#i connected two dots-
muwitch · 8 months
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Two genius geneticists walk into a bar They could've been such great pals in not a vampire fanclub
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o0kawaii0o · 28 days
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Ace Attorney x Hades
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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they got that ND swag
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these shirts man omg pls i love em so much
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epiphainie · 7 days
i've just finished my s7 rewatch and it's kinda so funny to me how much discourse people created over every bucktommy interaction when their whole arc boils down to tommy being patient and vulnerable with buck and showing up for him. like when you are not wearing shipper goggles under the name of "analysis" and don't try to reverse-engineer every word and look and shot with utmost bad faith, that's what it is. a simple and sweet story of a new exciting relationship with a guy who's understanding and willing to show up. literally the two things buck needs from a relationship but never had with his previous love interests. they are kinda sickeningly sweet and well-communicating actually lol
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idiopath-fic-smile · 8 months
13k, complete. cosmo/don/kathy
Don and Kathy would move in together. They would have a dog or two and then inevitably, a small parade of adorable little brats who would call him Uncle Cosmo, and they would spend less and less time with him, not on purpose but busy with the rest of their lives, and ultimately Cosmo would learn to make his peace with it because he’d have no other choice and he would have to try to move on and not live too much in his memories. He could picture it so clearly, he figured if the songwriting gig with Monumental didn’t pan out, he could always return to the backwater circuit with a new act: The Amazing Cosmo of the Cosmos—ladies and gentlemen, he sees the future, he reads the stars, he silently pines for his best married pal and all the while tap dancing! Don and Kathy inviting him along on their honeymoon, though—that part was a surprise.
featuring multiple original showtunes, polyamorous shenanigans on a boat, feelings, romance, the worst knock-knock joke you've ever read, confessions, and some dawning realizations.
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luuxxart · 7 months
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evil win! the ones plotting for your mysterious death are uncle and nephew!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 280
Let me kick down the door and- 
Nekomatta Danny. But not just any nekomata Danny. I am saying space cat boy. Twin-tails that seem to flicker into an aurora, into distant galaxies, ghostly flames that could be just that, or could be flickers of distant stars and suns. 
Now, the thing is? Being a ghost, very much illegal in the USA right now, doesn’t matter how many times they throw out the GIW, they can’t exactly take on the entire government any time soon. What isn’t illegal? Being an alien, meta, or any other magical creature. 
So the halfas, yes that (ugh, really Jordan) does include Vlad, all get together to hash out a plan to get out of Amity. And? They like cats, you like cats right? And they have friends- or allies- in the Zone, so maybe they can perhaps get a few… oh? What’s this? A cat-like creature with necromatic powers? Yeah they can- oh. Hm. So that’s replaced their ghost form now. 
That’s fine actually! They’re still ghosts- just erm, no longer human looking. And Vlad can continue to use his human form- yes we need to keep the bracelets on to hide the ears and tails, whatever- to continue running DalvCo. 
It’s not bad, and they’ll admit Vlad has been getting better. Sure there’s still a bunch of blackmail (Jordan, Sam, stop helping him-), but they honestly? Can’t be brought to care. They’re adjusting- grieving in some cases- and focusing on actually finishing everything before the summer ends. 
So it’s probably not a good time for heroes to start investigating Vlad…
If you want a basic summary on Bakeneko and Nekomata, which I HEAVILY recommend reading: 
https://yokai.com/bakeneko/  https://yokai.com/nekomata/ 
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lunacias · 1 year
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hungry knights
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don’t mind me, just going insane over the fact that in romeo and juliet, written by shakespeare in 1597, romeo chooses to drink poison rather than live in a world without his lover and then in hamlet, written by shakespeare in 1603, horatio tries to drink poison while hamlet is dying so that he won’t have to live without him.
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biscuitboba · 9 months
Thinking about the "you are my captain luffy, and im your first mate" line and uhh, remember when luffy first asked zoro to become a part of his crew? while untying the ropes, zoro said to luffy something along the line "you can untie me, but i'm still not gonna be part of your crew", and he was all like "i mean it!", and then later luffy also asked nami to join his crew, but of course she rejected him too.
Anyway, later (after teaming up with nami first then zoro second) luffy told morgan that they are a crew (just luffy being luffy), but zoro and nami of course refuted his statement. Not just once though, after defeating morgan and the other marines, nami and zoro pulled out the "not a crew" statement simultaneously after the "im sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew" line from luffy.
So like i cant help but think about how zoro and nami technically kinda joined at the same time? And not just that, but nami's actually the first person that luffy teamed up with! And this got me thinking, zoro what makes you think that you are luffy's first mate? I get if animanga zoro wanted to call himself luffy's first mate, but opla zoro? Like anyway all im trying to say is that opla zoro is a self proclaimed first mate, i said what i said.
Also i'd like to add something from what i've read somewhere about first mate and:
"First mate is the vice captain and is not necessarily the first person to join. A first mate is appointed after a sizeable crew is formed and the captain picks the most suitable person to lead his crew in his absence."
AND REMEMBER THE "you just got here you don't know what luffy needs" line from zoro??? luffy said that he needed zoro. Zoro heard what he said. This man is just ready to commit for life. He picked himself as the first mate like a champ, as he should.
