#i already love this SO MUCH I genuinely can't think of a more ashton thing to say where he's at rn
edge-oftheworld · 4 months
HEY! HEY! don't hide all of your pain, don't keep
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isagrimorie · 1 year
[initial reactions] Critical Role: Bells Hells episode 49
That was such a good episode, I know that the characters were stressed being on board the sky ship, eating up time as the Apogee Solstice creeps ever forward but it was such a great moment for the characters to unwind a bit and talk. I always love their planning stuff despite how many people gripe about it on the chat and reddit, I love their thought process and the way they try to mitigate the damage they do.
I already love Laudna but IMO she was in fine form this episode, finally cracking Ashton open and getting that long awaited talk out of the way. I can see why the dynamic of Keyleth and Percy work so well in C1 and I wish its something they can show more in the animated series. *crossing fingers for season 3 of TLOVM!
It does feel like its a dynamic Taliesin and Marisha want to recreate in a different flavor with Ashton and Laudna, and they're doing so successfully. I love how Ashton and Laudna talk, and call each other's bullshit out but this episode especially, Laudna is showing off the wisdom she learned in 30 hard earned years she's lived.
Orym's also successfully reaching out to people with Dorian and I love how we're getting hints of things in EXU Prime that in their end, things are also very dicey. Opal getting dark???
I am so into that and Fearne's immediate concern is apparent. But also, Marisha knowing the details of the EXU Prime plot is so juicy!
The gang accomplished so much recruiting Ira, finally telling some more people in authority or approximate authority about how dire the situations are. Telling Pike, even though she can't do things, maybe? Possibly? Apparently, things on Tal'dorei are also very dicey, so Whitestone might have its own problems with the Ziggurat.
I'm going to heap more praise towards Laudna because of the interrogative sort of femme fatale honey pot play she did with Ira, getting Ira to talk more about it, tagged teamed with Fearne at the end.
Speaking of, Fearne is very much still ambivalent towards her parents, sure she's nice to them but as she told Nana Morri, her parents feel more like strangers than people related to her.
Also, Thank Goodness, the team's finally equipped but I need Dani to remind the cast that they still have residuum and the bracers of defense!
I feel like there's gonna be some Mad Max shenanigans that's going to happen on the Apogee Solstice, and its going to be heart pounding and epic and so great.
FCG also learned some things about himself, about how he is not alone and Devaxian also stressed how from this point on he is gifted with a chance to own his own future. A future of his own making. (A theme that will be repeated a lot!).
And then there's that moment when Imogen meets with Liliana again and, and, and I am VINDICATED!!! LILIANA IS A TRUE BELIEVER. She might even be Ludinus's real right hand and not Otohan which would be DELICIOUS.
I love that Liliana tried to get Imogen on her side and Imogen genuinely considered it because the vision she painted was tempting, for someone like Imogen who was tormented by her powers that's a siren call.
But of course, Fearne and Orym was around in the dream and they played it as silent observers instead of actively interacting with the dream space like how the others did it. It does feel like Fearne and Orym are still at heart, a unit. In a similar but different way to Laudna and Imogen. I love the talk they had about Imogen, about the possibility of Imogen turning because of her mother. Orym and Fearne will do what's necessary to stop things from happening and it's really fascinating how that will go.
Laura's face was interesting the whole time too.
And then, and then just when the group thinks its hopeless they get a possible help and distraction of the big army with Keyleth coming in, sounding exhausted and heart sick but still willing to help to put Ashari volunteers to help. I hope the group remembers to warn Keyleth about the antimagic that's going to happen.
I feel like Keyleth and the Air Ashari can act as distraction while the Bells Hells, as a strike team can go and take down the Malleus Key. Everyone in the cast looked happy at this development, except for Marisha who looked worried and had her Thinking Face on.
Near the end, Imogen talks to Orym and asked how he can go on after everyone he lost and they have a heartfelt talk. Orym tells Imogen that he believes in her but Imogen is not convinced but doesn't try to read his mind to know if this is true. Instead, at long last, after many episodes.
Imogen goes back to the room she shares with Laudna and finally talks to her. Whatever impetus it was: her fear, uncertainty, or the realization that she shares some similarities with her father and that's the reluctance to talk.
