really sucky so who knows what happened after that (i mean, i do. in this fake scenario her friends would have 100% won because she has really skilled allies lol)
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msommers · 2 years
30, 31, & 51 for elide, emma, and riya
uwu thank uuu 💜 // questions for ttrpg characters
30. how do they handle confrontation?
ELIDE — depends on the type. if it's in a combat or aggressive type of confrontation, then she'll quickly be ready to take it head on because she's confident in those areas. but tbh when it comes to more emotional or heavy topics, she needs a little bit to organize her thoughts and prepare a whole speech or even just a bullet point list of what she feels is necessary to cover in the conversation.
EMMA — she doesn't like it bc that means negative vibes :// she's gonna let aeca handle all the confrontation, thank you <3 (in actuality, it fully depends on the scenario. for issues in friendships and relationships and whatnot she's perfectly comfortable going up to someone and bringing up what she needs to talk about, but she's strongly adverse to aggressive confrontation.)
RIYA — she's got zero problems with it on any level lmao if someone comes to her then she’s probably a bit bitchy about it, she’s full of sass and the urge to taunt so you gotta be ready for that or you’ll lose your mind during the encounter. when she initiates a confrontation it’s bold and with full conviction, she’s the type to show up out of nowhere and crash your nice breakfast date with the “heard you were talking shit, boy” type of engagement (much to the mild disappointment of her mother, who would rather Not have her daughter publicly causing a fuss over such petty matters).
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism?
ELIDE — she's got a full on praise kink the little weirdo. i mean, it's not that weird but i like to bully her. she received a lot of praise growing up from both her parents, and especially her papa once she started taking clockmaking lessons from him because he was So proud of her and excited to share this part of his life with her. she doesn't need it to keep up her confidence, but she does in fact love and get a nice warm fuzzy feeling out of getting praise. she doesn't really Like criticism, but she's more open to it in certain areas. will take the words to heart and put consideration into them if she believes they're valid, but will outright start a debate if she thinks someone's off base.
EMMA — will go full 🥰🥰 mode when receiving praise, she's a fan. kinda had a long phase of actively seeking praise from her parents and other guiding figures because she painted herself into That corner, which twisted the actual gratification of receiving it because it wouldn't last nearly long enough before she was seeking the next kind words, the poor girl. honestly feels a bit taken aback if someone gives her criticism?? she's an annoying little prodigy that's good at whatever she takes up, she's simply not accustomed to being told she's doing something wrong or needs to take a new direction with things, etc etc. she'll certainly listen to the criticism, work on it and probably engage with whoever gave it to her to further understand with a smile on her face.
RIYA — WAS RAISED ON PRAISE. LIVES AND BREATHES IT. cannot stress enough how into praise she is, it fuels her on the day to day. she's been incredibly lucky to be surrounded by people so happy to compliment and praise her on the reg tbh, tragic she's leaving that behind it's her life's blood. she's uh. predictably not the greatest with criticism. it's a wound to her ego, sometimes feels like a slap to the face and something she doesn't know how to handle very well seeing as she receives it so rarely.
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
ELIDE — i was always fond of how her intelligence was woven in. specifically how her various skills and ridiculously vast areas of knowledge were a result of her constantly reading and learning about whatever she could as a way to cope with the feeling of being stuck on the island, when her poor destined adventurer ass wanted to get the heck outta there. and also somewhat along the same vein, the idea that the flavor of her luck points were her using that sexy brain of hers to predict what was gonna go down and adjust herself in the moment to make it work.
EMMA — i will always find it deeply funny that she is so annoyingly sweet, gifted, forgiving, etcetc while her brother seethes about it in the background. yeah yeah, they work on it during their time at the academy but i’m here for the comedy of emma using druidcraft at the dinner table to make a vase of flowers blossom for mama merigold and the camera cutting to merrill looking like he’s about to knock himself out with how hard he just rolled his eyes at the display of magic.
