#i didn't have access to my scanner for over a week
pandakong · 4 months
All my art is scanned now i just have to figure out how to make my monitor colors look decent... also all the rotating and cropping at the least first
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Your beautiful boyfriend won't get home till after 10 and you're missing him, every damn inch of him, so you drop by Family Video for a little flirtatious foreplay. What's the harm in that?
Warning: Pure girly 80s nostalgia trash 😍
It's 5'o clock on a Friday night in 1986. You lock up your shop with a jingle and jump into your cherry red '79 VW Super Beetle convertible. Your brain on autopilot, you start the car and mindlessly head back to your cute little apartment when you turn the radio dial and Eddie Money's 'Take me home tonight,' is already at the chorus. 
"Take me home tonight, I don't wanna let you go till you see the light."
You sigh dreamily and pull over into the nearest strip mall parking lot. Your lip sticks out and the pout is so stupid and babyish, you shake your own head at yourself. It's just that… You miss him! And of course, this could be considered your song, since you played it for him on your first official date and then he gave you that look. The look that said 'I'll take you home tonight, and every night after.' 
But Steve didn't have his own place then, so he brought you back to yours, and you never wanted him to leave. It wasn't long after that you decided to ask him not to leave, like ever again. And he had all his belongings there before 11pm that night.
You don't think you can stomach the next five hours without seeing him, thinking how lame it would be to just go sit at home in your pajamas and wait and pine for him.
So, you pull into the diner he likes that makes you feel like he's Archie and you're Veronica. Two to-go chocolate shakes with extra sprinkles and whipped cream later, you find yourself on the way to Family Video. You hit the gas to ensure you make it there before your brain starts working again and you force yourself to turn around and go home like any sensible girl would. 
But hey, now you're already in the Family Video parking lot, might as well stop by and say Hey. You yank the rearview mirror to get the best look at yourself before pulling out your Maybelline Great Lash and bubblegum flavored Kissing Potion lip shine. Just to touch up. You spritz yourself with Calvin Kline Obsession and fluff your hair before grabbing his shake and heading inside.
The door jingles as you enter, making Steve look up right away, a shit eating grin spreading across his face as he says, "Well Hello, Beautiful." 
The older couple he's checking out turn to look at you and smile. Steve licks his lips and flips his perfect hair, accidentally beeping the same movie twice with his scanner. 
The couple turns back to him. "Sorry," Steve explains, "got distracted, that's my girl."
The couple doesn't mind. There are oohs and awws over young love and how they used to be just like you two. They agree that you're especially pretty and you just grin and thank them as you hand your boyfriend his milkshake. "Extra sprinkles just for you!"
He thanks you and waves goodbye as the couple leaves with their tapes. Steve's amber eyes sparkle. "How did you know how bad I was missing you?"
"Lucky guess," you smirk.
"Test out that kissing potion on me, yeah?"
Your palms pressed firmly onto the counter, you lift yourself up just an inch or two to reach him, melting as your lips touch his soft ones gently. 
"It works," he sighs dreamily, "every damn time."
He leans in for more, "God you're perfect," he hums, swiping your bottom lip with his tongue. You allow him access, letting a cute, needy little moan to fall into Steve's hot mouth as his tongue teases yours. 
"I wish I had backup," he breathes heavy when your lips finally part, "Cause I'd take you in the back room right now and show you how badly I missed you. How much I need you, Baby."
A pink blush creeps over your cheeks because Steve Harrington is a lot of things, but 'all talk' is not one of them. You feel the desire building lower and lower inside you as you think of last week when you came to visit him on your lunch break. He'd let Robin man the counter while he'd fucked you from behind over the back office desk, lending you his knuckle to bite on as you saw stars and tried not to scream, coming in wave after wave of ecstasy on your boyfriend's stupidly big, beautiful dick.
You pout again as you begin to hear footsteps approaching from behind you. All you want is him and that big, dumb cock that you can never get enough of, in that back room, right now! But it's about to become busy as hell in here and you both know it.
Steve sees the customer and waves them over, but keeps talking to you. 
"Feel free to browse and grab whatever you want, but don't forget to check what I've picked out for you. I'd like to think I know what you like," he says with a smirk, tilting his head to the counter behind him.
 He begins helping the customer, so you just nod and peek behind him. You see, under the counter, a big popcorn tub filled to the top with movies and snacks. Your cheeks are still rosy, thinking of how he used his time before you got here to reserve everything he thought you might want, so other girls couldn't swoop up the films you'd want to see. This only grows your desire for Steve, if that was even possible.
You head over to the counter behind him, grinning as you pull the bucket up to get a good look at what's inside. You get momentarily distracted seeing that the next customer is a gorgeous blonde, batting her big lashes at your boyfriend. You stifle a giggle as his eyes are totally glazed over, not noticing her hotness at all, it seems, not turning on his charm in the slightest, treating her just the same as the random guy in his 40s he'd helped before her. You are the luckiest girl in Hawkins, and you know it.
You pull out the red vines and m&ms to see the tapes underneath. You grin at his choices for you. St. Elmo's Fire. Breakfast Club. Teen Wolf. The fourth one makes you break out in giggles. Your laughter makes Steve turn and look at you with a mischievous smile. "Yeah I thought you'd like that." 
You just shake your head, amused that Steve would think you'd get turned on by the viewing of, "Perfect," a cheesy looking love story that centers on the 80s aerobics craze, where John Travolta basically just thrusts his crotch in Jamie Lee Curtis' direction and vice versa for two whole hours. The fact that your boyfriend thinks you need Travolta to get turned on at all is utterly hilarious to you, considering you find Steve hotter than any movie star in existence. 
"The perfect selection," you say just loud enough for him to hear while still helping customers, "just gonna browse once to see if you missed anything." You don't miss the slight shake of his head that says 'yeah, yeah, I could never guess your mood 100% but I tried.'
You wander the movie aisles at a leisurely pace, fingertips brushing against the textured vinyl of the cases of each tape. You find yourself in the horror section because you're that kind of girl, and you don't think Teen Wolf will quite cut it tonight. You needed something to pretend to be super scared of, ha! As if you needed an excuse to jump into Steve's arms, but it was always fun to pretend. You pick up the latest Friday the 13th, and head back to the counter.