Laudna asks if Imogen is okay, and automatically, Imogen answers she is. Laudna gently tells Imogen she didn't need to lie to Laudna about 'being fine'. And so Imogen opens the conversation with admitting that she's been afraid of really talking to Laudna after she was resurrected, that she had something to tell Laudna.
Laudna asks Imogen what it is she wanted to say but Imogen hesitates and then says something about her fear and god I love how Laudna approached her talk with Imogen. I love that Laudna went about it with understanding because, of course, who more than Laudna hasn't thought what would have happened if life had been different.
Laudna had thirty years to think similar thoughts, to wish a different life than the one she had. She candidly told Ashton she made Patê so she won't lose her mind wandering alone.
But through everything Laudna lived through she is very cognizant too the reason she met Imogen and the other Bells Hells was because of who she is and became. And I think Marisha has her answer to Aabria's question from the 4 Sided Dive a long time ago -- there is a part of her that is a little grateful for Delilah or whatever patron that made her a Hollow One, that she has this powers now and ability to be spooky. Things she enjoys.
It's a little messed up and complicated.
I also love that while Laudna didn't hear Imogen's promise about how Laudna will always have a choice, Laudna unknowingly echoed back Imogen's words. Imogen has a choice. She will always have a choice and having the ability to choose is a power all its own. Its not something gods can take away.
Honestly, I love how Laudna is talking to Imogen from a place of understanding and I think more than anything, this helped Imogen solidify her grasp of why they're fighting. It's not just because its wrong and kill other people. All morally right reasons why they need to stop Ludinus and his group.
It's because every individual deserves a right to choose. And that love also means loving every part of a person, especially the weird parts of them.
Imogen might have lost her nerve to tell Laudna she loved her, loved her, romantic stylez and Laudna might slowly be waking into the part of herself that can access it. But its plain as day they love each other and I'm okay to wait on how long and slow this will cook, but also saying things like:
"I feel so comfortable and bonded with you. We transcend words in our relationship.
"You'll always have me."
"I'll always be there to support you whatever choice you make.
"You're my tether."
"That tether goes beyond this realm and this life."
C'MON. Those words are my ship Kryptonite! If I hadn't already shipped them, this would have definitely tip the scales! And I feel very well fed tonight!
God I love them. I love the Bells Hells.
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sea-buns · 10 months
On the chance.of things getting 'messy' with Orym. I think they already sort of have started hitting a building crisis point, if we're truly at the point that even among his friends he's now resorting to losing still more sleep just so he can sneak off in the middle of the night to genuinely pray to a light aligned being in order to ask for help without feeling like he'll be judged for or otherwise condescended to for it. That's actually kind of alarming honestly in how it shows another way he's feeling isolated/set apart from the rest of them and I am very curious is Tal made Ashton's perception role and caught he was doing so because I want to see how they in particular will respond to that decision, not because of what it says about about how Orym feels about the Gods but because of what it says about how isolated emotionally Orym still feels from them.
He and Ashton have a great restart at supporting each other from their chat last week...I loved it. But they are no where near done with the things they need to discuss. I mean I very much doubt Ashton or Laudna understand the breath of what happened back there with Vax and what it means to Orym personally just yet...
Yes, god, there are so many moving parts and concerns that I am constantly re-remembering another heartbreaking detail about how he's doing. And specifically the "feeling the need to isolate/not feeling safe enough to express yourself" hits home so hard. It rings like a kid who hides their totally normal interests from their friends and family, out of fear of being ridiculed or punished for it. It's that distinct paranoia you get from strict parents when they make any sort of acknowledgment about your hobbies or views.
It is devastating that he's resorted to secrecy and private moments in the dead of night. Always looking over his shoulder. Tensing up at the start of every gods-related conversation. Discussion and debate are fine and normal, in fact I think it'd be insane if nobody was talking about or questioning literally everything right now. But the constant reminders he had to give to Bells Hells were weighing on him enough. Now, more than half of the group that should have been a safe-space for him have been replaced with complete strangers. And his two remaining companions are dealing with a lot in their own right. Introspection is important, but he has no way of knowing what "coming to a conclusion" is gonna look like for these people. What if they side with Ludinus? What if they turn violent? What if they keep him from getting back to his family?
