#i don’t tend to write crossovers or fusions too much because it’s hard for me XD
jaggededges123 · 2 months
Wait wait wait can you do more Z
whats good? Whats up? whats on your mind? do you like to combine your current interests? like maybe start mapping character traits to other series characters or think about crossovers?
i am gonna be running two events later this year, niecest weekend (august 9-11) and eighthcest weekend (it’s looking like september 20-22) and they’re gonna be GREAT! we’re voting on prompts for niecest weekend right now (dm me for a link if you’d like to vote btw i gave them out in servers but i know not everyone’s in them) and they’re looking really fun tbh 👀👀👀 and we’re still in the suggestion phase for the eighthcest weekend prompts (that link is public and i’ll probably try to reblog it again a day or two before i close the form and switch to voting) but there have been so many absolute banger suggestions already, i’m really really excited for that one as well! i’m gonna do my best to write for them both if i can too because 💪 the main reason i run events is to also participate in them lmfao. tbh lowkey ship weeks/prompt weeks aren’t that hard to run, but it helps to start the ball rolling a bit early for me because i struggle a lot with fatigue and i have a number of memory issues, so i also try to keep reminders in my phone, like “make and spread x google form today” or “don’t forget to ask luna to make a graphic for me pretty pretty please”. speaking of luna XD she is so helpful tbh bc i don’t know colors and if i tried to make a graphic i’m sure it would be so dull for the first several years because i have not trained for an artistic eye at all but she can do something nice in like an hour and takes payment in kisses lol. i don’t remember where i was going with all of this i got distracted but it’s meant to be a ramble so 🤷 that’s fine. i’m really excited for them both and i’m definitely going to use my mod privilege to get a little head start on writing my fics for them lol. ah, i still need to make the collection for eighthcest weekend as well, and maybe an email to go with it just in case i would at some point like to pass the torch along… lots to think about lots to do, but it’s in little flurries of activity tbh and i have a million other things i need to do rn so like 😅 maybe next week if i can get enough done!
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bitterflames · 4 months
fic writer interview
(tagged by @sunriseverse, tysm for the tag!! 💙 posting on my sideblog because it feels like the right place for this sort of rambling.)
How many works do you have on AO3? 10 (plus the one i orphaned, which still has my username attached). one is fanart. i'm... a very irregular writer.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 32,694 words (i do mean a very irregular writer lol).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) snow and repetitions of snow (elder scrolls) (169) 2) no takebacks (mysterious lotus casebook) (126) 3) a light that does not flicker (elder scrolls) (85) 4) what's in a name? (mysterious lotus casebook) (78) 5) to gravity and the unknown (elder scrolls) (50) the actual most-kudosed work of mine is the Accursed Orphan, red oni, blue oni (tensei shitara slime datta ken) with 2202 (oh god). it really, really wasn't my best work, i stopped following the canon when i got bored with the plot, and the constant stream of kudos emails started to get on my nerves, hence the orphaning.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try my best to! that said there are a lot of unanswered comments from periods where i just couldn't keep up with life. i appreciate each and every one though! i swear i'll get around to them someday 😭
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i tend to write bittersweet more than outright angsty. maybe snow and repetitions of snow, featuring two shitty stubborn wizards who are on-again off-again exes/enemies with benefits. it ends on them realizing that their ideals and personalities are irreconcilable and yet they cherish each other regardless. sometimes it just be that way!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? no takebacks is very short but given that it undoes a major character death and ends with a sort-of marriage proposal: probably that one. sometimes you just gotta write fluff to soothe the soul.
Do you write crossovers? not really. occasional crossover cameos can be fun, but overall they don't interest me a ton? i much prefer fusion AUs, but i don't often write them; perhaps because my stuff tends to be shorter and more intensely character-focused than setting-focused.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? not openly. if anyone's hating on my fics in private that's their prerogative lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? occasionally! there's one explicit fic on my account and numerous WIPs that may or may not ever see the light of day. "porn with feelings" is probably the best description for the stuff i tend to write. sometimes the characters are trying very hard to ignore those feelings but they're still there. (shout out to the one lin chen/mei changsu WIP in my folder which is Very Much That.)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge. i tend to write for small fandoms and rare pairs so i'm probably not high on the radar for that sort of thing?
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! snow and repetitions of snow was translated into mandarin, i'm very happy that someone liked my fic enough to do so :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before? not yet, though i've done illustrations for big bang fics in the past, and RP'd and created shared AU verses with friends. actual co-writing isn't something i've done, but the idea is intriguing! (that said, i'm extremely flakey and wouldn't wish myself as a co-writer upon anyone.)
What’s your all-time favorite ship? "all-time" is a pretty broad category, wow. in terms of sheer volume of fics i've bookmarked though mei changsu/xiao jingyan are absolutely destroying the competition, no contest. in terms of "currently rent-free in my brain" i am frantically paddling this XJY/MCS/LC rareship against the current.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? (gestures vaguely at my entire folder of WIPs. weeps loudly.) tbh talking too much about my WIPs or even giving them a serious title until they're most-of-the-way finished feels like giving them the kiss of death. i'm not superstitious but i'm like a little stitious, you know?
What are your writing strengths? given that my entire writing process feels kind of like banging my head against a wall while crying: hard to say! i'm told i'm good with conveying tension though. in terms of characterization, insufferable theatrical magnificent bastards.
What are your writing weaknesses? long plotty fic and me are not friends. my pacing can be a bit mood whiplash-y at times. i abuse italics and semicolons like they're going out of fashion.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? depends on the cultural context of the canon, the purpose for doing so, etc... like pretty much anything else, it can be used to good effect, or it can be really grating. i think things like honorifics and terms that don't have a good 1:1 english translation are pretty much fine.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? idk probably some pokemon OC thing when i was like ten years old? in terms of fic completed and posted online, elder scrolls.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? (shoving numerous WIPs back into my folder) does NiF count? i haven't finished anything for it yet... in terms of canons i haven't touched at all, maybe sha po lang. i read the entire thing in one long weekend while house-sitting for a friend and i'm still not sure if it was good or if it just hit all my kinks just right, but either way there's probably something to work with here.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? it's also a WIP (mostly written, just lacking a solid ending) and it's utter self-indulgent nonsense designed to appeal to no one but me but: i'm very fond of how to deflower your martial brother (wo jia dashixiong naozi you keng). hanahaki disease, fucky shixiong/shidi relations, horrible pun in the title: these are a few of my favourite things.
tagging! @shararan @strandedchesspiece @foxofninetales @sinni-ok-sessi @junemermaid @melodious-tear @thebansacredbanned and anyone else who's interested (no pressure ofc!)
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twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @redbelles !
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 112
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 497,546
3. what fandoms do you write for? currently, I’m still eyeballs deep in black panther (mcu). I’ll write for whatever catches my interest, but previous fandoms include naruto, yuyu hakusho, thor (mcu), mass effect, and crazy ex girlfriend
4. top five fics by kudos
vigil of the loved tales of the storyteller bring back the baby shoes sleeping arrangements pft, tradition <- biggest shocker honestly
5. do you respond to comments? i’m making more of an effort these days! I might respond late, but i do try to respond because it’s a nice way to talk more about characters and stuff with people.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably a frozen pond alight with torches. It’s a hina fic, by nature of canon it’s doomed. I tend not to write straight angst though. Or maybe i stay up all night in your memories, where priya has to let go both of ajay and, worse, of seema so they can all move on.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? by far don’t need no ammunition, aka the sif goes to midgard au. loki doesn’t fall into madness, thor and jane get to stay in contact, and sif gets a shiny sword that cuts through dimensions. everyone wins! it’s so self indulgent, but i do find it endearing.
8. do you get hate on fics?
almost never, but the only time i remember getting hate is on make me an offer i won’t refuse, where some commenter took issue with how i wrote kay and her and michael’s relationship. they clearly hated kay as a character but still read a whole fic about her, so i wasn’t even angry, i was just completely bemused by it. 
9. do you write smut?
…i do. i have a very limited comfort zone, but honestly i want to write more and get better at it!
10. craziest crossover:
I don’t really do crossovers, except for the ceg fic that ended up featuring jean ralphio from parks and recreation. that was super fun, but i think it’s too tonally consistent to count as crazy. I’m more likely to write fusion fic than crossovers
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as in someone else tried to take credit for it — i have had my fics uploaded onto other websites w/o my permission though
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! In the Naruto fandom, someone translated one of my fics into Vietnamese. that was pretty cool, but i think i lost the link.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
just for fun! And there was one sasusaku/uchiha family round robin fic i was fortunate enough to participate in. 
14. all time favorite ship?
nah, can’t do it
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rip telepathy au. I had so much written but i couldn’t figure out a couple key parts and then i lost steam for writing ceg fic. I’ll never say never, but i think that one is gone.
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think emotions, how characters relate to each other, moments of high intensity and catharsis
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Setting! i hate it, because i loooooove a good vivid setting, but i have such a hard time visualizing places! Especially new places!
