#i can FEEL the judgement and that's fine
heartofspells · 1 year
What does the tag "post in the toast" mean? I've seen you use it lately and I'm a bit confused
It's honestly very dumb, please don't judge me. But I needed/wanted a better tag to keep track of all asks so that I could find them easier if I ever needed, which is what this is. As for why it's "post in the toast"...well, I may have been sleep-deprived (i'm always sleep-deprived) and thinking about how at Hogwarts, owls frequently drop post into the students' breakfast. It rhymed and I thought it was funny. That's literally the story.
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teeth-draws · 8 months
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“What do you mean he’s scary!! Look at him!”
— taking artistic liberties to scrunkle the face of @shepherds-of-haven’s Blade Bronwyn - a man with 0.6% body fat lol
#shepherds of haven#if games#blade bronwyn#this is mc privelage at work#hc mcs but especially the ladies are like no he’s fine!! look he’s a lamb!! but if someone else tried this they’d get their wrists broken#being an artist (like being a writer) makes your proclivities rly obvious because in this instance you can tell that I love#babying men who could kickflip me into the sun#picking fights with famed assassins like… wow blade ur so confident for your height! and leave#blade likes girls with good hearts and Halle is not quite that but she IS an efficient worker so she always comes back with the win…#and a bunch of rescued orphans and mages and stuff it’s… not a reflection of her personality but rather her work ethic which even then#is reluctant and put-upon#she didn’t want to be a captain let alone commander she was meant to be using this gang of do-gooders to fulfil her fate and then bounce#but they’re all so wholesome and now she loves them despite her better judgement#and he’s so cute!! with his poetry and plants and the googly-eyed clam he keeps on his desk and talks to about his feelings!!#what’s a girl to do?#there’s only so strong you can be in the face of a man who tells you straight-faced he’d mcfucking die for you#talking the talk and walking the walk even to the most wary of wilderness orphans#as always blade you are a nightmare to draw I lost sleep over your skin tone#my foe of four years aka blade’s left elbow is cunningly hidden#their child would be a serious force of nature and also really tall#fanart#shoh#can you imagine the name? between austere ket names and whack mage names…#these are my parents: blade and halwendi. my name is steele mechanicus and I DONT want to talk about it#just realised that if his brother saw this shit he’d get blade stoned for being a public hussy gosh sorry better make an honest man of him#new blade hairstyle is a shaggy wolfcut bc I think it’s cute on him lmao#this is a really autistic couple honestly#not quite sure where to put his hands#like when you flip a shark upside down
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whorejolras · 1 month
i genuinely don't understand when civs are like "well obviously I WOULD NEVER do sex work but i still support you" like why did you have to preface it? i know you're not cut out for my job babe believe you me that's not even a discussion (also no one asked) but why do you have to preface your support with a firm separation of You from Us. like when you hear that back does that sound supportive or does it sound weird and off putting?
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martyrbat · 11 months
so many of you talk about the cruel adults in your childhood that negatively effected you and caused lifelong insecurity yet you're still perfectly fine with being that mean stranger to any kid that has the misfortune of existing around you and thats just really gross !!!
