#i already do not like pasta much so having to eat it twice in a day is... im autism
berrymeter · 2 years
i lied & grabbed three cookies. and ate them. are you proud of me mama.
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paigebueckersmommy · 2 months
parents house - p.b
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paige bueckers x reader (fem)
warnings: SMUTTTT and some fluff, fingering, p eating,
you and paige have been dating for 7 months, and couldn’t be happier. her mom and little brother adored you, so when paige invited you to come home with her for spring break you immediately accepted the offer.
“i’m so excited P!” you squealed in her ear on your late afternoon flight to minnesota, “i’m exited too baby” paige said, your flight would land at about 6pm, giving you the night to hang out with her family and wander around the town and house she grew up in. you loved her childhood home.
you spent the entire night having dinner and playing basketball with her brother drew, for dinner paige’s mom made pasta and it was good.after dinner you and paige went to her room, and got changed into pajamas.
“ P i’ve had so much fun already” you say as you plop down next to her on her bed , paige was wearing a nike sports bra and pajama pants, you wearing something similar. “cm here baby” paige says as she pulls you into her. she starts to rub you lower stomach and sneaking her thumb under the band of your plaid pajama and under the band of your white thong, paige’s favorite color on you when it comes to lingerie.
“ P your mom is the room across the hall, you know i can’t stay quiet for you.” i choke out with a giggle from the suddenness of her touch in my panties. paige sits up as she says with a smirk, “please ma, i’m dying to taste your pussy and feel my fingers inside of you. it’s all i’ve thought about the entire plane ride and the entire night.” the thought of paige’s lengthy, veiny digits pumping inside of you made you even wetter. “god P when u talk like that i can’t say no to you.” paige stands up with the biggest smile on her face, paige was the munchiest munch in the history of munches. she got so excited when you gave her consent, witch was also a big thing with her.
after she hopped off her bed, she climbed over to your side of her full bed. she landed on top of you and started passionately kissing you. her toung slipped inside your lips and started exploring. she lifted her face off your, still only inches seperate your desperate faces. “fuck ur so pretty angel i could look at you all day” she said with a grin on her face. she had starts to rip of your sports bra, revealing your tits. she latched her mouth onto your nipple, her hand trailing down your back side, slipping your pants off and grabbing your ass, and rubs her thumb over the skin. you gasp, for some reason you weren’t expecting that, knowing paige was an ass girl.
her mouth explores your body, as she holds eye contact with you the entire time. when she reaches your pussy she looks up at you with a smirk on her face. she moves your panties to the side, revealing your listening pussy. she likes a stripe up your folds, earning a gasp from you, she lets out a giggle against your pussy. with her free hand, still working her tounge against you, she puts her ring and middle finger on your chest, giving you the signal the suck them. you get excited, knowing what this signifies. you swirl her long fingers in your mouth, as she takes her finger back down to your pussy, she enters them into you. “f-f-f-fuck P i’m not gonna last much longer” you say as quietly as you can, witch wasn’t quiet at all. the way the paige was eating you out her nose was hitting your clit just perfectly, she knew what she was doing with was why she was giggling repeatley. she loved making you feel good and could get off by simply watching you cum. you melted under her, she pumped her fingers twice more before she removed her fingers, bringing them to her mouth and licking them clean and you sit there breathless.
“you taste so fucking good,” paige brings her mouth to yours kisses you before quickly going to the bathroom and jogging back with a smile on her face as she jumped onto her bed next to you. she pulls you in looking at your worn out face, tucking your hair behind your ear. “i love you so much. this has been the happiest seven months of my life. you’ve been so supportive with basketball, my crazy life and i just appreciate you so much.” paige says with a grin on her face. “aw P i love you so much. your my favorite girl in the whole wide world.” you say, admiring your beautiful girlfriend.
the next morning
“good morning” paige’s mom greets you too as you walk into the living room, “ how did you two sleep?” she says, sipping on coffee. “oh i slept great!” you say with ab smile on your face. you hear paige giggle subtly behind you and say “ yup be too, slept great.” she kisses you on the check and goes to the bathroom.
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ellieluvr420 · 3 months
Friends? Never. Pt.12 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
Hello beautiful people, I finished planning out the whole story and Friends? Never is going to wrap up after 25 chapters! I am so excited for you guys to see what I have planned and I really hope you're gonna love it as much as I do because you have all been so kind so far so THANK YOU SO MUCH and if anyone has any requests I would love to hear them <3
“Hey Joel.” 
“Hey kiddo, come on in.” Ellie’s smile mirrored Joel’s lopsided one as she walked into the living room of his cabin.  
“Ugh what is that smell?” 
“Smells like burnt ass.” 
“Well burnt ass tastes pretty good.” Ellie chuckles as she grimaces. 
“Ew... how did you get that anyway?” 
“I’m ashamed of what I had to trade to get it.” He bowed his head in shame before beckoning Ellie into the kitchen. “I didn’t have much on me when you said about coming over so er sorry the food isn’t as good as last time.” He gestures to the plates of pasta and Ellie notices the can still sitting on the side. 
“Oh shit, chef boyardee... throwback.” 
“Yeah no kidding, tastes a lot nicer warmed up though I swear.” 
“I’ll take your word for it.” Ellie grabs her plate and follows Joel to the living room where he sits on the sofa and presses play on the film he had put on. They eat in silence as they watch the film until Joel sighs and puts his fork down.  
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re here but is everything okay? Seemed kinda out of the blue.” 
“Oh er yeah everything’s fine. I just- I know I’ve been distant since... everything and It’s taken me a long time to understand why you did what you did but I think I’m starting to, at least I’m trying to anyway. I want us to be able to move on you know?” There was quiet for a long while after Ellie finished speaking, the only sounds in the room were that of the ones playing on the TV until Joel sucked a sharp breath in. 
“I- I’d like that. A lot.” She could see the glassy sheen of his eyes as he placed his hand over her knee and squeezed. “This anything to do with that girl your roommate executed a few weeks ago?” 
“So Maria told you huh?” 
“Yeah... I appreciate what she did for me.” 
“Yeah me too, about that actually... Er she-” 
“She’s your girlfriend.” 
“Wha- How did you...” She rolls her eyes and sighs. “Yeah, she is.” 
“Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.” 
“Well that makes one of us.” They both chuckle and go back to eating, Ellie commenting on the film every few minutes and being met with a mix of chuckles and scoffs.  
“So he knew already?” 
“Yeah probably guessed after he walked in on us in the kitchen.” 
“Ha! He knew before us then.” 
“Yeah sounds about right.” You and Ellie were riding next to each other at the back of your patrol group, Ellie had got home from Joel’s after you fell asleep last night so now was the first chance she had to tell you about it. As you both chuckled, Rita who was up front signalled to dismount the horses because you had reached the factory building you needed to clear. Everyone tied up their horses and began moving inside. The second you walked through the doors you heard the foreboding sound of groans and clicks, you glance at Ellie to see she’s already looking at you, you nod and she reciprocates the gesture before you all start to push forward, the quiet doesn’t last long as your teams bullets start ricocheting all throughout the building.  
You fired your gun twice and sent a runner and a clicker to the ground before you’re tackled to the ground by a runner, you can feel its hot, rancid breath on your neck as he desperately snaps his mangled teeth at you. You struggle with all your force to keep him away from you and as you feel your body being plagued with fatigue a gunshot rings out and the body falls limp on top off you. You groan and struggle to push him off as Lex offers you a hand up. You immediately scan the room for Ellie and see her savaging a clicker with her switchblade before Rita calls for everyone to move, you wait to see Ellie start running and then you follow, fleeing the dozens of infected that were on your tail. You can see the exit of the building you’re being led to and you see three people climb through the opening before Ellie gets to it, she turns back and as you make eye contact, she pauses.  
“GO ELLIE I’M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!” You scream to her and you breathe a sigh of relief when she reluctantly goes through the opening only to immediately suck it back in as the building shakes and rumbles and debris begins to fall all around you, right in front of the opening Ellie had just climbed through. “Fuck, we gotta find another way out.” You say as you bash yourself against the debris that wouldn’t move an inch. 
“NO!” Ellie screeches as she watches you disappear behind the fallen debris that was now blocking the exit. She throws herself against it in vain as she only causes a dull ache to ring throughout the right side of her body. “Fuck fuck fuck.” She screams your name in a panic. “Please tell me you’re okay!” Her voice is shaky and desperate as her stomach churns and drops.  
“I’m okay but we gotta find another- AGH!” Your sentence is interrupted as a clicker lunges at you sending you both crashing to the floor, you can hear Ellie screaming your name and the repeated thuds of her throwing herself against the wall but you can’t reassure because you’re not sure if you are okay. You jam your knife into the clicker’s skull and grip your gun to deliver two shots straight through the fungal crown growing out of its head. As it falls on top of you, you climb out from beneath it and scream a quick ‘I’m okay!’ to Ellie before shooting at the three runners that were speeding at you. You and the two other people still stuck inside with you empty out all of your magazines, use every bit of ammo you had, you’re sure your knife is blunt from the amount of infected it had slaughtered. As you’re running from a clicker you notice a large hammer on the floor and grip it tight enough that your knuckles turn white before turning and slamming it into the clicker until it laid in a crumpled pile before you. You take a second to catch your breath before you hear the muffled screams of help from the others as you run towards the sound. You bash the brains of a runner that had tackled Raphael to the ground before stabbing your knife into the back of a clicker and dragging it down as a blood-curdling screech fills the room, you slam the hammer into its head until it’s unmoving on the ground and Lacey can bounce back up with the same enthusiasm she always magically had. “Fuck that was bad. We all clear?” They nod and you begin moving forward desperate to find a way out now that the immediate threat was neutralised.  
All Ellie could hear was a symphony of gunshots and shrieks until everything goes quiet. She feels her eyes sting with tears as the panic overtakes her as she continues to slam herself against the unmoving debris blocking the exit she had crawled through without you. “I should’ve waited... fuck why didn’t I wait?” She mutters to herself until she feels a pair of hands wrapping around her and yanking her away from the wall.  
“Ellie, that’s not helping, we just have to trust they’re okay.” Rita tries to reason with her as she thrashes in her arms. 
