#hueningkai headcannon
beomglocks · 3 months
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☆.。.:* pairing: asshole ceo!hyuka x assistant!reader
☆.。.:* warnings & other : enemies to less hated enemies/lovers, kai is an asshole, very mean, reader is nonchalant, sub!reader, softdom!kai but like meandom aura idk how to explain it, reader lowkey likes kai but like hell no that's ur boss!, unless..., idk if i will ever expand on this concept but fhwuwe i just love the thought of mean CEO kai, im back just for this ig
☆.。.:* wc : …
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you hum to yourself quietly, picking up a white collared shirt that you believe best fits the vibe of the upcoming business meeting.
"what do you think of this one?" you ask calmly. you watch silently as your boss glances up briefly from his phone to look at the attire you've chosen. he cranes his neck back and forth before groaning dramatically.
"i hate it."
you stare at him with a neutral expression on your face as he goes back to gluing his eyes to his phone as if whatever he was doing on there was more important than the task at hand. "that's the fifth one today sir," you speak up.
there's not a hint of mockery in your tone whatsoever. you're just doing your job after all. was it easy? hell no. however, you weren't about to let this stuck up brat get you out of line.
you were used to kai's constant demands. as his secretary and right hand women it's only normal for you to be able to deal with whatever bullshit was thrown your way. you were tougher than he gave you credit for and he had never acknowledged it but you were the only one who had stuck around.
the thing was, kai was used to getting everything he wanted but that all halted once you became his assistant.
normally he could get anything and anyone no matter what. the latest car or prettiest girl to play around with, you name it. he had a habit of fucking around with his assistants until you showed up. the moment you stepped into his office for the interview you were already on his hit list. thankfully you had a friend who worked here already so you knew of his advances towards the woman he worked with.
"its a good thing you're pretty, we'll look good standing next to each other," he had quipped once you sat down. you had held a straight face and answered plainly, not giving in to his advances.
"with all due respect sir, im here to work, not be a trophy on a wall to you." you still remember the way scoffed at you. as if to say, "we'll see". you can tell he didn't like that one bit.
sure, he had hired you despite the rudeness you gave him on the first encounter, why wouldn't he? your resume was impressive. long list of amazing companies he rivaled with in the past and you were smart. sure, he cared about all that in the grand scheme of things but he mainly hired you because you were his type. however, he kept you on a tight leash. metaphorically but he wouldn't be opposed if it were literal. he knew you weren't the type to condone his flirtatious advances and he hated that so he made your life a living hell in return.
no longer was he the boss who occasionally flirted with you and held the door open whenever you were running late. no. he had turned into somewhat of a tyrant, throwing fits over you not liking him in that way and penalizing you for even being just a second late. everyone in the office knew it was never a good day for you if you had to physically be around him.
he sighs, throwing his phone haphazardly on his bed. he rubs his face with his hands as if he's trying to cool himself off from exploding at you. you put the shirt down on the chair closest to the walk in closet, preparing for whatever he has to say to you.
"y/n-" he pauses to look up at you. his blonde hair is strewn all over the place and he has a bored expression. his eyes are narrowed and the way he's looking at you should make you feel small but it doesn't work. at least not outwardly. you'd be lying if you said the way he looked at you didn't make you throb a bit. but you couldn't and wouldn't ever let him win. you didn't care if he was nice or mean to you.
right now though, he's clearly masking the irritation in his eyes with a neutral face.
"i give you the keys to my very expensive, very lavish house not so you can chastise me about my fashion choices and my likes and dislikes but so that you can do your goddamn job and choose the best option for me."
"if i knew what i wanted to fucking wear i wouldn't have hired you in the first place don't you think?" he finishes. you raise your eyes row when he curses at you but remain silent.
he must've really been in a bad mood to curse at you because you don't think he's ever done that. he was mean but never to the point of swearing at you. that's how you knew today he wasn't having it.
he walks up to your still figure at the front of the closet. you're significantly shorter than him which he uses as a way to assert his dominance. he holds your jaw and inspects your face. he hates that you have such an indifferent expression on your face, you swear you see his eye twitch a bit.
"i hate that stupid look on your face," he mutters. "i curse at you and you don't even flinch, i flirt with you and you turn me down.. what do i do to break you?" he asks more to himself than you.
he holds that position for a while, waiting for anything, any sign that will help him out in this situation. you purse your lips because you know exactly what he's waiting for.
an invitation.
"im just here to do my job kai. i don't want to fool around with you." you say. "no matter how you are," you say to yourself. you hope your voice isn't faltering because kai has always respected your personal space but now he's all in your face. "are you serious? you're telling me you haven't thought of me fucking the mess out of you not even once. i mean.." he glances at his king bed for a second. "we're in my room right now, don't be so crass, its offensive.." he smiles a bit at his own intentions.
you hold your stare to the best of your abilities although the wetness that's pooling in your underwear is telling you to just give in. sure, he's your boss, your hot boss who has mentioned time and time again how badly he craves you, so what harm is it?
before you almost let your pussy do the thinking, suddenly you remember the fact that he only wants you just to say he broke you. it was almost like a game to him and you were the prize. you definitely weren't gonna let him win.
you clear your throat, trying to pull away from his grasp. "your meeting will be soon can we please get you dressed?" you say it with so much monotonous that it causes kai to blow another short fuse.
with a light shove he removes his hands from your jaw and sighs heavily. "the day i fuck the indifference out of you will be the day this whole building hears my name," he says to himself as if already imagining how it'll go down. "but it's ok, i suppose i can keep playing this game."
he turns around to look at you still standing stupidly near the closet.
"although im not sure how much longer im willing to play."
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sweetiehyuka · 2 years
txt headcannons - holding hands !
yeonjun - little hand squeezes :(((( also holds ur hand whilst having his arm around your shoulder
soobin - swings ur hands whilst walking!! and randomly twirls you around too :')
beomgyu - random soft little kisses to the back of your hand :( sometimes paired with a cheesy eyebrow wiggle
taehyun - RUBS CIRCLES WITH HIS THUMB!! :') tyunnie is the epitome of someone who absent mindedly rubs circles on ur hand with his thumb whilst holding hands <3333
hueningkai - traces along your fingers with his free hand, drawing little love heart shapes on the back of your hands and asking you to guess what shape he's making :(( he'd probably try to get creative with it after a while trying to draw a pikachu or something-
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txtistheloml · 8 months
puppyboy gyu >:)
or puppyboy kai >:))
catboy jjun?
thinking very hard recently about puppyboys specifically
im very very sorry this took almost a whole month to answer😭 im just going to write some hcs bcs its almost 3am ^^ written at ab 3-4am TT (lmk if u want the nsfw version hehe..)
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puppyboy gyu!
he would definitely be such a cutie patootie - running up to you the moment you open the door, fluffy ears perking up n tail wagging so cutely from excitement
whenever you r having a bad day, dont worry - beomie's here to help !! he would 100% play the guitar for you n sing with that lovely voice of his to chase the bad mood away
he's strictly banned from the kitchen after he almost set your apartment on fire when trying to heat up some frozen pizza...
when yall r watching movies he will have a limb draped over you - his arm or leg, telling you to play with his tail
uses those adorable puppy eyes on you when he wants something bcs he knows you cant resist it...
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puppyboy kai!
needs ur attention on him 25/8 hndjhnng
another musical genius TT - i can see him learning new pieces be it on the piano, guitar or drums, just to show you
he loves baking with you !! (eggtarts) - although the apartment looks like a disastrous mess after...
cuddlesss uwu - whining for hugs n cuddles every second i swear ,, dont expect to have personal space with this cutie invading it !!
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catboy jjun!
can tell when ur sad or unwell ,, tries his best to take care of you :(
idc what u say, bro stuck to ur side every second of the day - ur just casually doing work on ur laptop n he's peering over at you from the chair he placed beside you
he waits for you outside the door whenever you go to the toilet 😭 like right outside...
goes on food hunts with you !! - yall make it into lil dates to go eat at different restaurants bcs both of u r foodies
cook with him pls he'd melt - definitely attempts to cook up meals for you while ur away at work hehe (n it tastes good !!)
sneaks into ur bed to sleep with u most of the times heh...
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taglist! @huckleberrykai - send an ask to be added n pls specify sfw or nsfw!
feedback along with likes n reblogs r always appreciated~
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hyukabean · 2 years
txt’s love languages // giving and receiving
req — an irl friend wanted my opinion on this, so i thought why not make it a post lol
nana’s notes — just my opinion ofc!! feel free to leave your thoughts below ^^
warning(s) — none!
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choi yeonjun
giving: acts of service, gift giving
alright, i feel like this is kinda self explanatory tbh
jun is the embodiment of acts of service!! just look the todo ep 13, remember when kai fell? (i mean how could you forget-) and jun was laughing his ass off with everyone, and them immediately goes into hyung mode and says, “be careful”, cause there was a table behind him?
yeonjun teases people, a. LOT. but, he also cares equally as much! he may not verbalize it often, but he’ll definitely show you his love through his lil actions!
its the hand on your back to make sure you don’t bump yourself anywhere, or the non-sexual dominance like holding your hand when you cross the street, standing in front of you always, regardless of your height:<
gift giving is also quite clear! remember when he was buying perfume for gyu, and gyu had no idea? he’s the type of casually stroll buy and drop a gift into your lap, and say: “this reminded me of you”, or “bought this on my way here”, regardless of how expensive it might be
once again, he cares, but he doesn’t want to have to say it, so you gotta read between the lines a lil bit~
receiving: words of affirmation, physical affection
yeonjun is clearly a fan of words of affirmation, i mean come on~ have you see this man when he gets complimented on vlive? or when a member is complimenting someone he’s like??uh?? what about me??? hello?????
he may be super flirty, but he can tell genuine and fake compliments apart really well, so your words, provided you’re being truthful, really so mean a lot to him!
