#human children sacrifices
awesomecooperlove · 5 months
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I don't know where I'm from. My earliest memory is arriving. I was so lucky they found me! They took me in, raised me like one of their own, and when I was ready, they made me their princess.
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raayllum · 9 months
me, remembering my old "amaya and viren have a lot of similarities, specifically in being both fiercely independent and willing to prioritize the world over their family" parallels post (circa august 2021), a latter facet that 5x08 goes out of its way to show callum being Not That
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grim-faux · 9 days
friendly reminder that Six isn't a bad child or evil
she's just an angry lil animal thats been poked one too many times
at the end of the day nobody wins
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fwuitgummyy · 11 months
I love how all of Aono's loved ones are slowly becoming him in some way shape or form. If he's Aono, and IM Aono, then who the fuck is flying this damn plane?!
Everyone has such horrible identity issues. Apparently I wrote about that in my notes wayyyy back.. but then it kinda slipped my mind as a theme, so I need to reread it. But it is a repeating question in the story, if we also aren't made up of the people around us, then who are we? If being alive is the same as being acknowledged, where do you look to if those same ideas are harming you?
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gildedmuse · 1 year
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So, I just know all of Tumblr was wondering, "hey, you remember that really weird ZoLaw fan with the annoyingly overly stylized post? I wonder if she's seen this and if she has any theories or thoughts, an observation or two?"
Well, allow me to set your wandering mind at ease, fictional Tumblr fan. The answer is: No. No, I really don't.
I have like three hundred.
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[I also spent time just trying to track down as many translations as possible. Is Tera A Criminal's Daughter or The Daughter Of Thieving Bandits! These are CLEARLY separate things and can ENTIRELY change how her utter nonpresence in Zoro's life shaped him! Though I can take comfort in knowing that, regardless of what kind of crimes her father was committing they were more important than anything his daughter ever did in her entire life.]
And, hey, as might as well jump right into that whole mess.
1. Wait, Zoro's mom is dead? Thank goodness, I was worried Oda forgot one!
(AKA: Stop. Murdering. Moms.)
I'll go first, I don't mind saying when I was wrong. True, in the past I may have suggested that the vast majority of female characters in One Piece come off as ever so slightly, "leaning into sexist tropes with unadulterated joy; it's the misogynistic tropes equivalent of a child running naked through a grocery store. It's right there, everyone sees it, yet people shut up and continue shopping in part because, well, these days you just expect most people to cover that junk! What would you even say? And if you DO speak up and call out the inappropriate, be prepared for blank stares and tantrums; but THEY don't mind! THEY don't think it's wrong! You're just being mean!"
More or less a direct quote.
However, I see now that I rushed to judgement and the reality of the situation is far more nuanced. With that in mind, I was just wondering if someone could help answer some of the questions I have.
Like: Why does Oda believe that it's illegal for (maternal) female characters to survive other character's backstories?
More importantly, why hasn't someone just reached out to explain the misconception!? It can't be that difficult. If nothing else, just have a lawyer or judge or other expert in censorship on hand. Or is the one of those cases where back in highschool his friends made something up and then kept pretending it was real to see if he'd believe you and not only did he fall for it, it took over 20 years before he learned that, what, no that's not illegal. That would be crazy if it were an actual law. Cause you know, after the first 10 years I think yeah you have to just lean into it. Pretend it's a creative decision on your part and definitely not because you were terrified of being sentenced to a slow and humiliating public death.
Just to be clear that's definitely what's up, right? I mean, I'm struggling to think of another reason....able excuse why a story that I really enjoy keeps playing the same old sexist tropes cards again and again to the point of absurdity. It would just help if I had a valid excus- explanation. I almost mistyped the word explanation.
So I imagine it went like.
"That's the third mangaka they've had to Publically Execute this week!"
"They've started taking this law way more serious lately."
"This one really deserved it though! I heard his main character has a mother in her late forties!"
"That does seem old to have your first child."
"No, he's the middle of three and 22 years old. The story even has flashbacks of defining moments in his childhood and never once did she try to sacrifice herself for him, get murdered by his enemies, or die in meaningless unrelated accidents."
"Damn, that's cold to be there for all the protagonist core moments and not die and help him develop and grow a character? They must have a very antagonistic relationship. Is she actually the villain."
"Not that we know, and when they asked about this being a possible plot twist since - obviously if she's evil no laws are being broken."
"Well, of course, that's the whole reason Statue 2-dash-57 exists; if creators can show they have consistently been building up to a surprise twist then the female character in question can continue to live so long as she continues to be unrepentant and unlikable until the resolution of her arch by the protagonist."
"That's the thing! Under oath not only did man present no evidence to support her identity as a secret villain, he went on the record stating he wanted to depict their relationship as one of a normal modern 20 year old and his mother."
