#i am thinking the skeleton bits are her actual bones
pillowzilla · 7 months
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this was supposed to be just a sketch of my wizards new outfit but then I colored it...
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stardustpr1ncess · 2 months
Bonzle is 100% without a shadow of a doubt a trans allegory. People have been trying their best to say Sora isn't transcoded, but Bonzle is 2 scenes away from looking at the camera and saying "Hello. I'm a trans allegory." I shall now go into detail on every piece of evidence for this claim because fuck you.
EPISODE 5: Bonzle is afraid of how her found family will react to learning she's a spell (trans) and worries she will be rejected because of it. Easy parallel to trans people being afraid of revealing they're trans post transition. There's also her conversation with Bitch Boy Master Wu, with her saying she feels great loneliness, and only after gaining a physical form (transitioning) she feels happy and her true self. Very common trans experience. Gonna also put all of the quotes for my evidence as well since I know there's transphobes (filth) that like Ninjago and will be scrambling to deny it when people start coming to this conclusion too.
"Bonzle: I-- I was afraid of what you'd think if you knew about my past... Wu: It's called loneliness... Bonzle: I feel like, for the first time ever, I've become who I was destined to be... Bonzle: I was afraid if you found out I wasn't a real person, you wouldn't want me to be in our family anymore."
EPISODE 6: Bonzle is apprehensive about meeting with Gandalaria, seeing as how she's only known Bonzle as a spell, aka pre transition. She worries if she will respect her identity, much like how actual trans people fear how their family, more specifically a parental figure, would react. Bit of a light episode but an important aspect, here's the quotes;
"Bonzle: The Sorceress. She only knows me as a spell. What if she doesn't believe in me as a real person?"
EPISODE 7: This episode is the sauce. Bonzle is reunited with Gandalaria and their conversation is nothing short of magical. Gandalaria immediately recognizes Bonzle, saying she was her greatest creation and had always hoped she'd come home, shattering Bonzle's fears. It's a fantastic contrast, showing how this interaction can go well for some people, while others get an interaction much more akin to Sora's parents. When she's informed of Bonzle's chosen name, Gandalaria immediately starts using it, saying it's a great name. However, for that juicy authenticity, Gandalaria accidentally says spell before quickly correcting herself saying Bonzle. IT'S LITERALLY SO FUCKING OBVIOUS BONZLE'S BONES MIGHT AS WELL BE BLUE PINK AND WHITE. Oh yeah, here's the paragraph of quotes;
"Gandalaria: It's you! My dearest! You've come home! Bonzle: You... You recognize me? Even in my boney physical form? Gandalaria: Oh, I would know your true essence anywhere. Bonzle: I was so afraid you wouldn't accept me for who I am now. Gandalaria Are you kidding? I put my heart, my soul into every spell I weave... The most complex spell I've ever woven, and the first of my creations to ever come back to me!.. Bonzle: I'm Bonzle. That's the name I chose when I became a person. Gandalaria: Well, that's a splendid name... If this Ras times it right, he could reverse the power spell-- uh, Bonzle here--."
EPISODE 9: This episodes importance comes from Jordana, who acts EXACTLY how transphobes do. She constantly calls her a spell (some sort of derogatory term), says she's playing person (like pretending to be a girl), and says she's helping her do what she was made for, like transphobes very creepy beliefs in reproduction. Literally you half expect Jordana to ask which bathroom Bonzle uses since she was a spell. THE QUOTES;
"Jordana: Settle down, spell. I don't know what you think you've been doing, playing person with your fake family, but I know your true purpose... You should thank us. We're helping you to do what you were created to do."
In conclusion the silly lego skeleton girl is one of them spooky transgenders. Lmk if there's anything I missed. Thank you for reading.
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Corpse Bride
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Dead!Reader
Word Count: ~6.6k
Warnings: marrying the dead, if you've seen the movie, then you know what to expect. if you haven't seen the movie, then go watch it. it's amazing
Summary: Your hopes and dreams were taken from you in the blink of an eye. You're destined to spend eternity in the viel, waiting for your Prince Charming to show up. When he does, he claims it was a mistake. How can you convince him to stay? Will you get your second chance at love?
Square Filled: character death (2022) for @cmbingo
Author’s Note: this is one of my favorite movies, so I decided to write a story based on it.
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Spencer paces the forest floor nervously with the engagement ring in his hand. He’s been a nervous wreck ever since he asked his short-term girlfriend to marry him. He’s not ready for marriage whatsoever but his parents and her parents think this marriage is a good thing and will benefit both families. His family is well off while hers is a bit poor. Her family owns a business Spencer’s parents want a part of, so if he scratches her back, she scratches his.
No matter what he does, he can’t seem to get it right. The vows are pretty easy to remember but he can’t seem to get the words out. He likes Maeve a lot and there is potential for love later on down the road but his parents want this to happen now. He left the rehearsal wedding to be on his own to gather his thoughts and feelings about this whole thing.
“I can’t do this. I’m not ready to be a husband. What were my parents thinking?” he thinks out loud. “I like Maeve. I like how she makes me feel but is she ready to be a wife? Does she even want this?”
Spencer paces back and forth with the ring in his hand.
“Come on, Spencer! What am I saying? I can’t do this to Maeve. She deserves everything good coming her way. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I were to walk out on her now? I can do this. Just take it one step at a time.”
Spencer straightens and fixes his tie to make himself look more presentable even though there is no one around but him. He raises his right hand confidently and begins his vows.
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrow.” He grabs a branch nearby and pretends it’s Maeve’s delicate one. “Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.” He breaks off the branch and pretends it’s the cup of wine he’ll have to lift and drink from at the actual wedding. He walks over to a small stump and pretends it’s a candle that he will have to light. “With this candle, I will light your way in darkness.” He drops the branch and looks over at a set of vines that looks like a human hand. He grabs it gently and takes out the ring so he can slide it on one of the small sticks protruding from the base. “With this ring, I ask you to be mine.”
He slides the ring onto one of the sticks and pulls away with a satisfied smile. This is it, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for. You’ve laid to rest in this forest for almost half a decade just waiting for your Prince Charming to finally come save you. The one you were with did you dirty but you were okay with waiting for the right one to come by, and he’s finally here. The ring he slid on your finger is shiny and delicate just like your feelings.
Spencer looks around the empty forest and decides it’s best if he goes back to his family and does the wedding rehearsal right. Just as he is about to grab the ring, the branch crackles to life. He jumps back in shock as the ground shakes with vigor. The ground cracks and opens to give you enough room to crawl out of your shallow grave.
Spencer yells in shock when he sees a deadly hand shoot up from the ground. It’s like a scene from The Living Dead coming to life. You claw your way out of your grave and stand to your full height, and you grin at the ring on your skeleton finger. Your entire left arm is just your bones as the flesh had been eaten off previously. Your right arm is covered with sickly grey flesh that hasn’t yet been devoured. Most of your body still contains your flesh with holes showing your bones. You’re wearing a dirty white wedding dress that was your mother’s. It goes all the way down to your feet but has a slit in the front of it that goes up to your mid-thigh. It shows off both your legs when you walk--one flesh and one completely bare to the bone.
If Spencer didn’t know any better, he might have thought you were someone from a movie with a bunch of makeup on you. However, he just saw you claw your way back to the surface of Earth like it was nothing.
“My, oh my! What a beautiful ring!” you sing and dance happily around your new husband. Hearing you speak breaks Spencer out of a trance. He quickly gets up and starts running away from you, scared for his life. “Wait! Where are you going?”
Spencer is fast when he thinks his life is in danger, but you know these woods like the back of your hand. You used to sneak out here with your fiance to get away from your lives. That’s back when you thought you were going to be happy for the rest of your life. There are plentiful shortcuts to get to the entrance into the forest, so you take those to catch up to Spencer.
He pants heavily and decides to take a break right on the bridge that separates the town from the forest. He looks behind him but you’re not there. He thinks he’s safe so he turns to walk back into town but stops when you’re right in front of him. He yells and jumps back but you’re not letting him go this time.
“I do. You may not kiss the bride,” you smile.
You grab him and lean in to kiss him but he faints in your arms. You’ve never seen a person faint before. There is someone who can help so you use your deadly powers to summon yourself back into the underworld with Spencer in hand.
“Y/N! New arrival?” your best friend Marcy asks.
“No, it’s my husband.”
“Husband? That dick returned?”
“No, silly. His name is Spencer. He said his vows perfectly and gave me this ring.” You show off the delicate diamond that shines brightly against your white bones. “Isn’t it pretty?”
“What happened to him?”
“He fainted as soon as I kissed him. I’m trying to get him to Dr. Hubert. He’ll be able to help him.”
“Let me help you.”
You two take Spencer over to the doctor’s office even though none of the dead need to be seen by the doctor. He’s often stated it keeps him tied to his humanity. The doctor’s office is located right next to the bar everyone hangs out in so you’re not surprised to see the doctor taking shot after shot.
“Dr. Hubert!”
“Y/N, darling! We’ve missed you. How was the surface?”
“Riveting. I got married,” you grin and show off your ring.
“Splendid! Where is he?”
“Right here,” you say and show him Spencer who is still out cold. “He fainted when I kissed him. Is there something you can do to help him?”
“Oh, my. He’s living!”
Everyone stops their chatter to look over at Spencer. As soon as they hear a living is among them, they all get curious. No living people visit you so it’s amazing when someone does.
“Yes. Can you wake him up?”
“Let me at him!” The small bartender scatters across the bar table using his tiny bug legs. He was decapitated many centuries ago, so the only thing keeping him moving is the bugs that live inside his head. “I can tickle him awake.”
“I don’t think so, Pierre. Let Dr. Hubert handle this one.”
“Yes, I see the problem. Charger, your finest bottle, please.” The other bartender gets the best bottle of alcohol and hands it over to the doctor. He downs a shot before hovering the top of it underneath Spencer’s nose. Spencer gets one whiff of the stuff and shoots awake, like smelling salts. “Works like a charm.”
“Hey, whoa, you’re okay, darling,” you grin and calm him down.
He sees all kinds of dead people in all different stages of decomposition which freaks him out. He scrambles to get up and backs into someone who has a gaping hole in her throat.
“Are you sure he’s the one you married? He looks so scared,” Marcy asks you.
“Yes. He said his vows perfectly. Spencer, please calm down. Let me explain.”
Spencer doesn’t give you a chance because he’s already trying to get away from you. He pushes past many skeletons without knowing where he’s going. All he knows is he needs to get the hell out of here. You sigh and look at everyone who is staring at you.
“I’m sorry. He’s new at all of this. Let me go talk to him.”  You follow in his footsteps but calmly. “Spencer! Come back, darling!” Spencer weaves in and out of the crowd, taking left and right turns haphazardly without knowing where it’s going to take him. “Spencer, darling, where are you?” You turn to see his legs disappear around the corner and when you go investigate, you see a set of stairs leading up to the cliffs above. Spencer is sitting on the bench trying to catch his breath. “There you are, silly.” He jumps at your voice and is about to run again but you hold your hands up. “Please don’t run. Let me explain everything.”
“Fine,” he sighs, mostly because he doesn't want to keep running.
You walk to the railing along the cliff’s edge and look at the city below.
“Isn’t this view amazing? It takes my breath away. You know, if I had any,” you chuckle. You walk over to Spencer and join him on the bench, and you smooth down your dress. “I’ll answer any questions you have.”
“What is going on? Who are you? Where am I? Who are all those people down there? Is this a joke? Is this real life?”
“Calm down, love,” you giggle. “One question at a time.”
“I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Where am I?”
“You’re in the Underworld. It’s the place where everyone goes when they die. There is no Heaven or Hell. It’s all one place where we all reside.”
“So, you’re dead?”
