#i am glad i got the option to say that to mother giselle. that was such a great chat with her
danielnelsen · 3 years
im sure the actual plot of trespasser is interesting but im just hyped for this exalted council because it has the potential to address some of my main concerns with the inquisition as a whole
ive always felt very weird going around the world ‘claiming’ castles and landmarks for the inquisition, everyone seems to expect me to go into this council trying to save the inquisition but like.. as long as the rifts are gone then why do we need to exist?? hell yeah arl teagan im with you, we’ve just walked into your land, claimed shit, and established an incredibly powerful army right on your border. you can have it all back!!!!
why cant we just establish a research institute or something? ferelden and orlais can take their portions of the troops back and we can come together and consult on other matters if we need to. ive always been against the inquisition doing anything other than fixing the whole corypheus situation so now that we’ve done that we can wrap it up!!
#ash plays dai#ash plays da#personal#this isnt even my bias for ferelden over orlais; we dont need to exist anymore please can we just disband#the first interrogation question like 'you claimed this castle' and i had no option to say 'here have it back we dont need it'#the landmark stuff made me feel the worst. like using anything other than terms like 'claimed for the inquisition' would have been better#we dont own this shit. why couldnt we just put a marker saying we were researching it or something? why were we claiming them???????#i want arl teagan to destroy me; not in any weird way that people on tumblr mean when they say that; just win the argument PLEASE#hopefully we can arrange something like keeping skyhold but just getting rid of the army. i dont need cullen he should go and see his family#even if we dont get skyhold we could relocate to like..........kirkwall or something. im very welcome there and it's also closer to tevinter#i dont really want to move to tevinter but i can easily pop over to visit dorian if im in the free marches#i know hawke randomly 'disappeared' after going to weisshaupt but my headcanon is always that he returned to be an advisor#so the gang can all reunite in kirkwall or something idk. all my characters just wanna settle down and be gay and research shit#disbanding the inquisition is ideal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i am glad i got the option to say that to mother giselle. that was such a great chat with her#she was like 'sorry i misjudged dorian' and i was like 'youre right that the inquisition has had its time' hell yeah#thanks for being like..the one chill religious person in this game.#to be fair leliana was good too; she got elected as divine and abolished the circles good#my main regret in the entire game is that i failed to soften her. very depressed about that. huge moral failing on my part :(
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
BTS Inspiration of Winner’s Curse
I know not many people read my descendants fic, but hey it’s my Bday tomorrow and I feel like revealing some of the inspiration for it. This world building was actually what inspired me to start writing it down. Originally it was going to be from the POV of a Vk, and explore all the dynamics of the “new” Isle under the Coven of 13, and get into the motivations of each but as you can see that did not happen. I was intrigued by the idea of exploring a “sidekick” trying to be the hero and all that. Other notes are
Circe was originally going to be the mother of Malik, after having a fling with Mozonroth when she got sent to the Isle. Decided it was too much drama and discarded that.
There was going to be more focus on the power struggles between the mercenaries, the Coven and the authority figures. Was going to reveal Uma and Freddie to be siblings. Ended up sidelining Freddie.
Gaston’s daughter, Cosette, was going to have a role, becoming closer with Gil.
Atlantis characters were going to be part of the main group. As well as Black Cauldron characters. Also discarded.
Was going to redeem Drizella because I heard the original plans for Cinderella III was going to be Drizella redemption but they changed so they could give more development to Anastasia. So I decided I was going to do it. Dizzy would have been given more of a role.
Hans was going to be revealed as the cruelest villain. (Yeah I was going to make him a twist villain again. Be glad I did not).
Nasira and Mozonroth were going to be lovers before I decided on mother and son.
Diego and Ivy De’Vil would have had more a role.
Hercules characters would have had more a role. Including the Muses.
Ben would have had more a role somehow.
And that‘s about it.
But some things I am proud of in Winner’s Curse. Passing the Bedchel test.
A POC majority cast (This was completely unintentional but now I see it and counting it out, there’s four Agrabians, two WOC, and three European. Though I’ll admit I have not given Harry, Calix and Gil as much spotlight as I should. So my bad. But does Greek count as a white Euro? Idk, point is, unintentional diversity. Woo)
There‘s only two romances. Both are interracial. Also unintentional. Uma and Harry are totally together. And Aziz and Lala’s burgeoning crushes that will not end in a kiss after the final battle because it’s not important. Oh well. Attempts to explore PTSD, abuse, sexual assault and poverty.
The emphasis on family and friendship between characters.
Exploring the negative side of Auradon including it’s classist system, the Magic Ban, and the Euro-countries getting more resources and riches compared to the likes of Kuzcotopia and Atlantis and Atlantica,
Psychological studies(ish) and more character exploration.
Jay faces his dad!
Hook siblings!
Getting to mention tie ins to the Aladdin animated series, Legend of Tarzan animated series, Hercules animated series, Ariel‘s Beginning and soon Disney fairies books. And adding those characters.
That I finished 20 chapters! This is my longest fic ever! And just ten more chapters to go! I’ll get there.
Coven of 13: Villains dedicated to using their old magic to take over Auradon and be restored to their glory days once more. However they all have conflicting wishes with what the final plan should be.
Maleficent: Since being “overthrown” as queen of the Isle. Maleficent had to settle herself with working with others until she can be mistress of all evil again. Is in a constant battle for dominance with Queen Nerissa, Ursula, Mozenrath and Jafar.
(Evil) Queen Grimhilde: Though she may be pre-occupied by her looks and seem to be passive, Grimhilde is secretly gunning for complete control of the Isle and Auradon when they invade. She feels there should be a new queen that doesn’t get into such petty tantrums as Maleficent. Queen Nerissa: Queen Nerissa is the unofficial leader of the coven since it was her idea but it is impossible to convince the others of that. She wishes to get her ultimate revenge on Giselle, Edgar and the rest of Auradon by becoming the tyrant.
Ursula: Ursula is smartly setting her sights on just ruling Atlantica. Unless she gets bored. Then she might expande her pool of options. She mainly just wants to stick it to King Triton and when it comes to execution time. She isn’t going to make the mistake of keeping his soul, she wants to destroy it. Mother of Uma.
Circe: Very bitter about ending up on the Isle even after Helen of Troy vouched for her to stay in Auradon. So to say that she wants to crush Adam to the bone is understatement. She wants him to grovel. And if she can find that one good man while she’s at it, that would be a plus. Mother of Calix.
Mother Gothel: Though she has an intense rivalry with Grimhilde since day one about hoarding the scarce beauty products available on the Isle, she is her closest supporter now when it comes to finding magic for revenge and curing wrinkly skin. She is the mother of Ginny who she doesn’t dote on nearly as much as she did with Rapunzel.