“who’s pretty? hmm? me? awww my baby thinks i’m handsome? cute~”, meanwhile he’s losing his shit on the inside-
same with physical affection, he wants love, but he doesn’t want to ask for it!! the amount of time be randomly hugs the members or cuddles with them? not a coincidence;)
back hug him a bit, or pinch his cheeks every once in a while! and if you’re feeling adventurous, kiss his neck or cheek and just dip;)) he’ll be like?? huh? “뭐야…”
now sit back and watch blush for a solid second before he fixes his composure to get you back:))…
choi soobin
giving: words of affirmation, quality time
words of affirmation is a big thing for soobs! soobin is a leader, when he talks, people listen. though he is quite shy, he often cheers on the members when they’re nervous and consoles them when they’re upset.
binnie also knows when to ask, and when not to; if your relationship is a bit new, it may take some time for him to pick up on your habits, but he becomes a pro sooner rather than later!
this means he is super aware! the second he sees you looking a little glum, he’d know something is up, instantly. “bun, is something up?”, he’d pout slightly, wondering who or what in this world would want to piss you off so badly!! “aww… c’mere bunny, let me compliment you a bit, hmm?”
soobin also enjoys spending quality time together with you! he’s obviously busy being an idol, but if anything, it makes the moments you share even more precious to him
like he said, he’ll take the back seat in a relationship and go along with whatever his s/o would want to do!
best believe that if you want to text? he’ll giggle into his pillow and rant to kai about how cute you are. you wanna call? okay, let him grab his headphones for ‘privacy’ (he’s goons share everything with kai anyways but yk-). you wanna meet up or cuddle? just lay down and listen to him slow breaths and soft little giggles!
receiving: words of affirmation
remember that idol house episode i referenced in my meet the members post? where soobin gets pouty cause no one was complimenting him? yeah okay case closed.
words of affirmation, mean a loooot to mr choi! the members have mentioned him reading fan comments in his free time, so i think enough said!
just grab his lil face, give him a lil kiss, and list all the things you love about him! “mhmm m-munny you’re maging me mlush!”, he’d stutter out, but like?? don’t stop obviously? duh????
soobin will light up when someone praises him, verbally expressing their feelings or thoughts truly foes mean a lot to him! he wouldn’t mind getting physical affection as a token of love, but saying to him? that’s a whole new level…
choi beomgyu
giving: quality time
beomgyu is surprisingly reserved, but he mainly shows his love through quality time.
watch any todo episode, any vlive, literally anything! gyu is always cracking jokes, trying to make sure everyone enjoyes themselves, truly the mood maker:))
he is super receptive, and though he may not always be able to express it in words, he will find a joke or funny remark to make anyone cheer up when they’re feeling down!
“hey! y/n!! look at me!!! heyyyy god gave you eyes so you could marvel at my face, so look at me already!”
during these times, he’ll do anything with you! you always get to hear his new releases first, you get to help him with his lyrics, or just lay in his arms and hear him ramble or sing
“y/n… if i was a worm-”, “gyu nO”, “Y/N WHAT IF”
receiving: words of affirmation
beomgyu loves to hear words of affirmation! just telling him “well done!” or “good job!” makes him go soft </3
beomgyu foes super quite if he sees that someone, especially members aren’t listening to him… don’t get me wrong! beomgyu knows damn well that he’s a catch, but… hewoudln’tmindhearingitfromtimetotime-
when he realizes just how much he likes you, he’s fucked. but then, when you tell him verbally how fucked you are for him? he’s gone. i’m taking tapioka eyes and all!!! wide eyed and so pure n soft
finally someone can reassure him in the right way! someone who will stick with him through thick and thin!
“do you like it?”, “it sounds wonderful gyu, thank you! nice to know i’ve got someone who’ll compose songs about me~ i’m so lucky to have you pretty boy”, cue eyes lighting up:(((
please do make sure you reassure him from time to time though… or else you’ll see him randomly pouting in the corner, crossing his arms slightly, thinking he had annoyed you or worse, upset you some how!!
“angel, is something up?”, “…you haven’t spoken to me today…….”, “gyu…….. i just aRRIVED”, “I DONT CARE DAMN IT”
kang taehyun
giving/receiving: acts of service
taehyun’s love language is the same, whether he’s giving or receiving! taehyun is a straightforward person, but he shows his love subtly!
after being together, even if its only for a short while! he picks up on the smallest details! how you like your coffee/tea, what time you shower, when you wake up/go sleep, mans a y/n-lexicon
he’ll cook for you, clean your desk, anything to help you out a bit! and his heart will flutter if you do the same!!
“oh? coffee? two sugars, no cream? you remembered!!”
also has a slight thing for gift giving, but in a service type of way? like, he’ll buy you certain items to life just a lil easier for you:)) “here’s the portable fan you wanted! and a cup that will keep your tea warm for extra long!”
huening kai
giving: physical touch, gift giving
hue. ning. kaiiiiii. the tummy patter, the cuddle bug, the most likely to hug you more than your own mother!!!!!! ofc his love language is gonna be physical touch, no duh???
we all know hyuka loves to rub and pat the members’ tummies and you’re no different! like soobin always says, you cant hate kai! you can’t ever say no to him!!
literally, you could be sitting down, tummy pats. drinking boba? tummy pats. menstrual pain/general aches? tummy pats. its fool proof okay??
he’ll also randomly grab your hand when he can’t pat your stomach! he’ll play with your fingers, hold them to his face, cuddle into you like he does with soob! the boys a walking fluff ball with so so much love to give!!
kai takes his skinship se!! ri!! ous!! ly!!!!! he’ll find the dumbest excuses at first, cause he’s sacred he’ll come off too clingy:(( “you smell nice…”, or “odi is looking at you funny, i think he’s gonna bite…”, “kai he’s in a cAGE-”
def a spoon. not a small spoon, or a bug spoon, just a spoon. cuz as long as he’s touching you, he’s okay!!
plz just pat his head, and listen n try not to go deaf to his laugh n soft giggles n aegyo:((((
hyuka would buy gifts from time to time, like plushies at crane games at the arcade/carnivals/etc, but really, he just wants them to make cuddling more enjoyable dkshsj- so gift giving ig? but not really~
receiving: physical touch
i feel like kai would love someone who can match his energy in terms of affection, hands down. physical touch = love in his eyes
HOWEVER!! i have an inclination that he would adore a tsundere partner even more! not necessarily in terms of personality, but more so someone who’s inexperienced or just too shy to admit they wanna cuddle n touch 24/7!!!
making them blush is the only thing on his mind, all hours of the day istg- and he’d such a tease too!!!: “oh? you wanna cuddle? no? then why are you leaning against me, hmm? huh, what’s that, could you speak up please? aww~~, since you asked so nicely!!”
he’d get such a kick put of watching them open up, and crave his touch slowly!!
but i do think he’d seriously struggle with someone who doesn’t like being touched fr. maybe if he likes them enough, he’ll stick around, but the chances are rather slim!
just please hug him, and kiss him, and call him ning ning!! this big boi will literally melt in your arms!!!
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© hyukabean all rights reserved. - do not translate my work, claim it as your own, and/or repost on any platform
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flwrkisses · 2 years
txt having to say goodbye to their partner before tour.
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hello lovelies! with txt is on tour soon i thought this was fitting to post! i'm excited for july since i'm seeing the boys in texas!! yay yay! — anyway this was requested back in march... im so sorry for being inactive. i'm slowly finding inspiration and motivation to write again! if you're going to see the boys live please remember to mask up to protect the boys and everyone around you!
REQUEST: "Heyy, I hope you're having a great day! :) I would like to request: txt when they have to say Goodbye to their s/o as they leave for tour. Thanks in advance!"
GENRE: fluff, established relationship! idol! x reader.
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he becomes the poutiest boy at the thought of leaving you. he hasn't left you in so long and in fact, he's gotten so used to sleeping next to you that he was unsure as to how it would work when he was on tour. so, when that dreadful morning finally came, he couldn't help but hold you extra tight and give you a few more lingering kisses before getting up out of bed. he'd remind you he loved you over and over and over again until you grow tired of hearing his whiney voice. you'd have to be strong for him, at least until he closed the door because if you cried he'd probably break and stay there with you. when time called, he'd give you a long hug and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, promising to call you as soon as he lands.
i'm convinced soobin wouldn't make a big deal about it in the moment. he got used to seeing you everyday and having you around to cuddle when ever, so he didn't think to realize that he probably wouldn't have you at his side anymore... that is until he walked out of your apartment. he walked to the elevator with his suit cases ready to load them up into the company car when he realizes this feeling of missing something. at first he thought he was over reacting over something he might have forgotten to pack but it soon set in that what he was missing was you. he simply turned around and ran back to your shared apartment only to give you a long hug. he'd try not to make eye contact because the thought of leaving you has finally set in and it made him get teary eyed.
to be very honest he'd tease you the days leading up to his departure. he'd say things like, "when i leave you'll cry because i'm so amazing." which you wouldn't lie, what he said was partly true. although, when the day did come and he was standing at the door way... one of you found it hard to let go. that someone was him. as much as he teased you about crying and not wanting him to leave, at the end of the day it was him who found it hard to let you go and hold back tears. he kept mumbling into your neck about how much he'd miss you, and how you should come with him even though you both knew it wasn't a possibility. luckly, his manager was able to pry the male off you and get him in the van on time for his flight. as he drove off, he rolled down the window and yelled that he loved you and will be back soon.
we all know taehyun is much more rash and logical about things. he'd be preparing both you and himself for the day he had to go. for weeks he had been making sure you'd be able to do things with out him, like open jars, kill bugs, reach shelves. he wanted to make sure you'd be okay without him, even if he knew deep down you both would be missing each other more than anything. because he worked so hard on softening the blow of losing him for a month when the day came you were surprisingly okay. just excited for him to come back as soon as he could. not gonna lie, taehyun lowkey wanted the water works, but your reaction was good too. he left a kiss on your lips and promised he'd come home safely before going on his way and waving at you before getting in the car.
he is definitely is the type to tell you not to think about it until the day comes. he doesn't want his last couple days with you to be sad so, huening suggests taking one day at a time! when the day does come, kai knows he needs to be strong which isnt hard because he doesnt like showing when he's having a hard time anyway. he'd hug you tightly and probably hold on longer than he should showing you that he is going to miss you. he'd peck your lips and kiss your temple before giving you a smile. even if behind the smile he wanted to die inside being without you he didn't want to worry you. after a string of 'i love you's' he'd hurry down to the car waiting for him.