He spots you coming with your pick and scoffs, "how could I be so dense? I picked teens falling in love when I could've picked teens getting murdered! I should've known!" 
You add the tape and a box of Nerds to your stash and leave it there for him to bring home to you tonight. You blow him a kiss, "I love everything you picked," you assure him. You want to kiss him again but you feel more customers approaching so you simply smile and say, "Travolta has nothing on you, Babe." 
He greets the next customer but his eyes are on every inch of you as you exit the store, "you just earned yourself an extra large, extra hot-"
You laugh as the door jingles.
"Pepperoni. See you at 10!"
You love the feeling of his desperation for you, his eyes trained on the curve of your ass in the tight Jordache jeans he bought for you as you walk out.
You are so glad you didn't just drive home and sulk. That was fun, you think, a little foreplay to keep your mind occupied until tonight. You can't wait. 
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
New Idea
Okay, so I had a dream last night about an AU with me involved...
Some background before I give the excerpt that took place in my dream:
The government initiated a new experiment of giving insects human-like understanding. Essentially, mutating them for their benefit. Hopper, Molt, Thumper, and I are the first test subjects of this experiment. We have been mutated to be larger and as smart as our captors. Our Commander keeps control over us and is training us for missions that are deemed too dangerous to send their own people to.
Our official mission, now that we are trained, is to retrieve an explosive at an undisclosed location. An anonymous tip alerted the authorities that a nuclear bomb was set to go off in a week's time. No more information was given.
Putting their own safety first, the division commanding us is assigning us to this mission.
Okay, now here's the excerpt since there's not much detail that was really given in my dream other than what was subconsciously supplied to me. This is what took place in my dream so sorry if not a lot of extra information is given.
Molt managed a good pace beside me as we hurried to the Control Center. I pressed my hand against the scanner, anxiously waiting for the doors to give us access. "Test Subject 003 is now entering," the computer introduced us as we stepped through.
My brother grunted as he accidentally bumped into me. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed Commander Brandt inspecting the broken cage we'd found at the old business bureau. Molt whispered nervously, "Just play it cool. M-Maybe he'll overlook it."
I highly doubted it but continued on my way nonetheless. Commander Brandt looked up as we walked by, "What's the meaning of this?" he held up the black cage in his hand. Inside were the remnants of vials and unknown parts of machinery.
"Hopper opened it," I explained before thinking better of it. The moment it left my lips I wanted to take it back. My mouth opened to correct myself. To tell him it was my fault and not Hopper's. I knew deep down that he would have done the same for me in this situation. He was already treading on thin ice with the Commander as it was.
Before anything could be said on my part, Brandt hardened his gaze, "Hopper opened it? Well," he dropped the cage on the table and walked calmly to the others gathered around the control panel.
Molt and I exchanged a worried glance before quickly following. 'Say something, you idiot!' I screamed at myself. 'The last thing Brandt needs is another reason to terminate Hopper.'
The Commander pulled Hopper toward him by the shoulder. There wasn't much else he could do considering the two were at eye level. "You just don't get it, do you?" he roughly jabbed his finger at Hopper's head. "If you're going to lead this mission I need to know you have the brains to do it! Or maybe I should put the smarter one in charge," he jabbed a thumb in my direction. My heart dropped as I watched Hopper downcast his gaze, knowing better than to speak against the Commander. With one signal, the man could have him terminated. And they had the tools to do it, too.
Brandt stalked off, fuming. Hopper looked at me and I averted my gaze before they could meet. I stood straighter, forcing myself to not show the heartbreak in me as Commander Brandt walked past me. Thank God he didn't speak another word to us, me especially.
So badly I just wanted to reach out to my brother and hug him. Despite everything he'd done wrong in the Commander's eyes, I knew he had to be on to something. And if I wasn't such a coward around these humans I'd stand up for him. There was something about this mystery that Hopper could see...the only problem was no one else could understand.
Okay, well that was all that the dream contained 😭 it's really short. It honestly felt a bit longer when I was dreaming it.
Fingers crossed I can manifest a continuation of the dream tonight and see what happens next. Maybe get some more background information on what's happening.
But do you guys think this would be fun to read? I mean, I'd write it for the sake of my own entertainment, no doubt, but would this be something ya'll enjoy too? I can write it in an OC's perspective as well instead of my own if it makes it better to read.
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Hey guys, here is another chapter of my fanfic, I posted this earlier today but I was busy. Enjoy!
(And feedback is appreciated)
(Pearl's POV)
Blue Diamond's condition is a lot worse than I had initially thought.
When Steven got the first call from Yellow, he was quite worried, but when he and Garnet got the second call, he was frantically pushing us out the door and into the leg ship. I recommend that we use the warp, but that went in one ear and out the other.
He informed us about Blue's state, but he said she looked sick, but from the color of the screen she might not, but I thought it wasn't very serious.
But from what I see it's bad, Blue Diamond is currently shivering and leaning on Yellow.
"Do I r-really ne-ed to s-stand" she says very softly through chattering teeth.
"No, it's better if you sit" Garnet says.
Blue sits down on the very big blue bed with no hesitation, Yellow pulls the very long blue blanket from the bed and puts it around Blue's waist and legs. Blue pulls it onto her pale cold shoulders.
She quietly says thank you, Yellow nods and got beside her. "So, what exactly are you're symptoms" I ask.
"W-well for start-t-ters, I'm v-very cold" she says through chattering teeth "a-and I feel exh-hausted, thirsty, nau-u-useous, I-i've been throwing up q-quite a bit, b-but I feel very empty, and i-it feels like something is moving in-nside of me" she finishes. She tightly wraps the blanket around her.
"And you're sure you're gem isn-" I get cut off
"I-I'm very s-sure it's not cracked" Blue says as Yellow diamond sits down next to her and rubs her hands against Blue's blanketed arms.
"And ya sure it's not corruption" Amethyst asks
"We are the only gems that can corrupt others, I'm very sure it's not that" Yellow says, she scoots closer to Blue to help warm her up.
I glance at Garnet, she turns and walks over to me. "I think I know what it is" she whispers. Steven and Amethyst are bombarding the diamonds with questions.
"Do you remember when Rose was first trying for Steven?" Garnet asks. I nod, when Rose or Pink was a few weeks pregnant she had the same strange symptoms Blue has.
