#i do enjoy how hot-headed kaji can be
woo-wahhhh · 1 month
[ too much energy ] "kaji..."
"did you seriously just walk into my shop, before class, and already injured?" you scowled back, rolling your eyes as you regarded his relaxed figure in the doorway. a part of you marvelled how he looked perturbed by your disbelief than he was of the blood freshly running down his arm. "you have way too much energy this early in the morning, dude."
"look, clown me all you want, but let's get one thing straight," he grit out. he jabbed a finger vindictively at you, followed by the insanely loud clacking of his stupid lollipop against his teeth. "i didn't get into a fight."
"colour me impressed," you couldn't help but quip sarcastically, though you motioned him to come closer to where you were rummaging under the counter. you were grateful that being so early, no one had come into buy flowers yet, since it would be a bit of a jump scare to find a man bleeding out.
"shut up," he hissed, glaring perpetually while he took a seat behind your counter, and sticking his arm out. it was amusing, how someone could look annoyed yet so charming in the same action. you almost wanted to comment on the his childish appearance, but you had a feeling he'd slap his headphones on and dash out if you did.
"well?" you prompted, pulling out a first aid kit and setting it on the counter. "what happened to your arm then?"
you could feel his hawkish gaze trail after your every move, scrutinizing each action with such intensity, you couldn't tell if he was pissed off or if he was under an enchantment.
"that granny lost her cat again," kaji said simply.
this boy, you cursed internally as you pulled out disinfectant and bandages. "and?"
"what do you think happened?" he scowled, canines flashing as he grit his teeth at the sting of the ointment. "it fucking scratched me when i caught it." he shook his fringe out of the way, perhaps to properly express his annoyance.
"you look much more handsome when you're angry," you blurted out, reaching up to push his hair back without thinking too much– after all, he was your boyfriend. but more importantly, it was much to his incredibly visible chagrin– by habit, he flinched, automatically trying to grab at his headphones, but he couldn't shake off your grip on his arm, leaving him to clutch one side like a damsel in distress, eyes wide and horrified.
but he calmed down quickly enough when you didn't pay him mind, too accustomed to his shenanigans, humming lightly as you focused on the bandages and keeping the heat from dancing up your spine. there was a simmering tension between you; unspoken, though his eyes were dead set on your nimble movements, the distinct weight of his gaze telling you he wouldn't look away, or more properly, he couldn't.
once you finally looked up from your finished work, you noted his eyebrows were knit together, the permanent glare on his face still written in stone, but his tone was somehow gentler than he let on. "look me in the eyes if you're gonna say stuff like that."
silence ensued, of course, your eyebrows quirking up as the obvious dangled from your tongue.
"kaji, you just looked like you were about to bolt outta here,"
"well, yeah, how else am i supposed to act when you say that?"
"i- i don't know," you stammered, suddenly hyperaware of how he wasn't looking away, how his eyes were practically tracing over every contour of your face with the intensity that could burn. "maybe- maybe act a bit more touched?"
"touched?" he echoed, a bit of incredulous sneer in his voice as he hopped off his seat. the abruptness of it all startled you as your back unwittingly hit the counter, and before you could make your own grand escape, he placed an arm on each side of you, effectively caging you in.
the sudden change up from the incredibly flustered kaji to this steamrolling behaviour made your head spin as you gaze up at him with wide eyes that were only met with a grey, smouldering gaze with the intensity of a storm.
"here," kaji swiftly popped out the lollipop from his mouth, holding it to you. you hesitantly took it from his hand, the question of "what the hell, dude?" bubbling at your lips when without a warning, he grabbed your face and kissed you.
short and sweet, but somehow still awfully fierce for that early in the day– you expected nothing less from ren kaji.
"now what was about?" you giggled as you pulled back, dotingly reaching up to smear your lip gloss onto his chapped lips. an act of giving and receiving, one could even say, since he'd left you with the sickeningly sweet taste of caramel on your tongue. "do you like it when i call you handsome?" you teasingly chimed.
"shut up," kaji grumbled once again, pushing his hair back and pressing his forehead against yours. "you looked cute and i just felt like it, that's all." maybe to someone else, that wasn't a fulfilling response, but you knew how straightforward kaji was, and that he wouldn't lie about something like that.
"well, if you're feeling like it then," you whispered, your lips bumping into his as you spoke, "you should kiss me again."
"demanding," kaji huffed out, though he hoisted you up onto the counter anyways without breaking a sweat, a small, but cocky smile on his face when you grabbed onto his shoulders for dear life.
"oh my god, at least warn me!" you complained. maybe you really should have kept an eye on the door, but with his figure before you, and slotted between your legs and the his hand gently coaxing you forward by the nape of your neck, it was hard to care.
"you have way too much energy to yap in the morning," he chided indignantly, but the way he was already leaning up suggested otherwise.
"hey, you're the one who–!"
"morning, (name)! did kaji already pop by– oh,"
"w-w-we'll just– uh– s-see you at school, k-kaji!?" enomoto managed to croak out before they both scurried away with mildly red faces, reminding you less of the teenage gang members they were and more of children.
you almost fell off the counter, had it not been for kaji's reflexes, but the damage had been done, and the lollipop he'd entrusted you with fell to the floor with a dull thud as enomoto and kusumi blinked at the two of you with horrified expressions.
"hey boys," you greeted casually with a wave.
"oh my, we've made a scandal, darling," you joked– regrettably, or so you thought later in the day when the rest of the tamon team's second years started cooing at at poor kaji. perhaps it was a lesson to not be so energetic in the mornings from then on.
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karizard-ao3 · 12 days
Hello! I've been enjoying reading your NGE opinions and aus a lot! Can I ask you how'd you do a full prom saga au?
Whew, why does this feel so tricky? I've been thinking about this one and I'm not sure where to take it, so let's just jump in!
First off, I think we have to group everyone into who would expect/ want to go to prom and who wouldn't? So it would be:
Wants to:
Asuka, Kensuke, Toji, Class Rep (Hikari?), Kaworu
Not interested:
Too insecure to even contemplate going to prom unless a minimum of three people he admires tell him they want to see him there:
Then we have to think, what would be the conflict? What is the big problem we're having with prom that we're going to have to overcome? I think the answer is obvious: How to get Shinji and Rei to go. I feel like Asuka needs to be the driving force there, but I also don't think she would particularly care if they go (Rei she definitely wouldn't give a fuck, Shinji she would be back and forth on, I think) unless there was an incentive. So, maybe Misato asks her to try to get Shinji and Rei to go as a favor because she's worried about them being such depressed loners and, in exchange for her service, Misato will-
Wait. oh my god. We have an opportunity here to do a makeover plot line.
Ohhhhhhhhhh my god. Please forget everything I was saying before because I think this would be so funny. We could do an Asushin She's All That thing! Hot and popular Asuka declares that she can turn any loser boy from school into the Prom King, and poor Shinji becomes her project.
I think if we go this route we would probably have to alter the living arrangements so that Asuka and Shinji are not housemates, but I think we could reasonably have them living in the same apartment building. I kind of want to have Shinji living with Kaji and Asuka with Misato. I like when Misato and Asuka have girl talk and I think it's cute that Shinji apparently tries to mimic Kaji's style in ANIMA. Oh, what if Shinji tried to style himself like Kaji on the day Asuka decided to ask him to prom and was not successful? She critiques his look and is like, "I'll fix you, if you agree to go to prom with me" or something like that? I don't know. Just a thought. It might not work.
Kaji and Misato having their own little romance subplot going on while Asuka and Shinji are going through their own thing also very much appeals to me, and as the Asushin plotline progresses it can impact Kaji and Misato's relationship somehow? Don't know. But I do want a Kaji/Misato thing to happen. (I googled it. The ship name is Misakaji.)
Okay, so, Asuka and Shinji have this deep-seated disdain for each other, even from the beginning. I guess maybe Class Rep can be the one who picks Asuka's project and she picks Shinji, which Asuka tries to get out of at first, but eventually has to suck it up and invite him to prom. So that's the first hurdle. She needs to get him to agree. Luckily for the fic, Shinji will have his own reasons for saying yes. What could they be? Probably some kind of pressure from his friends. Kensuke and Toji were teasing him about being bitchless or something, maybe? Or Kaji tells him he needs to find a prom date and do one normal high school thing before he graduates. We know Shinji does what he's told, so he's now struggling to find a date. Along comes Asuka to tell him he's going to prom with her and also allowing her to make him over so she'd not humiliated to be seen with him, and he's just like, "Ugh. Fine."