All of that is why Ashton reaching out has been SO goddamn important to me. Out of everyone right now, they've been the least oppositional and argumentative towards Orym's takes on the situation. I really can't think of a moment where they made a comment, not even directly at Orym, that had any sort of underlying hostility towards believing in the good of the gods. They've expressed that it's the people who are the problem, while still leaving that door open for the belief that good worshippers exist. I love that Tal is making those perception checks. It's the absolute perfect way of saying "if my character sees this something is gonna get done" without like metagaming or anything. It makes even more sense cuz we've already established that Ashton is actively keeping on eye on him and Laudna. They understand more than anyone that no one is the "stable" one anymore, and all they can do is help each other.
Orym very clearing feels backed into a corner right now and he would have NEVER said "if you see me fall, pick me up" if Ash wasn't purposely trying so hard to make sure he knows that they are a safe-space for him.
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samuraiko · 2 years
Are you still doing those vignette requests? Would love to see you write about a conversation between fearne and orym after ep 34 (also do you think fearne lied about the coin flip or no? Pretty popular theory going around right now)
After the events of C3E33 and C3E34, I wasn't quite up to re-opening vignette requests, but... this is an idea I'd been somewhat pondering in my head already, so I'll answer this particular Ask.
Re: the theory... I genuinely don't know. I imagine it'll come out in the wash later, one way or another.
"Living With One's Choices"
It was late afternoon, or so Orym guessed as he sat cross-legged on the floor, Imogen curled up around Laudna's body to his left, Fearne curled up against him on his right. Even in her sleep, Fearne had one hand on his knee, her fingers loosely clutching his pants leg in her grip as though afraid he'd disappear.
Orym glanced over at Imogen, who was weeping softly in her sleep, and he gently tucked an errant lock of her hair back behind her ear, and Imogen subsided into silence once more. On Laudna's other side was Ashton, one hand resting on Laudna even in sleep. FCG was powered down nearby, and Chetney was in a small ball at Laudna's feet.
He felt a faint tugging at his pants leg, and Orym turned back to see Fearne's eyes were open and gazing up at him, shining with tears.
"You need to sleep," he whispered to her, but she shook her head.
"Not just yet. I... I'm sorry, Orym."
"For what?"
Fearne sniffled and let go of him just long enough to wipe away her tears with the back of her hand.
"I was... I was selfish. I brought you back, because I was scared and... I was lonely and I... I was so afraid for you."
Orym looked down at her in concern. "Why?"
"When I was... well, dead... before Letters brought me back, I was in this awful place. It was green and dark and really icky, and all these eyes... and well, it was a little bit exciting, but I really didn't want to stay there. And when I woke up... and Grass said you were dead, too... I was so afraid that you were in a place like that and I couldn't just leave you there."
Then she began to cry in earnest. "But now I've left Laudna there, and I feel terrible."
"Shhh, Fearnie, shhh." He stretched out next to her and hugged her, rubbing her shoulders in slow circles. "It wasn't like that for me. Not in the slightest bit. I think it's different for everyone. So don't you worry about Laudna. For all we know, she's with her mom and dad again. And she told me... she told me a while back how she'd had a lot of great things happen to her since... well, since she died. And she had a lot of love in her. I don't think she'd blame you at all."
"What do you think she'd say?"
"I think... she'd tell you to take care of Imogen. And be there for her."
"I was going to do that anyway. And, well, I did promise her that we'd find a way to bring her back."
"Then that's what we'll do. Together."
Fearne was quiet for a little bit, then very softly, Orym heard, "What... was it like? For you?"
Fresh pain tore through Orym's heart like a jagged blade, but he swallowed hard. "I was... in Zephrah. And it was just as beautiful as I remember it. And..." He tried valiantly, but still the tears fell. "Will... was there. My beautiful Will. Waiting for me."
Tears welled up in Fearne's eyes once more. "Oh, no... no no no and I stole you away from him-"
"Shhh." Orym hugged her even tighter and pressed his forehead against Fearne's. "No. Don't you dare think that. I chose to come back. And Will understands why. There's still so much to do. So much to set right. And you need me." He pulled away just long enough to kiss Fearne's forehead and then rested his against hers once more.