#like i get kids can be overwhelming for a various amount of reasons but its not going to kill you to treat children with basic human decency#adults can be just as overwhelming or annoying—if not more. yet if you talked to an another adult the same way you do to a kid#then ppl would fucking hate you and not want to be around you because youre not being cool and witty—youre just mean!!!#everyone has experienced the frustration of being a kid being mistreated by an adult. some more than others#rather its ignoring your bodily autonomy (from sa and assault to hugging you when you don't want to be touched to not letting you#make your own harmless choices like a haircut or whatever). everyone has been talked down to or had their opinion treated like its nothing#or that their thoughts or input doesn't matter. everyone has a childhood experience with a mean or judgemental adult#yet over and over ppl are fine just repeating that cycle of abuse and hatred#like youre a young adult and youre still getting treated like shit by older ones. but youre able to have a drink or you graduated or smthn#so now you feel like you earned that right to be judgemental & angry & mean to a group of people that didnt fucking do anything to you#anyways. this is because im sick and had to go to the store to get groceries and meds#so its a 20 minute walk to the nearest store in 108 degrees bc i dont have gas money and then in the store im ofc using a face mask#like im sweaty and feel disgusting and like shit but this kid was SO fucking excited about his spiderman toy and wanted to talk and#his mom said ‘i told you no one wants to hear about that crap leave her alone’ and like?? no fuck off let a kid be happy?? hes not fucking#doing anything wrong?? so we talked and he showed me the little tiy that lights up and asked if i saw the new spiderverse movie#and i told him i havent! so he asked why so i explained i have photosensitivity and what that means and why i cant see it#(‘even though i heard its super cool!’) and HE WAS SO SWEET... like immediately hid the toy because oh! flashing lights can hurt me!#and then immediately said dont worry because he'll tell me about it so its like i saw it instead!#and like. guys imma be honest with you. i stilm got no fucking idea what this movie's plot is.#but you bet your fucking ass i was pretending like i was following along & was going ‘no way!’ ‘so it's a parallel universe...?’ ‘oh wow!’#like yea its unnecessary. i felt oike i was gonna collapse and im still struggling to breathe at home now. but also i been the kid#who just wanted to talk about my interests and no one wanted to or was dismissing it.#i know it's not a end of the world deal but i also know that crushing feeling. you gotta be the kindness you want to see in the world yknow#anyways. be nice to kids or im not going to be nice to you. they're one of the most vulnerable members of our society and deserves kindness
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kallypsos · 5 months
truly i feel like ai is just gonna make us stupider i was complaining about writing an email at work and i got told to just ask chatgpt to write it for me
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jibunwo · 3 months
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dailyeca · 8 months
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sometimes i think that i should be putting him in more complex compositions and dynamic poses and cool outfits and color palettes and pretty rendering and detailed backgrounds and more characters and story-driven comics and personal meaning
and then im like. that's the fucking devil talking. dailyeca is and always was supposed to be a low maintenance blog where i draw an eca a day and this eca can be the most scribbled motherfucker in da world but as long as there's a daily eca then i've succeeded. when i have time to add cool shit i can absolutely do that but even if he's just a sketched up bust shot at 11:59, i'm doing enough because that's just dailyeca babey.
#eca orichird#daily eca#we do what we can. i am doing enough.#for a lot of other things i always feel the need to make masterpieces; art larger than myself and my scope; something with heart and soul.#dailyeca is truly like. not everything has to be perfect. this is my grimy grumpy little asshat and i can do whatever the fuck i want.#(including cursing because goddamnit i am no one's pure little angel baby anymore. i am not here for your judgement anymore.)#im not trying to impress anyone here. dailyeca has always been art for me first. i never truly announced this blog in the beginning.#if no one looked i'd still do it. i draw this angry lonely boy for me. if other people want to see i appreciate it but that's secondary.#that one tumblr poem post. ''you say 'it’s my villain era''' by ridinkskinned. sometimes i feel like making eca was my villain era.#what i mean is that sometimes people hate things when they hit too close to home. what i mean is when i first made eca i felt repulsed.#i can be angry and rude and imperfect and alone. i don't need to facade or fawn or listen at all times and be the perfect little nobody.#i can be flawed and i can still be important and i can still have a happy ending and have people love me without need to change me.#i wrote that i wanted to draw ecas with more personal meaning but every eca posted is a personal meaning in of itself.#you get it. (you probably don't. but that's fine. that's secondary.) i should work on creator and creation again.
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I swear I've gone through every emotion known to man.... (And then some) today...