“How did you die?” Spencer’s eyes widen when he realizes how inappropriate that question is. “I’m sorry, it’s none of my business.”
“Spencer, you’re my husband. You can ask me anything you want. I was once in love with someone else. He was much older than I was and he told me everything I wanted to hear. He treated me like I was a princess and roped me in. When I told my parents about him, my father wasn’t thrilled I was with someone like him. He told me to stop seeing him but I wouldn't listen. This man and I decided to elope and run away. The only thing he told me to bring was cash and all the gold I could grab. I thought he wanted that to start our future with.”
Telling this story to someone in such an intimate setting brings you to tears but you refuse to let them fall.
“My mother’s wedding dress fit me like a glove. I waited at the base of the tree where you found me but he didn’t show up. I waited for what felt like hours. I was about to leave when he finally showed up. The last thing I saw was him charging at me. The first thing I saw when I woke up was my wedding dress was torn, my cash and gold were missing, and my skin was cold as ice. I was dead. I laid at the base of that tree for years, waiting for my Prince Charming to save me. Then you came along, and everything fell into place.”
“I‘m sorry,” Spencer sighs. “No one deserves that.”
“It’s in the past. You’re here now. Everything is better.”
“What about all those people down there? Are they all dead?”
“Everyone here is dead except for you. I had to bring you here. You fainted when I kissed you.”
“Can you blame me? The dead don’t rise where I’m from.”
“Fair enough,” you chuckle. “There’s good people down here. They’re super nice. If you allow it, I’d love to introduce you to some of them. Will that be okay?”
Spencer has had some time to wrap his head around this. He’s not panicking anymore, and his breathing is under control. He feels like he can address this with a calm head. He looks over your entire body and sees the ring on your skeleton hand. How the hell did he get himself in this situation?
“Yeah, that’ll be okay,” he nods.
You get up and grab Spencer’s hand that he doesn’t immediately shake off. You take him back down to the bar where everyone is having a good time. Marcy is doing shots with Dr. Hubert, and she waves you over when she sees you.
“That’s my best friend, Marcy. Next to her is Dr. Hubert. None of us need medical help, but he still likes to be called a doctor. It makes him in touch with his humanity.”
“Am I allowed to ask how they died?”
“Marcy’s story is even sadder than mine if you can believe it. I’ll let her tell you if she wants. Dr. Hubert drank himself to death. He wasn’t a bad doctor and was always sober when he was treating patients. He just had too much to drink one night and died.”
Pierre scatters across the bar counter with a tray on his head, passing out shots to people.
“Is that just a head?”
“Yeah, he was decapitated. We can’t find his body, but he’s happy like that. Come on, let me introduce you.” You take him over to the group and tap on Marcy’s shoulders. “Marcy, this is Spencer. He’s calmed down a bit.”
“Spencer! It’s so nice to meet you. You better make my girl happy.”
“Yeah,” Spencer chuckles, not knowing how to respond to that.
“Ah, he’s awake. Would you like a drink?” Pierre offers a shot.
“No, he doesn’t,” you quickly say and lean into Spencer. “You don’t want to drink this stuff.”
Spencer looks around the bar to see skeletons drinking. The liquid passes through them since they are all bones but they still enjoy it. There are others who are cut in half, so he can see the liquid slide down their bodies. Some are completely covered with flesh that looks like humans if not for the sickly grey skin. All these dead people but none of them look scary. In fact, everyone is having a good time just being in each other’s company.
If he’s being honest, this looks like a better time than most humans have up top.
“Come on, let’s sit.”
You take him over to a quiet spot in the corner where you can hear him if he talks. Spencer takes a seat and looks at the band on the stage. They’re all skeletons but they’re using their bodies as part of the instruments. One of them is using their legs as the base for a guitar, one is using a couple of heads as drums, and a bone trumpet. This is so weird but it seems to be working for them. Spencer has always thought there is some sort of life after you die, and this just so happens to be it.
“So, Spencer, tell me about you.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Why were you in that forest in the first place?”
Spencer thinks about the vows he’d been saying and his mind suddenly goes to Maeve who must be worrying crazy about him. He can’t possibly tell you about Maeve. He’s not sure how you’re going to react to that. He thinks of his parents and tries to think of a way to get out of this place.
“I needed some space to think, I guess.”
“By saying wedding vows?”
“My parents wanted me to marry young. I wanted to practice before I needed to use those vows.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, you said them perfectly,” you smile.
“What are your parents like?”
“Overbearing at times. They come from money so they often forget what it’s like to live in a world where people don’t have money. Be thankful you don’t have to meet them.” A lightbulb goes off in Spencer’s head. This is how he’s going to get out of here. “You know what, you should meet them. After all, you are my wife.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea! Where are they buried?”
“Oh, um, they’re not… dead.”
“Oh, they’re still living? My, that does pose a challenge. One that isn’t impossible. I have an idea. Come with me.”
You take him to the one person who knows how to get to the land of the living. He’s been here the longest, one of the firsts. He’s known to many as the Caregiver because he takes care of anyone who seeks him out. His house is located on the other side of town in an old library. His love for books is unmatched by anyone who is here. People from all over come to see the kinds of books he has.
“Wow, I’ve never seen a library quite like this one before.”
The library is run down and has pieces of the building missing but Elder Henry finds it endearing.
“Elder Henry loves this place. Won’t part with it,” you whisper as you walk in. “Elder Henry? Are you around?”
“Whose there?” Elder Henry hobbles out from behind a stack of books and adjusts his glasses to see better. “Ah, Y/N. What a surprise. It’s so good to see you, my dear.”
“Likewise. I’d like you to meet my husband, Spencer.”
“What’s that? Husband?”
“It’s nice to meet you, sir,” Spencer nods politely.
“What brings you two here?”
“We’d like to go to the surface. I know you have a spell for that.”
“Ah, the surface. I’ve never seen the appeal of the living even when I was among them.”
“Is it possible? Can you do it?” Spencer asks eagerly.
“Yes, I can. There are rules, you know. Rules you must follow or else you’ll be sent back here.”
“Which are?”
Elder Henry walks around his area and gathers the things needed for the spell. He never inserts himself in other people’s business so if you want to go to the surface, then he’ll help you get there. He doesn’t need to know why, he doesn’t need to know your intentions, and he doesn’t want to know.
“For one, if you wish to come back, you must say the secret word. Hopscotch.”
“That’s fun to say,” you grin. “Hopscotch!”
“Yes, but you must abide by their rules. After all, you’re a guest in their world. Whatever they say goes, so you must be careful who you talk to.”
“Don’t worry, we’re just going to meet his parents. I’m sure they’ll love me.”
“Are you both sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” Spencer says a bit too quickly. He clears his throat and says it more calmly this time. “I mean, yes. We do.”
“Alright then.” He takes out the ingredients and mixes them together to create a golden cloud. “Remember, to come back, you must say Hopscotch.”
Elder Henry dumps the cloud onto you and Spencer, and you’re immediately transported to the forest where he married you in the beginning. The moonlight is especially bright this time of night, and you enjoy the smell of fresh air. It’s been so long since you’ve been up here and the thought brings you to tears. You hum happily and start to elegantly dance in circles around Spencer.
“I’ve spent all my time in the darkness, I’ve forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is,” you grin.
He can’t believe he’s going to betray you. He’s wanted nothing more than to get out of that hellhole since arriving. He’s gotten to know you a bit better but not enough to want to love you. There is potential in you, for sure, and you’re such a sweet woman who wants nothing but love. You’re kind, intelligent, free, and you don’t let the bad things that have happened to you stop you from living your life.
How can he walk away knowing he’s not going to his parents?
“Okay, I’m going to go get them. You heard Elder Henry. It’s best if you minimize your contact with the living as much as possible. Just stay here and I’ll go get them.”
“Okay,” you nod and sit down on a tree stump.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t worry, I’ll bring them.”
“I believe you,” you smile. “I’ll wait right here.”
Spencer walks away from you and when he’s far enough away, he looks back at you. You’re dancing and swaying in the moonlight, your dress flowing all around you. His heart is heavy with guilt but he turns back around and continues walking. Only until you’re out of sight does he sprint all the back into town.
He runs by a wall of fliers and stops short when he sees his face on one of them. It’s a missing poster sign with a reward of ten grand on it.
That’s more than a week ago. What the hell? Time must pass differently than it does in the Underworld. He passes by his parent’s house and heads straight to Maeve’s parent’s place. He doesn’t want to alert her parents of his arrival so he goes to the back of the house where her bedroom is. Her bedroom has a balcony where she can relax that has glass double doors that lead into the room.
He jumps over the fence and knocks on the window lightly. Meave is sitting on the couch by the fireplace knitting. She jumps at the sudden noise at her back door and turns to see who it is. Her eyes widen when she sees it’s Spencer.
“Spencer!” she gasps and sets her knitting down to approach him. She unlocks the back door and opens it to let him in. “Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Are you alright?”
“I can’t really explain,” Spencer stutters.
Maeve reaches out and touches his hand and pulls away with a gasp.
“You’re as cold as death. What happened to you?”
“Listen, I was very apprehensive last week about getting married to you. We just got into a relationship and I thought I wasn’t ready. I freaked out and left. I guess I needed time to wrap my head around sharing my life with someone. Then something clicked in my head. I want to marry you. I want to be your husband. I want this wedding to happen. I really really like you.”
“Oh, Spencer,” she smiles and caresses his cheek. “I really like you too. Maybe even love.” She leans in to kiss him but Spencer notices something moving outside on Maeve’s balcony. When he sees the white wedding dress, he gasps and staggers back. “Spencer? What’s wrong?”
Before Spencer can say anything, you open the door and allow a huge gust of wind to enter the room. Your veil flows over your head, and you cough as you move it out of your face. You look at Spencer and notice a young woman standing next to him.
“Darling, I just wanted to meet--Spencer, who is this?” you ask and slink up to his side.
“Who is she?” Maeve asks.
“I’m his wife,” you say and show off the ring he gave you. 
She gasps when she recognizes it as the one he was supposed to give her.
“No, Maeve. I’m not married to her. She’s dead.”
He grabs your skeleton arm to show her and your heart breaks at the thought of him going to another woman’s home after marrying you. You yank your arm from him and step away with a deadly look on your face.
“Hopscotch,” you growl.
Just as quickly as you came to the land of the living, you returned just the same. You appear in Elder Henry’s library where you departed from. You push Spencer away from you with hot tears running down your face.
“I can’t believe you! You lied to me! You didn’t want to visit your parents. You wanted to go to that other woman!”
“Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman.”
“No! You married me!” you cry and turn away from him.
“She’s got a point,” Elder Henry shrugs.
“I thought things were going really well,” you sniffle.
“Look, I’m sorry but this can’t work.”
“Why not?” you ask and turn to face him. “It’s my bones, isn’t it? You don’t want to see them.”
“No, it’s not that,” he sighs and runs his hands down his face. “Look, you’re an amazing woman. You’re kind and sweet and I hate what that man did to you. Under different circumstances, I’d honestly want to be with you, but we’re too different. You’re dead.”
“You should have thought of that before you asked me to marry you.”
“Why can’t you see that it was a mistake? I would never marry you.”
Silence falls in the library. If your heart could break, then they would hear it. You’ll never be someone’s bride. Always the bridesmaid. How could you expect someone as good-looking and amazing as Spencer would want you? He realizes what he said but he can’t take it back. Your shoulder sag and you sigh sadly. You turn away and walk away to be alone. Spencer opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
He lets you walk away.
You don’t know where you’re going just that you’re walking wherever your legs carry you. You find yourself at the park with a nice gazebo that is romantic most of the time. You take a seat under the middle of it and look at your wedding ring. He never wanted to marry you. This was a mistake. Who would want to marry you? Maybe you’re just damaged goods and too broken for anyone to love.