"It's okay... I promise." A flash of a sad smile crossed his face, and without thinking about it, he imitated Laudna's cultured tones. "'Focus your brain forward. It's not worth being sad about what can't be changed.' That's what she said. So that's what we'll do."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Okay. You're the smart one." Fearne hugged him closer. "I'm so glad you're my friend, Orym. Thank you for coming back to me." Then she closed her eyes, and Orym heard her whisper, "And thank you, Will, for understanding. About the whole stealing thing. It's borrowing, really."
Despite himself, Orym chuckled. "Now get some sleep. We've all had a really long day." He sat up once more and settled himself comfortably in a cross-legged position, only to feel Fearne once again reach out and take his hand in hers.
Before long, he heard her breathing become slow and steady, leaving Orym alone in the stillness with his thoughts, remembering the warmth of Will's embrace, and feeling the warmth of Fearne's hand in his.
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calumcest · 4 years
you were so funny when you were 16! i just read the one based on the you belong with me video again and it's so cute and so funny. NOOO PLEASE DON'T DELETE THE 1950 FIC!! listen you can't please. you already didn't give us an end for the office and the train buddy au don't take the 1950 fic away too. this is wonderful news i mean i'm living for your writing and 100k of britpop drama will be soooooo great 😅 (1/5)
(2/5) omg 🙈😊 oh no i don't mind at all! technically i have to thank one direction for teaching me 😅 i mean i learnt the basics in school but i really didn't grasp the language until i started listening to one direction which led to more time on tumblr, watching interviews and reading fanfiction. then i started watching tv shows and reading all my books in english and that helped a lot as well and gave me like an overall understanding of the rules and stuff so i just go by what feels right
(3/5) i mean i haven't listened to a single english version of their songs so i can't really judge 😅 can't bring myself to do it they are like inherently german to me but i'm also shocked your friends even knew the song?? always shocked to find out german things are known somewhere else as well. you are correct this is like the only time cases managed to produce a very nice distinction bc in die nacht is so so so much better.
(4/5) omg you are right calum makes this so perfect with his football experience & michael as i think her name was vanessa fits as well.. she was kinda sassy and pretty badass if i remember it correctly. luke as nerv so everybody can be annoyed at him. idk who ashton could be.. honestly forgot everybody else.. atl as the rest of the team. can you tell i'm too invested in even just the idea of this au?
(5/5) oooh really? 😊 that'd be so great i love get together fics so much and the beginning of this one is so great 🙈 that's so understandable driving in the city is like the worst and most stressful thing ever 😅 very happy you didn't crash the car though! 💕 -spoiler twin
omg stop that one is so badly written it makes me CRINGE i cant believe u like it...we need to have words spoiler twin we really do. however i don’t want to get your hopes up but i have potentially maybe started another chapter of the train buddies au but i can’t be promising anything just was toying around with it a few weeks ago...
omg thats wild? thats so cool that u managed to learn it so perfectly through media like that damn your talent...i wish i could pick up other languages like that FRENCH i’m looking at u 
omg dont theyre so weird like why would you listen to him saying running through the monsoon beyond the world when you could scream ICH MUSS DURCH DEN MONSUUUUUUUUUN HINTER DIE WELLLLLLLT also it just sounds strange because you can clearly tell its not as comfortable? maybe its different now bc theyve lived in the states for so long but definitely in the early english stuff it doesn’t flow as nicely as the german stuff and also i love their german accents. theres one german song we had to listen to at a level which is uhh (google help me please) nur noch kurz die welt retten by tim bendzko and i genuinely LOVE the way he says ‘vierzig’ the only line i remember of that song is noch hundertachtundvierzig mails checken because i looooove the way he says vierzig like fürzig but yes! tokio hotel were actually quite well known in the uk at one point ages ago surprisingly ALSO on that topic theres a tv show called deutschland 83 that is big in the uk and loads of people love and its a german tv show but NOBODY in germany has ever heard of it???? its so fucking good i dont understand 
OMG YEAH...god you’re absolutely right and ashton can be calum/jimi blue’s brother who gets really aggy about everything luke as nerv is seriously just so accurate i love it so much he is the nerv of 5sos 
yoou’re CORRECT and everybody in london seems to think the highway code is like. optional. nobody follows any rules and it stresses me out 
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