Yzma: She wants Kuzcotopia and she will do anything and everything to get it even if it means teaming up with a bunch of “old hags” (yes pot calling kettle). Still remains overdramatic and delusional. Has a semi-dependent abusive relationship with her children Zevon and Yzla.
Morgaine Le Fey: Morgaine Le Fey, like Grimhilde, is quiet when it comes to group work but she is always observing for everyone else’s weaknesses and flaws that she will undoubtedly exploit when she becomes Queen of Camelot. Mother of Morrían.
Nasira: Sister to Jafar and mother of Jade and Mozonroth. She isn't nearly as enthusiastic about ruling Agrabah as her brother and Mozonroth are but she is just in it to get revenge on the stinking alley rat, Aladdin.
Queen La: Without her staff, her kingdom or leopard-man army, La has resorted to her Atlantean priestess magic again in hopes of getting off the Isle and reclaiming her staff. Still delusional, still lustful and hates having to depend on the rest of these people. Mother of Ranavalalona.
Jafar: Wishes to rule Agrabah and execute the royal family that “mistreated’ and “disrespected” him so much. Is in a constant battle with Mozonroth on the fact that he is the best sorcerer and will be ruler of Agrabah when they take over. Mozonroth: Finds Jafar to be a blowhard and believes that since he already took over the Black Sands and overthrew his former mentor that he should be doing far better plots. But with the Isle’s Magic Ban, he has to go with what he has. Besides that he would like to give his half-brother, Aladdin, a taste of “brotherly love” when he puts him in a headlock to crack his skull. Father to Malik and Imran Abbas.
Dr. Facilier: Like Ursula, Dr. Facilier smartly works on the fringes, setting his sights small on the Bayou before ruling the rest of Auradon. Father of Freddie and Celia.
All-Powerful Quartet: Generally speaking, if any villain was going to be taking over Auradon, it would be these 4. But due to their all-powerful status, they’d rather not exert themselves to do such menial tasks when they have other things to do.
Mirage: Evil Incarnate. So she does get to go off-Isle to maintain some balance of good and evil in the universe but generally enjoys the place. There is just so much evil and chaos everywhere and she glories in it. Mother of Illusion and Chimera.
Chernabog: Since being put on the Isle, Chernabog remains asleep on the mountain, waiting for his day to rise again.
Horned King: Without his deathless army, the Horned King remains in his cave, slowly wasting away. Mainly convenes with Hades.
Hades: God of the Underworld. So yeah, he has a full time job to do.
Mercenaries: The muscle behind the Coven, these are people who can’t adjust to domestic life, more 20th century living and miss the thrill of a fight. They deal with the dirtier deeds of murder and treason. The big boss (literal mob boss) is Sykes who rents their services out.
Sykes: Mob boss. Basically owner of the unofficially named, “Mercenary for Hire.” He never gets his own hands dirty but he has plenty of people who will do it for him. He keeps his people in line with his files of blackmail he has stocked up.
Clayton: Desperately misses the thrill of the hunt and more modern conveniences like a well-polish gun with enough ammo to shoot all these thieves to hell. Has a coworkers- with-benefits relationship with Helga. Father of Clay.
Rourke: Since being screwed over by magic, Rourke has kept a very rigid condition that he will only deal with non-magical situations. Still maintains his treasure-seeking ways and often pilfers from Jafar’s shop.
Helga Sinclair: One of the most intimidating humans on the Isle and of the mercenaries in general. She is known for her efficiency in work, stoic demeanor and same condition to her jobs as Rourke, no magic.
Muviro: Finds mercenary life to be very suitable since being exiled from his tribe. He does it less so for the money but for the glory and bloodlust. Father of Renavalalona.
Lady Caine: Self-proclaimed, “Queen of Thieves” and pirate extradonier. She is Captain Hook’s only real competition on the piracy front leaving a lot of punch-punch kiss tension between them. Many suspect that she is CJ’s bio mom since they share the same manipulativeness, “devil may care” attitude and self-centeredness. However she has no time for any child-rearing, and leaves James to do whatever neglectful work.
Gaston: Another mercenary that does it for the glory rather than the money. He needs something to do since his hunting days are over. Unfortunately he has not won a lot of admirers on the Isle for his chauvinistic attitude (Bad move considering that many of the women have actual powers). Father of Gaston Jr. Gaston the Second, Gil, Gaston (IV) the Great and Cosette.
Shan Yu: Finds himself very low being part of a mercenary gang instead of invading foreign countries. But it does provide some thrill that he can work on his own and make his homicides as bloody as he wants them to be.
Sa’Luk: Former “King of the Thieves,” Sa’Luk uses his mercenary work to get rid of his excess energy and anger towards his enemies. He joins Rourke in pilfering from Jafar’s shops and has a penchant for shiny gold trinkets.
Lt. Col. Jean Staquait: Former French officer and best to hire when you need someone to torture prisoners.
Authority Figures: Villains who are used to have some amount of power in more domestic/civilian pursuits. Pretty much like big corporations that constantly drain the other villains of cash, small trinkets, food and whatever other valuables are on the Isle.
Queen Saleen: One of the most malevolent mermaid, well only mermaid on the Isle. She spends most of her time in the Isle’s waters, avoiding the annoying two legged people. She is often in some sort of feud with Ursula.
Lady Tremaine: Guardian to Anthony Tremaine. Lady is getting on with her years and remains more or less infirmed in her house with a dozen grandchildren. She runs her house with an iron fist and is the most vocal on the Isle in support of child labor. She misses her days of richness and convenes with other elder women about how low they have fallen.
Medusa: Just like she did before the Isle, Medusa owns a pawn shop that is on a constant losing streak to Jafar’s so she has opened a small casino next to it too. She rather delusionally considers herself to be an entrepreneur and tries to work with those higher up in the social ladder to get more money herself.
Cruella De’Vil: While she spends most of her time tending to her furs and car and drinking, when she is sober she tries her hand at fashion design as in the olden days. She works closely with Lady Tremaine and Medusa.
Prince Hans: More or less the least-adjusted to the Isle with his loss of kingdom, servants and anyone gullible enough to believe his lies or manipulations. He is in close cahoots with Mozenrath and bought Drizella as his mistress. Father to Lars, his only son and heir since Stalyan refuses to ruin her figure again.
Sheriff of Nottingham: Serves as the Isle’s one man police force and a sucky job at that as he lets his henchmen squad do most of the work while he serves as trial judge and executioner with the Queen of Hearts: She works a bit on the judicial system, mainly the one who suggests the executions. She can also be found bringing most of the cases to court against henchmen who have wronged her or disobeyed her Tea Shop’s rules.
