#i can't even enjoy some of my favorite actors anymore
geekns · 4 months
I feel so broken. I don't fangirl like I used to. I don't know who I am anymore. I used to be the girl who was desperately searching for the light at the end of the tunnel and somehow along the way I just stopped believing that there is an end to the tunnel.
I just stumbled upon a chain of reblogs, "10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags." I've gotten so tired of people belittling fandoms and being invested in them. If I came up with a list of 10 characters, these would be the people who gave me hope, that felt real to me, that I identified with or loved. They'd also be the people who were kept down repeatedly and never got to succeed or be truly happy. Which makes for interesting drama but is horrific messaging to the people who identify with that character!
Number 1 on all of these lists: Loki. They kept killing him off. They gave him a show instead of a movie. He didn't get to be the protagonist really. And the entire time they kept telling us that he has always been and always will be a selfish, horrible person, a villain that deserves to lose, deserves to suffer, deserves to die. "He did it all because he wanted to be king." WTAF.
So I'm going to do a list of 10 characters, but I'm not going to explain it, I don't have the energy, but these are ten characters that...IDK that I wanted a redemption arc for them (when they're considered to be baddies), but I wanted them to get happy endings FFS.
Chuck Bartoski
The Doctor (Who, not EMH lol)
Ben Solo
Eleven (Stranger Things)
Daenerys Targaryen
Tony Stark
Honorable Mentions: Don Pedro in Much Ado. Cole on Charmed. Ethan and his team in Mission Impossible. Kathryn Janeway. Max/Dark Angel. Sylar in Heroes. David in Prometheus and Alien Covenant. Jaime Lannister. Lilith on CAoSabrina. Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff.
There's probably more that I'm forgetting about because this has been happening my entire adulthood.
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pascaloverx · 5 months
chapter one
Summary: You and Yoongi are having an affair. No, you are not being his lover. But the world is not ready to know that an idol is dating someone. So you two were doing your best to make sure no one found out. Until he breaks up with you. His mistake.
Author's note: This fanfic will contain inappropriate language and intimate moments between some characters. Be warned. I will let you know if anything becomes inappropriate. Please enjoy this Yoongi fanfic.
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"You're in denial, you could just say you didn't want me anymore. But you prefer to pretend that..." You throw his favorite book out the window like it means nothing. 'Cause now it doesn't mean.
"You can't blame me, our romance should have ended a long time ago. But you and I..." Yoongi seems almost too serious saying this. Do you mean nothing to him?
"You and me what?" You respond from the balcony of your apartment. Luckily your neighbors aren't too curious to know why you're yelling at your ex-lover.
"You know I can't shout that here, some fans might be here." Poor little thing, at that moment you wonder where the brave man is who asked you to embark on this relationship even though you knew your worlds would never be the same.
"I thought the whole point of paying a lot of money to live in an apartment far from the big city and known for its discretion would be being able to yell at you at two in the morning." You don't care if he thinks he's going to leave you without anything more or less, and that you're going to come out of this situation smiling, he should have found someone else to have sex with.
"If you would let me come up, we could talk like adults." He speaks subtly with an impressive poker face. If he stops being a musician, perhaps he could try a career as an actor or a gambler.
"Like adults? I'll be waiting for the other adult to arrive." You say throwing some clothes that are in your apartment that belong to him.
"Like you're being mature about all this. Damn!" One of his belongings ends up breaking near his feet. In fright he lets out several swear words, you luckily end up laughing.
"You break up with me over the phone and I have to be mature. I gave up part of my freedom to be yours. And look what I get in return." Anger took over you initially but now all you can do is try to keep from crying.
"Y/N. Let me in, so we can talk. I can see you almost crying from here." You smile lightly as you feel tears fall down your cheek. What a humiliation.
"If you cared about me you would have had the decency to say that you wanted to finish it the last time you were here." His cowardice can only be explained by his fear of having to do this in person.
"I couldn't. I didn't..." That was exactly what was left of the two of you. An awkward silence and resentment.
"Do you know how frustrating it is not being able to curse your name or tell someone you broke my heart?" You say that sobbing. What a tragedy it is that has made you sentimental now.
"Just because we don't work anymore doesn't mean I don't love you." You look at him and for a moment you feel more sorry for him than for yourself.
"If this is how you love someone. I'm sorry to inform you that you don't know love." Ironically it makes you smile. Maybe this is all his fault, not yours.
"Love..." It's very painful to see the man you've been involved with for the last year, call you that and not be able to respond.
"I'll send the rest of your things to the company. Don't worry, I won't expose you any more than I already have. Now get out of here, you and your fake love." Using one of his songs as the grand finale was a majestic act. Crying yourself to sleep, unfortunately, is not so majestic.
Two Months Later...
"You were the only person I thought would understand my situation. Try not to judge me but I need an opinion." You say looking Namjoon in the eyes. You got really close to him during your secret relationship with Yoongi.
"Is it too big a secret?" He asks entering his new home. A home where you swore you would start over.
"You tell me..." You say, opening your coat and revealing your stomach.
"Did you call me here because you gained weight after the breakup or do you have worms?" Namjoon asks and you smile nervously. Until you shake your head denying.
"Let's say the weight gain is due to something prior to the breakup..." You try not to say the word. Maybe the situation will go away if you don't name it.
"You are pregnant?" He named his current situation. Now it means it's really happening.
"Surprise!" You say trying to liven up the situation but you know you're fucked. Namjoon seems really surprised. As soon as he assimilates the information, he hugs you. You knew you could lean on the friendship you two have.
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outofthemouthsof · 2 months
15-Day BL Challenge in 1 Night!
I'm more of a lurker than a poster but Tumblr's my fave place to wallow in BLness. My 2nd favorite place is the spreadsheet where I track the shows I've watched (172 completed in just over a year), so @negrowhat 's challenge was irresistible. I'm gonna cram my answers in one post. Here goes!
Fave OG Actor Pairing: Some of the ones I think of as OG are only like 4 years old, so this was tough. And the 18 shows that have gotten my top score aren't very old. But I went through those 18 and picked the oldest, and it was the 2018 Korean microfilm Some More. Because it's so short it's super rewatchable, but even if I wasn't able to watch the whole thing a half dozen times (which I have), I'd still have gone back & watched the sweet moments and sex scene about 25 times (which I have). So I guess my fave OG actor pairing is Park Chan Ung and Kim Joon Bum! How they got me so deeply invested in their love in mere minutes is beyond me, but they did!
Fave Rookie Actor Pairing: Does Japan do the CP thing that Thailand does? I don't think so, but one couple I wish had about a dozen more BL series together lined up are Kouhei Higuchi and Atsuki Mashiko of My Personal Weatherman! Their chemistry was visceral and they're too pretty to be believed.
Side Dish That Should've Been the Main Course: While I enjoyed the main pairing a lot, they were nothing compared to the crazy rollercoaster side plot (how'd it go from so funny to SO dark to so sexy to so sweet and wholesome like that??) of Vegas/Pete from KinnPorsche!
Fave Ship Dynamic: Obvs from answers 2 & 3 I am not against D/s ships at ALL. Also a sucker for tough-but-submissive-bodyguard with mafia-brat-prince. Honestly I like tons of different dynamics from innocent to toxic, but one that gives me major butterflies is a guy who thinks he's straight but when confronted with the idea of liking another guy, doesn't have a macho freakout or run away, just kind of straightforwardly & sincerely searches his feelings until he figures it out. And then takes care of his baby. Why's that so HOT and sweet? Some of my fave examples: Pete/Ae in Love By Chance, Le Jian/Amber from DNA Says Love You, and Ida/Aoki from My Love Mix-Up!
