#i do not care that we r allergic to things in this image i need to eat that
snowdin-stims · 4 months
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five-rivers · 3 years
If u r taking prompts:
What if OfA is haunted in such a way that Izuku suddenly gets a craving for (insert food long out of production) and gets increasingly frustrated when he can't find it? Or like, he unconsciously cooks like Nana and co? Like, I imagine Hikage alone imparted some weird comfort foods
Standing in the middle of the grocery store, Izuku dreamed with his eyes wide open. Moving pictures he'd never seen whispered like distant music in his mind's eye. It swelled like ocean waves beneath steady feet. If he swallowed, he could taste licorice and green onions.
He blinked, long and slow and lucid, the crackling of the store intercom rolling off his shoulders. He was awake, and the whiteness of the shelves was sharp and cold.
He blinked again, at the end of the aisle, and everything snapped into focus. His basket was full. He remembered filling it. But... He flipped through brands familiar and unfamiliar. This shopping trip had an air of unreality to it. He had still managed to pick up everything the class had requested and everything he needed to make dinner tomorrow night.
Humming slightly, he walked to the checkout. He couldn't wait to have some of that licorice.
He paused and tilted his head. Licorice?
There was some in the basket, but he didn't particularly care for it, especially not the black kind. But it did remind him of Blackwhip. He shrugged. It was okay to have cravings.
Izuku didn't often get food cravings. But when he did, he'd go through a lot to satisfy them. Which was why he was up so late at night, trawling through English-language websites, trying to find the right kind of licorice, because whatever he had gotten at the store was not it. Something was missing.
As he rocketed through page after page of image search, his eyes caught on brightly colored packaging.
There it was!
He clicked on it.
11 Famous Discontinued Candies of the Early-Quirk Era.
He let his head his the keyboard. Of course.
Wait. How did he even know what that licorice tasted like if it had been discontinued a hundred years ago?
"Wow, Midoriya! This is great!"
"Thanks," said Izuku, blushing. "I think it's the ginger."
"I wouldn't have thought to put ginger in this," said Sato. "Where did you learn the recipe?"
"From, um..." Izuku frowned. "I'm not sure, actually..."
Normally, he'd say his mother, but he was pretty sure she'd never made this.
"The internet, probably," said Kacchan roughly as he added a copious amount of chili flakes to his dish. "This isn't one of Auntie Inko's."
"Yeah, probably," agreed Izuku, watching Kacchan with vague fascination. He never put on that much spice when he wasn't eating in front of other people. Was it a competition thing?
There was a knock on the front door. "Come in!" chorused half the class.
All Might slowly opened the door. "I'm just here to remind you about- oh, my, that smells lovely."
"Come eat with us!" said Izuku. "We have lots extra!"
"Well," said All Might, stepping in. "It wouldn't hurt to have a little..."
He sat down at the table, and Izuku served him a helping appropriately sized for someone who had no stomach. All Might took a bite... and immediately started crying.
"All Might? Are you okay?!" asked Izuku. "Are you allergic? Do you have an epi-pen? Someone call Recovery G-!"
"I'm fine, young Midoriya! I'm quite alright. It's just... this reminds me of something my- something an old friend of mine used to make."
Most heroes would never encounter a wilderness survival situation in their careers, but UA believed in its students being well rounded- and also villains with warp quirks. So, here they were, in the woods, learning about how to find water and different edible plants.
Speaking of edible plants...
"Problem child, what did you just eat?"
"A mushroom."
"A mushroom!" shrieked the hero teaching the special course. "I was hoping to get through this without pumping anyone's stomach-"
"But they're edible," protested Izuku, pointing.
"They're-! Huh. Okay. Those ones actually are. But mushrooms can be hard to identify, so for my peace of mind..."
"No more mushrooms," said Izuku. "Got it."
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
Okay I'm super sorry if I'm requesting too many things but I was listening to holiday music while driving home from work yesterday and was suddenly struck by the need for some chaotic holiday/winter shenanigans with the boyz, if that's okay? Reader involvement isn't necessary! Pretty please and thank you sooo much ❤❤❤ -🌻
You’re not requesting too many things don’t worry Sunny!!! I literally owe you everything for half the fics I’ve written in the past year so there’s no way I could refuse, also this is what the drabble game is for!! I hope you enjoy this half-baked bullshit LMAO
3-year anniversary drabble game: send me an NCT/WAYV/Stray Kids/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
(don’t think I've mentioned it but all of these text aus are in the same universe lol)
(also this ended up not being as holiday-ish as you probably wanted.... SORRY)
Title: Holiday Shenanigans
Pairing: no pairings, just the boyz being dumb
Triggers: a lot of cursing
quick clarification:
papi: sangyeon
angel: jacob
moon scribblez: kevin
new kid: chanhee
starbucks tissues: changmin
sundae: sunwoo
bread: younghoon
the better hyun: hyunjae
the better jae: eric
professional rollerblader: juyeon
foodie: haknyeon
new kid: I'm going to commit murder
sundae: who’s he making empty threats about this time
moon scribblez: who wants to hear about the cockroach that fucking crawled out of my mop today!!
papi: pls don’t tlalk about it I was scarred for life
papi: it’s not an infestation Kevin
new kid: is no one going to pay attention to my murder
angel: I will! but I won’t be an accessory
moon scribblez: I BEG TO FUCKING DIFFER
new kid: I love you jacob
angel: love you too <3
sundae: /barfs/
papi: #1 sunwoo just bc you’re allergic to emotion doesn’t mean the rest of us are
papi: some of us are capable of love
papi: #2 I don’t own the center I'm just the center director therefore I do not take responsibility for any possible infestations we may have
starbucks tissues: I heard my name :D
papi: therefore take it up with the owners @ moon scribblez
starbucks tissues: but it’s always halloween :(
moon scribblez: I TOOK THE MOP TO THE SINK
moon scribblez: AND YOU WON’T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY??????????
papi: I just deal with the parents and the kids not bugs
moon scribblez: time to pin it on ella
starbucks tissues: :(
sundae: now look what you’ve done chanhee
sundae: you’ve made him sad
starbucks tissues: :(
angel: I think I'm going to head out
angel: I don’t think even I can heal this rift
moon scribblez: well if jacob’s out I'm out
moon scribblez: I have a solution to my problems 
papi: just don’t get me involved
moon scribblez: no promises !
starbucks tissues: I can scare ella if you want kevin :)
moon scribblez: YES FUCKING PLEASE
papi: I'm going to get fired
moon scribblez: maybe so :D
new kid: no one cares about my problems I see
new kid: everyone hates me
sundae: ya it’s bc you’re the new kid
new kid: I exist only for pain 
bread: so hyunjin told me to tell changmin to stop using various horror movie masks to terrify him at work
starbucks tissues: so out of work is fair game?
bread: idk he didn’t specify
bread: probably
starbucks tissues: :D
the better hyun: oh what the fuck this shit isn’t normal
the better hyun: it’s impossible for someone to be so cute but so terrifying
starbucks tissues: I'll take that as a compliment :D
the better hyun: it isn’t but whatever makes you happy ig
the better jae: changmin
the better jae: I only ask that you leave the nun mask and chucky doll at home when we have our christmas party
starbucks tissues: well that’s no fun :(
bread: changmin I'm sorry but your idea of fun is very different from ours
bread: Jacob back me up
angel: I'm sorry changmin but he’s right :(
starbucks tissues: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
the better hyun: by the way for the party
the better hyun: who’s doing what???????
the better jae: I'm bringing the xbox!!
foodie: I'm bringing cookies !
papi: I'm cooking with Kevin and juyeon
professional rollerblader: yes it’s going to be fun
professional rollerblader: Kevin says he’s going to make a cheesecake
the better jae: can I save a piece for jisung??
moon scribblez: if we don’t eat all of it
new kid: why
new kid: why did I just hear screaming from the tutoring center
moon scribblez: oH MY GOD SANGYEON
professional rollerblader: TAHT WAS GLORIOUS
sundae: what happened
foodie: why do you only show up for chaos
sundae: I only exist for chaos nothing else is worth my time
the better jae: fair enough
angel: what happened? I thought I saw someone fall ??
angel: but I'm across the walkway so idk :(
angel: is everyone all right?
papi: I think I have a concussion
moon scribblez: oh please you just fell off a tiny stepladder
professional rollerblader: can’t believe sangyeon just fell off a stepladder trying to put up a fucking Christmas stocking 
papi: I hate christmas
papi: I hate everything
moon scribblez: the kids are laughing
moon scribblez: I think I'm going to bust a lung
papi: my dignity has been stripped and I no longer want to live
the better hyun: wait juyeon why are you even there 
the better hyun: you don’t even tutor
foodie: ‘does she even go here’
the better jae: ‘does she even go here’
foodie: ERIC
the better jae: HAK
sundae: oh wow amazing their brain cells conjoined into one single coherent thought and of course it had to be a mean girls reference
starbucks: how did this start out with younghoon telling me to stop scaring hyunjin at work
bread: honestly I don’t know
moon scribblez: winter break is upon us
moon scribblez: and I can now bask in the fact that I don’t have to teach spoiled rich assholes basic math for two whole weeks !