RIYA — this is kind of a weird answer but i’m proud of like,,,how i had a concept and stuck to it, not because that’s usually hard but because the idea of valeriya is so different in a lot of aspects than most of my characters, especially for a PC and not just a clown i ramble about. a spoiled brat with negative wisdom that doesn’t think before she acts and doesn’t put a lot of effort into trying to understand others’ experiences and her levels of arrogance etc etc, it’s pretty far removed from my Comfort Zone and i’m proud that i stuck to it. i didn’t try to shift her a little as i went, didn’t change anything to fit my usual go-tos and tabby tropes, i fully laid out her initial energy and concept and followed through with it through all of her development. she’s not the usual tabby character and that’s what i’m the happiest with
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msommers · 1 year
ocs as deities
tagged by: @denerims​ thank youuuu xoxo tagging: consider yourself tagged if you see this 😘
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beauty and relationships
you are a very prideful deity. you know your worth, you know your power, and you know your beauty. people come to you for love and confidence. you may seem calm but when your worth or beauty is in question wrath fills you. it's common to see those who question you on those matters face a life of loneliness.
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agriculture and the home
generous and nurturing, you represent and protect the home and family. those who pray to you are often blessed with calm and happy lives and a bountiful harvest. celebrations and festivals are held every fall in your honor and a candle burns for you through the winter, hoping no one goes hungry during the harsher months.
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flora and fauna
you’re friendly and a benevolent force to those who respect you and your domain, but a true force to be reckoned with to those who disrespect or threaten the balance of the natural world. the forest is nothing to fear for those who take care of it, but it isn’t uncommon for people to go missing with only their faces outlined in the bark on a tree.
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balance and revenge
another seemingly intimidating figure. some only know you for revenge and fear you. however, you’re fair and provide justice and balance to your worshippers. you are regarded as the judge, jury, and executioner and no one can escape.
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msommers · 2 years
ocs + words of love.
applicable / situational / nah
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lips  pressed  to  skin  |  late  night  streetlights  |  car  rides  under  star  skies  |  rosy  cheeks  |  strawberry  lipstick  |  trading  jackets  |  hands  on  cheeks  |  tenderness  |  fingers  combing  through  hair  |  watching  the  sunset  |  singing  to  the  car  radio  |  pining  |  trading  lipstick  with  kisses  |  blooming  feelings  of  joy  |  teenage  years  |  hearts  |  pinkie  promises  |  dances  under  dim  lights  |  cuddles  through  long  movies  |  arm  stretched  across  cinema  seating  |  fingers  laced  together  |  hypnotised  by  bright  eyes  |  ring  pop  proposals  |  guitars  in  bedrooms  |  guiding  thumbs  over  gaming  controllers  |  sand  between  toes  on  beach  dates  |  the  smell  of  the  ocean  |  laughter  over  a  bad  joke  |  noses  meeting  mid-kiss  |  eyes  squeezed  tight  as  lips  meet  |  listening  to  taylor  swift  |  sharing  different  flavoured  slushies
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lips  pressed  to  skin  |  late  night  streetlights  |  car rides  under  star  skies  |  rosy  cheeks  |  strawberry  lipstick  | trading  jackets  |  hands  on  cheeks  |  tenderness  |  fingers combing  through  hair  |  watching  the  sunset  |  singing  to  the car  radio  |  pining  |  trading  lipstick  with  kisses  |  blooming feelings  of  joy  |  teenage  years  |  hearts  |  pinkie  promises  |  dances  under  dim  lights  |  cuddles  through  long  movies  |  arm stretched  across  cinema  seating  |  fingers  laced  together  | hypnotised  by  bright  eyes  |  ring  pop  proposals  |  guitars  in bedrooms  |  guiding  thumbs  over  gaming  controllers  |  sand between  toes  on  beach  dates  |  the  smell  of  the  ocean  | laughter  over  a  bad  joke  |  noses  meeting  mid-kiss  |  eyes squeezed  tight  as  lips  meet  |  listening  to  taylor  swift  | sharing  different  flavoured  slushies
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lips  pressed  to  skin  |  late  night  streetlights  |  car rides  under  star  skies  |  rosy  cheeks  |  strawberry  lipstick  | trading  jackets  |  hands  on  cheeks  |  tenderness  |  fingers combing  through  hair  |  watching  the  sunset  |  singing  to  the car  radio  |  pining  |  trading  lipstick  with  kisses  |  blooming feelings  of  joy  |  teenage  years  |  hearts  |  pinkie  promises  |  dances  under  dim  lights  |  cuddles  through  long  movies  |  arm stretched  across  cinema  seating  |  fingers  laced  together  | hypnotised  by  bright  eyes  |  ring  pop  proposals  |  guitars  in bedrooms  |  guiding  thumbs  over  gaming  controllers  |  sand between  toes  on  beach  dates  |  the  smell  of  the  ocean  | laughter  over  a  bad  joke  |  noses  meeting  mid-kiss  |  eyes squeezed  tight  as  lips  meet  |  listening  to  taylor  swift  | sharing  different  flavoured  slushie
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msommers · 2 years
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the full read.