Biggest Flop: This is expectations vs. execution, right? There's loads of shows I've abandoned, some I've stuck with for no good reason, etc., that are way worse than what I consider my personal biggest let-down. I was so enamored of Perth from LBC that I assumed he could do no wrong, and the bully-to-lover, rich/poor pairings often do it for me. So I guess I just assumed Dangerous Romance would be amazing, and it was REALLY good for a couple episodes. It wasn't the worst thing I ever saw, but so much of it just ... felt ... flat. Very surprising.
Fave Line From Your Fave Series: Well I know my fave series--Cherry Magic Thailand was the most perfect, entrancing, heartwarming series EVER, OMG, it was staggeringly good and stuck the landing in a way few shows have managed. I can't really think of one standout line--the script was so on point & there were HUNDREDS of sweet tingly moments. There were some epic ones in ep11 tho: When Achi says "The voice inside your head is so loud" and Karan (the boldest he's ever been) replies "Don't worry; soon you won't be able to read my mind anymore." (But then clearly uses that power one more time to gain the sweetest nonverbal consent EVER.) Then, Karan: "Do you regret losing your power?" Achi: "I'd regret not loving you." (OMG how I squealed.)
Fave Villain: This was so tough. An over-the-top villain I loved to hate (and an actor I loved from his sweetie-pie green-flag role in SCOY) was obvs Heng Asavarid as Chalothon in The Sign. But an actor who was so excellent at being loathsome and malicious toward the main couple, with just enough of a redemption arc that I didn't totally despise the character by the end (but did hate most of the way through): Park Hae In as Eun Ji (Jae Won's ex) in The Eighth Sense. It was a typical "faen fatale" role but so well done. So a tie between 2 totally different takes on the destructive ex.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": OK, "hate" is a strong word for how I feel about the drop-of-rain-makes-you-ill so love-interest-takes-care-of-you trope. It's OK. But holy SHIT is it overused. Holy shit. I sigh resignedly when I realize we're going there. EXCEPT. When P'Phayu goes to visit Rain in Love in the Air when he's sick, and his version of caregiving? Forcibly applying medicine in the form of a rectal suppository. It is so funny, weirdly sexy, very in line with their dynamic (doesn't get in the way of their romance moments later at all), & it shoves a big middle finger up the overoveroverused sick-bed trope.
Most Visually Pleasing Love Scene: Okay, THE scene in The Sign is the clear winner in my & many people's books. But there are so many runners-up: the post-race one in Love in the Air. Just about every one in Pit Babe (both couples) & My Personal Weatherman. (A lot of other faves don't quite qualify as visually or emotionally pleasing--lustfully pleasing should be a 3rd category in this challenge!)
Most Emotionally Pleasing Love Scene: Again, I have a clear winner: Cherry Magic Thailand. So full of emotion, so well deserved, so everything. Sigh. But lots of runners-up: same scene in The Sign, both kissing scenes in DNA Says Love You (tame but soo emotionally satisfying), Ray & Sand's camper reunion in Only Friends, the post-prison love scenes for both couples in Kiseki: Dear to Me, the 1st time in I Feel You Linger in the Air ...
Breakup That Should've Stayed Broken Up: Maybe it's because I try to be choosy in what I watch all the way thru or maybe I'm a big softy who tends to root for every couple no matter how lame. In all my completed shows, I could only think of 2 breakups where I wasn't at all invested in them getting back together (and maybe against it): Tian/Poon, What Zabb Man and Top/Mew, Only Friends.
Wedding You Wish You Had an Invite To: If we're talking weddings that actually appeared in the show, Achi and Karan's in Cherry Magic Thailand, obvs! If it's hypothetical weddings, I'd be desperate to go to one of ANY of the characters in Playboyy! I'd wear a bulletproof vest & bring my own flask of booze, but it would be the trashy chaos-filled social event of a lifetime.
Give 5 Good Boys a Gold Star: Just 5? OK, some I haven't mentioned yet. 1. Shin Woo, Light on Me, 2. Palm, Never Let Me Go, 3. Mohk, Last Twilight, 4. Thun, He's Coming to Me, 5. Neua, Secret Crush on You. Best boys!
The Top 5 Most Sad Boys: I'll limit it to ones where the suffering was kinda pretty, not just painful. 1. Way, Pit Babe, 2. Akk, The Eclipse, 3. Kaipa/Gaipa, Moonlight Chicken, 4. Hae Bom, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, 5. Kiyoi, My Beautiful Man
Bestest Besties: Just one? Gah! Fine, Pearl & Gavreel in Gameboys. She got those boys together in quarantine!
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lifmera · 3 months
Hello! I saw you do matchups so I wanted to request one!! I'd like to request a Hazbin Matchup. If you can't get to me that's quite all right, take you're time!
I'm 18, my pronouns are She/Her, and I'm Pansexual. My favorite color is yellow. My zodiac is Saggitarius (December 21st). I'm 5'3" (short/average).
I am an actor (mainly a stage actor). I love to sing, paint (abstract cause its more forgiving), and cosplay (a lot).
I talk a lot. Some say too much and I was often bullied for it. I curse like a sailor. My teachers are sick and tired of my foul moth they don't even say anything anymore lol. Im very social and like making friends, though i dont have many. But i still try and be a friendly presence and someone people can feel confortable around. I have anxiety as well. I'm super clumsy its actually ridiculous. My family gets nervous everytime I'm near stairs, and I have a scar next to my eye from being so clumsy (I tripped and fell into the corner of a coffee table and bashed my face next to my eye. After my stitches were taken out and it healed, I tripped and fell again, bashing my face into a doorknob in the exact same place 🙃). I'm a danger to society from just how much I fall :) but I'm getting better at catching myself.
I like anime and video games (mainly indie horror [Batim, DDLC (is DDLC indie??), Poppy Playtime, Fnaf, and others.]), and D&D.
I also love musical theatre :)
I'm kinda sensitive as well so please be nice to me. I have an insane fear of Needles and Dogs (which Is super unfortunate). I like fruity flavors over chocolate when it comes to candy.
I hope this is enough info to help you figure out who to match me with :) if not you could just respond and say it's not enough and I'll give more :)
Thank you so much :)
Hey Hun!!
You might hate me, or love me.. BUT..
I’ve paired you with.. ADAM!
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Dont hate me.. i love him..
He would definitely force you to act for him. He’d enjoy it so much. And honestly he’d want to play with you!!
He loves your paintings, at first he didn’t really understand why… but when he saw the final product, he loved it!
He’d also force you to cosplay for him.
He’d be like .. “could you cosplay a cute cat girl..? Please? 🥹” (you could kick him in the balls its ok.)
He would bully you, AT FIRST. I think if you confided in Adam he genuinely would stop. He already lost two wives, it probably took him a lot to even bag someone.
Adam seems like a dick head but he would do anything for his s/o.
He would love that you curse like a sailor. You guys would cuss other people out like its a job.
He loves that you are friendly with other people, but holy shit this guy would be POSSESSIVE.
Especially after how clumsy you can be??
This guy is by ur side 24/7. On ur ass like its his LIFE MISSION
Hes definitely a clingy man.
You can talk to him about anything, but just as long as you are able to listen to him too. He just talks ssooo much.
Although like i said, hes pretty much an asshole, he’d get better for you.
He will change for his s/o, because if anything, if he loses another one? Thats just… 😅
He would totally feed you sweets and fruits though, he loves them too!
