#how will you flirt with dude?
zombie-zapper · 4 months
It's wild to think some Postal fans don't have a piss kink...
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hollis-art · 8 months
"My congratulations, Captain. A dazzling display of logic."
"You didn't think I had it in me, did you, Spock?" Kirk jokes, face full of love and affection. A teasing smile on his face.
"No sir." Spock replies, not even taking a second to consider the answer.
The fond smile falls, and Kirk's eyebrows pinch together slightly as he clearly feels disheartened by this sentiment.
(season 2, episode 3, "The Changeling")
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spaciebabie · 21 days
ppl constantly think im flirting w/them irl and gt confused when i say im not and i think its b/c i have chronic bedroom eyes but honestly bro that sounds like a skill issue. no im not flirting w/you bro you just find me really hot and sexy bro its okay just admit it
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sp4mja · 5 months
I'm so happy Fit Cubito has 0 rizz, he's shit at actual flirting, lame as fuck, a malefail
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innytoes · 4 months
let's throw a curve ball (is that the right metaphor? I know nothing) 21 and/or 16 for the Caleb/WD* au
*Willie's Dad ;P
How do I even explain this AU? Well, Yeo wrote in some fic or tags something about Caleb being Willie's stepdad and it spiraled from there.
Today had been awesome. He had spent the morning skating around town, landing some sick tricks, and then he and Alex had a date. They'd gone to a cute little cafe and a music store and gotten ice cream together and talked and talked and kissed for hours.
So yeah, Willie had an excellent day.
Until he came home and found his dad making out with his dance teacher in the kitchen. Like, full on making out, with tongues and teeth and rucked up shirts and in the kitchen where Willie made his sandwiches.
"What the fuck?" he blurted out, because seriously, what the fuck?
"Willie!" Dad said, and gross, his lips are all shiny and his face is all flushed. "Okay, so, I can explain..."
"IN THE KITCHEN?" Willie shouted instead, because well. He knew his dad wasn't straight. And had recently started dating again. Though could he have found anyone else to date besides his dance teacher? "With my dance teacher? Really dad? You couldn't just go on the apps like a normal person?"
"Well actually," Caleb started, and Willie decided he really didn't want to hear the rest of that story. And Caleb wasn't his teacher here, so Willie didn't have to listen to him. So he covered his ears and shouted 'ew ew ew' all the way to his room.
He hid under the covers, trying to wrap his head around this. He pulled Lancelot close, burying his face in the plush dragon's soft stomach.
He'd told dad he was fine with him dating. And he was. But why did it have to be his teacher? What if they broke up and Willie had to switch dance schools? Or worse, what if they stayed together and Willie still had to switch because of bias or something? Those classes were cut-throat sometimes, and he could see the dance moms out for blood if Willie got a part they wanted their kid to have and they found out Caleb was dating Willie's dad.
Because it wasn't like he disliked Caleb, or anything. Sure, he was a little extra sometimes, but that's part of what made class fun. And he never got weird about gender stuff, all parts were cast based only on talent. The dress code was lax, and the rules weren't so stifling they made dancing un-fun, unlike some of the other studios Willie had tried.
Also Caleb was just really cool and accepting. And funny, in a snarky way. And he never let anyone get away with any kind of bullying. And when Willie was having trouble with a certain part of the routine, he let Willie stay after class and worked with him on it.
So okay, maybe Willie understood those were all things that could be nice for a boyfriend to have. Alex was also cool, and funny, and kind, and principled. But still... the kitchen. Where they ate.
There was a knock on the door, and Willie grumbled out a 'whaaat'. Because he wasn't actually mad at his dad or anything.
"I brought you Oreos as a peace offering," his dad said, sticking his head through the door.
Willie sat up, pouting. "You may enter," he allowed, making grabby hands. He had no idea where Dad had hid those from him, because usually Oreos didn't last in this house.
Dad sat on the bed with him, forking over the goods. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Caleb sooner," he said, as soon as Willie's face was stuffed with cookies so he couldn't talk back. His dad was a wily one. "We really wanted to make sure we had something before we told you."