papi: speak for yourself
moon scribblez: your fault for being center director
angel: I hate to agree with Kevin and be mean but you really did bring that upon yourself sangyeon
papi: want death
professional rollerblader: no don’t die! we need your food for the party tomorrow
papi: can’t believe all you care about is my food not even me
sundae: did you expect anything different
papi: on a regular basis no
papi: but it’s the holiday season
new kid: holidays are a social construct made to force us into the world of capitalism and giving our money to fat fucking corporations like amazon
starbucks tissues: if I could give Jeff Bezos a heart attack with my nun mask I would
new kid: that’s the only use of that mask that I approve of
starbucks tissues: turn around
the better jae: was that
the better jae: was that new
bread: I don't think I've ever heard chanhee scream that loud
foodie: I’m at the food court and I heard that what the fuck
foodie: the build a bear is like all the way down the mall what the fuck
starbucks tissues: :)
bread: I think that scream rivaled changmin’s dolphin levels
sundae: brb still dying of laughter
sundae: I'm so happy I caught that on video
new kid: Kim sunwoo
new kid: don’t you fucking dare
sunwoo: [ 1 video attached ]
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
professional rollerblader: I can’t believe I missed this I'm so mad
foodie: I think the fake Santa Claus looking over in abject horror just adds to it
starbucks tissues: ^^^
new kid: someone’s dying tonight
angel: there there
angel: no one’s dying tonight
new kid: someone IS
the better jae: bet changmin’s mask can
new kid: I'm ripping that fucking mask to shreds
starbucks tissues: :(
bread: now he’s hugging the fucking mask like it’s his baby 
bread: [ 1 image attached ]
the better hyun: as I have said before
the better hyun: it is not normal for someone to look that cute while holding a fucking horror movie mask
papi: I've come to accept that none of you are normal
papi: I think it’s best for your sanity to accept that too
moon scribblez: I'm so late but I'm also rolling on the floor with laughter
papi: can confirm he’s actually on the floor
papi: Kevin you give our center a bad name
moon scribblez: I deadass do not care
moon scribblez: you gave me ashley today so I'm giving you chaos
moon scribblez: suck it <3
angel: she can’t be that bad?????????
moon scribblez: Jacob I know you’re an angel
moon scribblez: but you don’t understand
angel: I guess I don’t :/
foodie: I'm going into a food coma!
foodie: don’t attempt to contact me for the next twenty four hours peace <3
sundae: we wouldn’t have in the first place
foodie: :(
angel: sunwoo don’t be mean :(
sundae: fine
sundae: sorry hak
foodie: :)
new kid: the power of one Jacob bae
starbucks tissues: he prevents wars with just his smile
bread: all hail the angel
the better jae: *bows*
angel: guys pls
moon scribblez: no they’re right
moon scribblez: he took me home last night when I was drunk off my ass
moon scribblez: a true angel
angel: guys pls I'm blushing :(
papi: can confirm ! I'm sitting next to him
papi: also he made me hangover soup so can confirm the angel bit too
professional rollerblader: honestly if Jacob wasn’t here we wouldn’t have survived last night
professional rollerblader: he de-escalated Mario kart
professional rollerblader: stayed sober
professional rollerblader: took people home
foodie: all hail Jacob bae
the better jae: I thought you were in a food coma?????
foodie: came back to pay my respects to our lord and savior Jacob bae
the better jae: ok valid
angel: g u y s
the better hyun: has this conversation just become an all hail Jacob bae conversation
moon scribblez: do you want to fucking argue about it
the better hyun: no on the contrary
the better hyun: I'm joining
the better hyun: alL HAIL JACOB BAE
papi: amen
moon scribblez: aMen
professional rollerblader: a fucking men
angel: I'm going to start crying guys pls
new kid: NO DON’T CRY
starbucks tissues: Jacob don’t cry :(((((((((
angel: you guys are so sweet I can’t not cry
papi: I'm hugging him now no more crying
the better jae: two bros, chillin in a hot tub
the better jae: no feet apart bc they’re secure in their masculinity and love each other very much <3
moon scribblez: fuck
the better jae: YOU RUINED IT
the better jae: yOU BITCH
professional rollerblader: didn’t Jacob call us sweet like one minute ago?
new kid: well he’s an angel he sees the best in us
sundae: there’s no best in you bitch
new kid: oh fuck you
bread: great way to end the holiday season ig
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Survey #236
“so i asked you once, and i ask you again: where do your roots start, and where do your roots end?”
Do you wear a ring on your finger? Yeah, a Supernatural reference best friend one. Do you listen to your friends’ advice when they give it to you? I mean, it depends on the kind of advice and the seriousness of the issue. I'd say in most cases, yes. What’re you listening to right now? "Angel Eyes" by New Years Day ft. Chris Motionless. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It has been, twice. I don't think I'll do it again because my glasses are just in the way and they come out and get lost too easily. Is your last ex still someone you care about and do you still have romantic feelings for your ex? Yes to both. My feelings towards her haven't changed at all, we just made a heavily-discussed, hard, but wise decision for the time being. Are you someone’s best friend? Sara. What’s the biggest annoyance in your life right now? Annoyance, ummm... oh, easy. Being poor as dirt. That's only slightly under my skin, y'know? Have you spoken to your mother today? Yeah, I live with her. When was the last time you cried and why? PTSD. It's started to become relevant again, jOY to THe WOrlD!!!!!1!!!1!!!!! Is there someone who makes you instantly smile when you receive a message from them? I mean I don't always smile, but I consistently do get excited. If someone loved you right now, would you want them to tell you? *confused screaming* Do you like to cuddle? If I'm seriously romantically into you, yes. Is any part of you sad at all? I think that's always going to be a thing for me, somewhere down in there. Do you like seafood? Only shrimp, and even that I don't like in some forms. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yeah. Does more than one person like you? Idk. Do you ever worry that people might be talking about you behind your back? Always. Fuck, I think Sara's the only person I can count on to never. Do you call your partner ‘baby’? I hated it and never used it 'til Sara. I eventually did, and somehow, it felt okay and not disrespectful??? Idk if I'll use it again. What's the most boring guy’s name out there? Like, "Bob" or something. Do you know how to play Mahjong? Nope. Ever had a promise ring? No. What’s the biggest turn off in the opposite sex? Send me a dick pic and I will actually KICK you in the dick. Fun fact, even though I'm still bi, visually, penises gross me the fuck out and so I'd rather see someone's as little as possible, m'kay? Doing that is like a surefire way for me to decide "oh no bye boy." How often do you catch yourself daydreaming? A whole lot. This time last year, were you single? No. Who is someone you’ll always hate? The doctor that put me on a medication that put around 100 pounds on me and blamed it aaaaaall on me. :^) Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Yeah, just spelled differently. Who knows your biggest secret(s)? Sara. Do you ever read the threads on r/AskReddit? No. Are you currently stressed out about anything? You have no fucking idea. What’s your Instagram @? brittanymphotography or eldritch_obscura, depending on what kind of photography you're into. Don't have a personal one. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? No. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? It's so complicated. I think, but I also question the "in" love part. That and just "loving" are different to me. I want her, I want Jason, and here I am strictly monogamous. I barely understand what I feel romantically rn. If a friend called you to help hide a body, would you help or turn them in? UM fuck that I'm calling the cops. Have you ever had a crush on someone that, now as you look back, is completely embarrassing? Not really. How would you react if a friend started dating your ex? When "ex" is used singularly, I always assume you want The Ex. So, regardless of friend, that'd feel weird, but with certain people/levels of friendship, less so than others. If you were in an emergency, which friend would you call first? So not family? Uhhh, I don't know. It depends on the kind of emergency. Ever kissed someone who wasn’t single? No. Other than that "someone who wasn't single" being my partner. Are you single? if no who are you dating and for how long? Not right now, no. What kind of music do you listen to? Tons of different forms of metal, rock, indie, and I'm even into some electro stuff now. Do you have any YouTube videos of yourself? Thank the merciful lord, not anymore. What’s your fave YouTube video? BIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHHH the one featuring Dark in A Heist With Markiplier. I am not exaggerating my love of White Suit Dark. Use three words that best describe your best friend: Passionate, loyal, and resilient as a motherfucker. Now use three that best describe you: Also passionate, empathetic, and caring. List three things that describe your crush/love: Look I love someone but am also preoccupied with the idea of Jason coming back to me. It's not a "crush," it's being in love with a memory. I don't have a clue how to answer this rn. Is there someone in the family that no one really talks to? As far as extended family goes, yeah. Have you ever been romantically interested in a coworker? N/A What is the game you’re currently playing most often on your phone? None; I have no games on it because my phone has incredibly small memory. Same. Are you close to someone who is mentally unwell? Well, define "unwell." I have a load of friends and family with mental disorders, but calling them "mentally unwell" seems too severe. Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet? Adopt, dude. There are so, SO many cats and dogs and I'm sure more that need a home, but you'd rather pay hundreds for a dog with likely some sort of health problem from extreme breeding than adopt an animal for a far cheaper price that ALREADY needs a family? Come on, now. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies? I read Ozzy's autobiography. Do you know anyone who is freaked out by cats? ???????????? no????????????? What name would you pick for yourself? Probably "Zoey." Do you enjoy going to live shows? Do concerts count? 'Cuz yeah. Who do you spend the most time with? My mom, I guess? She's the only one I live with, but she's like, never home because she works more than she breathes. What color do you wish your hair was? Natural hair, blonde. So much easier to dye, jc. Does any of the jewelry you wear have sentimental significance? The ring mentioned earlier, as well as the bracelet Sara also gave me. Who is your favorite drummer? Eh, no op Do you find musicians attractive? This is a dumb question... It depends on the musician??? If you could get any piercing, what would it be? I want a microdermal below/near the outer corner of my eye NOW. But I have glasses so it would totally ruin the purpose, ugh. Do you scream, yell, jump around and dance at shows or do you stand still? Just cheer, really. I wouldn't call it "screaming." I guess I can yell, too? Have you ever lost your voice from screaming so much? "No. I’ve had a sore throat." <<<< This. What’s your favorite color on the person you have feelings for? Both Sara and Jason, as well as like anyone, I love wearing black. Actually, Sara is super cute in light colors, like baby pink. Ugh talking about them at the same time feels fuckin weird. Who’s your favorite horror monster/killer? Alright, let's just say like, the "traditional" guys. I suppose Jason? His silence, totally casual pursuit, and mask creep me out, man. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to when driving? When I myself am driving, I don't want music on. I can't concentrate. Are you willing to board airplanes? I've gone up to see Sara like... three times within two years, I think? They don't scare me too much. I don't like takeoff, though. Too rocky and dizzying. Do looks really matter to you when it comes to friendship? ??????????? what?????????? the fuck??????????????? Do you accept friend requests from people you don’t know? Nope. I have to not only know you, but care more about you than like the average acquaintance of whatever. What is one of your best talents? Writing, I guess? Are/were you a rebellious youth or angsty teen? ha ha oh BOY Do you put your change in a jar for savings? No. How do you feel about transvestites? BITCH y'all great. I love you. Fuckin ROCK YA SHIT. Do you know anyone with a land line at their house? Yes, actually. Do you have any guilty pleasures? Certain kinds of daydreams. Have you been in a fist fight with someone you didn’t want to fight? I've never had a physical fight. Has anyone ever convinced you to do something you didn’t want to? Sure. Usually for my own benefit/growth, though. Are you a sensitive person? Yeah, quite a bit. Do you enjoy writing? Yep. Are you a germ-o-phobe? YEAH. Would you ever own a hairless rat, cat or dog? I would TOTALLY have a sphynx. There's this one breed of dog too and is furless on most places but does have some furry areas and are so ugly they're cute, and I once almost did adopt a hairless rat. So there's your answer. Do you prefer big, fluffy towels or normal sized/smaller towels? BIG FLUFF What is the image on your beach towel? Don't have one of those. Are you good with making eye contact? NO. I never know how long to maintain it and overthink it HEAVILY. I avoid it most of the time. What is your favorite book that was turned into a movie? Probably The Outsiders. I thought it did the book great justice. Do you like the movie or the book better? I don't remember either well enough. Do you watch porn? No. I don't want to watch some strangers bang each other. It's in no way arousing to me. What’s your favorite flavor of applesauce, if any? I guess just normal? Do you go to a firework show every 4th of July? Nah. Are you diabetic? No. Are you allergic to gluten? No. I don't think I'd survive. Are you lactose intolerant? No. Do you live with your parents? Just my mom. Parents are divorced and Mom had full custody, and my two sisters are proper adults that can survive without their mommy. :^) How much experience do you have written down on your resume, approximately? NOT A LOT!!!!!!!! I only count like, one damn job that was valid/lasted a couple months, but only because I very rarely worked. I also only include my previous online college, and should I create a resume now, obviously the one I currently attend. What’s your favorite song to dance to? I do not dance, my friend. What do you think of your parents? Both of them are great. Mom is the reason I'm (in the big picture) healthy, even alive. I WOULD be dead, died a long time ago, if it was not for that woman. Saved my life again and again and again, been there for me through both the same old shit and new madness. I'mma stop here before I actually cry just thinking about how thankful I am for her. Dad, too, I love, and I aspire to be as positive as he seems nowadays. His loyalty to my sisters and me, especially after the shit I've said, is incredible. He doesn't take a lot too seriously, and that's nice, especially when you're having a hard time. He's an optimistic guy now that always makes an effort to cheer you up. He's a total goof, too. He's just fun to be around. What do you think makes you attractive to other people? HA, fuck if I know. I guess my vertical lip labret stands out? Everyone I've dated since having it has at some point pointed out that that's like, my trademark that makes me recognizable right off the bat and that it looks good on me. One of the few things I even like on myself. Would more money make you happier? Look me right in the fucking eye and answer "no" to this. What is one of your favorite memories as a child? Watching my older sister play demo discs' video games after waking up. It's something so simple, but idk, I love remembering that. What’s your favorite kind of cake? Probably red velvet, like gd that shit good. Who is your favorite sports team? Idc. Like I have a natural fondness towards the Carolina Hurricanes 'cuz they're Dad's favorite and we've gone to some games together, but I really don't care. Who would you like to get to know better? I have this high school acquaintance named Courtlynn on my Facebook that seems so cool and relatable. She seems to like me too (not romantically, but she's really supportive, hearts like everything, comments the sweetest stuff sometimes, all that), I just think both of us are shy to reach out. What is the strangest food you ever ate? "I don’t eat anything I consider strange. I’m so picky and basic." <<<< Big 'ole fat same. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? I exclusively only eat pork fried rice and/or egg rolls. Are you an organ donor? YES!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE ONE!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T NEED THEM ONCE UR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LIVING DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE SOME LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What’s your favorite candle scent? FRESH BAKED BREAD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What would you do if you found an abandoned animal? Check for identification and call if a number is given, offer it food and water, put a notification up on Facebook about a lost pet... all that stuff. We'd try to avoid a shelter, probably, because yeah. Euthanization is a thing. Have you ever kissed someone who had a tongue piercing? I am the one with the tongue piercing lmao. No. Is it easy for someone to make you cry? OH YES, QUITE. How many children can you see yourself having? IF I had kids, IF, I could not possibly imagine myself with more than two. What is your favorite PlayStation 1 game? SILENT HILL FUCK MAN I LOVE THAT SHIT. Are you competitive? Not really. Depends. Black and white or colored photos? It very much depends. Composition, lighting, content, all that contributes to what I find more aesthetically pleasing. Do you prefer to date younger, older, or the same age as you? Preferably around my age. What’s something from the past that you don’t miss at all? Being a depressed mess every waking moment of my life. Do you like ice cream cake? Not really. Do you wash your hair every day? No, every day is bad for your hair. Do you have trouble sticking to promises? Definitely not. I'm good at that. Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex? Very briefly. She thought she was ready, but not quite. What kind of headphones do you have? Right now they're literally just flimsy hot pink earplugs from a dollar store lmao. How often do you go to parties? Never. Do you sleep in awkward positions? I don't think so. Do you experiment a lot with new looks on yourself? Not really. Where is your favorite place to be kissed? Don't touch my tits with, like, anything. Do you ever quote your favorite movie in normal conversations? No? Do people ever tell you that you look stoned when you’re not? No. Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? *shrugs* why not both? Do hospitals freak you out? To a degree. Been there enough times to both get semi-used to it, but it also agitates old wounds and makes me antsy to get out. What about cemeteries at night? I've never experienced this, so I can't say. But the idea doesn't really creep me out, no. What is your favorite Nintendo 64 game? I never had one. Were you mean as a little kid? Nah, I was a good kid actually.
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commander-yinello · 7 years
JuZenWriter Queen, may I ask for an AU based on april's fool dlc where Jumin is transformed into a cat and Zen has to take care of him? No one knows why but now Jumin is genuinely a cat and for his own safety RFA wants to hide him somewhere and who's better than the allergic albino? some funny hc how Zen complains a lot but is really careful with Jumin, even talks with him and pets him and some fluff? then zen is kinda sad when Ju turns back and Ju acts like he doesn't remember, but ofc he does
*slams head down on desk* YASSS I live for this!! Q-q-queen?I’m not worthy! o///o I’ve separated this into part fic, part headcanons
“You can’tbe serious.”
When Jaeheecalled him in a panic, asking him to come to C&R immediately, Zen expected aridiculous crisis. Maybe aliens invaded. Or a bomb went off. Maybe Jumin gaveher a holiday and she doesn’t know how to handle it.
Instead ablack cat sat on Jumin’s desk, staring back at the two. A suit lay in a pile onthe leather chair. Zen instantly covered his whole face with his jacket,feeling his nose itch.
