#wc: 1151 words
woo-wahhhh · 25 days
[ too much energy ] "kaji..."
"did you seriously just walk into my shop, before class, and already injured?" you scowled back, rolling your eyes as you regarded his relaxed figure in the doorway. a part of you marvelled how he looked perturbed by your disbelief than he was of the blood freshly running down his arm. "you have way too much energy this early in the morning, dude."
"look, clown me all you want, but let's get one thing straight," he grit out. he jabbed a finger vindictively at you, followed by the insanely loud clacking of his stupid lollipop against his teeth. "i didn't get into a fight."
"colour me impressed," you couldn't help but quip sarcastically, though you motioned him to come closer to where you were rummaging under the counter. you were grateful that being so early, no one had come into buy flowers yet, since it would be a bit of a jump scare to find a man bleeding out.
"shut up," he hissed, glaring perpetually while he took a seat behind your counter, and sticking his arm out. it was amusing, how someone could look annoyed yet so charming in the same action. you almost wanted to comment on the his childish appearance, but you had a feeling he'd slap his headphones on and dash out if you did.
"well?" you prompted, pulling out a first aid kit and setting it on the counter. "what happened to your arm then?"
you could feel his hawkish gaze trail after your every move, scrutinizing each action with such intensity, you couldn't tell if he was pissed off or if he was under an enchantment.
"that granny lost her cat again," kaji said simply.
this boy, you cursed internally as you pulled out disinfectant and bandages. "and?"
"what do you think happened?" he scowled, canines flashing as he grit his teeth at the sting of the ointment. "it fucking scratched me when i caught it." he shook his fringe out of the way, perhaps to properly express his annoyance.
"you look much more handsome when you're angry," you blurted out, reaching up to push his hair back without thinking too much– after all, he was your boyfriend. but more importantly, it was much to his incredibly visible chagrin– by habit, he flinched, automatically trying to grab at his headphones, but he couldn't shake off your grip on his arm, leaving him to clutch one side like a damsel in distress, eyes wide and horrified.
but he calmed down quickly enough when you didn't pay him mind, too accustomed to his shenanigans, humming lightly as you focused on the bandages and keeping the heat from dancing up your spine. there was a simmering tension between you; unspoken, though his eyes were dead set on your nimble movements, the distinct weight of his gaze telling you he wouldn't look away, or more properly, he couldn't.
once you finally looked up from your finished work, you noted his eyebrows were knit together, the permanent glare on his face still written in stone, but his tone was somehow gentler than he let on. "look me in the eyes if you're gonna say stuff like that."
silence ensued, of course, your eyebrows quirking up as the obvious dangled from your tongue.
"kaji, you just looked like you were about to bolt outta here,"
"well, yeah, how else am i supposed to act when you say that?"
"i- i don't know," you stammered, suddenly hyperaware of how he wasn't looking away, how his eyes were practically tracing over every contour of your face with the intensity that could burn. "maybe- maybe act a bit more touched?"
"touched?" he echoed, a bit of incredulous sneer in his voice as he hopped off his seat. the abruptness of it all startled you as your back unwittingly hit the counter, and before you could make your own grand escape, he placed an arm on each side of you, effectively caging you in.
the sudden change up from the incredibly flustered kaji to this steamrolling behaviour made your head spin as you gaze up at him with wide eyes that were only met with a grey, smouldering gaze with the intensity of a storm.
"here," kaji swiftly popped out the lollipop from his mouth, holding it to you. you hesitantly took it from his hand, the question of "what the hell, dude?" bubbling at your lips when without a warning, he grabbed your face and kissed you.
short and sweet, but somehow still awfully fierce for that early in the day– you expected nothing less from ren kaji.
"now what was about?" you giggled as you pulled back, dotingly reaching up to smear your lip gloss onto his chapped lips. an act of giving and receiving, one could even say, since he'd left you with the sickeningly sweet taste of caramel on your tongue. "do you like it when i call you handsome?" you teasingly chimed.
"shut up," kaji grumbled once again, pushing his hair back and pressing his forehead against yours. "you looked cute and i just felt like it, that's all." maybe to someone else, that wasn't a fulfilling response, but you knew how straightforward kaji was, and that he wouldn't lie about something like that.
"well, if you're feeling like it then," you whispered, your lips bumping into his as you spoke, "you should kiss me again."
"demanding," kaji huffed out, though he hoisted you up onto the counter anyways without breaking a sweat, a small, but cocky smile on his face when you grabbed onto his shoulders for dear life.