“No! Get the fuck off me. I have to get in there, I have to help her!” Ellie pushes a stunned Rita to the ground with a crazed look in her eyes before running off to try and find another way in as everyone calls out to her to stay put, she can hear their footsteps following but she doesn’t care, she needed to know if you were okay, she needed to find you. “Come on, please be okay.” She whispers as she frantically searches for another entrance until she sees a window a floor up that was open. She immediately starts looking for a way to climb it and as she manages to get a footing on a pipe running up the building she feels someone pulling her down again, sending her crashing to the ground on top of Ben. She immediately punches him and then squeezes round his neck with all her strength. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!” Ben claws at her as he thrashes in her arms and she only loosens up when she hears a thump only to see Lacey dropping to the ground from the window, she lets go of her grip around Ben’s neck as she immediately runs over to Lacey. Then Raphael drops to the ground also, her heartbeat quickens as there’s no sign of you, she storms over to Raphael and pushes him hard enough that he stumbles back to the ground. “WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?” 
“I- I don’t know, she was right behind me when I went out the window.” She looks up only to see no sign of you and the lump in her throat returns making it hard for her to breathe. She calls your name and is met with silence until a minute later, although it felt like centuries, your head pops out of the window before you throw yourself out of it, smacking onto the ground with a whine. She runs over to you immediately cradling you in her arms as the tears that had been threatening to spill over, cascade down her cheeks in waves. You smile up at her flushed face as you attempt to catch your breath, the fall winding you slightly. 
“Oh my god, I thought you were dead, you’re okay, you’re okay.” She pulls away to look down at you. “You’re okay right? You’re clear?” 
“Yeah, I’m clear.” Your voice comes out as a wheeze and the relief flooding through her pushes her forward to attach her lips to yours in a passionate kiss before she remembers her surroundings and stands, pulling you up with her. You both turn to see everyone on patrol staring at you both with dumbfounded expressions before you roll your eyes, sick of the undivided attention on you both. 
“What? You ain’t ever seen two girls kiss before? Shut your traps, you’re catching flies!” You snap and everyone immediately averts their gaze from you both as you all collect yourselves and get ready to keep moving. The thought that you still had four checkpoints to go through send a shiver through your body but feeling Ellie’s hand slip into yours and squeeze grounds you enough to continue your assignment. 
“Fuck I was so worried- ugh- I- I thought you were dead.” Ellie breathes out through grunts and moans. 
 You had barely made it through the door of your home before she was attacking your body with kisses, sucking bruises on any skin she could find.  
“Just let me take care of you please, I need to feel you.” She was almost pleading with you as if you would actually say no. She squeezed at your hips to prompt a response from your panting form.  
“Take me upstairs babe.” At your words she immediately pulls you away from the wall that your back was against and led you upstairs, her lips never leaving your skin. You both tumble into her room and clumsily fall down onto her bed as you both desperately try and rid each other of the clothes that were preventing you from feeling your bodies press together. As you rip her top over her head your mouth waters at the sight of her already erect nipples, you lurch forward attaching your lips to her pink bud and swirling your tongue around it as she grips onto your hair and hisses at the sudden stimulation. You pull away as she lifts your top over your head, grabbing a handful of each tit and squeezing them together then pressing her face into them and leaving tiny, ticklish kisses over them. You giggle at her actions before she pushes you down flush with the bed, you whine a little at the distance between you two but she shushes you as she stands to yank her jeans and briefs off in one motion before tapping at your hip so you’d lift them, allowing her to strip you naked to match her. 
Her hands run all over your naked form as she consumes you with her kisses, the dance of your tongues taking over your every thought. The warmth of her body pressing against yours feels like heaven as she slots herself flush with you and begins grinding herself down onto you. This was your favourite way to have sex with Ellie, the grinding of your bodies together felt like your hearts were merging into one and every thought that wasn’t her left your mind as you feel your core tightening and pulsing as her movements became rougher and rushed. The room was filled with your heavy breaths and groans until she swallowed them into her mouth as she once again attached her lips to yours before sucking a line from your jaw to your collarbones. “I love you so much, you can’t scare me like that again.” She says through kisses and pants as her hips stutter. 
“Oh Ellie, I love you too. I’m sorry, all I could think about was getting back to you.” You cry out as the knot in your stomach tightens, you can tell from the scrunch of Ellie’s face she’s as close to finishing as you are. You lean up to whisper in her ear. “Cum with me babe, please. I love you, I love you, I love you- ugh Ellie oh my god!” You chant your words as they’re the only words ringing throughout your mind. You loved her and she loved you and it was the most important thing to you, you used to get stir-crazy when you hadn’t gone on patrol in awhile, you used to look forward to patrol but since your relationship with Ellie had blossomed, those feelings had changed, twisted into feelings of panic and fear because the worst thing you could imagine is being ripped from her or her you because the only thing you cared about was getting to love with her and be with her. As Ellie gazed at your beautiful face, slightly shiny from the sweat that was generated from the heat between the both of you, she realised she hated how patrol had made her feel recently because all it did was increase the risk of her not getting to grow old with you and that was all she wanted, to grow old and die in your arms because the thought of losing you sent her into a spiral she felt she’d never escape. 
As you both finish with whines and moans, you expect her to slow down but she doesn’t which elicits a scream from you at the overstimulation. “Come on baby, give me another one, please, I just need you to give me one more.” She breathed out and the desperation in her voice was enough for you to fight through the urge to squirm and shy away from the feeling of her slick clunt gliding against yours roughly. It wasn’t long before her pace was faltering as she leant down to hold onto you for leverage as her body trembled as both of your second orgasms washed over you, your toes curled and you bit down onto her shoulder hard enough to draw blood as you felt lightheaded and dizzy from the force of your second release. As both your bodies relaxed and she collapsed fully onto you you released from her shoulder and kitten-licked at the wound before kissing her so she tastes her blood on your tongue, she moans into your mouth, a high-pitched moan that had both your eyes snapping open, her cheeks flush even darker than they already had before she cracks a small lop-sides smile and that you gigglle at. “Sorry about that...” You mutter sheepishly as you glance at the bite mark on her shoulder. 
“It’s okay, that was hot.” She kisses your forhead before lying down on top of you once again as your heartbeats and breathing sync, her thumb drawing circles on your hip and your hands scratching at her back. She sighs into you before squeezing at your hip a little. “I think I might wanna do less patrolling, try and pick up some jobs in Jackson-” She was ready to explain herself, thinking you’d call her a pussy and tell her to stop being silly but your soft tone shocks her. 
“Me too, today made me realise we’re so lucky to live in Jackson, where it’s safe and where we can have a pretty normal life and every time we leave those walls voluntarily we’re taking it for granted. We already lost 3 years, I don’t want our time together to be cut short.” 
“Fuck you’re so perfect.” You giggle and press a kiss to the top of her head as you both relax into the comfort of your bodies being pressed together without anything between you both, her soft skin caressing yours. “We’re kinda becoming the pussies we used to make fun of.” 
“Oh god don’t remind me.” You whine before sighing. “It’s all your fault though.” 
“My fault?!” She gasps and pinches you as you squeal. “You know if I wasn’t so wiped we’d totally be fighting right now.” 
“Mhm sure.” You reply monotonously not believing a word that leaves her pretty lips. 
“No I’m so serious, you wouldn’t know what hit you.” She barely gets her sentence out before a loud yawn leaves her causing her to glare at your smug face.  
“I believe you babe, get some sleep, it was a long day hm.” She nods and lays her head back down on your bare chest with a content sigh as you both feel the tiredness consume you and drag you into slumber. 
tags: @emiliabby @readbydayana @radioheadfan699 @lil-elliesgf @isitadinosaur @amberputh
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stinkypeanutbutter · 4 months
silly Aiden headcanons because I have no impulse
i probably already done these before in other headcanon posts I made but ermm I’ll do it again 😹
small TW for scars at the end 🗣🗣
Aiden has the most unhinged playlist ever like oh my giggly goodness we got metal we got rock we got classic we got indie we got pop we got vocaloid Idfk whatever you can think of ( same 😹 )
totally had an immense phase of just everything . Creepy pasta , animation , FNAF , idk any other phases from 2016 help
Probably dated like once or twice , but they weren’t serious at ALL and mostly online . He just said yes because he wanted to be nice since he never really had friends ofc , so why hurt someone you barley know if it means getting a friend ? ( I’m gonna explode 😭 )
I’m not sure when this was actually invented , but he’d probably try and convince everyone to make battery acid candy drinks . ( they all say no 😔 )
Sorta sad headcanon they if no matter how hard to tries to solve a difficult puzzle , and he fails , he just starts silently bawling his eyes out . Cause you know he’s really good at them right ? He can solve them pretty quickly ? So if he’s like absolutely pressured by a bunch of people watching expecting him to win ( or like his friends cause yk they believe in him !!!! ) and he can’t solve the puzzle he’ll be like “ why can’t I solve this why is this hard why am I failing “ or something and then start crying ig ( Yeouchers angst 😿 )
Bro is the heaviest napper ever you can stack things on him for HOURS but the moment he actually sleeps most things can wake him ( if he’s not comfortable at least . He’ll sleep pretty well at sleepovers )
I can’t figure out an art style for him but I updated it so ignore that last drawing it’s grody anyway he sometimes draws people but prefers just random splotches of color . He has extremely stylized art but yk , it’s just ‘ weird ’ according to some people since it’s really . . graphic . Not in a BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD way but very mixed ( if you get what I mean )
Hugs everything when he sleeps you can’t tell me otherwise like you seen his old bed ?? He had NOTHIN so absolutely is he gonna cuddle everything near him
Hates competing . ( idk if he did it before but we’ll see ) like he doesn’t like doing puzzle competitions anymore that much , he just got bored of it and was really kinda forced to do it when he was younger . BUT if it’s in a game against his friends , he’ll probably do it just to help them out cause they always get stuck if Logan can’t figure it out either .