“Hey, are you okay? Where’s Spencer?” You look up to see Marcy walking over to you. It takes everything in you not to break down crying but you tell her the entire story. “I’m gonna beat his ass.”
“No, don’t. Maybe he’s right. Maybe we are too different. You should have seen her Marcy. She’s beautiful. Maybe he does belong with her. Little Miss Living,” you say in a sad, sarcastic tone. “With her rosy cheeks and beating heart.”
“Those girls got nothing on you. You’re so much better than them. Looks don’t matter. You’re such a kind and beautiful soul.” Her pep talk doesn’t seem to be working so she tries something else. “What does she have that you don’t? I don’t need to know what she looks like to know she doesn’t hold a candle to your beautiful smile.”
“How about a pulse?” you sigh.
“That’s overrated. Plus, she’s not wearing his ring. You are. She doesn’t compare to you.”
“She still breathes air.”
“Who cares? That shouldn’t matter when he knows the kind of person you are… how special you are.”
“I don’t want to be dead,” you whisper fearfully. “I never wanted to be dead. I wish I could be alive again. To feel the sun on my skin. To feel pain. Don’t get me wrong, I love everyone down here, but I can’t feel pain. Physical, that is. The pain I feel now… my heart hurts but it doesn’t beat, it’s breaking.”
Marcy puts a hand on your back and rubs it soothingly. She knows how long you’ve waited to find your Prince. You were a young girl in love just looking for someone to love you back. Is that too much to ask?
“What you just told me, it seems like the only redeeming feature about her is that she’s alive. You know that’s just temporary. Down here is forever. Down here is more than a lifetime.”
“I guess,” you sigh sadly.
“Y/N?” You and Marcy look up to see Spencer standing at the edge of the gazebo nervously. “Can I talk to you?”
“You’re about five seconds away from getting an ass-kicking,” Marcy growls and stands up.
“Marcy, it’s okay,” you calm her down. “I can handle this.”
“Just call if you need me.”
She walks off and Spencer takes her seat next to you.
“Listen, I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it.”
“I get it, Spencer. She has what I don’t. A beating heart.”
“That doesn’t… Look, it’s no secret you’re amazing. Even dead, you’re very beautiful. I don’t know how that other guy let you go so easily. I don’t know why bad things happen to good people. Just know that whatever our differences are, it’s not because you’re dead.”
“Do you mean that?” you ask and look up at him.
“Yes, I do.”
Spencer tucks your hair behind your ear delicately. This is the first romantic moment you two have had in weeks but it’s everything you could have wanted and more. Spencer notices someone walking in the distance and recognizes it as someone he knows.
“Excuse me.”
He gets up and leaves you alone on the gazebo bench. You’re not sure who this person is or what he is talking about, but Spencer leaves abruptly with an upset look on his face. 
“Spencer?” you ask but he doesn’t look at you.
You get up to follow him but decide against it. He might need some time to himself, so you go searching for someone who might be able to help you. Marcy is in the bar where you first woke Spencer up, and she is playing a game of darts. When she sees you, she drops the darts and heads over to you.
“Is everything alright?”
“I don’t know.” You pull her off to the side so you can talk to her privately, an alley between the bar and the doctor’s office. “He apologized for what he said. We were having a moment but he saw someone he knew and went to talk to him. He walked off without another word. Are all men like this?”
“Sweetheart, be thankful you never had to deal with those kind of men. None of them are very bright.”
“Y/N, we need to talk.” You look to the right to see Elder Henry walking over with a book in his hand. “I’m afraid it can’t wait.”
“What’s going on?”
“There is a complication with your marriage. The vows are binding only until death do you part.”
“What are you saying?” you gasp fearfully.
“Death has already parted you.”
“No! If he finds out he’s gonna leave. There must be something you can do.”
Elder Henry puts the book on a trash can lid and flips a few pages.
“There is one way. It requires the greatest sacrifice. Spencer would have to give up the life he had forever. He would need to repeat his vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages.”
“Poison!” you gasp.
“This would stop his heart forever. Only then would he be free to give it to you.”
Spencer is around the corner listening to the entire conversation. His eyes are wide in fear of what you’re going to say. He looks around the corner and sees you fall to your knees in sorrow.
“I could never ask him. What kind of person would I be if I took that away from him?”
Spencer really likes Maeve and could see a future with her, but he’s also torn with choosing you. All you wanted was for someone to love you unconditionally, and you will have that if he chooses you. He’s been spending all his time with you.
“You don’t have to,” Spencer says, making himself known. “I’ll do it.”
“My boy, if you choose this path, you may never return to the world above. Do you understand?”
Spencer holds his hand out for you and pulls you to your feet.
“I do.”
Looks like a wedding is happening. Everyone in the Underworld is excited that their own Corpse Bride is getting the moment she finally deserves. Spencer is kind of excited to be living down here after seeing so many people bond over being dead. Elder Henry works hard to create a spell that will transfer everyone down below to the world above. This will be the wedding of the century for both the living and the dead.
Because you’re going to the world above, you have to abide by their rules. The living weren't thrilled to have the dead roam the streets. In fact, they were mostly horrified to see skeletons walk down the street. Still, you and the others make your way down to the church for the ceremony. The pastor wasn’t too happy to have the dead knocking at his door, but you won’t allow him to spoil this evening.
Everyone settles into the pew as you and Spencer sand at the altar. Elder Henry walks behind the table and lays the book down with the bottle of poison. There is an empty cup next to Spencer while you have the whole bottle. Spencer has to admit that seeing your happy smile is bringing him joy.
This is it. This is what you’ve been waiting for since you were murdered.
“Dearly beloved and departed,” Elder Henry begins, “we are gathered here today to join this man and this corpse in marriage. Living first.”
Spencer turns to you and raises his right hand.
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.” He grabs the empty cup and raises it. “Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine.”
“Now you,” Elder Henry says to you.
“With this hand, I will lift your sorrows.” You grab the bottle of poison to pour into his cup. “Your cup will never empty.” You pour the poison into his cup. “For I will be--” As you’re pouring, you notice someone standing next to a pillar behind Spencer. You do a double-take to confirm it’s Maeve. She’s dressed in a wedding dress. She must have gotten married to someone else and didn’t want that, so she came here in hopes of seeing Spencer. “I will be…”
“Go on, my dear,” Elder Henry says.
You take a deep breath.
“Your cup will never empty… for I will be…”
“I will be your wine,” Spencer finishes for you.
He raises the cup of poison to his lips to drink, but you can’t let him do this. You quickly put your hand over the top so he doesn’t drink a drop.
“She’s having second thoughts,” someone whispers in the crowd.
“I can’t,” you say and look at Maeve again.
“What’s wrong?”
He goes to look at what you’re looking at but you put a hand on his cheek to stop him. Your heart hurts again but not for you. It’s for them. You had your chance. Now you’re taking someone else’s chance.
“This is wrong. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. Now I’ve stolen them from someone else.” Two tears roll down your cheeks. “I love you, Spencer, but you are not mine.”
You hold your hand out to Maeve who walks into the light. Spencer turns and gasps when he sees her. Everyone in the crowd gasps as she joins you on the altar. You grab her hand and place it in Spencer’s before letting go of him.
“Oh, how touching,” someone says from the church doors. Everyone turns their head to see who it is, and when you catch a glimpse, your face goes ghostly white. You take a step back in shock and put a hand on the table to prevent yourself from falling. “I always cry at weddings. Our young lovers together at last. Surely now, they can live happily ever after.” The man walks down the aisle closer to the altar. “But you forget,” he grabs Maeve’s arm and pulls her into him, “she’s still my wife! I will not leave here empty-handed!”
“You,” you gulp.
The man looks at you and his eyes widen.
“Y/N? No, I left you.”
“For dead,” you say quietly.
Everyone in the church gasps loudly at the realization that the man who stands before you is your murderer. He backs away with Maeve in his arms just as everyone stands in anger for what he did to you. There is a corpse with a sword hanging out of his body that Justin grabs. He places the sharp end over Maeve’s throat with a glare.
“Take your hands off her,” Spencer glares and walks toward them.
“Do I have to kill you, too?”
Justin shoves Maeve away and goes to swipe at Spencer but he jumps out of the way. Spencer is not equipped for hand-to-hand combat so he’s easily outdone by Justin, but you’re not going to let Justin take away something else from you. Spencer trips and falls, making him an easy target. Justin raises the sword to bring it down on him but you quickly step in the way so that the sword ends up in you.
Everyone gasps in shock and backs away but the sword does nothing to you. You grip the handle of the sword and take it out of you before pointing it at Justin.
“Touche, my dear,” Justin says.
“Get out,” you give him a deadly glare.
“Oh, I’m leaving,” he chuckles darkly and walks around you to the table with the cup of poison. Although, he doesn't know it’s poison. He grabs it and holds it in the air. “First, a toast to Y/N! Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once it’s stopped beating?”
You want to cry. You want to scream and yell and kick but you’re not back home. All your friends get up to defend your honor but Elder Henry holds them back.
“We are in the land of the living. We have to abide by their rules.”
Justin raises the cup and drinks the entire glass. He walks away with his head held high but before he can get to the door, he chokes on nothing. He grabs his heart and staggers, and Elder Henry steps aside knowing that Justin is no longer part of the living.
“Not anymore,” Marcy smirks.
“She’s right. He’s all yours.”
All of your friends gather around the man who killed you to give him a taste of his own medicine. You turn to Spencer and Maeve who are overwhelmed by what happened.
“Spencer, I never thought I’d see you again,” Maeve smiles up at him.
You smile tearfully at the happy couple and turn to leave. You reach the doors to the church when Spencer stops you.
“Wait, I made a promise.”
“You kept your promise. You set me free.” You take off your wedding ring and place it in his open hand. “Now I can do the same for you.”
You turn and walk down the steps of the church only looking back once at Spencer. A white light encases your body as your soul is released to be whatever it wants to be. After years of being in pain, you’re finally able to take a deep breath in without it hurting.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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atsadi-shenanigans · 27 days
Feeding Alligators 53 - Goblintown
Goblins, spiders, and the necronomicon. Peachy.
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On AO3.
The brainworms can mind-whammy some of the goblins so hard you pull a jedi “we absolutely do go here” shenanigan on them. The worm slams your brain into one of the archer goblins up top of one a them houses, and before you can even think about it, you feel her mind quiver, and then accept your power.
But then the brainworm does something. It twitches in your skull. The human brain ain’t got no nerve endings. It’s impossible to tell exactly what happens, but it’s like something in you winks out. A star in the galaxy of your brain just goes dark. Something alters. Something is gone.
And you can’t remember what.
“I knew these tadpoles could be advantageous,” Astarion says, all but rubbing his hands together in glee.
You rub the side of your head. Meet Lae’zel’s stare. She holds your gaze, and then deliberately narrows her eyes.
She knows. The brainworms can influence people. But there’s a cost. And you don’t even remember enough to know if it was worth it. It did get y’all past the gate without having to shoot somebody (oh look, more bodies lying around, even if they are mostly bones), but you don’t like it.
The goblins mention a camp further up the road. But y’all do a bit of poking around before y’all head that way (y’all are looting). In an herb shop, y’all find a basement. And a secret door inside that basement.
Which leads to a bunch of reanimated skeletons, some kind of magic mirror Karlach puts a rock through, and the apparent resting place of the motherfucking necronomicon.
You stare at the ugly damn thing as flames whoosh behind you. Damn thing went up like a gasoline barrel after you picked the thing up. Y’all’ve shut and re-locked the door behind y’all, and don’t appear to be anything around that’s flammable, so it should be able to blaze away. Besides, if an abandoned village serving as camp for a scouting party of war goblins goes up in flames, would anything of value actually be lost?