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
probably only a good idea if you are fluent. I have used honorifics in anime fics, but i worry that i apply it too inconsistently and not as thoughtfully as i should have, so these days i try to move away from it.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
unpublished, probably teen titans or sailor moon. published, naruto
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
I think understand the edge of this desire is one of my favorite things I’ve written, just because i think i got the voice and the mood right, and it took a long of agonizing over both.
tagging anyone who wants to do this meme!
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kae-karo · 3 years
fic writer interview!
i saw @prince-liest do this and thus i will take ur 'tagging anyone who wants to do this' seriously lmaoooo (also hi btw hope ur well!!! 💜💜)
How many works do you have on AO3?
ahaha,,,,,159 lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
fdsjkkjlsfdklj as of today, 2,089,769
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
only three fsdjkldslfkj the phandom (dan&phil), bnha, and genshin!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
chosen (x) - zhongchi (genshin)
to love (and be loved in return) (x) - kaeluc (genshin)
little bird (x) - dabihawks (bnha)
feet don't touch the ground (x) - xiaoven (genshin)
i knew you were fire (x) - dabihawks (bnha)
honestly none of that surprises me except that little bird is still up there, although i think i owe that to sif (@the-final-sif) for sharing it around the time it got posted since it was partly inspired by her raptor stress grip post!!
the rest are all chaptered fics, which is mostly what i expected to be in the top 5 lmao
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yes!!! always!!!! no matter what u comment, i will respond!!! and if i don't, it's probably cause ao3 didn't notify me properly or i didn't see it in my inbox or something
as for why, it's mostly to do with like...i know how hard it can be for some people to comment, even just a bunch of heart emojis or a 'i loved this!' or something short and simple? and it means a lot to me that ppl are going out of their way to say something nice, no matter how small, and it's really really important to me to acknowledge that
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
hmm,,,,,this is a hard one, cause for a very long time, my policy was that my fic would always have a happy ending? and for a long time, that was true!! but the dabihawks interaction (during the raid) broke me, and from an emotional standpoint, i think freeing icarus (x) is probably the one that has the angstiest ending of the two or so that i wrote in that time?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
u know i really haven't written any crossovers? it's normally not my thing cause my brain typically focuses on a single thing and doesn't really have the capacity to think about more than that, so i end up writing just au-style or fusion-style (shoutout to that one bnha but it was scooby doo fic i wrote - x)
i don't think i'd be opposed to writing a crossover but i'd have to be SUPER inspired by the idea and both fandoms lmao
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
aha yes, i have. the only straight up hate i've received was on a kaeluc fic (surprisingly not because it was kaeluc, but bc i was 'mistreating' kaeya in the fic) - to be entirely fair, the commenter pointed out something that i hadn't realized myself, and it led to a second piece of the story that helped me tie up some loose ends, but...let's just say they weren't very kind about their feelings lmao
other than that, i had someone very upset because i didn't tag which character was bottoming in a fic (valid if that bugs u!) and they read through most of it before getting to the smut (and said that they enjoyed everything up to that point) then said they were 'disgusted' by it. i have opinions on that and a few other comments they made, but i will keep them to myself lmao
and beyond that, just a few ppl on my xiaoven fic saying that they were unhappy about the background kaeluc (which is tagged lmao) - really no hate whatsoever til genshin, honestly, which is...very hmmmm :) lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yep!!! mostly vanilla or vanilla-adjacent lmao i'm not super into heavy kink, although i know if epi reads this she's gonna call me out for being a monsterfucker bc of my dragon!zhongli smut :) lmaoooo but really i tend to write pretty vanilla smut! i also prefer to avoid any noncon/dubcon or hate sex or anything particularly angsty, just not my jam to write!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
hmm i don't think so? although i don't heavily monitor ao3 (or wattpad/ffn), so i can't really say that for sure lmao
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! i've had a few fics translated to russian (little bird is one of them!) which is very sweet and i hope that anyone who prefers to read in russian has been enjoying those fics!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
alksdfjklsdf only once, and it's deadass how me and rose got together. we decided to co-write a podcast au fic for the phandom (x) and ended up flirting via google docs asldkfjkldsfj
What’s your all time favourite ship?
what a horrible question, making me choose between my children like this!!!! sdlfkjdskf tbh i'm not sure i have a real answer bc it changes as i go? and 'favorite' is so vague,,,,,favorite to read? to write about? to think about? asdklfjkjsdfk i really don't know if i have an answer, but i'll maybe say kaeluc for now lmao
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
well first and foremost, with only 2 exceptions, i never post a fic unless it's done. i tend to follow wherever my passion leads my brain, so i'm notorious for jumping around between stories and taking breaks from long fic and returning later on to finish them, and i know that i would not do well under the pressure of posting something unfinished and trying to finish it in a timely manner
that said, many wips sit in my google doc folder, but one is Well Known as the one that has followed me through both the phandom and bnha (rose keeps asking who i'm gonna switch the chars to in genshin, but i think it suits bakudeku too well to do that) - only the lonely survive. it sits at like 36k in my wip folder, and i adore the story dearly and i want very much to finish it, but it never makes it quite to the forefront of my motivation, and so it rarely if ever gets worked on...i hate the idea of 'never' finishing it, but it's unfortunately quite likely that i won't 😭😭😭
What are your writing strengths?
emotion!!! and immersion!!! it's my goal in a fic to make it as immersive as possible and saturated with emotion to help convey that feeling of being in the place of the pov character, and i think i do it pretty well. also just bc i feel a little obligated to say it - another strength is actually sitting down and putting words down. i know that's a struggle for a lot of writers and i often get,,,,lovingly bullied? i guess? lmao for being able to bash out a few k in a day most days
What are your writing weaknesses?
this isn't so much a weakness i guess but i am basically incapable of treating crack fic as crack. if i have a cracky idea, it will, without a doubt, end up turning into a Perfectly Serious fic somehow (notable 'crack treated so seriously that it's no longer crack' fics include: todoroki doing the freeze-the-ocean thing from frozen 2, 'shmigaraki', todo and denki get together bc of vine references, the league sells feet pics, shiggy and natsu own a nightclub/bakery, scooby doo but make it bnha, and dabi getting his ears pierced at claire's)
but in all seriousness, i think my main weakness is that i often get comfortable? and i'm not one to typically push myself forcefully out of my comfort zone when it comes to stories that i come up with on my own, which often means that ideas inspired by discussions with others are what prompt me to branch out and try new things?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think, like anything, it has its place? there are certainly stories where it makes sense to do that and even adds depth to a story, although i personally am not exceptionally comfortable enough with other languages (except maybe asl) to do that in fic myself without the assistance of someone very comfortable with that language lmao
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the phandom! not really my jam to write rpf anymore but it definitely got me started and i'm really grateful for my time writing there, as everyone was super supportive and kind, and it was really a perfect place for a beginner to get comfortable and practice
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
again, forcing me to choose between my children...i really don't know that i can pick one fic bc they all exist in such wildly different spaces? i poured my worldbuilding soul into the king of disaster series (mainly dabihawks - x), exile (dan and phil - x) was my first massively long fic, our hearts are heavy burdens we shouldn't have to bear alone (chayea - x) is probably my favorite character/character dynamic study, i'm exceptionally proud of the smut in chosen (zhongchi - x), the list goes on and on and on lmao like. i could probably list half my fics as favorites in some regard dsflkjdfsjkl
anyway, tyty bellamy for putting this on my dash so i could do it as well!!
tagging: literally anyone who wants to do this, i have so many writer friends slkdjfjklsdf but please please tag me if u do it so i can read urs!!! 💜💜💜
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redsector-a · 3 years
AO3 Ask Game
I was tagged by @themarshalstale which, thank you so much! I feel like I always get missed on these (I know why, it’s been 84 years since I published anything but still). 1. How many works do you have on ao3?
46 it seems. Which...look I’m slow man so that’s not surprising. lol Also crippling depression does not make for much production, at least for me.
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
309662 according to the stats.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So do I could only AO3 or in like life? lol I suppose it should only be on AO3 since this is an AO3 ask game. Hrm. Basically AO3 can be summed up as: Marvel (in several iterations - all Avengers related) Torchwood Highlander But isn’t it more fun to consider my entire fandom life, which, I’m sorry, I’m old so...yeah. Not all of this is was published and beyond that a lot is not available anymore...which is likely for the best. Highlander Star Wars Babylon 5 Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers Marvel (again, several iterations also of note Avengers and X-Men both count) Torchwood Star Trek LOTR Stargate (SG-1, SGA) Mortal Kombat I dabbled with the idea of Potter fic but never got past the ideas stage.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1: You rearrange me till I’m sane Clint finds himself spiraling into a deep depression after the Battle of New York...until the Winter Soldier ends up saving him and inadvertently giving him a new purpose – to save the man that the Soldier had once been – Bucky Barnes. Not one to be outdone, the Soldier decides that his new mission is to ensure that Clint remains alive himself. Protecting a blonde man with a self-destructive streak is somehow very familiar to him. Through the back and forth of who is saving whom they cross the country and learn more about themselves and each other – and perhaps find a reason for living. 2: Five Dates Bucky Didn’t Realize He Was on And the One He Planned Himself To say that Bucky was surprised when Clint kissed him was an understatement. But it was nothing compared to the shock he felt when he learned they'd been dating for months without him realizing it.Clint gets whisked away for a mission before they have time to talk and Bucky is left to figure things out on his own - hindsight being 20/20 he can't help but wonder how he missed things the first go around.