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❁ requests are currently closed! ⤞ i am working on your beautiful requests !
for more of my work: masterlist.
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jinisnuggets · 7 days
ʏօʊռɢɮʟօօɖ քȶ. 5
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᶜʳⁱᵐⁱⁿᵃˡ! ᴴᵉᵘⁿⁱⁿᵍ ᴷᵃⁱ ˣ ᶜᵒᵖ! ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ².⁹ᵏ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᴬⁿᵍˢᵗ, ᴬᵘ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴹᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᵐᵘʳᵈᵉʳ, ᵇˡᵒᵒᵈ, ˢˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵛⁱᵒˡᵉⁿᶜᵉ? ᴹᵘʳᵈᵉʳ ᴴʸᵘᵏᵃ, ᴷⁱᵈⁿᵃᵖᵖⁱⁿᵍ? ˢᵉⁿˢⁱᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵗᵒᵖⁱᶜˢ, ᵇᵉᵗʳᵃʸᵃˡ, ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ, ˡᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ⁱᶠ ᴵ ᵐⁱˢˢᵉᵈ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ʸ/ⁿ, ᵃ ᵗᵒᵖ ᶜᵒᵖ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᴾᵒˡⁱᶜᵉ ˢᵗᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿ ʷʰᵒ ʷᵒʳᵏˢ ᶜˡᵒˢᵉˡʸ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʰᵉʳ ᵇᵒˢˢ, ᶜʰᵒⁱ ˢᵒᵒᵇⁱⁿ, ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵉʳ ᶜˡᵒˢᵉˢᵗ ᵃˡˡⁱᵉ, ᶜʰᵒⁱ ʸᵉᵒⁿʲᵘⁿ. ᴶᵘˢᵗ ᵃˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ʷᵃˢ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗˡʸ, ˢʰᵉ ʳᵉᶜᵉⁱᵛᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵉʷˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵗᵘʳⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵃⁿᵒⁿʸᵐᵒᵘˢ ᶜʳⁱᵐⁱⁿᵃˡ... ʷʰᵒ'ˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵃᵐᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵒᵖ ᵒᶠ ʰᵉʳ. ᵖʳⁱᵒʳⁱᵗʸ ˡⁱˢᵗ, ʸᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᶠᵉᵃʳᶠᵘˡ ᵗᵒ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵘᵖᵒⁿ.
ᴬ/ⁿ: ᵀʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ᵒᶠᶠⁱᶜⁱᵃˡˡʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ, ᴵ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᵃⁿ ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ᵉᵛᵉⁿᵗˢ ᶠⁱᶜ ˡᵃᵗᵉʳ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ⁿᵒʷ ᴵ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉⁿʲᵒʸᵉᵈ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ
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Held at gun point, finger pressed roughly against the trigger. Huening pointed the gun right at the head of a man, who was tied to the chair.
“That's enough joking around don't you think? Hurry, I don't have your time.” Huening muttered, in a low pitch voice, short and monotone, yet haunting and threatening.
“I'm not asking for much- I'll pay you! I promise but just let me go!” The other voice said, making Huening Kai press the gun closer to him, earning a small sound from the man. However Huening felt no remorse, neither did he plan to back down. Not now when he had someone like him so close.
“I don't need that stupid money. You committed your crimes and now you must pay for them, understood?”
The man nodded once again, pressing his hands together tightly and squeezing his eyes shut, fearing for his life.
“I'll pay you everything I owe! You just didn't allow me to gather all of the required money-”
Before he could finish, Taehyun and Beomgyu intruded into the scene, both standing at the doorway upon noticing what had been going down. Beomgyu laughed awkwardly as Taehyun let out a friendly smile to the man who was being held hostage, both turning to face Hyuka, the first outstanding feature being the glare on his face.
“What did I saw about walking into these situations-?”
“I apologize, but there's a serious manner we need to discuss prior to this-” Taehyun stated, making Huening roll his eyes in annoyance.
“Forget it- let's just discuss it here.”
A 3rd voice which didn't belong to Beomgyu approached from behind, making them all turn around in shock. Wooyoung had been coming towards the door and witnessed the scene himself.
Huening chuckled lightly, looking back at the victim and pressing his hand up to his neck.
“Listen, I don't want to take this further, let's end this here.”
Wooyoung shook his head, “I deserve to know. Why kill people?” He firmly stated, feeling his adrenaline rush upon neglecting Huening Kai. Not many people had done so, and those who had didn't end well.
Huening Kai nodded in approval after a brief moment of processing the neglection.
“Murder, gambling, abuse, and identity theft.”
Wooyoung tilted his head in confusion. About to speak, before he was interrupted by Huening Kai once again. Making him shut his mouth a listen to every word, investigate and overanalyze everything that came out from his mouth.
“Those are all things this man is guilty of, not only that but also the abandoning of his own child. Does that sound okay to you? Like someone who deserves to live? This man hasn't killed anyone in over 7 years, but if anyone believes that he's willing to change they're dead wrong.”
Taehyun and Beomgyu stayed quiet, looking straight up front and locked on Huening, Wooyoung tilted his head and sighed. He was right all along and he knew it, you probably did as well but refused to believe so.
Beomgyu turned to face Taehyun and nodded, turning back to face Huening Kai before taking in a deep breath.
“We promised her- we promised her that she'd see her father again…”
He only pressed the firearm closer to the man's head, “You promised who?”
“The girl… L/n Y/n”
Hyuka sighed in half disappointment and half disbelief, looking at the man and biting his lip in part confusion on what would be his next approach. “How could you make a promise that wasn't destined to be fulfilled!?”
“Listen, I know he's a bad person but- if there's anyone who deserves closure on this situation it's her, she's waited for a long time and I think it's about time we let her speak to her father again… in person! Alive and face to face!”
Huening knew he was right, but he didn't want accept it. You speaking to your father would only complicate the situation furthermore, you'd be in a state of denial if you heard what your father did. Becoming a police to find him only to realize that he was also on the other side… destined for hell.
“Is my daughter here..?” the man asked, voice rough and croaky. Huening sighed and lifted himself from his chair, walking back to the door to pick up a bottle of water, shoving it into Taehyun's arms as he walked out the door.
“Give him some water and feed him something. When he's done bring Y/n in so she can speak with Mr. L/n and watch them closely, make sure the truth slips out of his mouth.”
Taehyun's jaw dropped in shock to Kai’s statement. To say he was in disbelief was an understatement because right now he was in disbelief. Something in Huening opened and made him feel pity for your situation and well being, he finally did the right thing and would allow you to speak with your father once more.
“You got it.” Taehyun responded, bringing the man the water and allowing him to drink it, ordering Beomgyu to go pick up the food in order to feed him a healthy meal.
You heard a knock in the other side of the room, looking at the piece of wood to see the door knob slowly turning and the door creaking open. Taehyun, stood in the door step holding and glass of water, presumably for you.
“I have some news for you- but you're going to need to drink this first.”
Blinking your eyes, you stayed frozen and stared at him. “What if the news are something like ‘you’re gonna die in 2 hours’ and when they investigate they'll say it's from poisoning..?” you teased.
He grinned, “Funny, if we wanted to do something to you we would've done so a long time ago.” he responded, you shrugged and took the water from his grip, running a few safety checks before taking a sip and thanking him.
“Anyways what?”
“We're going to let you see your father, I'll take you to him after you finish your glass of water.”
You paused, looking back down at the water which you ruled out as safe, immediately looking back at the young man in pure fear, eyes shaking. “Okay- wait- is this actually poisoned?” You asked, seeing him roll his eyes.
“I'm being serious!” You added, not noticing much of a change in his expression, in a matter a fact he looked even more frustrated. “No, it's not poisoned, now chill out and just drink your water, if not the deals off.”
Hurrying, you drank up you water noticing him take a seat, it was a bit difficult since you were still a bit full from lunch earlier, “I'm a bit confused… why am I suddenly allowed to see him after all this time?”
“Cause it's a promise. Hyuka doesn't break promises.”
“But your boss wasn't-”
“But Beomgyu made you that promise. It doesn't matter who made it, if it's a promise then it's a promise that needs to be kept.”
You stayed silent, remembering Wooyoung's words about this guy who everyone called “Huening Kai.” Maybe he really wasn't as bad as everyone made him seem. Maybe he truthfully did have a reason for killing?
You really hated how you could never figure out the puzzle to all of these guys. Were they the villains or the heroes? Which side were they on? What reason did they have for killing? You didn't have enough time to think about these things because sooner or later, you arrived at the front doors of a dimly lit hall. The room on the other side appeared to have decent lighting.
“Is he in here..?” You found yourself asking, to which Taehyun nodded, moving his arm to the door and staying behind you, turning the door knob and sliding the door open.