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actualcoolbugfacts · 1 year
✨cool bug facts's✨
It's Megatron's birthday!!!!
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This is Megatron from Transformers: Micron Legend, the English name for the show is Transformers Armada. He is designed after a stag beetle. He kickstarted my spiral into obsession with entomology.
Technically, we don't know when his birthday is, but we do know that December 1st is the birthday of the Megatron seen below.
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He is not designed after an insect, but he is very cool.
I want to talk about Micron Legend Megatron's design. Firstly, he is not a moose or reindeer. Thrust at one point says "I told you not to call me that, you stag beetle." and Hotshot refers to him as a 'stag beetle head' (they do not call him this in the English dub).
Secondly, his left hand resembles a female stag beetle's, being very large and having very sharp fingers, while his right hand looks like the rest of the character's hands.
Thirdly, he has an abnormally small head, like a female stag beetle, while he has the mandibles of a male stag beetle.
In the sequel series, Superlink (Energon in the English dub), he is entirely based off a female stag beetle (besides the fact that he doubled in height since the last series).
He is a very cool Megatron.
Other cool Megatron's include;
G1 Megatron 1984
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Thoughts about him;
If I remember correctly, in 'The Secret of Omega Supreme', it's said that he was built to be machine of destruction, to think about nothing but destroying anything that stands in his path. Does that mean he can't properly think for himself?
In episode 16 of season 3 'Webworld', he goes to therapy, gets some awful therapists who are essentially going to kill him and then give him a new processor as it's the only way to cure him. He manages to escape and then blows up their planet.
Edit from several days later, December 9th 2022 (this was posted on December 1st 2022).
It was not the secret of Omega Supreme that said that, that was said in 'The Five Faces of Darkness', which is a 5-part series that starts off season 3.
G2 Megatron 1993
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Thoughts about him;
Underappreciated. He's just a little bit ugly but he deserves some love too. He can't get any love from Kiloton anymore, as he's dead.
Also he's apparently in a relationship with this guy called Kiloton, you don't really see him much in the comics, his name isn't even said, but he caused Megatron to start a second war, this time on the humans, after they killed him. He also doesn't get enough love.
Speaking of Kiloton, the Megatron who's birthday it is? In one comic he was shown in a bar showing off his poetry to this guy called Impactor. It would later be stated that Impactor's old name was Kiloton.
Beast Wars Megatron 1996
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Thoughts about him;
As much as it may have already been said about him, I would like to reiterate that he is Barney the dinosaur. If not, then a relative of Barney the dinosaur.
His voice actor (David Kaye) would go on to voice beetle Megatron in the English dub of Micron Legend. By voicing Optimus Prime in the 2007 series Transformers: Animated, He would become the first voice actor to have voiced both Megatron and Optimus Prime in their career.
He is also referred to as the Queen by a character called Inferno, which makes for one of my favorite lines from the franchise.
(For context, Dinobot left the Predacons at the start of the series, and has now returned to them for the time being.)
Megatron: Inferno, aid Quickstrike.
Inferno: Yes, my queen.
Dinobot: I was not aware you had given yourself a new title.
Car robots/Robots in Disguise Gigatron/Megatron 2001
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I'm including him in the Megatron section, despite the fact that he's called Gigatron in the original dub, because the English dub is more popular than the Japanese dub, meaning he is more recognized as Megatron than Gigatron. I will be referring to him as Gigatron as I haven't watched the English dub.
Thought about him;
He's kind of plain? But I still enjoyed watching him do stuff. Just causing a little bit of mayhem for no good reason. And I also just love his personality. He has issues and I lowkey kind of relate. Not to the whole killing people to get what he wants, but him just trying not to lose it while broadcasting to a bunch of people about how he's going to blow up a dam but it keeps not working so he keeps having to call Gel-Shark (English name; Skyebyte) to find out what's happening.
Also, there was an episode where he put on drag and then got catcalled by an Autobot who didn't recognize him.
Unicron trilogy Megatron/Galvatron 2004
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This is the same guy as beetle Megatron, from Micron Legend's sequel series Superlink, which came out in 2005. His new name is Galvatron. In the English dub he isn't called Galvatron until he gets an upgrade that turns him purple.
Thoughts about him;
As previously stated, he is designed after a female stag beetle despite being referred to as a man. I am in full support of this.
He also has this guy called Shockfleet (English name; Mirage) that nicknamed him 'Gal-sama'. 'Sama' being a Japanese honorific for someone you worship.
He's very silly. Goofy, might I add.
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This is Master Megatron from the third series in the trilogy, Galaxy Force, which came out in 2006.
Thoughts about him;
He isn't a stag beetle. I am fuming.
He looks like he's wearing a crop top and cowboy pants with overalls. And he has these spiky goth knee-high boots on.
The reason why his left arm is so wack-looking is because he's powerlinked with Dark Ligerjack, who is essentially his cat that attaches to his left arm.
Dark Ligerjack's name sucks so I called him Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Ravenway every time I had to refer to him.
Transformers IDW1 Megatron 2005
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That's this guy. Happy birthday my guy.
He is very cool. If you can, I would very much recommend that you read the IDW series, specifically the one that ran between 2005 to 2018. Just to differentiate because there is a recent IDW series that came out in 2019. The series is very long and therefore expensive, so there is a good chance that someone would not be able to read it. And if they can they will probably get lost trying to figure out which comic they're supposed to be on. Just skip Spotlight: Arcee, that story was retconned, and is very offensive.
Thoughts about him;
This may start a fight, but you are not supposed to forgive him for everything he's done just because he went to therapy and made a vow to never kill anyone again. He says this himself, that it may be cruel, but with everything he's done, and the billions of people he's killed, he deserves to be executed. You're supposed to feel sympathetic towards him though, and you are supposed to feel sad when he dies. But you never even think about the people who he killed because you never had a chance to get to know most of them, because even with how long this series is, it isn't long enough to tell the stories of billions of people. Someone's life is much longer than the amount of time it takes to kill them. Not to mention the brutal ways in which he killed them. The comics, I feel, make it known that you shouldn't forgive him, and frequently remind you about the things he's done, while still making you understand what his viewpoint and what his mental health was like to cause him to spiral.
And it all leads back to that the Functionist council should have never existed in the first place. While most people that the council ruined the lives of didn't turn out like Megatron, a lot of them died or were forced to live in awful conditions, and the one's that did protest would be greatly overshadowed by the actions of Megatron, essentially making it so that those people had to join his murder spree to even feel like they are free. But trapped in the echo chamber that was the Decepticon cause at this time, I would argue they weren't really free. Megatron could kill any of them at his whim, and he would, and he has.
He came to a point where all sentient live besides his own had no meaning to him. His actions eventually caught up to him, and with that, he realized that he isn't someone who can be expected to mingle with the people who he's hurt without them complaining or being scared of him.
And he somehow accepted that better than some people who read these comics.
Anyway very cool Megatron.
Transformers Animated Megatron 2007
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Thoughts on him;
Haha jet go brr
To me, he just kind of feels like the default Megatron. I like him and all, but he feels a bit too generic. I really don't have that much to say about him.
Prime Megatron 2012
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To be honest, Prime is one of the few shows I haven't watched yet.
He looks silly though/affectionate.
Earthspark Megatron 2022
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To be honest I haven't watched that many of the newer shows/comics, so I'm skipping to Earthspark.
Thoughts about him;
Only 10 out of 26 episodes have come out, so I can't say very much about him. But I do feel hopeful that they are going somewhere good with his storyline.