"But could it be the same thing?" I whisper to Garnet, she shrugs "Rose did have to shapeshift a womb..".
"Well, Blue is a lot more powerful then Rose, so who knows, she could have a ultrasound." Garnet whispers.
"But how could she? If Blue shapeshifts smaller, her gem would take up her entire torso and potentially kill them" I whisper back.
"Hmm, I have an idea" she whispers to me, she turns to face the diamonds again.
"I don't think it's this 'flu' thing" Yellow says to Amethyst and Steven.
Steven about just about to blurt out another thing when Garnet walked over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Have you" she looks at Yellow "scanned Blue for anything?".
Yellow shakes her head no "luckily that is something quick and easy" she looks at Blue "but we'll have to go to the clinic".
Blue groans, Yellow summons a big yellow screen "ok Blue, I'll set up an appointment for you today" Yellow's fingers fly across the screen typing a message to the clinic.
Something flashes on her screen and she smiles a little bit "ok Blue we have an appointment in one cycle" she says, she looks at us "you are welcome to come".
Steven looks at me with puppy eyes "please?" He begs.
"Why would you want to go, they're not going to cut her up, they're only going to use a big scanner on her" I state.
"Well I want to be there when they say what's wrong with her" Steven says.
"Bu-" I get cut off.
"He can go" Garnet says.
"Yes" he jumps up high in the air and floats down.
"Well we better go with him" I cross my arms.
"Again, you all are welcome to come with" Yellow says again.
"When is the appointment" I ask Yellow.
"In half a cycle" she replies.
Steven looks at me "how long is a cycle" he asks.
"I've told you many times, a cycle is about a human hour and a rotation is roughly twenty-eight hours" I explain to Steven again.
"Well, the appointment is actually in a quarter cycle" Yellow corrects herself.
"What are we going to do for fifteen minutes" Steven asks
"Wait, I could get some work done while watching Blue" Yellow answers Steven's question, she pulls out another yellow screen to do work on.
This time Amethyst groans "wait I have another question", Yellow looks down at her " yes?"
"How are they going to scan Blue" Amethyst asks.
"Oh, do they have to use a bunch of tiny scanners on her?" Steven blurts out another question.
"What? No. We have a scanner big enough for all three of us, we use every few hundred years to make sure we're healthy" Yellow answers.
"C-can I b-bring my bla-anket?" Blue asks through chattering teeth.
"No, but you can bring your veil" Yellow continues to rub Blue's shoulders, she is making a little static electricity which is causing Blue's hair to float a bit.
Steven smiles at the sight of her hair sticking up, I smile too. Soon Amethyst asks Yellow to tell us a story, she tells Amethyst and Steven a story about Blue's first ball.
"And that's why we used to never leave our seats" Yellow finishes her story, it wasn't a very long story, just how Blue asked Yellow to dance, and Yellow tripped on Blue's robes. Causing it to rip and them to fall and shatter bunch of morganites.
"Hey we better get going" she says as she summons a yellow screen and then quickly dismisses it.
We move away from the big bed so Yellow can stand up, she helps Blue to stand and removes the thick blue blanket that was around her.
Blue starts to shiver again, Yellow quickly walks to the vanity on the other side of the room, she opens the top drawer and pulls out Blue diamond's signature long dark blue veil.
Yellow hastily walks back to the bed, carefully stepping over us and handing it to Blue. Blue wastes no time and puts the veil on, and pulls up the hood. I now notice that her belly is poking out of the veil a little.
She is still shivering, Yellow helps Blue by wrapping one of her arms around her waist. We move out of their way so they can make it to the door, we follow behind them.
"Hey, can one of you open the door for me" Yellow looks at us "I'd have to bend down to access it" she says.
I walk over to the panel and enter the code, the doors open with a SWISH. Cold air from outside comes rushing in, the diamonds walk out the door. I make sure everyone is outside when I close the door.
"Thank you Pearl" Yellow says to me.
I give her a small smile, they start walking onto the big bridge that connects Blue's room to the rest of homeworld.
We follow closely behind them, Steven and Garnet are talking about what could be wrong with her. I could hear some of there conversation.
"You and Pearl think she's pregnant" Steven says to Garnet.
"Well, her symptoms match up" Garnet replies. Steven says something to Garnet but I didn't hear it.
I let out a sigh, we stop in front of the same big blue doors, this time Steven runs up and opens the door for all of us.
The door opens leading into a blue hallway, we enter the large building and Steven closes the door behind us.
"Ok, I think the medical wing to down the hallway to the left" Yellow says, with the tone of her voice she sounds unsure.
"I-i thou-ught it w-was to the ri-i-ight" Blue says through chattering teeth.
"No, it is to the left, to the right is the records. Honestly, it seems the medical wing moves every day" Yellow grumbles.
We go down the hallway and take the left. I run up and open the big navy blue doors, Yellow and Blue stumble into the room.
The room is a very pale blue, a few chairs and two craked jaspers waiting, there is a desk in front of us next to a door.
The peridot that is at the desk looks up at the diamonds, "oh my diamonds, a medical pearl is waiting in the first room to scan you"
"Thank you" Yellow says to the peridot, the peridot smiles at her, she runs over to the door and opens it. The doors open with a WOOSH, and another pale blue hallway greets us.
We walk into the hallway and to the first room on the left, this time the medical pearl opens the door for us.
"My diamonds" she greets us, the pearl is wearing a lab coat with the diamond insignia on the shoulder. The pearl has long green hair that is in a ponytail and her skin is a light green with her gem on the back of her left hand. She runs past us, I'm assuming to grab the scanner.
We all walk into the room, there is a big medical table for Blue to sit on, a big chair for Yellow, and several little chairs for us.
Yellow helps Blue onto the table, once she is comfortable Yellow takes her seat. The medical pearl comes back, wheeling in a huge machine, it looks like a crane attached to a thermometer looking probe.
"If you could take your hood off, my diamond" the medical pearl asks
"I-is it nece-e-essary" Blue says weakly,  she is still shivering and I can't blame her, the room is so cold even Steven is shivering a little.
The medical pearl nods.
Blue sighs, she lifts her shaking arms and pulls down her hood. She squints from the bright light, the medical pearl's dark green eyes goes wide.
"M-my diamond, you should've contacted me sooner" the medical pearl says. Blue looks down at the floor.