whoever pisses you off is in for a rant that exposes every single one of their deepest insecurities and issues. your rage gives you the clarity to hunt for weak spots in a person's mind. your brain works fast, firing off insults at a rapid-fire pace that terrifies everyone within a ten mile radius. this is usually followed by buckets of guilt.
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men, raise the drawbridge.
when you're angry, all your defenses go up. the unfortunate person or thing that managed to piss you off is suddenly talking to a wall. On the inside, you're screaming and crying and cussing them out, but somehow you can't express it. you're blank. emotionless. to anyone's knowledge, you could be zoning out of a lecture. because of this, it's hard to express how you're feeling when the person asks for your thoughts. you've choked your feelings down, and they won't come back up.
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open the floodgates.
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
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msommers · 2 years
tagged by: @gendameron, thank you!! xoxo tagging (just for fun, no obligations): @aceofwonders @darlingicarus @cityandking @solasan @derelict-heirs @carminasolis @ice-knife @sparksfromthefire @regina-cordium & anyone else who would like to give it a go!
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What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
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the empress.
You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
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A cheery woman’s voice chimes from above. "Game over! Please restart and try again." The old woman holds a baby in her arms and makes to pass it to you. Will you take it?
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msommers · 2 years
low effort silly stuff just because i need the distractions 🥰
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PISCES — empathetic often to a point of no return, plays the victim, doesn’t know when to say no, cynical, hermit, is very impatient, trusts everyone too much, can be secretly very critical and judgmental, can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction, needs a lot of validation.
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CANCER — the literal meaning of I’ll give you the shirt off my back, isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them, wants to change but is scared of change, complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.
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VIRGO — can dish it but can’t take it, rushes everything, anxious, plans their future but forgets to live in the moment, sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind, talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.
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CANCER — the literal meaning of I’ll give you the shirt off my back, isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them, wants to change but is scared of change, complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.
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VIRGO — can dish it but can’t take it, rushes everything, anxious, plans their future but forgets to live in the moment, sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind, talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.
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ARIES — tries to do everything at once, doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves, bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty, has entirely too much on their plate.
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CAPRICORN — scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7, takes a LOT for them to talk about their feelings, secretly struggling, fake happy, needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is, confident but insecure at the same time, wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally.
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LEO — no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one, is actually really sad inside, honestly needs a hug, exhausted always.
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msommers · 2 years
i’m a slut for motw and my gals so here’s some concepts about what their playbooks may look like if they were in a verse of it.
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custom weird move: past lives. 
mundane moves: always the victim, the power of heart, trust me.
mundane weapons: pocketknife, small handgun.
means of transport: fairly new car in decent condition. 
                                . . . . .
monster breed: vampire.
curse: feed.
natural attacks: life-drain and teeth.
monstrous moves: immortal, preternatural speed, mental domination.
                             . . . . .
improvement — mundane playbook: panic button.
improvement — pararomantic playbook: monster empathy.
improvement — pararomantic playbook: the power of love.