I will point out, his storyline is a pretty heavy-handed jab at police brutality and jail conditions, but it is a nice surprise for the fact that this show aired on Nickelodeon.
Also, and this may controversial, but when I first saw him, both me and my brother (doux-mirages) talked about how he's the ugliest Megatron.
He is a very cool Megatron though.
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zenatness · 1 month
Finished Rogue Trader.
The journal is probably the weakest part of the game. The information in it is often too vague to be helpful and several of the rumors don't update and hang around even when you've dealt with them which effectively renders the whole rumor section useless.
Unfortunately, leveling up was a chore rather than a reward. There was simply too much to choose from and my lack of familiarity with the system made a lot of the decisions guesswork, and you constantly leveled up. It was a relief when I hit level 55 and could just enjoy the game. An auto-level option for the companions in particular would have helped immensely.
That being said, even coming straight from Baldur's Gate 3, I found the game to be really fun and engaging. Solid Warhammer-vibes and enjoyable characters, art was on point, good writing, good voice actors. Could do with more voiced parts and more character portraits for the npcs though. It also had a lot more different game elements going on than I thought it would.
I also learned that some people are just determined to always be the worst and apparently embarrassing a lord by flirting with his wife in public is how you make him a loyal subject. As for the ending...
There I was, unwittingly raising a god-son (very different from a godson) and setting a good example to ensure that this little corner of the galaxy would become as close to a utopia as we could manage. I'd somehow only managed to max out relations with one faction, but it was the navy so a good chunk of them decided to side with me when the Imperium threw a hissy fit over the *checks notes* Emperor worshipping, Chaos-smiting, tithe paying rogue trader establishing a successful territory on the outskirts of the Imperium where people just don't suffer as much. Oh and something something xenos collaborating blabla god-son etc etc. The Imperium overreacted is what I'm saying. So now they can't come over anymore.
The game was so aeldari heavy that for a while I forgot there were other xenos factions (I was, admittedly, twirling my hair and batting my eyes at Nocturne the entire time). But that said, the first introduction to the necrons was both smooth and delivered on the "oh shit." It, uh, didn't keep giving that horror and fear when they proved embarrassingly weak in both space and regular battle, but still.
Heinrix informed his boss that the von Valussy was worth being branded a heretic for, as expected, and became my new master of whispers which... made so much sense that I had to take a moment and wonder how I hadn't even considered that. Good on him for becoming more than a trophy husband.
Jae disappeared from my ship and I couldn't find her, and after two turns around Footfall I gave up. To nobody's surprise I got her bad ending - dead in a gutter. Welp :I
Argenta... yeah pretty sure becoming a sister repentia was her bad ending. Not sure what I could have done to change that outcome.
The rest of the humans had either neutral or good endings, though I honestly can't tell with Idira's because it was so lackluster. Compared to everyone else's it was barely an ending tbh. Even Opticon-22 got more of an ending (second favorite npc, bless his lovely circuits etc, but like... Idira deserved more, you know?)
As for the xenos... Both Yrliet and Marazhai hung around on the ship for years and then went off and did their own thing. Their own thing being, ah, yes, becoming corsairs and pirates respectively and raiding in my corner of the galaxy together. After everything I did for you and your people. Ugh. You better invite me to the wedding. Abelard... will stay at home. Marazhai knows what he did.
At least Nocturne stayed in touch in his own way. Maybe he can do me a favor and take the wayward xenos allies by their pointy ears and teach them manners and gratitude.
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calliecat93 · 4 months
Well, we're at the end of 2023. I keep going back and forth, feeling like the year went on forever and like it just started. Weird, huh? So things in the world this year... yeah I don't need to say much on the state of things. All I can say is that I hope 2024 will be better... and that Trump doesn't make it into office. Things WILL get worse for everyone if that happens, and that's all I will say about it.
Anyways, my personal life. It actually wasn't too bad. I got to go on my first-ever cruise at the end of April and the first real vacation that I had had since I was a kid. It was such an amazing time~! I even got to hug Mickey Mouse for the first time in 20 years~! Speaking of though, I've done a hard step away from animation. I still reblog stuff, but I'm not as into looking into things like voice actors or history and stuff anymore. The past few years of industry drama utterly drained me and killed a lot of my love and passion for entertainment in general, and it was time to realize that, step back, and let myself begin just enjoy watching things again. Which I have been doing slowly. It's sad, but accepting that I don't want a part of the animation world and remain a casual fan was the right thing to do. I'll always love it, but I don't want to be a part of that world as a career or anything anymore.
Doing so has helped me decide on what I want to do though. Mom had been trying to convince me for years to get into culinary since I both liked it and was good at it. I was reluctant because it's VERY high stress... but I've gotten really into baking and I've decided that I'd like to pursue that as a career. It's fun, not so stressful that I can't handle it, and I'm good at it. I'm hoping to go back to school as the community college here has a culinary program where I can get a baking certification. But yeah, it was a life change that needed to happen.
Otherwise, this was one of my calmer years. There wasn't some major family tragedy for the first time in like five years, Thank God. I turned 30... so I'm old. We adopted out dog Dante that past December and I utterly love him with all my heart. I got my learner's permit a few days ago so I'm one step closer to being able to get my life going. I've fully accepted being sapphic and once I can drive and stuff I'd like to be able to start maybe dating for the first time. I think overall I finally realized how stilted my life had become since my dad died in 2018, but I lacked any motivation and drive to change it or do anything. IDK what's changed, but I want to start living my life and continuing to make progress on that is my goal for 2024.
Fandom life has been a lot slower. Probably as a result of me realizing that I should actually focus on my real life. But it's not dead either. RWBY Volume 9 finally came out and while I almost quit when it did, I stuck to it. I'm glad I did because it's now my favorite volume of the show and while I'm honestly convinced V10 won't happen, if it does I'll be here for it. My TOS passion got reignited, so much so that I had to make a sideblog to contain it all. I haven't really gotten into anything new, really with the state of things, I'm almost afraid to even try any new shows. Like I said, I've been focusing on just enjoying stuff again so it's just been whatever I see around getting reblogged. I guess that made things dull on here, but it did good for me, and in the end that's what I use this blog for. I've even started to get back into fanfic writing after all the RT drama got to me so bad I quit after finally getting over my writing anxiety. But I hope that's a good sign of finally moving forward.
Overall, I know that the world is in dire straits right now. My personal life wasn't too bad this year, but it sucks to think bout how so many have suffered and I can't really do anything about it. Like I said, I hope that 2024 will be better for everyone. Regardless I hope that you all have a Happy New Year and as we enter Year 12 of the blog, I thank you all once again for having stuck with me. See you all in 2024~!