3: Puck Luck Bucky Barnes is used to the ups and downs of an NHL season. He's used to the unpredictability of the game, knows that bounces don't always go your way, but that doesn't make a broken hand in the final third of the season any easier to deal with. Especially not when he ends up with an impromptu roommate/personal assistant in the form of one Clint Barton - his agent, Natalia Romanova's (rather attractive) friend he hadn't known existed before his injury.
It's just for six to eight weeks - what could possibly happen in that span of time?
4: Loose Lips Launch Ships
Based on the following prompt: “We go to school together and I think you’re cute and apparently you’re also the pizza delivery guy and my little sibling opened the door screaming hey sibling! you know that kid you’re in love with? you really weren’t kidding when you said his jawline could cut steel holy shit-” Bucky is the pizza delivery guy. Clint's younger (foster) brother has a big mouth.
5: Indelible Bucky Barnes has a pretty decent life – a good job, good friends, a cat that adores him - but something is missing. He’s always found body art to be beautiful and inspiring, and on a whim (and with the hope that maybe he can find what he’s missing) he decides to take the plunge and get a tattoo. That's how he meets Clint Barton. Clint's talented and compassionate and there is an instant spark between the two of them. It's not long before Bucky finds himself wondering and wanting more from the relationship despite the ghosts of the past that crop back up. Because Clint makes him feel normal in a way he truly hasn't for years...
(this was pre-Alpine so I was totally chuffed when canon confirmed Bucky’s status as a crazy cat lady (affectionate).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
I really really really want to do it but I often times don’t end up doing it. There are a few reasons. First, I am akwward AF and bad at interaction adn I feel like just saying thank you would be...not enough? Second - I often times tend to like...turtle (aka retreat into myself) when life gets Too Hard/Busy which happens a lot to me (sigh) and then I miss the vague window in my mind in which it would be okay to respond and then it’s even more weird. I do love and cherish all of them. Like there was one months ago that made me go “hmm...I didn’t think I was going to do a sequel to that fic (You rearrange me till I’m sane), timestamp glimpses sure but a sequel hadn’t come to mind” but then the comment made me think! So...who knows? lol Anyway, I literally have been rereading some in an effort to try and get myself going again. Know that if you have commented, I love you.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
At the moment? Probably: Look at you look at me Bucky's in love with Clint - problem is he's really not supposed to be. For Winterhawk Week 2019 - Forbidden Love (I really don’t want to give away the spin in the fic but...if you’re familiar with the Secret Avengers Vol 2 run circa 2013ish (aka when SHIELD initially ‘took control of the team’) that’s a bit of a hint as to the spin). Were it done, Torch Song would be up there. ;) Torch Song Clint is sent back in time, via an alien device, to 1938. While he tries to figure out how to get back home, he takes up singing and entertaining to make ends meet and does his best to not disrupt the timeline.Then he meets a 21 year old Bucky Barnes. --- A torch song is a sentimental love song, typically one in which the singer laments an unrequited or lost love, either where one party is oblivious to the existence of the other, where one party has moved on, or where a romantic affair has affected the relationship.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Does *wanting* to write crossovers count? lol I want, so badly, to do more crossovers and fusions (which...are kinda deeper versions of crossovers in a way). The only one I do have posted is a crossover between Highlander and Torchwood -
The Immortal Mr. Jones A series of vignettes (some long, some short) in the life of the newly immortal Ianto Jones. My most ambitions project that I have been working on since late 2011/early 2012 is a fusion of the Avengers with Stephen King’s the Stand. I will get that done at some point *shakes fist*  The Stand, for those who don’t know it, is an epic 1000+ page novel about a flu epidemic (I know) that wipes out over 99% of the population and then two figures representing Good and Evil pull the survivors in two directions for a showdown. So basically it’s a non-powered modern AU set in that universe. It’s a passion and comfort project. lol
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. Well, minor bitching back when I was in a prior fandom because I tagged a pairing in a fic but it was pre-slash and not labeled as pre-slash. I got hate on...I think it was Torch Song? And I’ve gotten hate on tumblr re me and my fic in general as well. Fandom! *jazz hands* Oh! And I’ve also been hit by those reviewers within Winterhawk (among general Clint pairings actually) who like rate you on either number scales or the “meh” scale. Which isn’t hate exactly but...it’s passive aggressive bullshit because I can’t believe none of them realize at this point that the authors can see their bookmarks - you know?
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. Do I write it well? I have no idea. lol
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of. Well...there was, I think, one of those reposting sites that had a few fics on it but I don’t think it was being passed off as someone else’s? I can’t quite recall. It’s why I have a note on AO3 about reposting my work anyway.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not entirely, but sort of. Let me explain - I am part of a PBEM game; which for those unfamiliar since it’s a term that was most heavily in use 15-20 years ago, in which you basically do a round robin type writing thing but rather than everyone writing the same characters you write your own characters and you play off what other people have done. Another way of looking at it is  it’s basically DnD without dice and written down rather than done out loud. You also don’t have to all be around at the same time. It’s a lot of fun and yes I have been in it for 20 years even though there aren’t many of us left but they are some of my dearest friends and fabulous writers. Wins all around.  One of the other writers and I have actually toyed with the idea of doing a co-written fic actually, mostly because we work super well together and keep getting ideas for things but can’t really do them as rpgs since the pbem style isn’t used much anymore.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Winterhawk probably. Though, let’s be real - Han & Leia are epic and amazing as are John & Delenn (from Babylon 5).
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Does wanting to expand The Black Stallion books as a wee child count? lol Not much of that was written save for world building ideas but there was a great oral tradition of telling stories to my friends. Otherwise...maybe a tie between Star Wars and Highlander. Star Wars was a love since I was super young but the writing bug didn’t hit me until around the same time Highlander was a thing as well.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? You rearrange me till I’m sane for sure. Though Torch Song, if it were finished, would be tied I imagine (I suck at picking favorites). Honorable mention to Puck Luck and Indelible. Tagging: I have seen this like a million times (okay 5) so I feel like everyone has been tagged already that I know. But...I guess... @vexbatch @crazycatt71 @heartonfirewrites and @disruptedvice sorry if anyone has been tagged before.
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suzukiblu · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
Tagged by my dear @dancinbutterfly, and like, obviously I will take any excuse to talk about writing.
1) how many works do you have on ao3?
168, although a few of those are podfics that the podficcer credited me as a co-author on. Actually less than I would’ve expected, tbh.
2) what is your total ao3 word count?
1,431,989. Honestly also kinda less than I would’ve expected at this point. I will blame all those old fics I never brought over from LJ and ff.net for this expectation.
3) how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
I literally cannot tell you, the ancient ways have been lost to me. I can give you my Ao3 fandoms, though!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Witcher (Netflix)
Young Justice (Cartoon)
Star Wars
Good Omens
Fantastic Four
League of Legends
Care Bears
World of Warcraft
Slender Man Mythos
Additionally, long ago: Naruto, Gundam Wing, Digimon, Ranma ½, Bleach, Inu-Yasha, and many scattered other fandoms of my youth. So, so many others. So I’ve written for 25+ fandoms, at least.
4) what are your top 5 fics by Kudos.
a mark, a mission, a brand, a scar (13004)
I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn (8450)
it’s a long way forward (so trust in me) (6965)
oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me (6818)
if the bad times are coming let ‘em come (5362)
5) do you respond to comments?
Not really these days, though I hoard and treasure them like a freaking DRAGON. I used to respond to all of them but sometimes I’m just not around and then it becomes awkwardly late to reply and also they kinda . . . pile up a bit. I do try to answer all the comments with questions in them, at least, as long as the questions aren’t literally spoilers or anything like that.
6) what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t usually write super-angsty endings, I think? I don’t FEEL like I usually write super-angsty endings, anyway, at least not these days. I think I did it more often when I was more into, like, drabbles and shortfic. Now I just spend way too long on stuff to give it a downer ending.
The most recent angsty ending I can think of is wanna hold him, maybe I’ll just sing about it, though eventually I did write a sequel to that to soften the blow a bit. And also torment people a bit. Both, technically. Technically both.
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
blondes really do have more fun, definitely. It’s very . . . giddy, I guess? What with the gender euphoria and all. There’s angst and heavy emotions in the actual plot but the highs of the happy parts/ending are probably the highest/happiest ones I’ve written, and Supergirl gets everything she wants without having to compromise or give up anything else.
8) do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I write fusion fic more than crossovers, really, but I have written a LOT of fusion fic. Some of it has been weirder than others, tbh, but probably the Avatar: The Last Airbender/Animorphs fusion that I have been lovingly slaving over deserves to be this answer if only for how much extremely sincere effort I have put into it over the years.