There you saw a man, around his 60’s, tied up to a chair with a table sitting next to him. Automatically spotting the knife which sat on the side, noticing it being a safe distance away from the man. Beomgyu was also in the room.
He lifted his head, you almost couldn't recognize him. He had changed so much, he looked so worn out, tired, every negative word you could think of. But this was him- it was truly your father who had gone missing 12 years ago.
You walked up to the chair and looked at you dad in the face, Taehyun moved closer to Beomgyu, both watched from the sidelines.
“Dad, what happened? Why are you here? Why did you leave? What's wrong? Why do you look like this!?”
He shook his head lightly, he did that when he tried to reassure you everything was okay.
“I made a mistake… many years ago. And I don't think I can recover from it.”
“No, dad! You did nothing wrong, what happened?”
You could see a couple of tears forming in his eyes, “My little girl has grown up so much, I heard you became a cop. Good job, your mom would've been so proud of you.”
“Dad, stop talking like that, tell me! What's wrong!?” You responded, feeling your own tears streaming down your face, staring at this man who had once been the human version of the sun, it hurt so much to see him in this state. Your cheeks burned and your ears turned bright red.
“Please don't panic Y/n. But I fear that me and you are no longer fighting for the same rights.”
You froze in place, all time stopped. He couldn't mean what you thought, could he? What was his intention? He was mistaken wasn't he? What was on his mind? What were these rights he mentioned?
“Dad! What are you saying!?”
“Please don't call me ‘father’ anymore, someone like you shouldn't carry this shame of being related to someone like me.”
“Stop talking like this.”
“Y/n, please live well-”
“Stop talking like this!”
“I don't want you to suffer anymore. Just know that I had always been in the wrong, I have committed a crime in which I can not be forgiven for.”
“Dad! That's not true!”
“Y/n, I have murdered someone before… not just one person but multiple, more than once, I have taken the life of innocence.”
You stood in shook, taking multiple steps back. You felt played… spending so long looking for this one man, only for him to have been with the other team, that team that found joy in the suffering of others, and all you could do was wonder… ‘Why? Why me?’
The amount of years you spent in dedication to this one human being, only to realize that he was also your enemy. You felt betrayed, and all you could do was scream. Scream and yell in anger and frustration. You felt were betrayed and more than once. What a pity life.
Taehyun and Beomgyu took you away from the man. What a coward to keep his head down and not even look you in the eye, not even once throughout the time you had been being escorted out.
You passed Huening Kai on your way out, he had been making his way in, and only then did you realize the truth. Only then did you remember the knife, only then did you realize what that man's last memories would've been.
You fell onto the floor in the hallway, crying, sobbing, and throwing your hands in the air. Denial was overtaking all feelings as you saw Beomgyu and Taehyun looking at each other then back at you, that same expression of pity on their faces.
“Don't look at me like that-” you managed to stutter out, making them both apologize, bowing in respect and taking you to the room.
“I can't believe it… how the heck did I never know.”
Taehyun sighed and looked at Beomgyu.
“He's the ghost doctor killer.” Beomgyu hesitantly responded, “You know of him, but since he's an anonymous killer you had no idea.”
You only cried louder, “So many years for this to happen. What did I ever do to deserve this?”
Beomgyu patted your back, trying to comfort you, “You didn't do anything.”
You cried, and the two of them were there all along until you asked them to leave. But you realized, they listened to you, they heard you and comforted you. You may have realized something that you hadn’t beforehand. Or maybe you just refused to,
But they weren't bad people, they never were. They had always been friendly and kind to you, you always tricked yourself into believing otherwise.
“That was the end of that, memories from that night are distinct, I truthfully don't remember much after I fell asleep, all my memory is foggy, and faint-”
Yeonjun lifted an eyebrow, starting directly at you with his tongue clicking with the roof of his mouth, he looked down at the papers and went through a couple.
“You just remember your father's confession before he had been killed by Huening Kai?”
You nodded slightly, seeing his expression change. You stared awkwardly, picking up a few papers as he crossed out a few cases, the old school ones.
“Seriously, we were looking into the wrong people at the worst times. What type of cops are we?” Yeonjun joked, trying to lighten up the mood.
You chuckled and nodded, noticing him get up and make his way to the door. “I'm gonna go make us a coffee, I'll get you that donut that you really like, I'll meet you in the conference room.”
You immediately picked yourself up from the chair and nodded, “Won't you need help though? I can accompany you!”
“No I'm good, go meet the others, I'll be there soon.” He smiled, making you loosen up a little, nodding and walking across the hall, deep in thought and reiterating all the trauma that had been on your mind lately.
“Hey! Why the long face?”
You turned around and smiled softly, you had wanted to see him for a while now, it was nice to have more people on missions other than just you and Yeonjun.
“Damn it Hyuka, you always make me smile at the worst times.”
“It's written on this list of rules to being your boyfriend” he responded, extending an imaginary paper of apparent rules that he was supposed to follow, which just made you laugh harder than you wanted to.
He smiled and walked close to you, you examined him up and down, smirking. “I never noticed how hot you look in that police uniform-”
He looked down at the outfit and stroke a pose, “I know right~” he responded sassily, caressing his hair just to get another laugh from you, which of course worked.
“I’m grateful that you joined us and we got everything sorted out. It had been a while with just me and Yeonjun so having more people feels nice.”
Huening nodded as you approached the door to the conference room, he opened the door for you and you thanked him, entering and taking a seat.
“You guys are too lovey dovey and you just started dating!”
“For real- get a room…”
“Come’on y'all, be a bit more supportive!” You yelled back, making Beomgyu laugh hysterically, causing Taehyun to hit him jokingly, Huening sat down in between them making them both be quiet, “Calm down- we're not at home.”
They nodded and continued laughing.
“So what's the discussion today Ms. L/n Y/n??” Taehyun spoke, earning a chuckle from you. You got out a folder and started talking, Yeonjun coming in shortly after with Wooyoung, bringing in the coffees and two donuts.
“Hey! What about us!?” Beomgyu whined, making Yeonjun smirk as he sat next to you. “Only me and Y/n are worthy of these donuts.”
Everyone burst out laughing, Soobin then entered the room, quieting everyone down as all of you took the chance to relax.
“I called you all here but I'll be going shortly, firstly I wanted to discuss what our next case will be. Fortunately, this will be a relatively simple one compared to others we've taken on. Of course, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Huening, this will be your first case as full on officers in our station, but because you all are experienced I won't worry too much about you guys. You three just do things your way and remember to stay with the others.”
And so you discussed, a group of people who were robbing good's from other's property and also places that do relatively well considering the amount of money earned. You heard and knew this would be a laid back case, making you and Yeonjun smirk at each other knowingly.
“Well looks like our new guys will need a little bit of our help-” Yeonjun spoke, in a teasing manner, making Wooyoung snort from the back of the room, you turned around to face Soobin, and smirked, a smirk he recognized all too well.
“Chief, we might as well make these guys carry around little toy guns, make sure they don't accidentally kill someone-”
“Hey! Let's not go there-” Taehyun responded, Beomgyu turned away, making his facial expression and actions all too exaggerated as he played to be in disbelief. Huening Kai simply chuckled remembering the good old times.
Shaking his head, everything became a background noise as you entered a deep state of thought.
You finally understood, these guys weren't evil, they weren't looking for war. They were simply trying to help you and your team. You guys invested too much time into the wrong people and you had learned to accept that this trio was always one step ahead of you. Maybe this was for the best, helping each other would mean a better and safer economy.
Because even though there was two seperate methods… at least there had always been one goal.
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1-800-simping · 2 years
txt shopping with their s/o
warnings: mentions of food in soobin’s (let me know if i missed any!)
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i see him as the kind of person who likes to shop online. 
spoils you with clothes and shoes and other accessories that you’d mention you like once
probs from name brands too 
oh you like jessi’s watch from that one show!terview?? 
yeah, he got it for you
probs has your measurements/size written down somewhere so he makes sure he can get you the right size
an absolutely sweetheart though
he’s complimenting you nonstop while you try on the stuff he bought you
i don’t see him spoiling you with stuff like yeonjun, but i do see him paying for whatever you get on the trip
i feel like he’d just be buying shoes or smth while you actually shop
10/10 though cuz he rates your outfits when you’re trying stuff on
will hold your bags 💪
probs buys you food after you finish shopping cuz it’s work
probably hides in between clothing racks to scare you 
like one second he’s right by your side looking at these nice shirts they have on sale
and the next he’s gone 
so now you’re like “wtf where’d he go” cuz he’s nowhere in sight 
and then bam, he jumps out from the clothes and yells just to scare you
he finds it hilarious 
other than that, i think he’d be good to shop with
gives his honest opinion when looking at clothes (we stan an honest opinion 👏)
the opinions are mostly complimenting you 😭
but when it’s his turn to try on the clothes he picked, naur everything he said disappeared 
he’s over here modeling for vogue or smth
literally struts out of the dressing room and he’s not sorry for stealing the spotlight 
you guys do that thing where you split up in a store and try to pick outfits for each other
it’s a lot of fun and sometimes you guys have a theme for them
he’s a fashion icon so you trust his judgement 
he knows what works and what you like
he’ll pay for whatever you buy
even if you insist on paying, naur, his card is already in the chip reader
Huening Kai:
he’s so cute, actually stab me rn
i could see him following you around the whole store
he’ll occasionally drop a comment on something you grab
“that top would look nice on you”
“that outfit on the mannequin would look 50x better with you wearing it”
rlly sweet when trying on clothes though 🥺
hella complimenting you 
i feel like he’d either buy a lot of stuff or just a few things
one or the other, there’s no in between 
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word count: 480
a/n: my shopping obsession caused this and i’m not ashamed of it
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eunseuhi · 1 year
dating huening kai hc !