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archive2394934 · 1 year
sorry you had to deal with that person. I hope you know I always admire your characterization of Henry and how accurate they are. it's a lot easier for people who don't understand to simple see him as a villain, just because he did bad things, instead of seeing the depth and the complication of his character. and I respect you so much for like still trying to educate that person? I would've just blocked tbh. but you did your best and if they still couldn't understand then that's not your problem anymore. I hope you never stop doing what you're doing. your blog is honestly my favorite and I always enjoy reading your takes on Henry. also, for what it's worth, Jamie Bower doesn't see Vecna as a villain but rather someone who's been hurt and abused since he was a child (he did not make excuse for Henry's action, but he understands Henry's pain, like you do) so... yeah, keep doing what you're doing and screw the haters. you're so much better than them. lots of love from me. x
Awh, thank you anon ❤️❤️ I'm glad you like my thoughts about Henry! That person did have a point about racism and misogyny for sure, and this fandom DOES have a problem with racism as many fandoms do (check out how Lucas is treated vs his friends who are played by white actors for example) and comparing Kali's treatment in contrast to say Billy's treatment by the fandom is very, very valid, but Henry? Not so much. Thats where it slips for me. He doesn't have near the amount of fans Billy has and unlike Billy he was never racist (which, btw, I don't back people acting like this was just an inherent part of Billy and that he couldn't have grown away from it or that "Billy's racism" wasn't ever HEAVILY influenced and enforced from Neil because it absolutely was and I also don't believe Billy died an irredeemable monster. He was an abused kid. Imo, his death was framed heroically and thats why it echos as a source of tragedy and guilt for Max in season 4.) Also knowing MY posts in particular were a big inspo for THAT post just like... Excuse the fuck out of me. And like I said, even Billy's fans will turn into the same anti-weirdos and hypocrites that they spend all their fandom time fighting against when it comes to Henry, which I've also talked about a few times because its very unfortunate the amount of Billy fans I've seen trying to deflect hate off of Billy by putting it on Henry because they also see Henry as a more acceptable target. And that particularly has a lot of to do with some very rancid, very homophobic headcanons and theories that are popular in the fandom. (Beside the outright ableism) But people think cos some of those headcanons and theories came from queer people that they're ok and cannot be criticized, but the thing is-- and its known in LGBT spaces-- that no one is more glad to support and promote homophobia than young queers toward older queers, particularly toward gay/bi men. Thats when homophobia suddenly becomes okay. Thats when horrifically harmful and classical homophobic stereotypes suddenly become legitimate and free game. Literally as long as the target in question is older (usually in their 30s+) this shit is ok. This shit flies. This shit is ATE. Older gays talk about this behavior all the time and how repugnant, regressive and harmful it is to our community but it always only seems to get worse. (or maybe its just cos I'm 30+ now thus get to experience the full force of homophobia and hate directed toward me and people also 30+ from people in my own community.) But anyway, off tangent a little, literally, far as Henrys tags go, I couldn't see any racism or misogyny from my posts just because I'm hyper fixated on Henry and understanding him as a character and his actual context? Can't see any racism from the small few other moots I've seen make similar posts about Henry to mine either and the thing is we all A) Seem to like Henry as Henry and not as a stand in for Jamie so, its def not a matter of just thirsting for a characters cos he has an attractive white actor and B) Most- if not all of us seem to really like Kali and are the people who do tend to remember her and talk about her, so? Oof but now I'm rambling again dhfsjkld thank you once again! this ask is v sweet and made my night. Also yes, Jamie is such a based king, he fully supports anti-villain Vecna and it DOES ANNOY ME when people think Jamie's take holds no validity at all because it obviously absolutely does.
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bogunicorn · 1 year
also, okay, one more thing about people in fandom actively disliking the thing they're a fan of.
i do think some people genuinely enjoy being kind of a hater. like, i think we're all better off in this conversation if we acknowledge that some people just like that. being angry, being offended, being put-upon, feeling like you and your friends are the only people who see The Truth, all that shit releases hella dopamine, especially in relatively low stakes situations like fandom.
and i think that's okay in moderation! i love a good fix-it or rewrite of canon or canon-divergent OC, but those tend to only work when the person writing them genuinely loves the original thing in some capacity. fix-its and rewrites are like parodies: without love involved, they're just mean and shitty.
the problem with getting your emotional fix from complaining is that it doesn't last. i forget if i've said it on tumblr or just in DMs, but it's like junk food. oreos fucking slap, but it most of your diet is oreos, you're not going to stay full for long and eventually you'll get the shits. genuine positive enjoyment is a healthy meal full of protein and vitamins and shit; doing things you love keeps you happier and fuller for longer. and all sorts of food is good for all sorts of situations. sometimes you want to sit around and just rewatch your favorite parts of a show. sometimes you want to shovel oreos into your face and bitch about how Actor X is a hack who never should've been hired, or a dialogue chain in a video game is fucking stupid and you're stunned it got past the editors.
the point is balance. and i will say the most important thing i learned in my 20s (in fandom, not in general) is that hobbies shouldn't hurt. if i catch myself bitching and gossiping more often than enjoying myself, it's time to quit. if seeing a specific fandom i used to love on my dashboard stresses me out, i block it. fandom is a hobby. it's supposed to be fun. if it starts giving me the metaphorical shits, it's time to go eat somewhere else until i can be responsible with myself again.
learning to pull up stakes and just fucking leave is a hard skill to learn, especially, i think, for autistic and adhd people. it's hard for us to find media that really scratches the itch, so to speak, and it makes it really difficult to leave things behind even when they're not scratching so great anymore. like, it would take a lot for me to leave DA fandom permanently; it's been my special interest for, like, 12 years or whatever. but if it made me miserable, i'd ditch it. hell, i did basically peace out for a bit a few months ago until i felt comfortable again, and i'm better off for it.
you can't stop other people from being A Hater 90% of the time. if that's what they've decided to do, that's what they're doing. so i guess my advice for that (such that it is) is to just curate your experience. and if you feel yourself getting anxious a lot, or feeling angry or guilty or obligated to have specific Takes when you log into your fandom spaces, step back and check in with yourself. fandom isn't supposed to make you feel that way, and the people who think it's the norm or try to make it the norm are dealing with shit that's just... not your problem.
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raymondshields · 1 year
For the "Give Me A Series" ask meme, October Daye since that's how we know each other. :D
Oooooo, Toby! I haven't checked the discord in a good hot minute, I've been so damn busy, but Toby's good.
❤ Favorite Male: Tybalt, honestly, followed by Jolgeir. I wish I was half as cool as either of these men. ❤ Favorite Female: The Luidaeg! It's hard not to, it really is. She's so good. ❤ Favorite Pairing: Tbh, I don't really do the transformative (heh) thing as a fan with Toby, so we're going with the OG Toby/Tybalt. Followed by probably Quentin/Dean? ❤ Least Favorite Character: Following off the last ask with "Even characters that suck I tend to enjoy, because they're fascinating, so let's go with most annoying", it's Connor. This is pretty popular in the fandom, because his relationship with Toby annoyed everyone, but I was honestly relieved at his death. He was such a jerk to Toby in Artificial Night like- she's going to save some kids and die in the process, and you can't do shit, and you're being mean to her about it? At least Luna had good reasoning. Connor was just an ass. ❤ Who’s most like me: Irritatingly, probably Raj, lmao. I am about that haughty and also that stupid, although I like to think a little less traumatized. ❤ Most attractive: Uhhhh, probably Joe? Toby's the only one I really have a good image of in my head, because she's on the covers. I always picture that one Black actor that played Mercutio once for Tybalt, tbh, but as far as I know that's pretty far off. ❤ Three more characters that I like: Simon, obviously - I genuinely liked him a lot as an antihero in Brightest Fell, because when he said "Sometimes home doesn't feel that way anymore, and that isn't your fault" and Toby asked if he was supposed to be the villain here and then felt super bad about it, and then he went "Be careful, October. This is the road that broke me," later on and I was like holy shit??? I'm not sure how I feel about how he's been in the past couple of books, because he keeps getting shunted to the side, and honestly with so much focus on his trauma it's really making him more... I dunno, for lack of a better term as a bit of a crybaby? Don't get me wrong, he deserves to have his trauma addressed and helped, and I know his trauma is depicted pretty realistically, but it's also the only thing we've seen from his side for a while. I think we need to look at his trauma, yes, because holy shit has he been through it, but like, Simon can get his shit together real fast if he's asked, and we haven't gotten to see much of that. We saw a mention during the wedding of him fighting, but we have not gotten him as part of the fight. Toby sent him away during Be the Serpent and I was so annoyed, because he works damn well as part of the action team, and he didn't get that.