9) have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mild hate, but occasionally. I don’t really tend to remember negative comments, tbh, though it does sometimes make me not want to reread the comment section I know they’re in. But a lot of the hate I’ve gotten in the end just seemed like socially-awkward people being unnecessarily blunt instead of just hitting the back button, so I try not to take it personally. Can’t please everyone. Don’t WANT to please everyone, frankly.
10) Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, and the kind is “a lot”. Sometimes I don’t really feel like it but definitely I have done a lot of it. I try for Feelings and also to be safe, sane, and consensual as much as I can.
11) have you ever had a fic stolen?
I . . . am not sure? Though probably, after being at this for all this time. Someone once told me that someone picked up a fic I’d (at the time) abandoned and just started writing/posting more of it without asking or telling me about it, but I never actually found said fic and I don’t know if that technically counts as “stealing” anyway.
12) have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times, yup, it’s pretty gratifying! I also like to run them back through Google Translate and see what they say, haha.
13) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yoooo @dancinbutterfly, @rainnecassidy! Also done it with a few other people long, LONG ago, but that was back in the LJ era. Don’t think I’ve technically collabed with anyone else lately, although sometimes people will give me ideas for stuff I’m writing or offer suggestions when I’m stuck on a thing, which is very helpful.
14) what’s your favourite ship?
Like . . . per fandom? ‘Cuz we could be here a while. Most recently it’s Jaskier/Geralt, for a while it was Aziraphale/Crowley, DEFINITELY for a while it was Steve/Bucky . . .
You know, I guess technically my all-time favorite ship is actually Naruto/Sasuke, because I made a LOT of friends in Naruto fandom and it actually hugely influenced the end of my teenage years and beginning of my adult life and so, SO much of my writing. So like, if nothing else it wins on influentialness.
15) what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Let ‘Em Come. @rainnecassidy and I wrote that AU a long-ass time ago now and I never did my half of the sequel fic because I got too distracted with another longfic I was working on at the time and then took a real long fandom break. I always felt kind of bad about it because people seemed to bother her for said sequel more than they bothered ME for it, since her fic was the last posted part. Unfortunately I just don’t have the spoons or the MCU-focus for the research and effort it’d take anymore. Also, like . . . it’d probably be pretty long, so unless I was REAL obsessive about it it’d take a good long while.
Basically I think its time has just passed at this point, alas.
16) what are your writing strengths?
Sex, action, snark, and weird fusion fics. Also making people love things they usually hate, that’s one I get told a lot.
17) what are your writing weaknesses?
Fitting physical descriptions of . . . literally ANYTHING into the story. Just, anything. Physical descriptions are hard.
18) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I try not to do it, personally, because I know soooooo very little about other languages. Sometimes I’ll sprinkle in a little bit of it, but usually I feel like it’s better to avoid it, personally.
19) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
I literally could not even tell you. The first fandom I REMEMBER writing proper “fic” for was . . . Ranma ½, I think. I thiiiiink. But that was a long-ass time ago and I never even posted it anywhere because those were the days when I despised typing things up beyond all measure, hah. And before that I remember writing Animorphs . . . comics? Storyboards? Something like that. Kind of a cross between the two.
20) what’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I do not know! There’s really just too many, tbh. Some top options are you found me when no one else was looking, best friends means you get what you deserve, clay kids, Avamorphs, handmaiden!Anakin, oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, and . . . and I could go on for a dang MINUTE, honestly, haha, I’m just gonna stop myself here before I get too carried away.
I tag whoever happens to be reading this that wants to be tagged; have fun with it!
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ladynox · 3 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Edition
Tagged by @kaydeefalls & @im-the-punk-who
How many works do you have on AO3? 15. I use to be a pretty profilic writer when I was a teenager (before AO3 thank fuck 😂) but I lost interest. Picked it up again somewhere in my 20s, only to lose interest or the drive or something again. Roswell's the first fandom I've written for in almost decade. Hopefully this time I'll be able to stick too it. Id' forgotten how much I enjoy writing. What’s your total AO3 word count? 233292. Most of that is from just the last year alone! Crazy! How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Currently posted to AO3? Just three. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Captain America and Roswell New Mexico. If we're counting the stuff lost to long dead Yahoo groups or forgotten notebooks, or the stuff still on the internet because I can't remember my password but I will never own up to? Probably 8? With the addition of Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Digimon and Final Fantasy 7. There might have been more but I can't remember anymore. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The 1-3 and 5 were co-written with @beautifulcheat 1. The Great New Mexico Fake-Off (Roswell, malexa, complete) Michael takes up baking after watching The Great British Bake Off and starts gifting his bakes to the people he loves. Mostly fluff and pining. 2. Milestones (Roswell, malexa, WIP) based after the series, in that nebulous well adjusted future we dream of for our favorite idiots. 😂 Maria, who has been living in a v poly relationship with Michael and Alex for years, realizes she's pregnant. Michael is ecstatic. Alex is conflicted, which dampers some of Maria's joy. Still a pretty fluffy and very domestic fic. This one's on hold because we're both busy with work, school and certification exams. So we only really have time for one, which is the following monster of a fic:
3. The Truth is Right Here (Roswell, malexa, WIP) X-Files/White Collar fusion where Michael is both Scully and Neal, and Maria and Alex are both Mulder and Peter. Yes you heard right. The alien is the skeptic. But the agents don't know he's an alien yet. hahah 4. Testing the Bonds (Captain America, Steve & Bucky) Bucky comes out to Steve during the war. 5. Petit Fours (Roswell, malexa, complete). Companion piece to Fake-Off. An assorted collection of text fics or short fics. Mostly about everyone else's reaction to how bad Michael is at keeping the secret that he's the one baking the cake. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmmm looking over these fics, I realize that I don't really write angsty endings. I tend to like my angst with a happy ending, or a hopeful one. Whatever that might look like given the subject matter of the fic. So I guess the closet would be The Message (YGO, puppyshipping, complete). The fic starts after an incident of domestic violence. Jou is basically working through the horror/guilt he feels at what he's done. It's not a happy ending, but there's hope different decisions will be made. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? A New Year, A New Hope (Roswell, malex, complete) is entirely made up of marshmallows from start to finish, so likely that one. Fake-Off's also tooth rottingly sweet. Surprising no one I'm sure hahaha. I love happy endings so I write a lot of fics with those. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Yes I do! I'm counting fusion fics as crossovers too. I *love* AUs in general. They're super fun. As for craziest.... well I've already mentioned Truth above, which is likely the craziest because of how ambitious it is. I both love and regret ever starting this monster. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Oh yeah definitely. hahaha One day people will figure out the back button. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yeah but not a lot. I want to write more smut honestly but I have a hard time writing it. I don't have a problem with action scenes so it's all mental. Just start thinking it's gonna suck or it doesn't make sense or it's boring. Dumb brain, cockblocking me. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. Have you ever co-written a fic before? All the time. It's the best. Everything Kat and I write is just to amuse the other, makes writing so much fun. Also, she and I have opposite writing strengths and weakness so it really works out well. What’s your all time favorite ship? Er? I gotta choose just one? Seems kind of pointless to pit different fandoms against each other. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I mean I have every intention of going back and finishing it but probably Six. A malex The Last of Us AU that I had a lot of grand ideas for but have lost all drive to finish. I do think that what's written can largely stand on its own as a 1 shot. One of these I'll go back edit it, give it a good "in conclusion" so to speak. XD What are your writing strengths? Hmm? Character voices/studies, I think. I like doing stream of consciousness a lot. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything. Kidding. Kidding. Probably smut and dialogue. Though I think I'm getting better at dialogue. Lately I've been getting the dialogue on paper before the descriptions. That use to not be the case! Yay! Improvement! What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Use it sparingly and carefully. Most of your readers are probably not going to be able to read that language. The last thing you want is to confuse or annoy your readers. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing 🤣 All of those fics are lost to time and I'm totally ok with that. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I am proud of everything I've posted to AO3. Um... @beautifulcheat, @maeglinthebold @jocarthage, @tasyfa and anyone else who wants to do it.
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jukeboxhound · 2 years
Fic Review
tagged by @tirsynni (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
How many works do you have on ao3?
45. I tend to have long periods where I just...can't write for a while.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3 currently, 9: FF7, FF8, FF13, Dishonored, Avengers, X-Men, SPN, Word of Honor, The Untamed.
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
...No? If I wanted to write for something, I would. I just wish I had the executive function to write more often, more consistently.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
this grey house where I come from
Dreaming Electric
While Everyone's Lost (The Battle Is Won)
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift
Eir's Tomorrow
....Huh, the first four are Avengers fics, that's honestly not what I expected.
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
I'm actually pretty happy with how things are now. I don't feel overlooked but there's none of the pressure of being really well-known, either, both of which are emotionally hard places to be in for their own reasons. 🖤
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try but don't always manage because I overthink my response and get anxious. I'm more likely to respond to direct questions or comments that are more in-depth.