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 - 𝗇𝗈𝗇!𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅 𝗁𝗎𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗄𝖺𝗂 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗄𝗉𝗈𝗉 𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 / requested: yes!
𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 - 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗁���𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗄𝖺𝗂! (𝗇𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝖽𝗈𝗅)
- high school sweethearts
- you two met bc there was one last bottle of grape juice in the cafeteria n the both of u were fighting over it n became bffs HELP.
- in the first year of college you and your friends play seven minutes in heaven and no surprise you and kai ended up being in the closet where you guys confessed your love for eachother !!!!
- instantly became clingy
- u both introducing eachother to uR PLUSHIE COLLECTION
- big height difference !!!
- SUPER AFFECTIONATE AND OF PDA. like man always has an arm around you or is either holding your hand at all times !!!!
- literally adores u + sweet talk n compliments 25/8
- late night drives when you both cant sleep
- both of you trying to bake together for the cute moments but turns into a food fight
- cuddling while watching stuff or js cudding in general >>>
- not rlly big on dates, more hangouts
- his friends literally teasing him about your relationship
- your friends taking candid photos of you both
- rarely ever any arguments
- best couple /real
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taglist !
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ox1-lovesick · 10 months
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🍇 pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff warnings. mentions of food, pda (?), wc. 50-100 each
🍇 type. headcannon , reaction
🍇 a/n. abandoned the tyun and hyuka fic for now 💀 this is like a filler fic or something i have such bad writers block. i know for a fact that soobin crochets
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late night walks ; gentle kisses to your knuckles ; catching him staring ; errands to the convenience store at 3 in the morning ; holding hands ; sharing earphones ; leaning your head on his shoulder ; sharing lip glosses ; netflix marathons ; fashion shows at 2 am ; spontaneous dance sessions ; late night drives ; candid pictures ; slow dancing ; cooking ; sharing jewellery ; kisses through the phone ; matching jewelry
comparing hand sizes ; feeding each other ; interlocking pinkies ; desert before dinner ; baking ; sharing clothes and jewelry ; 1000 piece puzzles ; movie dates ; crocheting together ; croc shopping dates ; clothing hauls ; editing vlogs together ; food fights ; disney dates ; couple cosplays and halloween costumes ; pillow talk about the future ; tying your shoelaces for you ; giving you his jacket when it's cold ; matching socks and bracelets
kisses in the rain ; hand-written love letters ; bouquets of roses ; sleeping in together ; doodling on each others hands ; scented candles ; bickering for fun ; backhugs ; raindrop races ; long bus rides ; sharing earphones ; picnic dates ; photo albums ; half anniversaries ; forehead kisses ; impromptu karaoke nights ; guitar lessons ; secret handshakes ; build-a-bear dates ; feeding each other ; pillow talk ; hiding tomatoes in his food ; painting each other's nails ; holding open the door for you
long and warm hugs ; locking pinkies ; poking his dimples ; falling asleep on his chest ; cheek kisses ; stargazing ; library dates ; cooking for each other ; communicating through morse code ; study dates ; reading together ; sharing cutlery ; pinky promises ; kisses to your knuckles ; post it notes with messages ; holding hands ; feeding each other ; falling asleep on the phone with him ; playlists dedicated to each other ; gentle kisses ; powerpoint nights ; "5 more minutes" mornings ; flowers "just because"
naming all his plushies ; palm kisses ; zoo dates ; buzzfeed quizzes to see who'd survive the zombie apocalypse ; breakdancing in the dining room ; pokemon impressions ; piano lessons ; holding hands, everywhere ; kisses to the tips of your fingers ; pillow and tickle fights ; sneaking juice boxes and animal biscuits in your lunch
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★ OX1-LOVESICK all rights reserved. do not copy, distribute, translate, alter or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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beomglocks · 2 years
the devil is an angel too ; h.k.
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☆.。.:* pairing: god of death!hueningkai x satan/devil!reader
☆.。.:* warnings & other: mini drabble, a little something, mention of god, satan and death, this is mainly set in a flashback, there is no part 2, some very suggestive touching, satan and death affair tingzzz, idk what this is but its a thing!, ofc demon reader bc its hot, hints of past relationship(?), god is a bully, reader is kinda an asshole, gullible kai is gullible
☆.。.:* w/c: 2.2k
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kai set up his chairs as usual, seeing as some of them were scattered around the floor as a result of the previous night.
he flinched when he went to go rub his eyes, which were no longer in their place. instead of what would've been his brown irises were just deep pits of nothingness. it pained hueningkai a lot despite him supposedly not being able to feel pain.
-previous night-
"just sleep hueningkai," you smirk at the tall boy who was currently busy. kai was talking to a young man that had just entered his bar. he eyed the young man, reading him with his eyes and afterward nodding to himself.
"kaii~ sleep," you repeat in a soft tone, your disembodied voice ringing through his ears annoyingly. "you see that door to your left, it's white. go through there and look for a guy with dark brown hair, he'll tell you what to do next," kai instructs the man, all the while ignoring you. at this, you pout. he could be no fun sometimes.
not being able to see you, the young man nodded at kai with confusion laced on his face but nonetheless walked towards the white door, disappearing through it as soon as he stepped in.
once he was sure the guy was gone, kai turned to you angrily, "shut the fuck up y/n," he finally snapped, causing you to smile at his satisfying reaction.
you happily spin around on the bar stool and lean close to kai's ear. "i know death doesn't sleep but i wanna give you a break," you whisper flirtatiously.
kai was unfazed by your words as he's already heard it all before. he knew you coming here meant you were bored and up to no good. he sighs, turning around to tidy up the rows of liquor and wine. "if you have no business here, satan, i suggest you leave now," he mumbles, skillfully avoiding saying that while looking at you.
"please kai~" you elongate the end of his name for added effect as you slip around the counter to reach him. he raises his brow as you lace your arms around his small waist. "it'll be like nothing's changed. i can judge people, i can do what you do while you sleep." you nibble on his earlobe which has some cross earrings dangling from them.
kai tried his best to keep his resolve, as he usually did. something about you today though, drew him in more than usual. maybe it was the way you were acting with him or the scandalous outfit you chose to wear but your mind games were taking effect on him. "cmon please, it'll be fun~"
you watch as kai stubbornly tries to ignore you, fixing up nothing in particular. suddenly he lets in a sharp inhale as you start to palm at the bulge in his pants. "just-" you smile innocently at him as he glares down at you. "just let me take over for a couple hours," you whisper, your voice a bit raspy.
although hueningkai was the god of death, he had been a human once. you knew this and so you knew how to tap into his human nature, only you really could after all.
kai turned to you, giving you an almost expressionless stare as he looked you dead in your eyes. you could see right through him. he was tired and a bit horny but you wouldn't mention that. you grin at him playfully, giving him a quick peck on the lips but pulling away before he could get more. "don't do anything that will get me in trouble, you brat..." he mumbles, eyes still fixated on your lips. "satan doesn't make promises~" you say, taking that as a confirmation.
about 2 hours after your encounter, an elderly couple walked into the vacant bar. they were hand in hand and their eyes wandered around the dark, gloomy room.
"welcome," you smile at them but your smile didn't quite reach your eyes and you looked like you knew something they didn't. you were on the opposite side of the bar, leaned over as if you owned the place. death? well, he was resting elsewhere.
"oh look honey, the young woman over there is inviting us for a drink," the elderly woman nudged her husband and gave you a warm smile. the elderly couple walked over to you and took their seats, both ordering water. you complied silently as they conversed among themselves.
the woman giggled to herself at something her husband said before speaking up. "you look a little young to work at a bar, young lady," she notices. you give her a knowing look, masking it with an easy smile. "i get that a lot, however, im much older than i look."
"ah...you remind me of my grandson." the old man suddenly interjects. "he was very silent, handsome too, unfortunately, he died at a very young age. you both maybe would've looked quite nice together... i just hope he's in a better place now." his wife rubbed his shoulder solemnly.
you nodded, not once looking up at them. "i'm very sure he is" you say quietly, taking up their cups and wiping them clean.
"well if you both are finished here then the exit is that door to your right," you smile at them genuinely, while pointing to a black door at the far right of the bar. it was a bit ominous looking but they nonetheless nodded at you.
"come on honey, maybe we'll finally be able to see our grandson again!" the old man smiled at the sudden happiness in his wife's demeanor as they walked towards the dark door. you stood idly, watching them from afar which zero to no expression on your face.
something about the door gave the couple an odd feeling as if this wasn't the way they should be going. "say, are you sure this is the exit?" the old man turns to look at you with concern and uneasiness written all on his face. you simply nod with an eerie smile. "just beyond that door~"
the old man purses his lips and rotates the nob of the door, it slowly creaked open giving off an eerie vibe. there is a hue of red leading to the bottom of the staircase and strangely everything suddenly goes quiet. the couple can hear their own breaths and something about this situation isn't quite right to them. "honey, i don't really like this" the woman whispers to her husband. he shushes her and looks up at you.
"it- it was nice meeting you, young lady." the old man awkwardly waves at you and you nod at him. you are very sure that the last thing they saw was the white of your eyes as you gave them a brief flash of your true form.
the couple walked down the stairs slowly but started to feel their ankles being clawed at on the way down. they tried to ignore it, thinking that's just how it was but the pain was unbearable seeing as there were now deep claw marks down to the bone.
quickly, the door slammed closed behind them and the last thing you heard was their screams of agony and pain.
kai woke up from his slumber feeling odd. he didn't know what exactly but he knew something was wrong. "i shouldn't have put y/n in charge," he mumbles to himself, facepalming his drowsiness away.
when he arrived at the bar he saw you casually sitting behind the counter reading a book. you sensed someone was near so you put the book down and smiled up at him. "kai~ you're awake," you purred as he took his seat on the other side of you.