"That can't be true! What publishing company would even print that!?"
"It gets worse. I told you he was a middle child? Well, according to those who've read the actual manga, his younger sister was really sick as a child."
"Oh, well, at least-"
"It was just a fish allergy. She's perfectly fine."
"Sometimes I feel this law is unnecessarily harsh but.... Then you hear stories like that, and you realize that some people really are monsters."
#So this was going to be one post three parts (because obviously) then I remembered even people who have purposefully followed me hate that#I took into consideration that not everyone wants a unmountable wall of Zoro meta analysis on their dash so now its gonna be 3 post style#keeping in mind I've already written it all up and will just be posting them one after the other so effectively the same result#only with the illusion of my empathetic nature#I do have a lot of thoughts on what amounts to a very small amount of scribbled lines and a couple doodles#he literally didn't even bother giving Kuina's mom or grandmothers a name like they didn't even have a identity#In fairness there wasn't a need for them to have any kind of identities or individuality or identifiable features#everyone knows only one trait really matters when it comes to adult females: they go down#into the ground....as a corpse. After ensuring that their death would be the best way to help their children grow. As characters.#I'm joking cuz its funny. It's obvious why Zoro's mom got a name & description: she gave birth to a protagonist and not a human sacrifice#But have considered why those specific qualities are what he chose to define her by - she's fictional he could have made up anything!#I'll have to talk about it in the other posts I'm wasting precious tag room#one piece#roronoa zoro#one piece meta#one piece sexism#this post is not for everyone; actually its pretty much just for me#conversations with fictional people#more opinions than anyone asked for about subjects they don't even care about#Oh! I found the blogs new subtitle!#author gets sassy then preachy then sassy again and then swerves sharply to the weird#oh these tags are way too much#Zoro's backstory#Zoro family history#amusing musings#why am i the way that i am#three post style: part one!
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charlieslowartsies · 7 months
Ok so, I've been working on some scenes for my little fanfic of kga (and of course none of them are the next chapter to publish) and I've been thinking about the magic surrounding the animatronics and their sentience in far more general terms (cause that's what my characters are doing) and stumbled across something interesting that I'm gonna put into my story but wanna share in case it never gets fully published. I was thinking about the broad strokes of what happened to make the Marionette and Golden Freddy and went "wait that kinda sounds vaguely familiar?" And after some digging it kinda has hints of the story of the Golem of Prague? Like these kids, who feared more attacks from a far more powerful thing, created protectors out of soulless "husks" (granted, made of metal and not stone) with nothing but the power of their belief. And just like in the story, the Marionette can grow too violent and be turned against the ones it was supposed to protect. I dunno if I'm reading too far into things but I thought it was a really neat leap that my mind made and wanted to share
You're correct in pointing this out! The very loose term/concept spiraled from that story actually. Scared and weak, these children felt powerless and wanted more.
That's why London Bridge is titled what it is. A reference to watchmen, human sacrifices and protecting/guarding something and what those guards might be.
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halflife-2 · 5 months
Something about looking at all the people you encounter throughout HL2 and its episodes and realizing that for almost the last 20 years the human population has only been in decline due to the suppression field and those people are the last generation of humans on Earth...
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
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Astarion refers to the other spawn he intends to create as his children and I personally HC it more like his consort spawn eventually plays the role of brood mother to whoever the favored "children" are for eternity. like they recreate a fucked up family unit. romanced player and the children have to compete for scraps while he spoils whoever his romance partner is. and the cruelty of it is that Astarion's consort has all the gifts to be in the sun, but Astarion now wants an eternal night for all of the children he intends to make (and force to live in the shadows).
#bat rambles#and like thats so poetic right?#he will burn down the world and make it so there ISNT anyone else beside Tav/Durge/Romance Partner in the world#just cattle and children cloaked in neverending darkness#also when i say poetic the entire thing is a tragedy#like it's so tragic to give tav/durge/his romance partner that gift to retain that part of their humanity#then make the world hospitable to normal spawn#i am team AA still remembers the budding love he felt but#it's a ghost of a memory and he thinks he's above all that now#but he will pretend to show love in small doses#just enough to keep them wanting more and keep them under his thumb#and the memory of what he felt corrupts with him as he shifts closer and closer to evil alignment and he becomes more and more possessive#and he does spoil tav/durge bc they'll always be his favorite#but it's more like they were the first pet and will always be the most beloved#but he does have other pets he is fond of but like#and like that love he felt for tav/durge made him feel too vulnerable so he has to make them feel so small#as small as he felt when he was cowering behind them#bc he won't ever let himself feel that small or let his edges feel that dulled again#it's about the corruption of the feeling for me#you sacrifice 7007 people to suffer in the hells for eternity#you're not gonna get off scott free#and i think the corruption of the love he feels - the love he used to manipulate tav/durge into helping him ascend - is like#just a tragic & poetic price to pay#bc it wasn't even inevitable bc he could have just ascended and not paid any price#but tav/durge/whoever was supposed to be his pillar and keep him grounded when he is tempted by his vampiric nature#bg3 headcanons#bg3#astarion#ascended astarion
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1pcii · 5 months
thinking about younger 124ji as years of this kind of unchecked thinking and behaviour, mixed with their unnatural lack of empathy bringing them to the cartoonist extremes they display in canon.