"oh my god, at least warn me!" you complained. maybe you really should have kept an eye on the door, but with his figure before you, and slotted between your legs and the his hand gently coaxing you forward by the nape of your neck, it was hard to care.
"you have way too much energy to yap in the morning," he chided indignantly, but the way he was already leaning up suggested otherwise.
"hey, you're the one who–!"
"morning, (name)! did kaji already pop by– oh,"
"w-w-we'll just– uh– s-see you at school, k-kaji!?" enomoto managed to croak out before they both scurried away with mildly red faces, reminding you less of the teenage gang members they were and more of children.
you almost fell off the counter, had it not been for kaji's reflexes, but the damage had been done, and the lollipop he'd entrusted you with fell to the floor with a dull thud as enomoto and kusumi blinked at the two of you with horrified expressions.
"hey boys," you greeted casually with a wave.
"oh my, we've made a scandal, darling," you joked– regrettably, or so you thought later in the day when the rest of the tamon team's second years started cooing at at poor kaji. perhaps it was a lesson to not be so energetic in the mornings from then on.
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catierambles · 2 years
Pirate’s Bride Ch.2
Pairing: Pirate!Captain Syverson x Jennifer Wyatt (OFC)
WC 1151
Warnings: some historical mentions of the slave trade, and not nice treatment of women
@liecastillo @summersong69
It was night and he was taking his dinner in his cabin, boots up on the chair in front of him as he picked at the meat with his fingers, not wanting to give her the opportunity of a knife. She sat across the cabin in the window, knees up and her arms around her legs. They had left the ship burning in the open ocean and she hadn’t left his cabin after he put her there while they went about their duties.
“The Lady have a name?” He asked and she gave him a look, but was silent, turning back to look out the window. “Ye must be hungry. Why don’t ye have seat with me and eat some?”
“I’d rather starve.” She said not looking at him.
“The Lady speaks.” He said, amused, “And aye, that’s the other option.” There was a long silence as he just stared at her and she made an obvious effort to ignore him. “So, what were ye doin’ in the Captain’s cabin? Ye his bedwarmer?” She looked at him then, an angry set on her brow.
“Excuse me?” She asked and his boots hit the floor as he got up from the chair, wiping his fingers on his pants.
“Ye heard me.” He said and she watched him closely as he crossed the room, leaning against the wall with his arm up against the wood, looking down at her. “Were ye his whore?”
“No.” She said evenly, “If you must know, he was taking me to my wedding.” She looked out the window again.
“A wedding?” He asked, his amusement rising. “Well, my congratulations to ye, Lady, but I don’t think ye’ll make the ceremony.”
“Ye don’t seem to be broken up about it none.” He noted, “The fancy lad not twix yer britches well enough?”
“Don’t be crude.” She said, “It was a business arrangement, nothing more.”
“A business arrangement?” He asked, his amusement switching over to confusion. “Ye’ll have to explain that one to me.” She just sighed.
“My father is a merchant,” She started, “The marriage was arranged between me and the son of another merchant. When the son takes over his father's business, both grow.”
“And ye had no say in this?”
“No.” She said simply, “It was the son’s idea.”
“Ye ever meet the lad?” He asked but she shook her head. “So let me get this clear, ye were bargained off like cattle to some merchant’s son ye’ve never met in the name of business?” She nodded. “Huh. Well, that’s a fucked up situation if I ever heard one.”
“Don’t be naive.” She said, “It happens all the time.”
“Don’t make it right, lass.” He said, “Sounds like this fancy lad,” He said it with a hint of disdain, “Was looking for some doll he could put on a shelf, parade around in front of his fancy buddies, and take down to fuck so ye’d push out a few heirs.” She didn’t say anything, still looking out the window. “The way I see it, ye’re better off where ye are now.”
“With what reasoning?” She asked, looking up at him.
“At least here with me, ye’d actually be able to live yer own damn life the way ye please it.” He said and walked away, going back to his dinner. “And I think ye’ll find me much more agreeable than that bastard.”
“Hope springs eternal for you doesn’t it.”
“I like to keep a sunny disposition.” He said with a smile and she looked away from him again.
“And what about your crew?” She asked, “Will I be finding them “agreeable”?”
“Me crew is me crew, I make no excuses for them.” Syverson said, “But I did tell them that if any of them touched ye, they’d lose the hand.”
“And why would you do that?”
“I don’t suffer a man that forces himself on a woman.” He said, “And if they say anything untoward towards ye, let me know and I’ll take the tongue as well.”
“Aren’t you a charmer.”