“I knew Mr.Han had stayed last evening to finish work. This morning when I walked into hisoffice, I was horrified to see he had turned into a cat.”
“Are you sosure it’s Jumin?” Zen knew the question was a bad one – the cat’s gray eyes andemotionless expression gave it all away. A cat that was very, unmistakably thestupid Trust Fund. “How in the world did this happen?”
Jaehee’sexpression told him she had no clue either. It was typical that the jerk wouldfind a bizarre way to make their lives miserable.
“Why thehell did you call me?! You know I’m allergic!”
Jaeheelifted her glasses. “I need your help Zen. In this state, Mr. Han is in noshape to work and someone needs to take care of him that I can trust to keepthis confidential, unless we want C&R’s image to be ruined.”
“So askanyone from the RFA! Why me?”
“V is awayas always, Seven would kill him or the other way around, MC can’t leave Rika’sapartment, Yoosung is on a field trip with his university and I need to do allof Mr. Han’s work until he comes back. I tried to contact Chairman Han but hewon’t respond. I suppose I can ask Ms. Sarah Choi…”
Zen’s eyetwitched for reasons he didn’t understand. “Her? You might as well kill him,”he groaned. He couldn’t believe he was going to say this. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
As Jaeheewent to locate a cat carrier and heavy allergy medicine, Zen watched cat Juminnudge a pen on the table slowly until it fell off. It prompted Zen to sneeze,upon which Jumin purred. Shit, what was he getting himself into?
Bringing cat Jumin home, Zen wears every protective item he can find. Gloves,mask, he nearly doesn’t equip a hazard suit. He looks ridiculous and he knowsit
He plansnot to get near Jumin if he can help it, even with allergy meds
“Jumin, don’tget too close to the window!”
That planfails in 2 seconds (does Zen is mom?)
Jumin is avery picky eater
With C&R funds given by Jaehee, Zen can buy the most expensive catfood
But Zen isstubborn too
“This iswhat commoner cats eat! Get used to it!”
Staringcontests are hard when you’re trying not to sneeze
Jumin jumpson the table
“Don’t youdare.”
And knocks overZen’s photo
One doesnot simply fight a cat but Zen is tempted to
No one prepared Zen for kitty litter
‘Hopefullythe jerk will change back to human soon and the nightmare can end.’
WheneverZen comes home from practice, Jumin is waiting for him
Justsitting a small distance away, staring at the door, prancing off when Zen walksin
It makesZen wonder if Jumin is bored or lonely
Zen decidesto buy a bunch of toys from the pet store
Tries themall to figure out how cats, especially jerk ones, play in the first place
Juminignores everything and plays with Zen’s long hair
Zenimagines it makes him think of Elizabeth
It becomesroutine, Zen coming home, Jumin cat playing with his hair while Zen reads hisscript
He doesn’teven know when he’s taken off the gloves
Or the mask
Now thatZen doesn’t push him away every second, Jumin lays on Zen’s lap every eveningwhen the actor relaxes in front of the television
Zen won’tadmit he likes it, but pets him anyway
Jumin won’tstop meowing whenever there’s a commercial for wine
Zen gets someof that wine for cats (“Ridiculous idea. I’m shocked Jumin didn’t invent this.”)
Jumin lovesit (“Guess it really is Jumin.”)
SometimesJumin sleeps more than normal
Zen is veryworried
“Dude, areyou sick? If yes, meow once.”
“What doesthat even mean?”
Juminalways becomes energetic at the end of the evening and Zen realizes he’s spenthours fussing over Trust Fund cat
One night,Zen has a terrible nightmare which fades away when something warm and heavylies on his chest
He wakes upwith Jumin cat purring loudly and refusing to move
Zen coughsand sneezes. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to hurt me or comfort me.”
Jumin catlooks offended and it makes Zen laugh
Zen wondersif cats like fishbread
���Don’t lookat me like that, it’s fresh.”
Jumincontinues to look at Zen like he’s mad
He secretlytakes selfies with cat Jumin even though he knows he can’t show anyone
Two weeks afterhe’s taken in cat Jumin, Zen comes home and finds a very naked and veryconfused CEO on his couch
Commencepanic version 2
“I’m home.God, practice was tough today, but-“ Zen interrupted himself as he entered hishome, seeing nothing waiting for him.
Oh, right. Juminwasn’t a cat anymore. When the CEO turned human again, Jaehee picked him up. Theyboth had to explain why exactly Jumin was naked in Zen’s house. It seemed likehe didn’t remember much, if anything at all.
Thismorning the actor had even taken the medicine, the act built into his dailyroutine. A toy mouse still lay in the corner.
His housesuddenly felt very empty.
His phonebuzzed and the strangest feelings ran through him as he saw Jumin’s name on thescreen.
“I wantedto thank you properly for your help. My experts still can’t figure out whathappened.”
“No needfor thanks dude, I’m just glad it’s over.” Zen fidgeted with his hair. Heshould tie it again.
“I see. Allowme to pay for your expenses and time.”
Ragebubbled up inside the actor. “I got enough from Jaehee, I didn’t do thisbecause I wanted handouts!” he yelled. Shit, why was he so upset that Jumindidn’t remember? Wasn’t this ideal, the two of them going back to how thingswere? “It’s fine, really,” he sighed.
There was along silence and Zen wondered if the line had gone dead.
“I can’ttell if you’re trying to hurt me or comfort me,” Jumin’s voice had a hint oflaughter in it.
Zen’s heartstopped. All the anger drained out of him and something small and happy sat inhis stomach, afraid to grow bigger. “Jumin, you remember-?”
Jumin coughedloudly. “I need to focus on my neglected work. If there’s anything else, I can…come by later. To pick up things or… otherwise.”
Zen smiled.“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
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an endeavor with flowers
Maria goes off to buy flowers for Eliza, realizing she’s allergic to flowers and has to find a solution in order to not sneeze all over them until she reaches Eliza’s place. Lots of awkward contact ensues
Credit to @cresiendo for giving me the prompt idea and motivation to write! This also got super out of hand, so expect... the unexpected. The characters have a 6-year age difference. ( i really don’t know what happened during the writing process )
( ft. Marliza after the affair in modern au )
Warnings: as usual, it falls between pg 13 and r-rated, also I barely edit expect a shit ton of mistakes
What a whore
Back off my boy, bitch
Evil seductress, broke up such a nice healthy relationship
Burn in hell, succubus
Maria passed under the doorway of the Home Depot, determined to get in and out without fleeing to the nearest bathroom to sob out her issues. It had been a almost a fortnight since the Reynolds Pamphlet had been published on Facebook by stupid fucking asshole named Alexander Hamilton.
Gritting her teeth as she got nasty stares from people like old women to teenage boys, her heels slapped the messy cement floor. Honestly, she should have just gone to some fancy bouquet store to by it but she was low on money anyway.
Being poor had so many frickin setbacks for her, like maybe forcing herself to have the worse sex ever with Hamilton in order to get the cash in for her former abusive husband.
Maria Lewis muttered all sorts of old sayings her da taught her when she was old enough to speak. They usually calmed her down whenever she was having a flurry of emotions hit her mind at once. It was too hard for her to walk anywhere in public without the scornful remarks or horrendous catcalls. But she guessed it was her fault for bringing a married man to bed with his “dubious consent”.
At times like these, Maria wished she had a phone on her so she could google the meanings of flowers that would spell forgiveness for causing quite an astonishing affair at her own expense.
Regardless of exactly who borne the affair, she still felt heavily guilty about it. After all, she ruined the relationship of a very beautiful woman with an extremely adorable child. Maria shut yo gay ass and get some randomass flowers that prolly mean “ go die with a bra on your head “.
Loathing the looks the store clerks gave Maria as she wandered the aisles, she gave the flower section a series of violent sneezes. Also itching herself a little. Not exactly the best public image if you want to redeem yourself after ruining a marriage.
“ That bitch needs to shut it. Like she’s here to ruin my day too.” Maria heard this about a few aisles down from her standpoint. That was completely unecessary to say, giving that he didn’t suffer from allergies and was overall being immature. Maria decided to cover her nose with the top of her shirt.
Snatching an armful of flowers that were labeled as “Dahlia” and “ Ambrosia” and all sorts of nice looking ones, she briskly walked toward the checkout counter with an old lady manning it.
“Who’s the lucky one, young lass?” The elderly woman questioned with a funny expression. Maria sputtered, trying to say they were for forgiveness but being the socially awkward bean she was, it just looked like she was highly embarrassed for being called out.
“Ah, young love. I hope your boyfriend is a grateful man!” Okay not only does her and everyone else grumbling impatiently behind me think that is I am buying love flowers, but also think I’m straight. Oh god.
Fleeing the garden center, Maria slowed down when she spotted a roll of duct tape as well as large pieces of cloth. As a terrible idea flooded her thoughts, she let out a pelting of sneezes, nearly dropping the wrapped flowers on the ground. Gripping the supplies, she quietly sneaked into an empty corner of the store and proceeded through her horrible idea.