They are definitely butting heads and stuff at first, but eventually they start to see a softer side of each other, as happens in these situations. Maybe Shinji discovers Misato never stocks food in the fridge and Asuka isn't a very accomplished cook, so he ends up bringing her meals. Asuka learns that Shinji doesn't want to look like his asshole father and she reveals her own father is a jerk, so they bond over that? They find out Kaji and Misato are hooking up and that's a whole thing.
There should be some angry making out.
I mean, they would really only have like a month to go from prom invite to prom night, right? Or is it six weeks? It's a very short amount of time for them to switch their tunes about each other, so I guess maybe instead of a full on love confession, we can shoot for something like: Shinji is feeling really awful about himself that he needs to be made over and act like a completely different person to get positive attention from the other kids at school. Asuka feels like her baby romance with Shinji is only because she's pushing it, and he doesn't actually care. In the end Asuka tells Shinji he's fine the way he is and undoes his makeover as much as she can (she gives him back his polo shirt and comes the styling product out of his hair? Or she rents him the silly powder blue tux he was so taken with when they went shopping for prom outfits?). She also tells Shinji he doesn't have to go to prom with her. She might just stay home. Shinji says he would rather hang out with her, then, since the only reason he wants to go to prom is to hang out with her. It is a lovely moment. Misato and Kaji are not having it. They have both spent so much fucking money on the kids' tickets and limo and outfits and shit. Misato even paid for Asuka to get her makeup done by a professional. It's very sweet they think they're going to hang out around the house in their prom outfits, but no. They are actually getting their asses to prom right now.
So Asuka and Shinji go to the dance, but they sneak out onto the school roof or something at some point and slow dance under the stars and then don't go back in.
I hope that was intelligible. I will not be reading over it for mistakes. Feel free to chime in with other ideas.
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hokusu · 2 years
it's really hard to balance irl stuff with online stuff sometimes >.< I've had a lot going on in my head recently, but I'm trying really hard not to let it overwhelm me, which is easier said than done lmao overall though I'm doing well! ^-^
you hit the nail on the head regarding what's so wonderful about Christmastime!! it's also just always been a really special/nostalgic time of year for me and my family, and I also adore Christmas music haha. it all just fills me with a lot of warm, cozy feelings~ I really like winter all-around though, I'm the kind of person who prefers the cold over the hot, although I think my favorite season is probably spring cuz it's the perfect in-between! 💕
who are some of your favorite characters?? and if you don't mind me asking, what do you enjoy so much about dabihawks? I think they make a really interesting pair and would love to hear your thoughts about them!!
~your animanga secret santa❤️
So true, as soon as you're busy irl time flies so fast and it's hard to catch up with everything (cough anime in my opinion too lol, I'm struggling to edit everything I want this season 😭). Im glad you're doing well though, Santa!! 💛 I hope your thoughts leave you some peace soon and whatever it is, works out. 😊
Yess xmas music is so nice and comfy!! I love trans-siberian orchestra ones the most. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Do you get white Christmas where you're from? 😲 I also enjoy winter more! And fall is always so dreamy, but where I live it doesn't really have much of fall either lol.
I have a lot of favs but here are some ☺️:
One Piece (not caught up yet but this anime is probably the most of my hyperfixation after dabihawks rn lol. I love it so much) - Zoro, Trafalgar, Ace and pretty much all of straw hats
SNK (been a while but they'll always be special) - Levi, Eren, Jean
Haikyuu (this is the comfort show Im always into) - Kageyama, Kuroo, Nishinoya, Hinata, ...almost everyone tbh.
Given (re-reading recently so feels are back) - Kaji mostly, but also all the mains are good lol
Banana Fish - Ash Lynx
Kny - Uzui, Giyuu
And lastly my absolute favs right now and I can talk about them forever Dabi & Hawks - I love literally everything about them individually and together. Dabi, who was told he's never been enough but consistently proving that everyone is wrong (literally living when he should be dead through sheer will power and vengence) vs. Hawks, who always remember "what is he even good for" and desperately tries to prove he can be of use? Dabi, who's ready to die while taking revenge vs. Hawks, who's willing to die to save everyone else? They're both so much more than who they pretend to be, who they wear that mask for and I think sometimes people misunderstand them for it, but its why I LOVE THEM!
I love their dynamic and how they used each other in the manga, I love that they're on opposite sides of a war both with ideals that clash so differently and they're perfect foils of each other, and yet so easily they could have been in each other's shoes. I think it makes them understand each other in a way that no one else does when all their lives, they've been very much alone. Their tragic backstories also plays into their character development very well (and every ch it shows me this!) Contrary to some opinions out there (esp. about hawks oof) , I think Horikoshi did a fantastic job writing them and they are the most interesting in the animanga by far and why I picked up the manga. There's so much to explore with them, so much potential angst and parallels between them, but even on their own they're just written SO WELL.
Hawks views are so skewed and it shows because of how he was brought up (by a family who didn't want him and then bought by the commission to be a solider) and it's so ingrained into who he is today, but he genuinely still just wants to "do good and protect people", so he's still the best hero in my eyes. 😭 And Dabi, who obviously isn't innocent, but you can't help but root for him to live at the end of it anyways bcus Dabi was genuinely good once and he tried so hard to be, he couldve been the best fucking hero. They're so flawed and fucked up in their own ways, but I love them for it and they're PERFECT. At the end of the day, I know they've done heinous things but they both deserved so much more. Latest chapter with them meeting again has me screaming too and I'm so excited to see what's next in manga!! There's so much more I could say but sorry this is so long already!! How about you, are you a fan of BNHA and who's your favs? 😁
And I'm also into a lot of other animes (seasonal or otherwise like sxf (so so good and heartwarming), csm, tokrev, jjk, mp100, golden kamuy, a lot of slice of life and lesser known ones, etc.) if you wanna know more ^^
Please have a lovely week Santa! 💛
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Original title: ワガママ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 5 Sakamaki Kanato
Audio: Here (Huge thank you to @filthyhelplessworld​ for providing the audio!)
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: The title of this track really describes the whole thing perfectly, haha. I have an insane amount of respect for all Kanato stans out there who keep up with this little brat’s selfish behavior because it couldn’t be me. However, I am excited for this CD before of the first 2-3 minutes of the track. I can already tell things are going to get intense.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: Selfish
The scene starts outside in the garden.
[00:17] “Here you go. I purchased this tea because I figured it would strike your fancy. Since I decided to hold a tea party, I want to thoroughly enjoy it. Take a whiff. Does it not smell wonderful? Darjeeling is very subtle in taste, yet extremely fragrant. It fits you perfectly.”
You fail to respond.
[00:46] “Say, why would you ignore me? I prepared nothing but your favorites today, yet you won’t even say a single thank you...That’s a little strange, don’t you think? Why…? How…? I might as well just enjoy the tea party by myself then.”
You remain quiet.
[01:21] “I suppose you really won’t give me a response. ...You’re acting a little off today. Or is that just my imagination? Ahー Could it be because of that moon? The moon makes us Vampires feel restless inside. Perhaps it has the same effect on humans? Fufu...Fufufufu...Ahahaha!
[02:23] “Come on, you should try your tea before it gets cold. It is much more delicious when enjoyed hot after all. Take a proper look at these flowers I arranged for you!”
*Rustle rustle*
“Haah...I prepared all of this for you...So be delighted...and smile…Hey? Say something! Look at me! I’m begging you…!!”
You fail to respond once more.
[03:07] “Hey...I’m talking to you…! Sniffle...Uu...WHY WON’T YOU SAY ANYTHING!?”
“Ah...Uu...Hic...Aaah...Uu...Why…!? Why!? Why!? Why!? Kuh...Why did you die…? Hey? ANSWER ME!!”
[04:06] “Haah...Scoot a little closer. How am I supposed to suck your blood like this? Did you not hear me when I said I’m feeling unwell? Even having to sit upright in bed is rough. Are you not aware of why people come to the infirmary in the first place? You’re supposed to nurse me back to health, so be a little more considerate at least! ーー Come on, hurry!”
You walk over to the bed.
[04:47] “Took you long enough, gosh…”
You frown.
“...Hm? You’re asking if I’m upset? Hah. And what exactly makes you think that?”
You shrug.
“Hmー You choose to feign ignorance, huh?”
He looks away.
[05:11] “It’s nothing. ...More importantly, hurry up, will you? It’s difficult to drink your blood when you’re standing there, spaced out. Come closer. Don’t make me have to spell it out for you.”
You hesitate.
“...Why are you acting like that? Do you want to upset me?”
You shake your head.
“If you do not, then fix that attitude of yours.”