Captain Hook: The sole owner and commander of the coasts of the Isle while Ursula controls its seas. He is still as obsessive as ever about Peter Pan, his hand and crocodiles and can be found frequenting bars and other brawling areas on the Isle where his hook serves as a nasty weapon. Father of Harriet, Harry and CJ.
Gov. Ratcliff: The only one on the Isle that deals with paperwork. Sort of a treasurer of sorts. Not so much in organizing it but guarding it with his life and spends his time staring longingly at the piles wishing it were genuine gold than copper coins. Claude Frollo: Father of Claudine. Maintains his strict preaching and inflaming others against sin and towards prejudice. But he also tends to lose his inhibitions more and is a regular at the brothels of the Isle late at night. No woman has replaced his lust for Esmeralda though. Claudette seems to becoming close to that though.
Stalyan: Hans’ wife and Lady Caine’s part-time lover which drives Prince Hans crazy. She has her eyes on one thing and one thing only, money and bad boys that make her look good. She has no real ambitions of her own and depends on her father, the Baron, to give her what she wants. Mother of Lars.
Regular Citizens: Citizens that hold no sort of power and are pretty much everyone’s punching bags.
Morgana: Morgana would have been put part of the coven, but her sister, Ursula forbade it. Besides everyone knows that Ursula is far more powerful and talented than her sister. Instead Morgana is blackballed from any real position of respect and takes care of Ursula’s restaurant when she is away.
Marina Del Ray: Since losing her job to Sebastian she has become the Madam of the Isle’s seaside brothels, using the money to spiffy up her gaudy wardrobe.
The Bimbettes: Claudette (red dress) used to be Gaston’s gf but left him after he tried to “throw away” their daughter, Cosette, to try for a boy. She has since then been seen with the likes of Prince Hans, Mozenrath and Frollo. Laurette (yellow dress), the mother of Gastons 1-3 is Gaston’s favorite. Paulette (green dress), Gaston’s official wife is more or less his servant/punching bag and mother to Gil.
Drizella Tremaine: Since she couldn’t be married to Prince Hans, she has settled for being his mistress whenever he and Stalyan have a fight. A thankless position since she regularly bends over (literally and metaphorically) to his will and gets discarded like trash every time.
Lefou and Smee: Live together and own a kinda profitable gun and fishing shack. By far the best parents on the Isle due to their goofy more sympathetic natures.
Jasper and Horace: Still devoted henchmen of Cruella, they serve as secretaries, gophers and all manner of assistance to her. Fathers to Jace and Harold.
Ivy De’Vil: Mother of Diego, is the brains behind Cruella’s beauty designs since she isn’t drunk all the time. Can be considered one of the better mothers on the Isle.
Animals: No explanation needed
Scar, Zira, Shere Khan, Sabor, Benzai, Ed and Shenzi, Tublat, Hista
Couples: Captain Hook and Lady Caine (fight-hate sex rivalry. Child- CJ)
Lady Caine and Stalyan (with-benefits)
Stalyan and Prince Hans (Married. Child- Lars)
Prince Hans and Drizella (affair, possibly Dizzy?)
Mozenrath and Hans (Hans swears it was an accident. Or he was too drunk. Or it was magic)
Lady Caine and Hans (Revenge against Stalyan)
Queen Grimhilde and Prince Hans (One night stand)
Ursula and Dr. Facilier (fling, potentially Freddie and Uma)
Frollo and Claudette (with-benefits)
Gaston and Laurette (Affair/borderline married. Children- Gaston Jr. Gaston the Second, Gaston (IV) the Great)
Gaston and Paulette (Married. Child- Gil)
Lefou and Paulette (Lefou deux, drunken night of pity sex because Gaston’s treatment of them)
Smee and Lefou (Couple. Adopted Sammy)
Ivy De’Vil and Frollo (One night stand. Child-Diego)
Mozonroth and Morgaine Le Fey (Fling)
Clayton and Helga Sinclair (co-workers with benefits)
Queen La and Muviro (Married and dumped. Children- Ranavalalona. Musala, Taytu Betuvira, and unnamed, deceased)
Queen La and Clayton (Fling- Leopold, deceased)
Queen La and Gaston (Fling. Children-Amina and Shaka, deceased)
Queen La and Rourke (Fling. Child- Euware, deceased)
Queen La and Mozonroth (Fling. Child-Sarounia, deceased)
Shan Yu and Sa’Luk (Once- There’s no straight men in the trenches)
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searchingff-blog · 6 years
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After Zeus had his run in with Cassi is mind started to wander more, and more about who snitched on him. He said he was going to get revenge, but wanted to give it a few months before taking action. Just getting out of jail the heat was still on him, and his parole officer was keeping a close eye on him. Cassi forgot she was in on the plan but he knew she didn't drop the ball on him, so he needed to start figuring out who. That's why he called Hazel, the closest thing he had to a right hand, and one of the two people that were in on the job.
“It's open.” Zeus called out from the couch. He was focused on rolling up a blunt currently.
Hazel walked in and the weed instantly knocked her in the face. Whatever strain he was smoking was potent.
“The way that shit is smelling it's definitely going to pop up in your system.” She walked over into the living section of his studio apartment.
“See, a nigga like me already has clean pee stocked up. I can’t go without smoking, and staying sane at all. Hell I snapped last night.” He shook his head, disappointed at his actions.
After the fact, and when he had time to think, he understood why Cassi was mad. He possibly fucked up her normal, and they were supposed to be friends outside of sleeping together. His temper ignited, because she came in and defended somebody that wasn’t him. Having a woman have your back the way she had Saint’s was something he envied right now, because the last time he had that was with Azure.
“What you mean you snapped?” She questioned, taking a seat on the couch and kicking her heels off.
“Man, Cassi.”
“You still dealing with that thot box? For what?” She screwed up her face in confusion.
Hazel knew about their dealings, and knew Cassi was also in a whole relationship right now. As a woman, and human being she didn't respect her because she had no morals or dignity.
“C’mon, don't lecture me today. I ain't trying to hear it.” He sparked the blunt up.
“Ohh fucking well. She's married and you're sleeping with her willingly. That bad karma is going to come and bite you in the ass. This is why Azure doesn't even want to be friends with you. She thinks bad energy follows you.” Her head shook. Disappoint was written across her face.
Zeus looked at her irritated, but inside he knew she was right.
“But why am I here at 9 am?” She asked, deading the previous conversation.
“I think it's time I put my plan in motion to find the snake.”
“You sure? You getting out of jail is still fresh.”
“I know, but the shit has to get handled. My street cred is getting fucked up, because everybody knew the plan was sealed tight and I ain't did shit about it. Somebody spoke to someone.”
Zeus always figured it was a snake, because the cops knew too much about the job than a witness could have seen.