But also, August and Quentin, honestly. We got ONE story from Quentin's POV, and that was ages ago. Chelsea mentioned that he doesn't want to be High King anymore, and I NEED to see things from his side and find out what's up with that. And August? We get to see so, so little of her. I know we'll get more of her in the next book, I know she's probably being set up to take May's usual role as Toby's action sister for a little bit so they can be friends, but I am desperately begging for it. We also almost never get to see Quentin actually fighting, and we know from Simon in AKF that Quentin learned his "win now bleed to death later" thing from Toby, but we never get to see him do it. I need to see both of these idiots do it. Pls. I'm begging Seanan personally.
[ask game here]
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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I thought someone commented on one of my Theory of Love posts that it got much better in the second half, once we started getting Khai's perspective. Either they deleted it or I read it somewhere else because I can't find it anymore, but regardless I think I will end up agreeing.
I'm only halfway through episode seven, but it's all become a lot more interesting and I'm starting to really like Khai. My working theory on Theory of Love is that it's trying to do a lot of interesting and nuanced things with flipping expectations and perspectives halfway though (I mean, Third's favorite romance movie is literally called Flipped) and in that attempt it possibly bit off more than it could chew.
My current hypothesis is that they were deliberately going for exaggerated college frat bro type comedy in the first half in order to increase the contrast of the second half, or possibly even to deconstruct/critique that in some way. And that may end up working for me after I've seen everything, but at this point, even with the flip, I still found all the frat bro behaviors too annoying and Khai to much of an inconsiderate asshole to understand why Third was in love with him in the beginning.
Of course, some of this could be the problem of everything being filtered though translation - perhaps I would have a different impression of him if I understood Thai. And it isn't keeping me from liking him in the second half - the show feels just disjointed enough that I can ignore some of the stuff that doesn't work for me as unsuccessful attempts at something ambitious. I feel like it's a show where I can see the seams, which in some ways makes it more interesting. Especially given it's about filmmaking, and overtly referencing other films.
All the misogyny stuff I will wait to analysis after I'm done. I'm hoping it was a set-it-up-to-knock-it-down type situation, but I'm not feeling confident that it was. But at least the overt misogyny has lessened now that all four boys are distracted by other things. All along I've liked the dynamic between the four of them, and the specificity to each individual relationship inside the group. Which is part of why I'm hopeful that the misogyny is going to be deconstructed, or at least jettisoned - it didn't really fit with everything else about the boys.
I'm excited about the romance between Two and Un, I think mostly because I was not expecting it at all. (Maybe if I'd seen the trailer or looked more closely at the MDL page I would have.) My initial expectation for Un was actually that he was interested in Third, and that would finally spur Khai to notice Third/act on it. And it seems that's still sort of the plan - I'm paused in the middle of the auction scene. But Un's to obviously into Two for him to be Khai's rival for Third.
I am starting to like Khai a lot now, and I'm finding his journey of figuring out who he is and what he really wants interesting and nuanced. It's making me think about Teh from I Told Sunset About You, although they're pretty different characters. And playing this version of Khai seems to suit Off better.
I also like where I think they're going with the plotline of Bone and the Professor. They could ruin it later on, but so far it's developing into a very interesting mentor/mentee relationship, and I appreciate the way they're showing Bone deal with his complicated emotions about all that.
I'm enjoying Shane as this unexpected wise elder figure that came out of left field. Are he and the beach bar owner cameos by big name actors? They both kind of have that feel to them.
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jelliclekay · 1 year
now that its been a couple weeks to think, what are some standouts from the current tour cast?
Oooo what a good question!
Let me say this: Everyone in this cast is fantastic. All the new performers are incredible and all the returning cast members are really putting in their all. I don't have a complaint about any of them. Also I got to talk and meet almost all of them after the shows and they were so sweet.
Some standouts though:
Erica Lee as Bombalurina... I know I've raved about her MANY times but I am still not over her. I did not come back from all the shows expecting Erica to end up as my favorite Bombalurina, but here we are. She did Cats on Oasis so she has experience with the show already and it SHOWS in her performance. She moves so fluidly on stage and her VOICE. UGH HER VOICE. It's so unique, I literally blue-screened when I heard her perform Macavity for the first time. Erica Bombalurina is absolutely my new face and voice claim for Bombalurina, I cannot imagine any other voice for her anymore. Also the way she performs Macavity aligns so well with my own personal headcanons for Bomba's relationship with Macavity and Demeter. I'm really hoping Erica stays in the Junkyard for awhile because I can't imagine seeing any other Bombalurina (though I did see Ellie Bombalurina one show and she also did fantastic!)
Hank Santos as Tugger. Obviously I knew I was going to like him, but WOW, he is so Tugger? He plays Tugger more on the sexy, suave side, which I usually prefer my Tugger portrayals compared to the silly, vain Tuggers. Hank also has so many interactions with the audience? Like, he was constantly winking and making "call me" signs at the audience (a few times at me, which almost killed me outright). At one of the shows too he even took a woman's phone during the curtain calls and took a selfie with it (And he also apparently did the same thing at a show in Canada so I guess that's just a thing he's doing now which like. Total Tugger behavior). Also his voice is just so Good ugh. Absolutely in my top 3 Tuggers up there with John Partridge and Dominik Hees.
Kade Wright as Munkustrap. Okay I LOVE Kade!Munk. Kade is a fantastic actor, and that really comes out in his performance. I've never been more invested in the Mac fights until watching Kade, because he REALLY plays up Munk getting his ass beat and he really makes you feel like Munk is genuinely being hurt during the fight. I already much prefer the Broadway Revival Mac fight compared to the og fight because it actually feels like a fight, and Kade Munk and the entire cast really make the Mac fight feel so intense. Also Kade is just really sweet and I enjoy his voice a lot.
Ugh and so many others. Yuka Victoria is adorable and her moments with Samuel Plato are the cutest things in the world. Taryn Rumpleteazer is really good and she makes an awesome partner with Brian Jerrie (who is fucking INCREDIBLE as Jerrie and I'm so glad he is the principal Jerrie now). Brendan Tumble is super cute and also wow that boy can FLIP.
I just love this cast so much and even if you don't think you're a fan of the Broadway Revival, if you have the chance to see this cast for yourself. They are all so phenomenal.