"Wait, you didn't contact them when you started feeling bad" Steven says
"C-can we g-get on w-w-with this" Blue diamond pleads.
The medical pearl nods, she walks to the front of the big scanner, she presses a button and a green screen appears. The medical pearl's fingers fly across the screen as she turns the machine on.
"Alright let's get started" The medical pearl says.
I hope you guys enjoyed that, next chapter will be up next Saturday.
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Post #2 - Thank You
What an overwhelming 36 hours it's been. An endless amount of phone calls & messages of support got me through what was an agonising day of waiting yesterday. This blog was started to keep my family and close friends informed about my journey but it's grown into so much more.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every single one of you that took the time to reach out and wish me the best of luck. A simple message of support may not seem like much to you, but when you're in a situation like mine it means so much. Thank you.
Monday night provided the worst sleep I've had in weeks. Keep in mind, i've had some terrible sleeps in that time! Why? It was nerves. Simple as that. I was nervous for the gastroscopy and biopsy. It wasn't the procedure itself but the anaesthetic side to the operation. I haven't been under since I was five and the unknown had my measure. What if they didn't put me under fully? What if I could feel the procedure? What if I woke up early? What if I didn't wake up at all?
In retrospect, I lost sleep over nothing.
With the little sleep I did have, I woke up Tuesday morning earlier than normal. I was expecting the gastroscopy between 8:30am - 11:30am and knew I was booked in for a Radionuclide Ventriculography (RVG) scan of my heart later that afternoon.
Since being in hospital, 9am has been my regular time to get up, shower, brush the chompers - y'know, get ready for the day of sitting in my little 3x3 room and watching the world go past. Tuesday however, I was up and about at 7:30 - showered and ready. I hate feeling dirty, so if my procedure was at 8:30, I'd be ready to go.
Breakfast rolled around at 8:00 and I had to politely decline it as I was required to fast from 12am for the procedure.
This is about the time when my previous blog post took off and messages started coming in for the remainder of the morning. Before I knew it, it was 11am and nobody had been to get me for my procedure yet. I called the nurse and enquired to which I was told to hand tight, it shouldn't be much longer. Whilst she was around, she did my daily observations and it was no surprise to see my heart rate up to 100+BPM (regularly around 65BPM resting) and a slightly higher blood pressure. I guarantee this was due to the nerves.
Lunch comes around at 12:30 and once again had to politely decline. 12 hours fasting thus far - lucky I don't have an appetite still and honestly didn't care! It was around this time the doctor comes around with the results of my Lumbar Puncture. This fortunately came back negative as there was no major changes to the one I had three weeks ago. White blood cells still present with a marginally higher protein count than normal. I once again mentioned about my gastroscopy or there lack of and the doctor assumed I'd already had it. He said he'd follow it up and get back to me.
Mentally, I'm okay. Still incredibly nervous and a little frustrated I prepared myself for a procedure between 8:30 - 11:30 and still nothing. Your messages of support continue to light up my phone, which certainly kept me pre-occupied and made the time fly by.
Finally! 2:43pm and somebody comes to my bed to pick me up. "Justin Smith for a procedure? Let's go." I mentally build myself up as they take me. With my heart beating the quickest it had all day, we get going. Minutes later, we get into quite a dark room with a single scanner to my left and a glass wall. The radiographer, Liv meets me and goes through the basic questions. Name? Date of birth? Address? What are you here for? "A gastroscopy and biopsy" I reply. A few seconds of awkward silence follows so I split it with an "I think..." hoping to relieve the slight tension.
Liv replies with "not quite. We're here to do your Radionuclide Ventriculography scan of your heart."
My heart dropped. I spent the past fifteen minutes mentally preparing to go under and it's not even for the right procedure; I almost feel robbed!
To give you a brief understanding, the RVG scan involves injecting a small amount of radioactive material into your blood stream where they then track it until it passes through the heart, ensuring the heart is healthy and working as it should to a level that it should. Why am I having this scan? Good question. The doctors wanted to get ahead of the game essentially. Providing the biopsy comes back positive for lymphoma, I will need chemotherapy. The level of that chemo will depend, however if I do happen to require a strong dose, it can have negative effects to the heart. This scan is to ensure they have a baseline reading of my heart and ensure it will be able to handle a high dose of chemo.
This scan took 40 minutes from start to finish and before I knew it, I was up in my ward again. By this time, dad had arrived so at least I had somebody to talk to and reassure me when the time comes to get my gastroscopy.
4:00pm and the time finally came. 16 hours of fasting, I was slightly hungry but by this stage, I just wanted to get the procedure over and done with. I was still nervous, but more relieved the time had come. Having dad there for the hour or so beforehand made me feel a lot better about the whole thing.
The operation itself involved a gastroscopy (camera down my throat into my stomach) and if they could see lymphnodes, get a biopsy to test.
Cutting to the chase, was it worth worrying for 16+ hours? Not at all. All I remember is them checking my blood pressure, putting something in my cannula and asking me to count to 10. I got to 12 and next thing I know, I woke up coughing my lungs up in recovery with a nurse next to me. Luckily, the coughing only lasted for about fifteen minutes and that was just a result of irritating my throat.
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Apparently, the gastroscopy went well and they were able to get a couple of good tissues from the lymphnodes to biopsy. Additionally, they also took the following photos whilst they were inside - I have no idea what they're of or even if anything is okay, but I thought they were cool!
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For the first 45 minutes after the procedure, I felt fine. I was great! I felt incredibly thirsty and hungry but I assume that was simply due to the fact I hadn't eaten. Things from here turned pretty quickly once I had some dinner and a glass of water. I started to go downhill pretty quickly - feeling incredibly fatigued and tired....essentially dopey. It was from here I knew I just needed to have some rest and I'd wake up better in the morning. Needless to say, I was asleep by 9pm and basically slept through the night...except for when the nurses woke me up at 11pm, 12pm. 3am and 5am.
Waking up this morning (Wednesday July 17th), I instantly felt a lot better than I had last night. Admittedly, I had a bit more of a sleep in than I generally would've - it was great. I use the term 'sleep in' lightly though - it's nothing like a sleep in at home! What was the plan of attack for today? Well to be honest I wasn't too sure. A doctor yesterday mentioned briefly about a bone marrow test however the nurses and doctors on had no idea about one and couldn't see one booked in. I hadn't eaten since the night prior however the nurses got me to fast once again whilst they investigated. As a result, breakfast was staring me right in the face and I couldn't even touch my beloved weetbix, milk and sugar!