“Most of the niggas that you used to rock with back then are dead, in jail, or have left the streets alone. I think you should really look into Juan’s people dropping the bomb on you.”
Zeus nodded as the smoke filled up his lungs. He needed to be smart, and consider all options.
“Plus, who do you think ratted you out? There's only a few that could have said something, and you know me and Roman didn't.”
She was going through a rough patch with her husband right now, but she knew for sure he wasn't a snake.
“Right, and Cassi had too much involvement to tell.”
“So my suggestion to you is plant a nice little flower for one of his men to pick. You know their pillow talk could get us some information.”
Hazel’s involvement in the murder was being Zeus’ albi if needed. A rooftop party was going on that night, and he arrived when it started and left when everybody was too drunk to realize he was gone.
“And hopefully make the dude want her to stick around long enough for her to meet Gabriella, the Queen of it all.”
“Baby steps. We want the girl to get information, not killed.”
When Juan died his mother Gabriella went on a witch hunt. She wanted justice for her family, and the ways she went about getting justice resulted in a dead body. The last thing they needed was to be caught. They had to move smart.
“You right, you right.” He slouched down on the couch, and laid his head back. “I know the perfect broad, but while I'm doing that I need you to talk to all the little homies. See what they know.”
Back when Zeus was on top of his game you either wanted to be him, or take him out the picture for good. There was never an in between, so for him to sleep at night even the ones that were on his side he needed to be vetted.
“I can do that. Just don't get trigger happy again, and do something we'll both regret.” She chuckled.
With Juan, all she thought he would do was rough him up some. When she turned on the news that morning, and it said an unknown man was shot in the face twenty times she knew it was Zeus. All she could do at that point was hold up her end of the bargain, and say he was at her party all night.
“I won’t, and keep this away from Azure. I don't need her getting hurt.”
“Trust me I won't. The last thing she would allow is for me to be doing dirty work with you again.”
Azure didn't know for sure that they had something to do with Juan’s death, but she could tell something was up. She is a smart woman, and knew these two better than anybody else.
Hazel was getting her red bottoms dirty again by helping Zeus, but she did the necessary for the ones she loved.
After the fight Azure was back on her grind. She had numerous things lined up for XXL, and herself in general. Today she was having Carmen come over to the office for a potential job opportunity. Future, a close friend and artist, needed a main girl in his new video and asked her to hook him up. Azure’s reach as far as women went was endless. She knew all the hottest video vixens, instagram models, and just beautiful women in general in New York. The reason why she thought about Carmen was because her look was unique, and she wanted to see how she did outside of her element. Majority of the time men wanted Azure in their videos, but she wasn’t that type of girl. She had an image, brand, and reputation to keep.
“Send her right up.” Azure said into the phone.
Selena loved how after one interaction she was getting called in for job opportunities. This was going to lead to her getting closer with Azure, and then in turn being brought into her circle. Everything was going as planned, and moving along accordingly.
She knocked on Azure’s door lightly before walking in.
“Hey, mama.” She smiled wide, and walked over to hug her.
“How are you?” Azure hugged her.
“I'm good, you?” Selena took a seat.
“Good, and glad you could make it on such short notice to the office. My friend Future needs a main girl in his video, and I thought about you. Now I know it isn't your usual thing, but..”
“I'll do it.” Selena said quickly.
Being a video girl was beneath her, and on a regular day she would have rejected the offer. However, today the situation was different. This  was going to put Azure in her debt for a favor from her.
“Great, I'll send your information over to him.” She was ecstatic that she was up for the gig.
“But I need you to do something for me.” Selena smiled, and propped her head on her hands.
“What is it? I ain't into all that freaky shit you models are.”  Her eyebrow raised, and she was a little hesitant.
“There's this VIP, all exclusive party I'm going to next month and I want you to go with me.”
“Why me?” Azure knew she had other friends that she's known for a longer time that she could ask.
“Everybody else is so called booked up, and I don't want to go by myself. It won't be as much fun.”
Azure sat there thinking. She didn't want to be involved in anymore mess or drama. Her life these last couple of months had been everything, but positive. She needed new energy to surround herself with.
“Yes! Then it's a date.” Selena smiled, her plans were falling into place.
“Just send over the date, and stuff to me in a couple weeks.”
Azure had to get back to her life, and her work was how she was going to do that. Everybody took her smile as she was ok, and they quickly forgot that she just went through a divorce. She was healing, but the wound wasn't a scab yet.
Gigi took the pan of lasagna out the oven, and placed it on the counter next to the stove. Montell was on his way over to her house.  She decided to invite him over for dinner with her instead of having him go with her to her mom's house. Her family was unpredictable, and she didn't know what to expect from them. Plus, tonight she could get to know him outside of work on a 1 on 1 basis.
“Girl, you got this. This is the first guy you actually like, so just play it cool. Everything is going to go over fine. You're a bad bitch.” Gigi said to herself in the bathroom mirror.
Montell was off the clock tonight. This interaction was strictly pleasure, because he started to like Giselle. His boss would chew his head off if he knew he was out doing this, so he kept his wire at home. It chewed at his conscious that he was using her the way he was. The more he wanted to keep it professional he couldn't.
He exited the elevator when it reached her Manhattan apartment floor. Knowing what he knew, he knew this apartment was paid for by her father's witness protection money. He reached her door, and knocked.
Gigi gave herself one more look over before she answered the door.
“Hello, welcome to my home.” She smiled wide with her pearly whites showing.
Monty licked his lips when he saw what she had on. His mind undressed her, and his mouth filled up with moisture.
“These are for you Giselle.” He handed her the sunflowers as he walked in, and pecked her on the cheek.
“Thanks, these are beautiful.” She loved that he was the only one who called her by her full name. He told her a queen should be addressed properly.
“Your little spot is tough, and I smell my favorite.  You know you have a lot to live up to now.” He chuckled, taking his jacket off once fully inside of her home.
She walked over to the kitchen, and placed the flowers in water. “I got this.” She laughed softly. “Water, lemonade, wine, or Jack?” If anybody knew what his go to drink was it was her.
“You should already know the answer to that.” He smirked, and took a seat at the table.
Along with pouring him a glass of jack, herself a glass of wine, she made their plates. Placed with the lasagna was homemade garlic bread. Cooking was a hobby of hers to the point she took cooking classes from time to time. The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.
“I appreciate this forreal.” He smiled at her, and placed a hand on her thigh.
That little show of appreciation made her night. The small things in life warmed her heart up, and seeing that a hot meal from her meant so much spoke volumes.
The two of them started eating, and spoke about any and everything. The conversation went from family, politics, hobbies, school, childhood, and sex. She was getting to know Montell, and he was getting to know Giselle.
“So when was your last relationship?” The glass of wine was placed up to her lips after she asked the question.