"don't give me that shit satan. what'd you do? you know i can sense when something's wrong and if i can sense it then so can the big guy up there, you know thats not a good thing," kai ranted. you could almost (almost) feel the anger radiating from him.
a couple seconds later you both heard the creak of a door opening. a man with curly brown hair emerged from the white door at the left of the bar. "well shit," you say under your breath, smirking. "hueningkai," the man smiled. "and satan." he would never utter your actual name. he was still smiling at the two of you although it faltered just a bit when he saw you. a bit of pride swelled up at the fact that you could still elicit a reaction from him.
"hi god," you both drone in unison. there was an unaddressed tension in the air. "i felt some disturbances hueningkai," god said as he took a seat at the bar and turned his attention to the dark haired male. "yeah about that-"
"this is so interesting," you lick your lips, looking between them. god turned to you quickly, "leave satan or the consequences will not be pretty for you." god said sternly. "they never are, don't flatter yourself." you scoffed as you vanished away, but not before winking in kai's direction.
"look i can explain-" kai pleaded. "hueningkai," god said softly. "i give you one job. that one job is to send people to either heaven or hell, there should be no disturbances seeing as you have the eyes of a god to judge people based on their past, present, and future."
"y/n promised me they could do it. they told me i should just rest and they would take care of everything, god please understand-" "enough." god silenced death. "i do not like the human part of you shining through whenever satan comes around. you know the consequences and yet you let them seduce that small fragment of you. you know i am able to take away parts of your pathetic human life and yet you test me."
"hueningkai, too many innocent souls perished. today i shall revoke you of your eyes and yet another small part of your human soul but give you a piece of my knowledge in return so that you may continue to judge. judge correctly for 3 months and i shall give you your sight back." god explained with pity.
"p-please not my eyes," kai begged pitifully as the realization kicked in. "an- anything but that, i'll be able to feel pain then and i don't want that! please god."
god shook his head with sorrow and placed his hand over death's eyes. kai screamed in agony as his eyes were almost forcefully pulled from their sockets. blood dripped from the holes where his eyes used to be. "death, be safe." god whispered as he left death to whimper in pain on the cold floor.
"how sad," you pout, appearing in the corner of the room. "you really are god's little bitch. crying out to him, begging for him not to steal your precious eyes." you scoff. "you never beg for me like that, it's always the other way around."
kai shakily got up from the floor. "y/n? sa-satan?" he whined. "oh my sweet death finally begging for me after all these years!" you appeared in front of kai but the boy in question couldn't even see you.
he tried to reach out to you but stumbled and fell over a chair that you purposefully placed in front of him just to fuck with him. "y/n h-help me p-please," he pleaded, unknowing. "you gotta find me first," he heard you playfully whisper from behind him.
kai tried to find you for about 10 minutes, falling over stray chairs and bumping into tables, before you finally got bored. "this is truly a pitiful sight," you sigh, seeing kai on the floor crying in pain from encountering a table too forcefully. with a heavy sigh, you lift him up from the floor and drag him to his room in the unseen parts of the bar.
kai curled up into a ball once his body hit the soft bed. "well I'll be taking my leave," you announced, extremely underwhelmed with the day's events. kai didn't utter a word but was breathing heavily. "ooor i guess i could stay here and tend to my sweet sweet death." you smile to yourself when he says nothing to this.
you take a spot on the bed and pull the pained boy on top of you so that he was laying just a little over your torso, his head falling just on top of your breasts. "my sweet death," you muttered while playing with the dark locks on his head. "so misunderstood, always misunderstood." you conjure up a piece of cloth and use it to cover his eye sockets.
"death and evil like me will always go hand in hand. we're destined for suffering..for each other," you explained. you feel kai shift slightly upon hearing this. "everyone has the twisted misconception that death is evil. you take away the inhabitants of earth, you take their friends and family. they don't understand how pretty you are."
"yes, god tried to make his minions see the beauty in death but humans just will never understand. they grieve over things that will not last and hate and despise the forever. even god took your beauty away," you pout, referring to the eyes hueningkai had lost. "i still love you. i think you're beautiful because we're meant to be." you kiss his forehead as gently as you possibly can to not startle him from the sudden action.
"dont- don't flatter yourself satan. you may love me and be delusional about our concepts but i will never belittle myself to being hand in hand with evil." kai mutters. "i'm aware of my worth."
"as you wish, death." you coo softly, not even caring about the bland conversation anymore. "as you wish," you yawned.
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sweetiehyuka · 2 years
txt headcannons - forehead kisses !
yeonjun - aggressively soft? he'd grab your whole face in his hands and press a very passionate kiss on your forehead. maybe for a lil too long. but it's nice. he is also the type to randomly kiss you everywhere on your face.
soobin - your standard lovely forehead kiss. but he wouldn't be able to stop himself from kissing the tip of your nose too. it comes in pairs :).
beomgyu - he'd do it whilst you're cuddling. every 30 seconds or so he'd press a lil kiss to your forehead. through the day or whenever else though he'd typically kiss you on the cheek instead.
taehyun - they're not common, but they're so sweet when he gives you them. just a little soft kiss. makes you feel really comforted and special, you wish he did it more.
hueningkai - a little peck. then another. then another. then another. then another. until you have to literally push him away to get him to stop :).
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hyukabean · 2 years
introducing: txt!! (a guide for bby moas)
req – here “ahh I’m new to the moa fandom:(( could please give me a run down of who the members are? thank youu! - 🐧”
nana’s notes – omg this took literally half a year, my badddd!! i’ll try and be more active from now on jsdhks- also, sorry this is suuuper long and unnecessarily detailed! also, 10 image limit so no banner this time!!
warning(s) — ps. txt do not have set positions, and though strengths may be mentioned, i have purposefully not named any roles!
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choi yeonjun (99)
defining features – monolids, “duck lips”, colored hair
lines – hyung line, choi line, yeonjuniz line**, tom & jerry line
starting off with the oldest, we have yeonjun aka jjunie! you’ll probably be able to recognize him by his bright hair colors most easily, (blue, piss yellow, pink, gray-ish, red); the fandom jokes about him going bald because of the excessive dying djshk-.
his, as he dubbed them, “duck lips” and monolids are also “charm points” he is well known for, so watch out for them when looking for him!
jjunie is the only member who currently (0722) has instagram (@/yawnzzn)! he often does modeling for a variety of magazines and such, so you’ll probably become familiar with him sooner rather than later~
despite being the oldest, he’s known for his dual personality (aka, beating up beomgyu one minute and doing aegyo the nex, hence tom & jerry lol-). he’s also quite flirty, and is known to flirt with moawajjunie’s (his fandom name), via fan calls or fansigns frequently.
daniel (his english name lol) definitely deserves the title of “gen-4 it boy”; look out for his dance covers and tiktoks, as well as his raps if you wanna bias him;)
**yeonjun and kai’s mbti used to be enfp, (before kai retook the test and got istp), so you’ll often see the two be referred to as yeonjuniz, when they’re together
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choi soobin (00)
defining features – height (tall af-), “pretty doll” lips, oval face shape, DIMPLES
lines – hyung line, choi line
next up we have the leader, soobin aka binnie!! as stated above, you’ll easily be able to find and recognize this cutie since he quite literally towers over the entire industry ^^ (i’m the same height as skz’s hyunjin, so i always thought ‘nah he ain’t that tall, y’all just short’, until i saw them standing next to each other rip o-o). his lips also has an interesting shape and add to his “bunny look”!
soobin is firm but also really soft; his soft but pretty deep voice also adds to this a bit!! he’s the leader, and incredibly well respected by his members, but he’s also a bit shy, so they don’t hesitate on teasing and joking around with him! he’s clearly a sucker for compliments, just look at the idol house episode featuring txt-. during the introduction game you can literally see his face light up after the members stop teasing him and give him actual compliments:(((
he is quite well known for his little obsession with huening kai (not him fangirling for us istg-)!! ever since their trainee days they’ve been close and often sleep next to each other/cuddle! they’re really clingy, and it’s so cute:(( i recommended checking out “weverse” if you wanna see the interactions first hand!
binnie was an mc for music bank with arin from oh my girl for a while, so you check out his interviews as well! soob’s fandom name is ‘soobders’, so remember it if you planning on biasing him!!