You finally step closer.
[05:50] “Exactly. You should have just kept quiet and obeyed me from the very beginning. ...Come on, now kneel down. I’ll suck your blood.”
“Keep still? Ah…”
Kanato bites you.
[06:22] “Mmh…It’ll hurt if you move, remember?”
“Nn...Hah...Didn’t I just tell you to keep still!? Aah...Or do you want it to hurt, perhaps? Hahn…”
“Fufufu...~ So you actually do. You’re that kind of girl after all.”
You deny his words.
[07:01] “You don’t even know that about yourself? Well, I suppose it’s fine. I’ll be so kind as to tell you. Someone did say that humans are the most ignorant when it comes to themselves after all. I assume that goes for you as well? You see, you just love pain and suffering. Give that some serious thought (1). ...That’s why you did something which would upset me...It was on purpose, obviously!”
You shake your head.
[07:52] “Oh please, don’t play dumb now! I saw it with my own eyes! You were having a rather friendly chat with him ーー with Reiji at the manor, weren’t you? Hahn…”
“Ugh…! ...Fufu...What a forced cry! You can drop the act now. I already know you aren’t opposed to the pain, since it actually makes you feel good, doesn’t it? Did you have some fun with Reiji in a similar fashion as well? Hahn…”
[08:36] “...Did you think I would believe you if you denied it with tears in your eyes like that? Think again! (2) ...Mmh…”
You start to feel faint. 
“Fufu...Are you pretending to suddenly feel faint as part of your act as well? Seems like you have become a natural at this.”
You explain.
[08:57] “You’re feeling unwell? Haha…That’s a new one.”
You ask him to stop.
“The answer is no. I’m not satisfied yet. After all, I’ve barely had any.”
You repeat that you’re feeling unwell. 
[09:19] “You still insist on acting as if you’re in pain? ...CUT IT OUT ALREADY! I mean, it doesn’t make sense for this to suddenly happen, does it!? I’ve always been able to suck this much blood without any issues! 
...Aah. I see. I get it now. You’re running low on blood because you let him feed off you, correct? That’s why you’re coming up with the random excuse of feeling unwell, am I right? That’s the only logical explanation! ...How dare you!”
Kanato continues to suck your blood as you protest.
[10:05] “If you’re so sure that I’m just misunderstanding things...Then why don’t you tell me straight up what you were talking about with Reiji yesterday!?” 
You flinch.
“...Cat got your tongue?”
You tell him. 
“You were discussing your health? ...Fufu...That’s a lie. After all, the two of you seemed rather close. Standing there together, whispering to each other.”
You look away. 
“See? You’ve gone quiet again. Do you have nothing to say!?”
You apologize.
[10:50] “Kuh...Giving me a meek apology will only add to my anger, you know? ...Well, I’m broad-minded so I don’t mind letting it slide this once. However, do not dare to even get close to him again in the future. Can you promise me that?”
You nod.
He pushes you away.
[11:25] “Oh please, you’re overreacting. I only pushed you lightly, yet you act as if you’re about to fall over. ...There’s really no need to still keep this act up though. Good grief…”
“What are you spacing out for? Come on, wrap your arms around me.”
*Rustle rustle*
[11:50] “...Took you long enough to embrace me, geez. ...Stroke my head, please. I’m exhausted after sucking your blood, so it only makes sense you reward me now, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Exactly, just like that...More…You belong to me. All of you. From head to toe. Down to the very last drop of blood. ...Do you understand?”
You nod.
[12:33] “All you need to do is be with me. ...Forever.”
“...Say? You don’t think we’re done, do you? We still haven’t discussed how you will apologize to me, have we?”
You tilt your head to the side.
[12:58] “That should be a given. You had the nerve to upset me after all. Right. I suppose I’ll have you prepare me a sweet feast. Homemade, of course. A cake doused in plenty of whipped cream, cookies, and chocolate...Oh, pudding as well!”
You agree, promising him you’ll try your best.
“Fufu~ I don’t know how they’ll turn out, however, you better make them delicious. That’s all. ...Understood?”
You nod.
“Fufufu...I’m looking forward to it~”
Translation notes
(1) 胸に手を当てる or ‘mune ni te o ateru’ literally means ‘to put one’s hand on one’s chest/heart’ and is used when telling someone to think very deeply about something. (As if to look inside their own heart)
(2) 甘い or ‘amai’ doesn’t always mean ‘sweet’, but mean ‘weak’ or ‘naive’ as well.
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tomoyoo · 2 years
hiii c, i’m sending you evangelion for the fandom ask 🥰
Hi hellooo♡ It’s been a while since I watched the original series so I’ll try.
the character i least understand: I just never understood Kaji’s deal, won’t even go there.
interactions i enjoyed the most: Ofc the children, Asuka and Shinji are frustrating but I looove how much they misunderstand each other. Kaworu and Shinji were cute and I liked that it was Shinji's "finally, someone" but ended up in total tragedy. You know.
the character who scares me the most: LELIEL. Just a ball. Just a circle. I love it
the character who is mostly like me: Asuka 5eva..
hottest looks character: Misato she's so hot.. Misato i can be your Ritsuko (who's Kaji)
one thing i dislike about my fave character: it’s a bit hard to say because these flaws are part of the charms. Sometimes I dislike how Shinji treats women with such "otherness" (Asuka, for instance) and I dislike that Asuka expects people (Shinji) to act in a certain way to make herself feel good, even when their intentions aren’t actually bad, she always finds a flaw… I guess.
one thing i like about my hated character: I dig the way Gendo's backstory was drawn in the last rebuild film.
a quote or scene that haunts me: I hate myself but maybe I can learn to love mysef. Maybe it’s okay for me to be here. I can’t escape the congratulations scene 🧎
a death that left me indifferent: Ritsuko in the show .-. Like oh nooo. Anyway
a character i wish died but didn’t: I can’t answer this because everyone died ? Kinda? Then again no one did? I wasn’t rooting for anyone's death in particular
my ship that never sailed: none and it’s better that way lol
Thanks for sending Bella 💕❤️ i do love evangelion but sometimes it makes me bang my head against a wall ^-^
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
OPEN SKY  Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"...And never, ever forget that, your dreams are the wings that'll help you fly."
(L/N)(Y/N) has always been forced to live according to others' expectations. As a member of the powerful and influential (L/N) Family, she has had to live with the heavy weight of seeing others write her destiny with no choice but just obey. But when (Y/N) finally decides to risk it all to take the only opportunity to regain the control of her own life, everything ends up going horribly wrong. Surrendered and disappointed, she receives one last chance to prove to herself and to U.A, along with some unexpected help that this was not a crazy and meaningless waste of time.
Maybe this plan could work after all...
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Mentions of sex, My poor attempt of comedy, family dysfunctionality, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: Failure
Chapter 3: Her Start
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2-Sometimes the Greatest Hero of All is a Good Friend
“The person you’ve called is unavailable, please leave a-”
“Still no answering…. You said you’ll call me right after the exam (Y/N), I hope everything is ok. What should I do now? Oh! I got it!” Swiftly, slender fingers moved over the tactile screen of her phone, anxious eyes looking for a specific contact. “Found it!” After a few rings, the other end of the line was answered.
“Good afternoon,Mizaki talking. How may I help you today?”
“Hello, may I please speak to (L/N) Xiù-san?”
“I’m sorry. (L/N)-san is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message?”
“Sure, please let her know I’m calling in regard of (Y/N), I would like to know about her.”
“Alright miss, and your name please?”
 “Yaoyorozu Momo.”
Three days have passed since the whole U.A fiasco, you were of course grounded, with no phone, no internet and completely insolated in your room. Your fever was already gone, just leaving behind a really mild sore throat. Although your body didn’t hurt anymore, your heart did, over and over again you replayed the whole thing in your mind beating your head to find out what you could have changed, what you could have done differently. It was eating you inside out. You felt like a failure and so unfortunate. How could you fail over something so silly?!
You’ve been in your bed since you arrived home that day, already numbed by all the crying you did that night, your mom’s complains, and had barely eaten. You knew that in a couple of days the response from U.A will arrive to already tell you what you knew. And after that, you’ll have no choice but go to class again for the last week of school. Thankfully there’s surely nothing you’ll have to catch up with.
But before you could sail deeper in your personal sea of self-petty, a knock on your door took you out of your rambling thoughts.
“Come in,” you said boringly.
“Sorry to disturb you (Y/N)-sama but Yaoyorozu-sama had come to visit you, do you want me to let her in or you prefer to rest a little-”
“Momo?! Oh, yes please, tell her to come in!”