“It was about two years ago. I've dated around since then, but nothing serious enough to bring up.”
“Why'd it end?”
“Our future's didn't align. She wanted things I wasn't sure I wanted right then and there. I was still a struggling DJ that was on his grind to make it. Being young, and stubborn I wanted what I wanted, and didn't care if that meant losing her.”
Gigi listened, and nodded when he finished. She would have thought the cliche answer, and guessed he cheated on her. The more she got to know him the more he surprised her.
“What about you?” He asked.
“Ummm...right before I graduated. We had been together since I was a freshmen at UCLA, and things were great. I always told him I was moving back home when I finished school, and he claimed he understood that. When it was time for me to go he was nowhere to be found until the day of my flight with my best friend. It hurted, but I'm glad I was on my way out.”
The story was partially true. The reason for the breakup wasn't because she was leaving, but because she told him about the transition. The guy was pissed she didn't tell him at the beginning, because he didn't care about her transition. Honesty was the best policy.
“Lucky me he was stupid enough to let you go.” Monty smiled, getting up to grab the plates.
“Let me do that.” She hopped up.
“Girl, pour me another shot and you another glass and let me handle this.” He looked down at her, and she obliged.
Monty put the dirty dishes in the sink, and she handled their drinks. When they finished in the kitchen the duo moved over to the living room. He made it over to the couch first, and as she made way over he followed her every step. It made her blush.
“What?” She asked as she took a seat next to him.
“I want a kiss.” His eyes peered into hers.
His look drove her hormones insane. Before she could verbally comply he sat up, and pulled her face closer to his by her jaw. Their lips connected, and it was like sparks flew. It started off as a peck right before his tongue slid inside of her mouth. They moved around like snakes, and danced like two skillfully ballroom dancers. She pulled away to catch her breath, and stop herself from fainting.
“Wow, damn.” She threw back his shot of Jack. At that moment she needed it more than he did.
“I want to please you.” His voice was soft, but intense.
All Gigi did was nod her head. He took the glass of wine out of her hand, and placed it on the coffee table. She laid back on the couch, and he pushed her dress up over her small waist. His hand rubbed against her opening as he glared her down. Her body was under his control to the point of her legs spreading without the command.
“Ooohh..” She gasped for air, and the last thing she remembered was his head disappearing between her legs.
This was the first time the new her was experiencing anything sexual. The intense pleasure of his lips on hers, his tongue doing magical things to her clit, sent unknown surges through her body. Multiple times she tried to pull his head away, because she didn't think she could handle it anymore. The arch of her back was perfect, and the entire time she only saw the back of her eyelids. Her sounds of pleasure enticed him, and he didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.
“Baby, I-I, Oh my gawd.”
This unknown feeling of explosive passion brought tears to her eyes as she reached the mountain top. Her legs shook, and he knew he did a job well done but the beast wasn't full. Montell wanted more, and he was going to continue feeding on her sweet juice.
She had no complaints.
Saint’s love life was shit, and he had no idea how it went from great to horrible. He loved Cassi, and wanted to give her the world but he needed to be smart about everything. Something was up between her, and Zeus. He wanted to believe her, and believe that she wouldn't do anything like that to him but taking into account her reputation he needed to look more into the situation. Plus, Zeus got around in the streets. Majority of the time when it involved a female he usually was smashing, or smashed.
Tonight Saint was at a bar, the same place he'd been the past few nights. Going home was like walking into negative energy, and it was bad enough he was feeling down about the situation. Cassi had been blowing up his phone so much he blocked her. It was apology after apology, and it sounded good but it was what he was used to with her. She was going to apologize, and then use sexual advances to make sure he forgave her. It worked in the past, but not this time. His foot was planted firmly, and only the truth was going to save her.
“Jimmy, let me get a dry scotch and keep em coming.” Saint recited to the bartender. It was the same line he used the night before.
With his celebrity status he had to find a bar that was incognito. His coworkers were already becoming suspicious, because he was coming to work looking drained and reeking of liquor. Saint was the high energy, life of the party guy that had jokes for days. They weren't used to seeing him in this light.
The night was moving along, and as it did Saint was becoming more and more drunk. It took him leaving out the bathroom to notice trouble accompanying him at the same location.
Zeus had been at the bar the entire night with one of his homeboys. This was his go to spot when it came to handling street business. The police barely walked through unless they were called for a disturbance.
Saint’s better judgement was clouded by his alcohol level, and as soon as the thought entered his head he was walking towards Zeus’ table. He wasn't the confrontational type, so all he wanted was answers.  
“You fucking Cassi?” He blurted out before his presence was acknowledged.
The young boy with Zeus rose up ready for war, but Zeus sat him down quickly. “Nigga what?” He tried not to laugh in his face.
“We ain't bout to do that, and act dumb in here. You fucking her or not?” He had no time for the games, or Zeus trying to show out for the little audience he had.
“Mane, what your girl say?”
“Obviously some shit I ain't trying to hear.”
Zeus felt bad for the guy, because he could tell he loved her. However, it wasn't his place to be the bearer of bad news.
“I aint thinking about yo girl, or have in a long time.”
“Fuck that supposed to mean?” Saint was taken back by his boldness.
“Fuck it sound like nigga. I been smashed shorty back in the day a few times, and that was it. Since I been out aint nobody over here been on her line. That text I sent was meant for a different Cassi in my phone.” He lied, but told the truth at the same time.  
Not proud of it, but she was one of the girl's Azure never knew about. Cassi repaid him with sex for coming to her side. He was risking it by saying he used to fuck her, but wasn't going to look like a sucker either.
“She aint neva tell me yall dealt with each other in the past.” Saint was shocked that she kept that from him.
“Because she wasn't my girl or nothing. To be honest you come and questioning me about a slide that everybody done had, no disrespect of course.” The liquor had him talking his shit.
“Fuck what you talking just stay away from her.” Saint walked away before Zeus had the opportunity to respond.
It irritated him that she never told him about Zeus. He knew her track record was extensive but Azure was his homegirl, and now he felt obligated to tell her what Zeus pridefully told him. It more not than likely wasn't his place, but seeing how smug he was made Saint want to blow up his spot.
He walked by the bar, and downed his last shot. The bar was now overcrowded with energy he no longer wanted to feel. With the mini bar fully stocked Saint headed to the hotel room.
People tended to forget important details of their past.
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stardustandash · 7 years
Waiting on the Edge of the Abyss (chapter 2)
A Dragon Age Fanfic
Ëonwë Lavellan does not like the fade or tough decisions. Or, I can’t deal with Here Lies the Abyss so here’s a third option. 
Chapter two time!