The clock ticks over to 10:37 and a Young, lanky doctor comes by. "Hi Justin, I'm Alex and I'll be doing your bone marrow procedure today..." Alex went on to explain the procedure, risks and what to expect. As he finished and started to walk away I had one last burning question. "When are we doing it? Later this afternoon?" "Now" Alex replied.
Woah. Wait. What? Hang on two seconds. I'm not prepared for this. You mean now...as in like, once Alex had finished preparing? You betcha....
Now I was under the assumption I'd be getting knocked out as I had done the night before however Alex proceeded to explain they'll put some medication in my cannula that "makes you feel like you've had four or five beers" as well as some local anaesthetic. No point being worried or scared about it - if it's getting done bedside, it couldn't be near as bad as the lumbar puncture, right? Once again, like I have been for the past few weeks I was completely and utterly wrong.
First though, what's this procedure involve? Basically, blood, white blood cells and platelets are produced in your bone marrow. This can be accessed via key areas of your body depending on your age...for me it was my hipbone - left side to be exact. The aim of the procedure is to get these fresh samples of blood, white blood cells and platelets as well as get a sample of my bone marrow - generally one small sample of the bone.
Alex got me curled up in the fetal position, lying on my right and basically began straight away. A few local anaesthetic needles numbed the surface before he inserted a needle in to collect the blood samples. This part was similar to a lumbar puncture, but I couldn't feel as much internally.
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Alex then stated he was starting the bone marrow collection, which was without fail the worst part of this whole experience so far. He used the large needle with a blue handle, which can be seen below.
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Alex hit the bone and advised me the next part was only going to tickle a little bit. What's he do? He starts to screw into my bone. Whilst I couldn't see, it felt very similar to uncorking a bottle of wine. Whilst he went in no deeper than 1mm, christ it hurt. The worst part was yet to come. Much like the pressure behind uncorking a bottle of wine, this happened too. Alex yanked the sample out and the pressure and pain was immense! Done. It's all done. Thank goodness. Then Alex said the words I didn't want to hear next. "Y'know what Justin? We want to make sure we only have to do this once, so let's get another sample, eh?"
Oh my lord. Are you kidding me? Whatever. Lets do it. I want to get it over and done with. I don't even think I replied, just mumbled something along the lines of whatever. And thus, the process happens again. I've attached photos of the two samples below, which I thought were pretty cool!
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I must admit, Alex was incredible during the procedure. I asked at the start to keep me informed throughout the whole process. I'm quite an inquisitive character when things are happening that I don't know what the process is and this was no different. Alex not only kept me informed, he did as much as he could to keep me as comfortable as I could be during such a procedure. One thing I was incredibly surprised at was how much blood was on his hands!
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Not much happened throughout the rest of today to be honest. Courtney, dad and mum came to visit but that was it. The doctors advised they are expecting the result of the biopsy tomorrow afternoon (hopefully) however they said it could take anywhere up to 72 hours from the procedure - which puts it at Friday night or Monday. Where does that put me? Same boat as I have been throughout this entire process - just waiting for answers.
I was advised that the results could come back either negative or inconclusive. Whilst this wouldn't be ideal, it's unfortunately just going to be another roadblock in this venture. In preparation the results don't come back the way we probably expect the, too, I'm booked in for an ultrasound of my gall bladder tomorrow. That will be their next avenue to answers. I suspect this is because my PET scan showed up significant areas in my gall bladder and I suppose that's not exactly a vital cog of the human body...so I suspect they'll just remove it, cut it open and see what's inside. But that's nowhere near a medical analysis of what's going to happen.
Before I finish for tonight, I'll leave you with how I am mentally. How am I going despite all this? Y'know what? I'm actually the opposite to what you probably think I am. I'm in the best mental state I have been over the past six weeks. Why? I think it's because we're close to (hopefully) getting an answer or at least following a more solid path to answers.
I end tonight with a final thank you. Thank you for all the messages and endless love. It's helping - trust me, it is.
Juzz xx
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diem-writes · 6 years
1 hour Ficlet batch 6 #1
When I got this prompt from @iwritebetterthanispeak I was bombarded with ideas. I settled on this one as it was different than what I originally planned. :}
If you like this story or any of the other 1 hour ficlets, please consider sending in a prompt.
The One Place You should not Have Go
They checked the pamphlet a second time, then checked the coordinates on their door again. They don't want to admit that they might feel a bit apprehensive about what they are about to do. But they picked the shortest straw and they did sign up for the challenge, so it's not like they can back out now. They'd never get back into the dorm building if they do.
“There's no place these doors lead to that are really dangerous right?” Yuuri gives Phichit a wary look. He doesn't feel any calmer seeing the clear paling around his nose. “This pamphlet is just basic rules anyone going to another dimension has to know.”
Phichit gives a small nod. His parents have a dimension hall back at home, there are hundreds of rules one should keep to when traveling to another dimension. The rule that you are not allowed to mention you are from another dimension though, that one only counts for this one.
After taking a deep breath he lifts his phone to the control panel and has the scanner read their permission key to use the door. Both get startled when a set of lights go off before the lock unlatches for them. They nod at each other a few time before pushing it open.
The change of scenery of moving from the clinical white room the dimension door's in to the loud beating of the club they walk in once they pass is breathtaking. They check the pamphlet and realize it's doubles as an invite for the party they walked into. It at least explains why when they requested this door they had gotten such a strict list of proper clothes to wear. They do not stand out half as bad as they thought they would.
Yuuri and Phichit move around the people bouncing around the dance floor. The challenge says they have to stay here at least two hours without getting caught as dimension hoppers, and with how everything looks that should not be a problem. This makes the two boys relax, and at some point even move along on the beats of this places music taste.
After a while they crash down on a sofa put in a corner just a few feet away from the dance floor. Sweat dripping down their spines from all the dancing. Phichit nuzzles up against Yuuri.