“Listen,” He said, “I may be a lyin’, cheatin’, murderous bastard, but ye’ll come to no harm with me. Ye have my word.”
“And what about those you transport?” She asked, looking at him. “It’s not just merchant goods that get sailed across these oceans.”
“I don’t run people, if that what ye’re gettin’ at.” He said, a hard set to his blue eyes, “People are people, not cargo.” She simply gave a sound, her eyes flicking up and down as she looked him over before turning back to the window.
“Jennifer.” She said after a long moment. “Jennifer Wyatt.”
“You asked my name.” She said, looking at him again. “I’m giving it to you.” He got up from his chair again and she watched him just as closely as before as he crossed the room, holding out his hand.
“Captain Jacke Syverson.” He said and she hesitated but put her hand in his. Instead of shaking it, he turned it, bringing it to his mouth and pressing his lips to the back, keeping his eyes on hers. He allowed her to pull her hand from his, noticing how she didn’t wipe it against her dress. “Tell me, Jennifer, yer dear old dad gonna send men after ye? If he thinks ye’re still alive, that is.”
“If only to finish the deal.” She said, “But given the reputation those in your…profession have, he might just call the whole thing off. Damaged goods.”
“Likin’ him more and more.” He said sarcastically, “Not Daddy’s Little Girl, then?”
“My father doesn’t…approve of some of the choices I’ve made in my life. Or my behavior.”
“I’m guessin’ the way ye handle a pistol and a blade.”
“You guess correctly.”
“Well, ye’d fit in just fine here. Granted ye can take care of yerself.”
“My little performance on the ship didn’t prove that to you?”
“Proved ye can pull a blade, not that ye know how to use it. Besides, ye had a pistol on me and ye hesitated.” He leaned into her slightly, “Hesitation will get ye killed in this life.”
“Noted. I’ll do better next time.”
“Ye better.” He said, “Because there won’t be another after that, and I won’t always be around to pull yer arse out the fire.”
“Where am I sleeping?” She asked after a moment.
“In here, with me.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Alternative is with the crew, but ye’ll find I’m a much better bedfellow.” She unfolded herself from the window, rising to her full height and looking up at him.
“Where do ye think yer goin’, lass?”
“To eat.” She said, “I’m hungry.”
“Thought ye said ye’d rather starve.”
“I’m allowed to change my mind.”
“Aye, woman’s prerogative.” He said and watched her as she brushed past him, catching the gentle smell of her hair. It was going to be a long night.
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2016 fic year in review
i didn’t xpost a lot of these to tumblr...tbh i have no idea how many people read this blog/are here for any fandom other than knb & sometimes i’m just too lazy to log on so yeah. this is more for me than anything else (it would be SO nice if ao3 had deeper analytic features) but if u have thoughts lmk
ALSO! if you write and you want to do this lmk when you do i love hearing ppl talking about their writing...or if you’ve already done it lmk you did....
also this is only whatever’s on ao3 & totally published in 2016.
JANUARY Saccharine (kylux, 1137) Victory (kylux, 1219) Luxury (kylux, 1149)
FEBRUARY Perihelion (kylux, 1751) Drift (kylux, 2195) Like Fireworks (garciraki, 1128)
MARCH Even Keel (aomido, 1216) More than Worth it (nijihimu, 1002) Treasure Trove (midokise, 1017) We’re In Too Deep (haikaga, 1029) Possibilities (aomido, 2769) Eccentric Orbits (kagahimu + alex, 1265) Patience (mayuaka, 1054) Checkmate (akamido, 1003) Stupid Questions (aomido, 1120) Too Much (nijihimu, 1485) Fathoms (himumibu, 1066) Beneficial (iwakasu, 1070) Tangled Up (aomurakagahimu, 1034)
APRIL Stay (nijihimu, 1877) Date Night (himualex, 1096) A Little Bit (susaima, 1151) Surrender Unconditional (kagahimu, 1187) We Never Go Out Of Style (haikise, 1283)
MAY Deserving of the Best (kiyomibu, 1362) Double Reverse (aomido, 2187) Afternoon In (nijihimu, 2406) Sweep of the Sword (garciraki, 1130) Unimpressive Tactics (kenkou, 1010) Supersaturate (aohimu, 1073) Stuck on You (129, 1177) Sinusoid Curves (nijikise, 1126)