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stormyoceans · 1 year
ahhh i see what you mean, that happened to me with love mechanics but yinwar's chemistry was actually enough to make me overlook some... things lol but yeah seems like there are some tropes there that i can't be bothered to watch, also i just really trust your taste and views. but hey! at least pond and phuwin showed their potential and now we have this gem!
what was your favorite part of the first episode? mine was probably the pool scene, i feel like so much happened there, the intense eye contact x2 and the hand over hand moment...................... he didn't have to do that but he did it for all of us! they really are seeing each other like genuinely seeing each other i bet that scares them a lot. oh the pining oh the yearning pond does it so well! like the scene when they first met HIS FACEEEE it's gonna be so great just seeing them fall in love. oH IMAGINE THE ANGST IT'S GONNA HURT SOOOO GOOD AND NOT JUST UNTIL THEY KNOW HOW THEY FEEL BUT ALSO AFTER THAT BECAUSE THEY WILL WANT TO PROTECT EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME AND IT'S GONNA BE HARD TO BALANCE IT ALL the hype was RIGHT
ugh i wish i could have the will to wait and binge watch because i think i'm able to enjoy shows more when i can do that, and space the episodes how i want or just watch them all in a day, like it's a much more intense experience for me that way and even though it leaves less time to theorize and the fandom experience and all that i personally prefer it. but i cannot see all the pretty gifs and not go to youtube and watch the episode when they are right thereee i wanna join the fun! i actually binge watched vice versa (🥰) and i feel like i liked it so much because i did! i also binge watched love mechanics and i swear to god i would have given up if i was watching that show weekly, and i had to binge watch to my star 2 too cause that was actually hurting me lol this is so long already okay i'll shut up now 💌
fish upon the sky and love mechanics actually fall in the same category of 'shows i can't bring myself to like even if the actors have an insane chemistry' for me, but between the two i did enjoy love mechanics more, even if i cannot stand cheating, so i guess this says a lot about my feelings for FUTS ;;;;;;;;
BUT!!!!!! like you said, the most important thing is that pond and phuwin are now playing in a show with a more mature storyline that makes their chemistry shine and that i can thoroughly enjoy!!!!! and that makes me ridiculously happy!!!!! JUST LIKE THE FACT THAT YOU TRUST MY TASTES?????? THAT'S SUCH AN INCREDIBLE COMPLIMENT THANK YOU!!!!!! 🥺🤧
we must have pretty similar tastes, though, because THE POOL SCENE WAS MY FAVORITE ONE TOO!!!!!! like.. both the hallway and the sneaking out scenes are A LOT, but the pool one is on a whole other level!!!!! not only the tension is already off the charts, but i love how it also says a lot about palm and nueng as characters and perfectly sets up the journey for their relationship!!!! it's the way nueng asks "if i don't tell your dad, what will i get from you?" because that's what he has been taught his entire life, that no one does anything for free, and he got further confirmation of it earlier that day when his classmate made the others stop teasing him only to ask him a favor right after!!!! it's the way palm answers "i have nothing to give you. i have no money" because he sees no value in himself but eventually he is going to (willingly) give nueng exactly what he needs - friendship, care, trust, love - and in doing that he will learn his self worth and start to build his own future!!!!
AND GOD YEAH THE MOMENT THEIR HANDS TOUCHED!!!!! i will never have the words to properly explain the importance of hands in queer culture, but they're often used as objects of desire, as conduits for future intimacy, and once the hands touch that's it: there's no turning back, you can't ignore your want anymore, and the fact that it already happens the second time palm and nueng see each other casts such a sense of inevitability on their relationship!!!! since their first meeting all their interactions have just been so full of pining and yearning and tension and this magnetic pull that makes them so aware of each other and leaves the viewers breathless even if we already know they will end up together!!!! BUT LIKE YOU SAID IT ALSO WON'T END WHEN THEY GET TOGETHER BECAUSE THERE'S GONNA BE DUTY AND DESIRE AND ABOVE ALL THE WISH TO PROTECT THE OTHER AND GIVE THEM A BETTER CHANCE AT LIFE. ALSO WHEN PALM WILL CALL NUENG BY HIS NAME FOR THE FIRST TIME THEN WHAT!!!!!!!!
anyway..... please never apologize for sending me a long message because 1) I ABSOLUTELY LOVED READING IT, and 2) as you can see brevity is not one of my virtues ;;;;;;;; so please feel free to write as much as you want!!!! 💜
gonna end this by saying that idk if i personally prefer binge watching, but i definitely understand what you mean!!! i do tend to be more forgiving when i watch a series all in one go and it also helps me keep my emotions under control sfjkshdj i think it actually depends a lot on the show itself: some series i like to see week by week because i enjoy freaking out with everyone else, but other ones i NEED to binge watch to preserve my mental health (to my star 2 is a great example, because after seeing the first episode i also went NOPE and waited for all the episodes to be out before going back to it I DON'T DO WELL WITH THAT KIND OF ANGST)
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xoteajays · 9 months
Is it easier to message this way?
Well.. Since I've seen what your potential face claim is for your character, I thought it would be fair you'd see a few of my face claims. Even though lots of the celebrities I use as face claims are famous in ways a lot people could recognize them - as actors, models and even musicians. I've rarely have seen or heard a single person mention them as face claims for their characters, which is why I say they're the more rare face claims. And why I'm always attached to them... So I tend to use them for more than one character a lot of the time. But that's just how I am though.
And I did tell you they were already coordinated in a way. Colors, appearances, personalities. And I know the red character might not have had red on her (at least in those pictures) but red is normally her main signature color in a lot of her pictures that she's in.
But I'm still figuring things about for any characters I have. In general.. Not just the H&L characters.
I'm still trying to figure out the relationships for the H&L story. Romantic, platonic and even kin if there is family relationships included. Not sure yet. And.. I can say I'm not completely sure who what ships will be in the story, especially since there are huge cast of characters to choose from. And also considering who you could imaging having chemistry between, well, whichever characters you'd want them with. Like traditionally... There leaders of SWORD district are options. Possibly Ryu, even Mighty Warriors are an option too. Mainly Jesse, Ice or even Pearl would be my choices from them. Depending on the ships. So I'm still a little fickle, indecisive, over which ones would be in a relationship. And with who and why.
So there's that.
I enjoy at my own pace. That's why I prefer not to be gathering another a new fandom, especially the fandoms that recently trend. Because the trend will end when the new trend begins... That mentality of hating trends, and sometimes even popular trends, because of this reason. And there's also the issue - a huge problem in my opinion - when there are a lot of people still in the fandom, but won't create much content anymore because other people are not into the fandom then. So that's a horrible situation too.
Yes! Me too. Well.. Occasionally I still binge most of songs, especially the songs stuck in my head to this day. It's a good and bad thing for me. I'm crazy now.
I know, I know... I know.. Most of the cast are actors and musicians. But seeing them dress and act a lot different in the music videos and the franchise is so funny to me. Maybe because I'm thinking like, "This character wouldn't do this!" Or also, "This character can't do that!" Like the singing and dancing. But I'm willing to admit that their costumes make me think of how their characters would look wearing many of those clothes. I don't know. But Keiji (Rocky) is able to pull off the silver and blond hair in the videos, the same with a lot of the other men too. Like Takanori (Cobra) and Naoto (Jesse). Oh! And have you really watched the Mighty Warriors videos too? Because.. In my opinion. The Mighty Warriors videos are like a short story in video form. So I might use that as the detailed backgrounds for their characters when I do write for them. Especially their lives as mercenaries and gangsters in the yakuza. So that will help me.
Really? That's funny. Because for me.. Out of all the SWORD leaders, Rocky and Hyuga were definitely a huge favorites for me. But I enjoy Cobra, Murayama and Smoky too. I love these characters for different reasons. But I can actually say that for just about all the characters in the cast, at least most characters.
I still think Niragi and Todoroki would have gotten along in some way. Maybe because they're similar.
If I decide to have the girls, the Strawberry Girls, in my story.. I'll make an attempt to flesh them out if I can. But I feel like I'm overestimating my abilities in writing though, so I'll try doing what I can with that.
I can say that my favorite costumes for that E-Girls video was definitely Rascals, Rude and Oya. I was a bit iffy about the Daruma costumes.. In my opinion.