About 15 minutes later, the short girl was stumbling down the street, occasionally sniffing in a sliver of pollen and attempting to hold back a dozen sneezes. 
People gave her odd and generally confused looks, but this was New York so weird things happened all the time. Maria hardly had the time to regret her actions anytime soon, as her eyes reddened from constant contact with the flowers. At least the tape contraption was holding up fairly well, perhaps because of the heavy duty duct tape. 
Maria hoped she could get it out, otherwise life just got worse for her. (somehow)
The good thing is that everyone bustling around didn’t recognize her and if they did, were in too much of a rush to mock her. She yelped as a biker nearly ran her over. Maria was aware of the fact that the Hamiltons lived somewhere in Harlem and wasn’t too far away from where she lived.
A taxi driver yelled something at her, possibly in a different language though. She finally reached a quieter area where Maria saw the prettiest woman ever gardening in the front.
She started shaking a little, the memories of where Alexander Hamilton fucked her over and over again coming back to her. Seeing a cheery face coming up to the door through  window as she fled the cursed bathroom in a hurry as to not be caught.
Be brave Maria, just ring the doorbell once she gets inside and finishes her stuff and immediately burst into an apology and hope she forgives you. Simple as that.
Swallowing a bundle of nerves, Maria struggled to tear off her mask while scrunching up her face as she sneezed voraciously.
She neve thought flower allergies could be so goddammed annoying. Bundling up her nerves, Maria stepped up to the entrance of the house. She was extremely jittery, having to wait 10 minutes before even trying to walk up to the house. 
 Maria took in a breath to rap her hand on the door. It was opened instantanously, a shocked looked on the taller woman that turned to confusion as her gaze fell upon the handful of flowers that rested on her arms. Maria looked down a little, embarrassed by Hamilton’s wife examining her physique. Don’t get distracted Maria, don’t do it. 
 “Why are you here? And have you gotten the wrong address, because I know you are not here to give me love flowers." Maria was even more flustered now. Shit part one of brilliant apologetic plan, nononono, why can't I do anything simple. If this were a different occasion, then maybe Maria would have loved giving Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton flowers, but she was too busy making an oh shit face and attempting to speak English .
 " Oh. Oh, uh, um, oh my goodness, I-I-I am so sorry, I'm not a flower expert, I just wanted , uh, give you these flowers because I'm sorry???" Poor Maria was standing there, sneezing and wiping her sleeve over her nose, looking quite helpless indeed. 
" I'm really sorry, I, er, didn't know that these flowers meant anything, I just-" she stopped saying anything, for fear of sounding ridiculously stupid. Eliza's mildy aggressive expression turned soft and amused and held out her hand. Is she expecting me to hold it or something? 
 " It's alright! Here, I'll take the flowers and you can come inside and get comfy on the couch while I make tea, 'kay? If you'd like some of courrse." Maria, a little stunned by her statement, nodded rapidly.
Sniffing profusely as she shuffled into Eliza’s house, she could barely stop herself from gaping at everything. It was just so nicely decorated. The wall had floral designs on it, the couches and futons were a nice beige color. On the wall hung some glass flower arrangement. The smell of tea from the kitchen wafted into the living room. This house was definitely nicer than her dinky apartment.
There was also a mahogany shelf on the wall, presenting a series of photo frames with what seemed to be Eliza’s friends and son. There wasn’t any if Alexander’s face on there, but considering what just happened it made sense.
Maria fiddled with the hem of her shirt, acting fairly skittish. Her eyes bounced around the living room as Eliza Hamilton marched into the room with two cups of green tea. Maria also noticed how she had put the flowers in a pretty vase on the kitchen counter.
“ I’m letting you in because I’m actually quite curious as to why you decided to show up on my doorstep uninvited. And the fact that I know that Alexander forced you into this. I know him too well to think that you’re some ‘evil seductress’ that lures men into their beds.”Eliza looked at her with inquis  eyes, Maria stared at the ground, her hand shaking and found the carpet to be very interesting.
“ Well, I-I, my husband was doing me wrong. He would- he would beat me until I complied with his orders, and so when James heard that, uh, Alexander Hamilton would be alone for the week-” she suddenly broke off, choking on her words. Eliza stood up from her place and sat next to Maria, clasping her hands with one of the other girl’s. Eliza only guessed she paused was because she was gazing intently at Eliza’s face. The younger girl noticed this, and her face blushed furiously.
“ You don’t have to tell everything. Just know that I’ve forgiven you and you’re welcome to come here anytime.”
“ W-wait really? You can’t possibly forgive me that easily. No man or woman has ever showed me much kindness before.”
“ How can a handsome lady like you never have? Does any show you any of their sympathies? Eliza asked, looking a little confused but her brain wandered into some dirtier thoughts. Maria reddened at the compliment.
“ Since he published the article, I’ve filed a divorce with my husband and no one really cares for me except to mock me. Maybe staying with James had not been, well, the greater thing ever but at least i lived somewhat comfortably.”
“ Men who treat their wives like your to-be ex-husband does to you should be cut out of your life immediately. And if your really struggling, you can room at my place. I kicked Alex out and we share Philip. You can have the guest room.”
Why is she so generous? What if there’s a catch with this? What if she’s only doing this to pity me, make her image look better? Eliza might be moving fast with these things, but Maria wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same house with her. At least she wasn’t giving her Hamilton’s room. She is so kind, so nice, so pretty.
Eliza had moved closer to Maria now. They were touching and her arm had snaked around her waist. The latter was a red, blushing mess, being so close to someone who seemed to genuinely care for her, It was a thankful change to James Reynolds.
“ I know you’re being so amazingly kind, but, how much do you really care about me?” Maria asked in a small voice. She was usually suspicious about these types of situations now the she had experience. She stared deep into Eliza’s big eyes.
Eliza was grappling with the problem that the girl she was currently ogling at was quite a nice soul to be with. Also very attractive. They sat in uncomfortable silence for a while. Maria continued to toy with her shirt. Eliza’s eyes slid down to her chest. Realizing what she was doing, she finally admitted to turning crimson. Both of them had their hearts racing, breaths become heavier.
“ Well, I can show you how much I care, if that’s fine with you?” she nodded and Eliza cupped her hands on either side of Maria’s face.
“ Aren’t you technically-” her sentence was cut off with soft lips pressing against her own lips. Her eyes shot up in surprise, and then slowly closed them to melt into the kiss. Maria wrapped her arms around Eliza’s waist, feeling even more heat rising inside of her.
They eventually broke apart, unwilling to stare at the other in their eyes. Not being able to handle the sexual tension between them, Eliza moved forward again and smashed her mouth into Maria’s. The other woman gasped into Eliza lips, encouraging the latter to nip at Maria’s bottom lip. The kiss became much more passionate than the first one, Eliza creeping a hand up her shirt, making circles with her thumb as it reached further. Maria trembled at the touch, whimpering at it.
“ Is this fine with you?” Eliza removed her lips to speak into Maria’s ear. Shaking a ‘yes’, Eliza took the opportunity to push her back into the couch. She kissed Maria again, but Maria turned the tables on her by prodding her tongue around the entrance of her lips. Granting permission, Maria swirled her tongue around Eliza’s mouth, listening to the quiet moaning.
Eliza suddenly got up and and hopped off the couch. She had a confused look on her face.
“ Do you, uh, really want to do it here?”
“ Bedroom then?” Eliza was not expecting that answer, but she shouldn’t have been shocked considering how turned on and aroused they both were.
Maria grabbed her hand, led her to the bedroom (of course she knew where it was) and closed the door. Instead of nudging them to Eliza’s bed, Maria shoved her against the wall and stood a little taller to kiss her. Eliza was barely able to register the impact of it all, and curled her arms underneath the shorter one’s arms. She moved her mouth to Eliza’s neck, pecking soft kisses around it.
Her nose breathed on a spot right beneath her ear and Eliza tense up very noticeably. Eliza could feel her grinning as she sucked on it, high-pitched gasps escaping her mouth. Her grip on Maria tightened, most likely to leave bruises on her. Maria continued to minister her kisses until she was completely breathless.
“ So did the super allergic to flowers person really bring me love flowers as an apology or for this?” Maria turned scarlet and buried her face into the crook of Eliza’s neck. Eliza sighed, knowing how Maria seemed especially skeptical of people but apparently was quite comfy with Eliza now. 
“ I told you, I don’t know anything about flowers. Uh, can we go to your sheets now?”
Eliza snickered at the question. They leaped into bed, and when Maria tried to take off her clothes, Eliza used her hands to press her against her own body, which was below Maria’s. She looked quite bewildered.
“ Sorry, but not today. I think we should take it slow, y’know. Just, maybe a little touching and kissing here and there.” Eliza felt ashamed to say that, but it just made a lot of sense to her. Take it easy.
“ O-oh, I’m sorry! I came here to apologize and then, well, this happened. I can leave if you want.”