"Do you?" Willie asked.
The way his dad's face turned shy and happy at the same time said everything Willie needed to know. "I think so. I really like him, Willie."
"Uh yeah, I could tell," Willie said, because while he was happy for his dad, he did Not Want To See That. The shy smile turned into an embarrassed grimace. "Two rules. One: no matter what happens, you won't make me switch dance classes, and Caleb won't be weird about it."
"I promise," Dad said, holding out his pinkie. Willie hooked his pinkie around it, and they shook on it. "What about the second rule?"
"No sex in the kitchen!" Willie said. "Or any of the shared living spaces! No sex on the couch, or in the garden, or on the stair case, or wherever else you two want to get nasty."
His dad sighed, but held his pinkie out again. Only when he promised that did Willie deign to share his Oreos.
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gooch-cancer · 11 days
(spoilers in the vid and following text!!) no cuz i totally understood what she meant by this scene cuz like omfg I WENT THRU THE SAME THING!!! i mean the dude wasn't sleeping with my sister but STILL !!!!
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autistic-ranpo · 1 year
shoutout to bsd for literally just being an author/poet mafia au fanfic. like imagine being a great writer and then some guy twinkifies you and puts you in an anime. like. wild.
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designernishiki · 1 year
brings me great joy to remember the fact that (aside from serena) the main bar kiryu frequents is a queer bar hosted by drag queens and run by a trans lady. like legit that fact sounds too good to be canon but it literally is
#the main one he frequents by personal choice anyway as opposed to serena (and sometimes shellac) where he’s usually there because someone#else frequents it or needed to meet him somewhere or someone working there is connected to him etc#earth angel initially doesnt really have any predisposed big plot reasons for him to go there let alone recurrently for decades#he just. likes it. and likes ako’s company. and they never really explain anything further than that#honestly it screams repressed gay guy seeking community without knowing it to me. like as in: he’s more comfortable there than most bars and#knows that probably but doesn’t know why or doesn’t try to think too deeply into exactly why#I mean… he says to goromi he feels more comfortable talking to her/him than most women#so I mean. that tracks doesn’t it.#you could argue it’s has to do with him being incessantly hit on by straight women to an uncomfortable degree but I don’t really think#that explains it becuase he’s hit on/flirted with by queer folks as well- ako herself outwardly flirts with him#but of course never to that uncomfortable a degree in my opinion (especially considering he already knows her and whatnot most of the time)#but yeah so I think it’s a little deeper than that.#anyway gshgdshfh rambling. this is just. god I seriously wonder sometimes what the studio is thinking when they do these things#the combination of this + what he says/does with goromi??? ghagghgsggh how do you NOT read him as queer/mlm what the fuck dude#kiryu#yakuza#rambling
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Now, I don’t want to say anything too controversial, but are we sure that the point of early Bugs Bunny shorts wasn’t to imply that he was gay?
Like, look, my guys. It was late 1930’s to early 1940’s. They decided to make a rabbit who crossdressed in his third appearance, kissed Elmer three times in fourth appearance, and who full on flirts with all of his antagonists (that is when Bugs himself isn’t the protagonist, in which he flirts with the protagonists). I’m not going to say that he moves in an exagerratedly feminine way and has rapid mood swings because the 1930’s and 1940’s didn’t exactly have the best depictions of gay people, but actually yes, that is what I’m saying.
I think Bugs Bunny was queer-coded and if you don’t believe me, please watch Elmer’s Candid Camera, in which Bugs is not actually referred to as Bugs, as it was a prototype of sorts, then follow that up with A Wild Hare, in which the joke at the end is that Bugs calls people who act weird “screwy” and walks off playing a carrot as a flute (a reference to his earlier appearances that canonize the idea that those were, in fact, also him). And if you think, “Dang, man, you put a lot of thought into this,” thank you. We all have our hobbies.