“As you wish, (Y/N)-sama”
A couple of minutes later Momo entered your room escorted by the same maid. She was wearing your school uniform, by her side were two of her bodyguards, on her left, one was caring several paper grocery bags full of what looked like tons of snacks and junk food, on her right another tall and bulky man held a white cake box and some pastel-colored paper bags. You threw yourself to her and hugged her fondly. She gasped surprised by your sudden show of affection, but she immediately returned it with one of her own, melting with you in a tight embrace. “Momoo! *SNIFF* I missed you so much! I’m sorry for not answering your texts and calls but my mom took my phone away.”
“Oh, (Y/N) don’t worry I imagined something like that, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come before, but when I tried to come visit, one of the maids said your mother had prohibited it.”
“Of course she did, she feeds on my suffering” you mumbled sourly.
“Oh, don’t be like that, I know she can be-uhm…”
“Harsh? Insufferable? Unreasonable? A hag-?”
*AHEM! * Strict, she can be strict-yes! But I’m sure that she is doing it all with your best interest in mind, or I hope so…”
“Aha… not even you believe that, by the way, what’s up with all the shopping bags?” At the mention of them, she beamed, star-eyed, cheeks flushed with excitement, recalling her little adventure of the day.  
“Today I went to one of these really incredible, advantageous little stores where you can find anything, anywhere and have a wide variety of products for a fair price.
“You mean a konbini?”
“Yes! They are great, aren’t they? So convenient!”
“I bet they are.”
“They really are! To think that all of this only cost me ¥10 000!*”
“You spent how much?!”
“Oh, it’s nothing! I made sure to get an ample array of different products to enjoy together and, I thought some yummy snacks would cheer you up.”
You felt your heart clench at such sweet declaration from your dearest and oldest friend, she really was the most selfless and caring being you’ve ever met.
“Momo~! Have I ever told you that I’ll be nothing without you~?”
“Yes, and is nice to hear that you value my efforts, even if I can’t do anything to revert the past and change what happened, I can act now, in the present and do as best as I can to make you feel better and let you know that anything that occurred is not your fault, so please don’t think less of you. Sometimes life acts in mysterious ways that maybe we don’t understand, but someday it will make sense and we will know, comprehend and accept why our plans do not always go as we wish. 
And even if it’s hard to accept at first, there are better things waiting for us than we even expected or asked for since the beginning. What I’m trying to say is, please don’t let this unpleasant ordeal take you down, I know that you’re more than capable to be a hero, even more than me, so keep fighting no matter how many times they knock you down, I’m sure you’ll still rise every time. Don’t give up.” Your friend looked at you while she held both of her hands over her chest, her eyes bright, sweet and sincere made her words hit you with more intensity.
“Momo…” you said moved.
“Oh, don’t mind me, I think I got a little sentimental, but anyway! I hope you like what I brought for this occasion-Oh! Kaji-san, Sasaki-san please leave the bags here.” Momo instructed the bodyguards to put them over the center table of the seating area inside your spacious room. After that, they were dismissed and exited the room alongside the same maid that let them in.
Immediately after they left, another one entered your room with a golden vintage-looking bar cart full of all the musts for a proper tea party. A shiny silver tea set was put in the center of the cart, besides it a couple of white golden rimmed China teacups seated cutely surrounded by all kinds of sweet and savory goodies. Under the same cart, a large collection of the most exquisite teas and coffees could be found, most of them brought by your mother herself from her several trips around the globe. As an enthusiast of these drinks, she always made sure to visit the most renowned tea crafter countries to bring the best of the best with her.
“Good afternoon ladies, what would you like to drink?”
“I’ll have tea, that new black tea my mother got last month,” You said.
“Sure! And for you Yaoyorozu-sama?”
“I’ll drink the same, you talked to me about this tea before, right? It sounded so good that I’ve been wanted to try it since then.”
“I’m positive you’ll enjoy it as much as I did! It has a fruity undertone; it goes really well with everything.” You said excitedly.
Once the hot drinks were set and served the maid left the room with the snacks Momo brought to place them in the kitchen for later consuming. Once alone, you could talk more comfortably and privately.
“So… what in heaven you did or said to make my flexible as a rock mother to let you enter into my fortress of loneliness?”
“That’s easy…”
“School Work”
“That’s it?! And what school work?! Next week is the last week of classes, and we already had our final tests. What else could you do that we haven’t already done last week?”
“A lot actually, we still had to receive our final lessons and they gave back our tests’ results and you mother specify clearly and I quote: ‘Although (Y/N) is sick it doesn’t mean I’ll allow her under any circumstances to get delayed on her studies even if the school year is basically over, she must learn discipline and obedience, put in practice what she’s been taught all this time, she evidently hasn’t been taught properly.’
“Why it doesn’t surprise me she said that? Do you-”
“-Have your tests with me right now? Of course, they are part of the reason your mother let me trespass your ‘fortress of loneliness’ Pretty impressive as always, but I guess you couldn’t beat me in math, again.” She smiled.
“Aw! I studied really hard for that exact reason!”
“Don’t worry it was only 5 points-Wow! you were pretty right! This tea is delectable!” Momo said after taking a sip of her cup.
“But still!-I know! Right?”
“Don’t worry though, you’ll have plenty of times in high school”
After Momo’s comment everything came back to your mind, it really felt like a distant memory, at some point you question yourself if it was real, to begin with, it was hard to believe that one single person could have such bad luck in less than 12 hours, every single thing that could go possibly wrong went horrible. And now it was over, you once in a lifetime opportunity slipped from your fingers as soon as it came. And now with your mother aware of your intentions it could be nearly impossible to escape the path that was already set for you.
It's useless now, isn’t it?’
Without you knowing, countless tears started rolling down your cheeks, the sadness and frustration scaping out of your body against your will.
“I’m sorry for touching that topic so aggressively, it was so tactless of me to don’t have your feelings on the account.” Said Momo a bit dejected.
“Don’t worry about that Momo, you are already doing so much to make me feel better and I’m so grateful you are here with me right now and, I’ll have to get over it eventually.” Momo frowned, she knew you really well and although she knew your words to her were genuine, you were not ok or dealing well with it at all, maybe if you…
“Do you want to talk about it? You know, vent your frustrations with me? You know you can trust me.” She said while she took your hand reassuringly.
“I know I can trust in you Mocchan, you are my best friend…”
“I don’t even know how to put into words how I feel, it’s overwhelming at so many levels! Everything crumbled down so fast than before I could understand what was going on, I blacked out in the middle of battle center trying to save some guy form a 3 pointer, at the end I was the one who needed to be saved. I lost my only chance to make my dreams come true in such a foolish way and I couldn’t do anything about it! I went through so much! I had to wake up at 4:30 every day to train without my mother noticing, I stayed up until 2 am to study and be prepared for the exam, and all of that for nothing! I don’t even know what to do Momo, I feel I going crazy! I’m losing my mind inside these four walls! I feel trapped, hopeless, I just, I just want to disappear…”
An ominous silence invaded the room, you finally could say all that you have been bottling in out all this time. Momo debated what she could say in a situation like this, you really were screwed. But even having knowledge of your situation and its implications, something told her that, even if it was small there is still some hope. Trying to collect her thoughts she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, after a few seconds she opened them again and looked at you with a mix of confidence and faith.
“You know, since we met, I always thought you were the most courageous and aspiring person I’ve ever known. You never gave up, never let the limitations given by your family stopped you from being who you truly were, like a bird who didn’t know about frontiers or bounds, always focused at the horizon, what laid ahead, in the future, your future. Although you knew it was risky, you did it anyway, you took a leap of faith, and even though things didn’t come out as you wanted, you did it, you dared. Failure means that you’ve tried, don’t let failures and errors stop you, but make you stronger. So please, raise your head, stand proudly because a hero can always-”
“-break out of a tough spot, I know. Thank you, Momo.” You looked at your spread palm and closed your eyes for a moment. “It’s true that there’s nothing I can do, It already happened, is in the past and I can’t change it, but, as you said I have the present, the one that matters, the one that’ll help me shape my future, there’s no point on sulking over something that already happened, but I do have control over what’s happening and will happen. The only thing I can do now is wait for my letter, get over it, get a closure. And after that happens, I’ll just try it again, I learned my lesson, if I want to be a strong hero, I have to think in my wellbeing first, If I can’t save myself, I won’t be able to save anybody. I’ll do it at my own pace.” You closed your fist and opened your eyes full of renewed energy and conviction, you looked up at your always trusty friend and gave her your most sincere smile.“I don’t know how but I’ll keep trying, I’ll definitely do it.” Momo smiled back at you sharing your same emotions, grateful to see the same flame invade your eyes and spirit. 