The book looks something nasty. You ain’t sure if somebody cut off the desiccated face of some boor bastard and glued it to the cover, or if that cover is some kinda, like, physical manifestation of a soul trapped between the pages (that thing is skin; it has fucking pores).
You nudge the lump in your cleavage where your soul jar sits.
“Oh, creepy book,” Karlach says, looming over your shoulder. “Please don’t open the creepy book. That thing must be loaded with curses.”
Magical Faerun. Of course there’s haunted books.
“I think it’s locked anyway,” you say. There ain’t no visible lock, neither.
“I could take it off your hands?” Gale says. “I am just about due for another artifact—”
“Don’t you dare.” Astarion swoops in from across the room. Catches your eye and looks away. “We have no idea how valuable something like that might be. It’d be a shame to let the wizard eat it.”
“As opposed to what?” Shadowheart says. “Letting you have it?”
“I don’t see why not. Unless any of you—the wizard excluded—would rather take it?”
“Destroying it seems the best option,” Wyll says.
To which Astarion literally gasps. Only thing the man is missing is a set of pearls to clutch.
And then they look at you, and you look at that book, and you can actually trace faint, dried out capillaries below the ridges of the upper mouth. Withered gums pulled back over yellowed teeth enamel. Holy fuck, that is somebody’s face.
You shudder. “Goblins, druid, brainworms. Divvy all this shit after that, huh?”
Literally none of them like the compromise, but nobody gets an advantage, so they watch you shove the haunted fucking book into your magic bag.
So Gale falls through the floor of the place across the street. Lands in another hidden workshop with another hidden passageway—this one just a crumbled wall. Which leads to a cave full of monster fucking spiders.
Y’all—mostly Karlach and Lae’zel—kill the shit outta the things (as big as a goddamn great dane sweet baby jesus). And y’all find more shit to loot. Turns out, other people fell down here or got dragged down here and didn’t have a Karlach or a Lae’zel. And then Astarion’s voice drifts back, all soft and high in a way you know in your bones means he’s up to some shit.
And then Wyll, who tagged after him to keep an eye out, mutters a curse and everybody turns.
Astarion has, in fact, found something interesting. And has, in fact, gotten to it. It’s the whole “chased by a fucking truck-sized motherfucker of a spider” part that’s the problem. So tired, acid-burned, poisoned, and in general overall maimed, y’all fight twenty-goddamned-more spiders and their goddamned Shelob mother.
What y’all get out of it is a purple, glowing rock.
You stare at Astarion, the grinning bastard, as green slime slides down the side of your neck and a glob plops off your nose. Around you are several squashed baby spiders, their guts oozing slowly down the shaft of your whacking stick.
“That’s…what this was all about,” you say.
Karlach is missing a patch of hair. Wyll lost his rapier down a crevasse. Somehow, one of them fuckers exploded and Lae’zel is literally covered in guts (y’all say nothing as she scowls, pops a slimy finger into her mouth, and seems to consider the taste).
Astarion is one hundred percent unscathed. Not a spot of muck, not a single singe of acid. Not even a stray gibblet in his stupid, poofy hair.
“It matches the gems on the book,” he says. “The eyes. I know my way around a lock or two, and this is the exact sort of thing a wizard—”
Said with a tone that makes Gale’s eyes narrow even further.
“—would go mad for. None of the others want it. So why not let me take it off your hands?”
That book craves the soul of the innocent. It really would be best to chuck it down that huge-ass chasm across the floor and be done with it. But…
You don’t owe the man nothing.
But the amputated connection of friendship still tingles with the phantom memory of late-night talks, his cool hands pressing your wrist.
I’d have bedded you twice by now if you were normal.
He’s a grown ass man two hundred years old, and a fucking vampire to boot. If he wants to play patty-cake with the exorcist, let him.
“Sure,” you say.
Astarion opens his mouth to argue. Then it clocks, and so do his teeth when his jaw snaps shut.
You dig the damned thing out, hold it pinched between your fingers.
“Are you sure about this?” Shadowheart says.
The vampire looks from the book, to you. The shadow of a frown mars his brow. Then he straightens. Says, “Really? Just like that?”
You’re sure you look as tired as you feel. “I don’t want it, nobody wants it, and we’re all covered in dead spider. At least make it worthwhile and take the damned thing. Just…don’t open it while anybody else is around?”
He eyes you. Reaches out and takes it all slow, like you’re gonna jerk it back. Or like it’s gonna bite him. You let it go.
“Right,” he says. And stands there. While you also stand there.
Man don’t know how to say thank you. Noted.
“Hey, Eleanor,” Wyll says. He’s over poking around the dead shelob, and he emerges holding some kinda dress. “I think this might suite you.”
It’s a robe, not a dress, and it magically adjusts itself over you, stays and all. It’s got embroidery to look like webbing, all of it a soft, silver mint green. And, it turns out, it makes you motherfucking poisonous.
“Be very careful with that staff,” Gale says.
Unlike a lot of the magic here, this one don’t make your staff glow a sickly green or nothing. So whoever you hit with the whacking end is gonna get real sick, real fast, and have no idea why.
You like it. Finally might not be so goddamn useless in combat. Plus, it looks kinda cool in an “evil sorcerer” way.
Karlach grins and makes you spin around. “Nice threads, soldier. Finally look like a proper adventurer.”
“Adventurer” meaning ren-faire attendee, but they’re all crushing it, and standing out ain’t probably a good idea. Just because you’re an uneducated (in Faerun), inexperienced hillbilly, it don’t mean you wanna advertise that.
The others mill about, chatting with each other, cleaning gear as best they can. Astarion has fucked off by himself again to peer at that book—still unopened thank fuck. He looks up, spots you watching, and shoves the book back into his pack. He ain’t mingling with the others no more.
Cause that ain’t awkward at all.
You rub your face.
And have a thought.
“This thing only makers that staff poisonous, right?” you say. Your hands kinda tingle.
“Oh yes,” Gale says. “Even mad wizards have enough sense not to poison themselves. Mostly.”
You stare. “Mostly?”
He smiles. And you really hope that tingle is just psychosomatic.
Spiders dead and looting done, y’all surface up through some well bucket (that bitch must be enchanted or something, cause there ain’t no way a dinky ass rope on a dinkier ass bucket could haul you up, let alone Karlach without bursting into flame).
There’s only one more home that ain’t a collapsed pile of rubble left. The spider fight wiped y’all out. It’d be nice to find somewhere to set up camp, maybe even sheltered from the elements. The goblins seem to be avoiding this one, which—in retrospect—should have been a big, red flag.
But y’all are beat, and survival instincts are freshly squeezed out, so y’all trudge on in to get smacked in the face by the reek of death, blood, and some kinda rancid piss.
And then the ogre takes a swing at you.
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thewatercolours · 2 months
PART THREE - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter One (2015)
I know he's probably supposed to be pocketing the bow again at the end of the tutorial, but there's no inventory d-d-ding and visually he almost looks like he could be throwing it to the ground, and that's how I still imagine it. Like he used Achaka's bow to defeat the monster who killed him, and then chose to leave it behind with the bones of its master out of respect. This works especially nicely, of course, if you shoot the dragon's eye. Like it could do no nobler work after avenging Achaka. This doesn't work, because I think Graham's bow in later chapters is indeed Achaka's, but still.
Wait - why was there a skeleton hanging onto the rope of the feeding bell? Had no one fed the dragon in years? Seems unlikely. Was Manny, who is like half Graham's height, just ignoring the skeleton while he yanked on the rope?
Looking at the colour/material of Gart's cloak, can we imagine for fun that either it was one of Rosie's final creations, or was made with some of the leftover fabric she had in her cupboard?
Gart is less of a jerk about competing again Gwendolyn than I remember. Graham tells us later that he put up a big fuss, but in the scene where she tells him, Gart actually sounds quite gentle and sincere about how maybe it's time Gwendolyn started making her own stories. And then he gets the hint of a kind smile on his face as he wishes he good night. It's limited animation, so one can't over-analyze it. But I like to think that even if Gart felt threatened by it a short while leter, his initial reaction was actually a bit impressed.
What is up with that HUGE candle at Graham's bedside to his left? I am CERTAIN it doesn't look like that from any other angle. That thing is bigger than the Easter candle at a cathedral on the vigil night! What the heck doe she have it before? You knock someone out with that thing! It's HUGE compared to the tray of medicines! I am definitely going to keep an eye for it in upcoming sequences.
And here we go! The tournament story! Tell it, Grandpa!
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harmcityherald · 18 days
I haven't had anything to eat all day. And dinner is up on the table thanks to my Wonderful Daughter-in-law. Artemesia loves to cook But the older she gets the more she just cooks for fun. She no longer appreciates the work that has to go into feeding everyone. There are 7 of us. So perhaps I just need to eat something just like the snickers bar commercial and change this foul mood that I've gotten myself into Because I hear them playing across the street and once again they don't even bother to invite me or even talk to me . My brother may even be over there jamming with them. He does that often and won't even stop by and at least say hello. I really went off on him the other night He texted me Right after I had written Face book about how much pain I was in And he texted me right away right away Saying You know you might feel better but I had a headache for 4 days And I feel pretty bad. I told him well I'm dead. And he sees no problem in it whatsoever To come down here into the neighborhood and jam with the guy across the street and not even stop and say hello to me. I told him he should stop by and see me something because I don't have much time left Not that you even care. I told him to shut up and never tell me about a headache or a stomach ache or whatever hell else Ever again. So then he texted me back trying to be apologetic and tell him that he would come down soon as he was able to jam with me And I just don't see it happening. He is a right wing Little turd ball Who only cares about himself and can't see past his own nose. If I told him that I had pain medicine Boy he would break my door down trying to come and visit me... I've always held it against him how much of my mother's pain medicine he would steal from her when she was dealing with her breast cancer and dying. They don't wanna jam with me because I'm too esoteric , Too wrapped up in post punk And I actually Write My own songs. Which actually none of them do. They're 50 years old and still playing Metallica covers. God damned losers if you ask me. They suffer a big loss Not jamming with me Because I am the only artist among them. Of course that goes to our definition of art And I shouldn't be saying those things Because they're judgementall and I shouldn't judge other people's approach to music just because it's not the way I approach music Which is as a way of life As almost a spiritual genetic genetic makeup that I have....
I wouldn't feel like Playing any more Metallica or Megadeth covers anyway. I spent enough time doing that. The difference between me and them Is that they have not evolved Not 1 little bit. Music is about evolution. It's about exploring the world of sound. Music is a way of life And if you're in your 50s And you are still playing The same covers And not even writing your own music whatsoever, Then what the hell are you actually doing ? So maybe I should be happy that I'm not a part of that. Let me sit down and eat. I'm getting my self mad over nothing. That's what I get for living on coffee and cigars. Maybe these chicken thighs will change my mind, But I'm sure They won't be As good as artemesia's. Last night when she sent me out to the store To pick up a few odds and ends I bought 2 big bags of chicken wings And presented them to her Saying I certainly hope you can do duplicate that recipe because Here is everything you need my dear. But my daughter-in-law She has the job of cooking dinner for everyone in the house Everyday of the week And she does not do a bad job at all. I silently here and now sing her praises. A lot of times if it wasn't for her I wouldn't eat at all. Which for me and my stomach cancer is a major issue. Trying to gain weight. Trying not to be a skeleton. And right now I'm kind of a pissed off skeleton And I really can't put my finger on the reason why. But I am thinking that maybe if I eat something I will feel better so I am going to sit down right now and eat my dinner.