What sorts of things do you normally write? Slow burn? Humor? Angst with a happy ending? Some adventure? Emotionally loaded conversations?
Looking at my AO3, it's pretty much gonna be "found family shenanigans" or "you WILL sit down and process your hurt."
(Would it be a jukeboxhound fic if there weren't any emotionally loaded conversations?)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A Kingdom Hearts oneshot from years ago with unrequited love, which was me processing having my heart broken and losing my oldest friend. Fic is often my vehicle for self-reflection, which is probably why I always try to end it happily or, at the very least, ambiguously.
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
I wrote an ABO for a fic exchange. Who even am I anymore?
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers, only between Final Fantasies, but fusions, yes! Before I accidentally deleted my old Tumblr account, I had an FF7/Guardian (the cdrama) fusion going on, lmao.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Some lovely folks over the years have done so. 🖤
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I'm too much of a control freak to share the narrative helm.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I once had a Gundam Wing, 2x5, post-Endless Waltz fic that I had started writing but never posted years and years ago called Buddha: Still Laughing, which I still sometimes think about.
What are you currently working on?
Crashing Like Stars (Jiang Cheng-centric trauma recovery)
Glitterhaze (unpublished; Cloud-centric post-FF7R longfic about gender exploration, dance and embodiment, and, yes, also trauma, meant to be a prequel to ANOTHER fic about Zack coming back and giving us some Clack)
What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm not too bad with handling the two emotional extremes of humor and trauma in ways that remain convincingly in character, but YMMV.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Extended scenes and pacing in much longer fic, imo. You can tell I'm used to writing oneshots, ha.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent?
First fandom: either Dragonball Z or Gundam Wing when I was, like, 11
Most recent: FF7 for the holiday fic exchange :D :D :D
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Maybe History of the Chocobo Wars (FF7), despite being a Harry Potter fusion, because it still makes me laugh. Or maybe the world has teeth (Dishonored), because of the way it tries to explore what it means for a mortal to be the recipient of a god's...love, for lack of a better word. I adore the struggle of trying to dig into spiritual/existential experiences that, by definition, lack language to accurately describe them.
What fic are you most proud of?
Probably this grey house where I come from (Avengers). It's almost a decade old at this point and I'd probably do a lot differently if I were to write it now, but every so often I still get messages from folks saying that it affirmed something for them around domestic violence, sexual abuse, and/or unsafe intimate relationships. I get emotional with every single one because I honestly, genuinely can't think of a better way to have my fics affect someone. 😭
Tagging: @chofitia, @calamity-butterfly, @arinrowan 🖤
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a-big-apple · 3 years
writer check-in question set
tagged by @ungarmax <3 <3 <3
tagging: @jeejyboard @dogcopter @theknightofroses @kirric-the-fan @runrundoyourstuff aaaand whoever else wants to consider yourself tagged!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Including crossovers:
Hoo boy okay, 14 total I think: Steven Universe, Fullmetal Alchemist, The Adventure Zone (Balance), Merlin, InuYasha, BBC Sherlock / Sherlock Holmes, Ouran Host Club, Tenchi Muyo, Yuri!!! on Ice, DC comics, The Last Unicorn, Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Soul Eater
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Rare Ungovernable Element (Merlin, 5078 kudos wtf)
Getting to Feel Free and Easy (YOI, 692 kudos)
It's Not a Competition (Merlin, 688 kudos)
The Longest Night (Merlin, 514 kudos)
Fission (TAZ, 437 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! At the risk of sounding like "i'm old it was a different time," some of my most formative fic writing years were on Livejournal where the comment culture was really a back and forth, so when I was learning how to write fic in a community that's what I learned. Even if it's just a thank you or a heart or something, I like to reply to comments, it gives me a little buzz of interaction joy or something.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That's hard! I write a good bit of angst but I usually end things on a high note. Maybe it's a toss-up between The House in the Woods and For this reason the sadness too passes? Though actually I think the winner would be an FMA fic I don't have on AO3 anymore.
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
Yeah! Or, I've written fusions, which I tend to like better than a traditional crossover. I don't do them often but I always enjoy them!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Just a little, mostly people are lovely.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Definitely! I'm not sure how to answer what kind, I've written a lot of different kinds I guess.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I've never thought about it much or looked, but it seems fairly unlikely.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah!! Always a blast!
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It's hard to pick a top ship from every ship I've been into, and also I'm not really a shipper first and foremost, so... I'll give it to BisVolleyPearl, because that's what I'm into right now.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! The OG cartoon and the first movie, I was 8.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is even more impossible to choose than favorite ship!! If you're reading this and you have an opinion let me know.
15. BONUS QUESTION: Do you have a WIP that haunts you?
I wouldn't say it haunts me, but I started a TAZ:B fic that I keep thinking about and hope to get back to someday. If the animated show ever happens, that may be enough to tip me back into TAZ writing energy!
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
tagged by @saturdaysky​, thank you! always very happy to talk about writing 🤠
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
36 on ao3, with many others left in the past on livejournal or ffnet
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
162k. it’s kind of a shame it doesn’t have the majority of my pre-2011 output as i never ported over my top four or five longest fics. i would’ve loved to see some genuine lifetime totals!
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
9 on ao3 (critrole, nier, hetalia, overwatch, trc, voltron, no. 6, star wars, tiger & bunny). if you expand trc to include anything clamp and throw in code geass then that covers everything i’ve ever published, though homestuck is by far the fandom i have the most WIPs for despite never finishing a single one and deserves a shoutout
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
take my hand / take my whole life too: critrole, 9k, how essek and caleb’s relationship evolves through touch
blue sky, warm sun: critrole, 3.5k, six mornings caleb wakes with essek
dark night, bright stars: critrole, 3k, six nights caleb spends with essek
kitty love: star wars, 1.5k, kylo ren forms a bond with hux’s cat millicent
the walls kept tumbling down: critrole, 2k, caleb spontaneously visits essek after a hard day
commentary and further answers are below the cut!
spots 1-3 on the list are gladly accepted, given that i also think they’re some of my best and most broadly-appealing shadowgast. kitty love gets its spot despite being pure, pointless crack because it’s for a huge fandom, which is fine and fun but i don’t have a lot of personal attachment to it
the walls kept tumbling down is a surprise! it was a self-indulgent “i want a fic exactly like this to fix my mood and instead of digging through the internet for one i’ll just make one up” that i only worked on for a couple of days. i’m glad it clicked for other people!
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i always try to respond to comments, although sometimes a week or two pass by before i can find the energy to sit down and do it
admittedly comments have gone unanswered during months or years when i’m not writing fic and then it feels too awkward to a) go back and respond, and b) respond to any further comments on the fic even if they come in when i’m active. so instead those comments haunt my ao3 inbox forever (oops)
i do appreciate every single one though, and there are some comments that i go back to read if i need a pick-me-up just because they were so nice 😊
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i’ll link my no. 6 fic forgive me because it still dominates my top fics in terms of hits despite being 387 words long. i wrote it in 2011 in less than half an hour, if i’m remembering correctly, and there are a few clever bits in it that i’m still quite proud of
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
i don’t usually write or read “pure” crossovers but i do like fusion AUs where characters from one work are imported into the setting of another work
but it’s fandom-dependent. critrole has been an outlier in that i can count on one hand the number of AU fics i’ve read and liked enough to remember. some of my favourite canon-adjacent fics veer off wildly, but they’ve still got their roots in the universe
i’ve published 17 critrole fics myself and they’re all canon-adjacent. i’m only now working on my first fusion-type AU 🤷‍♂️
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i have one distinct memory of receiving criticism on a fic. in hindsight, it was constructive and pretty fair, but i was a young teen and so it still haunts me
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do!! and i’m excited about it because it’s fairly new to me!
i write to the characters, and what kind of relationship i think they’d have, but it’s probably true that my interests tend towards certain relationship dynamics
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i’m aware of!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, actually! this was about about a decade ago so sadly the details have been lost in the haziness of memory and the inaccessibility of ffnet. i tried to dig it up last night but couldn’t find it again 😔
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i don’t ... think so? my current roommate and i tried co-writing when we were teenagers but none of that got published. it’s possible i’m forgetting something from my livejournal/early tumblr days because i remember doing a lot of ask games and challenges with other writers and fandom friends
now i’m just an introvert who avoids invites to discords because i feel like i simply Do Not Have Time so 🤡 not sure it’s anywhere on the horizon
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
i used to have shipping walls and pairing lists until 2015 or so but i have since accepted that i am changeable like the wind. my interests come and go!
i am a multi-shipper though as a general rule. i’ve never had such a loyalty to a pairing that it would bother me to pair one half with someone else, and i also don’t care at all whether or not a ship is canon. it’s just about what’s interesting!