JUNE Paranoia (kylux, 1025) At the Point (akahimu, 1027) Walking Home (yuutaka, 1169) Nuit Blanche (kagahimu, 1153) Dimensionality (aowaka, 1512) One More (liuhimu, 1048) It Takes Two (nebumibu, 1628) Split the Bill (haikise, 1084) Flex (garciraki, 1726) The View From Here (nijao, 1364)
JULY Alone in the Crowd (garciraki, 1243) Close to Perfect (nijihimu, 1052) Context (himualex + taiga, 1822) Higher Ceilings (aomura, 1234) Snowbound (garciraki, 1003) True (platonic!kagahimu, 1463) Flock (kiridai, 2142) Back and Forth (kagahimu, 2123) Swing Away (aomido, 2343) Sticks like Summer (nijihimu, 1188)
AUGUST Unintentional Switching (haikise, 1029) Fame (kagahimualex, 1884) Trust Me (haikise, 1549) From Me to You (haikise, 1053) Satisfactory (haikise, 1160) Young and Beautiful (haikise, 1026) As It’s Meant (garciraki, 1301) Bloom (sheith, 2439) Stay Calm (shance, 1587) You Can’t Go Back (lance, 1244) Preserve (sheith, 2007) Special Delivery (vld ensemble, 1896) Sticky Eyes (sheith, 1535) Not this Second (sheith, 1015) Trust Me (sheith, 1805)
SEPTEMBER Incentive (sheith, 1420) Within Reach (sheith, 2954) Contained (hance, 1025) Buoyancy (hance, 1148) Clarity (sheith, 1392) Ranger (sheith, 1403) Here’s Looking at You (susaima, 1252) Stay the Course (alforan, 1059) Vicissitude (hance, 1592) Sedulous (nijihimu, 1064) Log (September 2016) (various, 6038)
OCTOBER About Geology (sheith, 1146) Re-Reflect (kagahimualex, 1836)
NOVEMBER Destination Unknown (liuhimu, 1968)
DECEMBER Selfish (sciencepilot, 1029) Something as Simple (sciencepilot, 1789) On Happiness (sciencepilot, 1155)
STATS (not actually part of the meme but i wanted to) Most frequent ship: sheith (10) Shortest fic: More than Worth it (1002) Longest fic (not including log): Within Reach (2954) Total words: 122923 (i’ll try to do better this year) Average WC: 1463 Average WC not including log: 1408
idk it’s all in excel i can fool around with it more later
QUESTIONS (actually part of the meme) My favorite: Saccharine. it’s just a really long-winded explanation of coffee headcanons.....and people liked it.....amazing..... My best: One More. It actually explored places I wanted the characters to go and some ideas I’ve been kicking around for the epic wish-fulfillment yosen-wins-the-winter-cup fic i am never going to actually write. it worked well; i got the ideas across without overexplaining; the fic did what i wanted it to. Story most underappreciated by the universe: idk Special Delivery? For once my jokes were actually on target.....i wrote it specifically for one person (who liked it) so i don’t really care if anyone else does? but i think it’s funny so yeah more people should read it Most fun story: Special Delivery by far. Sexiest story: Sedulous is the only one with a sex scene lmao. other stuff can be sexy too but u know. Hardest story to write: Sweep of the Sword had been in my wip folder for a very long time (months? a year?) by the time i actually got around to finishing it. for a long time I just had a vague idea of Masako teaching Alex something about swords and i didn’t know what to do with it. Most unintentionally telling story: uh. idk...any unintentionally telling ones are so unintentional i can’t even see it now lol
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valkyrieofardyn · 7 years
Memoir #2
   Last minute post for @ffxv-oc-week day one! Childhood memories/present life
Valeria Santori (OC) & Ardyn Lucis Caelum. SFW.  WC: 1151
A/N: this came to me the moment I saw the prompt this morning and thought about it all day. Now at 10:25pm I wrote a thing. :)
   Valeria blocks out the worried call of her name, well not even her name. He only seemed capable of using the nickname he himself bestowed upon her. Anger increasing from the slight irritation Valeria closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Counting down from ten she slowly lets out the held breath and thinks back to a life lesson her Uncle taught her.
  “Valeria look at me please,” uncle Jabir said in a stern but kind tone. Twelve-year-old Valeria slowly looked up from the deep inspection she had been giving the ground at her feet. Biting her cheek she waited obediently for him to continue.