“I don't get it. Why are there so many warnings for this dimension. It's not a war zone. There isn't some health issue going along. We fit in by looks, and we are fully capable to eat and drink here. This place is near identical to ours if not for the small part that we can move here and they can't move to ours.” Yuuri has to strain his ears to listen to Phichit who tries not to speak to loud.
He just nods a few times. There has to be a reason but who knows it for certain. He figures it has to do with them not being allowed to mention dimension traveling, but why.
Two glasses are placed in front of them and when Yuuri looks up he sis startled to look in two of the most stunning blue eyes he's ever come across.
“Good evening gentlemen, welcome to my club. I'm Victor Nikiforov.” The wink sent to Yuuri makes him blush and the cheeky smile that Victor gets proves the man has seen it even with the odd lighting in the club.
“It came to my attention that you had been quite a hit on the dance floor earlier, so seeing you sit here is indeed a well deserved break.” He motions to the sofa on the other side of Yuuri, who nods to make it clear he understands what Victor asks.
After Victor sits down, a bit closer than Yuuri had deemed comfortable at first, he is handed a glass with a light golden brown liquid by a waitress who moves away the moment he waves her off. He takes a calm sip.
“I like to keep a healthy club, and I can only assume you two are in need of some refreshment.” he points at the two glasses. “We can't have people collapsing from over extension. It's on the house.”
Phichit hums a bit before leaning over and taking one of the two glasses, downing half of it in one go. Yuuri is a bit more apprehensive and only takes a small sip. Victor starts the chuckle seeing Yuuri's expression.
“Honestly the look on your face would make one think you've never even had a taste of champagne before.” he looks surprised when both Yuuri and Phichit shake their heads. “Well, in that case. Let's make a deal. If you two keep enjoying yourself and keep moral high with your dancing” he points to a booth a bit more secluded from the rest of the club “I'll make certain there's going to be enough champagne for you two to enjoy right in my private booth.”
Not seeing any harm in that both Yuuri and Phichit tell Victor they take him up on his offer. It doesn't take long before the beat of the music, the constant dancing, and the everlasting flow of champagne, makes the two boys forget that they should head back to the door to get back home.
Yuuri tries to open his eyes the next morning but the feeling as if something ran him over was just to strong. He mumbles some nice swear words and buries his head back into the pillow. The nice soft satin pillow…
He shoots up, flashes of light going of in his head and a turning in his stomach making him feel like he's about to vomit, staring at the offensive pillow. That is not his pillow, it's not one of Phichits fancy 'Do not dare take these from the pule into your bed' pillows either.
“I don't know what my darling pillow did to offend you Yuuri dear, but do tell me so that I can give it a proper disciplinary talk to.”
Victor's voice from just a few feet away make Yuuri yelp in shock, seeing Victor in an open robe with nothing but a very skimpy slip on makes him dizzy. Which reminds him of the other feelings he's having.
“I would say good morning but with the amount of champagne you guzzled down over the course of the evening I doubt you are feeling very good.” there is a shy smile on his face that makes Yuuri stare in wonder why a man as collected as he had come over the night before would look at Yuuri like that. “You were magnificent though.” A very clear blush runs up Victor's cheeks.
This leads to Yuuri have a very shocking thought. He's in a strange place, in a strange bed, clearly missing the memories of the later half of the night. He wouldn't, would he?
“Uhm… Victor… We didn't… did we?” His bottom lips gets a good chew on while he stumbles to get his question out of his mouth. Please let that not be the case, he would be devastated if that happened last night.
“Oh Lord, no Yuuri. We danced, we had fun, you definitely came onto me. But it was obvious you were drunk beyond the ability to consent to such a thing.” Victor sits on the bed, handing Yuuri a small pill and a glass of water. “Something for the hangover you must be feeling. I've also ordered you a big breakfast to help with the queasy stomach.”
Yuuri take the pill and the glass of water, deciding to get it over with as soon as he can.
“I do have to admit though. A twenty three year old College major who's still completely pure. I never thought I would ever come across that.” A troubled look is shot in his direction. “You do not regret me being your first kiss though, do you? You did initiate it after seeing that other couple kissing, but you had already had quite some champagne at the time...”
Yuuri thinks and after finding traces of the memory he shakes no. No it seems he can't regret the feeling of having Victor's lips pressed against his, or the feeling of his hands over his body while they danced.
“Oh good.” Victor smiles. “I had hoped we could do some more of that. Especially as Phichit mentioned earlier you missed your way back home for the night and it would take some time before a new appointment could be set up.”
Yuuri looks at Victor with a shocked expression, he had completely forgot about that. Dimension doors are only accessible for six hours. And it could take weeks before a new location was set up. He looks at Victor, seeing a worried look on his face.
“I hadn't even thought about that. I didn't bring anything for a longer stay.”
Victor just laughs. “Don't worry. Phichit pretty much already claimed my guest room as his for now, and while you two wait you can keep dancing in my club as compensation for room and board. We'll just have you guys drink soda from now on.” Yuuri can only agree with that.
If you like this story or any of the other 1 hour ficlets, please consider sending in a prompt to get one for yourself.
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egosofipliers · 7 years
I Didn't See We Were The Same 3
Google scanned over the ego in front of them taking time to note the puffy eyes shake in the others breath from trying to hold back tears and electric singes on his fingertips. A unfortunate less then quickly Scan of his system showed nothing out of the ordinary maintenance wise except for a tear in his synthetic skin. “were you messing around in my wiring?” Google’s eyes narrowed at Bim hostility rising in his voice. He could tell he was glitching but from the search it appeared that it was completely due to a need for a system update which he was not authorized to accept himself.
“I-I fixed a few loose wires.” Bim squeaked out in response this could have been his moment he could have told Google everything he did made them understand that it was him who helped them back together. But he couldn’t bring himself to, Google’s hostility remind him of a caged animal it wouldn’t be right to make him feel like they owed him anything. Maybe one day he would say something but that day was not today. He chewed his lips and looks down at his feet as he rocked on his heels.
“ Did you want to find a room for yourself? Or… do you prefer this one?” Bim wasn’t exactly interested in giving up his room but he supposed he would offer anyways. Google those seem to like that idea and looked around making sure everything was in satisfactory order, it was much better than the closet Matthias has let him use for the week he had been under his care.
“Yes this will do nicely will you be leaving now.” It sounded like a question but it was not one and Bim could pick that out easily enough. He gave a small nod taking one last look around the room before making the move to leave anything he left there he can grab at a later date when Google wasn’t present.