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combat magic — base: blast.
combat magic — effects: frost and earth.
tools and techniques: consumables, foci, gestures.
spell-slinger moves: not my fault, practitioner, shield spell.
gear: heirloom sword (2-harm hand messy)
                               . . . . .
monster breed: shapeshifter.
curse: vulnerability (silver).
natural attacks: teeth and claws.
monstrous moves: unholy strength, preternatural speed, shapeshifter.
gear: sword (2-harm hand messy)
                              . . . . .
improvement — monstrous playbook: shapeshifter.
improvement — pararomantic playbook: monster empathy.
improvement — expert playbook: i’ve read about this sort of thing.
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custom weird move: trust your gut.
gumshoe code: evil must be exposed, no matter the cost.
gumshoe moves: occult confidential, the naked city, "just one more thing".
recording device: digital sound recorder.
p.i. weapon: the mediator (3-harm close loud custom)
                                 . . . . .
chosen moves: destiny's plaything, i'm here for a reason, dutiful.
chosen special weapon: the mediator (literally just her gun bro it’s cool she deserves to have it in this au just like canon i’m sticking to it)
chosen fate — how you found out: an ancient cult found you.
chosen fate — tags: (heroic) you are the champion, divine help, (doom) you can't save everyone, the end of days.
                             . . . . .
improvement — expert playbook: often right.
improvement — expert playbook: it wasn't as bad as it looked.
improvement — expert playbook: the woman (or man) with the plan.
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divine moves: angel wings, soothe, lay on hands.
gear: flaming sword (3-harm hand fire holy)
mission: you are here to fight the schemes of an adversary.
                             . . . . .
improvement — divine playbook: cast out evil.
improvement — monstrous playbook: flight.
improvement — chosen playbook: dutiful.
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msommers · 2 years
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maeve (the witcher) // elena (dnd) elide (various) // spencer (arkham horror)
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msommers · 2 years
👾 x3 for three songs you wanna talk about!
thank you!! used a randomizer for the kiddos because i couldn’t choose // send 👾 for a random song off an oc playlist & an explanation!
— idle worship by paramore for ELENA. 
If I was you, I'd run from me or rip me open You'll see you're not the only one who's hopeless Be sure to put your faith in something more I'm just a girl and you're not as alone as you feel
Oh, it's such a long and awful lonely fall Down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on What if I fall on my face? What if I make a mistake? If it's okay a little grace would be appreciated
Oh, no, I ain't your hero (eh, eh, eh) You're wasting all your faith on me Oh, no, I know where this goes (eh, eh, eh) Think it's safe to say your savior doesn't look a thing like me
i’m pretty sure that i let out a pterodactyl screech when i first found this song because it’s such a Golden Tier bop for elena’s feelings on how she’s perceived as The Sunblessed child of pelor. she’s shy and lacking in direction and her previously unconditional faith is starting to shake just a little bit, add on the stress that comes from her interacting with people daily who still adore her for what her birth brought to the city and how she’s pretty sure many folk picture her as some shining hero who’s always at a 100% and ready to deliver inspiring speeches and it’s like hahahah that’s not me i’m so sorry you believe this it’s wrong but i’m gonna try my best to get to where you think i am and- yeah. somebody give her a hug and a kiss.
— the hate inside by tommee profitt for ELIDE.
The hate inside Will eat you alive You better not You better not Try to keep it You better not Better not Try to keep The hate inside
This fury’s burning Inside your chest It steals the air out from your breath
unfortunately for her, something that was discovered about elide during her campaign and through various aus was the fact that she struggles with things such as rage and grudges. she’s stubborn and proud, a genius who prides herself on being able to read and help people, if somebody subverts her expectations by betraying her, her perception of them forever changes even if from an outside perspective their actions might be understandable. this also applies to the,,,,honestly, the burning hatred she develops for her enemies. she’s so determined to do good and save people that her goals of ridding evil from the world start to consume her, if nobody is there to keep her in check then she might just be completely lost to her sense of justice (and tbh sometimes revenge).
— wolf at your door by chloe x halle for MEREDITH.