“I know you will.”  
 “…But first, we’ll have some melon pan.*”
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*¥10,000 are approximately $91,35.
*Melon pan [ メロンパン ] (meronpan): They are sweet buns made with an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon (cantaloupe). Ironically they are not usually melon flavored but it can vary from caramel, maple syrup, chocolate, sometimes with syrup, whipped cream, flavored cream or custard as a filling. In the case of such variations, the name may drop the word 'melon' (maple pan) or may keep it despite the lack of melon favor (chocolate melon pan).
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thefinalcinderella · 5 years
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 4-Unsolicited Statement (Part 2)
The only thing worse than kyudo terminology...is Shinto and Buddhism terminology.
In other words, please enjoy this long-awaited continuation of the chapter, where the boys go to the Amatsu Star Festival in their fancy getup and we learn that Ren is actually Masaki’s stepbrother (not like the anime didn’t already spoil that for us). Also Nikaidou and Fuwa show up (not at the festival)
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. A sekitori is a sumo wrestler ranked in the top two professional divisions.
2. A multi-tenant building here ( 雑居ビル) is a building that houses a mixture of businesses, shops and residences
3. Aratama and nikitama are parts of the spirit (mitama) of a god in Shinto belief. The aratama is the rough and violent side of the god that must be appeased while the nikitama is its normal state. (Thanks yugioh wiki for leading me to the right place)
4. The jousou of a priest is worn at regular festivals. A kariginu is a traditional hunting robe worn by Heian nobles. Basically, what Masa-san is wearing here is what he wore in Episode 10 of the anime (when the boys visit the shrine) except it’s all white.
5. Issun-boshi is a Japanese folktale about a one sun (3cm) boy who kills an oni. It’s similar to Tom Thumb and you can read the gist of it here
6. Jaki (邪気) means maliciousness or evil spirits, and mujaki (無邪気, literally “no jaki”) means innocence.
7. So apparently tsumikegare is a complicated term. Tsumi is sin and kegare is impurity, but sometimes tsumikegare happens to you without you doing anything wrong. In any case it taints your energy and you have to cleanse yourself of it.
8. The ritual Masa-san’s mom is doing is the shubatsu, a purification ritual that takes place before a ceremony. Also, ooasa is more commonly known as onusa, apparently. See one here. The sakaki tree is an evergreen that’s sacred in Shinto and used in many rituals, as well as salt water (entou), which is rock salt dissolved in water.
9. The term kaji ( 加持) is used here. In Buddhism it corresponds to  Adhiṣṭhāna, which refers to receiving blessings from the Buddha. On a side note I pretty much had to guess the translation of this passage lol
10. Joue ( 定慧) is two-thirds of the Threefold Training of Buddhism.  定 is “right mindfulness” and  慧 is wisdom. The third one is  戒, which is virtue.
11. Momote Shiki is a kyudo ceremony performed for those who are turning 20 and becoming adults. It is conducted by the Ogasawara-ryuu, who dress in formal kimonos and shoot two arrows at a target. You can read about one in more detail here
12. A naorai is a banquet during a festival where the offerings made to the gods are eaten. It marks the end of a ritual. Read more about it here
13. A goldfish with protruding eyes is called a telescope goldfish or demekin
14. Nanao makes up the word pazarinko in Chapter 3 of Book 1, where apparently it’s supposed to mean “you’re welcome” It’s the furigana for “了解” which means “got it”
15. Yo-yo scooping is a popular festival game where you fish for small balloons with a paper string and a hook. The balloons you get act like yo-yos I think? 
16. Yakitori is skewered chicken that’s grilled over a charcoal fire.
17. A marebito is a word that refers to a divine spirit or being bringing gifts of luck and happiness from afar. They are usually welcomed with festivals. It’s lso the title of the next chapter
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Countermeasures against the heat were necessary for summer exercise. Kyudo was no exception.
Kazemai High School was located in a relatively cool region of Japan, and kyudo was blessed compared to outdoor sports, but it was still hot during daytime. Although there was a fan, the wind almost never reached them, and so the fan head desolately turned.
In summer, the kyudo equipment also changed due to the heat. Because it was easy for the bowstring to stretch and for the draw strength to weaken if it was a bamboo bow, one used different equipment for summer and winter. The heat had little effect on glass fibre bows, but one needed to be careful as they could deform if one left them inside a car under the blazing sun.
For kyudogi, there were ones used specially for summer in addition to year-round. As the kyudo uniform must not be directly worn on bare skin, an undershirt must be worn, and the style for the bottom was a hakama that completely covered the feet. It was difficult to say that it was a cool getup. People who sweated a lot and the like had their sweat dripping onto the floor during zasha.
At break, Ryouhei and Nanao flapped the sides of their hakama.
“Ugh, it’s so humid since there’s no wind today.”
“The floor’s so steaming hot it’s like there’s indoor heating. My hakama’s getting stuck to my feet with all the sweat, you know.”
“Can you wash hakama?”
“The hakama and obi we wear for practice are made of synthetic fibers, so you can put them in a laundry bag and wash them with a washing machine. If you take them to a dry cleaner’s, it’ll be expensive since they’ll undergo the traditional clothing treatment. Though, the hakama Masa-san wears when he needs to wear kimono is probably made of silk or wool, so I don’t think he can use the washing machine for that.”
“My underglove is also really damp from all the sweat.”
“I hate having a sweaty yugake, so I’m going to air it out when I get home. Although when I say that, I’m just going to spread it out in my room and turn it over. Apparently, it’s also good to put a drying agent in it.”
The two replaced their undergloves that had become damp with sweat with new ones. In the case that one’s grip became slippery with palm sweat, one could also use rice chaff ashes, called fudeko, or one’s own white powder on the left hand.
Seiya handed Minato a towel and a water bottle. The ice made a cool, rattling sound, and the barley tea disappeared in an instant.
“Minato, if it’s not enough I can give you more.”
“Ah, thanks. I’ll have more later.”
“Are you suffering from heat fatigue? It looks like your dad has a lot of business trips lately, but are you eating properly?”
“Mm, I’m fine.”
Kaito, who was next to Minato and Seiya as they talked, knitted his brows.
“Are you mothering Narumiya again, Seiya? Leave him alone, he’s not a little kid.”
“Isn’t it fine? It’s not bothering anyone, and it’s my purpose in life.”
“So you finally got serious.”
“What? Do you want me to mother you too, Kaito?”
“Not a chance!”
“I also don’t want to take care of a child with such a bad expression.”
“I’m not a ‘child’ with a bad expression!”
Kaito finished his water bottle in one go.
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo had on dumbfounded expressions that said, “Ah, here we go again.” They were completely used to seeing the sketch comedies that Kaito was associated with.
Tommy-sensei asked them to gather around.
“Were you all able to hydrate? Takigawa-san explained this the other day, but what is the method of breathing while shooting?”
Ryouhei answered.
“If you’re concerned about your breathing, it becomes more difficult for you to know how to shoot. Or rather, you can’t do both at the same time.”
“Exactly so. Since the way of dantian breathing used in kyudo is slightly different than the commonly stated dantian breathing, and it is difficult for those who hold the bow and still have a few years to go, it is good to store it as knowledge in a corner of your minds right now.”
“If I have to be extreme, Japanese archery is lifting the bow up, parting it in both directions, and waiting to release the arrow—that is all it is. Even though just that should be good enough, people do unnecessary and pointless actions. First of all, let’s correct the major causes that produce difficulties for hitting the target. Because when you covet this-and-that, you will not be able to understand why.”
Ryouhei nodded deeply.
“Now then, it will be summer vacation soon and there will be a training camp, but before that, I will give everyone a mission. The gentlemen will be time warping back to the Heian era.”
“Heian era? Time warp? What does that mean?”
“For that, go there and enjoy what happens. The girls will be in charge of seeing that with their own eyes.”
Minato and the others blinked rapidly before Tommy-sensei, who was chuckling.
Tsujimine High School’s Fuwa let out a sound without thinking.
The person before him was clicking their tongue.
Fuwa was at the bus stop in front of the hospital with his phone in one hand. A man with a muscular figure, on par with a sekitori (1), was in front of him in line, but he seemed to have decided something and left the line. Just when Fuwa was about to close up the gap and lifted his head, he saw Nikaidou right in front of him. They couldn’t see each other due to the large man hiding them.