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choi beomgyu (01)
defining features – pretty side profile, heart-shaped face, freeze haircut, narrow lips
lines – hyung/maknae line**, choi line, tom & jerry line
beomgyu is smack in the middle of txt, with the hyung’s being 99 and 00, and the maknae’s being 02z. he swears up and down that he’s a hyung, but soobin always tells him he’s a maknae, so incase you see him positioned differently at times, you know why:))**, (there’s an interview with him and bin arguing about this lol, he’s like “we’re only 3 months apart” and bin’s like “should've been born earlier, suckcs to suck ig”).
gyu carries hard when it comes to visuals (not that the other members don’t, but he def helps hehe), often getting compliments on his side profile and face shape. his freeze era haircut is also a fan favorite, so go check it out!
he is hands down the “mood maker” of the group, (well him and kai, but kai’s a bit on the “sweeter” side). he’s always joking around with yeonjun and pissing him off, (they call them the ‘tom & jerry’ duo lol), and he’s often thought of as the funniest member, (look up ‘beomgyu kite’ and watch the poor boy have an entire soap opera moment lol). despite this, he has a very pure side to him and you’ll often see him confused in the background; do watch out for him when games are being played, he’s known to be a little cheater.
gyu’s fandom name is “bamtori”, but he also often refers to himself as “tiger” (caue beom means tiger in korean), hence the emoji on twitter, etc. gyu has also talked about his other idol friends on live before! he referenced skz’s i.n., enha’s heesung, and justb’s lim jimin, the 01 liners!
and finally, gyu’s vocals are unmatched, go listen to any song, and bask in the presence of an angle~
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kang taehyun (02)
defining features – big eyes n smile, super straight nose bridge (read that it was like 60º somewhere)
lines – maknae line
taehyun is like yeonjun, in the sense that his age throws everyone off lol; he’s the second youngest, and still acts like an old man lol (/hj). plus, being on the “shorter side” (cuz in txt “178cm” is considered short hA-), often gives him the “i’m not here, but i am watching” vibe.
gym rat 101 lmao. he loves to work out, and it shows-, so if muscles do it for you, welp, here you are~
his humor is a bit dry and sarcastic, but always funny, and though it may contrast his demeanor, his obvious care towards the other members makes him a fan favorite (go watch the todo anniversary(?) live with the fireplace and listen to what soonbin says about him)!
hyun’s quite famous for his magic and card tricks, watch any of his old levied with kai and you’ll see lol. he’s also famous for his fantastic falsetto, any song with a high note, he’s there, front and center slaying all the notes (go check out boy in luv, 0x1 = love song, and 20cm)!
hyun’s fandom name is “solomon”, so keep it in mind you plan on stanning!
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huening kai kamal (02) – (aka my bias! well i’m really ot5 but… i am just a…….. lil bias to kai)
defining features – cute nose bump, heart shaped lips, unique eyes, moles !!!
lines – maknae line, yeonjuniz line**
we’ve come to the diamond maknae, huening kai! he’s often called a variety of things, huening kai, hyuka, kai, ningdungie, ning ning, kamal (but rarely! fun fact, did you know ‘kamal’ means perfection/completeness/wholeness in arabic? his parent’s knew what why were doing lmao).
he has the cutest bump on his nose which is a charming point, but look out for his height (he’s the second tallest!) and legs! they’re kinda unique, cause he has a thigh gap, even when his legs are together! his hair is usually brown, except for his recent blond and mint, which are now gone, so don’t orient yourself on it too much! what you can definitely track him down with his cute, but loud dolphin laugh! plus his voice is naturally a bit “cute”, since it’s slightly nasally, and he has a lot of natural but also intentional aegyo
he moved a. lot. !! he is mixed, half white, half korean! he was born in hawaii, moved to china and then moved to korea, and can now speak a total of 4 languages, (5 including peng), chinese, english, korean and japanese! he also mentioned knowing a bit of portuguese and that he was lenairng it with his dad recently!
speaking of family! david huening, his father, is also a musician, and released an album in china! (a few of people have asked why both his parents aren't together in recent family pictures, this is because his parents have unfortunately divorced and his father has a new partner). his two sisters, lea and bahiyyih are/were also idols! lea is no longer active as an idol, but does post on youtube and models frequently. bahiyyih recently won second place in the idol reality show girls planet 999, and had debuted in kep1er! (try and find a triplet that looks more similar istg-)
last but not least, kai is quite affectionate, known for his tummy pats, a habit he picked up as a child after losing his pillow, and patting his father’s stomach instead! (watch his and soobs old vlive to hear the full explanation). he’s a connoisseur, watch yeonjun and his asmr video for a full explanation of what soob’s stomach feels like lmao. he also has an obsession is plushies, namely molang, to the point where is bed is overflowing!
kai’s fandom name is ningdungie, so join me and become a fellow ningdungie:))
© hyukabean all rights reserved. - do not translate my work, claim it as your own, and/or repost on any platform
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jinisnuggets · 12 days
ʏօʊռɢɮʟօօɖ քȶ. 4
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Opening your eyes and seeing lights above your head, your brain was fuzzy and you felt slight nausea, your eyes took a moment to focus before they were finally able to look around the room at your surroundings.
Immediately reacting upon seeing an unfamiliar setting, one you had never seen before. You felt your heart start beating faster, suddenly finding it hard to breathe as you began to recall everything that happened before you had last all consciousness, you gripped your shirt on your heart side, hearing your racing heart all the way from your ears. Panic beginning to settle in.
The door knob began to twist, opening with a squeak as the door was pulled shut. Your eyes, having been watering, had a hard time focusing on the person who was in front of you, even after you couldn't comprehend where you had heard the voice before. Luckily one thing was for sure, at least it hadn't been Huening Kai…
“I'm glad you're awake, you weren't gone for too long which is lucky. Don't worry your safe, I hope at least.” The voice said, in which you recognized, but couldn't registers whose voice it had been.
“Y/n? Look at me, and lay down.”
A small force had been pushing down your shoulders, which were too tired to push back violating all the rules of science, you laid down on your back and finally had a chance to see who this was.
“Wooyoung? Where are we?”
“The casino.”
“Casino!? Woo, this is illegal you need to arrest everyone here-”
“I can't, someone's already in charge of that.”
“Oh great- is Yeonjun here? I need to speak with him privately about some information I figured out-”
Wooyoung put a finger over your mouth, making you stop talking completely and stare at him confused, seeing him shake his head in disagreement as he disregarded your statement, “There's not use, keep what you found out to yourself Y/n.”
“Wooyoung- you can't be serious. What are you even doing here? How did we get here?”
“I can't explain as of right now.”
You grew annoyed, expresing to him that you weren't in the mood for whatever he was on about. Your gaze made eye contact with Wooyoung- as he figured how to break it. You shook your head in disappointment and rolled your eyes.
“Where's the rest of the team? Let me see them or tell them to come here.” You demanded, to which Wooyoung just shook his head once more.
“You don't understand, I can't-”
“You can't what? Go get them for me?”
“Well if you just let me finish then maybe you'd understand.” Wooyoung glared at you and only then did you realize that this wasn't a joke to him and he was truly being serious. You bowed your head and untensed your shoulders.
“Go on-” you completed, allowing him to continue his sentence. He sighed and shook his head slightly looking around the room.
“Look, I can't contact the others at the moment. They're not here and they don't know where we are. They can't know where we are.” He said as you stared in pure confusion. “Then how are you here..? I got hit in the head really hard and lost consciousness- and you weren't around. So then how did you find me and manage to go unnoticed by the others?” You asked, feeling your heart begin beating faster again as you feared for his response. You prayed that he wouldn't tell you what you thought he would, Wooyoung sighed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What I'm about to tell you sounds really bad but please don't panic.”
You kept eye contact with Wooyoung steadily, never once breaking it. “Well when you start a sentence like that, it's enough to get me in a state of panic.” you commented, making Wooyoung chuckle slightly.
“Don't take it like that- I don't have much time so I'll make it quick and vague.”
You nodded and waited for him to continue as he hesitantly took a breath and started speaking, only to be interrupted by Huening Kai entering the room with Taehyun beside him, Wooyoung looked back at them, standing up and bowing. Questioning his behavior as you became too stunned to speak, you stuttered out your words, barely getting them out.
“Woo- Wooyoung! Why!? Why do you bow down to them!? Do you know who they even are!?” You yelled, making Wooyoung turn back at you and shake his head in disapproval regarding your behavior.
“Looks like she finally woke up. Thank you Taehyun, you did a good job taking care of her.” Huening smiled and nodded. Taehyun, who had been looking at you, glanced back at Huening before shifting his gaze back to you, a smile forming on his face as he held a bowl of soup, which was arguably for you.
Huening Kai sat down on the chair Wooyoung had been on, which sat next to your bed where you had been kept. You hadn't noticed previously but only then did you hear the instrumental music which had been heard from outside the room.
“Listen here, if you can be obedient and do what I ask of you, you'll be out of here soon.”
Disgust filled your expression and you looked at him, trying to find the reasoning behind his statement. You glanced back at Wooyoung and Taehyun, who had been looking at you, awaiting your response. “Why should I have to listen to you?” You finally managed to mutter out.
Huening sat back on the chair, swinging it and lifting it off the ground. Arms and legs crossed as he looked above you at the ceiling. “You're stubborn.” He commented, thinking of what he could be a proper response for you as he kept his gaze strong and firm. His eyes were back to that emotionless void that you had seen previously, which somewhat saddened you as well as terrified you.
“Let's see, I don't have plans of killing you, but if it so happens that you tick me off too much then I might as well stain my hands a little.” he said, in a voice so calm and collected that it gave you chills, his head turned back to face you completely with such an innocent stare… truthfully he looked like any regular human being. How could someone talk about murder as if it was an everyday task?
Consequences were always gonna be there and so was karma, but you couldn't help but notice some sort of sincerity in his eyes. Something in you really did tell you that he was being honest, and he truthfully had no intentions of hurting you. So all you could do was nod in response, keeping your head low in disappointment of yourself for being manipulated once more.
He smirked and nodded, getting up from his chair and instructing Taehyun and Wooyoung to follow him. Taehyun turned around, bowing down to you and respectfully leaving the room, Wooyoung however stayed still, looking back at Huening and fidgeting with his fingers.
“If it's okay- I'd like to speak with Y/n. Privately.” He said, making Huening turn around and nod in response, “Just don't say too much.” He added, before escorting himself and Taehyun out of the room.
Immediately shooting your eyes right back to Wooyoung once the door shut, your head shaked in disappointment. “What are you gaining out of this? You betrayed us and now you expect me to reason with you!?”
Wooyoung state clearly disagreed with what you had said, as all he did was stare before shaking his head. “You've got it all wrong- I didn't betray anyone except Huening, I began working with him for investigation purposes. We weren't getting anywhere with his case so the only way to possibly move forward was to side forces with him.”