All creeps softly in the snow Light and tears along a path ('Long a path) A knife between her teeth, she roams For she is now a stranger
Chasin’ a fairy tale (Fairy tale), chasin' a lie (Lie) But everything changes (Changes) and everything dies (Dies) You preyed on my innocence (Innocence), tried to bury my name (Name) But now there's ice in my veins, oh
There’s a wolf at your door There's a hound at your heels There's a snake in your bed Tell me, how does it feel?
arl howe die challenge!!!! this is one of Thee best songs for covering most of the bases that make up meredith. it first has a nod to her start as a bright and eager lady of highever ready to step up and begin her work in politics and nobility, then to her as a heartbroken girl grieving the loss of her family and people as she’s set along a path she never asked to venture, and then to that place she reaches of being filled with a thirst for revenge and the blessing that is being given the perfect opportunity to enact it after delivering threats. it’s missing her development afterwards but that doesn’t matter much, as this drive for seeking vengeance for what occurred back in castle cousland and over the months that howe was allowed to do as he pleased are a Giant part of meredith’s character and story. 
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msommers · 2 years
3, 25, 38, 41 for elena and elide
thanks nancy 🥰 // dnd character ask meme
is your character more articulate in their thoughts than their words? if yes, do they do anything about that? do they care?
ELENA — yes, though i don’t think she cares about it constantly. she might get a bit self-conscious about it after certain conversations leave a bad taste in her mouth, but overall she knows what she’s about. she’s relatively shy and sometimes tries to plan out what she wants to say to others, but most of the time it doesn’t come out right and she starts fumbling a bit along the way. 
ELIDE — nah, she's about the same. if anything there are times when her thoughts start going so quick or so scattered that they're absolute Nonsense up there, but she still manages to turn them into strings of intelligible sentences because she's just like that. you know those types who can just whip out speeches out of nowhere and sound like a movie script?? that's her on her best days.  
do they keep books on their person? what kind?
ELENA — i remember saying that she would be into journaling in modern aus, so i imagine she also has one on her person in dnd world too for times that she feels like taking down her thoughts. outside of that maybe?? on the rare occasion she would have a novel on her if it’s really gripped her interest, but i think she’d be someone who likes to leave reading to relaxing in her bedroom or the granger home parlor and wouldn’t bother taking her books with her anywhere else. 
ELIDE — bro, her inventory was filled to the brim with books because she held the bag of holding. she had her favorite novels, a few journals and then a ridiculously sized collection of evidence against the cult that she had amassed through her travels and much of it was kept in books/tomes of some kind. not to mention the random books she’d purchase along the way, or ones she held for her party members. 
do they bother to clean ink/chalk/gunpowder/etc off of their fingers? are they likely to forget it's there and smudge their nose?
ELENA — i’ve believed from day one that it’s just really funny if elena sometimes forgets to clean her hands up after [insert activity here], as a kind of little nod to Perfect Angel God Baby Is Actually Just Kinda Human y’know. is there a funnier, more endearing way to realize elena’s just another clown in the world than by going up to talk with her in a garden and watching her smear dirt right across her nose mid-conversation?? i don’t think so. (she’ll go clean up after tho)
ELIDE — it would depend on her headspace. if she's preoccupied with her thoughts or intensely focused on her work, then she might forget to clean her hands and end up smudging her face or clothes. if she has a clear head or is actively talking with somebody while in action, then she's more likely than not going to obsessively wipe her hands clean because she likes to be tidy by default. 
what's the silliest thing they've used magic to do? if they don't have magic, what's something silly they'd use it for if they did?
ELENA — listen i don’t know what they were up to, but i’m 100% positive that she and bianca would have gotten up to late night sleepover shenanigans and elena would have used her magic to summon light for whatever they were up to. outside of that she’s ridiculously practical with her abilities, but i think young teen elena could have been persuaded by her friends to use them for the lulz.
ELIDE — canonically in her campaign, elide was polymorphed by her friend into a cat so that she could literally just vibe and be pet for a while because she was so stressed out. sat on her boyfriend's chest and got spoiled for an hour while everyone chilled out at her place lmfao 
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