Nikaidou opened his naturally large eyes even wider. Since their eyes met perfectly all the way here, his face that screamed, I didn’t know you were there at all, was extremely transparent.
He muttered to him, as though resigned to the situation,
“The bus is here. Let’s get on it, Fuwa.”
They did not talk to each other even as they sat next to each other in the two-person seat. Fuwa still had his phone in hand, and Nikaidou was vacantly staring out the window. Neither of them said anything like, “What a coincidence,” or “What happened?”
The bus arrived at the nearest station fifteen minutes later.
Although Fuwa intended on naturally parting from him in this way, Nikaidou indicated his destination with his chin.
Without saying “What a pain,” he followed Nikaidou to the fast food restaurant on the first floor of the multi-tenant building. (2)
Nikaidou silently lined up at the register.
"Welcome. Will you be eating here today?"
"Then, may I take your order?"
"I'll have one of whatever is the most expensive thing in this store."
The cashier was immediately bewildered.
As he was getting second-hand embarrassment from what he was seeing, Fuwa went to the second floor seats.
After a while, Nikaidou showed up carrying a tray. Apparently he couldn't carry it by himself, as employees were following him. The tray was piled high with food, so it did not look like it was for two people at all.
When the employees left, Nikaidou sat in his seat and spoke.
"Here, eat."
"Is that how you offer food to someone?"
"Just shut up and do it now!"
Forced by pressure, Fuwa reluctantly took a bite of a hamburger.  He had actually snatched food in the hospital room he had visited, so he was not at all hungry. When Fuwa finished eating one, Nikaidou looked relieved. He himself finally took the food as well.
Ah, so this is hush money?
Fuwa guessed.
It probably meant that he was not allowed to reveal that they ran into each other at the hospital. He couldn't ask anything about this matter. Furthermore, he is telling him to infer all of that. What a self-centered guy, he thought, but he stopped pressing it. Having him be quiet with this signified that Nikaidou trusted him greatly.
Nikaidou was hiding the fact that his uncle Shigeyuki was in hospital from the club members. Perhaps Shigeyuki asked him not to tell anyone. And Fuwa knew that Nikaidou had been visiting him frequently. That kind of thing would be divulged by someone close to him, and that information source was Nikaidou's younger brother. Because he knew, he was careful not so that they would not meet, but they ended up doing that regardless. In that sense, this whole situation was Fuwa's mistake.
Fuwa had a certain special quality.
It was the ability to get information even without seeking it.
Even though he wasn't extending an antenna from himself and collecting information, the things the people around him hid or wanted to hide entered his ears. He noticed that when he received a piece of coloured paper from his homeroom teacher at his elementary school graduation ceremony.
It was a collection of messages for the graduation ceremony, but among the trite and hackneyed phrases like "I'll do my best even after I graduate," he was unable to take his eyes from the words written by one girl.
Fuwa-kun has long ears, so bad things about Fuwa-kun are the only things I was afraid to say—.
He couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw that. He had no interest in the conversations of girls, so he never strained his ears for them. And in the first place, saying that he had "long ears" was in itself a loose-tongued thing to do. It may have happened that he did not notice the girl was hiding something and inadvertently said it aloud.
From then on, he began to be careful about his speech and conduct. He avoided topics that seemed like they would infringe on privacy as much as possible, and did not left out anything that he heard. It felt like the number of people who one-sidedly talked to him excessively increased, perhaps because he devoted himself to the listener's role. There were many people who wanted to talk, even without him asking. They could not help but vomit out the words that they kept close to their chests.
In addition, there were also many times when he accidentally overheard and learned something. The other day, he learned why Nikaidou often wore a white hoodie. When he went to the school infirmary, there was a health report there forgotten by the nurse. It was written that Nikaidou Eisuke was hypersensitive to light, and that if he was exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, it would cause skin inflammation.
And, there was another thing. He knew Nikaidou's secret—.
Ootaguro had also vaguely perceived it, and only Nikaidou himself thought it had not been found out. Ootaguro was not as meatheaded as Nikaidou thought he was. Nikaidou was smart, but lacked objectivity. He couldn't see himself very well.
Fuwa stuffed his mouth with his last bite, then washed it down with coke.
"Alright, it's all eaten."
"Ugh, I'm not gonna be eating hamburgers and fries for a long time."
When they exited the restaurant, Nikaidou pointed above his head.
"I'm gonna be stopping by the store up there."
"Oh, then see ya."
Nikaidou smiled, looking satisfied, and climbed the steps to the store.
Fuwa looked up at the sky.
The sound of a flute could be heard, and faint lights emerged.
At Yata Shrine, the summer festival called the Amatsu Star Festival was currently underway. Along the long stairs that stretched from the torii gate to the front shrine, bamboo tubes with the tops diagonally cut were arranged with lit candles inside them. The swaying flames were like whispers, enticing people to where the sounds were.
Sway, sway.
O marebito, o heretic gods.
Are you aratama tonight, or nikitama? (3)
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, dressed in yukata, stopped at the top of the steps.
"Wow, the stairs of light are so beautiful!"
"Look at the interior. It's still continuing."
"Let's go."
The lights flickered, as though beckoning them. They passed between the bamboo tubes and looked back, and saw a river of light.
"Are the boys going to be here soon?"
Hanazawa confirmed the time.
"I wonder if they successfully completed the time warp."
"The girls' mission is to see it with our own eyes, after all."
The three giggled as they headed for the front shrine.
The five boys of Kazemai High School were also visiting Yata Shrine, but they could not afford to enjoy the festival. They first thing they did in the morning was to do an ablution ceremony by bathing in cold water (misogi). They also refrained from eating meat and fish since yesterday.
On this day, Minato and the others were wearing colourful kimonos and hakama, looking just like Heian nobles. Masa-san was dressed all in white. The ordinary vestments (jousou) of a priest was a dyed and patterned kariginu, a hakama in a colour that corresponded to the priest's social position, a cap called a tateeboshi, a ritual baton (shaku), and shallow clogs (asagutsu), but the kimono was all white with only a little decoration at the cuffs. (4)
In actuality, Yata Shrine was reviving the ritual "matoi" (target shooting), which had died out, and the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club boys were serving the roles of the archers.
Minato moved awkwardly in the clothes he was unaccustomed to wearing. The weights of the pure silk kimono and the practice clothes he usually wore were different, and he took care not to make it dirty.
"Masa-san, are we really going to be okay? We're wearing these flashy kimonos and hakama, and shoes made of wood. We're doing rissha, aren't we?"
"The target is big, and you'll be fine if you move as you practiced this morning. Exposing your chest in summertime is troublesome since your kimono sticks to you with sweat, but it works as a natural cooler."
"In the first place, why is it that except for the one priest, everyone else are boys from ages twelve to eighteen?"
"In ancient times, Yata Shrine was a shrine thatwas connected to the practitioners of Shugendou, and the purpose of 'matoi' was to exorcise vengeful spirits. As you can see from folk tales like Momotarou and Issun-boushi (5), 'douji' (boys) are said to have the power to exorcise demons--evil spirits. And in the ancient documents left at Yata Shrine, it is written that the archers are chigo, that is, young trainee monks with unshaven heads at Buddhist temples. The discussion of wanting to revive it has been brought up by the parishioners for a long time, but I only got enthusiastic about it when I talked about it with Tommy-sensei."
"So 'innocence' is the opposite of 'vengeful spirits'. (6) But why would there be young monks at a Shinto shrine?"
"Before the Meiji era, there was the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, in other words, Shinto and Buddhism weren't distinctly separated. Apparently, it wasn't unusual for priests to double as monks."
"Oh, I see."
When the festival music (matsuri-bayashi) ended, the archers and parishioners, with Masa-san at the head, stood before the shelves that held rice, salt, water, sake, fish and other offerings to the gods. The parishioners were serving as the kaizoes. The target (oomato) was made of flattened reeds that were woven together, and a piece of paper put on top of it had the character for "demon" written on it.
They received a purification rite from Masa-san's mother, who was a priest, to purify their sins and impurities (tsumikegare) of their mind and body. (7) She shook the ooasa, a rod of plain wood with shide (zigzag paper streamers) attached to it, left and right and left again, and then a sprig of sakaki tree was dipped into entou (salt water) and sprinkled. (8)
Masa-san walked a few steps ahead of the line, and then knelt (kiza) with a bow and white-feathered arrow in hand.
He chanted with a resonant voice.
Upon careful consideration, what one would call a treasured bow of divine empowerment (9), is something that strenuously exerts the virtues of joue (10), clears away the mob of hindrances,
And defeats the evil forces that block the way to samsara. Indeed, there is nothing that surpasses a divine bow and secret arrow for a vessel of expelling evil forces.