Bones apple teeth
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danstupidaushit · 1 year
Decadent Society LEGACY
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So uh, kinda having to move the info from the old tumblr page to this one, judging i am making an archive with "all" of my au shit, so yeah, i probably won't be having to rewrite much stuff like i did with 80% of the other things i'm posting in this page (haha i'm not tired at all)
But anyways, here's all the info i've written in the past about the original Decadent Society
Decadent Society’s basic story: Once upon a time, there was two races, monsters and humans One day by the monsters greediness, a war broke between the two races But unfortunately, the humans ended victorious They took a huge indemnity from the monsters and sealed them in the underground Mount Ynadd 20XX Legendes say that whoever climbs the mysterious mountain never comes back
Info about the chars - Frisk: The Fallen Child. * It’s a curious child, but gets afraid pretty easily. Items: Broken Stick and Bandage. Stats: 2 ATK 5 DEF 20 HP - Flowey: Your Only Friend * A scared Desert Flower/Black Flower. * Tries to attack Frisk, but soon he joins Frisk on their journey. * Usually hums classical music when bored Stats: 3 ATK 1 DEF ?? HP His themes are “Your Only Friend”, “Your Only Savior” and “FINALE” - Napstablook: The Lonely Beat Maker * Not really feeling up to. sorry. His theme is “Espiritual Strife” - Toriel: The Guardian Of The Decaying Catacombs * Can act super protective with Frisk, but is a sweet person to anyone who is nice with them. * She bakes Cheesecakes, but she isn’t really good at it so she bakes a pie instead. * Won’t let you leave that easily. * Nobody have ever saw her without the hood, that covers half of her face with a shadow. * Loves reading suspense and horror books. Stats: 75 ATK 55 DEF 450 HP Her theme is “Heartattack” - Sans: The Easiest Enemy…? * Always trying to earn some money so he can sustain his brother and himself. * Really enjoys telling puns, mostly involving dark humour or imature humour. * Sells chili dogs for high prices, but usually making discounts to his friends. * His favorite drink is Mayonnese. * He calls frisk “Poker-face” and “My Safe Box” * The judgement eye is blind. Stats: HP 1 ATK 1 DEF 2 His themes are “smells like rotten bones.”, “Song That Will Play When Sans Judges You”, “There is a storm somewhere” and “Sentence.” Check: He won’t lose to a stupid child that easily. - Papyrus: The Evilest and Coolest Skeleton * Wants to be a part of the Royal Guard, but got rejected 5 times in a row for being too stupid. * Loves making puzzles and traps, but mostly fails on making his traps actually harmful. * He cooks meatballs, but sometimes he tries to cook spaghetti or lasagna, but always fails to cook it. * Likes to say “Nyar har har” * Hates seeing sans smoking, but he always tries to not just slap his cigar * He got his scar and battle body while fighting undyne and supposely winning. Stats: ATK 40 DEF 30 HP 750 His themes are “Facing The True Evil” and “Sharpboned Cataclysm” Check: Likes to laugh like a goofy maniac. - Undyne: The Black Eyed Hero…? * She is the capitain of the Royal Guard. * On one of her fights, she got injured on her eyes, making her get hyphema on both eyes. * She liked to play piano, but stopped after the situation of the underground got a bit worse. * She doesn’t use much armor, meaning why her body is full of scars and marks. * After the fight she had with Papyrus, they don’t talk much like before. * She thinks sans is a weirdo and is a little afraid of what he hides. Stats: ATK 60 DEF 30 HP 2000 Her themes are “Agonizing Spears Of Fear” and “Confronting The Most Malignent Hero” - Alphys: The Royal Scientist * As said, she is the Royal Scientist of the underground, got promoted after the previous scientist disappeared. * Even tho she might look like a mad scientist, she is pretty chill, but sometimes she might get a bit out of control during her experiments. * Loves to eat spicy noodles and watching she buys illegaly. * As undertale alphys, she is romantic attracted to Undyne, but she can hide her attracting better than her undertale counterpart. * She was the one who created Mettatron, but didn’t really worked well on him. Stats: Unknown Her theme is “Alphys…” - Mettatron: A Broken Robot * Was the first experiment of Alphys that actually worked. * His humanoid body is just a prototype. * When on box form, he have four hands with destroyed arms, that are just connected to each other by some unknown liquid. * While on EX Form, smoke comes out of some of his orifices, mostly because his body is overheating. * He have a whole brand called MTT Enterprise. * Usully his brand makes every type of stuff, but usually focus on the food market. Stats: HP 9999 (Box)    ATK 40 (Box)    DEF 300 (Box)       HP 2000 (EX)    ATK 64 (EX)    DEF 40 (EX)       HP 30000 (NEO)    ATK 90 (NEO)    DEF 5 (NEO) His themes are “Metal Slammer”, “Tragic Death By Charm” and “The Lethal Power of NEO” - Muffet: The Negotiatior * She is still as greedy as undertale muffet, but she have great administration skills. * She owns a sodas and snacks brand named “Muffety’s Sweets Inc.” * Her brand is Mettaton’s biggest competitor. * She have a small shop hidden at the Decaying Ruins. Stats: ATK 45 DEF 20 HP 135O Her theme is: “Arachno Swing” - Asgore: The King of The Underground * Haven’t appeared to the public in a while. * His garden is full of Black Flowers/Desert Flowers. * He says that he likes how his garden looks like a huge hole. * He won’t let Frisk get out that easily. Stats: ATK 100 DEF 100 HP 4000 His themes are “Foran deres konge” and “THE KING ASGORE.” - Asriel: … * The King and Queen’s son. Stats: ATK ∞ DEF ∞ HP 9999 His themes are “His old theme…”, “Destruction and Despair”, “BURN!” and “SAVE the world”
Basic information about the locations Forgotten Palace: ruins replacement, once the first hideout for the monster kind, now just an abandoned castle, it’s dark but there is a lot of plants growing there, with huge trees included Foggyville: snowdin replacement, the most poor city of the underground, contains a small amount of establishments and has most just houses, instead of snow, there is a lot of fog, but is still as cold as snowdin… somehow Submerged: waterfall replacement, once a decent city, now completely flooded by the sudden unending rain, contains ruined/submerged buildings, with just some specific locations still not submerged VolcanoNation: hotland replacement, an industry only location, with both abandoned and still working buildings, the location of muffet’s and mettaton’s brand industries The CORE: still da core, is powered by the volcano’s lava, might turn off at any moment as the volcano is in risk of dying Capital: the most rich city, based around Brooklyn on it’s 80’s Precious Home: new home replacement, a small and dark house
Yeah and that's it, i don't have anything else to say The concept for the au, since from it's first iteration, was to be an underfell take based around the idea of using the way that Butter (commonly known as Khhoppang) did the fell for Swapfell, and make a new fell version with the aesthetic of Swapfell Yeah, it was that simple
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The Marquise
A humble merchant always sitting in her shop, bone-thin with an empty stomach that she filled with the riches she’s amassed over the years. Of course, not all of them were purchased from her customers. But by the time you realize you should never have trusted her, you’re succumbing to your injuries sustained by the faulty weapons she sold you and the poison in the healing items only seals your fate faster. And to think the enemies were just getting stronger. All this time, you were getting weaker. But it’s too late for you to fix your mistakes. And as you lay on the floor unable to move, she rifles through your pockets and steals everything she finds, from your weapons to your wedding ring, which she snaps open and hooks around one of her exposed rib bones. You’re a fool for trusting her, but in your defense, how could someone so beautiful, so charismatic, so invested in her own health and yours, possibly have ill intentions?
A little bit of backstory on this girl, so a few years ago, after this certain videogame that had a fatphobic caricature came out, I decided to do the opposite and make a caricature of thinness  in the form of a man with an open torso cavity full of riches named the Marquis. I don’t have the original concept art, but he had the same exposed insides with treasure, hanging off of his ribs, and a rope tied around his pants because he couldn’t keep them up otherwise. After I got into doll customizing I found out about skelita calaveras and realized she would be exactly what I needed to fully flesh out this concept. Even though I barely fleshed her out at all. I only added some actual bulk to the torso, hands and feet, because there were gaps between the finger bones, and I wanted the feet to look a little less dead, but overall I wanted the impression that she’s so thin that her skin is practically vacuum sealed to her bones, even implying that she had to cut away parts of herself to achieve this look, because of course there’s no muscles to speak of either.
I have two main thoughts about this now that she’s all done:
1. I know she exists to dunk on the skinnies but skeletons fucking rock and she’s easily one of the coolest dolls I have ever made, especially because I also took a lot of inspiration from both the d*ke from re8 and the merchant from re4make. who I actually like. her eyes are even made with the glow-in-the-dark paint I used for Darcy’s stretch marks! I knew I was smart to save that! It just hasn’t charged very well. 
2. somebody’s definitely gonna want to fuck this character. 😔 but that is my bear to cross
Also, I am not the best with dioramas, but I couldn’t possibly not give her her own little storefront of some kind. I think I did OK though.
I also didn’t make the dresses. I got a bunch of Barbie dresses in an ever after high lot (don’t ask) and realized I could turn one of them into a cloak and the other into a skirt.
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randomalistic · 7 months
MMMMM i just watched corpse bride and frankenweenie back to back . (Corpse bride was better .) their main characters are literally the same guy and they’re and both named victor LMAOO
In frankenweenie I’m a little disappointed that they did a fakeout death for sparky instead of having the Actually impactful message of “sometimes things are only here for a little bit, and then they’re gone” that THEY WERE SETTING UP BY THE WAY. THEY LITERALLY SAID THAT LINE. But OKAY I GUESS. !!!!!!!☹️ THEY HAD TO GIVE IT A HAPPY DISNEY ENDING !!!! But Yeah Duh it still made me cry because I thought it was gonna be more impactful than it actually was LOL and then at the last minute they’re like SIKE THE DOG IS GONNA LIVE FOREVER. Whatever. it was still cute. But like… missed potential man…. Just let the dog rest he’s literally falling apart the poor thang.
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Worst part of the movie /LH they made the dogs kiss at the end. I’m so mad at this children’s movie for being light hearted and happy how could they (but also. What if they made it better. Kids movies can be deep and impactful. You know. Ok I’m done hating on the ending I swear ok haha. ……. )
OK FINEEE but I still enjoyed it, the science teacher Mr. Rzykruski was Actually the best part and I loved him so much. He was SO PASSIONATE about teaching his students, he just had a very Intense way of expressing it. But he is such a good person and a truly great teacher . I’m SO fucking mad at the town for getting him fired. THE TOWN LITERALLY DOES NOT DESERVE HIM. Maybe he’s the one that was only here for a little while and then he was gone …. The part where he spoke to Victor about how his experiments must be made with love and passion before he left . that was honestly the most genuine part of the whole film. I’m so glad they were able to depict that..
But erm yeah the ending was a bunch of weird frankencreatures the other Bitch Ass Kids made and they all fought and it was a little bit of a forced Kids Movie Climax but that’s ok. It’s ok. I swear I enjoyed this movie. I’m complaining because I care about it.
Corpse bride surprised me a lot, I was expecting it to be gloomy the whole time BUT NO THATS ONLY THE LAND OF THE LIVING. THE LAND OF THE DEAD WAS SO FUCKING FUN I LOVE HOW VIBRANT AND SILLY AND GHOULISH IT WAS I LOVED THE SKELETONS I LOVED THE WITCHES IT WAS ALL SO SILLY!!!!!! incredible. Emily looks so ethereal when her gown flies through the wind those shots of her were like genuinely breathtaking. AND THIS WAS MADE 18 YEARS AGO! Ugh this movie is so good.
How could I not mention the music until now what is wrong with me the main melody is so beautiful and ITS GOOD ITS GOOD OK ITS GREAT. GREAT MUSIC
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The character designs for everyone in the living realm are Fucking Insane in the best way possible. You just have to watch it okay please trust me.