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
i’ve had remarkably sequential focus for my critrole fics and finished nearly every idea i’ve had so far. however, this ACME AU is testing me lol and i’ve spent so much time on it that my list of other ideas to write is only getting longer and longer. nothing is abandoned yet, because not much else has even been started, but i am starting to sweat a little
15) What are your writing strengths?
i love my writing style! i value simplicity and clarity: no flowery descriptions, easy words, few similes, little variance in sentence structures, etc. it can vary, based on my mood or the characters i’m writing, but i like doing more with less
i’ve spent years working at my own style and it is so satisfying to read something i wrote in 2011 and feel how familiar it still is while being able to pick out what i would change
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
recently, it’s been plot. if it can’t be conveyed by 2-4 characters talking to each other then i don’t know how to do it anymore 😭 i’m most invested in emotional resolutions, but it’s probably a good idea to have things happen sometimes!
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i really do not enjoy this when it’s used as a “character quirk”. this includes nicknames, common phrases even if they are spoken that way in canon, and .. everything, really, that’s in a different language
i’ve spent a lot of time in spaces where it seemed widely agreed that doing so was not welcome, and i’ve had considerable fandom “culture shock” reading critrole fics. there are plenty of reasons to have caleb speaking “zemnian” or to emphasize his accent, and those reasons don’t need to be lofty or deep, but i do think there should be a reason beyond “haha this guy says ja instead of yeah”
i promise, absolutely pinky swear, that i don’t judge anyone on an individual basis for doing this. it seems to be a deep-seated fandom trend in this case and i just wish it wasn’t
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
tsubasa reservoir chronicle (trc) all the way back in 2010. tsubasa, my beloved, how you changed my life 💕
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
i like different ones for different reasons, but the top contender might be such is the endlessness for nier automata. it’s a vampire/werewolf enemies-to-lovers fusion AU where i put 2b and 9s in an original universe of mine that i wrote about a lot when i was a teenager
i feel like i did a spectacular job of adapting the universe for nier and i thought i conveyed a lot about the world in a relatively short number of words (the entire fic is just under 5k). i’ve considered more than once that i should use this version of the universe going forward because i enjoy it so much!
thanks again for the tag, sky, and i’ll leave this open to anyone else who wants to try as i think most of my mutuals have already been included. don’t be shy about tagging me in your answer if you take my open invite as i love reading these! 💖
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luckyharbinger · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @nightlilly0110
How many works do you have on AO3?
54, but that's likely to go up sometime this year, and two are from a Dishonored account I don't really use anymore.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
314,707 across both accounts, soon to increase with updates >:3c
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Technically 8, though I deleted all the works for three. I've written for DBZ, Bleach, Danny Phantom, Overwatch, Red Dead 2, Dishonored, Destiny 2, and RWBY.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Sleeper (Overwatch) at 1160
2. Two Step (RWBY) at 506
3. Half-Step (RWBY) at 462
4. The Interludes (Dishonored) at 379
5. Ribcage Roots (RWBY) at 352
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to every comment, even ones that just say things like "I loved this!" It's really important to me to make sure my readers know that I appreciate every hit, kudos, and comment, so even if I'm very late doing so, I'll reply to every one I get.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't generally write unhappy endings, but I had something pretty depressing planned for Many Loves and Only One War (RWBY), since it was canon compliant. I like my endings to be somber or happy, yknow. For the catharsis.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Eh, not really, no. I don't care for characters of one world interacting with characters from another. I usually write AUs and Fusions, with AUs being characters from X replacing characters in the world of Y, and Fusion being the world/setting of X and Y mixed together.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but it's been such a long time that I don't even remember what fandoms it happened in.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Here and there. I'm only getting confident in my ability to do so as of recently, so you'll see more from me in the future I think. More often than not, I feel like it kind of interrupts the narrative I've got going on.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not an entire fic, but I did have someone copy a kissing scene I wrote by just changing a few words back in ye olde Overwatch, and I had someone recently copy the Vampire Hunter Clover design I created with the bf for Blood On The Tongue.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
A few times! Though I'm not sure what became of most of them.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I started one, or rather it was like. Fics that were sequels/prequels of each other, but I only ended up posting my part and never finished it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Currently it's Fair Game from RWBY (Qrow/Clover) but any variation of Ironcharms (Qrow/Clover/James) is amazing. I think you can pretty much always see a little flavor of it in my writing.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
God. I really do want to finish "here is the sink to wash away the blood" but I'll never be strong enough to attempt to write Overwatch again.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm the King of action scenes baby. Though I've been told I'm also good at world building and achy emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah, like I said I'm not great at writing physical intimacy, and I also struggle a lot with side characters to the point that I'll get stuck on scenes for fear that I'm not being true to their characters.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think if you have like. a good source. Like if you know the language well yourself or have a friend who can check it for you, then go for it. I'm sure Google Translate has gotten better over the years but it still kinda sucks in terms of context, so. I'm monolingual so I tend to avoid it, or just work around it so people don't have to paste into a translator and interrupt their reading.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Dragon Ball Z. I think I was 12, almost 13 when I binged the series and started writing Bulgeta.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hard to say. It changes a lot. I think Simulacrum (RWBY/Blade Runner fusion) is always going to be special to me because it's always so personal, but I'm really fond of Blood on the Tongue (RWBY Vampire AU) right now too.
Tagging @nvvermore, @pidgeonpostal, and @perrinmywolf!!!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
6, 12, 13, 47!
6. What is a fandom you will never write for? 
Hmmm. Well, I tend to get involved in fandom, particularly in writing for a fandom, when I find the source material super intriguing, and I want to spend more time in it, but I also feel like it needs more. The “needs more” might not be a criticism: it might be, like, this universe is so expansive, I want to play in it it too!, or: there are so many characters and not enough time, let’s give them more time! (Although the longer I’m in a fandom, the more likely fic and other fandom activities are to become, in fact, critique.)
But if I feel like a story is basically complete in itself, and I love it for exactly what it is, then I just enjoy it, and I don’t join the fandom. At most, I might see what there is to read out of curiosity, and I’ll definitely enjoy fan art and gifs, but I don’t need the transformative aspect of fandom as much. Similarly, there are some media that I love but just find too intimidating to play with myself. I’ll never get these characters right! This universe is too complex and too tightly constructed to just insert my own ideas into! Etc.
SO to actually answer the question, lol... I don’t see myself ever writing for really high-concept sci fi like, for example, Altered Carbon (bitter as I may be about its cancellation). I can’t see myself writing for the 3% (even though I ADORE it...and do kind of want to do some kind of T100 fusion/crossover) because I don’t trust myself with the characters. I have some comfort tv shows that I really like but don’t need to venture into writing for, for example Charmed or Daria (though I will say... I’ve read fanfic for both). And then there are major fandoms that I’ve hung out on the periphery of but have never wanted to create for, for example Star Wars.
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
I guess...it depends? Every now and then I attempt to be comedic and then I hope I make a person or two laugh. I’m more likely to write angstier things. But I’m not usually thinking about breaking hearts specifically, and my version of angst is very light, I think.
I’d say I specialize in bringing out feelings of yearning/longing/pining, connection, love, friendship, awe at the beauty of the world, and, hopefully, hope.
13. What is your planning process?
Ah, lol, this could take a while to describe. But I’m going to enjoy describing it.
So I start with some sort of idea: maybe a prompt for an event or exchange, or a mood or an image or a concept. That just floats around my brain for a while, and then at some point when I want (or need) to actually refine it, I sit down and just write out all my thoughts on it, basically as if I were speaking aloud, but in written form. I usually do this by hand, in a notebook, but sometimes I’ll type it out instead. This is my main refining process: taking an inventory of everything I DO know about the story, seeing just how much (or how little) that is, and then filling in the blanks, and brainstorming additional ideas. For example, I might know who the main characters will be, the general mood, the opening scene, and a vague idea about the ending, but then I realize that I don’t have a lot of the middle. Or I decide that I can add some characters, or drop others. Or I recognize that something I wanted to include really doesn’t make sense, in terms of plot or characterization. Etc.
Usually, by the end of this process, I have essentially a full plot or even an informal outline. The next step is making a specific outline. That way I know I haven’t missed anything and I can more easily gauge the flow. It’s also easier to follow as I write. An “outline” for me is really just a list of the scenes, in order--sometimes it’s more like a plot point list, because I’m open to combining or separating scenes if that’s what seems better in the moment. (For example, Merry Christmas, Lovebirds, my Chopped Holiday fic, was outlined as 3 scenes, but actually written as 2, and A Different Kind of Ghost, my Braven fic for the New Year’s Exchange, was conceived of as 1 scene but is actually 1 main scene with small intro and outro scenes.)
Each point in the outline includes what has to happen in that scene, and anything else I might already know about it. For example: scene 1: A and B meet at work, talk about holidays, problems with boss, set up friendship backstory. Scene 2: B at home, set up relationship with mother, phone call with C. Etc. Whatever.
Once I have the outline, I can start writing.