Does that thing with music where If it absolutely hits he just starts spazzing out and dances to it
that one thing where he walks around in a circle talking to himself if he’s really deep in thought ( he could go on for hours so someone has to pull him out to drink water at least )
TONS of posters in his room
Him and Taylor binge shows together , often ask the others to join when they aren’t busy . They totally watch anime ( Tyler calls it childish then gets really invested in uhhhh let’s say full metal alchemist and sport animes like haikyuu or something I can’t think of any he’d like . But I’m gonna make them all watch Ghost stories because it’s funny )
Aidlyn cuddling is mostly done at Aidens house cause his parents rarely go up to check on him ( 😅💥 ) and also he had a ton of blankets for Ashlyn to wrap herself in . He got her a heavy weighted blanket for her birthday one time so when that’s not around she just uses Aiden as a blanket if she’s feeling affectionate ( he’s warm in the winter time and pretty light believe it or not )
Has a medium spice tolerance , eats more then what he can handle like a stinky loser
doesn’t like anyone pointing out his growing hair roots so just don’t talk about it much 😅😅
steals chopsticks from restaurants cause who needs to buy any ??? They’re free if you don’t get caught / hj
sometimes just locks himself up in his room and lays in his bed thinking about life
LOVES drawing his friends ( especially Ash ) in his free time because he rarely draws in front of people , and will make an airplane out of it to throw it over to them . But he has that mentality where “ Everyrhing I make kinda sucks “ so expect to find doodles in the trash or hidden in his room
IPad kid , can’t tel me otherwise .
Loves hover boarding but he kinda sucks at it so he just 🧍🕺☠️ ( falls )
Will ram into everyone in bumper cars , almost sent someone flying ( Lilly , he bought her candy as a sorry )
rarely catches cavities because he actually has really strong teeth and willingly bites down on hard candies ( I do the same thing because I’m impatient 😹 )
Does all his school work at home cause school has too many distractions ( real )
Buys like body foundation to smear onto his legs and arms . He doesn’t want anyone to point out them out , and if they do he just tells them their from skateboarding . It can come off after a few days if he doesn’t reapply , but it’s fine since he does it again in between and would have to reapply anyway . Idk how it works 😿
Anyway who shall I do next ????? Put your answers in the comment section below subscribe like and support my Patreon see you in the next video 😹😹😹☝️☝️💥💥
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canisalbus · 11 months
I realize this might be a slightly odd ask, but… Out of curiosity, what sort of foods do you think Machete would be fond of? And do you think they’d differ noticeably from when he was young vs once he’d grown older?
He's a fussy eater. He rarely eats for pleasure and dislikes being seen dining in company, but attends formal dinners and banquets if invited, since declining without a very good reason would be at best rude and at worst a devastating faux pas. He prefers fowl dishes over red meat and greatly dislikes sea food (which is just peachy since this is the Mediterranean). Pasta seems to be already a well established part of the cuisine at that point, maybe he's into that. For the most of his life he's eaten rather simple foods so he finds bland soups and broths very safe and comforting. Pomegranates are his fruit of choice, he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but enjoys candied apricots and figs on occasion.
He's exceptionally bad at holding his liquor, and he can't stand the feelings of unpredictability, disorientation, unsafeness and potential loss of control that being intoxicated causes in him. Unfortunately, drinking plain water was very risky and uncommon, it was contaminated and unsanitary more often than not, especially in population centers. Generally the main drinks you'd consume through the day were diluted wine and beer/ale (this was the case for children as well). Machete tends to prefer wine, which he waters down heavily, and sometimes has it flavored with spices, herbs, honey or sugar. Having even a little bit of alcohol in the mix would kill at least a portion of the bacteria (not that the concept was known at the time, people believed many illnesses were caused by tainted air and foul smells, I mean fair enough, if your water is filthy it probably smells bad too).
(Fun fact, apparently Ancient Romans had more or less perfected the art of winemaking but by the Middle Ages a lot of the techniques had been lost. During the Renaissance wine was generally very low quality and the way it was fermented and stored (making the switch from sealed ceramic amphora of the Antiquity to those iconic wooden barrels) meant it would only stay good for a year at best and the taste would start to deteriorate within the first couple of months. Vintage wines weren't a thing, the best stuff was fresh. Apparently European wine was pretty bad for hundreds of years and would only start to improve again around 1800s. Or at least that's what I've gathered, I could be wrong, I'm not a wine expert).
Europe hadn't quite adopted tea yet and he narrowly missed the time coffee began to spread to his corner of the world (I bet he would've loved both of those, with the help of caffeine he could've been twice as much of a jittery sleepless wreck). I've read that people would distill sage and drink the resulting concoction with hot water to create this very tea-like minty drink, that sounds like something he'd like.
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gabseyoo · 2 years
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Guilty Thoughts
pairing: shiba taiju x fem!reader | wc: 2,8k.
summary: it's not so bad to sleep with your best friend's ex as long as he doesn't know about it, right?
warnings: dom!taiju, shameless!reader, pwp, kissing, oral sex (m! receiving), hair pulling, fingering, degradation, dirty talking, pussy slapping, vaginal and unprotected sex, mating press, breeding, slight cheating, taiju and mitsuya are besties and he’s being the friend of the year.
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a/n: hi hi hi~ i feel it's been a long time since i posted anything. i'm a pretty slow writer, sorry for that. these days i've been working on more fics and i hope to post them soon, for now, i'll leave this here for the taiju lovers <3
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“I’m going to hell.” He thought. 
Shiba Taiju didn't expect to find the woman who had broken Mitsuya's heart sitting alone at one of the tables in his restaurant, eating a plate of pasta and drinking a glass of wine on a Friday night. He didn't expect his body to move on its own and approach her to ask if she was enjoying the meal. Nor did he expect to accept her invitation to sit and finish the wine together— before he could think twice he was already sitting down and pouring another cup. He thought that was okay, in a way, he wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just keeping her company; but everything changed when at some point he allowed himself to start flirting with her, noticing how she smiled victoriously when he fell into her game. 
Guilty. He felt fucking guilty. 
He should have pushed her away when her foot brushed against his calf under the table and her hand reached for his to run her thumb over his fingers; but he allowed it and even felt a bulge begin to form in his pants when she asked if he wanted to go somewhere more private. 
“I don’t kno—” He tried to refuse by forcing the words out of his mouth, but was interrupted by her sweet voice,
“Don’t think about Takashi. He won't know if you don't want him to.” 
Taiju always denied to himself his attraction to you, wanting to convince himself that he was a loyal friend and shouldn't see his friend's girlfriend that way, but he couldn't help it, much less when he realized that maybe his attraction could be reciprocated. He tried to play dumb with the way you looked at him when Mitsuya wasn't looking, the way you brushed your body against his when you passed by, the double sense comments you made on occasions when you two were alone. He tried to convince himself that it was his imagination, the same imagination that led him to fist himself with you in mind during the night. 
It's not like Taiju loved you, but he desired you. Bad. 
That's how he ended up here, in an expensive hotel room with his face smeared with the red lipstick you wore and his hands squeezing your ass under your dress. 
Taiju knew that the designer still loved you, he had also heard him say that you were planning to get back together (for like the fourth time), and he felt like the worst friend in the universe, he shouldn't be here, getting a taste of what Mitsuya had. 
But now he had his back against the door, since as soon as you set foot inside you had grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards you to attack his mouth with yours. He might be hesitating, his mind might be torn between whether this was right or wrong, but you weren't, quite the opposite, from the first moment your ex-boyfriend (maybe boyfriend again soon) had introduced you to that handsome restaurant owner you had wanted him no matter what the circumstances. 
“Mitsuya is gonna kill me.” He whispered with his lips pressed to yours, his actions contradicting his words. 
“As if he could.” You replied while getting down on your knees. 
Taiju felt he already had one foot in hell, but he couldn't stop. 
You skillfully unbuttoned his pants to pull them down along with his underwear and licked your lips at the sight of his aching erection in front of you. For a moment Taiju didn’t feel worthy of the sight, the woman who should be forbidden on her knees in front of him, with an eager look on her face for what she was about to do. 
He threw his head against the wall when you took his dick with one hand and began to stroke it up and down, with a slowness that seemed like torture to him, also he allowed himself to moan softly as he finally felt some relief. But when you finally took him into your mouth, licking around the tip a few times before taking in his whole length, Taiju understood why Mitsuya was so addicted to you.
Taiju's cock barely fit in your mouth but you did your best to do a good job, internally congratulating yourself as you heard him moan loudly and thrust his hips forward looking for more. 
When you looked up you saw him with his head back, one of his hands went to your hair in a quick ponytail and the other went to his head to run his fingers through his hair, perhaps trying not to cum so fast or to avoid the guilt he felt. Whichever option it was, you didn't care. 
Unbeknownst to you, it was a mixture of both. His mind at times was invaded by pleasure and at others by the look of disappointment his friend would get if he found out, but when your mouth left his cock to suck on his balls while your hand continued to fist him, he decided to enjoy this as long as he could. 
It was almost humiliating for him the sounds leaving his mouth. Moaning like that wasn't like him, he blamed it on the adrenaline he felt, or maybe that you were too good, and you couldn't help but feel powerful, because with your mouth and hands alone you had turned a man as big and intimidating as Shiba Taiju into a panting mess. 
“You usually sound like this?” You asked before putting his length back in your mouth. 
“I—” He tried to speak even though he wasn't sure what he was going to respond, but a groan came out of his mouth instead. 
When you pulled away to catch your breath, he took the courage to look at you. The remnants of your lipstick were scattered along his cock combined with your saliva and your eyes were a little watery. 
“Are you gonna fuck me now? Or what?” You teased with your hand still stroking him. “I'm not the type that likes to give without receiving.” You added before giving a short kiss on the tip. In reality, you only said that to provoke him, you could give him as much pleasure as he wanted without complaining, but at the moment the only thing you wanted was him inside you. 
It was as if something inside Taiju switched on and his wild side finally came out. His hand that had not left your hair pulled you back, forcing you to look up at him. 
That sight made him hate you, that was the face of the woman who played with the poor heart of his friend but at the same time the face of the woman he wanted as never before. But he hated himself more for letting himself be fooled by you, for falling into your game and making him fall so low as to betray the person who had supported him since he was just a bratty teenager.   
How dare you provoke him? He liked to think he was better than that, better than men who only thought with their dicks and not their heads. But thanks to you, your pretty face, your pretty body and your fucking skills at getting what you want, he realized he was even worse. 
“Get on the bed.” He ordered, and trying to contain the victorious smile that wanted to sneak onto your face, you stood up and looked at him from head to toe before turning around and walking slowly to the bed, where you sat on the edge of it. 