“ No, please, just, stay? Cuddle, maybe?” Maria nodded, liking that idea very much. She tried to roll of onto Eliza’s side, but her hands were firmly attached to her. She sighed, resting her face onto her chest. They weren’t very large, but it was nice at the same time. 
Eliza lifted Maria’s face up, kissing her slowly. They ended up just cuddling and pecking each other, occasionally fondling the other’s chest. Honestly, things were just moving pretty fast, but Maria wouldn’t wanted any other way.
Also, my inbox is open to all Hamilton ships, Reader inserts with any characters and Hamilcast as well as just writing prompts. No smut y’all! All stories can be found under the ‘crimson-writer’ tag
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prfm-uk · 7 years
Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well (Filled Out)
@southeastasyano wanted me to completely fill out these 100 questions and a bonus one, and an anonymous asker wanted me to answer just a few. So here ya go! Go on and stalk me, young ones.
For the questions below the cut, I tag: @southeastasyano, @fukigen-na-boy, @prfm-au, @prfm-us, @housekinoame, @cosmog-explorer, @jenmarii, @chrism-sol, @p-r-f-m, @securitylucy, @a-chan-san and @jeffhardys!
What is your middle name? I never use it on my passports or regularly, but I do have a middle name. But I don’t wanna say it >///<
How old are you? I am currently 17 years old!
When is your birthday? June 24th!
What is your zodiac sign? Cancer (yes, I’m that mentally unstable b*tch)
What is your favorite color? Green all the f*cking way!!
What’s your lucky number? 3
Do you have any pets? I had two fish, but they died when I was 11 :’(
Where are you from? While I was born in London, United Kingdom, my family originates from Sri Lanka
How tall are you? I am 6 foot 1 inch.
What shoe size are you? I am only UK size 7.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? I own only five pairs of shoes.
What was your last dream about? It was a dream in which my best friend committed suicide... Yeah, it was grim, and was more of a nightmare :(
What talents do you have? I am pretty good when it comes to learning foreign languages, and I play piano maybe kinda semi-decently well? I can also do that thing where I can show the red bit inside my eyes, and I can fit my whole fist in my mouth.
Are you psychic in any way? Ask @prfm-us
Favourite song? ‘New Americana’ by Halsey or ‘I Know Places’ by Taylor Swift or ‘Warm Blood’ by Carly Rae Jepsen...
Favourite movie? It would have to be ‘The Emoji Movie’
Who would be your ideal partner? James Wright <3 Well, he is my bf so, um, yay?
Do you want children? Yup, I’d love to see my kid go through life and me be like “ha, I remember when I went through that shizz”
Do you want a church wedding? Well, I’m a Buddhist and I don’t know how they do weddings, so I guess I’d be fine with a civil ceremony of sorts..?
Are you religious? Not at all, and I’m not really sad about it either.
Have you ever been to the hospital? So many f*cking times, honestly. Some weren’t as bad, whereas there is one in particular that will always be my worst ever day alive.
Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nope, I’m pretty submissive with the law, I’m too scared of punishment haha
Have you ever met any celebrities? When I was in primary school, I was chosen to go meet the Queen and that was pretty cool. We gave her like this bouquet of flowers and she didn’t seem very appreciative. (Just kidding, I love you, Lizzie)
Baths or showers? I prefer baths, but I always have showers because otherwise I might never come out.
What colour socks are you wearing? I’m wearing black socks which say “Thursday” in green font. And yes, it is Thursday where I am, my OCD is too much.
Have you ever been famous? Well, Kyary tweeted my video once and I f*cking YELLED, but no, I’m pretty irrelevant!
Would you like to be a big celebrity? No haha, I wouldn’t be able to handle that much attention to be honest.
What type of music do you like? Electropop, I guess is what it is. I also like modern 80s pop (does that make sense) and also EDM.
Have you ever been skinny dipping? No, haha, I think that just isn’t a very common thing in Britain.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one, under my head.
What position do you usually sleep in? I sleep like a fetus does in the womb. Enjoy that mental image.
How big is your house? 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Not amazing, but my family is somewhat well-off.
What do you typically have for breakfast? Basic cereal, generally.
Have you ever fired a gun? Yup, I spent a short while in my school’s combined cadet force before deciding that it wasn’t for me.
Have you ever tried archery? No, I think I have terrible hand-eye co-ordination anyway haha
Favorite clean word? If you mean normal, random word, then my favourite is kumquat.
Favorite swear word? My favourite swear word on it’s own is c*nt because I love how it rolls off the tongue, it just sounds like pure spite. In an insult, definitely f*cknut or f*cktard is a common resort for me.
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 4 days, powered by a coffee each day. And I wasn’t even tired, people basically forced me to have coffee.
Do you have any scars? I have one on my leg from a surgery where they put a metal screw in my hip to make sure that it grew straight (well I didn’t turn out straight, but my leg did). Also, I still have a few old ones on my thighs and wrists...
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Ahahahahahaha, as if anyone would go to that effort over someone like me.
Are you a good liar? If I do say so myself, yes, I am. Or was I lying there?!?!?!?!
Are you a good judge of character? Ask @prfm-us
Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can do an LA valley accent..?
Do you have a strong accent? I have a strong British accent, and then I have a semi-strong Essex accent layered on top, so words like “fam” and “lit” just sneak their way into my speech.
What is your favourite accent? Canadian and Australian are my favs!!
What is your personality type? Unstable, but caring..? <3
What is your most expensive piece of clothing? I have a £45 tie that someone gave me as a bday gift. Yes, I don’t get spending tons on clothes...
Can you curl your tongue? I can do it into a U shape and that weird W shape thingy.
Are you an innie or an outie? Innie. Is this really helpful information to you?
Left or right handed? Right handed!
Are you scared of spiders? DON’T GET ME STARTED. I get terrified of the world’s smalliest spiders and I will legit scream and chuck my phone across the room and everyone else will just be confused.
Favorite food? Profiteroles..?
Favorite foreign food? Um, maybe, poutine? Tim Horton’s? Basically I love Canada.
Are you a clean or messy person? Clean, always clean. I cannot function in a messy environment.
Most used phrase? “I put the SAD in Social Anxiety Disorder”. Yes, I am too real sometimes.
Most used word? Well, it’s probably “the”, “a” or “lopsided”
How long does it take for you to get ready? Literally around ten minutes.
Do you have much of an ego? I mean, I don’t have a shred of self-confidence, so no..?
Do you suck or bite lollipops? I don’t know what this shows about my gay self, but I suck... yeah.
Do you talk to yourself? When I’m intensely lonely or need to calm myself down.
Do you sing to yourself? All the time. I cannot listen to any music without dancing and/or singing to it.
Are you a good singer? Hell no!
Biggest fear? Losing those who are closest to me. Oh, and f*cking spiders.
Are you a gossip? Nope, I guess i’m just not in that circle.
Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? I can’t name the best I’ve ever watched, but I recently watched a British-made film called “I, Daniel Blake” and I really liked it.
Do you like long or short hair? Short hair.
Can you name all 50 states of America? No, I’m British.
Favourite school subject? German or Physics!
Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert 100%
Have you ever been scuba diving? Yup, I’ve been in Sri Lanka
What makes you nervous? The dark and silence.
Are you scared of the dark? Oh, I just accidentally answered that. Yes, I am.
Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Only when it’s appropriate, I don’t want to bother people!
Are you ticklish? VERY ticklish! If you touch my neck, I’ll be on the floor in a few seconds.
Have you ever started a rumour? No haha I’d get baited out so quickly.
Have you ever been in a position of authority? I was an editor for my school newspaper? I mean, it wasn’t that thrilling at all
Have you ever drank underage? In the UK, the legal drinking age is 18, I’m 17, and although I’ve never gotten hammered or drunk vodka and stuff like that, I have had very light alcohol for the taste!
Have you ever done drugs? God no, and I intend never to!
Who was your first real crush? Ugh, it seems so immature when I see it now, but there was this cute guy called Josh in my class who kept paying so much attention to me, so I asked him out, and he was like “How’d you know I was gay? Oh, and I’m not interested”. Yeah, I cried that night haha
How many piercings do you have? None!
Can you roll your ‘R’s? I can <3
How fast can you type? Around 75 words-per-minute (I used an online typing test just now!)
How fast can you run? I think I run pretty slow! In school, I was just average, in the middle, but I’m not going to be winning any fun-runs :P
What colour is your hair? Jet black, but any other colour would look out out place on my brown skin :D
What colour are your eyes? A relatively dark brown, but they are still visibly brown in the sun.
What are you allergic to? Nothing, as far as I know :)
Do you keep a journal? I keep a kinda mood tracking thingamajig through an app called ‘Pacifica’. It’s great for anyone tackling stress or any mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. But other than that, I don’t keep a journal as such, no.
What do your parents do? My father is a physiotherapist, and my mother is a fraud investigator; she works for the government to find people who are illegally claiming benefits.