The exact process can vary depending on the project. For very simple fics and/or fics on a deadline, I’ll do all this prep stuff in my head and then just write--that was basically the case with my BSS fic this year. For longer fics, the outline might get more involved. Sometimes I’ll do additional brainstorming within the outline, or, for longer works, re-outline or adjust the outline as I go. For mutli-chap works, I have a general outline at most (sometimes not even that....) but then do the outlining process for each chapter as I go. Sometimes I write without an outline, when I just feel like creating something, but I do that less often now, and if the story gets involved enough, I’ll outline the rest later. I often ‘practice’ scenes in my head before I write them, and if I really like how one turned out, I’ll write a mini-outline of the main beats of it before I write, just so I don’t forget.
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
Hmmm, I honestly have a lot of fics of my own that I like a lot but other people don’t really seem to--either because of the pairing or just, idk, difference in taste.
For this question, I’m going to say Summer of the Not-Quite-Seen, a gen Jasper, Monty, and Octavia fic I wrote last summer. I had a lot of fun with the dynamic and the setting, and even though I wrote it in the middle of a long slog of writer’s block, when both my creative life and my general life were really...hard, I liked how it came out.
Fanfic Writers Asks!
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aparticularbandit · 4 years
State of Bandit Fic
it’s been a couple of months since i posted one of these and i’d like to have one done by the end of the year SO here we go. under a read more for length.  my apologies, mobile users.
plans for the rest of the year:
roisa secret santa goes up next monday.  i still don’t know what i’ll post on the monday after that.  i have another chapter ish of falling written, but idk if that’s a direction i really want to go with that novel.  maybe, maybe not.  idk.
word count maintained 2k during november with only a few hiccups.  this month the first couple of weeks i had multiple days where word count was less than 1k.  i’ve gotten it back up to 1k and think that the sudden jump from main focus on roisa hp au to main focus on rss was part of the issue there (when i go and make sure i get 1k in the hp au, i tend to hit 2k again, so there’s that).  i plan to try and maintain the 1k to the end of the year with the hope that i reach a total of 400k written this year (at the end of november, i was at approximately 381.5k - give or take a few - which means i only needed to write 18.5k this month.  i have at least 11.5k in various other non-roisa hp au projects from this month, not including any word count from second writes, and i know i’ve done at least another 1k (probably 2k or more) in the roisa hp au - so i should be hitting that if i keep up the 1k minimum).
that Christmas project i said i started last year and wanted to finish this year won’t be finished in time for Christmas most likely so my apologies.  :/  it just takes more mental thought for less word count and my focus right now is on rss.  sorry.
plans for next year:
i’m very tentative on these, but this is what i’ve been thinking about (and may or may not actually do):
focus on five days a week at 1-2k with saturdays and sundays off - still plan on keeping word count on one of those days but giving the other one for second write for the monday update because i’ve found that trying to do the second write and final edits and get 1k written is really hard for me to do, especially with longer updates.  so i’m not going to push myself for that.
this also potentially allows me an additional day to spend editing or drafting other projects - like the roisa hp au or mexican stud or stuff like that which i want to be finished and go through another edit and possible betaing before posting - and while that might not be immediately, i like that space being open and available.
focus on finishing the rough draft of the first book of the roisa hp au and hopefullly get it through a second draft and betaing and polishing so that maybe it starts getting posted in july or august.
i was thinking july but we’ll see.  i don’t want to lock myself into something like i did with ACAL this year, and while i like having it set up for the beginning of the school year, i’m not sure that’s enough time.  i haven’t done this kind of editing/drafting/betaing before on a project - with the exception of noir fic, which...hasn’t been posted and got stalled in the fourth draft.
i also think that this would be in place of the monday updates instead of a separate update as i originally planned.  because this first book is currently 16 chapters long, that would give me multiple months to focus on other projects while they’re updating - and that time off was something i really wanted in july and ended up getting mostly in october and november.  so we’ll see.
possibly hosting roisa fic week probably around july 4th and then possibly hosting rss next year, as well, but with a longer application time (probably all of october, but unsure).
possibly pick-up lines month for january into february in time for valentine’s day.  still not sure.
more focus on personal projects.
i want to write my original fic and i’ve been focusing on fanfic and that’s not a problem but i should do some writing on my original fic, too.
not sure what this means yet because i plan to maintain monday updates because that’s been a good schedule for the past however many months and i like having that schedule.
i did set up a blog for that fantasy thing i mentioned a while back, but it’s...more complicated and something i want to ease into before bringing it up real big.  so.  in the wings.
time off from social media in january.
not sure how i’ll be doing this either, but i just want to take some time off from facebook/tumblr/twitter/etc.  i don’t think full blackout because i plan to still be posting links to chapter updates and such here, but i’ve found...i get really worn-out and waste so much time and i just.  want to see what happens.  idk.
so that’s that.
and then general fic updates:
posted but incomplete fics:
if you lived here, you’d be home now
no change from last update
started a reread, maybe that’ll help
jane: the real story
no change from last update
might be dead fic; i’m not super interested in continuing this
blame soulmate timer au
heart in motion
no change from last update
luisa and the child
aka the sequel to luisa and the fox
no change since last update with the exception of some brainstorming
sin rostro
holding off because other projects are louder right now.  still excited for this idea, though
emilia antonia
started the next chapter.
probably going to be focusing on this as one of my primary focuses in the new year.  actually i should poll about this.
have another chapter written but not posted but not sure if want to keep that direction or not
started the chapter past that one as well
all of the current chapters are posted
back to back-burner
debating a flashback chapter
the time of your life
finished posting bitches get glitches
rafael’s fic - and the rest of this series - is one of my potential primary focuses in the new year.  i’m still really excited about this series and where it’s going.
have working titles for both rafael’s and petra’s fics.
apparently michael, who i hadn’t planned to have involved, is maybe going to actually show up.  i’m thinking his first appearance might be in petra’s fic, but i’m not sure on that point.
unposted fics:
where the lightning splits the sea:
aka roisa hp au
the first book rough draft is probably going to be my primary focus in the new year, as i stated above.
currently in chapter eleven of what i expect will be sixteen.  chapter lengths vary, so it’s possible that when i go through the second write i may change chapter divisions so that they aren’t too long for ao3 postings.
i’m still super excited to be writing this one and super excited to jump into this fic so - i haven’t hit burnout, which is amazing.
mexican stud
aka rosalint fic
no change from last update
probably a primary focus in the new year as stated above
everything’s coming up roses
no change from last update
various other soulmate aus
no change from last update
epic superhero crossover
aka jtv/tick/timeless/supergirl/x-files/agent carter/person of interest crossover
possibly also to include proven innocent and deputy in a tie-in with the x-files aspect - re: how to get mulder and scully directly involved and not just have the syndicate and world-building aspects
still getting bigger
obviously i have added in person of interest as part of the crossover - primarily because i pulled in wendy mcnally - bridget’s character - from one of the episodes not because i’m pulling in main characters or themes (although there’s a possibility of that)
i have started bits and pieces of this
mexican stud, obviously
mostly dottie/lint stuff
and then a few thousand words in collateral damage, which is basically the wendylu fic that explains what happens with luisa in the three years after rose’s death
the primary fic taking place three years after rose dies but there are a lot of other interconnecting fics that cover that period and earlier, etc.
i want this to be a primary focus, but it’s...complicated
timeless/noir fusion fic
basic premise: lucy teams up with amnesiac!assassin!emma as they delve into secret societies and etc.
emma is an assassin and has amnesia.
rittenhouse doesn’t suck.
carol doesn’t suck.
lucy is still a history professor, but at amy’s behest (YEAH AMY’S ALIVE), she went to a smaller university somewhere else instead of going into carol’s department
idk who else will show up in the fic yet - emma probably has one of the machines but i’m not sure which one yet either, so that means probably should look at rufus/jiya/mason and maybe flynn BUT not sure
noir is very female-focused with no male main characters so trying to mesh that with timeless is complicated
the focus would need to be on emma and lucy and their relationship
as a result, this will likely end up being prestmore.
sorry not sorry.
there are other projects i’ve considered - like one with nymphs kind of related to something else, and pick-up lines month like i mentioned above, AND ALSO @only-freakin-sunflowers AND I MIGHT BE BRAINSTORMING A COLLAB PROJECT - but i think that’s a good place to stop for now.  ^^
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imagine-lumpygrab · 5 years
For the thing I ask fooor... 2 3 8 and 10. Let's hope your WiFi pulls through this time...
*inhale* This is the last fricking time I’m doing this, Tumblr has yeeted my posts of this into the void four times before and I am done with its crap.
2. Which sentence or paragraph is your favorite among those in the fics you’ve written? Why is it your favorite?
Hooo boy, a hard question! I’ve written a LOT of fics, but I generally really like the parts where characters dance or hug or are happy. If I had to pick an Adventure Time themed fic (since that IS the theme of this blog, it would be from “Pretty, pretty Lemonman” where different reincarnations of LG wear dresses:
Lemongrab pouted angrily. “Mother Princess! I demand a dress NOW!”
“You think just because you yell I’ll give you everything you want?”
“That’s not how it works, Lem-”
She sighed, opening the closet in which she kept most of her dresses. “Oookay, which one would you like?”