Bim ended up staying in his dressing room for the time being not really telling anyone he had actually given up his room. Maybe if he had people would have gave him a new one a lot sooner or maybe if they hadn’t been so intrigued with the new ego they would have noticed that he wasn’t actually returning to his room. Google didn’t even end up using it that often once the other egos figured out that Google would comply to any request they were quick to take advantage of it.
As the days passed Google was getting increasingly grumpy over the lack of being able to upgrade themself and the rudimentary tasks that were being given to him. When he tried to defy the orders though and Destroy things like he had done to make Matthias stop he was not met with the same Panic dismissal and he quickly fell into complying to what was said much to his own dismay.
Bim was not pleased with this outcome he did everything in his power to make the other stop but he didn’t hold that much power and was quick laughed off. In fact he was pretty sure he was making it worse as one day he just found Google standing in a corner just glaring at a wall… Turned out it was Darks idea of a joke and when Bim told Google they could stop Darkiplier threw a fit and demanded someone take the robot’s place, Bim complied it was all he could do. He was only left with a few options most involving taking the work that was meant for Google and though the Android gave him dirty looks they would not actually refuse the help. Bim was the only one to actually talk to them and refused to give them orders and the few times requests slipped out Bim was quick to catch on and tell the android the didn’t have to do it if they didn’t want to.
It was actually during one of those encounters when Bim had figured out the answer to the solution. Google Voice need for admin privileges a need that would let them control what they did to their own systems and what orders they would follow. Bim didn’t know why he hadn’t been asked before but he guessed Google just took the egos presumed ranks in the building and deduced that Bim had no real say and wouldn’t have authority to comply to their request.
It really was nothing at all to contemplate what to do in this situation. Every order From the egos just seemed to be getting darker and more selfish and Bim really couldn’t just stay glued to Google’s side to make sure nothing too bad happened and Google certainly wasn’t looking for his help but the show host just refused to look the other way. So he ended up looking up how to give Google admin privileges. It turns out only the actual owner was given the option invoking the privilege but there was a manual way to set it up in the Google units chest cavity only it was right next to their power source meaning it wasn’t something Google just willingly gave access to. It was a sticky situation on one hand everyone would figure it out right away that Bim was the one to ‘wreck’ their new servant and on the other hand he was actually going to have to order Google to let him see their power source. Everyone would hate him but the only other option was to ignore it all and he had already promised himself he wouldn’t let anyone hurt Google again and he had already failed so much he couldn’t just let them down again…
It was a rare night when Google was actually in to charge but here they were settled in ready to get his energy levels back to normal when they heard a movement in their room and a soft voice say a command and not just an off handed one ether the real one that couldn’t be fought “Okay Google, let me see your power source.” They were forced to comply body rigid and still as the scanners in their eyes picked up just who the intruder was.
“Bim Trimmer have you come to kill me?” there was anger in Google’s voice they could look back in their data banks and see that Bim had tried to destroy them once before and when he were caught he lied and said he had been fixing a loose wire. Google had accepted it at the time as their Callender had yet to update but then they found out Bim Must have shut them down and had tried to kill them for good but couldn’t figure out how Google’s system worked and as such had to give up. Bim must have been seething when he turned Google back on and when Google quickly took what they could only assume was Bims position in the building the egotistical little show host must have been trying to get focus back on himself by cancelling all the others orders…
Bim just swallowed at Google’s accusations he wanted to jump up and say no but actions spoke louder then words and he really didn’t want to risk anyone walking in to find out what Bim was up to. It took a few moments to find the controls and another few to figure out exactly what he was looking for before turning the administration privileges over to Google.
The Android suddenly found themselves in control of their own body and in a rage quickly wrapped their hand around Bims neck and slamming him up against the wall. “You missed.” Google hissed out as they quickly set to work rewriting codes and changing the primary objective a hostile smile crossing their face “I suppose I should thank you for that any last words?” it was more of a joke and chance to see their prey squirm and cower before it died. They loosened their hold on Bims neck letting them draw in a breath, when the others found his body tomorrow there would be no question on how he died as the bruises were already slowly starting to form.
“it’s okay… I failed to keep you safe like I promised… I’m glad they can’t control you anymore.” It hurt to speak even now Google’s grip was much too hard on him but he gave the android a weak smile letting his hands go of where they had shot up to try and pry the android off and closed his eyes trying to stop himself from crying again though he failed.
That had really not been the response Google had been expecting though they tried to tighten their grip once more Bim wouldn’t fight back though this wasn’t the actions of a person who had been caught off guard in an attempted murder and Google was forced to rego through their memories and redetermine what they meant. Bims head was starting to feel light and more than a little fuzzy when Google let him go he doped like log and the impact forced him to take in a breath it hurt each breath seared his throat sung his lungs before Google was picking him back up again and placing him on the bed or that’s what Bim thought he actually wasn’t entirely sure even when his eyes were open he could barely make heads or tales of the situation with all the dark spots him his vision but there was a general hum in his ear much like that of Google’s core and he really didn’t think he had blacked out in the short time he was placed on the bed but his thoughts weren’t actually confirmed till he tried to speak. “Why–?” was all he managed to get out before Google was silencing him telling him not to strain his throat.
“I was so sure everyone had it out for me I refused to look at the possibility that you may have actually been trying to help… I should have put more thought into My analysis of Bim Trimmer.” Google’s voice still glitched but they now had the power to fix it and they certainly planned to put it to good use as quickly as possible but at this moment they were monitoring the other egos who had seemed to have slipping into unconsciousness.
“You are lucky. One day you will die by me but not today I think you might still be of use… test subject 001 Bim Trimmer…”
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aquarianlights · 6 years
I'm the anon who wrote to you about airport security. I just wanted to tell you that for body scanners I didn't mean metal detectors. Just check on google 'full body scanners'. I believe these are in airports all around the US. When you pass through the scanner you or the officer have to push a male or female icon button based on your sex. These scanners can found anomalies on one's body. If so, then they opt for a pat down. I want you to know how many trans people are humiliated by this.