#spiteful angry a little happy and proud judgemental upset sad mourning#the list can go on#its been a day#my thoughts#mom went to detox today and will be in recovery for a month#i already feel lighter with her gone#but conflicted because i wasn't there for her#but i couldn't be because she wouldn't let me#and genuinely i didnt want to be because she was simultaneously never there for me#but shes done more for me than i ever could've asked in some ways#but i also never asked to be born wish i was never born and feel like ive never belonged here#like i was meant to be aborted but was born instead#and yet despite it all I'm angry at the world for the cards she was dealt#for the way she was treated as a child#and the way no one was there for her and moved on pretending like all was fine#(some generational trauma she picked up and carried over)#upset at her siblings and friends for never being there for her like she needed (but i also understand that she pushed everyone away and im#In the same boat as them in that sense#but also shes my mother and im her child and shes never been there's for me so how could i possibly know how to be there for her#i hate being understanding because white hot anger and hatred is easier#so much easier#ignorance is bliss frfr#part of me is also proud of her for finally doing this#scared that she might get mistreated at the facility furthering her trauma scared of her relapsing and what that will look like#wanting to be a support fixture for her when she comes back at the end of the month but realistically knowing i cant#spiteful because where is her support system right now? everyone has failed her#spent years enabling and ignoring her#i hope she has a support system or can curate one because it cant be me#it just cant#mother wound
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dandyshucks · 3 months
sorry i keep seeing posts abt this and its making me laugh a little to think about because. i really hope ppl are not looking at my blog that gets <5 notes per text/art post usually and thinking "oh no they must be so sad that theyre getting ignored :("
i am just frolicking in a field of dandelions and daisies over here and occasionally a little butterfly floats past and lands on me (someone likes/reblogs a post of mine) and it makes me happy but i never expect it. and now i wonder if theres ppl watching me frolic and looking at me with big sad eyes and shaking their heads going "oh no... that poor lonely soul... they must be so sad they're not getting more butterflies in their field..."
i promise you that i am having a grand old time over here HFDSGJKL i am quite honestly happy as a clam with what i've got. in fact sometimes i almost wish i could have a smaller following and i only have 50ish followers at the moment, some of which have gone inactive already HFDSHGDJKL like do i enjoy the attention that i get sometimes? yeah of course, it's great, it feels good, it's cool that other ppl are interested in what i post enough to give it a like or occasionally a reblog. but i'm never expecting it or looking for it fdsjkl, it's genuinely just a bonus to me !!!
(i do however enjoy reblogging other ppls stuff and want to do that more, i just have ... Le Maladie Chronique HFDSJKL. WAIT HOLY SHIT YALL I JUST GOOGLED THE ENGLISH TO FRENCH TRANSLATION OUT OF CURIOSITY TO SEE WHAT IT ACTUALLY IS AND I GOT IT RIGHT. I WAS JOKING. THAT WAS A JOKE. I MADE THAT TRANSLATION UP WHEN I TYPED THAT OUT AS A JOKE. OH MY GOD HELP. me when i guess french correctly just off the cuff holy shit HFDSJKL the only thing i got wrong is it's a feminine word/phrase/label/whatever and not a masculine so it'd be "la" and not "le" but if i'd been actually seriously attempting a translation i would've guessed that bc it follows the same pattern as other feminine words in french LOL)
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femmeidiot · 7 months
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bigeyedchangelingchild · 10 months
the less/more thing is definitely part of it. the bigger part is that what there is implied to be less/more of is brokenness; "functioning" serves as a euphemism for humanity, with so-called "low-functioning" people being regarded less like people and more like pets. essentially, it's the same distinction hans aspberger made between people with his syndrome, who he thought could be rehabilitated to benefit nazi germany, and autistic people, who he sent to the camps
the support needs framework takes an entirely different focus; rather than how "severe" someone's autism is (read: how much of a problem they are for the people around them) it centers the autistic person and what they need in order to live the life they want
on the surface, the difference is a subtle distinction between "how much accommodation do you need" vs "how much of a hassle are you" but the underlying attitudes are very different
i am autistic if that affects your reading of my response
Last reply first, for clarity for anyone else who wants to respond, I am open to both autistic and allistic voices. I’ve heard the idea that functioning labels are bad, but levels are necessary and non-problematic from enough autistic people that it’s not that I’m not like, I need to know what Autistic people think. It’s more like, I need to understand why the people who do think that way are thinking that way if that makes sense.