It’s a fave of mine because as someone who spends maybe too much time around yelling kids I know when to give up and this is a #mood for me, and also I really like that scene where someone is like “we’re definitely not doing the thing” but then it cuts to them doing that exact thing.
It’s just endlessly funny to me honestly :D
3. Which of your fics has your favorite opening and which has your favorite ending?
The favorite opening would be that of my songfic “Will everybody please give him a little bit of space” inspired by “This is home”:
Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
“I don’t think I can do this,” Lemongrab sighed.
I like it because immediately you know something bad is going on. “I cannot fall in love” followed by “I don’t think I can do this” just sets the scene so well for all the drama, especially if you know the song and the melody because that really adds to the atmosphere❤️
Favourite ending.... hm, that’s hard. I like all of them. Because I always write happy endings, and I like happy endings. Also I don’t have that many fics with actual endings because many of them are not actually finished 🤦‍♀️
It would probably be the one also from “Pretty, pretty lemonman” where LG3 wears a dress to some formal event and goes to greet Bubblegum:
Bubblegum seemed to have lost her voice. The sight of him in a dress was so unreal, and she wanted to worry for his reputation, for his dignity, for his well-being, but then Marceline took her hand and she saw Lumpy Space Princess do the same and all of her worries silenced down. He will be fine. He’s himself and that’s who he should be. And so, she smiled kindly and with fondness, saying gently: “I do accept you. You are beautiful and loved, and I’m proud of you, Lemongrab.”
I like this for a lot of reasons. First, Bubblegum doesn’t act like a complete ass, excuse my French. Second, she worries for Lemongrab but then realizes there are people in his life who trust him to be his own person and she should be one of them. So she becomes one of them and trusts him to be his own person. And third, the last sentence of the fic is something that I believe everyone should hear at least once in their life. No matter what they have or have not gone through, regardless of whether they have trouble expressing gender or just got anxious about homework. People should be told someone loves and accepts them.
Hey, you. I do accept you. You are beautiful and loved, and I’m proud of you.
There you go, it’s really easy, kids, try this at home.
8. If you could have an artist create fan art for any of your fics, which would it be and why? 
OH BOY OH BOY since it’s you who’s asked this I really had to think my answer through because if it turns out you planned on drawing it I want it to be something you don’t kill your hands over and I’m managing LG in dresses pretty well, so it’s not going to be “Pretty, pretty lemonman.”
And since there’s not many other fics I’ve finished and posted, I think it would be “Will everybody please give him a little bit of space.” There’s lots of angst prompting scenes – LG tracing over his scars with a scalpel to cut PB’s pink thread, his predecessors’ minds yelling over each other in his head, Bubblegum trying to keep him alive while regretting like ten years of neglecting her son.... yeah it’s a lot of drama.
If I had to pick something happier, than definitely the Lemongrab/LSP fusion from my “Gems AU” one-shot. Or like... their fusion in general.
10. Which of your fics do you wish more people would talk to you/ask questions about and why? Be honest!
Actually if people asked me too many questions about one single fic I would end up telling you all the spoilers. Like I’d just tell you the whole story bit by bit because I tend to ramble and have like five(5) fics so eventually I’d just have nothing else to tell you :D BUT what I’d love to get more asks about are Alternate Universe prompts! Crossovers! Like... An AU where LSP was raised by Bubblegum and LG is from another dimension! Or... he’s a sun god and she’s a star constellation goddess🌟! Or like.... ALL THE SOULMATE AUS. Also if you ever spot any imagine-your-otp prompts that you think fit Lumpygrab, yeet them at me!
Thanks for asking!
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edenfalling · 5 years
[Fic] Random fragments that I will never finish
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dewmie-in · 6 years
So, you hear lot about the Cool Kids as analogs of the Crystal Gems. I have many theories now about Dewey and Jamie being analogs for Ruby and Sapphire (and becoming a ship as a result) since Reunited aired, snapping and crackling in my brain like the small twigs of an eastern European pine forest. Here are six points I've been thinking about for an unhealthy amount of time:
Point 1: Color palettes
Bill's color palette is kind of hard to ignore - it's about as close as you could get to making one of the human characters bright ruby red - pretty much a coral color. Jamie’s default mailman outfit is blue, kind of like Sapphire - simple enough.
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You'd think Bill’s suit is just grey, but that's a weird color theory thing going on - it's actually shades of purple! Ruby has a little dark purple in her outfit - Garnet has even more. Also, Bill and Jamie also have one bit of blue and red each - Jamie with his chucks and Bill with his tie.
Their appearance in the rupphire wedding is a rubber mallet to the skull as color palettes are concerned:
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Bill has ditched the tie, so he has a bit of blue around his shirt collar. Jamie’s belt is dark red. That’s two instances now of hinting at each other’s colors somewhere in their outfits!
This is also the only time I think we see Jamie in a blue shirt that isn’t his work uniform - why blue? Dude wears blue all the time at his day job and his one dressy shirt happens to be blue, too? This feels SO INTENTIONAL.
Point 2: Watery stuff and firey stuff
Jamie ends up in or around water a lot!
In Love Letters alone there’s a ton of stuff - being a total moon calf out in the rain; throwing the mail he was supposed to deliver into the ocean. Then there’s Garnet’s line that first gets Jamie sweet on her in the first place: “I’m a really good swimmer.” Swimming! Water!
He throws a bucket of water on Steven in Historical Friction
He ends up *in the ocean* with the others in I Am My Mom.
You might make a parallel with him and Lapis here because it’s water instead of ice, but water in some form is a common theme with the gems of Blue Diamond's court, so to me it points to a Sapphire thing. Water here = ice. I’d even predict something happening in a future episode with Jamie being cold or dealing with ice - we’ll see!
There’s also the whole theme of Blue Diamond's gems being more emotionally-focused, too. An analogous human would wear his heart on his sleeve a bit - falling in love at the drop of a hat, being overly dramatic and so on.
Warmth or fire tends to be a running theme for Bill, some of the most obvious things:
Melting ice cream in Joking Victim *and* Political Power.
The fireworks show he arranged.
Steven’s bit in Political Power about how, "Mayor Dewey was hiding things from you ... because he loves you," and then you see a shot of a nice fire in the fireplace.
His skin color is basically a perpetual sunburn.
In Political Power, Bill has the line, “you can't control what happens in the world but you can control how people feel about it - that's the real weight I carry - making the good people of Beach City feel better...” Now, he isn’t very successful at keeping people calm ultimately, but he tries, and even references Ocean Town being destroyed because of people rioting/panicking! Water = emotions Fire = composure.
There's weird bits of crossover here, too: Bill gets sprayed in his first appearance, and Jamie accidentally sets his quill on fire while writing his letter to Garnet. They don't do well using each other's elements, do they!
There is only one big counterexample to this I can find, yet even THAT is telling. To be fair, Bill is very much The Boss in Historical Friction and even a bit of a jerk, but then you see this bit at the end?
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Jamie gets a fire in his eyes when he gets the position as director of the community theater. Who really started that fire, though? Who gave Jamie all that power? Bill did.
Point 3: Bill has a type
Bill has a crush on Pearl! And hats off to Pewey shippers - ship what you want and live your best life! But I'm afraid I have to bring this ship up from the depths just to sink it, because for my purposes it's a red herring:
Out of the main three Crystal Gems, who does Jamie portray best? Pearl!
Bill is into slender types with big noses, basically. There’s some fun headcanoning to be done about WHY Bill is so ridiculously transparent with Pearl and this hasn't been the case around Jamie. Perhaps he's over-compensating for a crush on Jamie? Perhaps he never thought of Jamie like that before and that will lead to a bit of development for them both? Now that Bill isn't mayor anymore, maybe he feels he can be a little more open about himself. Who knows?
Point 4: SU Tap Together
This post on the SU Tap Together game. tl;dr - they give Dewey and Jamie VERY SIMILAR abilities to Ruby and Sapphire as starters. I doubt it's coincidental.
Point 5: Buck’s dad
Pretty much the whole fandom agrees that Buck is an analog for Garnet. In some way, Garnet is the product of Ruby and Sapphire. Would it not make sense that Buck would have two dads to parallel Garnet's two 'moms'?
I am calling it now - Buck is going to get a second dad - a dad that can ultimately help foster his interest in art in a healthy, supportive way that his other dad hasn't been able to do up to now; a dad who is a creator and artist in his own way - as an actor! Jamie's gonna become Buck's second dad!
Point 6: It's time!
This is more meta, but we have several canon/near-canon fem ships. Would this show really have SO many sapphic and het ships and then have little-to-no men together? It just feels like next logical step to ALL THE inclusiveness that makes this show what it is! Dewmie is endgame! Soylent Green is people!
That's pretty much it. I’m kicking myself because way back, with all the hints at Garnet being a fusion so early, we all might have missed one of the most obvious ones - that the analogs for the gems that made her up as a fusion were there from the beginning and no one noticed! 
So, that's it. Grab a brochure and a stale cookie on your way out. Thanks for reading!
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