They stretched out the pastor’s features as much as they could get away with . I don’t think he could get any longer and pointier
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Anyways yeah great characters Amazing visuals and colors what the HELL!!!??. ALSO THE SKELEONS. The skeletons are the best skeletons I’ve ever seen maybe. these are Top Tier Goofy Skeletons. If you want something silly and fun and spooky watch this movie NOW!!!!!!!!????
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Oh also The main villain was a little weak and I saw the foreshadowing coming from a mile away lmao but That’s Ok I think movies are allowed to have a silly goofy evil villain with 0 motives sometimes 💙 like why did he even show up to the wedding at the start . How was he planning all this. Am I stupid
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Anyways they LET HER BE SO AWESOME. IM SO GLAD THEY LET HER BE AWESOME BECAUSE THIS WAS 2005 AND THEY EASILY COULD HAVE MADE HER WEAK BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! I really liked Victoria as well I love how much she didn’t give a fuck about her abusive ass family. Yeah!!!! break out!!! Play the piano!! BE AS IMPROPER AND SCANDALOUS AS YOU CAN!!!! and Victor is a little pathetic at first. but in an endearing way. Awesome movie it’s actually a must watch imo .
Anyways yeah 🥹I enjoyed both movies and I think it’s very cute how frankenweenie was inspired by corpse bride so much . (This movie also had a dead skeleton dog lol) But yeah corpse bride is better Sorry💙 I might also rewatch nightmare before christmush. But closer to christmas .. ehee…
Also don’t even get me started on paranorman I think I maybe already talked about it since I saw it earlier this year but. Holy shitttttt……… please watch that too it’s genuinely fantastic and it doesn’t hold back. It WILL surprise you. and make you cry. I NEED MORE MOVIES THAT WILL SURPRISE ME. GOD PLEASE!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!
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Annihilation (2018)
This will be a review with spoilers, the movie is good, go watch it.
Its been a bit since I watched the movie, so some of my memories might be off.
Overall I think I was impressed. The idea of an alien "thing" crashing & slowly radiating has been done several times, but this interpretation is possibly my favorite.
It does get a bit goofy with its refraction talk, and a few other things that don't really make sense, but nothing was too crazy.
I also felt it was a bit all over the place in its symbols, it's refraction, cancer, evolution, memory loss, and mimicry. But that feeling was overall short lived, and I was always quickly immersed back into the world.
I felt the cast was a bit cookie cutter, and it being all women felt a tiny bit forced. But, it helped avoid any dumb romance subplot, or unnecessary sexual tension stuff that people would often add if there was men & women. But it was very much each person was a character I'd seen in other movies & they were all quite distinct from eachother. Very much felt like a cast for a movie instead of a collection of people.
Once we get into the "shimmer" proper, we have one time skip, and that's the only one afaik. I think they could have done a lot more with that, but I think they just wanted to avoid explaining a few things & then get on with the movie. Overall the movie was very much split into distinct "scenes" in this way, I understand why it's this way but I think it would have been better to stick to one or two ideas, instead of giving each character death its own "gimmick".
Between the initial time skip & finding the building with the video tape, is mostly just introducing the setting imo. Not much was done with this time, but I can see it feeling rushed without it.
Now, when we watch the movies, things start to ramp up. There are more creatures, and the spectacular scene of the "moving guts" & accompanying body.
I really liked the visual of the body in the pool, it sold the idea of rapid mutation in a body horror way very well. and obviously the scene where they cut him open is great also (if a bit nonsense)
It's not really explained why the previous team stayed in that building for so long, or why they eventually left. Not a big deal, but something I was wondering.
The next bits are a bit hazy, so I'll be jumping to the more important scenes.
The bear, was again great. The setup for them being tied up felt pretty forced, similar to the initial time skip, and the voice mimicking was also a bit nonsense. But a really spooky effect, and done well. The whole "don't tell them about my husband" thing was maybe my biggest pet peeve, cause you know exactly why it's in the story, and it never really made sense anyways.
the flower girl was probably my least favorite death, I kind of wish she was more lucid and less "ooh I'm so strange and mysterious". Like if she could rationally explain that the change to her body & mind isn't something she wants to continue living with, and she decides to "submit" to the shimmer, that would have been so much better than "look at me vaguepost and then walk away ooooOOooH". Overall wasn't really a fan of the whole flower section. Again, if they had done the "the flowers got human structure DNA stuff" as a major point, instead of a one-off, I think that would be really cool.
We get to the crystal beach, for some reason there are a bunch of bones & skeletons outside the lighthouse? I think it's implied that they are most of the previous team, but like why & how?
whatever, we get inside to the climax. the reveal that the husband is a fake! at the time I didn't really feel misled by the protag's initial interview answers, but ya. Either way, very cool twist, kind of goes back to the start of entering the shimmer, with the timeskips & mental decline.
Finally we climb in the hole, and meet the alien. I am sooo glad this wasn't a "ooh it's shiny particles, and some vague pretty 'thing'". We got an actual answer. AND it's an interesting one! there's a ton of questions to be asked about the alien, and I like how smart the protagonist is about it's behavior. It may not even be aware of it's actions, or that it's copying anything. How does the copied husband's brain work? really cool, love it conceptually.
I do think it's very separated from the effects of the shimmer, and don't really believe it's responsible for "changing" anything. It's a mimic, the shimmer is space pollution; or something like that.
The end end, is up there with my favorite endings. Him being honest, open about who he is, non-malicious. Him deciding on his own to hug her, is that because it's a human response? does he actually want to console her? The unhuman stare, I don't really know what it's supposed to mean but it invokes a lot of emotions. Again sooooo many questions about this 'person', and his future.
Overall, I think this movie took on a hard task, and did a very good job. It gave interesting answers, and didn't really fall short anywhere along the way. There were certainly spots where it was a bit less spectacular, but nowhere bad enough to leave a taste in your mouth.
I think this will be a classic. I do wish I had any chance of reading the trilogy (future quadrilogy?) books that the movie is based on.
spoilers #movie review #horror film #annihilation
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anthrofreshtodeath · 11 months
Do you remember what the first smut you ever wrote was? And how did you get so confident in writing it (or was it always easier for you?) I am dabbling in some writing for the first time in my fandom life and I find a lot of it flows right out of me, but the smut?? Good christ I’m all over the place with it and don’t think I’m succeeding in what I’m actually trying to convey 😂😭 Do you have any tips?
Hmm… I think the first smut I wrote was when I was 19 for Alucard and Integra of Hellsing (the anime). I never posted it. It was bad.
And I hope I’m not bursting your bubble, but for me, the smut writing never really got easier 😂. I don’t really think my smut is all that good, so I may be the wrong person to ask. But like you, I struggle because it is very… choreographed. It’s like playing Tetris with your writing. The end result is supposed to be sexy, but the process is so technical as to be dry (at least for me).
But, with that said, I guess I have a few tips:
1) unless you’re writing PWP, try to give your smut a purpose. I’ll use CMWHS chapter 14 as an example - Jane and Maura are fucking, but Maura is using the fucking to punish Jane in a very particular kind of way that she knows will hurt Jane because Jane hurt her. So, successfully or not, it serves the plot. Once I know what I want the sex scene to do, then I plan out the acrobatics, LOL. Meaning what positions, what do they say to each other, etc.
2) just get the skeleton on the page. If you’re not sure of all the above, put a barebones placeholder down, like a sketch of how you want the scene to go, then return to it later after you’ve had time to think about it. Wow, lots of bones talk here, but I do this one all the time.
3) listen to music to get you in the right headspace! This doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me. Listen to sex music. Get a feel for what is sexy to you and to other people and draw inspiration from that. Notice I am not recommending a certain genre because sex music can mean different things to different people. Send an ask or a DM if you want to know specific artists or songs I listen to in order to get in the smut writing zone.
4) read other people’s work! This is so important for all types of writing, smut included. Well-rounded readers are better writers. Don’t copy, but draw inspiration.
5) Last one - don’t try to be too sexy. This is hard to explain and I’m not even sure I can articulate what I mean by it very well, but I’m going to try. Avoid porny language, the “oh yeah right there baby” stuff. The over the top, “her orgasm ripped through her” type of stuff. I think we’re all guilty of going there from time to time, myself totally included, but sex is a thing that real people do. Real people say real things and crack real jokes and express real emotions during sex. They say silly things, they say sexy things that you wouldn’t necessarily find conventionally sexy, but oh boy does it work for their partner(s). Write about what you find sexy, or what people have told you they find sexy, independent of what media tells us what we should think is sexy. Queer spaces are great for this. One thing I think is hot? When Jane Rizzoli crosses her arms and nods while Maura Isles is talking, all while she looks down at her, in a completely nonsexual context or conversation. I can take that body language and transpose it onto a sex scene, alter it a bit, and it works. It’s not, you know, them making out or moaning or getting bent over or whatever (those things can be hot too), but it feels more real because it’s true to character. I hope that made even the tiniest bit of sense 😂. Long story short I think the hottest smut is the smut that is unique to those characters, not just the smut that ticks all the kink boxes or gets all the conventional positions right. Though getting those boxes ticked can be fun too! When people combine the character development and the kinky boxes? God tier smut.
Like I said - probably not the right person to ask given my complicated relationship with my smut writing, but I hope this helped! If it wasn’t so awkward I’d do a “my favorite sex scenes and what I find successful about them” series of posts or something.
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thepleasuregoblin · 11 months
Four Job Fiesta update: we need to go up the mountain (Drakenvale) to find dragon grass for the injured/sick wind drake. Along the way we stop at Quelb, the werewolf village, and meet Galuf's old friend Kelger, one of the original Dawn Warriors. He thinks we're evil and uses his secret werewolf technique on Bartz, but Bartz's dad (also a dawn warrior) taught him the counter. This puts the old werewolf in bed from his injuries. Shouldn't have tried to scrap with the young kids I guess. Get stocked up and go to Drakenvale.
We find out most of the wind drakes are dead, and we see a bunch of their skeletons here. A golem keeps showing up as an encounter then running away. Eventually he shows up with friends (three bone dragons) but a little bit into the fight it turns out he's being jumped by them. Kill the bonerdagons and golem as a summon. nice. Go up to the top of the mountain, find the dragon grass but oh no! Its a plant monster! This is what killed all the wind drakes, apparently. Its not too tough, and we manage to get some dragon grass out of it.
Head back to the castle and use the wind drake to fly to Sage Ghido's island, but Exdeath sinks it. Bummer. Krile says Ghido is still calling out to her, so we go to a different castle. Its ruled by the fourth Warrior of Dawn, Xezat, but he's busy mounting an assault on Exdeath's fortress (also grabbed Swift Song, thus making bard a little more useful). Better go help him out! Land the drake on the ship's helipad and take a rest belowdecks as we wait for his plan.
Uh oh! We get attacked while resting! Its Gilgamesh! Again! Xezat fights off the other trash mobs (and Enkidu, for a while), and we beat up Greg for a third time. Xezat reveals that he's been tunneling under the island, and we need to take a submarine (!!) underneath to assault one of the towers powering the barrier around Castle Exdeath. So off we go. Party goes up while Xezat goes down, he turns off the power, we fight Atomos (who's a pain in the ass), and turn the barrier off. Now we can go see Ghido, since we got that submarine.
Got a little bit more then I'll actually be caught up to where I am (currently stuck on the four crystals boss fight), but in the meantime I encourage checking out the Four Job Fiesta and maybe donating to the fundraiser! Its for the Trevor Project this year (and maybe maybe YOU could try the Fiesta too! I promise its fun).
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kimium · 1 year
Look! It's another self-indulgent list to end 2022!