Read Ëonwë’s first adventure
Read on Ao3
With one ear Dorian listened as Hawke rounded up the remaining Wardens, claiming leadership until such time as the Inquisition decided their fate. Alistair in turn announced that he would be leaving to inform the Wardens as Weisshaupt of the corruption in their ranks and the death of Warden-Commander Clarel. Dorian couldn't care less about the Maker-damned Wardens though, he was far more concerned about the limp body in the commander's arms.
Ëonwë's senses came back slowly. First, he was aware of the cloth beneath him. It was soft, but not the familiar softness of his own bed. There was the taste of elfroot in his mouth, a bright earthy note on his tongue.Then he was aware of the hand holding his own. The thumb gently stroking across his knuckles had familiar callouses. Dorian. He was then aware of the voices. Dorian's was there, murmuring in Tevene, but there were others as well. Was he still at Adamant? How long had he been asleep. The next thing Ëonwë became aware of was the pain. His leg hurt, and his side. Ëonwë would not be surprised if his skull was fractured judging by how it felt like a whole team of dwarves had been mining it from the inside out. His breath must have hitched from the pain, because Dorian broke off his quiet murmurs.
"Lavellan?" asked Dorian in a quiet voice.
Ëonwë tried to answer, but all that came out was a dry moan.
"Come on Amatus, open your eyes for me."
He said it so gently, Ëonwë had to try, just for him. It was an effort, but Ëonwë managed to force his sleep-crusted eyelids apart. Dorian was there, looking worried and ragged, though wearing clean robes. Some time must have passed then. Beyond Dorian Ëonwë could see healers, magical and mundane. This place was familiar, and it took Ëonwë's tired brain a few minutes to realize he was in Skyhold's infirmary.
Dorian's question dragged Ëonwë's attention back to him. His mind felt like pea soup and it was hard to concentrate.
"Wa-water?" Ëonwë asked in a raspy voice.
His throat felt like the hot sands of the Western Approach had been poured down it. Dorian was quick to comply to his request, sliding one hand around Ëonwë's shoulders to help ease him upright enough to drink from the cup Dorian held to his lips. Creators did the movement make his side sting, but the water felt wonderful against his throat.
"Thank you," said Ëonwë.
"You should know I absolutely detest playing nursemaid," said Dorian, but without any of the usual bite. The sarcasm was lost behind the worry that tightened his eyes and deepened the lines around his mouth.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Ëonwë let his gaze roll over Dorian again, assuring himself that the man was fine. He looked like he hadn't slept in a week, and bathed only once in that time, but there were no visible injuries.
"Did you know your library has remarkably little on early Tevinter history?" said Dorian.
Ëonwë only shrugged. Really, he hadn't had time to actually read anything other than reports in months.
"All these gifts to the Inquisition and the best they could do was the Malefica Imperia. Trite propaganda. But if you wanted twenty volumes on whether Divine Galatea took a shit on Sunday, you need look no further."
"Critiquing every book in my library?" Ëonwë grinned. Of course Dorian would be upset that they only had books with the southerners views on his homeland.
"I wouldn't have to, if you could find some rebellious heretic archivist to join the cause."
"Are there rebellious archivists? Other than you that is."
"If Corypheus ever starts burning masterworks of literature I'm sure a few would pop up."
Ëonwë laughed a little at that, though stopped quickly as a flair of pain burst in his side.
"I think I saw something by Genitivi there," said Dorian, beginning to rise.
Something in the way Dorian said that made Ëonwë think that the mage was yelling at him for something other than the fact that his library was lacking.
"What is this really about, Dorian?"
Dorian sat back down with a heavy sigh.
"When we fell into that castle, into the Fade, I thought you were done for," Dorian couldn't keep the emotion out of his voice, and Ëonwë felt utter guilt at causing that sadness. "I don't know If I can forgive you for that moment."
Ëonwë reached for Dorian's hand.
"I'm here, I'm alive, aren't I?" Ëonwë tried to reassure Dorian.
But Dorian shook off Ëonwë's hand. His face was stony and his eyes burned with emotion.
"You sent me ahead, and then didn't follow. For a moment I was certain you wouldn't. I thought 'this is it, this is where I finally lose him forever'. And then you do stumble out of the Fade, and for a second everything is all right. But you had to go and ruin the moment by bleeding all over the damn courtyard and bring that feeling right back."
Ëonwë felt properly chastised. But it hadn't been his intention to scare Dorian. He'd just wanted to make sure everyone who he dragged into that mess managed to get out of it. Creators, Ëonwë felt his age for the first time in a long time. He'd been playing the Inquisitor for too long, forgetting he was not even properly the first of clan Lavellan, forgetting that he was only a few short moons past his twentieth winter. And here he was, not for the first time, lying injured in a shemlen infirmary with too many people waiting for him to get back up and make life changing decisions for them.
"I'm sorry," offered Ëonwë.
Dorian just leaned down to press a soft kiss to his temple before taking his leave. Ëonwë wasn't sure what to do with that. But then a healer came by with a potion that made everything hurt less and he slipped back into a dreamless sleep.
Before he'd managed to make his escape out of the infirmary, many of the inner circle had been by to visit. Solas had been very curious about the Fade, and asked questions until Ëonwë's head spun and he was chased out by a healer to let Ëonwë get some rest. Blackwall had come to give him an update on the Wardens, Sera had snuck him a berry tart, Krem had been by to thank him for bringing back Iron Bull, and Iron Bull had been surprisingly quiet though winked when Ëonwë asked after Dorian. Dorian hadn't been to see him since Ëonwë woke. Neither had his advisors, though Ëonwë suspected it was because they would prefer him to get a moment of rest before diving back into business. He was bored and frustrated by the fourth day, and despite the healers insisting he stay on bedrest for a little while longer, Ëonwë managed to convince one of them with his famed doe eyes that he was fine to walk around with a crutch. This saw him hobbling around Skyhold, taking stock of morale. Everyone was glad to see their Inquisitor out and about, though the atmosphere in the courtyard was sombre. Even the tavern seemed somewhat subdued, though Ëonwë only glanced in as he made his way to where he spied Cassandra slaughtering training dummies.
"I think he's dead, whoever he is," called Ëonwë.
Cassandra spun around, though lowered her blade.
"Inquisitor! Did the healers say you could be up?"
No, but Ëonwë wasn't about to admit it.
"I'm fine. I'm sure there's a whole host of people waiting to hear my report of what happened in the fade."
Ëonwë just wanted to get the whole nightmare over with so he could move past it, preferably on to mending things with Dorian. Cassandra gave him a knowing smile.
"Luckily for you, we just need to hear the part where you were alone. I'll call the others to the war room, meet us there in half an hour."
Ëonwë nodded.
"And Inquisitor, I am glad you made it back to us."
"Thank you," said Ëonwë.