So essentially, and feel free to correct me if I’m misunderstanding, the issue that functioning labels has, that support needs does not, is the language of functioning is tied closely to eugenics, and the language of support needs has better connotations, by being “person-centred”
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st5lker · 11 months
super long post sorry i just upped my dose of vyvanse so i have a lot to say. anyways one strange phenomenon i find on tumblr although it really shouldnt be surprising by now i suppose is the fact that people seem to believe that everything has an objective answer. and like yeah of course this is the Nuance is Dead website but its still strange to me like ive been making many polls recently on things im genuinely curious to see differing opinions on, because theyre on inherently divisive topics that i really dont believe there's any "right" answer to (the 'is it weird when gay people sexually fantasize about converting straight people' being the biggest one but also that one i just made abt adhd and autism), but the replies to a lot of those polls have people seeming to talk as if there are objective measurable ways to prove a 'right' and 'wrong' answer on topics that ultimately dont affect all that much. questions like that will always have different reactions from different people, even people who generally agree on most big topics, because everyones life experiences and individual opinions will give them different reactions and morals to minute topics like that and its not like you can make legislation or policy about something like that no matter how strongly people might feel in one direction or the other so it ultimately comes down to your own opinion/sense of morals and curating your own experiences.
but people seem to speak about everything as if its another "should you be conservative or not" where the "difference of opinion" is basically whether or not you can recognize easily proved facts or if just straight up do not want minorities to have rights. and the consequences of having the wrong opinion result in real and tangible actions with massive impact (legislation). i think people got so exhausted about people treating issues like that as if they're "ambiguous" when there's a really obvious answer for everyone that isnt a bigot that they started seeing every single issue as if there must be a "correct" answer as well, but the reality is that for the vast vast majority of things there isnt anywhere close to an objective answer, even within the popular leftist moral compass.
there is no "correct" answer to lgbt discourse. yes even that discourse that youre thinking of right now. there is no "correct" answer to the morality of liking some media, or having some sexual fantasy. like, when it comes to things that i and all of my friends feel very strongly about, like some of those fantasies or lgbt discourse, i can and will shame or judge or debate or distance myself from people who disagree with me, because i have every right to. recognizing that morality is subjective doesnt mean i can't care. it just doesnt mean i think im objectively "correct". im going off of my own sense of morality, yknow? which is fine! we don't really have any choice but to do that in order to make progress. but i still AM doing that and i can recognize that because i think its important to, and doesnt undermine my own morals.
so i suppose its just a bit strange to me when people act like theres objective answers on things like that when like, you can never objectively prove morality because it's inherently subjective. even the basic question of "do you want to help or harm other human beings" gets muddied, because for as much as it might seem evil (and i honestly think it's evil as well), someone can truly and earnestly define "morality" as a based on helping yourself first and alone with no regard to other humans. i think everyone has every right to not want to associate with people who have certain opinions/do certain things, or even to associate with people who associate with them. its extremely easy to curate who you associate with in this day and age. but its still extremely strange to me when people talk about morality as if it is objective. i understand why, i do, i'm not really criticizing anyone for it especially since this is all about how things are worded and you cant always be like 'but remember this is subjective!' in every argument so i get it. but i think if you're reading this and realizing that you haven't been thinking of morality as subjective, it might be time to start. not because i want to defend anyone, really, but because understanding and recognizing that morality is subjective is a prerequisite to being able to change other people's minds and move the world towards your own sense of morality
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timegears-moved · 1 year
#dl#upset at my mom kinda day#still thinking about what happened yesterday#it's not even that she's unhappy with my relationship that bothers me so much (though it does play a part) because i know she knows that#she'll just have to put up with it and accept it#it's the fact that she refuses to treat me like an adult that can make my own decisions#i have to constantly fight her on this#my godmothers and other friends agree that she needs to dial it back but she doesn't and my stepdad only enables her#i know i complained about him recently but im honestly glad that my dad doesn't get that involved with my life and lets me breathe#and for my mom i think it's like a mixture of autistic infantilization (which i have called her out on before) and a reaction to trauma#the latter of which i get why she's doing it but it's not fair for her to take her issues and insecurities out on me#honestly i do feel fine living here but everytime this stupid shit comes up between us i wanna move far away because she makes me#feel claustrophobic with my entire life#i cant get another cat unless she says so even if my landlord approves. i can't use my money in ways she disapproves of.#i can't live at this place or do this thing or wear these clothes without her judgement#i was scared to get my tattoo last month not because of the tattooing process but because of what she would say#i have no fucking agency and she wonders why i never tell her shit#it's because i need to do everything behind her back to be happy and even then i feel guilty about it#idk how many times i have to argue with her on this before she fucking gets it
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Why do I keep trying to be friends with people in real life? They always let me down, but somehow I'm always the bad guy. It's gotta be me, right? It has to be. It has to be a failure somewhere on my end.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Map map
My first thought was "meep meep!" from that roadrunner and coyote cartoon, though I haven't seen anything to do with either of them in years. Is meep meep the roadrunner's actual name? hang on. Apparently it's name is Road Runner. Which like. Fine. But i'm always going to think Meep Meep.