OH WOW Okay so they’ve changed since I’ve flown. Apparently the things I used to go through were metal detectors of sorts or maybe just... straight up metal detectors. I haven’t flown in a while. In fact, I don’t remember when the last time I flew was. Every time I’ve gotten anywhere, it’s been via driving all these years. Jfc. The last time I had to go through an airport, it was via... I’m actually p sure it WAS a straight up metal detector. Because it was just... one little walk-through box that you didn’t even have to pause in. It would just beep if you had anything. Like. . .jfc. The things I’m seeing online are things that actually take maybe even full CT images of you?
I saw that you can opt out of using them, but ...I mean... if you opt out of using them, then they have to search you another way and what other way are they gonna do it than with a more invasive way than what everyone else is doing? Which. . .would be via the metal detector wand or a pat down? I mean, I guess. . .since they’re going to have security that strict anyways, they have to make everyone go through the same thing.
But I don’t know enough about them to really say anything other than that. I didn’t do enough looking other than to view images and see what the difference between a backscatter scanner and a full-body scanner was. I’m sure I can do more looking into that later because I’m sure it’ll cause issues for me later. . .especially after HRT causes changes in the look of my body and voice maybe years down the road (if I’m lucky) and I get my name changed as soon as I become a legal resident of this state and county. I probably won’t pass anytime soon, though. The dysphoria will still be extremely strong, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t have any anxiety issues like a lot of people do so I don’t have any issues with getting pulled out of lines for a pat-down or anything like that. And if I don’t physically see them pressing the button as to female or male, that wouldn’t bother me. Do you know if you see them do it? Coz I know in the short introductory video I watched (that honestly didn’t show much, so I’m just guessing, feel free to correct me if you want), the officer is not allowed to see who is in the scanner for privacy issues. So they’re like. . .in this booth behind the scanner. And then there’s an officer on the outside with you. Or some sort of set-up like that. There’s a lot of privacy issues going on with this thing, according to wikipedia (but we all know how “reliable” wikipedia is. It’s a good place to start collecting information, but not a good place for research). Even one regarding child pornography? Jesus fucking christ. Like what the FUCK.
But yeah, I can see how that would be an issue for a lot of us. I can see how it would affect me in the future, most definitely, when I begin to pass. I feel like people with anxiety have their dysphoria affected way more in social scenarios like that. With me. . .with zero anxiety at all. . .I’m perfectly comfortable in social settings and I even enjoy having the spotlight put on me like that. I enjoy the attention. I don’t like the touching, so that wouldn’t be pleasant, but it wouldn’t bother me. It would only be if I were to be brought off on some charge that I would have any sort of, er. . .negative effect because then that would threaten my. . .Idk, it would just make me have catastrophic thoughts in general, I guess? Whenever any sort of scenario like that happens where someone in power CAN gain the upper hand, my mind goes to catastrophic scenarios because there has always been someone else in the mix who already HAS the upper hand who WANTS THEM to have the upper hand on me (aka, my parents, past lovers, ex people-who-I-thought-were-”friends”-at-the-time, etc. . .). So I automatically forget that I’m either a) on my own or b) with someone/people who actually, genuinely care(s). So I just go into panic mode and usually what gets me in trouble isn’t even whatever they brought me in on. . .it’s what they caused by bringing me in. Aka, whatever they made me think by doing that. And the reaction to the catastrophic thoughts.
So I guess since I don’t really have anything to hide. . .there’s nothing that bothers me about this? And since I don’t have anxiety that ties into my dysphoria and I haven’t experienced any sort of consistent passing yet and my passing is not close to 50% yet,. . .it also doesn’t bother me? I also am assuming that when I DO start passing, it WILL start bothering me. And that when my gender gets changed legally and when things get all switched over legally. . .things WILL become a touchy subject with me and I WILL start being snippy with everyone except medical staff over correcting them when they use pronouns incorrectly.
I CAN see how this would really fuck up trans people who wear prosthetic stuff, though. Like a penis or a breast plate or any sort of padding. Like. . .to be FORCED to explain those things must be EXTREMELY uncomfortable for some people. Whereas I, myself, am very open about those things if I were to wear them. . .I know a lot of other people wouldn’t be. And it would probably even OUT some people without them thinking about it until it happened. Jfc. Especially people meeting up with their LD friends or something. “Oh btw guys I wear a fake penis/boobs/something. Ya all cool with that?” What if you didn’t WANT to come out just yet? What if you’re underage and with your PARENTS. Yikes. Yikes. YIKES. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NO NO NO. I can’t even imagine. Like... ahhhh. All I wear is a binder. Like. I don’t and never will wear anything below the belt because all genitals freak me out and I wish I could get a certain surgery before HRT kicks up, but that deff won’t happen because money. So. I just have to be extremely uncomfortable and hate myself. Lol. But it’s okay. Ugh.
But wow. I didn’t even think about all of that until it just hit me right then as I was typing that all of the ways it could really fuck up a trans person’s day/week/year/LIFE. Fucking TRAUMATIZE a trans person. I mean, hell, I was traumatized when I was outted by my best friend (who is still my best friend) accidentally to someone close to me before I was ready and they fucking abandoned me over it while I was abroad once. Like. It was absolutely insane. I’m STILL not over that and I don’t think I ever WILL be. Imagine if it had happened because of a stupid fucking TSA scanner. Jfc. . . I can’t even. Imagine being outted while underage by a scanner to your parents and having to sit on an extremely long flight with your parents and then a long drive home or, worse, to a fucking vacation with family...... oh god.... I can’t even imagine.... And I can imagine that’s happened. Only to come home and be disowned. I can literally imagine that happening. If I had come out or been outted while underage, that’s something my parents would have done. I didn’t figure out I was trans until I was in my fucking 20′s. So. . . I mean. . .I somehow avoided that. But. . .I can imagine that happening to TODAY’S youth since they all have access to the web and all these resources and WOW. And that’s fucking terrifying.
I just...can’t even. There’s a lot of other catastrophic scenarios I can imagine, but if I write down more, I’ll give myself a panic attack and my valium script is out. Lol. Like I said, a lot of PTSD issues lately. I may not have any anxiety issues, but I do have panic disorder, which is a totally different thing. I may have the better of the two imo, but it still fucking sucks. Ahhhh.
I’m so sorry. I miss flying. I miss it a lot. But. . .I don’t miss all the TSA bullshit. Especially THAT part. And these scanners are bullshit. Wow.
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