I kept meaning to make this list earlier this month, but I forgot. However, I had a long conversation with @m34gs earlier this week I was inspired to sit down and write this list.
Here is my list of "My Top Ten Favourite Bankai in Bleach". Please note this is a list of favourites and not actually one detailing power or "which one is the best". Also note that I'm not going to include Squad Zero. Spoilers are ahead for the entire series so I'll put the rest under a cut, just to be safe.
10. Nanao Ise (Shinken Hakkyoken)
I cannot remember if this is a "proper" bankai, but it is on this list for one reason: I love stories where weapons are passed down in the family. The addition of her captain (and uncle) Kyouraku being the one keeping it sealed due to a promise from her mother really adds more to their dynamic. Finally, I am also a big fan of ritualistic weapons.
9. Yamamoto Genryusei (Ryujin Jakka)
I like Yamamoto's bankai because it embodies many religious perceptions of "hell" or "purgatory". It's destructive, it's unbearably hot, and it can reanimate the skeletons of any foe it has killed. That's not just powerful, it's also emotionally devastating. The animation in TYBW arc truly captured the bankai and bumped it up my list of favourites.
8. Hirako Shinji (Sakanade)
Out of all the bankai on this list I think Shinji's is the most tame in terms of power. That doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Sometimes, less is more and the ability to flip perception of space/direction is simple but fun. It also perfectly highlights Shinji's personality!
7. Abarai Renji (Zabimaru)
Another bankai that's simple, the reason why Zabimaru is on the list is because I love the aesthetic. Swords that extend as well as becoming bone? Fantastic! Also, having two animals that talk as his bankai also gives it a fable vibe which is a 10/10.
6. Hitsugaya Toshiro (Hyorinmaru)
Hitsugaya is one of my favourite characters in Bleach and so his bankai had to show up on my list. I really enjoy how his bankai becomes a part of him, giving him mobility and a bit of extra offense that doesn't just come from his sword. Also, in that filler arc where the zanpakuto become human and rebel against their respective shinigami showed that Hyorinmaru is... really attractive 👀
5. Urahara Kisuke (Benihime)
Okay, first Urahara and Benimaru being one of the few pairs that are not the same gender is a major bonus in my eyes. Next, Benihime looks so regal and proper. Finally, her entire ability centered around reanimating and slicing things up brutally? That 100% fits Urahara "I was once the head of the science division". I also feel that Urahara and Benihime have an actual relationship/dynamic that displays centuries of understanding one another.
4. Kuchiki Rukia (Shirayuki)
The main reason why I love Rukia's bankai is because it took the same element as Hitsugaya, and used a different take on the power. One pet peeve of mine in shonen series is when people share an ability but it's virtually the same. Rukia's bankai couldn't be further from Hitsugaya's. With the focus on freezing, it also resonates very strongly with me as a Canadian. Definitely a terrifying power and I also love that Kubo thought about the drawbacks of such an ability (having to warm up slowly so she doesn't damage or send her body into shock).
3. Kyouraku Shunsui (Katen Kyokotsu)
Another pair where the two are not the same gender! The reason why I love Kyouraku's bankai is because it is so unique! Children's games is not what someone would first think as a power, but it works so well! I also love that his bankai has a lot of drawbacks/rules that need to be in place in order for it to work. It just adds another layer to the theme of his bankai. Finally, his bankai is a duo-wielding sword and I am always a sucker for that.
2. Kurosaki Ichigo (Zangetsu)
Yeah, I know, it's the main character's bankai. Yeah, I know Ichigo's bankai isn't as "flashy" as some of the others on this list. However, the big reason why I love Ichigo's bankai is because of the character growth. Ichigo's first bankai, the one he received in the Soul Society arc, really was a speed run bankai. That resulting in him truly not understanding Zangetsu and having that lack of knowledge biting him in the butt in TYBW arc is some delightful payoff I never expected.
So many times in shonen series a main character gains a new power on top of their old one, but for Ichigo he literally had to go back to basics. There was no new power up but rather a better understanding of the power he has. That is why I rate his bankai so high.
Kuchiki Byakuya (Senbonzakura)
Without a doubt, my favourite bankai of the entire series is Byakuya's. For me, it is the most memorable bankai. It was the first bankai we encountered in the series. Byakuya was the person who posed not just one of the biggest threats in the Soul Society arc for Ichigo, but he also posed as a goal to overcome. The moment they re-met in Soul Society was the story's moment to demonstrate how far Ichigo had come as a character.
Thematic reasons aside, Byakuya's aesthetic is beautiful. Visually, Senbonzakura is stunning. Anytime I see it animated I am always taken away by how beautiful it looks. Yet, with minimal exposition we as the audience can understand how deadly it is. That right there is how you do an ability: there is no need for long winded explanations. Visually, the manga and anime can show the danger Byakuya's bankai poses.
Honourable Mentions:
Kurotsuchi Mayuri (Ashisogi Jizo)
Look, his entire bankai is pure nightmare fuel. That alone deserves at least an honourable mention. I also love that he repeatedly refines and modifies his own bankai. That's super cool!
Unohana Retsu (Minazuki)
Honestly, I just like her bankai for aesthetic purposes. It is also creepy as heck with the pool of blood and I couldn't be happier. I love when female characters are allowed to have dark/creepy imagery.
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legacy playlist
it’s that time again. I have made another playlist and everyone must see it. like glade’s playlist, a lot of this is vibes only, but there’s also reasoning in there. to be played in no particular order! have fun! lyrics/descriptions under the cut!
1. Metaphor by The Crane Wives
I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors I've gotten good at living on someone else's page I cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments You can't trust a single thing I say
I keep my closet free of skeletons 'Cause I'm much better at digging graves But I always dig up bones in your sympathy I can't trust a single thing you say
One of the first things that I thought about Legacy was that she is a liar. For fun and pleasure. And also a little bit for necessity but don’t worry about that. She’s genuinely kind of gotten used to just not telling the truth about herself, because why would she? She’s at three people TOTAL who know EVERYTHING (mostly probably), and she kinda hates it, and isn’t used to it, and will one day be forced into getting used to it. But for now she’s a lying liar who lies, which works for her! And no one else.
2. What’s a Devil to Do? by Harley Poe
I was born from an angel And she raised me properly I knew what I wasn't to do I knew what I wasn't to see But when you reach a certain age Your destiny, it comes to life So don't you bite the hand that feeds you Or it may cut you with its knife It permeates all through my bones I let it live, I help it grow I said my cup, it runneth over? Well I'm gonna let it flow So I shot a man in Kokomo Just to watch him die My mother asked me if it pleased me And I couldn't tell a lie
This is a song about being a devil and not being able to deny or change your nature. I like the impermeability of both the roles of “angel” and “devil” in this song, and you better believe I think about it with respect to legacy A Lot. like you are born from an angel! she raised you properly! you can’t tell a lie! it pleased you to kill him!!! what’s a devil to do!!!! like. tbh even without legacy i’d be a little obsessed with this song. what is a devil but the rigidness of an angel with the “wrong” moral code?? thank you! lawful good and lawful evil still have lawful in common! food for thought!
3. Devil Devil by MILCK
Devil, Devil Clever Devil, Devil How quickly they do sell their souls For the feast and the promise of gold But devil that won't be me Devil, Devil Bones of metal metal You torture saints with a single glance Make them think they ever stood a chance
Won’t you believe it I have more than one song about devils on here. Anyway this is like. I see this as Legacy seeing the Evil of her grandmother, like she knows there’s something evil there, and going “but that won’t be me.” Because it isn’t!! Baba may be evil, may be a devil, but she’s only ever been kind and good and generous to Legacy. (at least. as far as legacy knows.) Legacy isn’t ignorant of devils and what they/baba do. She just doesn’t really care. You won’t make a fool of her! She’s sold her soul and it was actually a really good deal! Rip to the other contract-bargainers in hell but she’s different, thanks!
4. Fire With Fire by AlicebanD
Which is why the music died And we're living out our lives in this hope one day our lives will straighten out And we will leave town And we'll get down to business now will someone tell me who I am
It's always been a little hard I wish that you could meet her This woman that you have become, you know that she's a keeper Except you keep her under wraps in case someone should break her It's dirty in this world, it's true I wish I could and she does too
There’s a couple of songs on here about Legacy’s inner machinations. Maybe not actually that many? Considering? And there’s a reason for that. Legacy doesn’t really. know. who she is? And that’s something I’ve actually talked to Lily a little about especially at start of campaign, because I didn’t know Legacy well and she didn’t know herself well either. She still kinda doesn’t, though she’s gotten better and I’ve definitely learned her way better too. Anyway this song is partially about not knowing who you are, and keeping the part of you you DO know under lock and key. and I think that fits legacy very well. There’s this core of Badness to her that she knows her way around and knows she has to keep quiet from the good people she’s surrounded herself with, and then there’s this confusing Goodness that isn’t even so much Good as wanting-to-be, and legacy doesn’t even know the SHAPE of that yet. she’s not even sure if it’s her or just the influence of her friends who ARE good.
5. Stars and the Moon by Sutton Foster
I met a man without a dollar to his name Who had no traits of any value but his smile I met a man who had no yearn or claim to fame Who was content to let life pass him for a while And I was sure that all I ever wanted Was a life like the movie stars led And he kissed me right here, and he said
"I'll give you stars and the moon and a soul to guide you And a promise I'll never go I'll give you hope to bring out all the life inside you And the strength that will help you grow I'll give you truth and a future that's twenty times better Than any Hollywood plot" And I thought, "You know, I'd rather have a yacht"
So the narrative of this song is about how this chick gets offered the stars and the moon and says no and is finally offered what she thinks she wants, and she accepts it, and then she never dreams again, and then she wakes up and realizes she’ll never have the stars and moon. Which makes me feel normal in relation to Legacy. Most days, Legacy is okay with having sold her soul. Like, she wasn’t doing anything with it, and honestly it’s probably better off with Baba accruing Hell Points than it would be if it was just Legacy’s, who would still be accruing Hell Points but like. in a much shittier tier. But. but but but. Legacy sold her soul....... pretty young, actually? I don’t think I’ve ever decided on an age but it was.... low double-digits. Maybe 12 or 13, even if I don’t think she actually took advantage of that pact until older. So Legacy kind of kneecapped her options early on. She doesn’t know who she’d actually. Be. if she’d said no to Baba back then. maybe she’d have the stars and moon! probably not, but who would ever know?
6. Mile Magnificent by molly ofgeography
Plants with singing petals, women with long, long legs Demons drinking water and angels drinking kegs The light behind the buildings as we sip sunlight to the dregs We are animals of love, the city never makes us beg And it feels like a good, good omen Never been much of a good, good woman But good things are coming Good, good things are coming
For one, I like this song, it fucks. For another it mentions demons and angels sometimes. Anyway, this one’s sort of celebratory, like, partying with the angel and devil on your shoulder, enjoying yourself doesn’t mean good things won’t come to you, etc etc. This one’s mostly vibes, there isn’t a whole lot behind it.
7. Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Holy water Cannot help you now See, I've come to burn Your kingdom down And no rivers and no lakes Can put the fire out I'm gonna raise the stakes I'm gonna smoke you out Seven devils all around me Seven devils in my house See, they were there when I woke up this morning I'll be dead before the day is done
This song is evil AU legacy. so just regular legacy, you ask? depends. The idea here is like. I’m giving into my devils, it’s a little bit of revenge it’s a little bit of sexy, in my head this is evil legacy going on a righteous cleansing fire type rampage. and it’s awesome.
8. Jackseye’s Tale by Daniel Pemberton
This one’s an instrumental, and came recommended as one of the songs GD plays to inspire legacy!!! I like it for friends reasons but I also really like the energy behind it!