He tucked his still hard cock back into his boxers before walking in front of you, in the blink of an eye he had already grabbed you below the knees to pull your body back against the mattress. The movement was abrupt and so sudden that it made you let out a yelp. 
“Do you have any idea what would happen if Mitsuya finds out about this?” His hands went quickly to finish removing your dress, throwing it across the room. 
“He would probably stop talking to you, maybe hit you first.” You replied with a smile, taking your hands to his shirt to unbutton it completely, revealing his tattooed and worked torso, he finished taking it off to throw it with your dress. 
“That's right, he would hate me.” He said as he settled on top of you, his knees resting on the mattress next to your hips, locking you underneath him. “But you— you could just turn around and leave, without really suffering the consequences.” His hand went in between the two of you and cupped your cunt with the palm of his hand. “And you won't care about the mess you left behind, since you'll just be looking for new cocks to fill this greedy pussy, right?” 
The way he was talking to you— god, it almost made you roll your eyes back. You even felt yourself getting more and more wet. 
“Maybe I will.” You responded, biting your lip as he began to caress over the fabric of your panties.
“I know. You’re that kind of woman.” Taiju stood up for a moment to slip his arms under your armpits and push you back on the bed, your head now resting on the pillows. “A slut who likes to give people trouble.” He added before climbing back onto the bed, now positioning himself between your legs. 
“But you like it. You like me.”
Taiju didn't even bother to deny your words. Neither you nor he would believe it.
“And that’s what pisses me off the most.” He practically ripped off your underwear leaving you in nothing but a bra, his gaze was fixed on your now exposed pussy as if it was something to admire for hours. “But you like me too. Always looking at me and flirting even with Mitsuya there, you have no shame.” He gave a light slap on your cunt that almost made you close your legs if he wasn't in the way. 
“Don't get any ideas. I just wanted to fuck you.”
He smiled as he slipped two of his fingers inside you, moaning in approval as he felt how wet you were. You closed your eyes and threw your head back as he began to move his digits in a slow motion, as if he wanted to savor in detail the sensation of your walls embracing them. 
“And you got what you wanted, didn't you?” You opened your eyes suddenly with surprise when he made the sudden move of inserting another of his fingers and pushing them all the way in. “But don't worry, I just want to fuck you too.”
You gulped and made an effort to respond without letting a groan interrupt your words. It seemed that he would not be as easy to deal with as you had thought.
“It's a win-win, don't you think?”
He didn't respond, he didn't need to. He simply bent down to capture your lips in another kiss, his tongue making its way into your mouth as he inserted one more finger. Out of reflex to the early intrusion you thrust your hips upward but he used his free hand to pull you back into place. 
“You can barely take my fingers, sure you can take my cock?” His thumb went to caress your clit while his fingers kept stretching you. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, but he forced a cry out of you as he pushed his fingers deeper when you didn’t respond immediately. “I asked you a question, cat got your tongue?”
You dig your nails into his shoulders, both to keep you sane and as a form of revenge, “I can.”
“Let's find out then.” 
Suddenly he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to your mouth, shoving all four digits in one go, almost making you choke on them as you tasted yourself. With his other hand he finished pulling down his boxers along with his pants, letting them drop to the floor, his cock still hard, with pre-cum decorating the tip. 
He took his cock in his hand and positioned himself at your entrance before slowly pushing himself inside you. But that was the only act of gentleness he had, because as soon as his pelvis collided with yours, he pulled out of you and went back in but now with more force. 
For the second time in the night, Taiju understood why Mitsuya was crazy about you. If he too had a woman with a pussy like this all to himself, he too would be stubborn to let her go, he too would chase her and beg for more chances. 
There was no need to be gentle, he didn't want to be, and apparently neither did you. You were a slut, so he would treat you like one. 
You bit down on his fingers as he began to thrust harder and harder into you, grunting as your walls seemed to squeeze him tighter and tighter, it was filthy— the sound of clashing skins and quickened breaths. 
“Look at you. Taking my cock like a fucking champ. You don't even feel guilty, do you?” He asked with a sly smile and you shook your head. “I know. I even feel bad for him that he fell in love for such a pathetic woman like you.”
You looked at him with teary eyes, not because his words affected you, but because it was too much pleasure that you felt that it became overwhelming. 
“Aww. My pretty girl is going to cry?” He mocked. “Good.”
Only after a minute, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth to lean against the headboard with both arms, his biceps flexed and you took advantage of that moment to take your hands to caress from his neck to his pecs, then go to his abs and dig your nails into his sides.  
You felt how with each thrust he hit that sweet spot inside you, you were close, so Taiju lowered one of his hands to circle his fingers over your clit, causing you to squirm and moan his name louder and louder. 
When your walls squeezed him so tight as if you were pushing him out the moment you cum, that was the moment he could no longer hold back. He took both of your legs and pushed them against your chest, he leaned forward settling his head on your shoulder and began to thrust so hard that the headboard began to crash against the wall. 
With this new position it was like he was going even deeper inside you, it was too much. Both for him and for you. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He mumbled repeatedly as he felt his orgasm approaching.
It wasn't until he reached his peak that his thrusts became softer, emptying all of his warm cum. And yes, he had the audacity to come inside you. 
Taiju dropped down next to you, closing his eyes as he tried to regulate his breathing. He couldn't believe what he had just done. How would he be able to look Mitsuya in the face after this?
Still, after a few minutes in silence, he decided to ignore those guilty thoughts just for a little longer. 
He should at least go to confession in church to clear his mind a little. But that will be later. Right now, he felt that he should finish enjoying this night, as this would not happen again, or that is what he wanted to believe. He was afraid to give in to his desires, again. And by the way you stared at him when he had the courage to look you in the face, he knew you weren't going to make it easy for him. 
“Do you think you can take another?” He asked and for a moment you wondered where he had so much stamina, but then you remembered who he was.
“Give me a minute.”
In the morning, you woke up with a sore body and shaky legs. You looked next to you at the peaceful figure of Shiba Taiju sleeping, he even looked innocent after all he did to you last night. You sighed and reached for your phone that had been left on the nightstand, when you turned it on, there was a message.
Takashi <3
Hi angel, i know it's early, but i wanted to ask if we’re still gonna talk tonight?
I miss you. 
Sorry again that I couldn’t make it to the restaurant yesterday :(
You smiled as you read the text and didn't even think twice before replying, 
Don't worry, I just woke up. Pick me up at 8.
And it’s ok hun, you were working after all.
I miss you too <3
You locked the screen and returned the phone to its place to lie back down, feeling a sleepy Taiju wrap an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him.
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weezly14 · 9 months
so i used to use this more as a blog where i talked about my life and my feelings and there's been both a lot and nothing happening in my life lately but i sure do have feelings! so i'm gonna write it down and send vibes into the universe because why not. what else do i have to do today?
i've been a little MIA in terms of working on my fics. i've barely written. first it was a rough fucking winter; then summer kicked my ass just as bad. i hate summer.
"but why has it been rough?"
well, because i'm not fucking pregnant yet.
we've been trying for a baby (i hate this phrase) for ten months? ish? and nothing has happened. in school they made it sound like you skip protection once and you'll get knocked up; my mom got accidentally pregnant twice. and here i am, charting dates and peeing on ovulation predictor sticks and tracking symptoms and the whole nine yards, timing sex and taking fucking prenatals and vitamins and not eating sushi or steak during the two week wait and not drinking at all, and all i've gotten to show for it is my fucking period, every month like clockwork.
the studies say, it can take up to a year. yes, most couples get pregnant within six months, but sometimes it takes longer. sure, fine, whatever.
so it's been hard enough trying to get pregnant and then failing (because it does feel like failing, every time), but then two things happened in quick succession:
my best friend got pregnant, sort of accidentally;
i got sent for bloodwork and the results caused my doctor to refer me straight to a fertility clinic.
when i saw the results i cried, but i thought i was just spiraling and being over dramatic. sure, my AMH is really low, but it's technically still in range, and that's not everything, right? my other tests were mostly fine, not totally out of the normal range. then i called my doctor's office, only to be told "we're referring you to a clinic, your ob/gyn doesn't think you'll get pregnant without treatment."
it's a hell of a thing to be told while standing in the pasta aisle of a grocery store.
in the midst of being referred to the clinic, i of course googled. read articles and papers. cried to my husband, my mom, my friends. of course the clinic was booking weeks out; in three weeks i'll go for my first appointment. my mom said, well maybe now you'll get pregnant. it happens, you know - people struggle and then as soon as they get booked to see a specialist, or start IVF, they get pregnant.
my period started over the weekend. it was not a good time.
the thing about trying for a baby is that every month is the same fucking rollercoaster, only you can't get off, and despite knowing exactly how it'll go, it's still somehow traumatic every time. every cycle there's the devastation when your period starts, followed by the hopeful/planning mode of "let me now track ovulation, let's chart out when we need to have sex." then there's the actual sex - trying to still have fun with it as opposed to the clinical "literally all we need is for you to finish," though sometimes it is just the quickie before work or after dinner because it's Fertile Week and we need to optimize our chances so it doesn't matter if it's not very romantic, we can have romantic sex later. after that it's the waiting game, the two weeks of overanalyzing every ache, every twinge, of looking up expected due dates and thinking about how to announce to family and friends, of hoping and thinking that maybe you are actually pregnant - all followed by the two, three days leading up to your period where every trip to the bathroom has the potential to devastate. where every pms symptom is enough to set off a fresh round of tears until your period actually starts. i've stopped taking pregnancy tests early. the stark white negatives (or rude NO - on the digital tests) was too much for me to handle in my already hormonal, pms state.
it hasn't been a year, which makes me feel like i shouldn't be so upset already. on the other hand, my egg reserve is apparently incredibly low - that is, i'm rapidly running out of eggs, and who knows if the ones i've got are even any good. in three weeks we'll see a fertility specialist, and based on my extensive research and trolling on reddit and listening to podcasts, i'm fairly confident they're going to tell us it's IVF or bust.
because i'm running out of eggs, for reasons that might not exist, or might just be "sometimes things just suck for certain people." some people get a diagnosis of "unexplained infertility," which basically means the doctors have run every test and there's no reason you can't get pregnant. we aren't in that camp, we're likely in the "diminished ovarian reserve" camp. for reasons that are unexplained.
meanwhile, my best friend is pregnant, and i can't talk to her without crying.
we moved into a bigger house a year ago in preparation for kids. we got our finances in order, we made sure our marriage was solid, we planned - and now? we've always wanted two, maybe three. at this point i think we'll be lucky to get one. maybe i'm being pessimistic. i'm trying to be confident but also realistic. IVF doesn't work for everyone. even my clinic, which has the best numbers in the state, has a 63% success rate. sounds great, and it is - but that's 37% of couples who don't go home with a baby. nationally, the outcomes are something like 50ish% of IVF cycles will result in a live birth (they measure by both pregnancy and live birth, because even if you've managed to get pregnant, there's no guarantee you'll stay pregnant.)
today is a good day, by the way. today i can talk to my mom, i can call up our insurance, i can write this and be factual and calm and not crying. today i feel like we have a good chance, like we will end up with a take home baby. today i'm cleaning my house and looking up meal plans to increase my fertility. exercise regimens to help me get in shape to increase my fertility. tomorrow might be a bad day. bad days are when i can barely get off the couch, where i cry at the thought or mention of my fertility. where a tiktok of a dad and baby sends me spiraling. when it all feels fucking useless and unfair.
today is a good day. i don't know what tomorrow's going to be yet.
i've been isolating all summer, which isn't hard to do when most of my friends aren't local. but i find i don't want to be around anyone, really. i don't want to talk to people. i don't want to be asked how i'm doing, i don't want to be asked what's new or what i've been up to.