Half an hour. Just enough time to sneak to the gardens. If he was lucky, he could even avoid being hounded by Mother Giselle. Chantry sermons after just seeing the strange apparition of the Divine? Not something Ëonwë really wanted.
The garden was quiet. Morrigan and her son were there, as usual. Morrigan seemed content to watch Kieran while he investigated the various plants Ëonwë had planted from the seeds he collected on his travels. Movement on the battlements caught his attention. It was Alistair, warden armour shining bright in the pale sunlight. He had something in his arms. Ëonwë watched as he approached Kieran. Morrigan said nothing, though she seemed ready to spring into action.
"Hello, Kieran isn't it?" Alistair greeted cheerfully.
"Yes. Oh! I know who you are."
"Really?" Alistair looked oddly eager, hopeful almost.
"Yes! Mother says you helped her friend slay the archdemon," said Kieran.
It was more excitement than Ëonwë had ever seen from the boy before, but Alistair seemed disappointed by the answer.
"That's right. Anyways, I have it on good authority that your birthday may be soon, and I came to give you this," said Alistair, holding up the basket, which Ëonwë could now see was covered in a wriggling cloth.
"For me?" Kieran took the basket, and gleefully ripped off the cloth to reveal an utterly adorable Mabari puppy.
The dog took one look at the boy, gave a happy bark, and decided that Kieran's face needed the best washing of his young life.
"She'll need a name you know. And don't forget, Mabari are smart, so you should teach her as many tricks as possible."
"Noya," said Kieran.
"What was that?" Alistair looked shocked.
"Noya, like the Hero of Ferelden. Mother talks about her all the time. She says that Noya was fierce and protective for a mage. I think those are good qualities for a Mabari too."
"Noya still is fierce and protective. I think it's a great name," Alistair said.
With that Kieran eagerly ran over to Morrigan to enthusiastically show her his new pet. Ëonwë made a mental note to ask about what had just happened later. For now he was needed in the war room.
The meeting wasn't all that bad. And Josephine, bless her heart, had gotten him a chair. None of them commented when he sank into it gingerly, very aware of all the aches, bruises, and healing wounds still covering his body. From there he launched into his story.
Ëonwë had sent Alistair and Hawke ahead. The rift was close, so close, and he needed to see them leave. But he also had to get past the nightmare as well. So he told the advisors, how he had gathered the magic, and released it, hoping to stun the creature long enough to get a decent head start to the rift. He didn't count on the creature being immune to the stunning effect of his lightning magic. As soon as he had tried to run the thing had sent one of its spiny limbs straight through his side. The monster had retracted it, thank the creators, but the force had knocked him to his knees. The next blow had been to his head. He had tried to fade-step away, but being in the fade and all, it hadn't exactly worked. From there things were fuzzy, and he told as much to the advisors. How he managed to get past the nightmare creature was beyond him.
"I think I owe it to luck that I'm standing here," finished Ëonwë.
"I only wonder, could it really have been Divine Justinia you saw in the fade?" Leliana had a distant look in her eyes.
"I don't think we'll ever know now," said Ëonwë. Truthfully, he thought it could have been the Divine, or what was left of her spirit, but it could have just as easily been another spirit, who, like Cole, had taken the shape of the person it had tried to comfort.
"Your safe now, and on the mend. That's all that matters. We can debate if it was truly the Divine or not at a later date. Inquisitor," Cullen nodded to him, and took his leave.
Ëonwë was grateful. He was feeling all kinds of tired. Barely concealing a groan, Ëonwë stood slowly from the chair, trying to stretch out his stiff limbs without aggravating his wounds. He turned to go, but before he could leave Leliana's voice stopped him.
"Inquisitor, I believe I have something for you."
Ëonwë turned. Leliana was holding a small leather pouch. She gave it to him and Ëonwë curiously peeked inside, wondering what it could be. Inside was the amulet. Dorian's amulet. His dratted lineage. Ëonwë had almost forgotten their row in the market and his subsequent words to one of Leliana's spies in Val Royeux.
"Thank you."
With the pouch weighing heavily in his pocket, Ëonwë retired to his room with a lot on his mind. One of the healers found him just after he'd managed to drift to sleep. Back to the infirmary he went, but not before stashing the pouch in one of the drawers in his desk.
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shannaraisles · 7 years
Set In Darkness
Chapter: 30 Author name: ShannaraIsles Rating: M Warnings: Canon-typical threat and violence; unpopular characterisation of an NPC Summary: She’s a Modern Girl in Thedas, but it isn’t what she wanted. There’s a scary dose of reality as soon as she arrives. It isn’t her story. People get hurt here; people die here, and there’s no option to reload if you make a bad decision. So what’s stopping her from plunging head first into the Void at the drop of a hat?
Rory shook her head stubbornly. "There's nothing to talk about."
Beside her, Cullen nodded easily, not pushing for words. "All right," he conceded, reaching to pour himself a drink from the jug. He cupped it in both hands, staring into space as he waited.
The silence dragged on, neither one of them speaking. Outside, there was only the sound of the wind against the shutters; inside, the occasional crackling pop from the logs on the fire. Rory glared at the cup in her hands, hating this helpless feeling in the face of the anger roiling inside her. She couldn't remember feeling like this, not since her brother had died. Then, it had lasted a full year; this agitated, restless temper that soured her mood and made her all but impossible to live with. She'd thought she had grown out of it, let it go, but no ... it was still there, festering in her soul, biding its time with destructive patience for the chance to explode once again.
"Why does it matter?" she burst out, when the silence became too much to bear. "What I believe in has no bearing on whether or not I am good at my job! I don't force my opinions on anyone - why should it make any difference whether I believe in the Maker or not?"
"It shouldn't matter," Cullen said in a mild tone. "But religion is central to our lives, to the lives of all the races. Many people don't understand how someone can choose not to believe."
"And are you one of them?" Rory demanded, wishing she didn't sound so aggressive. "Does this somehow make me less in your eyes?"
"Only if my belief lessens me in yours," he told her, speaking carefully. It seemed as though he didn't want to prod that temper into a true explosion.
"When have I ever shown disrespect for anyone's beliefs?" she exclaimed, hurt that such an idea would even cross his mind. "It's not my place to say what you should believe in; it's not anyone's place to decide anything for you. Faith, real faith, is a gift, and it's one I was never given. My parents poisoned the whole concept for me - they used their faith against me when I doubted. You know what they told me when I left? That I was condemned in the eyes of their god, and deserved to live a miserable life alone for turning my back on him."
"That isn't faith," he said quietly. "Not true faith. No one who truly believes in the Maker would ever say such a thing. He gave us the means to think for ourselves; doubts are a natural consequence of that."