   Uncle Jabir let out a soft sigh after seeing her worried face. “Valeria, you are a healer priestess in training now. Everything you do is a reflection of our temple, our family but more importantly of the goddess Eos. Because of this, you need to control your impulses and desires. People will look to you for direction and comfort in the future, and what they need to see is someone they can trust. You-”
   “But uncle! It is so unfair,” Valeria interrupted, unable to hold back her opinion on the matter. “That boy was being mean. Stealing my supplies and messing up my work. He was also calling me names! I couldn’t just let him get away with that!” She was breathing hard now, a roller coaster of emotions driving her words. Quite the opposite of what her uncle had just advised.
   Uncle Jabir laid a hand on her shoulder, “I will give you that what that boy did was wrong but it is also not your place to deliver punishment. Instead of pinning his face down in a pile of Chocobo excrement Valeria, the right thing would have been seeking out an elder for help. Which I would have gladly obliged. It would have added a little fun to my visit here.” Uncle grinned at his last sentence, losing his grip on providing a stern lecture to his headstrong niece.
   The smile though made Valeria feel worst. The full weight of the shame at acting out and disappointing her uncle weighed heavy on her chest. Tears forming slowly as she accepted the truth of his words. She hated to think that her most favorite uncle was disappointed in her. The man who she looked up to as a mentor and friend, of all people was the one to catch her in such a deplorable act. Knowing she was unable to speak without losing control of her tears, Valeria simply nodded in acknowledgment of his words. Eyes once more cast down.
   “Now, now, little Val. Don’t look so downtrodden. This is just an opportunity to learn a lesson and move on. I have no doubt you will learn to carry yourself well as a priestess. I have a technique you can use when you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you are losing control. Would you like to hear it?”
  Wounded pride soothed somewhat by his encouraging words Valeria looked up giving a hopeful smile. More than willing to listen to any advice her uncle had. Seeing her smile once again, the frustration and melancholy melting away, uncle Jabir gives his own wide smile. Pulling her close as if to impart a secret.
   “Now I have used this technique many times. Often when discussing politics with your father it has saved us from becoming heathens,” he said with a chuckle, Valeria joining in, knowing full well how her father and him ‘discussed’ politics. “Now when I feel my emotions building up, I excuse myself from the situation or close my eyes, and take a deep breath. As I let it out I count down from ten. Nice and slow.” Uncle proceeded to demonstrate, encouraging Valeria to try it herself.
    Once they both finished, Valeria was indeed calmer. “Now usually I don’t have to count all the way to ten, but it does help collect my thoughts before a shove people face first into Chocobo turds.”
    Remembering how they both had descended into giggles at her dear uncle’s comment Valeria smiled, eyes still closed. The anger and irritation ebbing away along with the fond memory. Ardyn had not maliciously ruined her experiment. He had simply swanned in, as usual, distracted by his own voice. It was just the fact that this was not the first time the young Lord interrupted her work and this time he actually drank it.
  “Oh good. Does that mean you have forgiven me Ria? I truly thought that was water. I mean you usually have your water glass there and it was clear. I am sorry.” Ardyn apologized. His voice now in front of Valeria as he settled into a seat across from her at her work table. “ I do think it was coming along well. I feel quite rejuvenated….But you know, now you do have time to join me for a ride. It is too late in the day to start again,” he implored not only with his voice but Valeria was sure, also his eyes. Those eyes more dangerous than a puppy's eyes.
    For that reason Valeria kept her eyes closed as she pinched the brim of her nose. Releasing the last of her breath with a groan. “Ardyn. Sometimes I wonder if you are not actually five years younger than me. Did you not have land survey logs to finish with your father? And what about Gilgamesh and Sunniva?” Valeria said exasperatedly. No fight or energy left after watching her long labored work of trying to create a remedy drank right in front of her. Valeria opened her eyes and steadied a stare at him. It had no affect. 
   “Gil and my sister are busy with training for the rest of the day. My father released me from his clutches after I began to bend his ear to the gossip of the court. Seems my knowledge was not appreciated.” A smirk forming on his lips ruined his innocent facade. “Also I too have wondered if your birth year was marked wrong. You act more like a spinster than my great aunt. That's why I am here, to take you out of this musty room and invigorate you with youth once again Ria.”
    Valeria tried her best to stay disgruntled. It had taken her forever to get the ingredients and the combo correct for the potion but Ardyn too charismatic. She also knew that once Ardyn had his mind set on something it was futile. The thought of riding a Chocobo for the rest of the day did sound enjoyable after laboring long hours…just let it go.  
   Standing up abruptly without comment, only a roll of the eyes, Valeria leaves. Ardyn skipping up to her side. Happiness about his successful endeavor exuding out of him and spreading to the priestess. A genuine smile now on Valeria’s face as she walked down the hall with her friend. 
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