"i've been cleaning my house and trying to get pregnant and failing. last week i made a new recipe, and today i cried."
it's not an exciting life i'm leading these days. and anyway, no one wants to hear about fertility struggles.
it's not that i'm too stressed. i don't need to go on vacation, or get drunk and have sex, or relax and then i'll get pregnant. sure, i could use a vacation, but that's not the magic ticket. the problem isn't lack of sex. i have depression; the stress is always there, but that's why i see my therapist and my psychiatrist. that's why i take my meds and do my self-soothing shit.
i'm not pregnant because i'm just not. and hopefully the specialist will have a plan and hopefully that plan has a more than 30% chance of succeeding, and hopefully we get to bring a baby home - but today? today i'm not pregnant, and it's not a guarantee that i ever will be.
so even though today is a good day, i'm still really fucking sad.
but, you know. i'm trying to have hope.
that, too, is a cycle.
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robbybirdy · 9 months
Baking therapy on a budget Ft. Genshin Characters: Chongyun - Pasta salad
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Hey, every birdy. Today we are going to be looking at one of my all-time favorite summer dishes. Because it is so simple and honest because it is best served cold. 
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The character that best suits this recipe is Chongyun or popsicle boy. Yes, I know that his real recipe would in fact be a popsicle. But I had no idea how to make a popsicle when I didn’t have popsicle sticks at the ready. Chongyun (chun-young) is a young man from Liyue who is an exorcist but is not very good because he gives off too much yang energy, and therefore the spirits are already gone by the time he tries to exercise them. And his favorite foods are cold things. 
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The recipe and the measurements will be down in the description below. 
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This is one of those recipes that I grew up eating, and it is hard to actually right out a recipe. Because it is so diverse. Each time we eat it, it is so different. But there are some things that always stay the same. Like the pasta. 
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So what you will need for a good pasta salad is:
Pasta of any shape will do
Celery or some other crunch
Hard boiled eggs 
Lunch meat or cooked meat
Any other produce that you may have on hand
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The first thing you are going to do is cook your pasta, and boil your eggs. Once they are both done, place them in separate bowls and set them in the fridge so that they can chill for at least 1-2 hours. 
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After the pasta has cooled you are going to grab the biggest bowl you have and place the pasta in it. 
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Now you will want to cut up your eggs, and place them in the bowl. 
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Using whatever produce you have on hand, cut them up and put them in the bowl. The options for the produce are endless. I have had pasta salad SO many times in my life, and I don’t think i have ever had the same one twice. So you chose what produce you want. 
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The same goes for proteins. If you want this dish to be heavy on the veggies and less on the meat, then you could simply add in some beans. The options are endless. It is very common for our household to go this route in the summer because it is hot and we really don’t want a lot of meat. 
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Once you have all of your fixings cut up and in the bowl, you can make your dressing. For this you are going to add mayo, mustard and a little bit of pickles and the juice for the extra kick. But if that seems to bland for your liking, you could add ranch or any other type of salad dressing. Italian dressing is good for this as well. 
The possibilities are endless, enjoy your pasta salad. 
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This is probably one of the first recipes I know from heart. I would help my mom make this every summer and she would tell me “we are going to be using what we have.” And so pasta salad has become one of the most versatile things in our house. 
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I hope that you liked this recipe.  Feel free to check it out for yourself. See you in the next post. Thank you.
Pinterest: Here
Recipe: Here
1 package of Pasta of any shape will do
1 Cup Mayo - enough to cover the pasta
2 Tablespoons Mustard - if you like mustard add more, if you are like my mom and I add just enough to make it have a mustard taste 
¼ cup Pickles + juice - you don’t want have to much, just enough to have a tangy flavor
1 Cup - Salad Dressing of your choice- If you don’t want to use the mayo+mustard dressing you can just add in your dressing
1 or 2 Onions - depending on the size of your onions  
1 bunch Celery or some other crunch
12 or 14  Hard boiled eggs 
Lunch meat or cooked meat
Any other produce that you may have on hand
Cook the pasta according to the package. Place it in a bowl in the fridge once it is done. Then cook your eggs, and place them in the fridge in a bowl of water for about 1 to 2 hours. Grab the biggest bowl that you have and dump your pasta into, cut up your eggs and place them into the bowl. Cut up your produce and place in the bowl. Add the dressing of your choice, either the mayo and mustard or the salad dressing. Mix everything together and either eat right away, or chill it for a bit longer.  
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85 starters. CW: cussing, sexual themes, violence. Some starters are just random quotes from Tik Tok creators, some starters are from Tik Tok trends that have popped up over the past year or so. The original sources of these trends are from various memes, shows, songs, and other popular media. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! [PARTS: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4]
"Alright, on your knees, mortal scum! You stand in the presence of _____!"
"Always remember: you may not be able to change the past, but you can still ruin the future."
"Am I ever gonna get it?"
"And if you call me a bitch, make sure to put 'sensitive' in front of it."
"And I keep my side of the street clean. You wouldn't know what I mean."
"But I can't forgive you."
"But I don't want to stay in the middle."
"Can I get a kiss? And can you make it last forever?"
"Come out and haunt me."
"Did I mistake you for a sign from God?"
"Don't be ridiculous, _____. Everybody wants this."
"Don't try to find me."
"Do you ever just have this deep seated desire to bother people? I have clown blood."
"Do you think I'm fragile?"
"Do you wanna dance, baby?"
"Everybody wants to rule the world."
"Get in, sparkle farts! We got chaos to spread!"
"Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure."
"Honey, I love you. I think you're a terrific girl. But you have clothes like a fucking dickhead."
"I can't take Benadryl because I owe the Hat Man money and I don't want to see him."
"I didn't know I could love something this much until I laid my eyes on you."
"I don't ever wanna see you and I never wanna miss you again."
"I don't need to be fixed. I need to be rebuilt."
"If you touch that again, I shall kill you right now. Do not touch this! This is a 'no touching' zone!"
"I got nothing to lose."
"I guarantee I gotcha'."
"I have not behaved one single day of my life. Not one single day have I behaved and I'm fine."
"I just can't say goodbye."
"I just heard a butt-curdling scream."
"I know that violence is not the answer, but... Yes, it is."
"I know you see me looking at you on the daily."
"I know you want me."
"I love that Netflix was like, "OoOoh, we're gonna reduce your quality to 480p if you don't pay us more!" Like, bruh... I come from the land of 144p Naruto episodes cut into sixteen parts on YouTube. 480 is luxury. 480 is bouge."
"I'm absolutely a danger to my own mental health."
"I'm comin' back for you, baby."
"I mean, look at this thing! I can't imagine a more beautiful thing."
"I mean, what if I don't want to live the way you live?"
"I might be broke as hell tomorrow, but that's alright, 'cause I'm that bitch today."
"I might kill my ex. Not the best idea."
"I'm in a trance lately."
"I'm not going to nap. I'm just going to rest my eyes and clench my teeth for a little while."
"Im not like other girls. I'm worse."
"I'm one of those witches, babe."
"I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say."
"I'm the love witch. I seduce men with my spells, my potions, my eyes, and my body."
"I'm tired of working on myself. I will now be unapologetically insane."
"I never make the same mistake twice. I make it, like, six or seven times."
"In my dreams, I'm making you pasta and nothing bad has happened to us yet."
"I said I wasn't gonna be judgmental, but fuck it. I'm sick, I have an excuse."
"I think I like when it rains."
"It's already too late for you to try and run away."
"It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me."
"I want to get on my broomstick and fly away with my kitty to another city to work on my witch powers, then live with a pregnant woman who owns a bakery and start a delivery service."
"I want to go to there."
"I was at about six there. You don't wanna see me go to ten."
"Mortals, behold! The glory of the kill is mine!"
"No, I don't think you understand. I'm obsessed."
"Normalize being a sleepyhead. It's okay to be eternally trapped within the realm of ancient dreams."
"Nothing ever lasts forever."
"Not working out? Not eating right? Fucked up sleep schedule? You aren't depressed. You're on your way to achieving tremendous arcane power. Become the wizard you were meant to be."
"Oh, you think the b-word's offensive? You should hear what I say in the Call of Duty lobbies."
"Okay, I don't know how you went this long without knowing this, but there are people out there who create original Sonic the Hedgehog characters, and often those characters fuck."
"Okay, well, what you said was some bullshit. That's what it is."
"Okay... Why'd you have to fucking bring that up?"
"One kiss is all it takes."
"Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why."
"So you're telling me if I killed your family, you wouldn't be my friend anymore?"
"Take a swing. Here's my neck."
"The next time you feel lazy, remember that laziness is a puritanical myth based on the sin of idleness and is used to oppress people into forced labor."
"There are currently no bug-dragon dual type Pokémon, but I wanna share a few insects that I think would make good candidates for being the first."
"They keep on asking me who is he."
"What are you gonna do with that? You gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me with one shot."
"Whatever I've done, I did it for love."