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bubblyernie · 6 months
literally every single one of my ocs (who are dudes, or masc-leaning) are the most doofy-aaaa boyfriend ever. like without fail i don't think i can even write a guy who, regardless of composition and personality, will turn into the most stuttering man-loser the second he's confronted with the sheer beauty/levelheadedness/competency of his boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/whatever
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sevicia · 5 months
cringefail unfinished comic about my cringefail OCs. includes shit no one but me will ever find funny at no additional costs.
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also the post that made me wanna make this monstrosity
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theygender · 9 months
Apparently the scene you get with Shadowheart if you get her approval all the way up and then tell her you want to get to spend time with her is the same one you're supposed to get at the tiefling party, which means if you trigger it early you may not get any scene with her at the party at all. This made things pretty confusing when I showed up expecting to advance my romance with her and instead she just gave me some generic "lol wine is good huh" dialogue meanwhile every other companion* BUT her was actively trying to jump my bones... Literally just had to beat everyone else off of my Tav with a stick and then go to bed alone 😔
*Except Lae'zel, who instead went on an unprompted rant about how she knew I wanted to fuck her sooo bad but I had Pissed Her Off by making her be Nice to People so now she would NEVER allow me the pleasure of having crazy hot githyanki sex with her. (She propositioned me a few days later anyways)
#i seem to have accidentally started a romance with lae'zel astarion AND gale in addition to shadowheart 😭#like the next day i had a notice to talk with astarion and it was the scene where hes talking about not being able to see his reflection#and it was literally like dodging fucking bullets trying to pick an option that wasnt flirting#i ended up having to pick some mean dialogue that was like 'maybe its for the best youre not exactly aging gracefully'#bc the ONLY other two options were like 'tell him you think hes beautiful' and 'gaze lovingly into his eyes' or some shit#and i was like '...okay im picking the mean one but i mean it as a joke. maybe it can be a joke' and i picked it an he was all horrified#but then the next dialogue gave me an option to say 'lol im just kidding' and i was like PHEW#but then he just went back to being fucking flirty again and was like 'really~ well then tell me what you like about me the most' or smth#and i was like FUCK. NO#but then the next dialogue tree in addition to having the normal flirty options had three additional options#that were like 'youre fine. but lae'zel/gale/shadowheart? now theres real beauty'#and i was like. fuckin. OKAY#ill wonder wtf those other two are doing there later but for now ill pick the one where i tell him in interested in shadowheart#so i picked that option and this bitch fucking APPROVED. told me he was going to have to work harder to keep up with his competition#like SIR. what do you MEAN competition. i let you bite me ONE time bc you said you were dying of thirst and i wanted to help a bro out#and then the next morning i immediately told you i didnt like it and i never wanted it to happen again#what do you mean competition dude you arent even on my radar 😭 im a DYKE#and why were lae'zel and gale there as options too??#the next night i got gales weave scene where he shows my character how to use magic#(my tav was pretty unimpressed as a fellow mage tbh but hes my friend and i was being polite)#and when i clicked the option to clearly say at the end that i was not interested in having an intimate moment with gale#he got all misty eyed and was like 'oh how quickly these moments fade away...'#like bro the moment didnt fade away i politely shut it down on purpose bc im not interested. what are you talking about#and THEN i got lae'zel trying to fuck me and when i turned her down she gave me the exact same dialogue#about how i would miss out on having hot githyanki sex with her. AGAIN#yall im JUST trying to romance shadowheart 😭 leave me alone#if anyone else is gonna try to trap me into flirting with them then at least let it be karlach next time please 😭🙏#(ill come back for lae'zel on another playthrough bc being between her and shadowheart sounds like a safety hazard tbh)#rambling
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trans-buckleyy · 17 days
putting this on here because it's kind of a fandom thing,, but it's become very clear to me in the past couple of weeks how many people genuinely can't tell the difference between joking "affection" (eg. over-exaggerated sexual or romantic gestures like flirting, kissing, etc) and like genuine intimate affection (eg. a quick hug or kiss on the cheek, etc, not intended at all to be funny or the butt of a joke) - often cis(het) dudes do this kind of thing a lot - comes from socialisation, I don't think this type of thing is legitimately gendered but guys are generally more discouraged from being emotionally open with other guys in a genuine manner so this type of joking intimacy manifests a lot. btw both of these types of intimacy can be platonic and often are but yeah I've seen a lot of people confuse the two. neither of them necessarily indicate what type of relationship you have w people - ik I do both with my friends but it kind of plays into the "there's no platonic explanation" aphobia and amatonormativity when we're both conflating the two *and* implying that any intimacy must therefore be romantic.