9. Kill Of The Night by Gin Wigmore
The street's a liar I'm gonna lure you into the dark My cold desire To hear the boom, boom, boom of your heart The danger is I'm dangerous And I might just tear you apart, oh, woah-oh I'm gonna catch ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, oh, oh-oh I wanna taste the way that you bleed, oh You're my kill of the night
I think Legacy should get to bite people in a sexy way. Also, there’s a lot of jokes in the server about like. I/Legacy is like “legacy’s evil” and I get sent messages such as “no she’s not” and “[screenshot of legacy telling her friends she loves them]” and the like. but what I/Legacy don’t think people get is like. That’s just people legacy likes. In another world she WOULD just bite and kill. It’s only the luck of the draw that she was born to a family/society with a moral code and that she was raised, like, Normal, because she SO EASILY could have been an aleksandra. she can’t do anything WRONG. she doesn’t care that much about randos! she just knows the rules of her society and follows them, when they’re not in the way of things she Wants.
10. The Devil In The Kitchen by Ashley MacIsaac
Another instrumental! Another GD inspiration song!!! Sometimes you just need to get DOWN to the bangers your friends associate with you!!
11. Devil’s Dance Floor by Flogging Molly
Well she took me by the hand I could see she was a fiery one Her legs ran all the way Up to heaven and past Avalon Tell me somethin' girl, what it is you have in store She said, "Come with me now On the Devil's dance floor"
Well swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o Swing a little more, little more next to me Swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o Swing a little more, on the Devil's dance floor
This is another rec! And if I remember correctly another GD inspiration song! This one doesn’t have a lot behind it beyond MAYBE the fact that legacy once danced her way into the bed of a princess. that’s fun.
12. Confessional by Janet Devlin
There’s a secret on the tip of my tongue And it’s burning a hole between my lungs There’s no grace for what I have done But I must face what I’ve become Hiding six feet under has always been my way And though the honesty hurts The lying was worse Can’t take it to the grave This is my confessional Of things that I have buried low
Legacy HATES telling the truth about herself. It’s just not fun and sexy and mysterious. But unfortunately. To have friends. They kind of have to know who you are. And like. Legacy doesn’t like that! That’s why she lies! but she also wants to be known! because she knows these people and loves them! does it suck that in order to be loved you have to be known??? yes. do you have to put on your big girl pants and do it anyway? unfortunately,, yes. She’s doing her best.
13. Trust by Neon Trees
You, you got your head in a sling Yeah, and I, I'm trying to give you salvation You appear as a devil Like a wolf in the woods But you're acting exactly as we expected you would I said you, you hear the words that I sing, it's a shock to the system Falling down can feel strange No one remembers your name You’re losing the game That’s the thing about trust It’s always the same Sad story again You lose all your friends That’s the thing about trust
So okay. So. The thing about trust. The THING about trust. is that Legacy doesn’t really do it. She has to try SO hard. She knows better than to think that people will like her if they knew everything. Her friends notwithstanding, mostly, because they’re weird, people don’t. LIKE. to hear about these things with legacy. like if devils were real, you wouldn’t WANT to hear that one of your besties had sold her soul to one. like that’s just true. So Legacy’s trying very hard to trust that her friends still like her like they say AND trust that they’d STILL like her if they knew everything. and that’s why we got into the whole brouhaha about her lying about her old friends. because she never trusted Those friends, and look at what happened there.
14. Temptress by S. J. Tucker
Fallen angel, beautiful thief, pretty little vampire cuttin' her teeth; regardless of the lady or her level of disgrace, you just can't say no to a pretty face. The city is sleepin' safe and sound. "Nevernever" never had it so fine. As for me, I can be patient 'cause some day, you are gonna be mine.
Oh, honey, I know that it's been a long time. Your cloak's gone a little bit gray. I can help you out with your troubles, but you have to let me stay. You already gave me permission to slip beneath your skin. Why bear the weight of the whole damn world when all you gotta do is let me in?
So this isn’t exactly how Legacy’s deal went down. the song is about vampires so it’s sexier than it perhaps should be to fit legacy and baba well. HOWEVER. the idea is here about like. further tempting into some sort of Power and there’s an idea too about like. “wouldn’t it be so much Easier to just go along with me?” and the answer is yes. it’s so much easier to just. not pay the price of goodness. baba would love legacy either way. and yet. and yet.
15. Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae
I was born with lightning in my heels Set a spur onto my ankle Bit a horse under the steel And I lost hope when I was still so young Had an angel on my shoulder But the devil always won So kiss me now This whiskey on my breath Feel the lives that I have taken What little soul that I have left And oh, my God I'll take you to the grave The only love I've ever known The only soul I ever saved
More angel and devil imagery. It’s a disease. Anyway this is Legacy leaving home young to do whatever, trying to figure out who and what she is, and she doesn’t know until she’s lost probably most of her soul who she is, or at least who she wants to be. plus also it’s a vibes song.
16. Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
I've been down with a broken heart Since the day I learned to speak The devil gave me a crooked start When he gave me crooked feet But Gabriel done came to me And kissed me in my sleep And I'll be singing like an angel Until I'm six feet deep
I found myself an omen and I tattooed on a sign I set my mind to wandering and I walk a broken line You have a mind to keep me quiet And although you can try Better men have hit their knees And bigger men have died
Love the vibe here of like. Right now for me the best thing is to be bad. it’s vibes but it’s also kind of how Legacy is thinking!!! she is keeping her pact, not because of power anymore, but because she doesn’t think she has another choice! Barring the idea of Baba being redeemed, because that’s far in the future, like... Legacy isn’t changing. Legacy isn’t giving up her pact. She’s gonna raise hell!!!!
17. Take Me to War by The Crane Wives
All of the fire I've swallowed All of the sparks that went dark in my gut I am always burning up Dress me in red and throw your roses And I'll rankle the beasts with words It's a graceless dance of epithets We learn to make someone hurt They will consume your sweet resistance And they'll carry your heart in their teeth But I am always feeding them The ugliest parts of me
Another crane wives due to my diseases. The idea here is kind of wolf in sheep’s clothing, kind of hidden depths, stuff like that. And it’s very vibes.
18. Shake It Out by Doll Skin
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark aimed right at my throat 'Cause looking for Heaven, found the devil in me Looking for Heaven, found the devil in me But, what the hell, I'm gonna let it happen to me, yeah Shake it out, shake it out Shake it out, shake it out, oh-woah Shake it out, shake it out Shake it out, shake it out, oh-woah And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back So shake him off, oh-woah
Haha shake the devil off... yeah I bet you can’t guess what this one’s about. If it was about Legacy and Baba you’re right! This is a hopeful song in a way! Devils can be redeemed!! waugh!!!
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pastelprince18 · 2 years
I am so fucking eepy but I wanna talk more about Lucielle [Bob and ricks adopted kid] so here it is, if you have any more questions feel free to ask
I feel Luci was the type of kid to lose her parents in some dark tragic way, not sure how but she was very young to even remember who they are and what happen but she would be curious ever so often. Growing up before she was adopted she was that “Strange kid’ all the kids didn’t like or thought she was some sort of freak. Her main hobby being collecting bones from dead animals.
It brought her some comfort and interest since it made her feel happy, and when people would bother her or the adults look at her weird she would feel this rage of anger but fear of having no parent to look up to or just to have. If bob and rick were to want a kid and see who would be at the orphan place bob would spot her rather fast seeing she was by herself doing her own thing [ Which was crafting the dead bones to puppets ] and he seem very fond with that and loved how she just was personally. As if she was the perfect child he wanted!
When she was taken in by bob and rick she couldn’t help but actually feel happy to be very close with both of them. Yeah, both of them. Bob of course is basically his little twin! She has his smile, loves violence [and he can tell she was holding in so much] and have a sweet tooth. Most may think she might not love rick but ooh you are wrong. She loves clinging onto her father rick and wants to see him happy, she worries and wonders why isn't he happy and would do anything to cheer him up, there even be times she would probably give him some motivation to go outside so she can play, or get out of bed so the two can watch a movie or play with him [even times she would do puppet shows for him with her skeletons-] Even if someone 
Its like with the two she can finally feel some what comfortable and just safe with them and not scared anymore. Let alone she learned so much of bob’s doing and rick is okay with it, she was a bit scared about it at first but bob explain it in a way where ‘they deserve it and that's how they eat at home.’ or ‘its just like how you collect your bones~ I collect them like this~’
Fucked up kid with a fucked up family but there not abusive towards her and deeply love her! [/p]
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niennandil-me-writes · 8 months
Goretober 11: Bones
CN: breaking bones, suggestive
[Cadaver belongs to Simon. Genesis (briefly mentioned) belongs to @ghoulcaro.]
You don’t know how you ended up in this situation. Okay, scratch that, you know pretty much completely how you ended up in this situation. You messed with the wrong person – as usual – said the wrong thing – really, why is everyone so thin-skinned? – and now this rich dude you were having a semi-friendly conversation with – okay, mostly hostile – sicced his attack dog on you. His attack dog being a hook-handed Orc by the name of Boyko who might not be much taller than you but is about twice as wide (which isn’t hard, admittedly). And she just smashed her fist into your skull, which explains the haziness of your thoughts.
Now he just stands there, head tilted as she looks you over, as if he’s trying to assess whether you’ll do the smart thing and piss off. Which proves Boyko doesn’t know you in the slightest. (Or, well, maybe he’s just squinting because he took off his glasses before he started his attack. Maybe a bit of column A, a bit of column B.)
You hunch over as if you’re about to, well, piss off, when in reality you are slipping on your brass knuckles beneath your coat. Boyko realizes what you’re doing, but too late because by the time she moves you are already smashing a brass-reinforced fist covered in purple flames into her jaw. There’s a loud cracking noise that you know all too well, sweeter than any music. You follow it up with a left hook. Unfortunately, she dodges to the side. Even more unfortunately, when you try to take a step back to guard, something yanks you back. You look down and see his hook, well, hooked, around two of your ribs. Oh shit.
“If you wanted to bone me you could have just – “
You get interrupted by a fist to the chin. It was a bad line anyway.
“- seems like you got me hooked!” you yell as you elbow him in the face. Enough to make him sway for a moment, but not enough to buy you enough time to unhook yourself. Boyko regains his balance and delivers a kick to your leg. Another cracking sound as your bone breaks. Not good, is what you think as you go to one knee.
She wrestles you to the ground and pushes your face into the dirt. Her knee is on your spine, and her hand locks around your arm to twist it painfully on your back.
“You know, tibia honest…,” you say, wittily commenting on the broken leg bone.
He twists your arm further until it snaps as well. You yelp out in pain before saying: “…I don’t find this quite as humerus anymore.”
Boyko leans over your shoulder and spits blood into the dirt. And a tooth as well, you notice with a satisfaction that might have brought a grin to your face if it wasn’t already stuck on there. You only landed one punch, but at least that was a good one.
“You spend your daily life as a skeleton and those are the jokes you come up with?” he asks in a gruff voice that you can’t help but notice is slightly slurred.
“I try to adapt my material to the audience’s intellect.”
“You want me to break your other arm as well?”
“Oh, yes, harder daddy!”
To your surprise, he lets out an actual chuckle. “Sorry, honey, you ain’t my type.” The pressure on your spine intensifies.
“Really? I am told I can be quite the charmer.”
“I’m more into cute smart women,” she says. “And I don’t think you fall under a single one of those categories.”
Before you can figure out whether Genesis is enough of a woman to qualify, you feel her weight shift around, and then suddenly her knees aren’t on your back anymore, but next to your temples instead. Pressure builds up in your head.
“Oh fuck, I always wanted to die like that!”
“Figured,” she comments as she crushes your skull with her thighs.
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