Now, the five great dragon kings have descended upon this dojo and will establish barriers that will block these evil spirits…
When he stood up, he had his bow and arrow in his right hand, and exposed his chest by slipping his kimono from his left shoulder. With both hands, he reverently held the bow parallel to the ground and then pointed it towards the target (mato-tsuki). He gripped the bow in a slanted position and drew it back to its limit, and then released the arrow.
His next arrow also hit the center of the target.
When Kaito, the oomae, lifted his bow, Ryouhei also lifted his own bow without missing a beat. After him, Seiya, Nanao, Minato and Masa-san imitated Kaito’s movements.
Kaito slowly brought the head of his arrow close to the target.
“Aiiiiiie!” After he shouted his yagoe, his arrow flew towards the target.
After him, Ryouhei also released his arrow with a “Yah”, and Seiya, Nanao, Minato and Masa-san followed.
Aiiiiiie, yah!
Aiiiiiie, yah!
The yagoes crawled along the ground, the sounds that violently cut through the wind being linked together.
When the six shootings were over, there was a big round of applause from the spectators.
“What was that? Were those Kazemai students who were shooting?”
“Holy crap, that was amazing! We can take pictures, right?”
The female high school students who were watching as a way to kill time were in high spirits. Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, who were watching over them, were also leaning forward in excitement.
“Since they called it a ritual, I was wondering what they were going to do, but wasn’t it pretty cool?”
“It really did feel like we time-warped back to the Heian era.”
“They were moving similar to the Momote Shiki of the Ogasawara-ryuu school.” (11)
While the worshippers were chattering noisily, Kaito drew his bow tightly once again. There was a dignified air surrounding him.
The yagoes were shouted one after the other.
Six voices.
When the last shot brought down the demon, a thunderous round of applause arose.
After they finished their greetings, Minato and the others changed into their regular clothes.
Tommy-sensei met them with a smile.
“You’ve all worked hard on your mission. Congratulations to everyone for safely returning to present-day. You all looked very handsome.”
The parishioners also gave them words of appreciation and gratitude.
“What a mystical ceremony it was, as though we became lost in an older world. Many of us parishioners are getting on in years, but the ones who will create the future are you young people after all. Now, now, eat up.”
“Then, itadakimasu.”
They took the food before them. At the naorai (12), Ren was also there along with the parishioners, going around pouring alcohol for each person. A naorai also had the meaning of cleansing the body obtaining the offerings to the goods through eating and drinking the offerings and sake at the end of the ritual, but at Yata Shrine it had a strong sense of a party given in recognition of a person’s services.
It was a long-awaited and precious festival. They also wanted to go around to see all the stalls.
After talking for a while, the boys stood from their seats, leaving the adults who were drinking.
It was a complete transformation from that refined world, and they flocked to the area lined with red lanterns. The scents of sauces and sugary things mingled together. Nanao was called out to by girls as they passed by him, and he answered them with smiles. They went halfway down the row of stalls, when Minato and Ryouhei decided to take on the target shooting stall.
“I think I’ll aim for the sweets on the right. What about you, Ryouhei?”
“I see. I’ll be aiming for that mascot ‘Reclining Kaehru-kun.’”
“Alright, then, it’s a match.”
The two carefully aimed and pulled their triggers. Despite Minato bombarding it with bullets, the small box of sweets did not fall down. He persistently continued to shoot, and when he thought that it finally fell, he was disappointed when he was told that “it doesn’t count if it doesn’t fall behind the shelf.” As Ryouhei declared, he got the “Reclining Kaehru-kun,” and handed it to Nanao.
“Oooooh, this is amazing! Thanks, Ryouhei. Let’s go over there next.”
The group went to the goldfish scooping stall next.
Nanao and Seiya, with Kaito between them, were standing by.
“Seiya, Kacchan is a master at goldfish scooping.”
“Oh really? Show me what you got.”
Kaito’s eyes glinted. A daring smile appeared on his lips.
He readied his scoop in his right hand and the bowl for the goldfish in his right, and then passed his scoop under the water. He quickly slid it sideways and got one fish at the start. He then got a second one, a third one, a fourth one, and then the bowl was filled with goldfish before they knew it.
“Good job, Kaito. Alright, I’ll try too.”
Seiya gently put his scoop in the water and chased the swimming goldfish, but the fish escaped before he could put them in the bowl.
“Aaah, it got torn.”
“Seiya is surprisingly crap at this.”
“Sir, one more turn.”
Seiya paid the fee.
“Kaito, teach me your secret.”
“Watch closely, okay? First, you gotta put the whole scoop into the water. You should scoop by aiming for the fish at the surface and moving horizontally as much as possible, and making sure that the tail is getting on the paper.”
As he was saying that, he caught another one. Even the man at the stall said, “Give it a rest, kid,” with a wry smile.  Perhaps because he listened to Kaito’s advice, Seiya got two fish this time.
Nanao kept aiming for the bigger fish, but at the end he did not catch a single fish. He returned his torn scoop to the man and pointed at one spot where the goldfish were crowding together.
“Kacchan, get that black fish with the stuck-out eyes buried under those red goldfish.” (13)
“Hmm, it’s big, and that location is ugh.”
“You can still do it, can’t you? Get it, get it!”
“Can’t be helped.”
Badgered by Nanao, he reluctantly attempted it, but his paper scoop got torn when he got close to the fish.
“Ooh, what a shame, kid,” the man at the stall said with a pleased face. They decided to bring back only three fish, and Nanao chose a fish to his liking. In the meantime, Minato and Ryouhei went to take a look at the neighbouring stall.
After they received their goldfish, Kaito looked around.
“Narumiya and Ryouhei aren’t at the stall next door at all?”
“Aah…, this happened a lot back then. Whenever those two are at a festival, they really get into it and disappear before you know it. Well, it’s fine.”
“Huh, it’s really ok? You not clinging to Narumiya, I mean.”
“Yep. Today, I’m sticking close to your side.”
Kaito recoiled from Seiya, who was smiling with his eyes narrowed.
“Hah? Why’s that?”
“In this kind of place, the possibility of you rather than Minato getting caught up in trouble is much higher. And you have even less self control when it comes to Nanao. As you wished, I shall specially take care of you today.”
“When did I wish for that!?”
Next to Kaito, who was scratching his head, Seiya was ready to burst into laughter.
“Okay, I texted Minato and Ryouhei our meeting location and time, so let’s walk around together.”
Nanao responded, “’Kay, pazarinko (14). Where should we go next? The turtle scooping stall?”
“Turtles, huh…those things get huge in the future. We can’t bring them back with us.”
“I wanna get big too.”
“Then, milk scooping?”
“Ooh, maybe! Moo-moo scooping~.”
“That’s not even a thing! If you’re talking about scooping, there’s yo-yos and gemstones.” Kaito answered, getting worked up and taking the joke seriously. (15)
The three disappeared into the crowd while jostling.
At the same time, Minato and Ryouhei had also noticed that they had lost sight of their friends, and looked at their phones.
"So we're meeting in front of the shrine office. There's still time until then. What do you want to do, Ryouhei?"
" I wanna eat yakitori. (16) You mind if I line up at that stand over there?"
"It's cool. I'll wait under this tree."
Minato left the lively avenue lined with stands, heading for the zelkova tree.
The rhythm of the festival music could be heard in the distance. Since from the morning he had been busy with the setup of the oomato and learning how to strip during a rissha ceremonial shooting, observing the festival from a little further away also wasn't bad at all. The flickering of the river of light pierced his eyes.
Just when he was about to twist off the cap of the plastic bottle in his hand, someone with their hand raised approached him from the front. At first he couldn't recognize their face since it was lit from behind, but it turned out to be Ren.
"Hey, Minato-kun. We sure do meet a lot."
"Ren-san, is it okay for you to be here?"
"Trying to drive me off, eh?"
"Ah, no, I was just wondering if it's okay for you to not be at the naorai."
"Oh, it's already in the final stage, so they probably wouldn't know if just one person is missing."
Ren stood next to Minato and similarly twisted the cap off his plastic bottle.
"How's it going with kyudo practice?"
"Thanks to having Masa-san teach us, I think everyone improved, as well as me."
"I heard that you were taught by a sensei who is famous in the kyudo world. Aren't you unsatisfied with Masaki?"
"That absolutely isn't true! Saionji-sensei and Masa-san are both my precious teachers. If I never met them both, I might not be shooting a bow today."
Ren suddenly laughed, but there was something cold about the way he did it.