#cw for strangulation and child death for the video clip#I've been thinking alot about the vinsmokes and Eva parallels lately#how similar yet opposite gendou and judge are#gendou doing everything for the sake/memory of his wife at the expense of humanity. judge doing everything for germa at the expence of#his wife/family#yet they both end up hurting and augmenting unatural circumstances for their children in very similar ways#they are but liabilities. sacrifices. pawns in a game they would kill themselves trying to win. cast out and abused for 'failing'#I find rei parallels especially interesting. she's a very underappreciated character already imo. and it's easy to make the shinji/sanji#connection#but Rei has so many layers to her that can be akin to the vinsmoke siblings#she is like reiju in that she does have emotion but her subservient position under judge(/gendou) means that it means very little in the#grand scheme of things#and yet she can't help but to /feel/ when around sanji(/shinji). a testimony of the love of her late mother#she is also similar to 124ji in that she is replaceable. always at risk of the technology that brought her into the world as she is#she has been molded into the perfect soldier via gendou's emotional manipulation and as such only expresses what is necessary for her#position. only parrots back what he exposes her to. unaware of it's weight or ramifications on other people#124ji I'd say have that to an extream in that violence and malice are actively encouraged in their minds by the fact they do seem to be#able to express /negative/ emotions#which naturally lead them to growing into the abusive assholes they are today#but it's sad yknow? that they never had the chance to be anything else#psii.txt#psii.mp4#text#meta#vinsmoke siblings#vinsmoke ichiji#vinsmoke niji#vinsmoke yonji#124ji
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awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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Archaeologists Uncover Bodies of 76 Children with Hearts Removed in Peru
Archaeologists theorize that in keeping with the customs of the time, the children were victims of child sacrifice.
The remains of dozens of child sacrifice victims have been unearthed in Peru, and many more are likely waiting to be found, archaeologists say.
The skeletons show evidence that the children's hearts were removed, said Gabriel Prieto, an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Florida who directs the excavations at Pampa La Cruz, the site near Huanchaco where the remains were found.
All 76 skeletons had a "transversal clean cut across the sternum," Prieto said, which suggests that "they possibly opened up the rib cage and then they possibly extracted the heart."
"They were buried on an extended position, with the feet toward the east," Prieto told Live Science in an email. "They were buried on top of an artificial mound." It's not clear why the sacrifices were located in this position in this place. "We thought that the area, and particularly the mound, was free of Chimu child sacrifices, but we found the opposite," Prieto said.
Excavations have been underway at Pampa La Cruz for several years. So far, 323 child sacrifice victims have been found at the site, and another 137 child and three adult sacrifice victims were found at a nearby site called Las Llamas. These remains also show that the children's hearts had been removed.
Based on the archaeological finds found so far, there are likely many more child sacrifices waiting to be discovered near Huanchaco, Prieto said. "It could be more [than] 1,000 victims, as crazy as it sounds," he said.
Radiocarbon dating needs to be done on the 76 newly uncovered skeletons, but previously found victims at Pampa La Cruz dated to between A.D. 1100 and 1200, Prieto said. Around this time, the Chimu people, known for their fine metalwork and the city Chan Chan, flourished in the area.
Why the Chimu would have engaged in child sacrifice in this area on such a large scale is unclear, Prieto said, but the Chimu also built an artificial irrigation system and new agricultural fields nearby, and some of the sacrifices may have been done to "sanctify" this agricultural system.
People who lived in Huanchaco during the first millennium A.D. also practiced human sacrifice in the area, said Richard Sutter, an anthropology professor at Purdue University Fort Wayne, who is part of the team working at Huanchaco. This means that the Chimu may have been carrying on a long-running practice in the area, Sutter said in an email.
By Owen Jarus.
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phanagoria · 8 months
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theteaisaddictive · 2 years
there was absolutely no reason for baelfire to tell the truth about when his birthday was, seeing as it's not like the enchanted forest had a centralised database where the king's guard could have looked up his date of birth then and there: however, baelfire is also a thirteen-year-old boy, and thirteen-year-old boys are, historically, fucking idiots
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itsukicoded · 1 year
having obscure coping coping mechanism is kinda fun though? like for instance i only have both a god *and* a savoir complex because im actually a deity on the inside
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