"Which was more culturally significant? The Renaissance... or 'Single Ladies' by Beyoncé?"
"Who wants to look simple when you can look stunning?"
"Why do I keep getting attracted?"
"Why don't you sit right down and stay a while?"
"Why do we keep telling people who aren't freaky that they're vanilla? Vanilla is the freakiest flavor. Like, look at ice cream, for example. It goes good with all of the toppings. Vanilla doesn't care who you pair it up with, so long as they get on top. I aspire to be as slutty as vanilla is. Also, if you are a slut, what flavor of ice cream are you, bitch? Pistachio? Neo-political? That's fucking disgusting."
"Will I get over it? No. But life goes on."
"Yeah, I'm gay. Good at Yu-Gi-Oh."
"Yes, I am doing blasphemy! Yes!"
"You better fix my entire life, you little shit."
"You can't keep me waiting."
"You might play the same games as me, but I play them in a far worse and more unskilled way than you ever will."
"You're just being cynical."
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
First of all, I LOVED THE UPDATE OF OLD HAUNTS. Second I am now Craving for a back story especially with what was written in the new chapter, you have me HOOKED.
😭 Thank you so much!! Oh yes, I’m absolutely working on a prequel. I plan to post it once Old Haunts is finished just so I’m not having too many stories to update at once. BUT how about a little snippet of it??
For context: This is after Chrissy escapes the upside down and is hiding out with Eddie at Reefer Rick’s:
The knocks help. Their secret little code.
Four beats. The question.
Are you still there?
Two beats. The answer.
I’m here.
He does it twice while she changes after her shower.
Even a thin wall between them is too much.
Nancy and Steve drop off a box of food, clothes, and supplies.
It’s left on the front steps, with a note on where to meet in the morning. He sighs, picking it up and carrying it to the living room.
She’s sitting in the middle of the couch, in his flannel that looks like it could swallow her whole, her arms wrapped around her knees, head against them, resting to the side. Her hair is still partially wet from her shower. She looks small and tired… she’s not moving.
“Chrissy?” he beckons worriedly, blood running cold.
Chrissy, wake up! C’mon, Chrissy!
She looks up at him and smiles a sweet little smile, her blue eyes shining in the evening light, clear of any pale foggy gloss.
I’m here.
His relief is palpable as he makes his way over to her, setting the box on the coffee table before looking through it.
“Care package.” he supplies, feeling her curious eyes on him. He glances up to see her smile gone, she looks pale, light bruising under her eyes.
“We should probably eat something.” he muses out loud, as he digs through. There’s two apples, a loaf of sliced bread, a bag of rice, saltines, Jiff, jam, a box of pasta, Poptarts, canned vegetables, soups, bottled water, soda, Slim Jim’s.
“Very nutritious, Wheeler,” he quips at the box. “All of the food groups are represented.”
Chrissy emits a soft, amused snort and Eddie gives her a wry smile as he takes a bite of an apple. It’s thick skinned and a little mealy, but hungry as he is, it’s damn near the most delicious thing he has ever tasted.
She's still watching him, fixated.
Undaunted, he keeps her gaze as he chews, wiping the juice from the fruit dripping down his chin with the sleeve of his shirt.
Eat your heart out, Cunningham, I’ve been watching you a lot longer.
“You hungry?”
She shakes her head slowly, turning back to rest on her knees, forfeiting their staring contest.
He frowns. “When was the last time you ate something?”
He’s already doing the math in his head. Three days in that hell hole. She never eats lunch at school. He picked her up right after the game.
Four days!?
She shrugs her shoulders in reply.
“I’m not hungry.” she murmurs softly. It’s the first time she’s spoken in hours.
“Yeah, well, you have to eat something,'' he insists, grabbing a sleeve of saltines and a soda, coming to sit beside her. She turns further away from him. He gives her a few seconds before gently nudging her with his elbow.
Fucking pushing a full work week without eating anything.
“Chrissy, c’mon.” he whispers. Forget the demon from a parallel universe she somehow managed to survive, he’s going to lose her to something as base as starvation.
“I can’t, Eddie.”
“You have to try.” he pleads gently.
“No.” She shakes her head vigorously, meeting his gaze. “…I’ll just get sick.” she tells him, like it’s a big dark secret, tears in the corner of her eyes. She buries her face in her hands. “I don’t want to get sick.”
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drawthething · 1 year
Headcanon questions! What kind of hobbies would the Pesto boys get into together? Have they ever tried cooking together? What would the perfect Saturday look like for them?
Hope you don't mind but I tried to combine the answers to these questions into a hc list, pffffft:
• So there was a phase where Jimmy Jr tried so hard to get his lil bros into 80s dance movies, and every Saturday morning he put on something like "Footloose" and analysed the whole thing for the twins. Andy & Ollie never really understood what he said and kept getting distracted
J-ju just gave up eventually and begrudgingly put on one of those dumb kid shows so they can all watch it together instead (though he'd rather die than admit to them that he found those enjoyable)
• The twins looove drawing and Jimmy just asks to join in whenever he's bored. Andy & Ollie also drew like, a thousand portraits of their brother. Their versions look exactly the same everytime, but somehow, SOMEHOW J-ju is able to tell which one is Andy's and which one is Ollie's
And when Zeke comes over and sees two scribbling drawings in J-ju's room he's like "Oh yeah, they're my brothers' 😐 Ikr I look so dumb in those 🙄" (but he taped them on the wall next to his Red Hot Chili Pepper poster FOR A REASON)
• The boys fricking love watching their turtle doing like... literally anything. There are lazy weekend afternoons where they spend several hours doing so. Zeke also brings Leslie's turtle to their place all the time so they can have a little turtle race pfffft
Oooo and for them baby twins only? Every night they take a bloody ton of times whispering goodnights to Terry: "Andy and I love you, Terry." - "Okay, now my turn :D. Ollie and I love you, Terry." - "Wait let me say it again to him"
• Cooking... oooof that sounds like the most disastrous thing the boys could pull off together pffft. BUT occasionally when Pesto Sr forgets that he has children to feed and straight up leaves the house for the entire night (buttchin won parent of the year again 🥳!!) then uhhh, dinner for three, with undercooked pasta, microwaved leftover pizzas and omelette that is waaay too salty. They have some fun though, plus they get to eat on the couch ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
• Them boys have secret snacks parties in each other's room sometimes. And maybe J-ju loves his gum too much to consider sharing at times, but he knows he HAS to teach his brothers how to blow a perfect bubblegum (boy succeeded at it twice and already thought that he's an expert). So uhhh, yeah, they get the privilege :D
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nancypullen · 6 months
Hole in One
Alrighty! I returned home from Florida yesterday, racing ahead of storms the whole way. The mister and I arrived in our driveway around 5 o'clock and I immediately dumped suitcases and started laundry. I had to get a jump on things, it's just a week until Christmas and I can't be bogged down with run of the mill chores - I have stuff to do! My visit with my mom and sister was fun, we spent most of it shopping and eating, the two sacred female activities. I had hoped to get a haircut while I was down there since the Denton stylists have done me wrong (fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...they've fooled me twice already). But there just weren't any appointments available. I'm tempted to get a short hairstyle, even though I don't like my face with short hair. It might be easier as far as wash and dry, but I'd have to maintain it with cuts every six to eight weeks so that's actually higher maintenance. Looks like I will sail into old age with pony tails and Farrah layers. At this point I really don't care. My mother suggested I just let it grow and sport a long braid. That appeals to me - seems like a very artsy, slightly hippie vibe, and I'm a fan of that. It may also mean I've given up. You win, hair.
My sister's birthday was on our schedule for the visit. We celebrated with presents, a good dinner, and dessert. She said that she wanted a fruit platter instead of a cake, and the birthday girl's wishes are supposed to come true.
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We didn't get to light those candles. She'd contracted the plague right before traveling and no one wanted her blowing all over the fruit. It wasn't covid, but she spent most of the trip coughing, dripping, and blowing. Not fun for her at all. On the other hand, if you have stock in facial tissue or Sudafed she boosted your profits. Merry Christmas. Still, a good time was had by all and then we flew away to our respective nests. And speaking of flying, on my way down to Florida I gave the gift that keeps on giving - laughter. Apparently, choosing to fly comfortably in my favorite old jeans was a mistake. They broke up with me on this trip. We parted ways.
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Sadly, I was unaware that it had happened. I have no idea how long I walked around showing the world my underwear. I had a three hour layover in Atlanta where I walked around and around and up and down. Escalators, trains, jetways - you're welcome holiday travelers. Enjoy telling your friends about the lady in front of you who didn't know her pants had split. It wasn't until I arrived at my mother's house that my sister pointed out that it looked like I'd "had a blow out". Of course. It wasn't even because they were tight, they weren't, just really, really old. They'd been washed a million times, I suppose I should have checked them for thinning spots. Naturally travel day was the day the threads just couldn't hold on another minute. Oh well. If you were in the Atlanta airport on December 12th and saw an old lady's underwear, speak kindly of her. She didn't know. Today I'm doing the bare minimum. I have a very busy few days ahead and no rest in sight until the new year. I feel myself coming down with my sister's cold, or maybe it was given to me by any of the hundreds of people hacking and snorting in the airports and on planes. I have too much to do to be sick, so I'm going to pretend it's not happening. I'm ready for Christmas, but not all of the meals involved. I'll be feeding a crowd from the 22nd through, I think, the 29th. Other than Xmas dinner I'm keeping it simple. A big pot of chili one night, sheet pan suppers, maybe a pasta bake with rotini and meatballs, definitely something in the crockpot one night. I'm out of ideas. None of that sounds delicious to me, and certainly not as healthy as we'd normally eat, but I just need to get through that week of meals. No one will die from it.