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gibbearish · 2 months
yknow what bugs me is when ppls criticism of YA media boils down to them just not knowing how teenage crushes work
#'bella being depressed because edward wasnt at school is unhealthy obsession' no that's called having a crush#'him asking her out by them hearing a rumor saying theyre dating and bella going 'what should i say' +him responding 'well i guess you could#tell them yes. yknow just because its easier' is lame and boring' are you kidding me i ate that shit up at that age#when two shy awkward people flirt thats how you end up in a relationship is you both kind of just sidle your way up to it#and i dont even feel like that one contributes to like 'things abt him that arent necessarily red flags on their own but as a whole point to#bad things' like. from what i gathered feom the movie bella did not seem like the type to like some big first move#like. shes an emo bruh girl. if it wasnt some sort of edgy teenage heartthrob performance then shed just brush him off like#every other Conventionally Attractive Dude™ falling all over her#ppl keep acting like her not going for every other dude who wants her is a character flaw or bad writing but. like#literally just have you ever met a depressed teenage girl.#shes Not Like Other Girls™ and finds regular guys who express emotions in regular ways boring#her wanting him over every other bland boring safe guy she could have in an instant isnt a plot hole‚ its characterization#also i disagree with the vibe that she's just a blank slate like. as someone who was a depressed teenage girl#she didn't come across as blank to me#she came across as. depressed and emo and trying so very hard to look cool and mysterious at all times and had#spent her life up to that point praying to find out magic was real and could whisk her away into a life of adventure and romance and drama#you look me in the eyes and tell me that girl didn't spend middle school chewing through every book she could get her hands on#as fast as possible.#idk#origibberish
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jojossillywalk · 1 year
Me, seeing that submarine scene where Polnareff is like 'aRE yoU suRE you cAN DriVe This Avdol :/": shut up fucking shut up sh- OH ITS because avdol has a Not Fully Healed Back Stab Wound and Red got launched into a Fucking tree Back First polnareff is probably expressing Concern That Comes Off Weird not questioning avdol's competence nevermind WHATEVER carry on I Guess
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princekirijo · 11 months
Istg I actually need to sit down and write a proper bio for Riku because even I get confused af as to what his personality is sometimes.
#oc tag#“but prince he's your oc how tf did this happen” he has a mind of his own trust me#i mean this is literally one of the parts of his character he is literally so good at adapting his personality#because he felt he needed to as a kid both in school and in the business world#that barely anyone knows what he's actually like#like one minute he's a suave overconfident guy who can take on anything#but hes also the quiet dude in class who never participates is probably asleep but somehow gets everything right and is top of the grade#he loves to flirt but will absolutely blue screen if anyone flirts back because despite the fact he flaunts himself-#he doesn't think hes attractive LMAO#his biggest motivation is spite and he doesn't know when to quit#this boy has so many fucking issues istg#def one of those characters who has so many masks that he hardly knows himself#i have a fear that he's nearly too complex to the point where he's a confusing character and i personally dont think thats a good thing#so i really hope that's not the case for you guys 😬#over my break ive really spent time trying to iron out his character and just make him into soemthing im even more proud of you know#the good thing is that at least his story now has a clear arc and theme which im really proud of#so im gonna use that to build off and iron him out even more#the way i put more work into this funky dude i came up with than like my entire uni work#i love him so much sorry to be mentally ill about a guy i made because i liked a ship too much (and crossover i was having fun with too)#one day i will have a proper post for him with references and everything for him his outfits his personas the lot#one of these days
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