#but it’s hard to merge tlt and mdzs as well because like. the magic systems are SO completely different
jaggededges123 · 2 months
Wait wait wait can you do more Z
whats good? Whats up? whats on your mind? do you like to combine your current interests? like maybe start mapping character traits to other series characters or think about crossovers?
i am gonna be running two events later this year, niecest weekend (august 9-11) and eighthcest weekend (it’s looking like september 20-22) and they’re gonna be GREAT! we’re voting on prompts for niecest weekend right now (dm me for a link if you’d like to vote btw i gave them out in servers but i know not everyone’s in them) and they’re looking really fun tbh 👀👀👀 and we’re still in the suggestion phase for the eighthcest weekend prompts (that link is public and i’ll probably try to reblog it again a day or two before i close the form and switch to voting) but there have been so many absolute banger suggestions already, i’m really really excited for that one as well! i’m gonna do my best to write for them both if i can too because 💪 the main reason i run events is to also participate in them lmfao. tbh lowkey ship weeks/prompt weeks aren’t that hard to run, but it helps to start the ball rolling a bit early for me because i struggle a lot with fatigue and i have a number of memory issues, so i also try to keep reminders in my phone, like “make and spread x google form today” or “don’t forget to ask luna to make a graphic for me pretty pretty please”. speaking of luna XD she is so helpful tbh bc i don’t know colors and if i tried to make a graphic i’m sure it would be so dull for the first several years because i have not trained for an artistic eye at all but she can do something nice in like an hour and takes payment in kisses lol. i don’t remember where i was going with all of this i got distracted but it’s meant to be a ramble so 🤷 that’s fine. i’m really excited for them both and i’m definitely going to use my mod privilege to get a little head start on writing my fics for them lol. ah, i still need to make the collection for eighthcest weekend as well, and maybe an email to go with it just in case i would at some point like to pass the torch along… lots to think about lots to do, but it’s in little flurries of activity tbh and i have a million other things i need to do rn so like 😅 maybe next week if i can get enough done!
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