So I'm making my grocery list and checking it twice, then I'm going to wash my hair, and finish up a little laundry. Mickey has a photo club meeting tonight so I'm just making quick taco bowls (seasoned ground turkey, black beans, cauliflower rice, tomato & onion, etc) for dinner. I may spend the evening watching Hallmark movies and pretending I live in one of those adorable fictional towns. I'll be the struggling bakery owner trying to charm the big city exec who represents the corporation trying to buy out my little shop. We'll fall in love somewhere between the obligatory snowball fight and accidentally bumping into each other under the mistletoe. Although I'm strapped for cash I'll wear a different designer coat and new boots in every scene. In the end he won't be able to resist me and my fabulous wardrobe and he'll surprise me by becoming a silent investor in my bakery and dropping to one knee in front of the town's giant Christmas tree (or an ice skating rink, your choice). The predictable plot lines are what I love about them. I hope your week has been better than split pants and sneezes, and that you spend your evening feeling cozy and content. That's my goal. The countdown to Santa has begun and I couldn't be happier. Let's do this! Sending out lots of love. Stay safe, stay well, go ahead and have another cookie. XOXO, Nancy
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louisianaturra · 2 years
Carlton wine room, Carlton
It was my mum’s bday. She loves this place. I do too. It wasn’t that long ago that I was here and had every intention of reviewing it, however too much time passed. So I was happy that we were returning, another chance to critique this well renowned establishment.
Walking in, it’s bustling. Mind you it’s only 6pm, and it’s already busy. Like I said ‘well renowned establishment’. The host was quick to greet us at the door and tell us where our table was. The walls are white, black lights and wooden stools. Nothing offensive here. Classic, clean. We were led upstairs to another section that has round booths, sounds trashy but again it’s classic, kind of New York style.
Our waiter was personable, lovely and attentive. My partner and I arrived a little later than others, however she was quick to serve us a glass of champagne to match the table. Good guess. I love champagne. Carlton wine room is all about sharing. The food is prepared to be enjoyed and dissected by all at the table. I know it sounds bossy, but I usually take charge at places like this. People get overwhelmed and worry about who will like what. I just order as varied as possible to include everyones taste preferences. Most people appreciate it, others may get annoyed. Oh well. We ordered some oysters, Tasmanian. Good, some a little frozen, but of quality. We then ordered an anchovy on fried bread with whipped ricotta and pickled cucumber. We had one vego, the waiter offered to replace the anchovy with a mushroom. My sister in law said it was delicious. Ours was a beautiful starter, thin crispy bread with a subtle mix of salty, sweet and sour. Lovely.
Next was the eggplant dish, this was bursting with flavour. Mint, chilli, currents, with a creamy finish however had texture. The other dish was the asparagus, with an avocado sauce and salmon roe. The roe bursts little salt pop rocks into your mouth, and the avocado balances the dish nicely. I would have preferred less roe, a little overpowering.
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The next dish was an obvious favourite, so much so that my partner and brother agreed to order another after the main. This was the stracciatella with pickled mushrooms and chive oil. I cannot describe the decadence of this dish, to look at yuk. To eat, an absolute delight. Look past the frog swamp, grab a potato focaccia( hand made, light and fluffy) and dig in. You won’t regret it.
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By this point I had a few Awericanos and a Chardonnay. I decided to order some sparkling, the waiter brought me the champagne from earlier… I didn’t realise until 3 glasses in… whoops. This was also when I realised that we had been waiting over 30mins for our mains…
Our mains were pork and chicken. The pork was served in a mustard style sauce, it was good, however I am a terrible judge of pork. It reminds me of human.. too graphic? Sorry. The chicken had big chunks of bacon, mushroom and a lovely red wine jus. The chicken was cooked perfectly, juicy and well seasoned. There was also a side of grilled zucchini and ricotta. A lovely palate cleanser.
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My sister in law ordered the rigatoni with smoked ricotta, tomato and basil. Before it was ordered I very politely said to the waiter that last time we ordered this the pasta was under cooked and cold. She looked at me sarcastically and said ‘okay I’ll tell the chef to COOK the food this time’. I realise it may have come across as snooty, however I wasn’t being an arsehole and her response was uncalled for. Give me shit behind my back instead. Mind you this wasn’t our original waiter. Figures. When the dish came out, the pasta was al dented however it was cold again… disappointing.
The dessert is worth ordering. I never ever think twice about ordering a rum baba. Seems old school and out of fashion. The Carlton wine rooms rum baba deserves an award. For The booziest rum baba in town. They present it as a slice of cake, rather than the original muffin shape. It also works perfectly as a share dish, everyone just grabs a spoon and digs in to the booze soaked sponge. An absolute triumph.
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The Carlton wine room is a great night out. The service is impeccable, the food is well priced and appears to be served with love and passion. There were some gaps, however the positives override any issues. I highly recommend the rum baba, but be warned, if you are driving… you may blow over the legal limit. Take a taxi.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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We are in the car in our way home from Julien's show! It was so good! I haven't listened to much of his music but it was so beautiful. I really enjoyed it! I don't always love live music because it's to loud. But I really had a good time.
Honestly today was really lovely for the most part. I slept okay last night. But I woke up to some very distressed texts from James. They had lost their new gloves and were just falling apart being angry at themselves. And like I get it. They were expensive and stuff. But also. This is a fixable problem. And I hated seeing them being so mean to themselves over something so trivial in the grand scheme of things.
It did make me realize something about myself and my family and how I was raised. I joke a lot about never telling myself no and getting everything stupid thing my little brain ever wants. And how I'm spoiled but not rotten!! And when James lost their gloves I was like. Oh this is fixable. And went on eBay and found some to replace them. Problem solved. James wanted to just beat themselves up, I wanted to just throw money at the problem. Which I think sometimes my family does. This is with all the love in the world because I know how hard my dad worked to be able to do that. If he couldn't fix it himself he would make sure it was handled. And I think I'm very much like that. If I can't make it, fix it, or find it, I'll just. Handle it. I know it's not particularly unhealthy or whatever. It's mostly just an observation about my family's love langue.
So I was a little distressed that James was distressed. But there wasn't anything I could do for them in the moment.
So I got up and got dressed and started organizing the apartment. This would be my big goal for the day. Putting things away. Making a plan for where things will live. I didn't have a ton of time before I needed to go but it was a good start.
I left the house around 930 and went to get breakfast before I got to the museum. And the museum was fun. I don't love doing the desk but I am getting better at it.
When I got there I hugged in James for a bit. They were still distressed but it would lessen throughout the day.
Their meeting got pushed back and I was already a little early. So I made a little walk around the musuem before I sat with James and got to work on my scarf knitting.
I made a ton of progress today. I got through the first ball of yarn I had in this color and started the next. I still will probably have to take the whole thing to joann's to find a color match. But we'll see. Maybe this will be a tube scarf.
Jack and Cindy came in and not only was it Jack's birthday (he did not tell me and I had to find out later) it was also Cindy's first day as an educator. Well at least it was her first day of paperwork. I'm excited! She's so lovely so I'm excited to have her as a coworker.
James went to their meeting and I had some guests come in. They wanted an audio guide and I couldn't figure out why they were all in Spanish and panicked a little. But I would figure it out with only minimal stress. And then I had two more people come in and that was it.
I mostly just got to knit and scroll on my phone and eat my pasta salad. Honestly a really ideal way to spend a few hours.
I did have to answer the phone a few times. Which was scary but mostly because I was sure I wouldn't be able to give anyone the correct information. But I only had to answer it twice and did a pretty good job. Maybe. I dont actually know.
James came down and took back over. And I headed out. I still had energy and I wanted to throw myself into my stuff at home before we had our cannonball run drive to Philly tonight.
I went home. And I knew if I sat down I wouldn't do anything. So I put on a podcast and got to work. I did a lot of moving around. I hung some stuff. I found homes for things.
While I was doing this Elizabeth let me know that the Friday group rescheduled so I didn't have to come in. And that was such a huge relief. I was really stressed about everything.
But she also reminded me I am there Wednesday Thursday and Friday next week. And I somehow double booked myself. So I had to quickly text Jessica and let her know and it's all sorted but that was very stressful for me.
I had disappointing people and I just have. A lot of things and a lot of things to juggle. Sometimes it's going to get messed up but I am trying my very best. And I hope that everyone is aware of that because I really don't want anyone mad at me.
I would set an alarm for 330 so I would know when to leave to get James from work and we could drive to Philly. But I had lots of time.
So I kept sorting in my studio. I cleaned up my desk a lot. Moved things around. I found all my Christmas gifts and put them in one box. And found all my in progress quilts and put them in another box. It is not done at all but it's a start.
I would really like to do a big purge before the winter. I used to be so good at purging stuff. But there has been a lot of anxiety tied up in my objects lately. I don't know what it is. But it has become a lot more guilt inducing to get rid of things.
James said they will help me but I am still nervous about it. I both wish I had nothing and also with I have more shelves so things would just be vertical. I love shelves. If wood wasn't so stupid expensive. Maybe I'll look into some planks.
I would eventually sit and have a sandwich. I also heated up my hot glue gun and fixed a few things that I had been putting off. And then I worked on my new iron on sweatshirt with my more accurate puhtok translation. Which I think is peak comedy. I did not have enough P,'s so I have to cut an R. But you cannot tell. I am going to embroider trees on the top with a million french knots. But I'm looking forward to another project. You know how I am.
I would lay down for a half hour. Just to rest a little. And then I was off to get James.
James ended up getting pulled into a meeting. So I stayed in the parking lot and organized the car a little. Moved some stuff around. Threw out the trash in the back. Mike let me know that James would be a little but that was okay. We had lots of time.
James wanted us to leave right at 4 but we would leave a little later then that. I just chilled knitting in the parking lot. And then once we were in the road I kept knitting.
James let me know some work drama. And vented a little. I told them about my afternoon. But really it was just a nice drive.
We were slightly worried about the world series traffic. But it would only affect us a little towards the end. And we would find parking around 630.
We got to the venue and it was still an hour before the doors opened. So we went to find something to eat and a bathroom.
We found a fancy little pizza place and got a tiny pizza that was upside down. Cheese with sauce on top. It was pretty good. I enjoyed the company more.
We met up with the rest of Julien's family outside the venue. Grace and David and Katie and George. And it was really nice to see them. We had comp ticket. We were on the guest list. So we waited by the door for those and just talked. I people watched.
Inside was a small stage room with a bar. And it was honestly lovely. The crowd was small but enthusiastic. And when Julien started they were so nice to listen to.
But I was also just enjoying watching everyone. The people dancing. The couples. The bassist had a great cloud sweater and the girl on the barricade was clearly their girlfriend and they made faces at eachother the entire set and it was super sweet.
There were two songs I specifically really like. The very last song was my favorite one. And then we were heading to the back to check out the merch. We got shirts and a CD. And waited for Julien to come out.