Random question. An off track question for now.. Are you going to watch Pending Train? Yuki Yamada is the main actor. And his hair is dyed blond. So him as this pretty boy with dyed blond hair in dystopian world seems kinda interesting to me. I might watch the show because of him. That's the only reason.
yeule’s my oc’s fc, she’s so pretty! i’m so ready to go on a complete unfollowable nonsensical ramble about her.
i’m also still plotting out my oc. ive mainly just been imagining little scenes. i could probably write a few of them but haven’t gotten around to it yet. and i don’t know which ones to write. ive got her connections mostly plotted out, but the overarching plot? work in progress.
ships for me are kinda all over the place. bc i do love a random ship just because. it fun to just slap characters together and see what happens.
watching the music videos are so funny. the music is pretty good, but i am entirely watching for the actors doing a lil dancey-dance. i watched a lot of the jsb ones and im just ‘cobra would never’. takanori is just so smiley?? he’s so cute. it’s just a switch-up from broody cobra. watching all these videos got me smiling like an idiot.
ive got pending train on my watchlist! im not above watching a show just for pretty yuki yamada. ive got h&l the worst episodes and movies to finish up first tho.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
NGL I'm used to seeing ordinary dudes cheat on their wives/gfs/significantother it's not even a surprise when actors do it. It's pretty sad tbh
Yeah see it's not even surprising when I hear someone cheated, but it's more like a huge disappointment for me when it was someone I admired, respected and loved the work of.
One of them it seems like it's died down and it was hardly heard about afaik, so hopefully that issue is resolved and I can feel better hearing that VA now without having to be bothered by the whole thing. He's been continuing to get new roles so I'm hoping that means whatever happened for sorted out for the better.
Another one was kind of recent but not really at this point (over a year ago), but I'm not sure how the incident will affect his career and if he'll be returning to new seasons of shows he's been on.
For Eliwood's VA, he's got an insane list of voice overs he's done and he was super well known and loved for his work, and he was my absolute fave VA from the moment I first heard him voicing the main character of Tales of Graces (ironically, another major character in that game also had a cheating scandal happen, which is the first person I mentioned here). I'd heard him well before that, such as when he voiced Sasori in Naruto (I think that was actually my first time hearing him), but he wasn't my favorite until I heard his work in Graces (and him and the other guy I mentioned first here are literally huge reasons I won't listen to Graces in English instead of JP, aside from the Graces dub just sounding pretty bad and the voices sounding compressed, even though there are VAs I really enjoy the work of in the dub of that game).
It's just a huge shame that a VA who has a seriously massive list of work he's done ended up in this situation, and it's not just that he cheated, but that he cheated on his wife for ten fucking years. Like... that one cuts a lot deeper than the others for me knowing that basically ever since I adored his work, he's been cheating on someone. I can't recall which woman it was, if it was his wife or the other woman he was dating, but one of them ended up in the hospital from what I heard from the emotion and shock of it all... It's things like that that kill what I felt about someone, you know?
I'm trying to separate the art form the artist, but it's just hard to do when you're literally hearing their voice and remembering "oh that's the guy who did xyz". I remember being so excited when Heroes came out and I saw his name for Eliwood. It wasn't the voice I'd imagined for Eliwood, but it fit just for to me and I enjoyed it. It wasn't like the day I found out Takehito Koyasu was voicing Levin (which was literally my headcanon voice for gen 2 Levin so I threw a fit when I found out, and then found out he was a huge fan of FE4), but it was like "OH SHIT THAT'S HIM THAT'S MY FAVORITE VA".
It is really sad when you can't even be surprised anymore at people doing this shit. I'm not surprised when I hear someone, but I'm just so disappointed that people who did such amazing work and whose voices I loved hearing in any game or show ended up doing something so scummy. It's also disappointing when this happens and the VAs have to be recast, because personally it takes me out of the immersion of a game/show at least for a little while when the voice actor changes.
For example, dub Tales of Vesperia used to have Troy Bakey for Yuri who is the main character. When they released the edition of the game that was JP only for a pretty long time, they called back almost all the voice actors (save a few for some side characters), but didn't... call back Troy, who expressed disappointment in not even being asked if he wanted to reprise the role for the new lines given to the main character in the new edition of the game. They reused all the old voiced lines, which meant Troy's lines were still in the new version of the game, but they also had Grant George (Sigurd's dub VA) voicing him, so they literally had two different guys voicing the same character in the same game, so while you played it, the voice actor would change in different scenes, sometimes even in the same scene and you'd hear the change line to line if you were very attuned to hearing Troy. Some people couldn't hear the difference, but there were a good chunk who could and it sounded terrible because for those of us who really heard the difference, Grant and Troy sound nothing alike, and their direction in voicing Yuri was vastly different.
It really kills part of my enjoyment when I have to deal with that, and in Troy's case they just Didn't Tell Him they were releasing a game with an old role of his and didn't bother asking if he'd like to be part of it, but am I suddenly going to have hear Eliwood's VA get changed after all these years because he went and did something totally fucking stupid and awful?
Part of me wants to always hope for the best and that these guys will learn better and work to make up for what they did, maybe even doing well enough to get their roles back, but there's also a part of me that's like... bruh, what even went through your head when you did that in the first place. I feel so bad for all the people who got cheated on and had to deal with this at all.
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sassysnowperson · 1 year
Sass Talks Books: Thank You for Listening, by Julia Whelan
Basic Plot: An audiobook narrator, who doesn't record romance books (anymore - she needed to break into the industry somehow), is given the financial opportunity of a lifetime...recording a romance book. It's a dual narration book, too, which means working with another narrator. Her recording partner quickly becomes one of the best perks of the project, warm and funny and *real* feeling, despite the fact they've never met. (They've never met, right?)
My thoughts: I really enjoyed this one. The author IS an audiobook narrator, writing a book about two audiobooks narrators, and I listed to the audiobook...narrated by the author. I thoroughly recommend that reading experience, by the way. There's a lot of little moments with the two talented voice actor characters slipping into different accents, talking about tone and inflection, and it's an absolute delight to hear the narrator delivering on the script she wrote for herself. As for the story itself, I'm not far enough into the romance world to know if this book deviates from the romance novel beats enough that it's drifted out of the category, but I can say that it was absolutely charming and enjoyable. And, that the changes made dulled the edges of the parts of romance I bounce off of the most while absolutely being a very loving send-up of the genre. The connection between the two people was very real, but it wasn't the only (or even, I would argue, the most important) relationship developing and changing in the book.
Every character felt connected in a complicated web of love and relationships with other people - it was a joy. And it was used to explore some toothy things that I normally don't get in a book this fun - grief, regret, how you deal with the losses you can't get back, how you rebuild a life. It stayed warm-hearted and kind as a book, but it didn't shy away from real fights, insecurities, and pain.
A handful of warnings to go along with that: the MC has lost an eye, and deals with ableism, and some negative self-perception. There's some diet-culture-based disordered eating for the MC's best friend (not displayed as a good thing). The MC's relationship with her dad has some brutal fights where there's emotional manipulation happening. There's also a real look at the complications of dementia - discussed below.
The protagonist's relationship with her grandmother is a key point of the story, and the grandmother is dealing with encroachment of memory loss and personality change that comes along with dementia. This part surprised me - I work with older adults in long-term care and lol, was not expecting that my professional life would be relevant to the situation. The author made a few errors with the care system in California (where our grandma is based, and where I work). But frankly, only a few, and the way the dementia progressed wasn't one of them. It was good, and heartbreaking, and one of my favorite parts.
Wow...I wrote a lot about this. Suppose that makes sense, considering it was my experience of the book itself. I expected something light and fun, and while I got it, there was depth there too that was a very welcome surprise.
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