Do you like your age? No, because it’s too ‘in the middle’! If I was below the age of 14, I’d be able to relax and be pretty carefree, and if I was above the age of, say 25, I wouldn’t be studying random crap that will never come up in the future and will actually be doing worthwhile things. Instead, I’m 17 and I need to study stuff that won’t come up even in my degree, and it’s almost impossible to find motivation right now.
What makes you angry? People making mistakes when I literally warned them not to; they were just that f*cking ignorant.
Do you like your own name? Some people know, but no, I don’t like my name. I feel like it just sounds a weird, so whenever I tell someone my name, I always include some disclaimer like ‘Oh, it’s a weird Asian name’.
Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Nope, I haven’t thought of any! I mean, unless I name my kids Dan and Phil...
Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Call me sexist, but I want a boy!
What are you strengths? I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, and I’m pretty good at languages.
What are your weaknesses? I’m quite sensitive and sometimes I get carried away with jokes.
How did you get your name? Well, my parents called over some kinda psychic name-giver as soon as I was born, and they’d use my star sign, read my palm and use God knows whatever info they could make up, and then name me based on it. That gave me ‘Yasath’, which I’m pretty sure means ‘treasure’ or something.
Were your ancestors royalty? No, but they were pretty high up in government jobs :]
Do you have any scars? That’s Question 39, so just refer back to that :3
Colour of your bedspread? It is white and brown. Hey, it’s like me! Sorry, bad joke.
Colour of your room? It has generic, textured cream (I think) wallpaper.
Does it ever get better? I like to think so, and it’s usually the only shred of hope I have left. But if you think it will never get better, then it won’t ever get better, because you won’t let it get better! So yeah, just have that small light at the end of the tunnel in mind whenever you’re starting to lose hope in yourself <3
Jeeeeeeez, that was long! I hope someone enjoyed that at least haha
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Do Aphrodisiacs Really Make You Sexually Aroused?
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By Athena Nassar
You are sitting on a picnic blanket with your lover. You feed her strawberries dipped in dark chocolate, because you think she enjoys them. Or maybe you are hoping that she will embody the spirit of Persephone and swallow them like pomegranate seeds. Either way, she is sitting in front of you with strawberry juice dripping down her chin onto her floral dress. She calls you to taste her, and her spaghetti strap tastes like the cherry stem at the bottom of an Old-Fashioned, but what are your intentions? She might sleep with you in a few hours, but will it be because of the chocolate strawberries that you so purposely fed her earlier that day? According to a recent study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the chocolate itself certainly doesn’t have enough phenylethylamine to make her jump your bones. Although it may feel as if you are closer to the Promised Land of unclothed women after a few cocktails, aphrodisiacs do not actually play a hand in his/her sexual arousal, and here’s why.
The movie 9½ Weeks, also known as the genesis of all S&M movies, lays out this utopia solely comprised of food and sex. In a scene that occupies a fat ten minutes of the film, Mickey Rourke feeds Kim Basinger an assortment of foods that I never knew could taste good together. The camera is zoomed in on Basinger’s mouth while she consumes a jalapeño pepper followed by a maraschino cherry. Just when I think things couldn’t get any worse, she downs a diced egg before the jello has the chance to get all the way down her throat. To top it all off, Mickey Rourke rubs honey on her breasts, and I just know that can’t be comfortable. Besides Kim Basinger being all too compliant, there is a critical misconception that this scene perpetuates. The visual of Basinger eating a variety of condiments while blindfolded suggests that she is being stimulated by the food itself, but Bettina Pause, a psychologist at Heinrich Heine University, claims that “a lot of our communication is influenced by chemosignals.” Considering the fact that humans have a pheromone nerve running from the nose into the brain, Basinger was most likely drawn to Rourke’s individual odorprint rather than his odd selection of petit fours. According to Pause, the aroma that emanates off of breastfeeding women encourages other women without infants to reproduce.
Now, I’m not arguing that aphrodisiacs don’t bring us any pleasure at all, just not the kind of pleasure that might first come to mind. The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation confirms that the scent of banana nut bread has the power to arouse women more intensely than any regular old banana, so there must be some truth to this aphrodisiac claim after all. My guess is that this boost of sexual arousal is due to the nutmeg, especially since the scent is amplified in the process of baking the banana nut bread. According to The National Center for Biotechnology Information, herbs and spices such as red ginseng and saffron are the only scientifically proven aphrodisiacs. Surely there is a certain satisfaction that we feel when we bite into a succulent piece of watermelon, but does this trigger some sort of sexual longing or are we just content with the fact that we fulfilled a strictly nonsexual craving? As humans that need food to survive, it would make sense to say that our brains feel pleasure when our stomachs are full. A study by The Journal of Neuroscience seems to agree with this assumption, concluding that “eating prompts the brain to release feel good hormones known as endorphins.” Of course, overstimulation of these endorphins can lead to obesity, or in other words, too much of a good thing is ultimately a bad thing. Although some sugar-filled foods generate more pleasure than others, this is not to be confused with a titillating sensation.
If I were to ask Google about the sexual enhancements of any food, the internet would surely find a way to muster together numerous articles about how that food makes you better in bed, so where do we draw the line? Does every food magically make you better in bed? What do we classify as aphrodisiacs? In the middle ages, people determined whether a food was an aphrodisiac or not based on the doctrine of signatures. Coined by German philosopher Jakob Böhme, the doctrine of signatures is defined as “the belief that natural objects that look like a part of the body can cure diseases that would arise there.” Similarly, foods that resembled human sex organs such as oysters, asparagus, and sea cucumbers were thought to heighten passion. Foods that were warm or moist such as chili peppers or curry were thought to provoke a similar feeling. Of course, we know that this theory is drastically wrong, and many classic pieces of literature have been written on the basis of this flawed ideology to further the belief that consuming oysters will contribute to vaginal wetness. In Bradley C. Bennett’s essay “Doctrine of Signatures: An Explanation of Medicinal Plant Discovery or Dissemination of Knowledge?” Bennett advises us to not try to cure a heart disease with a heart-shaped leaf, because there happens to be 2,584 leaves with the same exact shape. In my opinion, we shouldn't try to cure heartbreak with erotic food either.
The romance novel Like Water for Chocolate illustrates a new Mexican recipe for every month. Although her true love Pedro asks for her hand in marriage, Tita, the youngest of three girls, cannot marry, because she is forced to care for her aging mother. In the month of December, the heartbroken Tita makes chiles in walnut sauce for her niece’s wedding. Upon ingesting these chiles, the guests cannot resist the urge to make “mad passionate love wherever they happen to end up… some under the bridge between Piedras Negras and Eagle Pass… the more conservative, in their cars, hastily pulled over to the side of the road” (Esquivel 242). Tita, overwhelmed with lust, grabs Pedro’s hand, and they both go into a dark room. The room is so saturated in passion that it drives the doves, the pigs, and the chickens to flee the ranch. Tita is described as “experiencing a climax so intense that her closed eyes glowed, and a brilliant tunnel appears before her,” and suddenly, she opens her eyes to Pedro lying beside her, dead (Esquivel 243). Although Like Water for Chocolate depicts two lovers who die naked in each other's arms from the effects of a single chile smothered in walnut sauce, the United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any chemical in particular as a natural aphrodisiac. For these results, you would certainly need an abnormally large dose of sildenafil, also referred to as viagra.
In fact, one of the most popular aphrodisiacs, the Spanish fly, causes a very non-sexual reaction if it is consumed. Cantharidin, a chemical which is secreted by blister beetles, can cause a rash to form on the urethra, as well as a painful erection that can potentially last for several hours known as priapism. In extreme circumstances, ingesting this so-called aphrodisiac can even lead to death. Although chiles and diluted pomegranates won’t influence your libido, they are definitely a safer option than any version of the Spanish fly, whether it be emulsified, powdered, filtered, or so on. Marketing companies continue to advertise the Spanish fly as a love potion, either not knowing or not caring that it causes an allergic reaction. The Spanish fly is advertised on Amazon as “the number one aphrodisiac” in a bottle labeled “LOVE SEXPLOSION” with the price of $99.99, and that is not including shipping. Around fifty percent of the reviews say something along the lines of “did not work at all,” “not what I was hoping for,” or “will return later.” The customers were unsatisfied with the results to say the least, but when they are purchasing products that look like the image on your right, who is really to blame?
When you think about it, it isn’t that difficult to believe that aphrodisiacs are completely buried in mythology. After all, aphrodisiacs did earn their name from the goddess Aphrodite who emerged from the stomach of a large scallop shell, hence seafood being rumored as a sexual stimulant. Oysters, among other shellfish, are considered to be a natural aphrodisiac due to their supply of zinc and amino acids. According to Michael Krychman, a gynecologist at the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine, “there is a very large placebo effect” that occurs in the experience of eating oysters. Sex is laced in the action of slurping something gooey down your throat, and often times, the experience itself can produce adrenaline. Oysters do contain zinc which increases testosterone levels and male sperm count, but the quantity of sperm produced by the testes has absolutely nothing to do with attraction. Barry R. Komisaruk, a professor of psychology at Rutgers University, presents an interesting question: “Could oysters possibly satisfy sexual deprivation?” The answer is most likely no, unless you happen to have a wet and messy fetishism or any other fetish pertaining to food.