You didn't respond, simply looking away in disapproval, he knew and nodded, “You have a right to be mad but hear me out… he's not as bad as we make him come off-”
“That man kidnapped my father Wooyoung! That man ruined my everything! And now you're claiming he's not that bad!? How heartless could you be-”
“You don't know the full story Y/n. I know it sounds bad, but if you and the others knew the whole story you'd think the same as me, you're just too quick to judge.”
Leaning back on your bed and watching as Wooyoung got up and left the room. Of course you wouldn't believe him, and you wouldn't until you saw it for yourself and had enough of a reason to know you weren't being played again.
Sitting in what looked to be an interrogation room, although it clearly wasn't. You sat across from Hyuka who had his computer open, he had been silent and hadn't spoken to you for possibly over 10 minutes, so you just sat and waited for him to check in.
Somewhat awkward, you sat and fidgeted with your fingers, attempting to find something to distract yourself from the tense scene you were in, until he finally, at last lifted his head and took a long, exhausted breath.
“Do you know who she is?” He turned his computer around to show you the screen, which held the picture of a woman who appeared to be in her mid 40’s. All you could do was glance back at him and shake your head.
“What business do you have with her? If you tell me a convincing enough story you might be able to pursue me in giving out information about an innocent human being.” You crossed your arms and legs, leaning back on the chair and slightly smirking, trying to get a reaction out of him. He sighed and looked up slightly, thinking of a response.
“Look, I don't plan to harm you, but if you can't do this simple task I might end up having to call someone to take care of you-”
“Why can't you do it yourself?” You immediately interrupted, having a skeptical tone to yourself as you questioned whether this man was actually dangerous in the first place or if he couldn't defend himself, he chuckled automatically knowing what you were thinking.
“I wouldn't hesitate with anyone else, but I could never hit a girl.”
Grinning, and disregarding his words you rolled your eyes, “Well at least you're gentle.” Upon hearing you, he automatically started laughing which got you off guard, making you jump back in surprise as you hadn't heard that side of him. You really hated to admit it but it truly amazed you how attractive this guy could get.
“Listen Ms. Know it all, I have things to take care of so just tell me what you know of her and I'll let you go for now, bring you back when I need you.”
Lifting an eyebrow, you shifted your mouth to one side of your face, making it more apparent on your right cheek. “So you're just gonna admit that you're using someone being that direct about it? Red flag if you ask me.” you teased, motioning as if you could never.
He rolled his eyes, “Listen, I'm not joking, I don't have all day so I'd really appreciate it if you could just tell me what you know of her.”
“If you don't have time then that means i'll only be here until you gotta go right? So then what's the point?”
He shook his head in denial, “Wrong, I have backups who’ll come in and stay with you until they get something out of you.”
“Ugh, you're so persistent-”
He smirked in response, leaning his cheek to his right fist and beginning to play with his pen which sat in his right hand, making small finger turns with it allowing him to spin it around and do a couple of tricks with it.
“It's what I do best.”
Rolling your eyes, you finally spoke up, “Her name is Kim Minju, born in 1982, moved overseas at 8 years old and moved back at 23. Why?” You lifted an eyebrow, immediately making him sit up straight and look at you straight in the eyes.
“What else do you know?”
You sighed and crossed your arms once again, putting your feet on the ground and beginning to swing your chair back and forth. “How do I know I'm not potentially helping you with your next murder?”
He sighed and leaned back on his chair, “I won't deny it cause you are, but if you knew my reasoning, you wouldn't hesitate on telling me everything you know about her.”
Hesitantly, you finally agreed, telling him as little information as you could get away with. You didn't know much about her to begin with, just regular things, you didn't know her address or anything regarding her personal life, however it proved to be enough for Huening and he thanked you and asked you to be taken back to your room.
The guilt of being the reason for why someone was gonna be killed sooner than planned ate you up inside, however you just couldn't stop thinking about those words.
“You don't know the full story Y/n. I know it sounds bad, but if you and the others knew the whole story you'd think the same as me”
“But if you knew my reasoning, you wouldn't hesitate on telling me everything you know about her.”
It really got you thinking, who was in the wrong, was it you or him? Even Wooyoung, someone who had worked in the station for as long as you and Yeonjun believed that this was truly the right thing. So what was going on behind the scenes?
The door slammed open, catching you off guard and nearly making you jump out of your skin.
Hand on your heart and breathing heavily you stared at the handsome man who was awkward standing in the fronts of your room, tall and slim figure with chocolate brown hair, you gulped to see him still smiling with a bowl of ramen in his hands, he was frozen and staring at you almodt as if uou clicked the pause button.
“Um… hello..?” You responded, snapping him out of the cloud nine, making him approach you with a friendly smile.
“May I ask who you are…?” You asked, trying to keep your voice respectful as he grabbed the lap desk that had been in-between your bed and side table, placing in on your lap and putting the plate over it.
“Am I aloud to say my name?” He yelled, causing you to lift an eyebrow as you questioned who he was talking to. You saw the same guy from earlier walk by the room, stopping at the entrance and leaning against the door frame.
“I mean I guess so. She knows Hyuka’s name and probably knows mine, so go ahead.” He responded, making the previous guy turn back to face you with his friendly smile back.
“Then I'm Choi Beomgyu, nice to meet you, I was the one who knocked you out with a baseball just in case you didn't know.”
You couldn't help but snort at the add on, noticing the other guy’s eyes widen and stare straight a Beomgyu as if he wasn't supposed to say that.
“I like the confidence, You say it as if it was an honor, I like that.”
He nodded and looked back at Taehyun giving you the best of the best, “Well, since you recently woke up, what would you like to drink? Any deserts or allergies we should be aware of?”
Chuckling, you responded, “I like the 5 Star Restaurant service. I'd just like some water, I should hydrate after Mr. Choi Beomgyu smacked me in the head with a baseball bat. Gotta make sure I don't get a concussion.” You shrugged, automatically making him smile and walk out of the room. You shaked you head thinking about how silly the entire interaction was, looking back at your bowl and doing a few couple checks to confirm the food hadn't been poisened, noticing every single one showed the food was safe, you were still skeptical, but you were hungry so you ultimately decided to eat.
Beongyu came back with Taehyun, holding your glass of water. You thanked them and continued eating. One outstanding fact that made you uncomfortable, was the fact that the two of them took a seat on two chairs which were around the room. You thought they would just drop off the food but both remained still and unmoving.
“Um, excuse me… do you need something?” You brought yourself to ask in a low tone, feeling your stomach begin to swirl in a worry. They both shared a similar expression which was hard to read, but it could be the best described as just, pity. Nothing more, but pure pity.
“Why are you guys looking at me like that…?”
They didn't answer, they just kept staring until eventually they glanced at each other and Taehyun sighed. “I think I'm gonna go- it's a bit quiet now.”
Beomgyu nodded as he himself also stood up. Assuming he was gonna leave, you looked back at your food, noticing Taehyun's feet go out of sights but Beongyu’s stop right outside of your view of vision. You looked back up to see him looking at you again, a little taken back when he saw you stare at him directly in the eyes.
After some time of looking at the floor, he lifted his head to meet your eyes again.
“Hyuka isn't the bad guy here-”
You tsk’d at the situation you found yourself in once again, Beomgyu looked back at you and brought his eyebrows down low, he was worried.
“Yeah well- Wooyoung said that to.”
Beomgyu kept his eye contact with you as he saw your eyes beginning to water.
When you were young, your father was the only rope of support for you. Having grown up in an isolated mountain far from the city, you spent most of your time at home. You knew that being a single parent was difficult on your father, that's why you barely spent time with him. He was always at work and when he came home he was tired, so you just let him be.
Most of your childhood was spent at school and with your father, so it was no wonder that you were confused when you woke up to see your dad gone and no where to be found inside the house. He had never come back, and only then did the investigation team come to inform you of his disappearance.
That was it… the most important person in your life? Gone in a snap of a finger. And if there was anything you regretted the most in life, it was not being there for him when he had done that exact thing for you. Starting you career as an officer, you went in with the thought that your father had just abandoned you, the stress of parenting had gotten to him, and he left. But if there was really a chance that he had been captured, you wanted to find him, even if his bones were the last thing remaining.
“It's true-” he responded, making you look back up at him, seeing his sincere eyes. “You'll understand soon- Just be patient.”
Grip tightening onto the blanket in which you laid under, frustration becoming visible from your veins.
“Everyone says that- I've waited for my dad for over a decade. Haven't I been patient enough? I just want to see my father, dead or alive.”
You couldn't keep your tough figure, you burst into tears the very next moment. Beomgyu patted your back, making you jump in surprise to his comfort. But you needed a shoulder to cry on, even if that meant it had to be an enemy's.
Before he exited the room, he turned to you.
“You'll see him soon, he's not dead- but I can't promise he'll stay like that for too long.”
However, you were crying too much that all you could do was nod. You had so much on your mind that you wanted to say, but unfortunately couldn't
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1-800-simping · 2 years
your couple pics with txt
warnings: none! (let me know if i missed any)
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huening kai:
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a/n: none of these pics are mine! i found them off the internet so all creds go to the owners!!
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tyunniebear · 2 years
masterlist !
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Yeonjun ・゚✧
cg yeonjun
✧ colouring book
little yeonjun
Soobin ・゚✧
cg soobin
✧ that's what friends are for
little soobin
Beomgyu ・゚✧
cg beomgyu
✧ that's what friends are for
little beomgyu
Taehyun ・゚✧
cg taehyun
little taehyun
✧ little taehyun headcannons
Hueningkai ・゚✧
cg kai
little kai
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kaiswifeblog · 7 months
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CAN'T SLEEP LOVE (remastered) (ongoing)
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