"And religion is supposed to help you overcome those doubts with structure and compassion," she answered heatedly. "Not beat you with duty until you'll say anything to make it stop. I was thirteen when my little brother died because of a religious practice ... and it was my fault."
"Rory ..." Cullen's hand covered her own as her anger showed itself, not in harsh words and temper, but in a sudden flood of guilty tears.
"It's true, it was my fault," she insisted, sniffing violently as she wiped away the first fall of those tears with a rough hand. "I'm the reason he got hurt at all. He wanted to play, and I just wanted him to leave me alone. I pushed him, and he fell onto some broken glass. And three days later, he was dead."
Cullen said nothing, somehow sensing that she needed to say it all. That was why he had brought her out here, why he had pulled Fabian from his duties in the pilgrims' camp for the night. She had been holding onto this for too long. She needed someone to listen.
"I begged them to take him to a doctor," she went on blindly. "It wasn't like they couldn't afford to get him the best care money could buy, but no, they were sure it was God's will, and that Lorcan's fate had already been decided. So I prayed. I prayed so hard; I cried and I begged; I promised to be better, if only my little brother would get well again. And instead, I watched him die, all because I wanted an hour to myself. You know, they didn't even cry? It was divine will, they said. He was obviously born just to die that way. What kind of god does that?"
"No god I know of," he murmured, both hands now enveloping her one. She couldn't bear to look at him, afraid of seeing pity in his eyes.
"I loved my little brother," she told him, saying it aloud for the first time in years. "And instead of letting me grieve, their priest told us to live as though he'd never existed. They got rid of everything, because their religion demanded it. I was punished any time I mentioned him. According to that priest, I was wicked for not accepting the truth as he saw it. I hate that I tried to forget him. I hate that I was so desperate for their approval that I tried so hard to wipe that little boy from my mind. But I couldn't do it. In the end, I wouldn't do it. And they threw me out." She drew in a sharp breath, dashing at the salt water dripping from her chin. "So no, I don't believe in God, or the Maker, or whatever name you want to give it. I believe in what I can see and touch, I believe in people. And I'm still being punished for killing my little brother."
"No." Cullen's denial was swift and absolute. "Rory, no. You didn't kill him. You were barely more than a child, hardly responsible for yourself, let alone anyone else. Your mistake did not kill him. Unreasoning belief killed him, and you have paid too great a price for it."
"I'm still paying," she pointed out bitterly. "Because I don't believe, because I don't bow to the Chantry, I'm a target. If I had lied and pretended, Giselle couldn't have done that to me."
His jaw set angrily. "She would have found another way to attack you," he said darkly. "For whatever reason, she believes herself deserving of authority here. Caring for the sick and injured - they are an easy target for someone who wants to build a power-base from their gratitude."
"That's not why I do this," she began, but he cut her off quickly.
"I know," he assured her, lifting one hand to wrap his arm about her waist, holding her close as they sat together. "I understand better why you are a healer; how you have become so good at it. It has very little to do with yourself, and all to do with preventing the past from repeating itself. Your reasons are noble. Hers, I believe, are not."
"She might honestly think she could do a better job than me," Rory offered, wondering why, after all that, she was trying to defend a woman who had dragged the darkest part of her past out for her own satisfaction.
"She might, but she's wrong," Cullen told her firmly. "She wants influence within the Inquisition - not for the Chantry, but for herself. Like Madame De Fer, she has placed herself to gain power, but unlike Madame, she will not admit to it. Mother Giselle is typical of many who populate the Chantry's ranks - priests and sisters who are the reason I do not believe in the Chantry any longer."
Her head reared back from his shoulder, shocked to hear him say that. Throughout everything he had endured, Cullen's faith had always seemed so central to his being, the one constant in his painful lifetime. He smiled faintly at the look on her face.
"I believe in the Maker," he said in a gentle tone. "I believe in Andraste. But I do not believe the Chantry truly represents them any longer. It is too political, too power-hungry, too judgmental. It has been decades since the Chantry truly cared for the poor and oppressed. I have no faith in the organization, nor the institutions it has founded. My faith, my belief, is for the Maker and His Bride."
"But you go to the services," she countered in confusion. "You sing the Chant, I've seen you."
"I do," he agreed quietly, one soft hand wiping the drying tears from her face. "The services are familiar. They offer me a structure I have known since childhood. Even at my darkest, I attended the Chantry; I recited the Chant of Light. The quiet such times offer is a comfort to me. The Chant itself gives me a way to voice my prayers when the words will not come. But I no longer confess my sins to anyone but the Maker; I see no reason to defer to a priesthood that has lost sight of its original purpose." Her face dry, he leaned close to kiss the tip of her nose. "I understand you better than you might think. And I will not allow the Chantry to hurt you again."
Relief flooded through her as she looked into his eyes. He doesn't mind. He doesn't think I'm a monster for not having faith. "I'm sorry I shut the door in your face," she apologized suddenly.
He chuckled lightly. "The mood you were in, I count myself fortunate that you didn't throw anything at me," he answered, glad to see her smile weakly.
"I've never told anyone that story," she confessed in a soft voice. "Not even Ria. She had her own problems."
"Then Ria wasn't your sister?" he asked, though his tone suggested he had already suspected this. Ria was always in the stories of her past, but she had never referred to the woman as her sister.
Rory shook her head, hoping he wouldn't mind that everyone's assumption had been wrong. "Not by blood," she told him, feeling a weight lift from her heart with these confessions. She had to hold so much to her chest, it felt good to give voice to at least some of her hidden secrets. "She was my best friend ... the only real family I've ever had. We were both alone and broken when we met, but it was like I'd known her all my life. A little like how I feel with you."
"She would have carried you through the village on her shoulder to make you calm down, would she?" His question brimmed with amusement as he considered this - Ria had been several inches shorter than Rory.
She snorted with laughter. "No, Ria would probably have told me to snap out of it," she admitted in a rueful tone. "She wasn't good with temper tantrums."
"The implication being that I am?" he asked a little incredulously.
"Well, I'm not angry any more," she pointed out, wiping her nose with one awkward hand. She sighed resignedly. "Things aren't going to be very comfortable in the Chantry for a while, are they?"
Cullen smiled his hidden smile, gently stroking an escaped strand of red hair from her face. "She won't bother you again," he promised her faithfully. "Leliana will have seen to that. You belong to us, sweeting. We protect our own."
He gathered her into his arms then, letting her bury her face in the soft fur of his mantle as she nuzzled into him. Whatever she had done to deserve the loyalty and understanding of these people, she hoped she never lost it. She'd been alone once, abandoned by the people who should have loved her. She never wanted to feel so isolated again. The Inquisition - Evy, Rylen, Kaaras, Cullen - they were her family now. And no misguided priest was going to destroy that for her. Not again.
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