Food and its correlation to sex is a major component of many films and works of literature, and the bible is no different. In the story of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman are unashamed of their nakedness until a serpent tempts Eve into eating an apple from the tree of knowledge. This depiction of the forbidden fruit as a temptation results in a further sexualization of these fruits beyond the biblical meaning. Circling back to Komisaruk’s question of sexual deprivation, do we only yearn for things that we are deprived of? If the bible had placed sloppy joes instead of apples in the Garden of Eden, would we sexualize that too?
I would like to thank Laura Esquivel for writing Like Water for Chocolate.
Works Cited
9½ Weeks. Directed by Adrian Lyne, performances by Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1986.
Ansari, Shahid (et al). “Exploring Scientifically Proven Herbal Aphrodisiacs.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3731873/
Ault, Alicia. “Are Oysters an Aphrodisiac?” Smithsonian, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/are-oysters-aphrodisiac-180962148/
Bennett, B.C. “Doctrine of Signatures: An explanation of medicinal plant discovery or Dissemination of knowledge?” Economic Botany, Vol. 61, 246–255 (2007).
Böhme, Jakob. The Signature of All Things. Giles Calvert, 1651.
Dallas, Mary. “Eating Feeds ‘Feel Good’ Hormones in the Brain.” WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/brain/news/20170831/eating-feeds-feel-good-hormones-in-the-brain
Eplett, Layla. “When Sparks Fly: Aphrodisiacs and the Fruit Fly.” Scientific American, https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/when-sparks-fly-aphrodisiacs-and-the-fruit-fly/
Esquivel, Laura. Like Water for Chocolate. Doubleday, 1989.
Hadhazy, Adam. “Do Pheromones Play a Role in Our Sex Lives?” Scientific American, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pheromones-sex-lives/
Like Water for Chocolate. Directed by Alfonso Arau, performances by Lumi Cavazos and Marco Leonardi, Miramax, 1992.
“LOVE SEXPLOSION Spanish Fly.” Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Fly-1-Natural-Aphrodisiac/dp/B073NPY7VF. Accessed 31 March 2020.  
O’Connor, Anahad. “The Claim: Chocolate Is An Aphrodisiac.” The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/18/health/18real.html
Puri, Ravi, and Raman Puri. Natural Aphrodisiacs: Myth or Reality. Xlibris Corporation, 2011.
Rupp, Rebecca. “Sex and the Celery: Ancient Greeks Get Busy With Help From Veggies.” National Geographic, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/food/the-plate/2014/05/20/sex-celery-ancient-greeks-get-busy-help-veggie/
Sage, Jessie. “Forget sexy-time foods, the best aphrodisiacs come from the real relationship work.” Pittsburgh City Paper, https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/forget-sexy-time-foods-the-best-aphrodisiacs-come-from-the-real-relationship-work/Content?oid=16090770
Shaw, Gina. “Aphrodisiac Foods: Real or Placebo Effect?” Berkeley Wellness, https://www.berkeleywellness.com/self-care/sexual-health/article/aphrodisiac-foods-real-or-placebo-effect
Te, Faith. Eggplant No. 2, Philippine Islands.
Magee, Elaine. “Aphrodisiacs: Fact or Fiction?” WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/aphrodisiacs-fact-or-fiction#1
Malmed, Alexandra. “Love Potions: A Brief History of Aphrodisiacs.” Vogue, https://www.vogue.com/article/what-foods-are-aphrodisiacs-history
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Football-mad mum makes light opposition of cancer and chemo to keep coaching
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/football-mad-mum-makes-light-opposition-of-cancer-and-chemo-to-keep-coaching.html
Football-mad mum makes light opposition of cancer and chemo to keep coaching
When Tricia McAneny was told she had breast cancer, she had one immediate goal – to keep coaching football.
Football-loving Tricia grew up rubbing shoulders with talented players including current Dumbarton boss Steven Aitken.
When her son joined their local Erskine youth football club, she volunteered to help with coaching.
Seven years on, she has an array of professional coaching qualifications and has been mentored by top-flight coaches including Scotland women’s team boss Shelley Kerr.
Tricia loves nothing more than being on the training pitch (Image: UGC)
She wasn’t going to let treatment for breast cancer stop her from attending coaching sessions or watching her team’s games every week.
Tricia, 44, of Erskine, Renfrewshire, said: “When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was very important to me that life went on as normally as possible.
“Football is my passion and, when I was going through treatment, it gave me such a great focus.
“I didn’t make it to every training session and game but I made it to most.
“I couldn’t do a lot of the physical side of coaching but I could still shout instructions like a sergeant major and tell the players what to do.
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“The boys I coach were brilliant with me, always treating me just as they normally would and I’ve no doubt that staying so involved in what I loved doing helped keep me strong.”
Mum-of-two Tricia was diagnosed in February 2017.
She spotted a suspicious dimple on her breast just days after losing her mum Sophia, 66, to breast cancer.
Tricia said: “My mum had initially been diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years earlier, when I was pregnant with my daughter.
“Then, 14 years later, her breast cancer came back – only this time it had spread into a lot of different places including her bones and lung.
(Image: Sunday Mail)
“My mum was told the disease was incurable and she died 18 months later, two days before Christmas in 2016.
“A few days later I was coming out of the shower when I noticed an indentation on my breast that I thought was quite strange.
“I spoke to my sisters about it the day before our mum’s funeral and they told me I needed to get it checked out.”
Tricia’s GP referred her to the breast unit at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley.
She said: “I went along on my own because I wasn’t really worried but I started to get a real sense of deja vu – taking me back to my mum’s breast cancer diagnosis.
“The other women I was chatting to in the clinic were coming and going quite quickly but I was being sent for test after test and still there five hours after I had arrived. My worried husband and sisters kept texting to ask what was taking so long and I told them the clinic was really busy.
“But I knew the news I was going to be given wasn’t good.”
Tricia was diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread into her lymph nodes.
She said the hardest thing was breaking the news to those she loved, including her husband Scott, 49, daughter Brogan, 18, and son Ciaran, 14.
Tricia’s mum and dad Sophia and Patrick Gallagher (Image: UGC)
Tricia said: “My dad Patrick had been diagnosed with a type of bone cancer and died just nine months later in February 2012, which had been a huge shock.
“Then my mum was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer and we lost her too.
“As a family we had been hopeful that 2017 was going to be a better year for us all but here I was being diagnosed with breast cancer and I felt so guilty having to tell everyone.”
Tricia started to have chemotherapy but she had to stop the treatment after her body reacted badly to three different types of drug.
She said: “As a family, we joke that I’m quite jinxed – or possessed by a white witch – because of some of the things that happen to me but you just have to laugh.
“It turns out I’m allergic to chemotherapy, which is not good when that’s supposed to be the main part of your treatment.
“The first two doses of chemo I was given made me very ill and had no effect on my cancer at all.
“When I received the third dose, it caused an instant, very painful reaction – a burning sensation right through my body – as did the next type of chemotherapy I received. So I couldn’t receive any more.”
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Tricia underwent a mastectomy followed by radiotherapy.
Throughout her treatment, she was determined not to stop coaching at the club, where she trains an under-16s team. She is also the club’s coaching coordinator.
She said: “I first decided to get involved in coaching when my son started at the club.
“My husband was badly injured in a car accident around 20 years ago and, after undergoing 16 operations, had to have his leg amputated.
“He wasn’t able to get involved with the coaching but I was happy to help.
“I started doing all my coaching qualifications and really loved what I was doing, although it was tough at the start as there was a lot of ignorance surrounding women in football.
“I used to work as an air hostess and sometimes I would dash to games with my big hair all still tied up and my make-up on.
“Sometimes men involved with other teams used to ignore me but that just made me all the more determined to do well.”
Determined Tricia is looking forward to the future (Image: Sunday Mail)
Tricia said she was overwhelmed by the support she received from the youngsters she coached throughout her illness.
A year-and-a-half on from her diagnosis, tests show no trace of the disease and while Tricia is continuing to recover, she is looking forward to the future and determined to do all she can to help raise awareness of breast cancer.
Next month, Tricia will appear as a model in the Breast Cancer Care Scotland Fashion Show, which takes place on Thursday, October 25, at the Hilton hotel in Glasgow.
Breast Cancer Care are the only specialist UK-wide support charity for people affected by breast cancer.
Funds raised at the show will help the charity continue to provide care, support and information to people affected by breast cancer.
Tricia is looking forward to swapping her tracksuit for something more glamorous.
She said: “Breast Cancer Care provided amazing support for me. I attended some of the charity’s courses, including Moving Forward, which helps women find their new normal after breast cancer treatment.
“I’m very excited about taking part in the fashion show and can’t wait to see what amazing outfits all the models will be wearing.”
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