"Really, that's good to hear. Masaki had been worried for a while. He told you that 'If you don't fix that bad habit, the more you shoot, the more it will hurt,' but he worried that he should have said, 'Once you fix that bad habit, you will get even better,' and that he made a mistake in how he should have said it. Thinking that there’s nothing good about a coach who lowers his athlete's motivation."
"Eh, he was?"
"Even for those who teach, there's actually a real anxiety about whether or not what they are doing is really okay. Masaki did kyudo for many years, but as a teacher, he's a beginner. Everyone's an amateur for the first time they're doing anything. Studying, exercise, the arts, work, raising children—everything has a first time."
"—That's true."
People wavered whenever they are doing something. Even if they weren't aware of it, even if they weren’t in pain or suffering, they were always making choices. Even after the time of the initial resolution, in the end they still didn't know what was the correct answer. One could only cast away doubts such as if there was another choice, and go the way one believed in.
Minato asked something he had always been curious about.
"Ren-san, you don't do kyudo?"
"Yeah, I don't. There was a time when I thought I'd try it, but I missed the timing."
"So Yasaka-sensei didn't encourage you to do kyudo."
"Uh huh. I was already a full-fledged adult, and I was the child of his daughter's second marriage partner, so he probably refrained from doing that."
"You know Masaki's mother remarried, don't you? I'm the kid from my dad's previous marriage. I'm not related to Mom and Masaki by blood."
The wind blew, and the flames swayed all at once.
The leaves rustled and wriggled.
Minato groped for something to follow up with.
"Ren-san, are you trying to surprise me again? Even I won't fall for it anymore."
"Oh, so Masaki didn't tell you. Well, maybe he didn’t bother telling his student about it. It's about unrelated people after all."
Minato very much remembered his thirst. The scar on his left flank ached.
Ren always spoke like there was a hidden meaning in his words, but he really couldn't see his true meaning this time.
"Minato-kun, I actually hate you a little bit. I thought that when Masaki finished his ten-thousand shots, he could be freed from our grandfather's binding spell, but he relapsed back into being bow-crazy. He was about to go on the same path as the grandfather he avoided so much."
"Is it bad to love kyudo?"
"I don't think it's bad, but I do think it's constricting and uncomfortable."
Minato wanted to refute him. No, you're wrong.
Masa-san, Shuu, and Minato were certainly struggling, and might be suffering, but those shouldn’t be all that there was.
"Masa-san's tsurune is really beautiful. I don't believe it's the sound of someone who is shooting in suffering. I enjoy shooting a bow. It's frustrating to not be able to do things as they go in my mind and not getting considerably better, but even so, I love kyudo."
Ren's eyes stayed the same, with only his mouth smiling.
"It is said that Yata Shrine's Amatsu Star Festival is perhaps for appeasing Amatsu-Mikaboshi, who is branded as a malevolent god. For my home, you are a marebito—a guest. Nobody knows if you are a good spirit or an evil spirit." (17)
"Fufu, you are too amusing... It's a joke, I'll be leaving my little brother in your care."
Ren lifted a hand and left.
Ryouhei showed up in his place, bringing along Seiya, Kaito and Nanao.
Minato blinked his eyes from the dazzling, diffusely reflected light.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E07 Poll Results (Anime Only Version)
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The poll closed with 118 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! 
Please note this is the anime only viewer version of the poll. Manga readers, please click here for the results of the manga reader poll!
RATE THE EPISODE 110 Responses
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Another episode with an overwhelming amount of positive feedback and high ratings!
20 minutes of everything that makes the series great
Best episode of the season by far. Rod is a poor guy. Historia did Destroya.
Best so far!! This season is truly getting better with every episode. Idk how I'm going to survive to the end of it tbh, I'm already dead!!!!
Out of the new tracks, Kenny’s remix had its fans, but Historia’s headstrong theme got the most love!  Anyone excited for the OST’s release?
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The rematch between Levi and Kenny was most compelling, closely followed by Historia remembering Ymir’s and stand-up against her father.  Viewers also seemed to enjoy Mikasa slicing some MPs and Eren’s emotional breakdown.
Eren's emotional monologue broke me. I teared up even on the second watch. Maybe I'm just too invested in this show lol.
Mikasa's pose when she kicked a bitch in the face
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For the most part, viewers more or less had some feelings toward Springlestein’s first human kills. They grow up so fast!
jean best boi
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Almost half of you believe Kenny’s right-hand woman to be bright and rational, while there is nearly an even split between not having much of an opinion and thinking she’s being manipulated by Kenny. Two of you compared her to Annie: “bootleg Annie”/ “grumpier Annie”
She just has a different ideology than Erwin and co. and is prepared to fight to death for it.
Honestly there was just so much going on I didn't really think about her
I am open to more of her.
I’m loving her just as much as Kenny, she’s a fun villain.
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There were a variety of responses for this one, though overall people found Eren’s breakdown to be a bit of a tearjerker.
It's traumatizing right now, but he will get through this.
Now's not the time Eren. You can do this at any other time just not right now.
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A vast majority of viewers are applauding Historia throwing her father on the ground and calling him on his bullshit!
Damn that girl always gets the best music whenever she does something awesome
Good for her:) She took a stand on her own.
I liked the reminder that she is actually a fuckin' soldier, when she tossed her pops and threw his spine out.
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Kenny has quite a few quotable moments, but people find his introduction line to be most favorable.
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72% of the voters sympathize with Eren’s despair and want people to cut him some slack, while a fair amount believe this is not the time or place for him to fall apart.
It's nice to see him actually consider the consequences of his actions for the first time basically ever.
Always been a cry baby and spoiled brat
I mean... they've all been through a lot.
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Despite his breakdown, a majority of voters believe this is just another bump in the road for Eren.  There are some that think this is just the beginning of his stability worsening.
It'll take some time but with the help of his friends they'll level him out. Needs a good talking to from Mikasa
He’ll pick himself, but it will take a while.
I'm expecting a change in his demeanor. I've been reading that he sheds his hot-headed persona, so I'm looking forward to that.
He's gonna be a cooler, wiser and more mature character.
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Again, the support for Historia’s actions and words is overwhelming!
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While a decent amount of viewers suspected Kenny wanted to ultimately take the Reiss’s titan power for himself, a majority did not expect his confession.
HANGE: DOWN OR OUT? 106 Responses
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Despite being grappled and thrown against a pilar, 79.2% are confident Hange will pull themself together!
My theory: Hange will be in a coma from her injuries, but wakes up upon Moblit coming back to give her a kiss :)
They foreshadowed Hange going down masterfully
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Rod did a lot of infodumping about Grisha’s sins and his family’s secrets the past couple episodes.  What’s the truth and what’s a lie?  Most believe there is some truth to what he is saying along with a few lies purposely placed.
He is telling the truth. At the same time he's a selfish, manipulative villain hellbent on using Historia.
I trust Rod about as much as I trust the old tub of sour cream in the back of my fridge dated "12/04/2011".
The very first thing he did in the episode was manipulating Historia's emotions with her dead sister. Fuck that guy.
And the oscar for best performance goes to... YUKI KAJI!
First legitimately great episode of Season 3. Not hindered by the breakneck pacing and/or infodumps.
I hate Rod. I feel bad for Eren. I'm excited by Kenny. Historia is doing better for herself.
I don't think anyone is getting eaten so either Rod's dumb titan form will be a threat some other way or we will finally know how people can can turn into shifters without eating another shifter.
Was It Armin who figured out Kenny's troupe maneuver gear weaknesses? Because the anime kinda implies that... And this is awesome.. he os brilliant
Fights are awesome
This was the weakest episode so far. On paper, it should be one hell of an episode, but regrettably the the way it was executed left a lot to be desired. In particular, I found Historia's and Eren's scenes to be quite disappointing. The storyboards and direction for those scenes were the most insipid and uninspired so far in the anime's entire run. The VAs did all they could, but the directors let them down. The scenes paled in comparison to Reiner+Berthold's reveal and Eren's breakdown from S2. Lastly, the art was pretty awful at various instances throughout the episode. From what I read about the production on Twitter, it seems WIT has already started to experience difficulties managing the production for this season, which probably means the art will keep on getting worse. I'm now deliberating on whether to go ahead and read the manga and watch the anime once the Blu-rays are out.
Shits getting good now.
The smokescreen was fucking awesome. And I had a laugh with a friend after we repeatedly said we would never go on an assault if it meant attacking through a narrow door.
Moar Squad Levi plz now and for forever
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Thank you again to everyone who took the poll. See you back on Tuesday!
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