EDIT: after rewatching opla i just realised that nami used the first mate phrase not only once but twice (when talking to/abt zoro). But i still think that zoro is a self proclaimed first mate, cuz first mate should've been chosen by the captain and they (luffy & zoro) never really talked about it so i stand by what i said:D
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katabay · 7 months
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Keep a close eye on Peter. You'd become desperate and turn into a villain without him.
I spend a lot of time thinking about daniil and peter, but something just clicked into place for me with andrey. so!
I am. currently untangling this thread of thoughts about the stamatin twins and daniil and this kind of. triangle that's happening. a three fold bullet for sure, the kind of recognition-awareness-understanding where three people become one, but to step back from that. when daniil and andrey talk, there's a specific shape of peter that stands in his conversational absence. so: triangle formation. it's opposite-adjacent-complementary to daniil and peter's conversations. it all goes back to that first conversation you have with andrey. it's giving knife. love it!
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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respectthepetty · 10 days
Was I just supposed to find out on my own that Nun, one of the protestor in The World Remembers from The Eclipse
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And now Jumper?!
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And was I just supposed to realize that Cher from Wandee Goodday
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Was FM from Ai Long Nhai?!
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I love these two in any and every form.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 month
The parallels between Tsubomi and Reigen drive me so fucking insane you have no idea like—that shit had to be at least SOMEWHAT intentional even if not in a specifically romantic way.
For one, Tsubomi and Reigen are two of the only few people that call Shigeo "Mob" consistently. (Yes Tome also calls him Mob eventually but she starts out calling him Kageyama-kun and likely picks up "Mob-kun" from Inukawa or Reigen later on). We don't know how Reigen started calling Shigeo "Mob", though we can assume that Tsubomi was likely part of the group of kids that originally misread Shigeo's name as Mobbu to begin with so she's less of a mystery on that front. Maybe Reigen saw it written on his backpack or his shirt tag and started calling him that too, or maybe Mob even just told him that that's what everyone else called him and was what he prefered to be called at the time. Either way, it's a little odd that Reigen's one of the only people who use that nickname when we don't really get a reason why beyond "it can also be read like this", especially since Reigen is a grown man with (presumably) full literacy of kanji and would know how to read it.
Then there's the other obvious parallel that's made in the show; how Tsubomi and Reigen treat Mob. How they see his powers. They're not special, they're just a part of him. Nothing to be scared of—even though they kind of,,,,are lmao. The fact that Tsubomi continues to sit in the park even though a literal hurricane is approaching because she thought Mob sounded upset on the phone happens at the same time Reigen goes sprinting full-tilt into said hurricane because Mob is in trouble always stands out to me. It's less obvious than Mob's own words: "She never treated me any differently because of my powers" "Master never treated me any differently..."—but it's still a pretty blatant parallel to me.
Not to mention that both Reigen and Tsubomi's personalities are actually very similar as well! They're both described as people that hide behind a mask, a facade, while still being brutally stubborn. If Tsubomi doesn't want to do something, she's not gonna do it. While Reigen is more laid back because he's used to getting his hands dirty for work (money), he's still very stubborn himself when he doesn't wanna do something. He'll find a way to wriggle out of it and talk circles around you if you let him. Dimple even says that Tsubomi is the type of person who can't be swayed by words or peer pressure. She and Reigen were actually, again, two of the only people brainwashed through airborne Vibes™ instead of through food like everyone else. The biggest difference between them on this is that while Reigen lies fairly blatantly, Tsubomi seems to only lie through omission. Tsubomi is more of an introvert too, compared to Reigen's extrovert (though you could argue that both of them are good with people, with the only difference being that Reigen enjoys being the center of attention while Tsubomi presumably does not).
Plus they're both pretty goofy too once you think about it lmao. They're both prideful and hate to be humiliated, but they also care a lot about their public image and how people perceive them. Every time the scene with Tsubomi and her friends outside cleaning up leaves comes up, her expressions and panic always remind me of Reigen. And then there's Mob, calm and unjudgemental, willing to help her with no questions asked. Mitigating her humiliation, just like he does for Reigen :)
Another thing that always strikes me is how Mezato says, "If you can accept her for who she really is..." followed by Reigen's echo during his confession: "This is who I really am". Mezato essentially tells Mob that Tsubomi isn't who she seems on the outside and that if he wants to be accepted by her, he needs to also be ready to accept her as well. Which, we don't get to see much of Tsubomi's life outside of Mob—wow just like Reigen—so we don't ever really know who she is beyond that outer mask, but we see her slowly opening up to Mob later, as a friend. But the fact that Reigen's own confession mirrors Mezato's words to Mob about him accepting Tsubomi always makes me vibrate in place a little like,,,Confession Arc my beloved 🙏
I don't know man, there's just so much there, it makes my head spin. I could go on and on about it but I better cut myself off because if I don't I'll start crawling on the walls going feral about it because what, what was the point of this if not to make it clear that the relationship between Mob and Reigen is supposed to parallel his relationship with Tsubomi like what do you MEAN—
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ex0rin · 3 months
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The Walking Dead | S07E16 S08E05 TWD: The Ones Who Live | S01E03
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richmondtillidie · 1 year
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🎵 i wanna ruin our friendship we should be lovers instead 🎵
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guzhufuren · 10 days
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oh. oh. is it because when Ming does drink he makes life altering mistakes that cause him to lose the most precious thing he has
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