#i am going to Heaven
yeslordmyking · 2 years
June, 10 (Morning) Devotion
“We live unto the Lord.”
Romans 14:8
If God had willed it, each of us might have entered heaven at the moment of conversion. It was not absolutely necessary for our preparation for immortality that we should tarry here. It is possible for a man to be taken to heaven, and to be found meet to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light, though he has but just believed in Jesus. It is true that our sanctification is a long and continued process, and we shall not be perfected till we lay aside our bodies and enter within the veil; but nevertheless, had the Lord so willed it, he might have changed us from imperfection to perfection, and have taken us to heaven at once. Why then are we here? Would God keep his children out of paradise a single moment longer than was necessary? Why is the army of the living God still on the battle-field when one charge might give them the victory? Why are his children still wandering hither and thither through a maze, when a solitary word from his lips would bring them into the centre of their hopes in heaven? The answer is—they are here that they may “live unto the Lord,” and may bring others to know his love. We remain on earth as sowers to scatter good seed; as ploughmen to break up the fallow ground; as heralds publishing salvation. We are here as the “salt of the earth,” to be a blessing to the world. We are here to glorify Christ in our daily life. We are here as workers for him, and as “workers together with him.” Let us see that our life answereth its end. Let us live earnest, useful, holy lives, to “the praise of the glory of his grace.” Meanwhile we long to be with him, and daily sing—
“My heart is with him on his throne,
And ill can brook delay;
Each moment listening for the voice,
‘Rise up, and come away.’”
Daily Bible and Devotional for Women - http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=daily.bible.for.woman
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ruoyeming · 2 months
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Star of Solitude // God of Misfortune
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emotionaldisaster909 · 7 months
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sourse - градоначальник хуа
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andrewpcannon · 1 year
How Can I Know I am Saved?
How can we know that we are in the kingdom of God?1. Good trees produce good fruit.2. The Holy Spirit lives within us.3. We can know we are saved if we bear the fruit of the Spirit.
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p4nishers · 11 months
crowley, drunk off his ass: and i was yk just some fucked up soul born in cold and rain but he was my fucking sunlight or whatever
hozier, frantically writing on a napkin: HHHMMMM TELL ME MORE
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laegolas · 7 months
“It’s just scrap,” Hua Cheng says about his ashes, his only weakness, the one thing that could destroy him, a creature who grew up unloved and cast aside.
Given freely to the person who is his reason for existing, a person who sees the value in every little thing, a god of scraps.
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hualian · 8 months
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Hualian's first meeting in Ghost City 🦋 | Heaven Official’s Blessing S2 Ep1
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sidetrek · 5 months
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last summer I decided to try a little comic redraw of this old post where Crowley introduces Aziraphale to Belinda Carlisle. Pretty fun to see that I've improved in some areas in the intervening time!
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reloaderror · 9 months
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Nothing bad has ever happened to this man
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watchingwisteria · 5 months
aziraphale, the one who gave the first human exiles his flaming sword as both a source of protection and warmth, who did not look on them as sinners deserving of destruction but people entitled to the best chances possible, has never once looked at crowley, a heavenly exile, with anything other than compassion and a desire to protect. from their first meeting, he never wanted anything bad to happen to him. when crowley slithers up to him in eden, he treats him like an equal rather than an adversary. when crowley appears, his eyes fill with love and excitement, his gaze turns soft and hesitant, his whole body seizes with joy of seeing him. crowley might typically the one to seek him out, but aziraphale has always welcomed him home.
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froschli96 · 10 months
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🗣️ Darlin', you give love a bad name
Found this in my old wip folder and it feels now more relevant than ever :)
Also these don't know why I never uploaded these they were just sitting there completely finished:
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
June, 29 (Morning) Devotion
“Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”
1 Thessalonians 4:14
Let us not imagine that the soul sleeps in insensibility. “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise,” is the whisper of Christ to every dying saint. They “sleep in Jesus,” but their souls are before the throne of God, praising him day and night in his temple, singing hallelujahs to him who washed them from their sins in his blood. The body sleeps in its lonely bed of earth, beneath the coverlet of grass. But what is this sleep? The idea connected with sleep is “rest,” and that is the thought which the Spirit of God would convey to us. Sleep makes each night a Sabbath for the day. Sleep shuts fast the door of the soul, and bids all intruders tarry for a while, that the life within may enter its summer garden of ease. The toil-worn believer quietly sleeps, as does the weary child when it slumbers on its mother’s breast. Oh! happy they who die in the Lord; they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. Their quiet repose shall never be broken until God shall rouse them to give them their full reward. Guarded by angel watchers, curtained by eternal mysteries, they sleep on, the inheritors of glory, till the fulness of time shall bring the fulness of redemption. What an awaking shall be theirs! They were laid in their last resting place, weary and worn, but such they shall not rise. They went to their rest with the furrowed brow, and the wasted features, but they wake up in beauty and glory. The shrivelled seed, so destitute of form and comeliness, rises from the dust a beauteous flower. The winter of the grave gives way to the spring of redemption and the summer of glory. Blessed is death, since it, through the divine power, disrobes us of this work-day garment, to clothe us with the wedding garment of incorruption. Blessed are those who “sleep in Jesus.”
Daily Bible and Devotional for Women - http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=daily.bible.for.woman
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nguyenfinity · 5 months
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y'all would not believe what i got into
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rotomicity · 8 months
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TGCF art from 2021 which were very experimental and very much something out of my comfort zone but am still so satisfied with
(gonna ramble more under the cut 👉 )
My main inspiration for these were definitely classic storybook illustration styles and the watercolor-like illustrations included inside the tgcf books which depict hualian's daily slice of life routines as seen below
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I wanted to capture that feeling of warmth i got from reading but i also went with the storybook look because their relationship (and by extension broad strokes of the entire plot) really did feel like something out of actual myth or legend; i'm chinese indonesian and was raised surrounded by chinese culture + values so tgcf felt VERY familiar to me, it threw me back to my childhood reading or listening to tales about chinese deities, i'd say the storybook image definitely came into my mind pretty quickly bc of this
I find this style somewhat hard to replicate now but if i could or have the time to, i really want to continue the 'companion pieces to chapter titles ' concept i did with the last 2 pieces (which are of the same chapter title but i was just indecisive 😭😭), i even had 3 more planned based on my favorite titles before burning out back then
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cnl0400 · 13 days
Ok so you know how Thirteen Is canonically tone-deaf and sucks at singing right
And in S2, Beelzebub gets cursed because he destroys Lucifer's cursed record as an accident.
This record (was) called The Hymn of the Reaper... A song that belongs to an Opera, sang by the reaper as they exting a life candle
What If this opera singer was Thirteen herself...? People heard the record and thought It sucked, so they would get rid of It. In a act of pettiness, she curses the record so people get better taste and "appreciate her talent more"
"But why would Lucifer have a record of a singer that sucks?" Because he collects records that are cursed, not because of their musical merit (If they're good, that's a bonus)
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bakudekublogblog · 3 days
kacchan there is actually a way you and izuku can be together forever i have this crazy inventive solution for you it's called a marriage license
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