I ended up talking to David for a while. He does tree work and I was fascinated by that. I have been trying more to ask people specifics about themselves. I am very comfortable talking about me. Probably from art school. And I want to know more about others but they aren't comfortable just. Telling me after I tell them like I want them to be. So I am practicing actually asking. It's always interesting to find out about other people's lives.
And then the band was there. I asked the bassist where their cloud sweater was from. May have already found one on eBay. And gave Julien a big hug. He did such a good job and I am very proud of him.
We chatted for a few minutes but we wanted to get out of there before the next act. We said goodbye before things got to loud and we were out.
We found the car and got our car drinks. And decided we had enough coffee and water to drive straight back.
And that's what we are doing now. We are about half way home. And I am really excited to get a shower and go to bed. Today was a really good day.
I hope tomorrow is good too. I don't have to rush to puhtok in the morning to set up because the group isn't coming on Friday. But I do have two canneries. One I'm leading. I hope it's another good day with great people.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well everyone. Stay safe!! I love you!!
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core-memories · 7 months
Should I have said something
You never mentioned her tonight, I had forgotten
Should you have mentioned something
You said you're with someone else
If you come home drunk I'll be mad
You already don't want to do shit on our anniversary, for fucks sake. Make dinner and watch a movie? The same shit we do every fucking week? And you want to keep our son during it?
Fine, I'll just cook. And clean the dishes for it, and take care of the baby while we eat, and let you put on something from Netflix. Sounds like our every day fucking life with maybe a bottle of wine. Fuck that I'm not even getting that.
Like that's seriously what you wanna do? That's how low our bar has gotten?
Oh but I can't forget! You also wanna go look around target!
As if we don't already do that.
And it's gonna be a Saturday. It's gonna be busy fuckng everywhere. So you're gonna wanna speed home and I'll make some bland ass chicken alfredo. That's the meal you want? Nothing adventurous, just easy basic bitch pasta. And when I sounded skeptical you said "we can make sides too!"
Is this really what my life is going to be
I thought you wanted something big since it's our 5th. Fuck it, average evening it is.
My friends barely hang out with me and our ideals are changing so much I can barely see us staying friends much longer, I feel like if I tell you how unhappy you make me sometimes then you'll just break it off with me a third fucking time.
Isn't that crazy? Twice you've hurt me. And yet here I am. I let you fundamentally change who I am as a person and now in stuck here, for the rest of my life.
You said I'm cool too, I just don't know it yet like you knew what I'm supposed to do here. Not everybody got to put ghosts and demons to rest for a living so you saying that makes me think I could do something. Am I'll ever do though is just a worthless life.
Was that my purpose? To support you while you saved the world? Is that all I'll ever be in life? Somebody else's caretaker?.??
I don't want that. I don't want to live like that. Please don't make me live like that.
You getting a job wouldn't change our stamps because we're not married, and newsflash. We're never getting married.
It took me months to save enough for our water heater. Months to get 650 put aside so we wouldn't struggle. And you think we'll ever afford a wedding? Not to mention our taxes afterwards? It's laughable. It's pathetic.
I'm pathetic
Why can I never tell you how angry I get at things?
Is it because I know the answer? If I told you how much I hate you hitting courage, you'd say you're sorry and you're working on it. Then a week later you'd do it again.
You say you hate Sammy. You said you hated loca when you thought I couldn't hear. You do a lot of things assuming they don't bother me.
So much of it bothers me
So much of this bothers me
I never wanted to be here. I'm gunna die here.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-24 · 10 months
Sugar Punch - Chapter 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Maddox -
I looked over the young boy 'Theodore' again and tried to figure him out as he wrote down things he didn't like to eat.
The moment I saw him I knew that he was here for all the wrong reasons.
His nose was busted from what I could guess was from a punch to the face and he obviously didn't think about anything else other than learning to fight from what he was wearing.
I was amused that he showed up wearing casual clothes to a gym, it was clear to me he had never stepped foot inside of a gym before today.
I looked at what he was writing down and had to hold back a laugh once he wrote 'all fruit' because oh boy, this kid had no fucking idea the amount of fruit I was going to introduce to his life.
He was skinny, way too thin so I needed to build him up slowly, only then could I really train him and I will train him, after all it should be easy with this guy, he looks like he would be satisfied with just learning how to throw a punch.
"I'm um... done," he said quietly, handing me back the piece of paper.
I looked over what he doesn't like and I couldn't help but sigh once I saw it was all foods that I would be adding to his diet, like pasta, chicken, fish, carrots, apples and other fruit that he should be eating.
I'd need to change what I already made up for him and swap some things around, he didn't put rice on so I will add that instead of pasta, which is doable.
It's not only fighting I'd have to work on with this guy but his eating habits are also shit.
"This should be enough to work on," I tell him, looking him over again.
He might be a skinny kid, maybe a bit dorky but he wasn't bad looking, which obviously made me wonder why he was being hit at school.
He was getting hit, bruises like the ones on his face and arms were fucking obvious but I wouldn't say shit that didn't concern me, unless he wanted to tell me.
I stay out of their lives and I keep them out of mine, I try and keep it professional at all costs, only then can I focus on my job and nothing else, which is how it should be.
I didn't need extra shit in my life.
Still, something about him bugged me and it just wasn't in my nature to give a shit about someone, especially not a guy or a fucking kid, so why did this one make me wonder about him?
He was weak, he had no muscle on his arms but something about his eyes told me he wasn't a complete coward, he came here after all, he reminded me of a little of myself at his age, just desperate to fucking get away from everyone.
"Um, is that all?" he asked as I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded my head, looking everything over one last time.
"Yeah," I say, getting up from my seat and decided I'd show him some workout equipment he can also do on his own.
I led him to the middle of the room where the ring was, it was only us down here today, usually Lenny or Emma would be here but they took the day off to most likely because they got fucked up last night at the club.
"Right, stand there and show me the best kick you got," I instruct, as the boy looked at me confused.
I didn't have to tell him twice as he got into a stance that wasn't bad but needed work and then he tilted to the side and kicked into the air, as I watched his form.
He wasn't bad at all, he could be a decent kickboxer with some training and muscle on him, he was a lot better than most newcomers that come here for a free lesson or just to come and see me and ask stupid fucking questions.
"Not totally shit but when you kick, don't keep your hands by your side, watch me," I tell him, moving to stand next to him to show him what I'm talking about.
I do a front kick and hold it so he can see what I meant, his eyes widen and then he nodded his head as I put my leg down and watch him follow my movements, starting with how I stood.
He did a front kick just like I did and then looked at me for approval, making me bite back a grin at how much he resembled a puppy, especially with that head of hair that was desperate for a cut.
"You got the front kick down, now let me show you some others really quick that we'll be working on during our next lesson," I said as I took a step back and got into position.
I show him the round kick, side kick, how to stand and how to hold your fists, where I had to help him as he didn't quite get how to position his feet but after a few attempts he was a natural and easy to teach.
He was a quick learner which I didn't expect from such a skinny guy but he looks easy enough to train, which is what I hoped for when Rick told me I'd be getting a new guy to train.
Once I was satisfied, he got the basics down, I jogged to my office and got the regime I had made up for him of all the workouts we'll be doing together before I teach him how to hold his own in the ring with me.
His face paled as he looked down at the list in front of him, making me grin once I see how face his eyes were going over everything, obviously overwhelmed by it all, despite me shortening it because of how new he is to kickboxing.
"If you want to change anything let me know, until then... you're free to leave," I tell him, as his brown eyes look at me.
Seeing as our time had come to an end and an hour had passed, I grabbed a spare gym bag I wasn't using anymore and handed it to him, for the load of free shit I gave him, shorts, t-shirts and wrap for his hands.
"U-Um, thanks," he said quietly as I looked down at him, putting things into the bag. "I had fun and um..." There was a pause, as his face started turning a bright shade of pink. "I'm actually a fan, s-so t-thanks for your time and... I'll see you next week," he said shyly, before smiling at me, his nerves obvious in the way he couldn't hold eye contact with me
.I'd heard this all before and it all got too fucking predictable and annoying but for some reason it wasn't annoying me now, if anything it made my shit day just a bit better as I looked down at the shy boy and nodded my head.
"See you next week, Theo," I said, sending him on his way as I headed back to my office, not looking back at the guy as he sheepishly headed for the exit.
I heard the door close behind him as I sat down on my chair in my office, closing my eyes as a laugh escaped my lips as I go over the past hour with the clumsy, skinny yet amusing kid.
He wasn't bad to train, he listened well and never complained, he made my job here all the easier as I didn't have to tell him twice like I do with the more advanced guys that come to me for training.
Despite not hating this job, I couldn't wait to get back into the ring and do what I did best, there was something about teaching other people kickboxing but to be the one in the ring with all eyes on you, it was a feeling unmatched.
I lived for the fight, it cleared my mind and washed all my thoughts away, I was in my prime and I was already at the top, life was good but outside the ring things got loud and harder to ignore, especially family.
Looking at the time I decide to call it a day and just head upstairs to have a quick workout, then head home and make dinner, I didn't have any more lessons today, so I was free to do whatever the fuck I wanted.
Speaking of, for a while now my dick's been rock hard from the moment that guy left and I know it's not because I wanted to fuck him but because it's been a while since I slept with a woman.
I've never been with a guy before and I never want to fucking find out how it feels either, I've knocked guys out for looking at me wrong, so I knew I wasn't into them, I loved women and I couldn't even think of sticking my dick up a guy's ass without feeling sick.
Fuck this, my dick just isn't going down.
I whipped it out and closed my eyes as I released the tension and tried to relax into it, thinking of warm plump lips wrapped around my cock, small hands touching my balls, brown eyes looking up at me.
I freeze mid stoke as familiar eyes come to mind, making me open my eyes wide to see how rock hard I still was, considering I just pictured that dorky, skinny guy with my hand wrapped around my cock.
Fucking hell, I really did need to go out and get laid.
Putting my dick back in my shorts I grab my bag and jacket and decide to just leave, not wanting to go over what I just did, knowing full well I wasn't into the guy and I was just that fucking horny.
Grabbing my phone from my pocket I reply to the first text from a girl I hooked up with last week and just told her to meet me near my place, not bothering to stick around and train when my dick just wouldn't calm down.
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