My second thought was Dora the Explorer. Wait I just looked up The Map and?? The Map has a twin sister in one episode and one episode only? He has a nephew?? What has been going on in Dora since I stopped watching back up hold on.
I'm getting way off track but today was the day I learned Dora's last name. I didn't actually know she had one. I knew that her name (Dora) comes from exploradora, which means explorer (feminine) in spanish, but who knew this exploradorita had a whole last name?? It's Márquez btw. Her name is Dora Márquez.
Also I forgot about her Dora and Friends look and it's just so strange to see. Like excuse me where is the silly little adventure girl from my shows. What have you done to my blorbo. Why is her hair long why does she have earrings. I know it's her preteen look but something about it is just like...that is not my Dora.
Map gets turned into an app??? Hold on. back up. I haven't even watched this but now I'm like. I'm being drawn back into dora I gotta find out what they've done to my girl. It says Dora and Friends includes more complex spanish though, so that's a plus! Wish I'd had that as a kid.
Nonsie I'm going to stop before I get completely off track into a Dora the Explorer loop. I might have to watch that live action Dora now. My mind is reeling so much just happened in so little time. I'm. huh.
map map to you too, I suppose!
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adammilligan · 2 years
you see michael would show love in his gestures. in his willingness to do things for adam in the way he just says things like “you’ll be my guide” out loud with no hesitation etc. in the way he would be the type of sap to take adam’s hand and kiss his knuckles you know what i mean. and adam by comparison shows his love in a way that could seem more. distant somehow? it’s more rooted in spending time with him and talking to him and listening to what he has to say than it is any sort of visibly romantic gesture. and it’s like he DOES love michael just as much as michael loves him it’s just that he seems to show it more in terms of giving michael his undivided attention and offering himself as a person to talk to and a shoulder to lean on than just. saying grand sweeping things out loud like michael does. and i’m saying all this to say that i DO think it would be possible that adam would have a lot of regrets when it comes to postcanon because he would be thinking about all the things he should’ve came out with and said instead of keeping it all in and he thinks that he’ll never get the chance to say it except michael comes back and adam WANTS to say it but i think he’d choke on it. because he just isn’t built for that type of expression! and getting to the point i think that the first time he actually manages to tell michael he loves him without the words getting stuck in his throat he does it with like a whole area of space between them doing something with his hands without looking at michael at ALL. the same way he did when he asked michael if he was going back to heaven yknow
#postcanon is something that relies heavily on the type of situation i put them in. the type of mindset they're in etc etc#but i mean. michael as of 15x08 is much much much much much more vocal and expressive about his emotions than adam is as of 15x08#but even before 15x08. adam got vocal about it but not in terms of affection. it was out of frustration and even then. he had such a lock on#his facial expressions that it wasn't even funny. but yknow then 15x08 came along and it was like oh no yeah adam locked up his voice too#definitely as a result of the cage. but still#and michael by comparison is someone who's never really. had to hide what he was feeling? like yes he was the viceroy but#if he wants to feel an emotion. there's nobody more powerful than him to tell him he can't#except god and god wasn't AROUND for all that time. so michael does kind of have the luxury of being more open about things#than adam would? because given just the state of things. keeping a lock on HIS emotions that are his and his alone is pretty much all adam#has to his name. in 15x08 yes but also post-15x19 i would think#and as a result the way he expresses love is more like. come hang out in this diner with me. i'll talk to you and you can talk to me.#and i'll listen! without judgement!#instead of anything like touch or romantic gestures. which is perfectly fine and i love that about him!#it's just that when you look at it in comparison to michael's very open affection it's kind of like#you can SEE the differences in it. does this make sense#kate rambles#midam
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